F1 6 WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, OCTOBER 28, 1881. itrmtf ifcrnfur KEEP AT IT. Ono step and thru another, And tho longest walk is ended; One stitch and then mother, Ami tlio largest rent is mended; One brick upon another, And the highest wall is made; One flake upon another, And the deepest snow is laid. So the little coral-workers Uy their slow and constant motion Have built those pretty islands in the distant dark Mile ocean; And the noblest undertakings Man's wisdom hath conceived, Jly oft-rcpcalcd effort Have been patiently achieved. Then, do not look disheartened On tho work you have to do, And say that such a mighty task You never can get through; But just endeavor, day by day, Another point to gain, And soon tho mountain which you feared Will prove- to be a plain! Little Ruth. AM OLD MAN'S STORY. I know 1 was a selfish old idiot, now, when I look around mu and see tho mercies given mo in my helpless old age, fee' tho warm lovo round mo on all sides, ami realize tho desola tion my own hand reached forth to grasp; but 1 was blind to tho futuro in those days when I so nearly wrecked all its happiness. This was how it happened: After Martha died my wifo, I mean, with whom forty hap py years of my lifo wcro spent and all my shildrun were dead or manicd, excepting Itutli, thero fell upon mo thu heavy misfor tune that has chained mo to tliii chair or my bed for fifteen weary years. I had been a hard working man nil my life a wheelwright by trado with a largo family to rear, to clothe, to feed, to educate, ami, oh, mo 1 ono by one to bury in thu old churchyard, till only Mary, James and Kutli, our baby, wcro left to mo. Mary married and went with lior hus band to tho far West. James took his small fortune of a few hard earned dollars, and left os for tho golden land of promise, California, and only little Kutli was left to us. Then the anifel of death caino for Martha, and only six Months later X was stricken helpless with par ulysis. 1 am reconciled now to my hard fate, and can sit hero happily, glad that my eyesight is till good, my light hand frco, mil that I have learned in my old ago to lovo books, to enjoy reading and even writing, as I never did in tho hard working days of my youth. Hut in those tint months of helplessness, when even to toss mil tuvn in iy nurvmia tortmu was denied mo, my Buli'uriuua were simply horrible. ISuteveu in that timo of rebellious murmur inir, of bitter repining, there was somo conso lation. l''irat, theio were tho house and iivo acres of laud, my very own, frco of debt or mortgage ond a small sum in tho bank, tho in terest of which .lifted us above actual want. Then I had Kuth. 8I10 was just twenty when her mother died, anil others besides her father thought her face tho fairest one for miles around. Slio had thu bluest eyes, liko thu little patches of Summer sky, and hair that was tho color of corn silk, and nestled in littlu baby curls nil over her head rebellious hair that would never lio straight under any coaxing, but kinked up in tangles that wore full of sunlight. Her skin was wliitu as milk, with cheeks liku tho heart of a blush rose, ami her Hindu showed tho prettiest rows of pearly teeth I over saw. She coaxed from mo my wicked repining! ly coming to mo for directions making mu feel that my bead was still needed to direct the work, though my feet would never more carry mo over the door till. Then sho fitted up for mu a laix'o back room that overlooked most of tho farm, and Silas, our head man, lift mo up every morning and put mu in a deep iiiainuiicti euair ny mu swiulow, where 1 