Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, September 16, 1881, Image 1

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    VOL,. XIII.
NO. 81.
Among Southern Oregen Scenery. A Few of
tke Pleasing Sights Portrayed Cross
lag the Cascades Twice Indian
Curiosities, LinkriUe,Etc ,
This Summer a number of us made up a
party in Jacksonville, Oregon, for the pur
pose of visiting Crater Lake and Roue River
Falls, and some of the vondera of Southern
Oregon scenery. There vv ere two routes av ml
.able, one South of Jacksonville by way of
Linkville and Fort Klamath, and the other
up the Rogue Ki-er to the East. Not wishing
to be partial, and finding it to be quite feasi
ble, we went out by the Rogue river, ciossing
the Cascade range, thence to Fort Klamath,
by Linkville, and again crossing back over
the Cascade mountains, and in this w ay util
izing both routes. We were barely out of
sight of Jacksonville befote we fiist came iu
contract with Rogue river (properly called
Gold river;) up the rier our route lay for a
dist ince of 83 miles; all the time a continuous
Just here I will state' that our outfit con
sisted of a two-seated thorough-brace hack
and two horses add necessary supplies of pro
visions and blankets. In our party were three
young ladies and two young gentlemen. The
young ladies would prepare our meals, whilst
we brought wood, built fires, fetched water,
etc. The trouble of pitching a tent was over
come by improvising a sleeping apartment in
the hack for the girls; we boys just made the
best of a hard bed on the ground alongside
the wagon.
All the way we weio continually passing
through and amongst magnificent scenery,
which can hardly be surpassed in the known
world. The second day out we reached
Dustin's mill, where is situated the
The river at this point makes a fall of prob
ably 400 or 500 feet iu a distance of not over
one mile by a series of cascades; cascades over
which' fish are unable to pass at any season of
the year. The county had just completed a
bridge at the head of the rapids, so that we
eould see and admire the works of nature
Following the river ilovv n probably one mile
we came to a canyon over 300 feet deep,
through which the lapids could bo seen,
although not so swiftly running as they were
at the bridge. Just across this canyon is Seen
what is improperly called Rogue Kiver Falls.
It consists of a large creek that comes pouring
and thundering over the perpendicular walls,
and falls a distance of 182 feet without strik
ing an obstacle. The water, when it reaches
the bottom, is nothing but a cloud of mist,
and is carried by the winds in every direction.
It seems as though nature did not intend
robbing tourists of a nearer view or approach
to this grand sight, as, after a few moments,
we found the natural pass to the water's edge.
The bed of the river was covered with a
heavy vegetation of mOBs, and as we sprang
from bow lder to rock w c w ould sink knee
deep in the moss, which was not the pleasant
est feeling, when one took into account how
damp it was kept by the continual clouds of
spray that swept over it. While we stood
looking and admiring this grand spectacle the
wind suddenly changed, ami we were iinnicili
ately wet to the skin. This was the nearest
wecune to getting untrr the fall. Scarcely a
step further away was another fall, although
sm tiler in size and distance of fall, jet none
the less attractive. Over the l!uIT in one
solid sheet it came, increasing in motion,
until by a projocting rock it is divided in
twain; thus divided, it continued on until it
fell rippling over the rocks into the river be
low. As it came over it was of milk white
ness, and as it descended a blueish tint was
imparted that made it really beautiful. This
is properly and truthfully called the Bridal
Vail. The forenoon quickly passed away in
admiring these natural phenomena, and the
day was well spent both as regards enjoyment
and time; and as a consequence we were
obliged to travel until 10 o'clock at night to
make op for lost time. Another sight is
The rier passes through a can) on composed
of a light soil, and as iime and the water
have washed away the loose soil, or rather a
species of pumice formation, it has left stand
ing picturesque, tall and spiral columns of
sandstone formation, of grotesque and weird
shapes. A number of the largest liave crum
bled awy and lay prostrated. As tins is
about the beginning of the canyon, we can
only liken them to sentinels keeping watch
over the entrance of that nver, yet in its in
fancy, and seeing that it takes the straight
and narrow way; although we must say that
it deviates considerably in after scenes and
gets tumbled about in a decidedly careless
