f" .,&,. WlbuAMETTE FARMEE: PORTLAND, OREGON, APRIL 8, 18M. i ' 9 i ft I'cLEGEAPSIC NEWS KASTMtX. Trmlo for llir l'nl Mrrk, Nr.w Viiiik, March III. r'lotn tho 'dliV Tlioru in nn milt nal fuattnu in drilling hoiiti retu n thii weuk. Tneio is hut one import antcitv t.oi' r prut nmil.ir ix'hango tiin tuo-i hi tin' mi j I'iinirMiinn weuk 'i inst jcr. 4and tl.at ciU. fringe to a.iv, is ''hirnu'i Al tliooud tli inuicu i) 01 nmi point1, in ri-maik ablv Inch a.i 1 t u . i . t inuin-o uut-idt af Now Vcu Sc mici at till city is g cater thai fast wiel:, iiuvcithu'tM tr:in,iuitii "P finixilor. Tlio reason In that lavt y nr tin pails, in upuia'luiia wl.teh usually piroeilrs Aynl -i'ttl"iin 'il n.-jiifnllv nmiu inaikei. tint linpirtimt 'Inn t"i' ' 'ir, but tlm iii-hh-aient nt Chii'.igu 1 t -ir w.w ixoip luiially xnitaiii'il wliilo tlie ikiiiI ilecri'.i-u in tin iniTiii' of nutiangcn 14 tun moiitli draw mm itn end fully npiinir. tiis aciu n, Tin; lar-c train i"tlouu nt Xh Urlii'iK itif pruhibly dm In put t c atmnrili.'iir. g niu movem. nt, to nliic'li M'tt.'l I'M i ii ihuwfimu iii.i '('. Tho i '. eritviu nt Lnu.nvillo n r inukiihly lir.c, not , only fi n alii w k but nur niucu tliu i.ew year li"jun, nod i o unpin ti f it ii In divid except an extr.ior.lin.irv iiiurvnso in cntral biisiiiusn ill Hint city. Tliu following inble shown tlm amount of uxoh.ingen for tliu week cmllng .Mnrcli lUth ntSan I-'uuici-tco nml MftiehCilthnt other cilicM Kuw York 877 l.lWI.TOTi JPhiladilphln l.'i.'J.'fil.IIO.'i (Jiurmiuvti I.'I.IKII, 100 Ht. Lords l:t.4tf0,fISt San IVmclsco II.7IH.1UT itton IH,SI0.h:i Wiicrig' 1M.U,1"7 Rilii'mora HI, 121, M) Ko Orlennn U.ITri.liliS Apart from dcnliiign in stock, oxehnngen nt Jvuvv York Hero uiiiiini.illy small lat vn.uk tint probably amounted to littlo mru than $VK),(KK),(XK), iliircrin' not much from net ex change for tliu corrcspniidiii'' week of l.int Tear. Tlio condition of trmfv, Ii ivvuvt, op tKM t" linvu liven ni'iiu fftMH-.ililu fir tin' muiitlit ii'. mivrrnl nt "r citiin I Irm liu. u. In tiin nij.'rctu tliu lniniiiuin of tliu countiy it iroiiilrlliiily iihUImciI. It wai nimru u year .10, no nil rcmumV', tlm' n tiuiiiviiiloiK li.int of iipuiiliitioii in iiiuicliniiilUucnlniinituil witli iMputi AtiwittitiiiK to in ri-tli in SI.Oli) llOilj in ti" i Yorl: ti!.uiu$IO 001.000, ainlnt II ston m-r tf.000,03l). Al t'liil.i'li-lpliit in :i'l ! (lartun'iiU tliu trmlu iiiowinvnt Mm nntiir.ulv upnl uiitl price uci'' uitilii.i'illy Inn. in hii to f i do 'lino in priccH .tint in i-ompirntiw Ji -Hi u lif p.i'lllltlV l ill'IN'Ilt lit t ii j'ni", r vilm Kim i'hctiI tlio orr'iiiiliiij nnl. Lit ,i'.ir l;ntli I. ii',' ly In lliu niu.ntu juil it n'liKM i vcty rity in tin- 'on I'ry Cr fciii.lv tin inmwi i ii lint n iliwiirmjin;.' cni', Hli run tluiu iii Iwi'ii h nn il-cr im in tlm nctivity of l.ito. .1 1 iiiKi llriu Vmjilf. CiiK'tiio, M.iruli II'J. -An liilrr-Oitiin' Jnviii City cpi'i'iiil iivm tint Mini llnttiu I ) n-1 tail n finliiiiH npoll yitnt nlnv nml lur pnlm' aktuuitli fi'iili.ci, in-iiijt lull illy pcicoptilili;. 8lio t'Mi'i no .Vil' nml oniiiiiiuiiiiMtiil lull little. Tii'ilny mIiu cnti'icil iiixin tliu fl'ltli day. Tiaro in nn ill uigo, rxnipl tnu H''"" inw nuktc n, .Slu ilr.mk unu nun u nf Icu'iin ir VM!fr . trit ilx lionr Init mclit, niu! .ii'l 'it4).y Jurini! tliu ilny. Ilinlli nrmi l.t'n:ur'iiiiiii. St. .Ioiwii, Mnri.li ,1U.-(Si-ii. II n. I'. Loan, oY'inomlicr of Onirmt (Iti'puMio.in), 4icJ tj'iliy of apoploxy. Nnl iiuiiliril nl All. Ton ka, M iich :il). Tin1 iciirti'il tol In ry f h u'liin n u.i r Alliiiiiiiiiu in ninplinticilly 4i.iii''l dy tliu oilkiiln of tlii mvl. ii"lurlliiii nml llnrilrr. flr.s'VKIi, Muicli !ll Tlm AVihWiViii' l.uul rilli' pi'i'iil H.nt Tnin iMiiiiii) Kvuin llovlu l'U.1 A III killuil .1, S lllll.llll ullllui'lll(li:u.I U ijinir I, Tlm irMiililo nn'"' out of H-il'tinr utrryini; ISnylii' nKtiT iinil.r iuilciiun cir 4Unl i.ii.'1'a. It Ii Mll Hull lio H'llnunl lur, ni'I tii forced to inirry nml wnn Intiinliiij,' to lriTl litr. llir Cimkr IMnlr, rililalni.liilA, Apiil I. At tlm ml.! i. f I liu .Iy .t-iu .t I'n. c.ittu to-ilny, SS.000 wot tli nf wi'itmn l.iinli miti' iliH iiil nf tot.it mn Uiui f.iriHill1'il, 5IXI..V)7. Uv lirimriioil Not Oilriin lliliiiliiu. LH.'iiri:, Cul April I. Tliu llnivcr A N UHrmi'i HllUvny (). tn-ilny cliwi'il t'.'iitr.icti far 'iOl'D tji'H nf Ivnlltli htri'l riil, mllici'i t to fin in! tlm nml fnmi Di'iiviT ten inilr ou)i nf tin) AiKno-ut. Tin) loul in rx. lic-tiil tu lio riimiinj; tli.it fir liy imxt Clirut- Jlurr liiiinluriiiil. '.liliiinN, April l.