WILLAMETTE FARMER: PORTLAND, OREGON, JULY 2, 1880. 2 i bued trery Wk Iijr tn vriixtsiKrn; kirher rmnnniMJ to. TEHMS of bUbsciiiitioni nyor, (l-ottair-Mal-I), In kItimm fl.JO HitmuntlM, (JnftiKfii pul'l), InmlisnM 1.85 Imh than tuiuontlit will be, pet month ,,,. ,SJ ADVEl'TISlNCl IIATDI! A'IrlltanU "III lm Inintnl, winkling they art res-vets ble, it th followlnjr tst-la of rst: Ono Inch of tpvo per month ,,.t ?.f Three ln lict ol spiCco per month ft.00 tint holt e-ilumn r month 15.00 Onsoohi.nt tcr month 30.00 tV1Sniilf coplM Mtit fret on irpllestlon. A Idresi all letter to: H. A. CI.AUKr, Managir. & trTntfro-l In twit oflij-w nt I'ortlsnil, Orcimn, i lid WH.jiinston, i u.,s iium-ciii liisniAll tusltir. Latest by Telegraph. e.i.stiihn. I'n-riilinr!' (iinlriillini, Kson Jt'NUTh'V, Vt., June 2.V Tho Na tional Giccuhack Labor States' Convention of Vermont, which met heru today, numbers alioiit fifty. Tlit'l' nomlnat-id for Governor M. 0. Heath. Texas (irrrnlmrk I'oinriitlim. (J u. k.stiin, iuiieM. ThuOreenback Stato Convention nt Austin to-ilny nominated W. II. Hamiinm fur Governor nml Goo. (livens for Ucutunant (iovcnior. t lilllitkrr lo lie llml. Wasiiimitov, .)ii no '2.'. Tlic mioit of the recent cxaiiiiiiat'on-i at Vt I'olnt in reached tl.o Adjutant General of tlio army in casu of Whlttnker The ri'jiort recommend tliat lio was fomiil dellclclit in liin studiis, unit hilling been two years in the samo chow, liu lio dis charged. Tiio repmt lia not yi't been ro ooivul by Secretary Itnhuey, 'srcullmis In sllttnurl nml Ohio mi I'rliln). Kann.ii Cirv, Mo., Juno 'J.', Ilanlen Jlrowu, tlio wife mtiidercr was oxcciittd to ilay. When ho nici'lulcd tlio scaffold nt lill) I'. M,, nml after religious scivico ly ltov. Mr. Kttllngton of thu Methodist Chmcli, ho Mepped forward ami mndo quite n spocch to ilia oriMMi in nt'itniaiicr. iiv rnnli II you will keep iitill n iiiiimtu In ill tnlktiiynii in -n.H.t 4... ...... .l...l . .1.11.1 I .. If. "((.Ml !' ,J n,i ,,i-i, I'llll'lini (UHl llllW. 'J'o urcry man woiiiin mil child I want In ruiv that I havo nothing against ,u, hoping nil Imvu forgiven mo. Mny God have mciuyou mo t -ibi) and all of you. I stand to-day on tlio gallows to pay tlio penalty nf my crime. To tlio j 11111 in my of whom I icuguiru, I Kith t'i My tint I mm them riding out Inn to-day drunk. 1 havo ilono tlio xaino thing myself, nml joil sen whcrul urn. Ho asked to v li anil with nil wife, nml held in hi litnd n lm met .inil .-nkeil if thre him n lady Kill. Mo.ll.f moo tlllt It WIW Jillt nil hit lf(IH drjt lltth li null. I ivnnt, ho mid, to nco who ivrl loir. Many haiiiU wiro mImiiI hy tlio woiiiun nml tlio cry "II n litre," eiinio from iM.iry itirtvr Itrown nkcd nil tho lvlaii'ii4 of lm lf who weie Jircmilt to r.ilio tiiu r lu nit in token cf foigivciun. Out of t o d tl iMiiimi'n itl'-s wnn prenent nml r.'iUed Inr hand llrAili tnid, "Th.uik (in I thrro itotivi." Tlio culjirii then ntepeil on llio tnii, lliu hliok rap veil put mi, tho ropu udiuilfil, the Imp iu KpriiiiK, mid Hir llrowiih ami w.n huiiclird mi thn don of eternity nt li'.'il 1. M. Hit neck win lirokcu, nml lut died in ilHjitt ton Inlnuten without a trnggle. Canton, Jjui '1 Tluve muutun'm Meio Iwn-nd Iiru fjday tottior, To of tlivm, !, J). Ohr and lleo, V. Mnnn, em con victod nf thn ninrilnr of dolin Wattinouuli, an njo I n i.n er of I'hil tdolplila, who wna tramp. H thrnni;li tin iDiintry, ami ivho mim miir-lm-oil n yn.tr nju in t'10 wikiIi liy Mnnn mid Olii-for lm inoiiny, llvd dol'nrK, uiid n nilvur yean oil, kill ,d Cluit, Smililoi-lant 1'all on tlio uiu of .Sjin'iK'l'.i trial fur huighiy, Siuli ler hi'iir' a wflhris naiust linn. S.imuiel was Uind, i-Oiiliitnl A il isntenVeil for the bur (lary n 1 1 tlteii bruught fn in tli IVuiteiitiary and t ml slid euivlcted of the murder. Tlicie w.u no I Dibiitof Impel tame icnni'etiil with tho urrrtti'i'i. I'e.itli was uliimst iiislaiit.ine out A .tv iwl wm nlK.it tho Jail ysid, ,-iiii tvo niti hi cMiipmiu. who on giunl. Tlieio nn i I lurUiiieu. Coiiinirnl wu Ihr .Niiiiilniilloittnl Srs lurk. NKW YnRK, Jlllie'-'V- l"-ie velnr.il i.j.ni Ion ii-iiii n It.'pi.il . in nil laimuiii jiiuru.ilt is tl it t!. ) .liViAtlo tlikit is mo of thn rltllilliet tint 'mid bo li.iliHil The idea Ciiiiiiuuu . o.i'Wu I it t't.it the "bliMtly nhitt'' iili iituinlitii)' liVi treu taken out cf tltb ch oplt n. nful tli.it the b.v tlo must bo fiUht mi Imtlvr .lu.l vwdii ipit'ttioiis. Tliu C'oiiiiii'j'-i i .1 l i' ( ilfcl.it ci tint thu mator vlu) nxpif t ti win v..tui en thu luguiueul that Ha i-X iMilurvd tlindetiilcthin of Mis. Hurr.itl m M Iimu vo'i's. Tho .V nliwlt into line saying tint tho nonihiatl hi of Hancock priKiits thun.itne uivut iasibt uliiuli w.uilil have been pieshitiil By tliu.ikii)iuaiiiii ofTiUUn, nlthough it bad Imped th'i tlio littil' wou'd bu linniiimted b thn conveiitt in. livery Dimeeiallo iaper, U'amiiinuy, mid nuti-Taiiiina is el.itnl nml ilooUun tliif t i. tfiket Hill imitj nil tin Ktatst tii.it Tihleil llid, ft I l'i nnsylvaulii, Ohio and .w.iiibly W'ucoiinii m will, Kopiib i.siht indltopuhlit Ml journal coufeu lluiir ilii-ii,il' and admit