Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 23, 1879, Image 7

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jt fowt faxU,
6oBicte by In, Harriot T. Rwlw..
BrlTlne Home tho Cows.
Oat of tho clovor and bluc-oycd grass,
He turned them into the mcr-laac;
One after another ho let them pane,
Then fastened tho meadow bars again.
Under tho willows, and oror tho hill,
He patiently followed their sober pace;
Tho merry wliistlo for onco still,
And something shadowed tho sunny faor.
Only ft boyl and his father had said
Ilo novcr could let his youngest goj
Two nlroady were lying dead,
Under tho feet of tho trampling foe.
Eut after tho evening work was done,
And tho frogs wcro loud in tho mtailow
Over his shoulder ho slang his gnn
And stealthily followed tho foot-path damp.
AcroM tho clover and through tho wheat,
With resolute heart and purposo grim,
'Though cold was tho dew on his hurrying
And tho blind bain Hitting startled him.
Thrico since then had tho lanes been white,
And tho orchard sweet with npplo-bloomj
And now, when tho cows como back at night
The feeble father droo them home.
Vor ncwB had como to tho lonely farm
That thrco wcro lying wbcro two had lain;
And tho old man's tremulous, palsied arm
Could never lean on n son's again.
Tho summer days grow cool and late,
Jio went lor tuo cows wncn mo worK w.-w
ilnno :
I Bui down tho lano, as ho opened tho gate,
Ho saw tliem coming ono uy one.
! Brindlc, Kbony, Spceklo and Bess,
i onaitirjg ineir iiurnn iu mu vtuuiu mu.,
Cropping tho buttercups out of the grass,
Dab WflU WHS Ifc luiiuwmj; vvv u......
; IKiscly swung in tho idlo air
' Tho cmnlv slcovo of army blue:
t And worn and palo from tho crisping hair,
Looked out n faeo tbat tho lamer knew.
For Southorn prisons will somotimcH yawn,
And vleld llioir dead unto lifo acain t
t'Andthu day that comes with a cloudy dawn
in golden glory ai last may wane.
IThs great tears sprang to tho meeting eyes;
H f ll.a t. hH. iii..u vmittn.i 41... l.rtM nvA
rvv wiw iivii muni, ji-fc h,m ...v ij m.w
And under tho silent evening skies
Together ttioy loliowcu mo cauio nomc.
-Harpcra Magaxinc.
Dlmplo nml Uosj wing.
(Under tho liairioj two littlo f allies,
Dimnlo and llosvwirc.
I Across a stem of red strawberries
Mado n grass-blado tdt and swing.
"Ho!" said Dimple. "Now for a ndo;"
"Now for a tilt," said both togotlier;
Ono on each end, they Jumped astride.
And up went IJimplc, light as a feather;
?And down in tho grass went llosywing;
? Hut ho kickod with his dainty foot.
i And up ho went with a, flutter and spring,
Up wucro llio daisies and grass-ccaus mocx.
' Up and down they balm tod Mid swung,
And laughed so loud, tho bumblo-bee
' Turned ou tho clovora whom thoy hung.
And stared, and rubbed their dusty knees.
A grasshopper, walking up a daisy,
Cheered and choorcd) and a cricket frisked
Ont of his hole, as if ho wero crazy.
Cackled and laughod, and back wo whisked.
By and by, at tho closo of day,
Their mother came ; and when thoy told her,
She kissed them, and gayly bore them away,
Dancing oft' with ono on oach shoulder.
Anneto ltishop.
To our Lady Correspondents.
Our lady eorreHpondcntri to tho
Homo CIrcIo hiwo boon rnthcr negli
gent thin winter and wo huvo not had
our usual amount of original matter
from thctn which would add ho much
to tho goncral Interest of Itscolnmns.
Wo wish tho young folks would wrlto
to us; wo notico that nomo of tho
agricultural journals In tho oast havo
moro lottcrri from tho littlo folks than
they can nubUtjh, and many of tliolr
letters go to tho wasto basket. Wo
Imvo Just na smart Rlrls and boys In
Oregon as thero nro In any other
Slato, so lot us hear from you and wo
will sond u nico book to tho first ono
who Eondri in a communication for
noictweok'fl paper.
