eAJm&.1&$!&te? ica: ,srit2Mr . 1 Fall from Bartk- John Quaylc, a deck hand on tho City of Quincy, fell from his berth last even cning and sustained Bevcro injuries by striking tho edgo of n box. Ho wis taken to tho hospital. Bound Oyer- It. L. Lano, tho forger, and non of a $300,000 Missouri fawner, mm bound over in tho sum of 82.000 this afternoon b by tho 1'olico Court to await tho action o tho grana jury, io una uccn turn inittcd to jail in default of bail. For tho Fen. 'VI... V..I,:n(itn f-nnniv fiit-r-iiir. Onurt Sf XJIVJ if uoiiiHJv" ""'.J w ----- brut Kent three men to tho penitentiary ;L during tho present torm. Mat tin Par f sons nnd David llullock, for larceny from a dwelling, uirco cara eacn, Jicn ry Schneider, for an assault with a dead ly weapon, ouo year. Tho Marion Tiro. Tho ruins of John' wnrohouso is still smoking, Tho losses aro ns follows Johns, 38,000 ; insurance, 81,000. Ict-r Smith, $000; insuied. Jlublcr loses 800 bushels of oats. Tho insuramo on tho building was in tho Imperial, Lon don nnd Queen. Jnmpeil Hie- Bail V. C. Hicklin, tho old dufTer of "Washington county, who was indicted by tho grand jury for an assault with Jntont to outrage his daughter, hai jumped his bail, $2,000, leaving his sureties in tho lurch. Distiict Attornov Oaplcs obtained a forfeiture of tho bail and will compel payment. Harbor ot Refugo, Meriting of Delegates from tho Valley Counties- A meeting was held in Albany on Monday, Juno 2d, pursuant to tho fol lowing notice: Han Fkancisoo, C.U., May 23, 1870. On nnd after tho fitb day of June, 187 'J, tho public sessions of the Hoard or of n committca of tho same, will ho held at this ollico. Tho object of theso is to hear tho views and opinions of all persons interested in tho location of n harlwr of refugo on tho Pacific ocean be tween Kan I'Vaucisco and tho Straits of Kuca. Shipmasters familiar with tho navigation of tho Parillo coast, and ull persons possessed with informa tion on tho subject aro invited to com municate with tho Hoard in crson or by letter. C. Hiukouth Stkwaht, Li. Col. of 1-ngs., Pacific Son. Mem. Delegations from tho various com mittees previously appointed by tho citizens of tho central "Willaraotto counties met at tho court houso for tho purpose of considering tho propriety of sending a deputation to San Francisco to ndvocato the claims of Capo Foul weather Hay on tho Ponton county coast ns such harbor, Tho counties wero represented as follows: From Lnno A. 8. Patterson, J. Jl. Qndor wood, Dr. J. P. (HU and O. W. "Wash- burncj from Linn M. V. Jlrown, Jt. S. Strahan, J. II. Foster, Coll Van Clove, D. Froman, T. P. Ilncklcnmn and Thomas Monteith; from Uonton John Uurnott, J. R Paylcy, V. I. Carter, P. "VV. Wilson and John "NVrayj from Marion II 51. Waito nnd Win, Arm strong. A. S. Patterson, of 1'ugene, Mas elected Chairman and M. V. Drown, of Albany, Secretary of tho convention. J. 1J. Underwood, of Eugono, oflercd tho following resolutions, which wero unanimously adopted. Itcsohed, That tho citizens of tho counties of Linn, Lone, Denton, Marion and Polk bo requested to call meetings at onco to bolect delegations to go lcf oro tho Hoard of U. S. Engineers of San Francisco, nnd confer at onco with Gen. M. V. Drown, at Albany, by telegraph, so as to lia o a concerted action and ar rangements niado so that tho delegations may leao for San Francibco by next steamer, and that Gen. Drown shall ad vise tho Board of U. S. Engineers of the action of this meeting and ask them to await tho an ival of tho delegations bo foro taking final Action. Ilcholu-d, That tho delegation a from tho rcspfctivo counties bo requested to procure a tubulated statement of amount of freights shipped from