ilfamtttt jferttur. ISSUED KVF.nV JTUDAY, ur oriAio, rUDLtSIIKIM AND mONlIKTOKS. Term orPiibucrlptlont Ono copy ono year (S2numl!r).liiaihancc....$2 fiO Ono copy six months (20numbcr) 1 25 Ono copy lliroo months (13 numbers) 75 t!T 11 not palil within fix months, (3 Mill Ik) clmrjfcil ono ) car') luliwrlptlon. PORTLAND, JUNK 27, 1879. TELEGRAPHIC. EASTERN STATES. Holler i:loilon. Allextown, l'a., Juno 21. An oxploilon occurred this morning nt tho oro mluos, two inllcs from Kmaus, Pennsylvania. A boiler burnt with tcrrlllo forco, killing flvoiucn out right nuil seriously injuring our others. How In Clilrniro. Ciiicaoo, Juno 22. Ono of tho nrmed companion which, miller a recent net of llio legiidnttiro must shortly censo to exist, bo enmo Involved in n dlfllculty villi koiiio tin nrmed pcoplo this evening, which rcHUltcdin tho death of Bovornl of tbo latter. Tho Hobo inlan sharpshooters association, composed of noino twenty individuals, bud n plcnlo to-day nt Hilvcr Leaf drove, nt tbo corner of Ogdon nvcnuo and Western nveimc. During a danea ono of tbo sharpshooters engaged in n quarrel 'with Volncy Clark, n visitor, nnd nftor lining him up pretty badly, bad him ejoctcd from tbo Ground. Ho Hinted his eriovauco to tho crowd outsldo tho gates, nnd gaining noino nympatby tbcro, inaugurated an liidlscrlni Inato throwing of sticks nnd stones into tbo cnclosuro whero tho plcnlo was being lield. Tho lieutenant of tbo company, Frank Xicodwclc, ordered tlio long roll sounded nnd bayonets fixed. A cbargo Man immediately innilo toward tho gato, nnd tho crowd wcro liayouctcd nnd Habercd until thoy fall back. Tko company ro-formed outsido tho gato In nliiglo lino, fnciug tho street, and loading their guiiD, fired n volley Into tho crowd. IThoy Immediately reloaded nnd ngniu tired, each sharpshooter picking bis man. It is Htatcd thnt tlireo or four volleys wcro fired in nil. Tho weapons lined wcro muzzle loading Hprlngllvld miiakttx, tho cartridges being composed of nluo buckHhot each. About n doen men wero wounded, nud thrco nro said to bnvo idnco died. An noon ns tbo affair bo camo known, two squads of pollco repaired to tbo sceno nud nrrenlcd tho wliolo comiiinv. 'i'hoy 'formed in mnrchlng order under tbo American ling, mm proceeded to Went .Miidl on Hlrcct Hlntlon, whero thoy nro now In cnrccrnlod,chnrgcd with murder, nnd guarded iy a nenvy iicinchmcui of pollco. MrCmry Wllliilrimti. Vaiiin(itos, Juno 22. Tlio President to day nenl to tbo Kounto tbo following: Doubts having arisen us to tbo propriety of appoint ing iu ndvnnco of actual vacancy, to occur September 1, 1871), n pcrnon to fill tho ofilco of Judgo of tho Circuit Court of tbo United Wales for llio eighth circuit, I hereby with draw tbo nomination for that ofilco of Oco. AY". McCrnry, nf lown. Tho mexnago will bo laid before, tho Houalo nt tho uoxt oxcoutlvo session. Nlnler an lha Clilueac. Iu tho Bciinto to-day Hlntcr mndo n Bjiccch on bis Cblucso bill, Ho Bald tbo object wan to rcuulato labor no nH to movent hurtful competition, which sorely presses laboring classes on tho 1'ncIQo, depriving thousands of vrhlto men oi Jionorabio ninmoyuiont, com poling with men who worked for from 3 to 0 cents n day iu their own country, nnd wcro hero driving our pcoplo out of tho HncH of labor. IIo claimed that tho government had tho right to provent citizens of foreign couutrlcH carrying on huaiucHH in tho country. no be proponed to exclude Cblneao from nil ordinary nvocatlonx, lfo npoko of tho eager iicmh with which ChincHu enrua to thin country nud tho steady tldo of emigration. Tlie Huiillient Lnbnr iumlln. ltcprcKcnlativo v lltliorno dentin n com munication to tbo Homo commltteo on edu cation nud labor, concerning tbo colored rxotlun, iu which bo claim that tho great Increase of production in tbo South shows that labor In an well nald in tho Houth as iu tho North, ami ho claims, in much better paid. Thin being tbo caso bo contend that tho laborer cannot bo In danger of llfo or limb, uud ought to bo prosperous nnd happy. IIo concedes tho right to peaceful migration nnd that hucIi migration is ndvisablo, whero ilinsatlaiactlon exists, provided it can bo mado with careful thought nud prudential conaiucraiiau. Untie rN In Commuter. Tho nomination of I), T. Coburu. of Houth Carolina, as chltf justico of tho supremo court oi uiau Territory, was reportetl from tbo judiciary commltteo adversely nud placed on bo calendar for couatdemtio u thereafter. Tito House commltteo on elections bus ngrocd to postpone further consideration of tho Indiana contend d election