Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, October 03, 1879, Image 6

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wtMtJuiuriHWKBtysMjuL -.
MBti'ilJf, ?
. f'ti
illumtfl jf stxitur.
iKnotD Kvntr rnitiAY, nv
IV nil orfttilmcrlptloiii
One cop one) par (SiiiumlrfrH), In ahariic....$2 00
One copy tli iiiontlin(20 numlicn) - 1 00
One copy Uiroomonlhi (13 Humbert).. AO
POM LAND, OCT. 3, 1879.
Tlis U'nlkliiic Mnlrli.
New Yonx, B-pt. 251 A. M. VMon,
2G1 : Ilovvi . 310 : llnznoJ, no, uuvon
270 : KiiiiIh. i!20 : Pniichol. 205: Mtrrltt.
287 i Hurt, 27 J Khrone, 25J j Taj lor, ICO ,
Jackson 230, Fedcriiuyer, JiU. Jinznoi,
Morrlt unJ Howell, in tho order named,
mnrchcil nronud In hIiirIo flic, n foot from
each otlnr.
Tin- Aorlhrrri I'nrlllr llnllrnmt.
Nrw Yo.-ik. Hcpt. 25. TLo following Ih
from the livening Post's flimnclnl nrticlu lu
Addition to tho n port iiibHnlicil jistirdny
of tho Northern Pacific's nnminl ikctlon.
Wo nro inforiiitil tnrtt tlio nctual nmount of
Northern Pnclllo Block outstanding Ih SJ7,
800,000, 7J.000 shares of tho parvnluoof $7,
1100,000 having Iiku taken during tho year
In payment for land hoIiI liy tho company,
Tho only Londi.il thbt of tho company now
In exisUiico is about $l,00U,O00, sicured by
about 1,100 in Um of rond
Ship Aahurr,
I'novinrNCK, Hent. 25. Tho U.K. prnctico
hip Minnesota broke from hor moorings
this mornlni; in Newport harbor and went
asboro at Port Ailaras.
Tho Trnsnp.
New Yonic, Hcpt. 25. 12 o'clock, noon,
ieoro: Westou. 283: ltowcll. 350: Ilnzael,
3M;Ouyon. 308; KihiIh. 203; Mcrrltl, 322;
Unit, 208; Krohno, 2CG; Taylor, 101; Fider-
neyer, 217.
Mm. iMmmlHburr I'lriulN 4Julliy.
IImimimoiit, Conn,, Kept., 25. A fow
honri alter tho coroncr'n jury had acquitted
Mr. Loundsbnry of criminal responsibility
for tho imirilor cf her husband, n complaint
wan ISHtud by tho grand Jury and returned
to Justice) Hinlth, who went to tho residence
of MrH. Iundnbury, and after reading tho
cbargo put her to plead without connnil.
Jnngoniing tonci sho plead guilty, Ilio
justico nnnoiinctd that ha would defer
further prorced'ug until thli morning.
Mcantiuio fricndH u( .Mm. Louudshury ar
rived and mgagid iouiikcI. Mm, I.oundii
bury m quieter this morning, realizes tk
enormity of her erimo and expresses n wsV
llugncsH to suffer tho full jiennlty of thu lav'
Ijoundshury's funeral bus been arranged fnV
Saturday nt liiixt'n Church, llisltiqi Wil
liam, lit. liny lliiliop Weill), of Ohio, mid
n largo uumbir nf elirgvmtii will bo in at
tenduueu. IHinilrttiiH I'lrci,
Dies Moinm, Hipt. 25. A hpcihd to tho
Ktato ltigihtir from Carroll, Carroll Co., ro
ports iv dhutstroUH coiilhigrutlmi In that city
thin morning, i titniliiig a loss of froui
$150,000 to fJUO.OOO. 'J ho gruitir portion
of tho business i enter ol tho town U wiped
out. 'Mm firo originated in Umry HLnir
umi'h saloon cm 1'iiiirtli strict, Two hums
hail donn nil thu mlnchli f , Tho Mnsous mid
Odd I'iIIowm' hall, tho Pritdiyttrlan Chiinh
and over It) bnniinMi hounoi wire br.rntd.
Inmirnnco about W,000.
llrmlMiioil llurmil up.
Dkmiviood, Sept. 2(1. At 'J o'clock thin
morning n llro broke nut In n bakery on
rlhrrmau Mieet find consumed nlmixa tho
entlro busluciui portion of tho city. Thous
and of people uro remit rid hoiuiliim nud In
rt deslltuto condition. 'J ho fltu in still
burning. 'I ho loss In roughly (stimuli d at
a million and n half to two million dollar.
Thero U llttlo or no iiiHiirauco.
The Uru broko out In tho Blur buktry on
Uherman titreit nt 2.20 A. II. and following
that thuroiiKlaro through Mwtpt erery thing
Uloro It on heo, Main, Uold, Wall, 1'utton
nnl William itrei tH mid Hoveral rcdiduicoi
on Central Avenue, fiinnt d by n light brceo
and nothing to work with except nviryln.
efficient tiro department, liter) thing wan at
Iho mercy ol tho lliuum. I.iun than half n
iVntn ol tho pronounced tiro-proof w iriv.
houitrii wltlmtood tho Kivire tent. Tho
building Vilng mot.tly of wood, and poorly
ronttrocted, tin y burned llKo ho much chat).