Kditor Home Circlet
To us who uro obliged to practlco
tho littlo economics of lifo, It la a
poHltlvo necessity to patch and darn,
and our patch basket noon bocamo an
lndhjpcnslblo institution In tho homo
of our early marriod life. It is an old
baskot now, showing tho wear of n
quartorofn centuries, uso; It has held
in itsprlmo tho tiny rarraont of tho
first baby und tho last. Tho basket
grow no longer though tho babies did,
and It Is treasured now us a precious
reminder of thoso early days.
Tho littlo feet whoso restless jmttor
ing kept this basket full of frayed
stockings, havo gono out to travel tho
world's dovlous ways, leaving it
empty now, and mother to dream of
tho row ot littlo shoes that used to
nightly lie on tho sitting room hearth.
I think a barn would not hold the
garments that one by ono havo lain
in its wicker depths, garments that
..came back weekly to get new but
tons or now strings, and that soon
1 como again to bo patched then to
bo cut down for tho noxt ono in size,
finally finishing off Into a ball of car
pet rags; that too lal in tho basket
till it grow big enough to bo put
away into a bag with the rest of the
balls, that accumulated into a carpet
for tho little folks to Anally kink out
with their little hct-Ls.
Then thero wero the clothed for the
older ones of the Janlly to be Made,
that were folded into the willing re
ceptacle till finished; thero wore
shirts for tho husband whoso bosoms
and wristbands woro to bo stitched
elowly by hand, drawing a thread to
keep It even. Bhcots and pillow cases
innumerable with patch work quills
occasionally, nnd nil that too beforo
mnchlncs enmo to multiply stitches
and multiply wunts when ono pair
of hands did it nil with washing,
Ironing nnd cooking for work Imnds,
going to bed tired, but rising refresh
ed and ambitious for tho noxt dny's
duties, with the world all beforo us
watching for tho "ship that so slowly
comes In."
Tho Halcyon days of youth of
young motherhood, boforo wo cnt tho
"dead sea fruit that turn to nshes in
tho tnsto." Aunt Hktty.
Kditor Hoiio Circli:
QoldBtnlth, in his charming story,
"Tho Vicar of Wakefield," tolls df
this god man's wife, who "could
maku old clothes look nlmo3t ns good
as now," a very necessary acquire
ment, certainly for a clorgymnu's
wife. Well, In thc3o many years wo
havo found out various ways in which
economy can bo preached, nnd wo
imvo often watched others, to catch
any now idea in tho way of fixing
over nnd making apparently worn-out
articles servo another purpose. Wo
early learned to turn shoots. Whon
they got to bo worn thin, rip them
opon and sow tho outer edges togeth
er agRln, nnd tho shoot will last much
longer. Ilo caroful not to let thorn
got too thin boforo doing this. A
frlond of wlno goes further than this:
sho cuts tho shoot across through the
middlo, and sows tho top nnd bottom
together. But wo think that whilo
cotton cloth is 60 cheap, it is hardly
worth while. Then tho Beam would
Ik) an objection to grown pcoplo,
though children would not mind it.
It is u good plun in making n shoot
to mako tho horn on ono end wide, so
as to bo always nblo to toll by tho horn
which und of tho sheet was to bo
kept for tho head of tho bod. Whou
flirilly worn out, thoy nro nico for uto
In Hlcknes". A supply of such old
cloth should always bo kept handy
for emergencies. A soft old rug Is ln
vahmblo In n sick rooom.
Pillow blips, whon worn thin, can
bo patched by putting n plcco under
neath, running it smoothly, nnd can
bo mado to do' sorvlco n long tltno,
Novor put a now patch on nn old gar
mont, for tho old Is suro to glvo way
whon it Joins tho now. If n tnblo
cloth begins to glvo way, n neat patcli
will keep It In good Korvlco. If not
worn too much, it Is economy to cut
Into napkinf, to bo used occasionally,
as at times It i handy to liavon
larger numbor on hand.
