ittWHlTi 1 WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND,' OREGON, OCTOBER 21, 181, '; ,. ' ITEMS BY TELEGRAPH. The 52J regiment is ordered to Ireland. Foster's pluralityin Ohio is said to be 2V 000. The grand total of the Garfield fund Is $357,831. On account of financial matters, Edwin I Booth and wife have separated. , The Semte will probably adjourn to visit I Yorktown on the 19th. Gladstone has received several threatening I letters since the arrest of Parnell. JiLnrilhrd's Imqunis won the Newmarket N- , . Tl..nnn1 O , Tjinnnr T.firn !lil. 'eruy, xoui"- - .vu..w ....... . Guiteau's counsel expects to prove his in- ity and malpractice on the part 01 ur. ss. 4'fho xninmnnw(alt1i has entered suit against thlstandard Oil Co. for 3,000,000 taxes and , peifclties. I ;Eiddleberger and Congressman Wiso fought rVdnel in Virginia on the ICth, but neither was hit. Parnell's arrest in Ireland has been followed by the locking up of Dillon and several other J prominent agitators. , n .wnimt of the arrest of the Irish agita tors the stores of Dublin were closed and im mense crowds patrolled the streets. TUmn.nn TTavward. carnace manufac ture, hnvit failed: liabilities. $88,000. It is claimed their assets are equal. 1 The Mississippi is at an unusual night for (VjSus time of the year; and seriously interferes With sawmill operations. J David Davis telegraphs Judge Grcsham, of kdiana, he has asked the President to give Em a Cabinet position. i(A man was mortally wounded near Tralee, county Kerr, during an affray between the police aud a party of armed men. i Ex-Senator McDonald will fight the confir matioi of Dudley for commissioner of pen lions, on the ground that he is a corrupt poll tician. A Republican special places the loss by the fire at KoUoma. Colorado, on Thursday uight, at SI 16,000. The insurance will not exceed $50,000. t The Senate confirmed the nominations of Walter Blairo as third assistant of Secretary of State, and a number of United States con suls and p "Stmasters. The Democratic caucus was attended by only a quorum. After disousMon on the sec retaryship it was decided to d -fcr the whole .subject until the Senate rcvsembled. AtNiwYorkon the 17th the stcanvdiip Crescent City c.ips,ed while in the dry dock nd was badly damaged. John Hart, fireman fail the steamer, was killed aud his body was lost. A cnrrpipondcnt writes the Tf-ne there is some likelihood tlio British Government will co-operate in an international expedition in search of the Arctic exploring steamer Jean ette. A national bank ban discovered forgeries on Hentes & Hamilton of F -rt Wayne, Mclntyrc k Co., of D.ton, and Stevens, Ward & "Thacker, of Coliimlnn, Ohio, amounting to $100,000, nnd distributed in small amounts. The Democrats hive determined to offer a resolntiou to make Chief Clerk Shocber acting wretirv. Senator Garland hail a resolu- If tion to submit on the 15th but did not get an I, opportunity. El T!,a Prif1int. lias sent the Senate the fol- f lnwinir nominations: Fred W. Sparling, of Washington Territory, register of the land nf fice at Vancouver, and Jerome Knox, of Or egon, receiver of publis moneys at Lakcview, Oregon. . To thousand people attcncieu me iiiuigna :., ...cotinn c.l tin. Irish in the skatini! rink it Worcester, Mass , on the 17th. Mayor Kelly declined the invitation to presme, aim Congressman Rice remained away. The Pope, seated on the throne of St. Pet er's Cathedral, received two thousand Italian pilgrims. His Holiness was enthusiasticnlly greeted. Replying to an address, he renewed ilis declaration that he could never accept ac complished fajts without failing in Ills duty. Eleven men returning from working a imy potted farm near Port Arlington were fired ipen and five wounded, one seriously. This I i the affiir that led to the ai rest nnd lo manding of Patrick (lilligher on suspicion of flrinir the shots as before mentioned. Instructions have been telegraphed to every military station in Ireland enjoining vijilance, and flying columns are held in reudnie's fur W immeiiitemuenierrUi. 