The firu rpread with ru much wonderful rn
pUUty that un iitltmpt at Kinlug anythlui!
would hao bun utti rly uaiIohh, All uloug
itscourtu terrlfio eiploilotm of gunpowder,
petroleum, liquor, etc., weru of frequent oc
currence, nnd bulldingn wirit blown into
atoiUH, Tho hook and Inddtr appuratiM and
liosa carrlago wero thu tltt thliigH to burn,
lcAvinu untiling but a few (eet ol wotthlctm
Iioho with which to buttle iignim-t tho devour,
lug tltineut.
Nlreleliliic llu l.mic ..
Ht, IaH'I8, Kept. 2il I'ho ltL-publlean'ii
ipeclid from Diilhm, 1'i'iim, hujh that new
reacht d thero hint night that n putt) ol
joungliien from Dalian and l'oit Wottli,
while Imutii t; ill thu i'mihandlo tonutty, in
that rit.ite, nuro altail.ul by IiiiUaun mi
hept. 11th, and mim'u of their iiuiubir ktllid
after a tl('ht of tHoila).
Ilml Nlnli ofllic (Iriilu 'Irmto lu Siiulli.
rru ltiikln.
Nk.w oiik, Kiipt. 2(1. Tho llritinh govern,
meut bun Junt itkiied n bluo book containing
tho report from it eoiiMil in HiisHia, who
itato that tho condition of thu ltnsMinu grain
trudo U now mi Airing Horoly from Amen
can ioiiiclitiou. huiuley, tho eoimul nt
Odctmi, eiplalnlng tho caiMtiot tho Humdan
wheat r aiinng market in bad eoiulilion, b)s
that tho gri ater putt nrruei from tho into,
ilorou micound uv2onaandfriquiiitly for
want of wugonn reuialna ixpouul on railwiiy
platform, Unlet it tan Ih) produced
iheamr mid brought to OdesMi in In'tter
rondltlun, uud tho i out of transportation and
placing on uhlpboatd bo retinoid, south
llUMiaii torn will anon no louger flud a
market in Kngland and western Kurope, be
ing unable. tocompntowlthAmeilcau, hidian
ami Aunirallan com, liming k post jenr,
owing to tho dtnreihti'd value of tho rouble,
punhusir In l.iigluud had to pi) only CI
lor what nt tho normal rato of the roublo
they would puy CI 7 Cd. Uimi thus Amir
lea wna able to uudertell ltunsUn i oru. To
contend with Aiuericaii compctitlou attvu.
tlon I nt length being drawn to (lis absolute
neecialtyol improving tho facilitit ol thin
trade, and a the price ol grain at it pUco
of production U iiiodcrnU nud ran stend
corupnrinoii with that of other countrln, ill
rcct coaiuiuuicntion ia demauded with an
iportdopU wldch wilt ahip eipeditloiuly
uid at mluimum rule. A achema haa beeu
7Mnltl mid approved by the municipality
Otloaaa to build au elevator on the. Amerf.
jsteui, mudifjinglt to uit the local
m, capable of holJIug 30,000 ijuartera,
, Tfct rai MTalau
MftYoRS, Sept. 2fl-10:30 V, U.-Wm.
Ma kU 400th &11 at 10 .f, aad
Itonoll bin -lSOIh nt 10 07. Kcoro of hndcr
nt 10 07 wni, ltowcll 1C0, Meirilt 110,
Hor ul 130.
j:iiiiitiel)iillnsr John.
MArimii, hi,t. 21 A tilegrntn from Ha
rutin Htati Hint thrio olaMholdorn hnvo
cmnnciiAtd 0,000 lao nnd contracted
with thou for their mivico for fit oceans.
Otnr hlaMliohldfl intmd following the ex
ample. Win nl Kxcllrmcnl.
I.nhov, Sipt 2. Tho 1'iiU ilall Garetto
Kit thu wheat mnrkct bun bien ixclted for
thi pnt fow dnjH, and thero ban been con
xidirnblo Kpeiuliitiou. The btnt foreign
kind havo luhaiicul nourly two Rhillings
pi r quurtir since Monday. Tho movement
I niiled by the recurrouco of heavy rtius, tho
lateninsof haneHt nnd tho inferior quality
of tho now crop. Thero wan nimultaneouH
Hpeculation in Pari, and thero nro reported
failunn of largo California upcculatorB,
MjuiIi'J'm Hevnry.
htatilty at .Sierra I.couo gave hi namo nil
Swiiiburu, nnd iuvehtvd thu expedition with
ho much iiijhU ry nnd acercey that tho steamer
Albion, on which hi party nrrhed, was in
dangirof being Rtojipeit by tho ntithoritlcn.
htauliy thcu dcilnrid himself and bin pur
pose. X.'iikIiiiiiI mill llm ArvhiiMi
Htktr.v, Hipt. 21. Tho forco under Om.
llukir renehed Kiulil jehttrday nlternoon.