could see the barn, thu poultry yard, the well, mid the fields of waving corn and wheat. Sho mado mo feel myself of importance by giving mo thus the mastery over my own littlu do main; and sho brought up her own moils to and perhaps children, to take her timo and her lovo from me. But I was not harsh. I did not turn this suitor from my house, and bid him never to speak to Kuth again, much as I longed to do. I worked moro cautiously, I let him go from me to Kuth; and when ho left her and sho came to me, all rosy with blushes to tell me, with drooping lids nnd moist eyes, of her new happiness, I worked upon her love and sense of duty till sho believed herself to bo a monster of unariteful v, ickedness to think of leaving me or taking any divided duty up on her hands. I wept, asking her if sho could faco her dead mother after deserting her helpless fath er. I pointed out to her tho unceasing round of wifely duty that would keep her from my side, and proved to her that tho duties of wifo and child must clash, if undertaken uiidcr such circumstances as were proposed. Tho loving, tender heart yielded to me, and John was tearfully dismissed. Through tho warm Autumn months, when tho corn ripen ed and was garnered when our crops were blessed, and tho little bank fund was increas ed by tho price of tho farm product Kuth grew very quist and subdued. She was not sad, having always a cheery word and a pleas ant smile for me; but tho pretty roso tint left her round cheeks, and I no longer heard her singing at work. Tho Winter came in early that year, and before Christmas everthing was frozen up tight, and the cold was intense. We piled up coal in tho stoves, listed doors and win dows that is, Kuth did the work and I en joyed the result ; but there came a cold day ono Friday when it Bccmcd no coals, no list ing, could conquer tho cold. Children frozo on tho way to school that day, nnd were found, Btifl' and stark, leaning against tho fences. Food froze on tho tables. Ask any one in Maine if they remember that Black Friday, and sto if some mother's eyes will not fill as they think of tho little .scarlet hooded figures brought to their doors, whito nnd rigid, that had lilted rosy, round cheeks for a kiss only a few hours before. On this cold Friday, Kuth hurried through ucrworK in mo morning, niaKing my room tho warmest pl.ico in tho house, covering lny arm chair with soft woolens, and moving it near tho stove. I would have it faco the win dow, for my glimpse of outdoor lifo was to precious to resign ; but I was not, as usual, fiear it, for ltutfc aid thero might bo a draught. When all was done indoors I saw from my chair Kuth, with a scarlet cloak and hood thrown over her, going to tho well with an empty bucket. Sho stepped along quickly over tho hard, frozen ground, and I was ad miring her. trim littto feet and dainty figure: when I saw her slido to the two setps that wero above tho well walls and fail. Sho had slipped, and sho lay doubled up between tho two wooden steps and tho rough sides of tho well, in such a way that sho could not rise. Two or thrco times her hands clutched tlio lower step, she raised herself half way liji only to fall back again, as if her limbs would not support her. And 1 could only look on, powerless to move to help her. Oh, the ngony of it. To know sho was hurt, unablo to rise, and I help less as a log, I screamed and called for help. nuns was somewhere, 1 could .not tell where, and I called loudly for him. I could see, af ter a time, that Kuth, after her frantic strug gles, was growing drowzy with tho death sleep of cold. The scarlet hood