Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 23, 1881, Image 1

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    VOL.. XIII.
Proclamation of the Governor of Oregon
Memorial Services to be held August 27th.
) State of Oregon,
Execctite Office,
Salem, Sept. 21, 1881
. Our republic, the United States, lias suffer
ed a sad bereavement, in that our revered
President, James A. Garfield, who was but
recently was chosen its chief magistrate, by
the voice of the free and independent people,
U no more.
On the 2d of July last in the full vigor of
his manhood and career of his usefulness,
while enjoying tho unbounded confidence of
the American people, undef the protection of
its laws and institutions, tho only palladium
consistent with, liberty, and relying solely
upon such protection, he was wantonly and
cruelly assaulted by an assassin, and after a
prolonged and painful struggle, his gallant
spirit has succumbed to the fatal wound then
received and taken its departmc. On the
10th day of September, 1881, at Long
Branch, in the State of New Jersey, at the
hour of 10:35 P. M., his excellency the Presi
dent expired. This shocking occurrence has
occasioned widespread grief ; has agonized the
great human heart of our country and has
made vacant the highest station in our com
monwealth. In view of this deep and ex
tended affliction it is meet that funeral rites
be observed throughout tho various States of
oar union as a last solemn duty to our de
parted fellow citizen, our late honored and
illustrious statesman.
Wit eke as, Tuesday the 27 th inst., has
been designated for holding memorial services
suitable and appropriate to the melancholy,
occasion; now, therefore,
I, W. W. Thayer, Governor of tho State of
Oregon, do hereby most earnestly request that
upon that day all secular business be suspend
: eti in
j Hy
ed in order that a stricken people may unit-
indulge in mourning the untimely loss of
their beloved and esteemed chief executive,
rehearse his virtues and excellences, and offer
up their solemn invocations to the God of
Nations for the preservation and endurance of
their form of government.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and cause the seal of the State to
be affixed the day and year above written.
By the Governor:
W. W. Thayer,
Governor of Oregon.
R. P. Earhart, Secretary of State.
Capt. J. Q. Adams, of Vancouver, mourns
the death of his son Harry, aged 6 years, a
bright little fellow.
Dr. Davis, who has had extensive sheep in
terests in Vakima county, says that within a
year or so he has lost $15,000 on sheep.
Judge R. P. Boise, of Salem, will hold
Judge Watson's Court in Coos county, which
convenes on Monday, September 20th.
The Eat Oregonian has a squash that is
only two-thirds grown on tho farm of J. Mar
tin, on Rock creek road, that is already five
feet five inches in circumference.
The Dallas Itemiztr has been informed that
a young grouse has taken up with the chickens
on the place of Charles Black, near Ballstod,
and has become thoroughly at home. This is
the first tin.e we have heard of a grouse be
coming tamed.
L.S. Dyar, of Lake county, loit several
valuable horses recently, says the AMand
Tiding, from somo disease which is like what
is called the mountain or Spanish fever.
Capt. Ferree also lost a fine colt from the
same disease. ,
N. C Williams and sous, on Patalia Prai
rie, raised 12,000 bushels of grain this season;
over 10,000 bushels being wheat. They have
sold 5,000 bushels to the Pataha City mills.
Some of their wheat went as high as 40 bush
els to the acre, all on hill land.
The meanest newspaper man we have heard
of for a long time is one R, L. Gray, one of
the editors of the Slate Bights Democrat of
Albany, this State. He has absconded, tak
ing with him about $3,400 'of other people'
money, and leaving a wife and several chil
dren in destitute circumstances.
Goldendale Gazette: W. B. Noblet, at Al
der creek, writes: "I have two rutabagas
measuring respectively 22 and 23J inches in
circumference, and I have an onion measuring
14 inches in circumference." When these
vegetables arc fully matured they will be hard
to beat at our county fair.
Nurse, Moore 4 Co., of Linkville, are get
ting ready to pat up a grist mill at Linkville,
and intend to have it finished and in running
order this Fall. The mill will be located on
Link river, a short distance below the saw.
mill. This is an enterprise which will receive
the hearty support of a large community who
have been dependent for their supply of
breaditufls upon the nulls of Rogue River
valloy, tho long distanco to which point and
the rougli road to bo traveled, put a heavy
tax upon this necessary article of food.
Lukevkw Examiner.
Columbia Chronicle: Gieeu Swiuney and
Joseph Lederwood, on tho Alpowa ridge, sow
ed their wheat lato last Fall, the early snow
stopping their work. They supposed, of
course, that the wheat was Winter killed, and
want of seed alone prevented a second sowing.
