WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, APRIL 15, 1881. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS KASTIvK.V. 4 liny Kill III' Hlllt-r. fii'Niitiiiv, I'll.. April 7. Wlillo Mrs. Hovers awl family wcru at ilinner, to-ilay, a lUiialitcr 17 nml a son 1 1 riinrrt-llcil. Tim hoy left tlio table nml rc'iiriiintf with n li"tguu, fatally shot liis siller. Tlio liov gives as n reason for tlia ciiiiio! " I hey would nut iivo mo ciioiign to cat. tmoHK t'nllllril Worker.. Nkw York, April 7. Knv Stephen II. Tyng, Jr., writes for thu 7Vimi "I do not propuio to disconnect mysolf from fin minis try of thu uospd or toilmcontinuH my iut runt or co-operation In thu woiks of tlio cliurcli of holy Trinity. My liopa is tli.it ly ch.ingo of thought nml occupation I limy khoii ho sulh clont'v ro'tirrd in nervous power to 11111111111 tny labor in this city, to thu mcaiii imu I pro. posi to In Im my place in thu ranks among thu nntitlcil Cliristlon worker. Mnriril In IM-nlli. New York, April ".An imilrrtakcr to day sout to tlio litircau of natal statistics n ccrtifiuata signed hy a physician to tlio i-llcct that n Mrs. Mauiiclla Mills, aged III, diod at I- West filth street, from "voluntary liiani- tion,"atul trnulilun and misfortunn in tlio fail, ily, together with tlio loss of 8:2,000, Ktolon from her. in Is nllcitcil, hy an ndontcd itmmli- tor, caused Mrs, Mills to beenmo despondent And finally insane. About three weeks nvo slm ceased to p.utika nf nny lo-jd, Kvory thing short of violence was undo to indiica her to eat, hut rhu refused to swallow any. thlnu uxoi-pt wnttr. Nina days ngo sho ro fused wntnr also, and from that time fasted. Tlio coroner will mako an investigation, In In I Arrlilriit. Litti.r Hock, April 7. Thu Inmtlinr of a stono ill Johnson's llourlng mill killed two men and wounded several yeitcrday, Itrinilillrniis I'nrrr Itlimlc l.lmiil, I'luiVlliKSCK, It. T,, April I. At tlio State election yesterday, a liht vote was cast. 'Ihu Itepiihlicaii ticket it rlcititt as follow si (lov ernor, Alfred II. I.itthlii'hl) l.ieiitcu.uit dov r-rnor, Henry II. l-'nyi .Secretary ef .State, J. M, Aililcinaiii Atloiiny (luner.il, Will ir,l Saylusj Treasurer, Hamiiel Clark. I.lttlelield's majority over thu Democratic and (Iruenhick candidates, fi,07- l-'ny'ii majority over Dcin ocratii', IViihihition A'nl (Irecuhaek cainlid ite, .","."p7. 'I'Iiii Men.itu comprises JSI llepiihlicaus, ! Oniiouriiti, 1! racaudes; Imiiso li'J Itcpuli licaus, 7 Democrats, .'I vacancies, Tlio K pulilicaus gain two in each limine, compared with tlio .SUto election last Veur. Tlio Ito iiitlilloiin gain fi"() In tlio miular votuj the uciiiocr.iis nine -,.u. rruiiiiiiiiouiavi lose 1,117. CoiiklliiK nl .New York. Nkw York, April 7. Thu presencu of Conkling in tlio elty druw last evening a mini her il Republican and Ih-iuorr.itlu oilicUis, who diicuswd tlio proKihilitles of thu i-ciiillr-inatlou of ItolHiitson lor collector. Senatoi lone", w'io was nipiioied to h.ivu come to tlio city on mi errand for Conkling in regrad to tlio Holier tson uuiuiiiatioii, did not rein.iin lunir. It was slid that ho uirly ascertained that ft would ho hopeless to attempt to secure tlio withdrawal of KolierUun, ami therefore returned to Washington. Ilnllriuiil iJilHiirrs lY.mlril In Oiloriuli). Dr.M'Mt, April 7 Much dilllculty is expo riencud lu nhtalnjug lulmrcrs for railroad Mug constructed through Colorado. Thu iienvor nun mo uriti.io aiono niiilro Iroin signal pistol. Us conceived tlio plot while traveling from Knropc on the steamer lie pub. Ha with Strasbunrcr s family a year ago. His undo Is a great banker at Altotia, Germany, by name nans jsaucr. ins room-mate, named Danziger, slated that ho understood tlio wholo to bo a Nihilistic plot lo cet pos session of impirtant pipers concerning the uussian rovcrninem, in possession ui onwi burger. This Vogel denies. More arrests will ho nndo and tlio caso promisos astound ing dovcloptncnts. l'nn;rl-Mr-iil. Nkw York, April 8. ludgo Sedgwick re fused to vacate an order for an injunction re straining Theodore Moss from playing "Forget- .Me-ivot." Wlillrlnw Itrlil nml Ufn, Hlirrmnn. Tlio Tribune has an elaborate article show ing that Whitclaw Held was actually on the field of battle at Pittsburg Landing, and not. as Gen. Sherman is reported to hnvo said yostnnlay at a Cincinnati meeting, that ho was a inllo away, Stionz evidence of his prcscuco there is given, and Gen. Sherman iiimsaii is rcicrrcM to as Having taken Mr. Iteid as nulhorlty on the subject of that bat tle. Tlio 'J'rlbitn' draws the lufcrcuco that Gen, Sherman must liavo