Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 23, 1879, Image 6

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Sillamtlit xtmts.
rooLiniiBiui and rnornnrroiw.
Terra ofWubucrlpllonl
One copy one leaf (St numtry.ln adtmie....t3 BO
One copy rix motiUntaJ.nuinben) 1 '-15
Ono copy UiroomonUa (IS iiunibers) 75
aW II not paid wlUiln sU months, 3 win be il-arful
one yrai'i ruhtcrlptlo.
POIUXAND, MAY 2.1, 187t.
Hllior Hclicmr.
WiBiiuraTOit, liny 17. Hcnator lizard is
understood to hold tho following vlows on
tho proposition (o uso diplomatic, moans to
induco European untioiiR to join in a confer
enco to rcfiuloto tho silver dlfflnulty: Con-
tress m to bo pressed to npproprlato $20,000,
icllovlnrr Hint tho northern nnd oven tho
Latin nntlons of Karono will succost Homo
thing, and tho I'renldont to havo discretion
of entering nny European confcroiico that
may bo called ou, suggested ilurlni; tho re
ccsh o( Congress. It in iitatod that no ob
jection ciista to thin appropriation. Jones
of NiTftda Is understood to bo 1U promoter
The Welcrn Army.
Uonoral Hhonnan says that tnilltory affairs
woro noTor so woll arranged In tho Weil as
bow, and that General Huerlunn has reduced
everything to an aumiraDio anu enocuvo bjs-
Peiulo-i Payment.
In rcinonsa to a lcttor addressed by Hocro-
tary Hchurz inquiring what amount of funds
can uo mauo avanauio mommy tor we pay
ment of arrears due upon pensions allowed
prior to January 25, lb70, tho secretary of
tho treasury states that Including tho amount
already paid, $2,500,000 will bo arallablo
prior to July 1st, and $2,000,000 monthly
thereafter. At this rnto nearly tho wholo of
tho next fiscal year will bo roquirod to com
plete tho payment of Ihcao arrears. Tho
commissioner of pensions, in tIow of this
has Issued n circular letter to applicants for
arrears, saying that n comparr.tiToly small
number of CftBos only can ba adjusted month
ly, aud thcreforo noino delay may occur in
the settlement of claims; but settlements
will bo mado In (inch order as to distrlbuto
payments equitably among tho several pen
slou ngonclo an near as may bo.
4 Vim I n v Went.
l'.x-Hccrolury (lou. O. florlmm and family
left Washington to-night for Han l'rnnclsco,
when they will reside (lorbani says thcro
Is no truth In tlio report that ho lias formed
connection with a now morning paper In
I'l'iHIlN on Nllsrr.
Hprlugrr'i) nmendmont, giving tho profit
of sllvor colnngo to tho internment aa
amended by Kwing, was defeated yeas, M
nays, 121.
Wilson' IlFXlrnn Kill.
Tho ltouso Committee on Fotolan Affairs
has authorized Wilson to renort with favor-
alilo rocoiumoudittlon, his joint resolution of
April 21st, providing lor (tinner treaty nc
Kotlatlons with Mexico.
Subscription to tho 4 per cout refunding
certificates to ilato, vi,wm,iw.
NUui Nlrnler.
Nkw Yobk, May IB. William Oordcu, n
mail clerk in tho employ of M. U. Clailin &
(Jo., has been arrested chawed with swln
dllna his employers of nearly 10.000. Ho
confessed his guilt and said that bo was first
tempted to steal shoot, of postage stamps ny
Tho h. Hmlth, n fellow clerk. They di
vided tho proceeds dally for twoyenrs, when
tlordon determined to stop stealing. Hmlth
threatened to cxposo him if ha did not con
tlnuo tho peculations. Hmlth was dlsohargcd
for neglect of duty six months ngo; but still
kept a hold ou Gordon, and compelled him
to contlnuo stealing stamps. Hmlth wm
alio arrested aud dauie Gordon's story.
Hurled Allyr.
Kaston, lo., May 17. John and Itobcrt
lloai, iiiluom, wero burled a hundred feet
beneath tho surface this morning by tho
cavimr, of oro.
lteatli ufn Trailer.
rniUDKU'HU, May 18. Tho bay maro
Nettlo, by Kjsdyrk'a Ilanihlf Ionian, dam by
American Htar, with n record of 2slH, died
yesterday from blood poison caused by rick
ing up n nail.
Nieauirr HiinU,
l'novimmcK, May 18. Tho steamer Ash
land, of tho Clyde line, from New York for
1'all lllver, in ballast, was totally wrecked ou
Point Judith but night in n fog, Tho erew
was saved.
Calurtsl Couvvutliiu.
IticiiMOKD. May 10. Tho contention of
colored dcl-miUs met here today for the,
purpoio of considering niattors connected
Willi ine weiiiire,rijiiwi mm iiupriivcmrin in ,
the condition of their raco. ltemilntlo u
ware adopted that the rights of tho colored
niau cannot bo oLtitlued hero lu tho uiiditt of
uucomproiuiclng oppressors of tho race
where the HlnU cuu oppress nud utirldgii
their privilege, M lu the casd nt Kinney
Hall, whero Judge Hughexot tluiW. H court
decided such uiitrriiigti lllssl. Tlu eolit
tlous coiivliult'd vtitli a ri'ooinineiul.illoit to
the (olorvd ra.'o ihruiigtioiit the H.nitli to or
gsulxe Ihwatelvis liil-i iuigritlou Micliiir
for the iiuriioto of Uuvtim tlu Hi.uthetn '
oiaies, proviueii inrir niuuiuuH i ii"k uu
tend by tho imlhoritim of tho rilaie. A
lengthy dibuto eueued.