and to said counties, via San Francisco, and that would in tho natural courso of com merce seek tho shortest routes and pro sent tho sauio before tho Hoard of U. S. Engineers, and procure all other infor mation bearing upon tho importance of tho location of Capo Fouwleather as tho Harbor of Defuge. In pursuance of tho foregoing resolu tions tho delegates present from Linn selected as their respreseutativo John A. Crawford, the Denton delegation selected Dr. J. It. Dayley and tho Marion dele gates selected Judgo R. P. Boise. The Lano county delegation reserved their selection until their return home. Polk county being unrepresented, and the Convention deeming it highly important that a representative should bo sent from that county, unanimously selected Gen. J. W. Nesmith as such delegate, and the Secretary was instructed to notify liim ol his appointment and ex press the earnest desire of tho Conven tion that he should attend in person. On motion the Secretary was re quested to forwards the proceedings of this meeting to tho various newspapers of tho valley counties for publication. A. S. Pattekso.v, Chairman. Mart. V, Brown, Secretary. Fatal Accident. Starting a Firs, with Goal Oil the TJmal Result- with Last evening a daughter, eleven years of age, of Mr. Thomns Berry, living in East Portland, umleitook to start n firo by pouring kerosene from n can on tho fire. An explosion followed and tho child was immediately enveloped in flames. Sho ran out of thu house, and beforo help urricd every particle of clothing, except her shoos nnd stockings, was burned oil" Neighbors inn into tho loom whero tho accident occuned and it was discovered that the firo was spread ing in tho room, but had gained no head way. "While somo took caio of tho un fortunate gnl, others extinguished tho fire iu tho liouse. Tho girl Buffered terribly all night and this morning at soven o'clock died. This is but another illustration of tho danger of using kcio heno for tho purposo of starting flii'H Astoria nnd Wlnnomucoa R. R. Astorians Tnlteu Dduu with a Violent Favor nuil Kafasa to bo Comforted- A rousing meeting was held in tho Couit Houso on Saturday oveniug last to corsider tho Astoria nnd Winneinue c.a railroad project, nnd tho indications nro favorablo to un early realization of tho hopes of Astotiaus. Judgo Howiby called tho meeting to older, and nn or ganization w as effected by tho election of Col. Jos. Taylor president, and C. "L Holdcn, secretary. Stirring speeches wero made by Hon. W. 1). Hnre, David Nowsomc, J. W. Dobb, Mr. Linenwober, Col. Parker, Mr. Sccloy, and others. A great deal of interest was manifested, and thoso who attended merely to look on, soon fell into tho spirit of tho nicot ine and helped to swell tho enthusiasm. Tho following resolution, oflercd by Mr. Holdcn, was unanimously adopted Itesolved, That we, citizens ot Asto ria convened for tho puq)oso of discuss ing tho question of thu construction of u railroad from Astoria nt tho mouth of tho Columbia river to u point intersect ing tho Oregon Central railroad near Forrest (Jrovo, nnd from thence to Win neiiiucc.i in tho Stato of Nevada, as pro poticd by tho Astoria it Winncinucea Ilailroid Company, liillv rcaliu tho ne cessity, dcsiiabilitynnd feasibility of tho construction of said railroad. And wo do hereby pledgo ourselven to toko Btock in haul road according to our means, and to tibc our inllucnco in every way wo can to inllucnco our fellow citizens of Astoria and nil others intctvstcd, to do tho same A number of thu prominent citieus of Astoria subscribed to tho stock, and thu assurances oro great enough so that surveyors will bo put iu tho field this mouth, nud work will bo proceeded