Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 30, 1879, Image 4

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    WTQLrAMETTE farmer.
i '
tilhtmriit Jgarnur.
I'Ciii.isiiki: ami l-jiiifiinrrdii!'.
Tcrnifi rsnli"rrlilluiu
Ono copy ono) car (r.'MiiimlicrsVIn inliiui'..... j!i 0
OnocojiyMx montlu(n numlicraj. ....... .. . 1 '21
Ono copy throo Inorithii (1.1 numliow) 7G
tr If rot iM wltliln ls months, HI will Ik) rhirgesl
ono ycar'a mibscrlpUmi.
l'ORTfiANI). MAY M, 187!).
iusn:uN status.
Nnllnnnl Jlonril or llrnlth.
Wahiiinotom, May 'id.- Tho Hound com
mittoo on epidemic iIIkcuhph Ibis moriilnn
agreed to roport wllli favornblorccointnoiul.i
tlon tho lilll pnsscd ly tlm Hontito on 1'rl
dny lnt rclnllng to the tintloiinl bonrd of
licaltli, nH n siiustlftiti. for 1Ioiim bill of lil.o
lnlnl riimitre-x.
Tim fnltovtilir; nro tho postal chniuc
tUo rnclflo iJount for the punt itw: Mini)
llnhcil OropH Hollows, Wasco cutitily, Ore
iron, Augustus Bchcrnccktiii pmtinnstcr.
rostuinstcrs nppointcd Mrs. Mary A. Hun
Baker. tljicr (Micro. Wnsco roimty. Ore
Hon. 'Ilin Tillldi 3iit-iiiiii Tux iisp.
Nrw Yoiik, liny 2(1. -To-ilny iiilhoclcrk'tt
oflloo of Ilin circuit court llio U. b. District
Atlornny lllcil n lilll of recovery In tho ensn
of tlm United HlateHitiuilnst Kmiuiel J. Til-
Jin, for alleged tlnilcicnclra in his inconiu
tin. Wlicn (lie enso was on tlio cidondnr
for trinl several luontlui lino, counsel for
Tildcn nnsvrend "ready," nnd tlio District
Attorney nuked leavo to Ilia n lid) of rccoury
on tho ground (Unt much of tlio tcctlmony
tnlcou boforo tho commission trim linhlo la
objection and (lint tlm hill would very much
facllltnto lunttors and muko an early trial
Hllvrr MlnrM In ArlimisiiN.
Tiirn.K ItocK, May 2(1. Trustworthy nil
tIoci from tho silver mliilnu rrolon In Monl.
goincry county, tieutr Hot Hpringii, aro to tho
elloct tnnt rloli orn near tlio Hiiriaco nan necn
discovered; in many places covering nn nrru
of soveirnl wiles. Giillforuln, Nuvndii nnd
Colorado minora now there, conourln nnyliig
that tho prospect In very Rood. Ah yot tiici o
In no satisfactory nvldoncn of tho discovery
of a truo Manure. A stamping mill haa been
ordorod nnd ia noon oxpoclcd.
Conviction ol Two Wouirii of Itliiritrr.
Nr.w Yoiik, May l!0.--(Jovort I), HciiiicIk
nnd Mr a. .loiinlnKinltli were found uuillv In
ersey City of tlio murder of l'olico Ofltccr
tilth, tho huidiiiud oi Jim. .lenuifl Hmlth,
'nly but.
Dmitli of Win. I.loyil flni-rlion.
Youit, May !2ti. William Lloyd Oar
led at II o'clock to-ui;ht.
Ilnli til .liljmiiiiiiiciii.
siitos, Mny 1)7. Tho w.iys mid
ouiuiilten will report IVriiaiulu
-solution thing tlm d ito of nil
M J nun I Ulli,
AimtlliT Vrlii,
'iit'H veto inchiigii of Hid l(;ia
v ami Judicial. tpprnpiiullon J
t to tl .. lloiifo of ll.pi.HMii.
1 I
iiu'i'iitlit Omens.
icim of tl.o joint PiMunorutio
too, nut this nfleruoou mid
n cd on tho following lino of
'111 bo brought up to-morrow
ciiiiinilltiiM: They propoMi
niddt'lit nn tho 111 kt bill llio
will bo hlfpicd at n hi parate
pu.iliiii; llutuiioof hoop at
ut k iciiIIiij: tlm Mipcrvlkom
both bo vetoed. Tin u they
cxolutlou ixti'iidiiiK tho np-
(li ii army lilt December,
rot Ixo thai no Iroupti idu)ll
nn, nnd nun nUo for li'i;iuTa-
eoiulillou thut Kupi'rUoiH
hey mn Mined they prnpiwi
if Hjinlli ciiuveiii'd by the
'lent tlm Minn programme-
i rliuoii.
IMlll' l.nl
iiimn i oniumiCt'ii Inn an
.bio report In tho Hniiio of
nil reli!lou4 deiioiutiintioiiH
& prhihOH on liidiuu leaer-
I win fMUfd by (hi TitUMiry
ii inoij ooitilUnl.H n.ll bo
.inter of tho Uiiilut hlatea
i nor will miy bo furnUhid
r.lBri (or nuo in tiun eitv
York, I'ldbuUlph.rt orKi'wnil that llio vu.r will bo p.olonnci ovir
' Hecrftaiy ilesius iho n
'illllwtos unsold to bo dis
1 prnetlciihlu, iiuioiik post.
