Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 11, 1879, Image 2

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    IV '.
fc. VwJ
I i
I '.
ilhmttit jhxttwr.
issued rvKnv fiuimy, nv
t COMSltriU AND l-ltOl'IUhTMH.
Term orWiilmrrlpllout
Ono copy ono) car (M nwntor),'ln li nec $2 JiO
OnocojiyiU iiiontln(JU.numUr) .... 1 2S
One copy throe montlu (13 nuinbcn) 75
4T II not !aI1 within nix tnoiiUii, (3 will IO iliar.-cJ
ono ) ear i subscription
I'OHTLAND, JULY 11, 1873.
Mlirnl llnrvrwtnf llio JtflUilln Wist.
Nrw Yorit, July 3. A Times' Cincinnati
special Bft)H! 'llio whent harvest of southern
Ohio nnd Indiana Is nearly over. The. crop
lias been Raved In good conelltinn, and Is ono
o( tUo fluent ever rnlsd in tliis region. In
many places formers nay It will nvtrnao forty
bimheU to tlio aero. The total yield lu Ohio
will lio fully fifteen per cent. Krcatcr than
last yonr, wliich wan nlno a heavy year.
Harvest hands hao been paid generally
$1 CO a day.
Ilrliuly .MnrNlinl.
New YonK, July 2. A Washington spoclal
to tho Evening Telegram sayui Commisfllonsr
Itaum of tho internal rovenuo until to-day
tho ailiiro to provido for tho deputy mar
shals Mas a virtual repeal of tho criminal
portion of tho law relating to tho Illicit dis
tilling; deputy collectors of tho Internal rov
enuo havo power to tnako a Ntlzuro of prop
erly for violations of tho law, but havo not
power to rnako nrrcxts. If n person was do
tcctcd lu Illicit distilling ho could not pro
d vent tho ofllcer nclriug tho distillery, hut ho
could Maud still and defy arrest, lly next
Huuday ovcry distlllor In tho country will
know what tho ifkct will ho of having no
deputy msrshals to aid rovenuo olllctrs, nnd
I mipposo tho diidionest ontswill seek to
take advantago of tho crippled condition of
tho oOl-'c
Tho U. S. Marshal at Detroit having in
quired If ho should lontlnuo to servo war
rants In criminal cases, Attorney General
Downs has nnswcrcrl : I advisoyou to per
form tho usual duties of your nlllco, which
you nro in no way forbidden to do, to tho
extent of youriiourr. Tho law prescribes
tiioso mines ana mines certain lets as com
pensation thorcfor. No provision for tho
pa) incut of foes of marshals and their depu
ties has been mmlo, nor can I miikonny con
tract or promlso that this provision Mill bo
inado hereafter; but your performance of
joitrdutlisso far as tho law contemplates
that thov aro to bn compcnsitcd by fios,
rictms to mo tocoimtltutoguud ground of ob
ligation against tho United Ktatosuhcro ser
vices of deputies nro required nnd expendi
tures nro to bo mado. I rccognizo tho thfll
cullies jou may havo to encounter. In all
this matter, however, you will havo to rtly
upon your expectation of fuluro legislation
by Congress that shall bo just to you. All
other expenses except tho fees of marshals
mid their deputies have boon provided for.
Hciileii! o llrinltfril.
Wmiiinutov, July 3, Tho president ro
mils tho sentcuco of dlsmisral by court mar
tial upon Captain Joseph Ueudlebrock of tho
fourth cavalry. Ho was found guilty of mis
behavior beforo tho enemy (Indians) and
neglect of duty. Tho court recommended
clemency on account of tho ago of tho Cap
tain, tho long nnd crcditnbio services, nnd
tho fact that his physical condition showod
him to bo unlit for actlvo campaign work,
Hfcmiiboiit NlnlUtlrw.
I'rom various causes 105 lived wero lost
ou steamboats during tho past 111 months
ngaluiit i!lfl for tho preceding 1U months,
During tho past ID months, 31 lives woro
lost uy accidents asiiorc; provlousiu months,
47. In 1B77 tho number of lives lost was
COT, In 1870,301; lu 1877, i!21; In 1870,
202. Tho steady dcclluo is uttributcd to tho
increasing clllclenoy of Meambont inspection.
4'uul MlnciV Wnu'.
Ixivnov, July 1, Tho steam coal colliers
of Morthyr Tydvil, lu Wales, numbering
32,000 porsons, bava n solved to accept tho
masters' demand of 10 per cent, reduction
of tbtlr wages.
Auirrlrnn UorMW WllliUrnwu.
