Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 11, 1879, Image 5

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Tlio following directors of tho Oregon
Steam Navigation Company have re
signed: W. S. Ladd, Walter Thompson
and Qcorgo J. Ainsworth. Messrs. II.
V. Corbctt, J. N. Dolpli and It. Koliler
liavo been elected to fill tho vacancy.
On Trial.
All Lee, tho villainous looking China,
man arrested for tho murder of a. Chi is
tian Chinaman in tho Joss House is now
on trial in tho Circuit Court. Charley
Leo Quong is present and takes in every
sentenco and gesture, and ns ho is in
tho samo boat with Ah Leo is naturally
Got Left.
Tho Portland team of cricketers who
went to "Victoria to clean out tho
Britishers got badly left After playing
n portion of two days, being interrupted
by rain, tho gamo was concluded on
Saturday afternoon, resulting in favor of
tho Victorians by a tcoro of 92. Tho
Portland boys will not forget their trip,
as they liavo been treated liko noblemen
and had a good time goucrally.
St rack It Rlok.
Mr. O. II. Price, of East Portland,
who boa been prospecting1 tho mountains
in Jackson county in search of a quartz
ledgo supposed to exist on Louiso creek,
near tho stago road, exclaims "Euroka."
Tho lsdgo is well defined, being rich in
gold. Assay already mado run up into
tho hundreds and thousands astonishing
ly. Ho will rotinn this Fall with a
mill and set to work grinding out a for
tune oh rapidly as possible.
Usi Coaaty Fair
A movement is on foot at Albany,
Linn county, for tho purposo of. holding
a fair at tho grounds of tho County
Association tho coming Pall. A sub
scription paper was circulatod and $700
raised, which was tendered tho directors,
providing they would hold a fair. Thoy
declined, but tendurod tho use of tho
grounds to privato parties frco of chargp,
providing they wcro not injured and re
turned in as good order as found.
Albany 1ms tho reputation of being a
lively wido awako town, unci tho citizens
should not allow tho Fall to pass without
holding n fair.
SUta Fair for 1870
Tho Orcgonian publishes a letter from
Mr. David Now-some, which asserts that
tho State Fair is to commence on tho
24th of September. Mr. "Wilkins,
President of tho State Aericulturnl So
ciety, was in town this week and informs
ns that tho matter is not yot decided,
that tho executivo cornmittco would
liko to hold tho fair that date, but will
not do so unless the Washington county
people, who havo already fixed upon
that week, will consent to chango to
somo other date. As that matter is not
yet decided tho announcement is prcum
Salt far Damages
Something over a year ago a railroad
accident occurred to tho Albany express
train which resulted in tho injury of
Edwin CartwrighU Tho sudden stop
page of tho train threw him against a
scat bruising his arm, It rapidly grow
worso and becamo so painful ns to al
most drivo tho sufferer wild. Medicines
and remedies wcro useless. Ho was
taken to St. Vincent's Hospital, whero
tho surgeon's knifo sovcrcd tho limb
from tho body at tho shoulder joint.
For months his chances for lifo and
death were evenly balanced, and but for
his powerful constitution would long
cro this havo lain in Lone Fir. Ho is
again upon tho streets and has com
menced a suit against tho railroad com
pany for 841,500.
Firs Mattert.
Tho new bell tower for tho city of
East Poitland has been complotcd and
tho fi ro bell placed in position and ready
for use. It stands in tho vacant lot di
rectly north of tho new engiuo houso, is
about CO feet high and well built. The
lower portion has been boarded up
and will bo finished up for a hoso tower.
The boys feel proud as it seems tho
peoplo and representatives of tho peoplo
havo come to their senses and aro assist
ing the firemen in overy possiblo way,
If tho recent colebration did not raise
sufficient money to mako tho first pay
ment, tho firemen should turn tho pro
ceeds over to the city and tho council
should purchaso a steamer at once. Tho
city is fully ablo to pay for one, and tho
soouer it is housed in the now engino
houbo tho letter.
