v v ii ii r-r'V irrrr-tj-, - j.- jtvx lxyaajja i. tilfonwtt Sfttrnwr. ISSUI-D J.VJtlV 1I1IDAV, BV 1DM.IS1IIIIS AMI 1 1101 IlllMl?. Term orPulmcrlptlont One copy ono ) cir (S2ntimbcri),lliiailt!tncc....(2 ,"() Ono copy Ix months (JO.numlicra) 1 25 Ono ropTtln-oo month (13 minilcr)'. 75 fJTIt notpilil within ilx Moulin, S3 will l,o (hirgdl ono )CBr lubstrlptlon. PORTLAND, ALU 22, 1870. TELEGRAPHIC. JJASTIir.X .STATES. llnliiL,' ill lleiiiliviiuil. Drimvoou, I). T Atifi. 17. Cnptnln J. S. Mitchell, who lately arrived nt Tviinntou, Wjomlnt,'. suicided by thootlng last night. li.l'. AVliitbcek, locnl editor of thoTioncor, last nlfjkt nliot nt n ncpro whom lio tlnnmi hud nsiiiulled lilm. Tho bill missed llio lie i;ro nml struck T, H. Martin, formerly a wholesale grocer In thlHcitj, in tho forehead, inilictitii; u diitijjerou'i mid jirobnbly fatal 'nound. Iliirui'il in lleielli, Nrvv Yoiik, Aug, 10. Tour dead bodies wcro found this morning in tho ruins of tho liotci burned last niuut nt i.ociiBt urovo. finished yet, and a final issuo can neither bo hurried nor delayed by such transparent de vices. HlcU r Knna. Sr. Locio, Aug. 19. Tho colored excur sionists who wcro sont by planters to report on tho suitability of Knnsas for colored im migration, say as wns expected, that thev I found thnt tho land it not fitted for colored men, nnd that thoso now thcro Mould ghdly roturn fcoulh if they could do kn without expense. I'ntco Alicntl, Qemic, Aug. 10. Member) of tho Irish nnd Trench societies with priests nnd other, linvo appointed n comuiiltco to nrrango peace. A Siiilrinlier CJnlc. ivv lorn;, Aug, 10. Iho storm nt Morchcad City, Isorth Cnrolilin, was tho mot violent which ever visited that place. At.C A. M. it blew hurricane, from tho northeast, and nt midday hauled to tho southncRt, n chango which saved llcnufort nnd Moroliond from entire destruction. 'Iho Atlantic house, tho largest hotel in that part of tho country, is entirely demolished, notn vcstiKO being loft. '1 litre wcro ICO cuestsin it, nnd thcro was not n particle, of clothing saved by any of then. I'copio did not bigin to kino until tho wnvco wcro literally liruiliing the hotel tu piccR, then thcio was n Htaupcdo. Tho Joung men ntved nil tho indies nml children nt tho danger of their own Uvea. All tho bnggngc, furniture, etc., went to destruction. John Hughes, son of Mnjor Hughes, of Nowbcrn, lost his lifo in tho wreck of tho Atlantic house. Iho detail Viow house, tho other hotel nt Hcait fort, in damaged badly, nnd many privnto houses nro ruined. 'Ihcro 14 not n wharf 'J hey wcro thoso of Jos, W, l'ierce. W. Bchu chnrdt, Kato Itafter, (chfimbcriiiald) nuiKlcftln llcaufort, nnd only tvvo or thrco of Louis Cool:, ' hundreds of sail boats nro lit to sail. Moro- IiiimllKiiiliifc Imiiilsriilltin. ' hind City nlso Mildred terribly. Wabiiisotov, Aug. lft. Ills ascertained nt tho Stnto department thnt n dispatch from Consul Mosby nt Hongkong, relating to Chi lieso Immlgrntlon fees published in to-day's papers, wnH nctcd upon immediately upon receipt, 'iho department directed him to comply villi its former instruction, which requested idl fax for Immigration certificates to bo ncconnUd for nnd deposited in tho treasury and thnt tho examination which ho wns nuthoricd to iiuilta should bo full nnd thorough. At tho snuio time n consular oill cr, of long (xpcrlcnco In thn Tnst, was dis patched to Hongkong nnd other porta to innho n complete liiMstlgntlon of tho wholo subject of Chltieso cmlgrntlon in Its relation lo tho ronsulnr norvicc, ns well ns of other inallenl on which Information wns desired. ItoporlH on tlieso kubjects urn expected nt nu early d iy. Illusirry Ylintlirr. St w Yor.a, Aug. 18. Cuiinlilt rabia d.iuiugo hail beni done to building in loursoof die lion about the illy by it Iieny full of rain. In tome limtnuctn fouudntloiiN hno beru undermined nnd walls hnvn fallen. In tho uMiiii.ig tho rain gnro plnco to u lieivj gulo. Uimiinhtdn, Aug. 1H. A lerrlllo storm of wind mid rain vlidlcd this kccIIoii this morn ing nt 1 A, M 'i'hu elocily of wind reached I is imicn cr Hour, inrgo iiiinmcroi annuo trees wcro prostrated mid sort ml Iiouijih nnd sheds unroofed. A llritlsh bark in nshoro, mid ir is feared that serious daiungohns been dona to crops. Tiio Htorm nlong Iho Hudson wns sovcro, nnd boats mid trnlns nro delajed by trees ncross tho truck, Ilim In Cniiiulii, (JUMirc, Aug. 18. Irish ship Iaborua ro Aolrrd not to accept any reduction of wages, ns nsked by tho Trench section. Tu both Ht. Patrick's nnd l'rencli churchcH to clergy rcrnmuirnded luoderntlou. A num ber of ladles, who nro rcmnlnlng in town, have sought tho protection of tho citndel, Tho magistrates of Iho city will cnlln meet ing of iutiriHtcd persons mid will nsk Iho goornor to euforuo tho lllako net. Tho arms of companies of tho Quebco battalion hao beeiihtoUn nt hereto by pcoplo front Cajio lUano. Latkii, i: t thing ipilet. Kiln Is i Icnr ing tho Hire (Is of rioters. In tho Irish part of Iho city, nil imsscrs by and nil carriages, during thu night, wcio elialltuged, Mopped una txnminiii iiy unmet men. 