v Jfc. i ' ri mimii .l . . : 1 : tillsmuiie larmtr. ISSUED KVr.ttY FIIIUAY, 1V CJXinisiin: ft oruvio, I UllMSIIKIW ANI niOMllKTOJW. Term ofWnbacrlplloni Ono eiiy ono jour (f,Jnmnl--n),lniIiBnco....$'i SO Ono cojiy lx montlii (f) numlicrs) '' Ono e-oiiy threw inonlln (1:1 ni.ml.cri) " & If not paM within H monlli, fcl will lie ilurjfcil mie)oir'ulcrltlon, PORTLAND, JUNK 0, 18711. TELEGRAPHIC. KASTL'UN STATIC. Tre niitry Mcclilon ' Treasurer of , U'iuifiwi-iTnw. MfV 21) -Tho UkO United ritatcs has decided that i por cent refunding certificate!) may bo deducted r national banlin In making tip their souii annual return of acrajo capital subject to duty, tho amo ni tho law authorizes in tho ruaol u. n. uonus. HllNllllll '"' i. i Tho Huiiho has tefnsed to pass llio iciiisin flvo npproprlatlon bill over tho l'resldent H veto yean 1 113. nays 01, not tho necessary two-thirds In thi ndlrmatlve. Tho messago liau been referred to tho judiciary committee. .mr I-cr iil. Hubscrlptions to tho four per cent, r efuii.l lug certificates since yt-stenlny. 9lfi7o,ilu. rrslileiillnl l-riiliiilillll". Oinciuo, M iy S!0. A Tribune.' Washing, lin uneelnl (.ays I'ostmustrr Oencral Key ..1,1 (i..1nv Ihat unless thero should bo n Imncraln feollni! between tho North and Houtli. (leniral Oraut would surely bo l io iicnilillpnii nomine o for President, nnu no thouuht that (Irant would bo thcle!. .ludgo Key thought that if thero was perfect trail nullity In tho country, niul no threatened tllslurbanco, then ruiiio other man llko Hlier man could l) elcctod. Ho thought tho po litical condition of tho country would out weigh tho financial issues, and therefore In dications wcro nil in favor of flrant. Tlio Ohio I'limimluii- Tho Ohio canvass will bo much closer mi I iler Poster than under Taft. Hrnmor tiliau- dler, who is chairman of tho National llc liublicau oniniiiittco, has said that ho ex peeled Iho ItepubllcaiiH would cany Ohio In October, but ill tin" nnmo limn ho bulloved tho nomination f .Imlgn Toft would havo boon worth at least 10,000 morn votos to tho parly than that of Foster. Wliloiv llrmiuei-. New Yoitu, May U9. Jllilgu Donuliuo yes Icrdaycoiilirinoil Ihn report of Iho rfurco In tho suit ot Mrs. Muri.i Ij. Orangor for un niiliiirnt of her nmrrlago to Tlioii. lllalr, lately dlsmlssnl from u captalnuy in Iho nrniy. .Iiulgmunt in favor of Mri, flranger has boon entered. Hlntv tint Sure. Win. :, dray, wclll known In Wall street 10 years ago nnd rocontly returned from Knghind on it tlmrg" ol lulling bonus, lias boon sentenced to 10 years In Hlalo prison. Tho Milium1 in. A Now Haven spcolal annuiincH tho ar rival thero last jilghl of tho Iron steamij .Nornmn Monarel, ail days from Constanti nople, bringing two handsome gray Arabian Htalllons given to (Irant by tho Hultaii of Turkey. They nro in lino condition, and will probably b iiout to their owner's farm In thu Went. Tlio Nornmn Monnrch will take back In Constantinople C'J.OOO stand of nrin for Iho Turkish government. Tho rargo will bo worth obnut $1,000,000. Vim-fll' li'rli-lllr. Tlio Tlnii'H wys n( tho nppeal of Koiiiau Catholla nrehblsliops uud tlnliops in behalf ot Archbishop Puicell "With singular ills regard of Justice r.ud coiiimou senso Iho tuiwmbliil iirelati-M think that fresh rrnsoii for being mot half way by tho charity nnd honor of Iho creditors Is (o Ixi found in tho fact that n largo proportion of tlio dubt con Hints of accumulated compound inlercst. It is not calculated to increase publlo oonfl ileum iu religloiiH ImnUliig to tlnd Iho Ito man hierarchy In tho United H lutes inlopting tho priueiplu that a depositor's claim fur in terest Is somewhat Iiks binding than his claim for Iho principle " iloli'l mill iMiimli'M lliivni'tt. IIuiHiisTowN, May 'J').