manner One hajf ilaj drive and we are at
CtW.r Like, one of the highest points in the
Ca. a .ic range; and Mount McLaughlin, which
loomed up and looks to bi,; from Jacksonville,
is alongside and ilw indies into an insignificant
ly small mountain and instead of being in
the l'ast is in the West, for we have complet
ed the task of ciicuiiyveiiting Mt. McLaughlin
Striking camp on a mall stieam that aiose in
a snow bank near by, and w liii.li can almost
lie called one ot the heads of Rogue liver, we
prepared to do the lake. A half hour's walk
and the task was completed. A giand sight
met us; the air was hushed to a solemn soil
ness that was appallim.'; not a living thing
was "seen; beloie us lay the quiet wute'sof
Not a ripple could be seen; the fuither
banks stood boldly and abruptly be
fore us; the stillness was onl) broken by our
voices; and now we stood before the goal of
our ambition Ciater Lake. Below us, al
most a thousand feet, the waters could be
seen', but no banks. While beneath our very
feet was green grass an! blooming Mowers,
showing that Spring had just aimed, and
cveiy thing becmed fresh. Wo never saw
such a beiutiful arraj of flora befoie. Flow
ers of every description and color enlivened
and beautified the scene Surely the super
stitious Indians had cause to fear this place.
For, as the Indians claim, an evil spirit
dwells here, and all their belief is founded
upon the lict that years ago a party of In
dians attempted to pass over the lake and
thai when near the center their friends upon
shore saw the evil spirit reach up and drag
them down, boat and all. And as a conse
quence it is impossible t get an Indian to
venture near there under any circumstances.
The only clue we can give to this legend is
that thero probably exists at or near the cen
ter of the lake a whiilpool or suck hole, and
that the boat and its occupants were drawn
down into it end first. It is not known that
the lake has any visible outlet, but it is sup
posed that Annie's creek, Wood river and
Williamson river all head here; and if such is
the case, and the location of these sticams be
in ir on that side of the lake, the probable evi
dence of a whirlpool is quite well established.
This we know: That a stick thrown in on tne
West side by us immediately begau floating
toward the South alal . tie, lovl. -A-
great many would like to hear it we will give
a few figures. The lake is feemiugly lound,
and in the center is an island which rises to a
sharp point and which is pionouneed by tho,o
who have visited it, as beingan extinct ciater.
There aie steep and seemingly unacceisible
blulh on all sides, especially on the North,
Bast and South sides, wheie these bin lis range
in height fronifWOto 2,000 feet, several points
being over 1,200 feet high. On the West
sde, on which we stand, is the only place
easy of descent and ascent, which we accom
plished in one hour and a half, and is SM feet
to the water's edge. The other gentleman of
the party and I went to the water's edge.
Thero was hardly a ripple, and the w ater w as
quite cold. Wild flowers grew abundantly
at the very waters edge. After getting down
we found a very short stretch of shallow
water, and we do not doubt but that 20 feet
from shore its depth is thousands of feet. At
a point between the island and the Wtst
banks a measurement of "."0 feet was gotten,
while to the South a short distance uo meas
urement could be obtained. Tjiie lake is vari
ously estimated at from 1,1 to 20 miles atonnd.
The evidence goes to show that this Has once
the home of a volcano, and tlut through some
unknown agency it telescoped and funned as
it has Crater lake, and is so called.
VVUt.N TO VI-ilT Till LAKh.
The best time of the year to visit Crater
lake is undoubtedly August or September, as
at that time the snow has disappcaied, or
quite near bo. We only encountered several
small patches of snow, and these were not in
the way. The treeii grass and Spring Mowers
showed but too plainly that the Winter's
snow had but recently gone oil. The Mora
around the lake and on the neighboring hills
was very beautiful and we came across many
rare plants, During our journey to the lake
we had delightful days of weather, anil it was
neither too cold or too -sarin. Iu the even
ings wo had a full moon. So altogether our
time of going was a very favorable one. Dur
ing our stay in the vicinity of the lake we
twice visited this charming scene. There is
a good road so that one can drive to the lake's
very edge m a carnage.
Leaving Cnter lake camp at 5 o'clock we
drove on over the mountain, down Annie's
creek canyon into Kastern Oregon, and accom
plished a distance of 28 miles before 12 o'clock.
