WHJLAMETTE FARMER is sum zrmr rnteur, bt GJLiA.IIJ:i2 & CRAIG, runLtsnans Ann rnonusTons. . A. OLAftKB. . W. OKAIO. Term a of Subscription. Oae copy, ono rear (5 J nnmbcrs) 13.00 One copy, six months (M nmr.Sers) .; 1,00 One copy, thtco months 13 numbers) ......... .40 TOllTLAND, KIUDAY, OCT. 21, 1870. PAT8 F HsIY' oiv Shall (bo Urnngc lie Made Useful and PonerTiil? This Is a question of Brent Imrtor tnnco lo tho producers of tho wholo United Stntcc. Looking; nt tho sub ject from n general standpoint, wo recognize tlint there Ii n community oi interest nmong 'tho tillers of tho soil through tho nation In fuct, through tho world, timl experience tclM us that this Interest, If organized In hnrmony, enn bo undo powerful for nil Brent mid good purposes. All wo need la to i-ectiro for tho farmers of tholnntl their Just rights ami their proper inlltifiiee. Knowledge is pow er. Mnlco tho farming elnss more in telligent and It bucomes moro Inlln onllal. fllvo tho farmer proper In forninlion nntl ho enn scctiro nil that ho bhotiltl rccelvo fur his products. "Live and lot live," Is tho iiinxlin that wo should cherish, but wo Hhould ho careful to "livo" ourelves in tho Hint place. Tho need of f.onro harmonizing and organizing power or Inllucnco to con centrate thu power of tho ngilcttltur Ms of tho nation, Is too evident to need argument. If you cunccdo that organization Is needed, then wo claim that tho (iraugu can bo mado to an swer all purpdH'tt to blend lugolher the interests of farming communities In social and Iratemal feeling, mid to build up a Mystctn of protection (hat, whl'o not merely hclflnli oraggrnndlz Ing beyond wlint Injitot mill proper, will guaid tho Intcrc'.s of labor, I niako production both honorable mid remunerative, and at tho tninu time bo n means of micIiiI culture and In tellectual Improvement as well nsn moral hiifegtiard to tho community. To accomplish theso results tho Orange must bo tho proper represen tative of agriculture, nml must pre bent rctuionnhlo ndvnntago both for l1onfcurc, eulturo and prolll. There must lie no narrow prejttdlco within it, uu unjust exclusion, no unnecessa ry exjionto in maintaining it, but it must bo deservedly popular and u guarantee of prollt both In celling pro ducts nml buying supplies. It must bo simply a cohesive principlo that tho farming community shall recog nize as their common tie, where nil people in good standing can partici pate and reap tho common benefits. Tho Orange is now in a good statu of preservation, but needs to bo ro vlved nml built up on tho experience it posu'K-es. Thcro wns too much ex pected by many, nml thoy wcro dis appointed becnuso their expectations wero unreasonable. That caused many to recede, but now tho question 1b: How enn It mnko suro and healthy growth towards permanence and usefulness'.' To answer this ques tion will requlro much good Judg ment and Impartiality. Tho only way to do it is to count tho lessons of tho pnst ns so much vnlunblo export enco nml base on them tho prospects of tho future. llow enn tho Orange bo mado torn nllzo nil Its capacity for usofulnoss? That Js tho question, ami It means: How enn it bo mado socially and pe cuniarily profitable? This lays tho foundation forncourso of articles that will appear in tho Fanmeu, bused on tho Idea that nil tho possibilities for good that exist in the order should belong to tho people. KOTKS OF IltlP T .NATIONAL GltANGK. IIY