Ijorlllard's l'anooio. Ncriadaud Ueraldlue.
which wiro entered to run for tho July stake
lor Uo.year-old colts ami miles, at Now
market July meeting to-day, have been
Tlio NnulritU) Hyiinsl.
l'Aiiis, Juno 30.Ii'()rdrc, organ of
llouhor, makes tho following declaration
l'rineo Jeromo Napoleon is recognized as
clilef ol tlio Maiioleouio dvnastr. nud couso
queiitly chief ut tho llour.partlst party. Ho
cannot fall to receivo tho rtkolntoand do-
votM Hupport of nil faithful to tho cuintro.
At a meeting of llouapartists at thertsi
doncoof M. llouher to-divy, th will of tho
lato l'rlueo imperial was mail lint no de
cision was arrived at respecting tho futuru
courso of the party, A dtiuitiillou of tho
meeting commuuicatod tho will to 1'riueo
Jeromo llouuparto.who simply ncliioledi;ed
it. ltoiilur refused to pititicipHlr with tlio
deputation, staling that henceforth ho was
ililtruiliiid to tuko no i,llw put lu polillis,
Wrl IniUr.
Havana, July 3. A hteumer luis unhid
from Ht. Thomas with tho following news
from Co no llavlloiiup to Juun 21th Ills
riiincirid tlist the national Ukse.nbly.it l'mt
nu l'rineo bus been closed, owing toilUmti
slons bvtweuu sonslors ami doimtios, Ou
the20lh OtuersI Ten 111 I I'arlstu, with his
follow trs, nttncMtl and occupied tho govern
ment house in Cape llujtieu City. There
was fighting all night, uud tho goverumout
troops tlunily drovo tho rebels out of the
cit). Thirty men were killed and wouudod
and n large number of arrests madn. Gen
eral l'arlsiu lied, it is said, to Monte Christ!,
Dominican territory. There is general mi
(animus throughout tho ltepubllo. llusluei.s
is paralyzed ami the harbor crowded with
vrt W waiting for cargoes, Produce comes
in hIowIv owing to heavy rains,
rrcsidtut tiutmaii lllanco, of Ytnezuela,
propokis that Holland stll the Islaud of
Ouiocim to Viutziiehi,
'1 ho Cougri ks of Man Domingo proposes to
tho Unlttd riUUs fricvxiliaiigool sugar mid
tobacco against two products u( tho United
The cultivation of sugar In the southtrn
provinces bus gteatly increnecd. 'lhecrop
this )tuu is iktlinated ut 10,000 hogsheads.
'Two jcars i;o It wum scauely as miuy ipiiu
teU. Hrllls'i "ml "In I'rneo .Nrsollulloiis.
Lomion, July 3. -lu the peueo negotiation
lu twt n l.nrd I'hcluufordund t lie Zulu king,
Chelmsford pioinin it that if two Cannons,
cipturtd at Uwidilln, weiosurrendert'd with
it; a, week, mid hoUagiSHiut into tho llritUh
lints, iih mu Mileuce of Citewayo's kiucerity,
he wuiilil m nt nn mniUtlco iK'ndlmj the ar
1 1 al u( ti i s ol pt wo for w bull ho had t lo
uniphut Luglmid threo wieks ago
Chilifk I t tho uqucxt of the 1 ulii luen-
scngcrs, sketched tho outlines of tho proba
bio terms.
Tho enforcement of Sir Ilartlo I'rcro's ulti
matum of unconditional surrender indemnity
to England for tho cost of war and return of
spoils taken nt Isandula, if Cctowayo is tin
alio to comply with tho last named condition,
tho Ilrilish must themselves recover tho
spoils from individual holders, Tho mes
sengers wero warned to bo prcparod for tho
probability of final ceremony of tho conclu
sion of ptaco nt Ulundl.
A dispatch from Capo Town, Juno 10th,
sajg strong hopes aro intcrtaluod of success
of pcaco negotiations. Tho Dritiah forces
nro disgusted and disheartened with war.
onl I'll Illsnslrr.
Londo.v, July 3. Eifty mon wero killed by
an explosion in tho High lllantjro coal pit,
near Glasgow, this morning.
Thero wero only 31 persons in tho High
Illantyro colliery pit nt tho timo of tho ex
plosion. Tour wero burned nlio. Twenty
ono corpses wero recovered.
Itotlinriilltl'N Successors,
London, July 3, If is formally announced
that tho business of tho lato Duron Iloths
childs will bo carried on by his threo sons.
I'onl ported.
Kt. l'KTrnsncno, July 3. Owing to tho
dullness of trado and general feeling of in
security, tho industrial exhibition contem
plated for Moicow in 1880 Is postponed ono
J ear.