that if thu election as diil I to-morfuw." Hancock would win jxhII!''J- - '',, ' , Tho ci iisjivatlio aovpi,( n'Oi'iMf rrc sajsi Whiliin iv por.4mil friends of pnlitUiana tu.iy giie 'vr tl on- di ippoint imiit the Hliut I il in thn p-ip'u Ml'l tvjoiio lit the i-ciiilUi'f .in couvituti ui. If tho iMiupagn b conducted tliroiihout with tho MJtdoui insmfesto I lu its commencement the ubancea tiro certalnly:l out of 0, aiu vo think A nut of ivskii. i no oiir;r, .ioiiii ntuiuti, ninv i 7 tlut tlio tiokst last nniuliuitiM will lie elec ted. Wu iolioe that good invy of nil parties twill gladly accept thi rMidt, mid that it will cnntubiite in no amall degree toward an era oi good liviing ami a rovnai oi pixwperity in cvcryti-njtum yf pur innintoii country. lUpubltcan (irettud to think that'(!arlleh' I will win in Indiana and that tho Democrats with the kulid south and New York and Now JeiMiy will lio loft out, Kulku.lsillr Appruisl of Ihr oaulamtlaa - ( M LawUilllr, K. '' ' I)0iivn.i.i, Juno 2.V NWs of thc'noinl nitiou of Hancock aud Kngliali was received liy thoDemocniUof this city with great appro lutioti, TliiMOj who haul other preferences nirreed' tint It would win. One; in fact.upon tvliich tho Domonats would unite with all their strength. UemiUieaju who liavu been Interview isl, corcedo that this ticket will lo Iiard to beat. They admit tho excellent reo. onLottbouindldatea and ar apparently d row.l with tint fact. Tlut thu ticket will carry Ne 'ofk and ludiaua is conlideutly Ik'JiovihI by demrxuU. , The C'oMi'ff-VoMniiif aay of the Heinocratio noivUiation l VVuilWlJ Kcott Jlajicoek i the lJoiaonMlo candidate for thu rYraidency of the Uuitnl SUtivi. The South take liim and will, givo him her UDdiriditl voto. Thai (letter! (ought the South; but when the atuoko of battle rolled away he as CAruet)y (ought ftfiiust tic imposition of dcunotlo crncdientt unon Southern fcbmmunl ties. In tlio military division of which ho wnt tho hend ho itnilvntooil tho war to have been foiiifht to maintain tho supremacy of the Constitution over tho .Southern Stntci, nnd when tho conllict ended ho knew logically that these, wro under tho Constitution, nml that tlio substitution of tho sword for civil government wiui a new phaso of rehcllion ngaiust the Constitution for wlilch tho Union armies fought. Tlio Democracy accepts n mil Itiry man. They accept him heenmo thoy be lieve ho will closo tho Janus templo of sec tional antagonism. Tho nomination of Han cock meant tho determination of tho people of tho United States to remove the old sec tional issues out of American politics. The nomination of any Southern Democrat would have opened tho May for Republican vitupera tion. They havo nothing to say on thu nomi nation of Hancock, liu Is tho peer of Grant in military tact, lie did myo lighting than Grant, he was always nt the front, ho was a soldier of soldier during two years of tho war. Ho was scarcely of ago when ho re ceived his baptism of flro In the Mexican war. Ho Mas in every battle of nota in the Vir ginia campaign. Ho is n rciinsylvanian. Ho was over loyal to tho flair, moro loyal than Grant to the Hag and tho Constitution. 4'omiiiriils of the HI. Limit I'trss HlroiiR liiilorsrmrnls. St. IiUIk, Juno 2.1 Tlio Jltpuhllean this morning, after paying (Jen. Hancock n very high compliment as a man and a soldier, speaks of tho tickot as follows I Tlio ticket Is built to run nndw'In. It will unite nil clo moots of popularity, all elements of success. It has not a llsw In its armor, nnd tho shafts of partisan nialico Mill find no weak spot to touch. It will leijulio neither npology nor defense Tho Democrats at Cincinnati havo dono their work wisely and well. Tho pcoplo will do tho rest. - Tho 'I'imn sayst The Convcntio nt Cincin nati jestuntny, did its work promptly nnd will. If It had deliberated n week it could not havo made a, stionger ticket, nu abler ono or a luoie ncceptiblo uno to thu party nml to tlio moss of tho people. Hi notion Iiad tho rush of n cyclop" and tho wisdom of nu inspir ation, (leu, " .icock's nomination was in thu highest spontaneous. Hu had no follow ing obsequious pvrton.il partisans, ho was suirnuuiled by no eoterieof trained politicians, who have a unlit to claim ft ruvcrslnnary in terest in him mid his campaign, ho had not n liteiarv bliru.ut ilistemiuatinu oxm-'ircintcil compliments and eulogies of lilin. ills cam paign was entirely without ngencie.1 that mo ordinarily toniikii'd essential to adeems, and .is a loincmionco hu Is without ixilitlcal com plications nnd cii.'.'igcmu'ttx, mid slmnls for thu Ixst elt men t in hli party and thu cuiiiitiy. High i:niliireniriil oriluurorli li) Ills lollint (MIlllTH. W.iilllNornv, .lime 2.1. -Thn nrmy nlllcers havo but one thing to say about General Hancock, and that is. ho is one of tho Uncut ollicers in tho army, mid nuo of tho best men in tho country. Tlio Democratic nniuinco is iKimil.ir nuioiiu nil ollicirs and men in tho scr- lieu. General Sheimnn was asked to-day by a reporter what he thought of General Han cock's nomination, ''ho General replied that hu did not lint u anything to do with politics, "but if you will ait down," ho said, "ami writu thu best thing that can bo put in lan guage al-otit (Ion, Hancock as an olliccr and n gentleman, I will sign it without hesitation. II. II. I'll) nr llmlnrset I lie Tlrkrl. Ci.kii.i.in'ii, Juno 2.1.