Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, June 06, 1879, Image 3

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    fat fjqiM fed
Conducted by Mrs. Harriot T. Clarke.
Labor is Noble.
nu Uiink your lot is haril liccauM
You liavo to c.iru your breads
llclter went out by Iftbor, innn,
Thau runt lilt you arc dead;
JSottor by far tho boon of toll,
With joya that coiuu not loth,
Thau IdlcncBS and listlcssncp,
Than fortuno linked to sloth.
Think him not always blmt who own
Broad fields and mansion tiroud;
His days may know no comfort, man,
His heart may bo low bowed)
For wealth, sir, often brines uurrat,
And cares that will not die;
And gold and land and treasures mt
May bring ouo mUery.
God niado you, sir, to do and dam,
To own a steadfast heart;
To win rewards of labor, man,
And act a noblo part;
Ho nliccd you hcio to do your liest,
To do all r.ood you can,
And chow that steady industry
And honor make tho man.
What though souo iau you on tho way
To gain the lought-for prize?
What though tho clouds may gather, man,
And stormy lw thu skies?
True manhood, sir, is shown, whin dark
Tho prospect may appear,
Uy marching onward ccr on-
With courage, not with fear.
Lnlnir is noble, when it stands
Up for tho right anil true,
Whene'er it docs tho best it can
Ami braves all trouble through;
lis full reward must soma day come
To crown tho toiler's head,
Who deems it better far to work
Than rust till ho is dead.
l!o quiet, rostlvsi heart I Thu long light lies
In gleams of liugering sumhino on tho hill)
Tho Jhomo.boMijd swallow, twittering as ho
llakoo silcnco sctui mere still.
Tho sliadows deeper grow, and in tho woods
Tliu air a latent sweetness holds in lee;
An odor faint of Jet unhlossomcd buds
So likr, dear heart, to tliccl
Far duUnt in Uio toft, cerulean deep,
Whom tho horifon bounds tho nctlicr world,
(rcat shiis bccalmcil, llko brooding birds
Liu with whiUi sails Iooho furled
J i! iicaco tho day is endod, and tho night
laltctli as doth a vail upon tho soa;
Along its bosom oorao with nwift-winged
Tho gray mints, silenlly.
0 nuxious heart, how Natura sKaksl Iter
How leisurely sho nsosl How intensa
Tin infinite pcaco of hsr most fruitful hour!
How coft hor inlltionccl
Time hath sho for her storms to sweep tho
To rock tho trco-toju with her winds of
To bring forth fragronco in tho sutomcr rain)
And time for snow sho hath I
80. dear, for all thv caser soul desires.
Hho keeps sweet times and seasons. In her
Is hid for tbco all passion's subtlo fires
To round thy womanhood.
Ucuc, then! and in this dewy twilight movo
As ono who asks not whither, cares not why)
Tnis gilt tor ail nolils still tho internal Jve
Clod's endless by.&nd-by.
Kunday Afternoon.
Vncrnlnm or tho Grange,
Wo nuulo 11 lltllo trip to Salem Inst
wcok whilo tho Stato Grango was In
Hcwlon nnd' wo lincl (ho ploasuro of
meothipr Homo or tho lady delognto.s
nt tho Chomokotii Iiotol. Wo haw our
old frlonils Mh, Shlploy, Mrs. Hunt,
Mrs. llontl nnd Mrs. Teller. Mre.
I lay c.s kindly Introduced ua to Mrs.
Mirlornml othors (hat wo had not
mot boforo. Wo regretted that wo
woro not Ht 111 living in b'nlom, ho that
wo might havo ni;utii tho ploasuro of
ontortalnlng tho dclcgateu in u body.
Wo could rot h'lt rocoirnlzo, us wo
saw tho tallies m chocrfully liusy
working, planning and talking for
tho good of thu grango, that this
organisation hud boon of innnoiiHo
vuluo to tho funning community. It
given opportunities for ladles to got
out of tho Hordld cares of ovory day
life, giving a fow dayu of rolaxatlon
and communion with other ladies
from all parts of tho country, nil
hound hy tho tics of common Intcrost
and fellowship.