'ilia j;iglilli Itojnl ltllloH lino been lemovcd from tho Kkating rink lo Iho qmrii'ii wharf. M.OIIO llurri'N nl Oil lliinuMt. Titi'svim.k, Aug. 1(1. Tlirt'o tnukH of oil binned from tho ellccU of tho Into ktroko of llghiuing; tho third catching thu morning mill exploding with tcrrillo force. Tight) Iho thousand barrels of oil hno been con suuied in nil. Tito town wns threatened this morning by oil running iuto tho rher, which becauio n hheit of llanu, frightening tho In habitants and dilWng lhcui lo Iho lillls for Hnfelj, A tliuily ehungoof wind sin ed tho ton. 'I lie Mir In I'linmlii. Qui iho, Aug. 17. Tho Irish iu Cham, plain nnd Montcalm wards nro nil prepared to defoud llielr lioiucs mid families, nnd hno b.nrlcadcd, iu poiuo instances, thvlr houses. Taint tigers by tho North hhoro train from Montreal last night htato that thu ears worn Mimed lit passing through tit. Itoehs, mid llishop ltncliio f Chiroulimix aud other passengers woro tllghlly hurt by iiiishileH, An old man named ('rem ley was fatally bentm this aftirnoon b linen mini nt Capo lllanc. (llroux w(h killed by boat hooks and stones, not by a bullet. In M ' Itoehs, Kenerul brutal nssmilts nro repotted. Tho proplo hitwi hlopped tlui unit ems, us tlieru nru a number of T.uglUh speaking cm-' ployes. A young niim nauie-d Urown ii bnilly be'iili'ii. Tiio Onit part of t'luiiiiidniu ktreet leading up to thn ('en en from Ihu cllj Is Inhabited principally by Irlnli. ldgluru'p that portion of tin" Hlleit.e'.lllul t'npe llhuio, Is Known as tho Truich dUlrlil. ht. hem rliiir urn prlni'ially i're iieh dililets, and Montcalm wrd, Irish nml Ticmdi. i:ti luiileu of thu txpctisfs to I lm city by tho riot mum er $50,000, txcliuito of e'ouiun lenil on, which iiuiHt iiimio lllotitig mid Hi siiulU ut Cnpo lllniui ceintlnun nt interuU, but tin in is not much apprehension of an other ktiiiid tlijht. Tim ninth batnllinu, composed principally of Tretieh Cnuadiiiis, bus lieeii elepthe-d o( Its arms. A nieetiug of iiiciiibtM of tho old ship tubeircrs cocloty Wculuit furhMilghtwi I'riest'H wharf, Iho object btinglnliiducei ixtremists iu tho so-ele-lj to iie-cept tortus denlred by tho Trench. rutting Irutiblm, WuiitMilow, Aug. 10. Iu regard to tho de'ioiiiil o( our giMcniiueiit upon Tnglund for $10.1 000 iliiuniKiH fur Torliino ll.i out. ragts, tt u ihu wmb of iho Uultul htatcs ' govtriumiil Hull tin. niutte r Bheuild bo nt Ihd, in ll Mints ure In rcnutt iu dilllculties of n gro lutttuf uuIim nu curly uiulerstaiid. ing is rviukttl. It Is fedt lUatuuiltr Iho treaty us rouslnitd b) the) Tt-ullsh gomn liliut lhopiiilegtS e utallid upon tho United Klnli-s nro not proporlioiuita to tho prico uaid (or llu iu Ibr lllllluunlrv' lloilj, Nw VokK, Aug. 10. A letter by Dr. Mil nor, Mis btewan's ph)Uinii, nftir detijitig it repent I hut khn h.ts been eUciiwel Into tho belief ll atl.tr lii.UuulV biMy was neo crl, uMiu ihnt iho niiiiiiuH of mo stor) hpitihl 1 lote lite public b llit lliitte,' eouunl h.i niuloubiidlj to mil )itr ittliii tlou tu Hit) l tel Ih it Iho bod) was Mill lit ll.o hnuds ol ihu thieves, it fun she he.k known nil ulong, Thuthiivts and tlio coutistl lnte pistil iheirl'ikt eun, but thogsmo is not ,Vl ItllHlllll, IIostos, Aug. 19. Mnny wnrchouscs havo been Huvercly dnnnged nlong tho ricr front. '1 ho tido wns higher than ccr known. 'Iho Icluity of AVntcr street is only pissablo by boats, tho sight being ono unexampled oven to tho "oldest inhabitant." Tito ltnudsomo spiro of tho Treemnn street llnptist Church was blown down, and tho Hinting of I litht Tplscopal Church nnd tho eomi m Hlccplo orntiucuts of Kt. Mary' . i i Church wcro torn off, wliilst th I. iniil d grounds of old Ht. TnllTs arei bndly wp I. d (Jrcut anxiety pronlled during tho pr vnlcnco of thu Htorm. 