caso of Mo Cabo ivalnst Orth, until December next. Tho Semite commltteo on elections bus decided to commence tbo lugnlls invention liou In Kansas by n sub-couiuilttuu of live. to proceed to thut Hlate next September, nud to prosecute the Kellogg-Spofl'ord iniiiiry in nevt uricaus next ioeuiicr iy n suii-com inltteo of three, heuator Hnulsbury is to bo chairman of tho Kansas sub-committee, nud Henutor Hill will probably bo placed at the head of tho sub-couuultlee for New Or- leaus. The Hemito commltteo on nppinptl.itlous, in voting to-day ou tho resolution for the final adjournment of Congress on next Wed nesday, dUldtd upon n strict parly Hue, tho ltepiiblicuns nil taking tho grcuud that uo day should bo fixed upon until tbo final enactment of a bill providing for tho Judicial expenses of tho gowrumcut is as.ured, 4'onilriiiiHl, Tho Senate, has contlrmed tbo iollowiug liomliiatiom: Oscar Hatfield, of Now York, consul of tbo United Ktntcs nt llatavin; Wm. Oalbraitb, nnoolato Justice of the supreme court nt tbo territory of Moutnun; Josiah Dent, commissioner of the District of Colum bia, A large Lumber of army appoiutmeuts were confirmed. A Klnr orru. Bully. A cuiious story conies from Yankton, Dakots, io the ell eel Hint n hnlf-bretd daughter of the late Din. Sully, now living at White Swan's villugo, nnd n lueuibtr of the Sioux tilbo, will bo the rightful belr of bis property. Sully, it fa said, left a valu able eatate in Philadelphia; also, consider able accumulation of money. It is stated that he bad no lawful wife, or other Iwnio but this daughter, Julia, n tall, handsome girl, but wholly uueducuted, nt present iuak lug her home iu the family of Collins La mount, n mail of mixed blood; nnd that stens are nbout being taken to tstablisb lit r right to tbo fortune. The luaniugeof Stilly to her mother, luvonlln.j to the Indian fashion, is stated to be susceptible of proof. Army .MirprlMluu Hill. Tin) l'rcsideut has Mpproml the army up. proprluilon bill, Army Officer to be Retired, New YortK, Juno 23. A special from Washington reassert tho impending retire ment of Adjutant Ooncrnl Townscnd, In npector General JIarcy, Judgo Advocoto Dunn, Quartermaster General Mcdge nnd Chief Engineer Humphrey, and rnys that great competition oxlsla among cligiblo ofilcers of tho army to obtain tbeso places. IillimiiM I'rclelilN, -L5? '8 mnKK notlco that thoy wcro prepaicd to namo through rates on freights from Now York to San iranclBCo via mo isiumus, aim mat they would dispatch throo steamers per month, viz: on tho 10th, 20th and 30th. Tho rates named nro S3 per 100 pounds for flrst-clans freight, 82 for Bocond-clns1), $1 CO for thlrd-clasi nnd SI for fourth or special .lass. They also offer to mnko special rates for largo shipments. This announcement was not unexpected nnd created no surprho, as it Is tbo general opinion that it will not Inst, but that n now deal will bo had with tho railroads. Colorntlo Cnttlr. Dknveii, Juno 23 A few daya slnco ox citing rumors of cattlo discaso on tbo divide, :iu miles Koum oi Denver, wcro current. investigation hat proved that tbcro was needless alarm, no new cases being reported for ten days. Timely precautions bnvo bcon taken, nnd tbo President of tho Col orado Cnttlo Growers' Association stntcii that tho infection was confined to n fow smallj herds, nnd hnd not extendud to tbo plains. Tbo "round-ups" nro nearly throuah. Cattlo nro reported in good condition gen erally, with less losses thnn formerly, nnd with n greater lncreaso In calves than In tivcrago years. Tim V. N. nml Nnn IlomlnKo. Havana, Juno 23. Advices from Han Domingo report that Congress has author izod tho government to concludo n treaty witn tuo united mates lor ireo oxchango ot products. ItnllranU Decision. DKNvrn, Juno 23. In tho U. 8. district court to-diy Judgo Hallctt ordered notlco to bo served on tho Denver k ltlo Grnndo Itsllroad Company to turn over thnt road to tho lessee, tho Atchison, Topckn nnd Santa I'd Itallroad Company, Judgo Miller, of the u, r). supremo court, was prcaont nnd staled his concurrence. Tito tJIrN Iliirnril lo Dentil. Atlanta, Juno 23. Tho dwelling of J. I Itoynolds, near Joucnboro v,n burned. His daughter nnd slatcr-iu-law, young girls ot 1J nnd in yonrs, perished in tho Uamcs. Tho llro originated on tho iusido. They wcro no blinded or bewildered that thoy could not open tho door, although ICcynolds, who had been awakened by tho roaring tinmen, called to them nud tried to break In Iho iloor. Ho then went to snvo his wife. nud barely succeeded in getting her out. Ho