it KcJsfcft SiffaT?..TO WILLAMETTE FARMER. Ovcrrulod. Thu case of tho Stato of Oiegon vs. W. J!-. Watkinds and others, beforo tlio Circuit Court of Marion county is at tracting much attention. Ytalcnhty a motion wns mndo to strike out tho com plaint, liy defendant's attorney, but wis overruled by Judge Harding. Hops. The hop crop of tho Notth Pacific has in great part been shipped to Han Francisco for the purpotc of being in readiness to throw it upon tho market when satisfactory prices nro reached. Tho Stnto of California, on her last trip, took down 2,000 Lulu, valued nt about 5CO.00O. Refused to Indict. Just as we go to press wo loarn by telegraph from Salem that tho grand Jury refused to indict Prosecuting At torney Whitney for not following tlio advice nnd instruction!) of Gov. W. W. Thnycr. lly this tlcciinn tho nfl'airs nt tho two Democratic splits fit Salem will , became considerably mixed. (lolrfc Ahead, i'er.ttlo is crowding ahead at a lively rate, and h dctct mined to reach thit point from whence it will be known an tho metropolis of tho Sound. The hit est departure is a proposition lo Intro dsco steam railway cirs- not elevated, na in Now York, but upon tho ground floor. Irving llallnrri, who owns tho franchise, 13 at present negotiating with 11 Sail Francisco firm for rails, cars, olc. A New r.outo. Yesterday Kellogg llros,, owners of tho steamer Toledo, gave hoi in chargo of Capt. W. It. .Smith, and placed her on tlio routo between this city and tho old Cowlitz lauding, which h located about twelve miles nbove 1'umphroy'n. She will continuo to ply on this routo as designated, unless tho Cowlitz bo comes too low fur navigation. The boats on tho down river routes nro doing n lively business, bting full laden both vays. YnHiiun County. Tho Asfosor of Yakima county furn ishes tho following statistics for 1870 for publication In tho record : Number of dwellings, 390; families, 318; white male, I.Oltfj white females, 700; colored untax. 70; colored females, 61: Chinoso (taxable), 10; full Indians (taxable), 20; married, Gil; unmariied, 1,.'!01; mnloi (foreign bitth), MS; females (foreign birth), 00; born in tho year, -13; main citizens of tho U. S. over 21, 024; total population, 1,012. A Male TMf VV learn thU on Friday morning a man hired n mule ot tho livery stablo of Mr. M. It. Tilbjy, says tho Olympia Ex poriuicnt, sayt; that ho wanted to rido tho animal out a fow miles on tho Stoiln cooui road. Word having romo In on Sunday thafthe mulo nnd rider were nt Olaquato, aMotectivo was sent after tho thief yesterday. It is thought that tho ImproGtublo customer is making oil hasto to jt,ot across tho Columbia river, and r.hould he succeed in doing so, Mr. Tilley pay bo put to some trouble: in getting hack his property. An Appoal T.Utou. Our readers will remember that a day or two ago wo mentioned the sentence of ox-SheritV Dale, of Yamhill county, and that it would confine him in the penitentiary twelve years in onlor to satisfy tho dt-crce of the court. A mo tion for a now trial wo ovenuled and now t!i enso hat been appealed to tho Supreme Court. While waiting for the Supromo Court to convene Dale will re main in the Yamhill prison and in tho ever.t tho higher court sustains the de cree already mado tho intervening timo will la counted ns having been tei ved in the penitentiary and taken from th. !i g term of twelve veais fonlincment. ALncUof Itnowlods. Sevoral instancjs of lato have boon brought to our notice of the great incon venience nnd annoyaneo that emigrants nud others uniting our city luivo been subjected to by tho imperfect knowledge possessed by liotel proprietor of the !e parturo of" traius anil liver steamer. This is a poor condition of aflaiis, and nro calculated to lessen rather than im provo our iemtation as a wide awake city. Every hotel ought to have a daily bulletin of all departing trains ar.d boats, nnd should also possess a p'ain and in toligiblo map of the entire Stato. This