W wujmii9 hh-K tillamjetle Sarmtr. ISSUED KVtP.Y HIIDAY, BV rcnusiiKiu Attn rnorntKTMV. Term orulmcrlpllom Ono cony ono ) tr (6S numlrs),',ln alianco....t2 CO Onecopyilx months (SO.numlicni) 1 25 Onocony tln-oo months (13 numbers) IB tW If not paid ulthln ill months, will be charged oneJcarsniMcnpuon. PORTLAND, JULY 11, 1879. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTEItN STATES. Amticmt Aflame. AwnrnsT, Mosb., July i. Tho largest flro over known In Amherst broko out nt 12:20 this morning in Ilia rear o( Custler's block on Pleasant street, anil swiftly spread, burn ing Amherst bouse, Amherst savings bank and post ofTlco nnd other buildings. Merlon Accident. Coldmldn, O., July 4. l)y tho explosion of n cannon this 1 M. in a crowd, two men, irAM.nii 1I.MH nn.1 Wm. Itnmlinro Wflrrt dnu nert-usly wounded. B ' a Crelone. ' Bt. Plot, July 4. Tho first complete and coherent account oi tno temoie destruction . in Ufa in Ooodhno connlv by a storm on Wednesday night and yesterday morning reached here nt an early hoar this morning. The storm assumed tho character of a oyclono near Redwing Point, greatest violence being at Vasa, a small villago some ten miles west f the Mississippi. It seemed to start from Vasa church and traveled In a southwesterly direction. The orphanage which is under the caro of the Vasa church was completely demolished. It con tained 24 inmates besides Btranberg, who has charge. Out of this nnmber three wsro killed outright and seventeen others Injured, throe, It Is thought, fatally Tno nnmber wounded la au. Tno snuaro root was blown from tho parsonage, n little in the rear of tho church, nnd set down In the field. Tho storm also ranged through Velio Creek, whoro it blow down tho houso of Anthony retlll and completely demol ished the barn of Waller Doylo. Tho black smith shop nt Illnck Oak postofQca was scat tered to tho winds, nnd nt different places In tho town trees wcro lifted right off the ground by tho roots nnd carried forward and net down without breaking n limb. At Wnrrontown, on tho Lnko Blioro, thrco houses wrro torn down nnd n man nnd his wifo mid daughter killed In ouo of them, At Mnldon Itock two frnmo houses wcro do rnolishcd nnd tho top of tho wnrchoaso Inkcii o(T, but no liven woro lost. I'lxluir tip Hie Jlluo lluoii. Wasiiinoton, July !. Hecrclnry McCrary has issued nn order placing Adjutant Goner nt Towusend in charge of tlio work of -codifying tho nnny regulations, uudcr n recent net of Congress. Tho statement that Col. ltoberts, of Loulsiaua, has been placed In chargo of this work, Is not correct. I'omIuI (iiniigcs. Pcstnl cnangcH for I ho l'nclflo Coast Namo changed: Express Itauch, Ilakor comity, Oregon, to Woathorby. l'ostmastor appointed Mrs. Mehnmn Smith, Mcbnmn, Marion county, Oregon. trlclitrul Ntcaubont Disaster. WoncxsTKii, Mass., July 5, At Lako QulnBrgnainoud this nftornoon, tho steamer Isaao Davis, loaded with patsengers, ca reened, nnd tho hurrlcano deck broke off. Scores of pnHxongora woro thrown iuto tho lake, Thcro worn about two hundred pas sengers on tho boat ono hundred on tho the hurrlcano dock and ns they pressed to ono side Iho boat careened over away from tho wharf nnd citusod tho crowd to rush to that Hide, nnd throw tho struggling mass into tho wntcr. As tho boat gavo way the roof of tho upper dock camo crashing down on tho cngluu nnd broko off tho safety valvo, causing tho steam to rush out, tho fearful nolso adding now terror. Tho bont rolled over inoro, catching her gunwnlo on a spile, r.nd became fast, mid her great weight caused tho supports of tho hurricane deck to glvo uway, nud thu wholo slructuro fell down to tho water lino, Tho water nt this point Is out ton feet deep. Many swam to tho wlrnrf, twenty feet distant, others held hold of tho wrecked hull, and somo to tho floating roof. Many prominent citizens, Mayor Pratt nnd wifo nud many physicians wero at hand for assistance. Tho bodies woro soon recovered. Killed John Cahill nnd his daughter two nud n half years old, Lewis Lcchnppello, Nellio Thockrow and thrco others not Identified. Ihnnin Hem. rnomwny, n young man named McKonuu, Jorominh Dean nnd wife, nud Samuel L. Oilbert received slight bruises. Three others nro uiisaiug. Tho boat was now, hav ing been launched on May day. Length 03 feet, S'J foot over guards, nud about CO tons burden, built qulto list on tho bottom, drawing less than tbreo feet loaded. She bad two passenger decks and could carry 400 persons. The upper deck wuh raised on supports about 10 feet abovn the malu deck nnd camo out even with tho cunwnU. Merlon I'liarce. Utica, N. Y July 