been grossly iiilsiu lormnlor that hu spoka thoughtlessly, and anticipates irom lilni a prompt ami public cor nvo to ten inoii'auil laiiorer Mr thu grailing of live bundled uiilo of extension, which they lisvu in Colorado and adjoiiiiug teiri tonus. They oiler work at about tuo dolUis p:r day to ablu liodied men, w ho apply at either Denver or South I'unlil. .Vow uxten slims aru prnrcted, which, on cniiiplet'ou of thosn now under way, will git u employ incut to a largo force. lire In it leailjl'lc Jllnc. i.tunvil.t.K, April 7. Tlio flru In the Fryer Hill milieu, which was never completely ex tinguished but has been sliioiildcriuu for weeks biMko out iiuaw yesterday between Little rittxburg and Girbouifirous and is I aging fu. noiuly, necessiUtiiig the stoppau'o of all work lu tlio liunuiiliato vicinity and thniuiug over n hundred men out of employment. Trepa nitions aru being madu to rush steam into drifts nud smother the Haines, I loners far Ihr lira). NV.w Oiu.kanh, April (I. Confederate Knives ucru dedicated to-day. A lluur Mlnrltinulllur Nrliriur. Nkw Yuiik, April 8. An uxtraoidinary sehonia of blackmail was ilevelojH'd to-day, thu victiim of which were liuis Stiashurger and Cliirle.1 Alder, of tlio llriu of Straihuiger ,V Co., iiup.irtor of watches nnd joueliy. Strashurger U a promiueut Hebrew, irivorted very wealthy, lives with his uifuand four iMIdieiiM IJS 1-Ust Sixty. I'irst street. One of the children is agiil eleven years old calletl nose, ino Miimy Alteiul tliu syaguguo at l,oiliii;tiil AVdliuo and 1'ifty-Kift li stu-et, and theru thx children go to school. Threats wvro always directed Againtt both families and ad dressed to tlio ladies upon whoso fesrs they wero expected to work. Operations K-iian as far Uu'k as Christmas, and as they prvi;ieaed tlio Kilico wero onlliil in, Wednesday night tlio climax was resclusl, Miss Siietcr, gov enniu, was ulouo in Stnuburger's liouse w hen tlio Ivll was rung, and a man who kept his fauo from the light presented a letter which was Addressed to Mrs, Strasburircr, He was t'lld thu latter lady was out, and when inked to leave thu letter hu snatched it and ran away. Thu was reported to thu rtoll.-o and doLvlivci watched thu homo fiom early luoriiiui! for the return of the stranger. The nun did not return but lu his stead a loy preseuted a letter at noon and ran away after delivering it. Commands iu tlio letter weio oU'ycil and tlio governess went out protected by a detective. On the southeast comer of Madison aveuuo ho saw a man standing look ing towards tlio Str.ulmrger hoiuo. Another inuii walked past exchanging sigus of rciui tion with ldui. As the latter reached 1'lfth avenue h putol shot was llrel, and tlio second lain walked towards Sixty-First street. The governess, crossing, dropped tlio envelope and the man t pped to Pick it up. As ho ilid so the iletcctito grabbed him. Tlio strainjcr sprang hack and putting Ills hand to his hip pocket shouted, "1 wiil blow your brains out." Tlio detective drew his revolver, and us his prisoner's hand struck against it, it went oil and tlio bullet crushed through tho nun's left eye. Hu fell dead, A croud gathered and thoniaii was taken to tlio t. lion. Upon it wcru found letters iu small hand writing as in tho blackmailing letters, showing the man's iiamu to be lvdwaiM Her man Joliauuer Lagcrt, sou of a merchant in ltcrlin, 1'ruvJa. Ho wroto to 1st mother and swoetlieait that ho was poor, aliAist destitute, and was coming homo. Thu police late at uight found tho scheme was tho result of a deep laid plot iu w hich tagert was an actor but not tho leader. Albert P. Vogel, picture dealer of 11'.' Stanton stieet, was arrested and admitted Uiat ho was thu leader ami tired the rcction, which, as a gentleman and soldier, ho owes. .More M'riumlliiK .(limit .Mnliann nml Hie Kuiitli.Vi Ilii-lnrM IrniMiirlril, Wahiiinotiin, April 8. Tho Senate by a vote of 110 to "U rclusod to uo into executivo session. Vanco duiiied that North Carolina over re pudiated li-r debt. Sho had been forced by reconstruction acts, nt tho dictation of tho loyal, honest, virtuous Kcpuhlicu patty of tho North, toicpuiliate her obligations, but it was not voluntary, ltiddWiargcr was a Democrat, an unrepentant rebel and readjus tee How could tho Republicans forgive him? Why support him? Hu objected to voting for any Democrat who had a siiruaino beforo thu won I Democrat. i ho foisting or lliilitlcbar ger upon thu Semite was iu ilellauco of tho wholo plan of political salvation. Ho had been taken up iu sins, unrepentant and tin shriven, and had been translated iu'o thu heaven of