WILLAMETTE FARMER MABKET REPORTS. WILLAMKTTK KAltMKt; OFKIOH,) I'OHTLMIO (OK), lllVftJSAT M015ISO. May , 1679. J Lfa trrxltn In Portland, Imjlnjr, pur, and sctllnj at par, i (Urn coin in Portland tho banks quote at loll lKr tint, discount Home I'roduco Mnrk't. Tlio following iiprrscnt wholesale riU-a from picdu i rs or first handi : I'LOUH In jobbing lot lUiidtrd brands, f '' country brands, l W(sl W. WIIKAT-Jl.tO. ilot OATH -hlt, 4W-43C V liusliil. ONJONtt-JOeWDi I'OTATOM-i.iiotililc ttWOOc V budi Coming )n frith. JillllDMNdH-JoMunir, fur fil, fKWJa, fine-. 2J ' WS7 V ton IHIAN-Jol Uiik at 14 ton. 'llACO.N-Mdw, tfc ; llarnsi ll(12c; shoulders, 0 toTe. LAIltl-ln key ami tltst, 10c. DUTTKll Wo ciioUi iholco fresh roll ut IS to SOc j jemd pickled roll, Jtr; solid In kcir. It'. C'HEhSK-Oreuon, llt'13; California, (JHCIJflllUITK- Apple', good kwplni', T bos, lo7&c. ' llltlKI) rKUITS- Applon, sun dried, JJMcj nivhlno Irlr4, 7'c, dull mle. I'm", inadiliii rM, 7(Sc l'lums, tun lined, lfsvll I IKIS-lSc, kooiI ilinnml. IIIULTUY -Chickens, joun, WJJ ' lrdm old, UiHf', Will WMiUil HOOK-Drcsscd, &c, on fool 4c fil.KF Mve wi Uht VJ ami 3) tin Im he, HIIIXI'-IJmi wnglit J and 3 cb. WOOL-riniiniOrciron, WIS; WVaiMlle Vallij-, Kit If. llllll.S- ISc. TAIJA) W-Vnotulili l ft and ti IIAV Timothy, laWil, buying at IIOukI IIS Vton, '.cncrul Blcrclinndlsic. IIICK-Chlna, No. I, nono I China, ho. i, r ct. Jain, 7 rt; handalcli Islands, 7c V('y ""' TKAS Jan, 36 and tor; llla-.k, t uinf ; V. II.. I)c. COr'FIIIr OnlA Uloa, 10 and 17i ; J, S S7. , yuOAIW-Marktt l.niu of Inland sm,-u; Crushes! A, ISci Bno inulint, 12c; Cul,llc: ttstuf, 10, (Intdci f, Dc; Handalch Inlands, 7 and 0 c. HVIIUI' -ftirolMiu (JAMll.CH-ltandlB. UAIHINH-lniK)rtl,J Island WMlx Uilllor nla, fi and l. MIAIH-Oocd, 7t and 1 M. VIIAHT fUVVIll.ll- Donmlljr, 10 m"! Spun! pmtmi h M.rrlll Ss t gtom. OIIJt-OMInary brands uf itnl, St . Ugh Krados, llowntrCt Co.lttatid 4ci llulkil IJnuMil, Mc; lltsr IJnowl, W"c, IMia Uiil.ll !U andtl VK I'.i.l'.r, II ii and tl 40; Tut), ntiiir, U) and W nnU iij (JooiIn, i;(c. lUtill and Jol Mnt; IUil. IVM, A., 1,1 l4ii, Sll W .71 li ,Cllrw , HoN-'J (H-iuUin, llvl'J,. Wlo Itixk Miulln.tk.KhlloIoniti ilaI,iliilK,nllirlnuid4of nlitloilullii,7ti:i;rlatl wool LUniril, atiOKk. uliilo all nool fUnnil, JDflU (iantoii lllinnil, I.Uuilicd and uiililimliid, VvrJOo, (1iclol, for alilrtlnir, 1IWHV; Tiili.o Until, itHH&l Wlrprif, itwliX'. I'nmli tovulliuf, HX-rl. liMiliirxy Jranii,3rw37t. lid all wool llUnkiln, iK'Jt.lO wlilto all wih.1 Illai.kiU, JV-SW, Oitton Itatlln.-, i,fc .; Iilitlnit n.innil. 