Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, July 04, 1879, Image 5

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Recelvar Appointed
Yesterday tho 1'ucific ltolUng Mills
Co. of San Francisco, brought suit in tho
TJ. H. Circuit Court, foreclosing a inort
gngo on tho Dayton, Shcriilan and
Urand Hondo ltnilroail. flco. llovot has
liccn appointed receiver and will toko
possession at once.
To Bnuoh Grass.
This morning about ona liundred head
of thoroughbred Merino sheep were
taken up tho Columbia on tho steamer
Wido West. They wcro as lino a (lock
as wo havo seen in Oregon for months,
and by judicious management will in a
few years bring forth good returns to tho
owner. Tho Hock was destined for tho
bunch grass ranges of Wasco county.
OIF Prospeotlng.
This forenoon a party of young men
from tho Tualatin plains passed through
tho city on their way to tho Cascades,
cast of Clackamas county, on n pros
pecting tour. Ono of their number
struck paying diggings on a small stream
in tho mountains, but failed to prospect
to any extent. Ho is now returning
with a party of friends to renew tho
search. Tlioy took provisions for a sev
eral months' search.
A Maw Enterprise
Mr. J. W. Collins, of Tablo Itock,
Jaokson county, has Bixtcon acres of
sorghum under cultivation, which is
growing finely and promises to yield
abundantly. Ho has sent for tho requi
site machinery for tho manufacture of
sorghum syrup of a superior quality,
and is sanguino of tho success of tho in
dustry ho has J thus inaugurated, which
his cntcrpriso certainly deserves.
On Duty
Tho sloop-of-war Jamestown, which
was recently overhauled and fitted up by
the government at San Francisco and
dispatched to Sitka, camo to an anchor
ago in front of tho Indian villngo at
Sitka on tho 11 th inst, Tho Alaska
had been doing guard duty, but being
rcliovcd started for San Francisco on
tho lGth. Capt, Ucardslee, of tho
Jamestown, has been fully investigating
nfl'uirs in Alaska, and m n report to
Washington fully confirms tho state
ment of tho citizens of threatened dan
ger, and urges tho necessity of a man-of-war
being kept in Alaska waters for pro
tection. i
A Savant) Slwash.
A dispatch from Umatilla under dato
of yesterday says : On Saturday after
noon an Indian named Ola, u ncphow to
Howlish Wnnipo, attacked a strangor
whilo passing through tho reservation.
Ho mado several lunges at tho man with
a knife, who, putting spurs to his horse,
soon escaped. Tho Indian drew a re
volver and tried to shoot, but was
stopped by another Indian. A short
time previous throo of tho Indians wcro
fighting bv themselves. Warrants aro
out for tlicir arrest. On Friday tho
Umatillas had a war dance. On Mon
day they havo another on horseback in
honor of tho departing scouts. Somo
littlo excitement prevails. Whisky is
supposed to bo tho cause.
Sitka Slftlnci-
Tho Alaska Gold and Silver Mining
Company's mill, 10 miles from Sitka, is
now running in successful operation,
Tho oro averages $30 per ton, is cosily
milled, and though tho shaft is but 80
fcot down, tlio lcdco is well tlcuncil anil
is daily growing richer and mora exten
sive Ilia lirst bar of gold trom Alaska
will bo shipped next month. Many
discoveries of now ledges aro reported,
and thcro is great energy in prospecting
around Sitka. A mining district was
cfitublished last month, and N. Haley
was elected rccordor. Minors arriving
from below find ready work. Salmon
aro running mid fine catches at Cutting's
cannery, I ho pcoplo aro cheerful and
happy sinco tlio Jamestown's arrival.
Sunday union services havo bcon estab
lished with beneficial effect.