Exchanglnc Sckool Books.
It ought to be understood by all who
send pupils to our public schools that an
arrangement has been mado by which
the Pacific Coast series of readers and
spellers that have hitherto been in use
can bo exchanged for tho Independent
series, recently adopted by a vote of the
county superintendents. Wo under
stand that the cost of exchango will be as
follown : First reader, 8 cents ; second
reader, 12 cents; third reader, 1C cents;
fourth reader, 20 cents ; fifth reader, 30
cents; sixth reader, 40 cents; speller,
10 cents. Another important fact in
this connection is that the time for mak
ing this exchango Ls limited to Septem
ber 2, 1870, which fact should bo verj
generally understood. Whero and how
the exchange is to be mado we do not
yet understand, but probably that can
be found out in every district.
Lit Out.
Charley Stair, who hns been making
his homo in tho penitentiary for somo
years past, and ns n thief is n Starr of
tho first magnitude, hat got mad about
something nnd left. For his good be
havior, etc., ho was made a trusty and
had every opportunity to leave. If any
person should run ncrosi him, givo him
n scare nnd keep him going.
Trlnl Juror.
Tho following is a list of trial jurors
drawn for tho July term of tho United
States District Court: E. Y. Hallock, S.
Dratschcr, Nathnn Walker, C. C. Morso,
Charles Hubberd, Anson B. Henry, Al
burtus C. Davis, James F. Bowloy, Clins,
Hcgelc, William Jones, Isaac It Esleb,
Wm. Comegys, Benj. F. Fullor, James
Steel, John Hendricks, Thomas C. Davis,
J. C. Nelson, F. M. Wnrrcn, D. O. Dur
ham, Geo. F. Wells, James Morrison
and Win. Huffman.
Sovora Injury.
Tho Salem Statesman says that on
Saturday last whilo Mrs. Graves, living
at Independence, was standing on a box
about five feet high, tho box tipped nnd
sho foil, striking tho small of her back
on a bucket standing on tho floor. Sho
was sovcrely hurt nnd lay for several
minutes before being discovered. When
found sho was lying on the floor appar
ently senseless, but restoratives being
administered alio soon recovered, but is
still confined to her bed. .
Anothar Sfclpm.nt.
Tho Oregon on her last trip to Califor
nia carried away tho heaviest cargo of
wool over mado in ono shipment from
this State, amounting in valuo to nearly
$80,000. This morning sho went the
last cargo ono better by steaming away
from her dock with 2,000 bales of 200
S rounds each, and being valued at over
580,000. Tho great bulk of tho clip
from farthest Eastern Oregon nnd Idaho
has already rcachoJ this port, as tho
wool-growers of that section arc com
pelled to ship whilo tho Snnko.nnd Upjcr
Columbia rivers arc nt u boating stage.
Oregon's Display.
Mr. H. A. Clarke, proprietor of tlio
Willamctto Farmer, will go up tho
valloy on this afternoon's train for tho
purposo of collecting specimens of
Oregon produce, eta, to bo forwarded to
tho Mechanic's Fair, nt San Francisco.
Mr. Clarko hns been engaged by tho
rnilroad company for this work, nnd no
better selection could bo made, ns ho is
a man of much experience nnd widely
known ns a representative man of tho
farming interests of this State. It is
meet that our display should bo of
sufficient sizo to fully illustrate our re
sources, and to this end let every
farmer or producer who can lend n
helping hand.
A Deception and a Fraud.
Tho following letter has just been ro
ceived by Postmaster Geo. E. Cole, of
this city, which will explain to thoso
interested tho reason why thoy fail to
got papers they have subscribed fer, and
probably teach them to pntrouizo their
homo publications instead of being led
away and swindled by frauds :
PosTorncn Deit., Okfick Special
noons 42 AND 43.