Another economy is to lino tho
heels of tho mens' Bocks when now,
using tho legs of old nocks for this
purposo. It will savo much darning
to do i-o. Childrons1 stockings can bo
mado with littlo troublo by cutting
down tho old ones whoso foot havo
neon worn pasi monuing. with n
littlo thought nnd industry many old
articles can bo mado to do norvlco
A frlond had somo loco curtains
that Hcemcd to mo to bo completely
worn out. Hub sho washed nnd
starched thorn, then spreading thorn
out sho cut out tho best pieces, nnd
gathered onto squaro plocoa of bluo
glazed cambric, tacking theso pieces
to tho wall ovor tho wash-stand and
toilet tablo forsplaRhos, putting a slm
plo row of bows of bluo ribbon to fin
ish off. Sho had mado somo curtains
for tho window of unbloachod cotton,
puttlug n strip of bluo all around tho
edgo, this being mado of tho back
breadths of an old bluo dress. She
looped thorn back with n strip of tho
same. Then with nnothor old bluo
repdrcsi, u box of brass-headed tacks,
somo cotton batting nnd a barrel, eho
had mado a very com for tablo chair.
Tho tablo was n dry goods box
draped with bluo cambric. A nholf
on tho box made the wholo affair
servo a nico purposo ns u buroau.
Littlo mats lay on tho tablo, bound
with bluo braid, und a bright rag car
pet completed tho furnituro of this
neat littlo room, all done with littlo
expen.se. Everything was sweet una
clean a suio Indicator of tho purity
of her own Inner life.
Somo may despise theso littlo
make-shifts. Wo havo many times
taxed our ingenuity in making these
little homo comrorU?, and although
now wo bavo no need, yet we do not
despise tho day of small things.
H. R. M.
Evkhy family finds moro or less
bones accumulating. Burn thom
with yonr wood, and tho ashes thus
enriched is one of tho roost valuablo
of fertilizer. Money cannot buy any
article which will so fertilize your
soil. Bones thus consumod will quad
ruple the value of wood ashes, which
in themselves aro among the best of
1. Child two years old has an attack
of croup at night. Doctor at a dis
tance. What is to bo dono?
Tho child should bo immodiatcly
undressed nnd put In n warm bath.
Then givo nn omotlc composed of ono
part of antimony wino to two of ipe
cac. Tho doso Is u tcaspoonful. If
thonntlraony Is nothnndy, glvo warm
water, mustard nnd wnter, or nny
othur slmplo omotlc; dry tho child
nnd wrap It carefully In a warm
2. Somo one's nose bleeds and can
not bo stopped.
Tnko a plug of lint, moisten, dip In
equal parts of powdorcd alum and
gum arable and Insert in tho nose.
Batho tho forohend In cold water.
3. Child eats a plcco of broad on
which arsenic hns boon eproad for
killing nils.
divo plenty of warm water, nnd
now milk In largo qunntititv, gruel
und linseed tea; foment tho bowels.
Scrapo Iron rust off anything, mix
with warm wnter and glvo in largo
draughts frequently. Novcr glvo
Inrco drnuchts of fluids until thoso
given boforo havo been vomited, be
cnuso tho Momnch will not contract
proporly if filled, und tho object is to
net rid of tho polran as quickly as
1. A-young lady fits In u draught
nnd comes homo with u bnd wro
Wrap flannel around tho throat,
keeping out of draughts nnd sudden
changes of ntmosphcro, and every half,
hoir tako n pinch of chlorldo of pot
ash, placo It on tho tonguo and allow
It to dissolvo in tho mouth.
0. Child falls backward into a tub of
wator und Is much ficnldod.
Curofully undress tho child, lay it
on n bed. on Us breast If tho back Is
scalded; bo puronll draughts aro ex
cluded; then dust over tho partH
scalded with hl-ciirhonato of oda; lay
muslin ovor It; then mako it tout by
placing two boxes with ti board ovor
thom In tho bod, to provont tho cover
Ing from pressing on tho scald; cover
tip warmly.