Mil?. C. K. bllll'I.UV. (cONTIM'Ui. Ilcno Is nn important town, and fur nishes supplies to most o( tho stir roumllng 'country. Uuliko most of tho Xovnd.t towns It Is nit agricultural district mid Is said to bo tho hcnlthlost town In Nevada. At Wndsworth, U-J8 miles from nn Irnncisco, wo uro nearly down the lnouiiUlns mid soon the cheerful green gnvo placo to dull nionotonoiu gray of tho desert. Sands, rocks, plants, everything but tho sky Is gray. tJoon wo como to salt works, nml tho wholo faco of tho country is covered with salt. Kven tho plants nro whlto with it. Hundred of bush els nro heaped tip near tho railroad track, awaiting iramporUlou Tho water Is pumped into vats which havo been dug into tho ground. It soon evaporates and when sacked is ready for market. liotweeu this nml Whlto Plains, all wo saw that indicated motion, was tho smoke arising from tho Hot springs nud llttlo whirlwinds of sand vu, moving over tho desert. Tho distnnco is 33 miles, nnd hero wo reached tho lowest elovation on tho Central Pacific ilailroad enst of tho Sierras. It Is 3,8'J1 feet nbovo tho sen, nnd Is nenrly In tho sink of tho Humboldt nnd Car son rivers. It is in tho midst of n country which Is whlto with nlknll or snlly deposits. Tor some renson porhnps tho cxccsslvo hent, together with tho great contrast between tho over-varying grandeur of tho moun tains nnd tho sameness of tho desert, I did not appreciate and enjoy tho latter ns I did on our roturn. No song of bird3, no hum ot insect life, not oven tho crawling of n serpent dis turbed tho solemn silence. Kven tho dull gray plants put on tho seinblnnco of death. It seemed ns if Mother Nn turo wns sulforlng tho pennlty of somo tcnlblo crlmo nnd had been palsied, nnd struck deaf nnd dumb, nnd wns waiting in silence nnd despair until tho vongennco of an nngryClod should bo appeased, nnd IIo In pity nnd inor- cy should restoro her lira and Joy n gal n. After pnsslng over 10 miles of des ert, covered only with sngo brush (or teinitsla trldentala), and grease wood, wo como ton little grazing country, nnd then wero on tho desert again, nnd in tho midst of a mining district. Wo passed Humboldt lal:o nnd trav eled along tho river for many mlle.. Ills it iinriowsticnmnnd woennnot seo tho wnter from the cars. Atllum bald I wo como to un oasis In tho des ert nnd could seo what man can do, oven here, with plenty of water. A beautiful fountain sparkles In fiout of tho hotel, and fruit nud ornamental trees grow to perfection. Jsenr Humboldt tho Oregon Imuuli of (ho Central I'.iclllo road, surveyed In 1&70, begins. After traveling 10 miles over tho desert, with mining districts on each side wo enmo to Wlmtemucia. It lias about 12,11110 In h'tbllunts, Mippurts two newspapers, but lias no churdics. Mines of gold. silver, copjier, nntlmony and rotk salt nro tributary to this place. Occasion ally we saw farms and stock ranches, nnd the desert Is not ns fearfully bar ren ns in roino places. Tho gorges of tau Humboldt nro Interesting mid help lo break tho fenrful monotony. Ono Is twelve nnd ono llvo miles long. Mko la destined to beeoino n city of Importance. ThoXovndu University Is located here. Many mining dis tricts rccelvo. their supplies nt this place. Thero uro mineral springs In tho vicinity, somo considered vory valuable. Williams, in his guldo book, In speaking of theso deserts says ho thinks thero Is about ononcro of grass losovenly-llvo of sago brush. However wo passed u