I "V 7 WKf -.--.. . . -.. ..- . , - x illttntettt Mama. IBflDUD EVKRT 1TUDAY, BY ) OHA.IO-, ruiiURiiitns and rnoniiKTonH. Tcnnt orpnbaerlplloni One copy ono vcar (62numlini),,.lnaJrnoo..t (2 .10 Ons copy six monUi(W.numtr).., 1 25 One copy Umw montlis (13 numWri) 76 T U not pvld within rli menu, (1 will he truugvd on year's mitacrtpUon. 1'OHTLANI), JUNK C, 1870. TELEGRAPHIC. KASTUKN STATKS. A Dcntrtii'lHo 'j lonr. Hi IjOOIii, May HI. A tcrnhlo rniu ntnl wind storm visited 1'raiikfort, Marshall county, Kansas, nt C o'clock last evening. 1 H. Taylor 'a warchouso wnn torn to pieces n nil several small honscx, store und stables xnoro or lesi dnmnacd. Tho houso of Messrs. l-'ox, Cnlitar t Vntifjbu, tlirco fallen from town, was blown down and tho inmates con nidcrnbly injured. Tho honso nnd itn con ten In wcro Mown into tho rivi.i. At Irving, JCnns-is, tho storm blow down slitccn holism, I Jdllcd cluhtccn pirBoiiH, wounded about Iwenty-flvo, nnd several nro inlnftinji. Thu residences of Jauicii Warden, Mr. Arm Htroui;, J. 'Williams. Sir. Tbompion, nnd twclvo oIlicrH, nnmci of owncrii not i;lven, wcro totally demolished. A committee with fundi), provisions nnd lumber left Atchison on tho Central branch railroad this afternoon to supply Ibo wants of tho sufferers. ATcitiboN, Kansas, Juno 1. A tcrrihlo storm of wind nnd rnln paused over north ern Kansas mid southern Nebraska last evening, It extended through neatly tho wholo northern tier of counties of tills Mate, but was most violent between Illuo ltapliln and Central Hlatlon, on tho Central branch railroad, about 38 inllon apart. Tho Hlorm moved In tho direction of n llttlo north of east, nud panned into Nebraska through Itlrlmrdion county. Tho town of Irving, IK) miles west of this place, was nearly destroyed. At that point tho storm took on tho character of a cyclone, nnd lov vied everything in its path. About forty bulldlnuq wcro destroyed, l'iftccn persons wore killed nnd 30 or 40 wounded. In tho neighborhood of l'rankfort four or fivo farm Louses wero blown over, nnd in tho town several lionscn wero destroyed. At Ccntralla Hovoral houses wero unroofed, nndono houso nnd bars blown dowii. Trcoi wiro uproot oil, ftticiri laid Hat and great damnifo dono to crepg, At llcntty, on tho Kt, Joo and Denver rallioad, n number of houHcn weru blown down. At Dcnnlsoii Mills, Ncbrnuku, on tho Atchison and Nebraska rood, tho Cntholla church was ultcily demolished, nl no tho storoof Neil, Jtiley U Co. Ono lady van severely injure d nnd sovcral residences moro or leKiidaiiingcd. ClildUo U'nlhliiK .nnltli barns blown down and crops damaged Ml altmg the lino of tho storm. It is not un likely that theso storms bad n common or igin out on tho plains in 'Western Kansas, and that somo local canto broko the orig inal clouds into fragments; that separato storms were formed from those, ono of which traversed northern tier oounUrs in Kansas, and another traveled eastward, striking tho earth in Jackson county, Mo., thanco moved northeast to Kfrksvlllo nnd beyond, nud tho third and weakest ono of tho threo passing over tho country in tho neighbor hood of Ht. Joseph. A heavy rain fell horo last night nnd to-day tho tcraperaturo is nullo cold, requiring fires for comfort. Heavy raiuH prevailed all over tho central, southwestern nnd northwestern parts of this Htnto, doing great bcncllt to wheat, corn ana l other crops. The IlllnnlM Ju.liclnl i:tcllou. Cuuuoo, Juno 3. Tho result of tho ju . dicial election yesterday in Cook county Is i tho avcrnuo Democratic majority, 8,223. l-'or supremo court judge, tho majority of , gambled at 10 o'clock. Gen. James fit.- man, of Toledo, was chosen tempon'1 ohalrman. Tho convention reassembled at 2 o.clo ( Samnol F. Hunt, of Cincinnati, wns chot( permanent chairman. u Kwinq wns nominated for Governor on t ' 2d ballot in tho Democratic! convention. '( FOItKlOi NEWS. ? KitRlMi (ropinnil MnrlielM. -'' London, Juno 3. The Mark Lone Exptll says: Growing wheat has generally not bt compromised by tho late inclcmt wenIL and if hopes of speedy chanue aro reall1) tho check may not provo to havo been r Jnrious, nnd the harvest, though late, tL yield n fair return, liarley nrd oats aro cf modoratcly promising. Wheat looks tolen stj healthy though backward. Grass has c U menccd to grow, nnd would doubtless i ,, tlnuo rapidly if weather boenmo wnn ,t but prospects of liny crop is fnr from r- surlng. Agrlciillurnl prospects in Scotl Id nrn liv lift tnrntid nrnrtlnlitrf r.AtM L. , . r i a. i M.m r.m m inn r tr n inn a r i i ...