would bo but littlo oxtr.t trouble, and would bo an inftnitestmal boou to the traveling public. A Sad Ecroavcment. Last evening, Mildred A , beloved wife of Capt. Geo. A. I'ease, died nt the family residence in this city, after on illness of thvee weohs. All that human skill, love and kind net a could do wore insufficient to ward oil the blow which was descending from the tickle of time. Tho decrco had gone forth, the Cat of nature was inexorable nnd ltut evening tho spirit took its flight as peacefully as the slumbers of a babe. Ska leases to the bereaved husband tho care of a littlo boy and girl who have the heartfelt sympathy of their many hundreds of frieuds. Mrs. Pease was tho daughter of James Moore, nn old pioneer of Ore gon, she being but fivo years old when alio crossed the plains in 1847. She was n womnn of many virtues, a kind-hearted and indulgent motbtr ncd the littlo ones tli9 has left behind will greatly miss her cheerful presence. Wool. Thcro is nn inimrnao quantity of wool now lying nt tho O. S. N. Co.'s wharf. It is nil Eastern Oregon wool and will probably bo shipped to San Francisco. Chartered. McNear, of San Francisco, has char tercd tho ship Tabor, which docs not leavo n single vosscl in port unchartered. Tho Tabor will be loaded at tho Green wich dock. Clean. Tlio Oregon Steamship Company's wharf is now receiving a thorough clean ing up on tho inside. All tho wood work has received a thorough coat of whito lime, and tho offices a now mantle of paint. Largo Shipment of Iron Rolls. The Amuticau drip Tabor, now lying at th' West Side railroad company's wharf, back of the round home, is un shipping sixteen hundred tans of iron rails, destined for tho nbovo railroad. The Tabor hails from Philadelphia, ftom which poit al 0 brings her cargo. TUo Last Obligation. All that was earthly of the laic Mrs. U. A. Pease was taken to Oregon City this morning for burial, 011 tho steamer A. A. McUully. Tho McOully left nt hnlf past eight, tho beicavcd relative. 1 of tho tlepnttcri being accompanied by a hi go number of friends nnd hmpn thizors. Probably Fatal Aocidant. This afternoon about 2 o'clock a man by tho name of M. Glcnntn, in thn em ploy of J. O. Ticiney, tho contractor, wlnlo excavating on tho corner of Twelfth nnd Columbia slrcnts, met with an accident that may provo fatal. Ho was digging under a largo stump, whon tho bunk gave way, partly burying him and letting the htump fall heavily on him. A Uoavy Carjto. Thn magnificent ship Star of tho Sea, which 1ms ben lying nt anchor bolow Astoria, crossed out over tho bar yester day. Sho carried a cargo of two thous and tons of wheat, which wo boliove is the heaviest vet shinned this season, nnd drew twnntv-one and 0 half feet of water. Hit cargo was very valuable, b?ing made up of choico whont selected especially for the Englist market. Tkto Years. Ti.e man Jenkins who wns arraigned beforo Judge Ilellinger for stealing from hotoln, etc., this morning sentenced to tho penitentiary for two years. The iliu iiiiawni.i, it 11. nit itiij ji-.iin ui "n-, and n nativo of Wide.", told a sorrowful talo to the court, how that when Lo awoke from a drunken stupor ho realized what lie iiaii done. ItomarUablo Chanso. The rapid and over Increasing traffic that is to bo observed on our main streets is something wonderful. In conversn tioti with a merchant 011 the corner of I) nnd First, and olnor; ing tho great num her of vehicles of all descriptions that passed incessantly to ami tro, lie said : "ten years ago one cmld count tlio iio-dt-itrians on his Auger's end passing this point," This is a remarkublo change in a few years, and what tho future will h" it U impossible to tell. SliSbtly Injured. This morning wlrilo Dr. W. H. SaWor was driving up First street in his buggy, answering n hasty summons, a littlo girl named Sohn who"n aistera nro pro prietors of the St. Louis hotel, ran from the hotel directly in front of the horse and was felled to tho street. It