WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 23, 1881. THE ARID LANDS COMMISSION. Hon T. C. Jones ami Hon. II. W. Furnas, of Nebraska, who, with l'rof. Hilginl, of the State University, constitute the coinmision appointed to report on the condition and pros pects foi 'agiicultural progress on what are known as the arid lands of the Cnitcd .State?, arrived in San Francisco, September Ith. A meeting of the commission for consultation was held on Mondaj, and a plan of operations was partly agreed upon. J"ho commission finds itself cmhariassc 1 somewhat by the pros pect ol an Indian war in Aiuonu, and until the southtastcrnly lionon assumes a moro peaceful aspect they will not xenture in that direction. We understand that the commis sion was advised by telegraph fiom Washing ton on Monday, that they had bettei devote the immediate future to a study of California, and if there should be war below, it is pos sible that Nevada and eastern Oregon, and Washington Territory will be investigated before any movement is mado in the direction of Arizona and New Mexico. It has transpired that tho first schedule of instructions to tho commission considered chiefly tho study of the southeast country with a view of determining its adaptability to tho growth of tho vine as already existing in California, ami a consideration of its live stock interests, and the chaneo for its improv c ment and extension. It is now probable that tho commission will take a widei view of the field. It is iii:te ccilnin that such was in tended by thoo who seemed tho passage of the arid land act in Congress, 'llic chief idea in tho proposed investigation was to securo a report upon tho condition and piospictsof agiiciiltuiu thioughout tho whole Pacific coast eonntij, and ns tho repoit is to bo the woik of ltcognied ('lutein experts, guided mid aided by a well known local authority, tin ii coin buttons would havo mote weigh in thogieat I'istcrii countiy than any iipoit which I'mauatul wholly fiom thoso whoso in teiestsaio identified with tho region under eonsidciatioii. It is altogethci likely that broad Inquiry contemplated by the piomoteis of tho act will be sanctioned b the Commis sioner of Agricultuie, in whose charge the investigation was pi iced. Tho Commission proposes fit st to consider the agiicultiiro of California, and they come at an appoitunc time to view tho irsults of somo of our pioducing specialties, as tho agri cultural fiiu aio now beginning. Wo under stand that Judge .Tones and cvGov. Furnas will stait at onco for Los Angeles to attend tho Horticultural fair in progress at that pheo this week. 'I hey may then examine) counties adjacent to l,os Angeles as timu permits them, until tho opening of tho .State fair at Saciamento, Septeinbei 10th, Aftci that othor directions of observation and investiga tion will bu taken up as seems host at tho tune. As l'rof. Ililgird is occupied with his Univer sity duties, anil is illicitly well acquainted with agn'eiiltvial allaiis ill this.State ho will not accompany his associitis, but will liitius them to public spirited citicns of thoStito whom no doubt not will secure them every oppoituuity for Hieing. Missis. Jems and Fiimasaiu will trained ohsiivus and tliej havo come heio not foi a jaunt, but fin a close utility of conditions, achieve incuts and nppoi tunities foi pioguss 'Hun work will no doubt lednund to the hi nt lit of nut western 1 inds in mini vvajs, By the w.ij of intiodiumg the imnibirs of the ComuiisMou to om u.idtis whom they nay miet in Iheditlcient legions of tho coist, wo ma) itmark that wo lino long known lion. It. W, I'uiuas as pioimutnt in the pio grcssno inoveiuiuts lookiui' to ngueultuial advaiict'iiieut, not onlj in his uvvu State, hut lie) olid Ho Ins a wide ai'ipi ilntaute with piactical iiiltuiis of vanous kinds, and will ho well able toappitiitto tho aihioviumits which he ma) find hue, and the pttuliartoii ititioiia iiiittt'i whith the) have bttnsituied lie will also bring a tiaiutd obsnv.itioii to the detection of the iidiptahihtns of om touiiti), audtofoini.a tiustvvoith) and businesslike judgment ooutiining timu, and this is just the kind of judgment which will hem lit us most. Judge Jones, of Ohio, is letogmtd as a leading authm it) on the live stock inUustof the tountiy. Ho lias done inoit ettllout tciilco a a cnutrihutnl to the Xulioiml iiv .xfih. Join mil, and as a high ollner m the Auieiieaii Shoit Huiu llivcMiis asociitiou. Ho has litely luturuel fioiu a pmlongod ox uiiiiuatiou of tattle ud cattle binding of Client lliit.un, uiidtitakiii in the intrust of American pivgress in this grt.vt industi). Judge Jones aUo pivmintut in othti public endeavor ami eutiipiius, and is nt pitsint Olio of the Hoard of Tuuliies of the Ohio Agricultural college, futiudtd uiidci tho Mornl act. 