Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 31, 1879, Image 7

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    irrT, - - xniir-'iitiriuwwMiiiariWT imwumigA
Conducted I))- Jlrs. Harriot T. Clarke.
I lmc (ships ilia' went to ten
More than fifty yi.irs ngo,
Kono h.ia yet coma Kiel: to,c,
lint keep sailing to nml fro.
I li.ia seen them in my sleep,
Plunging through the shoreless: ileep,
With tnttcrcil tails nml hnttercil hull.
While nrounil them scream the gulls,
An they tail, ns they tail.
1 haAo vomlcreil uhero they strnycil
Troni me tailing rotmil tho worfil,
Anil I've mid I'm l-nlf nfrahl
That their mils will no'er ho furled.
(Ircat tho troanutcs that they hoi J,
Silk? ami pluinci, ami liars of gold,
While tho spices that they hear
Till Ith fragrance, all tho nir,
As they tail, as they sail.
I!rcry sailor ot the poit
Knows that I hae thif ! at sen,
Of tlio winds ami waves tho spoit,
Ami tho tnilon pity mo,
And they como ntnl Mith ti.o nail;,
Cheering me uitli hopeful tnlli,
Till I put my fears nilr,
And, contented, trntch the tiilu
Hits and fall, rito and fall.
I lmvo randen.d on the piers,
Lookiotf for them dun n tho bay,
Day nnd nights for many years,
Till l'o turned lieart-sicl; away.
Hat tho pilots when thoy laud
Como and take mo by tho hand,
Raying you will llvo to seo
Your proud vessels como frimi sea,
Quo and nil, ono and nil.
So I never ipiitc despair,
Nor let hopes or courage fail,
And tome day when the aliy is fair,
Up tho bay my ships will sail,
I can buy then all I need,
I'riuts to look at, books to read,
Horse, wines and woil.n of art,
Kvcry thing except her heart)
That Is lost, evermore.
Once, when I was puro nnd young,
Poorer, too, tlnu I nm now,
l"er n shadow 0'ir mo clung,
Or a wrinkle created my brow.
Thero was ouo who ouco was mine,
Hut sho's something now divine,
And when come my ship from tea
They can briu no In art to me.
There arc tonic hearts tint, like, tho loving
Cling tu jinkiiidly roiks and ruir.cd towers.
Spiriti that sillier do not rcplno
l'atlciit nnd sweet in Ioiiy trodden llowors,
That fiom tho tmitor'n hcil atine.
And tiling luck ndoiuus breath instead of
ltut thcronro other hiaits that will not feel
1 he lonely luu tint haunts their eyes and
That wound fond fni;li u ith micr worse than
And out of pity' spring draw idlo tcirs.
0, .Vntuie, shall it ctr lv thy will
111 thing with good to nuiigle, good with 111.
Whv should tho heavy fcot of sorrow irei
Tho willing heart u( uncomplaining Ioo-
Moctt charity tliat nliinii.s not irom utsirusJ,
(.icntlcness, loth her tj rants to reprove!
Tlioucii virtuo ween fonner nnd lament,
Will nno fiard heart turn to Iter and repent?
WhysholM tho rccd bo broken that will
And thiA' that dry tho tears in olhera cyo.i
l'ecl tin own nnpilih t welling without end,
Their Mmimcr il.ukeni.il ith tho smoko of
Sure, I'ovo to sumo fair region of her own
Willlleo fit hut r.i.d knu us here Mono.
i i
vu Mcvpeth nhvny wtepotli for tho past,
for vne that r.to, for woes that may be
tide: Why should not hard ambition veep nt last,
Hovy nnd liatml, naricu mid pride!
l'jto bispeni that so low is jour poor lot,
They would bo nbolsi lovo rubelluth not.
Cm. tlrant nnd the Children.