- At about two uVlool; this morning Urn wm discovered Iu Iho lower lloor of Iho Washington House In Ibis place, itoloro an alarm could bo given tho lire hud t'uliu'd such limilivay tli.U tho Humes niched up tho HtnirwtijH, t'Ouiph'trly flitting off all -api'. Thero aro kIx per nous mli-MUg, miosid to Im liuriii'd iu tlio ruins, rifteiu punuuii worn injuti'd hrrl iiusly from falliu; and alHiui 'JO slightly In jured. nr MixM llmitr. Wasiiimiton, Mv 30. -Tho iiniiuul i.t route lull us passed by tho Houso of Hepre wmtallws and now uwalliug netlon by the Kendo, ostablislim Iho following new loutes on tho l'oellla slope Prom hpringthUii, Ogii., via llntUi l)lsapMdiitment, Hlg l'raltlo Hprings, rtilver Imlv, Huuiwor Lake, rVhu man (Irovo Lake, and Surprise Valley, Oal,, to Wiuuviniiecii, Nevada, Iu Washington Territory- From Port Dis covery via Hoguiii l'nilriti t Toil Angiloj trom Kiiapnton toOuy'i Harbor; from Lake View to Muck; from Wikslnugal to IVtii l'ralrlo; from Klickitat to Now Libnnou; from Walla Witlla via Cottonwoo.1 creek, Uustvll week. Upper Dry crook, Upper Cop pr nok, Whisky crook and Hog l'.ye to Dayton; from Wall Walla vl Muilen'ii brldo to WaiUburg. In Moiilana-l'roiu Virginia City via "ullou Hprings to Homo lirk; from Fort Logan to Port llenton; from Fort Lean via Ouoadago to Unity; from Fort lislknsp to Fort llufonl; from lloulder City to Oulalin. Tho bill makes no provision for the cs UbUshmrut ot uuy Mutes within the bonnd arles ot California, Nsvads, Arizona, Utah or Idaho, but parties dasirous of paving tho way for additional uitil sorvloo iu these Ktutos uud Ttrritoilcscau readily Imve lha LIU umendeil by thu inwllon at additional routes iu thu nenato If they communicate their wishes to thu Puclllo Ooait Heuators Ixiforo it is taken up for tliu' action, I'ulmmo I Mnlcri. Isi.vnii I'onii, Vt , May yo.Theru hao U-t'ii nine ileutlis m far of children who drunk fioui the polxoiu-d pond, lliUaid Moiuo toil two, John Aldrieh llino, Viml HIiiHikim one, L. Wilson one, Mr. l'atk one, John Colo one. Others rauuoi Inu. l'otnto tops, poisoned by I'.iri green, thrown Into tlio brook, nro regarded the o.iujo of tho poisoning, rather than tho carcasses of dead animal. Terrible ditici iirovulls, and work is suspended. Twenly-seven children were poisoned by diluting from tho brook. The farmer who allowed Iho caroused to bo thrown in will bt urroted. The bodies of tho children soon decompose ami aro quickly buried, , , , , Two moro children o( John Aldrieh havo died from drinking of the poisoueel brook', making live, hi eutirv family. Mm. AlJnch in Insane. Decoration liny. Nkw Yoiik, liny 30. Tho preparations mado for tho iluo observance of Dccorntlnn Day wcto far moro elaborate) thnn thoy hiyko been In recent yenw, tbo mont impressive demonstration being military parades, in which tho wholo of tho Jlret ilivtslon ol llho National Guards pnrticlpntcil In iew ojk and tho wholo of the second ilUisioii In Ilrooklyn. The day in very t-euerii Jr ob served hi n holiday, mi places of public and nearly all placet, of private business are closed. Ciiicaoo, May UO.-RoporU from .ill tho principal citie in Iho went show n general olnervanco of Decoration Vny, pcclally noteworthy feature. 10RKIUN' SEWS. with no ei- llliil nt llii-lr 1'iwli. 1'aiim, My aO.-An official dlspytu from i n.. .... trl,,.. Hnvtl. says that M. Ilooho Mouart, tho 1'ronch minister, died of yellow fevor two hours after ho was attacked. Ills prhnto secrotary mm uio iirm it.ui...j . tho legation aro dead of tho disease, and the second secretary of tho legation is sick llriipllini l nt. ICIim MKHSixti Jlay'JO, -Tho volcano of Mount JUmi is in full eruption. Threo now craters havo appeared near Iho town of lUndazzo at tho northwest foot of tho mountain, niul streams of lava nro (lowing down Iho western slope. Hovcral villagcH nro threatonod with dcstrucllou and thero is great nlarm among tho Inhabitants. Tliu Ilnrlrii Cnnnl. Tho ship canal congress udoptod by u volo of 08 to 8, tho Panama mid Lemon llay route. Appleton, ono of tho Amrrlcan rep resonlatlreH, toted for tho iichomo, but Hear Admiral Ammeii, of tno United KtatesnAvy, abstained from voting. Commander utl Irl.lere. of Iho United Htates navy, was nb. gom Tho congress then closed Its labors. Tlio Wnr Iu Africa. (Jaw: Town, May II. Thoio Is rxoitliig nows from tho Tugela frontlur, near llolpnm kaar. On tho llthof May u great battlo took placo nt a point between Thrlng)i.Hl nnd Hanhawalla. A powerful Zulu chief named Matcona, with all his people, num bering Homo thousands, had resolved to stir render to tlio llrltlsh. When ncarlug ThriuirDost they weni unoxpcctcdlv Inter ccplcd by a powerful fsreo supposed to lio commanueu y kkwiii i-' "k "'" "" northward, A fearful conflict i-nsunl, re sulting In n great slaughter of tho Zulus who wished to surrender, and they woro dispersed nnd driven back. Mntcoua oscapod. It is reported Dslml Mauzl was IiIIImI, King Cctowayois ilaloil with h.H suocoss, and opiiarontly learning that Lord Cholms- ford's columns have niiulo forwiiril move uieiit, hai Hiiiumoncd nil his followers and tulteii itstioni! pnsllioii nt tho fork of Iho White llmvclosi at its Junction with Iho lllaeL Umvelosl. Col. Pearson, who hail been suffering from fever, ii bettor. Hlok ness from Minslroko prevails. Tho 15oor in Trnnnvnil nro ipiletlng ilown. uoi. urea lock's L'ohiicu has had Homo uVIrmlshlug with iiiiiiuporlaiit results. rnrolo Aiiin ViclorloiM. Losisis, May 30. 