was very badly burned, nnd it Is feared fatally. I'rlviXi'crlnir. Washington, Juno 21. Tho secretary of war having been Informed that Bolivia has decreed tin isnuo of letters of mnrtpio with mithorlty to privatcors to sclzo Chilian prop erty in neutral vessels, nnd that agents of llollvin havo departed for tbo United States, collectors of customs nro requested to sco that section 0,200 of Iho rovlscd statutes bo vlgilaiitly enforced ngnlnst nil vessels that nppcnr to bo destined to violato tho uoutrallty laws of tho United States. Will Knn Iho old liner. HeprescntatlTO moncf tho Duller wing of tho Doniocratia party stato that tho general will recctvo nnd accept, this Fall, n labor re form and Democratic nomination for gov ernor. I'leudUti WorU. Cincinnati, Juno 21. A Frankfort. Ky.. dispatch says that Saturday night nt Hand Itlllle, 12 miles distant, n parly of unknown men attacked tno iiouso ot amuoi lniuncr, severely wounding 1'alkncr ns bo ran from tho homo. Thoy then set llro to tho dwell ing which was consumed with its inmates Harry Itusscll, aged 17, was nlso nhot, nnd two children of lulkncr, nged 11 nnd 3. No cnuso is given for this brutnl affair. lliillroiul Neil. Tho Times' New York special says: At lloston nnd San Francisco capitalists nro in terested in tho progress which is undo with tbo Southern l'acillo road now belnu nushod forward; nnd it Is expected that within 15 mouths connection will bu mado with tho Missouri Itlver, Fort Scott ,t Gulf lload This is a lloston cuterpriso almost cicltv nlvcly, nud In regarded ns having a brilliant future. It is said here ou Wall street that beforo this conuccllon Is mado arrangements will ho completed lor an unbroken lluo from Chicago iu n southwesterly direction, so that when n junction with the Southern l'acillo It effected, trains can run through direct from Chicago to San Francisco. This en terprise will destroy tho monopoly of exist ing l'acillo roads and will be of great advan tage, to shippers by forcing lower rates for freight nnd passage. Managers ot tho St. Louis, Iron Mountain and southern roads are negotiating for consolidation with tho Texas nud Paciflo Hue, nud as this is being tiui;t uyttie reuusyivania railroad manaccr. eastern cxtcmion mar be made by another lino mm Chio.igo. it 14 hinted that Van dcrbllt is arranging to secure control of tho Union l'acillo road at the next election; and that this is the explanation of ths admission of Mills to tho directiou of I.alo Shore, nnd nud of Ynndtibllt tn the Chicago & North western. Mills inn large holder in Union l'acillo stock, nud with his co-operation aud that ot the lloston holders n majority lu faor of Yiiuderbllt could readily be secured. (Vnlriil nml Nuittli Amerlrn. New YoitK, Juno 21. A cable dispatch from Cnllaa li London, yesterday, alluded to'the iHimbardmeut of Autofogostii by the I'truvlau ship Htutcar, nud the Star nud Herald hat the following in reference to the affair: At Autofogaita tbo Huascar had a sharp engagement with shore batteries, several heavy Kruppguus bclug iu oition and silenced their lire, but found it im possible to destroy the water comleuters, one of the chief objects of tho expedition, since having received 48 hours uotice ot tbo ram, the authorities hail time to effectually protect these machines with piles ot bags tilled with sand nud nitrate. The Huascar captured two Chilian merchant ships loaded with copper ore aud dispatched them for Cullso. She thru cut the cable leading from Autofouasta to Caldera and returned to lnultiui. uhfrti sho barelv escaned the Cblliau smiaJrou, these vessel appearing unexpectedly iu the oiling, but giving time to the Huascar to avail herself of her superior speed and get to sea, exchaugiug shot as sue passed, imt without etlecl. Hoat Mace. I'utLiDKLiuu. Juue 25. The inter-colle- glate boat race was won by the University of l'euutjlvaula; Columbia second and Princeton third. rAClFUHUl&T. Auullitr llorrlblti tiuf muts Wiikatlami. Cal.. June 2t. Tho towu to. day was thrown iuto an excitement by a re port tuai u urtuai outrage had ueeu commit ted by n tramp ou a woman uamed Mrs, WmisAMETTE FARMER. McCallem. When found the was in a dy ing condition. The scene o( the'affair is lo cated on tbo Sacramento wagon road, about ten miles distant. Mrs. McCallem was n Canadian woman, aged about thirty years. Tho particulars nro as follows: A tramp camo to tbo house, nnd finding that sho wna Mono asked bcr for Bomethiug to cat. Whilo Bho wns preparing it for him ho mado nn nssault upon her pcrnon. Slio mado a dcapcrato