WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, ' OREGON, APBIL 8, 1881. If " I ' 1 ll THE BOWER'S BOKO. Now har.ils to-sccil-slieet. Iinys, Wo i'.cp mi el w o costj (ililTimo on wliigt And wmilil yo pailnko of harvest Joys, Tlio corn must net flown in Spring. ''nil f-viitly imil s'lll, eraoii cr" I.iu warm in thy cartlily ImmI, And stand so yillow somo morn. That licast nntl man may ho fed. Old Kartli Is n plcasnro to sco In sunshiny cloak ot red and green The furrow, lies fresh j this year will ho As the years that lias past liavo been, Fall gently and still, ttc. Old Mother, resolve tills coin, The sctd of six thouraud gulden sires! All theso on thy kindly hreast vvtie born) Ono more thy child requires. Fall gently and till, ttc. Now steady and suro again, Anil mcasuro of stokonnil step wo keeps Thus up nnd thus down wo sast our grain! 8ovv well, and you gladly reap. Fall gently ami still, etc. Tjkimah C.uu.yi.k. "I "ONLY A FARMER." don't liko tlio country, ami I never would have cotno lino but for tho cliaiito of liecomliitf Mrs. Alkn Waters Unit's the truth." Her mother looked up atntiwl nt tho frank ness of her jmuigcst d.uighter, nml, in for the eldest daughter, Doi a, she sank Imck in her seat with a pained blush in her dark check. "I am sure, Ada, jou need not complain. You have a far easier living at tho Holly hocks than either mother or I, she said. "Why ovcrything need bo so hateful, I don't sco," grumbled Miss Ada, fi owning mi iter ho flaxen curls. "If father hadn't died now, ho might havu run nleiii for j ears, until Dora and 1 were suitably married, and kept linsppcaraiii.es so wo could hao mado good Dutches. Now everjlnxly knows wo are poor.' get homo safely: but I haven't much timo, in tact 1 am in a hurry." "What is your timo worth to you? asked Ada. with tho air sho oneo heard a millionaire una In speaking to s iipo woil.mcii ho wivs alout to employ. . "Sometimes more, and sometimes less, he replied, w ith tho simo qtilrricil smile. Hut ho hid produced a cord from his pock et, and, with deft lingers, began mending the broken traec. Then ho produced somo nails, and with a stono pounded away vigorously beneath tlio carraigc. "There! Uy driving carefully you will lo ahlu to reach homo safely," ho said, at last, raising. ... , Tlieio was something In his composed man tirr nnd illatlnet enunciation which luado Ada stnro for an instant) but sho could seo little beneath tho broid stiaw hat but a curling black bread, a tanned check, and two piercing eyes. "What is to payl" "Nothing." lloolleicd a hand to help Dora into the carrnage. Mlio Bcalcil ncisell nnu urcw out a nine cm "And cveryboily knows wo aro honcstl" rled Dora, who still trembled at tlio mention of her dead father. "Wo settled everything al honornbly m possibly, nnd camo lure to live, glad of Undo Alfred' oiler at least 1 was." "And I am sure I was, my dear," said Mrs. Athertou, with a sign. "1 am thankful to jisvo a roof over my head in my old ngu." "Unclo Alfred was absorbed in lluriculturr, nnd Hindu a pet of thu placu for jenrs. It is lonely here, 1 think." said Dora, leaning to look out into tho bright Summer garden. "I don't niro for flowers." returned Ada, moodily. "I can't nmku myself happy with hoto and watering pots. I think it would be Mter than this, w ith tho Waters' pluu op posite Hut Allen Waters is away and thu flstes shut agiiust in. In fact, there Is no body hero." 1011 cslculiitcd n great deal on tlio society of a man you don't know in thu least, Ada," Mid Dora, i turning to her sewing. "I'm not in tho least bit liko you, Dora, with jour notions of congeniality and similar tastes," bin ii t fin til Ada. "I've a tasto for comfort and luxury, nnd 1 could lou any man who could gho them to uiu. ltesiile," some what modi luting her violence, ns her mother looked annoyed at her extreme statement, "you know we haioiilway bund of what a fine fellow Allen Waters was?" Dora said no more. Her bright, dark faco burned with indignation, Shu was nshamed of Ada. urleved. iet secretly tried to inako some excuse for her sister. Day