'JMWK; Mi'k biiJiiiIoihI IVithnurii, 41c 041.76; llutkr md Uiiii(lutli,tn7r,KiomIitiHi'k, Joj(Smlniriiililiitli,Onall.5JjTiikln, 13aUc, Ik'nlina and Uuik, ICntiV, l'ivniicr' lbiol, tW4f W, di) Hin, MiiiV, l S5a.ll0jdnlo l.vllci", lull tklu, tlJInifJ; iludu Clilldnnt' Minta, lf kln, fl.VOa ,U; lki)',tkiuU,il.uaal U);l)irraUi, Uxal.; Jump n, IOoal.il; lluiiirl Orcrtldrtt tl.V0a.75; llcim' UinltnhlrU and Drair,371oa(0; OitrwmU and IIUU rn.ir.Nlall! (O,notlilnr,iulu,(7.f'0 a3S tJ CumI iDtro l'iu1U51)aU W Sun rraiilht: Murkct. Mm t'HMcwo, Mty S7. Uhrat- OuUi'llru i holro milling tcarraaml wantrd lit II H7; fatit M'ilnc dullahdnrak Mulct lirlni; arfnUil hy atlikta fium Utnrpool; botquoULIo II (10. Wwtlitr In m b fxi and rrop propiU aio rooiI. Hour- Very dull. OaU-ChiilniMimlnl.lnittyaiiil drli(ht nirprlw, nut foul, aold at II t.6; fair l.-rl II 4i), Ro-I (I to. drain IW'-lW'TilU; n.ui at uuillon at U n.'f 8 71. IViUlmi. lKii.i.ruiirril at SfmlM itn for now Chicago lai'kct. I'm.-ino, tliy VT Wlnut 110(1 r Im vld fur Juniidclhcry. llt'orlioliiu'N Wlivat 3Iiii-Uil. tm-on, Uny V'7 lliutlutf lariuN, tuin iliinir tirirora on iyii4'ii wid for liipuirnt, In m tiu Mark taut, mUirr Hulcr ljiioUUii of puud iwmi, till a!, 4i I!h nt lUniaim fi.r orllrr aiiuunt, K uuil i) pi r ixnt. vein niMoi., M, 7i or Mil, ; 1Uh luUr, 4!J M! t.l, falllornU, U U, 4a U (Io.nl ililnnt: IVlllnrnt on no, nr to) ri, (JumriKtOMii fur nUrt, juat uMppcU or to Im promptly lpiil, 4I;milj dur, (In; avcroni Ch or ilil for ahlptnnit during Oh' pirn nt month and following oni', V 4MD R". on Ani.tliwi linn, SJ; llriyon for lilp If i ill, (I. IJn rnni Wluat, vjt, dull Ifiiiihivuntry iiuukito imUy tlio furnlii.inr Varmtra ilclii tllr Uuiiiij; tnV IAf((,000 i;i. llnlninUr nhmtUIr ttira,'OHiAtrrn l ld,ulul MlililKan(i4 Vd In Uiis connection wo cannot but hope that wheat and wool buyer will hereafter insist on both product! being in good order. If wo ship wheat badly cloanod, or wool that is foul with dirt, nny r-cniihlc man must co, III it moment, that tho producer will bo tho iiltimalo losur. No uhrcwd merchant will buy dirt mid jmy for it. If our farmers and wool-growers wish to command n good priio thoy fiiust noil good g'wds. Wo desiro to impreBH on tho min'l ol every man that bis reputation, and tho reputation of tho Ktale ought to hate a cash taluc, uliI if the repu tation of our product i not favorable wu shall bu loicrs by it. H buyers liavc lost heavily on Orccon wheat and wool not well cleaned, an many claim, thoy havo n right to ' insist on moro caro on the prt of prwlucerR, ! or a reduction iu pnet. LOCAL MAUKKTK. ()atn nro scarce and tho supply iu iobably rcstricttd by continued wet weathir. Potatoes nro ecarcc, though not in active demand, worth C5 cents ptr burJitl. Tho market for dried fruiU i dull. Sun dried npplm sell an low tus four and fic cents pr pound, and I'lummrr-dritd apples and pears do not yet coniMiand moro than scvin cciit.i in Kan I'mueisco. Kiindricd plums in Hun i'raticmco are worth eleven to twelve tents, and no reliable rjuotationr for I'luin-tiier-dricd plums. TUB WITT MKAKON. 