- . i tr- i ii ' . f .i " i CrZ 8lc,ty nna S"v ven iu tho moBt fnv, M ,ovci I?..1.1'0. J?Hi -Ircuit tho Kepublicans elected (Ugtricts Grnis is very backward. Dcllviadnrff rnimeir juugci. jinons iron wio m. . of hent by fnr.-Jers nt provincinl mrrl u! Iirr,n -lrn axnltorlim lull lmlleiltn Hint where I i. ,.r .. t ""-... M.i i r ui , ":!;."." .",:. ".:"' ..:.. ..i:. i: ..T..i. u,no nBa" "tc" nucroi ns compared t 'H mil TlLIUHllIl IIIJIUIIIIIKIIII WL'IU 1IJIIUU IUU 4Hll' I..I ..nu ..1 I.... . . I prcsulni! need of money which is folt in dg-'fonud guilty of nculturdl circles. Tho condition of ttboatilast Friday, con offered wns improved, at tho nverngo prico to-night. Ho c ndvnnced eight jicuco per iniirtor, dtsplto with n razor. mi n iUSO n nared I.. .. ..i i . .. . . ' . ....... ,.i ." i nfc .win, niluwIIIK JuniTVL'H lu u IVO 110011 1 II. loans uencrnuy oiectea ineir cainuunicH uy ,ir.n,.,,, . .,, , ... .... r. - . r-...,u. .. n Hinnll nmioriuc... 'the voto was very lluht. "" ."Vi"V ."..',.," ""'i.'." 'MV "",u""!,r. '""i . rHncclnlly wheru Ihcro was only ono ticket, nn hnppem d in t.ever.il circuits. Ilorrlliln IXiilli. Woiiui.N, Mnss., Juno .1. A tiro in tho Mcrrluino Chemical Company's works Inst night caused n loss of $70,UOO; insured. A. V. Weeks, bookkeeper for tho company, fell into n jvool of vilrol nnd wns fatally burned. .lluliif (JrrciibnrU CoiitriiClon. l'or.TMNii. Mo., Juno 3. Tun Greenback Klato Convention met to-day. Win. M. ltust wan mada permanent chairmnn. Committees on resolutions and nominations wcro ap pointed nnd recess taken. Crop All lUcbt. Omum, Juno 3. lleports received by tho Herald from tho southern part of tho btato, whero tho storm of last wook was tho scveri'm show that, although in a f ow places tbrr ui slight damago to crops, on tho whole the rain did n vory great amount of good, nud In soruo cases has caused much gratifying pros pects of abuudaut yield where beforo there had been danger of drought. C'mit. Ilcntllrr All IllglU. Wamiinoton, Juno 4, Official nnu?nnco ment has been in nil e of thoncqulttnlof Capt. llcudlro, tried by court martial nt Vancouver, W. T in Anril last on u eharco of conduct unbecoming nn cflictr and gcntlcinnu. .Ilorn of I'ltrloliii. Tho (ifllcial naiicrs in tho lNtziobn-l'orter chho uavo uecn iicuvcreu to uio l'rcsidont. u is understood thnt ho will refer them to Congress in n few day. IUikIw nnl Crrllllrrxtcx' Tlio secretary of (lie tronsury has given notico that on and after tho Dili lust. $10 re fundlug certificates will bo received nt the, department for conversion into 4 per cent, liomls. Mho refunded ccrtlfloatcs forwarded GilliiAtio, June 1 -Tho w.ilMnginntch wan finished khuttly beforo l'J o'clock with tho following result: (loorgo l'nrry, 208 miles; Jnlm Doblrr, alias Dolau, 'JGS; Hanks, 251; Hhtrry, 213; Tarry gets tho belt nud $1,000; Dobler gets $G00, Hanks $2W and Kherry $1&0, A protest was cnteied on behalf of Dobler that 1'arry'n trnlncr wnlkcd with him, butthero Is no probability that It will 1)0 entertained. Tito l'n'UNiiri. Wamiinoton, Juno 'J. Tho debt statement nhows tho lucreaso of tho dobtfor May to bo $0U.2S0; cash In tho treasury 3430,G01,t!07; hold certificates, 915,413,700; silver certifi cates $a,:iC0,0C0j certillcates of deposit out staudlng, $20,705,000; refnn Jlng ccrtiflcMcn, 920,723,000; legal tenders ontslnudiug, $310,(161,010; fractional currency outstaud ing, 1D.H71.777; United Ktatcs iiotcn held far rodomptiuu of fractional currency, $8,408,100; called bonds nut matured fur which 4 per cent, bonds havo been issuetl, $1011,771,010; HubscrlptloiiH to 4 per cent, rofuiullng certificates sluco Haturdny'rt riv- pori, Ti.u.iiu. this statcinciit inaluilns not only railed bonds, but tho new bonds issued to redeem them. Tho oasli on baud hIiows tho money received for now bonds, therefore, should bo deducted from tho ng gregato of Iwnds. Tho debt statement of August next, after tho railed bonds aro paid, will show tho actual condition of tho treas ury. Two million dollars wero paid in May Tor arrears of pension, nud nuo nnd u ;uarter millions for rivet and harbor im j'TOvementH, in addition to other expeuies of tho government, includlnj; interest nn tho puuua ileiit. Drnlli l Hen. Jnmrt, Nhlrlil. Ottcuw, Ia Juno '-', Genernl Juiiivh Hhields, Into U. H. senator from Missouri. died suddenly iti this city nt 10:30 lust liven ing. On rluhbntli day lm had nppeured In usual hridth, at a hearty supper ut six, uml vtroto seveiiii litters, but juitbt futon tiring couiplaltied of pain In tho chest, nud hush thcrealter said to his iilceu that hu mis dy ing, uml in thiity iiiluutts txpiird litlng in his ehulr, leiimlning coiucIhiih to tl.o lawt. to lectured in this rity on Weilni'iulay een. ig hut, mid hud rinuliied lit ro vUil'lni; n tlous. Ills remain Iimmi hire for his Oino in Cnrrolltiiu, .Mu thin evenlii. for conversion, nud -1 percent. loml issued therefor, must bo transmitted without risk or eipento to tho government. 