1 he number ot troops now in Dunlin is o.uuu. r.ver.v fenny i fiu- The meeting ot the land league at Clark well V flreen was rather riotous. .Several free rights J occurred. Gladstone was strongly denounced. Parnell's sympathizers endevoicd to lynch a gentleman who moved the iimenilment that mcaturts of cabinet ministers be burned. kiqA fire at Humboldt, Teun., destroyed 20 houses, including two souaieson mm ' Muin sireet; also the llmnhnldt fur ,v to . . , iv .i rn. UU factory, post oince aim ittr rnto office. The entire business portiou of t the city is burned, .boss, about sw.i.uw; in surance, $10,000. A .l-leir.itiiin of Canadian Creek Indians, carrying the Briti-h Hag, arrivid at St. Paul from Wood mountains, Nurlhwet Territory, i fn thA Mi,nn ot makinc no co with lank- i -i .don Sioux, their heredi ary enemies. If pur V V- , '-'tied about .100 ill follow. 1 hl probably 'Viof' the baud that hasteued Sitting Bull's sur- ( ''"." JJhder last Spring. ., , c. T i- Vl At Fleetwood Park on th 15th St. Julien ' won tne nrot neat oy icni. " " in on a run. Time, 2:12J. Trink. tt led to the qna'ter pole, when St. Julien pasW lum and kept the lead to t e fini-h. Triukett the heat in 2sllJ An iinmium crowd was present, among whoni was (Jeniral Grant. St Julien won the heat. , Tim-). 2:17$. , , , , j The gates of Dublin castle are c'nsed aud ''arms stacked in the upper yards. The city is Jivided into three disiricts eutru-t-il to the farbargo of the uuuristntea specia ly appointed, inteiiuy army fiic r are sw. rn in us inagn . ,..tcs. General quiet prevails Disoid rs indl exceptional. Sir Thomas Steel, eoiu such,ler of tlio forcs, received teU-gra-ns to ol noting all pirt of Ireland quiet All officers .,,,.,.(.. ;,, TreUml are ordered t dut Gov, Wiltz, af Louisiana, is dead. Smallpox is increasing in Chicago. Ex-Gov. McCormack is out of danger. Conkllnc is seriously ill at his home Utica. Arthur and Cabinet have left Washington for Yorktown. Six inches of snow fell at Quebec on tho 17th. Gladstone was burned in effigy by Parnell's admirers in Philadelphia. The headquarters of tho land league have been transferred to Liverpool. ((Twenty-three persons are in Limerick hos pital with bayonet wounds. Friday's storms and floods did immense damage in Schlcsweg Holsteim, Parnell is in the prison infirmary with un ion. Sexton and O linen. Contributions at Cleveland to the Garfield monument fund, 811,200. Tho Irish population of Liverpool arc in a state of great ferment. Governor Hoyt and staff and Pennsylvania troops started for Yorktown on the l&th. Dennis O'Carthy, poor law guardian and land leaguer, has been arrested at Dublin. Over 11,000,000 3$ per cents were offered at the sub-treasury and 2,000,000 accepted. Mass meetings were held at Philadelphia on tho 17th to denounce the arrest of Parnell. Mrs. Parnell. at a monster meeting in New York, said she would return to Ireland and share ber son's imprisonment. Sixty houses were burned and 400 people made destitute in the Arab section of Port Said. Last week's deaths include thirty-five from typhoid fever and thirty-one from small-pox at Chicago. The Irish Times accuses tho police of the fiercest excesses in disbursing tho crowd Sat urday. The Mississippi is having an unexpected rie, and the wheat crop of the upper valley is badly damaged. Gen. Lambert, commandant of the Paris garnson.has been appointed chief of command a the city of Tunis. The police have discovered that an unsuc cessful attempt had been inado to burn tho Cunard steamer Bothnia. Ciggar left Dublin on tho 17th for Holy head. He fully exnected to be urrested, but resolved no longer to await cas.t'0 authorities. Fully 50,000 people