I'rolccdiiB Mil' HnrlMir ortJcntllc,
Ibis afternoon, Capt. L. Blmmons of tho
ship Qrcnt Western, was arrested and
brought beforo a Justico of tho I'caco of
Kenttio for discharging ballast in Elliott bay
within tho Incorporate limits of tho city of
Beattlo, in violation of ordinnnco No. 179,
which requires all vessels discharging ballast
in Elliott bay, within tho city limits, to dls
chnrgo such ballast in ballast ground nt tho
foot of Mndisou street, unless special per
mission bo given by tho city council to ills
chargo cUowhcro, Tho enso wns heard nt
length, W. H. Whlto appearing for tho city,
nnd McNnught Urns, for defendant. Tlio
defondaut was fined $7G and costs; win lu
ll pou it wns announced that ho would t K
nn nppcnl to tho District Court, ns It was
propositi to mnko it n test caso, but refrained
from tho further dischnrgo of ballast.
Nntiir AITrny nt Ailorln.
AsToniA, July 2 A despcrato cutting nflray
occurred hero to-day in n hotwo of ill-famo,
between Ncllio Itamsay, a notorious cotirtoran
nnd T, Connor, a longshoreman. Tho large
musclo of Connor's arm was cut in two, the
knl lo coming within n hair of the brachial
nrtery. Tho woman (Jot oil" with n bad stab
in llio right knee.
Ulrnu JSolllllllltfll.
Sam Tiuncisco, July 2. Tho Dcmocrntio
Convention, aftir choosing n Hlnto Central
Commltteo, went Into nomination for gov
ernor. Hugh J. Glenn, uomlnco of tho II.
It. Convention, was nominated by acclama
tion. A recess wns tal.eli till o cuing,
Iloiiiinxa Null.
Ban rcANcisco, July 3, Suit was com
menced to day in tho 23d district court by
John II. Hurko, ou behalf of himself nud all
other Consolidated Virginia stockholders, to
recover $1,000,000 from James O, l'lood, tho
l'acillo Itoflncry nnd llullion Exchnngo nnd
tho executors of tuo cstnto of W. S. O'llricii.
deceased. This suit tins tho ofTcct of tying
up tho estnto of O'llricii, which wns about
to bo distributed, nnd Is similar in prlnclplo
to thoso now pending, making four suits
now boforo tho courts, aggregating $41,
414,000. 4'nliroruln Dcmorrnllo NomlnnClana.
Tho Dcmocratio Btato Convention of Call
fornin mado further nominations as follows:
Iileutonnnt-Govcrnor, Lovi Chnso, of Bnn
Diego; Secretary of Slnte, W. J. Tinnln. of
Trinity; Controller, W. H. O. Drown; At
torney Genoral. Jo. Hamilton: Survovor
General, W. A. Minis; Superintendent of
l'ubllo Instruction, II, O. Gcsford, of Napa;
Clerk of Supremo Court, D. II. Wolf; Stato
Treasurer, G. T. l'nnll, of Sonoma; Chief
Justico, It. 1'. Morrison, of San Francisco;
Associato Justices, MoKeo, McKlnstry,
Thorntou, lloss, Btoroy, Iteardou; Congress,
2d district, T. J. Cluuio; 3d district, U. 1'.
On tlio morning of July 1st n, man
named diaries Honrickeon vroa drowned
nt Bay View. JFo wns out fishing with
his partner, tho boat Iximg under full
Eiiil when lio went forwiml for somo pur
jiose. lio lost liia balance nnd fell over
board, nud nftor coming to tho surface!
onco sank to riso no more. Tlio boat
man turned ns quickly ns possiblo nud
searched for somo time in vain. Ere
long n body will be found thrown tipan
tlio beach, uud anothor untvo added to
tho many Already marked along the
lino of tho beach on tho Washington
Tciritoiy shoie.
Th Barrel IWerr-
We arc glad to ttntc ii)3 the Seattle
Iht tint Mr. Charles Root, superinten
dent licie for the Matiullath ManuUctur
ing Company of San Francisco, is at pres
ent in the citv. He eats tint work on
the barrel laciory will be at once, begun
on the site in lielliOHii, and will be urged
forward as speedily as possibly to com
pletion. Mr. Root sajs that the capa
city of the fictorv will be i.oco barrels
complete, will be turned out each day.
