Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 31, 1879, Image 6

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Splliinwttr Skxximx.
issurn i.vrr.Y rr.tPAY, rnr
t'DDLMHRIifl AND I'KOriltnTlll'J.
Term orMilxicrlpllout
Onocc'iyonojear (S2 number), In a-haiice.... It 00
Onotei'jf l nionlhi(:o numlr) - 1 00
One copy UircM months (13 numlxn) 80
PORTLAND, OCT. 31, 1S70.
Till- I'll-Iiiilliltl Tl'itr,
AVxrinixoTo.'. Oct. OX Secretary Sch'us
to-day received Ilia following Mtgrn'ii from
lhc (jovirnir of Colorado :
Diiivrn, Oct. Ci, 1B70.
Inforinntlon from Southwestern Cn!r.nnJ
satisfies inn tlint inr.st nf Oaruy's r.nl-n
wrro In Tlinrnliiiifili'ii fll.t. To sniretubr
tho criminals Oiinvy must mnrvmlrr I.I'
tribe, whlcli ho is po'icibss M ill). Tly
ndhcro to liim for pr .( 'Ilnu udy, ntul villi
not submit to piinUhtnilit. Ntllher will
they surrender th VAili. H!v. r t'lii. wle.
nro bound lo lljc m I'.v tin- thinest lie, mid
nro no inoro guilty than ihdus' Iv.. They
whipped Tuuriibnrira cuniui.iil'1, Mid now
Merrill rttlr". It cntitioi b. dlsguls-d thai
tiio flfilitina mi n of Hi- trd).. mo buttlles
mid Hushed with vlctm); that t!ny nro m
nges ninl lint th"y tat-.' n.i pilsuncrs except
women. Their troiibio.t nro not biuiue rs, but
scntps. If the policy of military Inictlvlly
contlnitcH our (roulKr settlements urn Ibiblw
to becoroo scenes of masi- icro. Cnlccs
lho troops movi! ujjiin.'. llii! Inillnim the In
dian will movo ngiimst llio settlers. Mint
300 miles ol bonier settlement bo subjected
In this peril ? Tlio Rcncr.il f;ovcrnnii'tit Is
dolnjt iiotblii(f to defend our k ttlemi tits.
Tlio Shilo cannot ilelcnd all this border ex
ccpl by nttncl.ln;; tlio enemy. In behalf til
our people I represent tbU danger lo you,
ami nruo that tin govorumoiit ncojjulro
tkatn wsrwlth birbarians now ulstt which
Involve! tbn lives of numerous exposed min
ing settlements, mill tint It can bo terminal
id only by lliu most vigorous ninl milliter
rupUil wurfjm. I'iskd'k V. I'ltntx,
To thin rncfunn tbo sccratary has tolu.
graphed tho following reply :
Your iliNimtch recedved. I intrusted with
tint Important duly of rpecbil ugent lo tbo
utos, lieu, cum. .il.i!ii, ii citizen in uoior
ntlo who, n moti'li n;o, wni reprsenli'd to
mo by iiuMt If ns n t-ntl-iiiuii of excellent
cliuriicter, uncouirann ability ninl i'iiri!y, in
llmnti'ly nciiunliittil with I In- Ulis, iiml c.ni.
ntnlly qualified tn (It'll with th'iui in mi
emcn;i lu'y, Ho Ii Ihirn lio,r, r.uit hli hut
rupoit wuH Unit noun of tbu Siuthiru anil
only pntl if the Wbltn Uivvr Ulcn li.ive
been injinscd in the trotibl", mid tlmt nil tu
mor ot ih pred.illniift off tlti' n Kcrv.ntloti are
mi true, ixecpt lho drhinj; oirof Imiiii'i) from
Hear rlvir, Mnl ttiiit btfutu Oitruj'ri order to
ronmi lljjUtllJK wui K'cehed. lien. Adnlim
rrjiortH IliU idler liuiius triixirncd K.intli
wl Colnuilii, thofcourcn of )imr Inlonn.i
liou, Ilu iilso rtitlcn : "Tliuviptlta womiu
mid (hlldn u who I bn?v iiHiuraiiecHuro uifc,
will by dill ;i red. TriinpH xhould not pro
cced Houthfrom Wblloihir, 114 I bellevu
th.it your coiidlllmi to Hiiouru pt.iecwlll bu
compiled l lb."
ThU rumtt ol n rvpoimlbln m in, lio lm
your rvtiildciii'v 111 well 111 lulne, mid who
hpoul.-fi finiu i'r'tiloliHirvatluii. Id entuiu
ly entitled to en (lit. 'I lie liberation of enp
tiro women mid children in tho II rut I Id";; to
bo nccomplliiliid. den. AdnliiH elpocU to
bring them In, If not interfered with, In 11
low 1I.1VH. llu will then iiIho liiidtt 011 tho
Kurrendtr of tho guilty ludlmiH. In thu
iiieiuitiuio inilitnry prepuru'lom nru not re.
IaioiI, kj tlmt (he failure of tbo iIT.uih iiieu
lloni d may be followed by itivrgftlc iictlou.
onro cnder.voring lo privent 11 general
war with tbo whole t'lo Iriba whleh will be
nbilttriay to protect jour lnrnler Hetllo.
liientH than by a general ult.iek upon Iudluui
by nrimd eitUcni, iu vur ilUputcli nccin
toNUgml. It H therefiitu I'lirurntly hoped
that every effort will bo lumli) to prevent any
liuu'-eeimiiry iitenlou of trouble w hi ih may
bo pricipllHteil by ItieoiHidor.tto action.