Thero tiro many bright minds
ummig our women that hayo boon
ranting among tho hills and woods
fo"r years, that now may como forward
and get a ullmpso ot life In its hlghor
In Hpcaking of thn good of tlio
grango with theso friends, wo not
only could apeak of tho nodal nud
intellectual development, but domes
tic nrls Imvo received an Impetus
that speaks volutnos, nud wo hopo
that tho time will como whon good
sense will go hand In hand with good
cooking, nud that a yellow snloratus
huscull may not be found in the Stato
of Oregon. Wo rejoloo to seo that
ladles muy now find It possible to
leave bohlnd tho cares of houcokeep.
iiig and spend a fow days In pleasant
recreation nnd travel that will bright
en llfo for months to como making
home look so pleasant on tho return
that tho old duties can bo taken up
ylth fresh vigor.
A negro was walded to death from
a boiler explosion, nnd on his torab
Etono they chiseled deeply: "Sacred
to tho memory
of our 'steamed
Your call for help from tho lady
frlonds of tho E.utMEn, Induces mo
to send you a fow stray thoughts ns
they took slmpo whilo dishwashing
this morning and dishwashing shall
bo n part of my thorn?, for pcoplo
should wrlto of what thoy best know,
nnd u long apprenticeship Ins niado it
ponslblo for mo lo ho woll versed In
tho nrt. 1 tun glad to seo that thero
Is n growing tendency towards a
moru domestic education In worn on
tho last fow years, ns will bo seen In
tho accounts of numerous schools In
cities whoro cooking Is taught as ono
of tho nrts. Such schools aro a neces
sity nmong wealthy people, or those
who keep sorvants, ns It is not easy
for girls to got n practical knowledgo
of housekeeping under theso circum
stances. In foreign countries young
ladles of the higher classes nnd
nobility spend months at 11 timo In
families whore they nro taught by
dally lessons tho routine of house
keeplntr, p'lyliijr a largo price for get
ting thlo practical knowledgo that Is
Impossible to gut In thu pnruital
home, and they aro proud of being
accomplished in this mnttcr. but wu
regrot to say that not many American
girls aro proud of knowing how to
work, but to tho contrary prldo them
selves upon "never having cooked u
meal In tholr lives." Our young inon
aro fast learning wisdom finding that
a pretty faco and showy accomplish
ments do not make up for 11 lack of
houBowlfcly qualities. Thero aro dis
agreeable douills connected with tho
cooking department that detracts
from tho agrccablo part so as to glvo
n distaste for tho whole. Dishwash
ing is tho first on tho list of disagree
ables. To preparo n good meal,
spread It nlcoly nud sen friends enjoy
eating it, is tho pleasant part, but,
whon hungor is satisfied to bo obliged
to got up from tho table, "elenr It
ofT," put away tho remains nud waiih
tho dishes, pots and kettle Is tho un
pleasant part.
A little thought nud cn'ro may mako
oven this u llttlo less of u drudgery.
I find n llttlo brush, intulo by tying 11
few bunches of tho broom together
will grjntly assist In tho work, Having
tho hands from being too much In tho
hot, soapy water, which is calculated
to harden nnd stiffen them to an un
comfortable degree. A larger brus.li
made of splints is admirable for
scrubbing out kottlcs and fry-puns
whoro tho food Is burnod on to theso
vessels. Tho cups, taucors nnd silver
wuro ohould bo first put Into tho dish-
pan with hot water nnd n llttlo Hoap,
then (lie plates or other dhhos, hav
ing a dish or board with somo brick
handy for scouring tho knives. If
dono ovory meal, thoy will need only
11 slight polishing. Tho handles of
knives should novcrbo put Into hot
watoi,orllo In tho dlsh-pan, ns tho
handles aro apt to goi loose. Every
housokcopor, howovcr neat, will find
thnt after n timo tho dishes will get
yellow and ntalned in croascs whoro
tho dish-towel cannot couvenioiitly
reach. Wo havo found by porsonnl
experiments n, way toinnko thorn look
us fresh and bright as when they
camo from tho store. Homo day when
you want to havo n big cloaning-up,
nud want a kettle of btrong Huds to
ttfio will bo tho timo to try our way.