resistance, but without ntlclicato condition, nnd tho excitement that sho underwent, nud tho brutal treatment she received bad n terrlblo effect upon her. When found it was thought sho wai in n dying condition. On Friday last sho gavo birth to n dead child. On Saturday sho died. Mr. McCnllcm is engaged in tbo dro ver business, and was absent iu tho moun tains when tho outrago was committed. from Uinli, Salt Daub City, Juno 21. At 0:30 o'clock lost night n llro destroyod Uarber tc Walker's mill at Silver Itecf. Tho loss is estimated nt $00,000. lly n prlvalo dispatch from Geo. Q. Can non to John Tnylor, it is lenrned thnt tho United States marshal of Nebraska has been ordered to roturn tho polygamona Itoynolds to Utah, ltcynolds will probably bo con fined lu tho Utah penitentiary until ho is finally pardoned by n too lenient president, whoso leniency will only bo constructed iuto cowardlco by tho Mormons. Drtiinnil Car Conl. YlcTontA, II, C Juno 21. Tho South American war has created ft demand for British Columbia roal, which is required for tho belligerent war vessels in their maneuv ering, as well as by tho British nnd Ameri can war ships which nro thero to protect tho citizens ot their respcctlvo countries. Tha ship Jeremiah Thompson, whoso destination Callno, l'cru, sails to-day with 2,200 tons of tho Vancouver Co.'s coal, nnd other cargoes will shortly follow. HmiiKKlrU aooda Mclccil. A scizuro of valunblo silk handkerchiefs packed Insido of n lot ot cotton nnd wool, iii.d imported in tho bark Thomas Fletcher fro i Hong Koug, hns bcon mado by tho cus tom i titers. Kudiirniicr. At I'lntt's hall this evening John Armstrong of this city completed tho task ot walking hnlf ii mllo each quarter hour for twenty hours inch day for thirty days. llitriicil lo Dcntli. At C;30 this morning tho houso of I'otcr Peltrct, Hnuccllto, was destroyed by llro. Tho family narrowly escaped with their lives ns tho cntlro building was enveloped In ilamcs by tho tlmo thoy got out, Tho origin ot tho flro nt present is unkuow, but believed to havo been caused by n drunken man named Gcorgo Harris, who is missing, mid who Is bellovcd to havo been burned with tho building. Mm 1'rmiclsco Court Itfcordx. lleglstrnr Knplau has applied to thocourls hero for n record of tho naturalization busi ness dono by them, In order to provent fraudulent registration under tho new law. In complying with his request, it has been discovered that prior to 1870 tho records of tuo u. , circuit and uiatrtct courts had hid been very loosely kept; that thoiniuuto books of tho naturalization business show thousands of names whoso naturalzatiou is void on account of not having bcon entered lu tho judgment book; nnd that hundreds havo been naturalized of whom thero is no record wbalovcr. All theso persons will havo to go through tho process of naturaliza tion again ucloro they can uo registered. FOKKIGX .NEWS. UoIhk Around thr World. London, Juno 21. Tho younger of tho two brothers Andrews, whe together crossed t ho Atlantio iu tbo dory Nautilus last Sum mer, intends to return in her nlouo, except for tho companionship of u small dog. Ho will start from Brighton. Halifax, Juno 21. Cnpt. Goldsmith and wife, from lloston, bound nrouud tho world iu a small boat, arrived last evening. They sail on Monday for England via Now Found land. r.nalnud nml Mexico. Tho Fopo is ondeavoiiug to bring about ft restoration of diplomatic relation between England aud Mexico. Dcntli of l'rlnco Iiupcrlnl. London, Juno 21. Tho ex-Empress Eugenia nwooncd when she heard of her sou's death, nnd remained insensible for n long time. Sho rallied somowhat iu tho ovculng, but was uuablo to scj anybody. Many uisunguisuoa visitors called, and many telegrams of condolenco wero ro. ccivod. M. Ilonher has arrived at Cbiselhurst. Tho ex-Empross, Eugcnlo ha much int. proved. Sho attended mats this morning In n room occupied by the Into prince, which was provided with an altar. Tho Queen will visit her to-morrow. Tbo Emperor, Empress and Princess Victoria, wife of Crown l'rinco Frederick William, havo telegraphed their condolenco to tho Empress Eugenie. It is stated that tho German court will go iuto mourning for n short time. The English court will go into mourning for the Prince Imperial uutll the 2d of July. Pirns, Juuo 21. The uaw of the death of tho Prince Imperial made n great sensation, and among llonapurtists it created dismay. Princo Victor, who, by political testament succeeds to tho titles, is now n student at Lycee Charleiuaguo. Even if he is willing to agree to his father's