Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 14, 1881, Image 5

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Telegraphic News.
The Clilucsr Trrnty.
fU Fiuncinui, Jan. 10. The Call pub.
liihs nn Interview with Jolm !'. Swift, one
of tliti commissioners to negutinto the treaty
with Chum, who rcttirueil ly tho steamer
Gncllc yostonliy. He states that tho report
rcitanlinu the treaty riuMislieti in the New
York lleraht, nn.l telcurnplivl to this coast,
was' authentic, tho information contained
thnfin having hecn linp.itt.il liy tlio com
tnlsiloticrs to tho llenM corrusiioiiitciit. wlm
accoiiipniiio'l t'io coiiiiuis-ion, Mr, .Suifts.iys
'that in mlilitini to the points heretofore tiuulo
puhlic, the treaty contain n clause reserving
to tho Ui.iied States tho right to terminate,
at any time, th resilience of Chinese laborers
in tins country. It was nlso tacitly under
stood th it tho Chinese cannot lie ucutrnlircd
in tho United States, and that neutralizations
Already accomplished shall lie considered null
ami void. The negotiations were concluded
aVovoinW '-'0. Kvcrythin,! was ready on tint
Ifttli, but tlia wonl "disaster" occurred in
tho treaty, und it is n law of China that that
woiilramiot lie iircsci'tcd to the attention of
tho Kinpcmr within llvo days of certain -im-pnrtnnt
events, ntnoiiif. which is the birthday
of n inrinher of the royal family, which neces
aitated delay. About tuo weeks before the
conclusion of the treaty the commissioners
were to much disheartened that they were on
the ioint of viviug up negotiations, and would
liaro left Peking but fur the fact that com-imuili-ntini
were lutcrriintol by severity of
the weather, and, pending their renewal, ( lii
ness olllcials 1111 let the concessions desired.
"Mr. Hwift denies tho report that tho Chinese
met tlia commissioners hnlf ny in their prop
ositions, and says that thu points sought were
only accomplished ,y persistent ellort. Ho
Alio dudes, tho report that Minister Angell
contemplated resigning his position.
Jaimorsr Mrsiurr lost,
Sam 1'kam'isi'ii. .Inn. 10. N'esvs from Yo
ikihom.i by the (laelio reports that on tho
Ultli of Uecciubcr the Japanese coasting
stoimcr, with sixty passengers and a crew of
twenty-live, foundered in tho island sea, ami
sixty-lour lives lost.
Aaslkrr Arrlle i:tilnrsllon.
NbiV Yoiik, Jan. 10.- A short tiino ago
Lieiiti limit Sehwatki received a coinliitlliicu
tion from Commander Cheycno of tho royal
navv, a ditiuuuishud Arctic explorer, propo.
an iiiternational polar exhibition and iiivititiu
his uo.oieratioii. Tlio letter was accompanied
I by similar rucouimt udations, iiined by many
of tho most prominent llntish" ollirra, who
have paiticipated in Arvtio explorations or
imwii mem a subject ol sum v. jii It was also
a siigg'-st on for interesting Aineiican cat itnl
from private sources in tho eutiriirisu. Capt.
V. l'.nker Snow, of the Itritisli .Mcrc.tutilu
.Marine, ulio was one of tin early searchers
for the lost crews of tho K.rvbua and Terror,
has written a letter to Lieutenant Schwatka
asking his co-operation in another exjieditiou.
Cant. Snow proiwscs to cui tilt a new search
by l.anoister Sound wvsteily, then back to
tlio magnetic polo lor any tiling more, ol riauw
tin's party, afterward going through to llcli
ring Straits.
The Lrbuuun Ituasl Troubles Issae of
llllratrs hsicinleil.
Wasiii.nhtii.i, Jan. 10. Tho Secretary
tlio Interior to-day transmitted to the Senate
papers and correspondence rulating to lauds
emitted to tlio Statu of Oregon in 18(1(1 to aid
la U. u.ii4triietintt f a military r.al fmiu
Albany, Oiegon, to tho eastern boundary of
the Slate, which craut was, by an act of tho
Oregon Stitn Legislature, conferred upon tho
Wllaiiiittw Valley and Cascade Mountain
Wagon UuiJ Company. The Secretary, lu
his letter ac.ninpauyiug tho papers, says tlut
maps now on tile in the (Icucrat Lind Ollicc,
vcrilieil by surveys made by olllccrs of tho
road, show the total lonth of tho road to bo
IIS miles, entitling the company to an aggre
gate of Mil, 1 10 acres of land. One bundled
and (even thousand eight hundred and ninety,
three acres, ho says, liavo been ptUnted to
the company, and other selections, amounting
to I Ill.tiOl) acres, are now pending, for which
tho company demand patents. It appears
from tho Secretary's letter that in .March,
1878, a lftter was addressed to tho depart
ment by IMislia llarues and others of I'riue
villc, (Jr., alleging total failure on tho part of
thu company to comply with the act of Con
gress by construction of any road whattvrr
over tho greater ortioii of the route, and a
very limited and partial compliance up u thu
remaining distauce. Records aad liles of
tho (ieueral I-and Oilier, however, showed
that duly executed maps purortiiig to
show tho lino of the survey, loca
tion and construction of portions of tho
road had been placed on file to t s effect that
portions of thu road so represented had been
completed, examined ami accepted in accord
ance with the terms of the craut, act of Con
.grass and the State Legislative Assembly,
ino inquiry raited by llan.es' letter induced
the department to investigate the matter, and
subsequently, Aug. Ill, IbM), W. V. Trosser,
special agent, was instructed to make a proper
investigation and report the facts forsiuli
further action as might bo deemed necessary.
