Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 30, 1879, Image 2

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KHttmrite Jtaxjiwr.
MilKit nvr.nv rnimv, i.v
03j.nxrB & oxua-ic-,
i um.HiiniM anii i-iidi'iiimoii-'
Term orfiiilnrrliuloiii
Onccoiy fino jcir (c;numlra),'l-i alinnix....$3 "()
One copy lt moi.lhii niimtaw) I V!G
Ono ropy Uitoo tnutitlu (13 niimUn) 7fl
Rtr II not M IUiln ! ir.oi.thi, ta will l cliargu-1
ono j vu't nilHcrlt'Uon.
""pOUTLANlOtAY :0, 187!.
i:.v.s'fi:i(N .sTvn.
'Hid I.I'KllUP Itltl
Wai uinoton, Mny 22. Tho House com.
jnilUo o:i appropriation to-d,iy, after discus
mon on tlio icgislalivi , executive and judi
cial appropriation Mil. ngrced to hnvo Chair
man Atkins report Hi" liill uilh n iccoin
lucmlatlon Hint it pans.
Hilling ItiillN Oiulll.
Uun too, Mny 2!!.--Tho Time hh. A
coriunpotidctit writing from Wood Mountains
of tlio Norlliwcnt tcrriloiy, j;ivfl Jin account
of tho sitimtlon of ii flairs nmong tlm former
vardsof our nation, who now consider them
hoIvch subjects of Queen Victoria. CJood effect
Kim followed tlio mciemgo of tlio governor
general, notifying Hiltinu Hull's Indiunl that
in ovcnl nf llieir committing imy deprmlu
tionx on American Mill, they would bo
ftoinptly arrested nnd handed over to tho
tailed Hlntc autuoritlcH, mid 1( guilty of
nttempt nt war witli tlio United States they
would Im crinnlilei t d ns enemies of tho domin
ion nnd treated accordingly. With rceipro
rill good will of this kind between tlm two
(ov( miiH'iitH, tho chiiiiccii of nn Indinn wnr
nro Indefinitely lessened.
Nvr. ITrn1 l.ii'ttiicr.
Tho Tribune's I.n Halle, 111., Kjirrliil sys i
Chief JoHoph has liucn lecturing Iicro heroin
tho interna of IiIh pcuplo. but has not met
with much encoiirngomcnt.
Y. .M. '. A. lit Luck,
JIofiioNi May 22. Tliu widow of Daniel
V. Hloiin him civiii SliuO.GOO to tlio Young
Men's Christian AiiHoriiitloii Inwards tho
erection of n now building. Several other
porsous promlHO lihcriil eonliilmllonn.
HUH Aimlliir.
Lowkm., May 22. - 'I ho l'ivo per cent ft iv
Jugs Hank has lieen tc.-.ipornrily enjoined liy
tlio hunk commimtinner. Wilhdriiwiil of do
ponilH nnd tdirlnkiigunf mortgages lliocniiito,
lleellne il Airrlviillure In lli IIiiMern
Mil I'M.
Nnw Yoiik, May 22. -Tlio llnllrtin pn
iicntii nlutlHticH showing n diclino in farm
lni; npcraliuuH in Now ork, Jonuccticut,
Now JerHoy.unil I'rnuiiylvmiiii tiluro 1H75.
Wlilto Now York hn inereiikod in populition
'Jl ier omit., agricultural intorists hnvu
utterly fulled to keep pneo with tho general
program of tlio Kln'c; nnd therefore, rela
tively, farming iii lotrogriHslng. Nor in this
tho worm imivct of tho eao. Tim Impover
lulled nnd ilolit liiirllicnid condition of tlio
farmers leaves nn hope for their ricilpcrit
tlon, but rutlior foreshadow it Mill worao
rondition of IhliiK in tho future, What wo
!mo hern hIiowii to cxiul In Now Yorl; In hut
it Hpeclinon of tho Rtnto of utttlrj In (Jounce.
tiout, Nuw Jtmry mid l'i'nnH.vlv.inl.i also;
mid tho couclimiou to Im drawn in, Unit in
HiIh igroup of KtnteH fiirmiiiK Im eriiu to
wnrdi n coiiditiou of tliinxi in which it will
lx virtually eouUiied In dairy produetti, mid
vi''taUo KrowliiR to tho extent neceiuury to
mipply rity populiitloiiri, rliito I truer mid
morn nolld LruuclieH miiitt Htindily ilecllne.
Mi'iinirfrln lliirni'it.
Di.ti.oit, May 'JJ.- -Tho menngorlo ctal
llnliiiicut uwiifil hy J. .M l'reneh, fivo mllirt
north of HiIh city, wiu ili'htrojed hy llro lliit
luorniiiK, Tlio elf nliunt, Hultan, llvo lioni,
n retira, leopard, Kt.iK mid many other alun
hlo nulmiilit, wcro luirued to dent1 .
l.utMir mill l.l Iiij..