San Francisco, Cal., July 1, 1879,
Posthaste)!, Portland, Ohkoo.v
Sir : Somo mouths ago a swindler giv
ing his namo as Geo. Thompson, can
vassed all tho principal towns on tho
coast north of San Francisco, represent
ing himself as tho agent of Coleman it
Co., of 127 Kearny street, San Francis.
co,-for subscribers to Andrews' Bazar,
and received many subscribers, who paid
him and took his receipt There is such
a paper as Andrews' Bazar, but Mr.
Thompson was not tho agent, nor is
thero any such firm as Coleman it Co,
in San Francisco, although many letters
and postal cards havo been received at
tho San Francisco postoflico addressed to
this firm, all, so far as can bo ascertained,
inquiring why the Bazar was not for
warded. Lately another swindler is
engaged in precisely tho same business
in tho samo localities, except that ho
gives his namo as M. M. Dennis, uud is
soliciting subscribers for tho Journal of
Fashion, a paper published in Oakland,
and ho represents himself to be tho
agent of S. M. Goodwin ifc Co., of San
Francisco. Thero is such n paper pub
lished in Oakland, but they have no
such agent, nor is there such a firm as
S. M. Goodwin ii Co, in San Francisco.
Many letters are now lyiug in tho
San Francisco oflico directed to S. M.
Goodwin & Co., mostly from Portland
and Astoria, and I suspect they aro
making inquiry about tho Journal of
Fashion, at least the postal cards so ad-
diessed are on that subject
It seems from a postal cam auurasod
to Goodwin it Co. from Astoria, that
tho solicitor gave his name in that city
as W. B. Reynolds. From tho similar
ity of tho plan of the swindler I believo
that Thompson, Dennis nnd Reynolds
aro one and tho same person.
Tho editors of tlio Journal of rash ion
offer a reward in the last issue of their
paper for the arret of thu party who
has been perjwtrating this swindle, nnd
to protect the coplo from such in tho
future I would suggest that you givo
publicity to the contents of this letter.
Respectfully, A. G. Siiakp,
Special Agent P. O. D.
State and Territorial.
Kimt of the Mountain.
Weston slious rnplil growth nml improve
ment this season.
Drnnltcii 1ml l.i ns liht with c.uh otlicr ami
attack whltu men, near Pendleton.
Total treasure shipment by W. V. & Co., In
June, from Pendleton, uas$l'J,()9.'t.
Tlio Indiana had a big timo nud a war-uanco
over tlio departure uf tlio Umatilla scouts.
The Lowistoii Toller mysi A lad named
Long tns recently drowned in Lapwnl creek.
Tlio Salmon river liriilgo has been carried
away mil is a treat loss to tlio peoplo of
Tho Htato Hoard liavo nimointcil O. W.
Bailey, of Pendleton, agent of tlio lJoard for
umatiua county.
Geo. Thompson and Clco. Newall escaped
from tho Umatilla jail, but Sheriff Sporry ran
them down and recaptured tlicm.
Tlio I'cndlcton Independent tells of a nwko
about two feet long with two heads, ono head
being at each end. Tlio snake could travel
cither way.
Somo audacious scamp has been palming off
sumo cuuiucricit com unuu n csion lucrcuaiiiB.
In appcaranco they aro good imitations of a
mty-ccnt piece.
Trains run daily from Wnlla Walla to
Wallula, but carry no daily mail, and the txo
plo interested aro now moving to liavo daily
man icrvico on mat route.
The stage on its trip to Dayton from Wall
Walla, lately, turned over at Starr's bridge.
Wo arc informed that so ono was seriously
hurt, and no great datnago done.
Tho Walls Walla Statesman sayst There
aro largo quantities of railroad iron being
shipped from below to Wallula for tho Weston
branch of tho Walls Walla and Columbia
Itivcr railroad.
Tho Host Orcgonian saysi A fiend In the
shape of a human being by tho name of Hill
Dodson, attempted to commit rani on a littlo
five-year-old daughter of l'liilllp Mcllryrn, on
Tuesday last.
A farmer, living about one milo and a half
back from Cellilo, whilo digging a well, not
long since, up on top of tho mountain, found
soma human nones, partially petrified, which
wcro thirty-icven feet under tho ground.