exclusion, it is ques tionable whether tho deceased had power ou llouapartist principles to make such a change. There will also be ditllciilty on tho part of leadiuR llouanattUts to confer with and guide the actions of the young prince, wimoui tue consent oi ms parents. .Last night at a full sitting of HonapartM senators aud deputies, a resolution was adopted de claring that though the Prince Imperial is uriui, uis cause survives, iuai succession of the Napoleous baa uot lapsed aud that tue empire win live. Th Muiilli AmeriCHu War A telegram from Cullao states that the Peruvian irou clad turret ship Huascar, bom barded Autofogatt nnd captured two Chilian transports. The Chilian man-of-war Cava dagna, wooden, has been strauded. , There has bceu an indecisive engagement between the Iluascar and the Chilian iron clad. UasTKlur lh ra, Uismarck has forbidden the circulation in the empire of the Stormbell, a Haitian rev olutionary orgau, published in Geneva, AlulUn Uernrshls. It is nossible that Gen. M.nlpnfl will . some the governorship ot Alsace and Lor raine about tho 1st of August, Jerowe. 1'ahis, Juue 21. Prince Jerome Konsiiarte will publish a manifesto this evening declar ing that be remains faithful to his Alarcio programme, iu which ho announced his He publicau principles, aud adding he is uot a pretender to Imperial occupation, whlla bis dormant claims bar the succession of any nfltA ,trlAiilv "-.V '.V.,HI..I Algerians Corraled. Fams, Juno 24. Tho insurrection in Al geria is ended, and 4,000 of tho inaurgents nro in tho hands of tho French. Tlio IChcilltr'n Extremity. Caiuo, Juuo 23. Tho British, French nud German Consuls General proceeded to tho palaco and declared to iho Khedivo that tho dispatch of Hulim l'nshft to Egypt to suc ceed him was Imminent unless ho Imme diately abdicated. Tho Khedivo merely again referred tho Consuls General to tho Sultan. tellou I'cvor. Lieeo.v, Juno 25. Two cases of yellow fover havo occurred near this city. Hlltrr Coin Wnnlcil In Ucrninny, llnnLiN, Juuo 23. Tho Directors of tho Imperial Bank of Germany here, passed resolutions declaring an lncreaso of tho sliver coiuago of Germany imperatively necessary. Tlio tfetmnii Tnrltr. Independent newspapers opposo Vou Bcnnlugsen's schemo in tho llclchstag, for n cotupromlso on tho tariff question, by which, if accepted, tho government would gaiu tho support of tho national liberals. A now pro posal hns bcon put forward that tho revision of tho tariff bo conceded temporarily, uutll tho amount to bo assigned tho Imperial government Bhall bo fixed bo ns not to plnco tho government In uncontrolled possession of unlimited Income. A Uso for Niagara Falls. If wo may bcliovo Sir William Thomson, tho famous complaint wliich was onco expressed ns to tlio wnsto of good water power nt tlio Falls of Nia gara ii destined to bo nt last satisfied. H'lV 'William, in his evidence beforo tlio select committco on electric lighting, proposes to light North America, or a gootl part of it, by menus of electricity, generated by dynnmo-mngnctio engines in tlio neighborhood of tlio falls. Theso engines would not only light tho homes of Now York nml Philadelphia, but also turn their sowing machines nud boil their kettles. This prospect was at first a littlo too much for tho committee, and Dr. Playfuir seems to havo timidly sntfgestcd that tho Fnlls of Niagara wcro a littlo out of record. Ho evi dently forgot that (ireat llritain, by means of Canada, has n corlain proprie torship in those fallw, nnd that wo must not allow our friends of tho States to monopolize tho good gifts of scienco and Providence. Possibly tho Atlantic cables might bo utilized m ns to mako Niagara light London, and in that caso amiablo noblemen of tho future will havo other associations besides llritan ilia's trident on the nzuro sea to couple in verso with the great cataract. There is an opening, too, for his enterprising Highness, tlio Khedivo to utilizo about tho only thing in Kgypt ho has not vet utilized tho falls of tho Nile, "it would not bo surprising if koiiio enter prising projector had already telegraphed for a concession of tho second cataract after hearing Sir "William's evidence, Ho is evidently an enthusiastic partisan of tho now method of illumination, and no ono can deny that his opinion is a weighty one. London Jows, Jlay 'JO. Runaway Marrlagos. The marriage laws in Virginia arc very strict, a full account of the age, parent's names, occupations and residence being requited from both parties before a license is granted. A clergyman who marries