5. Wm. lllake nnd wife, living near Floyd's eorturs, Oneida couu y, nro charged with hnviug beaten ou adopted girl, aged l'J years, to drnth. Hint t'ntr. PovmiKaitrtfli:, July 0, Miss Jessie Dun bar. uccil ii'J years, was burned to death to day, boys having ignited her clothing with lire criicKers, A t'liltr of t'rliup. Cincinnati. July 0. At about 8:30 thin inorulug, Ueorgo ilhtok was Hhot nnd nlmont instantly killed by Win. Philip Parry, in Newport, opposite this city, Illnck claimed tho rent of n houso occupied by Patry, nud yesterday removed n portion of Parry 'a i;ooil from n sited In tho yard, 'this morn lug young lllack was talking with tho man who was thu joint occupant with Parry, wheu thu latter rushed upon hltu with ft to. vvlver tiring nt him, but missed. Puiry thru retreated to his house, secured n shot- f;un and tired upon lllack, who wns follow tig, sendlug ttiiity-two buck bhot iuto his head, killing him almost instantly. Parry was iirp-sted, lllack kcrved tlvo years in thu Columbus penitentiary for robbing the U.S. EipiiMi Compauy, but Inco his re lcuso had lived an onltrly life. Lutteily he has been working inn (ouudry at Hamilton, Ohio. Wukkmno, July 7, lieu, lloggei and Louis Carrivo got Into a ihftlculty at Clarks burg, in this Slate, ou Saturday oveulug, whlili resulted in llogges khootiug Carrlco, th ball eliteiiug his iri'iut uear thu heart. Ilogges has tied, Ou Saturday ovenlug laot James Davis, living tho uillis irom Altamout, Mil., hung himself, 1 lo hid beou ill for tho past eipM mouths, nnd Is supposed to baibeen labor ing under mental deiirossiou. Ho leaves a lid mill soeral children. llcrriui, July 0. Heruard II. Eues, of Aldeu, jestenlay killed his wHo nnd himself, ltoth were old. Drowning; Accident Si. Louis. Jul? C A panic occurred nmons n nartv of bathers nt a Bohemian pic' nlo nt fit. Paul, on tho Missouri l'nclflo, to day, nnd two of them woro swept away by tho current and drowned. Poirr Coi.EonxK, July 7. John Scottish nnd Inane Dayton (married); Thomas Con- roy, JJd. Jlciilcy, Jr., doscpii flier arinnannu John Mooney (single), left in n small sail boot Tlmifcdny to ntteiul n Fourth of July rdflirallnn nt ltiifTnlo. Nothlwt has been heard of them since, nnd it is feared that they wcro all lost. Kcw Money Onler Odlrcf. Lnksvlew nml Linkvilio In Lnko county, Monmouth in Polk county, Prinevlllo in Wasco county, nnd Weston in Umatilln county, Oregon, nnd Mt. Idaho and Salmon City in Idaho, nro added to tho list of money order offices. Alinnilnut Croim. July 7. Ohio, South Carolina nnd Ten ncssco specials report enormous yields of staplo products. In Ohio, an immenso crop of wheat is nearly nil sccuro In tho best con dition possible; entirely frco from rust nnd weevil. In Tennessee, nlso, a crop of very superior quality, similarly largo, under tho inlliix of which tho market has been greatly demoralized. Tho prospect is that prices will not advanco and may rccedo. Wlient Atlvnnee, Tho adranco in wheat is attributed to nn fnvoroblo crop advices from Europe, nnd tho fact that shorts aro covering on nil months oven ns fnr ahead as September. There nro mu ib '" uiuu. uuj wi. War In South America. Panama, Juno 28. The Star and Herald says that n passenger from the south coast roporta a battle, at Coloma and the captnro of that point by the allied forces. The Chilean loss is stated at 1,000 killed. At Qulllajua on tho river Lon, a small Chilean advanco guard was beaten, some killed and tho re mainder captured. Tho Campera was re ported on the ICth of Jane within 20 miles of Coloma and resting preparatory to attaek on tho place. Tho Chilean iron clad DIanco Euculodawas much damaged in contest with tho Iluascnr and suffered also loss of life. Captain Lafay, of tho Ilollvian nrmy, is a prisoner, having engaged in n conspimcy to nssasslnato the gencral-in-chicf of Uollvln. In a fight In Magdalcna, Columbia, thu rov olutlonists wcro victorious. Sovcral officers nud men of tho battalion which figured so prominently in Panama on tbo 17th of April were killed. Tho llrltish utoaroer O up roy has boon ordered to Panama. Tho Colum bia Scnuto has directed tho president to offer himself ns mediator botween Chili nnd Peru, lViMliliiicfou Item. WisniMiTOM, July 8.