dropped more and more, till it rested against tho well- siile.aiul tho bluo veined lids closed over her eyes. Tho Bight called from mo such a cry of agony as I thought must bo hoard for miles. It was Kuth's; but let her give mo what time and love sho can spare from you." "Ulailly," ho answered; but wo will not wait till sho is well, Mr, Martin. Let me havo Kuth for my wife now, to-day." "With a broken log, sick and helpless ?" "Docs she not need me the moro ? Give her to me now," But ho had to wait till tho bans were called in church three times, though ho came to us that day caring for mo with the tenderness of a eon, while his mother nursed Ruth. They wero alono together, as wo were, and they had shut up their house and come to live with us, never to leave again. For one morning, propped up with pillows, Kuth was dressed in whito by Mrs. Ham, amlwlind a wedding in tho little room. My chair was moved in, and the neighbors came from far and near to hear the solemn words that inado John and Kuth man and wife. Diamonds, Watches, JEWELRY and SILVERWARE AT J. VAN BEURDEN'S, 10 7 First Street. trrliul of it II rant I In I Selection uf .Ycwcst ItcHigii In i:rry line. Prices lielowall Competition Importations Direct from Europe and the East. n.s Special attention called to the collection of : DIAMONDS AMI XV.Vf .tlOlMIMV. THE WHEAT GROWERS ASSOCIATION. Jh n nf tin. WhiuM JAnother Oregon Triumph ! Articles of incorporation of the Wheat' Growers' Association of California were filed last week. The Directors aro: A. C. 1'aulsell, San Joaquin county; II. M. La Rue, Sacra mento county; W, B. English, Contra Costa county; A. D. Logan nnd J. C Campbell, Col usa county; Thos. Upton, Merced county; L. M. Hickman, Stanislaus county; K. Jacobs, Tuluro county; John Mcl'ike, Napa county. Tho corporation has no capital stock. The declaration of purposes is in effect as follows: To wing the grain growers of tho State into closer communication, with a view of seeming concerted action when deemed necessary. To provide means for collecting and disseminating information concerning crop prospects of the grain producing districts of the world, tlio probable demand nnd consumption, the avail A 3.EW AIM) INVALUABLE DISCOVERY. Self Preservation is the First of Nature. Law The Stomach Is tlie first organ generally to cnuso trouble. No medicine was evir preimred better calcu lated t0clcnu thoStoni.lcll. correct ndilltr. .Iiwlrnv II... foul g.iscj, ulluy lnfl.tmm.itlf.il nnJ excited .secretion aud ussLt the Stomach in its dhrestlo,l than Dit. ;i!.M,i:v-t Of?OSMO!KO LAXATIVE, Blood and Liver Regulator. J. B. K.VArP. J. w. CHAPMAN. J. B. KMAPP & CO., Commission Merchants KD PU CHASING AGENTS, (ij first SI reef, forllanil, Oregon, Reecho and bell the nioductof tho farm on com mission, purchase and forward jroods ur.il farm imple ments on the most rcasonahlo terms. Wo have nude special nnd extensive preparations for hanilllntr the products of tile dairy to which uc Invito tho attention and inspection of all dairymen in Oregon and Washington. We ulil reecho and pick jour sur plus uuuer 111 mu must sniicnor manner lor lesi man It will cost you at home; and btoro it for six months or longer uiinout extra ciiarRo for storage. Send 03 our liuttcr suict nnd bound, fresh from the churn ami no will guarantee to pack it in such a manner as to dcliicr it months henco in equally us good condition a9 we receli o it. Rccon!zlns the principle that Fidelity to trust Is th true measure nnd merit of bucccss, 1 respectfully so licit your patronage. Alfordcis accompanied ulth the cash will bo prompt ly filled