Republicanism without having tasted of itvath. Kellogg niado a speech on the North Caro lina debt question, asscrtli.g that since that Statu had been under contiol of tho Demo crats thu debt had been scaled fiom $'.'11,000, 000 to 81,000,000 by thu repudiation of 5'JJ.O0O,00O. A long discussion ensued, Nertll Carolina Kouat-iVs answering Kellogg'a charges and de nying that their Statu had In nny manner re pudiated its honest obligations, ltausom called attention to thu fact that four per cent, bonds of North Carolina wvro limited at 8.'o on thu dollar, and hu appealed to tho Senator from Olnn, Sherman, to statu whether that was nut a high price for Stale bonds? Sherman said that it was a fair price for -I percent niaio ikiiius. After soinu iliscuuion Hill challenged any Republican Senator to prodiue any uvideucu to prnvu thcru had been either Intolerance. ostracism or violence of any kind on account ol political opinions lu tho nouthcrn states. In thu cotirso of his remarks ho in ido somu al lusion to Mahono's Democracy ami was io uiiiiiled hy Sherman that Mahouo had been elected against tho fierce opposition of tho bourlion Democrocy, Harris Did not tho Senator hear thu Sena tor from Virginia say that ho was a better Democrat than thu Senator from (icomia (Hill)? Miermau Uli! I liavo heard that inanv timus,I am a better Democrat,in a literal seuso than any man on that side. i.r what is tho meaning of democracy? fluidity, love of lib orty, ciiual rights. Hill tlien went Into an rxuaustivo liistorv of carpot-liag governments, dwelling some leni'th upon corruptions and infamy which had characterized thoio governments. Ho was interrupted by Illalr, who asserted that carpet-bag governments bad materially .misted tho prosptrityof tho South. Heck said that next week hu would show Illair that tho statements ho lud been making lu lauilatlou ol carptt-bagisui wero not only uutruu in thu eyis of tho American public, but went such as would meet with no response except from a few men. He would mako his speech next week. The Republicans wero afraid to go into executive session. They wero afraid to facu thu division that would there Iki found and they therefore kept up this wrangle, Itnllruail Murk In liinaila. Ottawa, Out., April 8. Thu Canada l'a citlo syndieato will commence work at an early date. They have alieady purchased .100.000 feet of lumber at Miuueaiolis, and will shortly engage 1,000 span of horses and diivers to proceed northwest. .irrltlenl. IIoston. April 8. John J. Uurdock. second liaseniau in a llostou ball club, fell from A street car this afternoon mid is now iu a criti cal condition, t:rriitlnn lit hIh IIIp. Nahiivialk, April 8. John Williams (col. ortsl), w ife munlerer, was hanged at Wavcrly this afternoon. Hu n-ceived tho rite of bap tism beforo going to thu scaffold, on which he said that ho deserved death and was willing to go, Hu died game and without pain, us Ids neck was broken. miles in width. Tho water is severs! inches over the tracks, and is flowing in the vicinity of tho largo union depot. Tho river' is nearly 11 feet above low water mark, being several feet lilehcr than over known hero, anil it is still rising to-night. , Hnow Worm In lo Dbs Moinm, April 8. The heaviest snow fall of tho season occurred during the last 21 hours. Tho deposit has rapidly evaporated or been transformed into slush. From Hlonx tiljr, Sioux City, April 8. Tho river lias been on a dcclino all day and is now aliout a foot below tho highest point of yesterday. The river is rapidly receding. William Cunning ham, an old settler of Dakota county, Neb., was drowned this mnrnins whllo attemntlnff la cscapo irom ins nouso on Horseback. I'otlal Itrorannluttlon. Wasiiinuto.v, April 8. l'oslmastcr-Ocn oral James has apiiointed a commission to make a thorough invciUtfUion of tho nrcati ration of the clerical forco of that department in orucr to insure Harmonious apportionment of work, advantageous redistribution of offi cers and employes and Increased elllcieiicy. FOKEir.IV. Incorrect Hlnlrmrnl, Losbo.v, April 7. Tho A'etrs is informed that the statements purporting to (ilvo an ac count of tho land bill are incorrect in several Important particulars. Thoy strongly resem ble thu various drafts considered by tho cabi net, and strict inquiries have been niado with rcgani to the person guilty of breach of con fidence, by which such documents have beeu mada public. Ailjournril, llK.Ilt.IN. Anrlt 7. Thu relchstt 1ms nil. joiirncd until the 28th. Otcrllnvr. Viknsa, April 7. Tho river Therm. Hun gary, has overflowed and 1,000 acres of wheat aro iicstroycil, Tlie