Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 30, 1879, Image 5

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Fastest Timo on Rocortl,
Tlio steamship Oregon loft her whnrf
lioro yesterday morning at 3:i!0 o'clock,
ami arriveil nt Astoria at 9 o'clock,
making tho entire- tlistanco from dock to
( dock in fivo liourtt mid 10 minute:. Thin
is tho fastest titno on record, being uqtntl
to about 11) 7-17 milcH por hour
Ono Tnkca-Tho Othor Loft
On T'riday evening last two employe1)
on tho locks at tho Cascades, named IT.
9. llogaiilus nnd ChriH. Kavorston, at
tempted to cross tho river at tliat point
from Washington Territory sido. when,
allowing their boat to drift too far, thoy
woro both taken over tho falla. After
going over tho first fall, Ifavorston'aboat
luckily got into eddy, to which ho owes
his life. Uogardus was carried over tho
fulls, p.issing from tho river of timo into
the ocean of utcrnity.
An Unsavory Report"
iToin parties irom tlio JMIIc.'i wo
llitarn that tmtltio advantage is bcine tnk-
Sen of Uioso wlio uullbred by tho lato fire,
especially poor people. Somo charitably
Misposert iirrsoua o)cncil mi eating room
tor tlio (li.ttresscil, hut before any wore
allowed to eat, toiir-hits was c.-cactctl.
(loot! meals can bo had for two-bits, nnd
t a timo wlion nooiilo lost about all tlioy
Imd and woro in tight quartern, it looked
u iiiougii hoiiio hkiniuiic was iiemg dona
under the circumstances.
Bin Salmon.
A lWhormau named Herder, put on
ward the Kmmu Ilayxvard, on the !2.'ld,
j salmon that that weighed 70 pounds,
lieasuring -1 loot, i loct 'J niclios in cir-
Buinforuiicx, and 61 inches across tlio
mouth. J Ins is undoubtedly tho largcht
alinon ever caucht in tho Columbia
river, if not in tho world. It was taken
from tho Columbia just abovo tho Wil
lamette, nnd was sent to Win. Humo'a
cannery, Hits may sound "fishy," but
St is thu sober truth. Can tho Sacra-
vnonto river, Fraser river, or Sitka, lcat
Attempted Iiynoblnn.
Wo aru advised of an attempt to hang
IMolko, onu of tho contractors nt tho
Upper CttHnvdos, on last Saturday after-
ioon by u party of men in his employ
br rnwittly iliscuuruuil. It kcoiiis that
Molleo was quite suvero on his men and
lomutimei tyrannical. On Satuaday ho
lappimed to bu on tho Washington 'J'cr-
itory mdo of tho rivor when ho was
oized by nn infuriated crowd, a rono
ilaced around his neck and pulled up.
rurtunuiuiy komo railroail men woro
icar or hud got wind of tho matter and
rent to his rescue in time to have lain.
lo was hurried across to tlio Oreiron
mo ami will probably I in Kept under
uvor for fcoiiio time. Thu names of
miio or tho perjietratorsuro known, but
rhethur anything will bo dono with
Item leinaius to bo seen.
lecoratiitii Sunday nt tlio Consrccn-
tionnl Church.
Yesterday ttpccial services in honor
our patriot dead were hold in tho
wngregational Church. Tho iiudionca
bom was uu.uititiillv docoiated. An
mueiiso garrikou Hag was draped ovor
iu bnluiters in (ho vestibule. Tlireo
info (luge, llio property of the city in.
no cDiiipinii-H, and the standaida of
eorgo Wright Post No. 1, and tho
'luliinstou (lu'iiil weiM ttutofullv nr-
ngeil hack of tho pulpit. In front of
u pulpit, on eithur fctdu of a beautiful
mil jiyr. mill iiiwngL-d by Misi Mor
es Mnitli and Mr U031, htooil n Bland
ttriim Iiolonging to tlio City ililles.
i l!iu 'iiin. platform wast nil elegant
aquut. Htniiu nrrangei by Alra. fJrurnn.
iuo meruiiig Ki'i'iuou hy Jluv. .1. A.
fur-in afi mi tho text Matt. 5: 13:
o aw tho rait of tho urt!i," iiml thu
nno "'I'ha Church tho Conserving
pwer o tho nation. In tho ovoni g
Ki decoration Burmon was delivered;
Ibject, "Tlio Causea of Our Nation's
eatnoss and Her Safeijuards for tho
ituro." Mr. Cruzaii said that L'ovcrii-
Mitit muht cither rest on good ballots
good bayonets. Stability can bn so-
ted only bv force or good citizens.
Ir Republic must stand in tho future
liu tliu past, on good UUlots, and theso
1st bo cast uy gooit citizens. How
wo get thtiint iho tlireo grroi
lidding jww'ew of good citizenship nro
Home, the r-tee bcuool and tho
eo uuurch. itie power ot each o(
ao great institutions was eloquently
trayed. Thoy were pronounced tho
nutation stones ot our Kenublic,
iko down oithor and tho nation pet-
ps. rittni'' mention of Memorial
' and tho debt wo owo our patriot
m1 oloscd tho sermon.
largo audionco was in attendance
no morning, and at night the houha
i df nscly crowded, many persons be-
Icompelled to go away for lack of
Iio music was very enjoyable. In
evening tlio chorus "Praise Ixj to
was finely rendered: Miss Freo-
wng in good taste a tonrano olo
resnonso to thu prayer. A decora-
hymn with music by Prof. K. Cook.