It is calcul.Uid that the freight to San
Fmiicim'o alone will amount to $,500
pel month. A marUt "i'l aUo be found
in Australia, although ilic rinciul mar
kct will be in San I'lantivcn, the coinpany
represented by Mr Root hiving a con
tract which holds 'or live tears with me
sugar refineries at that city
rira ot Albany
Yesterday morning at I'J.lfl o'clock n
liro bioko out in (ho Couibtoek House,
at tho AlUmy railroad depot. Tho liro
tnigiimteil in tho second btoiy from a
mio. In thirty minutes from tho time
of discovery it wns utterly imposssblo to
re'iiuno tho fiirmturotreini tho north end
of the building. Tho tilarm was sig
naled as rapidly ns po&siblo to tlio center
of tho city, but by tho timo engines
reached thero tho tiro was undei huch
headway that it was imjwssible to save
tha building. The w nter fniltsi, but tho
companies woiketl nobly nud i od tlio
iidjomlng freight ami warehouse. Neatly
nil tho fuinituro of tho uppor stoty was
dcMroied. Tho niilnwd comjmny's
jitopeity wns neatly nil Kied. Their
lo.- w ill not meecil JS50. Tho hotel was
iusuivd; amount not known
Fire nt LtWson.
About 12 o'clock on tho morning of tho
3d a firo broke out in LuttrelPs butcher
shop nt Lebanon. Tlio alarm was
quickly given nnd tho inhabitants soon
nsscmblcd nt tho scene. Everybody
assisted ai much ni possible in carrying
water, but not until threo buildings
w cro destroyed wero tho llatnes checked.
Tho butcher shop, Qllmoitr it Dcrcaw's
saloon nnd lIa"rmon's barber shop bui ncd.
Tho buildings were owned by Luttrcll
nnd S. ir. Cloughton nnd wcio insured,
Tho firo is said to bo the work of nn in
cendiary. Aotlon Talion.
Vhilo so much talk is going on about
railroads, narrow gunge, standard and
underground ones, tho pcoplo of Astoria
nro ncting ns well ns talking. As one
half tho capital stock of tlio Astoria and
Winnomucca road lias been subscrided,
tho stockholders held n meeting on tlio
ovening of tlio 2d nnd elected tlirectois.
On Thursday tho diicctois met and
elected C. Ltinenwcker, President; Judgo
Dovvlby, Vico President; H. C. Holdcn,
Secictary; nud J. W. Case, Trcasuicr.
Tho preliminary sun oy between Torest
Orovo nnd Astoria will bo commenced
in n faw days.
1 ,ei 1
Riot oa the Grade
On Satutday last a riot took placo on
tho grade of tho extension of tho Oregon
Central llailroad, in which n. white man
nnd forty-fivo Chinamen participated.
It scorns thnt tho gang wns tho laziest
and most impudent ou the road, nud on
that day ono of them refused to w ork
and wns discluirgod by Mr. Sullivan, tho
bcs.. Tlio vvholo gang turned upon him
with picks and shovtds, hnd him ttccd
and threatened to maku short woik of
him when tho teamsters arrived nnd
lroo off tho gang. Thoy wero dis-
chaigod at once.
For a Year.
Bruin nnd Williams, tho tl.ugs who
went through Lcsuer, the saloon keeper,
somo wcoka ago, and tclioved him of a
valuable gold watch, wero sentenced to
tho penitentiary for ono year ench. Tho
facts of tho robbery me, briclly : Thoy
wont into tho saloons to get diiuks, nnd
refused lo pay thenfote. A worded
difficulty ensued nud Lcsucr went from
behind tho counter to eject tho men, nnd
an soon ns ho was within reach, thoy
closed ou him nud got his watch. Tho
watch was subsequently recoveiod in 11
damaged condition.
Indian Superstition,
Tho Sitka Indians mo iimoni! tho
most superstitious tribes on tlio globe,
and whou any of their number is sub-
poctcd of being n witch, or cnteitnining
ovil spirits, thoy nro nt onco put to
doth. A shprt timo sinco thoy wero
soizecl witn tlio una time n certain
maiden, a young and handsomo Chilcat
beauty, was possessed of dovils. A grand
council was called nnd nil tho chiefs nnd
incdicino men assembled in consultation.
After their incantations, as is tho cus
tom, it was decided that the girl should
burn nt tho stnke, nnd accordingly mado
preparations to enny the decrco into ef
fect, Tho young squaw Jiearing of her
futo appealed to Captain Iloaidsloy, of
tho war ship Jamestown, for protection.
Captain Ik sent for tho cliiofs nnd incdi
cino mon and oxplninod to them that
thero wns no such things as witches, and
that it was n. foolish suporstition that
thoy woro laboring under. Tho "noblo"
savages wero umiblo to uco it in that
light and insisted that sho must burn.