'ne(iV lural 'ren t after Wheateverv How. tear. 37 14 42 11 17 17 21 (4 :is 20 2.". J (8 34 18 based upon eroncous principles. Soils expos ed to constant stirring and aeration were said to aborb fertility from tho atmosphere. That considerable amounts of nitric acid arc pro duced where land is fallowed is tolerably cer tain, but it is not easy to explain the large re duction in tho yield, of the plot under exper iment, except upon the assumption that tho nitric acid proceeds from nitrogen already stored up in the soil in an organic form, as in farmyard manure or in commcrrial fertilisers. It will hoof interest in this connection to re Mew the experiments of Lawes and Gilbert, uijxn wlncli tho above conclusion were based- m is.il, one acre oi lanu was laiiowcu in mo ordinary manner, and after receiving several plowings during the Summer, was sown with wheat during the autumn of the same ) car. In 18ii3, there was, of course, no crop, but the disadvantage of having a crop of wheat on alternate years alone, was so obvious, that iu 18l4-"i the land under experiment was divided into two half acres, and has so re mained over since. Tho wheat grown in IMS') was thus necessarily wheat after wheat with out a summer-fallow. The following table gives the produce of the first seven crops, and also that of the land growing continuously uninanuicd whe.it crops: 18.V2 1 8T1 1855 1850 1857 1858 18.7) In 185", when "the experimental plot under fallow was divided into two equal portions, and tho wheat followed the wheat of the pre vious jtai, it will bo seen that the two crops were alike. 'I ho fiist eiop of wheat aftei fallow is con siderably moio than twice as much as the wheat following wheat without a fdlovv; tho sicoiul ciop is exictly twice as much, but aftu that, the diflurcncc is less than twice as much, ami fium 185U to tho picscut time the fallow and tho permanently unmanuied frop have appmximatid nearer and ncarci to cich othti, until it has become a somewhat difllcult question to deci e which of thotwociops now glowing will yield tho hrgei pioducc. 'I his would indicate that there will cornea timu when tho "baic-fallovv " will not be able to lift the )ild above that of land on which wheat is grown) ear aftei ) car, and this of couise would be equivalent to tho loss of ever) othci jcar to tho glower, without counting the cost of the work on the fallow. Will Cihforni i cxpeneneo lead to a similar conclusion under om conditions? 'J his is the question w hich should be borne in mind and the )ield of fallen and wheat-over) -year land should bo constantly compared and tho icsult iccorded so that thcro may bo data for somo futuio conclusions. Of couise tho conserva tion of moisture in a fallow for a subsequent ciop (a consideration of gieat vvoith in Cali fornia) docs not hold in tho English experi ence wo havo desciibed. Tho mattei must be studied under local conditions and wo merely mention it as worthy of such study. I'aafie tin nl I'n ii. A Comparison THE FUTURE OF THE FALLOW Our wheat glowers in the great xallcishavv for tho most part decided upoh tho gieat ad vantage iusuiuiiicr-fallovving, and the piactuc is oovenug larger areas evt'iy )cr How long will this method of handling wheat Itud jiclil satlsfaitoiy itwulU is a question of no little impoitaui-e. "lluio i, of rotate , iitistrusof oipirnninU nuulo in om condition which i )tt old enough to give data for determining this point, and it u epei unci under our con ditiou which must linall) kettle the quwtioii. It i well tnoiigh to Wt in mind, hovveui, that careful experiment elsciv.