Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 24, 1879, Image 6

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tillanutt Jfarnwr.
issci:i) Kvrnr rniDAY, dv
ruM.tsiir.ris ash rnormirron..
Term of Miilmrrlptloni
One cop; one year (S2 nuinlien), In tdiatic....'4 00
One copy ili month (M imintion) - 1 (10
One copy throo monthi (13 number) 0
PORTLAND, OCT. 21, 1S70.
All nl Vruzrrt.
Wxant.soTo.v, Oct. 16. Abatement of the
opcratlona of Iho patrut eilllco for the JuM
flacal yenrnhows that during the 'l months
midlii! Juuo 30lh liiHt thcrn were 19,300 ap
plications for patent; 112,171 patents were
Oil Id I'ltllllr.
CoLOitiiM, Oct. 10. Tim Itopublicaus will
haso clLt ninjorlty In tho Honnte, ntiil cer
tainly 1)5 majority on joint ballot,
Tho Republican committee, are now noil.
fylntl lliclr corrcRpotiiluiitB tb-i t Foster's ma
jority will probably full ns low nn 17 100.
Tln flu 11 n r.
Wawiiimiiok, Oct. 10. The following tele.
fjrAtn wan rscelvo I i.t the Indian bureau to.
ilny :
Los Pino, Col, Oct. II.
To tho Cuiiiuilssloii.ir i.f Indian Airniri,
iVuiiblnRtou, U.C.i All nuleti no danger
of trouble from tho Indiums, sillier nctir or
rciuolr, unlets priolpltatcd by evil counsels
nnd conduct of tliu whiles, win) scoui deter
icliitil to make trouble. Tlio iwwsti.spcrs
nud tbontuioHplirrA of Colorado nro full of
lying rumors. '1 ho sccrot of nil tint outcry
und thoso fulrto rutuors can bo found In the
text, "Tlio Ules mint co." Tlio While
Rlscrwomiii, chlldrtn, money nml papeis
nro snfo with MrH. Mulier, atulnll will be
Font hero in hooii us prnctloible. Homo of
tho employes nru hullcud to bo nlivc; ol
illcrH havo been reinforced. I'roviitloni and
water plenty, TIichh Items nro obtained licit
from runtime from whlto Hirer.
Htammcv, Agent.
1'roiiiocln lor I'lulillmr.
Br. Louis, Ocl. 18. A dispatch from S.ui
Antonio, Tinan, hh.vn (lemr.il Ord, com
ruatnlliiif tlio ibpiir line lit, received tlio fol
lowing elNpalch lo-ihey;
1'ol.T Co.scuo, Oct. 15, 1870.
Colnusl Hatch, couimnudinK thu dinttlct
ol :scw Mexico, Ii form mo thnt laruo boil
At While Hirer.
RAwrXsi, Wy., Oct. 17. A couilor Just In
from Merrill's ceimnnu.l rep.rts that tho
troops nro ut tho Whlto river agency J that
they hnvobeem isciutlu;; through the country
for SO tulles ulntit tl.em nod hnvo beon mi
nblo to fltul ii iii):lo Indium It is evident
thnt (bo Indiana have gone south nnd split
into small lnibU.s, going Into various
agencies. Tha troops will hnvo nn nil 'Winter
campaign to fcrr t out thoso of tho aavago
tribe who brought ou tho trouble
roithitiM Ea.
ltiiilii't Ailnii i:-tie.llftiii,
Londo.s, Oct. 13. Tho Russian press is
very Impatient tibont tho denrtb of news
from the Central Asian expedition, especially
as no ctTott banyot been mado to reconcile
apparent contradictions in two official re
ports of thn action atOeoKtepo. Meanwhile
a letter from Tillls publlnhsd in tho Oolos
.ays that grove apprehensions nro felt thero
(or tho safety of the expedition. The letter
describes Invalid men arriving ut Uaker as
being in miserable plight, nud says thnt
ijrat numbers have died of diphtheria and
ii scorbutic disease, nud that medical nr
rnuojiiieuls are iletluicut. Tho truth ubout
tho Gcoktepo otTalr is gradually leaking out.
Thu iiMaalt on the Htuglllrio rnrlhworks
was made on tlio l'levun pattern niter nn in
sflictunl cannound i. Tim Himlani mndo n
rush with Uxed bis ousts; but wen rctiulscd
nuti ireniti in iiiminler. Tlio Turkoman
cavalry In nttncklug tha Kuitl.iu (link nnd
thero to his grandmother In Oakland, wns
formally adopted by tho Grand todgo. A
monthly donation of $C0 was onlerod for his
support, nnd on a lint being passed around,
tho Bum of $03 wns quickly raised for his
present necessities.
l J .;j i
Lucilla'a JLovo Lettcra.
"Aro thiTd any more of tliosf hilly
etti:rn ?"