occurred so ipiickly that Dr. Savior could not preent tlw Occident. He quickly checked tlw animal, spiang out of the buggy ar.d picking up tho child can led it into the hotel where he scon hud hor almost as veil as over, save a fow bruises. It is not strange tint such accidents occur, but it i strange they do not happen oftencr, us children are allowed to tun about unattended during tho entiro day upon 'ir busiest thorough fares rtfUwauUa Itobb:ry. Tie little town of Milwaukio is be coming famoui for its tragedies and deeds of daring and will eventually be come the reporter's Eden should it pro gress as it has in tho past: Last Thurs day afternoon, says tho Enterprise, be tween 3 nnd 4 o'clock, the house of O. A. Campbell, of Milwaukie, was broken into and robbed of a trunk during his absence to tho town. Mr. C. lives noar Judge Wait's. In tho trunk was a good suit of clothes, a watch and chain, a shirt stud, eight or ten dollars in money, about two hundred riollar.i' woith of note and nn accordion. After somo difficulty the trunk wai found, tracks having been discovered leading in its di rection by Judge Wait, Tho thieves had ovidently been interrupted in their search, ns tho monoy and notos were not taken, but the watch nnd chain, shirt s'ud nnd pocket knifo were misblng. From the tracks it was evident that tho trunk had locn carried away by boys or young men, and as such had been seen in the vicinity loth before and after the robbery, wo expect to soon hear of their arrest. Down the Jlivcr This afternoon at 3 o'clock the British bark San Luis, laden with wheat, went down the river en route to a foreigu jiori. She carries a valuablo cargo. Itomovinjr. Tho large two-story dwelling house on tho uorthc 1st corner of Second and Pine sttcts is being removed to Seventh and Oak. Addition. CJarjienters havo been nt woik for sovernl days building a shed on the cast and south of tho upper deck of tho Pa cific wharf, for tho shelter of carriages, wagons, etc. Fonltry. It is ovident that a good many moro loultry ranches havo been stnrtcd in the ast veor, as tho quantity of chickens and turkeys arriving daily in the city Is considerably on tho increase. Unloading Ballast. fter considerable delay the City of Cashmere has at last managed to got alongmlo Coulters wliarf nnd is now un loading her ballast. Sho will cnuttnenco loading wheat on Monday, nh' being charteied by Sibmm V Church. For Oltka. The C.ilifojnia will, on her rf turn trip to Sitka, take en boatd the machinery ordered some timo since fur n mining company of thr.t plnce, and which has been executed by the Willumctto Iron Works Company. Imiirovoinont. The unsightly pile of dirt that has been lying to tho rear of tha Oregon it California Co.'s ollices is luing removed and a platform will In tho future sur round the liuilding, making n decided improvement in the nppc.irnnco of tho same. An Addition. A number of men under the direction of J. E. Smith aro building 11 projection on tho upjiei landing cf Low is and Flanders' whurf. This is a very neces sary step, as in the loading ot wheat and tlour it protects the same from the ruinous effects of the rain. Gottlns Koady. The now and largo barge being built at the O. S. N. Co.'s boneynrd is being rapidly brought to finish. The masts havo been placed In position, ami tho painters havo commenced on it. It is expected to launch the barju on the 1st of next month. Tor r.opalru. The ktcam tug Aston'", of Astoria, is .it tho Willamette Ire 1 Works wharf 1 undergoing some repaiis, her boiler hav- J ing got out of order. She cumu up on 1 Thursday night and will return in n day or so. , , Almost Ready. Nuohii t Daviihou and Aiuslie it Co.'s caw mills, burned some timo since, will soon be in working order. Tho boiler and engiuo is in position, nnd it is exjiected to resume work in n week or ten ilflVH. TAOorna Sports. T.icoma must be u rather quiet town as deer are frequently hilled within its bouudaiiis. A few d.ryn ago ono