by day Ada continued her complaints of tho Holl) hock. Shu was miairablo herself, and shu ceitaiuly m.nlo every Ixhly else so. While Doia was ns bu-y as a lie, Ada moped herself almost sick. Tho little phaeto w hicli Dora had driven in a child was left to tho family, and at hor mother's suggestion, Dora hi ml a mild, fat Dobbin ofa neighboring larmcr una day and in vital Ada to a drive. "Thcro's lmily scenery along the valley TOiul. It will make a lit'lo change for you, Aels. llialilis, I've k bit of news to Ihm jrou up." Ada turned languidly, "Allen Waters is coming home," s.iU Dora srith A faintly mischievous smile. After moment's thought Ads roe, arrayed herself in her prettiest dmlng costume nnd entered tlio ciriiagv. "Drive past the Waters estate, Dora. What A fat, ly litusal There is no fun in driving if )on om't drive in stlpo. There, now scm thu Waters' place. It's aH I expect ed it to ln. Theiii'd tw siuiv lomfott in liv ing If one could bo mistress tlieie. It's no belter tiumakio tit in 1 ought to have mado if papa luul not Utictl. .. i .. i.i. .i: .i nrnli1pri.il -inrtmniilinin. "I beg your pinion," sho said earnestly, "liutvou must let iim pay you. You said von i7rii in n biirrvi wo have taken VOIir'tlliie, nnd vou hao done us a urciit at-nico. I have nothiii' but a half sovtrtign. I'ray taku it. I am sony it is so little," blushing ns shu tern iIitim! IiIiii n sliinini coin. Again tho ipii77ical smile, nnd tho eyes tliey nail u worm oi iiiiauing in mini, muu nieiciug d.irk u ts under tho hat brim. Dora felt her heart beat stiangtly, It ulluvul In r greatly that tho man extend ed his hand and lettlved tho money. "'I hank you," bu said, I'liictly. "What may your namu lie! asked Ada, who had seated herself uuassiited, "and your occupation! You aru iniltei handy," patron mngly. Tliu man laughed outright, n low, mellow aiigh. "My iinino iloes not matter) I nm n farmer. (liHid ilnv. ladles." Ilu stepped Uick, lifting his hat, smiling ngiiu at thu look of Loutteriintion upon tliu features of thu girls at thu gracu nnd thu face tliu lno enient levelled, A kmulv brow shaded bv closo-cllppcd, vet ..."f. ... ,, ,:.... lieaillllill nail, A wuiiu lorenean, eyes nouiii- lessly bright, witli scorn slid n stuliu in iiieui. Thu iihieton turned ono wny, thuhny-wngon another. "Who ever thought that ho looked liku that, under t'.at old hat, in a hay-cart!" said Ada, breathlessly. "Who can it bo! How piovnking! Ilu'was aright down gentleman, though he saiil ho was only a farini i." I'ikii Ada! Her mortification had just ho-K- Hint evening, Willi kiik iiiu noiicii iroui tho handsomo head, faultlessly arrnjed, Mr. Allen Waters presented himself in thu littlu pallor of thu Hollyhocks, and iutrodiiiing himself, lugged leau to iniUlrit if tlio young ladies had liuchnl hniuu i til to safily. Ada nHilogired iiiiitei eagerly, and tried to In shim t, but Mr. Waters seemud to havu eyes only for Hum's brunette face. ilu came nuiin andnu'niii to thu Hollyhocks, nnd at Lest ono day boldly declared hiiiiielf I iom s loser. " on lint a known nic but such a littla while, you don't know my faults," shu iniir mured. "I don't caru if I iVm't," ho laughed. "I lovo you nnd havu hired you ever since you ollered iliu that half soveiiigu socliarmingly, blushing and a-.li.unid ot thu small sum. Why, on little darling, do yoh know your Appealing dark oes kept mo from meeting n man who would havu paid mu $ItX) that ilny?" "And nu never cot it!" ciicd Doia, aghast. "No; 'lit that flue not iimtUr. 