I'llo nil tho dishes you conveniently
can into tho wabh-boller, till It full of
water enough to cover thorn, thon put
In hnlfn papor of washing powder,
lot It boll 11 fow moments, then tako
nut. tho dishes, pour cold water on
thorn, and wipe. Tho troublo will be
more than ro-pald in M10 pleamtro you
will taku in thoso shining nowdishts.
Aunt JIistty.
Llco on Clilckf nj.
As tho regular hutching season will
hood commence (It ban already dono
bo 111 our sect Ion), it is well to watch
for llco on thu downy llttlo chicks, for
If thoy tiro there, tho chlckn will not
long bo hero. IjIco kill thousands
annually, nnd tho true cauuo is not
discovered or oven thought of. If
ono tnlmn tho troublo to hatch num
bers of tho llttlo chicks, it Is mtrely
worth tho whilo to watch them closely
nntlfsuu what tho matter Is if thoy
droop and die. Thero aro many
remedies which aro effectual, but
ovory beglnnor should bo careful to
UhO somo ono ns a precaution, if thero
nro no vermin in his opinion. A
simple and cheap remedy is u small
piece of tobacco stowed in n llttlo lard,
and rubbod with care on tho head and
throat. Also rub it on tho head, (luff
and under tho wings of tho mother
hen. It Is a good proventatlvo and n
euro oradlcator. Watch well for llco
when you seo your chicks hanging
their heads, drooping and dying, or
you will Boon havo none to caro for.
Many a rich mau, when asked If
ho knows what relations ho sustains
to society, is compelled tocoufcKS that
they nro poor relations.
Ik tho midst of debt wo nro in life
most of us.
urlMitits oi-Tsnsiun.
... 'ii rim... .
Tho following nro n fow mr.ifsing
examples of tho "curtouitlcs of-Eng-llsh,"
as respects, thodmngo of Bound
producod bjr dtiVeront consonants: .
IS mnkes road broad, turnii tho ear
to boar, mid Tom to tomb.
O makos limb climb, hanged
changed, a lover clover, and tran
sports lover to clover.
I) turnu bear to beard, 11 crow to
crowd, anil makes anger danger.
1 turns tho loivor regions to ilowcr
Q changes 11 son to u nong, nnd
mnkos ono gone.
II changes eight to height.
K makes now know and eyed
L transforms pear into pear).
N turns 11 lino Into llucu, it crow to
n crown, and makes ono none.
i' molnmorphuKcn lumbor into
H turiiii ovon Into hovon, makes
havo shavo and word 11 sword, a pear
11 pcur, makes nluughtor of laughter,
and curiously changen "having n hoc"
to shaving u shoe."
T makes bough bought, turns licit
there, ultcrs one to tone, ohnngd
others to (others, mid transforms tlii)
phraso "allow his own" to "tallo
this town."
W does well; e. g., Iioao nro whos
aro boeomes ware, on won, omen wi
men, so sow, vio view; It makes it
arm warm, and turns 11 hat Ink
Y turns fur to fury, a man to man
to to toy, rub to ruby, ours to yours,
lad to 11 lady,
The Dutl-Bath Again.
This highly Important llxturo of tii
poultr.v-houBo la too often ovor-lookod
.. .....
or neglected. Wo need "lino upoi
lino nud precept iion precept, horo 1
llttlo nnd there" 11 great deal, In order
to keep our poultry healthy and free
from vermin. Tho cost Is but trilling
and tho ingredients for replenishing
thorn should bogathorotl In mid-summer,
whon tho earth is dry und
brcakflonslly, or dust may bo gnthorcd
from (ho road whoro thero Is a gootl
ileal of travel. Tako u strong barrel
(llmo b.irrel If you chooso) und put
thrcu-fourtliH full, can bo placed In
somo corner of tho hou-housc, whoro
It will bo kept dry and can bo used
when desired. A box can bo niado
for tho bath of rough boards say,
two foot wido by two feet six Inches
long nnd ton Inches deep. Thoro Is
no objection to ond larger, oxcoptlng It
takes up more room In tho houso and
moro dust to roplonlsh it. If tho
earth Is gnthorcil from tho Hold, It
should bo made fino with a spado or
maul; ill! from tho barrol as it Js
dusted out by tho fowls. American
Poultry Yard.