with in tho shortest possiblo tirno. Another meeting will bo held next Saturday, and it seems to bo tho determination not to lot go tho hold already taken. Sulcido of Jamos D Fny. Tho dispatches to tho Douglas Inde pendent, which w-o givo below, annouueu tho death of one who homo yearn ago boro u prominent part in Oregon poli tics. In 187" Mr. Fay was Stato Sena tor from Jackson county, and president of that body. Ho was a man of con siderable ability, and had good success in tho practice of law. Somo years since ho remould to California, and at tho time ho committed suicido was iu Coos county, Oregon, on professional business. Euniiu Cuv, Muy 30. Tho peoplo of this pluci; wero startlod this morning bv tho report that Jos. D. Fay had killed himself. It soon hecamo known that thity was n Mid fact, and a corondr's inquest o er. tho body of tho deceased resultod in tho finding of the following verdict : We, tho jury summoned to inquire in to tho cause of tho death of James D. Fay, find that tho deceased camo to his death from the cfiVcts of a pistol shot fired from a pistol held in his own hands. Tho facts dovolopod by tho testimony given beforo tho jury wero that tho night previous ho had retired in company with L. F. Lano about 12 o'clock. After that tiino ho took two or thrca drinks, but not sufficient, as Mr. Lano testifies, to produce delirium tremens. Mr. Lano then left mm, and air, fay went to tno Star saloon, and was sitting by tho stov e reading a now spaper, when Mr. II W. Spiaguo and A. W. Sprague, his brother, keepers of tho saloon, went out and left him sitting there. They shortly afterwards heard tho report of a pistol, and ran back to tho saloon, where they found Mr. Fay still seated in the chair, with his head bent forward, tho blood flowing freely from his head and his pis tol lying in his lap. Dr. Alackey testified tliat death haet resulted almost instantaneously with the shot. Mr. Fay camo hero from San Francis co, and was attending to business he hail in court. Ho had made many friends, and his sudden and tragic death has cast a gloom over tho entire community. Tao Contractor's Gaeoe. Tho injunction cases, pending in tho Circuit Court, in which the legality of Chincae labor is to bo contested, will be prosecuted vigorously by City Attorney Moreland and District Attoraoy Caplea. State and Territorial. Wlllnme-lie Vnllitfr. A new hotel in being built nt Halsey. A daughter t tho Chcmcketa has armed at Halem. Tho Cumberland I'rcrbjtcry ha been in edition at Cottage Oiou. The crops in tho iciuity of Jlalscy look, a-s though u little sunshine would ho in order. Two sons of Mr. Arnnpigcr, of llnrnsburg, nro down with n pc-uiius tjpo of scarlet fovcr. llarrialurg tchools have 101 pupils enrolled. Scvcnlv-fivo nvcrniic attendance, lioys M, girls 47. A little ion ot A. Dclsehueiiler, of McMinn villo, was seriously hurt during a game of bato ball. (train iu tho vicinity ot Cottngctirovolouks fino nnd no doubt the farmer will rcaliio n larcu yield. Tho cars arrive- at himlnn nl-out live o'clock iu tho evening, ami leave in tho morn ing nt live o'clock. Mnnon Wilkius, who went to I'ntotiro n short tunc vince, became ick nt Oolfnx nml etartid for home. A Uigo tram of emigrants part-id through Tnckannvillo last week vn unite for Infiphino county, from California. A littlu (UuiihUr of J. 1'. IVikc. mar Mr- Minuwllo, wnsktckcil by n horo nml lingers in great ngony at times. John WiNon, ngcil 1)1, died nt his rcnuluico in linu countj, on tho "Ith m-it. The tnuso of his (Umieo was old ago. 1'orrynuii Kci.