LChorutcr was very Uno, nnd hiu'hlv
Lxdated by tho audience.
'pastor ex presied the thanks of
! Church and of himself to Adjutant
IW. Rvun. of Georco Wricbt Post.
Ibia kindnesj in securing the bannors
arms uted in decorating the church:
he ditreieut engine and military
panics for the uso of their flags; to
City Rifles for the stands of arms;
Irs. Shindler and Col. Covalt for
era, and to Miss Florence Smith
Mesdamcs Best and Cruzan for ar-
ing the floral decorations.
Prospoots on Lewi River. S'SiVioJ
A correspondent of tho Vancouver
Independent from Pokin, writes at fol
Jow' Wo have a breeze- .ibout gold. A
company of men from Lewis river and
Cowlitz county, have employed Captain
Thayer and Huntington to blast into a
ledge on tho north fork of Lewis river.
On tho 1th inst, Captain Tliayer sent a
lot of quart, to Portland for assay. If
it should prove rich 1 trcmblo fo'r tlio
consoquences to a rural population.
Hoveral families will leave this section
this month to try their fortunes east of
tho mountains. Others are coming in
to fill up the gaps; among them Cant.
Fairchild nnd his son in-law, Mr. Bu
chanan and family. Tho Smith broth
ers lmvo commenced running a trading
boat from tlio north fork to Astoria.
Gone to His Rott
Mr. Moller, foreman of tho Htetling
mine, died from tho oilects of the no'i
dent that befell him on the M'.h lust,,
at fivo o'clock P. M. His right limb
was amputated hnlf an hour previously,
but mortification had already set in
clsowhero and no human being could
h.vvo him. Mi. Moller not long since
camo from California under engagement
as foreman to tho 1-higlish company nt
Calico creek, nnd was subsequently
transferred to tho forctnanship of tho
Sterling mine, which position ho held nt
tlio timo of his doath. Ho died a con
sistcut member of tho Order of Odd
Fellows und was buried under tho au
Bpiocs of Jacksonville Lodge yesterday.
A family mourns his untimely fate.
Jacksonville Timos.
A Sad Fatality.
Some few mouths since, it will bo ro
momborod, Louis Carmen was burned to
death in East Portland during tho lib-
sciico of his wife, tho houso becoming
tired uy uu accidont. IJio bereaved
wife subsequently went to Vaucouvor,
whoro sho loft her son Kugone, n bright
boy of Kovon or eight years, iu charge of
Mr. Cameron, tho steward of tho Van-
:ouvor, and his wife, and shortly nftcr-
ward removed to Watcrfonl, on tho
Lower Columbia, On last Saturday
oventug, while this boy was endeavoring
to navigato a log on it pond immodialvly
to tho rear of tlio Government wharf nt
Vancouver, tlio frail craft capsized, pro-
oipituting him into thu water. Ho mink
instantly, nnd never tmo till, tlio fact
becoming known, ho was rescued by tho
citizens. A lad namod Forbors, son of
nn Italian lishormau, wns present nnd
witnessed tho sad accidont, but did
not givo tho alarm till it was too
lato to render any ellectual assistance.
Stienuous cllbrts wcroumdo by sovcrnl
physicians to restero life, but to no pur-
luii-. iuiniuii.uiii.vi iiL-iiiuiu cuiiiu singly,
but ill this instance they amount to a
grievous calamity, which loaves tho be
reaved wife and mother iu sore nflliotioii.
Patrons of Iluubandry.
Sixth Annual Smalou of the Orecon
Statu Griincc.
Tuesday, May 27, 1870.
The sixth annual session of tho Oro-
gon Statu Graugu convened in I. O. O.G.
T. hall, Salem, nnd wns onciied in the
UU Degree, by W.M. A. It. Shiploy.at 10
oulocl; A. ill., nssuted iy tl.o following
ofiiccm: I). K II. lluich, 0.; W. U.
TIioiiibs, I; W. M. Hilloary, H.; li A.
Kwuih, S. (pro teni); W. II. Giuy, C:
N. W. Unuilall, S.; A. F. Miller, U. K.
(pro tern); Sisters S. L Hayes, C; 0.
K. Siu'iiley, P.; Jennie Miller, P.; Irono
Hilloary, U A. H.
Worthy Master piointei1 Dros. A.
Wonior, 'Cluehamas; Thorn is Smith,
Uaker ami U. F. Fullor, of Yamhill,
Committeo on Credontiali, who reported
tlni following entitled to teats in this
Uaker comity, Thomo.1 Smitli; Clack
amas, A. Warner iuul bister Warnor:
Tillamook, Milton Perkins; Douglas,
James T. Cooper and Harriet Cooper:
Pomona, I). S. li. Ituiok, and wife;
Marion, It. P. Poise, Sistor J. L. llil
leary, George S. Downing, Stster M. 0.