-Koiirtlimmiiil biii iuiiU It It llii'ini'ii for tint Uniti-il St.itoi ci ttV.lit ilty Imt, m.iliinb".'ll,t)00 tini'o ti.o ' i: i!..fj..i-i., iiiiliiliiiiiil nf lllirr. rim ili't.ul of ullii'tfu fur lliu .luannilto uuili i. nMiiii'l'li l.li'iitfiiint lliny, i'imii ir,ilo i, tlm ixp'ilitinu inaatiT, II. S. tVjiuii i'xi'cuiiu ullii'ir mill nivlitimi mittiir, W. I'. ll.iUcy! t'licij!!, II. S, Hunt uiil li M Stoin-vi iitint uruliicer, A. . Scinv; my c!iik, W. II. (lililcr, nml tuu iiliuit ullleiu Mill nccuiiiuiiy tliu umhiIi- CUMI, V4lrilnl lluiiulil fur Hi. Oiiumi mill .Vimlu , mini. .Vi.w Yhtk, Much 111. -Uailn nml iil ainiiti IMu Ihwii pllli'll.licil fur tliu ,nViiii1 4i.il On'iii .-'liu.i'l frum Iti'iio, Nov., to fkvkwortn Im. (!oiiti.ii'tiirMuoiMniiili'iv. trun- WiKnUkt.nl M-mt tu nigiit tu cuur Ivtu till) unit.. llir riuuil nl lll.iuiirrk. II WK, M.uvli III. A lu'.ivy f.ill of nnuiv n.l t nj i lifvalun u( K'J in tlio triliilt.ii lt'4 uf tin ,ti..imii III i liUU'-il tliu lii;liitt liver Too i iir li linAeii in uinivii f ruin unu tiillOO miln) .1,1.11 1 cnmiiip' ;urj;i' iliicli htvu llimlisl UiwO'ili'lry III iiiuliy pl-ieea, lull nuiliK to tliu tcircuy ut tliu pupuUtiun Imt litilu il.i'iuni' i.v Ih ii ilui u iili in' tliu puliit, Tliu rivir it (oiyi'il Ikiu. Upon it liiuiUiujjnt t'trt l.in Miln, A iiiilea Ix 1'iw, I'.iii'lm! nu uM'itlow of ita kaiU lulu M.n.iUn, uplwitt) Itiiiniri'k, it ii llioiiut lli.it nU lliu IKK plu leucliuil tliu lilulVi i itv, I'll t tlie 'iiV iu. l.ut iiiglit niul tu J.ny in'Ht liu iiiuWrilulilu, All ennunii' Ku lion niul oil, iw lliu uiiei nro ilnwii mill it in lUH-ttouiiito to ctuii tlm i'er. Tlieru i four (& if w tir an ' l.uu eliuuk of tUvitinK ice ic lliu Tf tx of tli unf rtnuatu city, ami tlio jaereili'y li.it Ikcii iluuu to 'i Ikhu ei) fur Iks piU tMiiitV'fnur lioilii, Tu-nljjlit tliu rivirw till !W fret Mmivu low water mirk, unl tlieru it no hikii of (,'iwut! way, lliu najoi', (ieomo 1'ioi'lm, ultli n tkitl tiiil vnw, ii'MuihI llu nun fioin tlio Ico In tliu bottom lielow tuun to-ilny, Duo iinmril Vituroiter, via on n lloAtint; lun'u ut itv, nil t.!e to iH'iik. Tiiiple wilLiil hot to Allen on col-gut leu tu get to litm. Tliu liver it four miien wiilu. Tliu r.iilnuil niul oeru ccnl w.ireliuiM'n .t tliu leveo aru iUiimisviI nuuiiilc'iil'l), nml tlm einl U Out )U. It fAitil tliitntlll nnotliir guinu iali'e. Over AW lu'A'l if lattloon tliu UlttJiiil In tliin VI liuity iwrUliMl. Huinarvk in tweiity-livofeut nli.no tlio pre. t tiJ, nml it tlicrefori) Mfe, n tliu liter voull luo t.i bo over 'JO mlKn iiilu befoiu sr level iMiiM rvaclio.l. I'lurliU'n lb Itrror.l. Wasiiinutun. Mnrcli 31 Srimtor Jonen t.Jy ilefen.liol I'loriiln ijnlutt tlio aecuii . . .. 1 1 .. !i.i aaiil A In ill A.1 i lift I tli ttiuwed that tliu tlou oi rvpuui"" " 3Ute Imd uot mpurtUteJ. rrotptctn or Annlhrr Flood In I e Weil. O.MAIIA, Mnrcli 31. A ilinpitch wan ro eclved nt tho Chicago, Milwaukeo & St. Paul olllco of thin city from tho lomiinny'n ollico af Sioux City thin afternoon, notifying all nntn of the company to wnrn pcrnocn living nn low landn nloiifl tho Muoouri river thnt nn im inciiso Hood won coming down nml to niovo their families, live ntock ami other nimunlilc eirectn to hiyli gtriuiid an noon m prwiililo. Tho river is rcportul riing rnpiilly oboro Yn'ik ton. Tho Union Ricillc olliuialn rciort from -iotix City tliin nf'ernoon thnt the river in lntiounry nt thnt point. An ico orgii broke it Yniiktmi lost night and tho rivtrKorucd bo too u Sioux mid rrinillion. It in fnlling nt I'ort Sully. An Inimcuno rim of ""i fi'oi nt Yinkto'i in of local charac'.cr canned by Ice nrgc.i, nml they nro now brenking. It in be limed luru thnt tho accumulated water there will wiintu itn strength before renclungOmnlin. However, every jirccnution in taken hero. All t'nion i'ncifiu lolliui; ntock linn oeun tnk-n up from tho lower yanl on tho river leviu t Inli- r g oiind. If tliu IU'mI reachen thin city it will awicp over tho luvuu nml do uiu.it diiiii ,i.'L' to ntiliond nhoiii, KiiifltniL' uufki, lumber yttrdn, otu. Tho river bni Leon freu from icu unco hint Sunday, It it Viry hluh nml it 11 mini' rloulv but it In within itn I nnk. A fttrring wind linn been Mowing nil day liom liu: north, ami thin afternoon it wi.n fie ?iny nml no nu allow full, . Ilr nk up In llir Mliiurl. St. I'aui., March 31. A llimnirck npei.il to tliu I'ioiurr J'ren nayn tho Minyi ii broku tlieru to-day; tliu loner part ol tliu city in overllowcd and n ijrcat nj i uf icu nml wnUr extuinln livu lui'en, Tlin o j;ovi:ruinent wnru liouaoa on tliu laii'linjj nru vre'kid. The river I usii ten fu.'t in n lav hoarn and h now twciily feetrtbovu liw water in.i It, Wood chopper and aettl.rt ill tliu low Inmli all ivailiwl out: iiimy luobiblv drowned. Mini' lair, on tuu W'cjt nid'i of tliu river, in titid. r tluuu fnit of Mir, Tliu greatest Iom .itiitu from lifo will hu cord-uool, tlioutandn of conlt liiliignwcpt nway, Tliu I'ionrrr J'rcm npuei.il fi-oin Sioux Cityi TIiitd it thirty frit of water in tliu channel it Yankton. Tliu lower part of tliu city in over llowed, driving tliu iulinb taiitt to tliu lulln. It in tliu givntent Hood ever knoivo. Tliu iUiii.iu In iinuiuiKu in tliu city. Veruiilli'ji , Diliot.i, in uImj uiiili'i, tliu water being up to thu necond atory f tlio homo. Tliu oucu pmtn wern taken tn the blulln in IkiiIi nnd util prubnbly bu laiukd in places uf aittty lii.loru inoriiiln.'