Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 07, 1881, Image 2

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Issued erery Week by lh
year, (I'lMUgr paid), In sdrame (J so
montlu. (ntw fnild). Inetltance , 1,2.
i than tli niontU will In, per month IJ
Asertlmtnt will I Innrtnl, lirovlillnr ther are
Mpsctsbla, it the foltowlnir table of ratie
st-selm.' of ! per month 2M
srei hnhcs nf fue jf month MiO
ss hnjf column per month IB no
H oWumn wr mcwtti . . SOW
Lrttample copies lent free on application.
Address alt tellers U
B. A. CLAIIKK, Ifanatrer.
sTRnti-rcd In post offices at 1'nrtUn.l, (Irnron, arid
xissliinKtoii, I), tt, st Tlilnl tla.t mill iiutiir
i:sn: it .
lilruliiii Urns.
Waniiimitos, Dm' -"l.-'I'liu 1 'icsiiNtit hat
sfecldml tn (pvo W hittukir a. com t martini in
I1IW litis
Uiiiusuy it to bo retained ns. .Sicr tirvnt tlic
ITavy nl houi.h iniiltrt iu law Ins appointment
tapirc ox cry twenty days.
(Jen, WiilUcr, 8ui-i iiitcrnlciit of tlio Cou
nts, will luttu nil tin tiiimiMry ilnti for n iu
apportionment hw in uinliiKnH foi consilium
ion ly Conru n iiion iti loi-minbliue, but
tlicru nppuirs tn hon dupo-Hnn nmiiiiif Id
ubllc.ni numb rs to let tliu . ulijmt wo oxir
to next Winter, mul both f rthis lo.-nn niul
also licoiiiiuof nil rtliustof the su-siou tun
hatiict nro now iism! M t o lustiL'nof mix
(mor ioniueiit lull liy thuprtsint Ooii;riHi.
CoimriiK will not niuuli longer i inline such
kiti rfi rencu with tin rights ot Iliopubic it
at bcun nxliii.iUsk liiely ly r.i mad mi
R-rt ntiltliiuv.il Tlicru h i win no ti
mii'it li iv in fitwirof nati ml lri?i l.i ion lo k
big to (Internment siiptmtiuii of railroads,
Kit '(iii pr poses nt tliu Hint pn .rtuinty to
rill tin In inter sUttouiuiineriu lull, nml it in
aM tin h.i will i.it it trust 'JO iimru into in
tlio llnnsii for Ins lull nrsuno aiiiiilaronu tlnin
lis would luivo K"t n mouth up .
n!i! Mcyirr In tlic Wrl,
Cnic'lim, Dot'. 'J.i -Colli wontliiriout'iiuos
Atiliwu tlii inoiiiiiiK tln tnuciiiy wits nt III
loUJI.i til titv. At In'rlnckit win lobe
low III ri' nml nt other pmiil hi tlm nor li
went It stood an f II nvt Detroit 1 1, Mi'wnti
kco II), Win tin IB, St I'.ml II Diiliniimi 'JJ,
1'iinrli III, DivuniHir II, Ktokuk l'i, Dei
Molnct I'J, it I beliitv tin, T .o k It dcir
ml wii il ninilt lute. I lie pi-iispm" now nro
kit n unnliiilly riling 'I'liiperaturn 'I'ruiin
ju-miiuiiiy iiiipvni'ii miiiiuwiiii, nut llieru nic
an n'CiilaM,
Tlio iu r ury In hctm mini; nil tho nfter
oon, nml nt inMmyM hit I rrn ImmI zero ui li
tli.incei ns mill ' luililer wcltliiT t '-in 'trow,
Clglit wiii't ti f illjntt nt preneiit, Ailvieu in
Jloito w.iriniT wfitlirr went of litrenml 111I1I r
xi', I hit eoM npell Inn lieui iiiorii uyeiu
ami I Ktiny tli in tiny for rt ,t yetrf lint l i
eon Hliii;ti nriy lriir,iui ooni litiui. li.tll
nml triiiiniiiM ntrivinu iiiiti liin on nil the
reiui', in m 'Hid fuel lienu kl It itir liuuiml
tiliio, 0 nuiiler.ililo illllieultv W experieiuiil
111 It illilliuu ficitfUt nml lit ntoek. no th.it
o!,ti htvo in ttiri illy ileerumcil nt t ik
Kiiwn fmtii nil ti'iltitN i to Lfio h.liiii elfeet
Iloivv kiiim' torun (ix'en I Miuth In Oeorgin
anil Nll-lMiiipi, uul tint incTLMirv W nti itn
tii nl iShn vepoit, l.i., in I A ilium n lielow
em in Mh i iu iu, li'Xim. N'lillinig liku it
niuwn inr in my jtvtr.
II r lin li Itnllttnt fiilrrlilliin.
Nkw Yohk, Deo, 'Jll SiilMiiiptiont t
DlllllH Ulill H lick n tlio .MllXiOill ,lltlilll1l
Itnilw.ty C Miitrimtin'i Ciuiiiituy Hern open il
Tuittenl iy nt tint ollii'ii nt ', n holler A. Co,
in llHIIUioinit f SlI.IHHI.OtMl It it iiKp.it il
iliul conn Ici.tl'ly in m tnitu tint nnioinit re
Julruil Mill It !)' il'eil li firu tin tli tliu
ok to-iuorniw, M.irn' mili-iiiptioiiit hhu
recoivmi no n iimiou nt,iiny.
Hie iriuil I nml In I'liltmli Iplilu.
Nr.w VnilK, II e, 'Jll. Tim I'nlmn' n)t
The fmiil ol IKI.IIIKI inutil lit I'liilmli-lplilii.M
hirdmutia inn pi ti-.t nml iinitt tl u (leu
trnl'H nnlir. One , intleniuii, mt tlio I'lnl
ii'lphit A'.i-mi, n I'll I ililp'u.iu uf I t-v
Mll'.tlli, who l It wilrui frie il nf the (ii'lirl.tl,
ent hi Il line lit in m fur &J.IKKI Mitlltllft
tnr at iliiu tli.it II Itw.ti mtiH iij hettoiiil
give liH tiii I'li'i'U fin $IHI,M)), ur tlmt ho
itiiiihl Iik ulliim to p,t n life iiiiiiiiny tit tliu
Pnitiilciit nf iJ.0U it ji.i'.
lliire Mi'iimlili Inr liliin.