A Sheep-Shearing Festival
Tlio fourteenth annual South Wis
consin Slioop-Shenrlng Pcstlvnl waf
held nt Caldwell Prairie. About 1C(
standard Merino and Dclaluo sheet
woro on exhibition, and half of thai
number woro shorn upon tho grounds
Tho lnrgent ileceo wnlghed twonty
nlno pounds and two ounces, and wni
from a rum six years old, whoho car
cass weiglicu i lo pounds, l'rluci
were olferetl In over a dozen claseoi
and to tho best shcop shearers. There
wits tho largest exhibition of Merino
sheep ovor held In tho West. Over
1,000 portions were present, nmon,
whom woro growors from Nobrasha,
Kansas, and Toxus, breeders from
Vormont nnd Now York, nnd wool-
buyers from tho l-'nst. A grand din
ner waH fiorvod at u hall in tho vil
lage, and tho festivities won nil up
this ovoulug with n dance. Tho Cald
well Prnlrlo district is tho contra of
tho Western iiheop-rulslng Intorest,
Within n rudius of ton miles from tho
vlllugo over 100,000 uhcop, nil Merino,
uro raised, and tho district Is thickly
populated with ono of tho wenlthlcnt
farming cointnutiltti" In tho Wcstoni
States. Caldwell I'm Irk', lor lino
wool, ranks with Michigan in tho
liooton market. To-day's exhibition
was tho hctitever held by tho Wis
consin Sheep Association. Tho fleeces
woru lighter than usual, but of finer
quality nnd freer from dirt.
A.v AUitiuuiruiiAk coi.iijj: for
girls Is about to bo established in
Michigan. It will bo a novelty nud
may bo useful In somo rcspocts, but
Michigan must hayo a different kind
of girl from tho averago, or driving
oxon nnd plowing nnd llko agricul
tural employments will hardly bo to
tholr taste. Tho college may open
up now and hitherto unsuspected
opportunities for Commissioner Lo
Due, however. Thero will in all
probability bo a demand for hulrpln
and crochot needle sprouts, and thero
is overy reason to bellovo that tho
soil and cllmato of Michigan uro
fuvorablo to tho cultivation of theso
useful articles.
Tiieuk nro over four millions acres
of lund In Alabama subject to entry or
The mills of tho gods grind slowly,
but thoy do not explode.
ot TtErcoETr
The 'irst Letter For tho Young I'ollta'
W uro ploased to publish thn fol
lowig vory nlco llttlo letter from n
fhrnU'i) girl. Tho letter Is written
wcllnnd snel!;d cnncrtly, and tho
rendrs of tho Circle en 11 dpo f.irthom-
sclvs thnt tt l.i well c xiiv usi d. Wc
will tot forgot to fend I'or tho bool.
as v. promised to tho llrst young cor
respndont. Kditd Homo Cirel-i
!td In tho lwt number of tho
Kit your oiler of u prlr.o to tho
uttlo girl or boy who wrolo n
cam 1
iimlcntlon to your paper. 1 sup-
mat it must bo n farmer's win or
tcr, and ns 1 am :i farmer's lit-
ighter only ten years old, I will
If ti.'onipo(o for tho prlzo you offer.
frhi eprlng has been vory wot. Our
rddn Is not vory good, but I gucfi)
at ft is us good ns our neighbors',
pa linn not gut all of his grain in
t, but. I think that ho will poitpono
until next year it It does not milt
lulng. Alumina has Leon trying to
Iso Bomo chickens and turkeys, but
has boon so wot all tho timo thnt I
dfi not think thoy can live, because
tpcy cannot bo shut up In a heu-hotiEO
or any place, for you know that tur
keys must bo out to get tho grass and
I havo n llttlo sister and brother,
tho nicest hi tho world, 1 think, and
wo nro going to school, and they uro
learning awful fast. Wu Imvo 11 good
teacher too, und wo havonuch n pleas
ant schoolroom. It Is only about half
11 mllo from our houw, nud Is In ono
corner of pa's place.