- Hancock's nomina tion was icccivcd hero with ipjlet but gencint satisfaction among Democrats. Uno hundred guns wcui Hied II. II. I'nyui, in nu inter view, nii.li "It is the strongest ticket that thu jmrty could possibly have put up, mid that it Insures every Southern State, New Ymk mid Indiana beyond doubt, and a atrnug -probability of Now Jersey nnd Connecticut. 1 Illinium i:nilnrr. Col. I'M ill's, Juno 2.1. -Senator Tliurman siioku hero ti-night. He heartily npprovos the nomination of lliineiik. I.rnrrnl -iillrrllnii. Nf.w Yiiiik. Juno 2.1. Disiiatchea from va lions proiuiucnt points thioiighout thu ICist and South iiivlitiou enthusiastic ((juicing of thu Demoiiacy oicr thu Ciiiciiiiuitl nuuiina- tions, llrinlierlili of Hie llrniiirrnllr .Niillmml I'muiiilllrr. Cini'IN'Xiti, Juno 2.1. Tim following nro tho iiiniiUrs of thu Natiunnl Htecutivo Com luitteu : Al.ib.imn, Levi Law lor; Arkansas, John J, .Sumter; ( 'nlifuriii i. J, T. Fnrluri Colonulo. T. M. r.ittironi Ciuniecticut, Win. II. liar liumi Dcl.iwsie, J. ('. (Irubb; I'lorida, H.imuel I'.ncoi (l.nigia, Geo. T. Harness I'lino , W. ('. (iniiili i ludiniia, Austin II. Itrown; Iowa, M. M. Iliiiu; Kniisas, Cmirlis W. Illair; Ken tucky, ll-iiry D. Mellenryi lmisi.ma, II, 1', Jinics; Maine, I'Mwanl V, ThomiMon; Mary land, I), I'. Hoiaey; Matsacliusetts, linl. t), Piincei Michigan, Kdwanl Kauleri Minnesota, 1'. II. Ke'lyi Missiptil, W. II. Martin; Mis miiiri. John tl. I'ruthcr; Nebraska, J, Ster ling Mm tout Nevada, J. C. llagerman; New Hampdiiru, A. k Sullivan; Ncv Jersey, (). S, Clevel.indj New Ymk, Abram S. Hewitt; North Carolina, N. V. llnusoiu; Ithode la laud, AbnurS, lUroabyi South Carolina,' Y, S. Daw'Snii) IViiuuHtio. Tbomat O'Connori Tenat, S, StiK-kdale; Vermont. D. I". Smi leyi Virginia, Itolwrt A. I'oghld; West Vir uiniii, Alex, Campbell; Wi-nousln, W. I', I'll.is; Ohm and Oregon and Pennsylvania to lie heteafturuppoiuUd, Cnlirurnlii IKiimrrHlt K.liilnl Willi the.Noni- lllllllUIIS, Svn I'iiincimo, Juno 21. DemocraU througliuul thu Intel inr nf thu State rutilleil tho nuimiutl.iii Utt night by meeting', pro eeious, bonlliiK, tainted, etc. The i)emiKiat)o' Statu Cental Committee have undo their airangcuiciits for a grand rot Hii'Atiiiu meeting tiiinorrow ovining at 1'Iatt'n nun. i annus orgaiu; itioiii will luteniiiie nt t'.nir pl.Wis of mevtiug aid march to llio ha' I w hero they w ill bu a Idrwsud by prominent s.ialem. Much ginxl feeling prevails over thu iiomhuitiunt, aud at Democratic head iiuarUis tho tuprcssiou is that tho choice la llio most available that could have been made. l'rrunal. (lAMlUKii, Ohio. Jiino'Jt. rritldnit Hives attended tho commenccmeiit oxcrviscs of Kenyon college to-day, Mrinilillrun uinlullini In Irrwotit, lU'UUSumx, Juno 22. The Hcpublican State Cvuwntiou uomiiiAted Col, ttoawell I'arnham for Governor; Lieutenant Governor, John L. lUutow. i'OKEItiN. Tlrkbre -taalii. Lomihiv. June 22. In the court of appeals today George Justice James gave judgment denying the application of Thomas Castro, the Tichboruo claimant, to have the two senten ces pasted upon him lor perjury made concur rent lusieau oi coiisecuiivi. ' Tisrkrt; aaul Ike rawer llxuus. June 25. There is uoloncer anv doubt In reganl to the' impending decision of the powers. The I'orU la beginning W abn ion its lirviut attituue oi apatlielic inilitler, ence, atfcetini: to caution tho confereiice j to dangerous leugths it evidently means to go. raraell's Krller Mil. Lonivon-, June 24. Iu the House oi Com moiu Parindl moved the" second reatlini; of hi IrUhTeh( bill, thtjtxit whisk nt o tap. point csNiimiMiou (or Ut rvUfi t'dMre, It consists of tho chairman and two secreta ries and of tlio principal organizations engaged in the relief of tho distress in Ireland for tho last six months, and that 200,000 of tho Irish Church Fund surplus Ik handed over to the commission to bo appropriated as thty deem fit. Foster. Chief Socretary of Ireland, said that lie could not assent to a bill which proposed to adopt an entirely new principle. Londo.v, Juno 21. In tho Homo of Com mons this evening Gladstone, replying to Sir Stafford Northcoto, said that ho had no ad vice to givo rclntH'o to liradlaugh, ns ho had not yet consult';. 1 i.ij colleagues. Sir Stafford Northcoto move taat tho House, having as serted its author. ty, order liradlaugh 's release. Lnboiichcr said that liradlaugh when released would assert liij legal right. Gladstone took no part in tho debate. Sir Stafford North coto's motion was adopted unanimously, and liradlaugh Mas released. Turkish Hlnlealr .llutciiirnt, Tho Manchester Gtumlkin'i Scutari corres pondent, a soiirco hostdo to Turkey saisi Turkish regulars hero aro being nominally disbanded: bnt in fact they nro sent off in sipiads disgnlscd as Albanian Hash! Itazouks to organlro opposition to Urcck occupation in hpirut. Their destination Is I'rovtsn. Tli Albanian loitruo will oppnso the cession of Dulagno to ilontcncaro. They intend toes tablish a cimp of fi.OOO. ftinnll rox In nnlilln. DuiiI.i.n. Juno 21. Thcro aro 200 cases of small pox in the various hospital of this clhsJ The Aniurslt- III II Mrrls tnior In the Hennlr. 