'iho (iintiuncil wut weather is vtry dis rournging to trade and creates fears that the trop may suffer injury. Ucports received by Karirh'n shipping intrlliijentooniccycitcr day, which wo publish elsewhere, show that on yet, rrop prospects nro lousidcrcd excellent, nnlesi tho continuance of rains causes future injury, which we may hope will not be tho cann. CROP PROSPECTS. SURE CURE ?J tomilllaU rtmUinB lromioui aa.ip.i- iMlrH h rhr v t -r w i r sc ' ." .. M , .- TI1C BUllIQ EIUW i,hjm-- . . , ,7. . iti.rrin.Ki .v.vrvVrAWiV,iiiM.wuii : m i jrff (--"T"rr ".". ' i'..i. ;.r.. j, n i;.c try ur ? alall flmoi sYi, J IV, dovu tii.t !,--.- r lonttifknuiiiM jiiiniriwt ricn i porftnn iwrri w Mnn, ol(e. . ja.l.- t.llatowi tnAfitS. iftfl Ifl DARf ids rrmi "' ;- '", i.. onntKiBinr ft lift CI (n i ; inriormi i-j: m'-'j :r i..r.,.i v- .n ii oviti iorin i UM "WUIl 1 n 1 "." "T" f.n.-V. I It flft tf Ktl inf HI iWTaviv hr fciM fflf Two Uoiurt ... i ""'"'i ..;. .j.ra ill ricilv I TomM rwi hiM Ufa tnovth Ia plirnti, r lint flf ftlianf. llD u.4A4drr.jJ&Kcv Norh jaiadlctou'ii, Bourbon Co., Ky. i ttniay D. W. PRENTICE & CO. Music Store! 168 First St., Portland, Or. All instruments sold on tho installment i,lan, nro nt our regular CASH ITJCiS. Our l'iano and Organs are from the liett makers, our prices nnd terms are tho easiest of any house on tho North Pacific Coast. Wo fully guaranteo every instrument wo sell, and eacli i'iano nnd Organ if also accoinjiaiiied with a guarantee from tho manufacturer COMMERCIAL. 'I:ih'Ijiav Mihinimi, May '.V, Ih7t. 1 tlU Wlll.T Mtl.l.i" Is iiliet, with mi receipt or ti.um.ut.oiu m wheat, nud mini' ii'ioipts continuall (mm at of the mountains, which lire prrluil ly bought to mako n largo for A W'( 1 ninclrd to arrive. Tlioiiiotatfvui for Walla Walla whc.it may be placed at Jl fi'JJt' l.M pri cental. Within tho at ten ila there has Ih'imi u slight decline in l.ivirixi'l wli(t IplotutiollS, Wllllll llHlks iflflp 'Il1tH lit IhirujHi Mid the UnitulMi.il- niri tmi favomhli) to uphold tho price. tmi: wool, tniikar .Sluiwiimi life line, as yot, no t:i.i. Imi.k Imini! KorU'd. 0i VtKXl lupi 'f wikiI Imvolu'ii ivceived fnun l!t t tin' iiiotin tains, of whiih nearly llXk) bate bttn ship juil to San l'raucisco, and '.IM bag fold, re.iliriug ISCj'.Mc for giKnl to iboice Since last wicl. tlm Sun 1'ruucisio market shovi liiont liriiiuiss and aitivit) ami no ndvaiico for redly good wool. Wilbimttu and Umpur wikiU may be iuoUil at -I cd! '.'lie per lb, Uti.t advices. It must bo remembered that thoc figure -aro given for giinl to fancj hits, and that jnor gnules are urglcctcd, Hitlurto tlnio has little distinction bein m.iilc with nyard coarse and tine winds, but dealrrs luipriM mwu our luinds the fact that all that u changed tho present )ear, and the demand is strictly for liucr graiUs, They also inform us that lots of wind sold to tuuttro buyira iu Sau Fraucisco aro contracted for subject to roJia and rejections of lufmor wools ixmio back on tho scllir hands; also tk.it wool is classed according to the onltr iu whicll it is found, so that It u desirable that 'all wool producer should nt that tlieim are ro)H.rly trimmed, aud iu decent rvuditicu as to cloaulluetJ, Ixforv studiugto market. 