Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 23, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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    Iimicd ci cry Week by tho
nWAWKI-Ti: I'lltllMl PI IH.WIIMJ to.
Inoycur, (Pota'Ciulil), lniulvantc 8 2.60
Six months, (PosUaopiM), In uliancv ... 1.25
iess than six monthi will I.e. r month 25
Advertisement villi ho lncrtl, providing tn arc
respectable, at the follow Ins UMo ol rates :
One Inch of t-pico per month
Threo inches of spv o per month
One-hatf col - n per month
One column per month ...
S 2.W
30 00
garaalnpjc topui ttni iree on ii.inaiuun.
Publication Office: No. 6 Washington Street. Up
stairs, room! No f and f.,1.
"If IM nothing to ilo," said Fanner John,
"To flit or lintlier inn
Were I rid of this mountain of work,
Wliat n gooil man I could bo 1
"Tlio pig got out, and tlio cowBgut in,
Wlicie tlioy have no right to be;
And tho weeds in tho garden and the coin
Why, they fairly frighten me,
"It worries mo out of temper iiiite,
And well nigh out of my head.
What a curxe it is that a man must toil
Like this for his daily bread!"
Hut farnftr John ho broko his leg,
And as kept lor many a week
A helpless man and an idlo man
Was he therefore mild and meek?
Nay; what with the pain, and what with the
Of sitting with nothing to do
And tho farmwork botched by a shiftless hand,
Ho got very cross and blue.
He scolded tho children and cuffed tho dog
That fawned nlxjut bis knee;
And snarled at his wife, though bIic was kind
And patient as wifo could bo.
Ho grumbled and whined, and fretted and
The wholo of the long day through;
"Twill ruin mo ijuite," cried Farmer John,
"To sit hero with nothing to dol"
His hurt got well and lie went to work,
And n busier man than he,
A happier man, or a plcasanter man,
You never would wish to sec.
Tlio pigs got out and ho drove them back,
Whistling right menily;
Ho mended tho fence and kept tho cows
Just where they ought to be.
Weeding tho garden was jolly fun,
And ditto hoeing tlio corn,
"I'm happier far,' said Farmer John,
"Than I vo been since I was born.
Ho learned n lesson that lasts him well
Twill last him hiswholo lifo tliiough.
Ilo frets but seldom, and never because
He lias plenty of work to do.
"I toll you what," says Fanner John,
"They aio either knaves or fools
Who long to lit) idle for idlo hands
Ate tho Devil's chosen tools."
(Vtiotio TriliHiir.
Aii Uplhodo of the I'iciicli Exhibition.
During tlio Kiponitinn, Turin was vis
iU'il by iniiuiii for ludgo-lutting. From
tho muldlo of April, hanging up at tlio
doom ol tho humeri, in tlio fiiHhioniiblo
nnd oditrul noigliliorlioods of thuFionoli
cupilul might bo noen bills with "Joli
iimrtoint!iit nitmblo a loner present
ment" " IIuiiiIbouio fiirnisliiKl nimrt
iuimtn to lut j" mill liitinv n family, many
n willow, many n Imi'lielor or widower
oiniginti'il to Homo distant outxkirt, giv
ing up tlioir npitrlmcntH to Htnuigmtt or
flueigmirH, in eonsiuVratioii of leeeiving
Hinnii thousand francs, wliilo thoytlioui
mdvi'S nestleil iliiwn, (hiring (he grout
influx, in miiuo liiuulilo locality, witliiu
or without tho walls. In letting, thorn
whm no ilistinotion of niition iiiiuln ; tlio
tunas wem tlio same for one and all
for tho nntivo compatriot, uh well lis tho
Milnril Anghiis for tho (lornuili Union,
iw null as tho lliissinii HoyHnl, tlio
Polish Count) tlio ilollnr-limYn Amoiiciui
for ovcryliody, in shoit, whoeouhl imy;
that was thnoiio ronditioii.
IMiuhinin do Y , a young ami hanil-
mouid widow of i!5, who, on tho Hint of
Aptil in that momorulilo year, had
thrown oil' hor wooilt, resigned
herself, among tho rest, to" tho
roiguing opidi'inii'. Ono mornuiir slio
mil for tho loilgn-keeper of tlio houso in
which she icsiili'il in tlio ("linussoo
il'Antin, uiul oideicil him to nail up at
tho iiiiitivoi'lii'to tho iiuiM'rsiil lull.