1'arolo won tho Kpsoui I gold cup; Aloheinlst, 'Jd, Prlmrosa 3d. Wheel of Fortune, Iho faoilte, won tho Oaks. 'Ills Kriilitlmi of jIUiiii. Tho eruption of Mount il'.tna Increases In force. Tho ipipnllty of nshos thrown out In Homowhftt less, but tho volutin of vaiior has ureatlv lucroustd In density- WeHlnesday niftht a number of brilliant balls of ilro wero throw u to a great licigui ami uurst aion iihu rockets, emitting n llery shower. A stream of lavn Is tlowing iu tho iilroctlon of Han dazza. but tho exact lino has not ytt been verified. Dnrinir the wholo of Wiilncsday 'night loud rejiorts like tho rolling of nrtll- lory weio heard. Illmi up 111 Own Hlilp. Tho Ohlloan iiiluister has received tolo gram Haling that thu Chilean shlp.of-wor L'merahhk becamu disabled, and her captain Uriel thnmagaziiiuto prevent her fulling into Iho hands of the enemy. Oipllnl riiiil-liiiioiil Ailoptoil. Tho Council of Htnto of the osnton of Uil, Hvitznlsiid, has uubmlttid to tho great council a law visitiug wilful uiurdor ami In- eeuiliailntu li'SUllltiuiu iuki hi iiiumiu iu- Uliiuriit of death, vxeciitioim to Ho private. JIoio Irmililo lor Itiisslu. Ni:w Yoi.it, May 30 -llmslan grain eirops nro said to tio suffering from tho ravages of ,k small iiieitt wluoli propagates ory rapid ly. It is tho mtiiio Insect fur which, two ji'iim ago, a reward of ten kopeclm was of linil for eiry ipml eedleele'd, niul ten million rouhliH paid out iu ncconlanoe with tliirtiitTer. Ono third of the unliro wheat crop f Southern Uiusi.k is now Ihreatuiied. Veiy llltlo le ,Mt known of the habits or custouu of thu insect. i'aFi nr urn r. Tin j ll)'i o'"1 Anileinnii Hiiiu'l. rlAS I'ntNcnii'o. May'Jl.-TioyI)e, form erly piiUIio udiiiiuuuator ot H.u-r.iiiU'iitn e'liuutv. uud his imrtner m crime, I'.dward Aliileisoii, wero lungen in nieraiut-niu io day for tlie murder of A. M. Tullis last Au gust. At noon lha prisoners iwevndctl tho seallold and white shrouds wero pulled over them, The clergymun read a stab ment con cerning Anderson's spiritual condition, mid also a statement written by Anderson, ml milling Iho justice of Iho penalty and ex ,iiesslug a hope of redemption. Dyo mean time gruw weak and pale ami vomited twice, but rniialnwl unlet. Tho clergyman then began n prayer. Tho noose wero adiusteel, Iho black caps drawn ovrr their heads, and at l'J:13 the drop fell. The ucokn ol both thecoudeuinvd wero broken by the (all, and In 14 minutes tuev woto iiroiiotiuced dead. A post morUm on 'ha remalu of Dye Is now iu progre-, with a view tansoerlaiiking the condition ol his bralu. llrllUU faluinM Hauls, J. Ii. Juugeriuaun, au old tUn Franalsco lw,.l,.r. illml suddenly last uliiht. Vruzvr river ha risen HYBrl feet, and tho elyke at Matsqui ha gUon away and let lha wuti-r on Iho nrairle. which Is now over- tlnwnl In a diiilh ot two feel. Dngluoors havo arrived to explora for a 1 1 m. ! railway throuoh lha Peace liver country. Ii is ol.kltnod thuya line through n,., i vn.iilmi uoiihl bu 030 mil a shorter Ihau any other continental line now muter way or projected. ' Ah ii f.ir tieiilli. iimiiii. M,ir 30. -Atoirt l'erriu. for mttiy sears foreman of the Ohollar imno ill Vir. i. inn. ilnow hiiusdlt down tlio htamlaril ul,.if l. .liv. mill una IllkllklltlV killed. 