Preiser's report sustains the allegations of
Karnes, and in presenting it Secretary Schurz
says tliat In view ol all tne (acts presenter,
And of the magnitude of the OTrat and mani
fest want of most ordinary good faith on the
part of the guarantee in securing ami present
ing the evidence for its appropriation, loth
the Agent and Commissioner of tho (icneral
Land Office recommend the resumption of
lands, so tar, at lesst, as have not been pat
ented, or provisioDS for such other measures
of compliance with the terms of the granting
act as shall secure the good faith of the bene
ficiary before authorizing further patenting of
the lands. Schurz, in couclusion, submits
the matter for tss action of Congress, and
says that uutil it is determined upon ha will
suspsud further procsedinji.
Cklaa and Kuisla.
Honq Ko.no, Dec. 13, via San Francisco,
Jan. O.Jltportini! the failure of negotiations
respecting the Kuldje treaty has given rio to
tho belief that hostilities may occur on the
frontier at any moment. China has made ex
tensive preparations for war, but will sutler
greatly through lack of discipline and want
of organization It is stated that she in
tends, in tho event of hostilities, to lay
lowu torpedoes at tho entrances to all treaty
ports, and to stop all ship from coming in or
en'ng out, whether war vessels or traders. It
is also said that fcreigncrAwill be employed
in the navy.
The I.cwt Lci'ata. Mr. David Smith, first
mate of the British bark Dovenly, now dis
charging coal at tho gas works, states that tho
last seen of the bark LupaU was outhoCd
init, when she was outside the bar, Severn
miles distant from the Dovenly, waiting for a
pilot on her. The Dovenly ha 1 a pilot aboard
at the tfmc. The next day a dense fog pre
vailed, and it is thought that the LupaU, in
makiiii; Ivack to the pilot grounds, was run in
oi Tillamook Head lieforo tho clow prox
imity of tho rooks were discovered. No in
telligeuoe has ai yet been received of the find
ing of any more bodies thau the twelve al
.ready reported.
Sara llcrnhardt has arrived at Chicago.
(lov. l'urtcr was inaugurated in Indiana on
tho 10th.
(led. Hoahr, mice the best oarsman of his
time, is dead) nged 4'J.
dross earnings of 1)3 railroads increase RID,
000,000 for tho year 18S0.
Tin bill to erect n now library building ap
propriates $1,500,000 ns a starter.
On the 10th New Hampshire had fourteen
inches of snow and a heavy rainfall.
A large number of business biillttinpi were
destroyed in Memphis by tiro on tho 10th.
It is stated that not luoro than half a dozen
of the lire iusuraiieo companies doing business
made Anything last year.
There is extremely cold weather in the
Western States. Tho thermometer ranged 18
degrees below 7c ro on the 10th.
A special from London this afternoon states
that the Northern l'acilio loan is at "0 per
cent, premium bid, and all amounts were made
on a basis of 'JO per cent.
Judge Swayuu failed to resign because it is
understood that ho objects to Stanley Mat
thews. Tho latter is disgusted, but his friends
do not despair of the retirement of Swayne
during thu present administration.
A writer in tho Sim says that (ienerni
Orant will probably start for Mexico within
tho next thirty days for the purpose of ob
taining accurate information and forming an
opinion as to several concessions for tho ben
elit of tlio consolidation committee of the
Mexican railway, of which he is a member.
Tho World's I-'nir Commission report that
uciu roils subscriptions am being made. Mayor
(Iracr, of New York, welcomed the members
of the commission to the city. An address
setting forth tho objects of tho commission is
issued. A report of tlio committee selecting
Inwood as the aito for tho fair was adopted.
Representative Slicrwin introduced a bill to
regulate the export of oleomargarine. It pro
vides for the appointment hy tlio Secretary of
the Treasury an inspector of dairy products
for the iiorts of New York nnd for any other
ports where ha may derm it necessary to se
cure the carrying nut of provisions of thu bill
in cxKrtatioo of oleomargarine
The shorts in Western Union havo been ter
ribly twisted by the last rise in stock, Thu
li'scsf a prominent operator, who is an inti
mate friend of Vauderbilt, are estimated nt
$.-00,000. A relative of thu latter lost gliO.OOO,
and a llroad street broker lost tho snino
amount. A prominent New street operator
lost SI.'iO.OOO, ami a former partner of (loiihl
dropped $7r,000 on thu deal.
An Ottawa dispatch savs: It is understood
that the Government will endeavor to closo
tho l'acilio Itailway debato this week. An
opposition caucus was held this morning to
ilecidu upon thu course to bo pursued during
thu lemaindcrof tho l'acilio Itailway debate.