witnessed tlie of military at Richmond on the c e of depart iir.i for Yorktown. The reviewing olhccrs w ero governors of seyeral States. The Poite is about to give satisfaction to tho United States minister, in the dispute r. speetiug the American consulate at Salon ika. A large meeting at San Francisco on the 18th denounced the arrest of Parnell and others Four hundred dollars wero subscribed in tho fund. On Sunday night the house of J. M. Mc Ca thy at Coo's Corner, ncxr Malonc, N. Y., was ourncu auu jout ui ,a-v, ."j ........... perished. A magistrate f rted from the bench that the police had strict orders never in tho fu ture to fire with blank cartridges, but firo ith effect. Henry Ward Beecher and other prominent 'Rrooklvnites nominated Ridley Ropes for mayor, me inaepeuueuc wciiiutiiiio nuuti. ateii Geo. Slocuin. Evening Post : The transactions at tho mining board for the week as reported, amounts to 082,725 shares, which is the largest week s bu-inesa since last spring. The Biitish ship Friedberg whilo discharg ing rails at Oakland wharf had her slings slipped and threo rails went through the ship's bottom. She sank in water just deep enough to cover her hull. Cliailes Siegel, a miner of Puto Mountain, Cal., was found dead in his cabin with three bullet holes in his body. Tom Herbert, a di-ciiarged employe.has been arrested, charged wMi tne murder. It is stated the government in cases of land leajuers whoe-caped to England have con sulted English and liish law officers. These coii'iilcr anv attempt to encourage intimida tion lrom England subject to indictment. The President and all the Cabinet except Windom, Kukwood and MeVeagh, han gine to Yorkiown. From all quarters ot the nortn and south troops, gubernatorial staffs, and eminent citizens aie moving toward the same place. a Twenty-one women were arrested at Bakers- fi Id, Cal., and m Sumner on tne istn in ac cordance with the ordinance recently passed by the board of supervisors havine for its ob ject tho suppression of dance bouses and bouses of ill fame. The trial of Wing Lee for the murder of Charles Mansficd began at Chicago on the ISth. L-e sat htolidly looking at tho pro ceediuijs dressed in native costume. Only one man pummoned as juror was prejudiced on account of race. In the circuit court of Cook county yester day Dr. Thomas N Cream, convicted of the .r,lr of Daniel Stott. of Garden Prairie, was cit-nce I to tho penitentiary for life,.alter the application of his counsel for a new trial had be u overnue.i. Sam P. Dorsey, an old and respected citi zen, livery staid" keeper and stock man, shot himself in the head at EIko on the 16th. He was a one in his room. He has not been con scious, and it is doubtful if he lives until in 'ruing. . The nomina'ion of Commissioner Dudley, who whs ippoiuted by President Garfield to succeed Bentley, has not been confirmed by the Senate, although tent in early last week. It app an, ue is not likely to get his confirma tion without a siruuglu. Geo. H. Berthard, now in j iil at Washing ington f, r having asked for a revolver to as si.siiiatB Guiteau, has been a legal and mili tary crank tbtra nd in the West for many years. Newspapers huallv ran him out of O i.aba as a tncki-ter and drunkard. The Boston Jleratd, referring to Fri-nnnts reports l resignation, and tho tumor thatGcu. Bank will succeed him as governnr of Ari 7. in, rerorts an interview with Banks, in Vrf1"!- , i which lw denies all knowledge ol tlie report lMT$TX ' WJiSTtft foUowTng nom- mater at Portland, Ur,, and M m. o. mil nache, of New Mexico, receiver of public nn.n&y at Santa Fa. Tlio Senate confirmed eptllllO.l. UlllUJ, rcyuier ui iuu muu uo,v atLe-vH.lle.Col. , ,,,,! V. Slmr-ev. at Ueltoll Uki-; " "" - " .-,.--- ,. "... I .1. I. CM .SlntL.atWaHa lZ 1. "i,al.:.. V... .!... .!, o,K-notable inei- hdve.a uukeU stranded at Altoin flic ouenna,i i'' " .