Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 21, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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The following represent wholesale rate,
from producers or first hands i
FLOUR. In jolbing lots standard brands,
ii.7flrW5.O0: beat country ljrands.SI.a5ffi84.75.
WJIEAT ValloySl.CO; Walla Walla, $1.55 1.50l.fi5,
for now crop; 57 to (jU cents net to larmcr a
bnshel at Walla Walla and near points.
OATS. White, feed 43471; tf bushel.
ONIONS. lfelic
POTATOES. 158o per bushel.
MIDDLINGS Jobbing, for feed, $20.00
$25.00 tf ton. Shorts, $1820. Chop, $!0&
$25.00 V ton.
BRAN. Jobbing at $14 t ton.
BACON. Sides 14 cents: Hams, country
out, 1415cj City cuicd, 1510oj Shoul.
ders 10llc.
LAUD. In kegs, 10c; Oregon leaf, tins,
10c; do in pails, lfilCJc.
llfJTTKlt W uiinte: Extra fresh roll.
35c; fairtogood, 25Jfg30c; common, 1520cj
olid in kegs, i!7JraSUo! Ijcst pickled rolls in
bbls or half bbls, 303.lc
CHEESE. 1314c,
DRIED FRUITS. Apples, sun dried quar
tered, 07c; sliced, 78c; machino dried, l)
lOo; fears, machine dried, 810c. l'luins.sun
dried, pitted, 10(11; maclimo dried, ditto,
18 15c.
l'OULTKY. Chickens, small and medium.
2.601 00 per doz.; Full grown, 3.GO.(&,4.00
KUUH. JSear bv Iresli law, 3&C.
HOGS. Dressed, 78c.
BEEF. Livo weight, 2Jo for choice'
SHEEP. Livo weght, 2c.
WOOL. Eastern Oregon, 1825c; Wil
lamette Valley, 2128c. Umpn.ua, 2830c.
HIDES. Butchers' hides, dry, 15fel7c;
country cured, dry, 15l"ej culls, J off; Green
hides, salted, 8&(u.!)c; Country, ditto, &g,Qc;
Deerskins, dry, 30c tf lb; Dry sheep pelts,
ch Zril; D-y elk, 8c t lb.
TALLOW.--Quotablo at 516c.
HAY. $ll(i!12 f ton, baled, and plenty
asking prices check businew. Sales to-day
embrace 800 tons choice shipping at $1.70;
choice milling sold to-day at $1.75 to arrive.
Quote No. 1 shipping ?1.751.70j.
Barley The market ii strong at quotations
last noted; clean coast for seed sold to-day at
Oats Thero is no selling pressure; sellers
are holding off anticipating a better demand at
an early day. uoou coast. leeu quoiauio at
Corn Market is steady at the decline; yel
low, $1.401.42i.
Potatoes The market is steady with a fair
amount of business doing. IVtaluma and
Tomales, S1.2fll 35. Cufley Cove, 1.40
Wool For defective wools tho market
dull and weak, buyers expecting lower
prices. There aro Eastern buyers in tho mar
ket, but aro not operating larirclv. Recent
sales embrace 100,000 lb? Uinpritia valley,
supposed to be at 21 J or 32c. Quotations are
unchanged and nominal.
Butter and Eggs Market firm; quotations
Chicago, Oct. 10.
Wheat $1.34 October, nominal; $1.33$ bid,
Pork S17 bid; 17.25 asked, November.
Lard $11.70 November.
Ribs 8.55 bid; 3 70 asked, November.
The French at Yorktowa.
:k.i:icai, mkkciianoihi:.
RICE. China, No. 1, 6c; China No. 2,
So! Japan, 7c; Sandwich IsUnds, 89c.
TKAS. Japaii,405005c; Black, 4075c;
Sreon, HSOtfiOc.
COFFEE CostaRica 1020c; .Tava,2330.
SUGARS. Cruthcd A 14c; Fine Crushed,
He; Cubo, 14o; Kxtra C, 12c; Goldou C,
12o; Sandwich Islands, No. 1, lie.
SYRUP. Five gallons 75c.
CANDLES l.tCijlOc.