-uli, ot Hnmsbiiri;. niiiiroxi mated tho velocity of thn ricr to (u ten miles an Hour on l ncsilny inoriiing. Tho YnmhiU ltcporter saysi Crops are not hurt nt nil near hhcriMan by the long rains nun iney noer looucu oclicr. Hovcral lino dwellings nro going to bu built i.... .Li. i.t-i. .. .ir .-... ii. , itiiu iub Bcanuii, wiuu'i Dill ;itu 1I1U luwil quite a inc-tropolitau appcaranoc. (Iramlfathcr Aubrey died at Juuition on Monday. Ho has been helpless on account of rarahiis for nearly twentv er ami was oxer cignty years oiu. - -. . . r. - J. M. Townscml. who lives on Cantaiu 'La follot's fnnu up by Grand Itondc, )us had 'JTi head of sheen killed bv licar. Iu fact 1-car ami all kinds of animals aro very plcuty up mat way. Kutieno Citv neonlo wero excited over tho nuBcncoof n 14-ycnr-old boy who went out hunting. Ho turned ui all right noxt day, after tho peoplo hnd huutcd nil night in tno iircncinng rain. Tho university year at Kugcua will close in two wcoks. 'J'lioro will 1k six graduates this year, three ladies and three gentlemen Misfis Cornelius, Adams and Hayes, nml Mcsmy. Condon, l'inrcy nnd McQiuii. A (ioshiu corrcsnotiilcnt of tho (luard savsi It is thought that much injury has been ilono to tho gram, ispccially to tho lato sown wheat and tho flat, o( which latter there n a largo acreage in this vicinity, t'omiderablo land remains unsown owing to the ixtrcmtlywct wcawicr. Tho Kugino dunui J Wheat, iu somo instances it stems, growstorauk. Mr. Hush noil, living about fivo miles below town, has turned hU cattlo on his Fall sown wheat for tho puriKMQ of having it cropped down, llu pursued tins rourso last eni, ami it resulted m au abundant yield. Junction has tho follow mi: tiroi-rainuio for tho cilcbmtioii on tho Kourtlit Orator. Hon. J. H. Mitchell; Header, Kolcrt H. Iksni Chaplain, ltiv. .1. 1. McCorklu. Musla will bo liirnishcd by tho Kugcno City lioud, Uni versity Cornet'lUnd mm Junction City (llco Club, and a grand timo is anticipatid. Huutberii Orraon. Thu l-Okt olfico nt Colo's Valley has Kim discontinuad. All tho Walla Walla iiain.ni nru brim full of uawsy items. KoHchurt! had a heavy hail storm the last Mimiay in May. Tho rainfall at Walla Walln since January l is u,tu inciiis. Walla A Valla in-acli trees nro literally loaded down with fruit. Citireus of Kosclnirg are working up u 4th of July cilebratiou. Tho Itosuburg ik-oiiIo aru iirviuinucfor a bit blow out on tho Fourth. Kol. Abram's iiiainmoth warehouio at lteso burg, is nearly completed. Hoscburg is eoon to have a foundry in n vration, which is much uctded. A In-ar killed somo nf John Hancock's sheep. Then J. 11. killed thu bear. Klkton. An organ-grinder has npH.arcd in Jacktou villo. Sv.ud out couriers anil warn the iko pic. Judgu V.. 11. Watson and Miss Kubb woro united iu insrriaga at Jacksonville, last Weil mday, Thu Coos Itay Kiws saysi Tlio Hai brought s'JO goats to Carduer on her last tup from t-aj) I'roncisco, Tho Jacksonville Tunis cays tho miuirg aiasoii refutes to iloio. Keep fur ojh.ii, thtnj wo need dust iu our business. Jacksonville had a mawpicrado ball and Miss Kilt l'run ainl Henry Tape, Jr., wero selected as tho but inasqucrndcrt, Fivo steamers now in the local Coos Hay trade, each making daily trips Utween tho various points on thu I lay ami its tributaries. A very damaging hail storm visited thu southern part ot lUiila c unity last Sunday. The stones were sm.uler than eanuou halls and softer. Tho Independent says Jumis Mcl'arland, who had his leg fractured soiiio weeks ago,has sullkitutly recovered to bu able to walk aliout on his crutchen. The Jtoseburg (Star saysi The schedule timo over tho mail route from this city to Coos ltay has been reduced by tho authorities to twenty-four hours in tho Hummer season ami thirty-one hours in Winter. The new sched ulo goes into effect on tho 2nd