Flooil In Hpnln. Sevili.k, April 0. Tho river is again rising and the inundation is more than beforo. The waters in tomo suburbs aro fivo metres deep. Tir futlunis (itirsllun. HAMlinuii, April 7. In .accordance with sn invitation from tho sui'iato tho house of Ilurgesscs has aprointcd n committco to dis cuss with thu senate a proposal to include Hamburg in the Zalverin. Tho llurgcstes of llrcmcn has appointed a committco with a similar object. The lirrrk urllim. Co.vmtantinoi'I.k, April 7. In order to In ilucu (Irecco to accept tho projiosala of the porte, thu powers liavo agrcod to guataiitea surrender of ccdod territory. Tho porto has resolved not to recommence negotiations with tho Ambassadors unless they receive positive assurance that thu object is not fresh concessions. .tilinlrn! .Ilnxv an Irelnml. l'a nl ii mil, WiiKKUMi, April 8. Oovrrnor Jaoksonhas pardoned, unconditionally, Klihu (Irrgg, sen toaeed to be hanged, lircgg was sentenced for burning the loutt Iioiko at l'restou in I.Vi'.l. Ho escaped mice and had a life sen teucu oice, Hu is now 78 years old. The ... - i. ..I l l..l t ...!.i. ....:... governor uau ueeu tivni;eil uu (icilliuiis. .tllmille Mritiner Otenlur. Nkw YnilK, April 0. Tlio steamship Aus tralia is now Ilvo days ovciduo from Uiinlon, It is feared that she'has been disabled, and is making her way under sail, It is thought probable tlut some llrititli tteauishiiM, w Inch aruvo lieforu to-morrow night, may bring some news of tho Australia, as they take about the same course. Coleman, suspected of par ticipatiou iu thu plot to destroy the Mansion House At Loudon, is believed to bo on board, llir Atlimtlr Cntilrs. Tho 7'iW, In its tliiaiH-i.il column, says i Aiijjlo-AtiK'iieau telegiaph shares aro ouu-half of ouu per cct, higher, There was a sharp advance in West India and l'auama shares upon a report that Jay Gold. I has arranged a gie.it combination winch will include thu ab sorption of thu latter line, and that arrange ments for p.H!iug the receipts of all Atlantic cable companies, including the new cable of Gould, aro nearly completed, Arrrslrtl, I'iiilapkli'IIIA, April 0. Ivigeno Freder ick, a young Gel man respectably connected, was arrested this afternoon on a telegram from New .York, suppled on suspicion ot connection with tho Mriubuigcr cose. De tectives hero have no idea how lie is connected tvitli tho scheme. Frederick denies participa tion in it. t'uuurll Hlurx.. CuTM'it, llu'rrs, April S. Tho uuproce deutitl rise of tho Missouri river at this point has resulted iu a cvneral overflow of tho lower part of the city, and many vrsons were com pelled to vacate their houses. The bottom land between this city aud tlio river proper is inundated, forming a mighty lake several LoNlioN, April 7. Victor Huiro. havliisro- Mucstid Admiral Maxso to give his written views on tliu Present situation in lielaml and thu cause of distress for usu as a lums of a manifesto promi'cd l'Arnell, tho admiral has complied with thu poet's rciiucst mid now prints his statements iu tho form of n brief pamphlet. The admiral recognizes and sup ports tho honest nnd sagacious efforts of Gladstone's cabinet to deal with thu Irish land grievances. Ho condemns tho conduct of 1'arnell and colleagues and declares that thoy know- iicrfectly well that II the Present cab inet resigned, tho only alternative would bo a reactionary conservative cabinet, whoso watchword lias always boon I'rotestant do miiiiition of Ireland by means of landlords and tory churches. Ha considers that agra rian reform is not so much tho obbctof tho 1'arnell party as separation of Ireland from r.iiglisli doiiiin .tion, a policy wluclrwoidd lead to a sangiiniary civil war. Although ICnglaud will not consent to dismemberment, hu be leves that If good laws and self-government are conceded to Ireland the foundation will bu laid lor a friendly union between the two countries. In conclusion ha urges Victor Hugo to preserve uencrous silence nt a timo when Kiiclaud la striving to solve a crcat dilllculty aud mend some wrongs committed by generations now asleep. Mtorm In Hpnln. Lost on, April 8. Fifty houses in Malaga aro iu imminent danger of destruction, and four hate already fallen and eleven sailors and soldiers drowned assisting the people, I'ruolan Law Jlakrrs. IIkiiliv, April 8. Thu I'russian ministry held a council at which thu projected revisiou of ecclesiastical laws were discussed, but no decision reached. The emperor had a long conversation with You l'uttkammcr, minister of worship. Uussla anil Crrmaiir, llKltuy, April 8. Tho cur, iu an auto graph letter to F.mpcror William, communi cates Ids intention to visit him the third week iu May, It is said that llismarck will open negotia tions with a view to revising existiug extradi tion treaties relative to assassiuatlon, Tur House of fonimuns, Loniniv. April 8. Sir Station! Northcot (conservative) stated that tho leaders of the opposition wero not responsible for Lord Kl clio's motion in opposition to the land bill. The bill involved such important financial and political ijuetioiis tlut they did not kuowyei now to awt. hprrlul Merlin. Dl'liLI.v. April 8.