Yakoob Khan'n inos had au iutirvlow
with Sir 1'ndcrlck KohcrtB mid mtaurcd him
of thu Ann ir'n Irlendliuenn nnd willingness
to oo gulilcil liy llritlnli edvlcc.
KellxloiiN Inlolernure.
llnt'wilLH, Hipt. 25. Tho llclglan lilnhops
hnvo instructed tho clergy to rcfuo absolu
tion to parent whoso children frequent pub
lio Hchuoln, nnd to teachers and pupil in
normal achooln.
Irloli Teniinm.
London, Hegt. 20. Three hundrod ngrl
mltnrul tenautn havo nrilved ia the town of
Tippirary, Ireland. They refused ta pay
tho full amount of their rent, aad disturb
ances nro feared.
t'lre lu HiiMln Cntlln Flusnr.
Itnssliin ofQlial messonger Blate that
2,078 Area have oocurred In Knisla during
August, canning iiumngc to property to tuo
amount ol 20,000,000 loublcs.
A dispatch dated Capo Town nays that
Cotvwnyo lilt Fort Umnfotto on the 4th
Inst, (junrtirn havo bcn prepared for him
nt the castlo heto. All reiaainlne hostile
chief have surrendered. Mir (Jarnct Wol
Rily arrived nt Utrecht, Transvaal, on tho
7th Iut.
Ilrnvy t'nllnre.
Ham 1'uivi'ihio, Sent. 25. Up to noon to
day tho following attachment wcro levied
on tho stock of 1'eist, I'rank fc Co.: Hell-
man Uro., $18,000; Joseph Harbaugh,
J-17.0U0; Wm. Sohollo ,t Ilron., $21,121;
hiiiion .Mark, $.r..),2')4; M. fiovy, ?J3,105,
!' llx lebit, ?JI.13S; lknlamlu Hauan et nl.
14fl HI, I, Whlto et id, $5,028; lloraco II.
L'lailln , un., ir'J.'JSi.
In re fen ncu to a pronn dispatch from piow
York to tho tlKct that tho liomo had pur-
vhiuo I n I irgii quantity of good on tho rep
resentation mat mo nnietn ol tuo noiisowcro
t J.'(l,00(, whlln tholr llnbilltleii uinounti d to
only $110,000, tho Arm Ray that no good
lmvu been piirchamd by or for them iu that
city nr ilowhiro on (also reprmentationn.
.Mr. l oist, in tuo niumo oi n conversation,
attributed tho cmbirr.issmciitn ol tho firm to
tho fnllnro of ollur drygootlH bousen in tho
city unit tlio general ilipresslon of buslncH.
Ho Raid Ihiru wan ovtry reason to liopa for
un nuiit.tblaRclllimcntof existing dlfllcultlcn
by n coinprmulso between tho llrui mid it
criilitorn. Stepa weru already bilug taken
lo bring about such n result.
Tim A I Hi ran 1'irr.
Sin I'hanckco. Sept. 20. Later mhicea
htuto tho losn by tho burning of Altnran, tho
ouiiiity seat of Modoo county, to bo 9130,000;
insurance, ?.iu,ouu, tuo oinco ot the Mo
dou Independent nnd two lh err stables nro
tho ouly biiildlngn saved. The flro origin
attd In a variety storo mid in the aupposrd
worn oi an inciuiiiury,
Tho (nrnlvnl IUI1.
Tho carnival ball at the Pavilion last night
vai u graud success. Tlmro was n large
nuiniMr ol masker anil many beautiful cos
tume, (leueral uud Mm. Grant, Mayor
lirymit, Oov. Irwin, nud others arrived at 10
o'clock nnd wero conducted to a private box
oppusltn tho mntlo stand. The Ikix was ele
gantly draped with ihgn mid ornamented
with Itnntirn, The party wire received with
tumultuous chciM. Their box was the con
turol nttraitlou during their stay. After
witnessing thu scene for about au hour, (leu
eral and Mr. Urant withdrew.
Boiler i:totlou,
r.unritA, Kept. 20 ThoSoutitiil thin morn
lug publishOH a romiiiiiulcntlon from a cor.
respondent at Plot he, stating that at UrUlol
Tutsibiy, tho engine, of tho llillsido houtlug
work wns compli tely demolished by tho ex
plonlon of tho both r about 5 A, M., mid the
building wrecked lliigliucr (leo. Stick
polo was killid nnd AVtbittr, the tlruuau,
wan found buried iu tho ruins. Hi rcco
tr in doubtful, Tho furnaco will coutluuo
running, idthough tho ore will not eomo
from tho mine for four or flo ilajn. Thero
In noiiiu ten or 12 dujn ruu on Iho dumps,
and b; that lliuo thu llowory Plochotngine,
whlth wan khippul Wtdutndty, will bo In
1 ortiuon uuii uomuug oro un usu U.