Nl w YiHili, D.e. 'Jll - riiuCuxiMiiriM UuU
Uihi l iii'i ruieil i ) the l'npt.1111 nf the Kotiu
Imm, li'O ntl. nuitiil hern friiiiAuiot.th.it
llui finir oeeili te.llllili nriUreil lit the Clilll.l
Al ti1iiiit i' I 'iniipint ior F.Tt e in t ii'cii ,tr
Lno lietttiin Cniii't aiul h.iu li.iiunui mil
Lo IliiiOitil next Jul), eonuueiitiiitf iittee.lt
nertiiii f i out t'i lu.i ill Anoint. I hey wilt lie
ui'iueil ! u.ititu iie, nml I'oniiu.iiiiliil liy
Kngli-ili nml Anii'iii.in C.ipl.tiiK. Iln nr
la'iut; iiiunti in till nt till ott, niul Mill do
l.fiOO lnii n vli The Citpt mi iHlietm lli.it
tin lit ttilt lie tiuplti i inplut mint tor tlieto
(illlrnriilil llnrr rlmtt In tlilrnuii,
Ciiii'Viiii, Dto. 'Jll. Ti. inurniw ev niui!
rniluumi ll.ntli Iniiutt witt iite, in Ceutial
Mm o II til, nil i . illi tlolinl III- lioo h, tr.lllu'il
in dli in. iv mill liiniitiht i itliimiM'i.il tuk
go Tlit'ir ptlfulii.,liuu t ktnl to ho Mull
luiful. llrit) JinUiurnl,
Utl.viiriis, IKv. 'J.I Iho Unite.l Statu
Con. t li ta loinler ! it mm e nt faurif tlio
faiuiem' Loin ,t il l'i ml Ciiiiin.iu, Unite h,
Uiiiut tlm Tix.ih '.tun .N.ininv (iunj;e
UtiliiMil, lor SI'JtHHI.tml nt'eiiiuii ,tt il inlii
itt, ill, toting I' itil"Miieof iiuiitL;.i;ii nml nl
rfiiiui: n.tlo '! tlio io.nl i iillmtiiit; 1,0 l ta front
the ilitte of tlio ilmtu lur p.iiutlii nt the
atnoiiiit of iil;uii'i!'.
Iiiiuti iie ltiilur nl IHsit,
Nhtt Yiutk, Die 'Jti.--ro'iuoii'ntt'ji V.iV
will hate mi mtiilo ahiiiiiin! tint il .tiiiu'
LutiK eu'li uiiii a ut Nun Yo k for tin ji.i.t
Ieirueiii not mil) Itmr thin 'mi' luloie,
nt nut h 1-iiK" I tin" tluwKi'f IjuiiIiiii or nnv
nt) in tliu ttuiM, 1 i t'Mu k.i)i Ituitiu
iio nuv.lrr.itu nueil itHini nt ,ei i.rk in
mhii'li the i-i) tut uta iiiaituiliir ni;iie p4t)tur
me nnsi.it initiiltil i liv iuiiii iiiniitiut it
ccivrtl .uul ti.e I'liliuuuiioiinti'X nihil li the
Ullitvl sMtiiJ (Jul eminent fixini IM llr.t i
tilillilnntlit .lottu'o tliu Ime I he ,it!Kie
j-ito riveip a of tlio United Sttta Treuury
II nil m miita, Ionia im.lu.Uil, lute Uvn
IS,,V0,;ils.tll7 I'Iik n.it t p.i in. uta,
lut'lttiliuj; nil r.ileniptioit of iietim uml iitml..
Uito I'li'il (l!x,;i.ll,;,ll,'JtlJ; tint the uiuoiiiit
winl ill the i-li.triuj; It uau lit exc'innet ,t into
aiui'O J.lli, 1, Sl, la$.lMUII.'JIO,.'w. ami tliu
Uihiuei pinl iluiiiij; tliu miiio tlutu .inunuit
to SI.Wll.'JOO.OtKl I'l.o Ur.wt tr.iii.ictiim
wr Luott i liefoiviu ,t injjliitti, ttt'iv tlnui.i
f IMI'.I, when a tlilnl ,1 tlu exo aua'ta iifulkt
Mvtuatltitt to .pivul.ition in j,m il. 'Iliuiv.
luiien tit n vtMo $.!7,UI7,tllMi7, .uul tliu
UUmo SI,IJtil,-i.HI-i. lur the lliat tint
Mmt I . ceil li.K K'ou uxcwJimI, tlio larciai
traiiaiotioii etirin.tlo in mi) yiur tliixu li
the Eiiiklou ilctiing liotuc, tt'nv i'tl,Oiy,'Jy,'
000 In 18" 1-5, cpial to about S30.0C0, lO.'.OOO,
hriico tlio nn mo t inmlo in 18S0 in tliu r om
where Mr. Camp lm charge, niu tins Inritt
uV'riu.vlo during any yo r In nny isiaiunii.
Hunt oil intth Ilia ixcluiiKes ill all the
otlur ciil sin this conn ry ilnrinf,' tlio )iar
l 1 bo not far from 81'J,'JI).).000,000, or lus
than one tliinl tlioso t N'ew York,
liilil nrnllier In Itir Miullirrn Htnlo.
XhwYoiiKDcc IIO AtoltlwAAcisropor'til
tl'rouuliaiit iho .South, iiinkitiu the rnthcr
the tolilcst for ymrii. At .luiKannvilV, l'lo..
iiln, orange, niu frozen on tlio titis. It Is
fcnrcil tl nt nil fruit is Inilly Ininatfoil, nl
though in foniu lo nliiii tlio ornnjjes esmi il
Tnxnllou of liiMirnote I iiiiiiiiliill".
Hoitiiv, Die. .10. IoiihuIimIiu oppoiition
has nriniii tuxnnls tlio li piscil liy tlm hit
Ugiii'ntiiiaiiiip ai X a tax of oi o half of (lie
pvrtent. nr niiniuii mi the net t-tliio or re
nt no of ull life ! miinme jioln in hchl by rei
iilinUof the.Stito lontraryto tin- nutici
pition of the i rit'inntors of tlm ncimire, It i
ml i hit iUtlhtt, in lens it liu mwliliul or rc-pv.-tlcil,
will lie to (.loiu tin il or of iiry
Miisinehuactis Life Inii.rniiu Couipnny nml
to ilme from the Stttocviry other louiptii)
itoini businisi here; nml, ottuij; to tliu iim i
me' t of tliu mw tix, threo or lour tompniiies
hivnniiiioiincuil thur iiitinlioo of tirtluliiiw
ingihelr liiiiiiiem Irani ilio S at', h vi I
Hln'fH, umlir lint nro tctined lecipincnl inx
Intta. hnvu noillleil nil .Miivini-hun iti eomlm
niis doing luniuiss in the r lonlera tint tin)
ttill bu ri'Miiiri'il to piv tliu time tax on Imsl-
licit iloii" thire uliiun Mjiiitehiiietts imp mi i
on otitsiile (.ompiiinui. The iininuli.tto re-till
of n luiitniiiniici' of tlio law trill bo a f.illinjf
oil of about l'i pur en', in the ilivittcmh of
the policy hnMir. iviril of tlio coiupaiiii'
it ill test t1 1) lOiistltiltK II t ity of tho new liw.
.SiiiIi nBtesiiiiiiitint Invo liu.ily bcun pnul
are paid umlir jirotcst.
St.w YntiK, Dee. .ID. Money ," flircru.
nientt strom:; sto-kt closed linn; Wistum
anion, Hlji lire, i'IIJ.
I lllnun ttllfiil 1litrl.il.
Cill('Aii, I) o. Ill Whet' llrui; higher, SOJ
bid. Lusii, Oj, lantury; it1, leiirutry.
Tkr Niirllirrn I'nillle I mill.