C. Hi'iiunz, Hecriturr.
Iftkuti low.ir.l (he ImlialH, nnd it wan dodd'd
tli tt for thn present only prtcnU'tooarj
tueaaurds Phould bo ndoptnl.
The Xii Mi'str.t Iinllitii War,
Tocnof, 0.:t. LM A up-dal to tboSlnr
from Silver City. Jf. M., today Hays that
df proilnliotiii buve In 1 11 i-i uilultlnl by IndifliiH
Rluco tlio ISlli. T.irorH lire tint Victntil H
baud bus divided, our puly poln in Ibe ell
rectloti ol tbo Kit n'd 1 hnmiiUlin ftm the
other fur the Uiiim itn-uuliiliiit. Ciipl.
Hover him lumted wumlugi to nil Ltltlcrn on
lho" Upper Uiht to ba on tiioftlett, 111 thorn is
Rreal diDgir nlisnd. Major Morrow is In
hot pursuit of Vktotii with 3U0 soUlers.
Tho citizens of Sliver eonnty have organized
nnd CO men, well equipped, uro ready to
tnoii) nt any moment.
J ho Fetor.
Memi'UM, Oct. 23. Ono newciio rindono
ilsitli thlt nftrrioon. On Sunday ths board
of Linlth will m1110111aoll1.it nbieutces will
wifely return borne, provided their houses
are ttini'.u.'flil) futiiiutud.
Oel. 21 To ineK; two d.-iiths tliii nf
(ituooij. Oiiural r turn oi abnulfs ex
iKtlcd S.iU'ljy nnd thereafter.
Tlio Trimli Tinaftly.
Iioo. O !. 21. Thu Jury In the can" of
C.iro'1110 C. Ooodiieli nnd 1) 111I11I 1'. Kit:i
lid!, "n Rooiiil trial, for tbo innrdL'r of Jeu
ii 1". I Mil:, tne ileum 01 Hie notorious
tho South Turk of Ten Mile river, 23 miles
fiom town, by Doo Sanilloy nnd Mart Treat, '
who lty oonceabd in tlio culdn when Jomx
tiiicicu louitumu im lilnullHt IH'J I'unoi- , -till i '1
ill riursnit traced tlio cna tbroiwh tlciuo tlio liiiun, and lookril up to with re
Tlio VIdowr's Gtratagem.
Illilor I'ty, tlinugh a very good tiin.11
woods nnd over Htcep hills, often on their
lmmh nnd knees, ncros4 Noyo r.nd I'udding
river to Mtllo valley to within nbout threo
miles of tho cabin, nnd though temporarily
b.ilked In an opening, expected to Ltrlko tho
trail ugaiu this morning, and thsrnU reason
nblo prospects of ciiplurlug tho other threo
Jloine I'fiiijioeln Illnsteil.
AsinKiM, Out. 21. U. B. Marshal Toolo
is engaged iu serving notices of ejectment
upon tho sijuntters on tho Los Uolcsas much
south of hero. Tho circuit court some timo
ago decided that tho title of tho ranch lay
with the I.os Alleles nnd San Bernardino
Land Cooipiny: hence tho nresent proceed
ing. There mo between three nnd four hun
dred settles lobe dispossessed, and thcro
may ua soruo tronoio tu ejecting them.
.11tl11rV Ciiriilvn'.
Sa: 1'nANCisco. Oct. 21. Tho nnthors'
cirnivnl opened r,t lho pavilion list nlhi
and wai tronounced 11 huccess both ns ro
gnrds geniral nrrnngements nnd the charac
ter of representations, nnd tho financial ro
Btilt was very large, thu attendance of sperta
tors probably numbering C.OUO to 7,000.
Various booths with occupanti nrcKcnti d n
trin'e Irsgedy, huve itlurmd it s"iled ver- Biicceiilon of Htilhiuy picturcH, mid n grui.d
Ii 't of c.ulity. ' labloaux ou n ntngo erected across thu north
Nouilneii solillorx. em 1 tid of thn pavilion wns excellent iu de-
Hat wnenv, N'. ('., Oct. 21. A grand re tnll and ijn'jnitlceiit In general effeo'.
uuion ol Cnroll 11 a ul lit-M t both nrmies rue ilnlni Tuiincl.
was held her- to"--. T. n thoui.nd pooplo jt.T,V)i 0,.t 'ji.'nio north lateral braucb
wcro preont, t.n.1 1. - t -wii wat ttmly dcor- nf tho Su,t0 tulln, j ,,, .ncA iuro,,n tho
ntid with uni'.n ll ..1 r.. nator hdcu urged ,iaril milU,ite lu wi,ci, it iu illluerto becu
n riii.i...iii.u 1 m iiin wijui.t.-iim.. m i I ru nuJ u(lH cut lllt0 tt vein of pornhrry
m. . .1.... I. ,1.. 1 u 1 ' ...1.1 l.n ,.1if. ft...' ' '
lUlltliltl. UWlf!PllH.
' mid bo. "tho wotlt
foukk; m;.s.