'Iho nine or order d out tho cntlro polico foroo nml lira eh pirt mnnt. Tho loss is estimated tt from 20(', 000 to SJ0O.0UO "killnti l'i'cr Ml Mini', Aug. 17. Tereiily-lho nowcnsiM wero reported to-dn, 15 of whom nro col ored, nud four denths. .Sovernl ciics of persons stricken bejond tho cotporntlou lino hnu nlso been rtporlcd. A man died of jellow feicr this morning nl llalley Station, Teiui., 20 miles eitst of thM city on tho Charleston lallroul. UValliei clear nnd cool, 'i'lio thermometer lini lauced between d'i nud 71! elegrccii. Wasiiimitov, Aug. 17. Comptroller Tor Irr, of tho treasury department, Bays that llio nalloiinl lionrel ot licnltli Is ot tho opin ion thnt coiitributiouii for tho support of tho pcoplo iu Memphis In camps Ih absolutely necessary to pnncut tho nurcnel of jellow fotcr into other Stales. A requisition upon tho $100,000, npproprlatcel by Congress will bo honored. Minims, Aug. 18. Tight now cases woro reported up to noon; Iho dtatlis. (leu. John H. Hkcftlngton, n prominent criminal lawyer, was prostrated this morning. His caso hns not jet bccit reported to tho board of health. Tho weather has grown warmer, Thirteen cases In nil reported to-day; two deaths lmo occurred. I'r.owMNcr, It. I., Aug. 18, Tho schooner Susan Stetson, from Mnrlgoauo for l'rovi dciico has nrrived here. Tho captain's wlfo died nt llnjti, nml two seaman died on tho ojago from jellow foor. Mm in i j, Aug. 10. Thirty-ouo cases iu nil wcro reported to Iho board of health to elay, thlrloen of whom nro colored. Quo death Is reported. Tho raso of fever and death nt lltllcy Station, Tenn., has been traced to infection front Fomo baggngo to- moved from within Iho Infected district to Iho rosldinco of Mr. Jiilinu llcdfotd, whoio noil Teluarel hud slikcuotl nud died. Tlip I'lxlilittr Troiililt-. AVasiiisotov, Aug. 20 Advices received by tho State Department from Iho North American coast represent that nlthough no actual Woleuco his occurred this yrnr, our flshrrmnit nro dctorrcd by npprehciulous of Iolonco ftoui nppronching tho Hhoro nnd carrjlng ou their business with tho freedom guaranteed to them by tho treaty, nud that wo nro thoreforu deriving no beuellt from our agreement with the llritlsh government nud getting no return for our money. Tho statu of feeling which prevails between our north coist llshernieu nud lliltlah American fishermen, who consider themneheH juslltled In using fcrco to carry out local prohibitory I iws, is regarded by our government us ex trcmrly dangerous nud liable nt any moment tu lead to bloodshed and serious interna lloutl iiiiMindurstatiding, nud it is therefore very anxious that somo steps hhould bo taken by tho llritUh government to do away with tho locnl prohibitory laws of tho Ca nadian provinces which now practically nvinidii and nullify tho tnuly provisions of ti fur higher iiutholltj. rite !YMri Mkmi'iiu, Vug. 'JO- IV tutj -seven oral carls convoying boxes of gunpowder, grcnalcs nnd other explosives to n Email chandler's Bhop in St. Petersburg. A largo wtoro of cxplosivca was nlso found lit tho shop, and its propriotor wns arrested. It is not jet ascertained where tho powder was obtained or how it wns to hivo bciii em plojcd. The Kiiil, lli.r.rir.crjr, Aug. 17. Tight thouund Albanians mo threatening tho Servian fron tier. Const intiiow:, Aug. 17. The llulgariati government having taken incaiures for their jirolcctlon, tho commissioners for delimita tion of tho Bulgarian frontier will be nble to rcsumo 1 tbors Immediately. Tlio DvIilitilK... Tr.iuco having refused to autboriso ex Khcdivo Ismail Pnsbn to rcsido iu Algiers, tho powers havo intimated to tho porto that they do not objoct to his llviug in Constan tinople. Tho Sultan, however, is oppoed to having Ismail iu his capital. Itfllilloit Iiiloli'rniiee. Nhort Mil I to Crop. Tho fallnro of tho mnlzo crop in Unlgnrla will entail n largely increased consumption of wheat. As tho wheat crop, though of good epiallly, has been somowhat reduced tiy dry weather, prices of breadstuff will bo high on tho Lower Danubo ict jcar. Tho statistical department of tho board of trndo announces tho nercago under wheat at 10 por cent, less than iu 1S78, under oats ono per cent, less, ami uudcr hops fivo per cent, lo". Tight per cent, nioro acreage is under barley, and Mx per cent, moro under pota toes." I'ACiriC COAST. .tttirelrr Most I'ntil. SAcr.AMr.Mo, mx. 17, A fiendish murder wns committee! nt Tolsom at about 1 o'clock last night. Tronic Lnmblctt, n barber, nnd his wifo wcro nttacked in their bed by nu un known nssaialn. Mrs. hamblott was killod and her husband etnbbcd twice, vvhllo csenp lti I through n window. Suspicion rests on Bishop e f i n man agilust whom hintblett htely brought llncsLui, Aug. 17. Thn Uolaiitra declares ex-coiuinunlcated nil i u foreclonuic suit nnd who ii inlsiini: from tenchcrs in (schools established y tho Stnto I homo. The community n grentlj excited under the ncv educnlion law. ' nnd thcio aro threnta of Ijnehiiig IIiivl 'llnir-i In i:iiLtmiel. l'nlllK-itl .NiiiiilnnlliiiiH. Lom j, Aug. 18. A week i notice of a svn Fnirci-io, An0'. 