1'nckngcH should bo marked "Itoltinding Jortiflcatcn." nud uddrciiscd to tho treasurer of tho United Htates; nud applications should specify tho denomination! of bondn desired, also whether coupon or registered, nnd tho full nnniu nnd post offlco of tho pcrsou sending, Tim Aicoirlntlon 11111m. Tho Dcmocratio Houio nnd Kenato joint cnucas met this nftornoon to rccclvo tho re port of tho joint ndvisory committeo in re Rard to tho appropriation bills. Following is tho proitrnmmo ngrocd upon : Tho Houso committeo on appropriations will forthwith prepnro for the introdactioti of threo bllld. Tho first will bo tho army appropriation bill, wltu ii provision that no money appro priated by it shall bo puld for tliu subsist ence, equipment, transportation or compen sation of any imrt of the annv to bo usd ns a pollco forcu to keen peuco nt tho olIs at a!.y election held within any Ktate. Tho second id n bill oxtcuilliig tho leglsln the, oxcc-Jlho nud judicial nnnronrlation net of Jttuii 10, 1H7H, for ono jtnr from tho .turn lust, inr lliu samo sums und purposes therein Kpecificd, exovpt iu regard to tho op IHirtlouinciit of tho clerical foreo in somu of tho cxecctivo departuiunts, which is left to tho discretion of committeo on appropri ations. Tho bill vlll contain no general legislation except that portion of tho recent eloed bill which provides for tho repeal of cirtaln laws regarding tho jiaymcnt of pen sions, nnd diiccts tliu secretary of tho Urns- utv In lliiv mil nrrnruiu it tilnm II,. remainder nt tho A10.0U0.000 hitherto held vory Inactlvo provincial trndo. In London flno samples fully maintained lalo rates, but arrivals wcro small. Imports of foreign wlient up to Friday wero 43,700 quarters. Millers during tho week bought on u merely retail senlc, because, of increased flrmncsgof holders. With still consldornblo visible Bupply in America and shipments from northern Kussian norts. trndo has lost mnrli of Its bllnvnnev. lint nrtera nro iiM.1,.nn..l oxcept for Spring American descriptions, for which holders acccptod rather lowor rates ex ship sooner thnn Incur landing expenses; uusineso was iiiriucr restricted uy Holidays, Ilolativo to fodder, inaizo supported last week's ndvanco. llcst cats havo risen simi larly, liarley and beans sold slowly at for mer 'rates. Fens wcro rnlbor cheaper in conicqucuco of tho largo supply. Kmiiliir lit Ciuliiueri'. Hiviia, June 3. Tho (amino in Casbmero is very serious. Great distress prevails throughout tho country, nnd many towns and villages havo been depopulated. Au thorities aro sending assistance. The Toim) ail Civil MnrrlngCN. IIomi:, Juno 3, A letter written by tho Fopo has been published deploring tho now civil marrlago laws, and denvlnc that tho church dcslrns to encroach upon tho prerog ative of tho Htnto, but declaring that purely civil mnrrlagcB nro destitute of honest or sacred bonds. Orders bcstEMsi.Itoll call, nomination of govor, lieutenant "governor, secretary of sti. insurer, controllorrnuoroy general, survt, it general, superintendent of public instruction, chief Justlco nnd six associate justices. Tho report wns adopted unani mously with tho greatest enthusiasm. Tho convention then ndjourned till to-morrow at nt 0 A. M., to give tho committee on plat form timo to report. (illltrrlni. olrt. Sn Diroo. Jnno3. Therobts boon somo local excitement over tho discovery of placer gold deposits on tho bay shore between the U. H. barracks and uiiucris lumuer yarn. An old man has been panning out the sund hero for sovcral mouths, but until lately no notico wns taken of him. His salo of gold dust at ono of tho banks attracted attention and was tho subject of comment, nnd ho was watched Hnmlay morning from behind n lumber pile. Iu a fow hours tho whole re gion was staked off in claims. Illirli Miller. VtiToniA, Juno 3. Tho Frascr river has leaped its banks in many places anil o tractJ of land aro under water. Tho dyking operations have proved u partial ure. UN On ii i:xeciitliiner. N. I. Sunlres, wU was murder in tho first deureo ommittcd suicide nt hnll past 9 Ight. Ho cut both nrms nud his throat unc oi tho prisoner) in tuo Iron Mill (luirtl. Fimuuiui, Juno 2, -Tho Iron manufact urers having refused to sign tho sliding scale, paying iiuddlers flvo dollars per ton for pud dling, all tho mills In this city aro closed to day. (Ilro llniiiii i:xtlonliiii, FoTTumxir, Juno '.'