minors without the parents' consent is liable to imprisonment and a fine of $20 coo. It is probably owing to these safe gttirds about marriages that divorces arc so rare in Virginia, Ucforc the war a village called Hard-Scrabble, just over the Pennsylvania line, was a sort of Gretna Green, and a quondom shoemaker, who had been chosen justice of the peace, ofliciatcd as god of love to join the flying lovers who hide to him to escape the law. When they weie very younj, however, the old man often reasoned with them like a farther, and more than once sent them home to learn wisdom with age. On one occasion, when the girl was a mere child, Quimby, the shoemaker, laid down his pipe, and fixed his eyes on her blushing, trembling face. "Marry you?" taking up two bits of thread. "Yes, I can marry you as quickly as I can tie this knot," and the old man rose solemn ly "only God's hand can cut the knot asunder. ' For the first time, peihaps, the awful import of her act flashed uopn the girl. She burst into tears, and sob bed cut, "I want my mother!" "I'll take you to her, my child; and as for you. young man, go about your business.'' I hey were never married, and to the end of her life the woman had reason lo thank the old man for his Interference. The papers have been filled lately with the runaway matches of two young gitls, one Hying from Vassar College, the other tunning away with a servant. Girls who have never probably chosen a dress for themselves, in one rash moment fix inex orably the fate of their whole future lives. The only argument they hear in the mat ter is the good looks of a young fellow of whom they know really nothing. Girls to immature and unreasoning ought not to be trusted to choose their everyday companions, rj rents are to blame if these companions lead them into life-long misery. The Youth's Companion. Theso nro tho days when first the sen- uiueiuai apart; nres tno soul ot the small boy, and with his heart in his mouth and tremulous footsteps, ho steals to the front door of his "Lest littlo girl's" pa, and pulling tho bell, hurriodly hides himself around tho corner, leaving a tissuo paper 3Iay basket.and threo cents' worth of gum drops on tho door as an earliest of his young but time-enduring love. More than three in one family should never accept a general invitation. Never pass an acauaintanee without a salutation of recognition. The Slwash Settlement. Copy of tha Treaty Mndo at Washing ton April 21, 1870- Witncsseth : That for and in consid eration of tho promiso mndo by tho Sec retary of tlio Interior to endeavor to so euro the pnssago of nn act of Congress granting allotments in severalty to such of their tribes ns may elect to take such allotments on the Umatilla reservation, in tho Stato of Oregon, in quantities ns follows: To each singlo person over 18 years of age, 1G0 acres j to each orphan child under 18 years of age, 1G0 ncrcsj nnd to each other person under 18 years of nge, 10 nctcs. Tho titlo to tho somo to bo inalienablo for tho term of twenty iivo years from tho dato of tho patent for tho same, nnd tho remainder of tho land to bo sold at tho appraised vnluo thoreof ; tho funds arising therefrom to bo placed in tho treasury of tho United States for tho uso of said Indians, or to cnablo them to leavo their present reser vation and scttlo with somo other trlbo or tribes of Indians on 11 reservation now established. Now, therefore, Tho said Cliiofs, each for himself nud tho pcoplo belonging to his tribe, agree, that upon his return to his homo he will assemble, his pcoplo in presence of tho U. S. Indian Agent for the Umntillas, or tuclt other person ns tho Sccrctaiy of tho Interior may select, and then decide, first tho number and mimes of tho particular individuals bo longing to their respective tribes who elect to tako allotments iu sovcralty on Raid Umatilla lleervntiou, and second, tho number and ni'inci of their respect ivo tribes ns prefer to leuvo their present reservation to join other reservations nl ready established in Oregon, Washing ton Territory, Montana or Idaho, and upon tlu completion 01 tho lists tno sumo shall bn transmitted to tho Com missioner of Indian Aimim for tho nec essary action. Aud tho said chiefs further ntrico thnt ns Soon ns tho necessary legislation can bo ellectetl to sccuro tliem homes in ac cordance with this agreement, thoy or such of their people ns shall elect to scttlo with other tribes will immediately removo to such locations, anil will 111 nil things hereafter maintain friendly nnd peaceful relations with tho United