fow flno valleys. Kelton Is another town on tho great American tlesert. Passongers who I wish can hero take tho stage for Ore gon, Washington or rdaho. It Is nt tho northwest corner of Salt Lake. This Is n beautiful sheet of water, 60 miles long nud GO wide. Great Salt Lake, ns well ns Hum boldt lake, has no ylslblo outlet, nnd It Is supposed that both nro kept from ovcrllowlng by evaporation which, considering tho grcnt hent In these basins, Is not nt nil unlikely. The tenacity with which desert plnuts cling to life, and tholr capability to withstand heat and drouth is some thing remarkable. Wo broko oiTn pleco of cactus, which wo took Kast, nml afterwards brought home. It was thrown around for ten months nnd then planted. It was verv hot weather, but our enctus began to grow nml is now doing finely. At Promontory, eight hundred and four miles from Sim Francisco, tho groat rnldrond wedding took placo, Tho Pacific Tourist says: "Amoilcan history in its triumphs of skill, labor and genius, knows no ovout or great er thrilling lutorost than tho sceno whlih attended tho driving of tho last splko which united tho East and tho West with tho bauds of Iron." Tho bttlldlug of tho Central Pacific was truly a wondorful achievement, nud no ono who has not passed over It can havo nn accurate idea of tho mag nitude of tho undertaking. Corlnno Is tho largest Oentllo town in Utah, This Is tho proposed ter minus of tho Portland, Dalles nud Salt Luke Ilailroad, Wo traveled lor many miles in sight of tho lako, and had ocular demonstration that the desert can bo mado to blossom Uko tho rose. Tho sight of yegotablo and animal life was hailed with delight. At Ogdcn wo changed from the Central to tho Union Pacific Ilailroad. It is an important place. Tho Utah Central ami tho Utah Northern roads begin here, nud theso four com panies propoAO to erect a largo union iloK)t, Tho placo supports two nows papers, Salt Lako City Is thlrty-slx and a half miles south. (TO lilt VO.NTIKVKD. TAKE HOTIGE. Wo notify all In arrears that wo expect prompt settlement of old accounts and re newals by cash in advance. Wo liao put tlio price down to suit tlio times, and wo mint seo tho money. Tho credit business lias caused us great financial trouLlo and distress, and wo hare no apology to mako for demand ing what is duo us. Tho hack dues for sub scription must ho paid, and as soon ai harvest returns aro received wo hopo subscribers will promptly remit what is duo ns. Nothing Short of Unmistakable Benefits Conferred upon tens of thoutnndo of .suf ferers could originato and maintain tho rcnn tation which Ateu's S.Ui.ArAittLLA enjoys. It is a compound of tho best vegetable alter atives, with tho Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and Is tho most effectual of nil remedies for scrolulous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uniformly successful and certain in its remedial effects, it produces rapid and com plete cures of Scrofula, Sores, lioils, lfifmors, l'implcs, Kniptions, Skin Diseases an it all disorders arising from Impurities ot tho blood, llyits Invigorating effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaint, Female Weaknesses and Irregularities, nnd is a potent icnower of vitality. For purifying tlio btood it has no cnual. It tones un the system, restores nnd preserves tho health, and Imparts vigor and energy. For forty years it has been in otciisivo ue, nnd is to-day tho most