Captain lleaiilsloy found that thero was
but .littlo U80 tiying to rcasou with them
so lio resorted to a nioro eil'cctivo courso
and .told them to inko tho woman, and
if Uioy burned her ho would banc every
ono .of them to tho yard arm of tho
Jamcstowu. It is useless to add thnt
tbcirisupcretition immediately .vanished.
Irene's Auotiom.
"And must all gol Can nothing bo
Biv&lf.uuerulously questioned .Mrs. Ar
thur, Uw hands listlessly folded across
hur lap, iier nir betokening uttor help
lessness jm she looked pitifully towunl
tho beautiful girl whom sho nddrosscd
"Notki, mamma," answered tlio lat
ter, drawing nearer as sho joko nnd
kneeling ut .tlio other's side, while she
laid hor iiiujer caressingly upon Jut
mothcr'H pale cheek "only each otlier :
but tap.iH detail lias taught us how much
that is. Dou't wotry, deaivst, I hopo
the M.1I0 will eiublo us to buv furuitme
moro mtitabln t the few looms which
for u timo tuukt ho our future home, uu
til I can fcccuro tumu pujiils and get tho
litt'o homo in tW country where voti
am to In e, hiiirouiuleel by birds and
llowers, nnd foi-gvt that tlu reel ibg eier
wavml from ) our door."
They weiu bmio words, braitly
spoken so bravely as not to lntmy tho
elfort they cost tint t-iu.iker.
Sis months before, livne Arthur had
reigned a bollo in her futliei's m.iguili
cent lionu', when liku a thunderbolt
from a clear Summer hky, camo that
father's failure and death in quick sue
jssion, with the lessons only expenenco
teaches, ot mends t.usei ting in tho hour
of need little bv littlo learning tho
neivssity of ktanding nlono and booing
liojio drifting further and fm titer in tho
distance; until tho preMMit, with its nb
soluto emergencies, roused hor to action.
Tho small head, set so regally u)on
the slight, sloping shoulders, held itself
moro regally ,tiU; tho red, full curved
lips were pre&sod more proudly together.
as Irenebuckledon hernunor for thofiuv.
Tlio hardest part wns over now. Her
mother had been (old tho worst that
could befall them. Sho must now tako
her from this spot.hallowcd by mo m ory,
before tho desecrating foot of strnngci3
cntcicd it.
A fow days search, and slip was ro
w at tied by finding in a quiet house,
a very comfortable suito ot looms
wliich met at onco her purso and her ic
quircments, in sail contrast to tho ele
gant luuriance,with which sho had been
surrounded her lifo long, but where, nt
least, her mother was saved tho sight of
tlio red flag, which seemed to her to bo
dyed in her heart's blood.
"Is thero nothing you would wish to
save, Miss Arthur 1" questioned a voico
at her side, tho morning of tho sale.
Sho turned haughtily toward tho
stranger, but something in his clear blue
eyes bent upon her witnessed tho words
hold honest meaning.
"I beg your pardon sir," sho nnswcicd,
ttnnblo to disguiso wholly tho prido theso
latter days had do eloped so forcibly
"I havo not tho pleasuto of your ac
quaintance." "It is for 1110 to beg paidon. I for
got I might not bo known tojou per
sonally, tliough I am tho auctioneer ap
pointed by tho estate. Your father
onco did mo a great kindness, nnd though
I would not nppcar intrusive, I Bhould
vrry much liko to prescrvo any nrticlo
you may desire."
"With many thanks, sir, I desiro to
receivo no favors," sho replied coldly,
and passed on, to tako ono ileoting look
cro sho lied to tho placo she mint now
learn to cull her home, to bo haunted all
day by tho Bound of tlio auctioneer's
hammer, and tho voices of strangers,
desecrating tho halls.
Hut when, in tho dusk of tho evening,
n cart stopped befoio tho door, and ono
by ono articles hallowed by association
her father's chair, hor own desk, her
mother's fa orito pictures wero brought
in, tho feelings so long repressed gave
way ton buret of tears.
Who had dono this thing 1 For ono
moment tho honest bltto eyes which had
met her own that tlay roso beforo her.
Uut, no I such delicacy belonged not to
their owner's rank in life. Nor was it
n stranger's work. Somo ono must ha 0
known her well to havo holccted tho fow
things it had been such bitter wnrfaro
to pat t with.
Thoy were, indeed, liko old friends
hent to comfort her, ns, in tho wcniy
days that followed, her oyes would rest
upon them in her bitter strugglo for tho
daily necessities of lifo for herself tho
luxuries which to her mother had become
JhisincsH had thiownhcr moro than
onco with Kail Kenneth, tho owner of
tho bluo oyes. Tlieio had been matters
connected with thu sala which had com
pelled her to meet him, until ho grew to
nor almost oh n friond, and at times sho
would forgot the social gulf which sepa
rated them she, tho onco wealthy
banker's daughter, he, a man who had
risen from tho humblest ranks, but
whoso soul was that of u nobloman.