0. Mower cuts drlvor's legsus ho Is
thrown from seat. Put n tight band-
ngo around tuo linio uuovo tuo cut,
slip n cork under It In tho direction
of n lino drawn from tho Inner part of
tho kneo to u lltllo outside of tho
groin. Draw tho edges of tho cut t6
gcthcr with sticking plaster.
7. Child has n bad enrncho. Dip a
plug of cotton wool In ollvo oil, warm
it nnd plnco It In tho car. wrap up
iho head and keep it out of draughts.
How tho Women Vote In Kansas.
A Hooslor j-oes In Knnsas many
now and unfamiliar sights, but nono
moro Interesting than tliat or tlio
ladles voting. Thoy hnyo tho prlvl
lego of voting in nil matters portaln
Ing to schools. Ah far ns my olworvn'
tlou goes, tho laUIcs lioro havo minds
of their own. They neither vote for
tho handsomest man nor tho ones
tholr husbands toll thom to voto for,
unless tho candidate Is, in their own
opinion, tho proper one. Tholr votes
can not bo bought.
Thoy uro universally on tho sido of
morality and tompcranco; lionco tho
workers In tho temporanco catiso nro
warm advocates of equal suffrugo.
Election days pasi quietly. If thero
Ls nny drinking or fighting done, It
Is not nt tho rolls. Everything is
orderly thorc, notwithstanding con
trary reports circulated by anti-suf-frngisls
in tho Eastern States.
Candidates keep carriages running
for tho accommodation of tho ladles,
but a great many walk up und dopoMt
their voles. As tho result, so far, has
boon very sutlflfacto-y, ovon to tho
mon, it will probably bo but a short
timo till equal suffrage Is granted.
Tho gentlemen show their gallantry
and faith in tho ability of tho ladies
by appointing thom to ofllco. Tho
enrolling dorks of tho Loglslaturo aro
ladies, also a largo proportion of tho
County .Superintendents, who, In
every Instance, discharge tholr dutios
in a inannor that gives univorsal satis
faction. Indianapolis Herald.
Some Choice Recipes.
For doughuuts, try tho following
recipe: Tako ono cup of powdorod
sugar, four eggs, ono cup of sweet
milk, oncfourth cup of butter, ono
nutmeg, four cups of proparod Hour;
mix as son as tea biscuit; mako thom
half tho size you wish whon fried;
fry in laid; about fivo minutes will
cook thom. This rccipo will make
four dozen.
To fry raw potatoes, wash, paro and
slice thin; put to fry in a spider pre
viously heated and buttered; salt to
taste, and keep covered. They will
come to the table so crispy and
crusted, with scarcely a slice broken,
owing to the caro of handling when
bolug turned ovor.
Wuetuxk tho f vcuing or morning milk of
the cow is the most solid in butter is what is
ngaging the attention of scientists. It is
claimed that the evening milk produce nearly
twice the butter thai tho morning niHk does.
Fo TH CrjiLDfIfJ.
Prinee Alfred and the Fkheraaa's Bey.
When tho present Duke ot Edin
burgh wa3 twolvo years of ngo, nnd
then called Princo Alfrod, tho Queen
nnd Princo Albert woro spending tho
Autumn months nt Balmoral. The
young princo slipped his attendant
nnd wandorcd somo dlstanco nwav.L
Finding himself tired ho wished to
return home, hut had quito forgotten
whfch way ho came, and looked
hither nnd thither for somo outlino
of Balmoral. At length ho saw a boy
about his own ngo coming along with
n basket of cockles on his head.
"Hallo, boyl" cried tho princo; but
the lad went on without nny rosponsc.
"Como hero, I want you 1" 6iild Princo
Alfrod; but still tho boy walked.
Tho young princo then ran with nil
speed, nnd overtook tho lad with tho
cockles, and said: "Now, I want you
to toll mo tho way to tho cnstlo."
"I dlnim ken," said tho boy.
"If you don't toll me," shouted
tho princo. "I will knock tho basket
off your head."
"Na, yo wlnna," was tho doflant
"Won't I," said tho prince, and tho
noxt Instant tho baskot was rolling on
tho Piind, tho cockles tumbling nbout
In all directions.