All this distance was driven after dark and
by moonlight.
The head of Annie's creek comes out of the
ground iu a s-ot not four feet n-uare, ami is
strong inough to run a Mour mill. The water
is lie cold. After ituiu' from the mountain
side, It Halts almost immediately into a can
j on which prows largei, and is encased by
high perpendicular Hull's of solid basalt rock.
Our route lay alung the caujoa's edge, and
we could distinctly hear the murmur of the
water hundreds of feet below, and seen by
moonlight as we saw it, the rocks anl'crevices
too ghostly and unnatuial shapes, and was a
constant source of pleasiue, and constant sur
prises to us, benighted trav elers. While spin
ning thiough the heavy forest that bolder tho
canyon we suddenly straddled a logr and we
were then and .there obliged to chop it out.
But the event was enjoyed, as it spiced of
roughing it and backwood's life. That night
we camped within a mile of Foit Klamath,
and, next morning, visited the same. We are
now in tho Klamath Lake country. After
ltav nig tho Fort, we next came to the Agency.
Klamath Indian Agency is situated in quite a
favorable locality. The Government has erect
ed school houses, giist mills, etc., for the In
dians as they aie now self-sustaining. Leaving
the Agency, we stiike over to Williamson liv
er, where we make an caily camp for the pur
pose ot fishing. This is, without a doubt, one
of the finest flaliinc grounds in the State. 8uf'
lice to say that w e caught enough for supper
and breakfast, without having to go out of
sieht of camp, ard in an hour at that. While
fishing, we met an Indian who had been fish
ing, and who had half a dc-en that were fully
three feet in length and weighed not less than
fifteen on t a cutv pounds. The next point of
interest is Modoc Point a large and abrupt
piomontory that abuts into the waters of Big
Klamath Lake. A roadway has been ttiade
around this bluif, and although thousand's of
dollars have been spent on it, yet it is now a
rough rocky load. The distance around this
point is five miles. Above the boulders look
ilow n upon us, and below us flashes the tem
pestuous wateis of Big Klamath Lake. Thou
sands of snakes, many of the lattlesnakes of
the most poisonous nature, abound. We coi
neied one big fellow who was tiyiug to swaK
low a rat, and killed him. There were eleven
rattles, showing the-ieptile to be eleven years
old. The rattles are still preset ved by oife of
onr party as a trophy of Modoc I'omt. The
Modoc Indians used to infest this particular
locality; so it was named Modoc l'ointyvftcr
them. The toll gate passed, we gojou tq Mr.
rjr-smy'cFs lancinciTil 116011" ""Avcrlian sprnit
of Mr. D.'s plafc iu a separate article.)
We then drove that evening to Linkville,
where we tan led over night. Our party met
riany tiiends. Our tup from lieic was
of minor detail, anil was a very pleasant drive
ov er the Cascade mountains, and then home
This was undoubtedly one of the quickest,
jolhest and pleasantcst trips ever made from
Jackson county to Crater Lake and return
and was duly christened by the party as "the
Comfortable Crowd." Those composing the
party were Mr. Henry 1'ape, Jr., and Miss
Emma I'ape, Miss Fannie Dow ell, Wm. J.
Clarke and Miss Sallie Clarke. Mr. illiam
Shook met tho party at Williamson river,
w here w e had a pleasant eveuiug party of half
a dozen young people from the Agency, and
accompanied us to Linkville. There is at
present a small steamer on the lake, ouued by
Mr. II. M. Thatcher, but while we weie theie
it was away up thy lake logving; so we muld
not accept the owner's hospitablo invitation to
takeuiide. M. J. Clakm.
1'euilLtoii Tiihunt: l)r hall lufmius us
that the Iudiius on the Luutilla le eiv.ition
have raised, this ar, ab' ut l.",000 oi 20.000
bushels of wheat, besides othei grain
La Grande ('uiit'j'Oinltiiit As fai s we
know, crops in the valley are yielding well -over
average. We hear of on fanner who
threshed 400 bushels of oats from four acres of
ground. Can jou beat that on "jour Hide!"