Tho friends sho had onco known, sho
no longer know. Thoy rode, sho walked,
nnd must stand on tho cuth to lot their
carriages drift by.
Eail's cheery voico nnd pleasant smile,
her mother, too, grow to welcome, with
tho fow choico llowers, or tho early fruit,
ho over laid so quickly in Mrs. Artliui's
hand, growing daily palor and thinner.
llut ono ovenintr, ns ho sat by Ircno's
sido alone, very calmly, very truly, yet
with n certain humbleness, lio told her
that.ho loved her, nnd asked her to be
come her wife.
"I cannot bear to eo you strugglo,"
ho said. "Onco, us you well kuow, I
could not havo asked you to becorno my
wife; nnd though I havo not forgotten,
dear, that I a man who has onlv honor
I and -ambition, I yet can take you from
this lifo 01 toil, can shield you with my
breast, can toil for you and yours, if you
will givo mo tho precious assuranco I
Was tho man mad 1 The prido sho
had fot-gottcn in these quiet months now
surged upward, na sho turuod toward
him with pala and sparkling eyes.
"Sir, you insult mot"
"No iinan insults n woman -with his
honest love, Miss Arthur," ho answered.
the prido, in her bearing its reflex on his
face. "I loio you nay, I loio vou I
My love you spuin. I can never ofl'er it
Miss Irene: but remember
jou need it, it is alwuvsj roura.
ready to do for you, to sull'or for jou, to
tlio fcr you?"
"Why dees not Eirl comoT ques-
tionetl tho invalid. "I want to see him
I miss him. Write. Irene, and tell him
ho must eall this evening."
blio wrote tu obedience:
"Mamma auks for you. Sho knows
Nothing. If jvu will occasionally drop
hi to see her, 1 (.hall bo glad."
It cost her prido a struggle to 6end
er!ii this ; but was it possible it also
brought a thrill of something like plea
sure that she hhooM meet him onco
TJw weeks had soemed strangely Jon"
without him. Win- had sho thus
aiuweretl him I Of courso tho thing ho
asked wns impossible; but, ah, how
cruelly sho had spunud Lim !
Had ho torvotten it I Sho had ex.
pected somo traco. of souow on the
li-uulitouie brow; but when he enteieil,
in obedience to her summons, the old,
frank smile lit up his face, us devoting
himself to tho ininlid, ho spoko to he?
only w hen com tesy required.
Somehow, these weiU seemed to havo
improved him, too. Ho had acquired a
polish; or was it only inditlerence,
whero lovo had reigneel I
"Men easily forget," bho thought, and
with tho thought sho sighed.
Tho Wintor wore to an end, nnd slow
ly tho invalid gtcw weaker and moro
weak. Tlio shock had been greater than
her nervous system could bear, nnd sho
sank under it dav bv day, until tho
exertion of moving fioin her bed to her
couch beenmo too incut, when, for tho
flist time, tho realization burst upon hor
dnuchtcr that sho was soon to bo left
dcsolntn indeed.
Hill, during theso months, camo and
went ns of old ; bnt sometimes Ireno
asked herself if his words to her had
not been n dream.
Not onco did his oyes rest on her with
tho old look not onco did ho hold for a
singlo moment tho little fingers within
his own I and a Bensc of empty disap
pointment, nono tho less bitter because
unacknowledged, brought to tho proud
young oyes many an unshed tear. But
tho bitter sorrow was in store, as tho
invalid's rest npproached moto nnd moro
near, until tho Angel of Death stooped
and gathered her to his breast, Larl
was thero nt tho Inst, and ns sho lay so
quietly on her pillows thoy thought
her spirit had tlown sho suddenly
roused, and laid her daughter's hand in
"Tako her," said she. "I givo her to
you I"
Then tho oyes closed forover.
"Do not mind it ; sho meant only as
n brother, Irene," ho said, in comfort,
daya after, to the weeping girl, and Iicno
wondered why sho could not as such
accept it.
So tho we.uy days merged into weeks,
tho weeks into mouths, and tho proud
young spii it learned its own bitterness.
Sho saw Hail rarely now there was no
longer tho invalid's impatient dnmttnds
upon his timo. Somo of tho old friends
had como forwmd in this second hour of
Mill'oring , but through nil sho missed
him, and tho thought that ha hnd learned
forttfulncss brought her no comfort
She was thinking of him ono ovening,
when hn entered.