and forwarded at lowest market rates. nivous a call when jou como to town. Send us j our orders and Bavo your time and traveling expenses, for wo can buy cheaper than sou can. In making orders sneeifv nartlciilarlv flm fclmt .r,A quality desired, and keep a duplicate, that you may be wuic w uti.urui.iiu neuter jour uircctions vere strictly followed in case ou aro disappointed In quality or otherwise. J. s. KSXVIf .1 O,, P. O. bo 484, Portland. At the Same tunc it starts tlm T.Krr in unrllnn. -lw .. nil other troubles soon disappear. A few doses will prpiolts wonderful adaptability to n diseased system. ... - . ' I'irxe niHJoruv or me Alniriftlll turnip ni-n n.. n- auio tonnago lor moving the surplus product wearing out a miserable und unsatlsfai tory life, from ot tins coast to market, and such informata baMrLallimubi ffii 'and' Su-taJ .witi.iiiiiii oimy lueuiucs, ranroaits anil in land water transportation as shall enable the "I heard you call- "She is frcez- heard. A moment later John. Hayes, panting and cager-cycd, burst open my door. "What is it?" ho cried. iugfrom tho road." "Itutlil Kuth!" I screamed, ing to death by the well. Ho stopped to hear no more. Out upon tho hard, slippery ground, down tho storm with wilt, rapid strides, and then I saw him lift tho little scarlet cloaked figure in his strong arms, and come swiftly back, bending his faco down over the senseless one cu his aim while hot tears rained down his cheeks. He put her on a lounge near my chair, and then dashed out for enow. "Hub her I rub her I ho said. "I am going or ino doctor ami my mother." Jietoro it seemed possible ha could have Sho taught mu to use my right hand with out my Jeft; and if you want to appreciate tho difficulties, tie your left arm down for one sin glo hoar, and try how often it will uncon- cioiiHly strain at thu cords. She brought ino books from tho village library, und opened to my eyes aim lirum a held of pleasure never be (nro exptoivd, I had read my biblo and the ewspaiwrs all my lifo, but I never even knew the names of books, now my greatest treas res, till Kuth thought "reading would be company for mo. She devised little dainty dishes to tempt me to tat; alio put saucers of llowers on my tahln, that I mk'ht cheat myself into fancying I was out doom, as their perfume crept on the air; ho assured me, petted me, Ioed me, till even aiy misfortunes seemed Mossiugs, drawing us Bearer togetuer, crossed tho lots to his home. hi mnil,..- ., eat with mo in thu room where my infirmity with me, and lifted Kuth away from the fire held me a prisoner. to the bed. The doctor came, and then the two worked until my heart .auk with utter hopelessness: before tho bluo eyes opened again or tho breath lluttered through the pale lips. Hut it did at last, and John joined mo in a fervent "Thauk (Sod." Hut Kuth had broken her leg, and wo know alio must lie helpless for many weeks before she could .Hiourowii active, bright, girl again. ti was au appalling truth forme to face, but she was not dead, or lying frown against the well curb, and I could not but feel thankful iiom far, far above the pain of kuowing her uttering. I was trying to settle it in my mind to understand tho doctor's wor.1. while Airs. Hayes and the doctor lifted Kuth to her own room, that opened into mine. They were away a loug time, and John sat uesuie me holding my baud in his, members of the association to act intelligent ly; lso, to discourage all practices which may tend to lower the standard of California wheat in tho maikets of tho world, and to endeavor to enhanco tho value of our wheat and inciease tho