m IW WILLAMETTE FARMER. 1 I IS issnsn ursnr riunuy, bt I-A-KICK Jto CBAIG, rBnuPimin snd ruoroiSTons. R. A. OtViltltU. i. W. (,'ItAIO. Terms of Subscription. Ono copy, ono year ("il number)..... f2.no Onocopy, rlx months (M naa-bcrr) .... .... 1.U5 Onocopy. Ihrort ranntb (11 numbers) 7S "roTlTr.AND, I'ftlDAY, MM' .TO, 187(57 A incolt Hear Story. A fow weeks ngo, ns IWr. W. II. Wnldcn tintl 0. If. Ahoy wero hunt Inir cnttlo Homo !5 or J sullen north of thin place, nenr what U cnllctl the IJtiivor D.un, lliey dlhcovorod in the root or u InrRo trco 11 den of yoisni,' honro. They wiw their eyes plainly peering out at them. Old Mm. UruJn wnH thoroulso,(julolly tnkltif: n Hnoo.e. Well, they bolus? unarmed they did not Mop to Investigate, hut heat u liimly rollout. Hull run on a finall Kcnlo wiih ro-cnacled. This was on Katurdny evening. On Huniluy oven the arriinguiuentri wero all inndo for u alinultiiiiomis attack on Monday. Tlioy cnlhtetl tho Hcrylces of Mr. M. It. Kliaver, John I'oo and a young man from Oregon, whoso wunu I hollevo wo Steeples, nil old hear Jiuntortt. On Monday It won raining in torrontH, but nothing daunted tho column moved Oon. C. II. Ahboy in com mand, Colonel rjhavur commanding the right wing, dipt. Too tho loft wing, Major Walden bringing up tho rear, and Lieut Klcoplos of tho Oro gon Militia, leil the advance. After wandering about In the woodn, inarch ing and ('0untor-marchlng for hoiiio tlmc,thoycam ItiHtghtof thoouomy. A halt was called and a council ot war was held to dotermlno whether to take the fort liyHlorni or regular nolgo. They wero not long in decid ing IIiIh matter; thu troops wero In ritiloiiillil condition and anxious to meet tho enemy. It was decided to htorm the fort; Lieut. Steeples, of tho Oregon Militia, led tho corps, sinned with a long pole. I Iu charged up and Jammed the polu In but found a holo that had been burned In tho old trco about largo enough to admit a largo hI.csI torn c.u. Tliiwo eyes that wero k cousplclous wero little balls of pitch that o(i0(l out of tho tree, but no bears. Davy Crockett In the Van couver Independent. Poultry Notch. There Is quite as much dlirereuco in the disposition of hesis, as there Is In people. Homo will wiimll and "Jaw" In hen languago If you look In to tho nest; othors Micm to enjoy be ing noticed and petted. These latter hens am thu ones to hot. I never not wild, fraclious-uatured hens. They are rctstless and impatient and apt to break the eggs; ami after hutching they trample the chicks and do not like to cover them. They am a tort of "woman'rt rights" hen, and tho cares of u family they are not fitted Tor. I chouse tliow lions for mothers that I cm move from ono nest to smother, take thuiu oil" tho nest or put them on, or "loto" (hum around on my arm for half an hour at a time without their rulllluga feather at me. The ltrahma Is one of this class; hut they am too heavy and clumsy to run with youug liroo.K A ciossof llrah- ma and heme biuallur breed makes usually admirable fowls. If tho weather Is warm chicks will lo well If taken from the hen In two or three weeks. They are but very little more caie, and the hens cm go buck to (he bunliiens of luylugcgg$. If I hot pullets, they iibiially wean their breed In three weeks; and then, by n little attention, you can have hu iloclc tamed in a few days. This Is a great point where chickens run at large, lor If a heavy drowning Miower Is ccu approaching you can gather the tender little things Into n Imxkot and carry tho in undercover. Curd Is an excellent thing to feed Hie chick. Cor. Western ltural. t'riialitd (i nil ii ror llomin. O.iti nro Jiiitly iiilviic.itutl n tlio Kntinuliuvonllotlioraiulnnled