Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, January 23, 1880, Image 6

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X jeM&a&aia.vittmjmiu -. -t--
tUImnette Sanitjcr.
oiJArutH a OH-A.IO-,
Term of Nnlmcrlptloiil
ne convene jur (CSnumbts), lndin....(a 00
One copy ill months (M mimtoi),m .. 1 00
n copy tliroe month (13 numbers) ... . . iO
PORTLAND, JAN. 23, 1660.
Tim Mnninlli Znillnn Itricrtloii.
Wahhinotox, Jan. ll. -iicpreBciiinuvo
Jlcrry will to-morrow Introduco n bill to
abolish tho Klamath Indian reservation in
California. Thu bill directs tho Hocrctary of
tho Interior to cauiiotho wholu o( tlio reser
vation to bo snrveyod nud opened up lmiuo
dlatoly for disposal under tho homestead
and pre-emption and uiiulng luw,i, Thu no
tusl settlers aro to b allowed to dato bach
their ntinlleatloim for humestends and tiro
emptiou titles to their respective periods of
occupancy; but thu claims must conform to
(overnment rectangular surveys anil bo
limited by all other rcquiriments of exist
ing laws.
.Von simper Jlcn Hlnit (Mil
Nrw Yobk, Jan. 11. Schiirz has arranged
to havu a guard nf policu in constant at
londanco tinon thu Utu chills, ho as to keep
newspaper innti nway from them during De
collations III waHliinuion. xuocxnuiiuaiiuu
of tho Indians will bo behind closed doors.
HI. I.onls Nlioemnkera.MnUo n Deiimnd.
St. Lonis. Jan. 11. Iloprosentotlvc from
boot and shoo factories held a meeting this
afternoon and adopted a resolution demand'
ing an adtanco of 10 per cent, in wages, to
go into effect January 15th. It was an
nounced that the new nchcdnlo bad boon
greed to In threo of tho factories, and that
others were considering tho proposition fa
vorably. It Is bellevod tho advance will bo
obtained without a ittlke.
Mailer In Maine.
Auousta, Jan. 12. Members o' tho llonie
were called to order by Hale anilWjntworth.
Fifly-flvo members, all llepublicans, an
swered to roll call and six wero subsequently
admitted, Members nf tho Hvnato mot In
the evoninsi roll call showed 18 members
.quorum; the news that tho Republicans
had taken tho Rtato houio caused great ex
citement and rejoicing.
Body Haatetiera.
Nr.w Yonx, Jan. 13. Superintendent
Talmer, of tho Mtplo Orovo comotnry,
where the body of Count Johannes was
bailed, received information Wednesday
that (COO had been offered for tho head and
brain of tho count, and thnt an attempt was
to be made to steal tho body somo night
during the week. Tho gravo Is carefully
guarded at night.
lite Murrierana Mrs.
Washington, Jan, 12, Thu Utu delegation
arrived this morning. They woro met at
the depot by two employes of tho Iudian
bureau, who esoortsd them to thoir quarters
at the 'Fremont Mount and have kont strict
watch upon them during tho day, Tho ho
tel has been beslogcd all day by crowds of
curious peoplo, anxious to see tho Indians;
but all wero disappointed, as tho official of
the interior department had given strict or
ders that they should not bo allowed to talk
to nnyone provloua to it council at tho de
partment. They remained iu their rooms
ull day.
Taking; Testimony.
Tho Houso committee on Indian affaire to
day began an investigation into tho causes
of the recent Utu outbreak. Qoueral Adams
was before tho rcmuilttco and gave, n long
Htatemeut of grievances of the Indians,
MUs Metker was present but did not testify.
Reporter were excluded.
UriMlaka nntt lgiil Vernier.
The Senate finance committeo this after,
noon after discussion of Dayiird'H resolution
to repial tbo legal tender power of green
backs, took n voto upon it, which resulted
In a decision to report It adversely. Yoli s
in favor of passage were cast by Ilsysid
Ktrnan, Wallace and Morrill. Those
niuriust it wero Deck, Vaorhees. Terry and
Allison. Jones, of Nevada, was absent, but
lie Is known to bit opposed.
Tha CM aro taah Yard.
Cxuciuo, Juu, 13, There was consider.
able excitement at the stock yards this mern
ing, owing to ataaulU made by Uulou men,
who, nuatile to stoure (heir old places in
packing houses, busied themselves la going
about the yards abusing non-uuion men,
aloulng thorn and striking them with sticks
as thoy passed In and out of the gites,
About 400 In all were eugaged In these out
rages, and several ol theso men were arrest
ed and marched to tho police station at the
point 'of a rovolver, followed by a hooting
crowd of their friends, The most of the
strikers and all the more reasonable ones
are at their halls; but should the arrests
continue, it Is feared that there will be
trouble and bloodshed. The police authori
ties rigard the situation as critical ami have
transferred a large foroe to the stock yards.
The superintendent ol tha polleo ordered
aaloous in the vicinity closed for the pre.