prox. East or the Mountains. Bono City is to have a steam firo engine. A knife and pistol row occurred at Weston last Saturday, Ho new grav es. Tho total valuation of real and riertonal property at Walla Walla is S!,2i)l,59s. Jos. A. Davis, a liveryman at Colfax, was kicked by a horse last week and is lying very low. Two cavalry soldiers dtserted from Fort Boise Thursday last, taking their horses with them. Mr. Marsterson, of Walla Walla, recently sold 2,000 bushels of wheat at SO cents per bushel. The Camp Harney peoole want mail con nection with the Ocboco country, and ought to have it. Dayton i well supplied with saw-mitts, and lumber sells at tl5perl,000, while it is worth fc nt Walla Walla. Extensive f night outfits ore again kicking up the alkali dust on the overland road be tween Kelton and Itoise. A cloud-burst on Hatter Hill, l'J miles from Dayton, came near drowning tho stage driver and his whole outfit. Rattlesnake, (or Itattlebraiutdj Jock still lingers in jail at Canyon City, although he- ex presses u willingness to leavi . Himon Howard killed n largo cinnamon boar on litant crcoic, tnreo nines irom John nay City, last week. Ho bears his honors meekly, Copt. 1 11. Johnson, of Walla Walla, was thrown from Ids horpo whilo out on tho range, nnd remained inscnsiblo and undiscovered for 24 hours. Jcsso Day, of Dayton, holds that tho eitv is j illegally iorioratoil, anil refuses to pay lib; city taxes. Tho City Council has hail Mine e I ins stool; corr.iicu, and propou to sell it, Al. Hoskin A Oo.'m initio on Khaw' moun tain,,!. T promises woll From nomo of tho oro taken from tho mine, Mr. Stewart with tho now process obtained tho result, indicating a vaiuo oi auu per ton. Col. Frank 1'arkcr, editor of tho Walla Walla statesman, is writing somo rensiblo facts about tho red dovils of tho upiwr country and knows wcrcof ho speaks Expe rience lias uecn ins icaencr. A llakcr county surveying party oio run nintl tho lino between that and (Ir.aut comitv. noar tho Malheur agency, llakcr propers to take a euco oi uraiii anil to clnrgo tlio latter 31,200 for tholroubU. Tho llrant County Ngws thinks llakcr vnllluvo. a sweet old tunc collecting the amount. Thu Idaho Ktafosmnn envt Mr. John Waisncr, of Dry Crick, 1ms struck a untnhlo bnnanzA near thu head of Hint stream Ho has discovered n limns of soft black until, specimens of which, worked by Mr Menard yesterday, trwu a result of $700 per ton, Thcra aro thousands of tons of this Hiilutanco iu sight, which is probably n kind of decayed minrtz. Mr. Weisncr was immediately offered 91,000 for his claim, which ho it fused. Tho Walla Walla Union says A contract is about to bo let for tho furnishing of 400, 000.railro.ad tics for tho uo of tho North l'a cilia Company, to bo used hi tho construction of tho road cost from tho Columbia river. This will lw welcome news to tho settlers in Whitman and Stevens comities. Wo did not learn but supposo that tho timber will be taken from tho borders of Hangman creek and tho Spokane riv cr, Tho Dayton News unysi It is now tho uni versal belief that thu croix of Columbia county will bo v cry heavy. From present np pcaranocs tho wheat crop will average Unity or thirty-flvo bushels per aero. Somo fields will yield sixty to seventy bushels per no re. The fruit crop will also lw abundant. Tho peach trees, particularly, aro loaded with fruit in embryo. Hvciy ouo should reioico at our prospects, because heavy crops will go far towards removing the present stringency in financial affairs. Tho Union Kcntitiul saysi Tho Scawnght liro's. ilrovo their last herd of cattle of this Spriug's purchase out of this valley last Tues day. Theso cxtousivo dealers havu purchased over