tolior-uw uiul It Is true, tlint loryounjrlioes, itiul tlioiu unutt on tlio ro.nl, tliero N liroloildy nutliliiB ciiniil to ontH, Imt they oiiK'lit to lm eriihlieil or liruleed itiul not crouni!. In fact, I think nil .ruins tiro better fed In till way, mid It renins Mrmiiio tlmt tlioro uso no Kood Anierle.ui oat eru$lier!. Tliey ht'eni to mo hliuiilo ittnilra us I liuvii been tlieiii In HiiKlUh btuliles. A wheel of ierlinns elihtcuii Indie-, dliuueter, ni.itlo .stntiij,', and liiivlnu;it perfeetly ll.it periphery, of nteel, 1 presume, llku si stool tire, Iiiiviiikh fiu'o about three Inched wide, Is turned nus to Inur evenly nijrtln-it ti Mindler one of a ly elj.'ht iuehos or los iu dliuueter, liuvlu' a similar face. Tlii'Mi two wheels tire tieared to turn toi'.ether, and tho tuts nro slowly fed In by u hopper. l!ood outs, when erupted, are nearly found ami us bit; sum i-llwr three-cent piece, nnd the husks .'nro'qulto inconspicuous; 'poor onesjshow moro husk than grain, and retain moro nearly tho form of tho uncrushod oat. Harloy may bo crushed equally well with oats, al though harder; and corn, when too grcon to grind, might well ho thus treated. If grain bo swallowed wholo It is not easily digested, but ircru.-hed, or broken oven, it is likely to bo. "Coarse meal," that Is, tho corn-meal usually told for feeding Injmany Kast orn towns, simply beeauso It can bo cheaply produced, Is better than whole corn, beeauso it is broken and sotno portion of It Is tolerably line, but all tho flinty part is In largo solid pieces, which do not adhere to cut hay, do not .soak quickly and nro slow of digestion. When now com is crushed, although His not eommlnu- sited Into meal, Itu integrity is de stroyed nnd Is easily dlgosted, be eauso It readily absorbs water or the Julco of thu Btomach. American Ag riculturalist. Mliy Bees Work In tho Dark. A lifetime might bo spent In Inves tlgatlng tho mysteries hidden in a beo-hlvc, nnd still half tho sccrots would bo undiscovered. Tho forma tion of tho cell has long been n cele brated problem for tho mathemati cians, whilst tho changes which tho honoy undergoes oiler nt least an equal interest to tho chomist. Every ono knows what honey fresh from the comb is like. It Is a clear, yellow syrup, without a traco of solid sugar in It. Upon straining, however, it gradually assumes a crystallno ap pearance It candlos, ns tho s lying Is, and ultimately becomes a soll.l t imp of sugar. It has not been suspected that this chango was duo to n photo graphic action; that tho same agent which niters tho wolcculur arrange ment of tho lodinoof silver on the excited collodlan plate, mid deter mines the formation of camphor and iodine crystals In a bottle, eausos tho syrup honey to assumo si crysUHno form. This, howovor, Is tho case. M. Scholbler has enclosed honoy In stoppered llasks, Homo of which ho has kept In perfect darkness, while others have been exposed to tho light. Tho Invariable results have boon that tho Miiincd portion rapidly cryattill.- oil, whllo that kept In thu dark has remained perfectly liquid. Wo now hoo why bees work In perfect dark ncs, and why they am so careful to urocuru iiiu muss winnows wiiscn nro Munetlmes pluced in their hives. Thu exisicnco ot tlioir young depends upon tho liquidity of Micuhnrlno food m.numifiiii ... ,1....... .i..t 1 ll.al.s &.... .ii.nuiiiiii iu mum. mm ii uuiii- "L-rii niioweu access to the syrup it would gradually acquire n moro or less solid consistency: it would seal tin tho colls and In all probability prove fatal to tho Inmates of tho hive. AQENT8 FOR WILLAMETTE FARMER Alliany AuhisviIIo ALsca Amity Hut ii s Visla llctlal .. . lluttoS'nil Iltiltcwllo ... llrouks