I'rrlli t I lie llrrii.
Nl.w ()uij:mi, Oet. 23. Tito i.tintner
I.uuUo II., Iran Altihrs, Allien, li.Hurthid.
Tho cuptuln reports tlmt oil thu nlibt uf tlio
ISIli ho picked up In Ii.il.aiu.i iliamul 17 Hiir
vlvom of tho burned htenniir Nuwo rnjiiro
Del Ocenni), lurludlng dipt. Diaz nnd mo
mates. Tbo rtcnmrr bud a erew nf 1'J and
nbout 20 pusacugira iiuonrd when tho citato.
lty occurred. Thoso re.nud wrro iu 11 terri
bio sloto of exhaustion, mid had bun cling
ing to Hunting delill for IS hours.
Outlnvt lilrinlnl,
Cimjnnati, Oct. 211. -A special from
(Uncoil, Ky rel.itis that 200 men 1 ode into
Mattliubur((, lllllntt county, Monday night,
Mirruundcd tbu Jill, owrpoweied lho Jailor,
tool; two prUouerri John V. lliiud.ill nnd
W111. McMillan to 11 treo near by mid
lunged Hutu. Tho 1111 11 banged wvre known
to belong to n gang of outlaws.
IletliiMty t'ullruc 1111 I'lro,
llnTiusr, W. V Oct. 211. llethany Col
lego was puitlally distroud by tlu this
iiioruing. Tho building la Milucd ut $150.
000. Thu wiug v valued nt 3ll 000, ou
which tbeio was au Insurauco of 20,000.
Alii for NpaIh.
Nkw Yok, Oct. 23. Tho roiiaul'getirri.1
01 tipatu stnti'H tlmt sul'scrlptlons will noon
Ih taken In thu principal cities iu tho United
HUtei for tho rillef of uflerers by floods in
Hpaln. Two thouiaud bodies hnvo been ie
covered in tu ilelujed districts,
lho eirnpe Uinso Iu l'muit'.
Wasiiimitov, Oct. 21. Tho U, H. Consul
nt ltochelle, l'rauco, ays that iu a few years
tho vines lu that dUtllct nui.t bo completely
dettrojed, All delcs forurrestiug tho ra
nges ol tho pli) llama po.t having (ulli.l the
only rciuedy Kit Is to import luta from
America, which nro proof sgalm.t thophjl.
loiern, Theio uiut, howeier, bo 11 gnnt
falling off in lho wuiu production it it ring n
few yrnrn to come,
Tlio llluts.
Wasiiinoton, Oct. 21. Tho Trrasnry Dc
ivirliiiiut bus transmitted ten millions lu
gold to the unsay otlleo nt New York to faeili
talo foreign nchaugo. Tlio Han I'miirUoo
mint is culuiiig mini 1 1 gold pieci to supply n
demand. Tho Philadelphia mint it nt work
prlucipally on hilvcr dollars.
Tlio I'lo lmllnii War.
At a Cabinet nut-ting today den. Pher
iuau nud Aklitaut becntary llswley repro
iteutcil tho War mid Trtmury I)exiitiuvuts
respectively, Tho meeting was dooted
principally tu discussion of lho Tie lnduti
trouble, Secrelnry Schurz and fleurral
Hheriu&u gave all tho Information iu tho pos
session 01 meir departments una tuo itiscus
siou lurufel upou
4'iilinii rnrltr
Maniim, Oct. 23. The curies' committee
ou r fortius lu Cuba bai uiianlmoiiHly ap
proved n bill providing that Irmb between
Spain nnd Cuba hall only pay coasting du
ll) s, which Khali hi rt'..uri-d oue-thlrd from
tho 1st of July, ISM); mil eidlrily iibolWied
lu I'lKIl, In unr nf n.oibiii iliffirenlliil
duly. Tlio bid 1d1.11 proposes to reduce by
otii-tbir I, fur 11 purl l ol thrui yenri. dutUs
ou nrtieles (or iiuiiMtiiiplliiu imported Into
I'iiIm, nud tu is'ablWi rvlitloui villi thu
I'lliteil Ht.itiM villi it Mci 1 1 di'Vidnidiig .1
Spunish 1uuitliu11tr.il' luilW''.'U Cubu, l'nrto
ltico nud tho United ISI'itis.
Mnverj In i'liltii
A tt.lt tor the nbollthm of slavery lu Cuba
to lo iiriS''ntd hi thu cortei provides that
slaves iiged S.t yn.ts and over ahull btootno
iteo imtneill.itely; tli'iHuni'etl Oil. lu sicplcm
lur, 18:0; lhust uged -Ifi, iu ldS'J; thoso
iig'd 40, iu 18M; thou- nged :i"t, iu 1S3.
mid nil oilier. 189:1. l'rom 1880 100.00,1
piiutres will ba ehtrg'il mi tbo Cuba budget
dr ilelni line lli eii'i'iisii of tlio ('Kiaiirlpa
tloii; SAD I'l.iiiris will lu paid o'.vmrs for
eiicu am--. 1 lie uovernmetit will, us luucli
us pusiiblr, favor thu Immigration of freo
M'.ml mnl trim.