---,- ..,.. ., r,J,P,.!1.ul it enormous. rjve ee.. m?r::, "tiz xi... .Tu,A..uonth.i7tu.tuci,dM..8i, f St..,, l.v Win, Io.ii."WT- " ":.,. t... . . e-tt-ilay, ai I ,.,t1t Fridw near V...1, -. . (ienerllS I Jtler has ilefeat ! rvr-. tt:: :z r: ,: , .wsu - .- - -. - -- ,A ' cuiuu,u 1 wV:.jVi"T..ih.M,n. .lu.Wt iebeatorcouiu iuic Communistic journals express tho sanctiest sympathy with Parnell and the leaguers. Gen. Hazcn says ho has not heard of the resicnation of Gen. Tyner being requested. A correspondent writes that the clerical press of Pans condemn the Irish arrests. It is reported that JuJge Frenan, of the postotfice department, will soon be super ceded. The bar of tho supreme court on the 18th, Senator Davis presiding, passed a tribute of respect to tho memory of Judge Clifford. Correspondents represent that the arrest of Parnell has tended to raiso Gladstone in the estimation of the Germans, and tho North German Gazelle says that fie time for indul gence has cone by. A Tombstono dispatch says there is muen ralnininn nk iIib iinws of brcmonts rcsigna' tinn, but dissatisfaction at the probable ap pointment of Gen. Hanks. '1 ho people w-ani some resident appointed who knows their needs. A young man named Syhpbers, son of tho Mormon bishop and Penaca, in the southeast ern part of Nevada last week shot an Indian without provocation near Bullionville. The Indian is not expected to live. His tribe are greatly 3cited over the shootiug, and it is feared they may retaliate. Syphers is not yet arrested. The nninion is frcelv exoressed?that King's balloon is not lost, but is being secluded to further tho purpose ot tho Orm wnicn sent it up as an advertisement. This is strengthened by the fact that Mrs. King, wife of the rero nint atarfoii cast from Cliicano which she would be likely to do were her husband lost n a western wilderness. James Panier, secretary and another prom inent member of the Middleton, Cork, league; Lemon, secretary, and OToole, member of the Tullow, Dublin county branchjLiman, organizer of Kings and Queens counties and Wesmeath leagues; White, secretary of Clare league, and Henry Eagan, secretaryof Tulla more leapue are all lodged in Nas jail. The authorities contemplate arrests in Belfast and other parts of the north of Ireland. TIIE FEIIN GLEX. Captain Bnbb or the lll-Fntfd Ship Teils the Sad glory. NEW THIS WEEK. STATE NEWS. will ure On Dit That General James Turner shortly be married. On Thursday evening a fire destroyed about $200 worth of tho Oregon City jail. Tho Independence Board of Trustees have levied a tax of 400 for current expenses. Ed. Fallon, rider of Frankio Devine, is suf fering with an injured leg at Baker City. Poor Isaac Brown, well known in Salem, died a slave to strong ilnuk on Sunday last. The Ilwaco Steam Navigation Co. havo added 860 feet to their wharf making 1,220 feet in all. The Union Packing Company n co-operative institution is putting up a new cannery this side of Smith's Point. ti.b Puns Itav Steam aud Lumbering Co. bss incorporated to manufacture and deal in all kinds of barrels and kegs. finni-ira Tinner who was iailcd at Pendleton for stealing money at Weston, escaped last week. Lehnncr's mill, which was burned down re- contly ru Coos county, with its contents was valued at $3,000. There is considerable grain still unthreshed in the Coquille region, and wet weather will cause some damage. It is reported that the Ochoco Pioneer will bo resuscitated by one of the most eminent journalists iu the country. Howell of Dallas and Keed of Salem ran a 410 yard foot raco at Independence last Sun day, which ended in a tie. A number of carloads of hops wero shipped from Eugene lost week. Sixteen cents per pound was paid for the last bought. Jennings Smith who shot Hankeny at Sil verton wishes to compromise for $1,000. Mrs. Hankeny is suing Smith for $14,000. Five now canneries are now