" IUons inv Mini I what iuuuin,upaiiil
tlown I shall luiMMif it I" ou'luimoil, in
petto oci wttli a piteous slung, tlio
woniiiiglj-ilisi'nuMiliiti' porter, but who
luwiiidly lojiiiecil at tlio ciivuiiit-tiiiico;
for ho, also, hoped to reap a golden liar
ost from tho lum.minovn.
"N'mipoiti-, Amlii'," iviilinui'il tin
cluirminir joiiug widow "N'inipoito ;
let my iiimi tnu-nt for it.OOO f nines, and
jitu hIjuII Ituvu ,our eomiiiisNioii of let
mo see fi per cent., if to u baeheloi or
widower; I per cent., if to a unit nod
eouplo without any infantilo eneuiii.
bnineoH ; and II per eent., if to a I'uiu ly
and tlit.ru ale 5 funics to dunk inv
houlth." J
"Alas ahisl" grouiiid tho porto
cooheio CoiIioiiim, at ho iiookctt'd tho
silver pioeo and piouusod, lu a touo of
melancholy duiott'duevs, to do his licM.
That on oning tho widow, aeeompMiiiiil
by her fummo do nluuiilirc, took up her
quarterM in a sm all cottage near tho vil
lage of Foutoiiay-uux Hoses, outside the
Humeri) d'Kufer, and contiguous to tho
pretty Hois do Mention, whciesho nisti
catoil in tho full enjoyment of her inde
IHMideut widowhomrtill tho oxpmttioii
of tho term.
On tho iM of August following, Mil
duiiio do Y returned to l'uns, and
drino to her residence, I'olioung that
her apurtmout, which hud Kvu let '
tho concierge, was ucatcd and leudy for
" Mad ime," said Andre, " the gcntlo
nun i has not yet goue."
" WliutKi'iitliwiin. Audro?"
" Tho livlger, ininhiiiie, Monsieur do
II , n jirovincial gentleman, very
couiiuo il fuut Yet it is not my fault,
for I infonmnl him, tliriHi days ugo, that
his tiini) was up, and that lie must go;
but ho said to mo that it was all right;
it wan hit a flair, nnd ho would rupture
ull matters with madame."
"(lonud inform him, Audio, Hint I
luiva returned, ami nt my iipiirtmcut
" Useliss. uiuduuio--ooiui)lotelv ii.- '
less. He was headstrong as a donkey;
he wouldn't listen to me; it is with you
alone he wishes to confer."
" Be it so, Andre. Go before and an
nounce me."
Madame do Y was received most
graciously and politely by the provincial
tenant, who thus addressed her:
" You cannot conceive, madamo, how
comfortnble I find myself in this your
pretty npnrtmcnt, and how much I de
sire to spond in it tho remaining time I
have to stay in your charming capital;
and I fondly hope you will have the
goodness to allow me so to do. What
ever bo jour teims, I accept them be
forehand." To this tho widow replied, somewhat
surprised, that she had no terms to pro
pose ; that she wanted her apartment,
and must have it. lint greater still was
her surpriso when she heard tlio provin
cial declare his determination to keep it,
oven if it was necessary to stand a regu
lar siege. Jladamoilo X enaeavor. o.
'is gently as possible, to make him un
derstanil tho impropriety of hii conduct
but all to no avail, for the tenant ph nil
ed his enuso with grace, eloquence aim
wit. Tho debate became warmer and
warmer,rlio gentleman losing, and th
lady gaining no ground, while Aiulri
slipped away to his lodge, informing hif
better-half thut tho storm was gatlmriiii.
above. At Inst, after much speechify
ing on both sides, tho gentleman, break
ing a pause of apparently deep reflco
tion, spoko ngain :
" Well, maduuie," said ho, " there re
mains but ono way to arrange our littli
dispute, so as to enable you to resunn
possession of your dolightful residence,
without ousting me from it."
" Vliut is your meaning, sir? do
manded tho bewildered young widvjw,
looking still more charming in hei
"My meaning is this, madame; mj
name is Arthur Baron Arthur de B .
I belong to an old and honorable familj
am a bachelor, and 82 years of age
My estatoi are worth 50,000 francs a
year hut this I mention out of respect
to the laws of business ; and despite the
originality and queerness of my conduct,
which may perhaps have offeudod you
I am considered a very good-natured
person ; aud, upon the whole, I flatter
myself I urn a inun fully cap.iblo of mak
ing a lady happy. Will you, therefore,
do mo tho honor of accepting my heait,
my hand, and my fortune ?"
To this sudden proposal Madamo de
.i luimuu wiia uiguiiy : iour jest is
not in very good tasto, sir, and all I can
do is to laugh at it. "
" Serious, most serious, madame, lam
indeod anil, on the faith of a gentle
man, I beg you to believe it."