Tho boy's tempor was arousoii, and
ho rushed up to tho princo with his
clenched hand; thero was n tusscl for
a fow seconds, but tho boy soon con
quered, nnd tho princo ran away, fol
lowed by his Rssnllnnt. Ono of the
royal sorvnnts who had gono In search
of tho young princo witnessed tho
assault, nnd coining quickly to tho
rcscuo, took tho poor boy into custody
wnrching him to tho castlo, nnd tell
ing mm on tho way tho onormlty of
his offenco, ho having dared to strlko
n princo of tho royal family.
"I dlnnn ken wha tho gentlomnn
was, but ho split a' my cockle?," said
tho boy sobbing.
Tho young princo thought over tho
affair and told tho ntlondant Mint ho
was moro to blaino than tho hid, nud
ho had bottor lot him go; but attend
ant thought othorwlso, nnd marched
ills prisoner ou, nnd tho rumor ran
round tho castlo that Princo Alfred
had bcon seriously assaulted; but that
royal youth, with wlso resolve, wont
to tho Queen nnd told hor what had
happened nnd that tho boy was not In
Tho pooritiitSo prlsonor was takon
to un anto-room in Iho castlo, whoro,
trombllng.ull ovor, ho awaited his
sontonco. Presently u rovcroud gon
tloman mado his appcaranco; ho was
ono of tho Queen's chaplains; und In
n gontlo, encouraging tono, ho asked
tho boy hi? namo, whoro ho lived,
his occupation, nnd nil tho circum
stances which led to tho encounter;
nnd to tho surprlso of tho ntlondant
ho ordered tho boy, by tho wish of
Her Mujosty, to ho takon Into a com
forlablo room nnd given somothlng
to cat.
In nbout half an hour afterwards
tho samo rovorond gontlomun ro
turnod und told tho littlo boy that tho
Queen was satisfied that ho had dono
no wrong; thnt HorMnJosty doomed
it tho duty of her suhjccln to protect
themselves whonovcr thoy wero op
pressed; sho had takon into considera
tion tho valuo of tho cockles nud tho
timo lost, ami had sent him flvo
shillings as compensation.
Tho prisoner was then released to
pick up ills baskot and his cockles,
nnd ran homo n rich and hnppy !oy;
but his good fortune did notond hero,
for tho Qcon 6ont to inquire nbout
his family, and found thathis mother
was a poor ilshorman's widow living
In great povorty, und tho fotunatn
boy was sont to school, nnd afterward
apprenticed to n trado by Hor
MuJost'H bounty.
Who nro tho authors of tho follow
ing quotations?
"Whero tho wicked ceaso from troub
ling, And the weary nro nt rest." .
"Mnn novcr is, but ulwaya to bo,
lam composed of 10 letters:
My 2, 0, 10, 11, 0, H Is a girl's
My 8, 8, 13, H, 1 is ono of IIS.
My f, C, 7, 7, 12, 15, 10, nro animals,
My C, 3, 10 Is a boverago.
My 2, 0, 6 Is a pronoun.
My whole is tho tltlo of a popular
work In literature.
AccoBDiNO to tho Winona, Minn.,
Republican, womon suffrago ls a suc
cess thoro. An ovent of tho day was
tho unusual Interest manifested by
the women, who voted upon tho ques
tion of school director. They ap
peared in greatest force in the second
ward during tho last hour, from 4 to
5 o'clock. Tbon they catno in n con
tinuous throng somo In croups of
threo and four on foot, und some In
carriages that hud been dispatched
for them. Ono carrlago load drovo
unjust us tho noils closed. In tho
socond ward 174 ladies voted, their
ckolco being protty evenly divided
between ttio opjKwinj; cinulil-uos.
MBmcnramits Pimm
In tlM lluk. MS ar
Lolas, n all Humid
the KIdMrs, Bladder
nnd Urlssry Onruw,
Imi-r, Umnl, Dub
t, nriWi DImsm ol
the KIdnrjf, HtUmUon
or Incontlntnte ot Urln.