They have just harvested over 30 bushels to
tho acre from their "Winter killed" field.
Diphtheria, tho death producing epidemic,
has again made itself prevalent in our midst.
A number of deaths havo been chronicled
during tho past few days, bringing sorrow
and affliction into more than one happy home.
Every precaution should be taken sanitary
and otherwise to prevent the spread of this
contagious disease in the community. Van
couver Independent.
Dayton (W. T.) iWu-s.' A visit to tho depot
will convey some idea of tile wheat crop of
our neighborhood. There is now 'stored a
thousand tons of wheat, and a steady stream
of teams are coming to be unloaded. Not only
is the railroad company unable to ship it as
fast as it arrives, but teams have to wait some
time to be unloaded, and still it is said that
the "grand rush" has not yet begun.
Cojfax Democrat: Livingstone & Kuhn have
just made for J. W. OfTield two evaporators,
each 16 feet long and 4 feet wide, to be used
in the manufacture of sorghum syrup. Mr.
Offield has just received from St. Louis a cane
mill, with a capacity of 75 gallons per hour.
He has 25 acres in cane, and expects to have
2,000 gallons of syrup. Two of his neighbors
have each eight acres in cane.
A farmer in Minnesota, who is engaged ex
tensively in sheep raising, and who has been
greatly annoyed by wolves, has finally hit
upon a plan of keeping a burning lantern at
night in his sheep-pen, and since then his
sheep havo not been troubled. Wo would
advise our local mutton growers who are
troubled with tho mischievousness of coyotes,
wild cats and other such wild varmints, to
try this experiment, as the cost is but a trifle
even if it don't provo a success.
On Wednesday last Mr. G. W. Stroud, the
genial and popular conductor on tho O. & C.
R. R., arrived hero for a few days' rest from
his arduous duties. He received warm greet
ings from many of our people who have been
recipients of his official courtesy. He will re
main with us a week or so, ho and his lady
and daughter being the guests of Hon. C.
Beekman. " Pappy " Stroud, as he is famil
iarly known, is the Masonic Grand Master of
Oregon, i position he fills as worthily as he
docs that of conductor, and we hope to see
the day when Jacksonville will be the end 'of
his route. Sentinel.
The increased interest now being taken by
our stockmen in the higher and better breed
ing of stock is highly commendable and is
bjund to prove of value both to individuals
and the entiro country. Our stock men are
awakening to the fact that there is a great
deal of money in good horses, though they
may have few in numbers, than anything elso.
It costs just as much to keep a $15 plug as a
S100 thoroughbred, and a good horse sells for
as much as a poor one, and more readily.
Among our stock raisers who have devoted
their time and attention to the raising of fine
stock, D. A. McAllister stands foremost. He
has imported at various times fine-blooded
horses, all ages, and has by careful manage
mentimproved the native bred with success,
until he now has the finest stud in Eastern
To give some idea of the wheat interests at
Weston tho Leader gives the following figures :
At Blue Mountain station, the nearest ship
ping point, there was awaiting shipment on
Monday last 103,771 sacks. The cars are
taking from this point daily the notably in
sufficient quantity of 50 tons, while on the
other hand Sailing & Reese of this city are
themiilves depositing there at the rate of
3,000 sacks daily, they being one of five ship
ping firms at this point. They have covered
all the platform space and have rented ground
in the neighboring fields. Again, at Milton
station Monday there were 35,000 sacks
awaiting shipment, with about 35 tons being
shipped daily. With thjj must be tame in
mind the fact that ow ing to the blockade buy
ers are holding off, thousands of bushels being
offered w itb no buyers. Hence we cry, more
cars 1
Judge L. A. Luce, from the office of the
Secretary of the Interior, and Major William
H. Walker, of the General Land Office, at
Washington, says the Scntiutl, passed through
town on their way to The Dalles. These gen.
tlemen are two of a Commisaion, Hon. T. W.
Davenport, of Salem, being the third, to ap
praise the military reserve at The Dalles,
which has been abandoned by the War De
partment. The reserve is contiguous to the
city, and must bo quite valuable. When ap
praised, it will probably bo offered for sale by
the Secretary of tho Interior. Messrs. Luce
and Walker have just returnod from Mon
tana, having been part of a Commission to
make a land treaty -with the Crow Indians to
sccuro a cession of tho right of way for the N.