Ku,ene Journal' This is a reiuaikably
good season for a heavy oat yield. Never wire
they more plentiful and cheap. On the faun
of R, It. Cochran, near Coburg, 170 Jmsluls
were cut and thtcshed from three acrei of nt w
Kugeno llunrd: We have heard recently of
a certain person mi the McKenic killing lioiu
ix to eight deer elail) , nolely for the annuals'
plts, leaving the carcasses to putiefy. Such
pel sons hive no sense of shame, and should be
prosecuted and lined heavil) .
Kugeue (luard- During last svccl the sa.
lem Flouring Mills purchased 100,000 bushels
of wheat. The price paid was 7.1 cents net for
wheat the nthcr side of Junction City, and i '
cents net this side of that place, Of the above
amount, 70,000 bushels cmie from Lane I
county. I
Coos county, says the A'tiv, doen almut uli !
the ship building in Oregon. The marine
structures hero represent about $100,000 per
annum; with our facilities ind the new ship
yards in contemplation of Uiug staitol, the
industry should incressc to hulf a million a
year in a short time.
f Joldendale (luutle; 0.i Geo. M.lkr's ranch
Bast of town, there have lxwu raised this sea
so l 0,500 bushels of grain and 140 tons of
gra ii hay. The wheat made about 25 and the
oats neatly 40 bushels to tho acre. And vet
some people say that the Klickitat climate is
miserable, and that its soil is w orthless.
Goldendale Oazrttr: W. 11. Noblew writes
us, fiom the Alder Creek country, that he list
a turnip 30J inches in circumference, and that
he has other vegetables of proportionate sire.
We know of sev eral farmers w ho have mon
ster vegetables of one kind or another that
will most likely be on exhibition at our Fair.
Union County Itnoiil: The cattle plague
in the Wallowa is yet a great grievance to the
stock o unci s in that section. Numbers aie
dying dill), and no lemcdy has yet been
found. Tho disease fust shows itself by lame
ness in the legs of the animal allected. Morti
fication sets in immedistely, and death ensues
iu a shoit time.
I'endleton Tribune- Blue Mountain is the
name of the station at the terminus of the nai
row gauge branch that leaves the main line at
Whitman. It is a place of no great importance
excepting as a shipping point for wheat.
There aie laid "down daily at Blue Mountain
over two bundled tons of wheat, while only
about seenty tons are taken away by the
Wcton l.rmltr William Kdwards had 40
acres of Spring wheat that give 2.1 bushels to
the acie, and 50 acies of Fall wheat that pro
duccd 40 bushels to the acre. 25 acres of oats
belonging to A. 1. Kirkland yielded 1,500
bushels, an uveiage of 00 bushels to the acie;
20 acies of barley averaged 40 bushels to the
acie, and 225 acies of wheat brought 7,300
State Join mil: Gicat quantities of wheat
ai e being hauled into town and stoicd at the
different warehouses. .Kveiy day this week
long lines of wagons could be seen standing at
the nulls, each man patiently waiting until his
turn at unloading came. Threshing has been
almost completed ncioss the river, but in the
Spen;er Creek and Long Tom country is not
neaily finished. All report fair yields.
Jacksonville Senliutl: Mr. Joseph Sitter
field, of 1TIie Meadows," has' Indught us
some fine white turnips fiom seed that was
raised this Mihimor. That is: the tuiuip was
planted in the hpnng; the seed inatnied and
sown, and a large ciop of loots raised fiom it.
Mr. S. has also a ciop of potatoes giouiig
from seed idUtd this year, the second ciop
promising as well as tho fiist. This is good
evidence of the pi olific soil and favorublo cli
mate of Jackson county.
Walla Walla Unioir A very icliable fann
er, who lives a short distance South of this
city, has given the following: Walla Walla,
August 30th, 1881. "I hereby certify that I
harvested and threshed, from thirty acres of
land upon iny farm, threo and a half miles
South of Walla Walla, 2, 108 bushels of wheat,
of the variety known as the 'Little Club.'
This grnm was put in about the last of Octo
ber, I8i0, anil hat vested in August, 1881.
Simuel Kdwurds." The statement of Mr,
Kdwaids is vouched for us true by those who
helped haivcst the ciop. Where else in the
world do they obtain over 70 bushels of whiat
to the a' re?