States. HowlisiiWaui'O. "Wl'.N'AP-S.VOOT, HositbY, Cihit, Umapini:, KaLKSH'WAT-QUA-KKY. Witnessed by Ii J. Diiooks, W. H. Uovlk, Capt, 21st Infantry. Bhort-Horns. No Intelligent man believes thero la danger of tlio Short-horna ceasing to bo one of tho leading and moat valunblo brccda of cat tlo at lcait not in tho llfo-timo of tho prcacnt generation of fanners. No good Judgo ot cattle, howover much ho may prefer aomo other breed, denlea the very great im provement mado by tho uau of good Short horn blood, nnd now it a peculiarly favorablo timo for commencing or continuing this im provement, instead of continuing to breed "acmbi." A good young Short-horn bull, lit for service this season, can bo bought for scvciity-fivo dollars. He may not be of especially fashionablo breeding, nor bo a re markably tine animal, judged by tho show ring standard, but for this aum bulla of breeding really na good as that of many of tlio fashionablo strains, nnd with aubatantial individual merits, may be obtained in many parta of tho country. So, too, good young heifers or cowa, perhaps a littlo post their prime, may bo bought for 0110 hundred dollar each. National Livo-Stock Journal, Chicago. A Mosquito Factory. A physician corresponding with tho Scientific American says : For soveral years past 1" havo noticed in warm weather that my wooden cistern, which is nbovo ground, has lieen infested with peculiar looking littlo ml worms. I havo heard many others liko mvself complain of theso worms, and I havo taken it for cnuitcd that thov wero a species of earth worm. However, last Summer I procured a class iar and ojii iiiim-il mo UOIIOIII 01 u WUJl 11 very small quantity of sand and clay. I thon half filled tho jar with clear, fresh water, and, after putting a dozen of these worms in the jar, I tied a liieco of cloth over the mouth nnd placed it iu a light, airy place. Tho worms wcro from half to three-fourths of an inch in length, of n bright red color, and had rather a jointed nppearanco about body. Thoy would crawl on thobottjm of tho jar, swim through tho water by n rapul bending of tho body backward or forward, and occasionally como to the suriaco ot tno water and HoaL Within twenty-four hours after placing them in the jar I noticed that they had all gone down to the bottom of that vessel and had enveloped themselves separately in sum 01 temporary sneu made ot earth anu sanil. in a few days after this I saw ono of these worms crawl out of his temporary houso at tho botton of tho jar and swim to tho surfaco of tho water. Here, after twisting about for a few seconu, no ruptured a thin membrane that enveloped his body, and out came a full-fledged mosquito ready for business. I noticed many of the other worms going through tho same lierform- unco within a short time nfteruar.l Some of tho mosquitoes wero lmirb larger than others, but as I have already stated, somo of tho worms wero also larger than others. -- - An evening star a leading actor. FrofoHor. Hilgard on Cheat. l'rofcsaor Hilgard, of tho Department of Agriculturo of tho Stato Univcreity, in refer ring to tho articlo on "cheat," that was pub. lishcd in tho Santa Ilosn Daily Democrat of .May tilth, contributes the following lcttcrt llKHKELnr, May 23, 1870. Kill tor Democrat Your auggestion that tho "cheat" of California diners materially from tho cheat or chess of tho Is perfectly correct. It is, however, not n now grass, but simply an old-world weed, imported with tho seed wheat) ns Is likewiso tho eastern chess, or "bromiis accalinus." In fact, every groin growing country, has Its own "cheat," vizi aomo species of hardy grass which iu wet acasous gets tho advantage of tho grain, nnd partially or wholly ovcrpowors it. Such la, in fact, tho only general definition that can bo given of tho word "cheat." The California "cheat" is simply tho "bearded darnel" (lohum tcmulcutttin) of Kuropo, in bad reputo for rtges, ns ono) the few grosses Biipposcd to bo poisonous; that it la really so is, however, seriously questioned; and cxpcricnco in California w hero it Is" nioro povnlcnt than lu any other wheat-growing country seems nlmoat conclusive against this Idea, which may icadily havo arisen from causes entirely independent of tlio darnel seed, mixed with tlio grain. Its next kin, tho Knglish and Italian "rye-grasses," aro among tlio best "fodder-grosses" known, nnd tho latter especially is fast coming into favor in this State. l!ut whilo thero might bo somo show of reason for contending that tho darnel nnd tho rye-grasses nro but different forms of ono nnd thoaamo plant