. Hie .V Vurli llini'i Mi'iiih Tliul (imilrM lux ii t'luriilll) r :t,l ('. .Nkw YiiiiK, Mmch 111. 'I ho Timet tnyni Wo niiiniiiiicuil nuvuiul vvcekn aiueu tint owing m iihuxpeeU'd dimiuj ancien in tlm fifitiuiM of t'lu popular vdt.) for 1'ioliloiit in tlu v.ifmiii politiu.il ftliiianaui-, vv'u nru uii.ihlu even at tliin l.ituil.iy to ili'cido whether (iartield or Mnuti"!: h-nl ii pli rail y in t'iu c .untry. lte- Iv mg upon tliu In t nliii.iliacn rcciivml by ui i.nl wu aio olill'ul to ilep ii'l on tuco text Ikmikn lor p .litienl ntitittirn - viu Imd di'vnbd ii f w on. kIiuiiu to lliu ell et that (J.irllold had ii nn.ill liir.ilityi but a luiv ilny a ufter ttie iipp'nraucu of tli.it Inn , wu vvir.i t.ii.'.euil ii) a til.I'i fioiu th" Cincinnati J-'mjitlrrr allow ing ii plin.ility for Hancock of 8, 1(.(J, nml fm tl.er doubt vvim ca t upon uur tirt iiuthuri. ti- n by tliu nppi'tr.iucu ol latur ulmauacn giv. iiigiiiuiieiiiocraiiuciimii'iniii nniiian piiirniiiy, 1 i liu in niitiluu wu viitii lluoiled with ipien. tiouaon tliu p.. Int. Xo two c uipila'ioiin of tho tutu could Ii.' found to ngree, niul hcm.it wu ilcturiuiuu'l to nddium thi nnvetnl Sierv tarien of Slnto ournelviN ami publinli n cor rec tal In when thu full ritiinn weiu rect-ived. I henu wu now haw. Aa t'luunly jiintmuthuil nf anvi-riaiuiuj tliu votnor plurality in a Statu in tlm iir.'niili'ii'ial ebction, wu liavuiu all c.iien llti'd tint liiijlient vnlu cntt ill thnt Stntu fm either n lupulilK'nii or dutiioomtiu elector. In Virginh thu filmier and leadjunter votu in ndded tugiilbcr, nnd in Mninu tLu fuaion votu u credited t'i llnnuuek. Thu coinplutu tiblu giiua (l.ullilil .'l.Ti-M plurality. Wu hivuiiiour Hi.-uoiuiiou atntuinciitn in ery cnu fiuui SeeivUricn id Slntu. Thuiu havu beu'i uirufully cheekml with thu tutaln. l'hu footiun niu melinite, and it may bu now u'li-idi'iiil nientablidiid for thu lirat tiuie ti.at thuuctiiil iilmiililvof fijiliel.l over linn- nk I., bimd upon a ciiiipiriu.il ol tlm I uueat vole given lor lliu mcctora el uioli patty m i. ich Stitu ii .'(..V.M- neither muiu uur lia, Thin liny Ihi neceptid an thu nusvirr to tho veiy iiiiiucroiin iiiiuatlonn wu navo r.ciiVi.l on thin aiibji'i't, nn It will liu neoi pti'd by the country g nurnlly nn liually aettllngtl it niiicli tU'l ipitatiou. Tli.'tu aruponticil luxuun tn no iirawu iruin lliu inct ui u iniall a iilur nitty in an iniiiieiuu a votu, aliieh wu biivo to otnura to ouitoui, iitrlirrn mill llnlninr. WahminotuN, April 1 Tliu uxcitlugipi.ir nl betwiuu Yooiheei ami Mahunu in the a.li. ntu in thu tilk of thu town tliin evenln)', ami tpniilatiun la rifu an to ita poaaiblu coiinu iihciici'h. Viinhingt"ii publio tintiini'iit, na utunl, nni earn to have ililidcd in thin vine piettv cl"ely ujun linen of puty piedelio lion, but ilitpAMioiiatu olmervrra nru inclined tn Id unu butli arlii-a to thu ipiairel in turn. ViHrlu'i't, iiiiiiiitioiialily in too liit ptiu-, for luiuiug tlm i.tri'iiaivu nuwapnper puulica' lion tu Ui ru-id na pait of bin reiuiika, and M limn', III the uuxt pla.'e, fur lefili llij; to Ihi ttitiitl with Vunrliout' Miluutniy iliauinimer if ita iiliuaivu I'pitlu'ta. It la thought thnt the iii'ittur niu'lit will hnvo It'eii allow e. I lodrop at tnin point with a aimplu liiiiaik on Ma- hnuu'a urt tint bu would havu v.illul lur n tltclaitui'r hid not unu bn'ii v-'luulnuiy r.f feted. VMieu, linwever, Malioni', ilituid uf ilupliug tlna ooiiiu, angrily liuitid thai YiMiilieia aliuiild either lia.uiuo or eltu for n croud lima diaclaiiu tcanouaihility fur lliu ipltheta, and when YiHirluea tlurt'iiou, in vuw ol tliu Nirgmian'a men icing manner, an ticipated thu furthciimiiig deiiuuoiatio.i, mid a I pttd thu iiunapamr iuaiiltiUK langiiavo a Inn unu, he gained for liiuiaelf tliu ndvautau of Hu.itii'li vvhiili had puvinitlv In en hi Id Oy Muliuut., niul tliu latter'a epitlu-U Uvninu ailbttautialli only a rejoimler in kind. It ia tin io mo tliu pruvaleut opiuiuu th.it tho unu. f piiraulug thu ipiarrel now rvata upon Ma. Iioiiu nml imt upon YiHirhcea. At tho hour of writing it ia not known whether tieueral Ma lii'iie villi adopt thia view or whether hu will lie vtuitent with Ilia plain iucentivo that hu ttanda ill riadineai to rvapoud to a challengu from Yo irlicua. In cither event thrio will bo no lliuuhl of impugning his eouiMg , for lm i, know u to lo bravo even to rathucaa It liinild Iw a.n.l ill partial uXteiiiiatiuii of thia uii'ivuily iK-ciirrenco on tho tluor of tho wn ato that thu apevchen