"What, sir I you propose marriage
rnoroly that you may not havo to give
up my apartments I"
"A little upon that account, madamo,
but still more becauso of a more over
powering reason- for among tho many
lonsiderations 1 havo had the honor o!
laying before you, there is ono I dare
not mention, but allow mo now to con
fess it I love you."
At thisavowa'l, Mndnnio do Y blushed
to tho eyes. Whut lady, young or old,
would not havo done bo, particularly
when tho avowal came from n young,
handsome and wealthy man? However,
sho took it in good part, and laughed
outright at her intjrlosutor ?
"You a ro laughing, madamo, and
however "
"Your folly piovokes my laughter,
.Monsieur lo Baron. 1 really cannot help
it." r
" Novel thclcas, madamo, lean assure
you 1 am lully master of my reason, ol
id least as much of it as lemaius, Biib
dui'il as it is by intoiisoiMBsioii "
"What, sir 1 iutoiibo passion
passion at first
siglit I"
"You forgot, madamo, that I have
been living throe long months in your
apartments, and that your portrait,
which I now seo is an adorable likeness,
is hanging up there in the next room.
It was tho first object thut caught mv
attention on entering, and I havo looked
at and admired it every day since. Nor
was I captivated by tho charms of yom
beauty alone, for I am well acquainted
with j our merit in every way your nuiiiv
uperior qualities and yourirreproaclm'
bio character. A man, however so little
ho may bo versed in womanly affair,
e.iniiot spend throe months in a ladvV
iputtment without noticing and studying
many things disclosing her habits, her
uinuv., uer leeungs. i jmvo been an
icute, and, perhaps, an indiscreet, ob
icrvor, madame : aud what I havo .lis
coMied has captivated my hoait toi
in or. That heart I offer yo'n again, and
humbly wait your answer to Know un
Thero was noliombast, no fanfaronade
in tho Huron's language, it was tho ie
solve of a man who had malo up hi'
muni, and was determined to succeed.
Hut tho more ho urged his suit, the les
ho advanced in it ; till at lust the widow
siguiltcil to nun, in iluo lorm and uu
niistakiiblo phraseology, that ho ninsi
instantly shift his ouur'tors thus givini
him his loae, and intimating- to him in
tho sumo time thut he must neer thitiV
of setting foot in her residence again.
" Very well, nuulaino I withdraw
and will not veturn till you invito me ti
do ko ;" tho answer to' which paitin;
winds was a i-aucy smile, aud a toss n
tho head which evidently meant, " Yoi
havo long to wait, .Monsieur Ie Baron
beforo receiving such an invitation,"
However, a tho end of a few days, tin
invitation was M-ut. aud tho H.iiou nr
rived just us the widow had completer
making hei self more charming than ever
" What huo been npprinM of, sir?
said Madamo do Y - - to him, ii lo
eated himself in an arm ohnir a l.i Vol
tuiro right opposito to li r. " Dunn;
my absence, . u brought my long
ponding lauMtit to an amicable urrangr
" Why, yes, madamo ; but you mils'
hi neither pleused nor displeased will
uu on that account, as I ucted oul v
my own interest."
'" How so, if youMileaso, Barou V"
"Tlio fact is, the lawei.s' clerks wu
.'ailing hero with their p.iporo cry d.i
and, owing to n ho,iy and juot'nicte.
-nut I ouco had mi self, 1 havo au nth.
hm'wiou to every 'limb of tho law,' n
our allies, Meieuni lch Anglais, huv.
t. Slicing acquainted with your plain
t.ll, who is a debtor of mine,' 1 m uio usi
if my uitlueuce over him, and coon gi
nm toforvgo his unfounded claim, an.
10 m.ule over to mo what lie called lo
ujhts. It in therefore an affair betwee
j d uu' I'1)' list i-Mircd, ina
1 1:
one, mat your delicacy and biiseepuu,
ity shall never havo to complain of m.
proceedings. Your lawsuit is forovi'
plashed, and that is nil I" Wliereo
Mm Biron looked the widow steadfast!
lilt respectfully in tho face, and gave in
'ui'tliT explanation.
Madame do Y was somewh it con
tused; but, in spito of hei'brif, bho wu
ontinua'.ly forced to think of her e.
tenant. Tn ovcrv l oom of hor apai tmi i
no had left ome souvenir of his sojoui
-lioetry, iin'iliug, tongs, music con
)o"cd by him-elf, thouglit'i and maxinif
tc, wn't'i; in Jut ullmms and bcraj
book. All thc-o gallant nttcutiuii
itemed most eliaimiug to In r, whil
tiny piqued her cuno-ity; nnd who
that lmpoitaiit part of the fetnnlo con-ti
tut on is awakened other bontiment
soon come iorlh and blossom.