The Transfer Made-
Much has been said and gucssod at of
lato in relation to tho transfer of tho
controlling interest in tho O. S. N. Co,
to Eastern capitalists. At length tho
day and hour of this transfer of millions
has been set by tho Standard as follows:
Today at 3 o'clock Copts. J. 0. Ainu
worth, It. It. Thompson, S. G. Heed, and
Messrs. Ladd fc Tilton transfer tho con
trolling interest in the 0. 8. N. Co. to
parties in New York, who wero repre
sented hero by Mr. Henry Villard a
counlu of months ago. llio transfer in
eludes four-fiftlis of tho stock heretofore
held bv tho ccntlemcn named above, and
gives tho management and control to
Mr. Villard and his associates, the prin
cipal ono Weing Jay Gould. There will be
no change whatever in tho management
of tho affairs of the company for the
present year, Capt. Ainsworth continu
ing in tho position of president and the
remainder of tho employes their respect
ive places. What may bo done next
January remains to bo seen. Ono thing
wo may bo allowed to say in advance,
that the owners of this great public en
terprise will find it difficult to replaco
the present corps of employees with more
comjKstent ones, and bettor calculated to
attend to tho interests of tho company
or wants of tho irener.il public. They
aro all men who havo long been in the
employ of tho company, and havo been
advanced in every instance by faithful
services and after being thoroughly
tested us to competency.
Vory Soareo-
Farmers who havo calves lit for veal
would do well to bring them to market
at once, at tho pneo being paid at
present is higher tlin.it for months past.
Tho causo of tho rise is tho scarcity of
veal. As oon us tlio Spring calves
wero old enough thoy wero hurried
away to market, and tiioso who umm
less hasto and more judgment will prnlit
by it.
Being Ronairetl.
Purser Hughes, of tlio steamer Cali
fornia, is in tho city, having camo over
land from tho Sound. Tho steamer has
been beached at Port Townsend for re
pairs to her propeller, and will not bo
lloatcd again until tho latter part of tho
week. Tho down trip wns ti rather
rough and disngrceablo one, but nothing
of an unusual naturo occured. Tho
Sitka Indians bchavo themselves admir
ably beneath tho shadow of the man-of-war
Jamestown, whoso cannons frown
down upon them sullenly night and day.
Flood ReoedinR.
Tho Juno freshot on tho Columbia
has reached its highest point for this
year and is now steadily falling. Tho
Willamette at this point, which is a
gaugo to the Columbia, is aho falling.
Tho formers along tho bottoms of
Columbia and lower Willamctto havo
suffered considerably by tho freshot, as
coti8iderablo quantities of grain has
boen drowned out as well as potatoes
and gardens. As soon as tho water falls
sulliuicntly tho ground will bo again
seeded to potatoes for it Full crop, or to
A New Departure-
Tho want of a coastwise steamship be
tween Astoria and San Francisco, also
nlong our Northern coast, has long been
felt, and wo aro gratified to know that
hereafter tho Alexander Duncan will
fill thoso routes to tho great accomoda
tion of trudo nud commerce. Mr.' Geo.
W. Hume, of Astoria, is agent, and an
nounces that this steamer will hereafter
mako regular trips to the various bays
and harboro on this Northwest coast.
Such enterprise is deserving of success
. -Tho
'Wool Clip.
Tho wool clip of tho present year has
been much heavier than on any previous
season, mid in couscqucncn times
throughout Oregon and Eastern Orogon
will bo improved in liko projortiou.
Tho great bulk of tho Eastern Oregon
and Washington clip has been brought
down to this city. That section of
country, whoso outlet is Snako river,
has been thoroughly cleaned out, as it
was necessary to use all speed in shear
ing and shipping i;o as to get tlio wool
to market boforo tho Snako river had
fallen so as to mako navigation difficult
and trips, consequently, irregular. Last
evening tho Wido West brought down
380 bales of wool, two car loads of
wheat and Hour, and an assortment of
general merchandise.
An Old Veteran.
That vcnerablo old soldier and states
man, tho only surviving General of tho
Mexican war, General J ooLane, arrived
last ovening from a trip to Puget Sound,
whero ho wns lionized, in a manner,
similar to that of this city. Wo re
member him to-day us wo did when but
a littlo child almost a quarter of a
century ago, and tho impression mado
at that timo will remain whilo reason
holds sway and tho soasons of succeed
ing years come and go. A call had boen
mado for volunteers to protect tho wo
men and children from tho Indian's
tonahawk, outrages and torture nt tho
old block-houso near Tho Dalles. Gen
eral Lano was in tho fiold nt onco with
his company of bravo volunteers, nnd as
they bado farewell while in lino on horso
back in front of our father's houso,
which was draped with tho stars and
stripes oven in that pioneer ago, tho im
pression mado was ono never to bo for
gotten. Many who that day bado tho
few assembled pioneers farewell never
returned. Without fear thoy battled
against murderous fiends, and for what
is now our own beautiful Oregon laid
down their lives. A leader liko Joo
Lano is not to bo forgotten. Tho old
gentleman after a two weeks' visit,
which has boon pleasuro and recreation,
returned to his hermitago to-day.
i i
Tho Trautfor Made.
Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock ono
of tho largest transfers tliat lias ever
taken placo in Oregon occurred in this
city. Four-fifths of tho stock of tlio O.
S. N. Co. was transferred to Eastern
capitalists and $2,000,000 in cash, which
is about half the purchase money, was
paid into tho hands of Ladd & 111 ton,
Messrs. S. G. Iteed. It. K. 'Ihompson, J.
C. Ainswoith and others. Mr. Thompson
owned tho most stock of any individual
person. Tho Eastern company purchase
a controlling interest in the Oregon City
locks, docks and warehouses, jtortago
railroad, six-sevenths of the Walla
Walla Railroad and tho following
named boats and barges: Wido
West, ft. It. Thompson, Hnrvest
Queen, Idaho, Mountain Queen, S. G.
Reed, Annio Faxon, Now Roat, Almota,
Emma Jiayward, iJonita, Joun uates,
Ronanza, Orient, Champion, Occident,
Funnv Patton, E. N. Cook; barges
Columbia, Columbia Chief and Autocrat,
making a total tonnago of 8,810. The
transfer will mako no change in tin
management, it is thought, at present.
Spokane, Ocklaliama. Uixio moiiipsoii,
Welcome, Josio McNear, S. T. Church,
McMinnville. Alice. Willainetto Chief,
State and Territorial.
""i'lio Cliincso gardeners near Astoria aro
trying to drivo white farmers to tlio wall.
Do not buy a cent's worth from them.
Tlio first raft of log from Jonncr and
Parker's now camp on tlio Wnllusfcn. Mas
tuwed tu Kuapptoii by tlio tug (Icnernl Can
by on Sunday.
Mr. Jerome's model ste.im launch was
launched at tlio buoy depot on Saturday, and
it now at Ariult and rVrchcn's in this city, to
reeoivo licr machinery.
The Hertfordshire cleared yesterday. Slio
camo under charter to W. S. Silison and had
very quick dispatch. Only thirteen days
loading at Astoria and Portland.
Tlio Astorian saysi Last l-'riday Messrs.
llartliolow and Tboincs captured their second
black bear for this season, near llay View. It
was a largo ono and weighed four hundred
In searching tho premises of tlio lato Mr.
Burke, at Clatsop, a few days ago, United
States bonds to tho amount of $.'1,000, with
tho coupons for 18S0. wcro found sowed in
tho garment worn by tho daughter.
Tho finances of tho city of Astoria, as
shown in brief last year, otaiul thusi Re
ceipts from all sources, exclusive of taxes,
U,ltH expenses, sio.zuuj ticncii, i,uui,
Tho taxablo proicrty of tho city is now
l'UKcl Hoilllit.
Victoria Harbor Is said to bo llllinc up so
that only small sized craft can cross tho bar.
Tho prisoners, whoso cscapo from tho Scat
co penitentiary was mentioned last week,
wcro recaptured by Mr. Shcad.
A correspondence from an intelligent
miner, in tlio Skagit mines, is published in
tho Scattlo Post, aud tho writer recognizes
tho conditions of naturo that indicato good
placer mining, but says tho high water dofcrs
work until July or perhaps August.
Tho Scnttlo l'oat sayai Hill Harmon re
turned from tho Sjiokaii region last week,
and will at onco inovo all tho furnituro from
Ida hotel in Stcilacooin, to Siiokau City,
whero ho is having a hotel building t reefed.
Ho says that immigrants aro pouring into
that region by scorea.
Steamer travel is increasing on tho Sound.
Ulympia laJics talk of organizing a bathing
Several now buildings havo been put up at
Olympic, during tho last fow moiitht.
Charles Oiiiun. alias Miko Morn, has been
doing tho drunk nnd disorderly for tho Scat-
tlo people.
Friday Harbor. San Juan Island, announces
a celebration on tho Fourth, and offers frco
beer as an inducement.