-d for Ihsir h ibi ut pi. ui 1
nvo iittutiomi!
ii Niioiiiiiir.
urenii of atiUutii'H in his
lent fur tho current lis
1 nud imports "' tho
hat tho excess of 1 X
uierebiiiidisn was for
III). 1H7H. JJIl.li:!,
0IU.0.S7. l'orlho
'. 1H7U. $272,215,
IMl.OCI. or lilnlin,
nated J. W, Croy
1. K. iittoiney for
nniiuil report
lio Mull, issued
si for tho vear
1,600 72, und
'aving a net
Millies ot tho
,677,565 71,
the llsbil-
Tho do-
S.U75 U7.
-A tire
el from
hi, af
fect of
tof tho
scd on
na may
o by the
JUiOllS lo
ihnt thn
I'crllH iil'llip Conwl.
OtoucKBTEn, MaBS., May 28. -Another
flshins Hchooncr, the William Thompson,
hnH been lost with n crew of fourteen men.
They lcavo Fevcnwidowi and twclro orphans.
fiiilliin 'nuciillon.
Ht. l.ofifi, May '.M. lUprtHentatlvos of
tho diircrcnt clvilicu tribes In Indian Terri
tory met in convention at liufauli for tho
purpoio of conslih rim; the Invasion of tho
territory by uliiti h nnd the kt'ttlitif! " ceded
binds by Minltcn. The lendluK men "' l'10
Cherokee, Choet.iw, Chickasaw, Crtelc,
Hcmlnolo nnd lino unit Tot nalionn wcro
piesont. Tho convention or(anld by tho
iilcctlon of Ward Coachman, chiefs of tho
Creek, chairman, nnd J. II. Moore, of tho
ChoitawN, Htcrclnry. A committeo from each
nation van appointed to preparo n report
refrntrliiiir tho nrcsent condition of nffulrs In
tho territory, nnd tho convention adjourned
till to-dny.
I'nrllle .'Mil 1 1 iilliimiy.
Xkw Vonis. Jloy 29.--The l'atillc Mall
eloction wa.i held to-day, resulting in tho
election of tho old board of diicctorn, uxcept
llnbcock and l'otts, v.hoso places wcro taken
by Ituxiell and 8.130 mid HowHton,tho wcro
connected with tlio company under tho Kit
fun llatcii ndiiiiliiHtrntiou. lloth of thuno
gcullenieli icjirLnent l'acilla Itatlrond inter
ints; henco ptiweut nrnmjjciiiontH uro likely
I to cntiiiti'.
Tiro invi'iiiix is hiiii in ses-
MUlliin 111 T,vm Yurli.
The atriko of horiio-sboirs nod ntnblemcn
011 our city railroads is nbout 1 nded, without
tho lncrrno ol pay iletiiaudcd. Third nvo
nue, whero the strike' boi;aii, reports n full
forco of bleu. Tlm Second uvcnito linn Ik.s
nil tho men nerded, mllij $'J 25 instend of
$2, and employing; hoiiio of tho workmen
from tho Third aveuuo lino who demanded
$2 CI). Tho licit lino is utso supplied at
$'1 25 for horsefhoers, and $1 25 forhtnblc
men. Tho I'ei ty-socond ami drain! strcut
firry lino instill somewhat short of liDrso
sliocrH, but tho plncm of slrikers nro Kradii
ally belli!,' filled. On other Hues troublo
seems virtually over for tho present.
hlicrinslnl strlkrrN.
Tlio women tapcutry wcavern iuIIlKKius .t
Co's enrptt factory, who struck ncalustn ro
diiction lust wtck, riturncd to work Monday
nt old prices
Ohio Krpiilillciiii 4 oiMi'iillon.
Cincinnati, Muy 28. Tlio Itvpublicnu
KtHtoronvontion met nt 11 A. M. Allen T.
Ilrinsmnid, of Clovnbind, was chosou loin
iiornry clmlrmaii and H. N. l'iild, of Colinn
bus, temporary wcrelnry. After tho e'eo
lion of (lio mimbciH of tho various com
mittees tlio convention took 11 rooon until
i V, M.
On ro-nssembllii cx-(lov. DciiiiIsdii w.as
elided lempornry ch.iirmau.
Itlclmril 0. l'arsouii. of Cleveland, noniln-
nted Hon. Alphonso Tnlt as n cnndidalo fur
(Icu. ililismi, ol ncuae.i nnniily, nintil
(treat (.hecriiiK, uouiinntcil Hon, Charles
Tho I'ouventiou thiiii proceoded to ballot.
L'ostir nriivul tho lio..iluatiou 011 tho
lliiit ballot, tho void utaiiiliiiK : Foster, 530
5-11; Tnlt, 271 1-r.; Keifur, 2; total K5I.
Tho iiiiiioiiiid'inrnl ( tho vuto was ro-
cilvid Willi ilcnli iiIiik chuers, nud on iiiotlon
of lion. Dun I.glcHtiiii, roster n nomiiiu
linn was iiiiiilo iiiiiiuimoiH.