Now it Jiupp 'lied that, the day afte
i lie Baron's invited visit, n poor woman
Me1 mother ntat.nnilj to whom Madam.
Ie Y w.isiu (he habit of giviiigotati i
,iei'uninry v. lief, rilled to tlunk her fo,
icr last inunincojii no nuiou, rtiiicn, a
aid, would kcip lur nnd lum fort-vii.
"You were nbient, my tco-gcneri.i
benefactrcs-i, but I had tuo honor i
meeting hero with y. ur huiband."
" My liurihHiul?" I'Mi-'ulatcil thowidov
"Ah, madame, what nu excellcn
vlmt a kind-heart il pcit'oman I A)
hi w well you me muted, tor you su
iach other admirably. Yep, inndnmo,
void liiui everything mid how kind, ho
I'rovidence-hke you were to me. 11
Mm to lovi) you very much, and ho
could that be otherwis"? 'Good won
an,' sny your lunlmnd to me, madam"
your beiiof.ictivrH is nbsuntfor the tim
icing ; but, beforo alio wont, sho lo'
ihis with me tor you, and thereon 1
out in mv" hands . i uu tot-hook eoat.d
rig bank noti s :i foituuo, madame.
vas loth toiieceptitatliist, but ho won'
iiavo me tuko it, although God know
you hao iilruidy done much for mo an
my poor fatherkhs children. Ah, de.i
'nadamo. how huppy j mi must bo wit
inch a JiiedjiiutLl But it is only th
just reward of jour ocell"'nt lioart an.
Christian vhtues. May tTcavcn blis
and preseivo jou both for years am
years to couirf."
"Strange, strange, passing strange I'
thought the widow. "Sottlemy tediou
lawsuit provide ior my poor widow nm
her children leave some trace of him
self oveiy where aioiiud me I But mc
aie such queer eliaracteis, such original
nowadays." Sho resolved, however, no
Id speak to tho Baron of his generous
conduct toward her proteges, fearful lest
she might betray her seuslbiltte at si
noble an action, iiut anotucr circuin
itanoe soon came to light, and caused
'he Baron to be invited, suddenly and
jorvously, to call a Becoud time. This
jircumslance was as follows: A young
coxcomb, Leopold de R; .imagining
ha had fallen in love with Madame de
r" . becauso. livinn in the house on-
iosite to hers, liejiail chanced now and
hen to see hor at the balcony bofore
nissing her all on a sudden at her de
riarlure from her apartment. Alter many
iluj s' anxioty lie determined upon writ
ing her a billet doux, informing her of
his love, aud stating that ho would call
that evening for an answer. Havi'ii,
written his note, ho wrapped it up in a
mull paper parcel and jerked it ovei
tho balcony into the window. It hap
pened that tlio Baron had just finished
tho second breakfast lie liud taken in
tho house, and was poring over th.
newspaper whou the parcel droppod iuti
tho room, no took it up, nnd, findinj
no superscription, ho opened it nnd rem
tlio following:
Charming neighbor, for weoks ami ww K
havo I admired you from my vvmilovv-ie.it op
lKite. O how 8Uioilatively happy shod! 1
uu vverv roil to do mu tho lienor of mlmittiu
mo to your prenenco, aud allowing mu in do
claro ill) Bell and crave pal don Tor la pu
sumption. At S this ev'eiuu, I nil! enl , :ii-
for aumitBiou hihI learn my late, liliita.
minutes will glulo uwuv like ytnis fiom li y lin
patient heart, l'aicnill till then, god liss i
my adoiation. i.n rem.
Ho came, and the door was opened ti
him by the Baron in propria uomi
" Is Madnmodo V at home? "
" She is not at homo for you."
"And piny, by what light doourc
fuse mo adimMim ? "
"Mothinks that right is very evident.'
"And you are hero in fur upuit
"Truo; but for the time being it it-
my own."
'Tho dialogue went nipidly on fron
cioss winds to a challenge; aud on tn
nrfirrow a duel took place in one of th.
coppice-woods of the Ujis de Bculojrlie
This tune, Madamo do Y had ov
ory loiiMin, she thought, for blimii.
tho Baron's conduct ; so another mvits
tion was sent to lum, which lie duly in
tended to.
"How is this, Monsieur le Baron?
mi id tho widow in tiemulous and n
prou'chful accents. "expose vour lit
with such a puppy a lifosous ul, s
pieciouslO, tiuly, I cannot but thuii
jyii moro foolish thiuiwise."