RAISINS. California, 53.2532.75f 25 11
SOAPS. Good, 75c(a$1.75.
OILS. Oidniary brands of ccal, 25c; high
grades, Downci A, Co., 374c; Boiled Linseed,
Raw ''MiiiOii oil, 40c; Turpentine, 70c,
ture Lard, 1. I); Castor, $1.25$1.40.
YEAST POWDERS. Donnelly, $2 V doz;
Proston & Merrill, 2,25 V doz.;
SALT. Stock, bay, 12 f ton; Carmcl
bland. $124: Coarse Livcrpool.$20: Finn nuan
ity, $25; Ashtou's dairy, ditto, $30.
New York, Oct. 10.
Wheat Market quiet, $1.431.48.
Flour Steady.
Wool Quiet but strong.
Hides Quiet, firm.
London, Oct. 19.
Floating cargoes Turn dearer.
Cargoes on passago Steady with a fair do
mand. Mark Lane Firm.
Good cargoes No. 2 Spring off coast 52s Cd.
Good cargoes red w inter olfcoast 55s Cd,58.
Good cargoes California oil coast 54s Od.
English country mirkcts Steady.
French country markets Turn easier.
Imports of flour into U. K. last week, 65,
000 to 70,000 bbls.
Liverpool spot -Quiet but steady.
Tiiuksiiay, Oct. 20, 1881.
Duriug tho week the wheat market has
fceoi gradually but surely regaining what it
Luu lost. Wo bavo predicted fluctuations, as
the rushing of such immense supplies towaids
Europe must bavo somo weakening effect,
however positivo the deficiency in tho world's
aupply for tho year.
Wo may look for a gradual weakening, and
perhaps a collapsu of tho tonnagu market to
wards Spring. It is noticeable that tho ships
hero disengaged find no takers at the prices
named, and when such vessels are glad to get
76s at San Francisco, it is unreasonable that
tliojr should ask 004 in Portland, for 80s will
allow a proper difference. The lots of a ship,
within tho past week, outside tho bar ou tho
Clatsop bench, is a sad affair and calculated to
damage our prospect to somo extent.
What wo copy fiom the San Francisco
Commercial Herald of the 13th, shows that it
lainiB that California has 1,400,000 tons of
wheat to ship within tho year ending July
ext, while the wheat growers claim the total
to have been enly about 1,100,000 tous. The
mount of shipping already dispatched from
an Francisco since July 1, now available,
and known to bo on tho way, goes over 1,000,.
000 tons, which is 100,000 tous more than all
the shipinunts fiom this coast tin last harvest
year. Besides this wo have moru vessels com
ing to tho Columbia river and w ith a small al
lowance for unknown tonnage that must Ih
on the way, wo can safely estimate the Ore
gon supply, including essels dispatched since
August lirst, at over 200,000 tons. Averaging
the various calculations nudu of the wheat to
bo shipped this year from this coast, and it is
safe to say th.it not over 300,000 tons of ship
ping is now licking to fully supply our wants,
and that much cm bo left to tho future with
full confidence that it will come heio bufoiu
the so isoii is over.
All the news wo have concerning bops is in
favor of grow eis, as tho shoit crops of England
and Eastern States are certain to cio.it e
toinpetitiou for the American surplus. Late I
uotatious fiom New Yoik give as high as 32
euta for choice hops. So far as wo cm loam
ur hop-groirs have successfully gathered
and curud their crop and hut u reason to he
ratified with lliu prospect, llopi sold within
a week as high as III to 20 cts at Eugene,
bought by oxpcrictunl hands who understood
their business. Quotations at Portluud aie
bow 20o per pound.
During tho past week there have beenfie
arrivals from w, and wc hear of six additou
al shirs registered mo on the w.iv. ToLil
shipment of belt and Hour i educed to
wheat, ta this date, since August 1st about
40,0vX) tons, and tonnage in the rier with
apicity to carry about 25,000 tons more.
Vtstels are holding for IWs, for wood, to U.K.,
and all the recent arrivals vcio chutcicd
prior to ai rival.
Both potatoes and oits are at a better price,
the former encouraged by the firmer price in
S-in I'raucuco. Kir aro 3.V. which imv bo lli'
luu to the special demand for this city during
the rush of visitors to the Mechanic's fair.