Nottoui 1Hmm, rmult wenwi sua iimw,
HUNTS RKMKOt Is pifrtd KXMK83SY for Uiow
Jl,""- n . ,
KOYirHK?B. I.. unr ,.. laic
1u. I'. lxr, inr Blr: A member ol my funllj
; win troablril for nri'rai jnn wun iwiuihj in-
Uh1 hml trio! nitD"rou remnurj wiuigm unci;
VpCd HUNTS l(r.Ui.lv ruiuiuwrriowHy ctinw,
"" iictuull jrur, B. A. Ann, a nicnaniro m.
IhtftKii-OMS Nlnn.. April 7, 1MR.
WW. It Cuur.-Dearb'rt I m IIUNX-H IlKMEUY
uwdlnitrud ol Drew lUi wrft mm 1 did
not trout Uio rUent, Put lour ftttondln? lihtili-Uiii (ml
riTin up the nut m hoprloM. HUNT'S HKMI31Y win
thon imxl with ixrfoct niccn. luid the mUtnt it nclU
I hsll irlra HUNTS 11KMKDY In Drcialcal ana hl.lncj
IUieetfullv your. C. II. IIlrcskh. M. D.
imrvty Vepctfcblf, til
iiuni b itr.Hruiir h
h uitHi uy uio UIVIC4 01
rhjiclrui(i. It hai lUml
thu (rt cl Umo tor 30
jrari, .ml Iho utmost
roi'wicfl mar iw rr'Ii
for lluaphtct to Wu. K.
Cunill, lnnldnri, U. I.
Sold by nil Druggista.
WaulUpiJ AffinUa fhjj ol IIW wr mcntlisnd
rtpcii, oriJiowaUfvv ivnimlKioti, tovill u-jr imw
wiJ womlorlul lntentlam. Wo niuui Kl.at wo nr.
rUniJo (rcc. AJilrou CIICUUAN . CO., Miu-l,itl,
llltli. may ttui
WarohouBO Soparators!
Polton Horso Powora!
I hio muiufiu'tuicd and tokl hundred cl Iho Wet
ten Kunnlnc UWU, Ihtt aro III general ux) nnj rl'
food sitittorUon, l'rtco, 30,
Ulll and Warrhouio 8pnrtor m&do to cnlrr ol any
dlrrd raiadly. Coit, la to tit.
i oKrafrtiu mij;,
tilth oro luoxn to It the
Beit Ever Used In Orcgon-A Great Bargain
A lVi'on (or Hxtcrnnl Uro, for Prevention
nml Cum n( tlio St-ali,
llio (lciicr.il Health wnl j
Condition ot tho .Sheen I
Promoted hy Its Utv.
:itnulc!imJ ly
42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., j
For thn Mn)iuf.Mlu(-'-i for On-jjmi f.nil Wash-
inar.-Uni ingtan.
wiibfci.i. EVE RYTHINOixin 7im
DcKtIMho (UUlDgueval ITi ptfri itnt I'rtl
w'.T Corllnntlt lit., Arip lork
Dontsl Jtooms at tho .V ktAtiil,
USTAUUriimi) IN 1KU.
G.W. Walling & Son, l'roprs.
Oswego, Clackamas Co., Or.i
UikcW alttntien i1tn to linen. I'rtlirtanJ Clrry
Tr(. UorrMixii.k.rcolklU'd lilllJiii i
nu. e. v. ;iiakk.
ItKVET M.C.il., UtoHurouU.U, VolnnUfrs,
OfSts IiurMn hMiH nn utt.
S-'roNli autl Trim Tit A'uuiu t
We will tnd tin uL'i'irki; miIh itibj.('ii re
ceipt d fiUt. IUti.lt by I' u iuc.iiy crd.r or jott
licet, rr in,
(Wrut, "
(Ultttf, ll M,
Ituir, "
1( ' l'irnl. itr a- . lOo
lj IL-MMi. " . loo
AUolnlll ntit ickrt. ill lirlttiw of VriiUlilo,
IVmruiulTrM ril. UiKtlorrmtntl I'rl'xi Uit.
