'4 MARKET BEPORTS. WIMJlMinTK PAIlMEll OFFICE, J'otla.ii (Oil), Twtmsat Me, ly 22, 1679. ) IxiPii tenders In Irtln, buyln. MJ, and selling at par. Hlltcr coin In Portluvi Uis bonis quota at 1J2 p?r cent, discount. Home I'roduco ninrhct. Tlio tollowlnjr represent who'.nnl rat's from produ- cr or flnt hands ! rU)Ull-tn JoMIn lo's stnnJud lirtniln, V i W eountiy bramli, l Wl W. WIIIIAT-Jt.CO, quiet. OATS white, iOviSo W nwhel ONION'S-10 D rOTATOHH ((uoUlili sHIMMo V buih. Oomlnj In freely, JIIDDUNOS-Jobblr?. fir f-wl, 20iS: fins, W ffH V ton. JHrXN'Jo','''n at t V ton nACONVslllM ! Hams, UHlJe; shoulders, 0 to 7c. t,AM-In J"" nJ Unn, 10-. IIUTTEIl tt'e I"0' tlvAn Irmh roll at 20 to 22e; Rood Acklol roll, 16c sIM I" k". " CHKKHB-Orcifm:. HsrlS; ClllomI, 10c aiiKr.N FnurnAAppice, so1 1"vnir' p" " dihed muns-AppJ "n M", 3l,ei mv1'" dried, TW8e.ilull.Mle. W, rnvhlpe dried, TUSe. l'lunu, sun dried, 10(.1 1 KClflS-lSe, good ilrmtn I rOUMllY-Chlckene, j-oW. lJ MperilM; old, Uetf, and wanted. ' HOOtt-llreMcd, 6e; on fool,''' mtr-Un welhl 21 nod 31 cf . for choice BliKKr-UrewekhtSlondaj tU. WOOO-Esslem Oregon, l&.MSi, Willamette Valley, IMllSe. IIIDEH- 13c , TALMIW CjnotaM at B and l ctet jrAY-Tlmotl.y, baled. Imjrlrut at 10 an S .11 V ton. Gcnornl McrchptntlUo. MCE-Clilna, No. I, none : ClilrJ. No. I, 01 ct., Japan, T otJ Hand Ich Inlands, 7 1 VT searve. TKAS-Japan, M and lOr; llUck, l and 90; Y. II., SSe. I OOlTEE-OoiU Mot, ID ami lf I Jara, WW?' HUBAIl8-Mrkctbrof IsUniAsufjsn: Crushed A, lie; ine crushed, lie; Cube, lie! Ftra 0. 10; flolde. O, 0C, fkndwlth Islamle, 7 and 0 el HYIlUI'-o Kl fH. CANOMM-HandlA. V UAISINH-Imnorted,! Wand Wabov, Calitor nU,llandl. nOArtt-Oood, 7fe and 1 M. YKAbT rOMMFJI-Donnelly, 10 " KM.Viroais rieeton A Merrill Slo per (cross. OILH-Ordlnary brandi ol coal, 'fll nlh irrades, Downer & Co., M and 4Jo: Polled flowed, Ke; lUw Mueed, 00c; llire Unl. II S4 and II Cuetor, II and II 0; Turpentine, W and 64 cent try GoodN, I'M- IUUII ami Jobbing lUtat. Cabot, A.,n to7c;CalolW.,7to'iCllx,.Rli 01ngb.ni,llttHlcJ white llork i,,lln,0:wMUilili. dle, do BioUicrbmudiolhlUiMu.lln.7MJicjrB.I all wool I3aimfl,!vk!i white all-wool KUnnel, 30!Vs Cbnton Dbnnet, I.Wclic.1 and nnblufbo.1, 9J0e; CllolJ, lor ahlrtlm, HltH'-". Table Uncn, SStrft'-o; Walerpro.)!. TMl nh InwcHj'. Wi Kentucky jaani.S&teSTIl ri.Ullw.l IlUAcH, SdvflM: whllo all wool ll!iiikcl, iW.Wj Oittn ILiUInjr. 'J'e D-; thlrtlng r'kuiucl, SUkVii ,licWilnlonnMU.hinr; Seall.T&l lluttcrand Checwcjlb, t"7c; KiinlcH4rk, I5;C(Vi!maiiU)alli,UiYall.J5;Tlcklnj, l:)3V, Denlmtond Dink, W Jfkt iwine rV llitu, 17..n.0i)i do Mioei. Hail'. tl.MatlOjdodi lAdlea', nail akin, T1.71afl; ilad.i Cl.l!dreni' Hlioee,ntl kln, $l.6a imnl.Wl flannel OmnMrt lt.UAC.79; Jlcna' UiiJcratilrte and DrowfM.SIJen 1.0c)i (rcoU and UUtere, PT.Wa IH.O0; Clolidii;, eulti, I7.W a.00; Ckui MLirolUntiJlinaflio Hun E'raniilNco illurliut. Hah I'HAnanv, My to. Vhet-Iki.