Tlm fnll.ittln;; nameii wero pnt in iiomimi
lion for lictitpu nit I'ovmior: lion. I.owhi
". f tOliK-liiimU: A
taJ;y' - "Int a li ( en. H..
of (HilUlcoIln-, iiud Col, A. S,
of Ciiieinnali; Andrew Hickuti-
.until I II. 1 1 unit,
MuCluri', of
.Ill tiiiiurl.'iiit ( litiuui.
Iaims), May 2!tli. It is oillclally an
iiuiiiiriil lint (leu, riir Oaruot Wolsloy has
bun nppmiiti'd Mipiemo military mid civil
commander of Natal. Tr.iusvanl and cu till 11
nthiT dlsitriels that adjoin nud nro Included In
luu suit of war, it having hem deemtd wiio
in tho present rmericury to ilivido Capo
Oood llopo government into four illxttict.
Thn chiiiiccllor of I ho exchequer uutinui.oed
tlieso cli.ui(;"s In tho housoof rommous this
afliiriioou. tilr llurtlo l'rero remulus m uov-
crnor of Capo (olnny.
no uar in Airicu.
Special dinpatclii'ii (ruin (i.ipo Town my
111 it thn Dr.iKonn (limid.i i;n lo Tr.uisv.ini,
not Xuliil.uid. Homo lu'couiitii mv that tho
cli.iui;o Is iiiliiiilcil to ovir.M tho Hours.
A (orrevpoiidiiit Willi Col. Wiind at hum
bnlii telegraphs under ihto of tho Itli liml.,
that (!ol. N'eciilo's I'oliimu will coiieeiilralo
iiiiine miles north of Doutiih.'rK. (!ol. Wood's
brionilv will inn act iniUiiiiiili nllv on Cd.
Ni w.iic's tl ink, but the two InriTS will uuinl
minuito wiion ilin iiiviisloncDiiimeiu'is. It is
thought tlm .'.iliw will muko ii stiniiK bland.
A eli.iiii of Inrtiili'il pontn will be coiiKtrui't.d
us the mv itlou proif i'ds, to which t'kcotted
((iiiiiKHilUiiincy in imsiry htipphiH. Th.s
must iiliiid iirujii sh, mil iho e.iiiUutiou is
Aiiollier I'lrc In Ktiliv.
lir. I'MCi.bitii.n. May 23. Ono hundred
1 1 1...... 11 . ... 1.. .t
.mm. Ml ..f I If,. !,.. I, , l,nrll..l Himtuxil. .1
iitivntiilict Ion 1 in in lit i ii nrrnklfil !
Tlio linrlru i-iiuni.
P.,,. M..v '. -Tim H,.lw.,n,,.i.i...,.,i tt,.,
l)iiieh I'auut Ciuii.tc.is today prin.oiiUd it
teiiorl adniiitim: the poislbilily ol Iho Ntcnr-
.i ..i..V. i c... TJ ... i .1 ... i . '
i ngua loiito wuh IncUs, whilo ktnting that tho
level euiul collrso proposed liv l.leul. Wyso
and M. Iteelus is Ih.sI, it is suijict to et'rlaiu
luodluoittious, Tim NiMnigua routo would,
it Is estimated, nt 7H 1,(100,000. Tho nost
of tlm Wjno-lteclils Mibcnio is eHtluiuted nt
Tlm committeo on ways nnd moans of tho
Darieu canal cungrcHS propose a transit duty
of ntleen fiuucs per ton, ut whloh rata it is
osliiuatiHl Unit Iho greets recvipu of tho canal
will rvnoh X3,000,IKlO per annum, Tho com
mitU'o is opHviil to governmenl Mtistanoo
in Iho outcrpriso. Thu voiuuieroial commit
teo of llio congress eoul..crs the proposotl
trausit duly too high.
tail ix- I'luurc.
Lomixm, May 37. Tho flgure of Mtluutm
of tho comp-uutivo costs of Iho several routes
proposal lor u snip euiiul lo mine tiia Allan
lio and Pacific, as uiveu in s former dkpalob.
aro probably wrong. A Pari dUwteh isys
that Iho sub-coiniiiillo on the cost of Iho
work, repotted tUt llio Thnantepto projoct
would isjd 10000,000 uithont inoludiug
tho cost of tiriiiiiial ports; Iho Nicnrugiu,
rJH,50O,00Oi tho P.imima, X13.M0.00O, ex
elusive ot indeiiiuilv to railway companies;
lharisu Ulna, 52,000,000, mid Iho Atrtdo
NiplpJ route, 11,000,000,
t'liei Uoi mint Turlir.
11ki:us, M'iy 27. - Tho tobacco committeo
of Hut reichstug hit rejected by 2 1 votes
agaliut 2, the latcs on tobacro proposed by
tlio government, ol IM iiiiirKs per IIKI Kilo
grammes for foreign tobacco, 15 and 0
marks for tho homo product, and adopted
the rates ot Iho center party, CO marks on
foreign and 2r ou homo tobacco,
Ukuun, May 23. The relehstsg passed
tho bill aiiihoriiing provisional levying ol
oustoiits and duties proposed iu the tnritl aud
rove the I '11JIV' u'"- This includes duties on un
ryin thai wrouglit Iron nud petroleum.
tr it fori ,r "" -nw.
Duun, I London', May 27. Sir Garnet Wolsley
leaves for the capo on Thursday,
"'Wcoieil In.