When lior futlicr aikcd this question
in nn awful tone, Lucilla llichmoml
:ould not nay "no," and ilared not hay
"yes." so as nn intermediate course, shu
burst into a htonn of tears leliiml her
"JJring thoni to me, Lueilla, said her
lather, as it fchc had nnswercd hiti', as
indeed bho had, nnd tho girl, trembling
and weeping, roso to obey.
Then Mrs. llichmoml, her daugliter'n
very self grown older, camo behind her
husband's chair and patted him on tho
"Please don't bo harsh with her, my
dear," the said, coaxingly. "He's a
nice young ninn, and it's our fault, after
nil, us muuli as lier's, nnd you won't
break her heart, I'm sure."
"1'erhaps you npprovo of tho whole
renr, ertntcd such tou.uslon that when tho almir, ma'am," Raid Mr. Richmond.
iiMof well nrme.1 Apnclies nro oln South
toward 'IVxns, 'J'hey on probably ri negades
from tho Indian Tinitory nud Mexico.
iiuvu arranged to inUrrrpt them nud rilu
force nml ronciiitrtitu forcts when necessary.
Signed (Iks. Gihr.ius.
Slllllll Nlllltll up,
C'lililix), Oil. 1C. Another railroad ncci.
dtiit. whl'di barely escaped lulngn livnl of
the .TiitkHoii nll'alr, occurred near llariibixxin
tho N'orlhn c kit I u last night. A heavy f n Ight
train nud passenger train collided, owlnf to
Iho iibhintuiiudciliuKs of thu conductor of
tho pasu'tiger trnln, and but for tho fnct
that both li.iiusutro blacking Ihrro would
hnvo bun n ten lido illtnsttr. Ah it wm,
only lino man wus bmlly huit. Tuo rtigiius
nud live freight dim wuo siuanhed to bits.
Iliiiituii nml Courtney.
Msvim.k, K. V., Oct. lfi. Thuboat ace
Ims como to n tuixl tnglnrlous rnd. I.utu
this moriiing lhi i.ir wns tllhd with rumors
thnt CourliKy's IhmIm wcru stove; nmilher
that they had b i u rut I ut night. A vltlt In
Courtney n ipinilers disclosed iho facts us re
pot led liy t'oiitluey'H neihi.r nud Hint
llriiuii, wli'n had bun mIiIi him us ntleinl
cuts nud rngned In tiiKlnj; earn of tho limits
that hint i veiling about Mt they left tho
bjatbmme, locking it nu Iho shore'hidu .villi
n iiadlocli nud on thn ilwrsldv himply hunk,
lug It nud driving ii unit over tho hao'k. On
Ktittiiltig iiliout tight from th lllnge they
filtltid Hint iho ilur door had bcvi forced',
Iho nail brol.iii nud thu boats buth cut with n
caw. Tho niii' m.i. for tho raco was cut
twiithinU IhioiiKh, l.'fut 10 Inches from Iho
low; thn worliiiijt bout wns cut t ninety
through 0 foil I Indus from thn Um. Thu
two nun up I In matter u secret from Court
tiry uiittl this moii.ing. What will lie dune
ns t poslpoiiitig Iho rum or ilUpodugnf llie
pri; Is uiikiiovtii as Ml. Thu iifiiee, ill
irrs nnd bauUirs of thu two mm nro now m
('ourtm.'d b.itlrrs boldly ileihro that he
himself rniwid tho boat to ho cut. Cuuttmy
It Is understood md.s for tin or tuthodivs'
pnstpouentdit. Hverytrnlu biliigshirgnaj
iiBilotis to tho idrt'uily largo lliumg.
Thu nfcteo will cull thu Ihj.iU at the up
pointed hour, ll.itilui will row oer the
course nud itldupt to mnku thu beat live
nillo time on leeuid. Iho iiiestiou of the
light lu claim tlio money is in dispute,
Sotilo contikts Us piijiuent to Haitian, miles
I lui raco bo rowed with Couiluer as Mated in
original urllcles of ngreemi't.
Tlio llrorcln lliiiul.
.MiLiKuavaLK, Oct. 17. A baud of men
luuubt'tliiit prub.sbly 10 or 1-, niter commit,
ting murder nud iirsou, openly dofynmat
nud cjiitlnuo their work.
JI.iuIiiii Tilr Hie MnUi'.
Miikulmc, ,V. Y Oct. 17. - Hliilklo,
retort c, give to Ilnulan, this monilug, n
cherl; or order on thu City Ilauk of Ruche.
Icr for $0,000. Hunlan will today demand
the money nt thu bank.
Tlio lver.
Mi.Miins, Oct. 17. Noon 1'our caie re
volted to tho Hoard of Health. Three
nirrsea sent by thu Howards left fur IVreat
City by n special tru n this moriilng,
Two deaths occurred ut Torest City, Ark.,
since the hist report.
I'lilrnito .Slnrkrls.