'I'lirough I'nriili'H market report ami i ping intelligence wo glean thu lollowili. Salem, May -7 A few of tho fannu x .u thu very low lands did not gut in rut man) ucrttt art they tiiliitdcd, but hi fur m I am nbln to learn the rams have dnno no injury to tho gram in tho aggregate. The yield will morn than tomiwiitatc for tlio bus on acLouut of not cellini nil tho nniiind iu. Most of the grain looks remarkably well, with fuw exeep tiutiH, and total yield will Iki moro than for many years. The only dinger is if it ion tiiii.cn to rain it will grow too rank. Albany, May '.'N 'J ho iinivcrual opimou is that prosiectM for grain crop win nuvtr lioltcr, and fully 0.ri per rent, of ground eown with no damage yet. Tlio only iiohsiIiIo chauro of damacc will bo from continuous rains or from n nudden change to continued hot weather, which would canui rust, Fully 40 per cent, muru gram sown this year than over Ik fore. Pannem aro vory hopeful nud nntertaiu no fears oiccpt from a continued hot sun after this luntinucd ruin, This in cludes tho i ntiro county. Kugcmi City, May 1!8. It is the opinion of thu most rcliablo nan that if rains should stop now that there would lio an excellent crop. If rains continue thoro is danger of gram growing too rank and not filling, In very low places fall grain nnd some Spring grain is drowned out. Spring sowing on high rolling lauds look very lino aud promises a largo crop. Still mining very hard hero. Kosrhurg, Vay "S, ltcst informed pirties say tho ram has. done no harm. Cornelius, May "7. -drain already vom, both fall and Spring looks very good. If weather continues good, prospect in fair for lalo toning Usual amount of acreage al ready sown ticncral out-look better than last year. St. JoMph, May 27. Thu wheat at this section uf tho country is splendid. Am in formed tho prosects are better than for vev eral yearn, for more than an average crop. No damage by late rains utiles it is to tho tarly wiutir whiat, which is light and of no conseijuintn ami may turn out as well us any of tho other w) eat Prom alia Walla we are advised that tho outlook nevi r promised targi r to the acre, with a very largely incrcaitd acriagu rcHrt td in tho .illc)M of Umatilla, Walla Walla, and thoSuako and Palouso rivers. Tho nunl ity is ix peit iil to bu sujienor to last year j HILL Dilinis Klr,u Dubois & king, Commission iYlerchants. All Kt IN IAIU" 'K KI.SCIHSMENTS 411 Washington St., San Francioco, 108 Front tt., Portland, Or. 