10 The Honorable tho per cent, reduction of wages of opera-' Ihlks llni evening nominated David Tnrpia- uvea uns ueen posted m most of tlio rotton ' nar-ou, nrcititeci, lor major Tho Alaska Minos. On account of rich strikes in tho mine of tho Alttskn Clolel nml Silver Mining Company, nml tlio btockuoldcrs not nnioui to dispose of stock, tlio piic-oper slnro lias boon mhnncetl to 50 cents. Thn mine is oiioniiitf tin iieh nml iirotnis- imc under tlio toinbineil labor of fifteen tlioiirogimnmo : Stato Toachoro' Association. Tho minimi meeting of tlio Stato Teachers' Association will bo held in this city, commencing Monday evening, Aug, 2uth, nml continuing until Tltutsday cening, tho 2Sth. Tlio following ia mills ut Itnhir Drldco. v.hcro 200.000 spindles nro running on short timo ami 200,000 Mopped altogether, v.hllo G.10,000 aro working full lime. A nioro general nuopuou oi mo nuori umo system is ex pected this Muter. In Ashlor-nnder-Tynn 12'5,000 siiiudloi nro stomicd. nnd 'J00.U00 work on short time. Tho Democratic -Municipal Contention this oveuiug nominated II, W. Webb for po lice judge mid ro-uomiuatcd Win. Doolnu for public administrator and V'm. Tore! for tax collector. Judgo T. II, Teardou, Democratic nominee in all we ro n ported tu tin' board of health lo d iv twthe vviiiiH and tllleen colori-d, four men dinths binee noun Truest 1'. 11. ut., iIih Nun llrluek and lion. John John bou, supei iitlt mil ut ot nuaritiiluii', will ro eouiiiieud lo lle Slate buirel of litultli that the hours for citizens to bo kept iu their Lome s bo changed front ll T. M. to 1 A. M. tu K 1', M. to 0 A. M., commencing l'ridny. Dally .nail krviee will be tostiiited over Iho l.eiuiivillii nud Nithhvillo U.illtond rite Howard .oi'latioii will, to-morrow, imiko nu nppinl fur ii"i.t tucu Tho the rmoiiit'tcr inugeel to eliy lioin nl to S7. Xkw Yoiik, Aun'. 20 Thus (irmtutt deaths from ytllow fevtr bavv lucurreil nt Iho New Yore ipurnutlxotkUbtason, aguiitkt fourteen last Summer. BIllS- llllKP. Dktiioit, Aug, 20, At 11. M0 this fort noon n lire broke out iu tho largo new mill and kult block of Sanborn .V lllose nt Citrralton, op. polto T.tht Sigiiinw, Mich., nu I iu half ten hour had consumed Iho bait block, two drill houses, a salt kited loittaiuiug 4,000 barrels of salt, several elwellii);s, six milliuu feet ol lumber ami 0,000 cords ol wood The tiro is not jet under eemtiol, nud Iho village of Cirniltou is in great dinger, us it ktroug breeio is Idowluj; in thu tllrectiou ot thu town. The loss, according to n rough eali uistu is f 130,000, insurauco $7,000. from Ii I'liHlilmi, Pints, Aug. 18. M. Perron, sub-liculeuant of hussars, nuj M. ltivcre, editor of tho Pronrcsi do I.yon, vestcrdnv fouchtn duel with swords nt hjoiis. Tho latter was wounded in tlio lungs. l'iitnl l'li;nris. Tho number of victims of tho necident on tho Argtmtnn nud Qranvillo railway is hrger than nt llrst reported. Tiftccu wcro killed nud thirtj'-sis wounded. Ileilsllui; Tuxes- Oui'tti, Aug. 18. AiTairs in thoXur.ipa district of tho Madrnn presldcncj,1 growing out of tlio levjlngof n tax on palm trees, nro so serious Hint tho Duko of lluckiughnm hi.ii decided to proceed in pervou to tho bccno of tho distutbneccs. This i!ep is much entieizcd, ns it is considercel that great harm bus already been dons b;- coullict of nulhoiities. Hot Timet Ju lrclitnil. T.ONHON. Aui'. 18. At I.urcnn. Ireland. Saturday, 2 JO polico charged on n mob v.lth fixed bajouels. Tho polico woro beaten back nnd 20 of their number lujuictl. Tlrnl mobs llrcd nt each other with nlles. Ono lender ot tho Catholio pnrly had some eljin mite, which exploded, injuring him fatnllj. Vlolrul Miirm III Kiik'liiliil. Iu ronsoeincnco of n storm trafllo n stii peudt d on tho railway between Chester nnd Ilolylicnil, Tlio vlailuct nt I.l.uul lhilts, Wales, linn been washod nwny, nnd nlso one of tlio bridges. Several sowers wcro burst by freshets on tho lines of Liverpool rail ways, llirkcubcad Is flooded. 