Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 16, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Iriin-Allinilli- ltnlntss.
Vriv Yourc. Sept. 8. An announcement
comtii from llostou of the Mitlnlr.iu.il of scv
mil f-toniMliips o i tlic I'.urnpean trade III con
sequence, as thi. morning Jomnal explains of
thu picsuii (lull condition ol tlio tr.iiis-Atlin-tic
luwiiiss nt that prt. Of tin- Warren lino
of Rtp inii in the Uassichusctt', Miiinii'it
ami Milan hue been temp i.mh withdrawn.
I lip latter will li r.nftcrKOtn llnvini. I lie
I.ivoinwil steam rs have en oideitd to IScit
York, wliTe they an is-uirtil of mine te-inu-
IRI itllC hllsllllSI. 'lllBStl.l llll Ilwijir-i, tlic
latest of tlio whole Ikct, silled from Hos'oii
nnil has lucii onlcnil to thu port llie
Bteiuicrs llanci, Hot bestir, hinintia anil l.d
inliiirfrlinw I'd ii icpitsentcd by the Mi ssrs.
Itiillrnail ItnMirri.
K,ists Cm. tjept. 8. At 'J ht night a
ti.un on the Chicago anil Alton roul was
stopped within two miles of Ulcndalo by
iiieana of lanterns nml signals, nine arintil ami
tnaako I men having previously obstruct, tl the
track by Htoius nml timher. The express
messenger was fatally beaten ami thu Bifc
lohheilof from 5,000 to SIIO.OOO. The pas
sengers were kept cowed by niccssuit finni
of pistols, anil mbbe 1 of money anil valu
able?. The train ran into Kimns Cry anil
nearly the whole police force went back in
pursuit. The notable Jesse .fames men iliil
thu job.
Tin- ItnMirr Hunt In ll.siiurl.
ICanmvh C'lTV, Mo., Sipt. V.
-liov. Crittcn-
dm ai rived to-night, uml Ii
! has been in consul-
titiou with the lucilauth iitjts in legird tu
the best inetlio 1 of eapniing the r.ilibers.
In an iiituvica he confo-.sfs thatliuvviis pow
erless miller thu law to oiler tiny inrec 10
wanl, ami hi th.it he Ins Mnipli come to
tlio scene o action to impress upon tho lne.il
-tiithoritiiH the iniportaiiee of lining their ilnty
mi'l mi .ii hi'' no elicits to ciptuie the milium
County inirshals have scvcinl posses out in
various puts nt thu cotintiv. ami n the ail
Mco of thu inuiini w ill st.u t out others to-
t liplllllll.
I miii i-i vnrM'i.. .Mil. hent 'I (ili"lt e
eiteui'iil prevails on .leiouutof trie must, of
Crieli Cimpmaii anil .1 .liu Huiuhus, two of
the gmg who lobb il tin express tram last
niuht. Tluv were arrested mil the mm of
thu lobberj, foui nulls fioni hue, hyMiuill
Curoii anil n pisui fiom Silina itiiintv. A
brother of C lammii ciu linn away to tin
nutboritiis, as well as siveial uthcis, who
will Im uiiisl-il. Tlio putits when i night
viern hcavi v ninieil with Mill h mm nnrv lu
volvirs. 'limy who iilentifieil bi'jond it uht
by tho uiiituiial useil in i ileum,' ruin liilliei
found on then peisons, it helm; ovictlv tin
n nun as a im co ol c'oodshft at tin- m-ciio Df
the outiagi, anil tluro is no iloubt that thu
luuiainiler ol tliu uaug, cct pr. inu le.uiei
le'ililu in tin nei"libiiiliiioil 1 liu I cuter was
iiuiliiiibtoilli thu lintm ions .lesse .1 unus. Tliu
rntiio cuunlii is in ouseul mul iiudui arms and
this ami iiilji'init f ounlriis .tie being scoured
ill seaieli of fugilim. No niiivs his i omu
timn any of thu piirHiiiugpu ties exempt S urill
drum simii nrly murium'. It is billeted
that tlio bunt Mill usult in the eaptuieof
thu entirn giuvf. r.xpii'.s lutsjengei I'tit was
not fatallv hint, lis at liist supposid, but Ins
injuries are unions. I '. 1 1 ties who wt e mi the
tram xtalu that iiinntn mil laluables taken
fiuiii thu pmsingiri will amount to at least
$li"i,(00, ami tliiuimount taken I mm thu ex
pni.s sifu ih fully us l,ir!i', tlioiigb the uxpress
eonipiny will luit gnu tin exact liuurea ami
attempt to niaki the loss iiiipiar miicliHiiiillci
than It rialli was. ( iu 1 1 m.r Ciilteuili il Ins
Hunt tilegt l ii i h to iluy tn all pirts of the ht.ltu
iiriliningioiiiity oMii'i'istiioiL'aiiiuioi'puiJiiit.
Sun Cliupiuaii, another of tin) giug, Ins juit
bi'tiii biuuiilit in, and otliei airests ale linked
fur to-night,
Itlllll III lllll"Mll ll'llll'll".