available tncdicliio for tho suffaiiig sick, anywhere. For mIo by nil d. tiers. Hodge, D.tvii & Co., Portland, whole ato agents, 2 Holl,t .Merit Will lcll. Tor nil tlie Utter op;vt,lllnii of lo!o'.ii rlvnl, lit let ter llltMrtllr.il rouM I hail ci tf.lt (Ait ttia-i tlio lnv itii yc ml nlrew! attained by tho jtrtftt llmtAt nt.tl l.tin llrinnljr. I'f. Anir. Kalwr's (lenimn l;iixcr. lVr the turu t'l Onighs ami IlronehUil AtTietlon, It In Irx'.v w titlerltil: cuii Dime I'.ifferlnif Iroiti Cornumi'tloil In ftilvanivil ktAo flml urcitt re4If, (ml tmmticnt of in. tlmUUto found, to tlwlr iltHgl.t, ticitr.nl; ru'ilif, lut et nn. It Ulnu iieifp.tlv liAimlew, mi1m It nt Once IK-jutltrtillli tnntliint, ttfioef a',1 others liau. (nit tlio iKs.jtity i,i itttha iiittlit Itic. lliet jrcnulno lunn tlio I'lnvliui Or.t cf Aim-, tl.o (e.inlIoiilt.jtiir.! i.f Ir. Aug. Kalwr, ami Im In. unmet Mjmi on cun T'tce-nt Imtllti. A IiIaI ta n .) l.j lael atsnytlnt.' nro (or 23 nt. rnlo InuircMloiiii. It I. tcnnnlijr tnppowl ly phUluul I' . i nn !o (. in 'ill; tlt..t i.itci.lt .iiinit InturUIlt I- mrisl, l.tit t nie itlrtj-eil to v tut Ositix'i Ai 01 t I'M Lu lun never, to our kiK71id,p, (,ll, to ,-,;,. I.).fi,li ml Liter Cuni.UItit In nil lt fern.-, itnli at hiair Stontni li, (,tltinr, SI. It llmilnehc, lulnl'T . mi tl tlio irmrt, liidi.ntlnn, Lad tnto Intho iiiMitli, 1. Hut id i'i.. r i.txi dorn lot ttr '.i.tttt t T,tr .je-t t .'ilotilt niv t.t. mterti"!. tut tli(rtnmlj o( tei p' tKiitr.rr letten tiixltxl Irm Hri..1u rf t , d rlnl ctirt. llin-c ,l..-.-i Hl n.l, nn iw Tir f. Suiipls lmttli 10(iit II .ti v 7'. w t. 1'. i . by nil drtilnt. 8PECIAL OFFER FOR CLUBS. Any person who will send us four new subscribers, and eight dollars in money, shall bo entitled to ono copy of tho Wil lamette Fahjier, additional, frco, as his or her commission, to bo sent to any address desired. Wo shall bo obliged to all fricnils who will taV.o pains to aid us in increasing our cir culation in this way, as wo aro anxious to havo the paper introduced to every farmer's family, and willing to pay reasonably for services rendered. D.-i v ti dt , i nln In .mirllt k I !. t.rt l.lT If nn, tour ItM.ityi mir UIKAte.!. I'd live u ity Imttr, n-.on t)IIL'.T'H It KMKIiV.tbc.-fe.it kM- net anil llvri i ie!Mne. New! New! New! PACIFIC NURSERY e3V.Ia23IVX, OR. F, D, PRETTYWAN and C, N, POTTER, pno ipixiJEi'r oin s . Vto have all klndj o( Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Eto. OI'.XAMKNT.U, TIlEES AND VINES, All warranted true to name, Send (or Ciitilcvuc Soo our t rlco lltt. Aeldnxti Jull tl 1 ItKTTVMAN k I'UTTEII, Palcm, Or. PRINTER StTILb L1V1S, MOV1S AND UUP. 13 EST PRINT IKG IN OREGON! AT b WASHINGTON STREET rORTIANS. Oood Wotk nt Fair rriccs Is'tha l.a 'i u;:i v.h'e'i .c i'iui busineii. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Delrablo Property in Balem-A Small Fruit nnd Grain Farm, A comfortablo home, dohqhtf'illy located in Salem, and a small farm lu tho hills, ono nnd a half miles south of it aro olTcrcd for sale. Thcro Is a plum nnd pruno orchard of 3,000 trees on tho farm and part Is town to wheat, a splendid crop. A choico opportunity for somo family that wishes to movo to Salem to Bchool their young people. Or addresss, H. A. Cmiikh, t'ortland. Dr. JAMES WITHYCOMBE, VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL riUCTICE IN l'Or.TLANt) linnCAlTKIt llivInK hid n eitcnslto prattlce Ih Oregon for tho liwtelsht