A Strango Broaoh of Promleo.
tlf nil tlio iU.'ctmtioimlriniL'ht ncniust
tlto City of (.ihiMTOw Jlunk, thut of bo-
iiij; thu cmiRO of mi net ion for broach of
iroiiii.so of nrirrmgo U certainly tho
sti-.ingoht, but tun ortlie'i'iiH it is n fact.
TIiLMiumcs of thu luirtiosure will known
lint thcio is no nivcsMty for montioniiig
tlii'in : biuiifo it to s.iy that tho lady be
loners lo Ciliow niul tlio ccutlomnn to
(.! roc-nock, both of thorn boing hhijiIu of
Komn VMiiltli. tlio i uly utitortiuuitoly
liolil wtno bteck of the imiik, uiul when
t!.o crash c.iuio. nltliout-h thu iiiurringo
itn itatiotis h ul nctunlly looii issuoil, tho
gt'iitloman cruil oil until it wus iucor
tuiueit iiow- fur ho would bo iillccteM an
hor liiitKuuL After tlio tlcxiMon of tho
Uoum) of l.onl thnt no liability would
extend to liim, it was, of course, pHct
cil that liu would at once eoinploto liLs on
Ktinciit, but for homo re-ison or other
ho had cltangoil his mind and positively
reftisetl to do o. After all jxTsuiusion
had failed, au actiou cluiuiitig .3,000
was raised, which ho has now eouijiro-
inueti uy XKing X 1,000. Liverpool
Hv the vfiet roin Uiat esb&lea from
liandkerclut'fii during Sabbath mornuic
eurrieee, one is reminded that titer ia
miry musk-ulr Oitriatituo.
What's in a Namo?
The San Francisco Vitllntin, discours
ing from the above text, takes up the
woid lioodltttn nnd gio3 sotno interoit-
ing theories lonccining it. It eajs.
Tho woid hoodlum lins secured n jil ice
fur itself in thu I'uglisli language, it
has been traietl as far ns Lontlon. It is
used as glibly in Xow York as if it had
conic down to us regularly from Gothic
or Latin sources. It lias not yet been
atlmitkii to iiuy dictionary. Hut that is
only a eniostioii of time. Tho lcxi
cograjihcr lannot refuse recognition to a
wonl no matter how barbarous it mav
bo in sound, or how obscure its origin, if
it is in general use. In the spread ot
tho wont we havo a valuablo illustration
of tho evolution of language. No doubt
the early innn commenced to speak by
imitating hounds of nature. This is what
Jinx AI tiller facetiously calls tho bow
wow theory. Hut it is quito ovitlent
that cnpriiu fills no inconsiderable part
in tho manufacture of words. Though
hoodlum was invented in this city only
a few years ago lo defino a wild and
reckless boy, thcic aro u half dozen
theories of tlio process by which it was
formed, none of them being w holly free
from Haws.
Hut the moral effects of tlio word havo
perhaps u greater interest for us than
its etymological history. It is held to
mean to nt tho Ka9t tho moat ungovern
able, incorrigible and vicious of tho boys.
The hoodlum is believed to bo something
moro than a gamin and something loss
than a brigand. Two ladies recently
caino out from the East on a special
mission for his conversion. In tho
minds of theso good womon ho probably,
in ferocity, cornea noarer to tho corilla
than anything human. Tho irreducible
character of thowortl has given play to
tho imagination. As it lion no drria
tion, and, consequently, no root to fix
its meaning, it may bo held to represent
anything abnormal in tho shape of youth.
If wc had been less inventive and less
original tho young men of California
would not hao ho hard a character all
acr tlio world. If they had been dub
bed rowdies, or dend rabbits, or blood
tubs, as in Haltimoro or Now York, their
reputation would not havo been hnlf so
shaky. The wild exaggeration of blood
tubs toned elown tho law less pugnuity
implied. Hut " Hoodlum" can be made
to htutid for almost anything.
Two things lmo conspired to piitit
them in darker eolors than really belong
to them. In this community ihihlrvn
weru oucu human phenomena. Thero
was n time when no sound disturbed tho
uiiivcisnl quiet but tho dulcet note of
tho adult's pistol. Tlieio wero no
crowds of boys aHsemblcd in thu evening
nt tlio street coiners, indulging in cat
tails nnd rooster crowing. The boy
who, nil of a midden, goes oil into a Vir
ginia breakdown, with a deafening clut
ter of hell-nnd-toe, was unknown except
on the stage. When they firit carao
they wero iewed by nn old bachelor
community as tho tyjKw of youthful
viciousness. Men forgot tint they ever
wero boys themselves ; or if thoy had
any memory iu that direction it was of
tho btaid homestead faraway, tho village
spire and tho Sunday school. Tho cli
mate, too, has had something to do in
bringing out thcM traits in broader le
licf. It is possible for boys to bo in the
streets 310 out of 3G5 days in tho year
Thero is no cold or snow to drive thorn
iu to tho warmth of the stove. Iu
most, cases the night is such ns to invite
tho j oung nbroaeL Gathered in groups,
if they do occasionally engage iu half
serious scullion, it is because thoy think
tho passer-by will be inevitably attracteil
by their exhibition of brown, and not as
an 0en defiance) of law and order.