1 lmo your half soveieigu, and had lather havu it." Such an iucoriigiblu fellow as that of coursu li.nl Ids own way, and Dora becainu Mr. Al len Watt rs, Shu lows In r hiialiand because, under all circumstance, sliu Hilda him a gin tleiiiau. And Ada is in the sulk. PROGRESS IN DAIRY FARMING. And, w ith iliseimtentetl lip and an arrogant toss of the head, Ada vwiailiivcn ut a hay wsgou in wl'iehwa a man in his sliiit shews. lie gUuietl at t jotiiij Utiles with frank curiosity. "Did you Uw, Dora! Impudent fell ml Jlow hu started! Countiy folksl" entered Ads. "I Imwed Ihimiiio hu Uiwrd to us, Ada. You would not have ma rvpvl such a ineru civility. He is prokiMy some one w ho know s us, though we Are sti augers here." "1 detet such iH-ople." "1 eton't think I could detest any one who wore such whit-i shirt sleeves, ami b oked o comfortable under a broad lut this hot day," laughed Dora, carelessly, 1 1 ei t tho very next moment Ada was thank al for the extstunco of "such wople," for tho phAetou broke down, and, with a ilismal cresm, she was lipped from her et and land sxl Among Uie roadside buttercups And clover. The horse instantly topwd. IVira lookisl Anxiously Alout her for hilp. No house was tiear, She looketl Appruluigly up Aiid dow n thaouict roadi then -oh. liloilb 1 she saw the hay wagon, the straw hat, and the white shirt sleew ilrnwiiig near, "You haio broken down," said tho owner, hastilv iuuimnu'down. Thank you, )e. Tho carnage seems coiuiin: all to pieces, mm lKra, tremMing with fright. Could ) Fronts of DairyingEast and West. National l.llu btisk Juiirnil.' When we exauiiuu tho situation of dairying in thu West, it advantage nppe.ir manifold. It is not t cir only adv.intagu that thu dairy mg Is done tiHn laud of one-fourth to one- thlril the value or tliu hasten! lands, lint mi- limited gntfii food is at hand, at price less than the cost of labor for it production in New York. Corn nt 'JO to .'10 cents per bushel, oat l"t to '-!." cent, In. ill or middlings nt ? to $S per ton, the oil cakei at $10 lis per ton than r.iiteiu il.iiryiuiu can couiuuud. This unlimited grain resource pdut out the pro per ) stem of d.iir) iug for the West, and that is Winter production of butter. It is as cheap to fml cows for milk therein Winter as in Summer, and at this season tlio prices of butter is usually from 110 to AO per cent, higher. This iucreasu in prices of product will pay for grain, food and tho labor. The Summer is the expemuo season for labor in the Wet, on account of its enormous grain crops, whilst the Winter fu.ls many idle hinds, w hicli can be employed at a very low rate o( wages. Thu Winter dairyman gives his cows their rest during the busy season of Summer, nnd commence operations again in September and Octolicr. Thus it appear that nil thing work together for the good of dairy ing in thu West, it would certainly appear that skillful dairying under these circuiuatan- ccs was placed nciouii laiiuro, l no new lystem, adopted in Iowa and Wiscouson, of w oi king only thu cre.uu in factories, tho milk Wing sit and left at home, is nlao the indis pensable feature of this system of gram rail ing and ilairj ing carried on jointly) for this diseuscs w ith all manufacturing skill upon thu farms, and transfers it to the envamenes, w hich should result in a perfectly uniform ipuali ty of butter bringing the richest price. This will alo assist in checking the improvident waste of fertility in the West. 1 should be, oh, oil do anything to so much obliged to help: nol" "1'es," said Ada, shaking the dust off her ilk skirt. "We Are the Misses Athertou. We w ill pay on of course." TJw man bent to look At the axclctree, Hitucewaa tunuil toward Dora, and she Mwtkiut smile, ... ., , ,, 4t's uot so very lad, theu," she said, aux- "It Plight be fixed, I think, so you could Qusrtes for FWlosophsrs. Why does a twoshilliug cano And a live cent cigar swell a )oung man's head until his hat won't lit him! Why is it that women with the best coin plcxiou deliWrately ruiu them with cos metic ! Why is it thst a wealthy and respectable mail w ill sacritlce pride, money And comfort to get into politics ! Why it it that the man in the street car who knows the least always doe the most talking ! Why it it that so tr.any people stand ready to help the sti auger poor and turu deaf a ear to their relatives! Why is it that a man with ISO pound of fat cousider himself aii otfiet for a man with tifty-four ounces of brains ! American Flocktnsn. Tlio subject of cnsllaijo, or tho presening greeu forage crops in silos, or cenicut-lincd pits, is attracting greater attention from pro gressive farmers than (any