producing capacity of our land; alio, to provide a method to enable tho grain growers of California to promptly aud eflicieutly act when their interests aro threatened. TIIK AIIKKKMKNT. The following is the form of agreement: We, tho undersigned grain growers in the Stato of California, believing that our inter ests can lie promoted and our business made moro protitalilo by a concerted effort to over come tlio great and well known disadtantiges under which wo now labor, do herebv am tn lOfnnmftn rMII.AtltVAn An.Ll. f- f. ..4u..,i.u uiuouniia wgenier in an incorpora tion (without capital stock,) to be called "'ihe Wheat Growers' Association of California" and to bo governed by the rules, retmlitiniis and by-laws of said incorporation, adopted for tho promotion and protection of the interests of thu members. Tlln MEETING ON' MONDAY. The Wheat Growers' Association met in the Grangers' budding Monday, Oct. 10th. A.C. 1 aalsell, of ban Joaquin, presided, in tno ah senco of II. M. Larne, tho Chairman. A, W. McCarthy, of Modesto, acted as Secretary. Chairman Paulsoll, for the Committee on Organization nnd lly-Laws, reported that arti cles of incorporation had been prepared, and tho certificate thereof was expected to be ro- ceived from tho Secretary of State in a very lew daj s. A code of by-laws, said the Chair man, havo been prepared in accordance with tho desiro of the grain growers, rts expressed at their last meeting. Tho law required notice to bo made by publication in a daily newspa per before tho by-laws can be adopted. Hence they would only discuss and not adopt them to-day. Tho objects of the association were not as yet generally understood, last year there was not a man in tho Stato who knew the amount of wheat in store by 400,000 tons, and if it had been known, the grain crowers would not havo carried their wheat at a loss, as they did. The necessity of an association has been apparent. The information now furnished the farmer is not reliable. Crop products, ship ments, tonnage, bags, oven- subject connected with tho sale of wheat crops can bo furuishod. After the reading of the articles of incorpo ratiou, Mr. l'aulscll, continuing, said that in order to have a live institution they should nave at least oUU members, because the ex pense would bo at least from $.1,000 to J5.000 a year. A committee should be appointed to solicit membership, so that at the meeting in January, when tho by-laws arc.adopted, if the mcmlicndiip justified it, they could eaiploy a competent person to compilo a publication giving them Ihe necessary and uliablo in formation. W, h. Ovciheiser. after an innnipv- . t who should bo oligiblo to membcrshin. said l.n would lie in favor of having the mcetiiiB of ..v wwwiawun secret, so mat tno information furnished tho sooiety should not be furnished to business men, whose interests were against thoso growing w heat. They had had expert ence with speculators in wheat aud tonnage, and ho wanted none of them with lim it, the organization. H. J, Ostrandcr. of Menwd. .1 r rv:..... U?lllsla. l.ivci Owmnljilit or IliiHnvKtlnn nnrl It, r...t almost cvirydl case Mirrnundliuru lo-dn is broucht on by deranged stomach ami Iiicr. Dr. Henley, hois will known as the nuthorof tho celebrate! hidnc.l Tea, libeuniatlc Cure, Dandelion Tonic, and Couj;li Drops, has Just perfected this Invaluable remedy. For Sale Everywhere. HODGE, DAVIS & CO., tvyju tllUL,I.AIti AUK.YJS. Zjjse" "eose pills! VH.D OATS AND S0EREL EXTERMINATED . .I1V THC, .. Best Cultivatorin the World. CHILLS & FEVER. IJYSPKl'SI.l AND JAUflME, And Limlrcd diseases proceeding from a disordered