P. R. R. through their reservation, and in
this mission they were quite successful, Both
the gentlemen express themselves as delighted
with tho beauty and fertility of the Rogue
River valley, and, this far, have taken in
Oregon as a great surprise.
Walla Walla Union: Aboard of officers, to
consist of Colonel Cuvier Grove r, 1st Cavalry,
Captain Thomas McGregor, 1st Cavalry, Cap
tain James Jackson, 1st Cavalry, Captain
Charles Bendiro, 1st Cavalry, First Lieutenant
R. P. Page Wainwright, 1st Cavalry, has been
appointed to moct at Fort Walla Walla, from
time to time, as may be necessary, to inspect
and purchase such horses as are or may be re
quired for the militaiy service in this depart
ment, at an average rate per horse of $130. It
is desired that the board shall .take sufficient
time to select only such horses as are in every
way suitable for the Government service, and
if such horses cannot be obtained in that
vicinity before June 30, 1882, the board will
so report. No purchase of horses will be con
summated until after the board shall have re
ceived due notification that funds are avail
able for payment.
Summerville, Union county, correspondence:
Tho oat yield is simply enormous, yielding
from 40 to 60 bushels per acre. But littlo
barley was sown in this vicinity. What was
sown is yielding well, Messrs. Cochran &
Ruekman threshed 7,500 bushels of grain
from 225 acres, Tho wheat yielded on an
average of 30 bushels per acre. C. W. Ham
ilton reports 2,000 bushel of wheat; U950
oats. Barley not threshed. Ten acre of his
wheat averaged 42 bushels per acre. Eight
acres of oats j ielded 496 bushels. Geo. Ruck
man estimates a yield 4,000 bushels of grain,
principally wheat. S. L. Brooks will have
5,000 bushels of gram. His barley averaged
50 bushels per acre. A, Shaw threshed 5,000
bushels of grain, principally oats. Jasper
Rcinhart reports an average of 30 bushels of
wheat so tar as threshed. Other farmers le
port various yields ranging from 30 to 50
bushels of wheat per acre.
Walla Walla Union: At the depot in Wal
la Walla, tons of wheat arc being stacked out
of doors, tho warehouses being full. At Val
ley Giove, (Nelson's placo on Dry creek) a
largo platform is nearly covered with sacked
wheat. At Hodley's another platform is full.
At Prescott a platform is full, and tons are
piled upon tho ground. At Waitsburg Kin
near & Weller's warehouse is overflowing, and
great piles of grain are made outside. W. N.
Smith's platform is nearly full, and wagons
arc constantly unloaded at both places. A
mile above Waitsburg another platform is
full. At Huntsville there is wheat, at Long's
there is more wheat, and at Dayton the wheat
is piled up in warehouses and on platforms
'till you can't rest." Parties from Blue
Mountain Station and Milton report the ware
houses and platforms there filled to overflow
ing with sacked wheat aud great stacks of
sacks in adjacent fields. Buyers are asking
producers to "let up " on delivery, while tho
railroad men aro worked night and day trying
to carry the wheat away. But it is liko try
ing to empty a barrel by the spigot while a
big stream b flowing into tho bung. Parties
who havo visited tho farming region say "the
farmers have not begun to haul in w heat yet.
Just wait till they get through threshing if
you want to see wheat." We will wait.
Interesting Questions.
Euoe.se City, Or., Sept. 19, 1881,
Editor Willamette Farmer:
In your forthcoming article on fruit and
orchards, please tell us what varieties to plant
for profit of plums, prunes, apples, etc.; also
nut bearin? trees; what distance should trees
be set; in fact all the information you can
give us. I would also ask through the Far
mer if we should go South or North for change
of seed. Has any one of tho readers of the
Farmer the White Mold wheat for sale? Is
there anything better than peach root for
plums, prunes, etc.! J. C. Hi'MIn-ell.
Answer. In this number we havo an edi
torial about plums aud prunes. We have no
personal experience of drying apples but know
that the Waxen or Gate apple, which is only
a cooking apple, dries heavily and makes a
superior fruit, tho very best, and as it is a
uniform bearer, a very healthy tree, and the
fruit can be dried for two months, it is prob
ably, for all these reasons, tho best trio to
plant for this purpose. Wo shall be glad to
have our subscribers inform as, for publica
tion, what their experience is concerning
varieties of apples to dry; also, concerning
nut bearing trees. Wo hear it claimed that
both chesnuts and walnuts can bo grown licio
to advantage and wo know that walnuts do
bear heavily and pay well. So far as wo can
judgo peach roots are tho best to graft phinis
and prunes in; our experience favors that con
elusion, becauto such grafts havo with us
made vigorous growth and produco veiy
healthy trees. It will pay some one to adver
tise Mold's, wheat in tho Farmer. It can
hardly mako much difference whero seed
comes from. Our White Winter wheat docs
well after forty years planting in Oregon.