Apples raugo from (Wo to 75o per bushel ac
cording to excellence, while pears aro ill small
demand ami may command oOo a bushel. Po
tatoes aro stiff at 45o and we hear of parties
who pay that price- and furnish sacks. It
looks as if potato grown were to hae their
turn. Wheat is quoted at $l,ti0 per ctl. ,
From S. F. Comment il Herald, Oct. 13.
But few spot charters for wheat have been
written dining tho week, and theso at lessen
ed rates than tlioso ruling in September.
Wc now quote the rate to a direct port at 75s,
and to Cork and Falmouth, U. K. 77s Cd.
Thero is but Iittlo disengaged tonnage in port.
Wheat. Tho receipts aro liberal and tho
demand only fair. Exporters aro not eager
puicliasers at tno recent advance in rates,
particularly as Europtan and Eastern markets
are lower. Tho total exports of Flour and
Wheat for the lust mtartcr of tho present
harvest year were 100,472 barrrels Flour and
4,770,202 ctls of wheat, and flour and wheat
combined being an equivalent of 5,374,763
ctls, or about 208,235 short tons of wheat, as
against 128,850 bbls Flour and 1,257,312 ctls
Wheat shipped during the same time last
year; this being the equivalent of ouly 1,640,
885 ctls or 82,244 short tons of wheat. Ex
ports therefore bavo been more than three
times as largo this season as last, owing to the
larger supply of tonnage, and to tho fact that
on July 1,2381, the tquivalcnt, of 700,000
snore tons 01 out Wheat remained on band.
Wo bavo no reason to change our former es
timate of the surplus of this present season's
crop, which we placed at another 700,000
short tons, so that, deducting the exports to
tho 1st October, 1881, on that dato tho total
surplus for oxport stilt left in California
should exceed 1,1 30, 000 short tons.
Oats. Tho arrivals by sea from the North
continue laigo and free, causing a weak mar
ket. Sales iiurinir tho week havo been fow.
Thursday Oct. 6, 400 ctls sold at$l 62 J. Tucs.
day, Oct. 11. 1.000 ctls cood Humboldt feed
som at fl 00 V ctl
Potatoos ith only moderato receipts tho
market is firm, and higher. Petalumas and
Tomalcs, $1 37J1 50 ; Cuffey's Covo, $1 45
(u150; Sslinas Blues, 1 451 50 ; Early
Hose, 1 151 30 ; Sweets, 75c$2 per ctl.
Onions -Sdos are made from tho wharf at
75K850 poretl.
Hops Spot holders are firm under the in
fluence of an Eastern demand. Wo quote W.
Ty. at l(?i22o; California 10)25o. Wo havo
before us tb London report of W.H. L. May,
dated September 16th, which says: "Thoie
w.iaalargo supply of hops in tho market to
day, the demand for whien wad good, especial
ly bright, well grown samples, which sell fico-
ly. rrom tho plantations tho lenoits still
come unfavorable. eriuin is found in most
districts, and mould is running fast. Tho Col
gatm do not glow out, and It is thought nutiv
of them will not be picked. Under theso cii'-cmnst-inces,
wo must put tho crop at 10 per
cent, loss thin was estimated a fortnight ago."
ICmmet Wells' Now York Circular, of Sept.
30th, im) it "Under tho influence of adverse
ciop news from England, our maiket lias be
come quite active, and prices as will bo seen
IIV (VIII tfVlAt-tl limit. ittmta limn- .in ml.. n.i. .
of from 2 to 3o per lb on new hops. Telegrams
from thu interior leceixed this morning also
report the markets there as belli! active, with
prices on tho advance. The fact that England
wouiu nosnoit somo ti7.UOU rules, lias. with.
lout a doubt, been tho means of setting dealers
iu nuying; ami growers who take tlie trouble
to Keep (Muted hae prohted by those reports,
miny of them have sold at advanced prices
while otheis are holding for a further advance.