Yours truly,
A Faiimkr'h DAUaiiTttiu
Another lottcr comes from n
dear llttlo lrloud of the Homo
Circle, ami although second to arrive,
wo rnthur think from tho date that
it was wiltton about tho same tlmo as
tho other, so wo shall do ns nt tho
Stato Fair glvo u second premium.
Yes, wo shall ho glad to hour from
you again. Yur lottor Is woll writ-
ton nnd correctly spelled. To wrlto n
good lottcr Is ouo of tho best nccom-
pllshmonts thatu lady eau have, and
to bo a good lottor wrltor requires
practice; m whilo you nro helping
tine, you arc improving yoursctvos.
llosuronnd prnctlco carefully und if
you nro in doubt about tho spoiling
consult n dictionary, or ask somo older
Mt. Plkabant, May 21, 187U.
i&litor Homo Oireloi
Tho FAiiMKti published yostorday,
ho 23d, camo In this morning's mall.
As wo do not havo mall only ouco n
wool:. I will wrlto by roturn mall. I
do not expect to got tho book you
offer for tho first lottor writton, ns
thoro nro boys and girls who Hvo
nearer. Hut If I do not get tho book
you will know thnt tho boys nud girls
In tho country road tho Faiimkh and
wish thoro was moro in It for tho
young folks. I nm thirteen years old.
I go to school und study tho Fifth
Header, spoiling, writing, geography,
history, and Higher arithmetic. 1
took muslo lessons boforo wo camo
west, and practice enough sons not to
forgot what I learned, Wo havo been
In this country threo years next
October. 1 would llko It n good deal
hotter If Cora was horo. I would
'.i.hI. mnlii titlt mil flfl-lltfl vnn untilil
havo to got n wasta basket too soon.
Aro you going to hnvo a column In
tho Faumkii for tho boys and girls,
and do you want us to wrlto ngaln'.'
Plcaso answer. Your f-Iond,
Liii.ti; TiiAYim.
Com Is ti girl that lives In Wiscon
sin, whom I Imvo known over slnco
I could romomber unythlng.
The Cam pa 11 cm or lIclNUlnl.
I think thoro hhould ho u revised
edition c-f thu Cock Jtobm tragedy. I
nover could seo tiny propriety in llio
hull being at that blrd-fiiiiuml. Tho
Campniivni or bell-bird i-outtl have
tolled tho boll, oven though thoro
had been no bell In tlio woild. It
basulioshy "horn" o Its forehead,
which Isconnccted with Its palate, und
at a moment's uotlcu it can till this
with air and thon you should hear
It! It uttcrx a solemn, cloarhull-uoto,
llko thu toll of a distant convent bell,
paubcs for a minute or two, then
gives another toll another silence
and another toll and tho hounds can
bo heard three miles off.
It is a sad pity tho Campuuero was
not ut Hoblu'd funeral, for It Is u
goutlo creature und Its dress Is most
appropriate for such tin occasion bo
Ing snow-white, while tho horn Is Jot
black with u few whlto feathers.
Truo, thoy would hnvo hail to send
to tho country of tho Amu.on for It,
but thu birds could havo managed
that. "Jack-ln-tho-PulpIt," In Ht.
Waiting to bo whipped Is tho
most uninteresting period In boy
hood. A pint, coat may cover u fool, hut
never oneonl one.
iiwirpfl n
111.. , Itlitnl.,
' er intxliclnc. cuff 1'iltu
In Ilia llsrk, Sldo or
X olnn, atiilslhllreinosof
Urn Hltlnej, 1II.-HJM
-nut UrlnHry (IrRatin,
Urcpiy, (travel, Dl.ilw
Um, lirklit's Dl-omo of
Uio Kleiners, Detention
orlni.r,nllMrApopl ITrhir.