Downing; Pomona, llrotber Harrison;
Multnomah, A. F. Miller, Jennio Mil
ler; Pomona, A. II. Shipley, Bister C li
Shipley; Yamhill, I). F. Fuller, Jennio
Fullor; Clataop. W. W Gray, Mary
Gray; Grant, E. U Sandford; Polk,
MeMinn Dodson. Washington Terri
tory Walla Walla, O. A. Erans, B. A.
Evans; Cowlitz, C. L. Clady.
Marion county Pomona Grange ten
dered through Pro. II, Harrison the use
af their regalia to tlio State Grange,
which was accepted with thanks.
Adjourned to meet at 1:33 P. M.
Grange resumed work at 3 P. M.
After an address by the Master, and
Secretary and Tieasurer's report, tho fol
lowing committees were appointed:
Good of Ordor Boise, Warner, Ir
ving, Sister Carter and Train.
Finance Train, Carter, Bond, Sister
Hillesry and Cooper.
Ooopcration Moore, Hilleary and
Smith, of Baker, Sisters Fuller and
Legislation Hayes, Fullerand Miller,
Sisters Shipley nnd Borwick.
Appeals Cooer, Evans and Perkins,
Sisters Hayes and Warner.
By-laws Berwick, Warner, Thomas,
Sisters Carter and Gray.
Special meeting of 5th Degree ap
pointed for Thursday ovenidg at 8 P. M.
Dallas No. CI asks far a new charter
for the ono burned. Granted.
Grauge still in session.
Stato tuid Territorial.
Tlio two lir. bands of Kukoiio nte mlvcr
tiling each oilier nt a torrililo rate.
Tho State Journ.il s.iya a brilliant meteor
paused over Kugeuu Katurdiy night, May 17th.
Tho Reporter nays ntiot7 fell alt last week
oh the lull- of tlio Coast Miiyo in Yamhill
Tho liuard aa liotn tho Ktijjeno lanJj are
engaged to pity at tr.netlan the coming
Tlio Biuslaw liar is in a tplcmlul condition,
and tho denizens on that river claim it to lxi
tlio liiict atrcam on tho coast.
Work on tlio West Side ItaiIro.nl, through
Yamhill and lolic counties, is being briskly
prosecuted, wo lcnrn from tho Yamhill Re
porter. Two young men in Lino county sparked a
pin. uuu sparic went nil nun Hindu two Pul
let holes In tho other fellow's shirt slcovca.
iiml tho fellow that droit tho p'.atol holds the
fort ami retains the cunnquoiisliip of tho girl
A Biuslaw correspondent of tho (luard says
tho Orange thcro contemplate. buihling a
hall this Hummer Tho constant rains lmvo
not been good for I'rtll wheat. (Irading nn
the wagon road from Kiualaw to Cottage
(Irovo is proccetllng rnjiidly.
Tho .Salem Town Talk givc tho facts of
tho suicide of Mr. Waters, of Dallas, nn old
and respected citircti, u ho left n note to nay
that ho shot himself to cheapo great sufleriiig.
llu wan aillictcil with a painful disease nnd a
groat sulTcrcr. Ho committed tho act in tho
J. F. Amoj, of llugcnc, write tho fiiianl nn
follows) Thcro will bo a meeting of Uio sur
viving roldicrs of tho Mexican war hold at
Salem I'alr (Iround Juno 17, 1870, nt tho
name- timo mid placo of tho meeting of tlio
Oregon Pioneer Association, to organize a re
union niul tako such othor utopi n may nil
vanco tholr mutual Intorosts. A full attend
auco is rcrpicstcd
Mits Tilda .Scott, of Croswul, camo very
near boing drowned last Friday, a week ngo,
whilo crossing tho Co.-wt Fork on horseback.
Tho homo went into swimming water and
commenced to rear and plunge, throwing
Miss Scott from tliosadillc. Fortunately shu
succeeded in catching tho stirrup as sho fell,
to which sho held until tho horso swam
From tho Christian Mossongor wo loam
that annual meutings of tho Christian Church
will bo held as follows : McMinnvillo. May
'29th, lasting ovor two Sundays, llelwius
Ilridgo, Ixiwis county, commencing Friday
beforu third Lord's day iu June. Near Dal
las, Polk county, nt tho camp ground, Friday,
Juuo Kith. At Wnltsburg, W. T., Friday Ik).
foru third Ijorft' day In Judo,
Tho Stato Journal naysi fcut l-'nday,
whlto Mr, Slcnggs nnd Mr. ltico were going
from Kiigcno to Cohurg after a load of lum
ber, thoy nut with n very serious nccldcnt.
Thoy woro riding on tho running p-ars of tlio
vn','un, and Iu going down a strep bank from
tho bridge mir Mr. ArmctagoV, ltico under
took to hold ou thu brake, uorkiug it with a
polo and ropp, when it suddenly liroko liuo
from tho fastening and fell, catching both
feet of Khagga under it with such forco as to
break bath leg. Ono of tho limln was
broken right nt tho nnklo Joint and tho other
was fractured just abovo tho ankle.