It la understood that certain amendments to
tho syndicate's terms were debated. Thu
formation of a rival syndicato to complete the
road creates a sensation in political circles
Sl'Al'i: NX.VS.
Prinevillo is jiuttini; oil metropolitan
niiH. It is going to build n town jnil.
On tint lOtli, .Air. ami Mr. Stunton,
of Salt-in, cululii'titril tlio fiftieth anni
versary of tliuir innrrmjje.
Tim Idncdointtli mill -nugou shop of
Kcihti'i' it (locrvo, nt Iifayctt', was ilo-
strou'd by litis Inst hattirtiy night.
Aluz. Haiti, who whs under nrro.it nt
1 riiKivillc, iimdo Iiih o.scniio from his
keener. Ilnwus clmrgetl with mi as
sault with . deadly wcajioii.
Tho Ochoco Pioiir Niy: .liimes
Wickizur arrivrd from tho Iast Chance)
tnino nn Thurhdny, bringing with him
tho result of 120 pounds of ore which
ha mortured and melted into n solid
lump of gold in 48 Iiouik. It weighed
$20 77.
Tho Teller report that a Mr. Scott,
who hits ltfcn teaching school at 1'ieice
City, was frozen to death a fow days
It is rumored that tho postmaster at
Walla Walla proixKiM to resign, ileru
is u chance lor an Ohio man.
T. F. Swaiiwicl,-, formerly of thin
city, is cnguged in getting up u literary
and musical entertainment at Will In
Says tho Walla Walla Statesman:
Some jackal I in the form of n man en
tered thu holy sanctum of tho Cutholiu
Church between the hours of .1 o'clock
Tuesday ovening and yusterday morn
ing, and removed a gold ring from tho
linger of the deceased Thomas. Such a
tiend deserves a punishment almost us
Huvero as that experienced by, tho mur
derer, and infinitely more degrading.
I m; uoiuir.u iui:r.
Twelve lleilles tr Ihr t'rrsr uf llir lll-t'alrtl
Bark l.upala WbrU Askerr.
Astorlan, .'in. II.
Tkesea gives up its dead, and the certainty
Is now fully established that net a soul sur
vived the loss of tlia I.upata, one weeK ago
lait night, on '1 ilumook. head. At low tido
lilt Sunday Mr. CoultrU, the sea-side mail
carrier, passed under the clitf of Tillamook
Head, and there found the cutty remains of
twelve men, five iu one heap and seven in
another. They were all divested of clothing,
and the probability is that Ix-foro leaving thu
vcl they prepared to tako the best advant
ages possible of the last chance of saving their
lives. Hut alas, the place where they came
in was tho most forbidding spot along tho
whole coast, an almost p- rpeinlicular clnf of
ro'k, against which possibly, if living to reach
it, the' were dashed to death or perished in
their futile erfurts to get away. The wreck is
not in sight from the place Hieri Mr.Coultrie
found the bodies. Our informant, Mr.iinuies,
says tho vessel lays about one mile fioin thu
head and one mile from the liglit-liou.e rock.
The bodies will bo given Christian burial, mid
a sharp look out will be kept f'r the others.
The vessel is supposed, from all information
which we have, to have carried fourteen men.
besides Capt. Havens and Ins wife. It is most
aiturcdly a very sorry incident with whioii to
Kgiii the New Year, and we horns we may
never bu called upon to chronicle a parallel
to it.
J. F. Newcomkh, of Toledo, Ohio, saysi
I have been irreatly IkmicMo-1 py wearing an
Kvcelior Kidney Pad, and would r. cnrnmcn 1
alljtrous tronblid with weak kidneys to.
try It. oeo AU.
Hie Mlllninclte Hirer mill lis Mntty Trllm-
Inrles Indulging Inn llooai.
RillronitliiK I'niler Ulllliiillles-. Trains lift'
pnliil lij Mustiuiilsnnil Meak llrlilues.
Tho extraonlinary heavy storm of rain that
has prevailed for tho greater portion of the
past three days has occasioned a rapid nso in
the Willamctto river, which is now over fif
teen feet above low water mark at this point,
and reports from up tho river show thu watir
to bo rising rapidly. The water lacks but a
littlo moro rise to cover tho lower whams
along the city front, where, nt tho present
time, tliero nre several thousand tons of
wheat, llotirAtiil other freight stored, list
uiijht this was being r. moved from some of
tho wharves in nntlciin'ionof tho water risinu
above thu wharf line before daylight. Dunn,
all of yesterday thu river was llllcd witli drift
wood, and lingo trccn wero continually float
ing down with the current. On account of
tho largo amount of drift, tho ferry boats ex
t criciiccd a great do il of trouble in crossing
from ono siilo to tho other, nnd passungeis
wero ilctainid for n long timo nwAititig n
eh into to bu landed on the opposito side of
the swollen stream.. All the tributaries of the
Willamctto aru reported ns "booming," so
much so ns to impuiil tho safety of thu num
erous bridges spanning thu small streams.