1-Altti, Juno 21. It Is affirmed that the Senato will pass tho amnesty bill by a great majority. Only Communists convicted of as sassination or Incendiarism will bo cxclmUd. The Ureck I'ronller. IlKlit.l.v, Juno 24, The technical delegates havo adopted tho Greek frontier, which was proposed by Franco. IMCIFIC COAST. The LniiRtliorrmrii Win. San Fii.iM'lseo, Juno 21. Tho demand of 'longshore lumbermen for an increase of wages from !.-l to $-1 per tiny, has been ngrced to by lumlier merchants 1'rcston .V McKennon anil J, W. Adams, who, yesterday afternoon, act n lariro nu inner 01 men to won: nisc larirtmr ves sels at the rate adopted by tho Lumbermen's l'rut'.'ctlvo Association. tViilklnn .Hnlih nl Hun Fmnrltro. A pedestrian contest for tho champion belt won by l'mnk 1'Mwnrds lait Summer, began nt the Pavilion nt II o'clock last liL'ht. Twelltv-six stirted. eolisnicimiit nnintm thi.in being J'Mwanls, tho holder of the bU, two .Mexican mall runners anil lour Uliinamcn, tho latter having been trained mainly by peddling llsh between this city and San Joso, There- was n largu nttendance at thu start. Itnllnrntltin .MrrllnKS In (nliriirnln. Sam Fuanuisci), Juno 21. Tho Democrats throughout thu interior of thu Statu ratillid tho nomination! last night by meetings, pro cessions, 1-onllres, salutes, etc. Thu Democratic Stato Central Committee havo madu their arrangements for a grand ratification meeting to-morrow evening nt Piatt's Hull. Various nrgnuirAtions will as acinblo nt their places of meeting and inarch to tho hall whero they will lm addressed by prominent speakers. Much gooil feetiug pie vnils over tho nominations, nml nt Democratic beadiiiinrturM thu exnreiMlriii is that thu choice is thu most available that could havo Ih'cii made. It is ndmltted that iHissiblv tonn hniidlo may bu madu of Hancock's coneectioii with tho Surintt business, but belief is ox- lircased that it will havo but trilliui! cffiit i licit coiifhlence is expressed lu the ability ol , . ... . .... ,-.... . I mo party to carry new unm oy viriuooi 1110 jHisltion nssnmud by John Kelly, nml it is claimed that Pennsylvania mint also lie added to the list of doubtful States, Owing to unite n general misunderstanding that the Vice Presidential unmiiieu is Kiicliili of Connect! cut, that State is nlto claimed as ait tired for tho Democracy. Thcro is sonio feeling of illsippolntmcut manifested by friends of I'ilden and riiiirmau, but not enough to exutviio any marked iullii eucu on the campaign, Somu ullrn chlvnlrio Democrats nisi) show n disposition to denounce Hancock, nnd in some case announce their determination not to vote for him; but on the whole it may bu fonaidci cd that thu ticket will receive the united suppottof tho party, I'll 1 1 r I tic llttstlle. San I'ltANciMM, Juno 21. Fiench citimu mo making uxtcusivo arrmigcmeuts to nte brato thu anniversary of tho capture of the Untile, on thu 14th of July, by n procession, literary exercises and n fito at Woodward Gardens, The hlurk llimrtl San FitANi'iMii, Juno 2:1. Tho big Iwanl nt an oxeci.tiiu setiion to-ilsy resolinl to nil joiirn fnnn July 2d to July 7th. t:iiiii.iini. llio mixing liouiuoi tlio mean rouilcr Works near San Pablo blew up this evening. No uno was injured aud the damagu w.u amall. Illlu Heulrnreil la lire tears lu Hie I'eul linlliirj. Otto, ex-Treasurer ot Sauti Cnn county, convictesl of eiubecrling publio funds, was to day sentenced to five year iu the peniten tiary. An appeal will l taken to thu Su premo Court. Murder ul Knn l'rniirlrn. San I'u.iNCHtN), Juno 21. This evening William Welch, nu Irishman aged about II yearn, lii ing on Clara street, went to t uliouso of ii neighbor, Patrick Millius, mid both men entered a small building in the rear of thelot. Iu n few moments Welch ran out, blood pour ing from a wound iu his neck. Ho gained bit own ivsidenco and died almost lii.tautly, Mullius remained iu tho house until aiTcstrll, Ho it is. ti' cut. but intinia'.(w that n wcrdv iiu.uicl nroic, that Welch thi'catened liini wilh putel wl.eii in fielfilefenso lm sUbWd him wiili pocket knife. Itotli had previ outly Ken on friendly terms, ;irl Mnrtlerril. I'lliKNix, June 23, A Mexican girl at Vul ture mine yesterday wu shot by a Mexican named Jose Marie through tho head aud is not expoctod to live. Lntkunational Commission, Gov. Tliaycr has nominatixl as incmliersjof the Interna tional Coiiiuiiiuiou (or Oregon, in accordanc with the provisions of an act of Congress ap proved April 23, I8S0, O. H. Lewis and Uvi White as Couuniuioners, and Henry Failing and Frank Dekum, all of Portland, as alter uate. to nvrfect arrangement for an Interna tional Kxliibition, to take place in New York City iu IM3, celebrating the 100th anniu-r-aary of the treaty of peace and recognition of American ludepcmleuce, by an exhibit of the arts and