I.omkis, Oct. 23. A favorablo chauga h.n
romo over thu cipict of tin wool market, 11
brisl: imjuiry having bilily been experiviiced
mid roimldtrabhi purcliites of Uull'.h wooli
ihvii lumiK tor Aiuerlc.i ut 11 rlsti o( n penny
pei piuiiid 011 previous prices. There Ij
ronslilernbto mituintloii In iiiinuluclured
iron trades nt Stockton, Co issett and Mid
dletburn. Tlio rii'riit activity in crude iron
lias only slightly dlmliiUhul. Tho princi
pal II run In Ninth StnffordHhlro lavo ngalu
kligbtly ndviueid tho prices uf llulshod
Iron, nud ate lu receipt of further lnr.c or
ders from tho United States.
1 1 -.-. t is .'l.iiiitVtrlurlii IVitr Jlulrrlnl.
Ilt.1u.1v, Oct. 21.- The rast-steil wotl.H of
Tiio Sat.
til folloV.M
of testorliig riuci, uiii m and harmony tl,i, si--,,,-'- TWnii.... tvt..i,o.
ti... 11 r.,i .,1,1 iiitiiTho Wornting Wniktas Mavcli.
the eop!v of th'j North mid South mutt bt
fllonds. ,'o nation nl i-ijn.il numbers could
liuvu resisted the North no ling ns did tho
South, nud no tmtinri but tho North could
havi) eonqui'ted IhoKouth. Ho bad fought
for tho L'uion, nnd no Mould roliuko
demagogues who nought plnco by rovlvlug
tho pnssloui of t.c war.
titilit Olllrlnl unlit.
CoLtruni's, Oct. 21. Tho olllcinl count cf
tho gubernatorial voto shows that thu total
vuti' for Uovcruor wns RiiS.fitiT, of which
l'oster received 330,201 ; Kvting 31U.132J
Steuait (prohibition!,!) 1,115, 11ml l'lutt
(untlotiid) 11,023. l'oster'i majority over
Kuliig, 17,120; UIcMuluoptr's majority over
llice, 13,1178.
IVancinvo Clifonielo i-pvuks
rtdiitiw to tlio women's
walhtng inttcli laloly concluded in that
At the tnun'ii contest tlio 'v inner nuiile
.'00 milt's, nnd seven others uceotnpli'li
e:il nioto than -100 mill's. Klove'ti ut tlio
inferior contestants HcoroJ over GOO
miles, titul tlio lowest scorn of nil was
1150 miles. Of tho fctnalu contestant.,
not one c.'itiii) tin to tlio ligiito cf 100
miles, nnd only tlnxo iasHei! the coin
paruthx" limit of .'100. Tito tnotul of all
this Hci'tns lo bo tlmt lovely voman'n up
irouiato njiliero is not tlio Fawdust-cin-ilcr
arena. Jloreover, with her peculiar
lihymological constitution, lm docs vio
linen to natuio and imjicrili her hcnltli
for the remainder of her life. Tim nr-
iior of her temperament, her spirit of
emulation anil rivalry, nro liable to nur
her nn ti cxoitioux far 1iyonil her
btn'pj,'th, tho f.it il effects of which nriy
not li fell in all their force foi many
yearn. There 1.1:1 lv little doubt that
the ninjoritj of those who iniiheashigha
hcor) in htti'lt a match ns that concluded
1 it bnvit tn ii;i- i fit irftil ltfii-o fnv tbir
hhorl-livitt renown. Thero uro tho tee Is ' o'clock. ,1'" ..! 'wl i"-
ol chronic iliseuu in nil hucli succefsc?.
The st longest Hull, it' I hoy lievoto tlietll
Hi'lvivs to buch I'N'haitstine; trial, wear
thetnselvei out prenmlutcly, nnd the
he.it-tr.iincil jieilestriani have shortened
their lives anil ruined their health in
contests of this kind. Wcmsn nre from
inevitable physiological condition! far
more liable tliuti men to I'xpericnee the
pcrilotm ellecU of this ovi'intruining of
their phyxicsl htien;,'tli. Jn 11 mx-iluy
Ktni2gle of this hind they gnuamlcr tin
untount of vitality th tt might Mttlicu to
carry them on to a ripe old ni;i, n waste
of the natural forces which is ill repaid
by the ephemeral glory of huccih, or
by tho pecuniary gain that may attend it.
Hpcit by all thu inhabitants of the little
village of Oldville, was rumored to have,
in Yanltco parlance, a peculiarity from
which chlcRi nro not nlwaya exempt.
121!cr l!oj i1'h nearest neihbot wns a
Tho Widow Hayes, who had passed
throuzh uiatrimontnl experience, was
mhiio four years younger than Elder
Boyd. She was still a buxom, comely
woman, as widows nro apt to be.
Unfortunately tho Into Sir. Hayes
hail not been nblo to leave hnr sufiicietit
to niako hor independent of tho world.
All that bho pPNH'SUtl was the Rmall,
old fashioned hous1; in uhich she lived,
and n snnll nineuut of money, which
was iusuilicient to snppoit her nnd a lit
tle ii'jii of iix, li!eih(i to ba enumerated
in the Hcheelulo of her property, though
hardly to bo claised as "productive" of
anything but mischief.