'Ihcro havo been 00 hours of continuous raiu i.t I Licit er. Iu Dcrbv shire, Trent mid Dcrwciit tho river overflowed, nnd nil lowrylnglnndsnroitoodcd, Wheat is gradually rotting, and nny crops left standing will not pay for cutting. Tho rain nt bhcillchl was bo violent as to wath nwny tho foundations of fivo houses iu courso of conatructiou. KiicIInIi C'rnjiH nml .Mnrleel. Lonuox, Aug. 10. Tho Msrlc I.nuo Tx- prebs says n week ot warm nud tunny weather, nltlioiigh iuterniptcel by liiterrnls of incessant rain Sunday nud Sunday night, lias eiouo woiietcrs tu maturing cereals. At tho satuo tlmo previous d imago cannot bo obliterated. An examination of tho wheat onra proves tho plant to havo been starved not only in tho cars, wh.ch aro short nnd incngre, luit many of llicia nro barren nt tho baso nud top. Neither maizo uor buley will bo ready to cut much before tho end of tho mouth, Of barloy thcro will probably bo it better crop if tho lino weather continues, ns dcsplto gloomy anticipations promiio by no menus badly in somo of tho southern coun ties. Scotch itdv ices ot thn condition of cereals nro on tho wholo f ivorable, but tho lateness of tho Honioit ciitses imiih anxiety. Tho smnrt advnnco iu wheat of it month ugo boc ins to havo ipiito expended its force, ns enormous shipments from America nml very heavy nriivals havo quite upset London trade during tho pnfct vreek, nud lino weather has nlso, uo doubt, had u marked effect in depressing prices. It wns manifestly liupos. slblo to iti.tkd headway ngalust Auicricnn Hhipmcnts, nnd Millies coma intently declluo Is per tpiurler for red nud fully 2s for whlto on tho fortnight. Tho dcmaml, ns usual nt this sctsoii of tho j car, has been of n merolj retail nature, llarley, oils, bctus mid pots h.tvo bucu in good request in London nud thoprovikcesnt 0 pence to n shilling per quarter mlvauco ou me lortiiigut. At ports ot call, during the week, trndo wns quiet for wheat off coast nt n decline of about it shilling per quarter, with n fair demand, now over, ttt n rctiuctiou. Arrivals were moilenile U irle y improved C pence tier nuarter. Bales in i.ugiiHii wueat nisi wtcu wcro l.i.bi'K qrs, nt 10s Sd ngniiikt 20,231 qrs. nt lis 2d per ejr. for tho knmii week last jetr. Imports tutu the United Kingdom for tho week end ing August 0th wcro TJ1.0J3 cvvts wheat and I'll, 170 cwts Hour. With iv eoiuimtaueo of lluo weather iu Trance there is re isou to be lieve the total crop ot wbett will ixcctd that of lust v cur's audiittordf.innet .vl..ir return. At Mntk Lnno on Moinlav thu kiipplj of Tiielish w heat wns small nud x.ilcs blow at nbout the late rates Torelgu arrivals vvtre txciHMve mid iKellned iv khillllig per quarter with it fair eUmiiiiil at tho reduction. Ou the whole it ge.od dtnl of kteaellucss was observ able, an il was reported that Sunday's raiu bud kuiotisly laid crops in koaio eiutrlcts, l'lour nud b.ulej nro iiuii t, in lue dcclltifd G peiu t nud o its ll pt me per qr for associate iusllco of tho eupromo court, Ins declined, nud tho cxecutivo ouimlttco his indorsed J. It. bhnrptclu, tlio Working men's nominee, Instead, Judgo O. T. Willimus, the Workingmcn's uomineo for nsiocinto justice, has declined, nnd tho cxecutivo committeo havo Indorsed J. D. Thornton, Democratic nomine c. UrltKli entmiiliiii. Vieionn, Aug. 10 Tho Chamber of Commcrco was dissolved yesterday by res olution. It was founded iu 18C1, and onco numbered 17ii members. Tho books, etc.. I hnvo been pnised over to tho newly formcel I and well organised botrd of trade. I'llllll lllllll. Sn'nrdny evening a blast wns hot oil on iho south dido of II iy street, between Du pout nml Kearney, nt llulkhcad quarry, nud after It hail exploded, bo mi men who had chargo of it went up lo seo how much rock had been looiciicel by It. When they reached j tlio Bpotwlicro tlio nolo luul been tlrilleil, anotLcrixplosIon tonkplarc, Thomas Cuddy, ujoremlnh lliitidrgin, nud Henry Hcrron, foreman nt tho bulkhead, we:o cutght nnd burled under the locks which wcro thrown up, ILo men vvero tnl.cn out ns soon ns practicable. Cuddy was do id, I.tudcgnn seriously injured, aiU Hcrron injured nbotlt tho head nnd one nrm. Wretltcil. 1 Tho brig Tlioaudri.v from thlj port ou n scaling oxjieeiuioii, was wrecked on oum vak Island, May 20th. All hands saved. tutrrilu Sun I'liiiiclseo. bis 1'i.vncislo, Aug. 10. Tho registrntlon of tho names of voUn in thia city was com pleted last night, and tho llual count shows tho total number to bo 13,033. I'rlzo Mstil. Aug. 13. Tho McClellan-Donovan hard glovo light for $1,000 enmo on" nt Plntt'a Hall to-night, n hrgo crowd being Iu attendance. Doth men wcro in excellent condition, weigh ing nbost 1 17 pounds each Up to tho OUth round McClcllnn had decidedly tho best of tho light, which was very llvclj-, tho men closing and fibbing each other, Donovan be ing thrown nlmost every round. In tho 31th round Donovan punished McCIcllan eovcrcly lit tho body, nnd tho latter breaking away fell, winded . Donovan then forced tho light tin to tho tJOth round, having much tho best of it. At tho closoof tho 01th round, nt 1.10, tho referco declared tho nntch a draw, neither havmc nnydecidod ndvantaire. 