The Kansas Colony not Coming to Oregon-A
Mill Company for ( regon Crops
and Prices.
ToI-eka, Kansas, Sept. 8, 1881.
Editor Willamette Farmer!
Wo having abandoned tho idea of coming to
your couutry.as a cMony, on account of a par
ty of Socialists and Communists whom we had
taken in as members without knowing they
teere 'such, 'and during tho absence of our
President, Mr. Hutchinson, and while I was
confined to the house with sickness, thoy per
fected a plan; to turn tho wholo thing into a
regular Communistic organization, and when
wo found out their little game, the only way
we could circumvent them was to abandon tho
colony plan, surrender our charter, and re
turn each man his money and immediately did
so, which astonished tho gentlemen, it was
done so suddenly. There was no help for
them however, and they were very angry and
decided to emigrate to Dakota, instead of Or
egon; which we were glad to havo them do, as
we have no desire to send or bring any of that
breed of cattle to Oregon, nor will we do so if
wo know it. Forty-two families havo already
gone and havo settled in different parts of tho
State, and several more will bo ready to start
in a 'few daysVTain Btraining eyery nerve to
get ready to como this Fall but may not bo
ablo to do so, but will start as soon as I can
get my affairs in shape. I notice in'a lato Ore
gon paper that several localities in your State
want a mill company to locate with them, and
say they will offer such inducements as will
make it desirable for such a company to locato
in their scvcial towns. Thoy do not stato
what thoso inducements arc. Wo aio now or
ganising a mill company hero to locato tome,
itliere in Oregon, and if theso parties will cor
respond with mo on tho subject, some of them
will sccuro our mill, as wo aro open for pro
posals. Wo will bring an entire new outfit of
tho very latest improved machinery for high
class milling, and which will bo capable of
turning out 200 barrels of high grado flour
every 24 hours. Wo havo in our company tho
best "Nojv Process " miller in this State, and
have also an A No. 1 mill wright. Wo mean
business and expect thoso who may conespond
with us to mean tho same. We will all bring
our families with us, and moro will follow us
in the Spring.
The season just passed, has satisfied many
that Kansas is not tho country for them to re
main in, and they aro now turning their at
tention to Oregon and Washington and their
resources and the advisability of emigrating
thither; and many who one year ago laughed
at the idea of emigrating to Oregon aro now
giving it serious and careful thought, and aio
coming to me almost daily for information and
printed matter concerning Oregon. You may
rest assured that I givo them tho best informa
tion in iny power, and try and induce them to
settle in jour favored Stato. I havo distrib
uted several htindrcd copies of your valuable
paper and alio other printed matter all kindly
furnished me by tho General Eastern Pas
senger Agent of tho Oregon Railway and Nav
igation Company, Mr. A. L. Stokes, of Chica
go, a genial whole-souled gentleman. I havo
also written over 200 letters in answer to in
quncs, which, if they but induce thoso receiv
ing them to emigrate, I will consider as labor
well expended, anu will feel amply repaid for
my tune ami labor. I think your people can
hardly overestimate the benefits being confer
red on them and the Stato by your valuable
and widely read journal, and also by the press
generally throughout your State, and also by
that giant corporation, tho Oregon Railway
and Navigation Company, and its liberal and
publi3-ipinted mansgers, Messrs. Henry Vil
lard and T F. Oakes and their assistants, one
and all. The press and tho railroads are doing
wonders in the Eastern country for Oregon.
Our prohibitory law in Kansas, I am sony to
say, has thus far lx.cn but little Utter than a
farce, ami more liquor has been sold and
drunk in Kansas sinco it took effect than at
any time in the past 12 years. All tho saloons
in Topcka, Atchison, Leavenworth and many
other towns are in full blast, anil their num
bers are multiplying daily, It has also had
tho effect of cutting ofr very nearly all the
emigration into the State. I hail li jped for
better results from this law, but t'.ius It is.