of the citizens tried to kill one with an fixe but f.illol. On Monday lost ono was kill 1 near the lUuekwtll Hotel, rolling down to t!.v railroad tracls after being shot. TUo Utato Fair. From areliublosouico wo learn that he State Aaricultural Society is in gricultural Society is in a' nourishing eonditiou, nnd we will nutici-. pate the oilicial repart which will bo re-1 ceived iu a few days by saying that the , i.t.t ;- 1.. -J .... ctt". . i.t-! .. loiii receipts ui me oiavo rnir were over $17,000. T!i- Society paid the interest .. M.n .....1.. .!..!. rfa inn n iw-. on tho main debt, 83,1)00 on improve- . . : . ' ... mouts, $1,300 of old warrants ami still are Ien in ilebt than a year a-'o. 1 - Flnser Aruautitod. l"ivt'nbv niornini! 'i vcuht man nati.i I O Donuell, broth. r-in-hw to " j Johnathan Moar, of Sauviu s Island, mot with a painful nccideitt whilo cutting kindling wood nthis houv? on Columbia ciouu. hy u curt.-ic miuuc m cut mitt .r Itij ll, rV ntt ttitof iu .1 iiitt Hie wound was bandaged and ns t t.. ...nt - w.. -. ..- .-V ... t. I.t.t. .Itn1-".' Kteumer D:ton was just passing ho hailed hr aud came to this city, where the wound was properly dressed. Cruelty to Animals. Our attention was drawn yoatcrday to a most pitiable nnd cruel scene. A man evidently from the country was driving along rront street a team ol hores, one of them being so laino that tho progress of tho wagon was very slow. On exam ining the horse, we found that ono of Ins hoofs was entirely decayed, nnd that tho poor unimnl actually walked, or rather limpod, 011 thrio logs. How the o ner mamiged to get out of town is a mystery, but it is evident that he did, as we have hentd r.ti further news of his poor beast. Cca. Crant at Oregon City. Tlio Oregon City Untorpwo in speak ing of the reception of Gen. Grant, tells tho following touching incident: Dozens of bourpuefs wero prehsnted, two es pecially lino onoi, one by May Kudey and the other by Syiititlm Tucker, the adopted daughter of li 11. Fellows Jlsri. Hiie preentel her louquet with the words, "fieri. Grant will you accept this bouquet from a little orphan?' Grant replied, "God bless your little soul, you carry the American llag," she having one in her left hind, took hr in his arms kissed her. Will Lcavo. Tho nhip Anglo Newman will finish leading today, and will leae on Monday. A XUlpablo nit. Tho Vancouver Independent in speak ing of tho Oregonian's Tnii says : That sheet, noted for Its indiscretions, sends out through the mails handbills folded into its paper. Tho I. S. stututos pre scribe n lino of 8u0 and imprisonment for this ollensc each and every time. A Uoavy Train. Yesterday evening one of tho heaviest trains that has ever left this city passed out over tho Western Oregon roaiL It consisVed of sixteen box cars, ono car of bridge timbers, nnd six car loads of mils. It required the combined power nt tltf-fin Inf-nltmll ff.a In iml if .... il.A 1?0Mrtl streot Kmjef Wlll thoy )in(1 uI, tliny could posMbly do. Outsldo riaUlicd. Iho outside pait of the new Oro Fino block has been finished. Tho painters I int tbrniiL'b with their ivirt nf it. vnttnr- day ami the mnssivo structure prosouiH a most imposing and grand nppenrnnco. Work has liscn going on for somo timo on tho inside nnd ero long wo shall sco tho entiro building fully occupied nnd a sci'irs of considerable lmsines. A Woalthy Company. The Puget Sound Mill Company is the mos-t extensive nnd well appointed of any in the world. They have threo mammoth mills which turn out nn im mouse amount of lumber daily. The Port Ludlow mill, of which they nro tho proprietors, bus the largest capacity of nny mill in the whole world, thereby giving this company the unmo of being tho lending lumber firm on earth. They havo a fleet of sixteen railing vessels nnd five steamers. Their warehouse ot ITtsalariy has 11 capacity of two thousand tons of wheat, which is at present half 111 led. A Flno Applo. This mouiing im npplo of tho Gloria