Wahminiiiox, May 'J.I. -1U turns to tlio
Department of Agriculture fhowtlie uverajjo
waj-ctof lulKir wilhout lioiinl on J early en
iii;oiitt'iilx huvo di-cllmd Iroiu '-11 i'J pir
iiiontli to $ai) 'JO, or I H per ci nt. diirlni; tho
pant year. Tim ookI of hoard of farm 1 1
lMircrH Imn ilccllntd II.'. jur tint., or from
$7 15 per numth to $7 1 1. Tour Htiitmiiiid
two Tirtilorliii idiow liitruuHi'd raten of
wii(jeH Minncwita, Colmado, California,
()riion, New Mexico and WiiBliinnton. All
other Klatt'N nhow ii decline, 'i'lm divlluo in
Urrnteut In Vermont, iMperi'tnt ; Mar) land,
il pir cent., and Virginia, 1H per cent,
'i'lm cot of hiiliiintililti mix udamvd in
four titalea mid to TtriiloritH - Now
.IciHjy. l'uiiiii)liiiiiii. Tikiim nud Colnriulo,
Now Meiieu nnd Wiisliinntiin Torntoricii.
All (it tu r Htatex nhuw I, Ninall cont if hill)
tiihtenee. Vermont Ii.ih deelimd !l pir cent. '
in the piiec of lionrd, mid Mainland I per J
cont. Tlie p'liernl toiioof iMiretipoudcnco i
to tlm I'ep.itimetit of AKrienlturo la hopeful
of ii levhul of liidiiKtrv, and tlio hiirplun of I
iiucniploytd labor ih kiowuu; Icnii. (loud :
lidKirwn i;nierilly tlnd eiiiplnjniint at fair'
prietri. Many nru iillo liee.iuxi they ill not'
iieiopt the rtdiieod wacu iiifor. d.
linn Tivaliiieut of Our rnij- i
A few leailliiL- Demoeiatri in tin) lliiuso am
eudravoriii, to work up u hontiineiit in fin or I
-a iiiijouiiilUK without pixniu'j tlio
roOho to paiiH tlio I.o-
rmirialliin for
. 'on
through Chicago thin morning on their way
to Han l'rnncinco.
Itoiliirllon orlVclirhl Turlir.
Hr. Lovp, May 2.'). 1'reighti lo tho tea
hoard dropped this morning to 8a per bnrrel
on llour tu Nov York, lfin to Koilou Mid 15o
pi r hnudn d on ;;r. n t ?"w York
r.i!iio: mill I'lrc.
IioHTon, ..lay 'J!I - An xplo,inn ocenrrrd
tn-diy in WhiihrV 'tu' I n Mills Silun, .
If., nnd nn foMnMcd immediately hy tho
bmniins o'lt of Il.inies in weveral jiI.icch. Tho
mlllwnmitlrely.l-'Rtroyd. J.osn, $100,000;
itiBuranee, fHO.tCI). Tho ciuso unknown.
I'OltXKrt T.Hs".
CniiiiiicrrJiil Triiulilei In I'.nrotte. Sonntc.
LoNtiox, May 8J. Tito 1'rnnkfurtcr oi- WAsnrNOToy, Mny 22.
tutiK Htutcs thnt tho ltolUrdamiicuo Hnndolt-, McDonald nikwl lenvo to tntroduoo u bill
vcrociilBliiR tradinji company loses 7,000,000 I rogulntlii tho uno of tho nrmy, of which ho
llorins by tho f.illuro of tlio AfriktaiiUcho I gnvo notlco TttcHilny.
UandelivcieeliWtiK, nnd will bo coinpollcd 'I'lm bill wns received and lnid on tho
to mdc indnlirenco of Itn crtditors. It pro-1 tbl", and McDonald gavo notioo thnt ho
pov to piy them four and one-half per would call it up Monday and tipenk thereon,
cent. bend. It tliii comprondno U refined Tlio Semite then took up tho bill to pro
tho company will bo obliged to iioliclt n Jr.. vent tho introduction nud npread of coning
dlcliil respite, wlileh in allowed liy tho Dutch , lous, ltifeetioim dinonscs.
law to it debtor nblu to provo tho uxintenco . Cockrell introduced it bill to provido for
of nitsrtii. It It anid that tho Antwerp bank tbo construction and completion of certain
will Kiillur by tho nubarinMiuuita of tho , traimcontlnental linen of rallwny, nnd for
itotterd mibfhu Hnuilnlnvvii enlgl'ig , other purposes; referred.
rno linri.'ii n.mil ciiiurrcis. ! l'cndlcton reported, with nmcndmonlK,
I'auim Afav"" In tlm eomniltteo on hoiinto bill to nuthorizo tho Bcerotnry of tho
Tech ue .,f?hJ "liTrlMi (tonarS? "torfv I inlvtinr to ,lr,0"it Im1iftn tru,t tum,H ,u ,ho
basin. ,,d Ik, l.lblo to bo completely blocked. ! jWftatat. Inter
lltotleriiiitii inriir. cournowlth tho cltizena of tho Chlneso cm-
llKiiu.N, ..lav JJ.-Iii the rilchntng jostcr- .,ro xisiliug or rcKidiug in tho United Htatc,
duy iliiimnrck nu.do it tttn hoitrH' itpcceh in ' nli for oli,er purposeHj ordered printed.