Nl-W Yiiiik, Hept, II.- I'he .lews hi ii
ubuiitH piiipus') to hum) tfVI.UOll foi the in
luf uf the Kih.hi.iii I'ori'ligioiiists roun ex
pucted litiu,
lerrllile li'lrui lion ol I Ife nml I'liiperfji.
Dliuull, .Sipt 8 A spn.nl Ki)s: In the
viuiuti uf UiilimuiuNillu and Western l''os
tor and .Maituu townships, u liable lufm in i
tiiiu bads me to si) th't upwards of 'MO pen
plu piiislied in tlui llimus. 'Iheio win no in
e.ipu toi them, Thu wo all and giniiuds wuiu
so diy tint no warning ol danger was givi n
fmthei than n lai-n lunsu woul I gne When
It caini', it wiiuld umbi.icu liousu in b.uu with
ltsontents, and aw ly to tliu next. l'etsuni
who Iiiimi bu'ii tliinuib thi) turdile ndeil a)
tint in tin minutes (nun tliu tuuu tlm liu
stiuek tin 1 1) would he no Mlliguur linii.e I. ft
I hue j ii -1 ii'tiirmd fiiuu a tup t'uniigli tliu
bin tud dnlutt, and a ili'biTiptiou of the sight
would make the luidn's luoihl thin lohi in
in my inslani'cs. Mini, wimu u and eliillieu
an) found lini on t eii facus in the lout,
wlieii) tlu bid f.iKin when iiiiitikeu by
liie, and ihll lien lilug on lo; , wlieie tlmy
had ilaiubued fnt h ifetj . Ilieiti was im
limiing i u'li other w h il sepii ited. M inj
took ufiu'e in wills and millions s, tliiukiug
tn ineape, but III almost u 1 1) lust uu'U weru
ttullii'ati'il Ootids il sullunu in llil'iiti me
nabiilas line I IkIii'U'. w nun tliu l omuls
nu all III, that 1,000 perMius will in found to
lino pi mhe'l In the lUuies. lnitstel town
klupwill tin it nut lo-.li) au I I u i ix tliu deal
inttlu, boues and sheep, the s one i fiom
whieli is nub. arable. e . Alll 'gtou fuuii I
II! dead bud as lieu llikenilln mid Inu
liilll(lllli;s Ii It betwieu til K pi le Hid Miubu.
John riitt'rt.ign's fauiili of M'ltn ilulliiu
nml wifo wne biiiltd I v II I. I'lu H'l
f.uulU wne lull ii d wit'i Mn 1-. 'ill uls
wife and child. A man an t wouitn ,im bi g
deid in the itiitlb t it't'ii Daw lie. 's null ami
'l'ju I'lltei'ii fain Ins Meiu biiiued III Wale
lu Aigjles 5J0 f iimlics ,ue tepoitoil at Mill
ileu as lining bi'iui buruul out. A wuiuiii
was liuruid at Suilili's mill, lull n milu fium
'lyre. Wlinoiir a bouao ia left tliu people
Hock to It like sluep to thu fold, In soinu
places as uiiuj in f.uni liu being In a log
shant). Tlie) iniiit lumiii'liuf fruin bel.iw or
great Miilleriug will ie-.nU. I aw iniuy fun
dies tti-ili) wliii bidu'tnne int.ilsinoo Mini
diy and don't know when tliu) will et one
Their teams am all gone, eo.s and otlnr
htovk binned ami desolation slati'i them in
tliu faou.
Hist Sviiismv, .Mich., Sept. S, Kepoits
bow that III MilliiKton tuwuiiii, I'lHooh
I'ouuty, twoutx ouo f iiuiliia su lelt houitless
and linilseliM. In Doninilk, (luilford mid
TikimI.i tow n'iipilu the mnoi-ounty, tweuij
or tlillt) fMiillu-s arn burned out, and aciea of
timber, ciuw and inlles uf (nun am burned
In tins Mi'liilt) tire aroiluelly eonliiied tu
llluinliild, llriilgu Kirt and Iteusli linn tmn
liipt im tlio east, and Roehulle, 111 Iwaukeo
ami Saginaw tonus on tlm west, in all which
nnumlsrof liiiiljiiii and Urgeiiuntitif of
propirt) Mfre wept away, 'I liu Indian et
tlcineiit, kiiieral niilpt below tilt city and
surrounded by a dense, fmva'i u r'lortisl to
have lnvii burned, auH iloublles a iiniuber of
live am lust, as them who thirty families in
tlivre anil jKiisibln way of ec.ip. Heavy
lug a great ileal ol .lemage.
Hiiro lluirllile llrtnlls.
DcTimiT, bept. 0 At 1'oiut lleach, where
no fresh firu ilisasti rs aie cxp cted.the lowiflt
cstimafcB makn 'Jlfi faiiiiiies uuuieu uii '
.i.- ...... ,.r t,,l..ii . I. vim. Annie. Lvt-r
nn.,n Mnnrn I.lnOltU .1,(1 Kllll-T fcim-IaC
eouiity'and 2 purs ns are known to bo il ad
The fires are mostly out and the inlial'itunts
arc tittin? about llie ashes o' their former
homesj many nro burned ..ml oliiiH-isein-iiircil.