Nervmn Dlxxuo'ii,
IVinala WeftknoM nnd cxrewos.
IIIINTSni;.IKDVIinniiTill 1'1II-SI.Y Ibr tliwo
,IWfnt(u. Krhin n rutlroJ r :ltrrotll.u ,'lttliottlst
t HI1) 8 nr nil f-e't 1'im.A , IVnn ,
t-1 lit HIS.
VM E. I MRU !),; fr 1,1 NT'S JIUIKIIY Ui
turdltnj ,1foti( Dni; - In mntforra Alt l.oiio
ImvI Iff ui tur month- All nv Mint It ' a mir.vli'.
WAljrlii.lrfrannr.l tr.,n. !... rfl,t H.,,1, f, ,lh.. ,
roit).i'lKl,l hours livl tAkm all tho cxtw water from I
tho njateni. All nthfr imnn lia.l liwn tried. None
sucereilnl but HUNTS UKIIKIIY AMiloxr Atnoon.
purtly Vein table, nnd
h u'icl liy Uio ndlliocl
l'lljjlclunf UIim.UhhI
Uio Ui of tlmo lor 30
ran, and tho tihnoot
rer&nco tiny bo pltcrd.
in it. o.m:ti:iai,vii.i I
lor lUnrlilct lo WM. II
ClARiir, l"roldrnro.lL I '
Wo n 111 )Hj ApnjK a Fuliry of tun ii.r monUi slid
txnsu, t,r idlownliriro onimKtion to veil our nuw
and Hoinkrful InventloiM. Wo inan wtn wo my
Hunnlo fro dlrM HIII'.IIM N r iii Mirliall,
Mltti uuU(!ni
Warohouao EJopnrators I
Poltou Horso Poworslt
I lio niMinfrwttirvdand mild hmidmli of tlio Wrt' ,
tern Fnnnlntr IIU, lliflinroluKCiurnl u0 ami ;Ito ,
Mill and Wnrclwiiio Sopiirnton undo to order cf any
doalrodniiulty Co.l, J-.1KI lo?i.
Which nro InoMii to tic lu
Best Ever Used In Oregon-A Great Bargain
fi C Cm
Diiital I!Kiin at tlio M itaml,
KKrAiii.trtiini) in wt.
(5. W. Walling & Son, l'rojirs.
O8W030, Olnckninas Co., Or.
Eicclul MUntloii L-licn to I'hin. l'liineunl Clicrr
Tiew. Corriouiliiipo rolUttrd. IrMI'Uin
mt. k. v. diiANi;,
BIIEVKT Lt.Col., UitaRarxsonU.B. Voliott-on.
Offlro. tinrWn'- Mnrk. ot tiiln. 1f
Frcnli iiBd True To Knnto !
Wc will Mild Ui followtni; Kvd wtaldon re
rtlpt ol n IU11.lt liy I'. O. money order or JKMtiMra
llwt.rwrm. , ,
Ount, " . . .
otbtMir. r" .
Uttuor, "
lannli, nr ox.
Almln 10 irnt lackrU. all varlctlM of VnrcUble.
I loot r and Trrv Hrafc Kf ml lor itcnonU lrlos Uit.
ill Jin pd 1,047 Howard Stmt, San KnunUt).
Farmer, Attoution !
AViilthmn ttnd Elgin Wntolics,,
(.iiiulno Klln Won mt nt, (1 ro'iometirllnliiHr, four
JrtK, AllnUOw, J.W.
Same Movement In (o-ounrr Nllu r Ot., IMH,
Wal Uiani WaU ho at I li mo 1 1, It '
A linn tarlrlof all klmU of Aiurl.nn lnuiiKiil( :
lonitAiitly o.i lund. i
All atli.arrantt.l, hl Ajinillortnatoll,ratil
itiirnriNM wTHir.i,iMrii nWif.ir.rrtia.iuu
All atlu. oarrantt.l, ht Ajinilforthatoll,ratil
all r.iKltloni In llm ootid. '
Watch Kcpnirlmj Hpccialty.