Tho Walla Walla Watchman saysi General
Mc.Mickcn, Surveyor General, accompanied
by Mat. Truax and K, II, Morrison, mado a
tour through tho Spokano country to ascer
tain tho wants of tho icoplo in relation to un
survoyed land. ,
Mr. Jonathan II. Parker, of Maker county,
challenges wool growers to prodtico a buck
that will compare with his, tho Itcd ltock
Democrat says) ho is n Spanish Merino, and
produced a llecco of wool this Spring that
weighed thirty-two pounds.
Tho Watchman saysi Tho western extension
of our local railroad is progressing finoly, July
1st thoy drove tho first spike. Two hundred
and fifty men aro now at work nu it, and rails
and ties are moving rapidly to tho front. On
tho old road, tho cut through tho summit is
finished. Twelve miles of steel rails aro al
ready down between Wnllulanud tho summit
nnd by tho time tho grain comes in tho can
will bo ready to talco It out.
Last Saturday, Maurico Powers, nt AValla
Walla, started for lwlno with his team, jxir
fcctlv lianity. John Waioner shared his scat
and smoked ciioiiuli for both, so ns to keep off
tlio moiiiuoi. l'rcscntiy tlio wagon, uiukj
known to tho driver, smoked too, and tho first
thing they know tho wagon was wrapped in a
sheet of tiro. They wcro driving against tho
wind, and camo very near reducing tho
vehicle to cinders, but hard and quick work
saved tho craft and craw from cremation.
Chinamen jiay (.1,000 for 400 square feet of
mining ground near Canyon City.
Prom all parts of Kastcm Oregon comes tho
report that tho grass was never better or stock
Tho old wire briJgo across Salmon river,
built 11 years ago, has been carried off by high
Wo renroduco a column and a half editorial
from tho Lawiston Teller by saying that
Lowistou is going to lie a big city.
Tho Walla Walla staco ran away with itself
between Dayton and Wnitsburg. Ono lady
passenger hurt, mail wet, and express pack
ages lost.
Tlio scouts and soldiers who aro huntiug
Indians in tho Salmon Kivcr Mountains had
to shovel out a milo of snow to get their
animals through.
Ono hundred thousand feet of logs, cut on
government land and destined for tho new
town of Ainsworth, were seized at Lcwiston
last week.
Hunting and fishing parties havo gono to
Hear and Sylvia valleys from Canyon City,
Tho trout in Syh ia ri cr aro as big as a tela
graph poles, that we know of,
Tho Canyon City paper calls IMnchart a
live Indian agent. es, ho was quite lively
in running away from his uost when a speck
of danger appeared on tho horizon.
At this wilting no Indians aro in Grant
county, and most of tho citizens hopo thero
never will bo again. Canyon City News. And
yet Kinehart Is offering them 5 a head to go
there w "u mm,
Willamette Valley.
Jjtnc, Koontz & Co. are buildinga substan
tial wariliouio at HaUcy.
Tho Albany Ilegiitcr saysi Buyers havo
been paying '" ccnta for wool during tho
week. Geo. himjiaon sent down quite a largo
amount during tho week.
The Cornelius Courant saysi During tho
raising of the tower frame of the church Tues
day last, Mr. Lew Sloiter camo near losing his
life. He was upon a ladder when tho entire
structure commenced falling and in its descent
took the ladder with it. Mr. Sloper fell
heavily uikiii the sills beneath though fortu
nately broke no bones,
Tho Kugeno Journal sayet Williams ti Black
are working on tho second million of feet of
saw logs on tho Middle Fork, and expect tu
start tu run them to Springfield ere long.
Some of tho hands havo had narrow escapes
from getting badly hurt, the last one reported
is D, ltigdon, who was hurt yesterday, but it
is to be hoped not seriously.