They aro ill roinolatu mill ubno.t ho
reft of their senses. I'rmmons clotlung,
bedilii.g and other uto ssiries arc bemir con
stan'ly forward il and men mo tr.iv. nig
through tho burned seutio s ilistnbiituu sup
plies and taking thu names of those who ard
in mcil. Mmv p-rsens are i-till missing in
tho biirnid sections, and tho i xaet 1 ss eaunot
Im know ti for fiomo tl ivs Sixti-fiio llll'llll
are all eaily H ported in six tow lis and it is
said tint twenty tceu no in navo ncen
found 111 tlia niuutw bitween I5aihxo an I
1'ort IIopo. The poner elassis aro the- clutt
Killer r.irllif Siiirerers
Chipaiio, Sept 10 --Kcpuii8 are rcc lved
ol lelief iiii-vniif being inaugurated u all
tho large eitics fui the liencflt of tlicMic.iigin
II ii llns or Knil'kli Spinner.,
M we'HKsTi'ii, Sept. 0. At a meeting to
day of mister spiiiu r t.f the manufacturing
towns of Line mure, Yoikslnru and Dcrbj
shire, Bficial apcakeis atio gly condemned
tho action of tho I.iv. rpO"l Mug A resolu
tion was adopttd condemning tlio actum of
lir 'keis who bad umleitakeu to a.sist thosjn
die itu in cotton speculation and s'rouglv itru
ing tlm ontiro cotton trado to stop oj orations
fur a week ami lelriin from buying mtt n at
J.iwrpiol duii'ig tha' tune Tho nneting
ailj iirnsil Hull! tlio 1.1th to await ile. isuu.s
fiom various dutiicts represent d upon tlio
stoppigu of opeiations wliich w ill take plaio
if two-thirds of tlm "p raliies consent. A
committee, was appointed tn eousiilei ami re
p irt cuno ruing th jnescnt system of sales of
tutiircs on cotiou.
Itn.Man .lews o be Prnlorlril
I.iimkis', Sept. 0. Tt.u Jemuh Win Id states
that liuisu is at last tikliiL' aetlie
H'cps to suppress vigorously any futuio out
lago on .lews
llelli Tlor llie tluerliui..
I'.tisis, Sept. !l. 1'ive limulml tliousaiid
fiaues will lu ilisttilmt tl .tinoiig thu Algn
iins now tlireatuued with famine owing to
Ilnirllilr HliiugliCci'
I'isami, Aug HI. -Iii a light at Mat.ig.il.
pha between abou fi.000 Imlnns on one side
mil a tb taeliniiut of tn ops and sniuo l,r0 eit
Icm on the oilii r, thu liidiins lost 500 lu
kilful mid wound, d. Thu other party had 28
killed an la number wound d 1'ieiious to
this light thu Indians att leki tl K-tpiipulas,
killed ihu captain m command and eoiuinis
siry, and lyuuiig tolourapli oper.Tor niiiii d
Yoga, who was stri ken duuu while rtpiiring
a lireali in the gnirnm'iil tel giapn line,
I'lio 1 milliter "f xanous'iuilivitlii tls follow rtl,
some of these Iudiinswho hid relused to join
the iiiileuiitn ts, and lioiiiblc outiages were
iiillietul upon others,
nTvT'TTiTio isr.
troni llie IiiiIIiiii 'iiiinlr)
I'liifcMX, Sept. S. Tlitio is iniie'i uxcitc
ineut herti and at (ilobo. Two men hao been
killed mid one wounded by the Apichus inai
Iteuo The so thus L'.itlu led at flieeii Valley,
K no. Wild Kyo and McDowell. 'Ihomibtia
is organizing evirywhiio. Tliu in litia is call
ing fur anus. Tho acting goicrnoi telcgiapli
ed to tho secietarj of w ir for anus and am
munition at time. Cuil mid military author
ities aru in fulbst aeeord, Chiifs of tho I'ina
ami Maricnpx tubes mar I'lio. nix oiler to pre
Msion tlieuiselves anil loul their bucks against
thu Apiclns lliej luvo nluaxs been fiientl
K tn the w lutes and havo hated the Ainchcs.
Thu militarv is moving every wbeio. A great
meeting w ill lu luld tu-uight to oigiino tho
militia. One eninpiny ol cavalry is now hur.
riimrto (ilnbu A courier from McDiwell
lepoits all ipuet at Apitlio and I'lionns. Tho
Indians arj pcaeeaiuy sciii'riug in sin m
laiiiU. Settlers eau't wait foi authority ami
will kill them on nulit.
lliirilernus Isiuult.
Sis Kuvxri-iu, Sent. II, This afteiuoin
Philip O'Neil, a ineinbei of tin tire hrigule,
niteied a saloon at No '.'02 .McAlnter stioct,
and soon becamu iniohid lu a iiiuiel oter
fchakiui; dieo fnr tlio dunks with tlm bir
tender. D.nid liui's O'Neil. left tliu s doon,
but ruturned in a f. wininutts uml, drawing
a pi.tol, shot It lis in tho luck, inllietiiii; a
diiiL'oinus wound, O'Noil was a'lesicd by a
citien and lm ked up. Ibals was taken to
tliu city r ceiling ho pil.il.