- Prominent land leacuers and members of parliament who are land leaguers aro invited to attend a special meet ing here to consider the laud bill. The srrs ami Ihr Laud mil. Tho laud bill was received with more or lets favor by the press. Agitation on the bill has a ready leguu iu North Ireland, whero three meetings will bo held this weik, t'lirular luril. Tho lord lieutenant has addressed a circular to thu magistrates reuestiug co-operation in stopping the holding of Icaguo courts and re minding them that all persons taking part in the procccdiuga of such courts aro liable to arrest under the coercion act. I'arnrll nl lllriiitiictiHUi, 1'arnell addressed a crowded meeting at llirmiughaiu last night. He declared that he considered the land bill honest and sincere. Lomhis, April S. The Stamlarxt says Car lingford (Ohio pceter Fortcscuc) has accepted tho ollice of I,ord IVivy Seal and will tako charge of the land bill in Its passage through the house of lords, Ine I'laxur. Four huudred and seven pcrsous have died roni tho plague in Mesopotamia. Tlie Kmilish I're.s ou Ihr IrUk laud Hill. A correspondent of tho Manchester t?Miir fiiiN. referring to tho laud lull, says that the general impression is that no bill of such im portance waa ever better received. F.xtreme Irish members will probably tako such credit as they can for hawng forced the measure en the government aud will accept the bill, which will probably pass its second reading about May 1st by a very, large majority, Uni versa! Admiration is expnssed of the skill with which the bill had been drawn ami of provisions whereby the rights of tenants ap pear to le protected iu ever)- conceivable case without injustice to landlords. Conserva tives, while uot deuyiug the magnitude ol the proposals do not appear violently avereo to the provisions of the bill. Gladstone's speech was delivered with unabated vigor and was remarkable for lucid explanation of details. Tho Pott makes a sweeping attack on tho landlord and tenant clauses of tho bill. It sees no objection to tho clauses providing for an advanco of money for tho purchasa of re clamation and emigration, provided proper security is taken, anil concltiilesi It Is a mcasuro which will require most careful and zealous consideration. It goes far in tho di rection of the principle! of the land lcactio. It proposes changes in principles iu the Irish land tcnuro which Gladstone ten years ago would have condemned as revolutionary and which, had it been suggested to him, ho would halo rejected as impracticable. J lie Mamant saysi "llio most powerful argument advanced by Oludstono In favor of tlio land bill is existence of certain defects In tho land act of 1870. Thcso imperfection? may justify amendment of that act, and to a very considerable jwrtion of tho present meas u ro that tltlo might bo given; but infinitely moro important parts ot the bill win not ad mit of tills description, and if they aro to be vindicated at All, tlicy must bo ilelcnueil on pleas which QUdstono did not particularize yestcrnay evening.' Tho Standard strongly condemns tlio clauses appropriating money and says that tho first part of tho bill with duo revision and amendment tnlirht be Passed in tho present sosslon, but tho bill as supple mented yesterday evening contains materials which would reiiuln; nt least two sessions bit fora tliov could bo moulded into a serviceable act of parliament. Tho Daily iVic. while dcplorii g the resig nation of the Duke of Arityle, say's that tin bill meets with thu cordial approval of tho liberal party, llrnrniKllrlil, At 10 o'clock last night llcaconsflcld's con dition was unchanged and favorable. At 1 this morning ho waa sleepinu condorta'd. . Tlie .llil!M' lemaiii!. DkiiM.v, A lit 8. -A letter from St. lVtcrs burg announces tht revolutionists liavo is sued a manifesto demanding universal suf frage and freedom of speech, pros', conrcienco and election, and declaring that if this pro gramme Is adopted thu executivo committcu will dis'olvo and oiler no vi-Jcnco to tho gov