Hiipporl of Rrnln dutic. lie ntrovo lo Hhnw j u,urirt cat,,i ,, Scnats bill io prevent tho
that thin imposition of dutim ly Uctturlii 1 Introduction end npread of contagion or
tho pursed of the- agricultural class would j infectious dlnoasei, nud moved lo ignore tho
givoanimpLtiMlolmiustilitliiellvity. J-iiK-1 uriRinnl bill, nnd consider Ilia Hiibjcct ro
land, I'ranco, llul;:itnii mid tlm Netherlands ported from tha commlttco on tlio ninth,
went cited in proof thereof, lllsiimrck dm-1 ...i,ii, ,.,i,ni1lnil wlml nimnnri t h,, ilm
ciauiieii mi iiiiuniioil oi tiL'Cttiiii iu increaHo
(ho Imperial exchequer by a corn tux. All
ho dosired was to do juttico 13 hi long hii(
fering coiintijincn by removini: to tlio fron
tier in tho form of consumption duty a part
of tho direct tax it. Tho debate wan ad
journed until I'ridny. Tlio gorernniont'H
proposals will probably bo ndopUil. Tlio
landed interest is now urging tlio irotcctlon
of ttool.
Tltp Silt it Mitrlli'l.
Lost, Muy M.-Tho Time,, mj-h that
tiorucniHpceui.iiiontuM.voriiaspariiaiy.,- T)l0 IImlS0 ,lt,,lrcl)UlllCll .nhusltieM of
if not wholly cun-d, and tlio market has bo- morl,llu, ,10llri consideration of tin bill
comocompirnllv.ly unlet. lo r ., ,,, ,,, ,, rc)atIlR , ,
I Im Uii-ilnn Troiililen. trannfer of enjes from Htato lo federal courln.
St. l'l.rKiiHiitilin, May '2:1, There is panic '1 ho llepubllcnu.1 r'finod to vein on demand
nt HauuiM in i iiii.ii (pii'iico ot platcardi nn-! for thu prevloux question, thereby blocking
linuuciiig that tlm town will bo burned on ' buMncsi.
tlm IlOth of May. Tho llro brigido p.uadcd ' Various propositions wcro thereupon Bug
tlio hlreets nil nl.ht. Tlio police havo been gciitcd on both hldm, but woro nut nccctlcd
reinforced by lMlHoldicrs. I to.
I.iilon in hUtorlms partially,
r.u iriniUM,
Auntlit't' Null.
S.tN I'liANoiHco, Mny '21. Unit wat com
mj'iieed ami attneliuient Isiiled to-day ngninst
tho llitll Trli'iihouo Comiiiiny for $7, 1'JM for
iiiatdiiil Mild liy tlin (ktlltotuiit KItclrlcal
Worku of Hau 1'rauolsco.
Iliililoter Mi'iiiiIoi-h.
It liming been rctiorltd thnt Oovcruor
Irwin will recoguir.'j holdover Senators, ho
wits intiirviowid to-day at Sacramento, Tho Neimli'.
(iovdrunr nyt Hint ho lian Mild nothing of WABiiiNaxos, May S3,
the kind, mid on Urn contrary ho considem Thl) Holm(o too) ,, lho b nftlins hub.
that ull oIllctM must bu ii-chcted. I Mu colM cxciiallr,enblo for lawful money
hlm.r.ir.1 Mpi'iiKn. t lu tjnitcj Htatcs, nnd to make such coins
..tatcincnU having been madn to thi cll'oct legal lender in sums up to 320. Tho com
that Gov. Stiiuford'ri heallh win such that ho i mlttco's amondmrut 'mtuUtituto $10 for $20
would nwign his olllco ns President of tho I was discussed.