ArmliiE ler IiiiIIiiii Hen lie.
Sv l'KAxrisiii, Supt !) A dispitch fiom
Tui"tiu, Allnun, siys that lion, i iliox to
tlav lelearinliud In nctilij I! iv.inor ,1. .1. Cos
per tint t a' sce"ct i of w ir iiut'ion. s the
ale of arms ami aiuiuiinit on, but tint th in
mn t' w if am sui ulus at p ists. He w u.ts tn
know the nuiu'ier thu gu'eraoi disuts to pui
elnse, as uiilx to mjiiiid euiupinis i.iu
aims Im dia in with ut iiiilnso. I'lio gov
ernor is uuw in telugiap'iio I'oiumuiiie'atiou
with tliu number of inns tin' cm be hid, i he
prien and fiom what points the) can he fur
uishiil. llie Mm I I'linel.eii I lit lion.
Ciunpleto letuiiis of the eiti ileetion slinw-
tint tin linn en tliuii i'lio ml then c null'
dites f 1 Sniv r and Siipeivnora in th
I'liiiil and S xth'Wii'11. Wi.h these exctp
tin is the I! piililn.in i Invu in idu a elum
swo p Sulgwi, lor Sherill. Ins thu high
est mi iriti --t iiu) tli'iiniu I. lo ir liu 'Uiu I
and llie llliiko for M .oi, b is a nnjority
of two tlmusiiil I'hI nun tj -two, and thtuee
the in ij.iiitii's I mji' do in in a few lii.ndii Is
It l i '-! le t.nt the Uii id icuiit will
till gi tin IU I'us III di t ill. but It ! nut I Inly
to .lllei t tin It suit
lln.iir o i Wimiii -I'ho I) It A
V. Co line pitltioned the htuul ol trustns
nt T.it I'm tl mil 'or tliu light of way (or
their I uliead tluungii thu city. Til piopoid
i out u is through "Sulliuiu's tlale'li," and
er "slug thu stiue'.i ruiiuiug not th mid south
from Ki liteeutli s reel to Witer stic t, in-clu-lie,
ami .lis eio ses tliu t dl iwiug stieets
luiining east anil west, to-uit: Ib'llidij's
uveniif, I'ii flii , Orepni, Willuuette, abm,
A, II, C and U met, and runs Ittithwi u
thrjiigb Second s u.t, wlieru the suuo enteu
D street, and mm fiom slid .eiond strct
we-ter'y ti the W llmiettu nier, through
lilbuou, Adams or Wiuhiugtou strut, as
may hi leafter be determine 1,
AixiPKxT --Day buioro jetinUy, at 11:30
i. M , a tiriibb) tlfili! evi'iirvd on tho Hue of
thu O. K N ro ' road, hundreds of tons
ol link being precipitated from blutl near
Tunnel No. ft, ten miles Mow llie Dalbs, in
drift No. 1, killing out) man named tiardiirr,
aged twenty three, a na no of llliuoi, ami
injuring scleral others, among them a Chins
nun, who had lua arm broken, lie wat
brought to this city jesteixhy e'xeuing for
treatment. Owing to tho recent accident and
dangers ineuiml in working said tunnel, tho
iiioit einp'ovel, oxer 1,000 in number, liaxe
ceased work, and the IsMta haxe brought
nun) of tliu bauds to this place.
lirra arc also reported in Isabella county,
Tho AHorian h&yti there ii nofa case
of smallpox in-Astoria.
The Astoria" Packing'Ca put up .31,-
lUOc.iS'Hot Mlmon. '
Tliubargo Hnl let was recently brought
bafely over the Oiscadi'S.
A new boat for the Coquille trade is
being construct! d at Parkeisburg.
Tho liune Journal says there arc
no catcrnillarn m that vicinity.
A Chii't'so chicken thief got wounded
by a bhot gun recently at Amity.
1'irtics aro killing deer on Burnt
river, Uaker county, for their hid"v
Sntno ono poisoned a 8150 hor.se for
Ike Durbin on French Prairie recently.
Over 1,000 head of cattle -fiom the
Malheur arrived at Wnmcuiucca in ono
Twenty-five steam threshers found
employment in Yamhill county this
Neil Hall, of Grant county, recently
killed two deer, which weighed 200
poutula apiece.
A Sm 1'iaticisco capitalist is looking
uround S iloni with tho view of starting
n woolen mill.
M. S. Dailey of Hillnboro, will build
ihe bridge over tho Tualatin at .Farin-
inj-toii for $1,900.
Thousands of railroad ties aro being
llo.ited down tho Willametto to Mc
Vey's Point, Lane county.
Oroy xictiiiiied others besides iIr.
Stow art of tho Albany Democrat, in
minis ranging fiom SI to $150.