1)0' enased his been in this vicinity for several ibjs, uud has acted u strangely as Io oame suspicion of his kuull,v. Ho was viMtiug the tfluudud uiliw on Ihe 400 foot level. Ho walked to the shall and aikod lha foremau tho distanco to the bottom. On being told ho idumied down the shaft head fort-inosl Hi remalu will be tukou to his family at Virginia. Ureornllon Day, Bah FiuNcisco, May 30. Flsga all over tho city are at haltmant iu oomiueinoratiou of Memorial Day- A proewaslou was formed on Montgomery street aoou stior u o oioca, WHJL.AMETTE FARMER. J and marchod throngh tho principal streets, nnd then by Btrco; cars to tuo ccmoicry, whoro tho usual exorcises vcr hold. VnrloitH Ilcnin. Tho autopsy on Troy Dyo disclosed a healthy condition of tho brain. Martin Whlto brings mlt nRiiinut tho man ngors of tho Martin While Mining Company for tlio recovery of -15,000 shares of tho stock of tho company niid$G.,000 cash, on account of tho alleged fallnro of defondanto to pay off indobltdni'Sj of tho corporation accord ing to agreement, nnd (or imossmentH wrongfully exacted from plaintiffs. Tho cntiro sophomro class of tho Hlnto University was oxpolled yesterday for refus ing to divulgo tho names of members of tho class Rullty of issuing obsceno bogus junior examination programmes. yroni Ilrlllsli Columuln. Viotowa, May 30. The Bummer suits for the city police wcro plaoed in tho hands of n ChlucBO tailor to be mado, bat tho city council passed n resolution condemning tho transaction nnd tho order was canceled. Tho Hudson llay Oompany'n bark llrlerly Hill for Iiondon with spars Balled yestorday. FORTY-SIXTH CONUUKSH HeiinK-. Wabiiiniitom, May 23. Thu McDonald reiiolution to rofcr tho po- titlon preirtonted by hlin on Tuesday led to another tllcusbion in tho Henato to-day on tho representation to which Ithodo Island Is entitled in Congress In consideration of her proporty fitialillcatlon. tiio ursi resolution adopted, tho morning hour expired bo tor Iho discussion closed. Tho lleiiulo thou took up McDonald's LIU to itttthorizo tho itso of military forces in certain casos. Wallace moved Io iitrilro out tho Cth uoo (ion nnd Mibsllluto what woro known na tho political clauses ot tho leuislotlro bill. Ho limn procooded to speak in support of tho bill. Maxoy, from tho committee: on post ofikes, reporleil bank to tho Honao tho post roato bill with amendments; ordorod printed, and laid on tho tabic. Itnuib. Olbson, of XiOiiUlaua, reportoel a, reiiolu tion for final adjournment on tho 10th of Juno. Atkins, chairman of commltlco oil appro priations, suggested that tho resolution lio ovor for consideration until Baturdiy noxt, tho Houso having agreed to adjourn over to morrow. (llbion nsocuted, and the resolution lies over. Conger gavo notico lint ho wonld offer mi mnciidmont to Uio resolution, by udding to It Urn words, "provided tho npjiroprlulioii bllli havo Iw'on passed. " Whitthoruogavo notloo that ho would move to recommit tho resolution, with instruc tions that it not bo reported ntitll Iho com inlltoo on way.i nnJ iiioauh iihall havo Ur,t repotted tho lull to nlxillsii uio uuiy on ipn nine, and ivnothur duty to establish an in-u-iiiio tax. l'oudliig Iheao prococill gs, tho veto inosi ogo was recidveel from tho president. mil rcailtng oi uio veeo iiiubsk" llsteiml lo with closa nnd. for n time, ro- tpoctful nltcutlon. Only nn audiblo titter wont through tlio Domooratla rallies wncn tho sanlonco was read as lo ino tutv oi ex ffjvt of ex- nYetJons. teiiWps to - and Jjuill- istiua law being to aeonro honest Attain, when tlio Hcutenoo warea what nood faith, honest endeavor rial nulliorlly can ilo lor mo protccuyn oi tho oloctivo franchise, tho Deiuooratslauihml outright niul tho llepubllcann. as a counter domouslratlon, npplaudod. Cox wautoel to havo that sentene-o read ugaln, lit hla wish was not gralillo-l. At the conclusion tho Ilo publicans again applauded Tho Houso then, on million of Atkins, proceeded to voto on pasilng llm bill not withstanding tho President's objections. Tho Houso irftisexl to puss tho bill over Ihe veto, ymm 113, nays 01, not tho ucihsary twevlhlrda onirmatlvo. It was n strict party volo. Oldy 4 (Ireonbackcrs voted; 3, Ladd and rltovcnsou. iu tho iilllrmatlvo, nod 2, Uarluw and Ford, iu tho negative. Tho message ot tho l'resldent wis then re ferred to (ho conimltLoon judiolury, with leavo to roport by bill or otherwiso at any time, On motion of Hle-pheiis, tho Henato amend mouts lo iho Mib-ddary coinago bill wero concurred In. Tho principal auicudmont Is tint limiting tho legal tender ipiallty of unb sldiry lyui to 010 lustead of $20, as origi nally provided in Iho Houiioblll. Adjouruid until Mulidiy. MIJIIKO PKOSPEOTS llUlltf. ADOTJT AU- In IH02 l'orthuul eiipiUiliht.i invetoil heavily to biint wnli-r to Atibuin, on l'okwler rivor, or rather ju Ditto (iiiicli, that put into tlio river ubout ton inilcn from tho vnlloy, but tlio iiiviMtiiiont lmn not jitovoil vory luofiublc. 