in process of construction in and near Astoria. That means a hundred and City moro boats next season. Mr. Joseph Perkins, of Lane county, has raised eight potatoes in one hill on his farm weighing 14 pounds, an average of 1J pounds each. Oppr-nn has sent awav 14 vessels Willi wheat, has six in port and seventy-onu on the way. due between this and next juarcii. These will carry 136,500 tons, leaving 293,500 tons, or 1G7 vessels to be obtained if wo ship all our surplus before next August. Tho Eugene Guard editor has been shown four specimens of gold taken from tho Ochoco placer mines, by "I'hniras W. Davis, weigh ing respectively $19, $14, S10 75 and $0 25 each. These mines are situated near a spirof the Blue Mountains, and aro said to be good paying diggiugs. Says the Jacksonville Sentinel: The County Court at its last session made tho following tax levy for the ensuing year: State tax, 4 mills; common school, 3 mills; Modoo war bond, i mill; insane asylum, 1 mill; building fund, H mills; county tax, 10 mills. Total levy, 20 mills. Ths British bark Fern Glen which went ashore on Clatsop spit last Sunday morning is a total wreck. From Captain Johnson, of the Columbia, the Aetorian gets the following particulars: He got to tho sccno of the wreck at day break, and after standing by till 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon ho got the crew on board and came up to this place, meeting the Canby with a volunteer crew on boaiu which was going down to rescue them. Yes terday morning the vessel keeled over aud tho crew took to the only bont they had left, a small affair leaking so badly that it took four men to bail her out. Tho ti lo was car rying them over to Sand Island when Captain Johnson got them on board. The tolloning is (Japtain Uuhbs account: 'We sailed from London for Wellington with passengers on tho 1st of May. Mado a very good nasage and left Wellington on tho 22d OI AUllllsk ciueu un mu uiu u t uuuta last Sunday morning; made Hancock light and was puzzled; saw a red litrht and expected to see a red aud white flash; took bearings and thought I was in good position, being sufficiently far to windward, then wore snip to staud off till daylight, when I could inako the bar and pick up a pilot. About 0 o'clock found the shin striking and a very strong tide of which I was not aware setting us iu. About 3 r. M. the lifeboat came alongside, and the Captain said he thought there was no danger; that she would prooaoiy anvo over cue sands, so I determined to stand by the ship. The vessel lay tolerable easy an .Sun day night, but on Mouday I found that sho had worked astern; I eot the steam winch ready and heve out ballast. About 4 o'clock, commenced leaking and I then mado prepara tions to leave. At 7 o'clock, a strong wind blowing from the southeast and the Bhip striking heavier, let go both ancliois. Sho jumped heavily all night; I got out starboard life boat, but could do nothing; she stovo nl most immediately; at 9 o'clock rue-day morn ing the ballast shifted, the vessel laid over on her beam ends, with her masts in the water. AH hands clunir to the ship's side; 1 saw tho life boat trying to get to us, but the sea ran so high it was impossible. About 10 o'clock sho began to break amidships, and at noon, seeing no other chauce, and linding we must mjik-p Kinm efl'ort. we launched tho only boat we had left and after great effort were taken on board by tho Columbia. The crew, some 'M m nuinoer. saved noin inif. and were fortunate in cscaninc with their liven, for it was a louah dav outside. Tho vessel, which now lies southwest of Fort Stevens, is last breaking tip. Sho was owned by Pcnot & Co., of Sunderland. Upou tho arrival of the crew everything possible was dono to relieve their immediate wants. They will probably get bciths on other vessels here and at Portland. Oregonian Railway Company LIMITED. NEW KOUTE. COMMENCINO OCTOIIEK 1st, 1881, AND UNTIL further notice, trains and boats iB run as tol ion l: 8.