subject Ins done for many years, and the following cxicricnco of ono of the pioneers in tlio experiment, will prove vastly interesting. Mr. Clark W. Mills, of Arrarcck farm near 1'ompton, N. J., was ono of the earliest ntUenturers in this new field, and his silos are very extensive, and his success last year was so very encouraging that ho ii now wintering ono hundred nnd twenty head of horned cattle, nnd twelve horse with out a pound of hay, nnd hu is so confident that he will bring his entile stock through until May weather furnishes grazing. His storo of tnsilago (or "cow kraut" as facetious farmers st)io tlio preserved fodder,) was gatli cred from less than thirteen acres of land, nml is simply tho stalks of Indian corn cut when green Into hnlfdncli lengths and packed in si los under pressure so tightly ns to uxcludu thu air. Mr. Mills estimates that tho cntiro cost of his supply of nbout six hundred tons, in cluding seed, tilling, gathering, cutting and packing ready for feeding, nt less than (f.00, and when it is remembered that n Hilllcient amount of liny to answer tho same purpose would havo cost something liko $7,dOO, tho value of tho new process will bo rccogniied. Ytstenlay a number of gentlemen from va rious parts of Now Jersey isitcd Arareek farm to inako a personal inspection of the method of preparing tho cnsilago and of its results. In tho party were the ll"ii. James llishnp, chief of the State bureau of statistics) l'rof. Geo. II Cook, of the agricultural collego and Stato geologist) Tluodoro West, superin- iutindtnt, and A. T. Nealc, Chemist of tlio Stato experimental farm, besides several prominent stoik raisers, liko Messrs. Holly and Ahrcns, of l'liinflcld) Nelson of New llrunswick) Itidgcway, Hutchinson nnd Tay lor, of llurlingtou county. In the bam, which is eighty feet long, there was not A wisp of hay, but two pits each forty feet long, thirteen feet wido and twenty feet deep, with strictly perpendicular walls of concrete. One silo has been emptied, and from the. other a section of tho cover has been removed, and tho cntilagu cutout to tho liottom, lcaviui' a perpendicular wall for inspection. Mr. Mills has found by experiment that the freshly out luaiio can bo compressed in vol tune nearly ono half, and therefore ho places a frame of plank fifteen feet high and of tho s.11110 width and length of the silo upon tho concrete wall, and fills tho space to thu top of tho wooden ccIcr. Upon toe mass a cover of plank is placed loaded with heavy weight, nnd inn few days tho cover will havu pressed tho mass below the mouth of Mio pi ton a level with tho floor when tho finniu is removed. Thu cover is of two inch plank, Hindu in sec tiou of four feet ill width, plowed nnd groov ed, battened w ith tho battens of each section projecting nnd titling into those of tho next one, so that undcrcuually distributed weight tho whole luo es downward together. Thu sections aru an inch shorter than tho width of tho pit, leaving a spaco for air and gases to escape as the cover it pressed downward. The weight used is about lifty tons of grain in sacks, which is ground for feed at it is taken from each section. The i-niilni.'u yesterday inspected w as per fectly prcserveil from thu top Jaycr to tho bottom. When cut from tho solid mass it is of n brownish-green color, and tho Juices have a slightly acid tasto. It has t,ono through no "heating" process, but lief mo feuding it is laid in a heap for a fuw days to firuirut slightly, when it emits a pleasant vinous aroma. Thu cattle devour it eagerly and their appe'arauce seems to provo tli.it it is healthful, while the abundant milk they produce is of the best ipiality. Mr, Mills feeds less grain than farmers or dinarily tisu in hay-fed dairies. A full vnrii ty of southern com is cut after the tatscl ap pears and tho ear In-giu to set, l'rof. Cook, who has analyzed cnsilago from a dozen locali ties, pronounces the l'omptou product of the tint ijuality, and ho thinks the various do vices hero used have reduced the system to a state approaching peifectiou. All tho experts present