The problem of living hero the coming Winter
is becoming a serious ono to very many. AH Northern Pacific through tho Ten d'Oreillo
tho necessaries of lifo aro very high, and still pass. Leaving the present survey at or near
advancing flour $9 per barrel, and advancing, Missoula, tho road would havo almost an air
cornmeal 2.25 per cental, white potatoes lino from that point to Dayton, either down
$1.50 1.75 per bushel, sw cct potatoes $2.25 I tho south side of Snako river via Pattha and
per bushel, cabbago 2550c per head, beef 12lPomcroy, or down Union flat on the north
lSc per pound, corn S595c per bushel, oats I sido of tho river. This would at once and for-
4565o per bushel, whcat(vcry pool) 90c to
$1.251.50 per bushel, apples (wind falls) $1
1.25 per bushel. Rents aro very high,
though there are many empty houses. All
thi', whilo wages arc stationary and compara
tively low. Prairie hay is now ?j(&6 per ton
and advancing. The wheat crop will not, I
think, average 8 bushels per acre, and is of
very poor quality. Com will not average
over 25 to 30 bushels.
Great anxiety is felt hero over the condition
of our brave President, and news from his
bedsido is awaited with feverish anxiety.
God sparo him to us!
I have spun this letter out to a much great
er length than I intended, and will closo by
wishing you success and a bright and prosper
ous future to yourself, tho O. R. & N. Co., and
last but not least, to Oregon.
Very truly yours,
E. F. Vaituiis.
A correspondent of tho Goldcndalo Gazette
w riting from that valley says:
"Kittitas valley is some 25 miles long by
5 to 15 miles in width. It is surrounded by
high ranges or spurs tunning from tho moun
tains. Tlicro is but ono easy outlet from it,
and that is in the direction of tho Columbia
river. Thcro is a wagon road running South,
connecting Kllensburg with Yakima City.
There is quite a dcsirablo place, now being
settled, which is nearly duo East of Ellens
burg, distant 24 miles, and is known by tho
Indian name, Tcauwous. Tho lottom is small
and when the rond crosses is on the East side.
The stream is clear, cold, and a bold ono,
filled with trout and other delicious fish.
There is a high prairie adjacent, which in iho
opinion of tho writer, if sown to Fall grain
will produco an excellent crop without ini
gation. Tho Swauk washes ono sido while
thoTcnuwous washes tho other and tho dis
tanco is about thieo miles between tlicin.
Timber is in abundant supply on nil sides mid
occasionally nice clear rivulets courso down
tho mountains. The prairie spoken of is
some 80 to 100 feet nbovo tho loved of thu
streams. It is entirely fico from rooks or
gravel; is covcied with a heavy coat of bunch
gross; is easily plowed and more than onli
narily fertile for that kind of soil. Tho set
tlers number about seven at tho picsent time,
alt of whom are located on thu bottom land,
which is of tho finest quality. There is loom
for a dozen families; immigrants hunting laud
would do well, if they cannot suit themselves
in Kittitas valley, to go North, in tho direc
tion of tho mouth of thu Wcnachio. hour
mi'cs above the mouth tlieie is tho best piecu
of vacant land known to your con espondent,
and is largo enough to make homes for 12 to
16 families. Timber is abundant and coiivm-
ient; is of easy access aud a load already built
up to and into it. Tlicro aio quite a number
of springs, living water breaking out m num
erous places, while tho Colochen itself is icy
cold and suflicicutly rapid to afford a mill site
every ono-fourtli of a mile. On the Colochen
is tho best place to run a dairy that Yukima
county affords. There are thousands of acres
of the best bunch grass that tho country af
fords on both sides of thu creek, extending
from the mountains on tho West, some three
or four miles to thu Columbia river. The
land suitablo for cultivation, is rolling and un
trodden by thu hoofs of animals, sava an oc
casional camper or small running bands of red
men whilst journeying through tho country.
At and near tlio mouth of tho Wcnachio ex
periments have proven that no part of Yaki
ma can surpass or equal it for fruit culture It
seems to bo a natural homo for peaches and
grapes. Settlers who have lived tlicro for
eight or ten jears havo proved this not only
to their own satisfaction but that of all others
who havo seen the fruit which for quality and
perfection in giowth, is hard to beat any
where. Hut irrigation is as much of a neces
sity hero as elsewhere in tho county. Several
claims havo been taken within thu past year.
The Clearwater Pass.
It is said that Major Truax hat discovered a
pass through thu Hitter Root mountains which
is only 5,000 feet abovo tho sea level. It is
further announced that tho grade up tho
Clearwater is much easier than expected, the
heaviest grado being only "5 feet to tho mile.