(J. I'. Jt. It. Co., nnd Hint Moyd Tovis would Tho bill was impportcd by llnyard. Uooth,
Hitcctcd him, (lov. Stanford hiijh that tlm Irry uud Kcrnuu, And opposed by Hdmuuds
ttholo thing Is untrue. Ho U hick neither in ami Tliurmnu.
boily nor mind and does not proposn to ro- Tho morning hour having expired, tho bill
sign In fat or of nujbody. He has entirely went over without action nud tho Hcuato took
rccovend fiom his recent illness, nnd it nt- up tho contagion disease bill,
ti tiding to his liUHiuess us ever. The amendment of Morgan that the net
Tlir iintluii PI nit On. hIiiiII not remain in force over four years wut
Nuim, May 'J'J. A dispntcli 1ms been ro-. ndoptid.
ceitoitioutUowrnor Irin. Hu refuses to i
commute tho Henti'iico of Indian .luck, who ,
will bo hung to.monow for tho crime of niur-1
dor. ITio following nro tint fact of lho cane: '
On tlio 17th of September, 1H7S, Jack mid
two lompunioiiH wiruplijing foot ball n?ar
Shnsl... when Jnck Buddenly sitld: "I.ct'n go
nud kill it Ohliuinnn." They ull agreed mid
H.irted down tho Saeramonlo rlwr. They ',
went to n t'htiiose lfrtvovaril wlurn miiiih
Ciiliuw were nt wink; lmt these were too '
iiiitny. They continued down tho rier nnd '
iiiiiiii in it place where an old iu.ui was !
miniiig. I'hey .em.imlnl wlimky and on Ins
refuidng to give it lo them, lliey turned iu
nnd knocked him ilonn with rocks nnd killed
him. Tluv then nibbed lho cabin and re-
turned homo. Jack'spntner in tho crime U
in tlm Stain primn for life. In mi interviow
with the loiideiuiiul man to il.tv, ho Hild
that llw.n hiiej mid not him that headed '
the niurdir. '.ait Hut he wan with l.uey mid
helped kill tlin mini tiuddltidul tlio money
uitli lih i"iiipauiuii. Ho ihikH not keeui to
euro .ibiiitl lni fate, but kaid Unit ho was n
little afraid to ilU, but nupposed he would j
Iiiimi to iiult'it Hie OoM'rmr comiiiuteil his'
hcntcnce. He thinks Iiiiey, who m iu State J
prison, ought to die too.
lliit.llii n ihi. .Iiiirmuni. '
tUl.r l.tKK. Miival. Tor the paxt Hiteo
ilntH in olKdiemv 1 1 onUnt from John Taj lor
mid a dUpatcli ftoin Oenriie (j, Cicnon, ut
WuihiL'Klon, pelillulis to 1'resldrnt llaycii
.v.rjinbui of the coiimcIihI polygamikt, tl.
Sm scut fo'r signature all
'-. urgent they
- "' to
ment land. It will undoubtedly bo proved
that nt least n portion of tho log nro tho
property of prinlo parties who cut them en
their own bud, whilo most of them nuqueH
tlouably belong to tho Rovernmeut, Tho
log nro nil mixed up in it Moiigh which in
tho common i en Jozvons for all logs cut on
the river. Tlio owners will hnvo no diffi
culty in obtnininif thoir logi upon proving
their title CnnsiitUblo t-xcitemont pn
vnil oxrthe matter, nnd it U mid that n
number of lopfiora, puilty of IrespnsBitif; on
tho Kovotnrucnt domain, havo jumped tho
country to avoid nrrcBt.
views of tlio majority of tlio Oennte, th uijh
not so natlsfnelory lo tho committeo in tho
Ilrst bill.
After Homo further rcmarkH tho Kcnnto
(ioodo introduced n bill nuthorlzlns tho
Rccrctary of tho navy to placo vesrcls nud
hulks nt tho dlspon.il of tho commissioner
of quarantine, or other proper porsons at
; ,,, ,.. ,,nlto., ....' ',,.
j T)l0 ,jmlS0 ,lt,,lrcl)UmCli (11)llH
l'liero was n cnli ot tlio House.
i Tlio call cousmnud tho morning hour, nnd
the bill Mcnt over without action until Hat
I urday tieit.
(jousiiic ration was men rcsumca oi tno
Warner nilvcr bill, imd tho Homo ngreod to
tho comuilltcn'it wnuiidnieht to tho bill,
which provides that cerllncwtoH cvf dupolt
shall bu iu donomiiinlious of not lest than
flvo dollars, instead of teu dollars, its origi-
I nally ptovided in tho bill.
''ones of liorida cITeroil ah amendment
RUbstltiitltig tlm wonls "any merchant snip
or vessel" for tho worth "auy voisol ongaged
' " transportation of ;oods or pcrsiiusj"
On motion -f Harris the penalty wat re-
duccd from if 5.0S0 to 91,000.
Teller'u motion to striko out tho clauso
making it line in lieu upon n venue! won ro-
Discussion n In tho duty nndpownrof tho
government In the niattir. cusunl, butwenn
Uhliw nud Kdniiinds, after which tho bill
w rcporttd to lho Senate, and ametidmenU
agreed to, Ilm bill paused by lho following
'": " 1() '-
'Hie Senate took up Bcuato bill relative to
ll transporlatiuri of nnituitU without takim;
nelion tlnnon.