ns thoy nro com monly mistaken for ono another tbcro is not tho slightest ahnw of reason to suppose tho darnel to be 'wild wheat,' or to bo formed out of wheat by unfavorable seasons. This belief dates from tlio time when witches wcro burnt on tho supposition that thuy had caused such transformations to tako placo; nud was then prevalent with regard to many other weeds. Tho appearance of "cheat" among wheat is simply n caso of tho "survival of tho fittest" under trying circumstances; for wheat is readily injured by wet, which, on tlio con trary, favors tho various wccd-grasios known aa "cheat." Tho seed of each ono of tho lat ter "cornea truo" when sown, ns in nny other plant; and it would bo sad for tho farmer if nature had adopted such n system of change lings as Is believed in by thoso who cling to tho old delusion, according to which nob only wheat, but each one of tho other cereal grams may in one season bo changed into each ono of over a half dozen different In practico it makes just the dillurcnco between knowing, on tha one baud, that you can suc cessfully fight n noxious weed, or, on tho other, behaving tho appearance, of "cheat" to be ono of those "mysterious dispensations of Providence" beforo which wo can ouly fold our bands. Tho tlmo was, not long since, when typhoid fover, for instance, was so ac cepted, nnd swept over wliolo communities, unchecked, on that score. Wo now know that it wns our own improvidence, ignoranco, or disregard of cleanliness and tlio natural laws of health, that caused and still causes, audi dispensations; and when thoy now occur, wo nt onco look for the foul drain, sower gas, or ill-kept privy, na tlio natural cause of a natural effect. Tho "cheat question" has long been oven mora definitely settled by oxpenenco and experiment; and when tho farmer finds tho cheat overpowering his grain. ho may bo euro that ho ia only reaping what ho has Inadvertantly aown, or allowed to bo sown; and that ha has only to put his shoul der to tho wheel in a rational manner, in order to get rid of it, ns of nny other weed. K. W. Hiuiaiiu. Longevity of tho Perctieron-Normaru. Our attention wna called n few daya ago to- a statement mado by a correspondent of tho cstcrn Hum, to tho effect that the Tcrche- ron-Nonnan horses wero notoriously lacking iu "constitution," and that thoy wcro con sequently a short-lived race. Without having; given this aspect of tho question any especial. thought, wo had been under tho imprcssioBi that the horses imported from Franco to this country had, aa a rule, been remarkable for longevity; and if this impression ia correct, it certainly furnishes tho most complete refuta tion of tho cbargo that they aro lacking in, "constitution," by which term ia meant that atructural and organio vitality and vigor which givca to a great cxtcut immunity from diseaso, and which enables tho individual to. successfully resist attacka under which others lesa favorably organized would auccumb. Turning to firat volume of tho Perchoron Norman Stud Book for data upon which to aatisfy ourself aa to tho facta in tho caso, wo found that, of tho alx importationa mado to Ohio prior to 1 SCO, tho average terra of life had been 24 yearn, with ono atill living. The earliest oge at which any of them died was la tho case of llolliu (418 of tho Stud Rook,) foaled 1S52, imported 1850, who died June, 18C9, aged 17 yeara. Old Louia Napolepo (No. 281 of tho Stud Book), foaled 1848, im. ported 1S31, died August 1871, in his 24th year. All the others lived to be over 24, ani one, a more, ia yet living," in her 28th year. . When it iaconaidercd that these French draft horses are almost universally kept in a . state cf obesity, peculiarly unfavorable to health, this showing of longevity ia very re markable, and apeaks volumea in favor of their constitutional vigor. It would certaiaii ly bo mor satisfactory could we have had larger number of individuala upon which to Uae our figurea, but the importations) prerioua to I860 were very few. We have been able te obtain the dates of birth and death of only five others in all the Unheal Statea, besides those above given from Ohio, imported or foaled prior to I860. Of tbeM five, one died in hia eleventh, another in hi twelfth, two in their twenty-firat, and on ia hia twenty-aecond year. National Live-Stock Journal, Chicago. An effort is talked of to duiuconwrato the city of Clfax costs too much. It is aaid that all the large saw millaon the coast have amw.l tn mn ..!., n ,l.:l. j time, for one year, from the fat of June. v?Msjaa'''' ' ' ' " ' V'