and proceeding! tlinmli.iiit almoat thu eutiioaeveu Iioiiu that pleitjUil it had Uen marked with aectional and luitUuu bittvrueaa, which iiuito naturally leil up to and culminated In n peraonal out burnt of feeling, which had already hhurd forth momentarily a iloten tiuiua pruvloutly, ml which toward tho cloao of tho luug-coii. tiuii d auuion wvru Ivally white heat, though under thu aurfaco ou buth anion of thu chain- I H-r. Ituaalaii Senator! lUutonitl and MoaaulelT havu arrived at Home to ini-otiate atttleinent if mieatinua pending ill regarvl to thu church in riuuil. Louisiana nrgrooa claim to pay taxea on fiJ,lKK).0O0. A delegation of 50 called on liartield on tho Wlh, asking for au enforce ment of the lawa. A New York diapatch of tho 30th aayai llll. ..:...!. l...w-. .t... tilt lii.,li.i.t nf tlm yeari NcwJerauy lovvlauda tlooled tti rm I heavy aloug tho co ut. FORElUXf A rw Fralure In Hnanlaj fiincriinicnl. 3t. PrrEKniiDUd, March 31. A Ukano linn been prumulgatcd rrderiugj with n view to restoration ol completu aecurity in tho capi tal, tho creation of n tciioriiry council chnrucd to nanint tho coiiiiiiainlnnt of thu citv. Thin council will connlit of'a inimber from each of the 228 city dintrlctn', to bo elected 'y the landlonln and independent tci atitn. It in understood that thu council will decide by a mnjonty votonn nil nicnaitrcn nubinittcd by thu (.omiuatulnnt and thnt thu dtcinion of tlm maj rity will bo executed on rucivlng the lltnperor'a aanction. I'emonn w ho vote will ho cliitiblo na CAiulldatcn. A fund for curving out thin in cni nro will bo provided from thu imperial tn'onuiy. Tho lornre Itif' nayn that tho incnnuro in pirt of aaclumufor thu vvhola cinpiro projected by tho lato Czar, lurriiillnr)' .luiiriinll-oi. I.0SI10.V, March 31. In tho Common Sir William llaitcourt, replying tocpn.tionn,rend extrncta from an obuoxiuun nrtl'l! in thu 1'irlirU and pointed nut iln revolutionary character. He n.inl that itn ntlnekn even in clu lid one of thu prc-hlcntn of tho United Stnten. 'Il.o guv'trnn.cut tlioilL'lit thnt it would bi n gitvo error, from ihuura ic nn well nn iuternntioiinl point of view, to ignore tho article. It wnnu domestic irimu nnd I ii each of public Hi' ralitv to licitu inmiler. Xo government would do itn duty if it al lowed the irfugo In n free ttito to be con verted into a hot-Led of Incili'iiiiiit to nnnanii nation. Tlio government acted nn itn own .iccoid, nml wan not iustigatud by fmeigu powirj. Diiiiiiii lulliiii nf ftiirlnlM-, 11i.tir.tv, March 30. Thu relcliat.ig tn-d.iy diicusa.-il tho ijovi-ni'iicit ic niu ioun relntivu tu the cuforcumetit of thu "ciolit Inw. Ynu I'uttka ner, acting miuitter uf tho interior, proved by ilociiui' ut-iry evidence that the government ban allow u cona'dein timi nnd energy in tho innuiicr in wl ich it haa proceeded iiviiuit tlio aocialintn. Thu cnor getio execution uf the law has heuii provid laceiuuiry liy i fact which U'camu inoru nml more notoiiotin every day, that thu anclnllntn am atheistic nnd unpatriotic, and u iptitulo a parly of tint upheaval group, led by Mont, editor of thu Ftiltrit and by riaatilinuii, who pioii.-li uan-Hfiiiatinu. Thu iu.Hli.rit- fraction of thu party do not piueiiu the r enda by tho n.iimi ii.e.iun of viulcucu nnd revolt, but aeuk in. tlm-'lcally to Ulideruifliu tho eoiistlilli-d nuthurtv. thu teiiileuuy of both being the mii. Vnn I'ut'k.iiiirr proci eded to iiiiolo ilttcriiuccn of thu Mott niul lUstulmnti in- ap-ctingthu aaniaiiiiation of tho war, wlil'.h iiroi'oxeil mini uxiireaslium ol liiillwiatloii anil iihh. iciico fioin all parti of thu hounu. Hu, in to.iclnii'ii, aniil that tho coinlilion of nf film in (ieun ny wai nuch time I'ruaidn Mould proporu to liuiui.r a lu.'i) which would hu i x't'iidu i to Leip-ii;. .Mure liuiililr lur Jiilui Hull, IiM'iiv, March 30. Too vioeruv of In Ha Inn a telegram from ('audnhar eoullrmiiig th ii" oit that a rebellion linn hiiiKcu out nt lluiut nud thu placu in be-ieged. Th nt in a report nisi, nt Candnhar thit Ayouh Khan tint bu. u taken priai'iur. .trniliil. I'oiir ilctivtivui niluited Mixt nt tl u ollluu of thu h'ttluli, Tlu warmiit charged him vv.th hiving in the column of In paper in cited tin. pi-'plu of n fnreign ntito to aeditinu and rebullioii, Tho liolico ejoi'ted thu cum-pi)-itora and took thu keys and locked up tho pruuiUt a. I'.MIH-'IU COAST. t'.li-rlrlr l.lilil nl Malt Ijilie. Salt I.ikk, March 31. An rxiiurimentNl teat of thu eloctrio light waa iiiihIh in Salt Iikw to-night with antiahictory re-ult. Tho circuit euihrncca I'JO lampa uiid was extremely brilliant. Tho woika eitnl!i-l;pd heioaro thu largt-nt in tlm United StntraTcep'ng tluwu In iS'evi' Yoik. Thu ayati in fa what ia known an thu llruih. Aniinnnliinlril- Sis Fiiammmii, Mnrch 31. Patrick Sul livan, n farmer liviiui near Wild Cat creik. Contra