-llih a!illloropena.lilcuiKlo tiurketi aedullj expirt buyer licru aro hrldluK oil lor cmicm lone and aulleri aii full Mice f Jr cholcu, OnU-ChoMnuniottil at 11 :: iMtxlne reiyenitll. Flour- Mirkclilull. Cliloiiitn flliirkct. Cnutoo, JUy M. hcat-tt.Od per bu paid for June ilellrcry. Ileurboliiu'rt Vlicut Blarliel. Nupoa, May V. ILuHnK rarijoiie, ratlior ruler. Carnoee on uui(d and f-trthlpincnt, rUier crnler. tlerk I ane, rather vrorM. lJuoUll.mj ol (rol oargiww, oil nvut, ) Ibe. eee, damage lor cller'a asoount, lo utual t per cent com ihIhIoii; Ml , (Ti or Mil, '; Ited Winter, 5e .I, 40j; CalilirnU, U Ibe, V-M. Hood thtppliijl UUIIemla on uV(e, per 60) lla, Queenitown lor onion, Just elilpuwl or to be promptly ahlfiwd, Ui; nearly due, 4Se; anrage tli or Mil lor ahlpment during the prewnt mooUi and lollowlnj one, V IU. on American tenn,J 8.1; Oregon lorahlp inwit, 4Ae. IJerKwl hoit, epot, ralht r euler. IJrer)ol lair to thole ehlpplnf club per cental, 0 IdeDeM. IJTerjvdl!riiicholeeiblppln(UU pr cenUI o. CrOt M. lie ervKd lUd Am Sjfln hlpplnc. No. S to No, 4 per cenUI 7 8-UHi M. t"aif to Kod thlppln Oregon, per cental, Be SdtfOe fj; 8)l to rholM tliln Injf Onyon, por rental, We tdrii M. IJer)Hil Am. oitraMtU rtoi.r per bbl lud Ibe, lie 4d. Weather In Inland laiorable lor the growing crop. COMHEliCIAL. 'FiiviuiUAY MoiiNinti, May'-".', 1870. riK wikat MAUKirr Remain without cbongo. Tim WiliUuoJ, chnrtoruil liy lUHour, (luthrio A (V),, will Irani with 1,400 ton ol vhuot aiiiI jurt ol a carRO ol BaIiiioii, for United Kiutfdoru. Tho wheat irt ol it come (ron Out Ujiicr Country, otul jwvrt ta tho ri'iiaiiulor ol atocL held in thin lity. Thi (airly cloaiiaout what is hold hy Vortlnud wr.krvhouao and Uvaviti no whaat in toru hero. Meura. Alloa A Lowia inform u that eonaidorahlo wheat ro main in valley warehoaac. Tlio Farmer' Warehouao at SaU-ni ha a much a 20,000 buihel,(and thu Albany warohouoo ha a much, and it i thought that tho aggregate atored tuay uuku nhundnid thouoand buthel or three thontaud ton, enough to load two ahipeol 1&00 tomcaeh. Whether thi can ba ilerHuided on for ihipmcnt or will lo uccd el by milter, remain to be eu. Th latter aro pretty well uilicd, but are in tho mir kot to ecure choice lot, It I likely that a road improve and farmer flnith apring work, they will haul in email lot that will tupply the looal demaud uutil harviut, o wo may calculato tlut thi valley hold ll,(KXtom for nulpmcnt, with nomcthin; more to come down tho Columbia rier. In tho alucuco ol nuolation f o will gio ft CO a tho ivrico for Valley wheat, ami ft i-U atal leu lot w heat from Walla NYalla. Am are bo tracoaction to relate. moou ot'txs ut sirr-rut. Tho agent of Kuteru manufacturer aro in Baa Francieco bidding agoinat each other for choice lot, with tho tuual retult ol d vasoeiu price in conaequeuoe