List Sabbath tho Catholics o f Victoria sol
emnly celebrated tho sixth anniversary of tho
death of tlicir biahop.
Tho largeat salmon on record has been scut
to tho Mayor of Victoria from tho Skcena
river. Its length is live feet cloven inches
aud weighs US pounds.
i:ut iirtlio Mountain.
Tho Mist Oreuoniau savsi Mr. ltalov left
us on Monday to survey Mcacliam Pass, and
from Li (Irando to Walla Walla for tho Utah
Northern railroad, ilo is tolxj rjoiio about
ono mouth.
Grant countv has Boveutcen ccncral stores,
operated by wiiito men, four water saw mills,
ono steam saw mill, two water grist milIs,ono
water quartz mill, anil ono in coursu oi con
struction, Tho icoplo of Dayton, W. T., havo had to
go to law to eomjicl tho town trustees to meet
and transact business. They havo not met
for a year ast and tho town organization lion
nearly petered out.
Mr. John Creighton, of Marion county,
whilo dismounting from Ida horso at Long
Creek, Grant county, had tho misfortune to
break his leg. In company with Mr. McCul
ly ho was gathering up cattle.
Canyon City is to havo a now oit ollico
built to order.
llakcr county hail 223,000 pounds of wool
for salo this year.
Tho sheen men of Ilirch Creek and vicinity
aro driving their sheep to tho mountains.
It Is estimated that 2.1,000 to .10,000 bush
els of wheat remain iu lint hand at Walla
Tho Idaho Statesman la very anxious to
have an agricultural fair hold at lioito City,
this Tall.
A six-year-old ion of It. A. It ice, who lives
on tho Walla Walla, fell from a tree and broko
both bones of his right arm near tho wrist.
A daily stage lino has becu established bo
tweeu Pendleton and Umatilla, which will bu
a great a convenience to tho traveling public
G. W. Franco, convicted of killing Haven,
in a diaputo about laud, was sentenced at
Dayton, W. T., to hard labor in tho peniten
tiary for ten years.
Tlio steamer Annio Faxou camo iu collision
with Monro's warehouse at Almota and dam
aged that building, as well as etovo up her
starboard wheel-house.
Mrs. Charles l'luckcr, of Walla Walla, tho
Watchman aays, had her leg broken by being
frightened, and jumping from a buggy when
the team got frightened.
A young man by tho name of Geo. Thomp
son, was bound by tho justlco of Grcasowood
precinct, Umatilla county, to apjicar before
tho grand jury on a charge- of housebreaking.
Tho Union says there is much wheat grow
ing at tho head of lK-adman that is not fenced
in and the uso of a shot gun iu keeping stock
oirtheso fields accounts for many miming
Tho Watchman saysi Last Monday night,
between if and 10. Henry Stuochorst was
knocked dowu on Ilirch atrcct, near tho M.
K. church, by two rullians, and whilo lying
there bleeding aud senseless, they robbed him
of $17, which was all tho poor fellow had.
Wlllniuelte Vnllry.
Tho McKcnziu road is clear of auow.
Haying has commenced through the val
ley. Tho Willainetto is below boating atago at
Crops about Goshen look well, flax boiug
in full bloom.
The Salem Town Talk deservea its namo
for it ia full of items.
A new building ia aeon to be erected for
McMinnvilIe College.
Ily tho lat of August the Minto Pass moun
tain rood will be opened to tho foot of Mount
Tho Itivtnido says tho grading on tho Wist
Side road is being pushed ahead rapidly to
ward the Luckiamutc.
Tho Goshen and Pleasant Hill Warehouse
Co. havo elected W. P. Dillard, A. J. Keeey
and C. I. Allen as trustees.
The Sheridan correspondent of tbo Re
porter says that the plum crop of that vi
cinity is a comparative failure.
Prof. Gatch hai been elected Professor of
English Literature, and l'rof. Collyer of
Chemistry at the State University.
The frame work of tho now pavilion at the
Fair Ground, Salem, is up. .Mr t'otttr, lie
contractor, i vuslsmjr th' vers torwsrd t
rapidly as poutdd", au 1 et r !" have tv
IraiUiu completed be'ors t ie spc .1M ti
J. Claggctt, of Independence, was knocked
senseless by a picco of limber, whilo working
on tho l'ailroad bridge at Independence.