A dispatch from Alexandria slate that two
companies of tho Italian explorer, Manpils
of Antonomi, havo been mado prisoners by
tho natives near Shoa.
rii Itritiictlnu of Vnrx.
I.osdon, Moy 27. Tho nrbllrnlor to whom
was referred tho question of reduction of tho
vats ot Houth Vorl.-shlro conl uiiuers, do
cldcs nT'lut aii reduction whatevtr. The
derision affects ."iO.OOO men aud boys.
Tlio tlnrliy.
I.onuon, llav 2S. Tho lkrhy was won by
Kir llovys, John Trotter's chestnut colt;
I'almbenrcr came in second, and Lord ltosc'
berry's biy colt, Visconll, third.
A Monster.
Jvn I'jiANi'tiro, 3Iay SO. A horrible caso
of nll(;cil rnpu occurred nt tho Mission yes
terday, tho nceused bolng ono John James
McCnlvey, 11 drummer for Hall's soap factory
and tho complainants two llttlo pirls, nacd
nlu" iiud ciyht yours respectively, nnd be
loni: to moft leepcelnble families. Tho
crimn took plane on Suiiditj 11 week ajo.
Tho liltloiils brlomr t3 dln'orcut families,
and told their stories in tho prcsctico ot
their respective parents, tholr uarialions
nRrceluj; In nil particular.!. Thoy were to
tho cllcct that thn mnn enticed them into nn
empty car during tho day (lino and succeeded
nswcllns circumstances would allow in
outraging tho elder, contenting himself with
merely an iisskuU Um thn younger. He
prevailed on them to keep tho matter secret,
and they did not toll Iho story until ha met
them innr tho closa of last week and united
In repeat tho libertiiH. Upon information
received an officer arrested McCnlvey on
Suvinteciitli street yesterday. Ho was
charged with rape nud indecent assault.
To-day ho was hold to answer on tho two
charges, tho bail is enehenso being fixed nt
ClO.fKJi). McCnlvey Is nbout forty yenis
Sun :'riiiielieo W'nlrr Worlm.
Tho water commissioner held n long ses
sion tu-el.ijr for tho purpose of considering
what hteps should bo tnkon to ncriulro thu
property of tho tiprlng Valley Water Works
by condemnation. No nctlon was tnkon
owing to tlio fact that Colin M. Doyd, tho
new couiuiiNsloiiur, is not familiar with tho
previous proceedings of tho commlasiou nnd
ilosires timn to get informntlou. Couso
quontly tho board ndjoarucd to moot next
criiiay. it is umiorsinoii mill mo oommis
sinners proposo lo dcclnro supplies off tho
peninsula aro not rcmilsllo and thnt Iho
snimlies thereon aro sulllclunt nnd avslln-
bio. Tho proposition is lo condemn rcsrr-
vol rr 111 llio city, Mnn iuuteo sources nnd
Iiiko Merced, but not to iucludo Clear I.ako
or CiilnviTiis.
(I11111I1II111; mill Jlui-iler.
Wii.utu.i, May 20. -A quarrel occurred
bore Ktiirdny nveiiinj: between James Keif
mil Chariot Itcddcngcr nt a enabling tablu
in MathcKoii Ai I'lirkur's snlooti, which re
sultvd In tho Milluj! of Koif. They hud
bncu (timbliiig dining tho nfteriionn, nnd a
dUputn urosn about tlio division of money,
91 bciu; tlm amount in quoHtlon. A fen'
words wjro exchanged when they roso from
thn t.iblo aud llodilengcr pulled bin revolver
mid caught Kelf'u riglil arm and placed his
pistol near his forehead mid fired, tho bull
entering Kelt's brain, cnitsing instant death.
Itcddctigcr was immodlatoly arrested, hur
ried to Coin.! and lodged In jail. IIo had
just served 11 four years' setitonco at Kan
Qiietitiu for a crimn committed ut KiiUtin.
Tho citlzous horn wero enruged, and hid tho
coustnbln b.'tn dctaini'd 15 miiiiiln.i longer,
tho murdciir would havo htun lynced.
Hvn I'ltAsniHi), Muy 20. -The Justice
Mining Co. h.ivn levied mi iissessuieut of $1
per fhnre.
A lloirllilc Zit'iitli.
Waui.1 Wam.i, May 27.--H. A. Myo's,
owuir of tlio tbiur mill ut Umatilla, was
killed jeslenlay uiiiinliig whilo oiling inn
ilillieiy, by fnllilig btlwceii tho cogwheels.
No ono wm prcxcnl, but ho is supposed lo
liuvo Is en tnsiiiully Killed.
An Ulllor Hurl.
1. II. .lohiisnn, iditn- of tho Walla Walla
Union, -vas louiiil joteidny in mi tineon
scions slain. IIo biul been out riding, nnd
it is niiplioi-uil ho was tbron fiMiu his I10r.se.
IIo Is siill iiisousibio from iiiiu'inslon of Iho
Iiilii'il liy Ills nini Him.
KiUTti.i:, May 27. IViur ynuiig men, 11.