llnmnsMllo ll Huvuo . . . . Ciltoj-o Urovu. . (!nntibtis. . . , IVuby. ,. Caiiyou City Oivo (irallis lirtwrittht... ('rawforilillo. . . Chisher Damascus Dayton . J, II llannou J. A. I.angworthy Post muter It. li. Simiison . D. M. CalbreAth . . . U II. 1'nuxr . . .J. U (lulbbinl J. W. Ikitchcller Win. Harrh W. It. Kirk loir .ii J. II. Shnrtrid;o is. l). lirtiwu Win. Kniuht D. II. Itiuihart John S. Clark V.. Wnndonl U K. Itiissoll Itobert lllass (Jeo. ShulU K. 1'iirli K. l Hiuhwai Drains Doxtir Dallas Kola Klluushuri; lIlll'llO ., i:iktiui tix Valley Knnst Uiiivo (itwltt'it . . (iinai (MiltiuiAlu, W. T lll'lipiIlT T. k (larduiT S. Hnuitsid.tr .1. D Lie 'IIiom, l'itar-ii XI Kiltyl I. II. Mtt'luiij; A. II. llniius A. D. (iardutr W. L Curtis . . .. J, llmiiUal.tr M. MstcbiU . ..Anus &. Wntmoru . . . . 0. M. Mallory ll.irnslitirj; Hirum Smith lliibbartl fitor;e J. Wolfir liiilsey T. J. lllack Hlllslion IniKHiiducu . JacUinuvillo. . Ji lli'1-.'ii . . Juuctiou. Kiti;' Valley Lincoln UUuhiii Ltdijutto IaiwismIIo Maiiiiii Ml I'leauut hta-lt.iiu-a Msttirtw) Miller's Station Moiiiunutli W, D. lMleugir W. lh IIimLth Max Mnlltr ... J. W Itowiand .Smth. llrasiifld K li Conor A I'rtwnu L Abnimi It. M. IWvrs Dr. I'.ipiJfton . .1. N. Vokl .K. II. Ituthsrl'or.1 . r. o. iiiitjtr .1. .1. Ilhir W. T Ik II. .Nnniiiau .in ilui.ist .w. MoMiiiuvtllo Xcedy North Yamhill New hint! .. .WwHirt.. OuMand I'rtnovillo 1'iorii Pilot lttok I'nw til's Volliy Ittld . . Jaeol) I Hitter -.1). C tvwart .. SjllHlt'l lloUuii .M Williais J. II Shuiu .. . O. M. I'miRlo William Ituldtr h. (iiliam ....I. K. Wtllivus toit . . II. T Imiit) Sulihiiiity Jiin lv ntllllli- SiiruiKiitld I". A. Kunticds .-4lunri "lUiruUu W. K, ltbmr . .11. II. Niirertillo Julius llorton . .S. 1.. ItllKks JohuCnightcti Jos, Ituiifaktr . ... S. W, Drown J. M. Coulee ....A. I). IVttjJoUn 1 W, A. Whitman ........ J. 1". Drawer ..,.,,,..,. .Si D, divir W.' K. Stutth . tlios. Mmith .. .......J. I!. Klhitn StMttlo. W. T Tim DulUs Union Uij.r Uchocn . Vancouver, W. T , West ChthaK-m ... WhcatLuid., ..,, Wewtsui ..,.,., Wall Walls WattrliH)..,,. WaiUluiv', W. T.-. Wilbur ., Youcillj.,.,, , I A man was going over n field when suddenly ho saw a bull with head down and fcUl'pawlng tho grass. Tho man went for tho nearest fence, but just oh ho reached It ho felt himself lirtcd by tho two masts of tho bull, and ho fell on tho other side. Ho got up, and pointing his finger at tho beast said, "I'll huvo rovenge. I'll get oven with you. I'vo been eating mutton nil my life. Henceforth I eat nothing but beef." Solid Morit Will Tell. For nil (ho litter opposition ol Jealous tliatf, no Let ter Illustration reuld h) hvl ol thli fact tlmn tho Ini tnrnse solo already attained by tho (Treat Throat ami Lung Itemed;, llr. Aug Kaiser' (Senium I Jixer. lor tho euro of Coughs and llronr hlal Affutonslt li truly wonderful, oen thoso suffering from Ooniumptlon In ndtancod stages find jrrcat relief, and number of pa tlcnts Imo found, to tilth- delimit, not onl) relief, but lis. It being perfectly harmless, makes It at once popultr vtltli moUicrs, ho of all other halo felt tho necessity of lurlm medicine. Tho trenulne bear tho J'jiualvi Coat ol Arms, lis fac slmliii signature of Sir Atur. Italscr, and lut hi namo Mown on cur)' 75 cent buttle A trial tUo may bo bad at any dru stnre for a tent. Boechco'o Gorman Syrup Oati now I o purehand rlnht at borne, It li tho inoft nu'ccir.fulprcparallonoi'er Introiluccd to our iooplc" Itnork lfko n charm In all card cl Consumption, I'licumonln, Ifimorrbazi, Atthma, hcicru Cough', Croup, and all other Throat and I.ung llliuwcs. No person las eer med this meillclne without getting Ini meillato