Mundi species was left on our table, which is by far tho l.u-gnst wo havo seen ., - -, 1 ii- this season, ns 1 it weighs something Lt a 1 i t 1 1 i States mints nnd circulated nt par throughout tho interior, but bhnvcri in cities. Tho uppln was grown in the orchard of Mrs. W. S. llobinson, on the corner of Second and Lincoln streets, and to that Inriy we are indebted for tho jiresent. -i.i- AJZim ajln Adyantaso. Our street commissioner has been ex- cejitienally leniont with thoso paities'tbo wnrchouso, nt that place. The road wm ' J . ' I to bo completed to Indepciulcnco in another who have been building in snnous parts week. of tho city during tho past hummer. Tho Reporter snss 1 Tho mail from Mc TI11.1 letifoncv w nrn nfrnld has been Minnvillo south on the Dallas routo U still ie.l upon, ni svo can instanco nlca,T'cJ by -UBc, notttlthstamllnp tho train . 1 . ., , , . .. runs roiriilarly aiongsido most of tlio distance, of cases where thu debris arising na will bo running regularly ns farai Dlxlo trcspnsse number 1 from now buildings, etc., havo been al- lowed to romnin on tho btrects unmoved ions after tho buildinss havo been com - ..1......1 Hi. a.,nn.i,.,.n.inni 1 tmdtm pleteil. Stieet Superintendent Uraden isdetenninod to Btnml thn no longer, and we understand tins already served noticet, on novcral ot the oUenumg par tiea Capital Itcma. Tlio next issue of the Meicurv. a lead- Jnti Democratic nnwhimpcr, vs ill cniitain 9 ... . . . nn nt!. Javit w ncl. is o ..on- jously disturb the present State minimis - n!1"0" - . ,j0,.V. ,;? "-"' HU.V " """' tuo peopio win givo 11 special luumiiuii. Tho town ol Junction lias a now rauiiooio Salem sends to your Mechanics' Fnirc0,l,I'leted. several exhibitors, chief among them is I Mr- l)alo is stillln th Jail, ami will ron.a.ii , ,, ..t.i 1 s 1 ?. i...f..i there until after Supremo Court, ns his case 'J. II. 11IUIM. Willi 1111 iTuiiuriiiii 1 : . ,' , ... . ... 1 ciock, ine, .. .. kUU ..u l"-""" In Salom. Scientiflo men .should exam- ! om '" "- i.m tliia i.ipiwi nf uvirlr ivil i rum. I ' "" I Immense quantities of grain nio torn- ,g in liver ami railroad facilities f0l. . .: . i,.v,l i, il,n!r nhm.1i an-portntion aio taxed to then utmost ' in ' trail to hnndl.-th product, nulls mill ware-, s 1 .1 .. ;..i. a 1 a,u W,J'" '1 "B " "?" , aVftUable, putting in grain. The ,,; ima.,,WJd in good order, I nn,, Pol,. counti,.-t will have om I'Ul IllUt 9 III" ill! MllffJ "tttl U.1.IJ ' ... I ho weather Sliirinn iiie-iiiiiitiir more m.reag' n. giain man any lormer , ,.,.,. The liuHins-Whitney ailiiir in tiio lOircuit (Jourt causns much comment T rei0outlna attorney 1 clttiiu.i to have fully compiled wi h all requirements of ' the legislature, and objectu to being " set aside" by Judgo Harding. Tho judgo has the "matter under advisement nnd may uutore Mr. Whitney to his former position, to which tro people tlocted I him. The track of the West Side Ilrvlroari will bo completed to Independence this woek and is ulready diver ting cunsideru blo triel from l'olk county, which tonnorly a ne to Salem to take train for Portland. The capitalists of Sslem be gin to k" tho necessity of building up manufacturing enterprises and the next few years will duioloii fohemes which will nmko the capital city n grent tnanu j facturing point. Such men as lilts!), the IJreyman Hros., "Scoteh" .Alillor, G. W. Gray and otheis nre inutuiirig plans to make use of our immense w.ttjr power (which is now wasting), in the mnnufuo- (tuio of woulen goods, agrioulturiil imple ments, etc., for which wo now wml our money out of the State. "Why do guns burtl r.sks a contem porary, ur.d then devotes nearly a tolumn to auswerin:; tho que fctioit. Gims bunt, sas tho St. Iuis Post, because powder is put into them. You might use a gun seven hundred years, and it wouldn't burst if you kept powder out of it. Stato and Territorial. vmiiutirtte Vnllivr. TIiitc nro four suits fur il.iimgcs to enmo upnt tlio iicxt term of Circuit