"1 confer., madamo, that t wa
wrong ; but 1 merely wanted to put th
voting puppy, as you justly call lum, n
lu's right place, and savo you forov.
from his iiuiHirtuuities. lie ser.itchc
me, but I guvohiningt'Utloswoiil-tliru'
vvhioh will provout lum from aimoyir.
Jim for some tune to come. Was tha
not a service wortli having:, my charm
ing landlady ?"
"Yosj but at such a price tlio rUi
of your lifo aud my reputation 1 Gru
cious Baron, what will my friends think
of mo after hitch iui affair ? V -i hsvi
compromised me. terribly byjourgeu
erous, jour noble, jour luaguauimou
couduct." "'lis true, verj-.true, dear lndv, am
I now iH'giu to mo I acted too rashlj
upon tho impuLso of tho moment';
and thut, in fuct, I one you a irp.ira
Miulumo do Y thought so liVe
wise. "Well, my dear Baron," sai.
she, profferiug her hand, "sinco it wa
to be, it must be, so let it be w r
friends. "
" And betrothed oues,.niv cluinucr,''
cried tho enamored Baron, foudly
p. ing to hu lips tho widow's ripe,
red lips, "Aud tho mariiage-dayV
" Oil, dear mo I Men Dieu, what a
man I In a month hence." And the
compact was sealed.
M. Javfo, saya that tho (atiKiio osiw
rieuoivlliy tlieijp (niia rv-uiliug with
urtilloial light is iluo mtuv tn )... wnl
o( lijjht than to its oicvm. Ewa in n
ver.v li.iKlnl.v-tlIuiuuwtiHl mom the iu
His uiv iiuii'ii luuru iiiitiUM (liiui hvilill.
iulit, uiul this illinium iiuxIikks (d'tiKU
Agrarian State of Italy.
T! e airrarian state of Italy is such as to
cause tho gravest anxiety to Italian states
men. Tho corn trade, once so prosperous.has
come to an end. The ships which enter the
Italian harhois can get no return freight. The
misciy of the people is terrible and in conse
quence the average length of human life is 8
j ears less than m Trance, and 10 less than in
Norway. The pellagra, a horrible disease
which causes insanity and death, and is pro
puccd by the habitual consumption of dam
aged corn, has incicatcd of late years to an
appalliii!,' extent. In the year 1SS0 there
were 20,000 peasants suffering from it in Lom
bard, and tlieie were double that number in
1S7S. Jacini gins an account of tho life,
food, and habitation of the peasants of North
em Italy, which could not be sm passed by
the most sensational description of a cabin in
the West of Iieland. Villari tells a similar
tale. Iliavy taxatitn h also contributing to
rum the agriculturist. In the Commune of
the Grotto h. Stefono, in the District of Vit
erl.o, thcic were 10 little properties sold upon
the lSth of October last, and I have been as
suicd that in the course of last yiar thero
have been as many as 2,000 in the Province of
Home alone. Under these ciicumstances it is
not vvoudtiful that emigration fiom Italy
should have assumed considerable proportions.
In the jcar IS07 there were 12.C00 emigrants;
1SCS, 30,000; 1870, -tO.OOO; 1873, 76,000;
1S70, 10S.771; 1877, and during first half of
1S7S, KiO.OOS. The Fortmijhtlj Jlerltir.
O.m. of tlio advantages of keeping sheep is-l
that qualities of lands and crops can be utihV
cd by them, w liicli otherwise would be com.
narativcly profitless. While they are among
the most profitable stock, they actually im
prove the soil, so that more grass and more
monev aie realized with less labor. A writer
ri inai ks, a pound of mutton can be raised as
cheap as a pound of beef or pork, and is vvor. h
equally as much in the market, and the wool
is extra profit. Use thorcughhied males of
any of tho popular breeds, anil in a few years
vour sheep will be a souice of pride as well as
profit. Tej-ux Wool,
Another Oregon Triumph !
Solf Pxeseivation is tbc First
of Nature.
The Stoiuicli U tliu firtt oran j:iiicnil1 to cause
tumble No ircditino um t'ir prcparttl bitter calui
Lit nl toiKnse tlioMoniiili, lorrtit luiititj, iktroy the
ful nfcc, iilliy tiitUniiujtlon anj eoittd scirition
ami assist the btuimuh in tU dli-btlou tlun
nit. iii:mi:is
Blood and Liver Regulator.