- K A. SI. DAILY, SUNDAY FXCKPTnn, FIIOM I O loot of Madison street, steamers City ot Salem and City of (Julncy for river points. Closo connection made tor west sinr. umsiov Trains at Fulqnarlz Lnuillnc. for llnnilre, IT est lint Inn, I.Hlnyelle, Itnll-toll. Mirrlilan. I'rr rjtlnle. Italliit, Slniiiiiotilli and Lueklmulr, arrliingat Alrlle 11I61IO p. ill! IIETIIIMMl Leave Alrlle at Jil. n. 111.. con necting with boat at I'lilqnnrlz, arriving In Tort laud at ffiaa p. ni. r.tsT 8ini: nmMON Train, connecting at ltn)' Lamllne for HI. Tnul, I'rrnrli I'rnlrle. Wnmlliiiru. Ulninre. Mltrr. Inn, .llnclenj, Wnldo Hills, AunisWIIr Mrs! hill) ton, Sclo, arrliingat llmnnsHlle Itr.TI'RMM; T.raio IlrownMlllc at S a.m., connoting with boat at Illl)- LnnillUB, arriving at rortlnuil at SOO p. in. FIS11EL Stock of & ROBERTS' Fall Clothing IS RKCEItEB, And Excels any Prior Stock Imported to Oregon. Ever 1T CONSISTS OF ALL THE NEW NOVELTIES Manufactured for Mens', Youths' and Boys Wear, ALL AT POriTIR lMtll'ES. FISHEL & ROBERTS, Corner First nnil Alder streets. FMEMiHT Keccived and forwarded dally from 7 A. M. to 6 F at company s v.hari, root 01 maaison firccc J. M. FILLMORE, JNO. R. WHEAT, General Superintendent Acting Freight and Ticket Agent. M., Red Clover Seed, BLUE VITRIOL AND Sulphur, WOODBURN NURSERY Keeps a full stock of FRUIT TREES, Shade, Ornamental and NUT TREES, Vines and Shrubbery, At the Very Lowest Rates. no Arms enoTHEit rsrs on treks or MY NI1KSEUY. -IN- LARGE QUANTITIES, -AT- JOHN HUGHES' On State Street, Salem, - - Oregon. 777 A YEAR and expenses to agents. Outfit frco. Address I. O. tlrkrrr, AugiiHlu, Mr. USE HOSE PILLS. For price list and descriptive catalogue send to J. H. SETTLEMIER, oct7-0m Woodburn, Oregon. A SUPERIOR HARROW I FARHFUS EVI.IIVUUKUK WANT IT -MB CIIAMCS El EKY WllKttK CAM MAKE IT. I will mall tho plan, and right to mike one. to tb first In any placo who tends mo 91. Harrow a and purl or Harrow s FsiHale. I hae used this harrow two jcara, tunl ro hare sev eral of my neighbor, and n e know It is tuipcrlor to an other harrow ot similar cost. For further particular address mo at HuttevlUe, Ore gon. JOHN W. llATCtlCMHt, Afoot. PUKE BERKSHIHES. A. HHlKliiplllfr, A It,.: 113, Or;;oii, Itrccdcr of ThoroughlM-cri EIogH Younp Stock constant!) for Sale. 4STCorrcindenio solicltid mv1ni6 ?f r'mnosco. ami V. O. Morr s t- lo the ,li uero noiniruteil by til- I cl .collector of cu dent! PforcJ -M trucw, ik vi w. - Niru. CM.; S Street, at . nit'i I'nel.n C ;j J,ltlU J TERRITORIAL mines pay from $7 -... . W Pnnel.ilnl. at bin Diejro, Uil.j 1". ;tv . Sbermaii Vyof'jeiit of tin NV fd t.. s Xrf ,re"ury I if? clisrs as L 'CkH . . . - I.-... It' L.,. f tori naa i kh jt-i hwpj -r; tun y Wimlo.ii. A ili,i-ttc.i m cult Atlftni-er ( Nw Yrk y i .. 1. , ..... -. ... ....Ill, .1 1L IrfT. i.ife, i .t ik luiiiiiii niu i", i-- ,...... -- . - i-1- - : . . ' . . r ... .!.-'...', Iial ie au irio o ir ,-" -. e triatury to tiUSlit mi,,' ui didacv at Lh.caio. I' Tho Satinon river, I. T, to $10 a day to the liatul. J. V. Stevens has hcea indicted for the murder of J. M. ilejritk at Lewistou. A nine year old girl named Colinrn lost two fingers and smashed a Jamp by fooling with a cartridge a few evenings ngo at Lewwton. Teatlas the Boll. Rev. G, H Atkinson, who is on enthusiastic admirer of Kestcrn Washington and a firm lie liever in its agricultural wealth, wants tlie railroad companies to test the soil at diUerent points, lie tliinks the N. 1. It. R. would find it profitable to plow, fence, plant or sow and cultivate one or five acres at the Wallula junction, at Ainsworth, at the eight mile well, at the twenty-ono mile well, at twin wells, at Ritzville and at every other station on the road, and if the same 1m done on all other