i ho vanity ot tho younp; man is nil-
consuming and over present. The law
of his being comjiels him to do something
or exhibit somn trait that will direct no
tice to himself abovo nil his fellows. It
is not ulwaya disrespect to tho spectitor
that inspires him. No doubt ho is
troublesome nt picnics, and is often nn
unpleasant and unbidden guebt. Hut wo
hao not got to far that ecry large par
ty going on an excursion 1ms to orgui
un a black sunko squad ns a necessary
piotoctton, ns thoy do in New
Voik. All things considered tho
tho hoodlum, so-called, is no worco than
his congeners elsewhere. Hut he has
the uiUioituuo to bo labelled iu Mich n
lposo way that o en a dull invigination
libs no dilliculty in conjuring him up us
a cross between it blood tub and a sins
culotte, ready for any illany, unciuli
zideel, ferocious and untamable, feariug
neither God nor man, and ou the straight
road to the gallows or the poniicntia ry
North Carolina farmers hao over
120,000 sheep which yields them a vcar
ly revenue of ? 1.10,000.
The platform will miss the following
popular lecturers during tho coming
Winter, since they decline making en
gagemonts: Dr. "j. G. Holland, Thomas
Nust, George William Ourtin, llov. Dr.
Storrs, Frederick Douglass, and llev.
Dr. John Hall.
' '' IP -
Tlio bitli annual conention of tho
Alexiiim war veterans of Illinois held a
session in Chicago on tho 12th. itc.so
lutious to the reaped of tho memory of
General Shields w ere adopted, mid tho
present otlicers w ere re-elected. Peoria
was selected as the place for tho next
annual ineetiug. Delegates weru np
polnteel to the National convention at
Now York on February 22. A commit
tee was appointed to confer with a sim
ilar committee of the Ohio veterans,
respecting tho advisability of calling a
National convention to take action on
ta pension quwtion.
A Good Wife
A certain sort of talent is almost in
dispensiblu for people who vt ould spend
jiars together and not boro themselves
to death, but tho tal nt, like tlio agree
ment, must be for anil about life. To
dwell happily together thoy should bo
erscd m the tmeties of tho heirt and
born with the faculty for willing com
promise. Tho woman must bo talented
as a w omnn, bho must know tho "metier
do xciuuio" and must have a very lino
touch for the affections, and it is more
important that n person should bo a
gossip nnd talk pleasantly nnd smartly
of common friends anil tlio tnousanu
nnd ono nothings of tho day and hour,
than that she should spealt witn tnc
tongues of mm nnd nngcls, for awhile
together by the lite happens moro fre
quently than tho pnsencu of a guest to
dinner. That pioplo should laugh ocr
the same sort of jests, many nn old joko
bctwicn them, which timo cannot wither
nor custom stale, is a better pieparation
for lifo thin ninny other things higher
and better sounding in tho wot Id's ear.
You can read Kant by joursclf; it you
wish, but you must share n joko w itli
Bomo ono else. You can foigivo people
who do not follow you through a philo
sophical disquisition, but to find your
wife laughing when you had tears
in your eyes, or staring when you
weio in a fit of laughter, would
go somo wny toward tho dissolu
tion of tho marriage. I know a woman
who for Koino distasto or disability could
never so much ns understand tho mean
ing of tho word politics, and has given
up trying to distinguish ltepubiicans
from Democrats; but take her on her
own politics, ok her about other men
or women and tho chicanery of every
day existenco, the rubs, tho tricks on
which lifo turns, and you will not find
many moro shrowd, trenchant and hu
morous. Nay, to mako plainer what I
havo in mind, this samo woman has a
shate in tho higher and moro poetical
understanding and frank interest in
things for their own Nike. Sho is not to
lc deceived by custom, or made to think
n mystery is solved when it is repented.
I havo heard her siy sho could wonder
herself irary over tho human eve.
Now, in a world where most of us walk
in tho little circle of our own renson,
and havo to bo reminded of whnt lies
without by specious and ilamant excep
tions o.uthminkcs, eruptions of Vo
sti ins, banjos Ilo-itng in mid nir at a
seance, and the like a mind so fresh
nud unsophistiinted is no despicable
gift. 1 will own I think it n better sort
of mind that goes necessarily with the
eleirest views on public business. It
will wash. It will find something to
say nt nn odd moment. It has iu it tho
spring ol pleasant nnd quaint fancies.
Whereas, 1 lan imnginu myself yawning
nil night long, until my jaws ached nnd
tho tears came into my cv es; although
my companion on tho other sido of tho
hearth hold the most enlightened opinion
on tho frnnchisu or the ballet. New
York Evening Post.
Dobts ot Honor.