The following dispatches received by Super
fiitctidcnt (ieorge Ainsworth of tho river di
vision of tho Oregon Itailway nnd Navigation
Company, show tho condition of tho river
yesterday at tho hour of telegraphing!
llarrisliurg, I- M. Itivcr raised eleven feet
during thu lsst -I hours.
Corvallis, 'J i M.Oaugu indicates fourteen
feet six indies above low water) river rising
twn inches an hour; tributaries all repotted
very high.
Albany, lift) r. l. Kivcr fifteen feet
abovo low-water) weather cold) tho river will
ruo live feet mora.
Salem. 1 p. l. Itivcr nino feet abovo low
water and ri'liiL live inches nil hour; great
ileal ol unit running.
Owing to thu rapid riso of the river,
great trouble was experienced yesterday on
tho lino of tho Hast Sido Itailni.id. The
south hound Albany express, on arriving nt
Molalla bridge, found tlint unpretentious
little rivulet transformed into a raging tor
rent, and ono of thu false bents of tho bridge
washed away. It was not considered safu to
run the heavy locomotive across thu In idee.
ami thu passenger nnd baggagu ears weiu
"shot" Across And attached to tlio locomotive
drawing the south bound train, which in turn
was sent over tho bridge without tho engine,
nnd taken up bv the locomotivo on tho south
sido of tho bridge, A break on tho road is
also reported near Coiustoek station, but the
telegrnph lino being down, nothing definite
could Pu learned. The Albany express left
tho depot At thu usual hour yesterday nftcr
noon, Put wo understand no tickets wero sold
beyond Oregon City. The mail train from
Itosehurg, duo yesterday aftenoon nt -I
o'clock, did not arrive, And It Is supposed to
h.ivu been detained by tho break on thu road
near Comstock.
No communication by telegraph was re
ceived yesterday from any lnuiit on tho Up
per Columbia liver, beyond tho Cascades.
At that place tlio thermometer indicated 44
ilegrres risovc zero, and tho river liad rixm
about two and a half feet during the day. It
had been raiuingduringTuesdiiy night further
up tliu river, Put tliu extent nt the storyi or
tho condition of tho river has not been ascer
It is extremely probablo that tho most of
the lower wharves along the city front will be
covered by water to-day, Tho fact of thu
river still rising at thu rapid rate report, and
the further fact of all thu tributaries to thu
Willamette aru full to overflowing, shows
what an iiiiinensu volutins of wtteris yet to
lass down the river In tho ocean. At dark
iast evening thu river was fourteen feet above
Lav water mark) at l o'clock it lacked but an
inch of tiltciii feet, and at midnight was just
above thu sixteen-foot notich, while g"iug
do n with thu current were hundreds of trees,
pieces of fencing and Immeiiio piles f brush.
it u I. no ui .i;sr..
Track laying in the vicinity of Cheney, W,
'I'., on the North l'acilio railroad, was com
menced a week ago last Monday, but owing
to severe and stormy weather nut slow pro
gress has been made, averaging one-half mile
a day. The company have sullicient ties
piled on the beach at Ainsworth to lay forty
miles, using twenty-three ties to the hundrxl
feet. Mess, darkness ,V Co'a. saw mill, now
under the railroad company's control, has
stpiil sawing for tho present, tho mouth of
tnu lamina living irnen, wlncli makes it im
possible to tow down any logs at present.
Thero aie now in the neighborhood of six
million feet of logs in thu liooms. There aru
about sixty men emp'oyed hero at track lay
ing at present. More men are wanted, at
from $'.'.00 to S'.VJ.I ier day and boanl them
selves, -od comfortable buildings aru fur
nished. Thu trestles, nearly half a mile lung, thirty-tight
miles beyond Ainsworth, has been
liuished and the track laid over them, The
'end of the track" is now over forty miles
away and still g. ing.
The O. H. A N. Co., says the Waitsburg
Timtt, havo grsiled their road within two
miles of the Tucanoa, The largest piece of
trcstlo work on the road is on tho place of
Milton Johns. It is J0 feat high and (KM) feet
In leiicth, The work is beiui energetically
carried on, although progress is slow from the
Heavy blasting to be ilono on tins sue ol tne
Tucanon, At present their workinu force is
comprised of about "00 white men
and 100 Chinamen, The hospital, under
Dr. LUtleficld is now removed down on tho
Tucanon. Mr. Hallett's headquarters are
alout thr'e miles anove Orange City, engaged
in bringing down lumlier, etc. A Isrge forco
of men are at work on l'alouse rapids, three
miles below Orange City, blasting out t ie
rock, and already cuusidcrablu improvement
has been made.
As an evideiico ol tho N. I. It. It, Co'.s in
tention to build u road over the Cusu.-ule
Mountains as soon as possible. Chief Kngl
peer McCartney informed the Walla Walla
Ciuon, thu o her day, tlut 10,000 tons el
atttl rails for tho Cascade division of thu road
were on the way from thu Kast, and that
many more tons of rails and materials would
be thipieil soon.