manufactures and products of the soil and mine of this, our great and glorious country, The appointment will be made by 1-re-iiJfut Hayes. . aThe Lake County Rjnmintr saya: Twenty. one emigrant wagons heavily loaded with fam ilio and household furniture, have passed through Laktviow during tlio past week. All of tlmm eru liound for ashington Territory. Almost ai Urge a number wer nt the same tiiae' oil their return from Washington Terri tory to California. Tht) latter were ereatlv dipleaesl with their experie'ncea during tho journey, but their doleful -tale havo not dii- cstintged the emigrant they met, ' ITEMS HY TELEC2RAP1I. ThcKcpublicans of Maino renominate Gov. Davis for ro-clcction. Tliehunllo raco nt Chicago was w on by Carnun with Franklin second. Ncis of tho coming of tho American Com mission excites no interest among thaChincsc. At Coney Island hurdle race tho borso Fiibllcstring fell, broke n leg nud had to bo hot. Gov. Pitkin has rovoktit tho order putting Lcadiillo under martial law mid civil rule prevails again. At last dates a battle was taking place in tho suburbs of llucnas A) ers and a commer cial crisis was on hand. Jnpaneso tiewspapdssay n Kutshu ship has lauded n detachment in thu last coast of Corel, and captured a tow n, In o bittlo that resulted in hen y losses the Kusuhns bao been defeated by tho Turko mans and compelled to tetrcat. Tho Stevedores nf San Francisco demand SI n day, but there is no work for them to do and plenty of idle men, bo tho measure can baldly succeed. Jnpaneso financial tcpurtt show better than was expected, as tho leccipts have been mado to coverall government oxpeudituns, to the surprise of 1-orcign dictators, Diplomatic andconsitlnr duties nro neglected iu China becauso badly paid, and talk of further retrenchment is subject fur ridiculet on the part of our consular ngents there. At Piedrni Nlgras, Mexico, Gen, Trovino wanted to uso tlio Custom Home to quarter two complines, and being refused, broko in, threw out all tlio stuff nnd r-uaitcrcd his men there. The St. Oothanl tunnel through tho Alps, now being completed, runs part nf tho wny tlnoiigh soft rock that caves iu nml even ma sonry won't hold it, ami it is thought tho lino of thu work must bu changed. Tho Prusiau diet adopts a o'atiso in. its church bill, that causes so much excitement, declaring that in the oxcrciso of especial rights iu vacant bishoprics tho requirements of Ger man nationality must not bo overlooked. Charles Do Ynunu. be n will two vears old. claims to own two-thirds of tlio Chrontctr, leaves nil to his brother, M, IL, providing moderately for Oustnvis, who is iiuano, nml other relatives. Valuo of tho estate, is not given. Tho U. S. ship Ticondcroga has started to cruliu Japancsi) and China waters, probable to make another nttvmpt to open relations w ith Co ea. A Uritlsh naval force has offered to nssiit iu case of a Corcan Invasion, which is cnnsiileitd mi attempt to sneako into Coren under cuver of tho American tlag, mid risk nothing themselves, but it don't go down wen. Spain threatens nctivo hostihtes if China won't npologio for interference withCoolio immigration to Peru, nml thu Peking Govern ment says such emigration is contrary to treaty nud iu violation to integrity ami hu manity. Spain expects thu support of Portu gal which nation intei.ds to send slips of war to enforce its claim to tho colony of Mncas. Peru nlso has a similar ground for quarrel. A rcmarkahlo accno occur red iu the Honso of Commons, of F.nglauil, when Ilrodlaugh, tho professed atheist, who had declared no oath nu tlio biblo binding nud had rather hrnvocd tho matter, was refused tho prlvllego to take the oath of olllco of ntlliriuation nud after a long debatu and actual resistance on III rt wn cxi-cllcil Irom luslile tlio Par of tho llouau by force. On the motion to en- forte hi withdrawal tho voto stood 023 to 33. Half n dozen murderers wero hanged Fri day iu Ohio, Missouri ami Indians. An iuipmbnblo rumor is alloat nt the Hast that Gen, Grant will support Hancock for the Pieaideiicy. Ikcauso of domestic troubles David Miller connected with thu Pacillu Mill and Mining Company, Virginia City, committed suicide. At Mnrslialtown, Iowa, while firing a salute in honor oi uio uincinnaii nominees, n prema ture explosion killed one man nud wounded twootherr. Tho last news from South America tells of ii pent ictory won by thu Chilliau over llio Allies, driving them from a strong position ami taking possession of Tncua. Isse heavy on Ixjth aides. French citizens nro making extensive nr rniigvinenU to celebrate the anniversary of tho capture nf thu ltastilo oil llio I Ith of July by n procession, literary exercise nud a feto at Woodward's Gardens. STATE NEWS. Tho bay emp in Itoguo Hivcr valley is anld o lu very fair. Any quantity is ottering at $S per ton. Jefferson Howard, of thu Springfield lum bering mill, had somu of thu lingers of hi left hand cut off by a ciicular saw, D. C. Courtney, who visited the Skagit mines lost winter, leturmd to Jacksonville on Thursday last, llegiie- n very poor ac count of tho mines nud adiuv everybody to keep away from