Tho biidge at Lafayette has been
completed and thrown open to the pub
lic. Jt is in length 1,1'ti feet, reaching
fiom hill to bill.
Sheriff Kamsbey says it is nothing
wonderful to thresh 2,000 bushels ot
wheat to ono imichino a day in the
noiglilioiliood of Ji H'erson.
Gov. Thaxer has issued a requisition
on tho Governor of California for the
arrest and return to this State of Ed.
Monluunt, who escaped from tho peni
tentiary Hume time since.
Mr. Kicliards, of Mitchell, Wasco
county, had 87,500 worth of property
'lir,ttoyed recently by (ire, besides with
.'1,800 in notes xvas burned up. Insur
ance, 1,800.
Amendatory articles of incorporation
of the St aside Packing Company of As
toria, itureasing their capital stock fiom
four thousand to twenty thousand dol
lars untl otherwise increasing their lmsi
ne.ss capacity.
Somo Israelites, says the Hillsboio
mlepetiJnit, attached a Sir. Schneider's
crop in Polk county and it cost them
!?270 to harvest tho crop, and nbout
this time Lawyer Collins instituted pro
ceedings and recoveted possession of the
crop and now those Jews east their
hael oyo over that crop from tho out
side ot the fenco.
llennett and Chambers, two convicts
confined in tho penitentiary, tried to
mnke their cschpo on Monday eveniii",
but wero unsuccessful. they secreted
themaehes under tho tannery inte.idiug
after datk to mako their escape, but tho
guards were kept on tho fenco all niiht
which prexented them from euiiiing
their fieeiloin. They wero found yes
tettlay morning.
Mr. Olds, of Middleton, Wnshiiigton
county, s.ns tho Yamhill llepoiter, has
tlis oveied a bed of paint on his f rin nt
that place. It is of a daik lit own color
and seieral paitits who liaxe tested it
siy that it is ot excellent quality, con
t lining just enough iron to make it
lurablf. If the vein prm es extensive,
it will be a xalimble "find" for Mr. Olds
as well ns a yood tiling foi the section in
which it is situated.
Sajs the lake coun'y .'unnhter- A
baud of 2,001 head of sheep belonging
to C 0. Webb of Corinne, Utah, left
this county about the Ith of August fur
tint plam in chaigeof lohn Zumwolt.
Tho sheep got along very well until in
tlm neighb iihuod of Stein Mountain
when they got hold of tlm poison milk
weed nml in two or three dins 1,900
sheep tlied out of tho baud, anil our in-
t'iriiiiiiit sajsthat many mom were likely
to die.
On July 30th, siys the Oregon City
f!itterme, a short disjunct) from Hit--low's
gate. Messrs. John and William
Mm belli, old ii'Milents ol this eount,
li.nl a toughen uiuuf- r ith a huge cin-
niinon lie.ir. i lie teir got noiti ot
It'll .Mintieltl several times, as his hat
and cliitlus testify. His shoulder was
pretty h-uily m ingled and Ittll thought
it was "all night" xiith him, when his
luothiT Julin, who is a powerful man,
came to his nssistauco uml withouebluw
of his heavy rillu smashed the brute's
skull in.
Wheat 55 cents at Goldendule.
Yakima county onkra sell for eighty
Tho Tncoma TniiRU'rCo. with a cap
ital of $1,500 has U-en organized.
Ch.ules Carl, according to thu Stat?
mini, is the latest Walla Walla bilk,
Th) Seattle InttlUijtnter doesn't take
much stock in the Territorial Fait at
Shep raisers in the x icinity of Gold
eiuhtlo aro divsatisticd with the "scab
r.xAiulitor Stout, of Goldeudale, has
raist'it some White Htusia oats, upon
one heid of which 250 grains wero
A man who was akcn to jail at Walla
Walla as insane left ?u- with tho clerk
of a hotel there. A sharper namid
Hailey heard of this, and representing
hmiself to bo the crazy man's friend,
got the money. Hailey is now in juil.
Klickitat county has fito assessments
of 810,000 and oxer apiece. J-aclcl it
1'ilton are assessed at just $10,000,
Lowengart it Stchel at 310,025, Thus.
Johnson at 8H,P2."i, A. H. Curtis at
517,040, and Waldron .V Co.. nt S17,(
"Wliii! Am He limit IV"
AddreM of Mm. Johnson before the
Lime Kiln Club: "What am de comet?
Who is she? Wliich is it? What am
she htnh fur ? How many of .ou kin
answer theso qtitshuus? My frens, de
study of astonomy am full of inteiW
an' pleasure. I tut fur astronomy how
could we hex known dat de moon am
peopled by a race of one eyed giants, an'
dat de distance to the sun am so ereat
chit if we was to sot out an' trabble on a
hoss kyar it would take us fo' weeks to
"it dar? Astronomy teaches us dat de
atmospheie in de planet Jupitiram so
el'ar and tr.insparint dat you cm see a
hos ily six miles away. In de planet
Mars do uir urn so cool dat a dead dog
kin be left in front of a fiist diss hotel
fur nine weeks. In the enus it am
alius good weather fur goin'a lishin', an'
de ait am so biacin'dat the women alius
split deir own wood. De planet Saturn
furnishes its inhabitants stiawberties an'
cream ile hull y'ar lountl, nntl the wery,
lies' kind of lager bier kin bo had fur
tnxty eight cents a keg. Way back in
de dark aiges nobody knew wliecler ile
sun was ten miles or ten million miles
oil. De sight of a 'clipse ski ered chil'en
into (its an' made strong men crawl
unilt r tho bud fur safety. (o stais war
supposed to be pieces ot tin nailed to t'e
midnight air, an' men would no mo' be
lieve that the airth tinned lotiiid dan
you now believe dat de day will soon
come when men will go sailin' fiew dc
air at detate of two miles a minute.