. Yesterday morning on explosion of Ilro dump occurred iu (IU it din colllny, Mnhonoy county, iustautly kill- ug n boy nuimu uonplookerauil eerlous- uuruirg itvu niiicm. . 1I1P l')IIOIIf. IiiWMi, Kauaas, Juno 1, Thirtv deaths fieto ure cerialu, aud fJ proplo badly injured 7 the rect'ut C) clone. Feoplo want money o r.t Ufcesnatles which nro nt band. From 100 to CO families at Frankfort, Kansas, aro I homeless and dratiluto of clothing, pro vision and farming implements. Tho citi- ketu'-of that placo donated $700. Moro aid needed. Kaiiktiia, Juno'2. Seventy-five to 11H) iter- Ins hero are desllluteof evvrvlhiui;. Inlho irlnityof Hi attic, Icdding and clothing is i great iirmsun 8t. I.oDib, Juue 2, A report comes from 'Brookflfld. Kausas, at least 75 luiles toulh. .west of Irving, tho towu whero tho most de- iuttroctiou took viae, that a moat torrifle wind qitoriu i-astril over the country northwest of I'tcie on Friday afternoon, doing great dam- o to faiia property and killiug several if, A cjclono alo itruek the outer ' Kirkville, Adair county, Mo., Friday and demolished about a doteu badly damaged keural others injured nernl jiersoi.s, one tejiortid kllUd. Aeryhlgh tiled north and uorthesat of A prain elevator at Hop- t-ktro.ted and several siuall etc., blown down and an Station, oil ll.o K. C, Kt. rsinllioad, i.umlrttrojed. ;t was dono to other ere uprooted, fi urea aud ns u special fund for tho redemption of frac tional currency, Tho third bill will make appropriation for tho etpeusCH of the, courts of tho Unitul Htates fur tho llswdju.r Hiding June 30, lUVO, mid for other puroses. Ibis bill will maku nu piollim for tho puy of dipuly marshals of t-lecttuu H will provido fur tho abolition of t lit- juror's list cut,. It prohibits all ofilvers ot Ibo gim rnmnit from making eoutructs or incurring liabilities cot -iolledfii by this Mil. Tho bt lit f is idmost univt I ndly iitortuliit.il tbut tbti Firhideiit will rign all three appro priatluu bills thus agreed uhii, nud the final adjournment ot Congress may bo expected to tnko plucc during tbo wt-tk nfler next or perhspHsomewhat rarllcr. 'vilritllltllilliHiiit-liilloii.t- jmwauh, n. j., may .- mo tiernmu Jto man Cathollo Centtal Association at tho United rUntts to-day elected J. 11. Ktuhn horst, of fit. I.ouis, prr sldent; Itev. Father Kehwtuiiigt-r, of Naw York, recording secre tary, John M. Diet, of Ncwpoit, treasurer. Au lnilatlou has betu t-xteuded tho Irish Cnthidto I'nlon of North America to partici pate in tho next annual roneutlen of the German Culhollo Central Asaociatlon, KiHiiilnliK-crs Ilxllril. Kt. I'ktcmiioiiii, Juno 3. To Golos nn nounccs that fiOO Uaghcrtou mountaineers who rovoltod during tho Into war havo been exiled to Form. lliiiillni; i:iliiror. Malta. Jano 3. Tho steamer A. U. Nordcnskjold ban silled heuco for Ilehring'n Htralts by way of tbo duett canal in quest of tno steamer J.eg.i, containing tho hwcdlsli Arctic explorer, Frof. Nordcnskjold, nnd rarty. Tlir llmiBry Vnlo of Citnliiiiprt-. London, Juno 4, Official reports from Cashmoro say that It is impossible to oxag gcrato tho distress that tho (amino is causing there. Tho maharnjah of this provinco at tho urgent request of tho viceroy of India, Is proceeding to Herinogur to superintend tho organlxation of relief. Threo thousand tlvo hundred tons of grain nro In trauslt to tho valley of Cashmcro. I'o Will Overflow. Homk, Juno 4. Tho river Fo has uindo u breach in tho embankment between Sermlds nud Itivcrc, nnd is doing serious damage. PACIFIC lUhT. The Coiiiliii; Ii-ii, 8an Fi.anuisco, Juno 2. A majority of tho delegates to tho Htnto convention of tbo W. F. C. nro already in tho city nud most nf tin remainder nro expected tills ovcuing. Con siderable nulet canvassing is going on, but nothing liko tho usual plpo laying. It is generally admitted thnt tho couutry delega tions will nnuio moht of tho ticket. The Annul Itetolt. Tho revolt in Auuui under I,y Yung Choi, is still uiihtilHlued. I.y def.es tho Auauiito nnd Chiueao troops alike. Ha remains in active, howtvrr, lu tho mountain stronghold, and tho Chluei-o officials confidently pro diet his surrender within u ubort timo. (owl IIMdniitt-, The kttamir China mllcd on tho 2d for Hong Kong la Yukohamu. Aiuougher pas seugcrs wt-io 17 Chinese lepers who have been iuiuatcK of tbo county pest houso for several months, now i-hipped to China by nrdi r of tho supervisors. 