-uio show that hud tires of this treatiiH it t as it docs of an) other treatment whielt doe not latum to it noine equivalent of value itctived Vhu oxpeiiiuent of Lum and (Illicit, the will known Knglisli experimental farmerv, whoe tual eroj lum bet n grow n on tho same Ian J foi about HO xexjm, tent to show thai the k) tenia of farming advocated bx Jethro Tull and tho llev .Saiuii I Smith, vtrro A f.iiniet, not more than ten mihs fiom our gioiiuds,tuins u) his noso at "flint growing," andsa)s "it's small business," ami "haul on hoists and wagons." Let us sco about this "small business." e have about tho same amount of hud which this f inner possessts. He uuplo)s on an avu.igo thiough tho entne )cu one uniiiuiicd milt and one gnl, thus giving mi ins foi Mippott to lno persons, be sides his own family. Wo emplo) on an uv ti nge twelve men, heads of families, and as many moro single men and women, fm moat tight months, in fact, the nvn ige number that we give iiitploxmcnt to, including piokns, fiom Apiil 1st to Dttombei 1st, u thnt)-five tofoity pirsons, thus giving nu ins for sup. pint to at bust set cut -live to one bundled ptrsons, hi Miles our own famil). lie pi)sto htlp, s.i) S 100 ptr)cai. Wo pi) at hast SlI.OOO ptr )t.u. Ho sills from his film, si) .'00 toSl.WX) yeaily, gross We 15,000 to $18,000 (which includes om phut ti itle ) He plows, hariows, soivs, trips, diavvs into the bun, thitshts, clians and draws to nur kit the piodutt of nu aire, si) an avn.ige of liftttu bushels of vvhi.it, foi which he obtains gloss, wi) JJO Wo plow, hai vest, plant, cul tivate, hoe, .ithir and mil kit fi om an acrti an ,iv t i.igo of lift) bushel of fruit, for w Inch we obtain gross, s.i) SI50, Ra)iug nothing of the pi nits sold fiom same Ho uid his lulii fiom five o'tloch in the morning till dark; oui htlp work, 7-00 v. xi. to tl (HI i xi. Ho tus, lifts and svvtats. We don't. "Mil ill btisi nets," isn't it, UMilei' llie Fiutt 1,'nviil or native stock, does he not lose mone) every year he continues in the business of raising the latter? or, in other words, does he not lose $5 apiece for c ery one of the latter he raises? Then docs it not actually cost more to raise a poor animal than a good one ? We are aware that it is not in this sense in which tho statement is generally made. The general proposition means that a good animal con sumes no more than a poor one. Even in this sense the statements conveys only a part of tho whole truth. What farmer docs not know as a rule that their best animals con sume the least actual food and give a greater return for the amount consumed? We have often heard fanners in speaking of this or that horse say he will do more work on the least food of any animal they ever owned. This is the quality that makes the animal tho best. So the cow that giv ea the most good, rich, butter making milk from a certain amount and quality of food is the best. Now the best way for each farmer to pet into rais ing the best stock is by selection. If a farmer has half a dozen cows, for instance, and by actual experience in milking and raising calves ho has found that three of the lot make more butter and raise better calves than the other three, he should make it a point to build up or increase his herd from the three best cows, and thus in a few years he will have, if his business be m the dairy line, a herd of cows equal or supctior to the original three cows he had prov cd to be good. The male animal is, howcv er, a more important factor in raising stock good or bad, than tho female. A dozen cows will ordinarily raise but a dozen calves in a) car, while this dozen calves ma) be all the get of ono male and so of an inci cased number, 'lhe cow may be the inothci of but one calf in a year, w hile tho bull may he the sue of fifty. It is then fifty times more im portant that tho stock raiser who Ins fifty cows should secure a good malo than that he should secure . i good animal in any one cow . In other winds, it is of much importance, so fai ns the character of tho progeny is contei li ed, that the one malo no first rate as that tho whole fifty females bo of that diss. In tho abuve suggestions we