Oblo'a Oovaraor ana Heamlor,
CoLumcs, Q Jan, 13, Hon. Chai. Fos
ter ai inaugurated, governor to-day with
appropriate ceremony. Tha reception of
General Garfield, U, H. 3enator elect, took
place in the capltol at 8 o'clock this even
ing. After an Introductory by Genera! Fos
ter, Garflsld spoke in a patrlotlo strain for
soma minutes, lie created applause by a
warm compliment to Senator Thnruian.
Tlluea Want to Deollao .Urstecfully.
Nw Yoii, Jan, U. An lutimate friend
of Gov. Tllden expresses the firm belief that
Tildeu does not desire the next presidential
nomination for himself, but that he would
like to be In a position where he can decline
tho nomination gracefully in favor of some
candidate kuowu to be acceptable to him.
Whom Mr. Tilen would really prefer Is not
developed, but indications point to Gen.
Tiie ludlnu Trouble In Maw Mexico,
. CiiU'idOj Jan. U, Msjor Morrow tele
graphs General ttberrV& from New atexleo,
Jan. 13th. that he struck Chief Victoria
on the lath at 2 P. XI., and, drove him till
auudowu. Ho inade a strong stand but
Anally gave it up. The country ii inex
pieaslbly rough. Morrow reoorts that he
will strike him again to-day or to-morrow on
the Animus Guchlllo NIgro. Several hostile
wero killed ami wouuueu. juorrow iota
was Sergeant Qra killed and one Iudian
ecout wounded. Col. IWIoh thinks the In
diaus, belug hard pushed, will go to tho
Gila riur and back to Mexico, but hopes
that they will inako another stand and give
the troops nu opportunity to punish them
severely. On the !M lust., prospectors iu
the l'lorldii mountains wero surprited by
thirty ludmus aud ouo kilted nud two
wounded nud thtlr stock captured. On tbo
Cth instant C5 Indians were noar McEwen's
ranch, going toward Black Ilange, Major
Morrow In pursuit. To-day the governor ef
Chihuahua telegraphs to Ban Francisco
that about 100 Indians, with families, havo
gono north after committing great depredu
tfnns. tlilcf Ourny In n Complaining JMoil,
New Yoiiic, Jan. IS. It In understood In
n conference with Chief Ourny yesterday
Hchurz insisted thnt nil tho Utes must ro
move from Colorado. This statement is
luuilo on good authority, nud if truo Indi
cates that tho southern bind, which has ro
muinod pcaccnhlo and lint co-operated with
tho government authorities, it to be treated
tho same as tho hostile Utoa, so far as ban
ishment from tho State is concernod. It
appears that Ouray and his companions
uru nocomiitg considerably discontented wltn
tha Rtato of seclusion to which they aro sub
jected by theordcrri of thonocrctary. Ouray,
in particular, is suld to complain that while
jiu has proved himscll truo in every seine,
ho is (rented uioro ni n hostile than othcr-
wir, nun iiinucr, mat uo iiai novcr ween ni
lowed to present his sldo of tho caso to the
American people, suva cs It has been filtered
through olllclals of tho Interior department.
Tlio I'lxlol AruuiiK'iil,
Galvkstoh, Jan. in. J. J. ElltinK, ox
sheriff, nus shot dead tit Iluntsvillu by Peter
uncr io-(iiiy. ah oiii quarrel uoluuen tbo
two was rcnowed in n bar loom when Gnor
ran out to his vtni;on, ;ot n pistol and shot
Klkins four times. Grler was arrested.
Ilrtliicilmi or t'relcht (Imruro.
Cllicxuo. Jan. 1C Chnrtcrlna of vessels
for grain storago counties; but thoro is still
n scarcity of storagn as ricoipt aro heavy.
Thoro Is beginning to bo serious talk of a
reduction in tho excossivoly hlgn charges on
grnln from Chicago to tho Eastern cities. It
Is complained that if rates hoop up until
Spring most of the grain in storehouses will
go forward to liuffulo by lako, and that ono
or two roads will get all tho transportation
from thcro to tho seabqard. For this reason
tho other roads begin to agitate 20 or 25 per
cent, per 100 lbs, or about halt per cent,
Terms Plainly Hinted.
Tho terras proposod to tho Utos aro in
brief, that tho White rlvor culprits, shall bo
surrendered and that nil tho Utos shall con
sent to relinquish their reservations in
Colorado and settlo as farmers on the Uintah
reservation. Senator 11111 assured them that
nothing short of compliance with theso
tcrnu can possibly savo thorn from troublo
and ultimate destr action. Ouray insists
with apparent sincerity, that he will be tin
nolo to dcllvor the prisoners alive. The
government will probably solve to the pro
loin by conveying an intimation lo Ouray
that it will acocot tho prisoners either allvo
or dead, provided they aro actually and
prompuy uouvereu.
natter In Maine
Auocsta, Jan. IS. The fusloniits hsvo
elected Josoph L. Smith governor. Hut
two names were voted upon those of Garce
lon nud Smith. Smith will bo inaugurated
this afternoon. A Rood deal of bad foellng
is manifested. Although Jos, L. Smith has
beeu chosen governor, hu will not Issue any
orders that will conflict with tho position of
Gen, Chamberlain, He is not a rash man,
and will sco to it that his position is fully
sustained by the courts before proceeding to
action. Ho will await thu doclslou of tho
courts on tho questions pending beforo
takiug a single step that will interere with
tho orders of Gen, Chamberlain, He wilt
nut bo r i cognized as governor by Gen.