Avr art" coimiletcly and speedily teniedltd ly iislnj DR. WOOD'S STIVER REGULATOn,, Xotedfor thopuiltyof Itsccnslitucnti, thothuiough mia of ItH elects, und as a urcclliu from uhlih .!,. U ncier sought in vain. I'lomotiiiy a due secretion of bilo it neer fails to lvliuva th.t Uip!, ininvtii.. a...t without gripluc It restores tlirorotis digestion ami im proves Ihe general tone of the whole system. Tlio healthy action of the Ki Inrjs, n well as of theliouels and Mouiai'li. Is liiteirupted when the Liver hits out of order, and uhen u cmiMib.r tin. mim- into,it..u traceable to a derangement of tlio htiratic'orjran, the ...n.v I., ., iiiniiij incii cause u to iiciiorm lta func tions with he.ilthlul nctlllty Is manifest. Kvcry Mliiii torn of disordered Lher is rcmoid by Dr. Wood's Liver Regulator, Which reticles all luln in the rr sion of tho organ af fU-tcd, and cit.iblcs thu stomach to amimH:itfl the food, - -- a ...,.,. uu, U VltlLUIlf A I ,UU,IC in-nur.il iieuiiuj una kilk head.icho tthirh aro almost ImarUblv concomitant of Chronic JJJiU'JUMIVM, tra.For Salo verywlieroT HODGE, DAVIS & COj OFFER A NEW AND POSITIVE CUR WENZELL'S uxnAAjLtitthK ANTI-SCA1 A SAFE anil ErFIt'lEXT Couinonml hnscd feCIKXTine PJUXCIMJM. ,. Wrrane,r fiw. ffV.t- ..... .. -sa ..- ....... u,iiiiiih iiiecis upon tlie Wool nnd Slieep, nnd t'ondeiueil forui eoslliiK mile f0P ft.eR,i DIRECTIONS : pUT HIE CONTEXTS OP ONE CAN INTO I tin pal or vessel capable of holding ,S, gallons, a coal oil can with top cut out willanS.fl(S nearly with water and allow to stand over Tu.' T. not then completely dlsolvcd apply heat and A,. D lutlon Is complete, add it to ds lL,. , .3 R.,?'hen contained In tho proper receptacle for dipping ths ,Z Unshorne shcepaftcr their removal from M.th.iTft havo tho llquldprcsscd from tho wool and the H returned to tho receptacle, and In order to M destruction oJ the parasite, they should rctlr"u?tta bath n about two weeks. "ououiei csldafterft. CV''rmand a,0,d "Posurei Head the following: Dukrt, Tolk Co., Sent. IB ibto , Messrs. Hodge, DaUs & Co.: IIihiruMd tniSi dv that jou sent mo last Spring for scab amon sfieep, I navo delayed ghing Jou mults ur?W U iS cnt time, as I desired to allow sufficient timo to X sons to be certain that tho disease was thourouSfJ oued. ldhwed my sheep twice after shcarinJ.nim tervals i of iff days, an. Imo examined thonocS"un at least once a cck since the last dipping, but " discotercd no remains of the disease. Tdo not hraltito to recounnend your preparation as a complete and cert tain remedy for scab among sheep. Rr Tut un In alr-t:L-ht cans. lir.!Hln . x V.'' ?.?,.,TI,1 . 35? W&" UW "-rdinFto di'recSS. rnm'AiiED exi'ke&sly foii and sold by Hodge, Davis & Co., Portland. i'ortlnni, WHOLESALE I)ltl;(ilSTS. mav30tf mjZ' J llMffiMUI'ffPiiPafTnWiliiiTnB ForConsnnip(Inn,Asittimn,BroncIiltlH. ratnrrti, Uysjiiepsln, Ilemlnehc, Jicbil Ily, At'iir;Ii;iii, sllieuiiiiiiisiii, null nil Chronic iiuclXervous) IiiMorUern, Inrlr. asea umy be conveniently neut by r. press, , ready for imniedliUc line at lioinc. Senl for free trentlse on the Oxveeii (rciitniciii, AdrtrcMs the lironrlftonT ,I"i?1.,.,i5i,ra,,,,srec . HIr., lln., 2!!.:!,i.- MATIIKWH, l'nellle leMn(tor OOO Aloutsomors- 6(, fnn Francisco. CnL. King .of the Blood SSrSSSBaSKBB "Ipod. Such aro bunpeptia. BUiouinta r3L "i tkS'tg. -i ?"?? attaeKIng the cause, fcipurlty of the Blood. riliellloodj Chemists nncT physicians am-ea l5 genuine ond efflelent prena- 1. J. jMALAKKKY tV CO., GENERAL Commission Merchants, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN The California Adjustable Spring Tooth Harrow and Cultivators. i. ny. !he PCCT'11'"' rorni of the teeth and their vibrat ng motion on the soil ALL HOOTS AND TItASII are Srden'th'o '"s'' '?' md the ouni pulv"ia o rni.rll- - ll,chM 'r upwards. 