Tho witluw Mutt therefore obliged to
tahe carr of threo boarders to cko out
list f canty income, which, of cour.ie, im
posed upon h"! cousider.tbli) labor unit
Ju it surprising that under thes cir
cumstances nhn rdiouhl now nnd then
have bethought herself of tt ro;ond mar
riage as a method nf bettering her con
dition) Home haraciou.i person, how over, has
observed that it tihcs two to maku n
match, n fact to be f.eriously considered ;
for in the present cas.i tt was exceeding
ly doubtful whether lho woithy elder,
oven if he had known tho favorablo
opinion of his ne::t neighbor, would
have been inclined to propose changing
her natuo to Boyd, unless, indeed, a suit
able motive was brought to bear upon
him. Here was a chance for a little
managing, wherein widows arc s.aid,as n
general thing, to bo expert
One evening, uftcr a day of fatiguing
labor, Widow Hayes fiat at tho firo in
tho fcitling-room, with her feet renting
on tho fender.
"If over I nm fcitunted so tw not to
havo lo work so hard," sho murmured,
"I shall be happy. It's a hard life, keep
ing boarders. Jf I was only as well oil
as Klder llojd."
"Freddie," vnhl ho to her ion the
next morning, "1 want yott to stop nt
Klder BoydV, ai you go to school, nnd
ask him if he will call on mo iu tho
course of th" moiniug or afternoon, just
as ho lint's it most convenient."
Hlder Boyd was a, little surprised nt
tho tnuiU'ioiil. Hovovor, about eleven
lho widow had
I "Ot nn tn diniiei'. rind li.'iil loikitro to sit
o - - - , - "
down. Sho aiipe-atO'l to be a little em-
'rii'ddie told me you would liko to
see tin-," ho commenced.
"Yes, elder, I hhould. But I am very
much ii f mid yon will think strange of
what I have to say to you."
The elder very politely promised not
to be surprised, though at the simo timo
his curiosity was visibly excited.
"".SuppOM," faid tho widow, casting
down her .yw "miml I was only biiiv
jioniug a person should find n pot of gold
"Hj, ha!" thoujht the chler, "that
ptrcea m their collsr, would the law liavo
a right to touch it, or would it belong to
them 1 ' Tho elder pricked uji his cam.
"A :ot of gold pio:en, widow I Why,
unquestionably tho law would havo
I nothing to do with it,"
The prowril ameiidiik'tit to the new ' ''And the ono who formerly owned the
Constitution, limiting every land holder hotue couldn't come forward and claim it,
Tho ICO Aero Limit.
to 160 acres, is not likely to be settled
without coiihidtTdh!c opposition. AI-
could la, elder I '
"ISo, inadami'-,
unquentiotubly net.
readv objectors tiro staititi" up on all When the house wa-i disposed of, every
sides. .Some think it swots too much thing went with it, us ; mutter of
A. Ilooktiotf htvo K'l'ti i.rdert'd to suspend of I'oinmiinism that it is n step toward course.'
Ihilr largo lulvrtte budui-.s every rsonroo the odious docttilte of division of prop- "1 am glad to h?ar it, elder. Yott
.U'r'iff a2"K?rlTf "taX ' '- "-M ltl its practicibility. wnt think utrango of the nation but
t tii-v n.ty ii until nut. lm- vniuiii'iie'ii ei. it ii.ii''i'ti-'t t' ,n.t.iit nt iiiji unit", uim
cauuiiu and other inipli incurs of war,
MlirllllU Mitll'lllflll,
Simi.,UcI.2I. Ii'telllgeuco from Yarknnd
to the lllst nf August nutinuuces than Iguuls
Kirghiz and Klpehnks roachtd Mlugyul near
liiistigar, wht'ro they nut n Ir.rgn foreo of
JhluiM'. Two imlivtsivo rujagmients were
fought. Tlio I'uhit'ito lost iiiiiiv. A Kip.
ehaek who wns arurtnl as n spy sl.it. d that
Ituttlaii'i stippliul ttores to tho iuviuUrs.
Chiiu so troops frm YaiiL.1 ll.izar i.iul Yal
haio been dispatched ng.ituit them.
Jlllllmy Hlorrt Cup I lint I,
I.mouit, Oct, 21.-- A rccouaoisaueo was
sell his laud, but v)iu ii to buy it, and
where is the cash to cotno from I Then
theiv nre many who declaru that 100
acres nf land, unless it is of tho very
best, would be iniuilicicut to support a
family. Tint is precisely what is
wanted. Let the tubjict Iw thoroughly
discussed, and the advantages nnd dis
advantages of tin niTiinfetiieut 1m. thor
oughly uitilcrstoo I before the popular
vote is tikiu ttH)ii it. Tho peoplo of
miido ou lho 2ltinst. from lluudaoLueL nnd' '-ilitDintv limy lo tiusted to elo no 111
a large ipjiiutity of militiry stores nud pro justice to tiny man or any class of men,
vimuus was siueii in Miini ellg tort.
I'liMiiN lu Jitmitlrn,
Kimistos, Jiimnici, Oet. 21. Seyeto raltis
lu this Inland, from tho I lib to tho 11th did
I t!n)U'!it I would liko to have it satis
'Certainly, widow, certainly" said tho
elder, abstractedly.
"And, elder, as you'io heiv, I hop ypti
iv ill stop to dinner with us. It will ba
ready punctually at twelve."