This is told in a letter to the Indian
apolis Journal of an interview between
Professor V. H. Denslow, of Chicago,
and tho late lloraco Grcoloy :
" I will remember when I first met
Mr. Greeley," said Denslow. "I was
just 21, nnd had recently been admitted
to tho ow Yorkjlwr. J t was at tho
residence of ono of my first clients, Mr.
Partridge, publisher, when Greeley call
eel. When I went into thn room ho
stood with his hands under his coat tails,
looking at some pictures. 'Mr. Greeley,'
snid Pat ridge, 'this is Mr. Denslow, a
young attorney.' Greeloy uttered a
short grunt of recognition, but did not
even look around. I embarrassed,
shrunk away to ono corner, and took a
chair. Ife went on around the room,
looking nt the pictures and what-not,
and iu about five minutes, whon his back
w as turned on mo and I thought ho had
forgotten me, he suddenly, without look
ing nt me, tsaid ; 'Hem I So you nro
an attorney, mo youl' 1 confessed it.
'I I ato lawyers " ho exiUiiued emphatic
ullv. 'I hate lawyers; thoy do moio
mischief than their heads me worth '' "
"I hupposo ihny nro n necofary evil,"
I 6tiggetid di'ptieiatingh,
"Wholly ii inecciwvry," iio insisted.
"I supjKiso you will acknowledge," I
said, ''that they promote good order
and remove impediments to good gov
ernment." "Just the contrary I just tho con
trary I" ho squeaked in his odd falsetto,
"thoy cause elisorder, and they nro the
chit f obstacles to gexxl government."
"I thought the man was crazy. Per
haps jou will tell me," I suggested,
"how debts would bo collected w ithout
"Don't want 'em collected I don't
want 'cm rollected I" ho squeaked, ' if A
lets H have his property without pay-
lucnt, I ilon t see why U, 1', 15, r and
all tho rest of tho alphabet Bhould be
called on to serve as a police to get it
batk 1 No debt should lo collectible by
law. It's monstrous. Let a man trust
another at his ow n risk. Even a gam
bier pays his debts that ho isn't legally
obligod to pay, and calls them debts of
honor, but men w ill put their property
out of their hands to prevent the legal
collection of their grocer)' bills. Abol
ish all laws for tho collection of debt,
and that would abolish most of your
lawyer) good riddance t"
It seemed impossible to talk with a
man with such eccentric notions.
"Half a loaf ia better than none," as
the corner-loafer said to the policn
vbm told to soova oa.
St'nto and Territorial.
As lor In.
Prom the daily Astorian:
Tho I'ugot Mill Co. hivo four of their ves
sels idle, waiting for bitter times, nnd wc
learn thoy talk of tying up two more.
A lirgo forco of men mo at work on the
Point Wilson lighthouse. Tho total clov atlon
ot tho structure will be CO fcit clovntiou of
local plan, 18 fict.
I'lisel Hotlllil.
The farmers of Ii Conner lmo this week
shipiwd nbout (3,000 socks of grnin to Sail
Francisco by tlio steamer Alaska.
A silver mlno is being do eloped near llur
rows' Day, Fidalgii Island, by h'chultz k Co.,
which promises to yield handsomely,
Tlio tug Uohah recently towed tlio lirgest
boom of logs ever put up on Pugct Sound to
Port (Iambic. It contained I .fiOO.000 feet of
I lumber, nnd the logs numbered 2, G00 by nctual
The I'ugct Sound Mall sijsi Pcoplo nro
now turning attention to tlio pitrciiaso oi tim
ber land. Tlio first notices of intention to do
so in Whatcom county appear in tho .Mail of
this week.
At Puyaltup, hop buyers aro now offering
21 cents for now hops. A. McMillan, by hold
ing his old irop over from hit inr, will
reallzo PJ cents, 5 cents moro than ho would
if sold last year,
Tlio Argus siysi Tho farmers of Clilhinnro
ill busv liarvistiuc and thrishinc. Thoro is
somo complaint about potato rot down there,
but all tho other crops aro good and tho gram
crops aro especially heavy.
Several of our resident Chinamen profess lo
bo experts at digging potatoes and havo found
it a profitabla employment. Tho work is al
together too low and groveling for white men;
henco tho largo number of idlo Americans on
our streets. Ulympia Experiment.
Tho Kxpcrtmcnt snysi 'An old gentleman,
60 years of age, named Ta) lor Hue, attempted
suicido at Nowakum on Friday, thu 10th nut.
Ho cut his throat with a knife, inflicting a
cosh reaching almost front ear to car, but tho
blado was to short to sovcr tho jugular vein
and doubtless this circumstance served to pro
long his life.
Henry Harncd, who lives on the Sound, was
caught by a falling trco nnd fortunately es
caped with severe bruises.
John Andrews and Peter Italsin were
brought licforo Justico Scott, of Seattle,
charged with assault with intent to kill.
Thoy were bound over ill tho sums of 8.100
and $200 respectively, and not furnishing
bail tliey wcro committed.
Tho Experiment sayst Mr. P. I). Mooro si
perfecting arrangements to extend Ids gold
mining operations at Cliehabs Point. For
years tlio waves of tlio Pacific hvve washed up
their golden sands at tint place, nud Mr.