1 hey WORK ;Vl'A(.L W ELL on HL1ID LAND among Sock, ; and Hoots a, on free soil. n,ch tooth tl reo feet eb-nt liichMlongol OIL TEMPERED Sl'IIIXO &TFEL.U tifbena for deicrlpth o elrcid.rsjan.l price 1UL . . . .Manufactured and sold n,.w i, Batchelor, Van Gelder & Co., i, uinr .luinonjcu Agents,) ui nml 1'orllauil, Oregon, Snrranienio, FIur, Feed, Staple Provisions and Groceries. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. PRODUCERS W1U further their Interests by corresponding with us. Letters at Inquiry promptly nnswered. Weekly price, current mailed free on application. 43-LIBEItAL ADVANCES MADE ON ArmOVEl SHIPMENTS OF GRAIN, WOOL, FLOUR, HOPS HIDES, ETC., ETC. S, 10 nml 13 Front SI., Portland, Ogn. JEKSEIS IQll SALE. TWO FULL DLOODS 12 AND 4 MONTHS OLD: Ono 3-year old three-quarter blood. A. HUTSINPILLER, aDbedJSSfrf"9 of the Bl&d.- tfSSOM,oPro:lniralo. . I. 0 m Frre. J00Oriuii,trS. iiessta wateo. SSU.LL tfANOS lABUChT IS T1IIJ WOULD. Most Patents, Premiums, lirftb)tj. '2U,0iXNTVAiitlSeoond liiuij Plnnus, 6l to floiXt. In- I. M. AWT -SELL & CO., Cor. Market and PohcII. S. F. Cat' Address, Inn 6m Albany. Orttjon. fcKSD YOL'tl CnvsitlMIKMH TO TANGENT NURSERY. (Started 1857-30 years a Nurseryman.) n. W. HETTLKWIUE, AU sorts or . Fruit. Ornamental and Shad Trees AND VOTES D SHU UBTiV 7i V Senillo Tangenl, Orrson. fur .,n,. .... .... --- aais HUH IrM-rlpslte catalogue. ostl-6m ll MM gue mixture .-?iW(?I?-t': ?Swiw WfteHRSudwSfv ZW&l!Mn!. rZWX?mf& OyKJPK, JTTJs rtWTlTrBlHia v5 W s'Msvyuwaifssi r-29-3m ttre 1N IIANciaca "The uiue.i uuiiw." Chills and Fever iiOPE DEAF Dr. Peck's Artificial Ear Drums PKnrF.CTi,Y nrcrroiu: Tire iiEtriiNa und prrform the wort or tho .Miluml Uruiii. !!? '" POi tlon, but liiti.ll!.. (u olhrrk All Uonveratlon and even whispers beard dis tinctly. Wi TtttT to tho.. niing tintn. Bend for ri1!!1'8 circular lth tesllmonlals. Address. H. P. K. FECK & CO., &S Uru.dw.j, New York. TOT,,BJ2tfrEE is CONABD COS 1 ROSES aro permanently Ami ,, .he .11 tlie orl.l to me. .11 i, .. ,3 L T? ..,u rom ort' that Mvnl me from mttcrv. John Haw-,. ..1. i.i. i: ... i.... ' "'tf '- V - V ! . VIII llllll, oj;ivohiiiiltiithforliuifti. icouM "Dout grieve o," si me to ktvc truek luin ilrad when he tool Ufore mt, young tiaut iu hwltli, with hinhauil. oma uuliurut fuee g!owiuB wit), leHlj, nu.l wantnl to tako ry my ouo bleuiug, my uly home chihl, "I will I a true on to you, Mr. Martin," be aalJ, earnestly. "I will never take Uuth from here; but let me come ami share her life, and lift aome of the burdens from her about. Jera," I laughed bitterly. I kuen- well what inch abarim; would be wbeu Kuth bad a huthaud, , ho aiid ceutlv. .!,. will live." "Thank, to you," I aaid. "Oh. JMm If he jjeU well, the i youra. Oive her your irong arm lor lile, Jolin, lu.tcail of mv h.Ii. ItvuueM. I see tonlay where aiv kelfi.h l..v- ha nearly coat her her life. "Do you mean that ! " John aste.1, with a little tmubliux in bit voice "do you really mcAithatr" "I do iudecd. Let her atay here, John, I will not be a burden to your ture. fur th houso aud farm and all 1 have aared am I noma ue solicited to become members, and whether business men interested in graiu growing should be admitted as well as farm- ere. It was dually agreed to leave the matter 10 uiegocHi sense of the committee. Tho meet ing then adjourutd uutil tho second Monday iu January, cured by Dr. Jayne'a Ague Mix ture. With a little caro on the part of tho pationt to avoid exposure, and tho occasional usoof Javne's Sana, tivk PiLLs,thIs remedy will bo found to be certain in Its operation, and rad, leal in its offec.. In many section of the country subject to Aguo anc 1 other malarial dUeaaea It has an ea- "" P"it ixuiojsnmeni maklnnr n .cuito .noom, . .