twclvo thousand head of cattle in Orando Hondo, Wallowa and l'owdcr valleys sinco Mr, Seawrlght enmo hero last Winter, and havo paid thocath They havoalso purchased n largo number ot horses for tho usu ot their formidable army of herdi rs. '1 hoso who have dealt with Mr. rnuwright aro anxious to havu him como ngviti, ns ha has gained n reputation for fair and hunorablo dealing that will ever insure him n warm reception with our rtork men AMurln. Cait. Fislur, of Astoria, h&smcutly fished up several old anchors iu thatviciuity. Tho sad sea waves havo washed up live of their dead this year north of North Head. Judgu r.awson, of Salcin, is down nt tho mouth of tho river tilling up with big fat oys ters preiar.tory to starting for thu prickly pear country. Tomplo Scclyc left a linn specimen of bitu mtuous coal at tho Astorian olhcu. Ho has found two veins of it iu tho Nehalcm country, 23 miles from Astoria. Tho Aitoriau savs i Mr. Thomas 11. Wis- l'ami, libt keeper at North eove, Shoalwater nay, wnecs to us mat on inu .hii mu oeniy of a man was picked up and buried about Uirco miles from there. Ho was In o feet nine inches In hichti dressed Iu linen drawers. check pants, small dark bluu coat and gaiters with cotton socks. Theio was found m his pockets two dollars ami sixty cental threu ns' sorted sleeve buttons) gohl thimble; silver plated Irtut jiocLet kuiliiwitli A. l. 11. en graved on it; n double hair comb and steel cork-screw, I havu thu al ovu dcscrilied arti cles and will send them to relatives or friends who may identity tho person by tho nboio de scription. "llj.rt Kniuiil. Thn grangers of tho Sound eouutrv IimI no re-prcscuUtivcs in thu re rent Heiiim of the .State (iranrjv. Tho Olympla Trnuscriit sayn that proeit ors nro fitting out to hunt for gold aud ilvtr in tho Cascade range. Within the last ycir and u half, live) lows. paiwrs on tho Sound havu died, and about half tho balance havo changed hvuJs Ilcriah Jlrown has sold his iuteusl in Die Seattle Intelligence, for a farm on White rn cr ami Mr, Hi.niurd Is now its solo proprietor. Thu Fort To win-end Argus sivsi Somo egg I We rr-eeivul nn igg fiom Mr Tukny's farm, which measurid b by (J inches llrini: on your big lasers. Tho Sound papers nru discustiug tob-ieco culture, and it l evident that jiersous over there have it In their iiunils to attiinpt it, Uho Courier ha lour coluiniis devoted ti a d(tseriitioii of culture nnd caro of tobacco A Seattle -aper says, as John McCie, of Cherry Valley, was going homo last vock, ho heard a soft footfall Uhlnd him, and looking back ho saw n large panther following him. l tried to frighten the br.ut away, but not succeeding, laid dnun his bundle and ri treat cd as font as his h',;s would carry hill Mr, Mctito wait home. KotniUa: and n u. nnd came bauk and kilted t) i hruti, whioh proved to no one ot unusual sue- The loggint: business is ummuilly depressed this season all over thu Sound, Jt is estimat ed that there will not bo inoro than two- thirds of tho amount of loirs nut in this vcar that there weru last, when thu business was fearfully overdone and there was a consequent demoralization of thu market, '1 hero aro now millions of feet of lugs In thu water of last year's cut unsold, undojfenngat unprcccdint edly low figures. A correspondent of the l'ort Townsend Ar gus writes from Quilent Valley, ovir on tho ioastf south of the Straits of l'ucui Persons desiring to settle hero can buy horses, cattle, sheep, hogs and produce at reasonable rates, in the valley. Settlers may do well to como and bring their families along with them, but I would advise them to come and see, and then act from their own judgment. I do not feel like telling any man what