J. Keull, luo Chapman htothen-, and ()
liuino, wiio lilt viri.'lui.t (Ity, l!V., on tlio
2lih of April, 1 ecciii ly iiimiil lime and look
iipclniuis I'D I'urtir prnirte, nacl; ol Dual
tie. On I'rnl.iy I ut, v. I11I0 Ihey wero out
bun' in:;. Hfutt Ihlmiuu st'iiirnled front tho
otlieis, nnd whilo kitting on it log waiting for
tin in 10 ui'iie up, tilth lu.t ahotmni rmtiuij
Ihlwiim bin hgs, li ui'iiileiitiilly ilisi'liariinl
Ihewiiipon in iitieiiipuii to mine ono leg
upon tho h tho wholu 1 lmcKo entering his
head U low tlm thin, killing him inl.iiilly.
DecittSed nsit 1. ilivo of Crotiu l'oint, New
1 York, .mil a o I th joars. Ho had ljeou em
I plot id ill a (aiiiijiucU mluo at Yirginta City
i ,. . .I..,,,, vwirn
"' '"0 I'"1 '"" " ""
Vt'.iliiuc lor (ln.
. 'the appropriation having become ex-
'.'"'"'''I. ."u '"' '" ill bo dono by tho
I'nltiil Mates conu survey parlies on tlm
Sound nil July, at which limn tho now up-
pruprimiou comes iu. There aro three par
lies in llio IU lit.
.Slot) i.nw.
IU!tt:Ksmt4, C.il, May 2S At about
12;15 llils iiujiiiliig some ono called at the
door of thn court house ni.d was answered
by Jailor Itt'i'd, who was leqiirstes! to open
Iho door. Mr lUed lelumd, when the door
was forcibly broken and about 75 mcu en
tered, the jailor was ordered to throw up his
bauds, which ho did. The kus wcro de
manded, but refuted. S-'srch w.n then
made aud Iho keys found. Thy mob enter
ed tho ceIN containing Thomas and William
Yokuta, and lynched them by hanging them
in their cells, Wm. Yokum was chaiued to
the tl or ot the cell, aud as the chain could
not ha loosened, he wus hung with the chain
on his feet and was shot several times. The
Yoktims were in Jail for Iho killing of John.
sou and Tucker at Iiong Tom more thau u
year ago. Wm. Yokum had his trial and
was convicted of murder in Iho first degree
iiud the rluprvme Court rn led last week thut
he should have a change of venue, nnd hi
caso was moved to Fresno county. The mob
were all masked except live.
An Irish sailor visikil a, city whore,
he mud, thoy eoiiKbottomi,it llio Upa of
thu hoiuocs with bhcvt-lcmL
.tt. i "-
A litt-'o girl, on looking ut it picture
of a ship in a thunderstorm, romarked
tint "(iod w;ls sticking crookcei (ilns
into tho Kul man."
1'r.miliarity witli oorrupt thinga first
ilisiirnis ami then conquers. All that
Satan nsked enir (xtrcnts to do was to
look nt tho forbieliloa fruit. That look
did tho misohitif. So, many a bright tuul
promising youth has liocn dmwii to
tho tlioatrc by an advertisement, and
oneo there liia doom is sealed.
WAintxeitox, Muy 23.
The bill reported by llnynrd to provide
for tho chaugo of subsidiary col ns for law
ful money and making such coins legal ten
der In sums not exceeding $20 was takes up.
Tho president pro torn, announced his
signaturo to the legislative appropriation
bill, which now goes to tho President
Tho bill relntivo to tho transportation of
uulmnls was then taken up.
After n Bhort debate between MoI'Iicnon
nnd Voorhses tho Stmito adjourned without
Wasmnoto.v, Mny 27.
Tho bill regarding tho transportation of
catllo was amended by striking out tho
clnuso nppolutlng inspectors and in other
respects. A motion to recommit was lost,
'.11 to 18, aud upon motion of lMmiiuds tho
subject was postponed until tho first Monday
In December.
Tho bill lor tho relief of Jos. 11. Collins
Tho Henatn rtfnscd logo Into execullvo
netslon mid took up tho subsldary coin bill
nud Hoon adjourned.
McDonald asked lenvo to present n peti
tion nud memorial of cx-soldiers nud snilors
of Providence, protesting against tlio viola
tion of the civil si'i-vico rofaim, especially In
relation to appointments.
Iho lull relative to tho removal of cases
from Ktitto to 1'edcrnl courts ciimu up in llio
morning, tho ponding question being on
seconding tho previous question.
Pernnudo Wood appealed to Towneend, of
Illinois, who had chargn of tho bill, lo per
mit its reference or iccommittul, Rons not to
havo it blocking up busincst of all other
Tnwnsond regarded it ns his duty to pi ess
for action on thn bill,
Tho ltemibllcniis then resortod to tho
policy of wltholding their votoi, and this
mado necessary n call of tho House.
The oall was followed by roll call.
On motion to dispenso with further pro
ceedings and Iho morning hour having ox
plred, tho bill wont ovor without nctlon.
Tho llouso then proceoded to considera
tion of Iho hill lo prevent tho introduction
of contagious still iufoctlous disoaaos into
Iho United Htates, tlio Hcnnto mil in roiation
lo thnt subject having boon substituted for tho
House bill,
Tho lIouo considered thn hill by sections.
Young asked that tho bill bn not nmon jed,
lest it fall In tho Kciuto before udjournniMit.
After two amendments hid boon rejected,
Young moved tho previous question, which
was stcouried, mid the bill passed exactly as
it camo from tho rk-nnto, nud now tt gocti to
thn Presiduiit.