CllKJloO. Oct. 17 Mli. M.ltn.i,l nn
change continued today, nnd whest readied
the highest point yt sinco N'oTember, fell-
!u riTf, "l" V however, aaiuldeii
brciili Mid vrlceiiUcliuMl to (H 18?, autUit
tho nreatyt ,i,iicitciiKiiL Com de;liiic,d also
nbout 3 WrH for N'OTcniber, nnd provisiont
for. tho deferred opticus wero decidedly
lower. Jamwy lard, which sold early nt
$0 111) decliulus to U 10. Tho publlu mo
duco txchaujic, a largo bucketihoii, has sus.
pendfd operallotis uutll the xciltnit-iit suli.
Ides, but Its mauagers luteud to reiuuie,
nud claim to bo taken this step ns a means
of prottctiug itself nud lis customers,
llnllroml Ace litem.
Aixisv, N". V Oct. 17. Au expre train
nu into n freight tialu on tha tiusiiuchuuuu
lOad nt Oneautn to-day, by which Iho engi
neer, J it dd Maun, nud th tlreiuau, James
Mclliiireof thu express train, wero killed,
oud both locomotives badly damaged. The
accldeut wns a duplication of thu oua lately
occurring ou tha Mlchlgau Central. A tralu
was being wade up nt Oueouta, and m there
was a heavy log, a llaguiau was scut to warn
thel cxprcas that was due, when it cnnio
runhlng into tho yard upou thu partially
made up freight train. None of tha pane it.
Ken were injured.
vanguard reached thu main forco In tho rn
setvo the latter wns uinhlo to ttui tha tldo
of iclrcnt ntd wus itel( compelled to rttlro
10 miles belore order could lie restored.
According to private intelligence received lu
.St. l'ttersburif. the Itifsilau lim U much
Srenter thiti olltclal reports iidtuit.
Allnlr- In AUIiiiiilHimt,
8iiiLt,;Oct. 17.-'i'hoiii!iecrnf Afghinlstnu
did not nccompiny Sir IVedeilck Huberts ou
Ida entry Into Calm), pleading indUioiltion,
Ucli. Htlt was then npolnt"d military gov
ernor of Cnbnl, nnd will bo imlitod by No
wub (llirdim Hlsseln.
Tho Afghan regiments which left Ohucuco
to Join tho tniltlueets were dlsi(rsed '.'' miles
from Cabtil, leaving 1 2 giliu behind them.
I'tghly.llvo guns nml mortars nnd a inutility
of niumtiiiitloii for both artillery nud small
with found lu Uall.i IlUsir.
IWsnstrnns I'IiiiiiI In .Sjinlu,
MadiiiI), Oct. 17. A liiiitleaneon Toesibiv
ulgbt was nccouijiaiiUd by he ivy rains,
which overllowed tho rivers Mtiudas nud Bo
guru, nnd Hooded a populous und furlllo val
ley. Tho cities of Hcor.1, Orlhuela, Jlnrcl
laud, Crevllleiits, nud n largu number of vil
lages between Murcis, Alllcanta mid Cat fa
gent, were moro or less Injured. Tho rivers
suddenly rose severilyariMduring tho night,
mid Iho Inhabitant wero compelled to lly
without snvbii; miy property. Tho streams
nro covered with tlm wrecks of farm homes,
iigrlcultiir.il Implomcins, dead cittln nud
somu iiiitiiiii corpses. Holdiers nml mnrlnts
lmo been sout by train from tho nearest
stations ti thu hin'iio nf tho dHastcr.
Chinches nnd publla buildings nrooccuplid
by Ihous mils of fugltni-H. Telei;rnih lines
ere dcslriijed betHien Muilrld, Atirlcos,
Aurica, Uiihaeln, A'lcntito mi 1 Albacet. Tito
sair.o Htonn nliio pnitially tluoded Malaga,
nnd futeiruptid lelcgrnnh nud railwnv com
iiiunle'iitloii ns fur us Hci'loi nnd .Seilllo.
Tho Hpnulidi (,'nbliiet nietyistirdiytodecldu
iijoii measures nt relict,
Tho Hoods III Murccn continue. Ouo bun-
dred nud nineteen corpse have been recov-
ercu. lour Ullages lire III rulus nud thou
siiudi of peassuts wholly dudittlte.
liiilluii SVni- lii rliinn,
Tt'i iov, Oct. Ifl. A pprri.il to Iho Dallr
1 Slur from Kllver City, N. M., says that In
dium li'ivo been coiiiiiilttliig terrible ilepro
dalloiiH In tho l!lo (i'tiudn valley, mid south
west of Tort Ciiuimlugs for ne urn I dijs
nasi, i ue peotne oi iioior.tili) linvn lieeii
besieged nud lighting siuce Kunday, mid up.
pml for nl I. .Sunday u nlutiteer couipiuiy
of III) mm under Cnj t. .1. C. Crouch, went
from M"silla to their aid. They nut 100
Indians near Colorabi mid is miles fpim
Mn.Miiu'ii ranch, mi ttu sldo of tho road.