he had better do, but if anyone who is willing to work wants a home, let him como, they can't no much farther West without crossing the "pond." DosorrlssK of PraUso- Tho East Portland Brass ISund camo over yesterday and played several tunes on the streets. The band is composed chiefly of young mi n und boys, under the leadership ot J Jill t.vercttand lorn Parrott, and considering tho timo tlioy hae been practicing, have attained a de- gieo of proficiency worthy im older band. A couplo of years of iul(Oi will placo'this baud on an equality with any in the State. PELTONS SIX-FOLD HORSE-POWERS jxxAJsrcrxpji.c'VTJXiJnxy ets jjgij i2Sj5sa'-aaOSB -jjh't . ttn&Zk&ui COOPER, WIIEBLDEN & CO. CllilMllOU Til AN IIOIISIM'OVM:!! NOW IV 1C5 On, -on Iraiiuiil xonlen initcriaH TUT. 1'OW 1 II Agricultural NEWBURY, CHAPMAN & CO., Irxa-iDox-toi-ns n.xicl. Doalorss Xxa. plMMFLEMENTS andJIjACHINES .,S"...s 261 and 263 Front Branch Houses at Walla Wt?lla, W. T and Albany, Oregon. Agenoiei at all important polnta in Oregon, Washington Territory and Western Idah. General Agents for D. M. Oaborne V Go's Mowers, Reapers, and Self-Binding Harvesters. Improved Whitewater Wagons, Morrison Bro's Flows, Lion Self -Dump Sulky Rakes, Epsy Hftoks, Minnesota Chief Thresher, Headers, Whip plo Guides, Bolster Springs, and a lull lino of Steel and Wood Goods. msvSftU THE WESTINGHOUSE THE GLUTE & CO., Uy riHpuibt of tliomauuluitiiicru wo havo tuxepted tho Aeuej tor this Htate nnd tho adjoining Ti'rritoiies of tho nbovo justly Celebrated Mnchintw. Wo havo satisfied ouiselvos that tho nbovo uro really 8UPKHIOK Machines, ami nro recommended by farmers who used them lust season ns THIJ HKBT Ma e liincH they havo ever hoen. UftTSeud for CatalogueH and di-seiiptivu (.'iieulnnt. Agentii wanted in every county iu tlitH Htnto and tho Tomtom. II .1. NORTHRUP & CO., l'ort lit ml, Orcffon, ju Ibtf Commuted, 'nie M-ntenco of Hon Hen y, sent up from Umatilla county iu 1670, foi n tcim of ten yearn, tor icbbery, has lusiii csmmuted utou condition that ho will leave tho Htntc nnd lemiiiu out of it for tho bilaiicoof the timo not seived iu thu penitoutiary. Tho action of tho (Inv entor in hat-ed on n petition signed by tho citbens, Distiict Attorney and -ludgo of Umatilla county. Tho Fire Fiend Tho 1111(51' wai-uhoiiMi of .1. M. ,1011118 f. Co., of Marion, in Marion county, was dohtoyod by firo at 1 1 o'clock Satur day niht, lciiiK tho work of an incen diary. Thu buildinc was entirely ruined, entailing a loss of about 38,001). Mr. A. J. Hubler had between 10,000 and 15,000 buslielH of o.itH iu tho wait' liuiiwi which arumoiu w leiw dainti(;ed. IIihIosh is otimatsI nt nbout $1,000. Tho lunoiiiit of iuftiiriiuco, if nuv, is un known. TO OVIl IIKAIIERS .tnjosf anrrlng an sdrerllKmesI Is the tUlUMKTTK nUMKI! will confer a (aor upon ut by miIbk Ihkt Ihf r ium II In the WILUMrTTi: fAIIUKU. tUUKK A rilllU. Dr. Mlntlo'i Epoclil Mcdiclno Are made from thu liost inaterialsnbtaiimblu, They aru not eurc-slls, 'llicy aro favonto prescription thnt havu been trmd and tested for j cars in his oxtonsiru practice, until now they aru aUolutely jxirfeit in tho trcuMes for which tliey aru recommended. The KriiiincTlLUU works'woiiders in Kid ney and Itlailder complaints. Tliosu suflurinj; with dropsy, Uright'stlisuuiv, Dmlietes, (1 ravel, Itetention of Urine, J'oin in tho Jlock, Incon tinence, or any disease of tlio Kidney and Madder, will lie astonished t rtbef onu lwttlo will afford. For KernsJo weakness it is aliolutely with out an equal. For all derangements of the Liver, Use Dr. Ulntie'a English Uandtliou 1'ills. For lSiliousneM and Uyspepsia, Use Ir. Mintie's KaglUh Dandelion Filb. For Feierand Ague, Use