Cuta county, vi at found yunterdiy lying undtr bin wagon near thu eieik on thu I o ul, iiddled with liuckdiot. Ilia In.raia had evidently dragged him ikihu tliriu humlred y.u.h from thu place viheia ho woa ahot. Tho peipetiator of lliu niuider i auppoacd to bu aoiiiu ouu with whom Sullivan had had law dilllciiltii a, though it la not known that mi picioi' ii lixu.1 ou any iudiviitual. Au inipiett l in progti'aa, ITEMS MY TEMUilt.il'll. There nro no aiguiof a brink In the Senato rial deadlock. Crown l'rinco Fred. tick William ban re turned from St. PnUrahur;. Kight hundred andaeveuty thousand do! lint lira been withdrawn fur Aincilca. A hrgit venaol ia on firo six iiiilea from Capo Henry, Va., but l uiuhr c.udrol. At a luretii'g of tho land league, Ibennan nuiiouticed receiving tsJ,31)'.l from Ainciica. Cadet Whittakcrtcatilicd in Ilia own behalf. Ilia testimony waa thu aainu as nt Went Point. A bill won killed in lliu -No Yoik Legiala tmu, liuiiiiiig railroad farea Io two ccnta per mile. Hi'l reciivtil an elegant tl.iral tribute from ladira of Virginia for expo,iiig the treachery ot Mahoi'o Tho IIoiko declined at ltotton ou tho 20th, 122 to 711. to psan a bill to give inuiiifipal iuf-fragi- tu women, (icu. Jiuiliert, tho lloor lmder, ia an Anicri cm, lieiugliornat Uiiiontown, Kayttto county, Pa., in tail. Tho cr ii hat cancrlisl the Uutaiaii loan of JUOO.lK'O roubles, granted Smia for lotaea in the lato war. lVtinocrata will probably vote aolidly acvimt thaconfirnutiouof Cliaudlir, and Mao Vi-agh ia happy, lUwoonilield had teveral attacka of iiui- nioilio ayiuptoina during tho day and ia scarcely ao w ell aa ha waa, (Irani and party are en route for Mexico in thu interest Pi thu Mexican Suutheru Knilioad of which (irant in preti.lent. Janua Cutrie, the munlerer of the actor Purtt r, has lieeu Lilleil iu Laa Yegaa, N. M., by a barkeeper, self defense. Jack Knibrey, hit wife and two children, tho entire family, were killed by a cyclone in ltandolpli couuty, Alabama, on tho 30th. The Secretary of tlio Treasury will return, after tho tint mat., outstanding A percent!, maturing May 2lit, at $101 23 for each $100. In tho house of com mom a motion fur the adoption of the decimal i) stem of coinage, weight and meaaurea, waa rejected 11S to 23. Tho shin S) rcn, from Xew lledfonl, has lieeu purchased by Capt. Win. Lew in, ami will bo withdrawn from the San Francisco trailr. A aloop ia uhoro at lUrren Island point. near New York. Two men are lathed to tho mast. It ia supposed that teveral of the crew art) lost. There is a belief that in a div or two at farihtat executive leaaiunt will lie allowed to confirm a very Urge iiumlwr of peuJiug noini juauoua. ITEMS IIY TELEtiltAI!!. American ailvcrwaro is to bo admitted into England free of duty. Prince Can line, widow of hereditary Prince Ferdinand, in dead. It in nerved among tho sharks that money will hu eniiier for tho next four month in New Yoik. Xo ligni of n break-up in the f.-nn'o. Ses sions wilt continue, hovvevur, u.iiil Ml "glee lueiit in reached. 'I hu trcanurv diMinrlinent lm Mirclinned 110,000 ounce of ll o fllvcr for delivery ulthe New Orleans mint. M. M. Sullivan, annueiito of Paiimll, and onu of tho trim tiers, ndiln'ned n couveut'on of Irish aociahats to-idght- A bulletin, timo 1;30 A. M.. snys t lluncoiu flild unchanged; his condition causei the grea'cst nnxicty to bin friends. It in nlil tlmt tl.o govcrii'nelit inlrti.'n to proposo a ic-olutioii cancelling U'Duiiiivll's last aitspcusion in lliu comuionr. Thu powrin fuinth ngl'iu to ilrehro to the (Ireek ministiy their linn uaulution u t to iiitcrferu if coinproiuin In rejected, Tho i'lench truoiM blockading Andorra hnvo caption! tho chief liuurgriita, who de ailed to tatibhsh n guiuiug table. Osgood iV Co. nlitiniltieo n new bonk by Mark Twidii entitled n " I Intnl. book i f Dl ipiuttci also a "Cyel .pedia of Hilii-nr." The halUir of Yolo has been closed b) flo.i'ing barriemle and lorpedoes since Feb ruary 2ltt. Sixteen thoitPiiud troops havu ar il veil. Attorney Gum-ril MeYcipli, Secrutnry Wiiidoin nud Asdit'iiit Seci'e-.iry Uploii, on the 30th, went to New Yoik to confer ou fiuniiccK. Stenmtr California arrived fioin Xnnalmn nt (I l'. M. Shu vv ill remain nt Port Tow nacinl until tho ariival of tliu stenmur Idaho from San 1'r.uicinO'i. In nn alliay between p.itt'sauiof tho Al banian kngtto nml Turkish Inhabitants. nf Diiiosch and itadouitza, a numb, rof persons wcro killed and woui.dcd. Tho ba'k Antiouh, coal laden, bound for San rrntieisco, letumeil to Tort lowmcml in distruM tn tlio 30th, leaking badly. She hnd to thiow oviilionid li0 tons of coal. Thu uditor of tho 1'rtlhtlt ban been indicted at thu ltovv atitcl p'.hcecouit for piiblitblng lilM'l cnnceriiliig tlio lute car, nml urging tlio pern to to commit inunlcr outnidu of htr maj esty'n