Somo timo last week an old man by tho
name of Gillan, met with an accident in tho
l.ake Creek country, that came near proving
fatal. Ho was riding on liomcWk, nnd in
crossing a miry stream, his horse fell over on
him and crushed him terribly, breaking several
of bis ribs and entirely paralyzing the lower
part of bis body.
Several Salcmitcs had their pockets picked
at Conallis ou tho Fourth.
Tho Town Talk saysi Charles Smith, of
North Salem, fell from a barn loft, where he
was getting out bay for bis stock, on Friday
night last, ami broke his anil and dislocated
his collar bone.
Houlberu Oregon.
. Hi) ing is finished and liarvestinj- will scon
commence in Jackson county.
Jesso D. Carr has been buying beef cattlu in
Lako eounty for the San Francisco market.
Mrs Duniway is spending a month in
Ilogue IHver Valley, and lecturing acceptably.
The Jackson vjllo Timet says John Welts,
of that county, shows samples of rye eight
feet higj. t
Mrs. Parser., a widow, aged CO, formerly
of Oregon City, lato of Coos county, was found
Insane and sent to tho asylum,
S6nio boys brought into Jacksonville tho
other day n ctrillcd human foot and stocking
which was found somewhero on Itogno river.
Tlio Ashland Tidings lolls how John
Wnlkcr was bending nn ox bow, when it
struck him in tlio cyo and that cyo doesn't sco
m A man named llobcrts kecpi n ferry on tho
Klamath, and a man who went there to givo
him a thrashing camo away with a bullet in
each leg.
D. S. K. Buick has had a force of men at
work upon the road on Itobert's Hill, this side
of,Itoseburg, and is making substantial im
provements ou the road.
A. II. Moore, sheriff of Coos Hay count j,
has invented a valuablo labor saving machine
for stuffing salmon hi cans. Mr. lliinio has
bought tho patent, paying .",000.
Dr. Jackson, of Jacksonville, has added
tohls interesting collection of natural curi
osities and rarities a largo acrolito which was
found upon tho banks of Itogilo river.
A correspondent of tlio Tidings saysi Tlio
hay crop in this neighborhood this harvest
will be abundant, tho wheat a littlo less than
last year and tho oat crop a littlo heavier.
Tlio Ashland Woolen Mill nro still running
to their full capacity. Tho comiany have
how on hand between twcnty.flvo or thirty
thousand dollars w orth of manufactured goods.
Tho Sentinel saysi On Wednesday last Mr.
Hcin Dcniff, who owns a rich claim ou tho
left hand fork of Jacksou creek, picked up a
couplo pieces of gold that togothcr weighed
nine ounces.
, .t Paget Sound.
Prof. Wells' clam canning establishment at
Arcadia is running full handed.
It h reported that tho potato blight is pre
vailing, to semo extent, on bottom land, near
John Downey, ex-Treasurer of Pierce
county, has been found a defaulter in the sum
of $1,300.
Tho Transcript complains that the lato ex
cursion was so managed that crsons could
not visit Olympia.
Tho Crosby mill and storo property, at
Tutnwatcr, was sold by Sheriff Hillings, last
week, for about $7,000.
An ox-convict of tho Seatco prison makes
grave charges against contractors that con
victs ore evcrworkod and mistreated.
A recent trial at Seattlo demonstrated that
Washington Territory has no law punishing
tho uio of obfccno and abusivo language.
Tho Courier says thero are now 84 patients
in tho insano asylum, Tho avcrago of insane
In tho Territory is ono to "W) against ono to
COO in California.
A Snohomish correspondent sayst In many
places tlio grass and grain lio fiat. Without
fair weather, and that soon, tho grow ing crops
will bo greatly injured,
John Muir, a well known writer in Scrih
tier's Magaziuu and for ether journals, mado
tho tour ef tho Sound ou tho Dakota last trip,
and has now gonu up into l)ritih Columbia,
ltcv, D. Thomas has resigned tho pastorate
of tho Cougrrgational Church at Tacoma, in
consequence of tho inability of tlio small mem
bership, at tlio present, to sustain tho expense
of regular ministration.