Nkw Yoiik, I) o. Ill Milftiiptijns to the
N'ottlierii I'.ioillu loin will li' op-neil in tliu
city Moniliv. "iilnciiptu nt r cu nl heru I
uxe of glO.fOO.KM) will rtditc pin r ta -!
lotmeiit in I'oiineition with i bteiiptious ninilii
in Iiuilou, thiiu hooka tilt ruiiinin open lur
ill sill script! lis teinlcrid during thnu iln)s
bu iiiiin g Aluuiinv. Iu thirxtord', 3111,11'H'.'
OIK) ttill ho iLlltlilul toAliieiiciu hUlmillhils
nml nil mihiuriptinni in upi tl nllotiuunt.
HlnlMln nruinliiit liiilmtr).
Nnv YoliK, il.iu. II. l'i u TrihuM prints
(iter two pigm of it t'liuhr Mliteineiil of ni'ii
ing Industry in tliu C itolSttct Its.n-i
It will ha seen mini tliu st tiitim wu prui'iit
t nt iho previo is ,M'.ir ln mil 1 1. n u l.itni-
blo oiio for peiiiatiU' niiiing opi'inlliii.s,
St ckt linvo m n rub lion down in d ilit rust
Ii.h t.ikin 'bu I l.tu if bitiiyniit tiid I'MBUcpi.
ted u lltnl lice. At flit sitiuo tl nc til bilM
Mat rigiribd in n p oiliietif" n diixtry bin
morn i Inn h Id itt nw i. Th- inimlier ii' dif
lilend pnymg iotiiiiul'M I ni ninrly d ubled.
I'hu tutnl yield nf oru i itunrkai Iy te.uly
ml an uxcceiliimlv ).ood c-unt go livi litn
inriied on rnpitd mtildly iuvot tl in hnd,
iincliinerv ami w.rkmg i'X'h nei, lnlo the
Imliutrv li cnnsUlitlv expniuling, louotieriug
tliuuit uxirv inonth in m liel s nml ilnuti"K
to itnil' mlilitioii.il foma lu t iu tin) of vjpitnl
.mil tut n.
A ;noil Tliliu lor t.ruul.
W'AilMMiriiN, Jim. - bo Ik In f It g.illl
lint gn niul wlilii tlm hit ft w iltts tint tim
MiUiHik lull in p'no- Imn (ii.iin. up u In" n-
iled hit of the iliuiv. tilth tie l.i ik anil rif
tired lay of n full geu Til will af r .ill be !.
Vi inbly lepntteil nml piuimiil. Spetl.tr Uau
ilnll exile tna hiluvlf wry ilniibillx in i'i
fnviir, ami it niiiubur nf prominent i utlieiu
iu minus, Ine inliiiL' Alex. It. S unhen nml
(leu. .In etih .loliu t li, of Yiriui.i, lutv.' alio
iiiiiiiuitt d tiieui ih'i'i to itt apppo t. A
k'iiiII r ftiliug pietmli niiiong South riiSnut
tins, mil in it will in mi wiv intciferi" with
the rnuk of lieu. .Sherumii, hu mul hit fiiiiult
aru iiIm) SjUstleil to II .Vu it en l. toil.
I I mull)' Itriiiilini.
ClltiLtsn, Ohio, .l.tu. "J -do i. mul Mrr.
(I.l llelil ntw ndi'il i f Hiiily renin m New Year
at Sol ii, iu this county, it tlio ni'i'loiico of
Mrs. M.try Uiri.tbee, tutir nf (ieuer.il liar
lielil. tSinnhy wi s apent nt S Ion
liiiixrrxiiiiin XI Illicit. rr" IIi-nlCl.
Ci)iigrt).am ill Wliltotk'i nf Oreym, h.ti
be ii iiiulliittl ti Ilia I11..111 . ., .. v... inl t,
'In I'llect nf u smrn unbl, but la now cuutn
locinr'. t'iitml Hie I'iiiii Hun I'ltrlilr.
II IMIl.TlIN, Out , .1 ni. 'J I'nr ii week put
n 1 1 fin in ptrty li.n bi'i'ii iwititiug tlm ibuiiiii.
mi nttiiuat tlm 1'iuilio i.iIh'mI Meetiugt
hiiM) li en h bl iu ncillv nil pr uiiueir cities,
but piibllo sentiment in not limn Mnr tl lit'
thine Hi itiui's, mil it li t imlglit tho ii'pil'
linn will not ilowlop to .my seil.uii eAteiit.
Mill lliliu Tor II, le.ip.
iS'htt ni.k, .1 in. 1. inn iiiua kiiriiipiiU'
dent of tho TiiliHiir nduulet Do I.i'im'i'h
nuMin nf r.iiiiut! tho xnud by hit it inula
i.tuiil iiperttiou. Tlio mil pmp me, tho tlilo
V i? i .1 i i:... : . .i... in, i.
lllit ir'lllt'ai in tun aciieuie, ilea i i ion ll'lii ni'
tide of the I'oilti let nl (he ni.i'iitl ui riunnl.
id tting tliu coiupiny. llui it.itea that ten
per ..ent. of tlm .fnrei me tn f rut n pnti
live 1 1 1 tit nl sh ire- nf stih k lor the fouuile a
nf the innii.iii). If tlio hole atoo' tlioilbl
o ictnui, una pritii'i; u i nipoitioii wihiii
imionut tn ttlHiut ;til,itiKl.0.xl f 1. 1 no t or
Unix I luiuilArntliiii
Tlio t t.tl iiuiiii ration nt Um port fur tho
)ivir iiilinu xcitii itt), .n .ijii.uvj. una
.1,'iH'L'iti) n nit ig'ther uupr iu Iniite I in the
liiitiiiy of tli'b'inl of lining iti u eoniuiia
iniierii, tlnnot ttntie. goat '.ir b.nk .n 111".
Iu l.ti'Jti'ii t tilu.tt I;n,ti7( wliu li ifiw mi
liiiitM.o nf .V.I.yJII liter tin iioua tear,
slliinlluii In Int. uul.
Dfin in, Deo. SSI. Mm ai.t auitioiitioi nro
iiliilitlii' extramilintix priviutnim, nml tlio
ixteiu.no Ji n.i tirof tlnir itrutui:eiueuiH.ip'
piMta tit iiiilii.tto gr.no nppieiii'iuiiuia ot no.
luinont tl in 'i i, All Ihiim ate tontlued tt)
their biii.li'ka, ttiiinl pickets li.n 0 li'oit
aiuinont tl, ami littiiiii'liliig tiaila mid hi).
tenia li ixo U'vii ai'l Xnl nil tor till! lln nl p.l
tni! in the ft cut .f it.ia li, tut; cu ulT I'nilll auy
uf tho burnika. 'I'lure aie utiw hero 'J.V1 ulli
ivr-, ll.lHHI men. 1,000 iioin't iu,l Itlgmia, the
llottir of tlm lliitult .iimy ltii(u aMoug
laalleanf enlist tbiil iry. M igutcri .1 IllXiutf.
gitlou u g tug nil at I.iiii rivl. tutu the cou
dint nf it ioii-i.il of tho ami)' xthu tt.ia .tn
tcatnl (or illegal ilillllug.