After n uero tight th- voluutue-rM wero
compelled tu fall buck. They had a i milling
llht into tiloeum's inueli. Toe killed In
this tight wire V. T. Jomii, rminty c'nh of
Dun i Ana, county, niel four MexliMiu. Oa
receipt nf tbu new at Misillit two morn
enmpaiilcs of hi) mm wem ruined by l)l,
lljlunmnn, e'O'iipu.e.l of thu best lien In
Mmllla valley. Thueauipinlfi wero In Join
I'lotich to-dsy ut Slocmo'it mid gu lo Color
ado. Two trains were e-a .tu ted usterdiy
West of Ktoeillu's. iu oUJ of IhtUI eleven
IlmsrM m, Jlin.
Han ruwiniu, Oct. 10. Tho cmteit be
tween men nnd horses emoiied nt ths pavll
Inn lust welling to n giod nttiuilaiico. Tho
trueU (orhotKes 1 1 ai ranged nrotuul outsldo
ol that for men. Of tho men e iitered for thu
match, rihriwood mul Medregur failed to
slatt, mid of horses, only Controller. Denver,
Jim, Dan McCuthy, l'lnnfore, Hiwdhim
mid Nellie camo to thu score, lliodiu imulo
Ihellrst mlln in 8 ;, Nellie eloe after him.
'I lie Ciilllnriilie Vit.
rnenJty..To. Oct. 15. Thn total reluins
of l ho .State election nro now in ut tho Sec
retary of Klatu's olllce, nnd thn ullb-iul foot
ings show tho following icsiilti Herklu,
07.CJ3-, (Heiiu, IS.GUS. Whlte, 11.131. Mr
Ick Is the only Kepublkuii elected to the su
promo bcuch,
llleil Vtutn III VI'iiiiiiiN.
M.ndoc:no, Oct. 10. Last night William
Wright, ono of the victims of the nttray with
a gang of outluws in tho woods, ill eel to day
at this place. He had received two shots.
The llonmisn Null.
San Kuanchco. Oct. 17. Tho order to
show cause why Mr. Flood should bo com
mitted for contempt in retming to answer
certain questions lu the emu of llurkengaliut
1'lood nud the Nevada Hank, ojiK-eriiiug the
amount of stock owned by Flood, Mackey.
Fair nnd U'llrlvn in tha Nevada lUuk aud
the Consolidated Virginia Mining Company,
which knowledge plaintiff claimed the right
to possess, was argued te.dsy. Flood's
couutel admitted that Flood, Mackey, Fair
nud O'llrleii were directors iu bcth contract
ing companies ns charged, aud said th-it wit
uo.a did not luteud any contempt of court lu
refuslii); to ntiswer, ns Ids counsel coctldcrcel
them immaterial; but if the court docid
He "atlicred thorn
them material, witmss would arswer.
case wns taken nuder adviseme nt.
Teneliers' Convrntloii.
A State school teaohcra' convention will
bo held here December ?Jtb, SOth and 3Ut.
,u eiriiliiiu I'luds t'rlenels.
TJie Oraud I.odgo of Free Masous was iu
sesslou nil day yesterday. In his report of
the previous day, the grand master suggested
that members of tho order who commit sui-
ctete suould uot lie entitled to Masonic bur
ial, aud tho question was thoroughly di
cussed; bul uo nual action was taken. The
elecllou of graud officer will take place to
day. On Wednesday a little orphan, Walter
Wilcox, whose partuts both died iu New Or
leans duriuu thorcceut vellow fsror nl.
demlc, aud who was forwarded by Maaoiu
"I-no-that is, I only" msnod the
littlo wotuun; and hearing Lueilla com
ing, she Hank into a chair, blaming her
self for not having wntchetl more closely
her el.itightor'.s associttes eluring tho
For ali this disturbance grow out of a
poor but reputable clerk, a voung man
who had occasionally been tltrown into
the society of Miss Lueilla for twelve
months or in j, nnd luul taken tho lib
erty to full iu lovo with her, knowing
that sho was tho daughter of one of the
richest moit-hants in the city.
"It was inoxcusablo in a" poor clerk,
who kliould liavo known liis place," Mr
Richmond declared, and ho clutclitel tho
littlo perfumed billet, that had fallen in
his Iiiind, ns lio might n ncorpiou, nud
waited for the others with a look on his
fuco that told of no softe nlntr. TIii-v nt
last camo just six littlo dainty whlto
envelopes, tied together with n blue rib
bon, and wero laid nt his ilbow bv his
ib'partmg daughter,
up with a frown.
"Loci; nil tlii'sj up until F ivtitni
lioino this livening," ho said to his wife;
I will read t lii-m. Meanwhile I.tie-illais
not to fifi) this clerk upou any pretence."