Onu of tho finest (raltd (lint slilno in
hU character Is Ills lovo for nnd nt-
tentlon to children nnd tho youth of
tho country. Ho litis imvnya In his
arrangement of public ntrulra paid par
ticular attention to tho niuniigomont
of public and frco schools, Interesting
himself In tho ropulur education of
tho masses. It Is for this reason that
tho schools of Portland found so prom
inent placo on tho programmo for
The reception of this distinguished
The carrlago In which Grant rodo
halted In front of tho Central school
houso where 1,600 children wero
ranged In front of tho building. Thcso
Httlo girls, most elegantly dressed,
presented baskets of raro llowers,
which wero received with n fow
pleasant words. Hut Just nt this timo
tho rain began to fall, and tho sudden
uprising of thousands of umbrellas
prevented tho children or nnyono
else from seeing tho Goncral. Tho
children loudly lamented that they
"couldn't seo General Grant good"
so ho with tho kindness and courtesy
which ho nlwtiv show to youth
told them that ho would como tho
noxt day nnd seo them again. So tho
next nftormou ho was e-scortcd
to tho different buildings by Mayor
Thompon nnd Superintendent Craw
ford, saylug a fow words at each
iwint, tho children giving him thrco
good round cheers ns ho departed.
Tho caro nnd thoughtfulness shown
theso young peoplo was thoroughly
appreciated, and this "silent man of
destiny" will nover bo forgotten by
thcso young people, who will toll of
"seeing Grant" long alter his volco is
silent In tho grave.
"Who can measure tho silent Influ
ence ot thoso fow words ho spoko up
on tho minds of thoso who aro coming
up to All our places In the busy work
ing world.
Tub Willamette Kai.mer is tho farmer's
piper, nod will wsit you 2 ur.es a year for
$2.00 in advance.
l''nu:r Ai'i'M:". Have a fruit pan
ready with n Httlo lard or any good
drippings In It, paro tho apples and
cut in slices it little moio than a quar
ter of an Inch In thickness; fry quick
ly; when brown on each ldo they arc
cooked; put them on n plato and
spread a Httlo butter on tliein, then
sprlnklo on them a little sugar; borve
warm. You may take them then
from tho basket to tho tablo In less
than twenty minutes.
JuM.Y Cakh One cup of sugar;
one-half cup of butter; threo eggs;
one tcaspoonful of soda and two of
cream tartar; threo tablespoopsful of
sweet milk and ono cup ol Hour.
Potato Caki Work cold mashed
potatoe.H soft with n Httlo melted but
ter and milk; add enough prepared
Hour to roll It out half uu Inch thick,
cut Into rounds with n blcult cutter,
and bake In n quick oven to a nice
brawn. Huh n Httlo butter over each
Juut brfjio thoy nro done.
Tomato Catsui. To ono gallon
of itpo tomatoes uso four t.tblcsponu-
fills of .silt, four oT ground Mack pep
per, throe tnblo.-qioonfuls of ground
mustard, half u tnblespoonful of
ground allspice, half u tnblespoonful
of clove, six red pepper.", uround
due; Milliner tho wholo slowly, with
n pint of vinegar, threo or four hours;
then strain through n Move; con; it
tight; tho catsup should bo made In n
tin vessel, nnd thu later In tho feao!i
It Is mado tho less liable It Is to spoil.
This recipo Is over twenty years old,
and always gavo satisfaction.
aunt: Tomato Picklus. One
peck of green tomatoes, ono dozen
largo onions; sllco tho tomatoes nnd
onions thin; pack them Inn Jar In
layers with salt between; let thorn
stand twenty-four hours; take out una
drain tho Initio off. To this put ono
ounco of mace, ono ouuco of white
ginger, ono ounco of celery teed,
half ouuco of elovce, half pound whlto
mustard seed, two tablcspoonfuls of
black pepper, thrco pounds of brown
sugar, nnd nno quart of vinegar. Poll
until tender.