At the annual meeting of the stockholders
of tho Walla Wall i ami Columbia liiver Itail
roae Company, held iu Walla Walla, the fol
lowing named gentlemen were elected to
(servo as the Hoard of Directors for the en
siiiii? yean T. F. Oakes, II. W. 1'airweatln.r,
J. N. Dolph, II. M. Chssoand K. F. Ilaker.
Thu hoard then elected their olliters as fol
lows: President, T. I', (lakes; Vico President,
H. W. Fairweathcrj Secretary and Tieasurcr,
II. M. date.
llasr l Mar's Il.1l.n1n r Mllil (lirrrr si
w,;.: "T 'h V,'u'p; ," i.iiu.T ,'" al
s.rii.ruirri Luiu..uj,uini,Uicentin4tiaUti..(;erty at present is $30,000.
nm: RiiMoits
Tlinl Ihr Oregon Isssprnsenieiit ('niurinny
Inlenil rarelinslwt Hie I'mpertr nT
lliinttriipl Hen lliitluitn).
A loinplele Srheitnle nt Ihr I'roperlr and
His Ileal Ossnrrs llirreiir.
Brn's llrotlier .lor mists Hie llile
mil lontrul of lli- Maine.
For several days past minors have been rifo
in certain cpiartcrs that to tho already ex'en
sive purcliAses mado of property in Washing
ton Territory nnd San Francisco by thoOic
gui Improvement Company, tho newly-inccr-porated
organizatioii was nlso iiegdiatimr fcr
tho purchase, of all the property of Hen Holla
ilav in this State. Thu dcpirturu on t' o
tramship Columbia on her last trip Iroiu this
sit.' ti San Francisco of Mr. T, F, Oakcs, the
ma i.iger, ah I Hon. J. N. Duhjsh, the resiibut
attorney of tho Oregon Itailway and Nnviga
tion Company, and tho fact that both men
aru largely Identified in tho Improvement
C 'tnpmy, is said to bn in connection with tho
transfer of tho Holladay property, or nt least
n lar.u portion of thu same, and that thu pego
ti itimis already nnd to bo made will bu con
summated upon the return of theso ge'itlcmen
from San Francisco nnd the arrival of Mr.
flcorgc Woldlcr, tho picscnt superintendent
ol the ocean iltvisinii ol the liregon I ailway
nnd Navigation Company, who has leen ti-
sent in New York nnd Washington cities f.ir
tln past threo months. Somo wesksngoit
was telegraphed to this city from N. w ork
that tho Improvement Company had pur-
chasril tho property in this ci'y known ns
Wi'lillcr a .Mill) inn wnilo It was trim tti.it pn.
cntiations fur suchn transfer were being mado,
tlm rcKrt of tlKiconsumiuatii.it of tlm s.ilo
was an error. It is nlso an error that tho
property mentioned ns nlmut to bu trans
ferred belongs to Iten Holladay, This funnel
king of Oregon railways is now n bank
rupt, ami docs not own proK.'rty in
this State to tho valuo of a 'bran
1 m t'on. Years ngo hu disposed of all Ids
property, real and personal, in this Stit, to
his brother Mr. Joseph Holladay, now a res I
dent here, nnd this gentleman now- is the
sole owner of all his brother lien's former
tiossessions in Oregon, If it is truu that thu
Oregon Improvement Company Is seeking to
purchase, mo nniiauny inim-si m tins iair,
thu negotiations must be made with Mr.
Inseisli Hnllailay, ns ho holds the titlu deeds
o alt the proputty ill his own name, nnd
whdo hu is not disposed to part with any
Hjrtiou of thu property, which is steadily in.
creasing iu value, ho would lis willing to re
liiiniiish Ids titlo and interest nt his own fig
ures. Tho property referred to is extensive
nnd while the bulk of it lies in Multnomah
county, there are sovrral ot'ier parcels in
other counties otitho State. I lie list or propel
ty now owned by Mr. Joseph Holladay, in
while or in put, is mado up ns fol'owsi
Willamette Strain Mills and Lumbering
Company. Capital stock, ?IO;),tHU, divided
into I, (XX) shares, of which liwi-eights are
owned by Joseph Holladay and tho remain
der by Oeorgu Wcidler, Tlio properly con
sists of trp blocks of land in tho northern
portion of this city, hiving a frnntigo nu tho
river ol l,tmu leet, aim on wntcn is rrrcteil
tliu extensive lumbering duimt known .as
Weidler's mills The value i f thu property
at thu present time is put down at S'.VXI.OOO.
On-gnii Transfer Company. Capital st"ck,
S'JOO.OOO. divided into '-'.(KM) shares, of which
I.O.'rO aio owned by Joseph Holladay, the
-t..i i-o i... i- i ii-1-.. ii - I.....
I.'lllll!lll)f l',n, ,iy ,,. ji, uiuti',-, ii v.'iiniis,
II. Failing, II, Thirlseii and (iiurgo James.
Tho earnings of this incontn-atinn aviiraeo
from ono and a half to two per cent, a month.
List year the net earnings wero ten per
The Portland Strcrt Itailway Company,
Capital stock, $200,(100, divided into .(K0
sharts, of which 1,'JOO are owned by Joseph
Holladay. 7:i-'l by William Halsey and (17 by
l-any lliggins. This stock, excepting tho
last year, has been returning n dividend of
about 0110 per cent. During the pnst year
tliu cmnpiny has expended alMiut $11,000 in
repairing tho track nnd improving its track
way through First street.