And then Lueilla went down uim
her knee's.
"Oh ! dear paiia," she cried, "dailing
tiapa, please don t say I am ni'ver to see)
iiiiii ngain. 1 couldn't bear it, imlei'd,
1 cculd not bear it. Ho is poor, 1
know, but h is a gentleman, and I
love him so much, father.
"No moro of that iiliMifelity, tny dear,"
raid Mr. Richmond, riting as ho spoke.
"lie lias been artful enough to inukii you
believo ho Is perfection, I mippose.
Your p.iivnts know- what is best for
your happiness."
With tlie.e words Mr. Richmond nut
ou Ins liiil ami overcoat, und took his
way towards thoso mysterious pirciucts,
known onlv ns "the) citv.
Then Lueilla nnd her mother tool: the
opportunity of fulling into each other's
"It's so natiglitv of vou," saiil Mr.,
Richmond, "but oil, dear, I can't bhitnu
you, it wns just so with mo, I ran nway
with your futhi r, you know, and my pa
r.-nts oiijojli'ii iiec.utso ot his poverty.
feel tin' gri'iitost sympathy for you, ami
Kii'ilerii-k has Mie-li lino' i-vps,' nnd is
mi verv nice. I wish I could softn vour
Shu conxi'd Lucilh tii Mop crying, ftud
then went up to h?r room to put tho let
ters iu her dchk," nml as shn placetl them
in oiu nrotlv ldueoit linl., sho saw in
another a iituulli tied jukt us thot wero
and ilii'w- them out.
Thi'sii wen' lettera to Lueilla also, one
who hid received them twenty years be
Coro; nud Mie, now a nintion ohl enough
to li'ivo a daughter who had her troubles
uiifoldesl them ono by one, wandering
how it anno to ji.vm that Iuut's letters
wero so much alike'.
Just half a dozen; just tho Kime num
ber nnd much more iletiperato than tho
ones the young clork hail wtittcti to her
eliiughter. A stinuge idi'a camo into
Mis. Richmond's mind. She durcel not
opinio her husband; by no wonl or look
had she even attempted such it thing.
Rut sho was very fond of her daughter.
When sho left her desk she hooked guilty
nud fiigliteiiod, nud something rustled
lu her pocket us sho moved. Shu wid
nothing to any ouo ou tho subject until
dinner time come, nnd with it 'her hits
Uaml, angrier ami moro determined than
over. Tho meal was pusMxl iu silencv.
Then, having mljourned to the parlor
much ns nn exocutiouernnd two culprits
might havo prtxwdevl to tho gallows
Mr. Rieliinonel bonteil hlintolf iu a great
arm chair, nnd demanded nil tho letteu.
.Mrs. Richmond put her haml into her
pccNei, imii puiuei u iuck wuti a iriguc
enoel loeik. f
Mr. Riehmoud ivpeoted still moro
sternly: ''Titos'.) nluurd tettowif you
ple'.ise, ma'am."
And then tho littlo woman faltered
out: "I that U I l-elieie, yes, I have
them," nud bho gavo him a wliito bundlo
of envelopes, enoirelcel with A bluo rib
bon, with a hand that trembleel liko nn
nsiK'ii loaf.
And Mr. Richmond dropped the first
letter, and then took up another.
'The same stutV," ho commented. "I
hopo you don't believo n worel ho savs.
A plain, earnest, upright sort of a man
would never go into such rapsodies, I am
sure. Anil now in number three, this
bhuseel fellow- calls you an ntigell He is
dramatic, uon my word! And now
what Is tliisl
Those who would forbid you to bco
ino can find no fault with mo but my
pDverty. I ntn honost, I ntn earnest in
my ellbrls; I nm by birth a gentleman,
nnd I love you from my boul. Do not
let them (.ell you for gold, Lueilla.'
Grout heavens! whnt impertinence to
your parents!"
"I don't remember Fred's writing any
thing of that .sort," murmurtd poor little
Lueilla. "Ho never know you would
Mr. Richmond shook his head,
frowned and read on in silence to tho
Inst idient which lay under his hand.
Then with an ejaculation of rngo ho
started to his feet.
As for Lueilla, sho begun to weep ns
if tho end of nil things had como at last,
nnd to feel quite sure that if papa proveel
himself cruel sho should die.
".Six leltoM--six shameful letters of
deception, Lueilla," mid the indignant
parent. "I am shocked that n child of
mini) should practico such duplicity.
Hem I let me see. Number one, 1 be
lievo, June, nnd this is Docember. Half
a year you havo eieceivca us, i.ucum.