--Tho president has signed tho commission of John A. Hunterto be chief justico of tho Supremo Court of Utnli. Miss Lucy Walton Ithiett Ilorlon entered suit yesterday ngaiust John II. Morgan, son of Souator Morgan, of Alabamn, for brench of nromlso of marrlaae and $20,000 damages. It is nllegcd that in 1877 Morgan, under promiso oi niarnago, uotrnycd aiisb norion. Nlorm In tho Middle Wenf Chicago, July 8. Special dispatches from various points in Wisconsin and Minnesota glvo further reports of tho storm in tho northwest, yesterday nnd Sunday night. In mnny places growing crops hnvo been badly damaged. Hebrew ConirutloM, Nkw Yoiik, July 8. Tho sixth annual convention of tho union of American Ho brew congregations began this morning. There was n largo nttondauco nnd groat In terest was tnkcu in tho proceedings. DArlrn Canal. It Is statod that DoLcssopk fully expects commenclug work on tho canal noxt Now Year's day, employing 30,000 or 40,000 workmen, somo of them Chinese, and 1C,- 000 llrazillan negroes, Ho.so announced rocently in Amiens. II ro Fiend. Clkvkland, July 8. At 7:'J0 this ovening fifiro broko out in tho upper story of l)cu hnm's pinning mill on Scranton nvcnua, nnd spread rapidly, destroying iho Variety Iron Works, tho Atlantic and Great Western freight depot, tho two story building occu pied by Host, King k Clint, lumber dealors, and n largo quantity of rough and finished lumber. A brisk wind was blowing and only by great exertions tho firo was gotten uudcr control, Tim Old Nlory. Louisville, July 8. A Courier Journal special from Marysvillo says that Miss llct tio Kldwcll, nged 17, living nt Franklin Mills, Fleming county, killed herself with polsou. Disappointment In lovo is tho nl legcd cause. Totmrco Mailable. Wabmnoton, July J). Tho postofllco de partment decides n packago of tobacco bear ing nn inttrunl revenue stamp can go through the malls as fourth-class matter. limy on iilulue. Tho secretary of tho treasury has decided that tho net exempting quialuo from duty, which took effect July 1st, did not affect im portations mails before that date. Fbe Manuals' Predicament. A special agent of tho postoffico depart ment has arrested in New Mexico n mail robber belonging to a gang of Texas high waymen, Tho judgo grauted nn order of re moval to Texas for trial, but the U, S, Mar thai had no money to pay tho necessary ex. peusK, Ho telegraphed to tho marshal of TvxaB, but the latter was iu tho same condi tion. The postoftlce ageut thereupon started to Texas with his prisoner, tho stago com pauiea carrying hlui on trust, aud the ngent pruvldiug provixlous (or the rOO.rullu journey and gunidmg tho prisoner day uud night himself, Unud Culliiro. N:w Yoi.k, July 0. In tho Hebrew con. U'liUoti tho thrtiruiuu of tun committee on tbo SnbUuh qmstion to-day pieaeuttd it re port pcrtuimug to the. ptikervntiou of the Sabbath iiulltulloii. wlil.U xsas ndoptcd, A letter was rictiud Itiuu ex CJuv. hejmour gilng his Mews ou the ktibjeel of bind cul ture. He kald : He had uuttlud with iu terest the plans of the Calholiu Churvh to get its people iuto the country aud to make their homes ou farms. Ho deemed it it wise policy, nud w lo to hae those of different faith so placed at thu outset that they cau keep up their respicthe places of worship. Ho bad no idea but what the Hebrews would become good farmers. Mew vru. UearlartMoase. Tho Public to-morrow gives n table show ing the clearing house rxchauges for tho week ending July Stb, ns compare 1 with thu corresponding week of last year. From this it would seem that tho increase is still large aud general, notwithstanding the week con tained oco more holiday than last. The fol lowing cities have gatued: New York, M.3; llottou, O.J; Philadelphia, 13.4; Chicago, 68.0; Cincinnati, 13.7; Sau Francisco, 7.0; Haltimore, 7,4; St. Louis, 0.3; Louu!lle, 21.7; Cleveland, 14.3; lndiauapolls, 5.7, New Haveu, 1.3; Svracuc, 38,1; Lowtdl, 7.3. Tho following havo lost: New Orleans, 25.8; Mllwnukio, 12.5; Pittsburg, 0:4; Prov idence, 15.0, The Public, iu commenting on this exhibit, says that it does not appear WILLAMETTE FARMER. that Milwaukio shares tho activity which operntions in grain havo caused nt Chicago, but it is probablo that n considerable part of tho increase nt the latter city was dno to tho settlement of tho June contracts In wheat, rather than any actual transfers of property. Nolther hero nor at San Francisco, howovcr, wero transactions materially affected by speculative movements in stocks, and tho vol n mo of tcgltimato buaincisin the strictest senso nppcara lo bo unusually largo for tho season. More Cnrrnt-nntiTi. Tho steamship Wyomlug to-day brought from Liverpool COO Mormons, mainly En glish, Scotch and Swedes. A large portion wcro women. They lcavo for Utah this ovening, t'nnndn Crop. Tono.NTo, July 0. Tho Globe to-day pub lishes crop reports from nil parts of tho do minion, including Manitoba, Ontario, Que bec, Now Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Princo