'Irculinandotlrr Inlcmiallon rcvirdlni; tlio nool marVit furniilieil on appllralion to our PcrUuid Ilouc ntislo-lf tbnnn A YKAH and rrnrs Uinfivnts Outfit free vp Address I' ( VICKKllY, Aupi.U, H.iie ma)Vly PACIFIC RUBBER PAINT! lie Not Uccclvcil by ImltntlonM NowUiniroflirMl in Oils msrkct. This IWnt Iim Ucn In Usi-lu this Ktato so lone ami Ly so many, with sotWactory rciUts, thst it mls no Nttcr nrom-rrtnrtitimi 'uHiSn B 'SrcKlHjSsBjIm I Initallmint terms: S.'it), 8100, or more, cash, lialancc, ? Ifl or $20 per month. Installment tcrm SCfl, $."0, or more, bahtner, SIC or $20 per month !Mll, PjgtSf Installment tennsi $15, $2. or mnro, cash balance, $10 or $1(5 per month 3txiiC23 xufsxarrcusa: Send ror .Sntuplo Can. 'HODGE, BAVIS &, CO., CTiolosnlc 23ruijiist, IU) 1' i&f&r i Installment tcrmsi 815, $i", or morv, cash, balance, $."i or $10 per month. If insttllincnt terms an ipiotcd almvu do nut vactly please, thoy can bo changed to suit convetiienco of customer. d. w. preFtioe & 00. Du. m rsm M,,who.ioadvertiscmeutatstl tcistimomals aiu p.ihlished III this issue, will bo ri'mcmhtred by many M lavirg visited Oregon in the summer of li)7l, and K'rformed many wonderful eiins, a stated in tho ccrtiticatcs given. Wo knew him then, at Salem, and were aware of his succi.i iu practne. Ho nut i uly excels in thu specialty he givis such preminmce to, in which ho his had wonderful success, but his ixpeniuce aud great scituttllti attuimmnt i liable him to prescribe tu all rati whim tho Ust scientific skill is ict'uisitei at least that u thu opinion wo fniiiii'd from our uwu irsun.il observation Sir Asiley Cooper' Vital Reiloratlvo. Tlio srvat t.i-u'.isli iMiudy him niado moro iHiivs ot Nirvous Dibilttv, Nominal Wivikuess, laist MauhiHid, iiuiturnal emnuions, lassitude, iinlnlit) fur luiutal laUir, desiMindciii'y, and such ditease a aro iiiduiiif by youtliful follii'H and exci'Mif, than all other lueiliciue coiubiui;;rA';ii,znrrnsEJi'''''j It is not a stimulant nor exutaut, I i'r fectly safe to take, is not a ijuack nostrum, and products results that are wonderful. Price, $;l a Uittlo. Four times tho ipianti ty, $10. liny a little. It will not disap Jim. For sale b ll druggists. Hodge, lUvis A Co., wboksalc agvuts. A OsOTlD. Tu oJI lio air suSrnnf from Ui tnors and inji.re tUuu o4 youth, iwrvous KYskmss. ratty ds, lM0f nunhoul, He, I utll Mild t rtcipo thst tll ruts jou, HlKKUiCIIAIl(;U This prat nnmly a dlscor rrc4 Ly a tnWioiury In r-outh Anicnca. 8nd a self sadiusnj inJoi to ir l(sv Jossru T. Isius, LU tkm 11, lUhls llocur, Nrw York tit). jsnSI-ly GOOD CORE for HARD TIMES A I'UMktloS UK KisJ.1 ntouricai4iuuiUHK UUI'SkKklin. Pnnn I'Unu rlK UU aUalM.OtO ClocWrrlU iUUU and CvntliKnUl Mrl,rr CUnts, Mil luns'ol cKhcr I'lwU, Trsrs, iV. k'or)thinr n, nowl and mv. Prices low twvl hx IXMrtpnVt Cir ruUrtoblKMlV 1 gsHSKIT, .Mirrfrjnst. wl mt (ioiicrs,VVcuiluiy, .N .' ui-jiSm Aud I'lililishcr of D. W. Prontico & Co's MONTHLY MUSICAL JOURNAL Prico, 75 Conts per Year. Contain 3PJ worth of New Music ca:Ii year. HOME MARKET! ISO BOARDING STABLES! Cor. Third