Ml II III Xfl It'll.
I.DMH1S. Deo. SSI. -.Vs.) II tUill-O ttiltt'llillj
Nettctitlo for tho litirii ot wahin rein.
fuieeuieuti Tho ivlu' lie wis t bo yr
c annul .it I'tlrcht mi tio '.".Kb. toy il lu;i'
lit ea nro siiiriig into DutUt c. Thogne n
incut Ins p vokuiiHsl iu.irti.il Uw tltoie. l'aiil
IxrMger, relnd I ador, it at 1'inoliefatni ui.
Niail) nil mli.ibit nits nf Out t mii nro prUoii'
era, an I'tho ltvM b.txo Imi'o I nil hnpi.
Major CI irk .nut 'J.1 mux urnuiletiit to
tho UvH.it at iVtclufttnxni, .tftor sS It ur.'
thlttiiu'. l.tro foft. 4 of inturgon's
itilvtiiioiiu mi Uttxxoht. Tlio Hour lum
taken Derb). At Utuvlit nil poro nxfuj.
nij to juiii tlio iiitiiri'itU bato Ushi shot.
Kngliib traders' stores li.no been lmtelnt
I'otchcfstroou. Only ISO llritidi troop. Iiold
hu cmipiign there. 'Jhilr ponttun Is ex
trumely critical.
I'jtslrrn Aflhlrs.
Cn.NSTANTI.son.r, Dec. i!U.-Tho Albanian
tcagiio has S'liiiiuouul 11 uialei ovir til )e.in
of ngn to nrini in ex'cry iliitnct iu Nurtlurn
Allmniit A great gatlienng at Jaioxa hat
just approved if tlic wnr ith Montenegro
nun n,ts iicciilcil to senn txto imijici to Oct
tinjo to ileniiiul thn evacuation of Dulcigun
If I'riuco Nikit.i icfiisco, cuv vsnroiiistruitid
to declare wnr on behnlfof Af'ica.
Tho iiipii icing ut itmlo of (Jncte li cMidnir
tliu I one to tnKo piccniittuus. I woironcla is
into siilul for tlio Arclunel.iio, mul foitilicn-
turns of tho Dartbiiolls niu being sttciigth.
Mriiiner lis.rt..tll ll.unli I'rrlsli
Dt iii.in, D.e. IIO Tliu llntisli t"mcr
Clanii't wai wrecko i in tlio North s, a iliirmg
a ialu on tlio 1 Jt It inst. All liindi, iiuiubcr
iug scvintiiii, ponshid.
Hull Irlnli.
Dflil.tv, Dec. ISO The .Statu .Alls nro
ratliirilull. Simll inttrtst iieliiB. One
Jnrjiiun win li If nn hour lvc, sfnd was
tlnuituiicil with i'l(0 Hue on second odinsc
'Ihr Aitonu v.rii'iu r 1 (outinunil bia review of
tlm speech of Dillon, liicg.ir nml otliert, nml
ilcclmett thn' tliu traxuisnrs lus conspirnl for
a I'otiiuiuiiiiiiiu purpose.
IV sli casui i f "llo cutting" nro reported
I'ntrick I'ltmrlly lint bien nrru-tnl nt Tip
ton, (.Inrunl with tliu imirilcrof Iortl Mount
mortis in Septi'iubcr hit. It is el .lined that
ho Is tlm mm tt ho ttccmly shot uu Irish la
h rer near llirmluuham nml nctid muter oriltr
of thuseirit socnty.
Tlic Tin l,lli lliinnir Vlnltlrr.
ComtantINOI'I K, Deo. IIO. Tewlik 1'aillfl,
who bouahi nrun tir lurl.cv in tliu Uiiitnl
y.ntct. it tho now nuiiist r of finance,
Alliillirr lrnllirr Silpnnril Insl.
UiMios, Die. IIO. It it supposed tlmt tlic
llntisli stciiiu I Mnu'i.nmi'rysliira it lot rtl
tho Portuguese cotst with a irew of thirty
men. .
M'rrrliiriililt .lirrplrtl.
LoNtiov, Deo IIO. I.eniianl II. Courtney,
mi'iiiber of I'nrli.iincnt fi tun I.isktnnl. lm
ilelinitily nco ptnl tliu iimli-r Srcretirsh'p of
tlm Homo Deniitmeiit, imiilu vsriut by tl e
ri'tirviiuiit nf Aitluir Mcllsley I'icl,
i rionili In lliilliiml.
Amsthiuxm, Die. I!0. Dykes Ixtwicu
Nieiiwkulk nml Yeymer, in ilia provnuo of
Noith llrnbniitnre broken nijul 18 tillngcsniu
II otlrtl, D.ilim.'U b) li mul Ifinns is iuuueii" .
A coinmitti'ii for the n lief of stillcms lus
bun formed,
I Hlrllic luiiiilue .
A n uintiiig of llnltiiii cm tmi misters It. t
ni lit Itvnt liliin Iiiiin s ibcidnl in rejiet
any dcuiiii'l nf nperntlxeiforiidvnncoof ttnets
ns'nnny (if the uniters nn- working nt n p si
uvn bus. Opir.itites gixu nuiiuu fur nu mb
vnuco ti'dav.
Imitlilr illtli llir Itnrrs.
KuMiuN, .Inn. II. It is n Hrt it frmi Cape
I'iiWh on K'O'l nuth ntv 'hit ,1 II. llriml,
I'reaiileiit of tliu Ornngo I'ao Htdf, hat wiietl
'hit lm it unnbl ' tn rii.ti.iin tho 11 ir of that
Statu finin j lining tli" liisurrictioti, nml tli t
In n few days liu m iv bo compiled to lesion.
Oiilniui'1 nn Jt tn nl IJllllli.
Ilriil.t , il.in. .1.- On I lie iniiriiiug uf Now
' eai's day lingo cmwits, luintlx stmliiits,
inn lu a iliiniiin ration In furu I. Cifu inin.li frv
iiueliti'il lit .lew -. I hut auunlitil the win-
iliiws nml inuliiitil nil tliu .Uwa they lint. I lie
jMilicn Mure coiuptr.itltely lielpltss. Aliutliir
Cafu xtitt lllt.ullll mid leulltilll uf .lews. A
!.iri: nii'l sioiiuy imitiug cuiitluii d to ln
In Id, nml the ciinttlu siuun to bo g lining
tune. I'lsta xio in xv biing iiibiiitutnl ior
Ciirllilil In llrrniiin).
IiNims, .Ian, 'J, -A ilbpatij1. from liirliu
i'V tlmt (ion. (i.t llelil hat wrl'lcn tn tho ctb
I tor of thud rinini ltri'no I'lpre.sliii; Jny ut
tlie cordial uhtl mt winch exilt betwuiii lur
iiuiiiy mid tho Unitil St-nui, Tlicru temr.
to lo no red tiisit fur the rimmr that Cirl
Silmr will lie ileaiuu.itnl b) Ocirenil (iurliild
to supeiaitlit Mr. White heru.
t Hmu'l llrlor.
f . I... .1 'IM. . l.a !...! tli.l fS....