Gurlleldnnd others, having nsked Icavo of
absence, Itengun objected to grunting it, ex
cept on account of sickness. Adjourned.
Aattriillnu Iulniimtlonal Exhibition.
Tho Uuv. Dr. IJlriiHiiitli', noting for tlio
royal commission for tlio nbovo iutet
luitional oxliibitior. ut Hydnoy, Austrnlin,
lias coino to l'ortlaml lor u fow duys to
invito our e'litiTprisiiig fcllow-citizciiH to
iliaiiliiy tho products, natural nmi iiiniiu-
I'fi ctu red, of tliit city nnd Kttiti', ttt that
(reiit world's fair. Australia hIiowoiI
woll tit I'liihiilclpliiii, nini luvi now in
vited the world to compnru productx in
thu oldest of Iicr uitiivi nnd colonios.
Any I'oiiiiiiiinitMtiuim for tlio doctor muy
ho iuliliiM)il ciirei of Jiiiur.H Liiillaw,
llritisli vico-CoiiMiil, l'ortlaml.
Imtint from Sfoios.
OAMl' WlXFIBMiSt'OTT, JlAY 21st,
via Walmimi, May 23rd.
To Ailjuiiuit (ipiii'iiil, Vnticoinur, W.T.:
Wei nrrivnl ut I'riost Uiipitls this
nvt'iiing, tlio 10th. Tlio UoiiLT.il iiud
Oovunior Kerry wont lo Yakima City.
Motion went to his liousu on tlio Grunt
('iiulic. Wo nil meet nt thu inotttli of
tlui Yypoitiitchii, leaving lirro iitttnlav
uiornit'i; with ix. i-oinjiaiiie-a under ('ol.
I'orM'tlic. Juoku nuil iloiiiu.s, with
aupplics, r'tiu.iiu lnrn. ticner.il Ilownnl
was in Vnkinut nn tint 18th nml lOtli
nmi iiitiirnctl Iht on tho liOtli. All woll.
f. li H. Wood, A Me.
Suiuimtis n e'l.iiiiunn iviiit'ily for thu
ilh of lifn in Sin I'mnciscj. A man
veiituiot nil nnd hues nil, nml t!iu;i tuU.'.s
tho linal louii in tho d.iri: to onto hia ilit
iiipointmeni. Theru, ami huro also to
koiiio oxtoiil, n . riiturer.s ivjiair with n.
vain liomi that loiuotliiu will turn i.p,
mid wlimt (he; 'iml tlm sanioniioerU'iiiity
OMstiii", that i (oiul lifo olmwliprt', thoy
jivo up. Tli- .inroe-iseii wen dijuip.-t-teil
lives nro ms eiuleel, uiul tho mngo
of Hiiicidi) i leiiilsi i'i-oiii tlio iletiperato
ik'ods of ned tntriictinii, -oitt mittol by
tho vngnbot who funis life, ivt ho hn'n
martvd it, . weariiten-i past fiiduniuce,
to tho eitv a- Siato ollicial who elrevuls
exposure, .til it roacliea tho moro ho
roio ami - .uniitio self-immolation of a
ltilston, ho fceict ruin to nil his vast
enterprise- suit! genorems tlecsls, ami with
tin air oi bravo tlulliaiico swims, out
upon the icaters of the lay to sink be
neath lbs wave's, amciaea nro among
the conn lOtiost eivont.s in California, and
they mu i tho foverish, restleaa charao
ter of th people ami the illusions of the
country m which thoy live. Voa.
England's Future King,
Thu London Truth, in an articlo giv
ing anevelotea of thu Prince of Waloa,
says: "Ho is fond of lato hours, but no
matter how lato ho may go to beel he
rises early tha next morning, lie is a
kiHtn tinorUiman anil a very fair shot. At'
whist he nlnvH an excellent hand. And
whether the occupation of tho moment
lie whist, sport or ihncing ho enters into
it with n hearty relish, which contrasts
strangely with tho "hl.xsa" aiw of tho
golden youths of the day. His constitu
tion is an excellent one. IIo rarely has
a etiiy's illness, nnd he is n living proof
that no amount of tobacco can enfeeble
cither mind or body. I believo that ha
was tho inventor of the now popular
drink, 'lemon and soda:' "
Tho seasick laely rofusod tha stewarel's
invitation to dinner, and called for thoi
chambermaid insteatL A caso of basin
gratitude. '
Tho -'Stato of California."
Arrival of thn New Steamer Front
(I'ort'aiil Use, May, tt )
Tho now Htiintnship Stnto of Califor
nia, of (ho P. C. S. lino, at rived ut this
port ycatorelny morning at 4:.10. Khc
was niitdo the object of much intercut
by tho citircim, and hundreds visited her
yesterday. None, however, weiti al
lowed to go aboard until after tlvo
o'clock. Him mado tlio trip from Han
Francisco to Astoiiu in 48 hours nnd to
Poitland in fi!"A hours, actual running
Unit) of) hourti. Her time from Pliila
elelpliia lo Hun Francisco was fill days
and l.'U hours.