ernment. Mexico. CiTV ok Mexico, April .1. Congress opened the 1st Inst. Simeon Artaua was elected pres ident and Antonio Carvnjal vice president of tlio cnamiier nt deputies. Tho government bus pah! on account of siiiisiiiics lor sections oi railways coinplctou to too present, ei,.w,ijrsj. Tho remains of Gen. GonzaUs Artcga wero buried at Mexico ou the 1st inst with great ceremony. A libel ou tho memory of tho de ceased general published In clerical journal At Zacitccas caused great indignation. Lahono, chid of tho remnant of Victorlo's band of Indians, and four followers, liavo been CApturcd in Chihuahua, Residents of l'aso Del Nurto liavo present ed a watch to Gov, Terrazas for killing Vic toria ami dispersing his band. Ilnmiise by HihmI, Yankto.v, Pa., April 8. The damaiio to stcamWu, railroads and private property by thu ico gorge Is feaiful. Steamers at tho levee wero carried inland, ami now lio on the railroad track. Tho steamer l'cnlah struck thu railroad inachino shops, completely wreck ing them, Tho boat is now on tho prairie about a milo from tho channel, Tho govern ment warehouses tiro destroved. and many goods stored in them carried away. Rescu ing parties report great suffering and destitu tion among settlers on the bottom land be tween Yankton and Vermilion. TRANSPORTATION LINES. Oregon linlhriiy and Naviga tion Company. OCEAN DIVISION. lift ween Man I'ranelseo nnil Portland. Steamship Leaves Every Five Days. Liais San t'sixcisco at 10 a.m. J Keb. 10 Feb. 25 Mar. 13 Mar. 27 April 11 April 20 3$ Feb." 5 Fb. 20 liar. T Mar. 22 April C April 21 .3 S 9 Feb. m Mar. 2 Mar. 17 Auril 1 April 10 .11 y j LttATK l'ORTLAKD AT 3 A. M. Feb. 17 Mar. 4 Mar. ID April 3 April 18 5 P 5.5 2 a JLLjl Feb. IjIfcIi. 2-2 Feb. 27 Mar. 0 Mar. 14 Mar. 21 Msr. 2ulAril 8 April lSlAprll il May 3 April 3 1. May 8 Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice having had placed in his har.ds by an Kast India missionary thu foiniul.i of a simple veg etable remedy for tho speedy and pcrniaucut euro for Consumption, lliouchitis, Catarrh, Asthma, ami all '1 brunt nnd Luinr Allerilm, also a positive and iadlc.il euro for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tistcd its wonderful cuiativo powers in thousands of cages, l.ns felt it Ids duty to mako it known to his aulfcriiig fejlows. Actu ated by this motive and a desiru to relieve human suffering, I will send fico of charge U all who desiro it, this iccipc, in German French, or Knglish, with full directions fo preparing and using. Sent by mall by ad dressing with stamp, naming this paper, i. . bhKUAll, llbl'oweis jllock, nolOm!) Rochester, N. V. ltlirht Is reiorvcil to chanire steamers or sailing days. Tlirnuuli Tickets soM to all principal cities In the. LUItai sulci and uanaaa. RIVER AND RAIL DIVISIONS. i'uliiinliln, Hlllamrtlc nnd Yamhill 1th cm. rnillUAUY 1, 1SS1. bears l'ortl.unl for Iuilli-., Walla Walls, Uina tilK ami up rlicr points. AttorU, Kala ma, Taccina, Victoria, Newt lli-tiiiliuu-r Cutli'am't, ll.y iiew.BKOincK. niiv. broikn'Ul Vnlrl, Oil. I M'n. niini-.BU , IMVUin Ssfcni, Albanr. ) Connllliand f Intern icuUU I iolnt4 ) Moil. Tne. SAM 0 AM 0 AM 7 AM 0 AM S AM 0 AM 0 AM IVcl.j iTIiur I AM.S AM Frl. SAM 0 AM 0 AM SAM 7 AJi 0 AM Sat. 0 AM 0 AM SAM 0 A M 0 AM 0 AM ;. AM Anunsl J lower ' Tho immense talc and L'i'eat uipularitv nf Green's Auunist Mower iu nil tow us ami vim. ges iu tho civiliud woihl has cnustd many imitators to adopt similar names, expecting tt reap nml lint vest for thcmtclvrs nttlio expense of tlio nlllictcd. 'Jliis Inedicino wus introduc ed iu 1M18, nnd fur thu euro of Dyspepsia, ami Liver Complaint, with their cll'ccts, such as Sour .Stomach, Contivomss, Sick Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigestion' 1'alpitation of the limit, vcitbjo, etc., etc., it never has fail ed to our knowledge. Tin co doses will re lieve any caseuf Dyspepsia. Two million bot tles sold last ycni. 1'iiio "o cents. Samples 10 cents. 0 AM Uenrrnl IMIIees tor. I'roul nnil It Hlrrtls. J. McCItAKE.V&CO Az'ts State of California. A. I MAXWKLL, Ticket SKentO. 