(IJIII1.I., .1 Ifl. ..'Illll 1 - .,. ,'IW v.,,'"
lutirniui'iit It'lciMaplia nn tliu illsi lilt, that
tlio Cot malt havog.tino I n signal aticiu Hover
t uT inbotiket. SO Hihcl. b iug knkil. nml
MIO caitld and Ti.tlOO alitep cap unit.
ttrlp for lur I.'ntr..
A Dilibin coi lisp nnliiit ,t) -t It isliHirtcil
tli.t .1 tlo ipj lt Junt finin III.. lft'nl iu ligl t
the lloers thn Diitcliiuun iu tho frco Statis
ttill Ill.lkO l lllllli'il I lil.v t.llll lilO InKl.
Xinr). tilll I iiniini lire,
t'llllt. Die, III. -I'hu first ili'tacluuetit nf
I'ligiiu'cis ii n workmcii will at in .In nary !,
t'i pr pare fur tli cjniiiu nctriu. ut uf tlio l.tu
iiiu.i cm il.
Isilinl llir .li'ti.
llPItlts, Do. Ill A liit niilbdcwisli
in. e In.' M.t. In hi )e.tenl.i). Stt'rd ii.i-iii-Ik
im nf I'm! iiniiit wiiv p.cu'iit, nml tlio hall
tt. mi oxoiu uttilml that ilio pilieo li.nl tn
eh) it i lie limit!, ttiniiituils of imp it nnulii
nig oliUlllo.
tt lls II) I llllltl.
Tin: llxtiri', Doc. III. -A urcat uiuubcr nf
eitilo ami t ieep h.ixo li n lot' by the InvaK-
in,; of tljkea Iio wtrii Mew Milk nml l)iucu.
Itu.,1 1 nn I I Iiln i.
Sr. I'rrnjsiiri.ii, Dec. I.l -'llio .iytnee
.Viirr aliuuliuius t' o I'Ollc'llaiuu uf lli'g tl .!
tioua bitttetiia Cluuosu niiilt .t Inr ami tlio
liu 'i ii u toiiiiiu'iit, nml a.ltlt that thu
iMnitliir will ro i.aiu at M. I'd eraburg pemb
i4 tlio du.tiioii of Cl.uu upon ItuMu'a pro
p aila.
Ilullrri lu Irrlainl.
Uim'on .l.tu. 'J. A tliaiMth from Dublin
tales tint pi nr.ltii ii"t tn vtuiiu iu n'lit.tct
tti.li the police, n meoliug, winch Hi.s oallotl
tn take p..,io ut Drogliml t Sum lay ,n .1 w hicli
wm prnhibttiitl, wat held time Mitiud.iy.
After llealeyanl Daxitt hnl inatlo snooi boa,
wo nitk'i.ti itt'i ainniiiiiHisl thu iliairiiiini io
top tho iiMwtiiii' mul t o not act was tv.nl.
I lm people illipornt l ii tin tit. I en tluiinaihl
perstiiit w.to i ivmnt.
a luoiittcr i.iini i.tttfiii) iiiMiiug iu ik piaco
ui ikuiv x.utio isa.u.tiat, nun a iiioutt,i( ui,
xx Inch ItO.OW) lHTiuins wtro pliant, xviia hel I
the anno tl.'H ut Ivi lally. A oolluiiHt it ri"
ported nt I u mi lietwccii auliliira aim tlio
oi.iwti ilitiiug wlncii stoiivi xtcro Ireely
tin own.
DtMii.is, .Ian. 'J. Theio nro .tliout twenty
Unit moo ingt t bo l.elil kit ubi) ; but it la
iirriiicfil that noifof itm t rat alien aliall par.
tleipat, nor iltHtt ririislt go to l-mulnu tor
the opt liinv; of I'ailukiitcut.
Cok, Ja i. 'J. A piity of moii luixo xiaited
tll' homo nf a uiui .ntiiusl Dauuwli ami tliut
biin, iutlicliiig tl inift r Uf xtouii l.
I lootlx III t'll.lllllil
Iinimis. Dou. Ill tlm mutt disaatrnni
HikhU aroiemrtol in Dtrbxaliiro. etkral
liuiuliisl limut nro tin ott n imtof ouiployuiatit
it Diiht b) tho IUhmIiiiv." ii tliucottou milU,
outnn:e It) viulii sr.t ll.iinlen.
Sxs FlttNCIiti. Dec. 'Jl. - liy the arrivxl of
tho atiamer .ilunl i froai Australia last
uyli, f.uibrins-cn3ar.s rpiirtvd from t1 c
South '"mil. The captain auil urow of thi
.tin ItrOMkk from C uluiow u. tvone uutnltl
ou Now ttxiw Itltud by Cook Is'iikIwm iwlt
iu iitiivUiulwr, a-nt a ptrty ot Kraxuca iMtunxl-
ta-, all iixtitnwil Lsaaktoni, XTore uiurUoroil
at Jami'k lliy, Mm by Ulaml,
A Tnl fair.
Hav rnA.sctRCO, Dec. 30. Tlm Pacific
Oust Sti'.iin-liip Cniupiuy have tiled a loin
pi tint bifoiu tlm C rcnit Court to tt st the
p welt of the ruilroul commissi Miera to llx
talcs of fare and freight f also to examine the
c uipany's liooks.
lynipiitlir rr llir Mitsrl Slnitsli Hrlllrrs.
A large nml enthusinitic mecti t;of svmpa.
tliuers with the Miuiil .Slough sittlers ut
I'l itt s llnll lo-nliflit. wnsprisiil'-il otir livcx-
jus id of tlm m.iemo ujipt, Nulienial lien
ett Col. .Marshall, mul otln r, ipoke. 'llii-
titi'iineutt of tlm uicctinit xnro ilitiilnllv
with the S"itlers, nml rcsoltitiout title
adoptid endorsing their nets.
rrrscntulliiu anil Ilnll.
Tho llr.t tegiiui'iit, N. 0. C , Col. Dickin
ton, wat priscntnl with a stand il colors nt
the I'axihou to'iiight by (lot. I'trkiui, on b
half if tliu Lit ens of San rVnUsco. T cr,
sum largu iitluiid.mic, iind nftirthu presen
intinii ml nview of tho tr ops, dancing was
indulged in until n Into h ur.
Sav I'iuncih'd, .Inn 'J. Kdward Scott,
foi email oi Nu It's engine who win shut Fri
day lug t by i'ntruk Mnli.tu, driver of thu
engine, ilied to tl it. A uhnrgo or intinlcr has
been Ijriiimlit ngiinst Muhnii
llir Net niln iruuliirslilp.