jcars, li ft sulllclent purantco l nlilllty. Will fend prcwrlptlons and Information for tho treat ment ot any dlcao on receipt of ono dollir. State, th (tinptnms as near as powIUe, al io near tho airoana weight ot home. Offlcont IILACti II.11VK 81MDI.ES, r-OUTLANti, OP.KGON. IrbT-lm p Mn, F, J, Jftusv, of lleavcrton, is canvats Ing Wnihltigtoit, Vauihill and I'olk counties on other business, and will tatie subscriptions for tho FAr.MF.it while doing so. M. G. NEWBERRY, Commission Merchant, Anil General Dealer In 011KG0Y AMI) lALIr-Oltm Kill IT AMU riUlutCK. I'M I'lrt SI., l'ortlnnil, Or. CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITKI). r. O, Uoi (M. Jull-ll A uooo rnoiodli.U'li Is something that ev ery person sliould have, as our "photoi" live, though wo may die. "Sccuro tho shadow cro tho substance fade," is a good motto. Call and get Frank Ahcll tn briny his camera to bear on you, and j on will njver ceaso to bo thankful. REGISTER SILVER CHEAPLY. L'nttcr tho new law of Congress you can send silver as third cl.its matter, nt ono cent an ounce, nud ten ccrls for registering it. Iiy this rule S.oO can bo sent by mail for 1.'! cents, and t?5 for 10 cents. You cannot cucloto a letter; but you can wiito your namo ou Iho outside, or can write n postal card nud scud in the same mail. I WILLIAM UUVUAK, i'ukd, ivii:ti, rnnnuci: and Commission Merchant ! Importer o( CalKornk I'ritit", VegttaWin, Honey, Iluttcr, 1 Is", Ilaliiim, etc., and ISXl'OKTISH Otr CHAIN, T'LOCIt, Wool, Pcctl, 1'rulU, Epr, el.'. Cor, Front and Uuk Sis., l'ortlantl, Mr, Jull t( B, F. SWICK, DENIAL llomiS Over Brcyman Bros. Storo. NONH LIT FINISIIUI) HI'I.nATinNH ixnror.ML'D feliSS-tl FIOfiE lrw. mm v ., rt .. IIC Ullll llVrt MuSklDe. uVl W (TBI MjY W 95 itfi'wpirii:i'i.ia'h. R l)& tl Frt U '-V lr illwei ol tl.o HJJHftRUnn ll Kl.lni). 11'id.ljr. Liter EUtniWlittll and I'rlwry Onnrs. Iirop.y, (iratel, Dlibiles, IlrUlit'a M ol tho Kl-l-tievo, Incoiitlneni-o or Iteteiitlon cl I rlne, ami IVhiil, Wcaliid. HI M"S I'XJILUY liai litter I eeii Inottii to (all. Miwi.r,ro!, lliirllnstcn Co., N. J., Sept K Is7. Wji. K. t'temr.-Iiear Mr: IM.htecn ninnllu ono I had His-!)' around tho l.carti my phrid'an, nnd rltiidiKpalrMol mv vtrr cittln.' tie II. Wo tint ln-ttlool MU.srd lllitlllltV tatoin rrt.tt relief. I leil I otto my tcryeeltteiicoto lll'NVi UMIEDY, and I am ihvply IhtiiVdil, Arueii 8. Oil i-. hrsiiuiiULD, Ktllniiham Co., (irn !ay 17, U7l. W'h. I- CuaME-l,ar Mr: I prtKrlbcd IlL'.NTS IIUSILUV In ft roiiipllrattd eitte of Uropay tel.Mi I had lwt.n Ireatlinr lor tLht )ear, and I find UL'STH IILJI. i:i)V U lha U,t lueJIclne (or Ilmpiy and Iho lildntii I hato ever nml. Wu. II, WlUeix, L I'. IIUSTH ItllMKIlV ha. iiircd htindretU u ho lilt u ltn iclt'ii uphy 1'hy IrUnt, It cleoruwa, )u rlrtra Mni trvnih?m the whole litem. All ttno utc It cnlorcnoil health. (INK TltlAL WILL CONVINCi: YOU. Send for Pamphlet c nu. t. t-UKki, rrotl titiieo.it. I. k MllD II V ALL lebltly HUNT'S REMEDY uiti'finivrs. CIOSING OUT SALE! M. W. HENDERSON Jc CO., (Su.-tttiiori to Clarke & Henderson,) Oor, First and Waalilnfjtoa Slo. . Art ilixlri- out their la-.iiMti4 StOel el Staple and Fancy Dry Goods ..AID ... LADIES DRESS GOODS At prime ct. This I toek bullied at S-tO.OOO.avl murt be old this fall, aol purcbxuri ttlll (It d rare lir.