were convinced that the nuw process would work something like a revolution in dairy farming and stock raising, which will be readily beliox cd w hen it is remembered that morn than IW.OOO.OOO tons of hiy nio now needed cery ) ear to supply thu horse mid cattle of the country through our long north em winters. TKANSI'OIITATION LINKS. Oregon Kitlhviiy nml 'uvign Mon Company. OCEAN DIVISION. Ilcl wren ftnn Franelseo nnd I'orttamt. Steamship Loaves Every Five Days. I.SATS SAX i'RASCISCO j I.SAVSroRTT.AID AT 10 A.M. AT 3 A. M. p 5 1 ? So I If 13 i i-i.5 3 3 L--i3JJ Kcli. 10 ttli. f. 1th. If. Kk 17 lel. IS 1'fb. 2." Fib. 2JS 1'eb. 20 Mar. 2 Jlar. 4 fib. Mar. I) Mir. U Mar. T Mar. 17 Msr. 10 Mar. 11 Mar. 24 Mar. 27 Mar. 22 April II April a Mar. 211 April 8 April 11 April (I April 1(1 April IS April 13 April 23 April 2ilAprli 21 May l Hay 3 April it May S Ilk-lit Is rescrvcil toctiamre Kcamcri or tailing tta)s, Tliruimtl TlrttelssoU to all principal cltlis In tlio lulti-l mates ami Canada. RIVER AND RAIL DIVISIONS. CiiIiiiiiIiIii, Mllliiinclle nml lniutilll ltlier. Fi:illlUAUVl,lSst. Leave Portland for iMlllnVaTU) Walla. Iliil- f tills nml up- f river points. Aatorli, Ksla- nit, Tacrma, (Wtto ... Victoria, Now We-tmln--tir Catiram't, Uiy Vlcw.Skom'tk- sr.llnKikn'lil Weatmrt, till. ton,Kiupu. iMVUlll. . balriii.Albiiir, IvorvMiiHai Inttriiieillj limits . Ilnnr, 1 lh ami I ictlljto f Men "Yd. iTliiirlKrl. 5AM 0 AM DAM 7A.M 4 AM S AM 0 AM 0 AM SAM 1 AM 0 AM 7 AM S AM A AM 6 AM o AM It A M a ah a AM 0 AM 7 AM Hit. u AM 0 AM a am OLID FACTS. ' Atflrn-I.ijf prev&lehc c( Hint In'liHmir, lo-stiittoii.o, aatiifcrouf, ami often fatal tMnoiua. CATARRH HsMEEXEK I THE sH2atif5KivCC.; riSn-TENTII OFTHF. 1-KOri.F.OFTIIBNOUTII. neat aro Buffering more or less from the baneful I the &-&':: OF ALL Lll II rOH HAN AND BSASi1. For morn than nlhlnl of noeiitur tliej IKxleanfffnslan(T,liilmc)iitliiijbeenl known to millions nil nvi r the .''! Us) tliu only safe rullnnco for tlio nil f of' acolilents ami iiatn. It H a mo IcI-oi nuovo pneo nnu pnilsc llm lirl urits: sisu, or every rormorexterul pain i MEXIC- MnstanK I.lntmont Is wlthi.utnii .i.i ,1 It iieuetrnle tlesh nml miuile In, (lis very bone innklin tlio com iili-t nncnnrpnlnHnillnlliinuitlniilinpi' olli't'. ', lis elTccIs upon Human HeMi hi! llmi IlnitQ croatloti aro enuallv vvoiitlernil. AUUiUUAICUII (irneriil oi!lcr--'iir. Inml nml I Win eta. J, McCIIAKKN'iCO., A'U iiUteuf California. A. U MAXWELL, Tlikft SKtiitO. II. AN. Co. JOHN Ml'ln, (leuiral FrrUlit ti laa'r siront. T. F. OAKIL1, Vlci'.'rt.l'kiiti..Mana.'cr. Oregonian Railway Company Liiiiri:n. c The Wronf Wire. IVrtlaml Ailiertl.tr. Since the adoption of the new system of call hy inemliers of thu telephone ollice many mis- taUe have invurevl on account of wrong con nections, ami somo have resulto! in amusing conversations. Friday the telephone bell in a prominent business house rang ami the pro prietor proceeds to attend to the summons. A female voice was heard, and the follow ing questions ami answers ensued i "Hollo. es." " W hat time are you coming home to supper to-night!" "Why, I've been to sup per." "1M just like to know whom you took supper with." "Why, with my wife, of course." "How mauy wives have you, any way J" "Look here, whom ilo you think you are talking with 1" "With my husband, Mr. ." "Not mucin you are tailing to Mr. ," Upon this the gentleman heard a scream, which appeareil to 1h echoed by a number of other ladies in the tame room. Late advices from Hawaii say that the small pox epidemic, among the uatiie still continues at Honolulu. There it little it any anioug the whites. The native who are taken down with the smallpox are sent to a reef on there, anil little con be learueil from tho natives themselves concerning the rav ages of the disease. Some deaths have occurred. The rit it hat fallen at Bismarck consider ably. The N. 1'. It. R. loses 2000 railroad tie. The total lots is in the neighborhood of 9173,000. XKW liOVTB. OMMKNCINO WKIlNKriUAY, FKIIuTAUY 2.UH, ami until fiirtmr notice, trams ami loan ir rnu as loiiims: uitr.it.iM i:ihthiiikiiitiiiuv. 