A gold mine has been struck in tho big
canyon west of D.ill.i. Assays of surfaco
rock havo liccn mado which shows about llvo
dollars to tho ton,
Tho Harrisburg Xuclous says! As K.
Hayes wai going to tho picnic nt Hubert's
Uiidcu with his family in a wuron.
two littlo
twlu boys wciu standing up niuiln
soniii man
lier ono of them was thrown out under tho
wagon and both wheels passed over its held,
iiiluriiiL' it an that it died shortly after.
Tlio Town Talk sayst A friend has just re
turned from a littlo excursion to Howell
Prairies and Pudding river. Ho states that
tho entire crop in thoso districts promise
well. In a great many fields tho wheat
stands six feet high, with largo heads and but
little of it lodged. Tho fruitftrop is good.
Hay fair. Never did the country appear
mora charming.
A gentleman who has been traveling
through Marion county considerably of late,
is very enthusiastic over tho general business
outlook. Ho reports Improvements in con
templation on every hand, mill tcami con
stantly employed fu making and delivering
lumber for fencing and building purposes. At
Swartz' mill from ten to twenty teams load
daily for Salem, Silvcrtou and other settle
ments. I'ho new saw and planer both work
to a charm and tho mill turns out 8,000 feet
of splendid lumber daily.
h'nutlirrn Oreicon.
Tho Bluo Itibbou folks at KosoburL' havo
shut down business until next Fall.
An cmisrant train of -- watrons nasscd
through ltoscburg ono day last week.
.Sampson buthcrhn is troinir to start a store
at Fair Oaks, eight miles from Oakland.
Mr. Vollard was severely injured at Oak
land last week by his horse falling upon him.
Lucky Mr. Hodukius. of Democrat Gulch,
Joscphino county, cleaned up cVKX) In a week's
Tho Tidings tells a sad talo of an emigrant
family in distress, tho father dviuir of con
Peaches around Ashland aro spotted, but
tho fruit is not seriously damaged to ail ap
pearances. A box containing a human skeleton was
found among the hay iu Sawyer's stablo at
Kcrbyville, recently by a teamster.
Tho Ashland Tidings says tho horso crop in
Jackson county la good, ai farmcis aro rais
ing a largo number of good colts.
It. L. Cavit and Lafo Knglc left ltoscburg
last week for thq purpose of completing n
stock trail from this valley to tho military
road cast of tho mountains. This trail was
completed last Summer to tlio Hast Umppia,
at which place these parties will commence
Tho ltoscburg Independent saysi A full
force of workmen aro engaged iu work nt tho
quicksilver mines, and tlio furuaco and retort
aro being pushed toward completion ns fast as
possible. Soon tlio mining will commence in
good earnest and wo hope with excellent re
sults. The mino is situated about iiino miles
cast of Oakland.
Another Hallway Survey.
The Koscburg Star tays: Although
the fact Is comparatively unknown to our
readers, some months ago engineers of
the Central Pacific R. K. made a survey
from Dattlc Mount Nevada, to this Slate.
Contrary to the general supposition they
found that the lowest pass tluoueh the
Caicade Mountains led to the headwaters
of tho North Umpqua instead of the Mo
Kenzie river, and in their reconnaissance
reached a point directly cast of litis city
about twenty-five miles. Wc now have
information that the Union Pacific has
sent cut a competent corps of surveyors
with a view ol investigating thij matter
fully. R. L. Cavil, who resides twenty
miles east of hero and who has spent
years in the mountains nnd knows every
pass, ridge or trail, has been engaged as
guide. The surveying party arc expect
ed to be at his place sometime next month
to proceed with their work in an easterly
Lkwisto.v. The Walla Walla Union saysi
Thcro is a country bordering on Snako Itivcr,
and aliovo tlio mouth of tlio Clearwater, on
tlio Lcwlston side, that ban been attracting
considerable attention for the past year.