'I lit-)rt-cii-i:)i-il Muiistrr. Hl-sanmlii:, Juue 2. At Spanish tipriugs in IIiIh ctiuntv, on last Kutunhiv,0. II. Hood atttmptt-d ti kill his wifo with a Hat iron, ufleiwhuli be HttcuipUd suicide by stubbing himself with a knife. Ho was eomiulttid lo-day to jail to uwiUt the result of her In juries. Jealousy was tho cause. jail gave tho nhum, and when tho sheriff got to riniircH Jio wns yot niivc, out died in a shon time. How h got tho razor is a mys tery His wifo visited him yesterday, and niut liao carried it in. Hint Itcini. FcANcitiCO, Juno 4. John Boss, buio stcorcr, has becu held to nnswer in $300 boil. iichncl Dolau, n notorious .Second street hodltim, got threo smtenccs of six months cac. in tho houso of correction (or theft ana bafcry on his sister nud brother. Ames Hcott robbed the Union Hquaro Dltlst church of tho bibles, etc., and then sctfiro to tho bultdiug. Ho was caught and thifiro put out. 1'orrclusetl. Tho Hlbcruia Hayings Dank this morning fcccioscd n morlgago o( S'J1,000 on J. U, Dncan nnd the Safe Deposit Company. Mir-A, Cal., Juno -1. At Kuoxvlllo.day be- fro yesterday Charles Ilico was shot and It led by Jacob i-auqun. iicceascd leaves a wfo and family. Cause, an altercation aout a matter of business. STATE SUITS COMMENCED. Ct! " liirrt-natfol IIu.Iiui,uim Nw Yobu, May 4. To-morrow's Fullio will lime the following comments on the course of business as shown through clear inc houses return: i'ajmeuts throuch 22 clearing houses in May, lb70, exceeded those lu Mav, lo78, by forty aud six-tenths per cent., the touunis jcarueiug ja.yiy.tuu. agalust $2,709,000 last year, lluaintss greatly exceeds that of any May since the imniu of 1873 i, mig41riibflt XtiwlM-illoas.: Cou'uiii's. O.. Jane 4, The National Btato eouventiou nominated the following ticket: For Governor, Utn. A, bawyeia i'lalt: Lieut, tlovernor. Hugo l'rever; Aud itor, Andraw ltoy; Treasurer, Charles Jen- tine; supreme Judge, A. Jd, jacaion; ai-torney-tlcueral, Jas, C. Crogan; Mtmber of the Hoard ot Fublio Works, Geo. W, Flatt, ol Hamilton, Ttu Greenback convention adopted a rea olutlon ditectitiR the chairman to rule out of oricr any resolution looking (o a coalition with the Democrats, i, - u-'rmn iriutinikv t. Ooxcoiii, June 4.The legislature organ lied to-day. The Heuate elected J, II. Gal- linger (Hep.) president. ilil l-inicrnllf NumliMttluM. 'Ihe Dtmorralio r-lale cenveution AtOnHliInu Deaperndo. 'iiikmx. Arizona. June. This afternoon about two o'clock a Mexican, well mounted nnd armed with an old cavalry sabro about lour feet long, rode madly through Main atreet, slashiug right nnd left, very badly wounding three men. Office immediately started iu pursuit, but tho Mexlcau stands n good chance of escaping, as ho had a good borne. Tho ollktrsbato not yet returned, Tim wounded are dolug well. When nt Kalom, this morniiiL', wo lamed particulara of suits instituted 1 tho Stnto ngninst tho Into StiUo llonnl mil individuals connoted witli tho lato fuito .Administration. It vill bo recol lctcil th.it tho Legislature, having made jirtial investigation of alleged frauds mil njipointcil a committeo to furthor ixamino tho accountu of Htnto olliccw, mthorized Gov, Thayer to instituto Huits or tlin recovery of any mono' that eight bo found duo tho HUto tin tho re mit of ntich investigation. Mr. J. J. Vhilnoy is the jirosecuting attorney for iic Third Jmlicial District, and ho wua oijilicil to to cominunco theso Huits, but (oclineil, forreasons probably Hatigfnctory ir litlimnlf nfi.l lltldni tlnlfin -iivMltn- ItanccH Gov. Thayor lirw made an uj- oointment, its follows: A To all vvlioin it may concern: iWiikucas, It has been iiuggeatuil tliat tAin claims exist in favor of tliu Sitij niul against tho former momticnt ofltho llo.tnl of CommisHionurH for the ) of Kcliool and university and other to lands, including Hon. Xi. V. ivcr, n. v. Uiiadwick, u. i-Ioisclmi-r itnl A. II. Drown: also claims n-minst II. Wntkinds, oc-fstijit-riiitendont of Mato l'unitentiary, unit also ng.iinst F. Ghadwick, ox-fc'eci-etaiy of State nuditor of public nccounts, and mi arising out of tho management (Statu funds and