1'or jeam past tin lokvtt h-.i'i bojti occujmsl ohicily by Oliinaineii, iitul for a long timo tho nioiict haa boen enk'iUkiueil niiil tit tt'inntod to construct n mm iocic iiutnu from tho rivor up Hluu (lukJi, to otmblu them to work out nil thu ronton to goexl mlvnnUiKo. Wo Icnrn from Air. Thoiims Hmilli, who I um iv-siiltil thurosineo 18G2, tltut tlio ontorpriso now has n promiso of fiilliilinent, us Mr. N. O. Jlnakoll has taken hold of it unit nlreatly has ton iiiiltvi of Uio lliimu conatructeiL Tlioro isu viut ixtnouiit of eiirt that shoulel pay well if Uio upplianoea art) BuitabJa Mr. Hinith ulso infoniii us that Moumouth luelgu lion lately cluuigoel Imnds, and that work on Bovural quarU ledgeti buck of town lia-i ooinmoiiccel, with a good proa iiect that Auburn may yel bo tlio centro of iiuportunt milling oporations. Though not tho lovolicst villago of the plain," as Goldsmith boa it, Auburn, in iu mountain glon, has for yeara past been almost 'UesorUieL' WLcn wo know it, inauyyearsiigo, ithadS.OOO peoplo inaml ok)3o ikroutid'it, " Prieu'a iirmy" having lately crossed thu plains.- lteex 'llm first impression of tho Utiglisli elosign on tho American dollar giviw you, is that tho euglo has just been iimsoel from a brown btuily by an awful auet unoxpoeU.'el "swipo" nere!a tho UicU with u stuired club. "Ark you a vetercn?" Wc askcel ol Kiiu, who bad been taking of military iiMtters "It ish no becsnesi mit you velter I tun or node," cried Fritz, evident ly mistaking oit question; "I fight rait all the great stuneiuls mituelf already, and velter I run you makes detn told )ou, I guess not, ain't itl" And it waj at least ten minutes ere wc could mollify the old (ellow. Uoslon Tiansciipt. How Mr. Muatoll Paltl His Note "Darrell I" . , It wm Mr. Lcatherwooii'u voico from tho inner oflice. Tho nnmo called waa my o-wi ; and, with tho alacrity of nn miller clerk ambitious of promotion I ro siiontled to tho nummona. 'Joniih Mustell'fl noto fell dim yester tlnv," wild Mr. Lcathurwooel, lookiug tip aa'l cutcrceL "I want you to rulo over to JJocclidnlo and present it. Of course, it won't bo paid, for, by his construction of tho law-merchant, a debtor has Iho right to nt least thteo distinct duna in addition to tho elayH of grace, tio the booncr wo bogin tho better. Heron tho note, and nn order on Trotter, tho livery man, for a horeo." Mr. Lcathcrwooel turned to hfo writ-ing-dcek after these instructions, and left mo to follow them- llccchdalu was a country village about ik do;cn miles from tho youthful West urn citv of which Mr. Leathorwood wns tho leading merchant The roiul hail ho many "lorKs aim turns thut my lieail got turnoel ot last, and in spitu of my stock of itinerary in formation being kept replenished nt reg ular intervals, J hail tho consolation, at tho end of tiuvend weary bourn, of find ing myself many miles out of tho way. Owing to which inislinp it was lato in tlio afternoon when 1 alighted at Mr. Miistcll'H gate I cannot nay I wns won by that gen tleman nt first sight Thero wan a look of BtuiMtor cunning in bin ferrety little eyes, when ho mot mo nt (ho door, nei ther agrccablo nor trust-inspiring. After un iwchango of dicbuit siluta tioiiK, and on intimation from mo that I had called on a matter of business, Mr. Mustell invited mo to enter, nnd led tho way to an iipattmont designed, appar ently, to Hervo tho doublo purpose of a sitting-room and office. "I am sent by Mr. 1jnthcrwooil," I hiiiel, taking tlio chair ofl'ercd by Mr. Mtmtoll, "to lequttit payment of this noU'," tit tlio kuiio timo proelucing it Tho corners of Mr. MusIcH'h mouth went down peiceptibly. His btow clouded; his features hardened. Dun nritnW one, it wuu plain, hail failed in persuasive power. Hut for fui m's wike, I Bhould havo wniteil for no otlu-r an swer. Mr. Mtutell was on tho point of giving one, however, when thu sound of footsteps in thu Mull attracted inn ntien lion. With a hasty excuse ho hurried from tho room, closing tho door as ho did v,o. I could heur Mr. Alustcll greeting