dominions. A diipntcli from Wood Mountain says that Sitting Hull tiil n camp of aliout 100 lodges tin iv.il at i.nl Mouu'nlii, Is. W, 1., thu ln-t dny of .lm umy, nnd hat been camped near that poit uvrr miic-. Tho I'.iuoian gover inent infoiin tho Chi Itrregovirnmeiit thnt tho governor of Kanh gaie.t in imiiocursnrily hontilo. (ieii. Knilll man imkcn an iuipciitivu dun nud tint the luaiiifmitntionn shall case. Mira Kato Maiadh-im of San Fraiieino.i couniiitlcd suicide in Xuvv York mt the 30th Slu had be-u nduceil m circtiinntauccn by a stock apeculitlou, m d her aiep-luther refused to help her liny mop , In a fight butvv'i ru n sherd)' ami his dcpiitiei ntnlnat ton cow boy.n nt O'Nt-U Citv, Holt county, olio of Ibn 'nttr wns killnl nnd out of thu former woiindul. (l.il fluid will ataud by thu llohcrUnn nomi nation, and Senators Conkliug nud Piatt will do what they can to ill feat coiiliruiutiou. Thu Deiu icratn will support Knbutauii. A very foolinh rumor bus been sproad aliout town that. I. II. Ilnverly, successful thcatro manager, bad failed, llo said to-night, that he vva-i never furthi r from baukruptuy than now, Mrs. Oswald Ottcndorifvr, wile of tho editor of tlio Slituli Ztilumi, New York, I as glvon $3.1,000 for proinotiiiii of thu Ovriiinu schnnl systiin. Tlie fund thus ;rcatid will le known as thu Hermann Uhl liumorial fund. Tho passenger and freight diX)t of tho Oc cidental Hallway, burned at .Montreal on the 30th. A iiuautitv of gin. powder stored iu thu latter, exploded, blowing thu building to at oms, Oi u pen on killed. mu 30,000. It ii said that tho Secretary of the Treas ury'! plan of operation! respecting refunding will Imj undo public tliin wtek. S. crctary Wlnilom in expected in New York, whrni bo will haven coiinlUti"ii with leading baiikin. In several dtstiicts of llohemia emigration of tho (icrmaii portion uf tho population to America has begun to assume largo propor tion!. Thu principal cauu nf the exodus ii intol-rablo olitieal tyranny of tlm Czechs who form tlm majority of the population. The U. 8. grand jury ia iiivtatlgatiug the bog land aw indie. Cyrus Smith, a real i statu operator of Chicago, lately indictid for con spiracy iu match lioud oases, will teatify con cerning tho ring. J. S, W Ife, another Chi cago real estate vgeut, haa been brought to St. Louia, and will divtilgo coiiccrnirg tho fraud, Thu world's fair commission haa resolved that tho executive cuiumitteo diem it expedi ent to take no action in i elation to a periun lieut president until after April l.'itli, w hen hu tluauco eoiiiiiiitt'-o will report ou tuiids raued. They expect to get $1,000,000 them selves, another million from trai sportatiun companies, and another from citizens of New York. Ambassadors have decided to sign a prn'o oil declaring that they regard thu but oner of tho porte acceptable. Negotiations accord ingly will bo opened at Alliens to induce (Ireeeo to accept it, Thu piotoci.l ackuowl edge the frontier lino last offered proves the liuevrity of Turkey's desires f. r peace and ad mits that the ccs-iou of Koirus ia almoat im possible. The Lantern puhbthei on tl e 3lat ult. a telegram from St. Petersburg, stating that a violent ipiarrti lias nroKin out in tno imperial familv. in cunteiiuvuco of which Cirnnd lluke Couatautiiie, who it itsouuly niipected of nihilism, ia aliout to rcaicn na Lrand admiral and minister of marine. Inauirdiately after tho ileparturo ot loreign princes iruin M. l'etcraburg measures of extreme severity are to ho taken against tliu nihilists. Governor Chamberlain hi the Whittaker case called Henry I). Hyde, a lawyer of lloa too, who teititied that iu a heavy whiskey fraud case the alltgrd writing expert South woith had toatillcd to the identity of certain writing, declaring that be would lung a man on the evidence! but aubaco,uently admiiti d that he won wrong iu every instance. South worth waa in reality no expert. Gen. Skobelcff was recalled Wcaute ho asked permUsion to occupy an oaaia toutli of Merv, to reach which he would have had to traverse Persian territory, tho empeior not desiring freati embroilments abroad. The upper house of tho rvlchsratli met for the first tune since tho death of the cxar. The president expressed his abhorcuco of the crime aud condolence with Alexander III, His remarks were warmly applauded. The Eimi-uj lvj comments on the aitua tion in the aenale: Under the guidance of Coukline the rep iblicau tmembera ot the U. S, senate are daily impairing their standing before the country h? keeping sUp with the readjuaUr Mahout, the cauui-followers Cor- ham and Kiddlebcrgcr watching tho column movo forward with tho interestid attention that characterizes tlm classci of Patriots to which they lie.ong. (jorham and Kiildlcbcr gir aru doubtlena great men. (lorlinm at any rate, we know to bo nu un principled