Noiillirrii Orl'COli.
Town property in Itoaoburg finds aotivo
S. 1,. Daniels liai sold tho trotting stallion
OpUir to Aloxnudur Mnrtlu for 500.
Cooio Hay toil minus can ship n thousand
tons a day if thcro is a demand for it.
C. 0. McClendou, of Sam's Vnlloy, pur
chased I'onu'a Vurmont stallion last Satur
day, paying $.'10(1 for blm.
Tho experiment ot raisinu craiu in Lako
comity prom!oi well, inasmuch as tho crop
put iu is coming up iinoly.
Tho Jacksonville! Timos thinks thoro will bn
little if any fmit iu tho vicinity of Yreka,
owing to recent savuru frnsU.
(lln I.iu mrulo another oleau-up Lut week
nnd loaliced 1.10 ouncoi of gold dust, or aliut
JV.'JOO, from it four tlays' run.
Opt rations ujmii tlio now church building
tlio M. II Church South intends erecting at
l'ha-nix this Yoar. will bo commenced in a
low days,
Tho Into rains havo oosiiioued ipiito a riso '
l.i,. lik.l...r thin vr I-., ...I, nt thl. ..,... i
of tho year.
Jacob Tsb hat tho larost band of nhceji in
.lackson county. It iiumlwni nearly 4,000
head, and thu inorvaso this Hjirin;; nlonu ox
cecils 1,400 lamb.
Tho trooj that escorted thu Indian prison
cia trom Irortli Klamath to Ilosolmrtrhiivo ro
tuniod and Mill probably tako another lot of
rcuogades below Lohiru lung.
Tho Coos Hay Kowa naya i II. 11. llarrott'a
toamot into tho uniCk-sand on Ins trip to
tho iSiuilaw lilt wool:, nud ono of tho horsis
jot a log broken, hcuco id a lull.
Tho Iloscburg Star nays i Tho first tele
phone in usa in ll&deburg is now worklm; ba
twecu tho private roomj of K, 0. llcaurick
and thaolfios of tho Metropolitan Hotel.
Professor 1'owell has boen isitins tho vari
ous fdiools during his stay in Jaokoou county,
end expresses himself aa 1kh'ii ploaxul witli
tho manner in which many of them aro con
ducted, (lain Davis vu drowned on Thursday
while attempting to crou tho ttouth Uinrxiua
nt Jenkins' ferry. Tho youni; man was about
18 years of ao. The body lias not yet been
A Itoseburg man recognised among the
band of Indian prisoners recently sent north
from Fort KUmath nu old buok who chased
him for Ids lifo In Nevada twreral yean ago.
l'ho recognition was mutual.
Prom the Aitorian we learn that a move
ment is on foot which it hopee and trusts
may prove successful, to purchase a steam
fire engine for Company No. 1.
Hon. J, V. Watt is a stirring orator l and
if lie does not succeed in starting the temper
ance reform at Astoria, ho cannot bo held per
sonally responsible for the failure.
The Aitorian says i Captain 1'arker arrived
hero yesterday with tho steamer Katie Coot,
33 hours from Coquille rivor, preparatory to
begiuulng work ou tho launching of tbs
stranded ship city of Dublin.
Wn regret being coiniwlled to tato that
tho Sunday.observanco inovcmout in Astoria
is a partial failure. What is it tliat tho jiook
of ISooks aaya about cerving God and Mam
mon? It U appartut that both caanot bo
nerved at present in Astoria.
i;.tl of the 3liiiiitnliii.
Eisbop Morris wai at Walla Walla a week
Steel rails aro now being laid on the Walla
Walla road at the rats of two miles a day,
II. M. Uo.lgi.1 has completed arraugemsuU
for an eight-horse powercnguie, to be used on
a ferry boat at Wallula. The boat will bo in
running order by thu first of July.
Last Saturday the W. W. k O. It. tt. Co,
recoived tho W. 8. Ladd. Tlio engine is four
tons heavier thoa any heretofore owned by
the company, weigb'Dg eighteen tons.
The ftut Oregoniiu cava ; Lieutenant Far
Umatilla rivor a short dlstaneo nbovo town,
with a viowto catch tholloatiug timber, rails,
etc,, that aro to lw cut on tlio river in tho
Tho work of reducing the xrado nt Summit
by moans of tho long cut will, tho Statesman
says, it is expected, bo completed by tho Kith
of June. A largo force nf men aro at work
reducing tho urado at the l'umbruia grade
frnm A in lf....f t ...Ml.. . 1....10....... I
Tho Walla Walla Statesman iys Tho line
stallions Alwood and Orange County, imiwrt
cd from Kentucky nnd Orango county, N. 1,
by our ontcrnrismg neighbor, Dr. Mack, ar
rived on Sunday evening last iu good condi
tion, nnd nro being much admired by tho best
cqumo jiulgei.