and Ash Stroots, FOIITIj VTJ13. Horses lu:lit ami sold jtr order. Partir having horses to sell will do wrll to call on us soon, as wo ha,o many orders to All. Wo are prrputd to handls un broken har, or thosa tint havo rontraetoil vicious luhils (thcrrhy fllllntr them for inarket), on tho most rtlciitine principles. Tinm rsasonahlo. Addmsi f H. D. MONTGOMERY, Care of P. F. CAS1XCM4!7,V. S., WiM-tf Xozrtln,xi.ed. JDLY MEETING i:uii:m: i white. I'lTlLuuI H HII.T.NKU. ban Fraucisco, WHITE & GILTNEK, STOCK, MONEY AND EXCHANGE I 130 First St, Portland. MINIMI hTOOKS not (HIT AMI MILD ON COM niln&lon and earrii-d tn Maivtm liaifiitf IncniiM-.i our LuiliUe fir thopurdiosc anu salei't Hiiiine r-Unks, if odir adiantaiis tooptraUirs not Lil L4 rl hero. Pcrfnl fiecuill) duuran. Iml Kuirri ssttssl loiif(otk, Msmlng and Kun'iV IlKurdljuoiitions rrcviud itail) Ly tilctfraph- (iener.tl Anenls and (Collectors. Will trail at li.lno4 far hirtiu liun.-st a iH-lnncxi a Ajrrntsur ottieriiiM, in alt ii..U -. caranUHiui; sstiscUou and inculeruto thar- liur rrtirinevsato lh Lett In tho fit) Insurance. Fire ami Marine, Km U1 In the Lot oiid loot n I-iUe comionk-s, at nvular rati . Pri'inrlt ounrrsUiin:tnduUnt towns or inlhoivuiitry, andiiotlrlsi,rvtetid uUnrt lea tlirlr eroti I'ulln-trueiloiitiilh portiniloAa stntoasppli Ly ttv UI II nd it h-rtatly ( their adisiila! to laraiijo Hliniwlnritu'tlieir proiiriy luuy ihiuhj. at sinau ixwi, cut ion EUGENE D. WHITE, (ummssioM'.u or or.r.os. ,olarjr re kl Ir and Urnrral roiwjaictr. flHUlktluit(cn tlntl toll.o liiinc of Depositions und AvknosKiUiimiU, IVexls, MorU'scxJ, IVncrs of Attorimy and all ohir furiiis of iin-l IiMtrumvcts iroiHily txnuliil and aekuowliOiriii In all cl tlir Mates and Trrrilorim, and the District of Columbia. litniian iioiirsof attorney csrctiU'd and leipUiti-d, spi'' If Farmora, Attention ! Sk J. VAN BEURDBN, SI'KCIIL. ACJEXT FOR Wultluun liiul Elgin Watches, KKTAimi AT WIIOLESLK I'KICtS. lienuine Kl-in Moveiseat, CliroucL'rtu rodo-icc, four JenrU, A1UU lVe, y 00. home ruoTruient In tmo-our.c Sileir O-st, I3?.t0. Wolthoin W aUhr at the sain pnew. A Uiy variety of all kinds of Au.riran Vcirnvcnl eoneunlly on band. All a-aUhe srrantsil, SjU AsTnt for tho cvlel rated rulTlWN-S WT(UKM.hlch milted first nrdals In all tUposittons In the orld. Watch Xepalrlng A Ipecislty. AH order fonsonkvt tliroufh WelU, ,'uvo 1 Co' Impress CO. H. hpeeial AtUnlloa pcAl to Irfjalnnf Hut M ab.ru. 168 First St., ap4 1u Portland, ok Tin; Washington County AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, The Directors of tho VYwhlrvUin County Arriculrurul hoi-iity liareellirrd SOOO.OO ! In the urivito, tor fuist Kuoning and Trotting Horses ! The trials id rjil to Like pUew ovir the eonrw on the Huilety's t air llrounds, near IllllNboro WnSliliirTton Co., Or., July Ul nud Itli, ISTf). PROOiI7MMK: Jul; id. 1 r. v I'dfli.t hunnlne Horse, Mars or (Itldlnj,-, I years ild, milo and rrpeat, rntraiico 10 per crnt., . flM M Jul) th, 1 1- v, 1'i.u.t Trolling Horse, Mare or OtkUnf, firv for all, thrra In tlie, tnlnuioo to pi remit., . 