of the aharp - oejBjpttitioo. Allen Lewi havo received mll lot of cholco Eastern woout and hlpp ed to Ban Francisco, wherejt wiUcommand 20 conts per lb. FslomVcoui aro in good order this (canon, with lis dirt than usual, probably bocauio tho rains liavo boon moro plentiful. Tho boit northern Culifornia wool, lino clothing uradt. are iiuoted nt 1E22 r.tn por lb, mid our bi-st Urnpiina llockB will probably compare with tho lit northern California. Messrs. DuUoieo A King inform us tint tlioso quotations -ftro furnuhed thorn from California, and' that oven it higher figuro has lion paid for fancy lots, extra fino and in pnino order (trimmed woll, etc.) Wo would urge on wool growers to pay moro attontion to tho order m whUh wool comes to market, as it i dcsirablo to establish a rcpuUtion for carefulnoss in mat respect. Tho tnarkot, then, stands this way: The sharp competition in California is occasioned by tho moro activo domand at tho Kast, the -Wrina- nut nf old tock nnd tho domand of .ntnifcturera. California ahoan oirly and supplies tho demand. Last yoar California wools sold high and tlio niaruot roacieu uver, .n !.i wlmn Oroffon wool was reaily tho do. maud had aomowiiat quiotod. Many prediot- ml that such will bo tho caso this year anu that the markot cannot bo doponded on for a month to como. KiuMand llros.. and DuIJoise A King n'0 us lfil8a mi figures nt which wool can bo quoted hero. This is in tne aosonco oi actual transactions, predicted upon tho San Francisco and Kastom markets. Thcso figures apply to fine wool only, a coarso wools nro noglcotod. At to tho fnturo of the market, wo rccognizo that tho lncrood activity in tho woolen manufactoric at tho East indicate permanent Improvement, and whllo tho markot is now stimulated by com potition and speculation, it is ns possiblo that it will roallro an advanco as aileeline, but tho results of several year pant havo shown that it has deolined aflor tho wool noMon u partly over. As most of our wool cannot find their wav to markot for rt fow weeks, wo cannot help but tako tho chance. thu tKMANn roit fxr.o, Oats nnd hav. I chiefly local. OaU for consumption horo may bo quotod at 45 cent n bushel sacked, Willi lew snipmonis, not n very nctivo market, and oats not abundant. Hay Is Jobbed olT at ?20 a Ion, nnd jobber buy ns low ns possible, l,itAtnn nro not over-abundant, and CO coiibi ft bushel is tlio nvorago price. Apple nro out of tho markot. Egg nro worth 'JO conts n doion, and roll bultor from tho coun try rallies from 15 to IB conlr) a pouud. Draft nones. Tho Ilclgiun and tho French nru not at all agreed ni In what constitute ;t good draft horto; Imth parties apparently loao uiglit ol tho class of woik tho animal is required to perform. Tho slronL', but light ami quick trotting horeo of railway car ami parcel' ctrts, is evidently what capture thu French tajlos; mi tho other