It wns rumored tliat'a canmof Snikn In,!;.
bad boon found upon tlio head waters of Mc
Kay. Several Umatilla Indians anil n num
ber of whites went out to investigate, but re
turned with tho opinion that l'oo. who has
Wn absent ever sinco Lieiitenaut Farrow ar
rived among us, has gathered togothor several
renegades nnd young bucks Mho have also
been missing, nnd consequently aro heaping
at a dhtaucc to ovnilo the law.
A yoar ngo Dr Jlinliam caused several
ncres of bench laud north of Wnlla Walla
to bu seeded with alfalfa. This spring tho
field present a most magnificent appearance
Tho ground appears as though covered with a
very thick mat of green. An old farmer who
examined tho field remarked, "No ono but a
fool, Doctor, with moro money than nonso,
would oyer lmvo thought of putting alfalfa on
that dry bench, but just look thnr I"
I'liCPl Bonn. I.
l'ho Kxpcriment ;leartis from Mr. Coodcc),
ofChehaUa county, thatemp prospects woro
novcr liotter.
Tho Transcript says. Information from
Washington intimates that Major F. 0. Hol
ler will bo mstorcd to tho army,
A man down tho bay brings to Olympia
every fow tlays a number of largo clams,
weighing livo orsix pounds each. Ho finds n
ready n.ilo or them at 12 I-'.' cents each.
Tho Cobnut says that J. ltodollo. of Co.
mox, rocently recorcrod a howiUcr thrown
overboard from tho rovenuo cutler Oliver Wol.
cott iu tho year 1370 during stress of wcathor.
Tho United States Consul nt this jwrt has re
ceived instructions to ray Mr. Itodollo's ebim
tor his services, said it is oxpeoted that tho
uuvcr v oiooit win nrnvo ncro shortly to ro
coirothoguu. Four prisoners arrived at tho Scatoo l'eni
tontiary on VoducBJay from Wnlla Walla,
makinc tho wholo number nt that institution
47. 'llio Olymnla Transcript rays; Tho ap
pliances for getting out coal at tho minu there
aro complotod, anil 100 tons will bo gotten
out nnd emit to tho Columbia river steamers
hi Juno. A briokynrd Is nlso under way, and
a largo number ol bricks will bo burned this
A Ccntervilln correspondent of tho Tran
script writes i Tho incessant rains havu al
most ruined tho crop prospects nnd put avcry
ono in nn lit humor ; but two Jays of sun
shino hso somowhat improved both. A
largo number of formers iu this vicinity bad
made extensive preparations to plant n larger
area this season thuu common, but thu wet
waathcr compelled them to iiostnono oitera.
tions, nnd in soma casus thoy nro belter off
crowing crops aro literally boing drowned.
slut if tho rains will only cesso for a fair mora
(htysnf minshiue, this country will raisu an
ii'nmenna nmnuiit of produce Ono thing is
assured s fruita and berries of ovory descrip
viiun muii iiiuiu iiiii,.kiu iii'iL-nuuni. wiiuau
tion win auounii.
Orange- Hall to bo Dedicated.
Sr.vr Kca, May 'JSth, 167!).
MJitor WiUametto fanner:
1 wish to givo notico through your piper
that Tualatin (IranguNu. HI, of Clackamas
Cojuty, will dedicato their now hall on
Saturday, Juno 7th. Tlio Worthy Master of
tho .Stato Ornugo will bo present and conduct
tho cvromonies, which will Ira public. All
luombcru ot tho order and thuso who aru not
membcni who nro friendly to our c.iumi aro
cordially invited. r A. Uaiukii,
. Mutor.
Anniversary Hooting.
Sjiriasliold (Iran3o has paasod a resolution
,0 ho1'1 a anidvurnary mcclinu tho first
Saturday in Juno, il apenso with tho rules,
brmj thnir fnmilion, invito nil iiicmborH of
tlio order, and Itavo a good timo generally.
Millie won to Ihi oliUined to add to thu
'Pub Pacifio Itnral l'rcs", of Han Francisco,
speaks rather bittorly of certaiu pcrmm of
thld city whu applied for tho nguuey of that
papar iu this Stato, ami being rcfusod, lwr
rowed Uiouaino, almost identically, without
po-uiiisivn, to try nnd do a huiimr n cf their
own on. Aoy portions blesiod with oriuinnl
ity milllcicnt to edit a newpaxr ought to
oxuralso hoiiio of it in iielucting n namu that
won't bo a jwody on eoma other journal.
Mr. H. W. Charch, Mouoy order clerk at
Salem postolllw, will receipt any person who
wis"ea to ay their subecription.
Mr. I). W. Craig will give receipt and
transact any business that may vomo beforu
him, for tho l'Aiiiotn.
1. P. R R. Item.
Iist Saturday Colonel Doanu ix-tunml
from hia trip into tho PalouMO country,
roado in company with Philip Kitz.