rtllcf, yet (hero aro a gnat in iny wor, aiiffir Ing, akiptlcal (woplo going about our atrceti wlthn nuaplelous couub, and thn oleo of consumption com Ing from their lung, that will not tri It. If otl die. It It ) our own f tult, n oit cmi go li our druggltt and git n Sample llottlo lor 10 crnt and try It; thieu dose will relieve anyrate, llrgulir illo only 76 unt Valnablo Land for Sale. Mr. Clarke, of tho 1'aiimfr, liavinc re moved from Marion County, offer to sill OiO acres of Kami nltuatcil at n point wliero tlio Minto 1'om Uoad Icmcs tlio alley, in tho iniiUt of n thlckly-acttled and very healthy region, moat of tho laud hcing itnilcr fence, and at leant half of it cart ho mado'ood wheat land at a cost of four nr (ho dollars an acre for clearing. It In well wooded and uatorcd, and Is a region unoxccllcd for health. Tho implements aro ot value to a now ncttlcr. I'riro STi.OO nn aero. SJ.00 an ncro can ho l't mi annual payments for n term of years .v'. k w interest. Tills is one ol tlio ecu land trmti s to bo mado in the .State It is a favor IU tigion for Ocrmans, nnd socral (icruian families could divido it among them, it u "ti'd mako nn excellent ranch fur sheep and Ali;:ira L-oats, With lilch it is now stocked. They All Take It. W ben tho rj.toin Is run down Ui that extent that )0U iaw tleepless nights, aro ncrious suit Irritable, liaro gbtitnr foriliodlngs, tour nlomaih, tick hiadaibo and matul tongue, itu not enroll yours as hlch prliato In tho rt ir rank undtr (lateral lirblllt), Lut i liter up and try W hlto'H I'ralrls Slower, Iho (Inat lavcr I'aiiicca, imiw lorulo In cicry ilty and town on th Cotitlncnt. Nniticd.iliioctcrrotnpniiniledls half ItaKiual for tho euroof liiNl'ia'NIAandl.llKIKMMI'Uiyr It Us a pccl(lo power mer tho llur. and by curing the liver, linlla and all other dliranrfftrhliig (mm It lanlslt a If by magic, hamplua bottles are told atUie unull price of VI cents, thai will contlnco you cl lumtrit. Uigoiliulottlos ,6ixnt, loralocici)linc Ask Yourself Tlicso Quetllons. Are )ou n dcsjioiidcnt itntrrcr from Sick lltadache, Habitual (kwthcncN, I'alflUtlnn of tin llmrt) llavo uu IHulni-MOf tlio llenilf Is jour .Vcniius rlystun dcpriaued? Hoc )our Illooj elriuUtit Idillyl llato )uunCoucM Saw fplrltst Coming up of tho food alter rating, ite. All of those and inurli mere ant tlio direct result of IirIa, Idler Complaint ami Indl gtstlon. (lBrs' Ainisr I uiwsslsiijwacknowledgrd by allilru.-gl.tslo loa)ltlto cure, S.IOO.IOJ bottle laving lieenglien away In the United ritate through druggist nsiioinorcopioaairiii. iwouosc winsatt. ryany Irsn of Its wondirlul nual tv In eurlnir all forms of Indigestion, hntpla bnltlu, 10 cu llegular site, "1 eu. hold lthcly by all tlr.t ilass lirugvlsU In the United hUti. Oregon State Fair, 1879. Swcojistiikcs to CIoso Juno 1st. Iliintiliisl'or TuifVenfOliIs. Premium of 500 lor two-tear olds, iUh clone mile S ntroru fii, half forfeit, i ntratiro and furfrlls to bo addrJ i Iho pun To ihxo Juno 1st, 1671', an t to noma eolt on day r lous to tho rtvx 1st premium duo til M prrinluui, tw.i ihlnUrf latanor 3d pnmluui. ritnalnJirof sU.li In the stilt for runriiiiL-ami lruttlnr.nl. starter sliall Iw born IMi aud hate btts i u training TrullliiK-irorTlirri'cnrOld. I'remllllli nf 3(I0 for Ihree loarolili. mile heat. J III 0. Ditriuire llfc. half forfeit, untranra ami forfeit added to Uie l urre Ki trli s Ui rltve Juno 1st. ls;t, tiluino lite roll on tie ill) prciluustn thu ran 1st premium jU) m 7.1 prrmium, iw ihird nl isiiann S I prvttdmu. is uialtiibT t f stake liitricsrcc.linl L Uu undsrsl.-mii.who will -jve further tutkuUr wlni, uwHlnl i ii n.MTt:, 1-i.mtuy O. H. A. f Ml) W It LHTIIKR MYERS, SALEM, OIIEOON-. IMPROVED POULTRY I bo'lil thrtwsvnt stamp for Dosorlptlw (lrtul.tr aw) trie 1.1. 