'Iho decision gave great dissatisfaction. front ;.Ic.lco, Cttv or ui.xteo mi Havana. Am?. 10 Tho stato of Vera Cruz is iu n very rovolu tlonary condition. Government ttoops nro rapidly concentrating iu Vera Cruz. Tho Spanish elemcment is accused of instigating dijordersbecausoof thelrdlssatisfaction with mo laws against smuggllug. A prominent federal senator wns ureiiarlnr? ou the nloht nf Juno 22d to go to Vera Cruz with tho fnteu- tiou oi toKing part in nn tiprisiug. when ho was sumuioucd beforo President Diaz, who warned tho Senator that ho knew Ml Dm plans of the. revolutionists, and ndvlscd him to remain in tho capital. Tho Senator icmainod nud U now iv faithful friend of tl-c President. Witr In Not mill. Tfi'.um. All?. 10 Tho rail , l,,a broken out nfresh, A bheria'M posso at tacked tho coil raueh nt Tish creek between sundown nud dark hut evening. Many shots wcro tired, cud fivo Italian I.HUl .It badly wounded and several prisoners taken. .ouu oi iuo siicrniii posso received a scratch in tho tight, nnd this causes many to bolievo that tho coal burners wcro not armed, uu iuo oilier uand tho messenger reports that tho Italians tired tho first Bhot. Tho exnet truth cannot bo ascertained until tho return of tho coroner. Tho sheriff's party numbered nino men. Tho messenger nsserts they wcro confronted by ovor 100 Itnllans, nil well nrmed. General Saliin, command ing this division, had ou ye.terday Issued nn order which relieved military companies nuui iivtuei etiiij. uu learning tins morn mineri. A'o ettact the following notes fiom letter written by Jco. K. Til, superintendent, to a gentleman in this city Tho long lluino nml ditch connect ing Traiicis luko with tho mill wns com pleted on July 29tli, nnd tho mill stnrtcd up on tho JOth; nftcr l uniting -1 days wns compelled to shut down on nccoiinl of n bteal: m tlio (lam; tno mm wns ngnm stinted on August 9th. On nccount of Mr. Murphy, tho ninnlgnmntor, meeting with an necident, having his collnr-bono broken, it was impossible to ninko the cle.iit tip. Tho bittte ry nml plates miovv cd well with niimlgam; also between 12 and 1.1 tons of coiic'imtrntioiii, vitlueil ttt 2fi0 to 300 (lollnis per ton, which will bo tcduceel and tlio clean up mndo on tho 7th of Hoptcinber, no ns to bo sine of nullum: shiiuneiit of bullion by tho next stcMiner. Men mo started nt wot I: bi caking ono nbout "0 feet nbovo tho tunnel in ouleioppingt of ludgo which is eight feet vvido between wnlln, nil but two feet of which is good p.vy oie. A cross cut is being made in ledgo nt end of tunnel, 100 feet fiom tho sittfnee, nnd nlthough 15 feet from tho hanging wall, no sign of tho foot w nil yet. Out of tho 15 feet so far, about seven feet nto good piy ote, tho balance is batren, thcro is iieh r 10 coming in nt tho face and oNpect t mo some very iieh oro on tho foot w ill. Tho five additional stitnps wi'l 1 o got in position in n shoit tune. -.o A Monster Soa Serpent. A gentlemen in this city received n letter fiom u friend jesterelay, whoic- ccntly went to Australia on n plcaatiio tiip tells tho following marvelous sea sei pent story, nn account of which wns nlso published iu tho lliogo News : ,Sat- uiilav, Aiuil 5th, nt mi.utcr liast elovon, A. M., Cnpo Satano distant about nine iniiec, the chief olllcor ami myself ob sci veil ,i wlirtlu jump clc.tr out of tho sea, nbout n tiuaitcr of a milo nwny. Shortly nfter, it leaped out again, when T saw thcro wns something attached to it. Clot glasses, nud on tho next leap distinctly siw something holding on to tho boll) of tho wluile. Tho latter gavo one nioio spiing clear out of tho vvntcr, nnd myself nnd chief mato then observeel vvh it nj pc.ircd to bo n largo crenturo of tho sunko spi'cics rear itself uliout thiity feet out of tho water. Jt uppenred to bo nbout tho thickness of n junk's mast, and nftcr standing for nbout ten seconds in an eiect position, it descended into tho water, tho tipper end going iirst. With my glasses 1 mndo out tho beast to iu scmblo n pilot tish. Wild Animals. For konio