Low C'aki:. rive cupful of Hour
(sifted, of course), four cupful of su
gar, two cupful of butter; ttir butter
and Btigar together till "inoolh nnd
white. Seven egfs beaten to n high
froth, ono cupful of four milk, one
grated nutmeg, one tnblespoonful of
coda dissolved In hot water; heat nil
togother with it s-poon, nnd, then, If
yon wish, mid fruit well rolled In
flour. This make. u very nice eako
nnd keeps well.
Cookiis. Ono cupful of butter, ouo
ami u half cupfuls of j-ugnr, fourotrgs
well beaten, half n cupful of sour milk
and u tnblespoonful of todn; caraway
seeds nro nlco (if ouo Is fond ol them)
for seasoning; if lemon or cinnamon
nro preferred, n tcaspoonful Is sufll
clout. Stir In Hour till qulto stiff;
knead well and roll thin, nnd cut In
ntiy&luipo you fancy; bako quickly
nml keep In n dry place. They never
mould nnd nro very convenient to
keep on hand.
To Itcinovc Mildew rrom Clothing.
Wot tho mildewed garments In
cold, soft wntor, nnd apply nbout equal
quantities of soap and salt, ns much ns
can bo spread upon tho places dam
aged. Then lay tho garments in tho
sun to blench, taking caro to keep
them wet whilo tho sun shines, but it
should bo allowed to becomo perfectly
dry towards ovening, nnd takon up
dry, to bo put out again next day with
n fresh application of water, soap nnd
salt. Tho old-fashioned home-mndo
soap Is best, especially If tho fabric I
not tho finest; however any laundry
soap will nii9wer tho purpose. Two
or threo days of bleaching in the man
ner described will oradlcnto the mil
Brute Intelligence.
An Australian paper relates the follow
ing striking instance of bruto iutclligenco
which occurred not long ago near Kainie
towuship, in South Australia: "A ery large
bullock injured its eye, when unyoked from
tho dray by ft chain, tho hook of which
lacerated the cyo. After a few days liad
passed tl.o eye Lecamo seriously inflamed, and
it was thought ndwsable to get him into tho
stock yard and cast him for the purpose of
dressing tho wound. This was dono by ropes
being attached to his legs, but it was found
tf no avail, from tho strength of tho animal,
for as soon as they attempted to throw him
lis lifted his leg and pulled tho men to the
ground. As a last resource they put his head
in tho bail, a contnvanco frumeiitly used in
that couutry for securing animals, by getting
heir necks between two upright bars of
wood, ouo of which is movable at pleasure.
Uaing thus succeeded iu securing him, they
dreucd his eye with bluestone. The men
then unbailed tho bullock and immediately
rushed out of the stock yard, thinking thu
animal would bo infuriated with pain, and
expecting to be attached, instead of which tho
ixxir sufferer walkeil oir nuiciiy xo tno snauo
of a large gum tree, nuJ on the following
morning, much to tho tstomshment of Its
owner and all who witnessed it, the bullock
walked up to tie stock ytrd of his own ac
cord, and placed his Lead in the bail to have
the eyo dressedj an J this he repvateel every
day until the eje was r4uite restored."
Success In filiccp Husbandry.
Shoep husbandry, as an avocation,
has no distinguishing peculiarities.
Its valleys of humiliation and disap
point are peopled by thoo plodder.