aoino onu wliom ho cnlleel "Sharker ;" nnd then thero wns the introduction of a "Mr. MoLure," after which thero waa a paliml "You nooelu't bo afraid of .Uob Mc Lure," wild a voico which, I roa.ioncd, belongoelto Hharkor. "llo's as truo us Kttcl." "II nil fcamo waniingly from Mr. Mtwtull, who iinmeeliately conducted his visitors to a part of thu houso out of hearing. At tho end of a half au hour Mr. Mustoll rcturnceL His manner was com pletely changed. Jlis look was oven conlial as ho cxprusscd his regret for hav ing kept mo waiting. "As I was about to say when inter luptodjiiBt now," ho procccdoel blandly, "I havo thu money ready for tlio note. Toll Mr. lA-nthorwooJ I should havo called upon him with it but for tho press of other businese." Hero was a surprise. How 1 hud mis- juilgeel from appearance?. J would havo olIiTetl nn apology Jiau i Known now io do mo. Mr. Mustel counted out thu mone'y in Kink noted, till crisp anil nuw, which I uirefully buttoncei up in an insido jioek et, lc-i ing tiio pai I noto on tlio Uible. It was uliwtly growing late, nnu i nan no timo to loosu if I ould reach homo at a Huufoiiublo hour. Mi. Mustoll uimo to tho gato to eco mo ol)', nnd, afUr parting, tlio warmth of which contr.ii.ted Ltmngidy with tho coolueM of oi.r moeting, I i.et out on a trot, of which cho vertical motion was somewhat disp ojKirtioned to that in neb vnnue. I had roach d tho loneliest part of tho road, and the .iun was just totting, whon I heard tho ouiul of hoofii bchiniL I bail hanlly X .no to look about before two horsomm ea itereel up, ono on oach side. Ho on th. right seized my brieUo witli his left lionii, and leaping down pointed a pistol ut iii i head. 'Dismoii at I" lio said, "if you valuo your lifol Thoro ia money inyour pock et, and I uubt havo itl" Header, what would you havo dono in my place t I was without a weapon. I hail taken no precautions for defense, for had not expected to bo tho bearer of my jirese nt ohargo. Hero I wan, in a secludeel spot, at tho mercy of two dca rruto men. Well, whatever, you, or another braver thnn mysolf, would havo , -i.. t .i...i k nrmlmit rnurso and'ilon to tako a packet of his wife's letters i...i' . .i:?.:.. Burruiiui-rvM i. uw.... r.. I I... l.lf n ..;...! II. n IllAlinv . .l i .i !UM TW!T!;::r i.i-iMvr vi i..Y' ."""'" v .,-......, 1 At a lato hour I found Mr. Leather- weo.1 at, his house and told him Uio wholo stoiy. Ho made mu no reply, but raig for a Korvaut "Oo call mo the first polioeman you moot," he suiel, when tho servant en tersL By a fow searching cjueaUons ho drew out what fow minw facta I had before omitted, by which time tho aerTant had returned with an officer. ihuug, merely a looker-on, was rcae.y, " " ,. ' T ZlATrinAlnanadnKhoti SS eonqlle: X ZZ men ' if -to Sid ta nt 'for to receive his organized society.-, redo off, iiavfna n,o to go my way !" -.' fi At nlLi evthl... I supposed tho objoct wns to put tho authorities on tho criminals' track with out delay. Judgo of my surprise, there fore, at what followed. n " J give this young man in charge, said Mr. Leathcrwood. Ho protends to havo been robbed of a considerable sum intiufUed to him; but tho circum stances nro too suspicious to pass with out investigation." "Surely," 1 fultetvil, "you do not suspect . " I certainly do," was the curt reply. "These pretended robberies aro an old dodge. And this one doesn't nppcarto havo boon very adroitly planned. For instnnce, how could niiyono havo known you hael tho money nbout you 1" Tho policeman took my arm, when Mr. Lcnthcrwood resumed : " I would not havo sent him to prison till uftcr tho examination to-morrow. Keep him safely till then, and I will see to tho expense." Thus, though held in close custody, I was spared, for tho present, tho degra ihton of coiiiinnmeiit m tho common Jal- t ,. 