1 MijSni MILWAUKIB ND8SERY, Milvaukio, Orogon. IMSsrrWTkV ON llVO, ML KINIVS Of Fruit Trees, SHRU3BERY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES. Only First-Class Goods Kopt Aiming: SETH LUELLINQ & SON, Wtlwtiuklo, Orogou. Juial I 9&&s B F SW,CK. IU.NTAU SIOOUS vor Broyman Bros. Storo. ,NOU SILT rlNISIISTt DJ'UUTSONS IXIUXIKMEU fvbiiti AcflgK. s-f.yyifiXisrti THE BEST FRUIT DRYER OF ALL! I now liavo control, for Oil emit, of tho Machine In tented by Hampton Kelly for precrlriir nnd drying fruit and r-ctAtilci,oncd by Jloairs Kelly, Cole and ftatxon,andhall proceed to canros tor sole of ma chine and Individual and county right for Orriroii, Washington and California; alio, for tho aalo of an ini prorcd press for tacking dried fruit and vegetable., the best ctcr mado and used. Thcvn machine aro Kelly's Fruit and Vegetable Grinder, That makes a pulp tf fruit pripinton to ciapora tlo i ard drjing for market Kellj's CcnieDiiial Fruit Drjcr, Thai rrtjurci tho pulp, abotc tlcicrilioJ fcrti'c, h, (IrliiR (110 tstiuic Kcllj & Cole Fruit Dryor, Of le that rauto In rot from T6 to tl3f. ouch, IUi upaclty to dry from 16 to 80 bu.licli of apple pi r day nf 10 bourn' work This dryer ha no lujfcrlor, and I detcrllied In tho following cut -"Kfi 3-J rii '-zq;yt!""yirr'-s-erw; fWaUfM1 A MMUtf.SfW - """ "M i IfT v.r. Steferenre If made to the following named persons: I.lf trs llr.onns, llrooks Ktatlon, Ktuw It alLm. " " and manr other who halo used the dryers and know the quality of fruit whendrtcdonil the catiacltyn safety of tho machines wnien oro neatcu oy steam, so cnnnoi mint sne inut, neither aro Uiey liable to destroy tho building, as has Ixoti Ihd ism In thlshlatM with others. Tito quality of tho fruit, when dried. If equal to th best manufactured, and wo Niter It suiKtrlor to all others. Collvcr's Fruit and VcROtablo Press 1 Intended for fucking dried fruit or vegetable In two toflivpotindpiipcr hosi,and put It In the I posslblo condition and form for prlvntc uso, at trilling cost. I ahill l prcparcil to fill order for the paper lioxc from haitcm uunufatturtn, at low prires Tlirrojenrsagvl put upon my fruit farm en Con Itlver, (Jto County, an Aldcn l"rult llrjlng Koetory, that Is how owned and operated successfully by mv son. I Bin fully posted as In tho business of drying fruits after eighteen ) cars' experience, ami unhesitatingly pronounce tho Kelly U Colo Dryer without a superior, unit but tho machine needed for uso by tlio malorrt) of fruit growers Address A. B. COLLVER. ntylO-tf GREAT RUSH I SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, 187!, AT Br ey man Br': SAlLUilI. OKEGOIV. I sTfiM: (,K 0LI: llll)l s,,u' IICIN'O IN' NAN IHA.V It' dseo, waaro liappy tolnfonnsll our customer that our goutls aro now arrlilng on eicry steamer. Having bought tho tamo at tinprecedently fow figure on accuunt of stagnation In buslnis and heavy tuluru inire, wo gait gno our patrons mo otnent tnereoi. A tvoaroonl) bu)logfor cash In hand, weian hold out bstttr liiducemcnu Hum most auy other bou.o In tlio rountry, as w c II u In rortlatul iVo are already In re relt ot a Urge lot of IHimwtlo and FANCY GOODS, I?J5"o-itioil3EB -ANIt- HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ALSO Mens' and Boys' Clothing! Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoos, Grocorics, Crockery, Carpets, OU Cloth, Window Shados, Fixtures, Etc., Etc, All til vi hit li I'.I In sold at ettrcintly law prltt. No socullot tuJi stra cvrtjiUtl, SPECIAL NOTICE To iitir Urmcr frfu.l anil ratrons iner&lb ; Anyono wl.lilnff to liny irou.1 in quantities, v. villi fiiojou all lniljn.m.nt to tuy Hum rUlil lierf. In iilat-o ol I'ort U11J. A tha country Is flooded Itti (Tinted t-atalo.