If it bu true that such a pass has been found,
arid old resident of Northern Idaho havo al
ways contended that it existed, it will revolu
tionize tho railroad routes thus far laid out in
the Northwest. A glanco at tho map will
show at once tho "utterly utter"wastu of tune
and material in continuing the liuo of thojtional
Wl rr-
NO. 32.
ever settlo tho question of tho lino from Ains-
worth to Spraguc. Tho iron on that part of
tho lino would bo taken up aud laid down
from tho mouth of Rebel flat to Spraguo. This
will, wo predict, bo tho outcome of railroad
operations in the Northwest. It ir said that
no moro contracts will bo let on tho Pen
d'Oioillc division until this matter of a pass
by tho way of Lo Lo trail has been thorough
ly settled. Colfax Democrat.
A Jolly Correspondent.
Locii-Vili., Wasco Co., Sept. 0, 1881.
Editor Willamette Former:
Loch-Vill is situated at tho Upper or South
end of Gross valloy, aud is quite a country
town, composed of a store, hotel and dwelling
house. Rev. Dr. Rollins, proprietor of tho
Grass valley house, our oldest settler and ono
of our solid men, says there is plenty of room
for more town yet, and lots, I thiuk, could
bo purchased at very reosonablo rates, for
further information apply to Mr. IC, our town
secretary. This would be a good location for
a man with moro money than brains it seems
that people over hero havo neither. This is
the placo for the fanner I Our soil I thiuk is
well adapted for that purpose; it has been
tried for four years in succession and has pro
duced a crop every year (some years.) Do
not think I am discouraged at all with tho
prospects of this country, for I am of the
same opinion as our old settlers, who think
that by tho timo wo raiso a crop wo will have
a railroad to carry it to market. Prospoots
for fanning speak well hero this year, for out
of 280 acres of grain harvested, I supposo
20 acres would havo passed for a crop in a
farming country. Oh, no, I am not discour
aged, I camu heio intent to starve, and think
I shall succeed. Many nio tho weary emi
grants who pass through our littlo village
bound for the Palouse, or soma other good
country, and in spite of all thu Dr. 's efforts
to get them to stay with us, ho drives on.
For my part, aud to tho gieot astonishment
of my neighbors, wo cannot see why they do
not, at least a p.ut of them, settle in our
midst, fur it is plain to bo seen that wo have
every thing wo wont except good clothes and
plenty to eat. Mr. GliEK.v.
Letter from Whitman County, W. T.
Ciii.kax, W. T Aug. 7, 1881.
Editor Willamette Farmer :
Harvest has just commenced. Tho crops
aiu much better than last year; the quality is
better, and tho quantity doublu that of last
year, and would continue to double fiom year
to year, for some tune if wo had tinusportn
tion to carry it to ni.iikct. Wheat yields 40
bushels; oats, 60; flax, from 15 to 20 per aero.
Wheat has been so very low for two or threu
years past that it caused tho fauueis to sow
many acies of oats and flax. So tho surplus
wheat will not bu veiy gnat. Gordons look
well; berries of all kinds do well heie; peach
es, plums, prunes, grapes, in fact ft nits of nil
kinds, do well on Snako riser bottom.
Youis truly, J, If. MoTieii.
Claims the Belt for Harvesting.
Sai.km, Or., Sept. 1 1, 18S1.
Editor Willamette) Fanner:
I will claim the belt for harvesting this
year, having cut and bound 430 acres of grain
tho past harvest with a 0-foot Osborne binder.
Of this 350 acres of it was bound with wire
and 80 with twine. Who beats it? Fall
wheat very poor and Spring wheat fair to
good. Everything quiet. No news.
F. J. Beaty.
Meeting of State Horticultural Society.
Tlicro will bo a special meeting of tho Ore
gon Stato Horticultural Society in Portland,
on Tuesday, September 27th, at 1 o'clock,
in thu County Court House. Thu Society will
consider tho subject of exhibiting products at
the forthcoming Mechanic's Fair. A full at
tendance is especially desired. By order of
Hkniiv Mii.i.er, President.
Coat of Raising drain.
During tho past season tho Kansas. Stato
Agricultural Collcgu has kept an oxact account
of tho cost of raising corn, Winter wheat, oats
and millet.
Com, '--J acres, 17 bushels per acre, costing
1 1 cents per bushel.
Wheat, 17 aercs, 17 bushels per acre, cost
ing 51 cunts per bushel.
Oats, 10 acres, yielding 20 bushels per acre,
coating 2.1 tents per bushel.
Add cost of irrigation to tho abovo and tho
tojt of farming in Colorado is also reported;
that would bo from 81-50 to $2 per aero addi-