Dr. Mintie's English Dandelion 1'ilU, Every family should not fail to keep the Dandelion l'llfs on hand. See what the druggists say about Dr, Min tie's medicines! "Everybody speaks highly of them." C. II. Woodward It Co., druggists, Portland. "All who tako them recoinine-nd. them." -John A Child, druggist, Portland, Messrs. Alinnns A, Carroll, uholew.du drug gist, -an Franciseo, sayi "We regard Dr. Mm tic's Xepureticum as tho Ix-st Kidney and HUvdder remtdj Moru the pul.lie, ' AM ilrCEfists keeji these nifdicmii I.LSK5323S2isjj-Kse;:5 -L . - v IBsasM r:J&ygj'$?S3,' MS?7" 4trrwri' HZJZf&ZZ fsB. 1 VM'KACTt'lll II AT KAlil'-Vt, olll.flOX, ot I..VSTS A L1HJ TIMi:, JuneOII Implement St., and 262 First St., THRESHING MACHINE, PORTABLE ENGINES. NEW TfilS WEEK. 500,000 POUNDS WOOL WANTED. HERREN & FARRAR, Salom, Oregon, Uciva'n In IhoiiurlU Uim.I llujcru, ainl KI PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE I3NT 0-A.SH S Kurkvix.4ii1riil, , HERREN & FARRAR. hijr,Or,Jiui.Vil, Ui). June-C-pni THE RACES. Oregon State Fair, 1 879. mm: iiuivjmi iiioaiiiunu iioiikm iikino in J the MuUi uu ibts twlorii (Im ViAr. Uots list Siply llnrwxuml In WmMiiuUu Trrrltury, m bwltlr li uiluuui km em imI far W uliliicUiii T lllkiry m wtll uOriKn, but hursrs limit l In tho huu or the Tcr rllorjf najiiruklwiust Irul IK ilsys Uloro Uio I sir. I sm liutrucU-il Ui iiutAti (hU siiiiuiiuitiueiil w irercns (......i.H...-,iij, it. vim, ,M n, niii, juudin Krioer O. ). A. f. ELECTRIC BELTS. A sum i urn fnrnrrvous Uckllity. immature dotsy, csliaiMtlon, lU' Tliu only rrJUlilo cure. ClmUrs luaUofl free. AdJriM 1 K, ItKKVI'-H, n Uuitluiin ht., A BOODJiBPLANi? An, loJv i tui lentil wmuTiniioric7Tiriiilly oiirninninit An,l-ujy i an Irurn tuiiuku money ruiuilly (literatim: in Moiks.liyUia'Tno Uncrrlnir llulia for rluccoM,B In iiuura Urince.f'o's new drculsr. The eoruUna tlon mcllioj. whlili tills firm liu ms4e su surctWuf. tnsMi-s oilo wlUi Isriro or null means to rwtii all thu U nttlU of UrKttt clul ami Wtt VIII Tliotuwid ot oidrm, In tarkius sinus, fcr fnolwl Inui oncMut, amount ami ro-onerstcl as a mljily liole, Uius secui liiKtoealiliartlioMraUlla alrauui(M of Uic Ur fr.t operator, ImnuiiM (.rvllts are illtldnl luonthh. Ah) amount, from K to W.OW), or mors, tan lw iul uweMfull). .f . V. Iteiilbt V.'kli,rt. aillli, 1S7S, M) : "lly tlio eoinliliuttlon S)ttrm 116 ouTd male W, or S per wmt,; )s (i, or 7 per tnt.i sioo iiusn l.uuu. or 10 ir mf. on the stock, durluir tlio uionUi, aowrdlnif to 111. iiiark.t." trank Usllits Illu.lraU.i N.w.paour, Juna mh: Tli comldnatlon uieUiod of opemusjf stocks Is ths most suec.aful sver adooUd.'1 New Vork Independent, Kept 12th! "III. combination sysUin is founded upon correct tmajueu principles, and no person need U without an Income while It U kept woiklnr by slews. Uwrence k Co. Ilrookln Journal, April WUi: "Our editor mad a net profit of sldl.U from f JU In on. of Mors, lavrene 4 Cos lembUia tlosa." New circular (mailed Ir.-e), eij-lalne eierj. Uilmr. Mtoeks and bonds wanted, llomnintnt bends supplied. lArtnce Co , llankcre, 11 Ktdiaiiir 1'lacc, , V.. JunJnHB AdmlnlBtrator's Notice, Nirrici: ih iiiiii:ii7(iivr.N that uv am; order duly made, and inUnd In th tVtiat touitof tlieriuteof Orecou, for Uio Conrilr of Mult nomah, the iinderelvncd hi Utn aiiliited Adrasaie trator of the eatate ol .Nancy J, Chapman, de-jaed, and that all noni Imilni; lalim anlnt -aid r-U a e rvialr.d t-i prt-enl lit aiine t, the uiidrkn"l VJuilid-tiabir, hUIi h-I of wnli ililins tilthl-i ( imaiths fro i lh date of the rnt pu' llmtlun of thw lu.llir -I I. yfOIUIAIili, VdmiiiUtrator. u 1-4 id I' llakl- J in 4 Ull juiltCU -W- -J - i i I i n vj t 1 V m &jmsbj " r A. i J. .'a