"Well, no," said I'm flilet, rising, "I'm
obliged to ye; but choy'll bo expecting
mo homo. ;
"At any rate, ol l.-r," said ih.t widow,
l!ring a pieev of steaming minco pie
110,1ns sonu-tiung.
"He wit. nothittf.', ltov.ever, but deter
mined to come back and find out, as ho
could readily from tho cashier, whnt
business (die had with tho bank. The
widow tripped into tho office, pretending
to very nonchaleiit.
"Can you givo small bills for a ten
dollar gold piece V tsho inquired.
"With pleasure," was the reply.
"By the way," sho said, "tho bank is
in a very flourishing ccmlilion, is it not '
"None in tho State on a better foot
ing," wns the prompt response.
"You rcccivo deposits, do vou not!"
"Yes, madam j wo arc rccttving them
every day,"
"Do you receivo as high as as ten
thousand dollars 1"
"No," said the cashier, with some sur
priso ; "or, rather, wc elo not allow in
terest on so largo a sum. Ono thousand
dollars in our limit. Did yott know of
any ono who"
"It is of no consequence," inhl the
widow, hurriedly ; "1 only asked for
curiosity. By tho May, did you say
how much interest you allowed on r,uch
deposits r.s cotno within your limit?'1
"Fivo per cent, madam."
'Thank yott. I only nskod for uiii
oiity. What 11 beautiful morning it is I"
and tlio widow tripped lightly out.
Shortly after the el ler entired.
"Hows busitiws, -Mr. (Wiierl" lio
"About ns usual.
"Had many deposits lately ?"
""Jfono of any magnitude.
"I hrouuht over a woman thin morn
ing, who seemul to havo business with
"Tho Widow Hayes 1"
"Da yott know," ticked the cashier,
"whether sho had uny money left her
lately 1"
'vNbnc that I know of," raid th elder
pricking up his oars. "Why, did she
deposit nnyl''
"No ; but sho imiulrul whether we re
ceived deposits as high as ten thousand
"Indeed I" ejaculated tho elder. "Is
that nil she came fori" ho inqtiireil, a
moment uftervmid.
"No, she exchanged a got 1 pieco for
"Ha P pondered tho elder, relive! i -ely.
"Did Kim givo any reason for her in
quirim?' "No, she said sho only asked for curi
'I lather think, caul the elder com
placently, "I iteo into a mill rtono about
ns far ns most pooplo." A nt.itetiiettt,
the litcinl truth of which I defy any otto
to eiuestion, though ns to tho prime fact 1
of people being uWa to ueo into n, mill
stone nt nil, doubti havo now and then
thrust themselves upon tuy mind.
Tho next Sunday th Widow Hayes
appeared at church in a new uud stylish
bonnet, which led to some such teuinrks
us these :
"How much vanity domo peoplo have,
to bo Rure"
"How a woman that 'lull to keep
hoarders for a living can nl.brtl to d.tsh
out iu such a. bonnet is more than 1 can
toll. I should think sho was old enough
to know better."
This l.iht remark waa 1:1. ila by n
young lady just bix months younger
than the widow, whoso attempting to
catch 11 Rccoutl liuslinnd had
proved utterly unavailing.
"I tiupposo," continued the i..'tne
young lady, "sho is trying to catch a .sec
ond husband with her tincry. Befote
and, to cat the matter thort, alio ac
cepted him. A month afterward sho
was installed mistress of the elder's largo
house, somewhat to the surprise of lho
village people, who could not conceive
how sho had brought him over. Some
weeks after tho ceremony, tho elder ven
tured lo inquire about tbo pot of gold
which sho had found in her cellar.
"Pot of gold I" sho exclaimed, in sur
prise j "I know of nono."
"But," said tho elder, disconcerted,
'you asked mo about whether tho law
could claim it."
"Oh, lor', elder, I only asked for curi
osity." "And was that tho reason you ntado
inquiries at tho bank V
"Certainly I What else could it bet"
Tlio elder" went out to the bnrn, nnd
for half un hour sat in silent medita
tion. At the end of that timo ho ejacu
lated, as u closing consideration :
"After all, sho makes 'ood mince
pie." It given 1110 p'o.iFUro to state that tho
union between tho elder nnd lho widow
proved a very luppy one, although to
tho end of his life he could novcr mnko
up his miml about the "Pot or Clold."
Tim intano folly of ordering coin
mandara of trooj.s when engigcd in lit
iliiiu warfare to hold Hie until attacked,
in proven by the great disproportion of
tho hilled among the troops nnd Indians.
Custer l.nd I'.OO killed, to tho Indians'
.10: and in all tho later Western wars.
since Indians havo been as well tinned
and equipped for battle as tho whites,
tho iltHcicpincy has been threo or tour
to one. Thev chooso their own ground,
seek shelter behind rocks and trees, nro
good marksmen, are not inferior in
bravery and tire eager for blood, Hence
it will be seen that the old theory that
one white soldier is equal to two Indi
nns, with their present arms and equip
ments and tho ndvnntages furnished by
n conciliatory spirit ou tho part ol tho
(lovcrntuent is ulnurd. Indiana will
not observo tho rules of civilized war
fare. They delight in ambu.icade, sud
den attacks when all is supposed
to bu pence, scalp the fallen ami
tomahawk tho wounded, just ns they
did in tho Indian wars of the e::tremo
Kastetii border two coiitttrioe ago; and to
attempt to overcome savages with mil
itary lulen nnd t'ictics, has resulted in
every instance at the iirst onslaught in
Bratldoek defe.i's and CiMcr nrmacrca
Writ Point drill and philanthropic the
ories not tho wont ot it when drawn
into Indian MiibitFcaile.