them. During tho past two weeks, Mr. Krause, who has been taking the census in Ashland precinct, stopped forty-live wagons containing emigrants, all liound for thu Klickitat valley, W. T. They wero all from California. Mr, McCoy, tho shepherd iu charge of tho loiul of sheen ow tied iu Wasco county, by Ml. George F. Wells, of Portland, informs tho Mountiilnrrr that ho finished shearing, a few day ago, about 40,000 pounds of wool. It seems that tho population of Jacksonville will but little exceed NX), which it at least 200 lei than thu gcueinl otimate. That of Ashland will 1k nearly l.V) more, which show great progress in the latter town within tho lost five years. Maxwell Ilamsby, Kq., came in from I'-ait-rrn Oregon last Monday over the Harlow routo with a uumW of young horses. There it from ten to fifteen feet of auow on tho sum uiit, and on the road this aide of that place ou the lUrlow road. The graduating class of tho Vadcmio de partment of Willamette University In 18SO were Miss Hattio A llaker, H. F. Ogle Mis TheoVau Wagner, A. A. Stump, MUs Maggie J. Cosper, C. A. Cranston aud Miss Mary Wooilworth. The Clackamas IkmotnU says t A work, nun by the name of Moreen, w hile excavating for the warehouse at the upper end of Main street, was well nigh buried on Thursday by tho caving in of one side of the trench. Ho was planted up to his shoulder, but wu ex hunied before any damage was done him. Two convicts, J. G. Bauchamp, aged 10 years, who shot and killed Harry liurstow, and John Darby, who brutally murdered on old man named Henry Stephena, arrived here (rom Clrant eouuty ou Wednesday morning, en route to the Penitentiary. The former was sentenced to ten years and the latter for life. The Pine Creek Flume, Ditch and Canal Co.. of Weston. Umatilla county, has rilfl articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State, Object, to supply the city of Weston with water from 1W creek. Capital stock, 120,000.. Incorporators Reuben Kinney, GeO.-.T. Berry. Oto, W, Kinney, Ira W. llio ifounlalneer says i Tho report we havo received of the crops In this vicinity is not very encouraging. Two weeks ngo, wo are tolil, crops of nil kinds wero looking exceed ingly good, but since then thcro has been a steady, cold wind blowing, which has had a very damaging ellcct. This is tho report from Tygh nnd neighboring vnlleys. From the country further south and cast, reports are moro favorable. Gov. Thayer has nominated ns members for this Stato of tho International Cotnmlttco of tho United States. C. H. Lowis nnd Levi White, of Portland, with tho Hon. Henry railing ami rrank Dekum as alternates. These names havo been sent by tho Governor to President it ayes in accordanco with tho provisions of an net of Congress approved April 23, I SvSO, to provide for celebrating tho ono him Irciltli nnnivcrsity of tho treaty of peace nud tccognition of American indepen dence, hy the holding oi an international ex hibition of arts, manufactures and products of the soil In the city ol .ew York lu ISS.l. Kobeit S. Gerrgo captured n young elk alivo in I'owiler Jiiver vnlley. Tho lied Hock Democrat says Daniel 1 Hobinsoii was killed by a cava in his own mining c'nim. Tho Inland Umpire says tho dead Wy of nn unknown man was louiul in n guicii ten miles below The Dalles. Milton Arnspiger, of Harrisburg.was thrown nnd his bono fell on him, nnd ho suffers from n dislocated shoulder and minor injuries. Hi gene has ratified tho National Dcmocratio nominations, and Colis valley, Douglas county, hat organized tho first Garfield Club in Ore gon. . Tho Ashland Tiilingt says Sam Simpson Is on his way down to Portland to publish n vol uino of poems written under tho inspiration of Southern Oregon iiilluenccs. Tho Dalles wool market is still dull with very littlo apparent chango of improving. Parties hero aro paying fiom 10 to 10 cents per pound according to quality. Tho Slattitnnn announces tho death of Joseph Holman, ono of the Eastern Oregon pioneers, coining hero 40 years ngo and set tling at Salem. Ho was a good citizen, much rcsptctcd, nnd made a fortuuo which wns lost of Into yems. TEKRITOltlAL Over 10,000,000 feet of lumber in logs havo been started down the Yakima by loggers this scnon, Intended chiefly for tho Northern Pa cific Kallroad Company. Peter Anderson ami his lioat puller, Chris Hcnklcr, lishinu for tho Aberdeen Pncklnc Cunpany, havo not reported since Monday night last, nun uotti aro supposed to ho drowned. On Tuesday inoruliiu thoy wtru sreu Iu n very dnui-erous nlaco by ono of Ikul- olletiV Co. 