This comprise some valuable lauds for farm
ing purposes; is handy to market and close to
Lowistoii, tlio head of Snako Kivcr naviga
tion. Lowistou was built up iu 16C'.', and
was then at tlio zenith of its prosperity,
l'rom that iwriod it commenced retrograding
until it reached the bottom round of tho lad
der, somo eighteen months ago, sinco which
Louistou has been looking up. Tho lauds
adjacent aro being taken up and put in culti
vation. Tlio hills between it and tlio Sweet
water aro heavily coated with tho famous
bunch grass, from which tho supply of hay
for tlio most art of that cntiro region has
liccn taken. .Sinco the country is being set
tled, the hay supply from that source is
measurvably cut oil". The hills, wo aro told,
aro being dotted over with farms; that the
prosjicrous fanners are supplying thu pcojilo
of Lcwiiton with a good article of wheat hay,
aud that bunch grass in no longer obtainable-
Two Deaths at Turner.
TuiiNKii, June 30th, 1670.
IMitor Willainetto Fanneri
Two old and retjected citizens ol this
community liavu departed this life. On last
Sabbath, Juno '."Jtli, Mr, Jacob r'roman died
of cancer. Hoboro with christian fortitude
liis paiufnl illness. For over thirty days ha
scarcely ate or tasted victuals or water. lie
leaves many friends. Crossed the plains in
1815. Aged about seventy.
Mr. 11. It. Kubanks died today after a
painful illness of over four mouths. His most
earnest desire was to cross the lieautiful river,
Pear old father, ho rests now, safe Iu tho
arms of Jesus. His strength and means all
went for tlio cause of Christ.
Thus Uiiclo Jako and (irandpa leave us,
and will bo laid sldo by side in tlio Sliiloh
burial ground, as was their rtijueit. lloth
wero about tlio same sgo, alone and without
kindred, though both hod bests of friends.
Jloth wero taken ill about tlio same time, and
now they clasp hands en tbo other shore,
singing praises ever more. Mia. I. I II.
Much underf.corjni in a letter is mean
i . .1" l V"ilir,
' . iv 'I tvtrrt (rce from r icnse
1 (l p-KI I0US1ICS .
A Modoo War Vote ran
Dr. Cnbinnre, a well known character
of tho Modou war, is now in thic city, a
guest of Mr. Weeks. Tho doctor was a
resident of Yreka and acted us a surgeon
of tho tioops during tho war, and for
somo timo after. Ho know most of tho
Indians well nud hnd onco set n broken
limb for Capt. Jack, llcing bravo to a
fault and of an adventurous disposition,
ho was about as much of a scout ns of a
doctor, and from old associations had a
hold on tho hostiles thnt sometimes in
sured him against causalities under
dangerous conditions. Ho participated
in all tlio nctivo engagements nud was
a leading ftaturo in tho final capturo
of Captain Jack. Ho offered Meacham,
just as tho Commissioners wero
proceeding to tho conference that
ended in massacre, to go in advance
and bring them back word if tho Indians
intended treachery, hut they did not
think it wotth while. After tho war
tho enlisted men of tho command recog
nized tho doctor's devotion to their in
terests by presenting him with a full tea
servico of silver jdate. Dr. Cabincrs is
now a resident of Euroka and it would
bo a happy acquisition for Oregon if his
visit should result in his becoming a
permanent citizen. Ho wiolds a pen ns
skillfully as tho scalpel, and has con
tributed many pleasant reminiscences of
his campaigns to California journalism.
Tho writer of this met him on tho lava
beds six years ago," and renews a plcacint
Dr. Mintio'i Special Medicines
Aro mado from tlio tast matcrialsobtaiuiblo,
They aro not euro-alls. Thoy aro favorito
proscriptions Uiat havo been triod and tested
for years in his extensive practice, until now
they aro absolutely perfect in the troubles for
which thoy aro recommended.
The Nm-uiitrrU'UH woiks'uouder iu Kld
noy and Uladdcr coiuplaiuts. Thoso suffering
with dropsy, Uriglit'sdlscaso, Diabetes, (iravcl,
Retention of Urine, Pain iu tho Hack, Incon
tinence, or any disease of tlio Kidney and
Uladdcr, will bo astonished at relief one hottlo
will afford.
For Female weakness it is aliolutcly with
out au eual.
For all derangements of tlio Liver,
Uso Dr. Mintlo's F.uglish Dandelion Pills.
For ltillousncss and Dyspepsia,
Use Dr. Miutie's Kuglish Dandelion Pills.