CAltnv, Jan. 2 Tho l.uisl.ituro mictt
tuiioriow ; caucus to-inght. Knir is lr)intf
to I Lit Tnin W ren nut of thu Itcpiibliian com-
id lurntirv vi ti'. lti'publicjus uie divi loil
on Wliitm.tii, Wooilbiiru niul W nn, A move
ment is now nn foot which may icult In an
other .Sen tor than lair, who is alarmed at
I- nrosi - 'tt. His a' tempt to g t tlic unnii
imous xoto will u tircly fail. A Wlievlcr
oimii has nun stmtcd to 1 1 'ght by northern
counties lot n As-itnlilyiiitii llrcuiiau, of
Malone, leadt tho iiioxiui n', and tlicnrnt.il
f a lirge oiltsldu dilet;a i"li of Wliu'lorV
ricmls fruui thu imrtli it proinistil for SI. n
d.ii. 'I lie groin dt nu which V'heilcr is
urged It that liii iioud' ntiou in uhl bu n sub
st ill till lump oiuisu betwicn twu great Hu
piibluan f letimis. Hsadx'O atcshnputihu'd
tiubilauiu uf iowir buiMccu tnein iu thu
iuiiiii', mul prophesy that their Into tto it
ho seioiiil choiiu of liotli. I hey nuuiliir at
latent about a doen Senators ami Auoin
iti:i:s uv t:l::.'!:a.:i.
A Hindoo bruto of tw ho, oiio of the com
my ot ..iutcli tugglcrs mm ilaucois, In. n
111 iuc is tnRcil of hm a member of thu Cnb
i i-i a tlm ' ot poisiblo sti'pping-at Hi a to tint
St lnin it s'nrtlng n nnrrotv cause mul to
I'tx.-x-i niul too ii ii"ct wi h thn at stem tint it in
ic.tun thu ( ity o' SI xico,
The t'tv York Tnhiiii n-nrls that (leu.
(i.nliu tl will, ui I'nslduut, Inku no part In his
pmt) ijuiucls, but will protict lilt liicudt.
I'hu u It a dial of tumble ulmut bow the
vacant Stintjir)ship uf tlio N ixy it to be run
fur tnu text twu months. It iasilggeatid tlm
ll.ttui will upi'Oiut (linl'Kld'a man, so tint
there will be II i uhulige.
They bate got tho Sara llcriiliardt fever
badly in Chicigo.
A bursting I unpenned a lire nt Mvstlc
nir, C nn., and $,"0,000 xvt rtlt of btiiltliiis
bum. d.
ThoN. Y. Tri'mnr thinks that tho ich the
Cniiml nut nru trying tnjiuild a railroad airn-s
the tiill'lllent Hi In Hnl pui dent . f tho Ullitlil
Elates, th y iniisi iu tiuiu bu glad to j Jii our
Alt i nil they hi) tl o dispute hflwuu Ilua
ai t mul Chin t, is not so tl iL and war ij iiii
mini in. IIiiL'hsh pnlitii'inm ft nr litis iiw.mt.
a war with (li in so she inn compter tho O
lerti.tl Umpire nml hivu an nutlet at the CM-
IU'-0 ll.lt.
'Iho Clietcnno mid letter ltrulo sioux In
ilia a want railniadi to I ny tliuiu $7,0.0,001)
for going tlnimvh tncir (uul-. The i.ulrua U
wiint to p y 0.1 an ncro. Si-cretary ScIiipz
gut ii tr liu out f M iciuc xti li U.iitliug Hob,
i!.- UlLiicf.R. tu--bmv ami tol'l fm .tlity
didn't know hiiw mil. li Ci,lK),tuO wa.
TIiov liaxo tlio nicailvi nt Dayton,
Y T.'
l.ittln IitMin II.uiii in, of Htoiiiicixitii,
v!io '"ik Imillv lii'fiti. I b'tclf, it trail.
I lunwiurv ilylnsj nlnuft Olympii, mul
tlio Ti'iiHii-rijit tullri of hutcntl lottos nt
tilll) Mlk'k".
V. N. Hooter, nf Olyiiipin, linn it con
tract to iimkti Mivcml inili't of w.iirr
pipo foi iim in XuvmIj.
Tlio Courier htys itiiliviilintls nrc
willtiij; to iloiiiito liUiiiilly towards a
htnvrli fiu'lorv ut I'liMtlliip.
Tlio i.tilroiiil c" 1 1 1 1 ) mv has built n lino
Ntiitimt hoiisi) nt KuiitorV, mul u)io!ittt(I
II. II. Snow, station master.
1. II. DisUT, fornier't; of Salr-iu, now
of l'timcroy, li.n itircltateil nu interest
in G-n'ral firry on rfnuUo lixer.
Cliicl.titin worn wi iletity nt Dayton
on'Christumx, that fuiniuis coul In't sell
niul bin) to entry l hem Inok homo.
The wires of ti telephotin nio liring
stivtcluil Ironi the ollico of tlio Colum
bia ami I'utfct (Sound niilroid fiom So
iittlu to Nnweustle, on the utilioatl route.
'riieSt)ittli)il'iiliesiuiiioiiiieu the death
of (ieneml l''rank(iuttenlitn;, xvlioeamo
(o thn Sotniil in iiii; uIho thu ilon-o of
Ining lkillurtl, n well Uiiuwn lawyer uf
tliat place.
Tho notion of tho lato Canvassing
rbsini ni iipokiiii iiniiuj, in loumiug
out CHiidiilati'i-, has tn?eu i exceed In
tlio l'rolmto J uilge, ami the men do
llar il elected.
Douxn mi Mis It iron hut iiis'it two
) 01111,' men. Frank Ibis'it of Hay's Imdiug
and Clailax Dal in. Imxxiiuo i'txolxod in a
low on lint strut, at the corner . if C, which
result! in IKilau tutting tho hea I ami faio
nf Hi i on Mtonl) with a rz. r, xtluctt ho had
in hli ue -.Lm. 11 soshrit liufit and int
with the weIin, and in adtlitioii to cm tin
llrvsxi, nit tutolly mini ilat.il hit lut whili
was out iu ibln. Olhe.1. I'uro and Saun
tlrrs arriMtwl lioth t the iuii, ami tlioy mire
locked up ui the Cit) Jad to nwitit oxainnw
ti H. Itreon davliMM that IViUll xt'u not th
mail who nit hint, but two men pissing at tlio
tune and xvitu 'ng thcatfri), naiued John
I'.lkina am) M. A. Utrn, both stopping at the
lilthmoiiil lloiue, state poaitixolv that Dol.ui
did. lkwn was very drtiuk at tne time.
Akrivkd. Tho Ibilwh iron Uvrk Karl of
lrhy, 1,013 tJ, ColquhoHD, matte, entared
at the onatoiji Vt'itsa ).tetiUv. The xeswe'
.trrixxM iiilnlUm from l'it AugtstU, South
Australia, and will load xrita xthoat.
Junction has n litmary nocioty.
The rixer at Salem closed tlio year at
18 feet nboxo low water innrk.
Another lodge nf United Wotkmcn
19 about to uly to organiznnt Salem.
James S. 0. Smith, at Dallas, is in
j til cli irgitl xvith robbing Chinese.
V. 1). Dunn nml wife, of Kugene,
lately celebrated their mixer wedding.
Tho liiveruk says tho county in full
nf tramps and they must bo looked out
Thn Statesman complains tlmt hovernl
burglaries huxo lately been attempted at
Sal.m. '
IM iti Grunt, n pioneer of M t, lately
died near Dallas, Polk county, on the
claim ho located in IS 15.
xA'heut is 7.ri cents in CorxallN, nml
tho Made 8y Dr. J. D. Luc, who has
been xery ill, is improving.