ecoiiudrel, but theqitistioii is vi bother oi not it is worth wliilo fi.r tho republican party to lonu Hi character on their account. Tno United States steamer Wnclni-iltB, nailed fioin Sin Fruiici-co on thu 31ft, in sealed of thu stintnur City of New Yi rk. Captnln Williams, gem ml iigiiit of tho Pciflo Mnil Co., has foiwardcd thu comiiinndir of tho Wnclnisctn logn of Australian vusels vvhi 'h will enable him to niitku nn ncuilinti' s-null iu mid I'cvnn by inilicntiiig their Usual couio. A general mow storm in reported in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin nud northern Michi gnu. The fall in tliu Laku Superior region is very heavy. In Chicago it in lic.ht. It seem to be about the must short-lived of the season. Those injured by tho accident on the Wa bash read nt Coltou station, Ohio, ou tliu 30th, number seven person. They wetu moitly in thu smoking car. A defective tuitvli cvitcd lliu collision of tho Atlantic express with a f I eight tinill. The court of appeals sustain the decision of the ipicen's bench ill llindlnugh'a cue, to thu ell'cct thnt nllirmntion In tho commons cannot hu taken Ina'cad of the oath ft" iu courts of law. BraJlauc.li will appeal to tho homo of lords. The government has appointed a special coimnissiuti tn iuiiiiru into tliu p'ruccediugn of nihilist nfugeea. A commltUo ha just started with liitulau ilttectiven for Jany, while mtmbers of stupe, ted pel sous nru being aieistnl daily. Tlio mUsiiH steamer City of Few York hn on boird n largu consigunicnt of block tin for San Francisco. Ovv ing to tho opinion gtiniug strength nf somo ncciileot having befallen her, tho pt.cu of thit metal tins advanced from ltciiinl23o to30o. It in known that Vaudcrbilt Is going to l'uri'pu next iiinnth, and it in rcjiortod that several .large speculators w ill nbo bo away several wet ks II not months, wlilcli In, ol con M-iinuucp nii'y so fnr as speculative movo- iiientn in tno stock market is concenicil. Ihvycr, representing sugar lniiortcn, has written nlutt. r to thu treasury department iu which he savs that 'iccietan- vYiiidom bids .i - i... :...i.. .. r.... o i . inir iu uu uuiy i, u'liiiiiiuaiioii vi cucrviiiiy Sherman, nnd that tho sugar men to get jus tico mint resort to thu ooiirts ami let tho de partment alone. Tlio U. S. circuit court at St. Louis, .linlga McCr.ty Presiding, gavo a decision iu tho e.iu of the old Pncillu itallroad Company igainst tho Mis-oiitl Pacific railroad, C, K. (iiniitiui it nl., which maintains that tho third luortgagu wan foreclosed and sale of road made, Thu pirxcedinga were brought l.y Mennin. Cnvvdry, Ciittng ind others. Thu stockholder of tho old l'acillu Company den igniite 1 to act aaido fmeclosiiro nml sale of tho road to C"iuniodore Garrinun. STATE NEWS. Full grniti in vory proinising ia Liim county. Lakuviovv foolH tho need of a dairy in iU vicinity. )urglnrn nto unpleaMintly fresh, just now in Albany. A. A. Witham rcfust'H to net at sheep iiiHtiector of lionton county. Oovv bows, or vuequerot, nro called "buckoroos" in Luko county, Tlio Pacifio Univursity nt Forest Grove opens with only, (Q students. It is probabln tho Orrgon Pioneers will hold tliuir Juno ineetiiie at MoMiim villc. Yiimhill county Odd Fellows intend having n celebration ut JJayton on tliu 120th. Tho weavors' sliuttles hnvo hegun liuzzing again at tlio Oregon City woolen milk Cotty Palmer, of Curvnllif, accident ally Hhot himself iu thu liand a fevv dayn OjJO. Win. Leo had his U' broken last Sat urday nrar Salem, liy being tin own from a fractious hortit. Tho Yamhill county Reporter thinks circuit court should meut thuru ut leut thnu times a year. Kd Wnltuni found two skulls on Dear man cieek, Luko county, vvhilo oxcu vo ting them lust week. Hill, Luckey and Wheeler, tho sup posed lost Lane county survoyors, have been found ull right. lloiiauza, Luko county, has organized a vigilance eommitten for thu purponu of supii.'Miiig lawes!iie8H. Sotuu lioys who had I In own stones nt u Oliini'Mi cnuii near Silveiton, were lueil at eight times with pistols by tho mongolians. The Sa'nin Statesman wittily Rays that Chinamen who eat thu Iwuy "shis'el mouth" tisli ciuqlit in tho Willamutte, would maku good harrows when dead For over two years two imrties havo been fighting in tho courU of Yamhill county for tho possession of a calf, and have spent money enough to buy a whole drove of steers. At the commencement of Judge Shaw's term of otlice, less than three years ago, Marion county was $40,000 in debt, to-day it owes not a penny and has $13,000 to collect 0. A. Sayers, a prisoner in tlio Lane county jail, broke out and would have escaped had not an intelligent New foundluud deg belonging to Zacb Moore, held him by thu surplus of his panta loons, A Eugene City city exihuiigf wk Mr. W. D. Mount, is tjnim in in tue hop business this