Decline to Obey.
AuncsTi, Jan. IS. Tbo following order
was Issued this morning.
Wm. A. LimiY. sheriff of Kennebjj
county Dear Sir : The services of yoursult
and deputies arn roqulred no longer to pro
tect publlo building. You will plcako dis
miss them at once, Itespcctfully,
(Blgucd.) JAMES D. LAMBON,
Acting Governor.
Sheriff I.lbby docs not recoirolze Lauison
as governor, uud declines to obey tho order.
He has ordered his deputies on dutv to.
Determined to koen up tho role be has
assuuud liSiuson to-day appointed his stall".
tliirny Is Itrllreut Iuvrtlitlloii lleftmi
CiiicAiio.'Jau. 10. Western members ar
not well pleased with the interior depart
ment In treating tho Indian questiou. It is
understood that this delay is fuvorod by
General Sherman on tho ground that if a
war is to como it is better that it be post
poned until the troops can take tho field.
Senator Hill, of Colorado, visited Ouray and
tried to draw that wily chief into conversa
tion, but did but meet with much success.
Ouray has evidently been "coached," or
else his native cunning would not permit
him to speak freely for far he would preju
dice his case. He fought shy of every ques
tion the answer to which would have re
vealed his Intentions, replylug In every case
that be preferred to wait till the Secretary
had given him an idea of what the Govern
ment would do. He made only one satis
factory statement, aud that was that bis peo
ple wauled peace and would be willing to
settle apon a new reservation, provided they
were given 1C0 acres for each lamlly and a
sum of money with which to buy a necessary
outfit, together with some presents.
The House Indian committee Wf an Its in
vestigation into the cause of the outbreak
to-day by taking the testlmouy of Oeu.
Adams, Ho thinks Meeker was largely to
blamo for these outrages. Miss Meoker
will b examlued on Saturday, but it is not
expected she will add Anything to what she
hu already told the publlo in her publlo in
terviews. FOUKIGM NEWS.
Gloomy Kuflaud.
Nxw Youk, Jan. 14, A cable dispatch to
the Herald, dated Loudon, Jan. 3d, says;
The new year has opened dismally In Eng
land, Our coasts are swept by tempests and
there is hourly apprehension of a new storm.
The newspapers print gloomy summaries of
the year that has gone a year that has
witueaaed Isandula, tha Freuch Prinoe Im
perial's death and the luaaiaor ol Cavag
narl. Mark Lane Wheal Report.
IiOXPO. Jan. 13. Tho Mark Lane Ex.
press, reviewing the British grain trade for
the past we,ek, says: , Iu consequenoo of
comparatively favorable weather farmers
have brea actively engsged with arrears of
sowiug. Consequently threshing was some
wkat BfgUcted, and deliveries of wheat at
the ' principal markets have diminished,
Thu condition of the majority of offerings,
however, was so bad that wilier wouh
scarcely ioox at sample. bai nave ueeu
few. and oulr 'dnr. lots maintained Price.
The bulk ol bn(nes in Mark Lane con
sisted oi purchases uy coun'ry miner oi
hard, dry. -ffireliru wheaU as substitutes for
or mixture with English. Dullness in Mark
Lane has been depressed, i iu mow of Amer
ican Urge surplus buyirs were content to
t-Atuly Immediate, requirements, and in con
sequence of a weaker feeling ou the part of
Imulers they have beeu enabled to, do so ca
rather easier terms, llujers appear to at
tach little importance to the great specula
tive movement iu Ametlct, Judglug from
tho present apathetio Btate of the grain
trado and the fact that stocks at the princi
pal ports in the United Kingdom aro oonsld
erably in excess of thoso at the same time
last yoar, whllo quantity on passage exceeds
2,250,000 quarters, it is Improbablo that
hopes of American speculation will bo just
at present realized. Stocks of tnnlzs in this
country nro unusually small, Tbo price,
however, has fallen 3 shillings per quarter in
a fortnight, doubtless owing practically to
tho unbounded stock In America,
Oats nro rather favored imports. Arrivals
at ports of.cnll wero moderate, and trado was
decidedly quiet.
Wh.'at declined a shilling to a shilling and
bIx pence per qunrtcr. Wheat for shipment
was quiet, buyers still holding off, though
somo sellers nre offering n shilling to a shil
ling and six ponco decline Sales of Enc-
Hsh wheat lust week were 37,000 qrs at 4Gs,
2d. per qr against 37,100 qrs. at 39s. 7d.
por qr. for corresponding week last Year.
Imports into tho United Kingdom during Ibo
week ending Jiimury 3d wero 1,292,781
owls wheat and 320, 1G3 cwts of Hour.