-aln,. Thoitotkli romplito h etery artkl iieeewit-r to th lr OeK.li tradf, and will Ui told at ftsttal text. IMrtusp, bepL '.A le;P. Im t Tho Purest, Whltost, Finest, Frouhost, Olienpost and Bott. Havinj tAkcn tho nonoy for this lead, manufactured by Whittier, Tuller k Co., Sail trauciico, iv offer it to tho trade) with tho utme.it conildonco in ita merits. Tho facili ties for its manufacture.' nro not sitrMuicd by theso of nny establishment lu tli'j United Statci. Xo pnini or expenso havo been spatcd In securing tho best methods fur turr.inp, out a puro ami froih article. Tho (injection urged n Ith tnttli against Kastvrn leads that they aru often dry nnd hard cannot lio against tho Tioncer, as it Is always fresh nml easily worked, tints Avoiding waste. Tor a lead combining nil tho requirements lor first-class worle, wo cun unhesitatingly recommend it to tho trade and to consumers, and we guarantee that tho price shall bo lower than than that of any lead of equal quality in this market. HODGE, DAVIS & CO., Agents for 0 i and Washington. Jul23-lm aoTJNTiiY nisirsj WASTll llV 11IC ' HAMBURG -BREMEN I l?iro X'lsiu'auco Co, k itA'iiafto, uEr.:i.:;v. Capital - - JUJ.SOOOOO Kurpltw Jiaia.tSOO PHILIP ri.VEII ft r. "i P.' : t. aentnl '.Ell ft r. Agvlltx I'M III ' l P.' lit. 13. BOYD & SOW, Ak-oiit (or Oreffon and Wa lil'i.-vn Ttrrllory. CO l'lrst St., next to I.iielei .V Tllloii'.. lUllS t( JXcoi:i'oitATi:u ivn. HOME MUTUAL INSTOANOE 00 CV CALIKOltMA. s. j. tiRrr.j, p. . BARBH! s? T. L. Mekllt, p. D, t &NICKLIN, 33o3Q.tlstS, I'orllanil, Orruoii. Volunteers. M GENTLEMENS' OUTFIT CASE ()ntalni 1 Comllnatlon I'uiiholJir. Fwi Ml. IVn. Ilubtnir llnrand KnUe. Itritt ii etnta; 1 CouiMiutlon ilateh Ndr, etAiuP lle-IJer and Ho Ctuhlon, prlec W emu; 1 binoVer lire. ing (.-we. eetnuininp s ntwe, lljir llolJer, Vic rett Holder, trtol Curl Ituttonj. Collir Iluilon anil tttudt, prico M Cent Tin ttfwle eulrd te- curely In a alee eiue and mailed to any adJrt',1 lwtcv I-t,u on r it-t ip, w w etnu in lump. Liberal IndurrmrnU to Atente, A. ai'CXCJK K CO., '1 Ucarr "(., Han FrancUco. 100 1'lr.t SI ana) ly nil, H. Y. ClIAMKi BltRVET Lt.Col., Utt SarKeonl7.il, (inicit. Inih'r'n bioele.an lull, WM. S. GIBSON, General Produce Broker FORWARDING AGENT is From si,, l'oriUnd, Local Aytnt lor SALEMIUKKRiT and SITCIIFIMI FLUUII. ConlimmtnU cl Prc-l-jw, tc., solicited, and euh adt luces made ag&Intt nan II reqviRtei. auW J. W. MEHEDITH, I Dental I'toonu nt the old itand, , aniiwours iibocii, oit. the iiMK,. SAI.lfiJl, OTIKG'ON. Icily MONEY TO IiOAETf ixl'i:i:d in' REM, ZSTATS MORTGAOnS, - is - Sums of $500 to $30,000' :cA.:n.:ivE xsx.3ST32s, Or Portlnud Citv Property. i Appl to I WILLI A3! REID, 1 40 First St., Portland, Orosou, I nisi 2 fin 1 ' " PORTIiAHD 'REAL ESTATE AGENCY A. B. COVALT, 103 l'lrst St., op p. I.mlel'i llniik. LOSSES PAID ci, $1,33-1,633,44 LOSSES Paid in OlYtOn !?: $162,363.29 Orojou Branch Office, Geo. L. Story, Manager, j Sale and Turchasocf Farm Property. Sontlicait comer First and Slnrlt Streets, Ojiji. I.idd & Tilton's lUnk, aptltl ICovtlrmcl, Ox-. r..eW ailei.tbn jftlelta AGENTS, READ THIS! W.nClpiy Aftnlia Sihry e( SIM per month and etientn. or alleit, a Ltr.-n coininitolon, to nil our ne and voiuitrljl InteiiUun,. U'e mean vtut tr. n fair.plj Ire. Aldrew SIIEHUV.S a. Ci , JUnhalLi "It". uuvo-e.m I THOROUGHBRED Merino Jj& 0M M H yrjRVIW IZDJIMMTI I Expectorant la. All biiilnem entruitetl to me will 1 rrnmplly attend ed to. Mcncy leaned and Learn nc;t,tlittd. J"-iy ELECTRIC BELTS. A ur euro (irr.tnou, deUllty, proinaturo decay, e xliamtlon, etc. The only rtlUi.lt (ure. LlreuUrs mailed (rt. AdJitM J. K. ItKUVCg. 