"I nm going away, Miss Ireno," ho
Bind. " Will you bid mo God BpceiU"
Tho old prido t niggled for mastciy
ngitintt tho choking in tho slender tin oat,
but tho words hIio stiovo to utter refused
to come.
" I havo been studying law during
theso years of haul woik, nud am now
nblo to wait for tho practice I hopo will
come. You will think of mo sometimes,
Irene, and if in trouble, remember tho
words I onco said that I stand nlwajs
ready to act tho p-utof 11 fiieudl Is
oven this asking too much 1" ho added,
ns hei silence continued.
Had he, then, forgotten nil his words
tho lovo he had said was hcis foiover
or did its palo ghost lio buried, too 1
Hut sho must speak sho must not let
him know.
" Cood-by 1" sho faltered J then, spito
of herself, the words sho had thought
locked in her heart burst from her :
" Earl, do not go. I cannot boar it 1"
" Irono 1" whero had hid icy indiffer
ence fled now 1 His faco was palo : his
voico trembled in his strugglo for calm
ness. " What matters it o you 1"
" Everything 1" sho exclaimed, as her
Pay of British Army Officers.
When tho army estimates wero before
tho ilouso of Commons recently a mem
bcr, a former Guardsman, complained of
the pay of tho Household Ilrigado being
so much moro than that of tho line. Ho
pointeel out that, whereas a Housohold
Cavalry colonel gets 532, a lino colonel
gets but 410; a major in tho former
X 145, in tho latter i.J01. Captains in
tho Household Cavalry get .275, lieu
tenants 188, second lieutenants 1 16,
and adjutants 237 ; whilo in tho lino
cavalry tho pay for theso grades was
2GG, 104, 140, and 201). In tho
Foot Guards, majors receivo 419, cap.
tains 282, lieutenants 233, second
lioutcnants 100; while in tho lino tho
pay of a lieutenant-colonel commanding
second lieutenant 05. Those figures
will show what a much hotter thing it is
to bo in tho Now York iwlico than in
her Majesty s army. Tho humblest door
man in tho noblo forco which guards our
lives and property rocoives $524 moro
than a sub-lieutonant of her Maiestv's
Guards; whilo a patrolman has 150
moro than a cantain of tho lino. wlm.
moreov er, would ordinarily serve at least
tea years beforo ho attains that rank. It
must bo remembered, too, that tho offi
cer lias to expend a considerable amount
of inonoy in his education, to pass a
pretty stiff examination, provide himself
wun a mucn more expensive uniform,
and pay heavy mess bills nnd regimental
dues. At tho samo time, in contrasting
the expenses of these corns, it is fair tn
add that British officers nro not called
141011 to mako a purso periodically for
u hbuumuv. 11 uo onco Known in
England lhat 11 stalwart voun mnn mn
albeit quito uneducated, obtain 820 a
mentn, witn freo lodging in London a
Itttrolman'H pay is 5 12 (328) there
will bo serious dancer of ilitrtinn on
the Mit of Queon Victoria's needy sub-
uueins now struggling on less than f 000
ajear, who -will prefer tho fleahpots of
New York to the spears of Zululand.
Hitherto, however, they havo refused to
beliove in tho oxistenco of such an El
Dorado. Ev en tiioso carping critics who
deny th&t our plico forco is tho most
efficient in tho world cannot but admit
that it is tlio most costlj-. N. Y. Times.
"Let us," said the Sunday school
teacher, "tako our example the godly
Abraham." There was a scared look in
the ejesof tho class, and tho boy who
iat nearest tho door slipped out and
clcaied off homo as fast as his legs w ould
carry him.
How Sho Described it.
Ho was n bald-headed bacholor, whose
heart for the liist timo had been moved
by tho tender passion.
"Thru jou comtss, no snui, in a
trembling voice, to tho object of his re
gards, mat jou iiKc mu a iicno mat
jou ndmtio ceitniii qualities ot my
"Yes," shyly responded tho young
" And may I ask," ho continued, in a
voico of emotion, "what thoso qttolitiei
" I can hardly explain," said tho young
lady bashfully; "but I think it is be
cnuso your head is so mellifluent I
can't cxnrcss it moro clearly."
"And vou can nev cr know how I or
prcciato your high opinion," exclaimed
tho lmppv bachelor, ns ho pressed her
Ho didn't know just what "mellifluent"
meant, but lio was suro it woa tho syn
onym for homothiiig L'rnntl and enno-
bliiiL'. and when ho bade her good night
ho lushed cngetly home, excitedly took I
down tlio dfctionnrj', and feverishly
turned to tho endeared word. Ills blooil
changed to ico as ho read :
" Smooth, soft, ntollow."