At tlie banu1 time it starts tlio Lter to woiking wluii
all other truublca t-oon dij-arjieur, A fen ilobts will
pioe Its wonOerful adaptability to a di-t.iMd b.Um.
.ntyc uuijuui ui iite .xininian pu pie art to u.ij
mating out a liiNiriibltMtiiil iinsatlfj(tt r life, from
the tflnts of loutmutd oer loading uf tlie btonmch,
and liabitutillv piling in liidictbUhli food and tuutini;
Isptpsu, I.iet Dwmplaint or Indij,ehtioii, and in fatt
alinobt etr dbeai-u surrounding us to-da f brought
on i iii-iaiiiii Moiuiuii hihi mtr.
lr. lltnttj, who iswell knownas the author of the
leltbratid Kidney Tea, Khiumatie Cure, Iandcllon
Tonle, and Couh irots(, has just pirfnUd this
lnaluable renud
For Sale Everywhere
W1IOI.F.SAI.K AdlN-ft.
Corbett's Fire Proof Stable
J ami TjilortmeU, lorthiul, Orcir. IIhuoiihU
ilunri' rartuiiliratuntioii nl.l to luuiiUiiirhonn
lliuk In rtlti'luluito nt all tluhwalullMlt)i, tliv line
night l oiiii. fit In slITilrplione CoiniunlM. Tici
juuicino lo lortbml liiquiri' (or "fori ttt's Ilnil.il."
M'10 WllOll.Mtll & .MAUOO.N,l'rO)i'
iMii-ajwi vm uuiv-uuuifr hhku
Albany, Oregon.
Pleasant Valley Stock Farm.
AVI l U V 1 II It I E ,
llrvrder of lrf llred Shet'iv
Z1l mxk are uiioriuM inoi i lute no a iicturu
ortment ol lum for ile IhAii aii 1'niloui )ear, ili;
CTtioe u ho nuke enrl apiiluition nlll jpet tho
flrt t'hoKv. M firm U .itiutnl four lullm aoulh of
IVULu. All tixl UI I ilt-lh trnl to the nou-ni Ui ut
fr of charve JunSlSui
Farm For Sali't'ltcap.
Uild, beautiful!)
sltlUUxl on llaaell l'ralritf.
Marlon CVuutt. Orcirou. lio a.rt In hlch stau ol rul
Uration,Urvorcharlirie house and barn; all under;
fence, jxxl aril lor MoA. It it mil from Ch.urvh
aiut mile from tvhool, and 11 uules froui NIeui ami
rial) i uid.v from a tli.oc ou the l and C K It, and I
from a diivt on the Hue vt (lie Narrow Kau.rr luilrxul
tire pUv t:i ! iM Kith or oitho-.it the
Tirms vuay
IVr furtiier turtlcuUra
On the firm
23, 1881.
Loss of appetlte.Uausoa.bowels costive.
Pain in theHend.with a dull Bensation in
the back part, fain under the shoulder
Elade. fullnessalter eating, with a disin
clination to exertion oTbody or mind,
Irritability of temper, Low spirits. Iioss
of memory, with a feeling of haying neg
lected jornediitXWearrness, CTzzinessJ
Fluttering oftKeHeartrBotTbefore tha
eyes. Yellow rjkin, Headache, Restless
ness at night, highly colored Urine.
TTJTT'S FILLS arc especially adapted to
such cases, one dose ell'ects suchnchange
of feeling ns to astonish the sufferer.
They Incnnw the Appetite, and cause tha
body to Take on Vloah. thus tlie system Is
nonri.nea.ana ay int-ir lomoifiioBuu ma
jjlvecilTe trrsans, iteiruior auo ik j
Jf.V. duced. Irlce 2& ce
Murray St.,
OravITair or Whiskers changed to a Glossy
Hlack by a single application of thh Dvk. It
I m parti a natural color, acts Instantaneously,
bold by Druggists, or sent by express en receipt of $1
Office. 30 Murray St., New York.
(Dr. TITTS JfAirif, of TalaftbU iKforatlloM J k
iMfal BrcelpU will b nUI4 I BEE ppllcaUa.
J. B. KNAPP & CO.,
Commission Merchants
2;: First SI reel, 1'orllaml. Oregon.
KeccUeand sell tho product of the farm on com
mission, purchase and forward goods and farm imple
ments on the most reasonable tirms.
We hae made special and extensie preparations for
handling tlio products of the dairy to which weimite
the attention and Inspection of all daimiien In Oreiron
and Washington, ttcwill receive and pack our sur
plus butter In the most superior manner for 'less than
It will cost jou at home; and store it for fcix months or
longer without extra charge for storage. &end us jour
butter sweet and sound, fresh from the churn and we
i ill guarantee to rack it in such a manner as to deliver
it months htnee In equal! as good condition as vre
receive It,
Recognizing the principle that Fidelity to trust Is th
true measure and merit of success, I respectfully so
licit your patronage.