haw made no lefciencc to bleeds; the suggestions apply equally to ill breeds. Hut our own experience and ob servations are de;idcdly in support of tho proposition that in stock raising of all kinds blood will tell. If the object be to raise stock for beef, then by all means secure the Shorthorns or tho Herefords, of if the location bo in a mountainous or hilly countr), the Devons. If the object bo to make butter, then select the Jerseys or vAlderncys, or a cross of theso w ith the best milking families of Shorthorns or native stock. If the olijoct bo to make cheeso or to furnish milk for a route in a town or city, then select A) isliue or Holsteins. The Jersoys give the richest milk, while the A) rshires givo more of it. The foimci will bo most profitable in a butter dairy, and the latter iu a milking dairy. Sua iwieiilo l'c oi - Union. happens when the wax is compounded with innocent materials. 1 alwa) s prefer making my own grafting wax to buying it. as I know it to be of the best materials, and after a good many years' experience I have settled down upon the following composition as combining all the necessary qualities of a good grafting wax i Take of linseed oil one pint, clear resin six pounds, pure beeswax one pound; melt to gether slowly, so as not to burn, and stir thoroughly together; pour into a pail of cold water, and xvhen cool enough, work white, like molasses candy. Make up ipto rolls six inch es long, and lay upon a beam in a cool cellar. It will keep there perfectly good for many jears. When taken out into the garden in a mild day it will soon bo soft enough to handle easily. If the hands are rubbed with linseed oil, the wax will .not be troublesome to them. "A, S," in Xtw Emjland farmer. Fleeces Midsummer Bee Management STOCK RAI3INQ A a mlis nil fanners ato stock laiseis It is true time, tspcoiall) in this State, too many exceptions to the rule, but tho excep tions often illustrate the eouootness of tho rule, and we think the) do in this case. Scarcely n fanner iu the State that can bring things about to suit lum that dots not intend to woik gradual I) iuto tho practice of raiting moro stock. This fact of itself is a general admission of the piopcwitiou tint this State furnishes too minx exceptions to tho rulowe hid down at first, Hut it was not tho gen eral proHition we proposed to discus. H ln Ikm ii said tint it costs no inure to raise good stock than pool stotk This is not mil) tuie, but it half hl.tjes tho truth It costs Itta to I xise gothl stot k than it docs poor stock. Xot only this, but wo aro pit pared to m fiirthei Out it Is a loeing busim s to an) far mi r to raise poor stock. If, foi instance, a iK.au oau dear ten dellars an acre on his land iu ruuing-eoru, and van char old) five dolhrs an aero in raising bailey, is it nut a loiug bninr to nuse larlej? IHvo not the farmer Itvsojust live dollars per acre bj continuing tho kirlc) raising .Vow upon the same rtMnniiugif a farmer can clear 610 a piece in raisin,; ten .lere) cows, and can clear but $5 The Jlimil Arf ic Yoiker coutafhs the follow ing article on Summer management: In caso of scanty pasturage for bees at this season of the jtar, there is great necessity of prov iding them food in tho lux c. Tho follow - ing should be dono regularly after sunset, and as the) aio moio liable to bo vicious when the fields fail tosupply them with honey, the bees should bu'smoked suthcicntl) to keep them quiet; and then, as alwavs, thoy should be distill bed as little as possible Tho practice of feeding, either in Spiuig before flow era bloom or in tho Summer intervals during tho absenco of thu best bout)-pioducing llowers, is i vviso one, as it kttps tho btesin good con dition foi tho woik hcfoio the iu. Cheap hon es is ucoiuincnded by somo asa good food, but "A"sugu leduccd to the consistency of hone) , is quite as good. '1 hire is little to bo said in favoi of feeding iiripo sugar and gluc ose, Hone) winch is re moved from the hive in hot iveatliei is apt to lw inhabited by the moth worm, which hatches fiom tho eggs deposited lnonowa) or anolhti by tho bee moth. Just how, oi whtn, this is done is not known, but it is not at all unlikely that the