Hut I doan' wish to take up de waluable
time of tlis meetiti', nn' I will close by
dejtrvin' dat a'l occ.ishiins seem atipplo
imutary to de general debility of do
fuilong. Dar am no mo' reason why all
of jou shouldn't agitate generosity of do
sincerity chin tl.ir am fur the elocution
to opetate disasttusly against do teiri
hh'iiessof tin) octavo." It has been long
weeks since Paradise Mall was fnvoied
wkh stub a tremendous oiutorical i fleet.
- Iilnill Flic y'ist.
The Mulo Vindicated
.Mi. Adolf Mitio, in Ins lectin 0 betoie the
lliilhon Club, siji, the following kind w ouls
of mules: "We litle bivn Hini inulis for
ycais, ai il have found out that the aie toler
ably good annuals: but thcie l il piejudicc
against mulls, tliougli they aie veij intelli
gent. I think that I could vuite a chapter on
their ti uts, its I bavi) bad vciy cxttnsive ex
perience, with tbeiu. It has been said that
they havoastioug piopensity for kicking; I
bavc never seen tliem kick when ill the tun
nel, "I hey beiomo veiy tame when under
ground; in fact, they beennio the minus' pets.
The men become, tpiite attached to them; and
as tho shift mules pas along hi the iucu.it
lunch, the will often iciciio fiom one a piece
of pic and fiom anothei a cup of coffee, etc.
When a signal is given to tire a blast the
limits iiiitlrist.mil the signal, and willtiytn
get out of the via of it just as the men do.
Of corn sc, underground it is very dark, and
the ii.ules become so Mcustomcd to the daik
ness that even when tiny go out into the sun
light the cannot see veiy will, ami whtn
tliov go back fiom tho sunlight into tho mine
they eaunot see at all. So vv o are in the hab
it of covering one c c, w ith a piece of cloth
wlienovtr they go out, mid keep the covering
over the eve when the go into the tunnel
again; wc then leiuove the cloth, so they have
ono good eye to see with. Wo had to adopt
this plan for pi cserving their sight, because
tho mule is sc stubborn that he will not pull
unless ho cm see his via) ahead. We have
found out another thing ab ut mules. Wo
tritd holies at lir-t, but wc found tint when
ever an thing touched the uus of a horse ho
would throw up his htad and buak his skull
agiinst tlio nvi i hinging lock; but if jou touch
a mule's e.us lie drops his head. Tor that rca
ton vo could not Use hoiHs. Wo cinploed
nuiK-, and they hive answired verv well."
Eethmiijf. ,
Large Steam Easlnes
Moiistir steam engiuisseeiti to he on.- of tho
featuits ot the diy. The datum al engine.
in Maihiuu hill, 1'liiladtlphi.i, waseoiuider--ed
il monster in sie anil power. It is lated
at ftOO horse power. They aro now putting
up a t!,000-liore power engine for the 1'iovi
ileiice wattr works. These are very laige for
utationirj engiiito. Hut engines of much
larger power ham long I ecu in use in ocean
steamers. There tiro now several trans-Atlantic
etc.iutcr which develop from 4,000 to
5,000 hori.6 power; but the Mail Ciinard
steamer service will develop 10,000-horsc
I ower.
"I'oivriR," mini the gentleman from Xcw
Yolk, as ho stepped from his birth, "lake this
tmarter and call me at I.jons, sure," "AU
right, sah." I.ito next morning he calls him:
"Onlx twenty annates from Ituflalo, sail,"
Tho passenger makes a chapter of remarks in
blanks aiul dashes, winding up with, "Why
in fury didn't ou call moot Lioni!" Xew
jwrter ecstatua'ly, "Lions I 'Fore gomlncs,
tlat's Itl You did say linns, for suah, boss, ami
I done thought ober de whole circus, ktid I
hopo to tlie et I could ketch onto any animal
higher dan buffalo! I'll reinembtr da ige
next time, boss." The passenger from New
York is not appcasnt, but all the other pas
sengers are most mightily. UurUujton
You may notch it on the palm's as a mighty
rcsk plan
To make your judgment by -the clo'cs dat
kivors up a mm;
For I hardly needs to tell you how you often
coino ercross
A fifty-dollar saddlo on a twenty-dollar boss.
An', wiikm'in tie low gioun's, you diskivjcr
as vou co.