All orders acconiDanled with ihp wmh will Via nromnt.
ly tilled and forwarded at lowest market rates.
itiveus a call when jou come to town.
Send us your orders and sav e jour time and traveling
expenses, for we can buy cheaper than voucan.
m making orders specify particularly the kind and
quality desired, and keep a duplicate, that you may be
able to determine whether nur directions rArritU
followed in case jou aro disappointed in quality oi
oiuerwisc. a, u. HaAIT il t M
. O. box 4S4,
And kindred diseases proceeding from a disordered
Liver are completelv, and speedily
remedied bj using
Noted for the purity of Its constituents, the thorough
ness of its clfccts, and as a speiific from which rtliet is
never sought In vain. Promoting a duo secretion of
bile it never fads to relieve tho bow pis niitumlU. nmi
without griping. It restores vigorous digestion and im
proves the general tone of the whole sjhtcm. The
healthy action of the hidnevs, as well as of thcllowels
and btomath, is interrupted when the Liver getsout
oj onier, ami w lien we consiucr tne many maladies
tnccablc to a derangement of tho hepatic oran, the
value of a remed which causes it to perform Its func
tions with healthful activity is minifct. Evtrj sjmp
toni of di-ordered Livei i ituiuved !
Dr. Wood's Uver Regulator,
Whkh rehires all pilii in the rfRion of the orgiM at
feittil, an.l tn.ihles the ttonmcli to ntsiiuilatotliu food,
thus iM.ihlihin;.' a regular liahlt of lmjj ami oiircom-in-
the ninoiiMices, Kincral ilel.iliti ami sick htadaiho
hkh are almost imari.ibli concomiunts of Chronic
tstFor Sale Every whero'fft
ForConsniupdon, Astlimn, Bronchitis,
Catarrh. DvHiicpsln, Ilpmlachc, Uebil
Ity. Neurnlula, llliouiiinllNiii, nuil nil
(.ItronlcinuilAlerTuiiH IllNnrdfrs. Pack
v may n f'oiirnliiliy Hi'nt Dy cx
nrcaa, ready for llimiidliitu use at liume.
Send for freo trciitlNO on tho Oxtgeu
lifiitniont. AddrefiM tho proprietors,
llOO, 1111 tllrartlHlreet, Phlln., Va.,
or II. K. MATIIKW S. I'nelflc llpiunllArv.
UOO Moutconioryht,(Miu Francisco. CaL
A Xevv, Improved Warehouse
luat Clcamr-aml shall apply for patent on the
wine- b) liu-.un of hlch, ll.in.- u tuction as w ell as
n Most, all
Dirt is Taken Out of Groin Before
it Reaches tho Riddles,
Therth) lncruliir tho capacity of the mill and Insur
ing a better and cltaucr operation.
I OUAKAXTEK Uiii machine to do a food, or
better work, than any In tho market.
I hue stck on hand of both Urge an.l small Fana
and can fill orders from farmers, warehouMluen or
mltlen at short notice.
TUc Hundred or t'u ibnl I hae lum.
rd out ilurlan the Past till: llLIRS, (ipenk
ror Thrmsrlira.
Juntltmj balem. Orejon.
Cure nerytorm of the habit padloallv, painlessly
reliably. Pleasant U UVe, neier falling, cheap as the
dniir, while it restores the opIuui-poUoncJ to pristine
health and iLror. lloves 1 and S each, free b) mall
jvii imi. v. fiti, oeiiu siauip ior circular.
JunKmJ F. S. MiltlVtHHi,
"7 Van liurren St, Chicago, I1L
1. J. M.1LAKKEY A' CO.,
Commission Merchants,
Flour, Feed, Provisions and
Staple (ai-m-i-rles.
further their InteresU by corrwpondinj hh ni
Utters .1 Inoulrj promptlr an ertJ. ek.h prlc
current mailed free on application.
iiui, irrc etc
K, uU It I ronl . foiiUml oSn.