On lliu Verunur Hiartnlloii.
DMtress In Ireland Is Increasing. Five
hundred inhabitants in tho Knlobog district,
county Limerick, am on tlio brink of s'jirvn
lion. Thoy proceeded to-day In a body to
Croorn nnd obtained four cartloads of bread
by urgent representation of their extremity.
Tho streets of Cork nro patioled by mounted
police, and tho pinglstrates of tho city hsvo
passed resolutions urging grenter activity in
tho suppression of demonstrations partaking
of tbo nnturo of bread rlnts, and asking for
tho appointment of additional police. Sixty
nble-bodicd men, with their families, wero
yestorduy admitted to tho Klilarney work
house. A woman npplicd for ndmissiou on
Tuesday, with her children, ouo of whom
was dead in ucr arms from hunuor and ex
posure, tbo woman having walked a distance
of forty miles. Tho mayors of Sheffield
and Urlghton and other towns have opened
relief subscription, but tbo universal op!u
tan is that privato relief cannut copo with
tho distress
Opportunity lo Consnlt.
Londok, Jan, IS, The presenco in Lon
don of the Duke of Marlboreugh, Lord Lieu
tenant of Ireland, and Illght Hon. Janint
Lowther, Chief Secrotary of Ireland, will
afford tho government seasonable opportu
nity for consulting with them on tho present
condition of tho country, and it is to be
hoped that tho result of tho consultation
will bo tho adoption of such measures as
will eficotually preserve tho peace, which is
now seriously threatened. The dAnger is
limited to tho west, whero there is constant
apprehension of a confilot.
A .New l'olltloat Ora-nu In Tarls.
Pinis, Jan. 15. Tho first number of La
Justice, a radical nowspapcr, started by
Clemence, a mourner of tho chamber of dep.
utles, mado Its appearanco to-day. It de
mands adoption by the government of a
frank, popular polioy aud the application of
me principle oi equity in ah matters, includ
ing amnesty.
Noclnllsiu at Worn.
Vis.xma, Jan. IS. A serious disturbance
ocourred in Pestb, in conscqueuco nf a duel
between llaron Mnlthenyl and Herr Verhorsy,
a member of parliamout, in which the latter
was fatally wounded. Herr Verhoray was
editor of tho Hungarian radical uowspaper
and Attacked Count Feslotles, a fellow mem
ber, with llaron Malthenyi, of an aristo
cratlo national Casino club. Partisans of
Yerburay any that Mallbsnyl Is a prof,
slonal duelist, the best pistol shot in Hun
gary, and was put forward In the quarrel for
tho purpose of silonclng Verhoray, who is
wry distasteful to the aristocrats, but pop
ular with the masses.
In tho riot that eniued two persons were
shot by the military. No disturbances would
havo occurred if the police had not provoked
tho people by their brutality. 1'Iiu work
men aru reported to bh marching fnm thu
suburbs to tho town. Soldiers uro confined
to their barrack.. Tho garriiou of Posth
will bo reinforced by ouo regiment each of
Infantry aud dragoons.
Itnasln'a Love ol I'eaee.
Sr. Frrxiuuiuna, Jau. 7. Invalldo Iluise
contradicts tho sensational telegrams rela
tive to alleged Itussiau military prepara
tions on the western fronlicr, and points
out thnt only but December Itusstu's love
of peace caused her to reduce the army
lliirty-six tuousanil below a peaco footing.
Further peace measures and further reduc
tion of the Army, that journal says are con
templated. Ilrlllart Troop In Afctiauttlaa.
Lonuom, Jan, 12. Owing to the cold
weathor and exposure, there Is much slck
noss among the British troop atCabul.
An expedition is preparing at Candahar
for movements against Gbuxnl and Herat,
as a countei stroke to the apprehended juno
tlon of hostile Afghans of Herat and Gnuxnl
for another attack on Cabul. Five thou
sand Maumouds who crossed the Cabnl
river near Dakka, have been completely de
feated. General Doron arrived from Lunde
too lata to cut off their retreat.
tuarrcl Amea: Army OSUeers.
A serious quarrel Is reported at Kalltcfa,
Poland, between Ituaslan and German offi
cers. While at dinner and lu course of po
litical argument the Humans used insulting
language to Germany. Bloodshed was
averted by a Russian Colonel ssnding horn
tho German officer under escort. The Ger
man Ambassador at St. Pateriburg has been
luitructed to nk an explanation from ltus
sia. The quarrel is regarded at Berlin a a
striking revelation of tho present tone of
Ituaslan military circles.
New (Jolil Ulseovery.