D.it de fines' shuck miy hide do meanes' nub
bin in aiowl
I think a mm has got a mighty slender chance
for Jleben
Dat holds on to his piety but one day out of
Oat talks about the sinners wid a heap a sol
emn chat
An' nebber drops a nickel m tie missionary
Dat's foremost in do ibectin'-lioiic for raisin'
all de chimes.
Hut Ias aside his 'l'gion wid his Suntla pin
taloons! I nebber judge o' people dat I meet long de
By de places w liar dey como fium an' tie houso
w liar tley stay ;
For the bantam chicken's awfu.1 fond o' roost
in' nrettv liicli.
An' de turkey-lnuird sails above dc eagle in
de sky;
Dey ketches Iittlo iniiincrs in do middle ob dc
An' you finds de sinallcs' 'p 'ssutns up do bin
ges' kind o' trcel
Budget, being told to put a little nutmeg
into the rice pudding, picked out the smallest
one in the box and threw it in.
A liullalo gill never has liei wedding ilus3
made in that city, for fear that somebody will
say that she was ni.inicd in a buffalo robe.
"What a beautiful thing, in dear, isaiosy
cheek!" "Yes, husband, but how great the
coutiast when the blush settles on the nose. '
Somebody says that u fashionable Boston
banquet consists of two beans stuck on a hair
pin, rtadings by F.meisonmid talks b Alcott.
Dr. I'atteusou, of .Scotland, has diseovcied
that ftogs and toads will fight. Well, let 'cm
light. Wed lather see thciiilight than hear
them sing.
"Health is wealth," sis a patentjmediciue
advertiser. You in c wrong, respected sir. If
health xv eio more iimveis.il, to you it would
be baiikiuptc.
The young lady who, w hen at Home, is too
wann to exert heiself to use a fan, will now
dance for tlueu bonis at a hop, and then de
cline it to bo "just splendid.".
About a million copiesof Webster's spelling
book continue to be sold annually, but no one
would suspect it who reads the inanuseiiit
sent to a newspaper oflicc.
Thisis trulyalatnung. A fashion cxc'luiice
says: "Tan-coloied gloves aioworu as full
ill ess for morning iceeptions ami the opcia."
Brethren, wo shall withdra.v fiom society at
once, ami take to the woods
A louni! New Yoik doctor h.iswtitttu a
tieatise lirovinc that icalskin sieouts alo tho
best piotectors for lungs ever known. Some
how the women have suddenly taken the no
tion that this young man is the able'.t phM
eian in the city,
Hovt pleased some sinokeis of cig.ncttcs
will be on It anting that tho succulent cigar
stump, tliscauleil ami trampled in tho mud of
the street, may reappear neatly rolled in cig
arette paper, and pickel in a handsomely,
labeled bundle.
A professor, lecturing on the etlect of the
winds in some western puts, lcntaiked: "In
tiaveling along the load, I even sometimts
found the logs bound and twisted together to
such an extent that a mule couldn't climb !
over them, so 1 went around."
An exchange kijs a cup of water in the oven j
while baking will picvcnt biead and cakts
from buininj,'. Thanks for tho information.'
And a ten-j ear old boy, looso in the cillar, '
will pieventnpples fromsp uliug. About one
boy to four bauds of apples, dojtor.
At some ot tho hotels at Long Uraneli tiny
charge ou extra if you sit at your window
and listen to the musio of a band playing at
anothei hotel a mile away. But then at some
other hotcis at tlio samo resort they charge
extia for tho window, whotlior theie is any
baud aiouu I it or not,
fust bcfoie vUitins the menaieiic Johnnv
had a passage at arms with the jotuig aunt
who had assisted at bis toilet, and with w hem
he Hew intoaiagc. Arriving.it the menag
erie, Johnny was immediately arrested by a
stunge fonifcu aninnl, will a long, lithe
bodv. "What animal is that, mamma!" lie
asked, "It is called an ant-eater, my son."
After a long silence; "Mamma, can't wo
bring Aunt Mary here some dav ?" I
"A fhbt class' telcgi iph eleik in Unglant',
under tho present system miy, with gocd
luck and good conduct combined, after eigh
teen jears service, riiso himself to apeouniaiy
pinnacle whereby he would be entitled to a
ulai of js'iOO pir t ar." Young man, if you
don't like this count! ; if it isn't br ad enough
for jou; if it i too new ami raw and rude; if
its lack of culture and old world refinement
starvco join intellectual being, as it vveie, em
migarto. Go to Knglaud and grow up vv ith the
telegraph service. There's a chmice for oil.
A new song is entitled "How they Parted."