Edward Island nud Newfoundland. About 000 places in nil hnvo been heard from. Tho Spring whent promises slightly below tho nvcrago; but with two or three wieks of dry, hot weather it may furnish n nearly nv crugo yield, Tho average on Fall whent Is 11 per cent, nbovo nn nvcrago crop, llarloy will bo nn nvcrago crop. Tho oat crop, both as regard quality nnd nrcn, is considerably nbovo tbo nvcrago. Peas nro nn nvcrnge crop. Tho nrcn In corn is nbout oa usual, but Its condition is worst of all, owing to tho backwardness of tho season nnd tbo frequent cold Bnaps. FOREIGN. DeprMla of Agriculture. Lokdox, July 5. In the House of Com mons last night, itie government agreed to a motion of Henry Chaplin, conservative, for tho appointment of a commission to inquiro Into the causea of agricultural depression and how far they wero treated by, or aro rcrnedl ablo by legislation. The matter caused n great deal of trouble All sides agreed that n great canso of depression wns American competition, Chaplin in his opening speech said ho regarded freo trndo as a question definitely settled; but ho could not shut his eyes to tho falluro of many of the predictions of advocates of free trade. Ho did not pro f oso n remedy now, but only asked for in quiry. Ho pointed out that tho future fato t f Uritish agriculture was dedendent upon Iho cost of production in America. If tho cost of importation fell below tho cost of pro duction at homo, the ruin of Uritish agricul ture wns not far distant. Liberals such ns Vrnssoy, MacDuffand Duff blamed tho Urit ish land system nnd gnmo laws for depres sion. Their arguments were summed up In n speech by Ilright, who warned land owners that tho competition of the United States would go on increasing and tho ouly way of meeting it wm to get rid of stupid and mis chiavous legislation regulating tho tenure nnd transfer of land. Macovcr i.nd lien trick advocated protcctWo measures; but tho marquis of llartington nnd tho government ns represented by Viscount Sandon, conserv ative, nnd Sir Stafford Northcotc, chancellor of tho exchequer, declared that no cauao had been shown for such tucasuics. which cer tainly would nover bo sanctioned. Tho marquis of Hartiugton attributed depression primarily to a bad season. (icrinnn Turin nnd llnrtmt. IIkhlin, July C Parliament to-day voted on tho remaining clauses of tho now tariff law, with tho exception of that relating to tobacco, which will bo discussed on Monday, A duty of 40 marks on coffco was voted, 147 against 07, nnd that of six marks on petro leum, 171 ngnlnst 02. These votes wero tho result of nn nrrangement effected between tho centre nnd conservative parties. KnglUn Drain Market. LivKnrooL, July B. A leading grain cir cular roports that tho grain trado ut Uritish agricultural markets during tho week exhib its further progrcisivo improvement, tho small qunntity of whent offeriugbcing readily tnkcu by needy buyers at nu advanco of 1 to 2 shillings per quarter. Tho few cargoes off tho const nro fnirly Inquired for but firmly held. Thero is nn improrcd demand for shipments, fair business being reported. Thcro has been moderato business at Liver pool nnd neighboring markets sinco Tuesday iu wheat, at fully Tuosday's prices. Thero was nn nvcrago nttendanco nt Friday's mar ket, nud somewhat more tone, with a fair nmouutot business iu whent nud tolerably good demand for flour nt tho current prico. Corn was lots pressed and stendy business is reported. The late decline on now has been nearly recovered. Cost ol I lie Ilarlcn t'aunl. Pauis, July 8. Do Lessens stated at tho last meeting of the geographical soclety.that ho docs not think tho total oxpenso of con structing tho Darien canal will excoed 2C0, 000,000 francs. The difficulties of the work were not so formidable as those which had been overcome in the construction of the Suez canal. Da Lesacps states that caution money of 2,000,000 francs required by Venezuela anent tho Panama Isthmus canal has been already paid. .