hand thu Ilclgians e.iy, wo do not deny thu attribute required for lioraoi for siieh work, but for tho ordinary cart or wagon homo, slowness, volume, calm ness, ami uniformity of movement, nro essen tial, tiomo year ngo tho 'busses of Pari were) drawn by I Irotaugo horses; to thcso suc ceeded tho pretty and swift lVrchcron; today, tho vehicle aro yoked by tho largest Per cherons ohtaiuablo. It is worthy of noto; that at tho late International Homo Hliow, tho Helgian stallions that woru not honored with prate were at onco purchased by French brooder. It is no secret that a bono work ing at n walking pace will execute moro work four time as much according to nomo authorities than a horso which work in trotting. Founder's table prove that a horso moving nt work at tho rato of .l.'-'OO metre per hour will possess moro staying power, moro work, than una with a movement six times in excess. Itcstatanco increased Willi rapidity, F.very ouo know how rough starts and Jerks injure horse. Koppo maintained that n sincto exocssiva oflbrt used n horeo I moro than six months of ordinary work. The French commence to devoto more atteution to tho breeding nnd rearing of horse for tho ctvalry; when destined for tho light divisions cf tho latter, thoy ought to tako n leal out ol tho hook of llavariau acricultunsti, whoso horse comblno tho two-fold ndvantago of ex ci'llenco for draft and tho naddlo. French 1-ettor in American Former. Tun top of a fruit troi, to secure tho best results in color and flavor of the fruit, should Ihi kept opou to tho admission of air and suit light. If some- branches grow too fsat for tho hannouious balanco of tho troo, pick out tho buds at the end and thru force tho growth in to tho other branched that are uot so thrifty. Ftvo eor ol cultivation and watchful prun ing und you will never havo occaston to re move largo branches. It is a terrihla lass to a troo to allow branehw to attain it large sixo only to Ihi slaughtered. Sir Aitley Coopor't Vital Restorative. Tlio crest Koclisli ronioJy lis made more cure of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Lost Maiihooil, nocturnal emissions, UssituJe, ioabilitr for mental labor, despondency, and such diseases A are induoetl by youtbiul follit and excruos, than all other medicine combined. It U not a stimulant nor exciunt, t per fectly safe to take, it not a quack nostrum, and produce result that aro wonderful. Tnce, 1 a bottle. Four time the quant!, ty, I0. Hay a bottle. It will not duap. you. For mIo by all druggist. Hodge, lHvis V l, tholesalo agent. Tu all who are einlennf from the errors anJ Indleere tlone i'l )uuUi, rwrtcnu weaVueie, varle decay, lews of iivuihtxxl, U., I wlllwiiJarwiii trutwtll cure you, r'HKKOKCIIAIKIK. Ttil srwt remedy was dlecor. enxt by a mUalniury In Kouth Amertcw. cknd a el. s.Urwa.l entelo lo the lliv. Jeusru T, Isms, tita U0.1 1), Inkle lluuae, New Voil IM. n3t ly GOOD CURE for HARD TIMES A rUHUTUH Uf kUIUs rHOUMO a4 IIU1HI KIKVIKHSIM. 