moth finds hei w.i) into the hive and there h)s hi i i ggs, though some sa) sho deposits them on thu bottom builds of the hive and thin the) aiotariie.l inside b) adhciing to tho fett and legs of tho hi es f honey taken out is to bo kept in boxts during the Summer, it should be closely watchtd iu 1 at the first appiaitncoof a tine whitish powder on the tombs, it should lie removed by fumigating with sulphur. It is vi 11 to smoke combs from which homy is extracttd. It is im portant to keep the light colored hasswooj or clover honey separate from the dark-colored such as buckwheat hone). The apiarist who cxpicts to get good pnets for his honey will lie cartful not to let thtco two kinds go to market in tho samo box. White honey, though it bo but soiled with dark, will not command a good price, howtvtr, nice buckwheat lion- e), though not commanding as hrga price, is ) et a soiireo of much profit, inasmuch, in some sections, a good suppl) ohtaimd after tho white honey plants have filled. The hixes should 1k protected from the intense heat of the sun during tho heated ttrm, though early and lato m tho season it is issmtul that the hives bo exposed to the u.iuiir.ivs of tho sun. August is a good month for luliatiuiug. as the queens iau 1k obtained quite rcasonaldy then, and good Italian workers will bo ready for the next season Kv'tr) cilort should uow bo made to build up the eolomes with young bets, even if feeding is ivquind. Colonies well pivpansl will stand the WmUr. To be perfect fleeces ought to have two good qualities. They must bo fine and soft both. Also they should be regular, having each staple of the same quality throughout. The sheep known as the Merino and the An gola reach this standard the most frequently, the fleeces of Saxony keeping fairly abreast of them; while irregular fleeces are occuring con stantly among the ordinary flocks of Spain and Portugal and Italy, in which there will be found an intci mixture of long coarse hair, of thick opaque hair, that makes dealers look shyly upon the wool, as not being "true grow n." These incriminating hairs are called "kemps,"and "kemps" are liable to appear in any of the fleeces of Kngland and Wales when the sheep have been exposed to the inclemen cies, and tin lr food has been consequently too scanty and too fitfully obtained. For regular ity, or evenness of staple, wether wool ranks much higher than ew e w ool or any other. It shows scarcely any difference in it, in its thickness closo to tho skin and at the far point. To stimulate softness there has been a practice of snieanm; sheep with tar and but ter among foreign dealers, and the compound xery fairly imitates "yolk," or the grease abounding in fleeces naturally, and found in excess in the fleeces of the Merino. In nil fleeces this "yolk" represents about 25 per cent, of weight. Iu the Merino fleeces it lep rcsents nearly 50 per cent. After cleansing it is gone; and it is of paramount importance that it should he gone. Flock growers like it to be present, liecause, during their short ownership, it keeps tho fleeces sound and lets no harshness bo detectel. Fleece buyers get rid of it at their quickest, because, after eight or nine weeks of packing, fermentation, which they call "sweating," ensues. This sweating makes the wool hard and brittle; in the inner part of the packs it even gets xv arm, sponta neous combustion has again and again result ed, ami oolcn factory hav o been lev eled by it to the ground. When flock growtrs desire to consult the interests of fleece buyers they will sco that as much as possible of this yolk is re moved. The Spaniards try for this after shearing, when they give the fleeces a good wash. Saxon growers wash the sheep them selves before the scissors are set to work. 1 hey hav e tubs ot w arm water and soap lees, into which the animals have their first dip; then tubs of clean w ater are ready for extra purification. Tho English, as is familiar wash beforo clipping also, hut they only use clean water, and they squeeze this out, when the sheep aio removed from it, with the hand. All the Year Hound, dertaking for any fanner in the Connecticut valley, and xve are glad that Mr. Wilkinson