otluir iiinttoi men- itl in tho report of tliu committeo of inf t'xtigatiou aiiiKJliitti! liv tho Legisla- tun of lb it. nud WitKKGAH, Tim District Attorney of tlo llunl .ludicial District for tho Huito lias been uplied to and rerjuested prosccuto on iiclialt ot tl.o .jtato ac- t ons Ktiitn or proceediiiL's for tho on- 1 irccmeut of hiicli clnims and tho said 1'istrict Attornov haung failed and -glected ho to do nud mill declines nud fiihes to engage iu Mich prosecution. Xow tliereforo, to tho end Uint justice iy Im) dono iu tho premises, nnd that iu iitts mav do 1-x.ooutui, j. w. v. Thayer, Governor of tho Stuto of recon, with tho concent nnd concur- rkico of tliu .Secretary of Stato, do hero tho other by T. C. Shaw, ox-Bhoriff of that county. These will decido tho main points as to legality of fees that shcriffo havo charged and thnt ox-Scorctary Chadwick has allowed. This matter in volves ft totul of 830,000. Of this $24, 000 occurred tinder Secretary Chad wick's administration, and about 4,000 under Mr. Eurhart. Tho $4,000 stands in nboyance, Mr. Rtrhirt linving declined to pay it, but thfl $24,000 was paid by Secretary Cliadwick, and tho suits broucht acainst him must establish the validity of theso payments or leave him liablo tor tho same, personally. Two suits aro brought against Wat kinds, ono under each bond given by him as Superintendent of tho .Stato Pris on. Tho ground for them is that he has never accounted for largo sums of money received as hucli oflicor. Instead of converting tho money into the ticas ury, nnd making payments in tho usual way, by voucher, vcty largo amounts hnvo been expended for various liiatleic, tho proceeds of prison labor having been used without being accounted for ac cording to law by regular vouchers and treasury deposits and payments. Tho Investigating' 'ommitto so report, and theso suits aro instituted in ncconlanoo with tiioir finding. All tho suits insti tuted may bo considered as a demand from tho Stato that those- officers make an account ot their actii ana miner statements to show that they havo mado leral uso of tho funds entrusted to them, which is not plainly shown by their accounts. Threo different suits aro commenced against the Statu Hoard as follows i From 1870 to 1874 against Grovcr, Chadwick nnd i'leischncr, tho then Gov ernor, Sccietnry and Treasurer; from 1874 to 1877 against Grovr-r, Chadwick and A. II. Drown, tho thou existing Stato officers, and from January, 1877, to September, 1878, ngoinst Chadwick and llrown, Grovcr having resigned. Tho suits against theso officers demand an accounting for all moneys entrusted to them. Iu addition to thu euveii suits already commenced, suit will bo brought against J. II. Hacklcman, lato Asst. Treasurer, for $0,000 that it is claimed was ille gally paid him ns salary. Hacklcman did, during four years, extra work re cording deeds mado by tho Stato that tho evidence shows could havo been dono in ono month'K time, and drew $1,000 per annum. Tins suit is, or will no brought to recover back money that lie holds, which it is claimed belongs to tho Stato. Theso aro matters in which tho public toko much interest. It will bo difficult to unravel nil the details involved, but tho iiecnlo demand a judicial investiga tion, and will not bo satisfied without, j Only for tho dolinquonoy of Mr. Whit nov, tho Prosecuting Attorney, theso suits would havo bcon brought beforo this. Thu Governor shows no disposi tion to shirk any part of thu duty im- x:ed iioti him by tho .Legislature, unit lis selections of attornoys lcavo no doubt but that tho rights of tho State aro to bo fully protected. HARVESTERS VB flKLrtUHDElg. Cottaob Grove, Lane Co., I May 20th, lb7U. j Editor Willamette Farmer: In tho Fahmrk of May 23d, I sec n com munication from a "Marion County Fanner," in which ho says the i-clf-bintlcr is thb chcacat harvesting machino now in nee. For tho information of farmers let us count tho cost, as all mm should do beforo entering' any now enterprise. For uxitmplo wo will estimate tho cost ot harvesting ICO ocrcfl of grain for fivo consocutivo years, with the two machines, the- .Self-binder ami tho Marsh harvester, that being about as long as those machines last. Two men with tho Self-binder will cut and shock ten acres per day; wages and board of hnrvcut bands $J.W) per day, making $5 or hands; wire, $140 tenUi per ncroiu estimated by men operating Hclf-biudcra in this country; now no haoSD, tho cost of uno day's vtork, nnd ten acres of grain cut and shocked. Now IfiOncrci of grain tbuo harvested foot up (at OOcts per noru), $13"i. Summarize, vix: Cost of machine 0 4CO 00 Interest for C years nt 11! per ctnl. . . 