A privato letter received from tho Skngit
gold mines states that tho miners aro taking
out $20 per day to tho man. Crovico diggings
nnd rich quartz ledges havo been struck re
cently and n rush has set in to the mines.
The Seattlo Post sayst A number of boys nt
La Conner, among whom was a son of Mr.
Waterman, a butchor, ware playing ball, and
tho ball was knocked into the water. Young
Waterman waded in to got it, and slipped oft
into a deep holo in which ho was drowned be
fore asiiitauco arrived,
V 'Vnurunvcr.
General Howard, in his correspondence with
tho department at Washington, has recom
mended tho establishment of a post nt tho
mouth of tho Okauagou, instead of lower
down, a previously suggested by others. Ho
recommends alto tna occasional presence nt
troop for short jieriods overy year in tho
Kititass valley.
A recent arrival from tho mines on the
headwaters of Lewis river rejiorts progress In
the work, Tho big ditch on Canyon Creek is
now completsd, at thu cost of over 81,000,
and tho w.atcr turned out of tho creek bed.
Washing the bars down to tho bed rock will
commence in a few days, with fair prosiects
of a good cleau.up,
A party, pf the Low is Itivcr Indians wcro in
Vancouver on Monday, uniting the U, S.
Land Oflico, with the avowed purposo of tak
ing a number of homesteads. Thcso Indians,
about 00 in number, nro tho remnant of a
tribo that always mado that stream their
home, and thev realized the fact that if they
are not to bo crowded off from it they must
drivo their pegs tho samo as the whito man
docs, and they are going to do It. Thoy find
somo difficulty, as they want to locate in a
body, tlioso not aircauy naving larms, aim
will not cet settled down for some timo yet,
as they do not act hastily.
Tho Tacoma Herald sayst Tho two coast
surveying schoouers still remain in our harbor
no orders for commencing work having been
received this season.
Wo understand a party is being formed at
Vtncourcr to prospoct in tho Coscado Moun
tains, between tho hiad waters of Lewis river,
Wind river and Mt, Adams. Kxiiericnced
miners will tie in tho party, exacting to bo
gono the greater part of thu season. They
will start in about ten days from that place.
Considerable real estate is dunging hands
at Astoria.
Dr. Mint'.e's Special Medicines.
Aro made from the livst materials obtainable,
They aro not cure-alls. Thoy aro favorite
prescriptions that have been triod and tested
for years in his extensive practice, until now
they are absolutely perfect in tho troubles for
which they are recommended.
Tho Nui'iiliKTItTH works wonders in Kid
ney and Bladder complaints. Thoio suffering
with dropsy, Bright sdisease, Diabetes, Gnu el,
He tent ion of Uriuc, Paiu in tho Hack, Incontinence-,
or any disease ef tho Kidney and
Bladder, will bo astonished at relief one bottlo
will afford.
For Female weakness it is abolutcly with
out an equal.
Fer all derangements of tho Liver,
Uso Dr. Mintio's Knglinh Dandelion Pills,
For Biliousness and Dysiie'psia,
Use Dr. Mintio's English Dandelion Pills,
For Povor and Ague,
Use Dr, Mintio's Kngh'sh Dandelion Pills.
Kvtry family should not fail to keep the
Dandelion I'llu on hand,
Sco what the druggists say about Dr. Mili
tia's mo licinesi "Kvcrybody siieaks highly
of them." C. H. Woodward & Co., ilrujrguts,
Portland. "All who take them recommend.
them.' John A Child, druggist, I'ortlanu,
M ns. Abrams A. Carroll, wholesale drug.
g.sts, fwii Fi&iicuko, tayi "Wuiirtld Dr.
Minti s Kcp!.retie-um as tt.u i est K u cy ami
Bladder remedy btfure the public. ' All
druggi'ts keep these mtdicints.