Moora Is determined to work tho matter up
liiioapvying enterprise.
Tho Seattle Post says: .lack Simmons, an
Indian, w itli a scino cauclit Kvt week 1.000
salmon, for which ho received from Lovy A
Wilson 10 cents etch, and for 1.0S0 smaller
ones he got 'JJ cent each, other Iudlins with
their semes hero in the harbor aro doing
equally as well.
Iliml r ttio JliMiiitnliia.
Tho Toller savn that Luuistou Is steadily
and rapidly improving.
Fino w either for harvesting at Pu'.ouse, and
much of it Is beinir douo at liicscnt. Thero
sicms to bo n lack of machinery for tho
amount oi grain to ue cut.
Tho crops iu tlio locality of Olcx, W. T
havo tumid out hotter than over before. U.
Newill, of KUckltit Valley, V. T went
orcr with hit mnchlno and threshed out 1.1,.
000 bushels of grain for tho people.
Tlio Lou is ton Teller tells of n fino young
horso bought by Mr. .Monmouth, who tried to
lead him homo and finally picketed him to
cord wood sticks ami found him dead in tho
morning, choked to death by a hiltcr tight
nbout his nose nnd cars, Kather hard ou tho
unhappy brute t
A Moscow correspondent tas: Harvest
ing Is in full blast hero. All kinds of grain
look excecdincly well, especially tho flax
crop. Flax is tho chief productlonhcrcabouts,
because tl grows well ana sells rapiaiy, ilio
yield of grain in general has been very largo
considering tho newness of the country.
Tlio crops in Oclioco have turned out better
than was expected some time ago. As an in.
stance, it is stated that Mr. A. ell harvested
U acres of wheat, from which he threshed
1,428 bushels. This would nearly averago
3'.'i bushels to the aero. It is supposed that
tho farmers will raise nearly enough wheat
this year for homo consumption. Wheat is
w ortli 1 per bushel and oats scv cnty-fivo cents.
The Palouse Gazette sayst Notwithstand
ing the fact that somo of our crops were in
jured by tho frost tho yield of groin ol the Pa
ouso country will be considerable. On the
Pcnawawa tho average was about 30 bushels
to the acre, while that east ol tho town went
over forty. Somo fields have yielded near CO
bushels. Small quantities of grain were dam
aged by tho sun, but as a general thing it is
iu splendid condition.
A sad caso of burning to death occurred at
tho Aisotin settlement, near tho sawmill. A
young man mined John Smith was herding
sheep for his father and ociupviug a log cabin
n the vicinity, taking his meals at homo with
his father. On Saturday night ho was
prompt nt his father's. '1 ho not day parties
went to the place where tho cabin stood and
found tho shepherd dogs nnd 'ho sheep near
by, tlio former l0Hailino' tl-nr master. The
labia was in ashes, aud upon ditturbiu,' the
ember j and nslns tho tettli and partly burned
remains of the young man wire found buried
beneath them,
A now bridge U completed over tho Uma
tilla river at Pendleton, but while wagon tires
need soaking the ford will bo used all tho
Noultirrn Orrgon.
Forest fires hivo been ngms for tenelajsin
the mountains near Lakeview,
The Ashland Academy issues a neat llttlo
paper called the College Ceroina.
The Fall races over the Lakeview course
commence October 6th, and muih interest is
already manifested.
Potatoes are selling for sixty cents per
bushels, and foity pound salmon for twenty
liveceuts, at Suislaw.
,,'Tlie I-akcview Herald savsi While here,
Mr. Htt-Llll!lll linv-nr.nl f., fl.m I.,. .... f .1...
. , ..... ,-,VVH,v., .wu. uuv t.io, v, uo
jiinrriFa nr mnln .l... r.t l 'P t in. :- t
Crooked crick, which he will place in his
c-ic-Kimi, jar no is nuing up at nts borne near
Red lilulf.
A son of llev. Luther K. Henderson, ol New
Pine creek, while superintending the horse
power of a thresher ia that section, last week,
taught lis leg in tho i lachiucrv. or between
tuo cog wheels, and sustained injuries which
may prove fata).
The Sentinel learns that the Ashland
Woolen Mill is so rushed with orders they can
hardly supply the demand for gootls at thu
time. Their principal trade is with Northern
California, but this y ear they have also re
ceived a cumber of orders from Willamette
Valley. Dlaaketa is their specialty, and the
article manufactured Is not to be excelled by
any other mills on the coast.
The Jacksonville Sentinel uvs: Mr. 1
McDoBOuch last Friday discovered unnl
fine colt be had running in bis pastor mh
Jar were sm4 ana t tears sum
in n few hours. Somo attribute it to poison
in tho water they drank mused by a dead
animal decompo'ing in tho cnik which runs
through tho pasture; others to somo poisonous
herb, nnd others still to tlio net of soma
m.iliiious person, Tho mot probiblo theory
is that they ato somo poisonous herbs. Tho
colts wcro nil tlioroughbrcdn, thrco of tlicin
being Scnmpcrdnwns nnd all wiro valuable.