X .SAFK nnd KIl'MIUVT t'oinponiiil buioil
SflKNTIl'IO I'ltlXUI'I.KS, mid lfarrnnled
IVrc rrom lnjurloiia cITeelt upon the
Wool nnd Sheep, nnd t'oiulenacd
form cnslliiK llllle for freight
un pun or tc-MHci cii.ii.ne 01 iiuiuiiij; auoui live
fillons, a coal on can witn top cut out mil answer; fill
nearly Mltn water anu ano 10 suuiu oicr ruglit. if
not then comr.li.ttly disohed apply hiat, ami when so.
lutiori is complete, add it to 95 Ralions of tepid water
contained in tho proper receptacle for dipping tho shocp
Utishorne slit'fit nfttr their runov ui :roni tlio hath should
hao tho liquid pressed from tho wool and tho UqulC
returned to the receptacle, and in order to insure the
destruction of the puiasitc, they should receive another
Lath n about tuo neck.
IS. II, Let the bath be warm and Mold exposures
c&ld after it.
Read tho follow injj:
UERRT, rOlK UO.( &CPC. 15, 1879,
Messrs. Ilode, DaU & Co.: IIalng tibed tho reme
dy that jou sent mo last Spring" for scab among my
sheep, 1 muedelajcd jrh inffj ou results until the pre
cnt time, as I desired to allow suf Helen t time to elapse
so as to be certain that the disease was thouroughly
cuied. I dipped my sheep twice after shearing, at in
tenals of 15 dajs, and hate examined the flock carefully
at least once a week sinco tho List dipping, but have
disco cred no remains of the disease. J do not hesitate
to recommend jour preparation as a complete and cer
tain rcmedj for scab among sheep.
J. W. Nesmitu
Put up In air-t'ght cans, holding" set en pounds each
and eterycan, when used uccordJngto directions, w 11
dip 100 sheep.
Hodge, Davis & Co., Portland.
miioixsalk iitr;;isTH.
King of the Blood
s not b "cure-all;" It is a blood purifier and tonic,
m purity of blood DOlsons the STstem. (.Aranimi
VsSO Al4tlllatjS M. lHaAT fl D ..
known by different names to distinguish them ac
cording lo effects, but being really branches or
phases of that great generio disorder. Imparity
of Blood. Such aro Dyipeptia, IMIowmtit.IAver
Complaint, Constipation, A'erroua XHsordera, Stad
acAe, Backache, General Weakntm, Heart DUeate.
projay. Kidney DUeatt, POet, Ithcumatism, Co,
larrA. Scrofula. Sktn Dttordert, Pimpla, Uieert,
Swellings, ro.,d. Kins of the Blood prevents
and cures these by attacking the cause. Impurity
',J.h8 Wood. Chemists amT physicians agree la
calling It "the most genuine and efficient prepa
ration forthepuipose.'' Sold by Druggists. i per
bottle. See testimonials, directions, Ac., In pam
pnlet, ''Treatise on Diseases of the Blood."
wrapped around each bottle.
D. RANaOH, BON A CO.. ProDS.. Buffalo. If. T.
Most Patents, Premiums.'
Dursblo. 50,000 New and Sscoml
hand l'ianoa, aso to IIHOO. In-,
stalmbvt ok To Rut, Josrnal
Free. S300 organs, 173.
Agnti Wutil
Cor. Market and Powell, S. F, Cak'
ai A'msBlav'
Cores Dyspepsia, Nervous Affec
tions, General Debility, Fever and
Ague, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea,
Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com
plaints, Liver Complaint, Eemittent
Fever, and all diseases originating
in a bad State of the Blood, or
accompanied by Debility or a low
State of the System,
Incorporated 1804.
Home Mutual Insurance Co
LossesPaid Ogn'eS$lG2,3G3.29
Oregon Branch Ollice,
GEO. L. STORY, Malinger
Southeast corner of First and Stark Strcet9,
Opposito Lad.l & Tilton's Bank,
manner both the abee named branches of busi
ness. Haling accumulated a large assortment ol
ire can do work for Stock -grovi era and Fruit Cultut
IStS In a better Stle aiitl at cheaner rar... than nw
other tn the State. Hating a
Can bind Munzlnei. Uuilc ti . .n flit UHt.-!
andttlouet iKlnj nce. tS BLANK HOOKS lor
ever Und of uslnes made to order. auST
Salem Marble and Granite
Commsrclal St., South of Port Office.
(PostOifice Box S3, Salim, Oreson.)1
Scotch and California Oran.lU
and Marble monumenu, Head Stones
Enclosed lth California Granite and
Stone Walls built of er descrlftlcn
I'rlrc IlnlurrU One . Ilalf.
Make from m to tiu per ccU stUins roods for
E.O.KU1 WUT 1 CO.. 1' UarcUr-rrrP;.???!. '"
&lhl fair thlr iVatilrt -11- .n.f .,.
6ud (or IbHt CUUloufl and term.