1TA, tit, fM ImmKtlaUly alUrvard. Fa.U4tRiuinloirIlonM, Usk or Ocldin.-, free for all, Sinirlo Dash ot 11 mile, in. Inni-o 10rcnl., , Jaoo, 1100 Tho rail's L-eitrninir rtdnj at the Annual .Mectinir ol noiiri) nut i-e in lorce at ine jmy autuop, Ailml-ilon frr men and Leys orer 16 voars of sv, is unuer uu m lutsir, President Ml irnts is r iLi Women und lio; fnw u II U I OlUT.KinU.IJ- under that sav, iisiucni maylo-lm LUMBFR I LUMBER I CHOICE LUMBER OF ALL KINDS AT 8WART5P.S MILL ! Fencing, rioorinr; and Unstic A specialty 1'Uncd or roun tunibit dtiivind at lov rare. Drier promptly rill.nl. UlU flw mill uut of Saloro, on the hilmu.'n luul JaiilWly IU ISttAUTZ Proprlttor BUY NO TRUSS Until joumi HhtfjuUtu ac rtiiuilWul tj Vr, rirnw' Uu Intrntioii. ijTeu4 (or unpb Ui knd iVrcv'siMieuttloJounul. MAdNLTIO KloAbTIO TltL'tS Ci., 100 Ku-rwutnto bt, fean fmUtXi. (1, warM 4" V J. W. GILBERT Pitysi Citsslt i'or Hides, Furs. & Pelts, te21 Cotumerolal it.. SALEM. ly EOSHLAND BROS., COMMISSION MERCHANTS DEALKKS IN Woo), Hides'and Furs.Grain Bags, wool at3v3-f Burlaps and General Merchandise. Cor. North Front and C Sta., Xortlxid, Oroson. Oath Advaaces BKsde aadOoaiiga mecti Solicited. ruajvVSot MAW1LI1S9' BdDHDIID & d5o9 Parflond, Oregon. V OFFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL LIKE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Solo ARonto for tho BUCKEYE MOWER REAPER, Tlio r.cntllUK' llnrvcntlnir Mnctjlno of tlio World. So Inrco a portion of tlio Grata and Ornlit Crops of tho I'aolfla Const hara honn cnt by tlio BUCKEYE, thnt no faiwS mor lioro can ho ignorant or It moziUi or roqulro iirr-tunont to couvlnoo htm ol Ita suporlorltyt a It is too well and to vornhly known to uooil comment. It Jj tlio jiorfootlou or all IXcnpor and Mow. inR Mnohlncs, a A3tT1?OS7 We call especial attention to our New and Perfected PIWTB W S K, rEJ P 531 ra El , itgiflTi ii i r n in &mfiMffigMs$ -S5 New I" detrtll iindtrc-ii-crnl fcnlurc. niSTINCTivi: and I'liClll.lAlt, and Itmiav itandn tlic CHAUP10H THRESHER OF lilt WORLD. rhroshorxnon who hnvo tucd or smployod this now Btylo of rhroshor, all nnlto in tostliylim thnt thoy aro tho OSIT rnICT nnini C! t:S: It Is dcnlpnod tnd Irnllt ezprotaly for Oregon ml Wn1ilnp-ton. bv ono who thoronRhly nnderttnnds tho i-cqniromonti of tho conntry, nnd tho dimonltlM to ho OTorcomo. AbciiIm for HAINES' (Gonuino) SINGLE GEARED HEADER, Spoolally Improvotl for this Sonaon Ton or Twolvo foot out. SOU 4GCNTS ton lUt OID RUIADLC 1 Schuttler Farm, Freight, nnd Spring Wagons. Studebaker Wagons, Studchakcr 4 Spring Hacks. Regulator, Wind Mills, The most complete windmill in use. Elward Harvesters, Vastly superior to any other hand binder