whoso dreams have fulled of, realiza
tion: others of Its votaries strugglo
with tho throng along tho plains and
uplands of mediocrity, while tho few
reach the mountain top and impress
their name and fame upon the deep
blue of n complete tucces-". Tho plod
der may live, nnd he who moves only
to keep from being run down by his
surroundings, may bo floated beyond
want by a better return than ho mer
its; but tho Hock-mnstci's ultima
thulc thoso grand results which
lenvo Ineffaeeublo tracks upon life's
highway and bring honor and wealth
in their train aro achieved only by
tho'.o whw, through untiring study
and persistent effort, havo como to
deserve them. Tho "luck" of shoep
husbandry Is so thoroughly within
tho control or tho Hock-master that he
rarely need look beyond his own man
iifrnineiit fnr lhna e.iuxes nml effects
which go to make or mar his fjitune. I
Tho col ncr stoL es of Micccss piopcr
selection, Judicious blending, liberal
alimentation, nnd adaptation of vnrl
ety nnd number to natural and nrtlfl
clal surroundings nro so readily ac
cessible, that no ono need lay his
foundations improperly, or uuiutclll
gently build upon them. Secondary
influence, such ns Hjctuatlon of pri
ces, unpropltlous seasons, or unfore
seen casualties, may intervene and
occasionally disturb tho surfaco of tho
tide, but under prompt nnd judicious
management, tho rlpplo will soon di
appear, nnd the general How will tend
surely on toward comfort and compe
tence. Many disasters have overta
ken thoso who have essayed sheep
husbandry. Kxtmvngant purchases,
and unintelligent breeding, Improvi
dent feeding, negligence in hiipervls
Ion, nnd nbcnco of any wcll-doflnod
policy, nro the racks upon which tho
majority of such efforts havo boon
stranded, nnd ho who would decree for
his venture a hotter fate, must needs
avoid tho dangerous road marked by
their wreek, National Llvo Stock
Journal, Chlcaco.
l'romiituie Memi'ii,
When girls midway In their teens
throw off their natural, girlish hublta
nnd ultlre, don long skirts, hkoot up
tholr hair and affect tho .-.Irs and dross
of young women, they would often bo
.surprised to know what their eldcr.i
rcnlly think of tho Improvements.
Ono such young miss wont to tho do-
pot recently to moot an nged friend of
tho family, nnd was surprised to find
herself not recognized upon greeting
tho visitor ns sho stepped from tho
ear. "Don't you know me, ntintle'."'
"Why, this Isn't Maria, Is It'.'" "Cer
tainly; don't you think I look bettor
than Idld last summer when you wero
here'."' "Xo," replied tho honest soul,
looking tho girl over, "to toll you tho
truth, I don't. Go homo nnd letdown
your hair nnd bo young -while you
can, for it will no', bo many years be
fore you will bo glad to havo peoplo
take you for n girl."
About L'ggi.
Wo havo soon dyspeptics who suf
fered untold torments with nhnoit
every Utid of food, no liquid could bo
takon without suffering; broad bo
caino burning ncld; meat nnd milk
wero solid liquid fire; and wo hnvo
seen their torments pass nway and
their liuugor relieved by living on tho
whites of eggs which havo been boiled
in bubbling water for 30 minutes. At
tho end of n week wo havo given tho
half yolk of an egg with tho whilo,
and upon this diet ulono, without
Huld, .says an Indiana agricultural ed
itor, wo havo seen them begin to
gain flesh nud strength and qulot, re
freshing sleep. After weeks of this
treatment they huvo been able, with
cure, to begin other food. And nil this
without taking medicine. Hard
boiled oggs arc not half so bad as half
boiled onus, and ton times ns easy to
digest as raw eggs, oven In egg-nogg.
A lady not accustomed to raising
poultry set n hen on somo eggs, and
In duo courso of timo tho brood of
chicken was hatched. A friend com
ing In four days afterward, noticing
that tho Httlo things looked weak and
puny, asked how often thoy wero fed.
"Fed!" was tho reply, "why, I
thought tho hen nursed thorn."
A vou.no lady pupil of n High
school put on n icassof fulso hair, pen
ciled her eyebrow, rouged her
cheeks, etc., and then went to tho
commencement nnd read nn eay,
entitled, "Deception a Prevailing Fol
ly." Our. lady friends of thu F.viimi:ii
will find n superior assortment of
cloaks nt Drayman Dros., aho of every
other sort of merchandise. Thoy buy
for cash nnd own their own ttoro, bo
with theso advantages thoy enn nnd
do -oil cheaper than any other storo
in Salem.