The Senate went into oxcoutivo sohkiou,
'"1 ndjouruod til! Monda) .
At the expiration of the motning hour, the
Homo re mi m ed the cousideratiun of tho
Warner nilvcr bill.
The House rejected nn Mnendinotit to make
nil ci rtillcates full legal tender for nil debts,
publlo nnd private, uuleos othcrwino pro-
vlded by ooutrtct.
Milln otlereil au ameudment Hint uolulng
in this net shall be construed us authorizing
any coimieo of hiltir except into ht.iudml
dollar. This wat agreed to nlmtot oininl
tuotuly. Atkins, from tho Committee on Appropri
ations, reported back from the Sonata tho
amendment to the Legislative appropriation
' "' nnd Htat.nl that ho was Instructed to
mrreuco therein. It was hardly
he said, to i;ivo reabons for thnt
n, Thete were komo of the
ntsiu which the committee would
r other circumstance's concur, a tho
o." salaries of Senate officials from
0 per cent, more than the salaries of
f the corresponding employees of
use. This increase amounted to over
Senate had made no amcndmeuU in
ohtieal features ot the bill and all
dtneuU were concurred in,
o speaker called tbo committees for re
l ot a private nature,
iter tho odonlbn ot tho last section of
uilvcr bill, Warner moved that the billlw
cred to it third reading with a view to
ing a final vote upon it to-morrow.
Dilatory motions were then interposed
.d the yeas and nays ordered upon tue
ssite motions to adjourn, and to adjourn
ntil Monday.
A Cincinnati taicr nominate Ben
lUittcrworth for Governor of Ohio, and
tho question, "What in Butterwortht"
has nttuinoil a now sinificanco.
Three humlreel traiuita wero vacvi
nateel in Now York tits other night.
Tho best way to vaccinate it tramp is
with a shot cun. This prevents him
from taking the snall-pox and farmer's
wo.Mi:it who thkvki: rimt
My ma'n been working very hard,
And nUo very Bly,
And keeps hor sewing out of sight
WbonoK'r I nm nigh.
nsKcd her ouco whnt mailo her stop
Her work when I enmo in;
ttho nald sho only Htopjicd to (jet
needle, thread or pin,
Tho bureau drawer next to mius
I locked both night nud day,
And when mn wnnti to open it
Hlio sends ino oiT to play.
I Btolo u peon ono afternoon.
Although it wnt not light;
Hut, ohl tho little things I Raw
Wcro nuch a pretty bight.
Tho cutest, ulcost littlo clothes
Ju.st big enough for doll;
Hut thou I know they're not for her
Sho needs them not nt all.
I know they're not for ma nor pa,
Nor mo nor brother "Hor,"
For wo can't wear such littlo clothes;
I wonder who thoy'ro for?
Mr. Surgory.
was nittiii;; mm HittmnuT ovoniiig iu
my cliaiiiber, sipping my nftcr-tliimor
coire'e1, wltuii of till iiiimi in tliu world
who .should Hti'p in but JInrry Clayton.
I waH very ;;l:id to sco lfnrry, ns 1 hail
a grrat rt'jfitrd for htm. Jl tvas my
chit ji in coIIcl'o and koiiio ve'.int my
junior; ho that I looked ti)oti him with
ulinost paternal fi'eliii','n. JIo Hat down
nnd wu tnlkcd on indillcrcnt tmlijectH for
HOtno titnu. At length Hnrry ro30, took
a. turn or two iibnitt tho room, then,
coining tip to mi', ho Bpoku it fow words
in tin inditdiiict nnd hurried nmniiur.
"in lho mimu of all tliat i.s citiious,
s.ty that ngniii, 1 lurry, nnd nay it (dow
ry." "Dick IMoi ton, I urn goiii'' to bu nmr-
riud!" rt'pcntod JInrry Clayton, in hotuuls
of mimititnkiiblo imjiort, but uttomd
rather nervouHly.
"iMiinicd!"Haid I, echoing him.
"AIhi ricil!' unlit hi, cchoiiit; my echo.
Tliofo wnsup.ittse'. At length I liroko
(iiIciiL-u iintl Mid :
"Coiuioso yotir.'lr, my de'nr follow;
diinl; your i.'olli'i) and tlu-u tell mu all
about it."
And Hut ry did ti II me all, or, u.t tlio
siiyinj; U, ho in.ulo a "oli-m liri'imt of it."