Allordrra f,iiwarill U.inuli Hill", IVrr Co'i
r.inr O. II
iMvEal AtUtlou iJ.l ti, KMlniitf l1nWaUlu.
1G8 Firbt St.,
Pnil tnnrl
J lill.l. Uulioix. W. II HI SO.
Dubois & king,
Commission Merchants.
AliVA.SH;. 41 M. " .Ni.NHKNTr.
411 Washington fit Ean Francisco,
108 Front t Portland, Or.
fir tli oiIUIk' Intoriiitttoii ntidlnii til" huhI
II bl . t r I. ' CO . I toffflllilVt
(M7rr A Yi:AllamltiniU.aoi,Ui
OuUU in
. UaIiw
pl 1 1 Addrof I' if VltltKltV A menu.
Ilo ;Vot Dt'colvrd hy SiultntloiiM
Ko U ollirt'l In l! n-rk' t UU I'lilnt )w
Uvu in usu ft, tlU hUtu k'j luru ami l nmnx, Itli
pmoB nxiQTjoxmt
Head For Sumple Cam,
Wholesale DruggUti,
X? co. o?3
H. Al Clarke, editor of llm Kiiimf.h. nOV,
for salu a placo in tho hills, overlooking tho
river, ono milo and a half south of Safnm.
containing sixty-thrco acres of land. On it is
nn orchatd of 0,000 plum and pnino trees
that havu had soctnl jcara cultivation,
l'iftccn acres in wheat, on land newly cleared.
An tinfallinjt well on tho place; nnd fenced
ill threo iiclds. Tho orchard will soon jicld
.1 handsomo revenue, licing of tho choicest
varieties of fruit for drying and calming.
Tho soil is best hill land, and tho pLcj com
mands ono of tho most beautiful icus possible.
J" ""J l' "" "-"'"" ' 1iiu.h.uii, luciuwn
'J01"" town tills pl.ico would prove ery
ssX-jim 2
A I.nrgo Tract ot I.mul In Tll-
InmooK Count Is o He red
For Sulc.
Mil JO.sKl'lI (UtAllKL, of lni: I'rurlo, Tillamook
Comity, Oregon, offers for mlo M!JO CMtlS
of aifrootl Iftndftinnv onoixnild s-k for In nn tun
try. Oirr ll) ncm nralrla land llio ti.nUcr and
linuli tunl nil lcul, ltli ,lcnty of t( rrnro, Col
hono; two liiuin; nearly all loncoit; two 8d orchard i
of excellent fmlt: 'JA utren cf thnblliv mcadon.
I trood tnontlon for A dairy firm, frleo reaonAnlo.
1 iKrdod Und. Addnv or nipl) to JOeCI'II tlltAUU
on tho form. uMyLMni
37ir !3:o.Xy !
LOSSES PAID .wSKS $1,334,633.44
LOSSES Paid in OrcgOHl' $162,363.29
Orogon Erauch Oflloo,
Goo. L. Sfcory, Manager,
Sotitlienit corner First nml Htnrk Stroot,
Opii. I.vlil It Tilttin'H llnnk,
ni'tltf Xoj.-tlvax-lf O-c.
kiiituoa to nu(.v umnii,
Wliolcxnlo nml Uctnll Dealer in
TiBh. and Oyotors !
And Dealer In n!l Vnil, tic a of
Thoroughbred Kowla mid MggS !
I'or llrcxllnir. Itw (or iulo KMitr'n llnx.llnit ami
Miow Oikmi, 1'red loiiHar anil WaUr I'onnuni, and
Kill aup on Und ill Hit uiiMl of Uio Poultry
Yurd. I am lnwillair llio litnliii; iuru lind fowl):
Wiiitm l.riimiiis, lluowK t.r.ouoiiNH, 1)uk
llltAIIMAS, l'M'MlllTII ltOCK.1, AKH
IIiion.i: Tuiii;i:yh.