Orccon It'sl Kstato Association, capital
stock $1,000,000, divided into 10.0(H) shares.
The property owned by this corKratiou in
cludes a large tract of (ami iu Fist Portland,
known as " Hnlladay'a Addition," mid also
other rral estate iu the State, and is valued at
aliout $oOO,(KK). Tho original incoriioratora
wero lien Holladay, fiio Weidlcr sml W. L.
Ilalsuy. Several years ago lien llollailay, to
assist a iolitic.il friend, loaned him in th -iiciahliorho'Ml
of $'2.1,000, This money he got
from the llank of California, in San Francisco,
giving his notes for the same, and as security
for their payment gave to thu bank the stock
of the Orrgou Iteal Kstato Association, Thu
notes not lieing paid 011 becoming due, went
to protest, and the stock which was held by
Thomas Drown, Ivuj,, of the Hank of Califor
nia, in trust, were, after the usual potico by
publication had been given, sold by duo pro
cess of law, t'i meet the sum nf money duu
011 tliu notes given bv Hen Holladay, amount
ing at the time to $XI,000, Mr, Joseph llnl
Isday purchased tho stock, through su agree
ment with Mr, llrown, redeemed tho notes nf
his bankrupt brother, and paid not only the
$.i:i,000, but also a large amount of money 111
addition to satisfy thu outstanding u'aims.
The stock was All rctrauafcrrcd in his own
name, and hu is now tho sole owner of the
entire property
Clarendon Hotel property, fronting 100 feet
011 North First street, snd running west '200
feet, owned jointly by Joseph Holladay and
W. I Halsey; valued at g.10,OOU.
Thu Holladay residence, corner of Stark
and Third streets. Iteal property and per
sonal effects owned by Joseph Holladay, val
ued at $10,000.
Threo lots fronting 011 First street, corner
of O, 0x100, and two lots on Second street,
west of same, valued at $"20,000,
The Halsey residence, 011 Fourth street, ad
joining the llaptist Church, valued at $7,WX.
This belongs t the former Oregon Heal Ks
tato Association, and Joseph llollailay is now
the sole owner.
One let on Fifth street, near Columbia,
.VIxlOO, valued at 82..VX).
1 w Ivu blocks of land In the Couch Add;
ion to tho city, six fractional and th remiir-
iler whole blocks. This property is now in
coutrrr'ursy, the West Side Itailro&d Company
nlso claiming it.
riuo farm of 1,-00 Acres iu I oik county ten
mills from Derry, partly under cultivation.
Ivstim. tfc'l value SI.'i,(K.
One f.,rm of hOO acres in Yamhill county at
St. Joe. Estimated valuo $.'t,,V0. Ibis
prrpirty is also includid in the Oregon Heal
Kstato Association.
One farm of 700 acres in Washington
county, near Cornelius,
The Willamettu Heal Kstute Association.
Thu property (f this incorporation includes a
number of town sites aloii thu lines of thu
Oro-joii and California and West Side Had
roads in this S'ate. Mr. Jo-eph Holladay
owns a maorit of the stock nf tho assocta-
ion, tlio remainder by .ilr Unci mi ami Vt
. Halsey. Tlm estimate value of the prop
A tract of .If acres of land near tho car
shops, live miles south of this citv, on tho
Fast Sido lload. Valued at 8I'-000. This
property is included in that of tlio Oregon
Ileal Kstato Association.
Thu Clatsop propel ty, consisting of 1,000
acres of laud on t'latsop beach, two largo ho
'.els, three cottages, race track and stables
nud a laruo minibir of livo stock, Tho sum
of 7r,000 was expended iu improving this
property. Tho present valttu is estimated At
Steamship California, owned jointly by
Joseph Hnllailay and W. L. Halsey.
Tho above is a complete) schedule of tho
property owned by Mr. Joseph Holladav,
which has been generally looked upon ns I ten
HoPaday's. Should thu reports concerning
the rumored negotiations of tho Oregon Im
provement Company prove truo nnd the terms
proposed accepted by Mr. Joseph Holladay.
thu transfer will be the largest ever made in
tliu State nt ono time, excepting that of tho
wregon nteam navigation
Company to
Its 1li-,i.SMi'a Stu, it.a.i.if fi t t- V ST.
iti, wi;ic, t10 0l'f),on Improvement Coni'.
p.my is closely allied.
Not a Beverage
"They nru not n beverage, but A medicine,
with iiirativo properties of tho highest degree,
no poor whiskey or oisonous drugs. They
do pot tear down an already debilitated sys
tem but build it lip. Ono bottle contains
moro hops, that is, moro real hop strength,
than a barrel of ordinary beer. Kvcry drug
gists in Hochester sells them, and tho physic
ians prcserihu them." Kvcning Kxpresn on
Hop Hitters.
Arouslnir Its Readers.