Court ol Linn county. Levi A. Wells, who lived a bachelor on a arm a fow miles nbovo Sheridan, died lately in California. It. linbrio, Ki., President W. C. A. S., says tho Fair bold at Iteavcrton excelled in many respects tlio Waaliinfiton County Fair. Sam. Tucker has tho contract for extending lle.xvcrton ditch to its confluence with the Hornbtickln ditch, a distanco of thrco-qunr-tcrs of a milo consideration unknown. Snyder, n demented German who was ar retted month! ana near Strinztown on a chargo of attempted arson, wasadjuilicd In sano nnd escorted to tho asylum on Monday last. On Saturday of last week Itoiemlorf A Hircchbcrg, of Independence, old to Kinney & Co.. of Salem. 'J0.030 bushels of wheat nt 0110 dollar por bushel. A good salo at a good ngure. They havo stored in llucna Vista 70.000 bushels of wheat, tn-wit: fis.OOl) In Mr. J. At Uichanlson's warehouse, ami SI, 000 in Mr. Churchill's. Sacks nro out calling for 8,000 bushels more. U. S. Marjhal Waters commenced tho calo of thuCriswold property in Salem last Monday, but owine; to tho scarcity of bidders thenalowas postponed after two vacant lots had been disposed of. Mr. J. lb V. Butler died nt his homo in Monmouth, l'olk county, on Saturday, Oct. 18, 1670, aired 70 years nnd 1 month. In 1810 ho crossed tha plains, and reaidod hi I'olk county siuco 1SKI. Tho llillsboro Independent says: Somo thief or tliievcs entered tho dwelling hnusu of J. A. Tlioma, who resides in Tualatin pro- t..t ..1 . I.IInllin fnmtllr ltna nlilimt. ulntl! SI.' iii money buitdo other articles of less value. A silver watch was found tho other day be longing to Thos. Imhrie, ot tho North l'Uins, which ho plowed up in his field lately. Tho ground has been plowed four times since tho watch was lost, and, stranco lo tay, it was unhurt when found andupou being wound ran ns well as ever. ,.?". llillsboro lias nino stores, two chtirchos, three blacksmith shops, two saloons, ono butcher shop, ono carriage manufactory, a half doen carpenter shops, two hotels, three doctors, two dentists, 0110 Hour mill, two liar noas Uom. postoflico, oxprcu agency, two livery stables, four law olfices. two boot and shoo shops, a millinery establishment, n pub lic school, a barber shop, a warehouse, depot buildings ami n uowspapcr. Tho Albany Democrat says : The docket of tho next term of Circuit Court, which wo publish clsottherc, shows ' very plainly that Linn county is rust-stricken, i nro tiiciitycvwi suits to foreclose ' lncilt Mills ti aru gut utv-riii'uk.uL'ii vuu ,X"' "";",, ;" mr.,nlK. n,,,, 11.,. ( ,i'cs tho unsettled eonditiou of business in ' our county at present, j Tlio West Side Itailroad reached Derry, i 'o now town on tho IticUreal, Saturday, g JiTllA rupM rale, crossing the creek south of tho warehouse whilo wo were thotc. Tho sido I lMC, a ,.UMtt.r ot a uMa in icBtil( i,a3 ,jco 1 ,,.,. ,,t down and hintwd somo train front j ( a iovf days, if It docs not nlreadv. Wo learn that tficro is somo kind ef deadlock in ! tho business, by which tho contractor fails to i sub-let tlio service toiiio routo ngent on 1110 ftml vo ,0 tl)8 t,lnt tnlo of af. 'irfn ill continuo whilo the entiling contract is in force, Mr. James Hastings, who lives bolow Dal las, sold some wheat, receiving therefor $.'00. Ho started home, and when a short distance this sido of Pcrrydalo two men attempted to rob linn, ono jumping from the other sido of tho road and grabbing nt tho bridle of his horso. Only 0110 succeeded IU gaining s I'.oiil and ho was induced to let go suddoiily by a ...11 .ticAstml tiTrtu. irsini n Willis unirli fi y"' Vj , ,,,;-,,,;,; Af to? , ,g 1 llim1),jf from jj,, aMniUaU ho put spurs to ,"1" '" ami sot out or ti.oir way. .1...1 ..,.1 - ., r ,.-.,..l ,,. "" i'i" " i-tvvv.t.t.a Snt-u. Lui0 Luka , McKearn, 01 ew .org ,; go-, !inrf, rlioLi, to fleatii lxst wol-k. tho I'UeLta ill Ids Icsving tho halter strap tied on him whon he M bin, go to tho pasture. Hovoral farmers mar llnrr.ibiirg have bwu ... Miirlroto, ,vllunt tu M lf it WH Krow )t nl)licarn from oxiurinunt that it will cumu - !