7 A M., tltltj, Hiiiuli)S cscrpUiI. uuklni; III' cloKoronuoittnii st Kill's Ijiliillnir with trains foe Ml. I'iiiiI. I reiirli I'rnrle ami nllierlnii, llnnrll I'rlrlf. Mnidu Mill.. 1tl Mat Inn. heliisnil intciiiitillato lHjInts. Moala atom! atcan.rr, an.l aliipin f neeoiuni.lplloiia for itu-cnjvra ilialrlu; tr iro tbuanl tint nl.-lit prcvloua to day olilijuttnre. w xv niiii: iinisiov. 8'(f A. M. dilly, HiinJa)f enplul, via O. . C. UU it. It., (VVeathldo liltliloii) foot of F street, making cloi ivmi'i'tlon at llol hlite trm-aliis; lot llrliliilll, liniiKlinenil sml Mierhlnn .liinelloii jrt'or lht lnjunilMn-rlilaii Juiirllou thlttislD will run safoltows: On MDNIIAVH. WKDSF.SDAV8 smt FItlDAYS, toitstlniuUtviiiu Mm rlilmi Jiiiiellonsiul linlln. OnUllAH. TIIUUSUMiH ami NATUltlAb, to aUlloi.slntwein hlirrlilnu Jnnrllun ami Hberl tin ii. TllltOll.lllU-liirrHtostiovo iHiluti nn salt at ILtU It. II., MntMUoitltl'loll Ikket otll.-c. 8It A. M. MOMiAVn, M.I.NiaHAVB sm )t HllliAYS. tium foot ol Morrl-on rtrmt, atcaiiiir"fKilo" for Iruiluii sml all jioliita Itm t'lirllnml and imjluii mi Idler. FREIGHT. (Foot nf Morilaoii ilmt (mm 7 A, M. to 0 1'. M.) IUS.T Mill. IUiIMO.N. Frelsht ririln-J dillj. cxiepl fiiinljia. fer rolnu twtvrvii Itii)' lMiuIlimui.il Itnivin.vlllr. IIK-I Mill; lllilMON. Frrlitht mtlvcl TllHAH. TIltlllSIUVH and 8ATI'II1AYH. lornllivlnl. -.ii lllver U-tviren l'i,rl laml and Ilu) Inn, ami for lliillua. nlullilan sud Intiniirdlatu uiliita. J, . FII.LMDUK, JNO.lt. WHI'AT, trcnrral Snwrlnt. ndrnt. Aitlnif Inl.-lit ami Tlekit Ajcnt. N' malatle. llrlmrof scrofulous orluln. lirneo eon-tltutloii- ul, Its n.snlfc-tiitlons sre as varied as lln! ralnbos la In color. CATAIlltlt Is a scrofulous ar?ellon ol thn iniiceom me mtrnne hicli lines not only the thront ami niral a-witea tut also all tlio Interior cavities brain i'V c, Mil, atQinsi.li, liver, lungs, lnlcllnc, kldni, bliddcr, and the entire cuticle of the body inl In Its illffirint atacs la known a Ill'Mlli, DltY OK CAN CK.IIOl'8 CAIAItltAH. At flrat It tiiually sff.it the throat slid nostills, the impurities of vvlilcli sre fwnl . lowlmr Into Ihealotnaih or Intuled Into tho Itins, thus I jtolrenlnir the dtcMIU', rctlralory nnd -fciiUo-iirlnao i orgina, and enuiin Iicafiir-a, n-aiHpsli, (?oiittlmllcii, I Chronic Iilirrhieii, Uronchitta, Itiiiirrliiea and Con T sumption, whlih latter la viry oltin only Cataiisii or I Til Linos, Hence It l evident that any ruii.ilj, tola i iffectual In pcrimncnttv curing this di-enae, inunt ikw -cm ths alterative pnpirttta iieccaAry to eliminate from the Mood tliu ftrofulous virui, whldi la tin'1 prlmar esumof the nialidj, ss will as to clianaasiul , Ileal the slfcited incinhisne. SURE CURE for CATARRH! I MUSTS liu' .;rt rnrtil Iifiiii1f, flinl for tlio lut luchojiftn liolir.iuii.Hl the Mt J: t; M Ui: In hi pmllca n a ilikUn with llicmtnt KMrlfilntr nnd unuTictUiiccon. Vc v,ou.il trtiittuit theiMiMlo atnilnsl pur iiniftiij , lirtMnthti tlitlmlnir to be thui-Btiic. orlt IU .Vmio 'DMlin.' wUln-.iit Ifiomitocrapli Jniiirn ti(H. .ll.l. on the urip)rol tm.h imikuifc, Wotlu not aU )oit loftwlL'tuour unii)iiortxl tUtu men tx. nor will wo jitiMloh tho citllrt.it-tj of unknown fvrMjntirii-lillnif In tho Kat orat ftffriut tlUUnie. but on tho contrary, wc rciwt-tfullv ixfir thoo ftllil.ttil Hllh Cs.rAItlUl to the folluHln-r HOME TESTIMONY: J. M. 8TI OWIIItltlOi:, F . CupltslUt, Portland, Or J(H. l,LCIiri.K.t. fclicrlll Multiioiiiali ('o., Puitlund. HEY AI.O.NliT. JUM.S, 8lni, Orrvon. .HiiKI'll IIAM-i, KM,Tinlno, IV T. (' II. VV lli:i:i.i:il, L .VUrclnnt, Fast Portland. C. II. II VII.IN,K. L'tiirlnecMJarHhap, ljut l'oilluhd. vv, 11. Li M.MI.M13, t.N I'coru, uncoil. l'Welivvu liuiidro.tR of teatlmonliU from themot IHI-citsiilo iltlrcm of Orciron and W'nthlnirtoii. but on I j rtfir to the ninira of a few will known and prominent Individuals. Aik your Hruzjlt for llr. .In mm keeks Mire t'nrc Tnr i'nlarili, .Ind aeetlut Ida n-vniu la on llio wrspjHTOl caili pulm. PRICE: Ono Dollar per Bottlo or Six Uottlus for