13 Clialham bt., S V. JcneeJ (llt.VYtS M'lICII'ld .ili:Blt'IM!. The (Jrcnt CuulUlt Iteiurtly TRADE MRK. An unlalllns cure lor ' "DtW5J?K. taVne,,, jg'J uM I ea, Im. MH ry, aim auiu. eatei that (ullow a a w-ttitnce cl Kit aliurc a, lAtf. 01 jiemory, Unlterul ImltuJe. IV.ln Im tl,. ,1.-1, . -. ? Itl.nn... Vl-1 '-STC'I VmT ' lltrnrnTnVlni.:"""" "..'"" Ah. IP.1.J1 ..... ".(, iTtuwur. u. q A.-e,"tet xiuuuir. I aodintny other Itltcajc, thit lead to Inunlty crCVm. uneptlon, and a lrtmatur Orate. 1ST l"ull particular lu our pamphlet, thUho ele-lro to rend tret) by mail to etery one, XiTTbe Speeltlc Mcdlelno Is sold by all I dracclaU at II roetaee, or Us paekages (or i pt UI br K-nt Irea by mall on reeelpt of the money b ael dreulne Tllli (J KAY M1KU1CINK CO., I Ko. 10. VvthAnlra Itlnrk ! u.r TSild In Salem and etctryher In tho Unltid Statu and Canada by all t holttale and retail drutits, nr 3E MRic,AnunlallIninii Sfv rtmlaal Weal. N& " eiinnatcrrhea. 'sp-ffiKttn,nd ai .mWfWOW CXAiaMHflfc Stubborn CouQhs and Colds yioia rTrJr7 a YEAK aid etpenws to kfenti. Outfit Ire, A UrtM f. O. VlCKEKT, AupuU, UalLt, mayo-ly CHANQEOP FIBM. that, (hit dar admitted kit men. rllAULES J. II UALAKKKV, aa a rlnrr, and lh. bailee. ttl'.I U knot, n sad eouducted unjer the flrai uaaie el D. J. MALARKEY & CO. DaPrcDca-ULOES Commission Merchants! Whoeule IeJltrlu CHAIN and PROVISIONS, At our Horn on th liitei, 8, 10 and 12 Front St., PORTIiAND, Fpeelal attention to the ,le cl I'ann ai.d Pair) Tro deivv, Unlu, HeM1. IHtlf, ll.ur a-id Wetl. Adtaiiev. uuje tn apirottd IJ ukoU. JilnlJtt "Do you think," nsked Mrs, Pepper "that n tomper h a bad thing in n wumanY" "Certainly not," replied n gallant philosophor. "It is a good thing, uud sho ought novcr to lose it." Th Fakuu; culy cuts $2.00 a at iu d F. CARPENTER, Iff. D. (Late of Salem.) I'OHTLAND, OUKOON. Oi, tes: CVrner lint uJ ciiIro tu , up lUlrt, UbicsACs: 5TJ Fourth and Moatjcuiw) ISti. f.pl ESTABLISHED IN JJJ WILLiMEm NURSERY, G.W. Walling Son, Proprs, Oawego, Olaokatnas Co., Or. Bsptttal sttenilcn (It in to Flaw, rtUM and Cherry "promptly to tho healing and cura tive) properties or Dr. Jaync' Ex peclonuit. It loosens anil promotes tho expectoration of Irritating mat tor, mitigates much pain and dis tress, and checks lnUammstiou. Asthma, Bronchitis, and Throat Troubles aro at onco relieved by Br, Jsyae'a Expectorant, It re move constriction of the Ilronchlal tubes, loosens phlegm, soothes and heals the mucous membrane, arreMs any feverish tendency, and help to forward a gradual cure. Consumption, Pleurisy, and Lung AJTectlOH8 aro generally controlled and ameliorated by Dr. Jnyne.' Ex. peetoront. It saves tho lungs from much irritation and distress, by re llovlng them of tho irritating matters liy which they aro clogged, it also suppresses Inflammation and gives tbo affected ports a chance to heal. Whooping Couph.Croup and Hoarse ness ore cincaciously treated by Dr. JjB'a Expcrtaraat. It removes difficulty of breathing and oppres sion iu tho throat or lungs, promote tho ejection of mucus and subdues tho violence of theso complaints at tho outset. It Is a Safe Family Cura tive, of long-established reputation, and whero promptly administered, has enabled inauy to escape serious Lung Affections. r , nODQI. DAVIS CO., WU!44l Atta'j Port WGd,OSTgOU Ulsl i orrca rou sale 