Six Fbancisco, Jan. 1C The discovery of
gold placers about a mile and a half east of
the village ol Hopland and IS mile north
of Gloverdale, Sonoma county, is reported,
The country has been prospected over a bait
mile square, giving two to four cents to the
pas. A company is now engaged in bring
ing water on the grouud,
Htay or roeUa(a,
Judge Sawyer, of the Circuit Court, has
granted a stay of 20 day for the dctmdants
to prepare an appeal to the V. S. Bupreree
Court, from a decision remandina the case
of Burke against Fair, Flood, et al, to the
State court. The 'examination on deposi
tion of John H, Burke to the executors' ac
count with the O'Briun estate, was con
cluded to-day. Janie V. Cole'ruan, an exec
utor, aumittm mat tna executors bad re
ceived from Flood & O'Brien over f 1,000,
000, not included in the Inventory or
account; ulso that O'Brien owned a seat in
the stock board and interest in Oakland
real citato not mentioned in the inventory
r acoouut. Opponent's couniel closed by
placing in evidence a copy of the Dally Ex
oliange of July 19, 1S7S. to show the market
value of stocks sold to Fair at private sale.
San IUfakl, Jau, 10. Wm. ,v -. ex-
conwet oi on uentlu, was txu u i P ro
lo day for the murder of Uermau hohlcr,
ouo of the foremen in the prison. The
prisoner's nerve did not fall him. alihouuh
weuk from Bluets, aud hU last words were I
to the sheriff, " Do your duty sharp."
WAsutNOTON, Jan, 13.
Saulsbory, by request, introduced ft bill
to preserve thu secrecy of telegrams.
Carpenter, from thu Judiciary Committee,
reported ndversely n bill to extend thu Juris
diction of the U.S. Supremo Court calendar.
A bill appropriating $1,000 for farnlturo
In the House passed.
ExocutUu communications wero road and
Money, cbnirmuu of (ho committeo on
postoffices, submitted n report to nccompaiiy
tho bill for tho establishment of return letter
offices; rolcrrcd.
The IIouso wnnt into committeo of tho
wholo ou tho icport of the committeo on
Dunnell objected lo rulo 120, prohibiting
nny amendment to an appropriation bill
which changed existing law unless It re
trenched I'Xpoudlturu. Tho rulo was un
democratic, submitting tho Houso to the
control of a lmro majority of tho commit
teo on appropriatlous. Ho also opposed
the rulo requiring tho coinincrco commit
teo to tireparo tho river nut harbor bill
for tho couimltteo on appropriatlous. Ho
donounced nu attempt to mnko tho river
and harbor bill appear to bo a gigantio
Barber opposed that proposition also.
Whltthorno bclloud that ono committeo
should control tho appropriations.
Brown took tho opposite viow. Making
tho appropriations committee the solo arbi
ter wan setting (up on nrislocracy and mak
ing tlit Speaker nn autocrat,
Tho committeo then rose.
SbellAbiirger then introduced n bill to
rofand tho nations! debt, roduco Intorcst
and improvo tho publlo credit, Adjjurnod.
Waiiiisotok, Jan, 12.
Paddock introduced n bill to nuthorlze
tho appointment of commissioners to ascer
tain and report tho losses Bustainod by citi
zens of tbo United States on account of tho
Indian deprodatlom , and to adjust tho claims
arising therofrom; roferred.
Tho Houso bill providing for tho Circuit
Courts and tho District Courts of the United
Slates at Columbus, Ohio; and transferring
certain counties Irom northern to southern
districts nf that Slate, was taken up and
The Vice President laid before tho Senate
a communication from tho postmastor gen
eral rocotuuiendlug various minor deficiency
appropriations for 1879, amounting to
Kernan and Ssnlsbury prosented memo
rials for tho withdrawal of tho legal tender
quality of treasury notes,
Tho bill fer the prevention of cruolty to
nnimsls in trausoorlation, laid over until
Monday usxt.
Davis, of Illinois, tho Vice Presldont,
Williams, Alison, Kirkwood, Baldwin, Ferry,
Davis, Pendleton uud others presented pe
titions of women, asking for the removal of
their political disability, and for a constitu
tional amendment giving women citizens tho
right to voto,
Several petitions woro presented for the
commission f inquiry In alooholla liquor
The following bill were Introduced and
referred :
Ballon To reduce the tax on deposits
nuujeci lopsyment, wun persons and associ
ations engsged In the banking business.
F. Wood -To facilitate tho refunding of
thn national debt.
Waruer, ol Ohio To stop paper inflation
uud provide for the necessary Increase in
tho olume of currency by frto. coinage of
sliver or gold and silver and gold certificates.
Forsythe To increase tho circulation of
national banks, to relieve tksm from tho
payment ol tax on clrmhtlou, to liquidate
the debt and strengthen publlo credit.
Hatch For the importation of cork frco
of duty.
Shrllborn For tbo transfer of Ihe Indian
bureau to Ihe War Department.
Davis To restrict Chinese Immigration.
Updegraff Fixing tho tiuio for counting
the vote for President and Vice President.
The bill for free importation of classical
antiquities passed.
Crittenden (by request) For a national
jail and prison.
Dlbley, of 111, Declaring all publlo roads
postal roads.
Gunter To equalize homesteads; also to
graduate and reduoe the price of publlo
lands to actual settlers.
Simmons lteneallng the law imposing
a special tax on domestlo wine.
Wllletts Extending the jurisdiction of
the United circuit and district courts over
crimes committed by Indians,
Upson To Prohibit and Danish tha .nl.
lstting or transfai of mall lotting,
Bedford To create a mineral bureaw at
the aeat of government.