reason wild unininli nro venturing futthcr down into civilization this Summci than lias been known for years. Utit it fovv days sinco it largo black bear was seen near the lourth i street bridge, on Monday list n largo p.mthcr was scon near JJallas, while n i ouster black bear, whoso truck me.isiucs eight inches, is loafing nbout the llast l'ottlnnd rneo trnclc, wliilo from other sections of tho Stato come reports of wild nnininls being killed within sight of vnlloy farm houses. A party hns been oiganiisl to capture his beaiship near the J'ast Pottland rnco track, and we ncknovv lcelgo the receipt of nn invitation to make ono of the pint), but wo regret our inability to nccept, ns business en gagements nro so numerous just nt the present timo wo cannot possibly get nwny. If not for tho'o inteifetences it wonhl hav o nflbrded us much pleasure to have went over nnd killled tho tinimnl for them, theieby Hiving them tho dan gers of being injiireel shotthl they wound the bear only nml bo unablo to escape. i , Wnoat Raising, The question is frequently nsked : What docs it cost to raise wheat in the valley of "Wnjhv Walla 1 and after careful inquiry, tho Watchman gives the follow ing answer: Itcost8 about SI 90 tier Nianlivt Aiinln, , and, prucuriu.' ii shotcun loaded with busk A reeil.t MvirpeMil p.tprr hit llu follow. hot, came back ami discharged its entire nil! on Uii' imm lm iim ol llniry .M. btattlej, "'" iu iuo wouuueei Jutiian's slele, kill wntiso arrival tu .iricu was tectum noticed: , '" "'" iumuui. no in Uo lias hteaiued direct tei thu I oiiue. vuteud- nig opeuiu,; tho river to eouim?rco from tho ncro to plow, sow and seetl ; 81 25 to cut Ing of tho l'Uh cteek fight ho promt.lgatitd ' .mil head, ami nbout 7 cents per bushel for whe.it to thrush and sick it, that is including wages, board of hircel help nud horso feed. A heuelcr usually works up fiom 15 to 20 acres, nnd thteshers, with goo I machinery, clean up from 2,000 to :t,000 bushels per day. Har vest hinds teceiro from 2 to $3 per day and boanl. Tho yield this year is larger nml heavier than usual and ranges nil the way from 25 to CO bush els tho acre. Wheat, nccording to tho nbovo figures, can bo iitiseel and sackeel for 24 cunts a bushel and is woith to day 50 cents, which shows conclusively that our fanners have n perfect littfo bonanza. another order mustering them all in again I or llio 1 run I, Svs TniNcuio, Aug. 'JO. Tho Creedmoor team of the military division of the Pacific, left this morning oorlaml for tho Kist. !i".c tint Du.-, Murna, Aue- .o -About 12 o'clock ou Jloudaj nigra two Iiulliua from Tulallp mervatiou. cudgel m tuning a. Mukiltoo, got involved in ,t .juarrei, during tho course of which ono ludiin dealt tho other a stun uiug blow over tho head with n paddle, lacerating tho calp terribly. Nottatlsfied with this, ho left him and went to a p&dtn ' tlt.il ll U ll. if kl.m.i li.n ... .H.. .... ..u. B...VU w.H IVUIli taken before I'OKKIRN .NKll.S. 'II. Vettivlus. Nailks, Aug 17. Two ktreams ot avu llowed Iroin Mount Vesuvius Tiittrtyns far it Iho lutse of thu roue, but I hero w at no crupilou ou Satiirdiv. UU lluvr Alio in i I.llllu l'OX.ll'f. Sr. rk-m.kui'i.11. AiiR. 17.T ho dolus nu- uouuees tnal laot night Iho police seized ov. ' at nu ngsregste cost of 25,000,000 roubles went cout. A kteaiutr ltdeu with goods his lie en ili-imtolieil iroiu Autweui within tho lttbt mouth, ttuder tho pitrouagu of tho kiug oi niu iieigiuus. iui ktemutr vviu-(malii at the Congo till Stanlej's arrival, nud has ou board two or throa Me am barges iui.ee tioiis, Stitulej iutemls to usee ml I lie Congo, earning iIicko kcctions iutvuit'.il nmud the Uallildafall.. r.iisiniiii uoi i.rn-n :Mn't. I.omkvn. Aug. 20. Tiifiland is tht only power not mvitevl to i.ud uflute to witiie'.s the !,re.ii litUki in muutuver eomtuneluj ou the t:.".tli lu.t. Tho liiukiau goveuiiU(Ul is etu the noiiit of klgliiug n coiitraet with .VuierieMii firm for the cousttuetiou of a tnutiUcr of c-ruitr. eu madohU escape ud. Troiu evidence before a corouer' jury jetcnUy, it seems that lite Indiins had beeu iliinklur; heavily duting tho eveuiu, which c lused the ditllculty. 