It may le interestriig to know that the latest
estimates of the English crop, according to the
Loudon llieuvr' tiitanlitin, is equal to a short
ago of 112,000 bales, American weight. Wheu
we consider tho fact, howevir, that tho lowest
estimates exceed last year's yield in England
dome 12 000 Uiles, there is really nothing to
gev uxciieu over, i no iierieiency, w nato er it
may be, will bo hrgely made up by importa
tion from Continental Europe. We will doubt
less receive a good share of the patronage.
pruwtimi wo keep our prices witluii bounds."
Wool Stocks ot Fall elm are steaililv ne.
cumulitiug in warehouse, said to ho tl.MO.OOO
IUj now in store. Dealers here are linn in their
deiuiuds, while buyers say tint asking prices
hi re are far above Eastern quoUtiens of like
grades, and that nothing can lo done with
railroad freights at 2JC, ami their only hope of
relief is to have one or more ships laid on for
New York. Quotations are as follow st South
ern Fall, ll(gl:tc; do Lambs, 1415c; Sm
Joaquin Fall, 12Jltc; do Lambs, Ugltio;
rtoruicrn I all, lice, 17-S20c; do UiuU. II
A delegation of distinguished French
men, says the S. F. Bulletin, including
one Admiral and other naval officer.",
will be the guests of the nation at the
celebration of the surrender of Cornwal
lis at Yorktown. These guests will re
ceive special honors, becauso they repre
sent a people who rendered great assist
ance in the Revolution. Lafayette, a
Marquis, and a member of an illustrious
family at the early age of 19, was deep
ly interested in tho struggle of the llev
olutionists for liberty. Ho was then
stationed as an officer of the French
army at Metz. Ho determined to tight
with the Colonists for liberty. The
French Government, on learning his in
tention, prohibited his departure to
America. But, after failing once to get
uway, ho sailed from a Spanish poit as
a courier, landing at Georgetown, South
Carolina, Juno 15, 1777, and procuring
horses for himself and companions,
among who was Uo ivalb, ho rodo a
distanco of about 000 miles to Philadel
phia, and thero sought admission to tho
American army. So many foreigners
had sought commissions in the small
Revolutionary army, that Congress at
hrst denied Lafayettos application to
join. Tho latter, however, did not ask
for a commission; ho enly asked for the
privilege of joining tho army as a vol
unteer, and without pay. This devotion
caused Congress not only to aecept his
services, but to give him tko rank of a
Major-General in tho army of the Unit
ed States. Ho was then not more tlm'n
20 years old. His zeal attracted tho at
tention ot Washington, who ivelcomid
him, and invited him to his lieadquart.
ers. liatayetto soon afterword vmtn m
his wife of Washington: "This excellent
man, whoso talents nnd virtue I admire.
and whom I havo learned to roere as 1
know lnm better: has now become mv
intimate friend; his affectionato interest
in me instantly won my heart. I am
established in his house, arid we live to
gether liko two attached brothers, with
mutual confidence and cordiality. This
friendship renders mo as happy as I can
possibly bo in this country."
Lafayette fought bravely as a volun
teer at tho battleof Brandy wine, his first
engagement, and received a wound. He
was with Washington at Valley Forge,
anu snareu all tno Hardships of that dis
tressing winter. He returned to France
in 1779 in order to use his" influence
there in obtaining French troops for
Count liochambeau, who later with his
French volunteers effected a conjunction
with the American army on the Hud
son. The French Admiral, Do Gnuse'
was acting in concert with him and had
entered with his fleet the Chesapeake
about that time, where and in other
waters, ho rendered signal sorvice to the
American cause. Do Grasse brought
his fleet so suddenly from the West In
dies that Cornwallis, when ho heard the
news, was astounded. The latter knew
nothing of tho movements of the French
fleot until it was in tho waterj of the
Chesapeake. The Americans had no
fleet which could cope with that of Great
Brituin, tho latter having at that tirno
about 80 ships of the line, aud by main
taining supremacy in all ' American
waters, a final reduction of the Rovolu
tionista seemed only a question of time.
Admiral Do Grasso entered the Chesa
peako in August, 1781, with no less
than 34 Bhips, six of these beintr lare
frigates. His flag-ship, tho Ville de
Paris, carried 120 euns. and was consid.
sred at that time the best war shin
afloat in the world.