Tho loss of such niiimnls nt their ngo cannot
bo estimated.
WillntnrtlP Vnllcy.
Col. Hogg, tlio capitalist, Ins arrived at
Somo scoundnl set firo tn a separator be.
lonpng tn J, M, Currier, of llcnton county,
lost Friday night.
Attendance at tlio Seminary nt Oregon City
is fast increasing. Patrons nro fast learning
that thoy havo n splendid corps of teachers.
At llucna Vista tho busy hum of wagons
loaded with wheat is heard from early morn
until lato nt night. Ono day this week soma
thirty-soven wagons with teamsters wcro anx
iously waiting their turnB.
The Imtcrnrisosavs! TliocillrcnsofMolnlli
Pralrio nro almost unanimous in tho expres
sion tint slnco tho license) for tho salo ol
liquors was granted that drunkenness had al
most uisappeand and boisterous conduct en
tlrily. Cannot somo liw lio passed, says nn cx
change, among others to lompii tho railroad
authorities to kill tho thistles nlono tho lino
on their property. It is useless for ono man
nlono to kill them off, when tho seeds follow a
train for miles.
'ilia Dalies Itcmizcr says that n man named
John Pago was severely hint a few days sinoo
near SCtnn. Mr. Pago was feeding n tlnesliLng
machine, tho grain having been Ixmnd by a
silf-bindcr, and a man was cutting tho wire
from tlio bundles with n hatchet, liy soma
means tho band-cutter hit Mr. Pago a arm
with tho instrument, inflicting n tcrnblo
Tlio Corvallis Oazotto saysi Tho Spring Hill
Farmers' warehouse, in tho northern part of
llcnton county, tipped over last Saturday
night, in conscqncnco of tho foundation giv
ing way. It contained about twolvo thou
sand bushels of looso grain at tho time. Home
four thousand bushels will bo stored in the
Kothcl warehouse, near by, and tho remainder
has been hauled to Albany, Tho exact loss
has not yet lcen ascertained, except tho
house, which is a total loss, Is ostimatcd at
Activo Operations.
Thus fur this season n freight train
every other day over tho Oregon nnd
California railroad vvnssuflicicnt to meet
tho demand, but warehouses being filled
to overflowing, nnd lioldcm anxious to
got their wheat to a quick market, hag
increased thn demand. To day a regular
daily fi eight train was put on, which
will be lontinued until tho grain has
been moved to this city.
It la so Easy to Wrlto for a No ws
paper. He was a friend of initio nnd used
frequently to drop in nnd givo mo advlco
as to how I ought to run my paper.
Ho was a minister, and,. consequently
thought I should devoto it n littlo moro
to tho causo of religion, nnd not quito
so much to politics.
1 lo said it could be made n power for
good in the Western land, in which wo
had both cast our fortunes.
Ho was n lover of the original, too,
nnd said ho disliked to nco reprint, and
thought I should write moro tako thu
time, in fact, to fill tho paper right up '
with good now stuff. It seemed such an
easy thing for him that one day I ven
tured to say :
"Brother, you had n glorious meeting
nt tho school house, I hear; Mipjwso you
writo it up for me."
Ho didn't seem to act as though ho
wanted to.
I urged.
He flushed a little and stood around,
awkward like. Ho had never been hon
ored with nn invitation to write for the
press before.
I then urged.
Then he took off his gloves and hat.
Then I gavo hun a scat at tho table, with
paper and pencil.
Ho sat down to editorial work.
Ho was always talking about how it
should bo dono and now ho was nt it.
He started in.
I went nbout my work, nnd, having
written up a column or two of matter
for tho day's paper, left him still wiit
ing, whilo I went out to solicit somo nd
v'crtisementa, 1 was gouo an hour or two, nnd when
T came back ho was still nt it.
Ho was sweating awfully.
II is eyes wero bent on tlio dazzling
white twptr before him, and his pencil
was a btub. T began to grow frightened,
I knew I had only a small w eckly pa
per, nnd that its fourteen columns of
space (ono sido was a patent inwnrd)
would not hold tho contents of the Bible
and supplimentary messages from Heaven
At last tho man looked up and timidly
advancod with a piece of paper in ono
hand, nnd suddenly w ent back to chango
a word.
Then ho came on again, and liko one
who had passed through a vision, held
out n piece of paper nnd boldly cskid :
"Will that dot"
I looked at it.
There were just seven lines of it ad
vertibing measure.
Ho was a large mati, weighing over
300 pouuds then, but when I met him
three weeks later ho weighed less than
Ho had been sick.
Tho seven-lino nine hour effort was
too much for him. '
Hut it was not all lost. Ho nov er ad
vised an editor again.
Neither did ho compose for a paper
It was hard work for him to write,
and he saw he was not cut out for nn
editor. Chicago Journal
1 1 a m i
An American savs that, from his late
experience of English -weather, he should
imagine that "Rain Britannia I" ought
to boat popular ia Kngland as "HaM
Ohurikr it it Mats