Let mo" bee ! 'Ah I from tho first mo
ment ho ndored you eh I JNonsenso 1
People don't full in lovo iu that absurd
maimer. J t takes years ot acquaintance,
with lesptet und" attachment. What
next 1 'With your smile for his goal, he
would win both famo and fortune, poor
as ho N. liddli'sticks, Lucillu. A man
with common senso would always wait
until ho had a fair commencement before
he would nropo8.i to any girl. Praiso of
vour beauty. 'Tlio loveliest creature ho
over saw !' Exasperation, my dear. Vou
nro not plain, but .such llattery U nbsunl.
'.Must hear Ironi vou or mo i
Infamous !" he cried. "I'll go to tho
rascal this instant. 1 11 horse-whip him.
As for you, I'll send you to n convent'
Klopo with u clerk ! I'm ashamed to cal
you a daughter I Where's my hat? Here,
John, eili for n cab !"
Hut line Lueilla caught one arm and
.Mr.'. Richmond thu other.
"Oh, papn, have you gone crazy 1''
haul Lucillu. "I'reuortck never proposod
buch a thing. Let mo heo the letter.
Oh, pipa, this is not Fred's upon my
worel it is not Uo look please tt is
dated twenty vears lack and Freel'ii
name is not Ultarks. Pnp.i, these oro
vour love letters to mamma, written
ho long iigj I 1 ler nnmo is Lucillu, you
Mr. Richmond sat down m bin arm
chair iu silence, very reel iu tho face.
"How did this occur? he asked very
Mm. Hicliniouu retroateet into ot.o
corner with her handkerchief to her eyes
und Hobbinj' out, "1 did it ou purpose:
then paused as though hliu expected a
Hudeleu judgment.
"You know, Llurles, sue satii, "it ts
no long ago, we both altered a good deal,
nnd I thouslit vou might uot exactly re
member how yon fell iu love with mo at
first df'ht, ami lion- papn nml mamma
objected, nud it seems to me if wo could
bring it all bid; plum ns tt was then,
wo must let dear Lueilla many the man
sho likes--who is nice if he is poor. I
eliel not need it tb be brought back nny
plainer myself, womn have moro time
to remember, vou know. Ami we've
been happy, have wo not I"
Ami certainly, Mr. Richmond couM
not deny that. .So Lueilla, feeling that
livr internets might bo safelv left in the
keTping of her mother, slipped out of
the room, nt.d heard the tosult of the
little atrntngom next morning. It was
favoiablo to the young clerk, v. ho
hnd rw'lly etiiy bven hctitinu't.Ul, not
gene half ao far as to propose nn elope
n.ent, and in due course of time the pair
wero manieel with nil tho pomp und
grandeur belitting tho nuptials of u
wealthy merchant'' daughter, with tho
p.-ifu:t approbation of Lucilla's mother,
who justily beliot ed that her littlo strata
gem had brought all her daughter's
Tho Now Wharf.
The foundation post und pillar-, for
Jones' now wharf and watehouso ato in
po-iitiou, ami woik will be commenced
on the general fuuno wctlc prottv boon.
Anathcr DUk.
Another vagrmt hus leeu visiting the
neighborhood .f Stayton and Moiiauu
and bargaining for farm. He called en
Lewis Stout ..ntl "bought" two hundred
acres ut Inim trom him, tor which he
was to pay S 1,500, but next morning ho
took Firnch leave1, carrying awav a valu
able elog be longing to Mr. Stout. The
latter gentl'-'.nau is now looking diligent
ly for that eiog.
IU rroper Nome.
When Captain Gray arrived over the
lr and camo to anchor iu a bay ou the
nshtngton lerritorv shoie, he minted
it after hhip "Coluuibia'a Ray." Unfor.
tunatelv ttui name crept into uw and
tho CTniitler and more oxpresnivo name
of i-Ore'Con" dropped. Tho ires.i of
Ort'gou should elisotird the ncuno Co'.utu-
Via and'rt'tum. to tlm original aud prop
er name "The Oregon," that Utiows no
sjounel tnve tho dashing of its own
wnfrs. , "' i
Another rtoncer Cone.
On Sunday last at his home near
Sheridan, nmhill county, Mr. Jere
miah Lamson, father of the esteemed
clerk of the United States Circuit and
District Court, depo.it M thi life. The
deceased was aged sixty-eight years anil
had been eotifme.l to his boil but two
weeks. Tho late .Mr. Iauisou came to
this State about the year 1S4S, and al
ways identiheel himself with its inter
est. He boro a most exemplary repu
tation and is sincerely mourned bv all
his friends.
Untold Wealth of tho Cascade
Energetic Mining Oporatleau-Wondcrful
Dovclopmouta rrospaotlvo Million
aires. Mr. Von Aeh, foreman of the Canal
Fork Mining Company, arrived in this
city Wednesday night in hot haste from
tho mine. Scekiug out tho Prosidcnt
and Directors of tho company ho urged
ujion them tho necessity of prompt action
iu forwarding machinery, lest tho snow,
of which consldcrablo badalrcady fallen,
preclude nil possibility of transporting it,
nnd consequently of operating tho minn
to ndvantjgo the coming Winter.