Ho told mu tlio progress of his lovo
tlioch.irtui:, pcrnoual and moiitnl, of tlm
girl; tho manner in which, despito ull his
ali)iicss, nnd his pojuliaritics on tho
iiulijcct of tliu Hex, ho was led, on fco
Hliort mi ivwpmiiitanci', "to oiliir hor his
henrt and huniL" How ho pleaded his
suit; how ho tool: hor hand; how ho
raised it lo his lip.t; how
Ittit I hero inlcrpo&cd, and Wgged to
ho oxcusod tho l-ucital of lii.s lovo pn
Kagi'H, nssuring him that I could havo
them ready inmle in any of our modern
novels. Ho complied, nnd in plain
Knglish told mo his addresses wcro ac
cepted, nud asked nm to como to his
"Well, Htirry," miid I, "I will not ho
at your wedding, hut I wilt toll you
what I want yoti to do. When you nro
hoiihi timo marriad, ami can upcnk from
oxpcrieni'O, if you nro uhlo and with a
truo heart am nay that ull your bright
dreams havo been realized that yon nro
happy writu to me, and believe me no
light matter will prevent mo from going
to hco you."
In duo timo Harry was married, nnd
in n fow duyH after I received a letter
from him dated nt III usscls, full of ru
tttreti, etc., declaring that hi.s wifn wan
nn angel, and ho was tho lmjipiest of
tliu human npecies.
"I hopo all thnt may Inst." I thought,
when I road it. "Thojo rapturcH must
come to en end, and then well, siilli
ciont for the il'iy i.s tho mil thereof."
.So I dismissed tho Milijivt.
Timo passed, and one day, as I tvius
meditating a trip for pleasuto, n lottor
ramo to mo U'ai'in.' tho l'liris pistin.irk.
Kecogiiizing llnrrv 'it writing, I ojicned
it at ouoe,
"Mv Diuu l!rx: My dream of
happiness is ox r, nud my oycti are1
opened to tlio ) dity of wretchednctti.
Coinu to mo, l)i. ., without delay. You
said you would onio when I was hajipy.
Now I tell you . nm tliu moot iniserublo
of men. Will -'on not como to mo?
Haiiuv CuwToy."
I w i.s grout shocked at this commu
nication, and io next day found urn iu
my friend's partment. Harry flung
himself into ny arms in an agony of
griuf that m - ' alarming.
4'0!i, Diel I am the most wretched
of lieings- dccehpil and dishonored
huslvuid! ek, do not Uatho me, tlo
despiso ine. I nm a murderer!"
1 was In" rorotruck, amajted almost
unmauued. At last I found my voice
nud slid ,
"For itjd's sake, compose yourself.
lAt ino know the worst I will never
desert yoa."
Harry grasptd my hand and wept
liko a child. Ho aroubcd himself soon,
and gave a high bo loud, bo long, to deep,
that although tho moment was gr.ivo I
could not help thinking his cheat would
collapsi Hy degitvs ho became com
posed, and boon 1 had tho wholo story
from him. Nothing, could exceed tho
felicity of the couplo during tho first
fow weeks of their married life. I.ucy,
his wife was all that Harry could de
sire. Sho haw him alone sho looked
through his eyes sho heard throgh his
ears. Liko l'etruchio's Katherine, she
would say;
"lie It moon or sun. or what you please;
And Lf you wish tit call It a ruin caudle.
Henceforth, 1 vow It ibll bo io for me,"
But I will relate tlie rose in Harrj-'s
own words :
"Wo had reached Oenuva on our way
homeward. Wo hero entered much into
society to gratify Lucy. There was a
German at ono of tho balls wo attetidod,
a handsome, broad-shouldered fellow.
nfnmril rnlber tdnftited with LltCVS and
she, 1 thought, received his attentions
too complacently. I leit, nurt, aim was
cool to Lucy. J Fnid nothing, lmt left
Ocnova tho following day for Lyons.
Wo were Rcarooly heated at the "table
il'luiti" rvtioti rlm dinilhl fit lloWll 1)!'
sido Jiiuy but thin German. She was
intii'li i.tiibiirniEKnil. lmt ut Icnirtli (linneV
...--. , - .-- - --r,
was finished and J hurried away ns
quickly an possible. Fiom that moment
wo wcro ill nt easo vlth ono another;
our iiitoroouiTo lost ita charm for me.
Wo left Lyons nnd went to Chalons Stir
Loire, whero I hired ti beautiful eottago
on tho hanks of tho river, f was re
gaining my peaco mid Lucy was becom
iiir iiinrn liko herself.
"Ono day I went to town and whom
should I see but the German. Moodily
I went home, Lucy endeavored to cheor
me, but in vain. Wo went walking
that night, and J beliovo 1 could havo
walked nil night; lmt my wifo complained
of fatigue mid wo returned.