11. JsN.Co. JOHN Ml'in, Genera! Freight & Prm'r ajrent. T. F. OAKRS, Vlce-I'rcslilent A Manar. TACIFIU COAST. de- lllililriid. San FnAsrinco, April 8. Silver King clares dividend of 'JO cents. Amber Cane. Walla M'alla Watchman. Mr. V. 1 Cniw, of Milton, Ogn., in an swer to Mr, Warner's inquiry saysi "I did liavo enough ot early amber seed to plant fifty acres, but liavo let it out to parties. There will bo planted licru this year about forty-live acres and over on Wild Horso creek, aliout forty acres more, all early amW or Minneso ta early sugar cane. Wo have received two crops of it last year, which is a good Indica tion, iu fact it docs well hero and the enter prise of planting sugar cano should lie encour aged and follow ed up. Mr. Munsoy has taken a small lot nf seed to Dayton and will givo it a trisl there." Success to home industry is our constant prayer! , S, Gallagher writes the samo paper: "White every one is busy putting iu Spring grain, Ictus leave a few acres for sorghum. Ido uot know of any one who has tho Amber cane seed for sale, but wo can send Kick to. Yick, of Rochester, N. Y., or any other reliable seed man, aud get it iu timo for planting. I will plant ten acres. It is grown as easily as corn. Three quarts t tho aero is enough, 1'lants need thinning out to seven or eight stalks in a hill. It does uot require rich soil. Must bo cut before a frost. It will make at the rata of 180 gallons of good clear syrup to the aero. Who will plant cane? Many object to tho syrup commonly made from sorghum, but that frt m tho Minnesota Amber cane has a maple llavor, and when properly made is as flue as any we Import. e farmers can cer tainly mako enough to supply tho homo market Oregonian Railway Company i.iiiti:i. xkw komi:. COHMKNCI.S'd WKIMfKSDAY, FKIlItUAIlY 2,lf ami until further notice, trains and boats nil run as follows: ltm.lt AMI KAKTHIliK IIIVIKIO.V, ry, A. M., ilalljr, Sundays excepted, tnallne I ft eloss connection at llny'a Ijmdlnu will trains (or HI. rnul. I'renrlil'rnrlr ami Hllrrrlon. Howell I'rlrle, Wntdo Hills, Wrsl Mnjtmi. Prloami intcnneuialo poinis. airaisaboarusuauttr anil slccpinir acvoiiimoJpllons for senirers Ucsirlnff U go aboard tlio lilulil proilous to ila)' otdcarturo. mkhthiiii: nniiiox. 8 -On A. M. dtlly, SuniUs esceptnl, via O. A C UU It, It., (Hot Kids Dltlilon) foot ol F street nuiklnir clow connection st lVeC Hide (roxlne toi Itrlil ts 111. Ilrnndnirnd and Hlirrldnn Jnnrllnn irior iwliiU bcjoinlHIirrldiui Junction this trail will run ss follows: On UOMIAYH, WKDNHSIIAYS and F1UIUYS, to stations between MirrliUn -luurlloiiaml llnllst On TUKSIIAY8, TllUIUiliAYS and BATUIIHAlh. to stations bctw ecn Hliri;ldan Junellon and Hlirtl dun. TIIUIII'liH TKKKTH to above points on sals ai O. & C IU It., licit bids dhltlon ticket ollice. 8-AA A- M- MONUAYH, WEDNiailAYS ane 'ft FItlDAYS, Irom loot ol Morrison strcst, tcaimr "Ohio" (or laavlon and all points Uttasci I'orllnnd and Iavtoii ou River. FREIGHT. (Footol Morrison street from 7 A.M. to 0P.M.) iuht hiui: nmsiox. Freljlit received dally, except SunJiys, lor polnu between stay's LniidlnBand llnmiisvllle. hwi huh: iiivihiom. 1'reUlit recrlrcl TUF-SDAY8. TIIUllSDAYS anil 8ATUIII(AYS,lorallpolnU on lllitr between furl land and Onylou, and for llnllu, rlberlilnu am' Interunxllals point. J. M. FILI.MOHK, J.SO. IU WHEAT, central SurlntenJ.nt Aitlnir Frtli;)it and Ticket Agent. m HODGE, DAVIS & CO., OFFEU A NEW AND POSITIVE uURE WENZELL'S INFALLIBLE ANTI-SCAB A MAI'E anU KH lllT Compound baaed M'IF.TiriC I'stl.M 11-tW, aud Warranted rree frttni Injurious rlYrrls upon Hie Weal and Hbrep, and Condruifd form rvsllns: Utile far Oelalit, directTons I TbT rilF. CONTENTS OF ONE CAN INTO Ua kwJI or Tesucl capable ol holding about Or, Cations, a coal oil can with top cut out w ill ansa er; rill nearly with water and allow to stand oier lilzhL II not then completely dlxilved apply heat, and lien so- Walla WiUla. Tho Watchman says, where and what is it? is frequently asked by Kastcru journa lists wlioto kuowleilgo of geography has beeu nipped by tho frost when very young, but sutlico it for us to say that Walla Walla is in tho laud of the living and is a lovely little valley in the Territory of Washington, which is ou tho 1'aciflo coast, commences at the foot of tho lllue Mountains and gently slopes to ward the majestic Columbia river. In that valley is a city, also named Walla Walla, which contains abouut -1.000 inhabitants. Within its limits we find a splendid new Court house, not quite finished, an did Fel lows' Temple, the prito of the city, an Opera House, a (,aity Theatre eight tine churches for eight different denominations, and the end is uot yet. There are also four lodges of Odd Fellow's two of the A. O. U. W. ono of Knight Commanders of the Sun, a l'ost of the Grand Army of the Republic, two Militia companies anil three fire companies, said to Ihj the most effcient fire departmant for its site, this side of Chicago, The valley itself, ought to be called, l'leasant valey or the Kdcii of the Northwest. Xow accept this brief description of the land of wheat wheu reading about it iu thoeo reliable, elaborate journals of the Kast, always remember that Walla Walla is uot in California, Nevada, Oregon or Ilritish Columbia, but in Wasning-toaTerritqry,- which wants to bo a State, contained In the proper receptacle tor dlpplnif the sheen L'nshoriie aheinatUr their removal (rom tha Latli hoiil.l hats the liquid pruned Iran the wool and the lluulO .,,t., . 