- .. WI London, July 8, Aceounts from French wheat growing districts are unfavorable. I'.uclUli Crops and Market. Iain dom. July 8. The Mark Lano Express. iu its review of tho Uritish grain trade tor the past week, sss: The agricultural pros pects cause very grave apprehensions. Should the rain continue tho hay crop will be useless except as manure. Tho condition of wheat is unimproved, uatley in ncavy land Is nearly ruined. Nothiug but the speedy ndvent of Bttnshlne cau prevent nn utmost general failuroof tho principal crops. Inconsequence oi tue weatner and llgnt sup plies iu Englaud wheat has improved n shil ling per quarter iu n majority of tho cnuutry markets, but despite the firmness of holders it has been difficult to establish any advance of home-grow u in Loudon iu tho face nf lib i rat arrival aud low prices of foreigu vn littles. Pretlous rates, however, havo been well supported, especially tor choice parcels, uud the tendency is rather toward nu ad vance thau a lifeline. Large foreign arrivals have not caused a scarcity of granary room, as n largu portion has gone direct to millers who bought freely to arrive, transactions on spot having lately beeu conllued to the retail wants of small millers. Maize has varied little, but is rather agaiust sellers. Arrivals at ports of call have been small. OI coast wheat was firm, at slightly improviug prices, particularly towards the close, Miaize was steady aud unchanged. A good business was done iu the forward wheat, particularly for lied Winter July, August aud September bhipmeuts, aud prices improved Cd per quarter. Maize was not freely offered, though late cheap purchases could not bo repeated. Tho. dsmaud is still alack. Last week's soles et English wheat nuiouuted to 33,901 quarters at 42s 4d per quarter, agalust 13,20 J quarters at 4Cter quarter for the same period last year. Im ports iuto the Uuited Kingdom for tho week ending Juno 2$th auiouuted to 1,415,012 cwts of wheat, aud 211, -SS cwts of flour. At Mark Lauo to-day (Monday) the supply of English wheat was again small, and prices advanced Is to 3 per quarter. The supply of foreign wheat was fair, nud it advanced a shilling. Flour ndvnnccd Cd per quarter. Molzo nnd barley were steady. Increase oflnly on Grain nnd Otitic. Urr.Li.v, July 0. Tho adoption of tho In creased duties upon grain nnd cattlo. so ur gently demanded by ngrlcultnral interests nnd supported by llismarck, seem to bo ns Btired, n compromise having been effected with tho protectionists nnd manufacturers. i:it:(llli Airrlrnltiiriil I'.lll 1'nvicd Lonijon, July 0. Tho Houso of Commons last night voted 70 to GO n bill In favor of ti.n ..,r.K1I1in.Ant nt n ttettnrtinpiit of ncilcill- turo nnd commcreo tinner a special rnuiuu 'l minister. PACIFIC COAbT. A llrnir-Ont. San I'nANciKco, July 5. Prof. Colgrovp and Miss Emma Allison, of tho New York (Jrnpblc, mado n balloon ascension in tho afternoon and camo down in tho bny, two miles from tho Alameda shore. They clung to tho basket of tho balloon, going nt tho rnto of n mllo a minute. When tho balloon struck tho nhoro it throw tho rcronauls out Into a marsh nnd then jumping skywnrds, camo down near Lnthrop nbout nn hour nf tcrwnrds. Colgrove and Miss Allison waded to solid grouud and returned, looking as though they had gono through tho Zulu war. Tlio Carroll HcclNlnn Indorsed nt Wash ington. Tho following letter has bcon rccclvod by Supervising Inspector Ucmis : TntASDRT DxrABTMENT, OmcK SurrnvusiNO iMsrKcron Stxak- BOATS, WAsruNOTOw. D. 0.. Juno 20, 1870. Cbas. O. Uemls, Esq.. Supervising In spector first district Ban Francisco Bin: I am in receipt of your report, under date of the 17th Inst., of your decision in tho cue of tho appeal of Capt. James Carroll, of the Bteamer Great Kepnblie, from that of the lo cal inspectors at Portland, and desire to ex press my concurrence in your view of this matter, and that tho action of tho local In spectors was an error in judgment. Very respectfully. J. A. DnoMMONP, Supervising Inspector General. Raw with Keds. Bkattlc, July 0. About 8 o'clock last evening a fellow known as Ilusslnu Charley came into town and reported ho had been at tacked by n party of Yoklmn Indians, on tho Ucach road, two miles from tho bay, Tho Indians demanded n bottlo of whisky which ho had in his possession. Ho says upon re fusing to glvo it up, ono of tho Indians mado n Iungo at him w.th n knife, cutting his coat onon in the breast. After n desperato strug. glo with tho Indian ho succeeded In getting nwny nnd drovo on to town. Officers Mills nnd Welsh immediately started in pursuit of tho Indians on foot. Tho Indians vc " mounted, nnd nn soon ns they camo injslfjs! they fired on them, when they returned to town, nnd tho sheriff nnd party slnrtcd nfter tho Indians soon nfter, nnd hnvo not yot re turned. It Ij supposed that the Indians will keep on over tho mountains via tho Snoqual mio Pass. A man who camo down from tho Duwamlsh river this morning reports hav ing met the Indians, who appeared friendly. They stated that llussiaii Charley shot ouo of them who was bleeding considerably from a wound In tho sldo. It is supposed that Chnrloy lot tho Iudinns hnvo whltlty, which caused nil tho trouble Holler