Tho entry of De Grasso into the Ches
apeake with such a fleet hastened opera
tions ngainst Cornwallis, who was now
cut oil' from tho co operation of a British
fleet, and every day his situation was be
coming more er itical. Admiral De Bar
rus had a French fleet at Nownort. ami
knowing that a powerful British fleet
was at New York, the formor sought to
join Do Grasse. Tho British command
er boro down with his fleet for the pur
poso of driving Do Grasse out of tho
ChesapiMke. On higliting tho French
fleet, Do Grasso (dinned his cables and
stood out to sea for more room. Hn
hail 21 ships of tho line, with 1,700
guns and 19,000 seamen. Tho British
commander, Graws, had 19 thips, with
1,100 guns and 13,000 seamen. Tho
action lusted for about two hours with
the advantngo on the side of the French.
Tho EnslUh lost 90 men and had a verv
largo number wounded, and 1C guns dis
mounted. Two or three of tho English
.hips were so badly cut up that tho Brit-
uiunr.u withdrew to Now York.
ing distance a still larger number of
men. This is only an outline of the
force which the French brought to this
last great battle of tho Revolution.
Thero is special fitness, therefore, in be
stowing distinguished honors upon tho
repre3entatives of Franco at the centen
nial of the surrender of Yorktown.
Made Anything but .Smooth by (he Interfer
ence of a Mem Pnpil.
Some time ago Ed. Bird who has
been at work at Shull ifc Benn's mill,
says tho Pendleton East Oregonian be
came enamored of a fair maid tho sister-in-law
of Mr. Bean. It seems Ed.
was not alone in that fix, but his dulci
nea had as bad a case as his. They con
siderately, but unwisely as the sequel
proved, concluded to wait, however, un
til tho nrrival of her father from the
East to be present at tho celebration of
their nuptials. The old man came
moio than that ho saw and he conquered.
He did not seem to bo pleased at tho pro
gramme so he bundled his daughter
into a wagon and started for "the States."
Ed. followed as far as Pendleton and
consulted with (John Watson, as to the
legality of his proposed father-in-law's
freak. John did not seem equal to the
emergency, however, and at last advices
tho old man was "getting away with the
Just now Frank Abell is taking some of the
most charming and lovely promenade and
panel 'nhotoirranhs we c er saw. Call at his
studio on first street, Portland, and see them.
Strangers alw ays made w elcome.
To Overland Travelers.
The Pennsylvania llailicay lines, from St.
Louis and Chicago, are tho shortest, quickest
and most attractive routes to tho principal
cities of the East. s2m3
The J. I.. Case Steel Beam Center Draft Plow.
IT NEVER CLOGS under beam; It runb lighter and steadier. It Is the only plow made on correct principle
We hive thU plow with wood beams cillcd tho STEEL AKCfl. Does not clou under beam, and can bo stt
for tun or three horses. We also moke the common side draft steel beam or wooden beam plows, and the J, L
Cae chilled plow, pronounced evy much superior to all others by those who use them, bee a J. I. Caseplovr,
buy one and you will be hoppv. Send for circulars and price lista. STAtER A WALKEB. .
Office and warehouse foot of Morrison st. General agents for Oregon and W. T-1
Also agents for J. I. Caao thresher; Dingcc Woodburry power; J. I. Case portablo saw mill; Btudebaker wagom, i
The Northwestern Marriage Insurance Company,
JAMES STEELE, Treasurer.
HENRY ACKERMAN, Vice President.
A. S. GROSS, Secretary and llonager.
ricd persons at the rate of $5 per thousand for males under eighteen and females under sixteen; and 96
per 3 ear on each thousand of all above these ages, for the period of four years, and thereafter, during unmarried
life at the rate of nne dollar per ear on a thousand. Marriage assessments are graded according to age, not to
exceed two dollars per thousand In any one month, commenting in February next, and ends the ear you arc
married In.
Policies are paj able at the end of the year during which marriage occurs at tho rate of 5 per cenj. for
every jear from date and amount of policy, when all further Interest ceases.