Xlvliindliurttock U ovIUilcckJ and t.nro. and I
Kiuiiuitoo aittVifarUon. 1'iV" aarraiitrd iHiro and in
lolly iMU-ki.l. Onli-M oiK'IU-l. Any eoinnnuilntloa
rul-itlnu to the ultry t,ulnru wilt Ik) itooi.U)- an
aerod. Stalls Hand 12 Central Market, Forttail.
Sums of $500 to $30,000
I Or Portland City Property.
M-ljr to
1 48 First St., Portland, Orogon.
ma) t ni
640 Aoros of
l Tarr'
on tiii: iini: ok Tin:
' JM.X. JofiorSOU Pass
MtiuUxl c ne inl'o hi 'ii lit hoim, In Itarlon Oountjr,
fJujwru, under dlKf, w all IlinUrcil JI lit rod,
it,i.to luiirocniniU, and ft ortlon ImnlUvutlon.
lln.in,.l..j ., lu.l I. .1, .. It. ... ..!... .lu .1. ...
inu lanti I, tHtuit.i on tno visu oi win ci"ra.ia
ailliLlit'tf.( iiiouiitilnao'L
III. ltwlio.1 ly u lvl looil fiotn haU'tn, no 1.I1U, llro
li'.iin" oany drlio. It It In tlm iuldt ot it lld'LlyiMit-
I tivu itiojiiry, t mt Kt iiviKnuor-, aiot t tuoro tttuuix
i Ki-ioiimniiolLoljund. blioullioiuo a lew ro.Lt (roui
'Uio lino. I'tit llrnt for atotk raiirr, ami hunlrcdl of
iy-ro! of land Hat uui l clt-uretl (or wheat al a cut tt
j an aU'.
I TltU U a Utoralita n)iortunlty fur aomo fanner dulr
' ou t( i.'olntr InUt tlio tocl. Ix.klnci oxtcnlvi.ly, or lot-
aoolonyt'f thrt-oor four faiulllei ol licnnina. 'Ihcru
aro iiutny (HniuiHt Mtlod In Utn netnlty, and tliey Ilka
l'rt of tlio nun lituo uri v. &VC1) an ai ro. ran bo lull'
for a term of jvtti In ami'iul liutiiuicnu, at to rati
oi niumi.
("alliniorurlUitii v. A CI.AUKI.
Itanur Oifict, ho, L Wuhliton Ht.,
("urtUiid, OrcRQU
I lliu tlirvu IUUh ut TlirirtiKldirvd llvrkililra 11".
I aitd ton Mtid ttuiko tlMrooti t i.cour ig tr ItoC
I .train of kUk Mltlta.vltolot. anlnah Mean bo trcd bi
j UiaKlilUdSloU..
I Tho Hoar Ihron lloKrll, Ko 2,166, 1, recorded by
I tlio Amtrkuu lrkililm AMiutl'in In V"l. Ill of tlio
American ltrk.lilrc lUtoul ottfarrowcil llav tl, IWH,
, brwl by lliuu llrvu., ol SuudiiJiiiUiii, l.n.Und. Ilu
, aro of tliv Crown Trlnru lan.lly of Iktikaldrtu. All
n Idtlit rbt Mild b) Idm liaru uliin full tuUifacllcn.
lor lurtUmUrn anil lllita aitdrcM
aii4tf J. (, l.IlBKUi, latest, OrrKtn.
1 H i
A 1'oi.on
fur Kxtcriml Uc, fur Pretention
iuhI Curu of tlio .Svnli,
Tliu (iciieriil Health mil
Omlitlon of tliu .SlicrM
1'rciniitril hy 111 lo.
Muiuto'iiiut by
---Vf 7M "dvit"
42 First Stroot, Port 'J&Z
For tliu llaimfactiircra for Oi"dtirii"l
,,,ar7.3.n htoik J-.K
,nliilUutr. v
'i K
. ir i4l .a -- '
Utt.A, j.
H tw-.