i:xilolnii lt:o Vista, July 8. This afternoon tho boiler of L. 11. Anway's steam thresher ex ploded, injuring tho fireman, Andrew Lar sou, fatally. No I'littlnir tin. San Francisco, July 8, Dennis Kearney In a card notifies nil tho nomlneca of tho W. P, O. not to pny any political assess. ments, ns the nomincoupon proof of such action will be summarily removed from tho ticket. He proposes to lalso funds for the campaign by voluntary contributions nnd win canvuss tno city for such nlil. Heading; for Iccbcru. Tho Arctlo exploring yncht Jcanetto sailed this nftornoon. Long beforo tbo hour fixed for her depnrturo tho pier heads nud ships nlong tho city front, nnd hill tons wcro crowded with spectators, and tbo bny wns lively wttn yncbtn and steamers. Homo do lay occurcd and it was not till 4 P. M, that tho order was given to weigh anchor. Con voyed by tho steam tugs Miller, Griffith nnd IlakbonI, and tho city firo tug Gov. Irwin, and attended by tho entiro yacht squadron. the Jcanetto steamod slowly down tho harbor amid tbo dipping of flags, screnming of stenm whittles, nnd n saluto of ten guns from Fort Point. Tho Jcanetto being deeply loaded with coal and stores, nnd her progress wns so siow, mat it was not tin ouiu mat she got outside the heads. Hero she stopped n few moments whilo tho wifo of Liout. DeLong was transierred to me yncnt rroiio. The steamers nnd yachts iu nttendanco then passed the stern of the Jeanotte, the crowds on board cheering lileut, DeLong and the expedition Tbo Jeanette's engines again started, and in company with the schooner Fannie A. Hyde, which goes to Uehrlng'a Sea ns n coal und provision tender, she steamed seaward, Horrible Drain. Walla Walla, July 8. A firo broke ont in the house of John McUane, in Walla Wnla valley, ou Sunday morning. All escaped ex cept one young man, aged 25, who was burned to death, Still Missing. The Turner merchant nametl A. Hal- stctul, who dUnienml to mysteriously from that plnco rt week nso, has not been found. Mr. McKinnoy, n merchant of that jilnce, nml I M. llerrcn hnvo been iu this city hovcml days searching for him. but in vain. They hnvo requested us to tvtutn thanks to tho polico depart i meiit nnd nrivitto citizens who havo so kindly assisted them in tho search. Every ellbi t to ascertain his whereabouts has failed ami they ha o given up, and will return homo to-uight. Mi. Hal stead was doing a good business, owed a few debts .iinl left tjuito a sum of monov in his safe. Time, may solve tho mystery. Lost Ills Reckoning. Tho genial Geo. Rules, elerk of Marion county, was, ouo of tho party of excur sionists who lecently visited tho Sound country and continued to Victoria. Whilo in that city ho wrote a number of letteis to friends, nnd putting on Undo Stm's st.iMw, dropped them into the otliee. Uon returning to tho hotel he spoke about tho letters, when ho was questioned nbout the stamps. The thought struck him that he had business at tho oflico, anil without saying a word, ho glided tin to tho otliee, invested a miartro in Uritish stamps and imvo tho documents a fresh start. FOB SALE ON EA8T TERMS I Eeilrablo Property in SalemA Small Fruit and Grain Farm. A comfortnblo home, dcliglitfnlly located in Salem, nnd a small farm in tlio hills, ono nn.1 n half miles south of it nro offered for sale. Tlicro Ii n plum nnd pruno orchard of n.nno trees on tho farm nnd part is sown to "i -- licit, n splendid crop. A choico opportunity for somo family that wishes to movo to Salem to school their young people. Or addrcsss, S. A. Claiikk, Portland. Gonornl Invitation, llv request of tho commiltco wo ex tend a general invitation to printers and iinwHtmnor men throtmhout tho Stato to join tho fraternity in this city on tho iinv ot tncir nnnuai iiicnic mm nuvu dny's sport nnd general sociability. A fmn Rteamcr ana unreo navo uccn cnar- tcrcd, nlso oxccllcnt music. Sports of various kinds will fill up tho ilay'B pleas ure. It will bo ono of tho most bucccss ful excursions of tho scabon. Offloera Installed. At n regular meeting of Ellison En campment No. 1, last evening, tho fol lowinc officers woro installed by E. II. Btoltc, Mont Worthy Grand Patriarch, to servo dunntr tho cnsttinc year: A. Gnmboll, O. P.; W. D. Plants, n. P.; W. J. Shipley, 8. W.; J. Lo Grnnd, Scribe; C. Hcgole, Treasurer; O. M. Eliott. J. W.: G. B. Henry, O. 8.; II. J. Shcrncr, J. S.; G. II. Chance, Guido; D. E Butlinnnn. 