Itetween that port and Han Francisco
she only colled at Valparaiso for coal,
nnd Iicr actual running time, fifty days
nud twelve hours, beats tlm Oregon
three days and it half over tho bsiiio
ronto Tlio Htate of Califoinia was
built by Cramp it Kons of Philadelphia,
nt u cost eomplcto of $Xr)0,000. Hho
was built under tho rules ruid inspection
of tlio British Lltiyils, and clnsscd A I
for twenty yearn. Hho is thn first iron
itteuinship in the United States built iu
accordance to the fitriiigcnt lulcx of the
Uiitisli Lhiyils. This fuct, in euiiucc
lion with the high reputation of her
builders for good work, tho excellent
se.i-going ipialitiea of tlio ship and tlio
unstinted oxpenditure of her owners,
is n guarnntcn to th traveling iublio
that the Htite of California isas htauiich,
fast nnd comfortable us can bo desired.
Her measurement is '-'liGO.d tons, and
dimensions ns follows- Length over all,
315 feet; beam, i'I7 feet 11 inches, and
depth of hold, 'J5 feet. Her compound
engines can bo worked up to 1800 Iioi-mi
iiownr. llio cylinders aro 4 J and id
inch stroke. Hho lias nix cylindrical
trailers, tested by the British Lloyds
to a pressure of 100 pounds, and by thu
United Htutcfl Government to ISO
pounds; pcrsipinro inch, and is permitted
to carry 80 oiind. With a consump
tion of 31 tons of coal she can maintain
a sjicisl of 12 knots, whilo with 45 tons
1 1 kuoU can 1k made. Her accommo
dations for 200 luibin paKscugers, and
nbout twice that number iu the hlcenigo
am good. Thn cabins mid Kiloons aro
richly but not gaudily furnished, nud
tho ship is provided with all the mnst
modern nppiirtenauccH for labor-saving
and safety to cargo and jiartsengcrs.
Thn main saloon nml online 'room uro
furnished with clectrio lights, nnd an
other will be placed at tho bow which
will bu visible ut ndistnuco of two miles.
Blio is Kiipplieel with eight lifolxiats and
four life-rafts, accommodating 500 per
sons, ('up tain J. W. Ltiohlnu, formally
years conuccteel with tho Paeilio Mini
and other gnat steamship lines, brought
the nhii) out ami Hpeaks iu thu most
glowing terms of her good ipialiti's.
Unlike most of the modurii screw steam
ers, hhe rolls und pitches very little,
nvuu under thu moat trying circumstan
ces. Her great sheer nud good lines
keep her ends dry, nnd, .-is lie expresses
it, "With a good grip of tho water, hhe
can go head to wind I 'J knotii iu u head
km und wind."
Hho bloom by steam, tho wheel acting
on thu valves of r. direct acting engine
connecting with thu rudder, lly this
menus ono mnn is nblo to hteor her iu
heavy weather. The following weto the
ntlict-nt on the long voyago: Captain,
J. -M. Lichlan; First Ollicei, T. Hunt
ington; Second O Ulcer, J. Ueichin.inn;
Third Oilieer, 0. M. Goodall; Pun,er,
II. McLullan; Steward, (I. W. F.duurds;
Chief Kiigincor, J. A. Jones. Dining
tho voyago butween tho Straits of ilu
gellaii nil Valpuraifo, a seaman fell
: i oin aloft nnd was killod.
Tlio following were thu pissengers
from Philiule'pliia: Irs. Thomas Hunt
ington, MUs Oraeu Huntington, .Miss
Muttie Huntington, Mrs. I). Alexander,
Mrs. II. MoLolInn, Theodore W. Cramp,
Mrs. Joseph Balsirrier. From Valpar
aiso: Arthur 1. Wise, A. M. Htovou
son, Samuel Mi.(Jreo, John Pascoe, A.
Guerrero, G. Mandiola, ('. H. Hmith,
Dr. W. Uobeit-s, Mrs. Tho. Wilson,
N. Williams, Fivd. Iteamer, Henry
ltodgei-s, A. If. Keen, A. Valso, Wil
liam V. Johnson.
Hho is now lying nt MeCrakon's
wharf discharging her cargo.
The following aro tho permanont ofii-cci-s:
Captain, G. Debuoy; First Officer,
John Fields; Hecoud Oflicor, a Itich
Rtand; Thinl Oilieer, Wm. Thoxter;
Purser, M. M. Uuckmau; Freight Clerk,
lion Smith; Chief Engineer, J. Jones;
First Assistant, IL Wilson: Steward,
G. W. Edwards.
i t - i iii
Tha Pistol at Spokan-
A serious, and probable fatal, shooting
affray transpired on tho 14th inst., near
Spokane Fulls, nt the ranch of Mr. lion.
Akers. From his brother, Wm. Akers,
in this city, tho Standard learns that
last Fall a man named Counally at
tempted to jump a portion of lleu's
claim, and was ordereel to loaw, where
upon Counally made an attompt on tho
life of Akers, who had him nrrestod and
punished. On tho 1 4th Counally again
shot at Akors.bittiug him- tho ball en
tcringjust abovo tho kneo, and ranging
upward aud to tha left, lodgeel in tho
small of his back. A physician was
summoned, who extracted the ball, and
at last accounts tho wounded man was
in a very precarious condition. Mr. A.
ia a man well liked in tha community in
which ho has lived for several years, and
bears tha reputation of a quiet, peace
able citizen, and considerable indigna
tion is felt at this time against Connally,
llio would bo murderer was immediately
arrostou and locked up.