lines and roads the testimony will become convincing and cumulative for the whole upper country. Judging from the past, it would aure the making of more than a thousand productive farms within a few years, where no- only liuuch grass and saa brush haie sway. The sample. of grain 1 vegetables to bo seen at tl.e N. I. K, R. no; , are proof of tho power of so regions for prolific grow Ui. If'uKu H'u-'.'nion. QcaUT:i.t Diviuenu. The Ixwrd of di rectors cif the Oregon lUilway and Xaigaiimi 0inp.wy have cKtlired a (juarteily dividend of two p-r tent., ca n.l,lo Novdinl:r 1st at llio itice 'it tiia rarmirt lan ami iriut lo. in K V rk, to -ocMioldtr of a record of Oc 1 V'li Traii.T r liVb will time Octoljer . ) ti i (.pen Xov inber Sth. Inf-ret o.) cu ra y a icnp series will In paid at tbe staie time and place. JFIEMLK I.I.OI'I'.MIAT. Two Little Klllllns (ilrls Una Awny with two lieu, lint nrc Overtaken nnd u Lesnl Wur llettua. On Thursday morning, soyB the Yakima Record, the citizens of the quiet locality of tho West Side, Kittitas Valley, wero aroused by the report that two young .girls, aged respectively 12 and 14, had been abducted or had eloped, tlie latter most probable, as Bub .ninpnt develonments indicate. For the sake of the htture reputation of the girls and their connection wo refrain from etving names. We .Imll therefore oulv cive the matter as wo heard it, refraining lrom citicism, ami ici tne courts, before which it now is, decide the matter. The particulars, as near as we can learn, of this elopement are as follows: It seems that two young men, who are old enough to know better, especially where tho girls are so young, induced them to elnpo and on Wednesday night they started from the valley, intendiu? to go to Oregon to be married. From somo letters left by tho girls the step father knew whero thuy were ROintr. Uettim: on his horse he started for Kllous burg. There ho found Constable Perry and both staited for the children. Arriving hire, n warrant was sworn out before Justice Urooks, charging the young men with abduc tion, l'rcslierry with John Lyon, his deputy, and the step-father then started for the Lower Yakima country, the party they weru pursu ing having passed through town Thursdiy aft-ruon. Thoy tiaccd the fugitives do ntho river, aud late that night found them camped about 14 miles below twn. Tho officers ex-n.-rieneed somo difficulty in making arrests, but the step-father gave them the grealebt troub'e ami tlicy were compeiieu m iiinarni him tn keen him from shootine tho youngster . Taking the children all iu charge, tlie officers then returned to town. The girls were taken to the hotel and put to bed, and the others hunted "chair lodgins till morning, un rn ,Uv innmiiiL'. and while at the hotel, tho step father hit one of the boys a terrible welt over the luad For tins lie was placeil unuer ar rest. In his case an examination was had enM. nf,riinnn. hut the earlv hour W L'0 to nress prevents a report. In the case of the young men an examination will be held on Saturday. fatal hiiootim; am hay. Frril Cere Fatally Hliools another Minstrel la the Theatre at Ttnllil Wnlla. PAGSFIO MUTUAL Life Insurance Company OF CALIFORNIA. MANAGER FOR State of Oregon and Idaho and Washington Territories' 102 FlrBt Street Portland, Oregon. Rrttnmcn. CIIA11LKS HOnOK, nl Hodge. Davis fc Co. JAMES STl'.KI.E.Uu-likr llmtNational llanV. J. A. STltOWMtllXlE, Wholemlo Iuthir & nndinim. C A. DOI.l'W, ol Dolph, llronauili. Dolph & bimon. L C. HENUlCliaUN, & Urccnberg. Col J. MoCKAKEN. ot J. MeCniken & Co. O. E. NOTTAOE, Examlncrand Thyslcian. .1. K. mix. of J. K. UIU A Co.. Stationers. E.1MIOOEUS, flen Ticket itrnU'iit akciu u. au.ii.u. EHANK ZANOV1U11 of Zan Illothers. ItiTerenr. W. W. BFAUI.D1NO, l'aekcr and Cuttlo Dealer. ANllHEW KOilEKTS, of 1'lahel A ltobcrU. JOHN CHAN, ot Jonn Cran & Co. V. M. WIIIEHd, lloota and bhoes. JOSEPH 1IUUK1IA1II), llnrkhardt&Biwuldlnir, All tno anovo numeii biiHinnHH men ot rortiunii rap reHent $1M),ou0 lnriiirnnco In this above namad eoinpaiur. VOOUAfiEMK WANli:!!, apply to A. MrklNNIE. 