1st W.: A. Smith, 2d W.; P. S.iuudcrs, 3d W.; J. Ken- worthy, 4tli W.j II. Hcott, 1st u. ot T. i i i i Disabled. The capacious light draught steamer Bonanza is lying nt tho foot of Wash- incton utrcct rcccivint: repairs. By nn accident her shaft was fractured, anil in order to havo it repaired tho whcol was tnken to pieces, tlio heavy iron hoisted to n baruo nnd taken to thy foundry for repairs. Whilo tliia is being dono her upper works nro being cleaned and repainted so that shu wilt enter tho trndo when in readiness ns good as now. Tho Outlook, Farmers nro nt present preparing or busily engaged in making hny whilo tho sun shines, nnd by tho timo this is com plotcu the wheat harvest will bo upon them, when harvest hands will bo in demnnd and good wages paid. It was feared that tho continued cold weather noticcablu during tho Spring of thu year would provo injmious to tho gram crops, inasmuch uh thu heads would not gemr- ally fill out suflicicntly, but tho Into pleasant sunshine has dispelled that idea, and iib tho acreago is iiiojo extensive and tho crops in many instances bettor, the yield for 1879 will bo tho largest ever harvested in Oregon. Irone's Auction. Tho.sc who hnvo rend this Interest incr story, which wns chopped offi rnthor abruptly on our second page will bo glnd to learn that tho author hns recovorctl from tho weariness with which ho wns solzctl nbout tho time our Insido pngo went to press, nnd now finishes tho nnrrutlvo In this column. "Everything," sho exclaimed, ns hor prldo Iny with folded wings nt hor feot. "Or, If you must go, tnko mo with youl" And ho did. A Heavy Fall. A derrick was placet 1 in position on Fisrt street yesterday, at tho new brick buildings ou tho corner of Stark, tho lopo stretching across tho street nnd fastened to the sidewalk on tho opposito side. This morning an expressman was sailing down tho street gazing at tho brick work, nnd probably wondering if ha would over be rich enough to own such a building, when tho guy ropo caught him undor tho chin, breaking into his duy dream by firing him over into tho wagon box. Tho shock was a sovero ono, and his neck was consider ably skinned by tho rough hawser. INFORMATION WANTED. Tho Wiluuettu Fakmcu desires infor nation of the whereabouts of sqcntE DC.NCAV, Late ot Tangent. Wo waut about 315 worth of information, that being tlio amount ho owes us. Ho probably only needs a gentle reminder, when found, nnd will pay his debt, nnd when ho pays wo will give him publio crcmi. ne una icu langenc wo nro tout, and left without satisfying his debt to us. Also P. W, EILIDGE, i-aio oi auinmerviuc, union county, is among the missing, and wo havo the samo interest in him, and to the same amount, as in tSquiro Duncan. We would lilo very much to havo MR. 1, IUYE-1, Formerly of Lena. Umatilla countv. call and ltao his address with somo postmaster, to be lurttiinieu to us. vtoaro mucn concerned, and fear the Indians have got him will give $3 for his release, if that is the case. He only owes ui $.-:.. Wo will sell it cheap. 'Iu bo plain about it, wu wisii to make it known, wherever these men may be, that they havo treated us in this way never paid what they owe aud if they will remit they can depend upon it that they shall have due credit. Thero aro many others who nro several years iu arrears to us, but we hope they will pay up without requiring a public reminder, and next fall we shall cloio all accounts, and if delinquents will not answer our call any other way, wo may havo to name them publicly, The Experiment ot Monday announces that Summer had come. How long did it stay Increase of Stock in Eastern r'- Wo tako tho following from tho l'c Kaat Orcgonlaui jvnsiuru uri'guii, tuiivuuiiiig ii,liu gn. nines, is iookcu upon ns ncing ono o tut favorablo spots in tlio great Northwest. stock raising nnd ngricultural purposes unexcelled. If tlio "so much tnlkcd Umatilla llcacrvntion docs comprise onc-i of our best laud mo havo many ncrcs not located good land which iu fivo yean , to-day cannot bo bought for $10 per which now can bo had for the small st S1.25 per ncrc. This is ouo of tlio best cm W tries in God's world for n poor man. Inn wo bail .118, 12.1 theep in tho wholo State, J fourth of which wcro located in El Oregon, one-half in tho Willamctto Vq ah M 4 It Mt av slmliia lei Tints nltifl aTAbl I miu tiiu iviimiiiuvi in jvuuijitto sUUUtY WM SnnrlmrM Ornrmi fl'lin finr1n Lntif Lu. SsV t !!!.. I.. I,.l l VPJH viy .iiiubi-imuy ill j.uabviii siiUll until 4$ bail, in 1877, l,oU;i,uTU8liccp, o which Es1 cm Oregon possessed nearly two-tliirdi, , Western nnd Southern Oregon the rcmaini Thcso figures havo been tested by tho i product of 1878, which realized tipwardi 0,000,000 pounds of wool, nml as the avert yield is about thrco pounds to tho sheep, figures nbovo given nro thus below tho com number of sheep. This industry is bound, rf X. devclopo itself enormously during tho nu V ten years, as evidence ot what has tab t J n.lll l. fm.