1. .,... BAAn...... .., . .. ... .1 ,.iuivmwi, mTimi,,Biu, in urner 10 iiiture uu destruction ol the praIU, thejr should recelrs another bath Inatout two weeks. N. 11. Let thebath ba uami ftn,t kirtt.1 lwMlr. csld alter 1L llead'tbefol lowing: , psaaT. Polk Co., Sept. 15, 1S7 Measrs. Uodire, Pavli & Co.! lining- uusl tin tvms dy that sou sent ni lat Spring for scab amoni; my Revo, I haie delayed idling you results until tha prcs cut time, as I desired to allow nuittcient time to elap so as to be ceruln tfcat tho dlnaie was thouroulily euied. I dipped uiyihwptwlc alter shearing, at In ten als el IS day s, and hai e examined the Hock cartrulh at least iiows week alm-e the Ut dipping, but hair dlMXxeied no remains ot the diMaM. I do not hcaltaU w revoiiiinena your prearat!on as a complete and cer tain reiaixly tor scab anion; ihcep, Iut up In alr-ti'ht cans, holdlne seeen pounds eae'h and ei en-can, wheu uird accordingto direcdous, wtl .III, 111 .h.. PIlErAltED EXPUESSbY FOR AND SOLD DY Hodge, Davis & Co., Portland. King of the Blood Cores all disorders rssultlna; Irom Impurity it the Blood, Including all Scrofulous Diseases, 4Jiln Eruptions, Bait Ithcura, Btrslllngs, Sjspepals, Llrcr Complaint, Debility, Catarrh, to, Klne-tenths of all chronic and temporary disorders ore caused by disturbance of tlie cir culation of the blood, which depends greatly upon the quality. If Impure from want of proper food, air, light, exercise, change ol scene, or from overwork, the whole system feels it. Sometimes its impurity Is indicated by one of the diseases named j sometimes by a gloomy, despondent, dull, laty feeling tomwonly called "THE BLUES." implying lack of energy, debility, and central unhappiness. Nothing is to magical in Us effects as this KING OF THE BLOOD, at once a tonic and alterative, s called becaassi It tonet and altert the stagnant functions, ami healthful activity results. Numerous testimonials the genuineness cf which is guaranteed by our standing offer of sl,000-inil full directions am be found-in the "Treatise" accompanying each bottle. Trice $1.00 per bottle. SoM by all dealers In medicine. D. RANSOM, Sok St. Co., Proprietors, Uuflalo, N. Y. Ague Mixture W tMtmULt: IIKltltilHTS. I'ortlaud, BUTSOtl All the goods belonging to the estate o( Newbury, Hawthorne & Co. Coniittlng of JPat'tn Tools and Machinery Ar offtrvd tor sals by the undersigned, who U aUo agent tor the Ilolliiiswortli. Itciudver, Red ltird and Surprise llurso Ilay Itake. Manufwtnrsd by- John DoJd & Co., Dayton, Ohio. Address J. M. GROSS, Bos 60S, ruriitt IVlta Seymour, babw & CO., PcrtUod, Chills and Fever r permanently curod by Dr. Jayae'a Agae Mix tare. With a little caro on the part of tho patient to arold exposure, and tho occasional use of Jatnk'b Sana Tivk PlLLS.thla remedy will be found to bo certain In lbs operation, and rad ical in ita effect. In many aectioni of tlio country subject to Agne anc other malarial disease, It uai an es tablished character as a popular spo clflo for theso harraaalng complaint, and the number of testimonials re ceived show that its reputation Is constantly lnoroastag. Intermittent and Remittent Fevers are effectually oured by Dr. JayBe's) Ague Bllxtssrs). In these com plaints caro should be taxtnto follow tho directions aUosely, and especial attention glren to tho liver, which should bo assisted In performing its functions by Da. Jaynk's Sak ativh Vills. IIODCi;, DAVIS i LU., M'l oUuW m.Urs 1'o.tUud Ortvon SELL WHAT ? SELL ST.!' II" YOU HAVE ANYTIII.VO T) 8KLL WRITE IT out til as i.laln and conel.e a uunntr as possible and snd It to the IVILLAJ1KTTK KAlIilKlt office, and iltldoallecan to svlllr, Agreatuuii) lanuers hae on hand eitra supplies of SUEll WHEAT. fcKEU OATH, TIMOTHV SEED. UUAS3 Bl'.tli, OlUl'E COTTINOS, bTliAM'llKHUV PLANT. AHTIt'llOKES. n l-OTATOE' -At Veil &A find kb L- rntl.tln.. nl DRAFT HOUSES. JACKS and JENNYS UOltK HOUSES, MILCH cull's, IIUKJHEU CATTLE, POILTUY, HOGS. bllEKP. and FARalS i'OR SALE llemetlltifr th.t lv .nmlln ,w .tntl.r In Ir.. Using one cau gel rid ot all theve IllUe extras and thus keepdoancapcuttt. OJr charges lor such advertise ments we fiira SI.bO to tj M per month. Eatsef Dotlcas w m-ul putiliah tor ll.M per mooiii.