The comiwnr has been pushing a road
through with the utmost energy, milling
thu forco at tho initio to that pf tho road
contractor, in order to get thu mill in
beforo tho snow can prevent. Once
thero it will renuiro only a short titim to
bet it iu motion, and it is to bo hoped
that tho "riillo" will bo mado and the
anticipated Now Ycat'j dividend be
Many wonderful accounts have been
received of this niiuo binco its discovery
two years ngo ami it is only just to
say that their corrcctuem has been ver
ified iu every instance. It is n return k
nblo fuct thnt the tlrst ton of rock re
moved from tho mountain and which
was brought to this city to bo milled,
yielded as a result a gold and silver
brick worth ovor $20 00 j this in a now
mill jtu.t brought lo this city nud tried
for tho first time. Resides, tlm richest
specimens had been selected by intctested
ones bofoto the rock went to the mill.
This charictor of oro is on tho top of tho
mountain part of the claim and the
quantity is simply immense ou tho sur
face. This was conceded by all who had
been to tho mlno to hegood pay ore, but
in oreler to fully test tho value ot their
possessions the Directors have, und r the
supervision of expert miners und engi
neera, run four tunnels, each one at n
considerable distance' treat the other,
each succeeding ono lower elown
tlo mountain. Each ha-i proven
a success, givini; proof ulso
that the calculations had been wisely
made'. From either tunnel pay rock
ovldeutly without end may bo extracted.
Permanent operations onc'o begun, thero
is every reason to believe that each will
grow richer as it progresses. Although
the several acsays from the first tunnel
vol led from 8300 to 1,001 to tho ton,
chiefly gold, tho directors thought,
proper to instituto search for a silvor
ledge, their ilotcrmiua'.hti being bared
on tho judgment of expert in whom
they had now the utmost .confidence.
Threo more tunnels have'iu the last
eighteen months besu tun short dis
tances, with most flattering result,
the unsay from thy third Miowing gold
nud silver in about eqtinl quantities.
Tho fourth tunnel linear thu mill situ
nud hero it is thnt tho most labor hat
been expended, work having bem proto
outeil day nnd night without ccsmtioii
for tlio past four monthf. In this tunnel
a gold ledge nud a silver h'elge each eiis
tiuct from tho other, run side by side.
Tho gold assays from ?:J0 to 3 10 per ton
tuo silver going uiucu lusher, set oral
nwys showing 2-"0 at.d S.'iOO :o the
ton. I'fotsi this twins 1 live . huulred
tens of rock Iiave been ilaesi ou the
slump, tho imon-iit of which, it it tlu
oteman's opinion, is wotth t?-- jwr tun,
wniie mue.li or tt wm i;o:a ou: to the
c.100 test. Mr. You Adi dei-lorrs that
this little pilo tf rovl: will jWd the?
company mow than ."0,OuO. Il says
tho miner.! want "theii in stock.
Though having thirty years' experience
tu mines, lie claims that this is tho
greatist oro body he 'has ever encoun
tered, llo says it is simpjv inexfiausu.
ble, nnd that the owner. havo but tho
tamtost conception of their new wealth.
we liavo sovcral times been told ot the
reat prospect iu stoio for a number of
our citizens, but as n journalist wero
rcquestesl to say little or nothing
about it.
Wo must accord to tho dim tors of
thu Conul Fork Mine great praise for
their pluck and energy. Consielet it.g the
fact that they and the other shareholders
with very few exceptions ate but illy
provided with this world's riches, they
hnvo done bravely, and to them miy yet
fall the credit of securing tho first" sub.
stimtial and abiding results in thU min
ing disttict. The c.-mmenceinetit of
milling operations will give a wonderful
impetus to mfniug industry, and stimu
late discouraged parties" to renewed
In ottler to relieve themselves at once
from further assessment, and to secuto
ts soon as possible substantial returns,
the strongest effort will bo made to semi
forwarel nut week tho mill aud other
iiiachinety. livervthin" is already pre
pared fur transportation except the mill,
which will bo ready for trial to-monow.
It is constructed on new and itoproscd
piinciple, and.whilo nuaugeil for ten
stamp, will do the work of livu only for
the present. The directors havo re
fused several tempting Offers for a con
trolling interest, thev heintr determined
to earn for their own pocktts what their
industry cntttjeel them to, ine
shaioho'lders repose tho fullest
contUleneo in their olliccrs, and no
bettvr evjelenco of it can be given
than the fact, thatn sp Jite of teh sovere
asjessment to which they have been
subjected, aud their limitenl meixns to
meet them, they have promptly respond
ed. In a few instauces stock svas part
eel with, but only with regret. To-day
tho members hold their shares at par, or
just ten times the value placed on tbeni
four months ago.