has dared to do it. If he succeeds, he w ill have ensilage to sell, unless he keeps more stock than any other farmer in Massachusetts. Some one has intimated that none but Hoi stein cattle can appreciate "saur krout," Foitunately, if Dutch cattle are needed to teach other cattle the language or diet of Hoi land, they can be had. Larger importations of this breed have been made this Summer than ever before. One firm in New York have recently received 127 head. We suspect that the proprietor of the Wilkinson farm has had ane)e on Holland, ex ersinco he began to plan his dairy barn, and that ho expects to "beat tho Dutch" in the city of tho big dam. Mill; will probably be an important element in tho future growth and greatness of that city. We forgot to say that the massive walls of the silos are to. be plastered with cemtuit, and that the followers used in pressing will hax e rubber weather strips on their edges to ex clude the air. Every precaution will be taken that ingenuity can devise to make the door way air-tight. The foreman assured us that he had 52 names on his time book last w eek, exclusive of the masons. The crops on this farm, particularly tho corn, are show ing the effect of high manuring, and they xvill will be likely to show it for years to come. No other farm w ithin our ob servation has had such manurial resources, or has such mighty heaps for future greatness laid up in store. The rye crop, which is to be the first used for the silos, xvill be heax lly manured and sown the last of September, and next June when it is harvested xvill doubtltss be worth seeing. Tne Great Crater of Kllauea. Ague mixture Chills and FeVBr are permanently cured by Dr. Jayne's Ague Mix ture. With a little care on the part of the patient to avoid exposure, and the occasional use of Jayne's Sana tive Piixs,thls remody xvill bo found to be certain In its operation, and rad ical in its efforts. In many section! of tho country subject tp Ague nnc other malarial diseases, it has an os . tablished character as a popular spe cific for theso harrasslng complaints, and the number of testimonials re ceived show that its leputatlon is constantly Increasing. Intermittent and Remittent Fevers are effectually cured by Dr. Jayne's Ague Mixture. In these com plaints care should be taken to follow the directions closely, and especial attention given to the liver, which should be assisted in performing its functions by Dr. Jatne's Sanative Villi. The following pen picturo of the fearful crater of ICilauea is from tho Honolulu Ather liner of July 2Gth: Tourists to tho xolcano many j ears past all remember certain active pools of lava, tho Noith and South Lakes, which ordinarily bubbled and tossed a fiery flood at a depth of about 120 feet below the floor of the great crater. Now these lakes have all been filled up, and there have arisen peaks and cones of haul lava that rise over 100 feet above Jhe South bank of tho great crater, xUiich is about 1,000 feet high. Hut there has burst forth a new opening in tho great crater floor not far distant from the old lake, and a new lake, almost round in form, ! about 600 feet across and some 70 feet in depth, in ordinary stages, below the surround ing brink. Here the great Hawaiian, volcano presents the most varied, fantastic play of liq uid lava. Hero are some of the phases of tho play of a fire lake, as recently observed in the great crater of Kllauea. Sometimes it almost seems to sleep, and the disappointed visitor looks down into a black x-alleyand observes a smok- , ''.'"S.'V.'L'',0,?,1.0,! V L,?V, c,Itl"e "'u ' , ana Is a 1'01T1 E J'tMElli ler all tho diseases tho ing pit, giving no more evidence of combustion cause pilns In the lower jurt cf life bod) for Torpi iz7ine6t tirav el Alx ltODGK, DAVIS A CO, Wholesale Dealers Portlan Oregon ftMnr R N U ti 'a SAtJM memJh W CUREl Oramns I believe all animal I its and oils to lie uu health) applications to vegetable growths. Tlureforo, 1 question the adv liability of em ploy 1115 nther lanl or tallow as an ingredient in grafting wax. Indeed. I (uv0 remarked that whin I formed) used such wax, tho lark would frcquentl) die aw a) from the end of the j raising