270 00 Wngts of hands fnr fivo eais !t7li 00 Wiro for flvo years .'WO 00 Total. i $l,WGO0 Oi n total cost of ?l,fl95 on n grain farm of IM) ncres, counting nothing fur repair, which would very likely be more on the binder than on the slmplo harvester. Now, with tho harvester four men will put in tbo shock iu ono day ten acres the i.ima as the binder. Wngoi and board of four men $10 per day or $150 for tho ICO acres of grain which fur fivo years would bo or follows ! Wages... $750 00 Cost of machino 200 00 Interest on tho raino 120 00 Total for five years 91,074 00 Thus at the end of fivo years, on n grain form at ICO acres, tho farmer, using the common harvester has aed $321 mora than ho who used the Helf-bindcr, having perforin od tho same work, Hut the 9321 saved is not all of this ijuos. tion. Tho fanner using tho harvester having paid (200 only to eastern manufacturing companies, while ho has paid $374 to labor ing men of our own country, thus keeping tho money iu circulation nt homo among us whkh is commendable nn good policy. Hut bo who used tho Helf-bindcr has paid to cistern companies $7C0 for machino and wire, thus draining our country of money and impover ishing it, hut to bn "penny wisu nnd po-rnd foolish is the end of selfishness, Now-wo see tl.o harvester innu hai given threo hundred days employment to young men at borne, during this time, thus bene fitting the laboring tlais among us, which policy if practiced by all our f armors would drive tho financial distrust from our coast. Thu Self-binder man has paid his $750 to somo company in New York to do his har vesting for him and got it no chcajier than the man of tho harvester. Could our farmers at ouco soo the total amount of money tbnt annually goes Kart and leaves mr coast entirely, for agricultural machinery, they could oaslly account for tho hard timts we complain of. Kcomomv. itofltn Hiitl llcvolvrra; I'isaiu, June 2. Sessions of tbo. House have been characterized by the most dis graceful order. lVople iu the galleries openly express their contempt and hatred of certain uuinlxr whose hostility against tho executive has been most marked, and thou members increased the disorder by making roost impassioned attacks against the presi dent of the republic. The populace replied with volleys of atones. Members used their revolvers m turn , Things got to such a pass on the 7th of May that General Trujillowith a battalion of Columbian guards cleared the galleries, adjourned the session and escorted the members home, Br, """""T h jr. ujtmTf titi irvo. ruth IniKciico, June 3. The I State! Con vention of the W. 1'. O. met at Humboldt ball at 10 A. M., aud was called to order by Denis Kearney who delivered an address re viewing briefly the otigin, progress, present condition and future prospects ot the W. 1, C, A reference in his addicts to the pro posed repeal of the uatioual banking act and iaauance of all ciouey direct from the treasury of the United States, met much en thuaiatut from the convention. The com mittee on permanent orcaniration and order of business pretested the following: For president, Ueuta Kearny; tecreiary, J. J, assistants, u. u. vmiiarus ana it. a. 1Flnn I Leonard J v ice preaideuts.WyaU of Monterey '"' V' " '"--I."'"' --b i - Waldrou, of Lea Angeles. Wcls, of Nevada. I Sheriff Maker, of Manou county, and authorise and appoint lion. Jno. M. hompson to npjxiar for and on behalf . tho btato in tho matter aforesaid, id to prosecute tho aforesaid claims as tornoy for the State, to their final tcr- l inatiou. and ho is hcrebv authorized to e nploy sucli assisMuca as ho may deem i -cossary. V. W. Tiiaykr, Govercor, Uy tho Governor! 