An June spurring an sattrlhtmcnt Is the
niLUMKTTK FAKMKll will cenfcr n fnror upon
w brujlm: lhat thrr I air It In the WILM.MRTTK
r'AlUIKR. ILtltKU i. tltliS.
i hi m in .
Buggies, Fhaotous Carriages,
ExproGf, Spring and
Thoroughbraco Wagons.
jtirljrjrct tock of lll'OOIHS ecr offered to tho traJo
In this clly.-ff Alo,
Shingles and Cedar Lumber, nnd
Choice Residence and Bnsiness Property
Cull at my wlmrf, foot ot Ittdlion St., PORTLAND.
Ju1ll-3m XJr. It. SMXTXX.
Poland-China - Berkshire
t rat. 4SC f
A Cn lot, ttuiy to tsa, and lor sale. All ct DEST
BerkMtilrei, IO a pair.
Pelaad-Cataafl, $15 f fas.
Writs (or particulars and pmHc'to to
i Portland, Oregon.
Julll tl
U. S. Livn Orrier, 1
ORrooi Citt, Or., July 5. 1870. r
.Offleo by ANDKKS It. 1'llESTK.NbON against WIL
LIASt J. CLARK, for nbandonlnjf lilt Itomcstaul En.
try No. 3,(HW, ditct July 18, 1870, Uwn tho south I all
of N W J fieitlon M, Tumnhlp 2 North Itaiiito, 3 Vct.
In Multnomah County, Orciron, with a lew to tho can"
icllatton of ralit cnln I tho unlit wrtlci aro hereby sum.
nioiieil to ajiiwar at till olllco on tho 7th iliy uf Auzimt.
1879, at 10 o clock, .(. M to rif roml and furnMi tcstl'
niony concerning said alleged alKUidomnmt,
I T. I1ANIK, Keitl.tcr.
J. W. WATIS, llccclur.
a&LF-Aonira covr wlker.
uriaicu LSDor-U.
Ing Intestlon el thi
Age, Uf ed and rc
ronime nilfil by (ha
tadlnit Dairymen
Willi fulldlrcctloniu
Sid Tor Illn.trKlf.1 rimilur, ,
SPENCE CO., Sole Agtnti.
Pounds of Umpqua Wool,
The BeBt in the State, at a
In tomparlion with Uis price paid for poor wool.
The Wool it at Wilbur.
Kor Information sditrrm
Jul! tf
Fendell Sutherlln,
WILBUItt Doufla Co., er
Tho Middlo
Bot. Morrison fij&
fiTi1 Tnnlill1 ""J
niAa! i2a', vup
On Second
Tho Middlo !
Bot. Morrison
nnd Yamhill
$60,6oo fVorth of Goods! (I
Great Bargains Offered for the next Sixty Days.
General Merchandise.
Centennial Block, Third St.. Portland, Oregon.
Betwoon Morrison and Yamhill.
Julll tf
Agricultural Implement
Zitiportora nnd Donlora Xu
261 and 263 Front St., and 262 First St..
Branoh Houses at Walla Wplla, W. T and Albany, Oregon.
Agencies at all important polnta in Oregon, Washington Territory and
Wutern Idahe.
General Agenta for D. M. Oaborne & Go's Mowera , Reaper,
ana DeuxmnaiDg uaryeiiBn, uayrovau niuunsvoi
Wagoni, Morriaon Bro'a Flow. Lion Self -Bump Sulky Rake,
Epay Hacks, Minnesota Chief Threiheri, Headers, Whip
ple Quldei, Bolster Springs, and a lull line of Steel and Wood
PacificMutual Liie Insnrance
Of California.
OPriC 1J It rt :
K. I). SHATTUCK, IW.Uut, J. A. 8TKOWHUIIK1K, Vice 1'ioiiJoot,
A. H. MOKflAN, .Secretary, C. A. IJOM'H, Attorney,
This Department is Organized in the Interest cf the Polioy
Holders, and to Bring and Keep IWonoy In Oregon.
i.. IT. iHO a . N, Eoi'y and Aout
A. L. Coralt, Gen'l Manager.