"Tho next day, to my .surprise she do-
clined aocompanying mo to tho chateau
of a neighboring gentleman for a day's
(mooting. I went, liowovcr, ami I re'
turned n littlo earlier than wu expected,
Tho low window of tho hitting room was
open, but thero was no light within. I
was eloso up to it when I heard my
wife's voice wiying
"At this hour, then, to-morrow.
"At tho name moment 1 beheld my
wife seated on a "fauleuit," and at her
foot a man. I reeled staggered. I
raised my gun to my uhouldcr and fired.
T h.iw tho man full. T then rushed from
tho plao', nnd buying a ticket for Paris
I jumped on tho train. What T havo
endured since I cannot describe to you.,'
Tho following morning found mo nt
tho door of J Inrry'ii cottage, and I was
soon ushered into tho parlor. A mo
mwit after tho door was hurriedly
opened nnd a lady tottered forward.
Her faeo was pule, hor eyes wcro hwoI
leiv and rod from weeping.
"Oh, Mr, Morton 1" she cried, hcizing
my hand. "You come fiom my hus
band, J know you do I Whero is ho 1"
I looked nt tho woman who now sat
trembling bosido me. Sho was not only
pretty, but very prepossessing iu ni
jiearaneo. ,So young, so artless looking I
Can it bo sho has gone astray 1 Such
were my reflections ns I gazed nt hor.
"Mudame," I naid in a kind lone, for
my heart was softened toward hor, "you
must bo lMirfoctly unreserved to mo if
you hopu that I m effect any good in
this unhappy affair. Your husband has
told mo ail."
"Oh, kind sir, ho could not tell you
ull, for hu does not know till. 1 will iiyi
servo nothing from vou for you tiro his
And shu did tell all hor wholo mar
ried life- her trials and temptations
all. I listened with moistened eyes for
I pitiful her with my wholo heart.
"Well," wid I after sho had finishod,
"let us consider what is best to bo done,
It may admit of homo arrangement.
We continued talking for homo timo
nud ut last our plans being arranged, I
bade her "good-by," promising to call
again tho next day.
Within four-nndtwiMity hours 1 was
again in Harry's hotel, whero I took a
snug sitting-room with a bed insidoof ii.
I heiitunototo Hnrry requesting his
lrehenco in my room. Ho came, and
tho first question was about tho homi
cide. "Is ho dead, Dick t"
"Oh, tlmuk God !" And hu ela-sped
his limuls mid look id up thankfully to
"Tho man is us well us ho can he," J
said coldly. "A htalthy, good-looking,
broad-shouldered "
"Oh, spare me, Dick I How can youl"
"Harry Cbyton," mid T, rising, and
addressing him sternly, "listen to me.
His owing to tho mercy of God that
tho youth is not now a corpse, ami you
a murderer. I know the wholo of this
nfEiir, and you Miall now hear it. Your
wifo his rovenlod you oh ! how un
willingly, how tenderly as ono whoso
jealousy exacted from nor not free heart
lou, but blavc worship. J low sho was
forced, to look neither to tho riejht nor
left, but straightforward at vou. You,
and nothing but vou ! You curbed all
the freedom of her innocent hou! ; you
inado her Kid by your moodiness; you
wounded her with vour euprices; and
shamo ujmdii you, man ! you darod ins
pect tho loyalty of your wifo upon tho
wildcat fantasies ; and she, poor oul I
confessed what blio called her tempta
tions, her struggles, -her failings. Ay,
sho was tempted often to return railing
for railing that she struggled against.
And her failings, what were thoyl
Why, for booth, that sbo failed in tho
submissive duty of a spaniel. And now
what did sho do 1 Sho loved you with
a binglencss of heart that had no other
object to occupy it. You wero her all.
Hut you wcro indignant thnt a hand
some fellow should travel tho same road
as yourself; you ilelivered yourself to
tho druon of jealousy that entered your
bre.ust. And what was tho consequencel
You lamed her one night with walking,
and when, tho next day, sho would not
accompany you limping, you left her in
bitterness. Well, smartiug under the
pain, she took advantage of your absence
to admit a young man into her pres
ence. Yes, she had confessed it a
quiet, rospectable shoemaker, that he
might enlargo her shoe, and enable her
to wa'k with you next day without ab
solute pain. Ha I ha I Y ought to
bo asliamed of yourself !f
I paused. I saw I " mt down
deep and wide upon tho nn,-' ', part of
his nature. I would not hi" particlo
"In your blind fury you Fired at tho
poor follow. Some good nngel knocked
up tho gun, nnd you missed him; but
the high-spirited'gallant who camo to
invade your honor fell sprawling on tho
ground. You fled uftt r iiehioving that
gallant duel. IJut your nbsciico wuh
soon noticed tho man begin tu Mtapctt
th.it you wcro tho person who fired -and
I ai rived just in timo to prevent tho
matter from being placed in the hands
of the mayor. Tho object of yotn je.il
otlhy signed himself to hold his longiio
on receiving two hundred nnd fifty
francs, and llfty more when you mo safe
iu England. Now, Harry Clayton,
what havo you to say for yourself?