Uaraer moved to suspend the rule and
to auopi a resolution lor tha annointmant nf
a committee of seven to Inquiro into the
method and manner of paying pensions, ar
rears of pensions, bounty and back pay to
soldiers, and ascertain whether any irregu
laritie exist in the payment of the same; to
investigate any subject of complaint whioh
may be lodged with them as to the pay.
nient, rejection or suspension of any pen
slon, bounty or back pay with a view to the
enactment of such legislation a may oor
rsct existing defect, and protect the pen
sioner In his right. The Garflold resolu
tion will be allowed to lie over for a week as
he was not sure that in It present shape It
would not seriously embarrass the pension
office In thn present payment of pensions.
The resolution was adopted; yea. 183:
nays C6,
Hatch moved to suspend the rules and
pass the bill providing for ihe importation of
salt free from duty. Lost; yea 115; naya
UC: not the necessary two-thirds in the
Morton preseated n memorial of theTTntnn
Paciflo and other roads asking for a reduc
tion oi duty upon steel rails from $23 to 910
per ton. Deferred to the way and mean
Cox presented a petition from manufac
turers ana mercntnu of Kew York city,
representing fJOO.OOO.OOO active capital, for
the enactment of a law to give effect to
treaty obligations a to trade mark.
Wasbwotoh, Jan, 15.
A bill to establish a nw land district in
Dakota. Passed,
Maxey, from the committee on post offices
reported favorably Senate bill for Ihe deliv
ery of dutiable articles in the mails and for
iimemnuy tor lost registered articles.
McPherson aud Baldwia nr.'spntl nti.
lion of women asking n constitutional
amendment giving women the right of suf
frage. Allison, from the committee on finance
announced that he was directed by that com!
mitteo to report back a joint resolution for
tho withdrawal of tho compulsory legal ten
der power of United States Treasury notes.
Tho committeo had mado n verbal amend
ment to tho resolutk n, unanimously ngreo
ing to it with nn amendment, and ordored
him to report tho resolution ndversely. Ho
understood that there was n minority report
to bo pmsentad, nud asked that it bu placed
on tho calendar for tho present. So or
dered. Tho nniendmont nmdo by tlio majority in
tho phraseology of Bayard's joint resolution
merely changes tho words "United States
Trensury notes" to "United Stntos notes."
jlorgan presented tno credentials oi ajuko
4'ryofi appointed Senator from Alabama.
l'rvor took tno mourned num.
Tho bill to rcliovo tbo United Slates Trend
urcr from tho nmouut now chnrged against
him aud deposited with several Stilted was
taken up.
Thurmnn opposed tho resolution. Hu
snld tho monoy belonged to tho United
States, aud should ba paid according to thu
original understanding.
Tho morning hour hnvhig expired, tho
bill went over, nnd Morrill called up for con
sideration his resolution instructing tho
ilnauco committeo to inqutra into tho prac
ticability of refunding tho publlo dobt nt n
less rato of interest than four per ccut. and
mndo n speech thcrcau.
Washington', Jan. IS.
Upson, from tho committeo on military
affairs, reported n bill appropriating $200,
000 for tho crct!on of suitublo posts for tho
protection of tho ltlo Graudo frontier. He
fcrred to committee of tho wholo.
Warner, from tho committee on banking,
reported back n resolution directing tho Sec
rotary of the Troosury to report under what
law and conditions tho United States Treas
ury becatno n inomborof the Now York clear
ing houso, aud whether said clonrlng house
accopts treasury certificates payable lu silver
csln in settlement of balances, or whether
tbo settlement of balances in standard silver
dollars or silver certificates is prohibited by
tho rules of the clearing houso. Adopted,
j. i i
Stato and Territorial.
outhern Orejron.
The corn shollor at Eaglo mill
is run by
water power,
At tho Jacksonville
orders wero issued.
office 2.CS9 postal
Tho Ashland flouring mills are grinding
about 8,000 pounds of Iloar a day.
Tho frost has lost it grip, and minors in
various localities aro again at work.
An ico home has boon built near Ashland
and 23,000 pounds of ice placed therein.
Seven passengers, beside tlio crew, per
ished in the schooner Mary D. Pomeroy.
Tlirco hundred and twenty acres of land on
Bear creek were sold at sheriff's sale fur
Thero wero 33 interments in tho Jackson
ville cemetery in 1873. Eight of tho number
were Chinese.
Wm. Noah, a lad thirteen yoars of age,
slipped from a foot log whilo crossing Evans
creek on the 3d instant and was drowned.
Fire companies and brass bands havo lost
their attractions for Ashland youths and thoy
now indulge in dreams of a military com-
Thn Jacksonville papors, tho Sontinoi and
Times, aro 24 and 0 vsars old. rcsnectivnlv.
are both good local papers and both of them
During tho year 1870 1.2C1 money orders
were issued from tho Ashland xst office, rep
resuming mo total amount oi .",,.'IU -"J, an
Averago of 2l 65 to tho order. Registered
tetters to the number of 529 woro also scut
during tho year.