:.Nrr.spiDiTV of oua tkoop;;.
The H'lieviiiL' column tent from llnvr
lins to tho rescue, of Payne'a command
after the battle of Milk creek marched
70 miles in tweuty.foiir hours. They
had bcon preceded for n fuw hours by u
eop.pany of colored cavalry w-ho hai'
fought their way through lii:ti! forces
to tho rescue of their bclcragucijl com
miles, losing in thu march evcrV horao
in tho command but two. Iu thrilling
interest, tho details of this battle, tho
gallantry of tho troops and tho intrepid
ity of tho relieving forces equals that of
any in our long list of Indian campaigns.
Says the Omaha Boo : "Ono of tho
moot dramatic point. iu tho story and
ono which has n moral to it is the den-
hilheito ; criptioti of affairs nftir Thornhiirgh had
been lulled, when the troops found them
silver compelled to entrench themselves
whilo a galling lire was concentrated ou
tho command from nil tho surrounding
blufl's which commanded the position.
Not un Indian could be seen, hut tho
incessant cracks of their Siiaips and
Winchester rilles dealt fentfttl destruc
tion nmong horse's and men. After this
cruel war is over it may be w orth while
to inquire how it is that theso Indians
get possession of such splendid weapon i
f rntit fli. 0.11 n tsvi ivmi'f ii.itii-r-
if they understood fully w, it they ih trtkl ft .l!iw 0f wiIMW pie. You must
about. San Jose .Mercury. knoVilmt I rati.-.- pride myself on my
serious Injury to property iu Kingston, St
Auilrow nud Tort ltoynl mountains. Some
13 lives were lost lu Kingston, while horses,
unties, iiheep, goats, hugo trees nud timber,
bridges, houses, nacks of eolloo and pluuta
tion trees were swept out of sight, Clroat
distress prevsils mining lho people. Telo
graph lines have beeu throw 11 down and
communication with many districts stopped,
llusluess has been almost entirely suspended.
Iloaton in 1780.
pnUo my
r.i.n.v pies.
The warm pi scut forth such a deli
cious elor that tho eldor was sorely
lt.xjlflti it. trttt II iiAtittiliVliirc l.,ii4V 1 T
000 inhabitants, is built on aV-ml-Waiui. .'tl. nn.. after saying, "Well, really,"
All iitniul n Nmiiio.
San i'lUNCiseo, Oct. 2U. ltegister Kiphn
has uolieul ltotvrt Detty, Statu Senator
ilei't from Sail rnuictsco and Stn Mateo
counties, to appear uud thnw cau.o why his
nam suoui'i noi ih. stiiritou irom mo ureal i , ,, ,; , ., ,. , .
UegUter. Desty legislercd previous to the r't"arlsnIIo public buildings them is n
last I'lectiini under lho name of llolx-tt spacious harbor, ptotectiHl by islands
wnicn is greater in lengtti man ureaut.i
I think that it is larger than Geneva;
there are gardens, meadows and orchards
in tho centre of tho town, and iiioh
family has Generally a house to itself.
These houses are seldom higher than
one or two stories. They nro inado of
brick or wood, covered with boards and
slates, having Hat roofs, nud in many
places lightning conductors, nearly ail
of which nro thive-oiutcd. There) nro
ono or two straight streets, there am uo
Desty. luaMiig ulUJavit that ho lad lost his
iuititr.illr.itUm papers. This aworn nllUlavIt
(or registration Units that ht) was natural
ImhI lu 181'J iu Now York City, In tho court
which iimyo tuny two narrow ciiauucis,
ti state of things ivndering tho town itu
pregnable if fortifiesl; this is all that 1
of eoinuiou pleas or supi rlor court, that his ' J1" ,0 u" .vou u l0,u toon, T lie m
cerlltlcato of imturaliztition was lost iu JS50, habitants are devoid of delicacy, honor,
that be his resided in this couutry UO yeaisjiuid kuowltslgi', and there is not much
mm iii iia nmto vj ) ear, ivapiau w rote to to bo said nlwut their u
i"' tout ami rectiveti mi answer tun mere
wus no such name on tho court of reccidsiu
that city. Desty now claims that ho did not
naturalize uuiler tho lunm of llcstv. Let
under that of Itoheit Uaillvbout Uestimiu.
villi Do llisu Monchel, which bo contracted
for cjineuifiico Into ltobert Desty,
Tltp Tjce ttilHrcil.
Mkndocino, Cab, Oct. 23. Yesterday
tvculus Cant. Jones, tha leader of iha out.
what steps should be I Iswj, was capturod at CourtrlgM's cabin ou
teir upri'ditness. nnv
mom than as regards that ot tho French
who are setthxl hem, and whom the
nativeboin citizens detest, Life in lbs
ton is very wearisome. Them am no
public amusements, nnd so much super
stition prevails that singing, violin-play
ing, card-playing, ami bowls am forbid
den ou Sunday. Life of Albert Gal
iatin Adams.
with tho intention of refusing, ho finished
by saying, "Ou the whole, I guess I will,
ns it looks so nice."