IIKifl. A. xi. ft CU,
apll-Sia J 1,017 llovitrd htivtt, ban IViuhUio.
.Sawing off a Log.
Tills HAW MAt'llllti: Is u wundcrful la
vtnllon. The welf lit of tlio wan who Is
sawtnir does half uf (lie work. Itaawsloc
of any alar, and will saw off a g foot log Iu
2 mlantcs. Circulars fireo. Aildrcas.'Wna.
atxEs, om vr. us tu., cuciiuuui, on.
SmSm-io. Hoi
Ju I l.r.S ,uau, MS MntW.'
1 1 . 4 UjIi.. tmM BlAMlfca .. IAS
a. n ia inwifiimi, -
wmum u vmmu ai riv awdi, rUou. Inm, 14
bniMlM u ill. Ml l II. IUm
D. X. TEHBY fc CO. Dttrolt Mlct
ell Drilling, Boring,
vawib nmnetm au aiMTias mu.
liifWMt avanl at. CmUuiul Jixbibitloo. rkadfot
ptetartaloataloga and prios-Uat.froe. AgmU waaUd.
M per day amaraataod. Sand, looll en, and rook
.Mllf Iannis. Addieaa, VlKHluTw I'.IJ, KX CA
VA! OU CO.. CUi 13ai A ' 1 hiUUblo.. 'u
OH! m
wWM"" iiiani
CfetiM nM Wmt lalta far late.
for ssis a place in tie hills, orcrlooking tho
') w uiiw auu H UHU IUUN1 w OAieni.
contain in ti4r.iltivut tAwta if 1t1 Hk tk I
Mi orchard of 3,000 plum ivnd prune trees
i iivu nau vovenu years cuniTftllon.
lflfi A 141 Si . aulmalt Ah IaxJ khmIh a1....J
An utJ&ilinff vrell on tho p!&cej and fenced
in thrco fioldr. Tho orchant will toon yield
nonuiomo revenue, oeing 01 vno cnoicest
VATIiiitUI rt frtltf fits lrtnr anJ momhI...
Tho noil 19 heat hill Und, and tho placo com
uioniui ono of the moetbeau tiful tiowo po&siblc.
noar town this place would prove very
A I.nrffo Tract ol lAuAn TU-11 f0'
Inmoolt Counts' In cXrcrrd
for Utile
Hit. JlLinril UKA1IKU of XnL rH.ri,. Tlll.t.Molc
' & wnzz Vdsswxi
.T.S.'S.IIr'iP'i" I'SaV ". 'H ru.w. lo,l
f" i r r "! - - oi unviutr mcMiow. A
.Vl.: Ad,t'"H "r V'y t JOtSENI (IIIAIIUI,
v.. .uv.i.ri.1 t nn4Jin
J '
iNcotu'o.tATi:n m.
r,rahlln JM.JJ4.bJi.4l
LOSSES Paid InOregon
iri (Men neona
; piut00ii9
Orogon Branch Olllco,
Goo. L. SJfcory, Manager,
Sontlicast roncr nrt ami StArk atrcots,
"I'P- "Wil & Tilton's llank,
JCox-tlojacI, Or.
Farmors and
Stciok Kafcors.
eCiJL J'T fc',n'.1 '!"' 'lirlnir to u.
I:i,.t)""n . AI?K''- AV I.r fo
U,ulli,r n.il,. I.?""' ""-. Al SW r.t
mruu .i;:: "" '.-..rew. !."..""
l'rt1"' IUnl.jLih.md, ;,
, , ....,
i tTv.nTiir..ir Wiaim,
Wlioltvald cut' Itiitall )onlfr
Fioh nnd ' O vaters !
And IhuW hall NttMIcnl
Thorouglibretl Fowls und Eggs 1
,'' HrtrJIinf Im (or Mlo I Mir r" lirwdlnir and
blH;wtV. Vd ll'tiir, und Witr 1'wniUln.ud
will Vrn r.n IiiikI nil Iho rwul.lU of Uio llml'.ry
nl. Iaiiitnnllt th tili,1ni;iurt'-lrtd luuli: .