C5.00. iC. liberal dUoollut to Drunl'ta-ttS Send orltri to III!. .1 HUM lli: K .. '., No. Ul Fint nt., I'prtlaiid, Or Or m tnuici:. inti-.i o UholtMlo Ainta, 1'idtlanJ, OriKOii. noviztf The Celebrated Clothing House of FISHEL & ROBERTS, Corner .tiller nml I'lral Hlrrefs, Oregon, urflniiit. Have now on hand a full atotk ol Fall and Winter Clothing. Gentlemen's Underwear, Furnishing Goods, Suits Made to Ordor. Hats and Caps, Etc. With tho FINEST STOCK of Roods In storo over bronchi to this cltv wt- confidentially Invito nil .u cnll on us. ciiir I.lntmcnt Is needed lir snuulnxlv lul every Imuso. Kvory ilny bi Imp iilv'. s of 9 fhei-.f'riujrnrait nsvlnlsrnIHorT.iir:i sutMlueil, of rlieiininllo mnrlyrs lu-i slnioil, or n naliinlilo li-irtn or oil snreil by tlio lieulliij power or t III t L.NIFEK which spoeillly euie such ulluiiiil uf the HUMAN KI.KSII us Ithaumntlsm. Nvrlllnr(a, Sllir rfniiiss. a tintrticiria fallacies, ssurils nml Mealda, Cuts, lll'ulses Kllil Npralns, l'nlsoiioiis llltis nml NtliiRS. Hlimtsss, T.nmenesa, Olil Norss, l!lcrs,'roatbllea.flillliliilns. Nor nipples, I'nkaet llrtoat. ami liiilaeil every fnrm nf eileruul dis ease. It heals svlllinut scnti. For tlio Hbutr Ciikation It ' ures Npralns, Hwliiny, Miff Joints, Foumlairf Ifarnsss riores, lfoof HIs--asss, oot Iteit, ffeeesv Tiortu, Aeali, Hollow Horn, Neratehrs, IVIliU- 8 alls, Spavin, Tlirnali, IllViRbnne, Id flnrea, l'oll Kvll, Film upon Ilia Nlsjlit and every other allmsut to Mrhlch ths oceupnnts of the Mtabla a it it sttock Yarit are liable. llio Msilcan Mustnntr I.lnlinrnt always cures anil novcr disappoints) ami It It, positively, THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS FOB IlIAII OB BEAST. SAWING MADE EAST. A boy 16 ysrs old oan saw oflTa foot lose la two minute, 0Mm sByl WILL CERTAINLY CURE Conghi, Colds, Hoarteneu, 6oro Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and every Affection of the Throat, longs and Chest, including Con sumption. Sold by all Druggists. I Ult. W.TI.Yt'UIH!-', V. S. VJlTElilXAllYSUliGJiOX, I'nrlliiiiil, iirrcnu, UrltirrrerltlonforIil,oueofallcUesof tunk. rice, it for each prefcrlplloii written, Suto s'lip' tomasnd saof snlnuUss nnrti u.l,lo. Illlee-C, P. Paeon's tllaikhml. Sul.lcs, 03 Sveond bl., Ut. M-ul aiLlOal.. llrslilenre-CVr. "ilrtwnth and Ta)lor St. HODGE, DAVIS &(5o NEW AND POSITIVE URF. WENZELL'S INFALLIBLE ANTI-SCAB A HAFE and F.t-iltllAT tuiup.tuiiil l.l MIFJsTlllt' I'RIXII'LIH. nml Mummied Iree rrnm Injiirloua ellrets iiihiu Ibe imI mtil Kheep, mid CnndeiKeil rurtn rovtluj Utile fur frrlttlit fVs- t mf wnwt in fiiJ , sur MaTrt mj wmr4 i FW fK&SS'tK Nrfaofotlum,':iJ I -sW'liHr nor enow of vrtuaaMO P-rs.lYijWtl KtMHiMM. mux. i 8 bttmaU J UmDVlBM. VtUkt tUTrJ rt 1 -Stan ' S.llslBlslsTslllsM llll I iTUiI'sas. I SViiaSMma, 400 Jaras. MirOsUl, XASUUSOH CO., Piisssvtn, 0 Jft aeM as"lvia. iwa uw jm-ot. CLARK & UPTON, Real Estate Agents and ARCHITECTS. TMF. 11 IHSHK X HA1.K SJF CITY A luotrv Froiwrly esrifull) eOcelol. (FN. 11. lioiwrli tor Ue In every it City and State, lioiues Itemed and tUuts rolleet aluv closrat sttentkui. mrslll.NS FOK Ill'ILlMNOS la every stU,tth fuU dtlla, siid tpreiilinxtions furutshM In town or CDuntr)', ivil snd kd our ollcry ot doUns. SS and M Waslslaslan M., fsHlaad.Or. iTvi AGENTS WANTED ETC Fsasllr sinllHn Marhlue ever tmeutod. Mill tnltaialrot stukliw, with Hr.EL snd TOE ram plele. In S uiluuloa. It w ill slao knit a ttval tsricty vf fancy otk lor ukh ttireUalnjssnady uukcu toead lor elreuUrs snd Unns t ths TM'OMULV KMTTISO MACHINE CXV. MlO-lTt ICV M'uilitJa si. Uoxen, Uasr DIUECTXONS IJIT rilK CO.TK.YfS OP OS CAN INTO tin vail or vesl eslU- of lioldln.- about flu ijitloiis el oil can with top eut out will snr, In nearlv wllh wsur and alio to tin.l over nl.-ht. I not ihi n .. iiipnU'- ii;olvrl si ph huil, sud whm llltlon U VntVt, Vld It to 11". Ltflor nf I.. .1.1 u .,. . couUlntd ii, t .f0H r re.pt U fer dlepln ll.e ih l. .luiiirw-iiicpaiiiriniirriiiioiaiiroui tli iktii ilw-u'. luvetlii lli.ldpitl Sroiii the uo.,1 and the ll.iuu. return; ttu the rmpuile, and In oWcr to Insure Ilu .u-tri.ltl. II Of tlnl luia.llv. Ihr. ihniil.l pawIp. a.,r.K. tilth In ala ut two auk N.i.