Tho widow was reallv a good cook,
atul tho elder ato with much gusto tho
generous piece which tho widow cut for
htm, atul alter a little chatting upou un
impoitant subjects, withdrew in some
mental perplexity.
Wns it possible, thought he, tho widow
could really havo found a jot of gold in
her ecllar I It might bp, after nil. Thn
widow's earnest desire to havo him think
it waa only a curiosity, likew Uo gavo
additional probability to tho supposi
tion. "1 will wait nnd watch," thought
the elder.
It bo happened that Klder Boyd was
one of the directors in n saving institu
tion situated in the next town, and ac
cordingly used to ride over there once
or twice a month to attend meetings of
tho hoard.
On tho next occasion of this kind tho
Widow Hayes sent over to know if he
would carryhcr with hiai, as she had a
little business to attend to there. The
request was readily accorded. Arrived
at tho village, Mrs. Hayes desired to be
set down at lie bank building.
I'd condescend to such :mu:u, I'd I'd
drown myself."
In this last amiable speec'i the young
lady had unwittingly hit upon tho truo
motive. The widow waa intent upon
catching Klder Itovd, and sho indulged
in a costly bonnet, not because she sup
posed til n older would bo raii''!it with
littery, but Itecauso this would strengthen j""-1 t,w Winchester rilh's.'
in bis mind tho idea that she hud stum
bled upon hidden wealth. Tho widow
calculated shrewdly, anil the display had
tho cllbct she anticipated. Monday af- Thu
ternoon the elder tound au errand that) by telegraph fiom Victoria last evening :
called him over to tho widow's. It i The steamship China, fivm. sv, !?'.
chanced to bo just about tea time. Ho cisco, reached this port at 10:30 o'clock
was impot tuned to stay to tea, and ' last night.
Aoro3 tho Border,
fii.ij'vins items wire mcoivisl
somiwhat to his own surprise, actually
The polite widow, who kuow the el
der's weak point, brought one of her
best tnitico iiiev, u, pieco of which her
guest partook of with aat.
"You'll take another piece, I know,"
said sho persuasively.
"Really, I am ashamctl." Mid the
elder; but he passed his plate. "Tho
TI.,. !..-.... ..... . . .-
iuc uiitiiiie-') iu wueat in Oregon is
causing interior farmers to send" their
grain to Victoria, which tho low rates
that hive prevailed hitheito rondered
Hie steamer Alexitnltr left Nanaimo
at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning, having
in tow tho ship Gold Hunter laden with
Vancouver coal for San Francisco.
Tho steamer Beaver will leave Dick
son, Campbell tt Co. 'a wharf nt t n'rlnrb-
don't' know when to' th-i.t 'ornil'S Departure bay, and
j will return with tho bark Sieira Nevada,
t.i.. ...-.I. -., ,,-
Tho steamer Beaver will lenv DieU-.
fact is." ho said anoloso'.icallv. "your ' r.u ' WMnr wo.-s whart nt 1 o'clock
t ." . . ,
pies an so nice l
"Do vou call those nice I" s.ii.1 tlio 1 1, " . w,t" " el'-ngton coal for San
willow, modestly. "I call tli-m com-l1'rfl,clsf? ..
inon. I can make good minco pies, i tan,at,uu govcrmneat aro about
when I set out to, but this time 1 didn't ' a"S t cable connection with tho
have as goo I luck ns usual." I n)an ,lalul "' stretching ono ciblo from
isauaimo to foint Gray, instovl of usin"
the six cables between Victoria and La
"I shouldn't want any better," said the
elder emphatically.
Tho Prince of Wnlos a Beggar.
The Prince of Wales is said to havo
some f kill iu tho thtsitrical uit of "unk
ing up," which he acquired from tho lato
Mr. lechter. Ono day the Prince sud-
ifiuy presente-u himself befora his
ten..... t !... :i ...... in... .i ....
tmi i. ujif, it juu hum iiioiu, you i
will drop into tea often. o ou;ht to
bo mom neighborly, Klder Boyd."
Klder Boyd assented, and ho meant
what ho said. The fact is, the elder be
gan to thitu the widow was a very
ctiarniinj woman, c-ho w is very comely
nnd then she wus such an exclleii't
....!. l. ..si., i. , i . , ... . i y .- ""
k, ucsiiics, no u.iu iw ticuut in lus ' motlipr nftim.l ., i ..... ,
own mtad that she was w.-nh n , cm.id. tattered, his face elirtv, and lis hair-ir
erablesamof money. What objection , rather wig-in appVopriate .ErtlTr
con. there be to her becoming Mrs. , The Queen! net doubti, that by e
Boyd 1 He brought this nuestion befora menn ,,,,: i. ...., . ? . ..
,.... ...-.:..,. ti, ..:i... Li...,.;, I .. o- "ici'Ji uau cot into tun
..v. v..u t.vMiiji, iuu ttmun uiusueei,
professed to be greatly surprised. In
fact, sho had never thought of such a
thing in her life, hut, on the whole, sho
had always thought highly of the elder,
palace, flew in great alarm to a bell, but
betore tho attendants could ro.ni, fi.
room her son had thrown off his disguise.
Ho was exceedingly proud of the fact
that tho Queen had not recognized him.