Advick to tho Young: Knt oysters
only iu the mouths that havo ati "r"
in their names, nud drink whMcy
only in tho month that havo a "k"
In their name.
pQl XHE ClilLDElJ.
MAHY 1). 1U.IMC.
Who is tho swiftrct baliy
That ever said "A-jwo?"
Wliois tlio dearest i.iliy,
Willi o;cs to toft and blue
Who is tho prettiest hahy !
I think I know. Do you t
Who has tl.o softest golden
Little lings of hair?
Who has tho roilcst chubs ar.d
Tho smoothest forehead fair ?
Who has tl.o swectut Mmcj,
Knough of tltrn and to spare
Who tins the cuiiiiitigcjt finjjerf,
And who tho plnlivit of toes?
Who has a mouth liko a rosclmd,
And who tho daintiest nno
And v ho ii as sv.eit alUgcthcr
Ab tho very st eete luse
Who hai the prettiest dint !c.
llnnclnjrmcliln and elueW
And who m learning tho diir n.
Of nil dear n.iincs to speaU '.
Alii surely, there's only otic an mi i
To tlio question Mlicd ri lnii ;
Only ouo true, (lad atjjwr,
Awaiting tho motlioi's i a r,
Wlm is tliu pr.iice of tniiiiH
ny, ol tonrm;, my liaby ill a-'
A Uoj's Exprrlciico 'dllh llurl.s.
Ono bright irnrnl:i;r In Fobrinry,
IS73, n manly.looklng boy of Ilftcen
camo to mound said:
"I want to get a pair of Pokln ducks
but I havo no money; will you let mo
havo n patr and take the pay In work'.'
I will do anything that u chap of my
felRO can do."
Tho boy was a stranger, but I liked
his looks nud his willlngnes3 to work,
so I nnswered: "Of course I will,"
nnd started for tho yard to pick out
the ducks.
"Hotter gll tho work nforo yo let
him hnvo tho duckd," .said ono of the
neighbors who happened to bo In.
"i)o you know anything ngnlust
tho boy?"
"I don't know nnlliln ngln' him,
hut ho belongs to tho Jnckbon tribe
that moved onto tho old .Smith farm;
his father Is lame, nnd his mother Is
a pale, tihlfttess-Iooklu' critter, nnd I
nllowed that tho gals wam't much;
they nro nllus fusln' over u bed of po-
blcs nud 6lch trii'h; they had better
bu workin' out, ns there's plenty that
want gnls, nud I reckon money ulnt
over nml nbovo plenty In that family."
"I like tlio boy's looks, nnd I will
trust him," I answered,
"Then it'll bo tho last you'll ever
seo of the ducks or tho boy either;
mind what I tell ye," and Mother
Slooney nodded her gray head quite
emphatically ns Hho picked up her
basket and marched ofl. Poor old
soul! sho h: lost nil faith in human
I picked out n pair of tho finest
ducks for my boy customer, and gavo
him loin of ndvlco toucoruiug their
caro. When that boy started homo
with his duck'i In u basket ho wan
nrobablv nbout ns linunvni tho uver
..t I..,., ...im n-..n..la l... Ill I It Iu
iijiu ujj ui;i u.kui.i3 n. i.u ii. ". -
"I'll bO !mcU rOlltl.lV. Sliro,"
ho said, ns ho shut tho gate.
Monday came, Iikowi-o tho biy,
and every day aftorwards that boy
walked thu long thrco miles that
stretched belweoii tho "old .JmIth
farm" nnd my place, nnd worked
with n will until his dobt was can
celed; nfter that I saw no mora of
him until nfter Christmas.
"Well, Sum, what luck with the
ducks?" I n9ked.
"First rato," ho answerod.