Guilty or not guilty?''
"Guilty, Dick. JJut where is my
poor wifo 1 l.i0t mo go to her I"
"Harry, you would seek her in vain.
Sho has left tho cottage."
"Mnnl Hard-hcaiied maul Yon
know whero sho isl I .el ino boo her."
"No, Hnrry," mid tho bod-room door
opened as I was speaking. "She socks
you tho true wife, tho long tmlluring.
Tako her to your nrms."
I then left them, and in about flvo
minutes 1 returned.
"Oh, Dickl" said Harry, shaking my
hand, warmly. "Truest of friends "
"Oh, Mr. Morton, best of friends,"
cried Lucy, smiling through her loans,
"please forgive hinit"
"And now, ' thought i, "ono touch of
tho cautery to make tho wound heal, nud
I renounce surgery forever."
I said uloud :
"Hurry Clayton, listen to mo ngaln.
Pardon mo if I shank from not striking
heavily it was thtough love. You
know "lho vnluo of yonr wife, l'rny to
God overy day of your life that you
may bo truo to her. Truth and irtuo
liko Lucy's nro not tho hues of tho pho
tograph; they will stand tho glnro of tlm
sun, tho breath of heaven, tho touch of
tho world's hand and not bo whitoless
pure. IJut mnk me, if you should
again give way to your temper, then I
will take this fair ono under my protec
tion" saying which I drow I.ucy to
ward me nnd kissed hor ".md ns nnro
tu my name is Dick Morton I will di
vorce her from you anil I will marry her
myself. And now God bless you."
My surgery worked a perfect euro on
Harry. About a yonr uftcr I visited
them, mid found there perfect bliss. Ho
was not tho least jealous of anything.
Wo had a lively chat on old times over
our winu after dinner, uud as I.ucy hold
iiii her littlo Hnrry for mo to kiss,
"ilusnt he line, broad shoulders.
The news that two thousand mom
Chinamen huvo como to this port will
not bo pleasant information to whito
men among us, who look to common
labor for support, and will tletcr such
who desire to muku this country their
homo from coming here. Jt is cither to
havo cheap Chinese labor or to havo whito
labor. Kvoutuiilly it will narrow down
to one or tho other, nud while somo mav
imagine, that thoir prosperity will bo ad
vanced by hiving cheap labor abundant,
it will not requiro any very abstruse
reasoning to provo that tho Slato will bo
oventually morn prosperous and happy
with whito men and women as tho basis
of its working population. Considera
tion for our own race is a duty as im
perative as consideration for our own
Iu this connection thero need bo no
prejudico or ill will towards Chineso, no
want of humanity or consideration for
them, only a question of right and duty
towards ourselves, as a people. Wo
cannot niTord to dobasu tho working
turn and women of Christian America
to tho level of Asiatic civilisation. Wo
should not permit the slave drivers of
China itfter wo havu spent untold
millions nud waged civil war to rid our
nation of slavery to bring their serfs
hero to degrade labor and reiluco freo
citizens to the labor level of bondmen.
Tho Asiatic i.s foreign to our ways and
beliefs; has no sympathy with our in
stitutions; comes but to tako bread and
wagci from whito men and return to his
idols with it, and it seems as if no argu
ment was needed to convince lovers of
humanity nnd fiiends of pure civiliza
tion, that restriction should bo placed
upon an evil that threatens to beeomii
Tin) Uurliueanio treaty may provlfHi"
that none but freo men shall come, but
wo hnvo no means to decido who aro
slaves or free. Tho Chinese como hero
only obedient to the ruloa and regula
tions of tho great companies, whoso
power is superior to our law. They hopo
to return to China, eventually, .not to
remain among us, and to realize that
hopo they must conform to Chineso
customs and we cannot invent any pro
cess by which wo can extort truth from
them. They aro with us, but not of us,
here to ant the leech and suck the lifo of
tho nation, not to build it up and make
it gieat and good and prosperous. The
mnn who knows the character of theso
jwoplo and can consent to see them dis
place freo whito labor among us, does
not deservo to havo a country, or to
possess Caucasian blood or lineage. An ' 4
end should bo made of such emigration. ' d
All that humanity can deraanot3AVJi,-w
we uso kindly thoso who are already
here Bee.
A WoreeKtitr eleiwninn roeantlv
prayed for the "ono who, although hid
den from eight, yet contributes so much
to the musical nart of our worship."
ending, "O, Lord, I mean the boy who
TtrjinvMrnr'-nii i-t- - i i.i.
-q '"" """ " i , I'ptt Vrgt;
oi ti remaining. &o 1 con
oiowb Uo organ."