-itji-. . ' jiiaco iu .iiiuruia. jLiiataiato, twenty yea ago, only produced 1,000,000 pounds ot wet or leu than ono-Cfth of what Oregon an produces, and it was then stated of Califorti as is frequently said to-day, that she coil not produce much more; yet in 1870 Califi nia produced the enormous quantity of 4, V ooU,UiU pounds of wool, as shown by U statistics ot tho Chamber ot Commcreo ot St Kraucisco. Tlio vast publlo domains I Eastern Oregon and Washington contaJnit together upwards of 100,000 squaro miles ( land, pre-eminently suited lor sheep puturap will therefore be, ns in California, eventtulh occupied by sheep ranches mora numcrou and if, ns statistics havo shown, Oregon w increased "50 per cent, tho last eight Jtin, it is reasonable to suppoao tho samo inertia will follow in tho next ten years, in whici caso our production of wool would tla amount to CS.OOO.OOO pounds. In 180 vt had 120,11)7 cattlo in tho State; iu 18 .170, .Ms in 1878 tho number is estimated it rr,000. Tho prices realized in 1874 uj, 1875 wcro poor, but now that cattlo ot thj Eastern rnngonro transported to tho Unicr and Central I'nciiio Itnilroads for shipment M 11. '.. D.-i ! l , K .uu Mvs.vru -.laics, prices ii.ivuaiivauccucca', sidcmbly, nnd given cattlo nud stock ma1 greater encouragement to increase thcirflocii Iu tho raiting of hogj, whilo wa hnvo nit mado that progress for w hich our Stnto is a well adapted, yet m o havo progressed fairly. In 1870 wo raised 110,-IM hogs; in 1875, 181,500. Wheat had attained sucli higi flgures during thcso flvo years that farmer uiiiviui oi puiimg ineir wncai into nogs, sou ,1 it; and thus n inducement was offered It cultivato or increase tho production ot hogif a uoticcauio icaturo la tlio Incrcaso of milti cows. In 1870 wo had 2J.000 milch cows; a 1870, 80,000 and in 1878 (estimated) 03,00(1 Tho United States Commissioner of Agri culture iKiiutsout that sinco 1872, Oregon liai given mora attention to dairying, nnd shown, compared with other States, tho largest in. crease in numbers (per population) of cattle nnd milch cows. Tlio raising of horses has become another favorito industry, dovclopiog gradually. In 1870 thcro wcro 01,602 lionet in tho Stato, iu 1870, 75.9C0; anil It is ctti-' mated in 1878, lOO.MOO. It will thus bo sees that our stock raising industries are Uourith. ingand making n fair progress each year, whilo in particular sheep aud cattlo railing, especially tho former, mo destined to increase considerably during tho noxt ten years, keeping in view thu peculiar advantages which Oregon's vacant lands now offer Tor thes) industries. As the nbovo returns of tho incrcaso of stock aro compiled from the tax returns made annually to the State officials, it will be nt onco seen tho figures here given nro mucli below tho actual number of stock in tho State, for tho reason that the State and county taxes are assessed to in dividuals on such returns given by themselves. Tho Indian War Whoop. Tha Drunken Slwashos of Pncst Sound done on the Trail Drive to tha Woods. A dispatch received from Seattlo last night says that ShcrifT Wvkoffnnd det uticB returned to that placo at 8 o'cloct, after having pursued tho band of Indians who havo bcon raising Cain Jf lato at Laughton's landing, when they abandoned their horses and took to the woods. Tho Indian reported to havo been wounded last evening turns out to bo Jim, son of old Kitsap, tho celebrated Yakima chief, who was tho nrimo cause of the war of '55-0, nnd who was subse quently killed. Kitsan countv in this Territory is named after him. It op- pears that ho was not idiot by Russian Charley, as first stated, but by Constable Mills, who nxchanged firo with the Indians on Saturday evenine. shooting Jim throuch tho arm and side. The Indian belongs to tho samo party who robbed a man last year on Snoqualmie road of blankets and money. They are evidently making for Ynkiuin. CatarrH! POSITIVELY CUBED! M&nr Who hira fjiiffir.l ..-. ..Ilk ikU idMttt - - - ,---- , " " - IVI J vu anil 1M " -T (CaUrrhX nd Wen jjrenosored Incurable, Ime be" "-' "f"" tiin or mr treatment, na m ttiniOnUl. lin L u?ti . mv !. I i.f-,i tr.it ill chronic snj private diseases, sod female enee Mrdlelues sent to all parts of tho country, and all proper quefUons answered throiu-h tli wills by en ilo.ln.' to iuini. Office connilutiou froe. , J '"-i"" ktCK, JSJ ir,t St., l'ortland, Oregon, rojt office Uw sou. Cut UiU cut and Kud It In ) letter. apt w