Wnnr. Lr-iini (, lliiows Lr-mioriNg, lUin:
lIllAHVAM, l'l.VMdlTII lIlKhH, ANIl
liituNzr: Tuiikiivs.
Jly brdlnctil I HtllNlwtcd ami iur, and 1
nurantuo ntiifetUon. liv wirnnlol iniro and nrv
in'ly, lwlil. Onler soltrlUid. Any nrfmaiinloatloii
rvl'Uiiir to tho tuultr) Iiu.Ioim will Kt rvuillr an.
worcl, ' ' '
Stalls llaart 12 Ccutral Market. Porltaua.
SWtUltKI) 11V
Sums of $500 to $30,000
Or Portland City Proporty.
Apt'1 to
48 First St., Portland, Orogon.
640 Aoros of
oh Tin: link or this
Mt. Jefforsou Pass Road.
hlt'iulttl 01.0 nilld sboYO Udiuia, lii Uarlon (luunly,
Uviu.tt under luiirv, will lluiUrod, well ottered.
una) linrifircuiMiU, and a rlimi In tulUraUon.
Yhni luid l kltuUl m llw ul; of Uio Caicada
MounUliK, at Irut IjJI ol It mil Iu Lhcanly dramJ.
and U rUlxrt it runnnUIn Ml.
It U rru bnl by a Ivvtl rtwl trim haloin, na hllU, flrn
boun'iiwydrlro. It U In tho nJ.Ut ot u lhlckl)-Mt-llwl
rountry, llhirol ntlMlilr, mluwru litaltlV
nvon runnut U fvtif.d. MOkiuUioum a few roll from
Uiollnp. Kinllcnlfor tUx.1. ronr, and hundreiU of
airoj of Und UM iwi bo tlowtd for wbcat at a wot v(
sr, an utv.
Itdj W a fttrrvLlr pnrtunlty fur ton fuintr dnlr
oua o ruin? lata tlio .tix bmincw oiUiulrcly, or for
a nitoiiy m thru) or fuur funlllra of llrruuuu. Triors
ara uny UcmuniMtUni In Uio rlclmly, and thoy Uko
IVrt U Uio purrliu ll, f'..0O an arro, can bo paid
fur a Unu ol yean In aniiual IntUluwnui. at low rata
U lntnt.
tWlonorwrltaU . A. CLAIIKH.
Wiu.r ODU. No. b Watldailon Ht
Ur 11. WCUA10. ha.cn. ''.n.
Uu tkrvo lltUis cf Thorouittibra.1 ikrkthlro 1'IgtJ
and uui ouiiiily thowj de.lrvtu of curli tho U
jlrulij ot UxV allli elicit anlinaU u ran U bred Iu
U Ualted rlU..
Thirlron!lorwtll, No. t.tlt, It rccnrdwl by
tho AaicrUan llerkililre Ahoi latlon In ol. Ill of Uio
Aiiitrliaii Ikrk.hlr. Ueiord uftrrovtel Uav 1T7, IS7S,
bml by (lower lliui., of hounlmiii.ton, Knulini. Ilia
toao ara of tho t'roan I'rtnca family of IltrkihlrM. All
pWo hitherto told by hlui havo riven full utUUetlon.
For fartltulari and rrke ulJrcei
aplKtl J, t. CItBKHr, UKas, Vrtfffl.
rim krtsi. icoMour iut csih istita
andchraneat. Osara
led alia 1 Iissm aW
3 men. lolons oili
lisy can bo toaOM sa
iiiyvruiuary vox car.
Ilia only trlrUr oar-
tabls I'Ibm in iim), au warranted or money rolugd
rd. Iieiira buylnx 'let inr circular. OBO.
sutiiu rawuito aim aiinuiaciurcr, vjiunuy, iu.
E7fri M if z
as lrM riaa -vit !
VilHU.llil IUIU.VTt
IV.W el Tl..T) V, 'nH
;i ' i "
1 li'ftcew
U.Wi-' ltlfrf-W,lJoa