Josh Billings' Advice to Singers.
The first thing to make a good quire
ctnrTAr ! In rrirrnln n lillln Put Mr unn.
hair in curl papers every Friday nitc, soze M
to have it in good shape by Sunday morn M
ing. If your daddy is rich vou can buy t&
ermir elnri. hnlr! if lio i vprv rlrli bnw .738
WW...W W.W.V ....... .. .. W -- ..-.., HHJ
ionic more and build it up high on your
head; then git a high-prised bunnct that
runs up very high, at the high part of it,
and git the milliner to plant some high
krown artcfishals onto the highest part of
it. This will help you sing high, as to
phrano is the highest part.
When the tunc is giv out, don't pay
attention to it, nnd then giggle. Giggle
.1 good fccl.
Whisper to the girl next jou lhat Em
Jonci, which sets on second scat from the
front on the left-hand side, has her bun
nct with the same color exact she had last
year, and then put up jour book to your
face and giggle.
Ubjcct to every tunc unlets there is a 1 1
solow into it for thesophrano, ColTand
hem a good eel bclotc jou begin to sin;. ,1
When you sing a solow shake the artirV
iisucis on your uuuiiii, ami wucn jou come y.
11 a 111511 iuiiw .mu uiavu juuowil uaiitA
little, twist your head to one side and
open your mouth to the widest on that
tide, shct the eye on the same side jest
a triphlc, and then put in for dear life.
Wiicn the preacher gels under hedwej
with his prcachin, write a note onto the
blank leaf of your note book. That I
what the leaf was made for. Get sum-
body to pass the note to sum body clsjUJK
and you watch them while they rcadurf ,"
and then giggle.
If anybody talks or laftj in the congre
gashun and the preacher takes notis ot it,
that's a good chance for you to giggle,
and you ought to giggle a great eel
The preacher darscnt say anything to yon'
bckaus j ou arc in the quire. If you had
a bow before you went into the quire
give him the mitten you ought to have
sumbody better now.
Don't forget to giggle.
Lovo's Ingonuity.
A couplo not 100 miles from Man
Chester carried on their courtship in
rather a novel manner. A young man
had fallen in lovo with tho daughter ol
his employer, but from certain ideas of
wealth a match was opposed by the
father. Tho conscqucnco was that the
young man was forbidden to visit til
employer's hotiso. Tho old gentleman
was in tho habit of wearing a cloak, and
tho young couplo mado him tho innocent
bearer of their correspondence, The
laily pinned a letter insido tho lining of
1110 old mans cloak every day, ana
when tho fathor went into his counting
houso and threw of Ids cloak, tho lover I P
took out tho ladv's cnistle. read it anil I '
sent tho reply bhek in tho samo manner.il )
i.ovo and ingenuity wero finally succcrtt
The Sunday Stone.
In an English coal mino there is t
constant formation of limestone, caused
bv tho tricklin? of water thrntinli tht
rocks. This water r-nnbiiiiR n. nrrA I
many particles of lime, wliich nro de
posited in tho mine, and as tho water
passes off theso become bard and forfl
. .....vMtv.iv, j. mo Biernu wouiu aivvay u
bo whito liko whito marble woro IFZMl
tllfl ImAalAHA Wl.! !...... II .1 4 ft
mo men aro wormng in tho mine,
and as tho black dust rises from the
coal it mixos with tho soft lime, and in
that way a black stone is formed. Vow?
in tho night, when thero is no coal dust
rising, the stone is whito : then nrain.
tho next day, when the miners are at
wonr, another black layer is formed,
and so on alternately black and whiU
through tho week until finhlmfl. w
Then, if tho miners keep holy the Sab-
""."' ",ucn MTSvr 'aver of whito ston
will bo formed than beforo. There wilt
bo the white stono of Saturday nighf
and the wholo day and night of tho SaW
bath, so that every seventh day ti5!
whito layer will be about threo times f
thick ns any of tho others. Ttnk if tW1.
men work on tho Sabbath, tltev see i
mark-ed against them in the stoned?
"t-iice, me miners call it "the Sunday!
uvv, J1U- KIIRV npAfl t in vaor.
mi 10 ouservo this holy daj-, when
umilil cu 11..!. ;!... 1. ..
- I J ". 1.V uU it
... vu wicir v luuuion 01 ,uoti s com.
maud thus written down in stono aa
image of tho indeliblo record in heaven,-"
... : -. , JJ
vue man cniovs w hat hn m .trniW
er suiters wjiatho has not