100,000, liane'ol oil I'Unu rCR UU alMI,) Claoereua ul uoounenioi otrawMrry rtants. an other riants. Ivwee. etc. Kventluar new. naf ej snd iwre. itiom low. Baa lor uesensnee tar . . ... ". -. . .-. eular w hishsji una sit, a Mrewst, neeoewy, ti. , WILLAMETTE 'FARMER "!"'IJ!5Trwr' "'avA'i'.''.'Irl e.plal.u IU.? 'ejjC.ll nlMruiy aw iinaiwt 'KifTT; Ul.. nrmelesl .....t,t.Mmvlri lh Annm nn.n-n .".-'"--.-. V-- .. '. r...... n hl.J rr.ra IlieV.lIre trestle l Ihe h..J. .Ve J',VV,KJVTtr'"''''','"r'lTe tn.'ii.ee we I. ate ttn Jj I 'W "iljLV rVfTO llereli l. l'". "'', A Uu KrrO I ril1,Ne.1tMlTinHI-rHlrilB'lp"fcl,'yt:-,jL-.u,w,rrrtrmm.'''lir'' U.Stka 'liollVNn'MUIIHC '"';,H',"'i I l A' MM $?" InemedleleelUeirljIieMtt'etfn; r..h. end e .flr inall nnllay Vi.c,0i."il I, 'i nfr"lf Irnrte 4 larnlem l,e"; . almo.tMiJ.mlff.r-liwW''' "1 1,7" "' .L tMv IU t.ry I'll -y- If rerfonn sacnMeteeore. llerclrcuUr. TV;"!lZiin, r bnie. Jo aJIl.lleMU. ni.r.ererf.re.edl.y.tl.i.ln.renrnriy.w rfa-'lllrw-Tbr-.UiMr.rTw.l)llri. '"?j' ;,VTrerJiriwlllnMltei'nttatu Jr. Iordfruirwriureiir3irow.'o-flri'. CewaW oed Stole jlollr, anu i '"tns'it'faluwEll. North ffllddlotown, noatbon Co., Ky. & "JIHim D. W, PRENTICE & CO, Music Store! 168 First St., Portland, Or. All instruments sold on tho installment plan, nro at our regular CASH PRI0K-S Our Pianos and Organs nro from tho best makora, our price nnd terms aro tbo easiest of any houso on tho North Pacilio Coast. Wo fully guarantee every instrument wo soil, and each Piano and Organ is also accomjianiod with n guarantee from tho manufacturer. Installment termst 839, S100, or more, cash, balance, 815 or 930 cr month. Installment tcrmsi $23, 850, or moro, cash, balanco, $15 or 8'20 per month, Inttalluicnt tormsi 815, S"25, or more, cajh, balance, $10 or $15 iwr month Installment terms: $15, S, or moro, cash, balance, ?" or CIO porfnonth. If itiitallmunt terms oj quoted ibovo do not ntictlv iilcosf. Ihov can lo chanjod to ouit convenience of customer. D. W. PRENTICE & 00. 2VElULS2.33 And Publisher ol, D. W. Prontico & Co's MONTHLY MUSICAL JOURNAL Prioo, 75 Conts por Yoar. Contain $12 worth of New Music each year. pU-lm KUIIKNK H. WIIITK, orUiA-l. J ! aiivrMKA, Han Kraneliea. WHITE Sl GULTNEE, STOCK, MONEY AND EXCHANGE I 130 Firot St, Portland. MINIMI HTOCKSDOUOIITANIi SOU) ONO0U H1U.I011 and carried on UarKtns. IUrni(lnereuedoarlaciUUee for the purchase and Kkleot Mining ttvxs.1, we clter adiunUjw to operators not to U, hvTeliewliere. rtrleit beruilly kssrsB lent Buyers sgihsl lOMOfrtuck. MornInK and Krvnlni; Hoard (juaUtlans reoeWi.l dally hy Ultrph. GencrAl Ronts and Collectors. UI transact bualnees for )iartlMllili)irata iHt'ones as Axoniiorotherwlw, In all Irutancew gnirantuv utlilutlon and inelerate itumee. thjr rvfircncoe aru tha Ixwt In the city. Insurance Klro and Marine, VflnrLi! In tha bet and meat reliable romial.w. at mraltr rate. l"roorty owuer llitnjc In dUUnt towoe or In the country, and not heinir protected raUut lose by are will ItsJ It irnwtly to their odrantife to arran.