150 Fronoh Merino Bucks. AIM A xV ot Spanish and American Merino, Whlth hate ln carcrulljr bred Mitarate. All cl thero Jf?rW!LJEE0 HlitTllLOOM r?rJ S VIST 1 LOCKS on thla CetaiU All renont eMrtiv M lun.roe their Ooeki Irom the ahoieUeed., crto rrennre lllh UnJ rnTIM Irom the aajoe, are United to call and eiamlat rur floes, at raj larra, lour mile eouth cl DALLAS, Salem Flouring- MiUs. BK3T FAHU.T rtVOUR, D.VKBn'8 XXTIU, XXX. 8UPKHraB AND aitAHAU, MIDDLmtW. MIAN, AND BnOIlTi, Coufcrtuutly ou Hand. Hlfiriiost Prloe In OABH Paid for Wheat ATAXaL TZM23S. A. C. KINNEY, tkpt 1I Agent B. r. M. 00 Julli tl J. GUTHBIE. BUY NO TRUSS I'nrll rou w what has tieen ae- roiuU.hed hj ltr. Ilereti's lato Intwitlen. W!end It namph. Itl and llertVaVlaynetleonrnal. iiAcsirrin i-r ,tu, tihj CO. Rcraoted 10 N, W. eor, Kearney anJ Sa:ramento Sts., eetn r'nuulioo, cul. nurMy DK.J. P.V.TAX 0K.BKUCU,7rU No, ill First St., bet, Taylor and Sal mon, l'or.lnutl, Orecon, Head the folloulns .New Cerllllcatest .luollirr Mauulilrr. ,io..,lw1,e,0,h,,),':ljt.hlUkv dieted for atwjt J J ) ear,, aiii deviorlnif Ut nearly ertry com. Eh "1 ,' ui 'V"0 "V'-'.' ' 0"tlan. ttlthout any rvliel unUI I cem.iUuJ Ir. Van DenUrih, vhoaald i?f'. r.:r ,h at ro winrlilut, and ly takbu; Jt cl hi, worm iwttder I na-ed 6T0 urm tn alwt site SOttnt. TIi itr ,,i,d .1 A...,....a - -a i. . - - --- . -m vru4(nr vi on into " Jtta,rril ItFIIUast Aio.d,h. Murder Will Out. OiMUltUel Dr. Van ItenVersh's Wonn Syrup n Mlled oter S.OeH) rre Iron raj son Loula, hlch had tbeerleet ol eurinf Uin ol lien out jimua. 1 ralJe on lyh trt, Uu I' ana" O. I'ouUnd. IVarunp, June ji, i,T. IlBuana H. Nts. A Larae TeacBpfall or Worms Expell . Th S U to tertifr (K&( Ttr Vui rLM.K,nh n1L. krn UcMJuil ol worms Irom rut, muso UManirliif iiht to tea lache In Uofth. and now I letl lilt a new manapun. roM on 22d Street, beta en E and '. foruauei, ure-joo. A. Lcxacu, Over 8,000 Worms Expellee!. Oae botUe ol Dr. Van Deneurgh'a Worm Syrup n. pUed orcr S,(WO worm Irom my on, U ean oi ass, E. 8. Gurmu, tV Salmon Street. Fotruxp, ilajm 1H. 8uecHortoJ. M. Kssixa A Co., S( Llktrtr at,, - . NBW VOM, ComnsiaiBilon A. (font lS Vo! ,1 ';I"ns. PcUle KaUrosd. and ttpy Horn, all kinds of Merthandlso, sad for the- sal ofVrodceu froa tte pselae cout, for tho eoUeeUon of mosey, etc octstl EAILROAD LANDS. ILibcrnl Tornisi low riticKat LONG TIMS! LOW I.NTEBEST Toe Oregon and California and Oregon Central Ilailroad Companies OFPEIt their Lands for tale epos tho following lib. rl terme: Oae tenth of tho price In cash; Interest ou the balance at the rate of eeren per cent, one year after sale; and eath followlne year one-tenth oftoa principal and Interest on the balance at the rate of seren per cent per annun. Both principal aid inter ut pajable In u. S. Currency. Adlacoant of ten per cent. wUI be allowed for cash IT Letters to be sddreeeed to P, bCIlL'LZB. Lsa I Asenl O. C. R. It.. PorUacd. Oreion. JOHN MINTO, BMIS1B or MERINO SHEEP,' to worth sorlnEpartlet Interested that they can, and will aa i!,TSI V?l.JlIJ?Sf.cC.SL"19 Mm inallty and raise at -vt-u eujirw Kaits man ssch can peaataai be Imported. Kxamlcatlon iLd comparison wlta oik- ' ff JP offered la the market are cordUlly tnyltaa. Address joilN MINTO, , t. . , . Balem, OresoaJ N. B. The Rams tsd Ram Lambs of the flotk cam be sees en the ISLAND PAKM, adjoining Baleav IJliPl'ffi? ,een ' ,h P. ) I11LL F AlUt foar ui s hall miles soata ef the Ctt