An nl.irm nf lire nt midnight is n stai Hi
thing, but not half so startling to many . . .1
Ii- nr it ns would bo tho sudden know ledge of
their own dangerous physical condition.
Thousands of thousands nro hurry ing to their
graves because they nro carelessly nidillcrent
to thu insidious inroads of diseases and thu
means of cure. It is tho mission of thu Liver
Cure, tonrotisu ineii ton sensu of their danger
nnd euro them, Memphis Appeal,
Oregonian Railway Company
1.111 Ml.
KtsTMni: nn loin.
HI. 1MI.
sml until Pirtlur hutles.. tin
Cltjct Kalim" III
nuoiur jinrnson sirrei.
(fWk A. M., itilljt, hunJs)s oxeeptiil, iiukhut
t'r elosoeoiiiit-sltoii at Itiij's Ijiinlliig oltli
trains lor M. I'iiiiI, Irrnrh I'nirle soUMIserlmi,
llossell frlrle. MnlJii Hills, Vis. I Mil) I
M-lo uml hiuneJIate olnls Minis ulnurd stimuli r,
ami slti-phiif seisiiniiislitliiiis lor pisscnu'ers desiring to
Ko slioinl thu nljilit plosions to ilsy u(ilrurtur,
tllisTMIIi: IHilMOV.
8'Dll A- " d4"'' tsmiJ-s eterplist, sis (), & ('.
V p. (West hlile lUtl.loo) tuot ol V street,
maltliiu-close i-uiiiM'lloii st Mesl Mile Irns.lng tor
llrleilss lll.ltrsiiilnseiiil ami Mierliluil .Innelloii
irl'ur uliits lw)omlMM-rlilnu .liinellun this train
Mill muss fi.lluxs.
tiisUllousln-twesii MirrlililM .limrlloiisnil llnllas
On 'ri'l'.sliAVM, Till ll.Ml.WM sml MATUKD.WM,
to ststluus Udst-i'ii hlirrlilnn Junirliiu sml Mirrl
slii 11.
lllllllllilllH'KI'.lMtusliota iwlnls nn sale at
O, AU II. It., W est hl.lu ills Man llrlit oMLv.
S.s, A. M. M0MIAYS, tw:ii.NIllAYH sml
tt I'ltlP.UH, (rum loot si Itnrrlson strict,
steamer "Ohio" lor llsrlull sml all olnts UUfcn
I'nrllniiil snj lii)luu mi Mlsrr.
(I'ootol Morrison street from 7 A. M, to G I. M.)
r.tsr huh: iimisiiiv.
Krtshi irl..,UUj., oserrit nundsTs, for points
W.....-XI. ssii s ssiiiiiiihaii.i sinisssissiiir
sslr Mill; IIMI-iliiV.
Krelghl rerslswl TL"IIIAYN, TIIUIMHAYH slid
SATI'IIIIAYN,lrs11nlnts nn lllsir bipsoen fori.
Uiiilsn.t risUn, rml lorllallas, Murlilaa ami
piterinislUtv K)inU.
J. l. riLMIOIIK,
J.SO, II. WIIKAT, crniral MujwrliiteiiJml.
Actln; I'rrl.-ht ami 'llclit Aif.-iit.
Oregonian Railroad Company
inn 1 1:11,
Tratlic Ucparliiiciil.
I. ptihslt llruoiisslllo, 1W miles from I'orlUn.l.
trvl;lit ll Iwisliensllir Momls) lust lit Mliirton,
llontll's I'ralrlo. Walilo Hills. HlasUin. .Si-tn. Ilrnwii.
I's.scin-tr trains lll Iw run DAILY, In a li-wiliys,
U-tveeii Mo ami list's lj)' lmlhii;, sml Ihriicv r
sl.-siii.-r f ?ll 1JN1I.111 l .iiillr.iii, 1,, -II,.,. I J... ,..il. .
of islili'h Mill Iw fiisn hy tlm hiis rhitrmleiit.
Mr. J. Jl. ni.UMlllli; hss tarn s.aihite.t (lenrrsl
Huinrliitemliiil, ami tlm ollla-s ol the Actlns riiipsrlii
temliril ol Ij.i sb,1 West Dlsl.lo.ii, ami ol tho Cniu
uli)'s steamers, lists brsn olill.lu-.l, All roniuiunlrs'
lions nUllnr to tli suisrilslmi sml iiisiiski moiit ol
the roail U.I, trsllle sml sliaiucrs, slioslj Iu .Jrs.si-.
Uilihn, st Is llr.tslnit.
Mr (OIIKItr IKI.I. his Ittn seisliittJ Tn.mr.r.
sml Mr. JOHN It. l HUM' Au.lllor snd AetliiK 1 rtljhl
and Tit kit Aifcnl, with ollkss si IS llrst ht.
V IllltSI lli:ill,
ls-al I'rrslilonl and Uiiitrsl Msiu-tr,
l'urllilid, Ikv. it, ISsU. J.UII2U
iKiriT nti:i:s.
Nut Bearing Trees, Quinces
and Persimmon Trees !
fur ssle, slid sslll bs s.ldhcsp for cash.
ytiead for pries 1.1st. Addrsu,
m:iii lii:li.im;,
Prop. UlUsukls .Nur.sr, Mll.suklu, Or.