-ue CutUnupby I'ortland IIuumj, wo m ill i,ito) withe Kn. Ut ol lliclr prliitlnx the saiitu, to lirui tttcui alonj and nucto Uirlr ulcc. Tbf firllltie o lute for t'lttln; cowls from the lut and Mui I'nuitUo, u aro tuaMnl to hold out eitn ltt t. r InduMitwM tl an thsrein otltrcd, no nutter what they potill.li In their so-called tatalutruM, and licsidu. villi not itlio ihi ajcllon tnbli nor soeond lunikd gootls, tut si! itlUhlc a uiuaL Wo Moau Whar Wo Say ! romelnsjid titsintlnted. aad situ Us It lUllrood litAtui'nu.t uii.t llot.l Litis at I'oiti.nd. SREYMAN BROS, tjil m Li'"' I iiiiiiiimi JLisnwi--" Dr. JA4 WlTinTOMBR, VBTURIKARY SURGEON, W III J'tS HTIv'S IN IMlSTUNlt IIU!E.VTKK lliiis.. i.'n (ri c-'Ti Oksihi for the 'l"; s i i. . i u 1-itua.itug of abilitj. WtlUcil, .imiu.d ii mUjii Ijt the treat uientotavu: it-t. i rMiM imeilJllj' htttoth syuijtuoii vi iiii.-u v.ililo, uLm nuirCi ataud v cu'it ot no. . O h.v At IU.tf'H 1UMH .ST.1UI.ES, IMt'.TLANn. OKLG0.V. ft 17 lm p PTnols op hjJsBjHDFlY' Stato Grange Deputies for 1878 oatoojt. IlAsrs Co. Tltouias Smith, Cake: City. llriros - , llohlir, Oorvnlll. ('LicKAMAs C. N. Wait, Oanby. LlATwir W II (Iny, Young ltlcr. Dot olas II. H It Itulck, Mjrtlo Crick Jackhov J N T. Mlllir, Jaiksonvllle JosriiitM -Joseph rollock, Inland I.aik I'.wcoo Knot, Crvswell, Allen Iloud, Cuoeno City I.ixk It Irvine, Alton) MAtnos J Ktchillcr, l.uttotllle; U. M. lllllcar), Turner. Muit'OVAIt 1 1) mpton liclly and Jacob Johnson, lint I'ortland roL.-r. A, I'altcrion, Dixie. Tillamook-J (Mlcwloy. Tillamook. iHios joiui ireignton, union rei Wahcu John Knd, T)gli Valley, Vaiiiiotoi J. A. Itlibanlson, Tualatin; J, V. Sap- plngton, (kuton. ajiiiill-11. It. Idugldln, North Yamhill WAsntsaroi TiRtirronr, CoLtinilA- Thomas TlirnMscll, pa) ton Claiub David MUimp, ancouver. Cow lim- John H llorjirth, I'ukln. I rwts-W, II. Miller, HoUfort. WAitA Walla W II Tirana, Wolla Molla. Wiiitiiax W IUI.un King, l'alouso Clt), Patrons In those counties In which no Deputies baio liccn apjiolnteil would much oblige mo by designating jlrothrr sultablo to act In that eatsvelty, A It. bint lrt, tlastcr Or. Bt, Orange. DHlEOTOnY. Ol'I'ICIIUSoftllo NATION.! Ii SUANC3IC. Mauler Samuel K. Adams, Monticcllo, Min nesota. Overseer J. J. Woodman, 1'awnaw, Mich. rccturcr Mortimer Wliitchoaii, Middle bush, N. Y. Steward A. J. Vnuitlian, Mompliis, Tenn, Assistant Stuttiird William Sims, Topoko, Kansas. Chaplain A. 1'. forsythu, Isttiel, 1'dgar county, III. Treasurer V. M. McDowell, Wavnc, N. Y. Secretary W, M. Irul.tud, Washington, D. C. Oato'Kccpor 0. Dinwiihlie, Orchnnl (Irot o, Indiana. Ores Mrs. S. M. Adams, Monticcllo, Min nesota. Pomona Mrs. J. J. Woodman, 1'awpaw, Michigan. Flora Mrs. S. T. Moore, Sandy Spring, Mioh. I.tily Ass't Steward Miss C. A. Hall, Apa lachicola. KxrctiTivi: coiisiittki:. Samuol V.. Adams, Chalrinnn, Monticcllo, Minn. Henley James, Marlon, Intl. 1). Wyatt Aiken, Uokcshury, S. 0. S. H. i:ilit, .Sprmghoro, Ohio. OFl'ICItllS OltRUON VrATK (illANGR. Matter A. It. Shipley, Oiwcgo. Overseer-I). S. K. lluick, Myrtlo Creek. Lccturur- W. II. Thomas, Walla Walla. Stoward W. M. llilleary, Turner. Ass't Steward M. L. rlicholas, Jlcavorton. Chaplain W. It. (Jray, Astoria. , Secretary N. W. Randall, Oregon City. Treasurer David Smith, Lebanon. Oato-Kcopor -0. N. Wait, Canhy. Certs M. J, Train, Harrisburg. I'nmoiin C. K. Shiploy, 0wcgo. I'lonx S. D. Durham, MeMiiiuillc. h. A. 8. -Irene h. Hillcary, Turner. KXrCOTSVE ('O)tMllTKK. A. It. Shipley, Chairman, Oswego (.. W. Hunt, Sublimity. A. Holder, Corvallis. Enolisli fc BERKSHIRE PIGS t iLvri:in:n i'ios at tsik i.a&t ktatk kaik- took Mwreisitake for lst lltUr. also for Iwst boar on tho (.'rounds, taking elghUKii prlics ou my entries of 1-urs. lMilfunil.lt IlltKDDI.NO SOWS, jounirand ajtd, to order. Also, rholee )ouns 1UIAKH, a well trcd as any body liai fot. AililrcM JOKW WEST, JilOtf New loaU;ar5.ct. HAs.liBI, Or. SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLER.Y. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist. Over Willis' Ilookitrre, STATE BT SALBM. IJICTUltKS TAKEN IN LATEST bTYLES, from MlBlatare pletur to L.fe sice. CCl'IHH KNl.AltClKD So any sice deitred. llsrch 15, lsntr T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS! ....A.VD... X2a.vxaxxolstsBf ration's Illock, 8Uto street. Salem, Oregon. Pauticui.au attkntion itivhn to pjik f crlelloQS, and all orders by mall or express flUed jiromptly snd atcurutely, rhisklans and Country Dealers will rare money by exsmlnng our flo-k, or iroturlDg our prices, before purebsstug elsewhere uo5-tf. OREGON STEAMSHIP 00. IlEOULAIi LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. TII1IOUGII TICKETS Can be vurchasod at the principal BtatloM of the O. & 0. It. It , si Zloduood Ilatoa. etcimer leai o both I'ortUnd and San Francisco about Every Fivo Days, f?.rnLnJ! 'V,fn!tr. s.ni1 FieUrtit st the LOWEST UATKS. It I the only liu. csrrylnj the U. H. MAILS snd WBLL8, VAUUO i CO.'S KXI'UEUS. The Steamships of this Company aro rated A 1, snd are ucvr, ele?iit and complete In etery particular, snd cooilsl of the r State of Oregon. iNevr S.000 ton burden, George W Elder, 1700 tons City of Chester. HUO ton AjaX, 1U0 ton,) For Ireljiht or pst.sje, apply st thu Company's tri fles, comer K sod Front sueete, PoaruKn, roil' OEO, V .ViBlDLKlt. Aeent, RAILROAD LANDS, aimul a?riiiH: low i'Hickm LOMi T1.1II2; IOW INTEUKSiT Tsio Oregon and California and Orcein Central Hallroad ComnanlM Ot EK their Lands for sslonpoa the followlnr lib ral terras: One tenth of the price In cash-lsterf.l "l the bsltnce at the lata of seven per cenUom resS sfterssle; snd each following yesf one tenth tSJ prltclpat aud Interest on the balance the rile of !"?''..""'. oth prlncfn.1 endlnt,? 5 payaoie m u, . currency. ' A dtstounl often ttr etit uiIIKa-ii L AtnS O. 4 C. It. K.. I'ortUnd. OniSi ' " Tho Imported Clydesdale Stallion, $t ROB ROY na MERRY MASOk Will mako llio ecaeon as SoIIotv ; 1 HUH llHYs t tlurbln's Stable, HAI.KM. I itsy. Tuenlay. and Wednesday, each week, au JOHN I'UUU'S I'AltM tho three days fullowlo. miMCItV MASON, Durbln's Ntablc, bai Thiirsilay, ITrltlny nnrtfalttrday. csch week, in tho old I)I:LA.Ni:Y IWIIM. a mllenn.l n ball w Tamer, on .Mondays, Titesda) , nt.il Widnetdiji TKIISIN-Beason, t30, nayablo nt end of, eon. litfiiraDCo, $fiO, injablo when nuro kn tobo wltli fjil, or Is parted with. U s. cold to nplS (lltlliitSON & l'vot Tlio Celebrated Draft Stallion LOUIS NAFOLEO: Will make the season of 1870 nf follows At nty I'nriii. In Waldo llllls, Ilonda) and Tuts N'lW. Y'TON, Wcilncsda) and Tltursdayt, SCIO, lrlda)sandHaturila). TKKSIS lap, $10; Season, $15( Insurance,! Tlio Scimois will bccln Aurll 7. f"' IlKSCRII-rtOX ANII pKtltURrK. fiOttlf fianoleon li Will dapple gra) , 10 hands high, and weigh 60q It, vra slnd by tlio Inniortcil Norman bono lmili Na' nnd hlf d uu b) lto)al rAini9un, lnirtcd by Coi, OS of TsjcwcII eu , III., hi. grand dam was a trench Ck an marc, uotiia nnu sco iiiu norso iKioro making i UJ!IMIKlillllW. ..l... ... , ,1 .I'lUJSItlU (IIIAY'n NPICflfirif) HSliHICINi:,! Tlio (Irrut Eilicllxll KcillMly THADE MARK. i, iinhlllnu-euro for nAl,rt f. Httnlnal Wtuliitoss, '" piK.nn.'iiorTiiea, nn IMit iKitency.und all 