-lil tliUll. U wan. sul avoid exiosures ld s'ter it. Itiiul'llietollooln.-: ,, , I" ". I'elk Co., SttU I J, 1ST9 )I;.r. Ilivl;(, HavU lYs! lUvlnit iiw.1 the rtme I) that vou .i t ni u,t eprltitf tor wb amoiiK ni) heip, I lutt a.w.l iivli)oi twii t. until tlio pn.' ml time, sal Ii-irl ui allow lUthilint time toeUpae osatulw e itun Irat the dlwa-e was thourou.-hl) iuicU. I tlll-is.-) IU) sliiep twice after ahewriuir. st In tervula of 15 da.n, and haw riainlur.1 thetlockiartjfuUi it Ii-ait once s wk ln the Ivvt dlinliiir. but hav dlKwernl no rrnulna el the dl-ae. I do not hesiute tom-ouisiiid)iurprtpiinitioiisa cuuinlctesnd ixr. tain reiaixl) for Kith dUKHitf hc lut up lit slr-t fc'lit wn. holdliw Kve'n po'unds ewch and men ran, whin uwd si-ivrdlniUv directions. wU dip 1W theeri, I'KEI'ARED K'.riU-SSI.Y FlR ANDSOLD BV Hodge, Davis & Co., Portland. Oar as pensbla M oaarsh Ughtnlnsj awlsui sVashlDariTslssllsikses. SO casts wiTl U (Ins t two sssa lis csa ssv asas satf nn la ike sis sray, ss ess er i 7ts U csa srtta tkla ssscklas. Wsnsatad, Clmlsn seal Frsa. Aftsts s-sassd. lusiioi usmm uw a, t4Xw-4JaSalc,Il TUTT'S MLLS! rarilaaU, WU.Ui.ALK BKItitilftT. SV.VS0W IheBerio?? SJ COMBDfED CXtXUMVZ Of ' BJ UWtU MaUdUf4taaUtiklg y I JMr, .KxssarismsnBtsa OronsisU l-s wlklcsB we teat our Vecelakle . 'lower Beslaar)tssoa(casnplelet usst oar ereesilsosiaea for SManla PETER HENDERSON t CO. I MCsjrWwdjSfayt, NwYork.wj AS AN ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, aro Incomparable. They stlmtilata the TOltI,U)"lJVBH"Tntncorato thaUEltV--t)UB"B YSTEMTglva tona to thah!OE3- TIVlTonOAlfS", oreato perfewTeilirestJoa. and rKular roorement of tho bowels. At AN AOTHNALARIAL Thoyhavenoaualt noting Mprarent ivo and euro fo illHous, Itemittont. Inter--inittent. 'fypSoTefTPerors. ancTgover and iUruo.tJpon the healthy action dftha fetomach and Liver depends, almost, wholly, tho hoolth of the human race. YtPEPIIA. It Is for the ouro of this disease) and Its at tendant, BIOK-IIHallAOIlBrifEnV OUBNE88. J3EBPOimEti(rf7OOiP ETIPATIOtfTyilTEa, cto.. that these JHlGThare irslnod such it wide reputation. Wo remedy was evor discovered that aetsr so speecDly and gently onthe dlgastire or (runs, giving them tone and vigor to as slmllato food. This aooompllshod, tKe Nflitvra are PltAOi:DOiBaoXrr BUST. Try tairitomedy fairly and yoa will gain a Vigorous Body. Pure Blood,. t uxiaa Ivtenrea, and a Cheerful mind. I'rlregSe. 33MnrrayBt.. N.Y. 'BUTT'S HAIR DYE. (Hut Hair om.WaniiKi ctun iiucKb-raMOfi ttaHsi bv Naturstl C Koi.l brDrarsrUtsorft Offloe, 35 Murray St., New York rFLOWERSl Orrr lAOO 4Ulln- -rnrletlrsi. AU itruni lUnti. Met. savbtflesi, dUvrw4 tfIr br ro-ui. nracl nort irnw MrrvrirriW nuu.JjiV4 isi jrur uwormn-vw tiitKtio foock rxaprim alt ilninbt mrUU Otur mMarapuaiiMou uuriMwiimsirniei wnl IVvml. eontAins BArtiei avnJ ils-tsarr-inl.iswi c butnictstjosi lot svoccsiaMfml cultlTUm. iKm't 4UtAT4 Mfttri vttsviflslf Ji i! atari ol flotrt houM -ll!n4.I of ucb pUoltWith. HAND-IOOK MAPS. tr of URIt.U.V AMI itititnsti, VIAbUINCTVK VITK HAVE COMPLETED AIIRANOEMENT& T T wherib) w csu lurnuli Colon d Maps, complete la's 0 at eor, of Orrson and WaiMiiLion Territory, either singly or combined, at the folios Intf prise. W all! send them posUg e lld: Mspol Oregon.. l. Map of Wsshlngtoo Territory..... 1.00j Mspol Orejon snd Waahlnston combined Il-M SjrMUe reniiiuuct l Uoosy Order or ltffcte tered UtUr )able to Saml A. Clarke, Portland, Ortvoo. DIt. Z. U. NICHOLS, T17U0S1 OREAT lUCCESa IN TREATWO T .s.HraleanilMii.po.c! Inearable I ST 7 ' "iF"rwi . PWSV SSI rase will be st the l.)lu.M Hut , Kw.ni Si, ol TSIJIIAsaATIIIUMIAsol neb week No he for coiuuliutlon, ItKrstoOov. W, W, Tbstee, OUbert Bios., Hankers of isil.tn.snd Hon. 11. A. John son. Ealeni. Ou. other daja he wiU best Bwlera, t N K. corner ot Commercial sod Chctusktta select. Unl-tl 1 . mi i-smrtini-TTTniinilMslswswswswswswswswswswswswsw .Mw-t s.--i--.TirAtetaa saw4-2Sn? mwww- --'' nmnMiti?' M-MaMwL-s-id