The nil low gauge, is now miulcd all the way
iluougli to Cobuig, Lane county Both Mud
dy bridges aie framed, as is also the Calapoora
and pi'cs aia diiven on each side of it up to
the crick. Mr, 1'umsey is now oigigcd in
locating the stations. The name of the t iwn
of Coburg has been i hanged to Vandyne.
Stations have bun located at Kdelmau'e,
Horace Lane's, S, I'. Ironspigner's, Aiiiob
Dunham's and Vauiryiie, The right of way
and conveyancing, with one or two oxcep.
tions, have bctn m cured, It is expected the
road vi ill be can nii w heat by the first of Oc
tober. Xo w alehouses will be built this Kel
son, hut temporary sh(ds will he elected by
the ftruiers, from which the gram will be
A ride through the northern and older stt-
tied part of Umatilla county at this time will
be apt to convince the most sceptical tint for
fruitgrowing this regi in is unsurpassed Ixith
as regards quality and pioductiviiicss. Ap
ples, peaches, pears ami plums grown hue
will compare as regards quality aud size with
any of the most favored localities either West
or South; in fact, the fruit attains a uuc here
that would bo calif d enormous when compar
ed with fiuit of the, same varieties (.rovwi m
any of the Eistcrn States. Trees are break
ing down with their enormous load of fruit, so
productive is the soil and climate for the
grow ing of fruit. Alth ugh but a few years
have elapsed since that branch of agriculture
was undertaken anil the trees are all young,
numerous orchards will yield, at a low exti
mate, five tons of apples to tho aero. Quite a
number of trccji will be ruined this year caus
cd by the limbs breaking from the enormous
loads of fruit they have to carry,
State of Oregon and Idaho and Washington Territories.
108 First Street,
To Our Policy Holders and the General Public of Oregon
and Washington Territory:
The first consideration with applicants for Life Insurance Is, or at least should 1h, BArKTY. Will Uie money
paid out for the pollcv lie prudently (lusted? Are tho affairs of tho Company honestly ami efficiently ailmluls-
lercev iv nen int loncy occomes a claim, wiiinuo promptly paw, ami mils ine omcci wmen induced the pay
ment of the primium be fully attained. These are qutrrus hatuially'gu-'gcfttcd and the character of the ans-
ir tmermines me course oi me ijueMioncr anil ine selection or nis mmiinii).
In this connection, the iimuaKirs of the rAUIKl MUTUAL I. IKK l.NSUUA.SCK'CO.MI'ANV respectfully bag
leav e to submit the follow in - facts and statements conccrninc' their Conutanv :
1st Since its organization, A. I. 1808, It has mid 3f3 death losses, on policies amount!))-' in the amrre(rat
to HW2 075.
2d It has paid to policy holders for mutual endowment, dividends and surrendered values in round num
bers. 1.000 000. , "
ard H has repeated! been exununed lij. sAOrn experts, and most thorough and searchlmr inrestlj-utloas
mode of its condition und business, nud in ivm case Its solvency ami trustworthiness have ft, en demoimtrntfid.
4th Its Htoikholders and Directors are widely known as among tho mo&t capable business men and ablest
financiers of tho btato of California, and tho InUiirlty of their management Is unquestioned.
6lh The laws of the State, Including tho Constitutional provisions affoetlnir eoriiorations, are of the most
rigid character, such as to mate the Company one of tho safest Institutions of its kind.
bectlon 3 of Article Xllof the New Constitution of the State of California, is as follows :
HrerloN 3 Each stockholder of a corporation or Joint stock association shall be individually and personally
liable for such proportion of all Us debts and liabilities contracted or Incurred during the time he was a
stockholder, as the amount of stock or shares owned by him beurstotho whole of the subneribed capital
stock or shares of the corporation or asmx latiou. The Directors or Trustees of coritorations and Joint stock
associations shall be jointly und severally liable to tho creditors and stockholders for all moneys embezzled
or misappropriated by the otthcrs of mich cororat!on or Joint stock association, durfmf the term of office of
such Director or Trustee
Tlir I' MIUC Mill tl. Is Hie only lire Insnrnner Oraimuy Lqfnluc Money upen Rml
Mlnte on l he I'uclrlr t'onsl.