- si as noil ns full plump wheat. 'Iho rutt in this year's crop is a good thing it is e;omg to ho tho means ol chocking such n (vcldtss, indiscriminate crouit iiusincss. u n an ill wind that blows nobody ijood. A La (iraudo paK.r saysi Now enterprises nra springing up all around us. Wo under stand parties nt Island City will ir.gago imuni diaUly in tho nmnufacturo of nines. The Couriir says : A move is now on foot to establish a telegraph lino from St. Joo to Dayton, bomo of Daj ton's citizens havo taUou bold of tho matter and are working with vim toseenru it. Tho line is to pais through McMlimviUo and of cnursu Litayttlc will do her part in aulktin tha much needed enter prisu. Tho Junction Kcjiubhoiti sjvi. Wlnlo on our way to Kugsno lt Siturday wi- noticed two throthing iiiachlm'S in operation. Or.o of them was in n sixteen huudrud acre Ibid be longing to a Mr. Hill. Tito plows wero run uinu in thu sauio fiuld. When tlio rains tut in a few weeks ao Mr Hill still hit 1 llv hun dred ncres to cut. Tho Lt fir.tud i Ottte ys. Tho contract has bei n Lt for ti biuhllli,; of two bridge over Oranilo Itoiuls river, one at i.u of the old Mitchiil bridge and thu utlmrntOro Dell. M.-ri. A. H. Mdltir . Sun, of Port 1 mil, are the oontraotori slid thoy will win msnto work in nbout thrso wul. Tl.ey aio to oomploU the Mituliel bridge iii ninety data and the Oro Dell lmda in tour Ieti ( llio Jlnilllliilll'. Mr. S. W. ltobbms' sUllimi (Umbcttadiwl lait iSoiuUy. Th Plou. i.i.idto y-the oausa of his death is suppowd to I colic lly thu ilt-atti of OainUtta Mr Jtobbint lows tW,.V. Ilov. ('. Psrkiir was vi.ein friend i on the Umatillu uvur, nuar IVudUtun, when hu ttnrn ran nwiy and went over a bluif liO fvet ui,'li ; oni norto was Kiutu, too oinvr 4nous ly mjurml, and thu bugjy statu. A number of the laru shippers of grain fioiu tho upiier country havo an impression tint tho facilities for moviug their giain hero at 'Iho Dillss is not equal to the emergency, and therefor them ii a continual bb.'-odi at this point. Tlo Lcwlston Teller saysr Tho Immense whist crops raised this yiar in tho counties north of this city nio being carried to AlmoU aud other ports bolow us alone tho Snako river. This is because tlicro hasiiccn no pro vision undo in Lowistoti for tlio iccptiou of this wheat. The ireoplo of Yakima nro organising n soci oty for tho encouragement of immigration. Wo learn from tho Yakima Record that tho building of n ditch for tho irrigation of Parker bottom precinct is n matter that excites at tention. riigct Sotiml, After trial of dillercnt coals, tho Treasury Department has directed tho rorenuo cutters of both Pusjet sound nnd tho Columbia river to obtain their coal of tlio Seattlo Coal Com pany, tho quality nnd prico being considered most fivorablo for tho uso ot theso steamers. Tho Paget Sound Argus says tho people of San Juan nro in n prosperous condition nnd tho future is bright. At Anacortes, tlio namo of n littlo settlement nt tho head of Ship bar ber, on Pidalgo island, tho population is grottiug rapidly, nnd tho peopio nro ns a class piite intelligent. Hotilltrrii Oresnn. Work has commenced 011 tin no.vPiesbji torian Church nt Jacksonville. Tho Sentinel sayRnmntt unmed Hall has been nrrcsted nt .Inelcsouvillo suspected of belli)! implicated in tho recent murder nt Tide lake. Messis. C. Y, Miller nnd Jniuts Kitoii, who havo been nt work mining 0:1 Klliot creek, a tributary nf ltlj Applcgate, recently took out nf lhir claim a miagil of pura gold weighing 120. VnucoriTcr, Prom tlio Independent t Tho Cascade inoiintaitt tops I" g'n to sltotv patches of tlutr, nnd Mount Hood uas n fresh coat of daud ng whiteness. A largo number of ship spars nro being put into tlio Columbia slough nt Love's crossing, lioin nt lino timber ns glows m uregon. Tho lutes for the givcrnmcnt work nt tho head til tho Willamitto slough nro being cut