1 will not prolong wu irj jr " cital of my feelings till tho following afternoon, when I was brought before a magistrate. Mr. Mustoll, who had been .ent for, una Hin first witness called. His tcsti. mony was full, nnd circumstantial, nnd truo every word of it "Call Mr. Mol.urp," said the State's attorney. I iitarted at tho name. So did Mr. Mustoll, even moro than myself. Hut imngino my amazement when from nn adjoining room, tlio identical person ap peared who had looked on nt tho rob bery I "Uouworn, Mr. McLure," aid tho attorney. I could restrain myself no longer. Was my libeity to bo sworn away by tho veiy wretches of whom I wiih tho victim? "That man," I oxclainrcd, " is onu of tho villains who did tho deed!" " Silence 1" shouted tho tipstaff. Tlio witness, with perfect dolnt&s as well as accuracy, narrated ovory fact iw itoecmieeL I was astouinlcd to nco a man thus criminnto himself. lint a few moro questions served to clear tho mat ter up. " What is your occupation, Mr. Me- LuroV "That of a detective." "Do you know ono Sharker 1" " I do. I aricaied him last night" " What is ho by profession 1" " A counterfeiter." 1 Havo you tho money taken from Mr. Darrein" "Yen: hcioitis." The rcll of bills I had lost was pro duced, every ono of which proved fcpu rioiiH. Hero was another surpiise, but Mo Luro was ready with tho explanation. Mustell belongeel to tho naniu band thnt Sharker did. Mel.uro wound himself into tho hitter's conlldonce, and through him secureil nn introduction to Mustoll thu day I called to collect tho noto - at which timo tlio hchemo was laid to pay tho falso bills to me, and rob me of them afterward to avoid discovery, an enterprise; in which tho detective, for reasons of his own, commuted to benr Sharker company. Thoicsultwas that Mustell and his fiiend entered thu publio service, while I returned to that of Mr. I.entherwood, devoting my leisure- time, for a season to n closo utility of tho "Counterfeit Detector. An Interesting Meeting A very veinarkablo and interesting mooting took place rocontly in Wash ington between two generals who had fought on opposito sides during our civil war. It was Goidon'a (Confederate) command which striok the flank of tho Eleventh (onion) corps; it is said, on the aftonioon of tho first day tit (Jettys. burg, and by a brief though elesperato onset broko its linn, and throw it into irretrievable disorder. Gen. Francis O. Harlow of Now York, who commanded tho first elivision mado a roholuto effort to drive Kick tlio enemy, but whilo ex horting his trootw, was dangerously, nnd as was thought mortally wounded. Two of his men tried to carry him from ',ho field; but as thoy passeel through tho storm of bullets, ono was killwl, and Harlow maguamoniously said to tho other: "You can do mo no gootl, my bravo follow. 8a vo rourself if you can." Gordon'a Georgia Hrigaelo swept in ita impetuous chargo over Uarlaw, who was found by Gordon with faco upturned to tho July sun, apparently dy ing. Tho Southerner dismounted gavo tho Unionist a drink from hia canteen, and inquired his name and wishes, oariow sam no wouiu pruuuuijr live but a short time. lie wanted Uor- from hia breast nockct to read ono to , -- -,, i, , .......tlltr... flmv khntiM full iiiLO nthnr IUIII. UIU lUVIl uwiiui uiuui. un mw i ,u Ho ...ldeei that his wifo wo in ml,,!.! ., ,i foo to bo removed to a placo f wjfty under Uio bhado of a tree, Mrs. Uarlow reoiiveet uio mcss-ice, "" o.-v through the lines, aud nursed her hus !,.., I Ki.l- tn I if. i and health. Since Gordon's elcotion to tho United Statos Senate, Barlow has been iu 'asuuigton, and was lately invited to a dinner party, to which tho Georgian was also invited. Tho two men hai not mot sinco tho bat i f OnUvsuurc. They sat opposite aae another at tho table. After intro - duction, tho Southerner impaired of tho Northerner, "Arcyou a kinsman of tho General Harlow killed at Gettysburg!" "I am a son of tho father of that gen tleman." Then followed a conlial greeting, and the story, as narrated, was told to Uio company ny uoruou wuu fuio cilect, and not "without moistened W- an englishman's' tSavelb. l'ho traditional Johnny Hull is a human being whoso bump of inquisitive ncas was never elovcloiieil, and who il lustrates tho nrovcrb that "Speech is Bilvcr but Biloneo is golden," by having httio to say to a stranger, J hen again, onco in a whilo wc hear of a "breezy Englishman," and that must havo boon tho kind wo met tho other day on his travels through America. Six weeks ago; ho told us os wo passed togothor up tho O. it C. railroad, ho loft his homo in England. Ho is n merchant in boiiio oldountry town, lives on a small pieco of twelvo acres where Jio raises turnips, etc, and practices a littlo amateur farm ing for pleasure, nnd suddenly tho in tontion