"Toll mo about It. How many eggs
did your duck lay'.' and how many
ducks did you ralsoV"
"My duck laid 70 eggs; I bold lialf
n dozen of thorn to Mrs. French, and
sot tho rest. I didn't moan to sell
any eggs, but had to sell n few to buy
feed. I got r9 young ducks from tho
eggs I cot, nnd I raised ovory ono of
thorn; didn't I do protty well for u
"Indeed you did," I replied. "What
did you do with tho ducks you
"I'vo got four of them now, and I
kept tho old pair. I um going to
raiso lots of them next year, nnd I
sold soven pairs to tho neighbors; tho
rest wo dressed nnd sont to market."
"How much did you get for them?"
"Got thrco dollars a pair for thoso I
sold alive, nud thoso wo sent to mar
ket brought $'20M thu feathers
brought $3 more; that makes $11 CO,
don't It? Tako out the .? I ia!d you,
and the $11. 0 that tho feed to ralto
them cost, and you seo I mado $J7.70
clean cash. I tell you I had to tcratch
around pretty lively to got enough to
feed I hem on after tho young one
wero about half grown. I picked
berries and sold them, and hoed corn
some, nnd cut up old Mm. Flint's
woodpile, md dug potatoes, and
husked corn, no I kept them going
until I hold them."
There, lioy, I havo glvon you .S.im'n
first exporlenco ns n poultry ralier,
nnd If any ol you can ni.iko u bettor
showing I iluuld like to hear irom
you. Fax.vv Fiki.k.
Luck lies in bed nud wi-lus the
postman would bring III in nciaofu
Labor turns out at U oVIod;, and
with busy pon or ringing hammer
lays the foundation of competence.
KVtMttMsiir.D ids;.
J-7iJ9(rfJl3i'.fVMt"J.)i-B. i...w
Ofibr for Salo at tho Lowest Pricco Posaiblo,
.gTicuLltiajrsil laaciplercLerits,
I mil
"Vj MJT: VlVUfmril??. 0ucr hOQOSohl In Oregon
tVi?Vt1i)il'trw W. T. h tho last 3 years.
,;SEslVe--tf5VW.iillnl. A.& Jmir iHlshbur villi lis Uu
j&uJ'?'iXi4ZKL11ty.'?L sUmllt .NnoiiiiillMtlon el Iotim. A
cr u;.
Decro'a 40, CO mill 72 Tooth Harrows. Farm, Food ami Grist Hills,
Buckayo Broadcast Bonders & Grain Drills,
Schuiiler, Farm, Freight and Spring Wagons
STUDEBAKER WAGONS, with Patent Roller Drake:
Too well known to need comment. Send for Circulars and Price Lists.
"And (he Liu ws of tho Trco won) for the Ilealina of 1 ho Nal ioiib"
X.mrf woinI.'Wlx!iUtlirtKi( Uij wit A tu nnd nvr f ilia Cri-al r t in l- L.mi than 1 o trillion
mlc for tluitirliiKd tlUtne ! Uit U iUw unillr liV N'nt jru fu nl-ln in thtf rwt. 1nfc. Iraivil
! IW'I !Crrld1 "1 OlO fOHI'IIOT 1W dl.l lliril'll Hill ll ft I ir(
lRnileoinMnitloiif llmliia'li. iiaillfui'ir tlu-r'.iiA
rrcut l"1""' lu w h'tT' M -l,,-J" i'",
J i ijfi thin tilt, tit mil ut 1 1 i iw '!i tl ,ifuiviULijf
0 1JZ '& O 'SST
Vltl!ii I
u?t& on of n'ufc.r.int 1 A
I i uu nm n i i iiiriiv jh u ii imUimihi '
IE U I Mil I mm M
A Vegetable Production which is Performing
Wonderful Cures. It is a Specific for
Pains in tho Hack,
Non-Hotcntion of Urine,
Inlliunnmtioii of the JUaddcr or Kidnc'.",
Hrick Dust Deposit in Urine,
Painful or .Supprcsed Mun.struntion
AnlslUoiuiIiliit4trUii.'froinill'iiM'ilir illl!lUUl lUtocf the hllnij. or I'rlnary Ornns ol tlUicrsss.