111 yia.tJ-3 tascfl that follow as a Ksttctiro of rclf abuso its iisi oi Mentor), I'nlvcrsal ld.lttido, IMn In Iho Hack,' wa Boforo Taking "'ni, T"'AlW anil miny other 1 (Iamwcj that lead to I mar.lt r rtj puinptlon, and n Prcmatuhi (Iravo. A4T Full narti si mil itji'iMvi., ntiiVII w W UiiailU W KLIIU ITVQ IrJL wvhi; s-'iivs 3 aiiu ciruvsinj JilOUiClIIQ U Old B uruifK-wuiai 51 jver jxicnao, or fix ycl&cv4 lor will lr Knt frco dy mall on row tpt nf the money urclriL Till; UICAY 1T1KBII11NK On! n. 10. MocfiAilln Illock. Iltrrmnrr bf tSTHoUX In PaJn and eteryvthoro In Uin UnttoJi.. find (Ifinaitfi liv all tlittnuslis, nn.l . (nil ,ls.il.( i ' ...... w,....v ,. ., wi.vsw-ssv shiw ihmi iiiuijihsSI, Gu BENJ. FORSTNE Nulotii, Ovejron. TTAS A LAllOl! bTOCK OS" CIISI' Military Brccch-loading Rifles siidi a the si'K.scim, hiiAitri:, ituii.scrro'i iri.-iv.iirji r.u. .ii, n mil assortuieiil ol Xlrooohaloadluir MIOT-OUNS ami HI'OIITI.NO IIIV'UM, of all n! mnKe. a iuii nno oi I'nclcct Cutlery, Knit en, Knror. i cCIHSOIlS.dlrcct from Ii.-laml. Also Ilalilusr AVill sell n. Iiiu'iis itii)lioiS)-. 3L3'ULe:o..si, "VlstJ POTTERY. A TTEIl A millOIl OP IDLCNEsy. Jjl. wo. It hiru now for suvvrnl inontli been I operation niiuuraciurine a inutrlor and li article which I sinsuio to offer tn iho ti Mv ttroicnt stock I sunrrlor tnsustlilnir i tursd at this l'ollcrv for flsa M'srstmst. ard I to best csrlhcnnaro for strciiKtli and (lurabllli; I t Giinrssiitca Niitlniuctloii.l Grtti r, or requests for Information as to pnal suuiiiu uu auurcsscu m A. Iff. SMITH; l.uina YlttA, Aur. SO tf VtoptA 1 Balem Flouring Wm BEST 1'AMILY VLUUIt, IIAKEK'H EXTIl., SSX llUrKItTINE AND OltAIIAM, MIDDLKiOS, I1IJAN, ANU UBS OouHtutirly oix limit. UIr;ltHt I?rIo in OA1 Paid for Wheat It. 0. K1KMW. best UK Aw-nt .. P. A inMM RilSMTTrt w.. ,w..tU tw, f tumcucii vr nn?iiin nv MERINO SHEli9 rilAKES plrsssre In ntTerlut; In the Wool CrcO L Oregon and the adjolnlnc Territories tiifi luimreniso lltuiiuuuillliu.il Jlliltl.lUN, IS suriuK parties inicrcsiru mat iney can, snd'. r..." i". Fen i-iieepni mo same qusiuy snss MUCH CIISSAI'KKltATKS than1 .urlean t bo Imported. r.iaminstlon snd romnarlson si ' I er nheep otTered In tho trarket srr cordially in nneepo Address JOHN 61 INTO, .. Bilero, Or . K. 11. The IUms snd Ilsm Lsrobs of the t he seen on tho ISLAND PA KM, sdjolnltu; "he Hwcfrsn bo sjeti at tho same plsce, a ...mm .-...wit luuisimnuiii iniie roam oil ZiUOZUR BCT.I., Successor to J. M Kxsui. & Co., B5 Liberty St., . . NUIWVOS CommlNHlon jV(joiit Toil 1111YINO ANn vnnwAiinrva JP New Vorlt via Isthmn. I'aclfle BilW Cape Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, snd It 3 of Vroduct from tho Pacific coast, lor thseijl sUVWVIl Ss jm (Sanative Pilhfi If You Want a Safe Punjatlva,' Dr. JTSaa SuanasSvA SMBS T will rolloro tho Stomaohana Bow without Qrlplng, nnd cIoanso wholo allmontary canal. IfYouWantaUver Stimulant,! l)r. Jajme'o fsansHUe Flllit. will rostoro tho Action or tho 1 nnd remove all obstructions Milary duct. Thoy may bo if on In nil ASToctlons of tha LlvorJ aro especially holpful In casK IHlIous Dyspopsia. ' I ' r If Vnil Want n U1M I wI., ( .. .m ..ttus u mini UdsAtUHvi Mr. Joyne'si Sanative PlUs. V taken In small doses, thoy res, ' a Costlvo habit of tho body. gradually chango tho Tlllatcd . tions of tho Stomach nnd IB which Jf letMlone, often gc serious diseases. t Dr. Jayne's Sanativo fldVar1 great help in removing SUnl oasos, originating from nn Iml Condition of tho lllood. Tliey j bo taken nt all tlmos without da J nnd whllo uslns thorn, you wa j and drink ns usual. " "PR"' DVIi A CO., Wholesale Afl'J n m?rA Vsi 5 pl hi A WIU, UIVUII. rjni iss.ssssm.ns.sm.1