to travel camo over him, nnd this vnB how it camo about, ilis son wits not disposed to follow tho business and expressed a desiro to go to hoiiio nnwor region and becomo nn agriculturalist- Tho father thought if "tho boys" wanted to emigrate ho would havo to lo too. and bv sellina out his poseos- sions and the good will of his busii.oss, would havo "a good bit- ot money to iiso elsewhere. So he suggested to his wife that ho might ns well go to Amer ica and look about him, with a view to sehicling a location, and the thoughtful spouso replied that she was ubout ready to commrnco Spring house-cleaning, and would bo glad to bo rid of him, and upon thnt hint ho packed and went aboard tho steamer for New York. I le had been over to Trance and had visited Ira land, but tlio journey to America looked serious. Hut with him travel had been a constant succession of delights, ho won kindly treated everywhere, went first to visit a cousin in Ohio who was nlreaely n General ami famous politician. After i.pcniling u fow dayH thero ho went "down South" to hunt up a friend who lived thoro ; then ho r.ig-stng-gcd out to Kuntas to neo another friend, and found lio wasn't ho very fur from California, and when through visiting nn old friend thero became inspired with tho desiro to kou Oregon, nnd hero ho was, passing through, overland, on his roturn. Wo certainly wish him a pleasant journey back, nnd shall have our idea of tho typical Englishman hencofoith. Travel camo to this genial gentleman as iv Hucecssion of dulitihts. and his sympa thies weio not in tho least antagonized by contact with his American brother. There was certainly a touch of humor in this leaving homo to visit and cross a continent whilo tho wifo was undergo ing tho Spring houso cleaning, and tho traveler's eyes twinkled ns ho informed us that ho had received a lottor from homo that Mrs. Doboll had concluded to meet him italf way on his return. Sho was going to Liverpool, 120 miles from home, to wait for his arrival, nnd that was as much of on undertaking for her ns was his escapado across an ocean nnd a continent. Mr. Dobell. tho traveler referred to, is n cousin to Sielnoy Dobell, a writer of M-iii-pful nroso and verfco. whosj contri butions wo occiuionnlly meet with. It is a littlo remarkable that hia going to I America nhould havo led him through I ho much of our toiritory iu so shoita time, and iiloasant lo know that lio found so much of interest to lean mm on. Hce. llSMSSsSMSMMlij PATRONS UPHUSBAWDHY- Tho Statu Grange htm been intiwsioii sinco Tuesday, and will probably com plete its work and adjourn tonight Tho members report that tho interest in tho order is fully maintained, und thai its results justify tho expectations of its f riciula. Thoro is no olecttou of ofiicera tliiayear, those electee! in 1878 holding over to 1880. Hon. A. It. Ship loy, of Oswego, tno Master, takos tho greatest possible intorest in his work, und is ably assisted by Mrs. Shiploy. Tlio members ot tlio ntaw u range eon stituto a body of dolcgatcs that do honor to any Stato as representatives oi ua beat interests, and tho mission of tho or der is to raiso tho sons and daughters of agriculture to a high and influential po sition as arbiters of tho destinies of our country. Communbm stands liitlo ahow of control whn intelligent farmer oc cupy their proper position in directing publio affairs, nnd tho moro thoy are trained to tako part in publio lifo tho moro stable will bo our nationol power and more assured iU prosperity, A convention that is composed of husbands and wivos waa n novel feature, but it wnrltH harmoniously and with good cf- t. nnd illustrates tho chungo that is coming over the spirit of our ago. This creat order has dono much to givo a " . 1 H C ,1... tin recognition to woman, of th, po- LniisHnimnd influonco shu sUoulel iKissess ho best at 30 you havo your doubts, at 40 there aro somo things you don't know, at 80 you aro suit) of your ignorance, and after that you read Mr. Hoecher'a bernion on everlasting punishment and hope ho is -right It is now said by scientific authority that sleep commences in tho feet and extends to tho head. Possibly the cus tom of sitting with the feet ton aril tho 1 pulpit may havo something to do with it - '"inn, ii r .mwnnrriiiaiinmigiMfinnmaiHiKaindireftE