102Hrtbtrect, rortland. COLU31B1A COMMERCIAL COLLEGE W. H. JAMFJl, rmlilral. JOIIM . HAWKS, Hrrretnrjr. An Institution aflortllng: to tho Young and Mldelloaged of Either Sox facilities tor UDtaimng a PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION In the shortcut possible timo ami at the most ruwonuMo rnUs. Iith Dijiartmciit U flrst-iJdJ, and 1 under tit apecta charge of uxptrU'iuid tcatliirn. Tli Hchool room and tho Couiitlntf-room are bo unlUd as to bt cure the ndvantjM ut lx)tli. I 'or Ai-qulrlnc n Tlioroiiftli Kiionlrilm of BUSINESS OR THE ART OF PENMANSHIP, This limtltutlon Ukca rank anioni: tho bent. Ludleii pursue tlio aino course of Instruction as 1,-cntloraen. Tin: COLUMBIA COMMFliCIAL COLLEGE JOURNAL, (living rull llilm million icinirriilnx Hie Hrliuul, "III he ai-nl Tn-r nil iiHpllcalloia. .mme:s a hawks. aut'5-lm " vii front Hlieil, riirllniiif, rrion. SHINDLER & CHADBOURNE, MANUFACTUUKRS OF FURNITURE, Vhi,lmulr anil Itrlnll llrulrr In ' Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Bedding, Etc. A Bhooting affray occurred alinut 9 o'clock on Monday evening in a drLSsina room of tlie Adelplii Theatre at Walla Walla, in wind. Fred Giro thot anathcr ininstn 1 named James Kelly, the ball cuterinK the left lireaat jut helow the nipple. It eeeini the parties quar reled on the staiju duruiK tho tint act.miil the tn-uble was renewed in the ilicsnini; room with the above reBillt. Ocre wasarrestud and lodyil in the county jail. He in well known in this city, having at ono time been con nected with Uuilitel',1 photograph ualliry. lie lie-loni'S to a wealthy and respectable family of Cnampaigii county. 111., a btothtr of Ins lieing a prominent lawyer there. Kelly's wound is pronounced mortal. Arrr-MiTKn Buiciuk. A man calling himself James Donley, a passenger on tl e down train from Walla Walla, as the train topped at Celdo, says the Watco .S'H,tepped oir and at'einptod to take his own life last Wednesday by shooting himself with u pistol. Hh wounded himself in the shoulder pretty Uiiily, but uot so as to endanger his life. He win brought down to t III pUte on a freight train and packed "to tho Uinatilli llou.e, where Urn Logan and Kicharilnoii wiroiall d to atttud linn. While, being o nveyed to tlilt place he tried repeatedly to get his pu ol m as to finish the J 'b. He was cloeily watched, honvter, anil all attempts ol tlio kiiih pie vented. He was unfertile iiillucno, of do tnentia, cau.cil by eice-sive drink. He Is iow doing well and being aouiewbatrestoied loins S'.ntcs, and seems t meditate no fuithtr at U-mpt on his life. Dnrveas' Starch civet a beautiful white, clo, lastiu,: liuish, IjLtides render fabrics very uuraoie, The IVruviao .ijruplus wuiel ihonsaiiils whoweie sutienu from dyspepjia, debility, ll.-tr cj:: jilainti, etc. 1'auiphleu free tu any address, betli V. 1'ov.les & hoiu, IJoatoii. imm $MiS8m life OCK AND LOWEST PRICES! SCH'r DESKS A SPECIALTY. Warerooms Extend Through 200 feet, from 166 First to 167 Front Street. PORTLAND. OREGON. m;u ion r.tT.ii.oia i. a.m i-MU'E nr. Beptya Save $20 on a Singer 1 mmi WITH MONOPOLY! PRICES OF ALL MACHINES GREATLY REDUCED. T- . n l.l ei,...,,,,,.!., AIlhoiiKli the Patents Kxplrwl ycjiM "K". " " i ".""'". f Cpi...:...l.:Hl.l I., ll.olrl.luli nrinj; H) . ? g ? : '"..'! V " . .,.'i .... Forstner's anti-Monopoly Sewing Machine Dep Trila T Onnu'no Ch'na-o Snjtup. VVhiolor A Wilson No. B.tUo Damot H""2S. adSdS"; IU . Ootowt-.l JJo.v.b. tho Crown aa Now Homo. Bo .'Sure and Sea Us W?4'oro Purchasing iilsovhore. B. FORSTN&j. 6 uun anur, Ciiiiiiucrcial M.vl, Kiilcm, OrfRon. IO.J. . Wr.rrli.livr laUilurfiir J I'.lr I ''.1 stnl by wall vrueii VtVmJmj- '1 hi 11