Baled hay (20 and looia hay $15 per ton in
Capt. A. I). Helman has beon postmaster at
iniauu over siucu mo omce was llrst estab
lished thero in 1850.
Mr. SIcMahon of Leavenworth, Kansas, is
expected to arrivosoon to tako charge of tho
Ashland woolen mills as foreman.
Tho foundation of the Odd Fellows new
brick hall at Ashland is giviugway, render
ing a rebuilding of tho entire front wall neces
sary. Miners throughout Southern Oregon aro
busy as beavers. Tho prospect for a good
season's run is excellent and tho water supply
tho largest ever known.
The dam of the Eureka mill was swept
away by tho sudden rise of Bear creek last
week. The county road was seriously dam
aged by the catastrophe.
New quarters are to be built at Fort Klam
ath next 8pring for the enlisted meu, both
wiry aim imamry, Ane ouicers quarters
aro commodious and in good repair.
It is now conceded bv exrarinnMul stnxk.
men that even under the best possible cir
cumstances, ttlO loss Of Stock in .Urt.nn .Ir,..
ephine and Lake counties will be immense.
Ihe long continued storm has weakened and
impoverished cattle, to such an extent that as
soon as the ground becomes soft and miry
they will be unable to get food and will con-
sequentiy pertsn.
VUllaasetlo Vallry.
The bridce across the Yamhill rivr f T ...
fayetto was not injured by the high water or
Her. P. S. Knight will begin a course of
lectures on his recent Eastern trip, at Salem
next Sunday,
Nearly one hundred boxes of tinplates
have been engaged for tho re-roofing of the
State House.
A four-year-old son of W, R, Derby, of
Lafayette, fell while playing around tho room
and broke his Arm.
A bridge across Fanno creek, on tho Tay.
lor a ferry road, hu just betn completed. It
is 378 feet long aud cost 3533.
The Yamhill river at Dayton attaine a
point between 40 and 45 feet above low water
mark, the greatest height since 1862.
Kramer's tailoring establishment, Salem,
was entered on Monday night and a dozen
pair of panU and several bolt of cloth were
A farm of ICO acres, 100 under cultivrnn
was sold at sheriff, sale in Washington
county last week for 310. Ben Cornelius"
of T: urest G rove, being tho purchaser.
Allen rarker, of the Oneatta mills, has re
oeivcsl he contract for furnishing sir! million
feet of lumber to be shipped to China. There
U a good time ahead for tho Yaquina Bay
Mr. James Smith, of tho steamer Nellie,
overhauled the Independence warehouse
while floating down tho rherhut Friday, and
Ef ? . the
i Hi "Xttl t i oomn w cued to one
half of that rescued,
Wm. Stricklcr, a pioneer of '52. died at
Barlow's gato on the 24th ult, aged 75 years.
isiuresrawij woolen mills were not
thTtm rooT temPkt' byni1 I of
A Bartlett pear, one of a third crop from
in 08ay:.hPliUelSJ:l' hM ,
Tho sum of $1,400, Interest on the irredn
ciblo school fund of the Stato, has been col
lectod and sent to Salom from Clackamas
county since July.
Granville Ponulcxtor, of Lano cocnty, was
compollcd to shoot two of his most valuablo
horses last week, becatno of tho glanders) a
precautionary measure to keep tho disoaso
from spreading.
A family, of father, molhcr nnd six ,man
children, near Siherton, havo been reported
as in needy cirotinutmicos owing to tho sick
ness of tho father. Cases of real powrty aro
rnro lu our Stato and usually mcot prompt re
lief. Tho Silvcrton slaco driver was on WV.In...
day morning compelled to abandon his stags
at Pudding river, ferry tho mall, bairgago and
passengers iu n skiff for about a miio lieforo
ho could effect a landing nnd thou continuo
his journey iu n lumber wagon.
Wheat 1 per bushol in Albany,
A broom factory will shortly bo established
at Kojcburg.
C. H. Hewctt has been olectod city attor
ney for Albany.
A school iu tologr.ipliy will bo opened in
Albany Feb. 1st.
t'ajotcs nro miking sad h.ivoo among sheep
in Calnpooia valley.
Ono farm in Polk county reports 91,000
worth of flnu timber ruined by thu galo,
John Wnymlro of Polk county, wns badly
hurt by his horse stumbling nnd falling upon
Tho Hoscburg Plnlndcalcr nnd Star havo
"doubled teams aud bought a now power
Tlio steamer Xcllia will carry tho wheat
that remains in tho Kola warehouses to Si
loin for CO cents cr ton,
Tho mail sack was lost between Oakland
and Klkton whilo tho carrier was attempting
to cross Elk creek in a skiff.
Tho protracted meeting at Buena Vista
closed on Sunday, llesults of tlio meeting,
two ucccssions to tho church.
J. 8. llolman, ono of Polk county's most
honored citizens, died at his residence in
Monmouth last week aged 07 years.