year. He will stick uliout 8,000 poles in his yard on Pud ding river bottom this Spring. Tlm hop crop is incrwigiiig In this part of the country. Tho Oswego Iron Works aro still in full blast, having niailo since their last start up, over 5,'J00 tons of iron 2,240 pounds to the ton and they will con tinue to run until the hearth becomes burnt out, which will allow them to make about tho same quantity yet. Consumption Cured. An old physician, lutitcd from practice having had placed iu his hands by an East India missionary thu formula of n simple veg ctaldo remedy for thu spiuly niul permanent euro for Consumption, liioncliltis, Catarrh, Asthma, and nil 1 Jit oat nnd Lung Allictiou, niton positive mil lndieiil emu lor Nervous Debility nnd all Niivous Complaint, niter having t Eteil Itn vion i.riul curative powers In thousands of onnn, nu felt it bin duty to mnku it known to his outlet ing fellows. Aitu ntid by thi Inutile niul n ilrnitu to lulievo huinnii sulleritig, I will sui-i! lite of charge ti nil who disiio it, this ueipe, in Human Flench, or Ihigluh, with full iliiuUious fo preparing ami using. Svi.t bj mall by nil dressing with stnmp, iu.iiini ' this paper. W. W. alll'.l.Ali, UiPovvem'jlIock, iioll)tu3 J'.ucliotcr, N. Y. Anani! 1 1 ii tier Tho iiiuuiiiM) alu ni.d glint popularity of (lieeii's Auuitt 1 lower ill nil tiwunnnd villa ges iu thu ctvili.cd wcrtil has inustd many iniitatuin to ndopt .uioil.ii iinli.t m, ex ceding to reap and haivcnt for tl.in.ctlvcs ill the expense of the nlllicted. Thin iiitiliciuo wan Introduc ed in 1803, aud for thu cuio of Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaint, with their elicits, such as .Sour Stomach, Contiveiiiss, Sick Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigestion' Palpitation of the Heart, vcltigo, etc., tte., it never has fail ed to our Knowledge. Thrtu doses will ro liovo any cannot Dyspepsia. 'J'vi o tuillioii bot tles sold last year. Price "o cents. Samples 10 cents. King of the Blood Cure! lUJIiorJtri rtiultlnff from Impurity of ths lllooJ, including all Scrofulous Diseases, 43kla Eruptions, Bait Illieum, Rvriltlngt, Iytpcpila, I.lrcr Complaint, Debility, Catarrh', ic. Nine-tenths of all chronic and temporary disorders arc caused by disturbance of the cir culation of the blood, which depends greatly upon the quality. If impure from want of proper food, air, light, exercise, change of ccne, or from overwork, the whole system feels it. Sometimes its impurity is indicated by one of the diseases named i sometimes by a gloomy, despondent, dull, lazy h-vling commonly called "THE BLUES." Implying lack of energy, debility, and general unhappiness. Nothing is so magical in its effects as this KING OF THE BLOOD, at once a tonic and alterative, so called became it tones and alttrt the stagnant functions, and healthful activity results. Numerous testimonials the genuineness of which is guaranteed by our standing offer of 01,OOO-mJ full directions can be found in the " Treatise " accompanying each liottle. Trice $I.oo per bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicine. D. Ransom, Son . Co., Proprietors, llufTalo, N. Y. Chills and Fever aro pormancntly curodby Mr. Jsjrac'ai Ague Mix ture. With n littlo enro on tho part of tho patlont to avoid exposure, and tho occasional usoof Jaynk'h Sana tive PiLLH.thls romody will bo found to bo certain in Its operation, aud rad ical In ita effects. In many section! of tho country subject to Aguo one other malarial diseases, It hot an es tablished churactor an a popular epo clflo for thoso harrosslng complaints, and tho number of testimonials re ceived show that its reputation Is constantly Increasing. intermittent and Remittent Fevers aro effectually cured by Dr. Jfuyae' Ague Mixture. In these com plaints care should be taken to follow tho directions closoly, and especial attention given to tho liver, which should bo asslstedn performing IU functions by Dr. Jayne's Sanative Vills. IlOUCr:. DA V13 b. CO., Wliolcfcila Daalera fortUnJ Ortiron SELL WHAT ? SELL !T ! . IF YOI' II.WK ANYT1II.NQ TO 8KLL WHITE IT out In a. plain .mi J ericlir a ruaniur as imssltU m una ll uii.v ILLAHBITI. l.UOihll elSce, anJ 1 1 'I , jl ' i in o hII . A ilt-t luaii) (sruicrt liat uiilu JrMn Miti'.lca of t...li ' li-f bttll llAls, TUIOniV 8FKI, UUAsj sl.l.t), OIIAI'K COTTlNfis, bTIIAHIH.I'liV ru.vr. Ainu'iioi;ij, iHyrATOE' . . A "'H aa fne K coii.I.tii t of DRAFT HOKiKS. JACKS nU JENNYS vvor.K houses. much Ltnvs. . ULOOPF.il CATTLE, I'OULTnV, HOGS. bllEl'l'.ana FAKXS FOR SALE Rttueniljtr ll.sl 1 v ..Mti.lln m iMUr .IIUk in aJrel' Uslurona nn n-l n.1 nl -II ,!... IIi.Im ..ttrai snj IhDS kcspdon tp.-iik.s. ourthuiica for such adrcrUaa- uvui UI lis.n 11, HI IO ll'J.U) Pr UODID, EAWWJ ooUcsa ws will pubuth for il.W per mcotb. i 1 Ague mixture Vr, t i I L. I i ;o;mii?j?1