'Hie llurvri. Harvesting has commenced ou the Swimv. niUa tliitk, which district, it is estimated, will produce 10,000 tens of grain this season, priuenully oats, for ciport to Sin Traucisco. Due farmer has 200 ucre down. A light rain is now ftilht.,, w.ih tudie. itiou uf con kielcrable fill, in th. evrt.i of which (ho dam tjw to gram will ts Ln ti Veiy kiudgemt "Dojou know, mv ilear, thnt wo havo to-dav the bboite-Ct el.iy of the ymrf' Lilly "Very true! Hut v our produce make's me forget it." Barrcstinjc at Night. Many farmers throughout tho valley are doing their harvesting after night iu consequence of tho gtain having be come so ripe. The dews which fall nt sundown dampen tho heaels so that the grain does not shell nor the stalks break in binding either by hand or machine. It is a novel sight to seo harvesting ma chines illumined with lanterns moving around the broad tields gathering in tho grain. Twas tho apples of Eden that caused ill creatures to die, and tho pairs of tho Ark that allow e-1 them to live. mos'iuv i.i:m(i. Mttbic; Adelress of Welcome, I. Al len Mnciuin, County School Supcrin tendent Multnomah county. Hcsponse, James Wnllnee, Use., Snlenij Music. TtlSDVY roiinvoo.v .Music; How to mnko county super vision moio efficient, J'. J). McKhoy, County School Stipeiinteiident Hcnton county: Discussion, spelling, reform, L. l Henderson, I'oitlnnd, eliscussion; mu sic. M'rnr.Noov ni.ssion. Music; School Liw, ,T. T. Gregg, C'oiint.v .School Kiiiierinteiiilpiit Mm ion count, tli'etissimi; method of coiuliict ing l collations, Miss A, Cliiwsoii, 1'ort land; music. i:v n.stMi Hi.ssio.s. Music; Lectin e, Funis of our School, llov. M. -May, I'oitlnnd: music; 'Iho l'iiilosoihy nml l'ossiliilitics of Human Development, llov. S. O. Adams, Salem; music. vv i:i).i:st)AY ronr..s'o.. Music; Demands for Noimal School Wotk and How Ucst to Secure it, D. F. Stanley, Monmouth; discussion; music. At 11 A. M. tho nssocintion will visit tho new 1'nrk fchool buildintf. Tho general public nro nlso invited nt that time. AlTtlUSOOS. Music; Technical Tiaining of Teach ers, vv. I. iicliolas, Ashlaml; diccm; sion; music; essty, Outside tho Text Hooks, Miss Mattio L. I'ovvell, Portland; miscellaneous busines", KVKNIMl. Music; Ictuii'; Higher Education, J. X. Dolph, I'oitlnnd, iniisic; lecture, llov. Utter, Olympin. TiifitsiiAY roitnxoox. Music; IMitKitional vnluo of Object Teaching, iulni Jlonl, Coivnllis; dis cussion; music; The Teachers Legal llo IntioiiH, Hon. J I. Y. Thompson, Port land; diEciissioii; music. AITI.IiS'OO.V. Music; essay, jnizenaml i ewnnls, Misa 11. V. Spahling, I'oitlnnd; music; ilocu tion, llov. Win. llobeits, Olympia; dis cussion; uuisie. l.VKMXll KOSIOX. Music; lectin e-j-Univemil Oraininnr, llov. W. S. Walker, Philomath; music lecture Conservation of Kdiientionnl forces, llov. L. L. llogeiv, Ashland; music. Morning hessions begin nt 9:30, nml end nt noon. Afternoon hessions begin at 2 1. M., nnd end nt 1:30. Evening sessions begin 7:15. Ditv KessinnH will li bold in tnmn church yet to bo procuied. Executive Conimittco 1. Allen Mncmm, Miss 11 f '. Sabin, I. W. Pratt, S. W. King, T. H. Crawford. L. J. POM KM., Suiit. Public Jnstitiction. Arrostod for Larceny. Sunday night Dick Fitzpatick wns nr- resteil by Marshal Minto ut Albany and brought to Salem on Mondny. Ho in charged w ith having tnken clothing nnd jewelry to tho nnioiint of $IG from ono llnnlen. Fitzpntrick claims that tho ring was pawned to him for $1, nnd thnt ho pawneel it for 2 50 nml went to Albany to get work-. Hovvovcr, Justice Coffey, beforo w horn ho hail nn exnminn tion, did not seo it in that light nnd bounel him over to nppenr beforo tho grand jury in tho sum of $200. Bail not tortlicoming, ho was committed to jail. Columbia Shad. Somo timo ngo tho Astorian mndo a fuss nbout eating shad caught by tho fishermen nt Columbia Gatuway. Mr. Smith of that city wroto to .Mr. Webber, tho piscicultuiist.on this subject and re ceived tho following icply: It canno, Lo ii shad, for they havo uo spots what ever, nnd nro deeper in proportion. An cloven-inch shad would bo fully threo and ono-half inches deep. Besides this, the sharp sickle eelgo on tho belly is a puzzler. No shael has that peculiarity. I should think from your desctiption, it might bo somo vmiety of tho herring family, peculiar to the Pacific coast, for I know of no such lish in our .tlnntio vv nters. Dn. Kbck i undoubtedly a tucceaj in tho euro of Catarrh. Consultation free. POSITIVELY CURED ! Manv who h&vfl luffercJ Iottmn u-1,1. m ,tt... (CkCurhX ami bn pronounceU InruntWe. hire letm tutlnwnlkli oen be wn at mj oltloe. alio treat all chronoaad prtrat ellKasc,ana Kml wviVdum. ilndlclnM suit to all jru cl tlie country, anj all proper quwUotu atueetrej throevlt U10 nullj by en. iliwngWoitAinpf. oaice coiuulutlon (rec. ' ri,,lAl!U' JVKi,J1 " kS iRnhSl. Ow. UtUr " ,W tu"ma tuJ It ' Tour apt