-M with u to hate their property fully laiurcJ.at small co.1. r"u;i I nit ruction, with partkulMW teat on appli cation. EUGENE D. WHITE, COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS, Nolsry rsslle titnrrsl roivryaietr, 8iecUI atteatlon sta to th UVlni ol Depositions and Acknowlodiniesls, Deede, Mortcaeea. IMwers ol Attorney, and all ether tonus of lvl lultrumecte peoperly eoecuted and aiknowlodrvd for all ol the Btatee and Territories, and Ihe PUtrkt of lUumbU. Oertnan powers ol attomey eiecuted and legalised. aptU Farmerf, Attention ! J. VAN BBDBDBN, HPEOIAIe AGENT FOR Waltkam and Elgin Watches, HKTAILKU AT WIIOUSALK I'lUL'ES. Uenulne I'-Uin Uoeneiit, Chroncnstr PaUace, lour jewel, AIUUI, J.uO. fUrne movement In Iwo-ouuew r-llter CUse, IliCO. Wolthun WaUhes at the same ricxw, A large variety ol all ilndl oi Auierioan lioieoxnti contuntly on band. All watches wwnanted. Sole Aseat for the celebrated ruiMVlV WSTt UUt. which ritdnriim-dJs In all Kspoeitioni In the world. Watch KepairiBg- A pacialty. All order forward. J through WelU, kiro do's Eipreoi U 0. 11. Bpevlol Attention paid to Kepairui( 11m Watches. 168 First K, FortUnd. a4-lsa ElSB JKBXpyMiB PiilSii !fe PJ J5T Mm. Jtfll iUlJ HBASKUS iw"c .V"'4" "?"". . :m,7 Ts I-!!, "W.e, .11 at- mmm "" - -- ...i, I. lt... I"tk, 4 . "W.SIf tt & o.t reSlkllK . e. iwh MILWAUK1E NURSERY, Milwaukio. Orogon. COS!jT.NTI.Y ON HAND, AM. KINDS Or' Fruit Trees, SHFLUBBE.RY, ORNAMENTAL TREES AND VINES, Only Flrat-OlaaB GoodB Kopt. APUIIraU: . . , SETH LTJELLING & SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. jMlJl-lf B. F. SWICK, DENTAL ROOMS Ovor Broyman Bros. Storo. hONK HOT KINI3IIKD oTkRATIONS I'EIlKOItMED MxS-lf Dr. JAMES W1TIIYC0MBE, VETERINARY SURGEON, WII.I. l'KAOTICi: IN TOIITLAND lir.UKArTKH liA.lmy ImS .. nttan.A uriptlad l)i (lrcion far the lutcilit jaars, U u (utn.-lcnt iruaranUM nl itbltltr. Will send pnjiripUoniuiJlntoniiali)n for tho treat resstof anr dlwuwon rocclntof uneitolUr. SUUi Hi emptoeu a, nr a, m(lil, al niurtho are ami wetjrnior iwrw. iraiMn CILlCfC EI.lWKi 8TABZ.KS, I'OrtTIAN!), Olli:OO.V. feW-lin-p WITIIBR HYEBS, $$& tS A L EMT y&. ' ;&& 0 3XSOOWT. IMPROVED POULTRY! Keml three-cent tUmp for Deurlptli Urciutr anil rrto'J-I.ltt. f.basrn GREAT RUSH! SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, 187J), AT Breyman Br's SALEM, OREGON. Onk or ouit Finn now iieino in san khan. rieoo, we ore happy to Inform all our ctutcraeri that our iroods are now arriving on erery steamer. UalnK boujrht the iiamo at unprecedently low lirurw on aeouuntol stagnation In bujimM an J heavy bUluree there, ws Kan Give our