in ClnrKo county, 011 the Columbia, nbovo Vnncomcr. Heuhcii llrown, who lives on tho Lukn mas, ten miles from this place, planted tttriity-onn Prince Albort potatoes, from which ho dug eight bushels nnd a half. Who caii bent tint I Sheriff J, It. Crossed, of Wnsco county, brought down to Vancouver n man named W. II. Wnrrcn. Tlio prisoner is n dnsoiter from Co. K of the Kt Cavalry, and n deserter from Walls Walla About tivo months ago. Mr. Warner, living 011 Hock creek, on tho road from Vancouver to Cliolatchia prairie, is building n saw mill to run by water power. It will bo ready lo run in 0 mouth, aid will provo a great coiivruleueo tn tint part of Clarlto county. Aslnrln. Prom tho Astorian. Tim Oregon took !f,001 c.rsiHof salmon from Astoria. Duck hunting nnd fishing of various kinds i tho principal spoil iu this vicinity nt prc unt. Pour vcjjils arrived from net ymterdsy the Orient mid Milnncthou from San Pran cisrit, and I'.iu Wustrru Hello nn I Mllltvall from foicigu ports. ('rued Lalniou nro now wotth 31 .17 por doica in San Prauciico with nit upttnrd tend ency, so wo nro reliably informed. This is cheering news to raiiiieryiiiuu who havo been ablo to hold their mlmon. Thoy may yot realize a fair profit en this Sanson's catch. At a mooting ot the Astnris Chamber of Commerce tho rxpreulon was unanimous that t o'clock A. M. is too early for tho departure of tho mnil boat from hero to Knlama, nnd that tho public would bo better accommo j dated by a smill change In tho schedule of tho railroad so that tlo boats could connect ' with thn trains north without leaving hcru to early. Tho ItiirilDg Reds. Tio Captured Hostiloa to bo Sont to Tort Vnncouvcr-Farrotr'.i Caaipalja a Alice ess. A dispatch received fiom Umatilla hist evening gives the following: The Indian prisoner., -U in number, ruptured iu the ninti t-t iti.-i of Salmon nnd Hig creek, by Lieut, Farrow and his Umatilla Indian hCouU, arrived hero to day under thu guutri of five scouts iu ch irge uf Lieut Furrow. They nro n dirty trigged lot, uml iiumber among them miirileroni who were tho terror of the Wclsur and Lemhi country last Kail ami Summer. Among them is n noted lUunock Indian doctor, who is supposed to have been tho lender in the killing cif Rivera this Hummer. The band, al though called "idieop eiteni," uvo mostly Snakes, These Indians fought nnd defeated Lieut Catley'H commtud, and captured a portion of his pack train. When sur prised by Limit. Furrow they were in a deep canyon, mid finding themselves fully Mirrimuriml, Mint a white ling nud surreiuleied. Tim flag of truee they have kept on th'ir long nnd weary march, mid nt every camp raised it, evi dently thinking it prottcted them. They cauipud on the banks of tho Co lumbia waiting for lb" morning boat, Iho while rug on it long slender pole, lloating lib o thine who inn a ragged, dir'y icmiiant of n tiibo mnu the terror of thu Idahotu, Too much cieriit cannot be given to the galluut In etc uaul uml his biave bund of guides mid stouts who, elmost starved, worn out and lacged, utill followed the Indian trail until after vnriuin ni;irm isli'ss ii emnph tn iiiilccm mwnriled their tirless ell'olts. Ve, in I'aiituni Oregon and Idaho, si) ui.'-nty nmi'ti to thu riopirturu of tLei'it Iiidmiis to Vnucouvu in thu moru mg, uml may they imvur return. AttoniptBd I'oijDsry At about !) o'eliiek this mnming thn in.mi'.es ol ileuuie S.tvujj'i's house on So: . .d ntriit near Alder wore awakened nv lint wrotims uf Mi.-s Savuge ur.d brought out In Iter skelter, it heemil th a a (.'hiuniuun hail entered by the froitt door mid was making bin way (dung thu ball tuAurd the kitchen, which awaki-ituri thu w'ouiun of the house who quickly closed nud locked hoi door, then put her head out of the window and bo gan Hcroaming murder. Some polices whistles were heard from another win dow bringing help in a few minutes. The Celestial attempted to knock Misn Savage down, but failed, after which he made good his eacajio.