-Jay by mall, poetjuid. iea. io BUSINlfspOFROSES: S0LSrCEH?UI,e3 tor RpsesTaione. Wo atllTer Strong fit pgrTt?. -----vjiij-, aai4iM-uw .mma.:jiV WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con sumption. Sold by all Druggists. Incorporated 1864. Home Mutual Insurance Co OF CALIFORNIA. FIRE J9BTLY. LossesPaidornngaun6l,334,633.44 LossesPaid OgnjT 162,363.29 Oregon Branch Office, GEO. L. STOTiY, Manager Southeast corner ot First and Stark Streets, Opposite Ladd & Tilton's Bank, apl POltTLAND, OREGON i or ilen, of Hills rerrv. and Chairman i...i..n -U-i each in turn expn-ssd hi, opinion a. . .. ZiV DU.tor a popular spe- I He imports of gold and silver coin and bul lion for the twelve months endim. A,,.. 31t, show an excess of Ni.2-.'4.747 is.: it m nm . .1 a, .. ' An orchard of 32 acres uear Santa Clara, Cal.. sold recently for $10,000. The tree, are but one year old. Mor, than 8,000,000 aalmou es.-gare now in the United States hatcheries ou the Mrri...l river, Cal. Dumas' Starch irives a beautiful white clflo for these harrassing complaints. and the number of testimonials re ceived show that its reputation la constantly Increasing. Intermittent and Remittent Fever are effectually curod byDr.Jayae'a Agae SCixtare. In these com plaints care ahould be taken to follow the directions closely, and especial attention given to tho liver, which should bo assisted In performing Its function by Da. Jaymk's Saxativb Vujjb. MODOL Dins 1 m u-i. rs.., ...... 0nglm . - -- .- c.. rawM, i.Mi.i....;r iiTj.nvi.!.i2.,! "?" " JsZnr .. "- si"r ntw GUIDE, o eompUU THE DIHCEbTcShaIID CO. XOMOrawers, WcttProTe,ClttstarOa.;Fs. . -isir., nurntutesi me nest and ieatt. in.l!jwnkiUe o cery an, entitled .-The Science od.ll, Stlf.lTewn-atlon ;" bound in t.UI 3IEIUI .IMMCIIEII the Author. A ne nnd crcat .Med uil Work, B-armntesl the best and tic.. r... inil.i man, or S nneat rrench muklln. AmK.s.o.1 lullplt, 300 pp. eontslns twautltui steel inmunr,, Ii5 prescrip tions price only Sl.25 sent bv. si?te?sMow mm, .... .;.." " -- "- - lAiinu.. .so. . i. i.ini. strict, Ucton. IV -ly JOB PRINTING) AND BOOK BINDING A. G. WALLING OWNS AND CONDUCTS IN A LEOITIMAT - Sn,ner b0 t1 ' named branches nt Uud. nees. natlng accumulated a larjfe assortment of STOCK AND FRUIT CUTS i .nf " .d0 work ,or Stock-erowers and Fruit Cnlhis. STEAM BOOK -BINDERY .r.irJ?1S?f.n': """. jfe.l-Wd-11 " "(HCS. arl 5 Tir ivi AT7-V CTeir kind of lSi-aria,a "Utta fOf ---" "ub w w truer. u27' Corbett's Fire Proof Stable h. USE ROSE PILLS. T rVERV. FEF.n is-n ii.r-t.-o ,.,.. iSSTin PtfUc?U' '""Hon paid to llrdBihSiS, ilt. ,AfUnd1c ' " ralMarrfboat!V?IXi oliht. CtmBKtM by sll Telphone Coraraniii-tli ,ou comt to rorUand innulre'tor tufr.7TaAs lp" WtXIDARDtMAGOO.V. Pt Jos. a KnmxANo, AOEXT. Pennsylania Railroad Lines, ran cmtioo nr tt. urns, sust i lWMoatrimerySt, . . Bu FrancUoa. I JOHX A. M4tl)0.iM. Salem Marble and Granite works. Comaarcial St.Sontaof PostOSce. (Tost-Offle Box 89, Salem, Oregon. Scotch an4 California dran;it. and Uarble monomenU, Head B toast CEIETERT LOTS Eaclused with CallfomU Craniu sad Ston. Walls built of erery dwctipOo, rrtees Kedaeca tsclsir. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. fSuCAIfVASSERS " ii M ij jjijuTiwiWi' ' '" .". ,xwsfs&S3MW