'slo.it, who could render no lis sistauco. According to infonnation furnished tho aiatrtman by Mr. Duke, Wm. McFuilden.who was employed to teach school nt Fairfield, Marion county, is n worthless nnd very dis honorable fellow, He left thciu ju a hurry, it seems. As thcro will bo no celebration of tho Ith nt Walla Walla, Col. Grant, who commands the UI S. troops, proposes to parado his full forcu iu town ou that occasion. lloisa City, though remotely situated, has a must .il ioim!ation aud a trrcat many pianos nnd ''gans. Ti ten hundred families, it is said, arc cruis ing t e lains in waggons to find homes cast of thu C cades. The uncle of Hnccr, recently murdered aliovu Wmtsburg, writes that hu will como shortly ami attend to his deceased nephew's affairs. A. J. Thonns and wife, the siim-oscd mur derers, aru returned to Walla Walla for safu keeping until tho fall term of court, as their nttoruoy procured postponement of tho enso to that time. It is thouuht tho North Pacillo will bo computed tobpoknu calls liy next -ovcmlie-. Charles Swcglo of Salem, has l-ought tho Whitman farm near Walla Walla for $12,000. Tho iron work for sixty cam went up tho Columbia tho other day, bound for Alnsworth. Heavy snow tilidc recently washed away tho cabins and nearly all tho supplies of tho Oregon Company. Tho census show I'ort Trtwiscnd to havo 017 inhabitants and Jefferson county hat 1,712; increase iu ono year 230. Tho lloisa Aiio-smsi'i sayst Tho whistlo of tlio "Hob White" may bo heard morning and evening, in tho immediate vicinity of this city. A iiiiinl-er of the members of tho Fair Asso ciation wero nt the ground at Olymplanuddid good work iu cutting nnd burning tho brush around the outaido of thu enclosure. Tho latest from Skagit it that on tho 17th lust, ajounjr man namei! John Pierce, lioin Montana, fell from n precipice ou tho moun tain side into Canyon creek, n distance of 2.1 feet, nud was drowned. Tho Olympls. Trancrl4 ssysi Two deer were killed by tho officer of tho Messenger, on her trip up tho Bound Thursday. Thoy were on tho beach near lbilch's Ptstage, and were shot from tho steamer, Thu Olympia Tramtripi has lieen shown a letter from F, M, Hruco, who claims to have found good gold prospects somen here iu the ltoisefort lulls. In ono of the gulches his party sank a shaft lighth feet deep and struck a river bed, but did not go to the bed rock, Tho Transcrij say si Snmoofour citizens of Olympia who wero out to tho lilack Hills lost week, prospecting for gold placers, havo retunicd, nnd repot t finding fair prospects iu several places. The tail weather nnd lil;i! water prevented a thorough examination. Thu body of a man was found on the north beach abovo Gray' Harlior, last week, and hurried by the citizens living on the Harbor. Thero was nothing on tho body but a leather belt. Tho skull was crushed in as if it hod been done by a heavy blow. There was nothing to show who the man wo- Foul play is suspected. Mr. David C, Forbes and several men were at work iu Ward & Mitchell's saw mill, the former fell down and instantly expired. He was troubled with heart disease, and had warned his friends that he might die in this manner. Mr. Fobt was an old citizen of the place, having came here in 1833, and was greatly respected by all who knew him. He was iu the 49th year of his age. ArrOINTMENT ItCVOKKIl. It will be re membered that some months since a man named A. J, Qillikin died very suddenly at the Occidental Hotel in this city. Shortly after his death his wife was appointed admiu. Utratrix of tho estate. The creditors of the estate not Iwiug satisfied with the manner Mrs. Gillikin was doing brought suit at Cow, litz, Waaliington Territory, to have the let ter of administration revoked. The cred itors were represented bv Messrs. Maxwell and lturbank, who held the most of the claims. The case resulted in the letters being revoked and Mr. Patterson, of tha Fulton House, Ka lama, being appoiutcd as administrator. The suit Involved several thousand dollars and tha decision of Probata Judge Comegya is highly spoken of by thoao present at the trial, New Lnnd LnvtR. Following is tlio full ofiicinl text of tlio recent "act for the relief of settlers on publio lands," ns it finnlly passed both Houses of Congress. It received tho approval of tlio President, nnd will nppenr in tho next volume of tho Stat utes. It is of direct peeuninry vnluo to many hundreds of bettlers in tho Pn cillo States and Territories, and is im. porlnnt aUo to bo understood by all persons interested in land matters in general : lie it enacted, etc., That when n pre-emption homestead or timber culture claimant shall llio a written relinquishment of his claim in the local land office, thu land covered by such claim shall bo open to all settlement and entry wiitioui lurmur ncuon ou me part 01 tho Commissioner of tho General Lnnd Office. Suction 2. In nil cases wero nny person has piid tho land ollico fees and procured tho can cellation of any pre-emption, homestead or ti'nbrl culture entry, ho shall lio notified by tho register of tho land ollico of tho district in which such land is situated of such cancella tion, ami shnll bo allowed thirty days from datu of such notice to cuter said lands; pro fited such register shall bo entitled to n fee of one dollar fur tho giving of such notice, to lio pall by tho contestant, nnd not to be ro porwd. Six. 3, That any sottlcr who has sottled or w ho shall hereafter scttto on any of tho publio lands of tho United States, whether survoyed or unsurvcyed, with tho intention of claiming tho samo under tho homestead laws, shall bo allowed at tha samo timo to filo his homestead application and perfect his original entry