putrone the benefit thereof. As we are only buying for coin in hand, we can hold out Utter Inducements than meat any other houai In the oounWr, unilluln Portland. We are already In rt oulpt oi a Urge lot of l)oinUe and FANCY GOODS, 17 GOOIS ) Notioiiei -AND- HOUSEVURNISHINGGUODS AIO Mens' and Boys' Clothing! Hatn, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Gxocorios, Crockery, Carpets, OU Cloth, Window Shados, Fixtures, Etc, Etc., AUol which wtllb sold at extremely low prices. So sa-ealled ceh store excepted. SPECIAL NOTICE To our firmer Irlends and patrons renenllr; Anyone wUhintf to buy roods in quantltlce, ws wUI girs you all Inducemeate WJ buy them rijht here, In plaoe oi 1'ort land. As the oountry U nodded with printed caulcvuee gotten up by Kortland Houses, we will ifinjouUu ten rAt of their printing- the suue. So mng them aloof and quote their price. The facilities we lute lor setting roods from the Eut sad tUn fronciecu, we are enabled to hoi 1 out eten bet ter tnducrmcnU than therein cSered, no uutter whit they pubuah In their screolled caulogueo, aad bnsdee, will not (ire jou auction traih nor ecuad-hasdl gooee, but all reliable as usual. We Mean What Wo Bay ! Own ta a4 k conilnoed, sad sare by It UoUroad SUboaan4HoWlbtUeallortknd. REYMAN BROS. iiAiirf.F,T " """ K' OFFER FOB SALE AT LOWEOT PRICES, fl FUUL LIME OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Solo AKonts for tho .-- ...,- BUCKEYE MOWER HEAPER, TJio tcjiclliitr HnrvcrtUiii: 6tf- gAiTTOJT irpws wssaaassiin. TtjTMeMf 1 UUIIIH ! Hws-W errill rcnturc. DITICTIV5 nnd PECOUAKi " ow Htanda tuc CHAMPION THRESHER Of IHE VQBLD. Xhreahermon who hnvo tiMtl or .. .-. ..t ) .UaiSJ i...l 1ili nnv mtviM of . DeBUiWJIDt 7 teWegJ Throohor.nll nuito in twuryln ,, ea,.e t..w nra thn WIT rCBTi:; .rf! tUjuanu nt Vit: It is dcslp;nod pmA built erprwUr for Orerron SBrcSSrnSdrnd. tbo roqulroraent, of tho conntrr, nnd tha dlMtmltiw STbedvereeBe. Ant for - HAINES' Gonulno SlliBLfc. uwntu "wuui, Snoclnlly Improved for this SonBon-Ton or Twolvo foot out; M sen A01M13 ron the olo nnuou SchuHler Farm, Frolght, and Spring Wagons. Stutfabaker Wagons, Studcbakcr 4 Spring Hacks. RaaulatOT, Wind Mills, The most complete windmill in UK. Elward Harvesters, Vastly superior to any other hand bindec Harvester in market Will handle lodged or fallen grain,and elerata it better than any known machine of its clu. iiityi H.LENERY ILLINERY ILLINERT TT.T.TNERY M 'F'stTi.G-y jan.3L SJtctiplo Goods, AT- Noxt Door to Broyman Bros., SALEM, OP.EQON. J uit united IroialHn rnuidicn,rml eelrctnl w Ith n lull appmetaUon ol Utawantacf cur mrttmners, at frreat nijuctlurv-i troia former prlM, vro nro rnaltlcd to jrlro nureiutienorstlie benefit of tho puno, anil nilAK ANTI.i: itUAIJTY Ol' MH)l)3 aail tJTYI.H OK WDltUMANHIIIl' unmixllcJ liy any In Dm mate. CU1I anil lee. apSiSm ' I t 1 I 'II ll IS 'I 1 11 3: hcLOTiinmi jj t'LOTlIIlUll OUY OOODHI l)UY (I001XSI iDft 9 CLOTUIKGI jlotbing! lothing! Ilothmgl lothinc ! Goods ! CLOTIIINC.I CI.OTHINdl HY aooDsi C'LOTHINd! DRY (1001)81 u 3300TS J.TSTT 9ond tor Xrloo - P. SELLING, Cor. si- .LiUeAi -tms.