At nine o'clock yesterday morning,
nny person observing Mount Hood could
havo noticed with the naked cyo it
changing cloud of sinoko that hung
upon tin' south side of tlio mountain, fur
above the snow line, nud climbing ut
most to the summit. Observing this
carefully with a glass, it wns plainly to
be von that tlio smoko changed its form
und movement constantly, apparently
louring out of tlio south side of tho
mountain from hnlf to ono-qiiiirtcr of a
mile below tho summit. Thoso who
havo ascended the mountain locate thn
bito of an old crater on tho southwest
side, somu distance below tlio summit.
They havetu cross this locality to make
tho ascent, nnd nlvuiys find sulphur
ous ftimo issuing from tho crovirxui, nnd
tho rocks heated by internal fires.
There is no doubt that Mount Hood
at times sends forth eruptions of smoke,
though sue.li manifestations nro not of
frequent occurrence, or at least 11113 not
often reported. Wo have lived within
view of the inouiitniu for nearly thirty
yearn, and havo only oneo befuie, about
fifteen years ago, been unmiHtnknblo
emission of smoke, which lasted nlxutt
nn hour, aud e.iiuo from tho same part of
tlio mountain that wo observed it yester
day, nud each time tho fact of its being
smoko was not to be doubted. Fifteen
yearn ago the phenomenon oeetirrcd
upon a Winter duy, when thn uky wns
blue, without impede of cloud to fleck it,
and the smoko streamed northwntd from
tho'mouiittiiu in a dcuso bluuk cloud. Wo
have nceii the time when excitement
wns created homo years ugo by tho ru
aior that Mount Hood was smoking.
A crowd gathered on a high roof nud
observed it with glusscs, but tlio phe
nomenon was caused by atmosplicrio
conditions that draw the mists nud fogs
from tho Iowor gorges nnd mado I hem
wreath around the summit. The differ
enco between thin light-coloiod, envelop
ing mist, rising from tho bnso of tho
mountain, and tho black, sulphurous ap
pearance of eruoko pouring directly out
of tho side of it from among thu snows,
was evident to any practical eye. Yes
terday morning tlio sky was olo.ir, with
a slight Iiai, and n few light, llcccy
clouds hanging nbovo thu Cascade range
at iiitorvuU, but tho whole bnso nnd
summit of Mount Hood wcro clear of
them, while tho uumistaknblo wieath of
sulphur smoke hung just below thu very
iiummit, remaining there for over two
hours, contorted by tho movement of
llio winds. Towards noon fleecy clouds
ouveluped tlio mountain nnd for 11 whilo
tho dillereneo between cloud nnd smoko
wns distinctly visiblc, but afterwards
thn outlines of tho snowy peal, wero ob
scured nnd when they wore plain again,
at 2 o'clock P. M., there was no smoko
to bo been.
1 ' " 1 "
A privato dUpilch to Hon. I. It,
Mooivs, received this morning, informud
him that at i) o'clock A. M. to-day his
friend Hiiiihon full elead iu tho h trout, ut
Salem. Mr. Htiniion had mill'orod from
heart disease nnd no doubt that caused
his death. The detiusod was widely
known ; had been a Grand Miutcr of thu
I. O. O. R, and stood high in Masonry,
having taken tho Scottish JUto elrgrou.
Ho was also Grand Itocorderofthonow.
ly instituted Order of United Workmen.
Wo shonld siqijioso that ho wus between
10 and 50 years of age. About HMO
ho camo to AlbauJ-, when) ho followed
the printing businos, nnd lie probably
wan ouu of tho bebt workmen at tho art
preservative in this State. In ISU.'t tin
was interested iu the Albany Enquirer,
a Democratic newspaper. In"lfr'G5 hoie
moved to Salem, where he earned on a
job printing ollico and for two years did
thu Stato printing by contract. In
1HC9 ho oomniencud publication of thu
Willnmetto Farmer, which liu old in
1872. After this ho was piupiiutor of
11 .hosiery kuitting factory at Jell'uron;
lived iu Albany boino years ; returned to
Salom to e-iigago iu job printing ugain
in 1877, where horosidoJ at the timo of
his death, Theso elnt&s may not bo ex
act, but nru nearly so. Mr Stinsou had
many friends who will p'gtot to hear of
his death. He niitrriod an adopted
daughter of Judgo R D. Haley, of Linn
county, mid leaves a wifo and four chit,
dren, ono being a son nearly grown.
A well caveel in tho other elav. If
all's well that ends well tint bank" must
be pretty healthy, for it endoel that well.
Akron (O.) has had fourteen elopo
menU within a year, and married mon
ther are taking tho precaution nt night
to chain their wives to the bedpost.
II a.lt w Ki hv irT.M.l f.. -. . . . J.i .ii.
(GiUiThXuti ben iironoacw4 InfuraWo. liao Uu
nxLrMil l.vtk fA 1 ktik t. .. 1.... i . .
LullmanUli ran m bwn it n.uiM .1.. .
L i "." wi iuvj UMI Ul
n..v N , w u, ,u voumry, ana all
propur qutlonj aiuwcrtj thrrorti tho tutu b. en.
dojing two sump. Othoe conwlutlon Ire.
Oil. J AUKS KBCK.1SS First St. ISjnilnd. Orrectt
Port offlc. box . dut thU cutiu wnj HlTjSJr
't apl