Eventually it is tho intention of tho
company to construct a ditch, ns there is
abundant water to run n mill through
out tho year. Thero is timber to Inst
for nges ami onco there is a good road
completed, they will havo cheap trans
portation also.
Tho mlno is situated iu tho rlantiani
district, Linn county. Tho company
owns four claims whilo' tho grand total
of shares is only ono hundred thousand,
nil in tho possession of about thirty per
sons. Soon wo shall expect to rccotd
tho names of Portland's new millionaires,
whilo wo shall watch the future opera
tions of tho company with interest and
givo to tlio world such reliable informa
tion ns wo can from timo to time pro
cure. Pay ,oto above, pay oro below,
y oro between, with much unprospect
cd, yet, is assuring thcro.is no chance.
for failure. If tho bottom fails thoy can
go to the top without suspending opera
tious for a single hour. Tests havo been
thorough and long continued, though it
wns known to the company months
since tho mine was no longer au export
-)' .1
A Sensational Frodloament.
A Lazy Uorco Lays Down oa tlio West
Stdo Itatlroad TraoSc. ns tho Trnla
Posses Down. Fourth Btrcot.
Considerable excitement w.is created
near the Court House this morning.
Just ns tho West Side railroad train
came in at 11 o'clock, a ".spirited" horso
which was being driven by Mr. Xcko
Trickle up Fourth street came to a sud
den halt, nud ns suddenly laid down in
tho middle of tint track." Quito a num
ber of people assembled at once, and tho
train, though coming tit a good speed
down the Fourth street guide, wns
stoppcel in u temarkable short time.
The animal had to bo dragged off tho
ti nek, nnd in doing an tho harness wai
terribly broken up. For some moments,
until tl.e train was lirought to a stop,
thero was great excitemeut on tlio streot.
Foi tunatelv, with the exception of a
broken rig, what might have been n so
rious accident, all passed safe nnd tho
train put once moro in motion. Mr.
Tiicklo boro his trouble liko a man and
soon fixed his one-horse elray and got.
Horao Thieves Lynohed.
Spcoely Juatlco Overtakes Tour TJorao
Thlevca-Tr.-o aro 3."tot and Two aro
The repoited lynching of four horso
.thieves iu Di'' Valley, Modoc county.
Cal., noticed weeks ago, proves to have
been correct, says the Jacksonville Son
tiuid. The particulars, as near as wo
have been nblo to learn, aro ns follows :
A man named Jim Stow, a Spaniard,
and two other parties, names unknown,
wero suspected of horse stealing nml
watched by tho stock men of the section
where they wero openting. The four
men were finally found with n band of
about 200 lioroos. A pnrty Attempted
their capture when Stow nnd the Span
lard attempted to es:ape nnd were shot.
'Hie others were then hunt: to n trey and
left suspended until somo elnys nfter tho
tragedy, fiov. Irwin has oifenil o re
ward of S500 for tho apprehension an 1
conviction of the lvnehrr.
... .
Walla Walla Itaeea,
Tii- Fall meeting of the Walla Walla
race track will commence .Nov. Cth, and
continues for throe days. A lino pro
gramtno has been prepared, and horo
men may depend upon lively race, with
substantial puwes hung up as prizes.
A Moaster Crono.
Smith IJroi. k Watson have llni.died
the largest crono ever mado on this
eoast. It was built on oreler from tho
government for raising material used in
constructing Tillamook lighthouse. Its
main most is SO feet high nml '20 inches.
Miliars-, the guys aro 73 feat long and tho
boom is about tho same loneth ironed.
The iron woik wti"hs about ft tons awl
the monster machine is capable of lifting
a weight from ten to twenty tons a& a
Salosn Bonjht Out.
The right to run a saloon si tho
Mechanics' Pavilion was purclused by
Henry Weber at a rato of 20 a day, or
$120 a week. A great deal of com
plaint was mado aud au effort mado to
raise money to buy tho right of Mr.
Wober. ToJay Row Eliot consummated
the transaction, paying Mr. Welier back
his money, paid tlio Association and an
advance of ?200. Thero will be no
lifiuor sold ot the pavilion.
Numb Jr Two.
T)ie Oregon A California Railroad
C o.'s' new ferry boat promiies to be cno
o; the most comploto boats for the pur-
-j oses lor wuicn ir is wing uuut. rnero
fill lie one mnin caom ami a. private
cabin, with a neat ami, veil litted purser's
dtliee. Tho furniture, for tho cabins will
be furnished by tho Oregon Furniture
lanufacturing Co., and will be of tho
most ejegnnt and substantial elesign. It
is claimed that tho pilot house will lw
tho best on tho river, having all the
modem conveniences belonging to tho
profession. Thero will be a trial of the
engines to-morrow, mul it is expected
that thoy will launch tho boat on Satur
day week. We will endeavor to find
the exact timo of the launching and will
acquaint our readers of the same, so
that those desiring to witrejs the inter
esting operation can attend.