Whilo gono thoy trovolod over hintwl
hundred mild of tho country. Col
Doanu wan much gratified with what ho
saw, but appear! to ba of tlio opinion
that the route partially located years
ago by Mr. Eoiitwick, from near thu
mouth of tho Hnako rivor to Hpokano
Fa I Id in tho moit practiciWo und direct
ono over which to touutruct tin main
line, that the country oust und went of
tho main lino can 1m canity tapped with
feeders. Tho formation of thu country
docs not admit of tlio coiwtHurticm of a
road via Alkali Flat and Colfax, excupt
at greatly incroased oxpewso, uh tho
streams nil run westerly through deep
cun on x, while tho gonerul (outo of tho
road muit h'i north catcrly from thn
Columbia. To build a road via Colfax
would bo like constructing ono diagon
ally ovor a grid iron. Ool. Doano will
learo in a day or two to ituipect Uio
country along tho routo from the mouth
of Snake river. Iloccnt oxploratiomt by
immigrunU baa made it evident that
there aro largo bodies of fino agricul
tural land uorth and wost of Iiig lake,
which will so ou bo yielding largo crops
to no trnniporteu to market by toe N,
Agricultural Implement
Ixnportors iiacI Xlonlorw Iia.
" ' '"" ,',n
I ,-- - ml
261 and 263 Front
Branch Houses nt Wnlla W?lla, W. T., and Albany, Oregon.
Agencies at all important points in Oregon, Washington Territory and
Western Idaho.
Gonoral Agonts for D. M. Oaborno & Go's Mowore, Roapora,
and Solf-BindlDfj Hnrvoatora, Improved Whitowator
Wagons, Morrison Bro's Plows, Lion Solf-Dump Sulky Rakes,
Epsy Haoks, Minnesota Chief Throohorp, Headers, Whip
ple Guides, Bolstor Springs, and a fall lino of Stool and Wood
Tho N. P.R.R.
Frederick BlllinKs lEleotod Pri.ld.nt.
Who Mnlcos nn Important An
Niiw Youk, May 21. At a mooting
of tho directors of tho Northern Pacific
railroad company to-day, Frodorick llil
linga, fonncriy of California, wan elootod
president, vico Cbas. 11. WrighU
Nkw Youk, May 'J4, 1870.
To J. C. AiN.wotvni: Thn liimnoial
scliomo for tho antiro Pun d'Orcillo di
vihiou in ndoptoL Tlio company will
proocoil with tho construction of 100
miles eastward fiom thu Columbia river,
an hooii as tho lino ih definitely located.
Doano had better concentrate, his forou
moro on tho main lino. Plenso commu
nicato this telegram to (ten. Sprngun nud
FltllDRIIIGK llll.l.INIIH, PlWt.
Dr. Mlntlo'a Special Mcdiclnci
Aro m.-vlo from tho bust materialsnbtainablo.
They aru not euro-nils. Thoy nru favorite
proscriptions that havo boon tried nnd tested
for yearn iu his oxtcusivo practice, until now
thoy aro absolutely porfoct iu tho trouble for
which thoy aru recommended.
Tlio NKriiummJM works wonders iu Kid
ney and Bladder complaints. Thosa auffuring
withdropiy, Urighl'sdiscaso, Dislxiloi, Uranl,
Itfltonllon of Urino, 1'oiu in tho Itack, Incou.
tiuenco, or nny rllscasu of tho Kidney and
Madder, will bo oatonialiod nt relief ono bottlo
will alfurd.
For Femalu woakuuis it is alMilutoly with
out an equal.
For all derangemont.1 of tho l.ivor,
Uso Dr. Minim's Knglltli Dandelion Pills.
Fur HilionvimM and I)j!wia,
Urn Dr. Mintio'K Kngliali Dixideliou I'ilU.
FirFoerand Auo,
Uno Dr. Minim's Knglish Dandelion Fills,
Kvery family should not fail to keep tho
Dandelion 1'jlU on hand.
Km what tin dnipgiiU sty about Dr. Mln
lio'a inudicinesi "Kvorybidy upoaks hlelily
of them." 0. II. Wooilwird & Co., druggist-.,
l'ortUud. "All who takn tlnau rucomiuond.
ttiein,' John A Child, druggist, Portland.
Mivsrs. Abraini A. Carroll, wualostJu drug
guiU, Han Francisco, My: "Wo ra.'anl Dr.
Mintio's Nuphrulicum m tie) lwst Kidney nud
llladilcr romoly bufuro tlu publiu." All
druggisbi l.wp tliui'i m-dicinia.
Anjono ituiircrlnx an a-lrrrd'CCirul li the
ttlttAMKlTf. ftl.MUt mllfeiuhra raitrupitii
UJ bjsaylsu that tlity iw II la the WIIUIIKTTK
KAllHtlL ttlUKK i, llttlll.
iMES 1
it V UUU t. kill B VI' 1
Work at Fair Price
Is thu basis
upon uhic-li he limit buslines.
And Jcminis.'iioii .Alcrtluiit.
Osiuoritl AlnrsjIittiidlHO,
HAI.RH -.---.... OltECiON.