-jsis umaaammmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmm AGAIN IN UANUPAcrruiuui SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. HO OBa-HOma? ST., JOamt Slclo, POnTIsANB, Aifent lor OutU rtech and Robber ManufacturW Oenpany. Full Assortment ol Fire and other kinds ol Hoot on hand at riun Krancieca prices. A irood Amottmeatot Concord Mom llarncm. NUaeHtncks and Laahes of the bet nullity on hand. AUi,acMeral assortment ol Form lUmess ol all kinds. H,K He )uni; piwa;i "KISBER" AND "ROOKWOOD," Proporty of Rodmond fit Smith, WRl in luorr the cnsjlatf M..ci .4 19, wjmmcnrins April let and cndW July let. At thoir 8tablo in Portland, Near the Oregon Traules Company1, Stable. TorniN, $ao, payable when Mare In lu Foal. All Accident oc currlar to Mare) to be at RiSk et tbelr Owners. KI8BER'S SSJJ.!liJJiVi May ttimi 4 by nHr" ita5-ai7n&-Kif3Kb tonian(Rysdyk'sXI wdyksX by Abdauah, son ol alambrino. BOCKWOOD'S i..aiyjlli?.A Wt Wnd loot white. iV.Mnw.ffi'I.Vk ii m1".- """am y UW U&f hj ""UUjo1" runnlDf sW-ttwreepondence sotkited and proupHy aur apll-Sn WrOHTE WII0LE5ALE 1879. (inHiihiM secne FRUIT AND EVEEBEEEN , .... u vmver oucus, in ijargo Uuantities, and oflered m Lots to Suit Purchasers. o GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SSSL WOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHUiGTON ST. & 450., nM.n """" " " r- . i... .. nntnn nl' tlio Grru nnd drain Crop of tho Pnolflo Corut hT born out b7 tlio BUCKEVEi that no team raor hcto can bo Ignorant or It morlUi or rrqulro nrsmuont to convlnco nun of tU Riiporlorttyi no It Is too woll and m vornbly lriiown to iiootl oommontj II is tho jicrfccllou of nil Rcrtpor and Mow. Ins MnoUiaos. We call especial attention to our New " rvijeuicu Tayior suiay naass, ocu ivump. ing and Plain. Monitor and Straw Darning Ea- gincs. Bond for Special CatalepiM, atse far oar New PtIcb Lilt. HOTIONSI OTIONSI OTIONSl mmssM32nxxTS3x 3xr IJItY (IOOUSI, auooKitucsi I)UV (1O0DHI (ittoci:Riiui (inOCi'.HIKSl Alrooorics P rooonos ! rooories ! rooeries ! (IliOCKUIKSt OltOCKRIICSI UUY 0001)81 I)IIY (lOODSl (Uuxji:uiii t Xalrsit. ox- OaU ox. Firs! and Yamhill Sis, PORTLAND, Or ppu'im BUSINESS! and imtohtkk or aiumocu to. JaIi31U , . cbISbbbbbbbbbbbbI -i- ui;7aau!OB SSBBBBraaOlfiBHVBBV geSBJlyWln .ft iTrTOSjBrwSBB- ' AND Trotting Stallions Oregon, on Sixth and I Streotfl, PEDiaKER ' ' ' " PEDIQBEE. Foaled May II. 1876. Hfawd bv Fleetwood, sonel Alexander AVhJUh;Sd dam byUray Mceeeer.M horse); Fleetwoods dam byV.w Y?rk WaekTlUki ered. Address: REDMOND & SMITH, Portland. Oregon. AND KCTA1L DtxUEn IN ! r- -... TREESi PLANTS, ETC w www semnnraisn simgi