For Fever and Ague,
Uso Dr. Mintio's Kuglish Dandelion Pills.
Kvcry family should not fall to keep tho
Dandelion Pills on hand.
Hco what tho druggist say about Dr. Min
tio's medicines! "Kvoryliody speaks highly
of them." O. H. Woodward .Co., druggists,
Portland. "All who tako them recommend,
them." John A Child, druggist, Portland.
Messrs. Abraius k Carroll, wholesale drug
..; S.-in IVanciieo. savi "Wo retard Dr.
Mintio's Ncplircticum as the best Kidney and
... 1 - - '-..!.. t.-f .1 1.1U All
maimer ruiuvuy uciuiu m iw.in
druggists keep thoso medicines.
jinrose answtrlnjc an airtrllstmral la the
UHUHKnii nHMKII wlllronrrra furor upon
ui br ss)Ibic thai lory raw It In Ibe W1UAMKTTK
KAHMKK. milKK CllilU.
Importoru and Ponlorsi In
261 and 263 Front
Branoli Houbgb at Walla Wf?lla,W. T., and Albany, Orogon.
AeencicJ at all important points in Oregon, Washington Territory ana
Western Itlahe.
General AgontB for D. M. Osborne &, Oo'o Mowero, Eoaper,
G and silf-BindltiK Harvesters. IPfl WhWow. ter
Wacono. Morrison Bro'u Plows, Lion Solf-Dump Sulky Ralcei.
Ep?y Hacks. Minnesota Chief Thresher, Headers, Whip.
plo-ISido" Bolster Springs, and a lull line of Stool and Wood
irj)Co if
Of California.
K. D. SHATTUUK, IVwMciit, J. A. STUOWIIHIDCIH, Vico 1'io.iJcnt,
A. If. MOHOAK, Secretary O. A. UOLl'JI, Attorney,
J. K. (JILL,
This Department 1b Organized
Holders, and to Bring and
102 FBRST ST.,
in i AN, Eoo'y
New! New! New!
gt-Xs33IVC, on.
Wo limoall Uml i'f
Fruit Troos, Shrubbery, Eto.
All varrantcil truotonamo. Bend for Catalogue. Eos
our prlco lists. Address:
Pounds of Umpqua Wool,
Tho Best in tho Stato, at a
In cotiiirloii llli tlio price M tor oor wool.
The Wool is at Wilbur.
I'or Information address
Fendell Sutherlln,
WILRUIti DoagL. C. Or,
Commission Merchant 1
Iuirlor cf California Trulls, Vegctattos, Honey,
llutter, Ylgi, llalilni, etc., and
Wool, Feed, fruit, Kvtjs, ete.
Cor. Front and O.k Bl.. Portland, Or
JuU It .
102 First Mm onu, Ladd. Dank,
Ijltrlal atttiitloii ild In
Salo and Purchase of Farm Properly.
All IiikImcm entru.led to mo will U l'rmitly attend.
nl to. Money lisuml and Imm HPttcd.
U U I lcaiitnlns 1 III-" Cutting; (liiago lor eiiUlnii
i!U.iM..imi.u.. uttlt-rrailmrWlitfl. iirleoMleciits:
I ilr Unl'iuo lUIr Crlinier. tlio Iwst In tlio world,
...i.... ..-,.t.. 1'n.ii.t I'ln iM.l.lnn. Wiltlnir Tab
let and Mirror. rl ! wilts. Tlio oholo rocked
wctircty In a liteo en" anil mailed to any address,
iij.Iako tiald, on receipt of U runts In staui.
Mlicrtti InduccminU to AkTiiU.
24 Geary St., Ban FranoUco.l
Until oil ro liat lias liocn so-
roinnll.licd liy Hr. llen-e's Ulo
Intention, intend for iunih
I.. .....I l4iiVlfiu.ntli Jminiu..
CO. HemotcdtoN. W. cor. Kearney and rUcroincnto
UK, Han KraiiHico, Qui. inatMy
St., and 262 First St.,
W. WIllKltfl, CHAHLK3 1IOIH1K,
(1KO. K. NOlTAOi:, C A. DOLl'II.
in tho Interest of tho Polloy
Keep Monoy in Oregon.
and Agont.
"? Ooalt, Gon'l Manager.