Many irroii ten to Uto I'AIT.NT JIKIUC'I.NM. ., unilgr loitr ol as unVuoli liuiiM mi) In liMilrn Ilia luoil
hurtful ol Jil.M.ltAI. rolio.SS, tut tuu
Presents the Leaf in its Natural Stato
Anil the TY It D-.aJo by tho out uiln II, thus Inturln; Its
It Ii Irtuml ltty moh pcri l ll tlio .VOsntUJH hl-h r ro SOUl IS liOTTMIS. A kin flu trU
lll ioiitIik 111)0110 of Hi merit. lvij- .-rnm inMa' tho ui r in Irwi il fiUi nalgn cf I'm KI1
) for IthuunuU.iii, mi.l l.j i-Wri.al aiyllctlijiii UU tl ntv-H thu Mil ot Hi J tiUtiiw.
Tlio Oregon Kidnev Tou Jms CuroJ Many Suoh Oaaoal
Read tho following Testimonials from some of our most
Respected Citizsno :
rur.ii.UD. (ir , J'.') :. liTJ.
Us U'm llr.Mir Iljur i',r 'I) kl.ln. i frj in t hvl milltl'in. lit- urlii lUa Ii lit ilu t, jnl I auf.
fcri-l a .-nut d..l uith iu bull. All rmoUi ir kiu.iui.' uut.l I tnul llm OltL'J IN KlliM.V TK.
li,li.4itiwi.li.i).t lnii..Jlit rvll.l. Ji.traij. II. IIA4II.TO.W,
IMIHl, Or., Au 9, 17.
lis. U'u. Ilrsur )irilr: lls,:iuwtHu.iiililif' in'tr, I a biiiww.1 totr UipOiiU OS KID
XKi' 'CI'.. I Dui.J It i.ri UiitDwal ii. iu (nail.. It It imt iik.ru unjl.aii( lu .t l.un oi'ur tc
ruvommiiiij ll ta thuM) a.X'igtul a I k.. Jjll.'i I. I li'JJKIl.
IbSTLlM', Or , JU) SI, liTU.
IU. Wii. llur-IurHlr: Vwr OUIJWI lUli.VKV 1K Minirtlmy ln;k wiill.liiiui, . .i I. mat
al ttviyntimy itMMhi'ifni. A . jnur ii)li(ii !' i. t I.W.u. i'ig Mtuttttul )ut i V iuh,
itiiu .liuii wsiin tliUlii i) uiw ju l lavu iijuI1 n.il midt ha.) hftrl.''aj 1 IjI . u; ro
mtiiiUr IheOro.'xi niJijTlUi Jjhji nj u.tim, 4...1 ,,. ,mj imm jul ltt-jll in; h '..vlu
iU4lutaiiu. .Ij.i. .i.l(ul'r, J. II. i.lll.'.'.'I.SU (all' .-. ?)
ISiauiMi, O.-, Jj . 1, ii7J.
p. W11. IlliLir IKjamlr M I .iliiTilUii.m.i la.t 1 inirr I u a!tUl ollli .i'i . l aiij
bMncrf, aotliat It waalii.'M hurjM.b)c f .r m t j ruli lur . . I When I Vlitru I u.iiuili iu . y lbs
Olcl.liON hlH.NKV 'ItM. I ilriil. at luv iiu; tllU i. i. w .. 1 il, ami u lui .-rTw0 1 i-j. lias
hl.'bl rn-oiii iki.4 It it all whg nn all. . jO u 1 wj.. l.ii- if illy jour., 1 .IN.
HODGB, DAVIS & CO., Proprietors, Portland, Or
1. S. CltADtiOUKKK,
Inn PiaucUio.
v li'U r.-i m.i: wti iiCT.u:. Ji'tAt i.r.s in
" f r very Description.
'Hirr'V3, Wall Papon;, 2tc.
Ihit 'Cliif. ttHrrisonani! Yamhill.
'T. N'D.
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