ten riKj rou,, junnii vicwr nut yo . mo slump &111I hle oi tile cltlt in quite J apiece in inuuiij tne same immuer ot con moil j lualtliv jouug v cot Weeds. How 'shall we kill weeds and how lid the sod of the species? A v er) simple matter in deed, if wo would uso tho same common sense shown in other things. Will a field of coin, oats or w heat, or a hill of squashes or melons pioduce good seed if cut close to tho ground just as flowers are forming' Kvery annual plant or weed wo know of will suiely die if cut at the smfaco just beforo it blooms. Cut a little higher, above a portion of the ltavcs, and life may be continued till new sprouts come out, which in time may produce seeds. In ordinary cultivation wo aro quite apt to keep root and top togethei, and to let a por tion of the roots remain in contact with moist earth. Weeds tieated in this way do not make so niaiiiUoino a growth, but they will continue tho species quite xv ell enough. A ) oung plant buried root and branch in tho soil to a good depth will surely die. It must have air, warmth and sunlight. Ordinary cultivation early in the season kills the larger part of the weeds of a field, and if cultivation were fre quent enough and thorough it would kill ever) thing that grow s frcm tho ground. In a stason moist enough to sprout seeds it takes but a very few weeks to rid a field almost ab solutely of both weeds ami seeds. ' A plough, harrow and roller aro all the tools needed. How to bring up the seeds from the under soil and harrow just as often as a crop of seeds start, rolling the ground each time to compact the soil, that other seeds may germinate. A dry season is not half so good as a wet one for killing weeds' by tlus method. Almost all our doorxariH and barnyards are nui series of weeds, from which continual streams are flow ing uuobserxed to other parts of the farm. .Yrif KwjhiHil Farmer, Mammoth SUos at Holyoke, Mais. The faith of W. II. Wilkinson, the Holjoke manufacturer, in the silo system, as the stor ing of grexn food for cattle in air-tight pits under a high prtsmre is called, reminds one of another luiperturkable nun in lustory uamed Noah. 'Dure xve re thoje, we aro told, who looked 011 tho ark with some distrust as a place of refuge while it was building. Mr. Wilkins ni's silos grow apace, and are now so nearly complete that the) can be easily com-prt-hc nded by the common people. 1 here are eleven of them 111 a row, 12 b) l.'i feet square, and 21 feet deep. They are to lie filled at the top, and there are arched door-wa)s in the massive walls near the bottom. Trn of them Mill each hold W tons, and one will take iu 100 tous. The storm,; of 1,000 tons of gresu fcvlder than a tar kiln. But the obserx er stands on the brink of the pit, or great pool, or lake, as now appears, about COO feet across, and xv hose surface is about 70 feet below him. And vv hat is this surface? It presents a daik Bilvcr-gruy hue, with a satiny shine. -This is a crust of quiescent lava, and the observer, who has ex pected to hav e his sense of wonder strained to speechlessness, sa)s: "Is this all?" No! look! the frozen, glassy lake is alive. What a heave in the center some mighty beast lifting up tho floor! Now a wave of undulation runs lound the incrusted marge. And thcie is an outburst, a blood -led fount, gushing and bub-1 bhng from one of earth's ai tcnes. Tho broad disk of the lake heaves and trembles. Fitful, gaseous flashes flit across, and now the moving ' floor cracks, and a serrated fissure, like the suture of a skull, runs from marge to marge, and quick, darting streaks, sudden cracks of , the ciust, shoot across in all directions. Theso I serrated streaks are at first ros) lines on the 1 gray suriace, tnca tney vvulen like cumson ribbons, broadening to the view. They undu late with the billowy motion of the whole up heav ingsuiface. Anothcrcrimson fount springs up along the now fretting and roaring nm of the lake, and another and anothci of now wildly upleaping fountains of fire toss high their gory crests, even casting gouts and clots of the red spray, that fall and harden neii the obset v er's feet. lly this tune the spiut of our infeino is aroused. The whole