Junl Im
bttt Ism
em f snwr
& GO'S
St., and 262 First St.,
I am Azent tar n-vlo ot IlicM Knxlntt In Hits BUtc.wlildi
an rriuy rvprontl by vmiun)lnr cut, I know
liy tny omi epcrln that they aro ilnulus ll Uify
aro f ulrof.l to bi an J can make IU er tho InU'rnt lt any
ono n lihlnir to purehuo
At My Farm, near Salem,
on AT
Nowbury, Chapman & Co's,
Aleltlici ol vhlch pliers tlio fnjlnoj ran bn totn mnt
majJO tf
No. UU First St., bel. Taylor nnd HmU
mon, I'ortUml. Urraou, Iho
Great Worm Exterminator
bate et Hon franck-o.
Would Intcnn the Kick ncrallf Ihtt loiit Is )ors
cutomhiipruflloocl mnlltlne uiil iuvrln Kuropn
Md Um llnll.J HUU-J, of wblchrihwa Imin In UUI.
tonils, las, by rlo., olnortstlan uitl Rrtal espsri.
mtstiU, ronis to tlio eonrUilon Uik' thoro ar more
xnu ana rliranio Ulimmi liy wpnn, lirulxJIila, nl
intlculm, or othor fecWi ot nrtaim. llio public Ren-
ertlly, or Uio rofulan at Urze. aro not nwaro ot tho
r uio iiroiosujan M larje, aro not nwaro or tho
ol iiaUmU who no ttoi'.oJ liy t inlnont rhrsl-
Ducroi iiAUiuwnoudlr.isloj liv ri
cum lor inn, mat or turn a comoMlnt. KlUioul any
il any
rtlllcf. If Dill fll&10 tlAlt lldBII UmUMtiM.I. n. fHW llftM-l
of lr. Van Ilenbrre HoiiTi-l jii Worm tlcineJ wouM
Iuta Im-uoJlaW rurcil Iho comUln iukI iiinI
ercat nsnjr lira). Dr. Van Doolwmh liu collrctotl n
Unro Ttrlcti of tUllfoniH rooUnml ticthl, which. Iiy
antlysliijr,cnMiobTratliii nnJ ctiulo rxporlmontt,
lis oin co.ndenclou.ty my that ho liu illKOvortJ now
remedies fur thr siinvsitul cum ol Uio lollowlnj ills
n&es: iyiH-nls, t'hronle AttocUomof tliu l.licrood Kid
nrys.tlut and sn-oinl Un.iMot UontaniilPii, Whlto
Hwolllnjr, l"liy, Hporm.torrhaja or local WcaVnon,
Norou IKhlllly, Kpllcitle Flu, llhounu'.lini, Neural.
g-lx, DUrrlima, fn eon tin on on ot tlrtne, (!mfl, t'luor
Alhui, UUbtttoi, llrojuiy, ami all Ukxo iIImuk 1iIcIi
aro known under tho nmo of Venereal, siit-h nifttph
lilt, In all Its form, flononhoa, lllixt.Ktrlcturci, Kulan
I'atufoJ, liilltmnittlonof tlio llttJdrr and 1'rcnlnUi
(Hindi, MtcorUllom, riutulm, I'llrs, Hinpli-", IlluUhes
and all C'uUnoous Knitlii nf tho Mk In. (iinct-rTu.
mors cured ulth or without opersllou. In recent Vn
neroal Dliowei Uio Doctor effveto a euro In from Ihroo
to sis da , or no rlurcv.
1'urlliooyu, ear nad throat, lr. Van IKuitwrli wj
00MWI no and Inrslnablo reine-lles.
Ilr. Van IVnlwrnh would udiUo thoio IMm trouhlixl
ltli IrnciiUritlc of Iho Uu-nu to try liltnew rrmo-
I)r. Van leiitwii;li'o InUtlllilo Worm Hrup for
(lilldrtn, I'rlce, )l. Warnnleil to eijicl tho wurmi,
or Uio tnoory rufunded.
11 roniiilllnu and midf ryolnj n slinphi uxamliutlon,
tho aUllclod r.ui linm If their illvuwt aro i-uuiedliy
tforiui or not; at all ocnH, Ilr, Van lieiitwrh can u-fl
Uieiu from what illxvk-w thoy are sulfcrln,
DuiiiulUtl'insandoiinliiaUone free ut cliiirer,
In all aw. Ilr. Van Hanii-rsli iruaraiitws In all rtn
to oMtl tho vornw, or no r large
Ilr. It. V. PDouncllaTeslliiii)ii)-A tiro
suivcil tVlinnllrntli Nromcil Inrvltatile.