We have not read it, but no doubt they part
cil ia tho usual wSy about two o'clock in the
morning, after kissing each other "gooj
night" at lost nine-seven tunes, "Well, 1
gmss 1 must go," he says, with a sigh, about
two hours before he does go. Then, after an
other half hour's com ersation about one thing
and another, he presses her hand with much
preitiveness, sashe really must go, and
lovingly lingers another half hour. Then he
says lie didu't know it was so lite, picks up
his hat and moves toward the door, whire he
puts his arm around her to prevent her from
falling into a swoon, and kisses her five min
utes m one inning, and still lingers. Then
ho gives her one more kin just for luck, and
reluctantly steps down and out into the black,
lonesome nyht, sad calls srouutl the next I
nl,i Th,r! !,... .e . i " , i
mglit. 1 Hat is how they parted years ago, if
v e have not Iwen misinformed
Ague mixture
Chills aild Fever aro permanently
cured by Dr. Jaync'M Agno Mix
ture. With a llttlo caro on tho port
of tho patient to avoid exposuro, and
tlio occasional uso of Jaynk'h Sana
tive I'i t,Ls,tliIs romody will bo found
to bo certain in Its operation, and rad
ical in ita effects. In many scctioni
of tho country subject to Aguo anc
other nmliiri.il illscascH it has an es
tablished character an a populnr spe
cific for theso liarrasslng complaints,
and tho number of testimonials re
ceived show that its reputation U
constantly increasing.
Intermittent and Remittent Fevers
are effectually cured by Dr. Jayne'a
Agno Mixture. In these com
plaints care should be taken to follow
tho directions closely, and especial
attention given to tho liver, xvhloh
should bo assisted in performing Its
functions by bit. Jayne'8 Sanativh
Wholesale Dealers Portlitn.
BMMgaJgA R Ki eaflvCT
sssr CURE
Is nude from u ouniiio l.opLui e.o, of lit-.-iu
ana is a posrrn n ui:Mi:nV rorniithc discs es ti
cute pains hi the loner pirt of tho boil for Torpt
Liter lleatlathcs -Jaumllcu Iluzlnoss Gravel Ms
uria, unit all iliKltultiej of tlio Mantes, Liter anil Uri
". f""1". . 1.'or.1 ,:! u'l: I'l'-Hlsl-S, Monthly Men
u xi. i; him: vm.s, 3ionuiiy men
I'ucn.niv. It has no eau&l It
struatou. turn ilur n
redtrntlic organs thit MthK the lilood; ami is henoe
oucof tlie hot 111.0011 I'llilt'F.KS. It is the only
kintii rciur-iH Hut tarts ItrUht's .ItseiLse. For DU
lices, mi VV lltNUII'S SU'K DIABKThS CUKE.
1 or halo l. I'ru'Uts uiul all Dealers at 1.25 pet
lintilr litr.'ost botilclii tlinu irket, Try.t.
US. I! YViirner & Co.,
Rochester. N. Y.
For morn than a third of a century tho
known to millions nil over tliu . mill us
the only silo lclimco lor tlio relief of
accidents ami pain. Jt Is a moillclno
nbovo pi Ico uml pntHc (lie lirst or lis
Islittl. For every foiui ofciternal pain
Mnstanp; I.lnlmsnt Is vvlthoutiiiioqiiiil.
It iielietriit llcsll mill fmiscle to
tlis scry lioiic niultlnir tho coutlnu-iiiicnnrpiilniiiitllnllimiiitlniilmpo-slblo.
lis erTecIs upon Iluinini Het-li nil Hi"
linun Creation aro equally vvoiulcrlul.
The Mexican
Liniment Is iteoriec. ly pomcboily in
uvoiy liousn. Kveiy ilny blinds liLwsot
the ngouynf au awful ainitl or ljurn
HiilHlueil, uf iticutitntlo martyrs 10
etoied, or n lnlunblo lioiso or ox
aarcd by tho healing power oflhls
which spoeillly euros such ulluiculs of
II. A IIITDtAXI L'f 1'bll na
Itlieumat Ism. bircllliigs, 8II1T
donna, i aiiirncitii muscles, lnrilfl
aim Bcmiun, nils, Jiruinoi nnu
Spialus. I'nlifOiioilH Kites mill
SllllK. Btlffiless, J.nmciless, Old
Sores, Ulcers. ft-jrostbUe, t lillblalns.
Sore IVlpilra, CnUetl llneuml. mill
Indeed every form of extnuul dis
ease. It lirnls ssllhmit senrs.
For tlio liuuTi: Cui.ation It urea
Sprains, titrlimy, hiur Joints,
Fouuder. ITnrnrss Hores, Hoof Ills
eases, Foot Hot, Seres Voiin, Scab,
llollovr Horn, Scratches, lud
Cnllj, Spnsln, Tlirn.h, Itlnaboue,
IHd Sores, I'oll nvll, Film npou
the Slsjht and crery other ailment
tn which the occupants of the
(stable and Stock Yard arc liable.
Tlio Mexlrau Mustang T.lnlment
always cures nml nover ilisappolnts ;
outl It Is, poslth cly,
DB. Z. It. XIC11QLS,
t'branlr and upHrd larna-itblr Ms.
rases wllltwst the IjIMUND HOI ML Koom St et,
TIKHBlSlrt llfclvillll'lii..f.i. .v K'a
Jl'?! eonsulustioa. I eferi tolior. W. W.Tler,
Olllwrt Bros., lUnsers ot tslem, tml Hon. II. A. John-
son, SsJeui. On other dss he nil) be at salem, at ,K.
E. t " r ol Comjarcial ami CUtuekeu Street.
vtie j-