ThU is purtlj a home institution, and the names of the otticers, directors, and references ghen In circular
with its stock capital, are sufficient guaranteo of Its perfect reliability. Energetic and reliable agents wantcj
everywhere. All our authorized agents carry their commission to do business. For particulars address.
A. S. GROSS, Secretary.
pep23tf Room 53 Union Block, (entrance on Stark street), Portland, Oregon.
frJTVVInvi rl rdVLrNT Bfl
Bedding, Carpets, Paper Hang
ing, Stoves, and
Crockery andGlassware.
Stcim Factory Northwest Corner Front and Jefferw; I
oireets. warenouGC las and IBS first and
184 Sciond Streets,
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other prepara
ugui, uaicr not Drea
eaten bv tlvanntli
the Ills resulting from heavy Indigestible food,
tlon makes such Urht.
pastry. Can be eaten by
flaky hot breads, or luxurious
without fear of
thin rrmri RaH
uuij in cuns, oy an urocers.
toss of EP9tlto,Nauett,bot70lg coatlra.
blade, fullncaa after eatinqwithjaiUiiin
cllnation to exertion of body or mjndj
Irritability of temper. Low aplrita. Los-a
ofmemory, wiih a feeling of haying neg.
lectod omfrautiwearlnees, DIctinpsi,
Fluttennilhoneivrt, Dots before tho
ejesTVellpw nKfn, HeadacKeHteatleiis
neas at nigHtHiichly coloreiTUrine, '
TUTTS FILLS are especially adapted to
audi cuae., one dftse vtrecta auchttchauge
of feeling u to astonUli the aufTerer.
They Inrrmu lb Appr I Itr, and cause the
body to Take oft Flrali. thus the system la
IHCMtl.rOrBitna. KrculnrStool. are pro
duced. 1'rtce Scents. asSm-raySC M.V.
Orv lUmorWitUKins changed to a Ouicr
Huck by a slngld application of this Dyk. II
Imparts a natural color, acta Instantaneously,
from byDruggisu.or i.nl hj tjrM on rrt.ipt el II.
Office, 38 Murray St., New York.
Dr. Tt-rrs irit. r iti.n. i.rrtiM k
500,000 PEOPLE
In the United States use the Celebrated
Their Great Popularity is Iue to the especial care taken
in Selecting the Material.
uhuuauu uvui miu cu(cm ui niuittoa, wmen is
K7 wukuu iuKiiiff r.ve:
beat Mechanics aro employi
ability, and lightaesa of draft Is not surpassed.
ho forests of Indiana, which Is noted for Ita superior quality of timber suitable hn
Every piece subjected to close inspection, and discarded If not up to i SLdwd fi
strength, aur-
They are the BEST Ironed Wagons in the Market. Every
w UM,.WB Vlx ououuiwiuiu xiugo x-iujecwng xire.
Which protect tho paint and flloe. No other manufacturer has the rteht to use It All of our TMmU.
The Slope Shouldered Spoke, Which Greatly Increases the
Strength of the Wheels.
t&JM of the aboe Improrements cannot be uod by any other makers without infringment
WA full line of these agons can be found in principal town of Oregon and Washington
South Bend, - Indiana.
Eeed Grain unit Potato.
Bin Frsjidsco Karkata.
SAS KlUNCtNCO. Oct 10.
Wheat There is a fair inquiry, but tiib
Judge Wait, of Guilty, make a line display
of poUtoes and grain at the Mivhauica' Kair
ami that remiud u that he haj an adcttiso
inunt iu tho FAKMkit aniiotuicinr that he ha
ucn article lor ule, lie Iu sliowu gtvat
ptticuoo ami energy in iroagating the Kst
oUtoca and graiu and a hare of t n recent
cd hi exH'rimeuta. Judge Wait ia one of
tho men Iimo ellorU aro valuable to the
farming community.
Duryeas'S trch Works. Glea Coff,
U 1,, art) the lujje.t in tlie world.