H r'mncii.-o, Mwth I, Ik7v,
'Ililt li l . rllfy tlut I In I horn llnporlnj for AfUH-n
joAtt tvl'.b a iiwipUliit of rhronlo UliAVH-i, and for
ui'Mlhi ounflnod Ut my bod without rocehlnjany Ik.ii
ettt from niuiy einltient ilocUin wh'i ntlcnded inc.
tllveu u;i tj iOo Iiy tho iihytlclaiuiuiJ my friend', I
wuitasvn tullr. J, I'. 1. Van llntariih, fu-nlor, ollltit
Ho.l'Si Klxt'i htrvtt, It I' , nnikle t sUinl or wait
at'Kio. Allomdow and cartful oxamlntitl.m l)r, V.
sal I all iny alli.io.iLi and inlwry hero created hy w
siieoloof wormi, and to uii no and my filjndVnurifri-1.',
llio l)jtf x eiwllcil from mo over 3,itl ivoll dovoloptxi
wormi within twuhourt, which frito mo jiii.omto ra
llcf, and I vuaUotuwlli ajiJ did walk on thooldo
wallcnlhlitiyi uHerwvdt, and twitwcoks after thn
wornil worooiiielloil, I wjljli iilnu inits ri'jru U.an
I did before. I ttitlluro t shout I now bo ilcvl lot for
Ihu skillful tnntment (4 Tr. J, I'. I'. Van Ihnlwriili.
IILmavlnmy llfo uroiuldcro-l ly mjoolt and frlt-ndi
ninlrvhi. It II. lotms.
I mtlfj that Uio Uvu facta lire tru, nu I 1 lisvn
tr,own Mr. K It In Ino t ir a nu-iilwr f Mri durliiir
hlilli.km.u Oiun. It 11'Jltx.inLI, II. II.,
ift-o, (Os Konnio Ht , ofui rmi'irtc.
Till is ui irtil tl.H I hvl Iwon aTlcUvl for aonin
tlinoand Nicojiw tnt.roly htliit.ni Ut walk or moio,
MVbru lulu in my hi 'k, i,o r3t illy or idjtii, fi-i ue ot
my limbs wh.Uover, until I aiinmonrtHj tkliijr Ir. J 1.
I'. Van DonlK-rhsmvllcliio; 0n I not rolloird from
all my inUcry, and In ono wink's Ilinu hm ablo to walk
without (rutin und wlthuut help, and now, with tlm
tktllful Ireatinont of Ilr. J. I'. 1'. Van ILnlx-rich I till')
tho beat of hIUi, au.l am ublo Iti ovory rt)cl Ut fuf
low m dill) buluiM. A. (X'IU,
Nu. CI4.Mlrlinitrn-t.
S ui I'r ui u it, A prtl JV, I D7J.
A ('aril.
Ok. j f ' vt JlciBsauii Ikurhir I ilwm it iny
dutyti irako thu Mhiwln euUinent: for tho Uit
Uirioyt,r I h ti o jouitfurrliuwltheunUiitynawlnK
I'Un ui.) a pilorlntf Mii4.tlun In Iu) atoinacli: alu
.Jn In li y (htt uid heart; my fxd wrnUd not diktat,
iu,d I vcMir.ervoii4 tint It wai with tt:noulty I could
fvlluw u.) icit:ith'i, which ha burn Mrs In Haleiu
for (, irt tiij -ar, aa u practical ilenUat, In fart.
iruin ii,e fxiii.ianc nun auu iniwry, i iatiwau-ti ut ta
inero idiolvtoii I ruvl Uvn dm-toring a Kroat iloal with
out auv Uiullt, and lIUln there wai nu help for ma
but t'lilniftr "ii until death a Mild relluie uio. My
frliadi 'hnu'ht I lu.1 woniu, and had hotter sen l)r.
Van Jiaiibuifh lletold mo atonco tliat worms wera
the euijMi if all my troubles, so ho iravo ino flvo anull
puwdtn, ami in about four hour about 700 wonni,
rion ona Inch to one and a half Inches lonj. camo aauv
from urn iliat ikty, and tlio following nlffht eoioo moro
utmo, aid 1 an, how )i ippy bi au) I fo like another
I,uiii4,'tiii, ai.d am Kainliirf etronxtli froin day to day.
II, Hsitm.M. Dfl
Hiiaa, dr., Kept 13, mi.
i 'swsmi ssmi
; .laasi r"m
ZOO S1j3.3Xr33 OX'
hoieo Houltliy .talian Bocb
r"o;t HAL):. l-HIUK.ta.W IKIlhTANII.
Abo, I'uro It.'Uui (Juuin. prim, ti Olmih. IMIiernl
o i taira ut ttuuu re. Ad Jro or apply to
ii.j-.-V tit. Cor. (Irani and I'runt Sta., IVirUuid, Or,
ia.iT3EJiu-a'3:cij :
Printing Material For Sale
Hallux ., nunUr cf onbra CIIASia, BTANIW,
C.IHII, ill . hi Hand, ll I wtl them at rwialdo
!V-una 'rnuihaacs aro aiurUd aim, tl. titUlut
fuur-iuxo a.r, Z7so for either fir or iwhlpatTa
iuvr, .svt fur either four or eight page luper; Vil7
fjr nther lour or eUhtporfO r alio liulde of
cj.jnj AU In Irtlit.
TluaUiidsarouttci2(l)erwllipaUnt nl, auU
ars portable.
Burns ot uio caaeo ao i-w aanro ; iw ,
Abu, two fall caaes of
a no.
I lllll.VIKIt TVI'K