Mti'k or
sii:i;iis an
whershy we imij furnish (AiUireil Msps, rempkte
Inantsitwitsr, of llrsjoii and Washington TtrriUirj,
Ither singly or coiiibimsl, st Ihs lullgsliif prlcts.
W. will stml thmii nU;'sld:
llspuf (lition HM
llspof WaslilnVin Ttrritor I,M
Us, uf Orsiiun and ttashlnjtoneoisblasd SI. is
TtrlUVo .reiuituiees bjr Munt; Ordir ft Iti-.-ls
tervl Lstur jrsUu ts
Sam'I A. Clarke.
1'urlUi.d, Orr-.-un.
Garmoro's Artificial Ear Drums
i-rui'i'.cri.v iti:vriu:Tiir. iiissiii.mi
sill 1 n i.o His i ol i.. Vuliln.l Drum.
Alwstsiabus't i.l.nl liitlsllsls-lsssillss-ris. All
1 r ' asndt u li s s heir.ldisliu' Hi, Ws
,,I.,lolkuslstl.ai. H ii.lloi.l.t i-li.soi ;ibr,
li VII Vll 111'. A. (s., 1 1 T.-- l.. New fl,
s is. ', Cvrstr ilk X Uf su., lUll. W.
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Soro
Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth
ma, Whoopinp; Cough, Croup, and
every Affection of tho Throat,
Lungs nnd Chest, including Con
sumption. Sold by all Druggists.
Wei De Meyer's
The unpreecilcnteil success ot the rtmsrktble pro
uralloii, Justifies llr. Mel lie .lleserln rssluelnir tin
price to (I n I'lirkaur, sml of sit ptckaires to IV H
eents a psi-ksireainl I cent stnii cure, still t Risen by
us and by Wholesale UruiMlsts, In ssrhtnlor the (
rent stamp Mel llr Mrsrr's lalarrli Cure.
II. It. tccy A (V., Ill HeyHt., N. T.
IHt. . It. M HOLS,
TT liinnle ami iiiio-il liieiirslilr Isls.
ritsrs will Ih) st the I.HSI11MI IIOI Hi:, Itoom St, of
II t.MIU AMI Mil ItMltlfsof csi-hiseek Ha
fso lor isiiistihistlon. Iirfrrs to (lov. W. V. TMjc-r,
(llllierl Pros., Iljiikirsnf Hslein, sml lion, II. A. John
son, Hilem. On other slasa lio sslll hsat Nalem, st N,
L eoruer of ConiiueriUl ami (lit iiuket Streets,
rorllanil, Ormiia.
Writes Pri-scrlpUons (or Ulsessi-sof all elsssci nf llosV.
Irlr, II lore-nil prest-rlptlnn written, Klsts strap
tomsand siro ot snhnsls as near as osstbts.
lllr-0. I', llanin's lltaikliswk htsbles, 03'rteeoivt
Ml., Pel. StsiksmlOsk,
Ueslilsart-I'or. Thirteenth and Tsylnr Fls.
its- .tmuuil 1 11 niv i. ( tritrUlilr smd
I'Jisssrr her ils lor IMSI, rl.h In emirsslnirs from
inntngisilis "I Iks url.-tutls, will li sent KIIKKtosll
win, siily. "Jyc.W eiisiumsrs nnsl mil writs lor II.
lorfir ono of ihs Isrvrsl i-ullri'tliiiis rf t-eifttsbls sswls
iTirstsloulhjr suy s crd hiiusu lu America, a larc
isirtlonnf whiih sssrr eniwn uu my sis seol farm.
Iul! directions (or eultliatlou on esi-h srksi,. AU
sri-ds wsrrsnled to I both fresh sml Iruo tonsme: so
far, that should It nrutii nlhsrslse, I will rsllll Ihs
oriitr srstla. Tlis orblnal Introducer uf Ihs Hubbard
tvuasli, I'hlmiri'a Melon, ilarblehrad CshWzcs, Ut,
can Com, slid Msiresnl other seifstshles, 1 Inslts Iht
airnstittn siiwnooru snsious 10 risss iniir ssru
ilitettly from the eriiwir, fresh, true, sml ol His f err
tustslrahis M:M i:i.HT Ull.i:-. A M'i;( lal.TI.
JAMM J. II. llltl.ilOIIY, MsrklvlusJ, slus.
ilrelT 131
milt; lailUKNT ASMIIITMKNT 01'
Riwsla Lontkor Goods,
Uolltlny Books,
Gold Gooiln, Etc., Etc
N. II. Country nrdirs jsroinptly stttndisl U
st stry low irlrrs,
McKercher & Thompson,
IMIIIrsI Mrrel, I'orllanil.
.VitccsHSrl Is Ifswlsf, BtU d 0.,
Front, First and Vino Ota., Portland. Or,
Ulss A.strn f Tus
Buckeye drain DrlHn
All A which wo offer s lowest usrktl rstes.
aSaT SJr lsdsl Trias Wil. "t
CIIAIs. It. UODU sK Csv.