Tho Kntl Dei by reached Astoria De
cember III su Sho cro-wd tho bar into
linker's bay before Saturday.
Junction Citv Lodge, A. V. it A. Af.,
paused resolutions in memory ot tlio vtr
tuen of ilecasoil brother A. J. Itickanl.
Mr. T. Kknian, of Silvertnn, madutho
Appeal a prt-hcnt of ripn tomatoes that
bail been gathered green and had just
r pened.
An Atnitv youth shut n cow contrary
to town oidiiiiitice, mid iho town until r
itioscrowi'd over him to tho tuno of ?5
and lo-t.s.
Tho Sentinel tells how John J. Ltlh
mj) cut Stephen Dooth bexerely in tho
Criterion Saloon nt JncktoiivilIf. Kntln r
a bud "criterian."
A. M. Smith, of tho lluona Vista
I'ottery is making many prepaintions to
inert um) his niai.ufauttiitng en pn city for
thu next jea.ru wotk.
Prof, (inteh nml Mrit, J. A. Stowell,
lately cntinccteil with the Hialu Unixer
sity, linxo ehurge now of tho Wasco
Academy of Tho Dalles.
Tlm Sp rtsmati Club, of Kugeiif, linn
.i meinbcr who brought inn deer, and
the i-anui tiiiu' ti furiuer tlu'ieab miri lost
a pet animal. Kougli joko on tho put.
Mr. Snell, of Well's Station, llenton
county, had n etooked tin nml pernuudei!
his Hiii-in-l.iw to mt it oil', with it chisel
and mullet and ciiuiu near bleeding to
Mr. Thomas is building n lirst-clans
Msh kiw mill near Ivilches, on Tilla
monk bay. Thu Attorian m)h hu will
linxo it completed in about threo or four
.Mr. Miiumkci', nf Kuappn, killed n
swan tecently wiucli ini'iisureii cigni
feet from tip to tip of wings. It
to jjhed piimabiy not less Until thirty
Mr. .lames Ackles, nf Inland City,
Union county, had a fall oil" a log lm
ns chopping; ns it fell down cut oil',
and struck n sapling stump that caused
M'veru injuries.
Some tramps xvcro going through
Jiickson com ity nibbing farm houses mul
OtiliiTTT rnm-'it-, -il,n CllinalllCIt lit nil
od them oil' by it short cut on tho road
and hail them arrested.
A loaded gun sot with n spring nt
mchmeiit xx is found ready to kill a
Chinamen if ho camn out of his house
in JixcktonxiHo. Tho gnu didn't go oil',
neither did tho Chinaman.
On the 1 1th a Iioim) r.tci) canto oil' for
SI, 000 between (.lenrgo W. 1 lames
ui uv, "Cotton Noe," and Coldthorpo's
how, "Pop Kye." "Cotton Nose," the
Moimt'iiiieir su)s, won tho r.tcu and tho
Tlio Ddhs tr miser .wys; Threo
hi'ithiTs met in tim stole of W. C.
llrown, and b.-iu uucoiiimonly largo
im 'i i' : is 'inti'itail t-i weiv,h utltl iiipus
tiro tnein, xxlncli xv.is done, icKiiltllig as
follows: S. T. lliggt, (i feet 1 inches
high, weight 21- pounds; S. A. Htggs,
li tcit ;i iuchi't, weight i!01 pounds J.
f Kiggs, Ci feet, xveight l".r) pounds,
making a total weight of .VSS pounds,
ami height of 18 feet f indies.
AN'xiitiow K ctfij. Mr. J. Sluploy,
b bk-ktwper at 1 mill llroi., anJ a prominent
member nf tho I) Id Fellow fraternity, met
xt it's a 11 rtxm o-eaiw from a, fruitful death
on hu &itirla) uiirht. Il hid iwon to Inst
i..i ....1 ... . .tt .1. .n t ,-. . 1
1 ui 11 mil iu 1 .a an lueouuersui Drirni Jttj;o
u tint pi ne, and h id .t.irted hick o 1 hit re
turn. Tliu tir.ti le ry boat of the Statk street'
routo was not ruuuiiii; owine, to tho urc.it
iiinuJiit ol dnft wumI tit t v nx.r, slid mi
ben , ra wcro cxniuj itcros to cith r sido b. a
tin ill taut. In ntt-iuptiiis' to get tut tins,
Mr. Sluploy, iu stepping oil irom tho apron 01
the fi rrv latat, mad a n noalenlatiuii and was
p une t into mo rim r. A r.iau 111 net,
Kit a bfe-p e. rxcr to throw to him, but no e
bei'i fuiiud, aanuilllioatwasap odil) luauui'tl.
mill ilupltn, 111 n naif dm mil condition xt'iit
I uko.t up uut of thu wuiir nxcral iiutnirnl
xar.lt nor h of tho furry slip. IU lost n
liautUomo rej.lii, the property ot bhintl
tljchtil, tthioli ho hnl xr ru that tulit dur
ing the imu lati n seriKet. It wa, a c 1 1
narrow isc.po fur him, and it is a xroinlrr he
did uut silli tioiuxttli tin) icy waters.
nisOHXKiKO. Tin exanunttion of tho
yoaty mi , Amrsw impb-ll, before L'nitetl
Statet t .uiui stioner Itinson, xtlto w.i
iharced with I oini! imolicw-isl 111 lliailmnn
City IW Oitio roobry, rositl ol ,n wis t
iwo'o.1, in hu Iwinj; duIur,,'od from arroa
irerewtsni ovnlciioti aiMinst him
poatal a.ent hopoi to suoosMsl lu capturing the I
r bliors it will 113 iitw.mry for him to work I
in a ditfero ,t dircvtioa to w Inch ttw Campboil I
clue ltd bint
lira. Oeuarnl 0
O. lloil'IPil fln.l ft,,, It,
Captxw J S a lm ami fwinly, ami Litmtciiaut
C. ri. S. Woods' au I fatuiiv. thai latter .. ti; .
ot the pertitisil sttjuf of Major Contra 0. 0.
ii iws.r.1, ctamnwuiDr 91 xx e-t feint, loaxo mi
litis iimrHiii-'a summer to t tho un thur r-..
donco at that ( lace.
Commission Merchant
!M! Ilrst ftlrrrt. riirlliiml. Oieunn.
Would respcctfull) annoiuico that he It In tlio llcM
prrpinsl to recclte ami sell tho pruiliuts of thu suit on
t'oiiiinl-lon, to purchaaa slut torminl supplies on the
iiiont riasonsbte terms for 117 who lh to til), liar.
In; hnl yean st exiKrieme iu tlis hsiiillhiK sml sl ol
the products ot tlio larm, giutlcii, orihanl ami il tlrjr
nl) In ths purchasing and aliliiln,l of iraali, pirtlcu.