It'rtvine Do Grasso msster of tho Ches.i-
ptaki lint) tho latter invn defeated,
tlio surreiulor at Yurktown would not
havo oeouml in OctolHT, if indeed it
would lmo oecured at all
Tho British Commander had given
assurance that lie would tako caroof Do
Grasso, It was tho fortune of tho Kev-
olutiou that this is!,uo result dilleruntly
Do Grasse was afterward busy iu land
i'iviicii aim AiiiLrian trooos near
llliaiuslilirc. On thu 2t5th of Sentem
ler, Washington with tho American
forces and LAfayeito with tho-French
forces were mass-ed iu front of Williatub
liurj;. RochatnUuu was then a Lieu-tenant-General
of the Frunch wing of
inenriujr, i,icli then represented about
ten regiments, and was oftieertl bv
some of the best uiilitary subonlinato
comiuandere of Francn. There were
mariuisea, viscounts, dukes, vounts and
so on, to the head of the several divis
ions, The Frenclt wing of tho army
must have numbered about 8,000 men,
while De Grass had aUoat and in strik-
Liberal Terms,
Low Prices,
Long Time,
Low Interest.
fotlovi'lll'7 libt'nkl Ifrm,' DnA.Miirtti n. It.- ..
In cah; lnterwt on the Inlince at the rate al ui.n ,..
cnt onej tir after aule, and eaih following jear one
tenth of the t-rlnclpal and Intercat on the balince at the
rate of en ixr cnt ivr annum. Both rrlndiol
A dlioount ot ten per o;nt will bi allowed for caah.
Ltfttera ahouU be adJretoed to
TAUL iClll-LZE. Lan I Ajent,
JeSS O. 4 C. R. li, 1-ortUnd. OreeonJ
J01IX .lifxTO,
aiista ur
trow ere ot Orejon and adjoining Territorle thf
chan o purhaw ThorouihbredJImno. anj I ailJrint
rUe.lnirjwd that they can. and wm,ndroru
Kll bhjiep of the auu. quail t v and -lue a t much cheapi,
rate, than ,uch ran nwMj V Imported. Exnun?tlo.
-. . .JO"-,i"NTO,Sln1.Oron.
in. ivuni ana isarn Lamu o the floek can h " a.
. -v. , x wui, auBKt, (tor. oKirKj - i'ortland' Oregon.
Offer to the Drug and General Merchandise Trade a Complete Assortment of
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Fine Cbemlcnls. Glassware
Hiop Furniture, nnd Druggists' Sundries.
",7sr:iEa::E:,3?:E3 x.xsjd
Of all theleadinj brands, In Vega and tinn.
Putty, Lampblack, Red Lead, Glue, and Varnishes,
. Including tho finest brands for Coach painter' use.
-faint White ash and Varnish Brushes, Linseed Oil, in Barrele
h OOt Oil, Fish Oil. Alnninl in Knrl0 o,l n'
Blue Vitriol SulphurCastile Soap, Concentrated Lye" Potash. '
Bitters, all kinds. Quicksilver, Strychnine, and Tar in 1
Pints. Onnrta nrwl TTolPtl11 W: n i, - ' il
, -b , .,.. .t uuiiuii, j lvo VjrailOn, JlitC.
t ar Kents op Oregon and Washington Territory for
THE II EST lllTVn DIILm ... .. "" " S
MilHnckrodfs Carbolic Sheep Dip, Wakclee's Sheen Batk and
Squirrel Poison, and AyertndDr. Jaynes Proprie.
tary Medicines.
We buy our good, fmnflnt hand,, thus enabling to compete with any market on th.
K . v r.. . .- Cam M comPJnn of our prices will prove. 7
M r"-"fTT. MinUla.-sacEmu STREET.
Manufacturers and Importers of
110 Front Street, East Side, - . Portland, Oregon
11' J" 'Wtriny jL-romtmu Attended to.
tha Island Una,
touth c( tho eitr,
adktinfn.. Ka1i
npl.oratthUmam four and
Tli. Ku at th,
UU Bdle
Th&t nlrMfr-AV II.l..l.t r .
- " ii Kuui4i riirrwru imi ! ii
1,mS ,?" Injurious dru are uVen In Urra
In? .hu,t.U"r""''"''10 'u"ue ,h" rhi!ly.er
cnlj .... ,ou (re, ,u, Sut.c. lut l.l alwreduc
Jurexijensea. iTic. One DolUr t Ubl7 Tried
trpnl and recommended tynuiy.