Harvester in market. Will handle lodged or fallen grain.and derate it better than any known machine of its class. Taylor Sulky Hakes, Sell Dump, ing and Plain. Monitor and Straw Burning Engines. Sand lor Special Catalogue, also for our Now Prico LUt. iiny M H.LINERY ILUNERY ILLINERY LT.LINERY AN I nil OTIONSI OTIONSI OTIONSl OTIONSI AT Next Door to Broyman Bros., SALEM, OREGON. j uit arrived from l-an I'ruirisco, raid stlccteil ultha full upprcclatlon of tho wants ol ourcmUiincrs.it vrrratntlurtkinsfromfnnnerprloi'ii.wo are unWcdto rite nurtuntoinir Ilia Unentof thOKUne, and (lUAIt ANThi: QUALITY OK IIUtlHS and KTVI.1I 01' S0I1KMANBIII1' uuesiellcd liy auy In tlis Hlotf. Call and sir op-iiSm ssaWsWtlHHHHHHHBaaBBBBBBBBBBW, -I3NT- DRY GOODS 9 Caothing! Groceries ! :OOOT,iS u3lPTI SHOES 2 Boncl for XricoXilHt, ox Call on P. SELLING, Cor. First and Yamlini StsM PORTLAND, Or. X. O. 33ox 414. mayll-u AGAIN IN BUSINESS! MANUr"AimmEU AKD IMl'OnTKU Or SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. llO SB'H.OISjT ST., ZlAt Sldo, 3POXl.M?X-AJNrX. Afcnt lor (iutu 1'o.haond ItuUir ilonuloctunne Oornpony, full AssortiiKnt of Hrosnd other Units cl llosf cm hand at ban I'raiYciu'O prices. A irond Awortmtnt of Concord hUfu HamttM, bias Stocl-s and lsudu of thej Ut quality on bond. Abo, k general asaortracnt of l"anu Homes of all kinds. N. 11. K- palruv promptly attended to. JuiSlU XZ.HVC Trotting Stallions "KISBER" AND "ROOKWOOD" Proporty of Bodmond & Smith, t ft) servo inuCT tin- cnsuln seoaou if ls7t, conimcncWif April lit and ending July 1st, At thoir Stable in Portland, Oregon, on Sixth and I Stroots, Ner the Orexoi Transfer Com any's htaUt. Tciihh, sf.",o, imsatilo vthcu Mnro In Iu Font. All .iccidcntN oc curring to glares to bo nt rtlSk ol lliclr Oivncri. ki9ber's Pedigree. tliy stallion, strip In U.o face; unite near foot, nhite hind kf.-; foaliii i!ay t3, !I3; lt h lltsdta's HamLKt.uiun, 1st lUm Idv Kalllcs. hy lh' Ainerloui tUr; Sd dim by Lonj IiUnd llUo!. llmki Hambls- Ionian (t.yMi;, ij oaaiian, son oi siaraonuc rlno. ROOKWOOD'S PEDIGREE. ItukUi). rifhtfora footand left Kind fuotuhiw. l'oalul Ml IT. 1.TS. Eircd ty Mcetnood, son ot ?y Medium, b lljsdik's llamblctonun. litilam by Alexander AbdalUhl M dun b) dray Me.cnjn-r; 3d by MrateWhipj thUimby llinilltunin(arunninir horw); Utttuood'sdun by Jew Vork UUck Hawk; Happ iluul Ifai't'V Medium dam Irincess. 4jXtoneix)ndnev ichcitid and promptly answered. Aildnss: opll Sin REDMOND & SMITH, Portland, Oregon. IJtrOKTEK, WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL TEAUER IN SEEDS! 1879. SEEDS! GARDEN SEED8 - FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT AND EVERGREEN TREES, PLANTS, ETC- Alfalfa, Grass and Clover Seeds, in Large Quantities, and offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEED, WAREHOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST. htm- San FranoiBoo. f-