Urlln the tine of (arm Iniplemeritt and liuililntr), I
tnl confident that I tuideraUnd praitkilll tinmniiisof
the fxrmlnir coiniiinnlt) in liaxlnir at the city or 111s
trusilU ot trade sn agent who undcnUmla tilt Ir wanta
and will failhfullr and honeitlr execute tlnir nnltrt,
etllur for purchaslnij tlnir supplies or atlllng tlnir pro.
ducts for s fair, moderate coiiipenutlon, athll time pro
Icithut then Intcrent tlio same 1 his ott n.
I'.ecojiiUliii; the principle tlmt I tdillt) lo truit la ths
tnu measure and merit of sutount, l rejtiilfully so
All orders accompanied tilth tin oitli wilt I a prompt
Iy filled siid fnrvrtrdeil nl loweit market r.ttn.
nireui u cull when you come to towo
Send ui your orders and save )our Oi.U slid traveling
cipemes, for we ran buy cheaper thnii ou csn.
miking orders peclf pirticularly the Mini and
quality deilretl, sml keep a duplicate, tlnit.tuil mat he
slils todctennlne whether your dlriitlons wire atriitly
followed In case you ore disappointed In iuilitr or
otherwNe. ' .1. II. KM I'l',
P. O. box 481, I'orllan.l.
orn.11 a
A H tIT, niul I'.l 1 1( HAT 4'iiiiipniiiiil liusi il
HIIIATIIK! I'ltlMII'II.H, unit 1I11111111I11I
rrrr from Injiirlom rrtrrls iipmi Ilia
it mil nml llr'l, niul I nnilt iimiI
runii roillnu lllllr lor Iriljlil
)irr rm: contents or nsi: can i.vio
tin jmllor ttiMl otsili1e ot tinldlu slstil ltv
pillnna, a eutl nil mil with tup cut oill will aimwtr, lilt
nearly with watir and allow to tand uttr 1 Ulit. If
not tlmt coinpU'lily tllMiltitl npplt htai, a id utn n o
hitlon larnii.pttte, ad I It toliXuaflont of tiiilil wutt-r
conlaliirillti llieprt'iKr risApUtilufurtlli pin. in hnu.
L'u.liijrnealitipatttr tliHrriiiiovalfiuiu iliul .tli .tumid
Inttu tlits II pilif priced from tlm wuul ami ,1 n.,uti;
returned to Hit riisitictc, slid hi nnlir In in.nrn ttio
iktriiitlnii of tliu funi.ite, tiny should rm its un ithcr
bntli In aluiit two wieks.
S, II It lliuUnli lw warm and utold p'llirit
old alor it.
Ileail the following:
lirnsr, I'olk Oi Sept. lft. thTft
Mcisri. II01I0, Davit .X. Co.. llatliiii ismsI i.niriitis.
1lytl1.it you aent lno tt.t Uprhig fur hx.Ii 4 u 117
litp. I liatro lo a)isl iihltigyitii rr.ultatuitli tn pres
ent tune, si I tlestretl to stluw aiillkUiit tiiiu '. 'aise
aoaa toti ctrUlii that tlio tlKiito was thoiirtietily
ctiir.1 lillpivilinyalietptwlee alltr lituiiiK.nl In.
ttnaliot ljijy,aiul luiuexaiiilnt.l tli, iI.h , r, rally
at Inut oneos wtik allies the U.t it ppln,' l.i t I. tto
dlseovirtit iiureiiuhisof the til-'xe. I it t nut tiuVtito
to rocotiiaii'iid )our prcsiratioii iu a (Minp.i iu slid it,r
tain rcistst) furaculjamunklietp.
J T," Nf.tinil
Put up In sir I ght raus, I10I1II112 mini j.ti nit ,ich
slid cur) can, when uil st-eonlliigto illre.iini., wtl
Hodgo, Davis & Co., Portland.-
xxiioii.sti.i: mtii.i.iiis.
I'nrltiiiiit, . . . .
nn WlaW s))tsasj txjasaasj. SBtaafa .
m .0 'Hi
rormorothnniithlnlofnii'iitur, n
Mrtlraiii.lliiatniiKl.liiluiMitli tl e:
known to inllllont nil (ivr thn ti '
1110 oniy snio rell.tnco lor tlio 11 u 1 ' 1
nrchlontt niul jmln. Il is 11 mo 1 ine i,
nbox ti pi Ico nml pnilsn Mm tie .1 m 1. j
liliiil. J'oruiryfoinior.xti.r..uliiali 1
tlio M
Jliii'.ntnr Liniment IimMi. uti niiiii.,1
It penrlritlrs ilr.li 11 ml miiiile lit
Hie xery lioiir iuiikln,( Hut .
iiuionrpiiltt mul lull uimllii'i lull) alii 1
llrt I'lTeetM iiuiiii lliiiiimi I I,,..), n .1 tl..
Iinito Creation uro iiiialiy xtoiuiiilul
'i iia xr..i,M...
I.lnlment Is nretleil I y inuu litxlx In
every house. Kxeiyihn Inlutin x'biiI
llientiiiyiirnii itttliila.n.'ilo, i.ui:i
aiihtlueil, of iliriiutiiito niiirlyri n
atoroil, or n xnliutlitr Ii-hso nr os
su vvil by thobcull..apuivirorilt..
which sitoeillly .t.U't such ul.umiia ut
tho HUMAN ri.lMl ns
Itlietlliinllant, Stirlllnrra, Milt
:V '"""itit tiaiii', aliri.
nml IS.-nlils, 'n, Utuliirs nml
iirnlna. I'liliniiflu. i;ttH . .
fJljCiiKt. MIITlirat, l.nilli lit.a. Mill
...... -,..,r.. a TiniiMiea.i minimal.
Nuro pippin, inl.nl Jirciiat. ixnil
Inilicit etrr- ftiriu of rttrrual illa
tntr. It limit ttlllinut anna.
1-nrlhd Pl'tT" ( 111 ITKJN II UIT1
Nuruliia. iStliiti. a.iirr ,t .i..&.
I'utiittlri', irnrnrea Sinrra, llnof 1.1 -
oxara, t uut ll.il, b.rrtv XVtmu. I en .
Ilollmr Hurt), ISirnlclit a, UI tt'..
F.?'.UL hl,",it Tliniah, It'ii-jliune,
.Mil mirri, lull i;t, I lint u.Joll
Ilia Mljlit (ill.l enery nllirr ultiiicnt
; "lilili Hie t.critpiiiHs of II.C
(tliliu niul Mock itn.l nro Ilnlilc.
lllil Jieilrnti iriia.tt.it.. i i,ii,.,.
nlxiixs cures mul noxcr dlsiipiKliitsiH
uiiill.lt.po-ttlxeiy, " MJ
l'"Vji WH"'.'1'-!"'
g i" ,MT t'.tll, to amd for (
2 23 s'srliwi Mil K to mj a.1,1
rttt ' '") f p-
r xv... ftn-iiiwi vunuiiii Ui.ri
.ripiioue'i "T
,r i-
wiyleK,l.priitlnr,ti,i,ciiMto(raltttii 1-" ' ' Ths
Jli in tltktiiii b, U enu. wao Bake tUU tl t,. J"U
W nil . '
3I0VI(.0)llltV MtlUl.t 10., .
K siidsaV,bi,taia.,fhl-a.D,lu