11. P. Kakiiakt, Soo'v of State. Salem, May .10, 1870." Hon. J. Jil. Thompson was speaker of tlio Houso nt tho lato session; has becu Couuty Judgo of Ijtno county, and has woll deserved prominence as n lawyer; ho has accepted tho appointment and em ployed Hon. John Dennett, of Corvalliy, to assist him. Thcio is no doubt that with thfao gentlemen iu charge of its interest the3tate will be well repre sented. Yesterday, suits m ere commenced iu tho Circuit Court for Marion county, at Salem, as follows: Two suits against ex Secretary Chadwick, two against W. 11. Watkinils, and three against tho late State Hoards. The different suits repre sent the period of timo under which different bonds wero given. Tlio claitas against Secretary Chadwick are for clerical aid employed in excess of tho provision made by law, and for excess paid Sheriffs for services tendered, moro thau the amount contemplated by the statute, lwo suits aro now pending against Secretry of State Karhart, asking for wtit of mandamus, one brought by Hcotinfj of Horticultural Society. According to adjournment this sucicty met at tl.o Council chambct .Saturday afternoon, tho 1'nsidcut, Kcth Luclling, 1up, iu tho ihair. Dr. Card well, from committee, 're ported that they had not yet got oeasiou of tho books of thu old society, and therefore had deno nothing tow ardf reviling constitu tion and by-laws. Various remarks wero mado as to securing a general interest and advance the caaie permanently. Mr. J. 1', htcwart, of Tuyallup wrote a letter to tbo association which was read by tho Secretary, He referred to tho fact that onu-iHtn of a plum orchard four yean old lad died, aud many mora were injured, tho bark turning black ne-ur tho root. He ex pressed desire to 1-clonp to tho society and aid its labors. W. 8. failiDt; thought when the toiiety was fully at work wo should join the Nation al Horticultural Association, and spoke of thu interest and value of the reports we should reseive. Mr. Luelliug speke of thu fact that many thousand trees were killed by frosts that came about Chrittmas, thought that tap rose with pleasant weather, and tho frost then produced this effect, and that may havo ailed Mr. Stowart's trees. If Mr. Stewart was to livo further particulars, as to locality, cultiva tion, and attendant circumstances, it would be possible to form mere definite conclusions. Convcrvatioti followed, relating to growth of trees, proper care and conditions. Mr. Hanson thought trees should be started on high dry land to eecure hardy trees. Trees from low and rich lands wero not so safe to live after transplanting. Mr. Failing asked why old applo trees in town orchards looted better than country c retards. It was suggested that the ground was rich in door yards and city gardens, also that the drainage sj atem of cities favored the trees; that there were only a few trees together and they were generally better trimmed, A conversation was continued upon many interesting topics, but we have not room for fall report. The assoeiation adjourned to meet again at the City Council Chamber in two weeks, which will be Saturday afternoon, June 14th, at one o'clock. CUlaalms lsJTaai Since the wrecking of the Great Re public people down in Astoria have got ten into the habit of claiming salvage for every thing they pick up. If a roan's horso happens to get loose the roan who picks it up wants salvage ; same if a mans hat blows on. iwen a man himtclf cannot lio on the sidewalk with out somo one, especially a police officer, picking him up and claiming salvage. , Tlin Repnbllo'a Heroes. Two ladies weio recently picked up in tho mouth of tho Columbia, supposed to bo thoso of Kogers, watchman on tho Great IJepttblic, and It. Davis, second otliccr. Tho School Fund. Tho following is tho distribution of county school fund for June, 1879: llate of apportionment, 1 .411 lo easli pupil. DlttrictNo. No. Pupils. Amount. 1 4,211 ....ll,WI ot i 1.T7 471 S3 a 30.. IM Si 4 TO S4I0H a IM . fittfcl r. 7J sisi 7 4 ........... IS7 7 h 40 ... 137 7 0 :i . 751 SI 10 S !............. ........ 10S 74 11 '-M esn IV W ..... 117 M 1.1 U ...,.. MOD 14 M ........- 07 ir, s.t....... us ti II. M-. IMM 17 61 ...-.. 175 6 15 33 110 111 CI .- JIBOT VI VI 79 31 VI Ml ,.. 2,OM4 U 31 .. 100 76 S4 CO UMW vi co. .-.... 213 ea ai ta..-...,....M oco w n us.......... 5iv s w -. WM VI U)...M. ...M (HO to 0 III (Ii 09 SI iu-i m....... 059 13 .13 4 m .. isia :o w --.... irrau 4 V4.M . K3aji . 3-.... 1WSO Mi 41 W1M Col. AM. t) '' 61 Clk. AM. 13 11 ....... 40B W.4.M. SJ I0M 34M' Cllt.AM.7tf a . 110 Ufiii 27,108 60 I. ALI.KN MACBUM. ICoutly fcliool HafU Mulinomali Uo.Or. i i- Datari FOIITIVXLT CUBED! ku? vka kAw mSTind for tmii with this tiuiaao (OiUnhX anU Un raaoaacil InraraU, hart feawt nstond to pr(rt kulUi lj mj arMtnwnt, and whsaa UatlnonUU cu U hu at aj caV. I also Uwt aft chroak aad privaU dlSMaca, aaU Icniala nlni , MedicUae anl to all part el aha rouaUy. aad a pranrr tunUeaa aaamtd throuch th Diaut tj aa clauaf two Huhl OBn ooiwilutloa In. ua jamh skr, it win Bb, roruana, urciaa loaSealleetcxSee. Out thla cutaad tnd it hi run apl V .u-iAJ&ii:-