fierce led lake is all boil and leap and loar. It is more than the loar of loud sea surfs beatiug bold bluffs. The snrg nil' tide of the molten earth sounds a deeper, bellow ing bass than auy note of the sounding sea. And now the beax ed-up crust, broken iuto fragments, is churned up and dissolved in tho boiling flood. The roaring gulf is uow, in deed, a xortex of iudescnbable glories and teirors. Cu os open on the sides of the sur rounding wall, and man sees more of a hell than he ever imagined. A thous md demons aro now holding high carnival in this bottom less pit and the leap and play of a fiery Hood the dance and swell of a red, surging tide, I and the roar and shnek of the dread forces is suing irom tne reu-not, pulsating heart of the planet, make a thoughtful observer hold his hand to his own heart and say "This is enough; the Almighty is here." A Lecture on Astronomy. At a school near London, the learned master was giving a lecture on astronomy, and after alluding to the representation of tho world on the shoulders of Atlas, asked the class gene r all) on what atlas stood. One replied, as the world was chaos, he must stand on chaos; another eoiijecturcd on a rock; when a lad from Cardiff, at the rttom of the class, ex claimed, "I know, sir." Indeed'" replied the doctor, "pra) tell us on what jou think he stood." "I know," answered the boy "but it is not my turn jet." When the question passed to him the w hole class was on tiptoe to hear tho young Welshman idea; when, with an air of consequence-, ho exclaimed, ' On hit less, to be sure! On what else could ho stand?" jv.lm.r. Liver Headaches Jaind!re- nria, anil all dltlttuulct of the I Idncvs, Liver and Ur narj Organs 1'or lEMALH Dill AiYi, Jlonthlj Men struatous, and dutlng 1 renuiii, it 1 as 110 equal It rest rc the oig-.iiis tint vuirtlc Mood; and Is hence oneof the heat II LOOM lUIIULUS It is tho onlj kuw 11 routed) th it cures I'll ht's tlleae tor Dia heos, uso W Alt:. Ett'S SAVE DUBtTLS CUKE tor bile I j HuiK-jl-tMinJ oil IHaltrs at SI 25 per bottle. Largest bottle in tho marl et Tr .t I!. II Wuriicr & Co., " Rochester, N. Y. , man in Kngland once sai I. stwalin of a youth w ho had married imprudent!) "Whv I he uliln t want a w ifa nne iimr tr.t.1 .. ..., in acei lent that rat el) I for the use of domestic animals is a bold'un- a side pocket." THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENT FOE HAN AND BEAST. For more than a third of a century the Mexican Mustaiirl.liilmeiituasbccu known to mllllnnn nil nvrp Ilia vn.M ..a the only safe rcliauco for the lellef of ucuiucms una pain. Jt is a medicine above prico ami pmtso tlie best or Its k lutl. i or overy form of external pain MEXICAN Mustonsr Liniment Is xv ithout nn equal. It Penetrates Heal, nii.1 mii.pl. ,n the very bone maklnp; tho continu ance of puln and inllamntlon Impossible Its effects upon Humnn Flesh and tho Brute Creation aro equally wondcrfuL rue Mexican MUSTANG Liniment is needed by snmelinuV In every house. K ery day brings new a of iiiEuanroiu nxriiil scnai or burn suouueu. or rnaninatle mirtirM ro. stored, or a aaluable horse or ox " uy mo ucounff power of tnls LINIMENT which speedily cures such ailments of the HUS1AN lEsII as ,""uuuls 'Rheumatism, NxTelllngs, atlflr """- -. juuiciH, jsurns - nc.ioi, cuii, umiiM and Sprtlni, PbU.uoii.i Bites and HtlURs, Btluuess, Lameness, Old Sores, ITlc.rs, Frostbites, Chilblains, .1 Nipple, Caked llrcast, and Indeed eyery form or external dii- .,?' arlthout scan. For the llnLTE CKEiTioK it cures Sprains, Swlnny, SUIT Joint., Founder, Harness Sores, Hoof IU ?? r Boi Strew Worm, Scab, S Hollow Dora, Scratches, foind. alls, Sparln, Thrush, Ulna-bone. ..,4 ,.0V. .oU ErU' ritmwpon the BlRht and erery other ailment to which the occupants of the S.bU Jnd Mtatlc Yrd " liable? Tho Mexican Mustang I.lulment auTlTls.Cfu?cniar.n0er,1UapPOlnUi THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB MA1T OR BSAST. DK. X. . MCHQLS, V Y,:. 'Vir" S"HS IX TltEATIhO 'i wnirrt I umiciifil Itir urnliii III... U hi win 1 i..tio Ii' j tol s VV U Tir r.uMtlr l..l.rfl u, .,,i'iif ,.,, 7.'!"' m, ! Kr-w .Z., r '. V" Vest euroi, et tat C nxttiU it iiV.UbuteU. t- if