It bus loaned more than aj,onO,(Sl0 ukhi approved Heal (Mate to citizens of this coast, thus materially aid
Ini, in the del elopment of the natural rcHources ot the country , and atTordhur. )al able and indisputable evidence
of its finamial strength A considerable portion ot tho sum mentioned has been loaned in Oregon and Washing
ton Territory , and still further ums are behur, loaned there.
The following Is a list of Death losses pild In Oregon and Washington Territory, together w Ith amount of
premiums paid in each case ,
Name and Residence. rreinlums piid by Insured.
James S. Ammeruian, .laiknoii' Die, Oicgou, . ... 1011 65
Andrew J. Ovcrheck, " " 70 10
AsherK. Wall, ' " 13100
llolwrt llrow n, Ashland, Or 108 60
I,. I). Ilarnurd, Olyinplu, IV. T , ,111 40
A. W, Mooro, " ' 4IUI 00
T. lUlnsev , Albany , Or, . 105 IS
N. (1. Ooft. Dalles, Or. , 32 47
a. blockhouse, Dallc, Or 142 SO
t". 8. Xaiarlan, 1'ortUnd, Or 260 40
II IV. Hardin, Whlto lilmr, W. 'r,..,itilli.x,i.:iiwf . ,. 30 IB
l-nllr Vorehon-w, miles fir .' .r.TWWra fttiwHv&iiflLti (IS 00
A. t'irotllers, Albitiy, Or . . 102 20
.1 llllgir, JatkHOinUle, Or 1,1118 72
Win. Smith. (tuiyonCitr, Or, . SUM
Wm Jl Mcirhiiali, MuizuiiU,
A M II ilsun, bcjttle, T
"i M I'o-tir, Ol-iiitim, V T
J J Sim.U, Ii. to.inwlk, Or
Itobcrt hummel, I nutllla Co , Or
. 277 ihi
Ml 20
127 80
3H5 22
. 1,11)2 2U
Ain't Tollcy.
l, mo
6,01 S3
The eVinipmy ha recently bieu examined by the Insurant e ''umiiiisiioiicr of Oillfornla in .erson, and ob
tallied hU fsiorihlereiHirt, as evldoniod by the following certificate and letter:
CUItOHN'M IMit'llAM'K Ill"l'A!n.MK.Vr.
II! ink No 1H.
Capital, Aset aud Liabilities of a Comiuny of this State.
IUn Kuascisco, March 28, 1831.
I, J C Muviurtl, hereby certify that I am tho Insurance Commissioner of the HUle of CallfornU an , hava
suiwrvislon f Insurance hutdnew iu the HUle, and as sudi Commissioner further certify that the 1'acillo Mutual
Life Insurance Company of California Is a coriKjratlon properly organized uudt r the laws of tills bute, and po
sessed of a pibl up capital of One Hundred Thousand Dollars, ei-uai to gold coin of tho United htates, U autuor
ized to do business In the bute. And I further certify that, ilmn an examination of the books ami papers of
tho said company, at tlis close id the year eUhtecu hundred ami eUMty, it was show n to be iKissessed of good
valid assets, amounting to the tutu of Hlnc Million Ono Hundred and Hevcuty nine Thousand, Two Hundred aud
Highly fiicOti lmtdollars, (il,17U,2M') and hail outstanding liabilities as ilellnud by the laws of tho Htate,
amounting to Ught Hundred and Thirty eight 'thousand Two Hundredand Thirty seven llollirs, ('8,8,2j7 00)
exclusive of capital stock
as wiiness my nana ami omclal seal, lite usy and year nrsi above, written,
Ibl'AL) J.O. MA1N.MIII, Insurance Commissioner
llj M. 51. itlioRU, Deputy,
.Sot including t8.i,'W 1)4 assets classed as unadmitted
lilt riKO A SKIOIIi:, Hit raCIMV, March 28. 1881,
('resident 1'iClhc Mutual Life Insurance Cotnjicliy , burameiito, Cdl
DrAH bin Vuu will please Hud enclosed herewith the certificate verlfvlu. thruui'h a personal eiamlnatlen.
the correctness of your Annual butiiiicul f x the year ending Dei ember Jl, lo-w, on nle iu this ulilie
It Is due lo tbif home company, und tu lis ahlci and Judicious management, that I should exprets my gratifl
cation at the healthy eoudUluii it is in, asriiriiiii it, I ooulldeutly believe, aprusio-ruus, stable future,
Wry respectfully etc, J MA NAKD, Insurance Commissioner.