in the U, S. Land Ollico as is now nl lowed to settlers under tho pro-emption laws to put their claims ou record, and his rights shall rclato back to tho dato of settlement tlio samo as if ho settled uudor tho pro-tmption laws. Thu following nctof Congrcst,npproved on tho Othinst. (referring to tho Bottler's allidavit iu pre-emption nnd commuted homestead entries, will uino bo found of interest iu connection with thu foregoing : lie It enacted, etc., That tho allidavit re quired to bo mndo by sections 2,202 nnd 2,301 of tho revised statutes of tha United States, mny bo mndo beforo tho cleric of tho County Co-irt of any court of rocord ol tha county or Stn e nr District or Territory in which the Inmls e situated; and if such lands aro situ ntuli u unorganized county, such allidavit may bo m ulu iu n similar manner in nny ad jacent county in said Stato or Territory, and tho allidavit so mado and duly subscribed shall havo tho samo force ami effect ns if made beforo tho register nr receiver of tho proper land district, anil tho samo shall lio transmitted by such clerk of tho court to tha register ami receiver, with tho feu aud charges allow od by law, THE 1,1 MI'lEh ltOAI. The .Narrow ('auge n I'reurli l'rnlrle. A cortcspondent of tho Salem Statesman writing from St. Paul, Marion county, (on French Prnirio) saysi Of lato work on tho narrow gnugo railroad through thitsjctlon has made a wonderful improvement in offalrs, Thcro aro nt present about 400 jwrsont, In eluding Chinamen, employed in grading, and tho work is Wing pushed forward with all possible speed. Down at Hay's Landing, tome two ami a half miles northwest of St. Paul on the river, is where tho main body of tho graders have been at work Muring tho past week, nud it is expected that by next Tuesday tho work of laying tics will be com menced. Tho first boat load of rails arrived thcro hut Wednesday. It is tho intention of tlio company to build a largo warehouse aud dock, ami a largo pile-driver is lying thcro awaiting orders to commence tho work of pile driving. It i tho dcslro of tho company to least tlio water front from Mr. Hay fur a term of years, and to erect such buildings s may bu necessary fur tho removal of frright from thu cars to thu company's steamer (Ohio and City of Salem), and that the bridge will not bo put across tho Willamette until such time m the company may deem it adviinblo, It I expected that within thu next ten day tho sin 111 scream of tho locomotive will bo hoard in that vicinity, and it will 1m) welcomed by nil the farmers who favor progression; it wilt lu a source of relief to those who havo been iu tho habit of hauling their produco some fifteen or twenty miles to market. Tho crop prospects iu this section havo never Iweu better, and it is now predicted Ilia, lutrins tho rust, there will bo tl.o moat abundant yield( while for small fruits, cur rants, goosslicrrics and tho like, tho bushes were never known to bo so full, and hang in griat clutters. Taking everything into con sideration, the farmers in this section havo a grc it deal to bu thankful for, and the bright est day of their existence is now breaking upon them, nud their cup of joy will bo full tho day the locomotivo makes it first trip over thu road. DO US AOOOD TURN. Thcro is ono method by which the fricmbj of tha Faumiu can show their good will, which wo suggest m a mere matter of busi ness. Tho patrons of tho paper aro not ouly found among its readers, but its advertisers. This paper lias standing and iufluenco that should command a heavy aud profitable ad vertising, and it seems strange that any firm seeking to do business with fanners of Oregon, should (ail to rccognizo our value to them, but it is tme that it i difficult to get patron age (or a journal tliat works couiittoutly (or the producer and nukes his interest the first object. Such being the cose, wo suggest to our friends that all other things being equal, if they will throw their business into the hands of those who advertise with this newspaper, and let the (act be known, they will strengthen us, aud lose notliing themselves, for the most honorable dealers generally become our best advertisers, STtMK KIM'M tB NALK. A valuable tract of land, 040 acres, ono mile east of Mehama and ten mile cast of Stayton and the projected line of the narrow gauge railway now- bulling. Ono half of this land can bo reduced to cultivation at a cost of $3 per acre, 400 acres under fance, 60 acres cleared; a cabin and good sheep shed on the place; SO acres seeded to mesquito grass and ' ' all can bo seeded so at small expense. The country around is thickly settled and a good neighborhood, store, saw mill and two schools not half a "mile distant. The land i part valley and part hill land, of the richea ' mountain soil, ha (Treat features of nataral beauty, and the location is healthful and da- ugbuul in every particular. . Price 3 an acre; terms, hall cash and bl anco 'long time. Many Germans are settled' in the vicinity. Inquire ot J. J. Blair, Mehama, or D. W. Craig, at Statesman office. , Salem. S. A. CLARKE, ' ,, U Fanner Office, Portland, ' r - j .