The Odd Fellows of Bucna VJata publicly
installed their officers last evening. Judge
V. G. Piper dollverod an eloquent addroison
tho occasion.
Iloads throughout the countrv arn In .
frightful condition, muddy, washed out,
bridges gono and generally obatruotod with
fallen timber.
W. J. Stevens of Linn county, has had a
felon on his right hand that has caused him
four months of suffering and tho loss of the
use of his middlo and iudox fingers.
Tho citizens of Buena Vista havo rosolved
to havo a sidewalk from their town to the
river, and will proceed to put their good res
lutions Into practico by building it At once.
A daughter of Mr. Joseph Latno of Halsey.
has become insano, tlio edicts, it is thought,
of an injury to tho spino loecived four or five
years ago. Her malady assumed violent
form nnd she has beeu committed to tho aiy
lum for treatment.
And now comes Halsey, putting on metro
politan airs and boasting a first class sensa
tion. Tho principal parties named aro Dr.
Snydornnd a young woman whom ho had in
troduced iuto Halsey society a his sister.
Tho doctor has decamped,
Albany street lamps don't glimmer through
tho mist theso nyenings with a sufficient
l"?ii ?Y to "P t,' vern8o citizen from
... nu mtu mi fciuior. uio council is ap-
pealed to, on behalf of citizens and sojourners
to shed more light on tho city's dark places.
V.nnt of rue Mountain
Tho telephono has reached Spokano Falls.
J'" Mt of Ncz Pcrco county, Idaho, is
cl j,000.
r A."?iw '?t,c.r comPny I' keen organized
in Walla alia.
A largo nnd fine school houso will bo built
at Dayton the coming Summer.
Great Improvements aro iu prospect at
Da) ton during tho coming season.
This Winter, so far. has Iteon an oxcellcnt
ono for live stock iu Klickitat valley.
si.Ti'i' V.ca,uro "'''pment from Dayton by
.,..': lW c"- 'nountcd during Deo. to
fl,l52 30.
Tho steamer Almota is very busy carrying
rails and ties Ijutwecii Wallula and Ainswortfi
for the Is. P. It. I.
Mr. Roberts, of Itockford, threshed during
tho past season 40.000 bushels of grain on the
east sldo of Hangman creek.
Tho Chinook winds have cleared the snow
from tho Dayton and WalU W.ll. -,..
and tho farmers are busy plowing.
inewwlston Teller advocatos building a
narrow cause rallrn.,1 imm ri.inn
Camas Prairie, 75 miles.
Yakama conntv nrmliK...! oa in.. r !...
last year. The foundation for how many
drinks of lager can any one tell !
The ilruif stora nf Knln.. v i-i i ...
The Dalles, was burtOur!.) iJi.',i.
night and about $150 worth of stock ub
stracted. li-t Bound.
Men have msjln na l.,l. .. am t a i
hoveling snow in Seattle,
rrom thd Astonani
The firemen of Astoria are preparing for a
gTand masquerade ball on the 0th of Febru
ary, tJ!leiGodTemP,?r,0,Alo" ar Pwpar
"S,0 hU oAbIo and reunion ii their
hall on Tuesday evening.
,,m!c?Land rid8 pole was picked
"P he beach. It is suppoud some ono
camped at sea hu been disturbed,
uJJ' ,iWnre,t,s? ?f tho wrcck ' the old
fl iiJflJtGre Ie,t 00 roe- near this city
in 18-18, has disappeared in the last storm.
British Columbia.
i,?1!0! i ,affrJn 8rtly in the interior of
the island, and business is at a standstill oa
account ol tha intense cold and deep snow.
Butchers have raised tho price of meats 30
per cent, in anticipation of a scarcity of food
and loss of stock within the past few days.
hT" f E0rt of Pfvneil productions for
the last three months foot up $338,132 an
lZKl l 5100'000 ov' the export, of
the corresponding quarter in 1 87 jl,
b,ynnd'fr0,Jer,,.f()m 0tu inquiries have
VicVSl SfiS, ""rtajn'the WPaeity of
ictoria and the surround ng country to 'fur
nish supplies for the railroad co S, The
Canadian rovernment desire to sw the re
moTbe,?irihlS MUUtr' iVl " heir "l'
l.Watf,Ci0e..risfnSh: taF? l
Sound. t i-
Lacornnlrrd hM le'n l,Pobua postmaster at
K.eW?re,Mmarri'Sliqense issued in
S.?" .eyeuty-two d7tb.
.... ..V,HV,( ,u ul0 ,amo ,lme
fS!J.liMtyMt'll went t0 San Francisco
except one cargo that went to the bottom of
the ocean.
ni!iZelJI0f.a,0rt Townend ro taking stcpa
ta.id'f'Ct.,lcamWt communication b
aJZU nCl?Y anJ U CcnaeT accommo
mini " Ca,V"" "'"I JWtish Columbia
miners en route for the Skagit gold diggings.
fjWctcitii;i.-M-aM-mptymmm,w ' "
TuToSS.. iTiCnlSSiir'mKummi
sjsta. WW oow-swaaisss ' - ' -