We rcsieitfuily submit thai the slate men ts uf the oilers of the fciuiiauy, and the certificate of a competent
sworn otlleer of the State, are better evidence of its condition and trustworthiness than are the malicious state
ments of Irresnonsible and shallow netod aire tits of ulb. r coiinianLs. who have so little icimrt-cEatloii ,.r Liu, (llmss
of ihingsund are sodestiliite of urcfiuary business sagacity us tnRlicvo that they can advance their owuand
ineir u, iijumcs limitless ny uneuueci lor aul mallei ins ullacks Us,n llielr compclltors, 'Hie public) will dw well
to avoid an a.'tnt. or a coiumny. thai possess so little me it as to be cunUHllcd lu subsist unon the cb.ieb.rlts rot
llelieviug ourselves entitled If) Die conudciiie and business of such as propose effec ting the insurance upon
human life, we solicit their utionac, and pledgee ourselves, to elschsrgeytu the best of our ability, the huiior
tsul slid sue red trusts eielelniecl uj,u Us
KOMKItT hllhUnOOll, SAM I. LAV h.NSO.N, CHAKI.I--S .V. I OV. J )' 1101 (IIITfiN.
Directors I'selflc Mutu.lllft Insurance Company
Board DIeotingt
hzaoevrj), That the I'acldc Mutual J.ifu Insurance Coinliiliv of California has t,.u r.ru,.t u.l Inst in all
lis dialings with this board, and with the Indvldual lutlnbers thereof
ItiiLvau, llialllienitnil'crs of litis leoanl rigard the stale menu as to the solvency of said Company, and
the nUc'rityof Its othcers recently circulated in this cummuulty by agents ot rival eeiinpanlcs as utterly false
and malicious
Itsaoevui, That e reoouimend thr IV 11; Mutual W the -cople ot the Paeiltc Coast ss Uie best on-mcany to
he insured In
Krau1.vku, That we recognize In Mr . Mihlni.ic, the manager of s eld company for Oreeon and the Terrl
torlcs of Washington and Idaho, an able, energetic, umrteoss, and thorouvrlily reliable olllcer, under whoso
management the business of thecouiiuiiy iu tbif df'raltment cannot fail lei projKT
KrsoLV an. That this hoard w ill heartily co oierate In the work of ine reaslu the business of said ,otiiwi
and uisiiitsluing Its preslle iu Washington lerritnry
(il'O D HILL, I 'resident beanie Hoard
JK.SH.K W (IHIIHIh, Vice I'resiJf lit
C II IIANIOIID, beiretary
OU) D. HILL, J W ULOKOK, II. A. Whi.D, S I' A.MlllL'Wh,
lei-nr.ivi nnii c, e- u, iia-irtjiiii, v. I niir.sr., si i'r..sftMwur.,
The, INu-tliuul Itounl is 'oiiiomI of (In; following well-known
m.... .. I... a ssTua iajaja .s..i. .
.11111, VTIIIU I l-fll l-M-Ill SIW,WW IIIIU -
JAMLh M'hl.LK, Cashier Mrst.Natlonal lUub
CI U II I I0S IIOlx.l, Hodge, Davis A. o.
J A MIIOWIIIIHX.U', Wholesale Luther and Iiudn-s.
C A KOI I'll. Attorney at Law
I. U. III..MUelUl.N,llcnnel.-n ilJcecnUrg.
J lid ItAhl.S. Wholesale Dealer,
(I I- MiMAl.i:, Ihysleian
J h 1111.1.,-iUllui.cr.
K. I' IliHlKlw (Jmeral 'licketand r'relzht A.ent Orcjen 4 faUorma li'y
W. W. bi'Atl.DIMJ, Wholesale) llulehtr.
o m w inum.
A.M'I'I-." KOtU'l'Tli
Jdlll U.M.-V.