A lU-rrsu iVatti IUuin.
.... . '..1 t.L.i u - 1.. . '
HosTON, May 10. A emvlitl M'stion of tho
New Pnglnud ltcform U'agtiti hi lgun.
Socialistic ide aj In the mot rotlleAl form are
mtodlt'd in tbo resolution.
Uraiit an the tilnc.
Nkw Yoas, May 1'J. Adlcos from Gen
eral Grant la April, represent a very anxious
feellug throughout Al reactlng reetrio
tlous of Chinese i-mlgrstlon to America,
tiraut'a response to the address of Uhluee
uiercbuuts ut IVnang, in which they sk his
"powerful lultuiueeiu their behalf to udvo
cale tbu vuijuv.il ot tho. rettrtctioue, sud
thus retoie lh liitciMiiirer Ulwitn the iwu
Uiktii'UH In lU fwimii iotlugi"wasa vety d
elded ii'i.toiirltHUi'K M).aiit thv coniruel
system, wbcli lm ttKland tJ be slnviry. Ou
that poiut bo ald "Amnieaus will nut.
urally feel ktninitly. It was in order to free
ou race from slavery that we fought a loug
war. After the terrible aacr&ces made dur
ing that war lo free the nrgro.it ooold uot be
eipeottd that Ameiicsua would couaent to
the revival in another form of slavery, iu
which the Chlnamau was the victim." He
said that this was the objection ea the pail
of the Atuerlcaus to Chinese Immigration. Iu
other results Ihey hid uoue but the kiudest
letting toward the Chine people, and who
would vxlrud lu them it they chose to make
their home iith us, the welcome they ex
tended to the rest of the world. Iu his ad
dreitf bo dues not cues allude to the preju
dice agaiutt cheap labor, nor to the peculiar
seutiuietapt California. He doubted, and
no one could but doubt, that in the end, uo
matter what agitation might for a time effect
at homo, the Amerioan poople would treat the
Chinese with kindness and justice, and not
deny to tho freo and deserving pcoplo of
that country, the asylum they offer to tbo
rest of tho world.
A Ilal4Ml Kevelullnii.
Tho steamer Alps which arrived to-night
briugs 1'annrna dates to tho 10th. Troubles
In BUto of Csitca aro virtually ondod.
Graces, former president of that Stole, nnd
all parly leaders who wcro associated Tilth
lilmin tho Into roolntlon aro prisoners of
war. Their followers aro dispersed, and
their arms fallen into tho hands of tho na-
' tlonal party. Tho llcrtadlstns Stato is now
secured tor tho par'-y oi wmcii uon, irujuio
is head, nnd his candidato for tho presidency
of tbo Columbian union almost certain at
olcctlon. 1'ivo States out of nine havo do
clarod in fuvor of Dr. Munez, tho FrtiJIllo
candidate In tho meantime, (ton. Kcnjlfo,
candidato of tho opposition party, is using
every exertion to scenro his own olcctlon,
but tho loss of tho Stato of Cauca upon
which ho depended, and needless sovcrltlcs
practiced by him against his enemies in his
own Htata (Antlsqtta) aro weakening bis
hold upon tho pcoplo thcro, which virtually
defeats him. It Is generally bclIo cd that ho
will not accept defeat without n doHpcrato
strugglo, which may involvo tho country in
serious disturbances, All is quiet in liogota,
nnd generally throughout tho country.
Gen, Itcujlfo lias nnnouueed his intention of
executing Gen. Marulanda nnd Boter.il olll
ccrs who were captured at tho battlo of Ag
uadas Honduras. Largo shipments of arms
aro going forward to Honduras, although it
is not known what particular noccssiity calls
for them at tho present juncture
ItcvoliitlouUU lo be HnBired.
1'iNAMi, via Nr.w Yobk, May 17. Gen.
Ilenjlfo has announced his intention of exe
cuting Gen. Marulanda nnd sovoral officers
captured at tho battlo of Aguadas, on tho
ground that thoy prolonged the revolution
against the government after they had lost
all hopo of success. Ho lays down tho doc
trlno that blood uselessly shed must bo
avenged. Bavcral Moxlcan officer.! captured
recently in tho ranks of tho revolutionary
party In Honduras will bo tried by court
martial nnd shot.
I'ooliil Cnanarc.
WAsiHNftTOM, May 10, l'ostal changes for
tho l'aciflo Coast for lost week offices estab
lished: Lako, L&ko county, Oregon, Samuel
J, Htcelo, postmaster. Discontinued Mer
ganser, Iisko county, Oregon; Martin's IilufT,
Clarko county, W, T. Postmasters appoint
ed O. J. Ucoghrgnn, Gates Creak, Washing
ton county, Oregon; Levi Tollmnu, Chester,
Lnno county, Oregon; Wm, H, HhanUtln,
Zion, Clackamas countv. Orcgou; Ghas, 1),
INwk, Alkali Plat. Whitman county, W. T.;
Mm. I!. P. Hplnning, Humner, Picico county,
W. T.
(Jrouliii; 'ro lu llio .Vllildln lFent.
Ciiioaoo, Mny 10. -Tho InUT-Oeoan pub
IIsIich an nunlysis of nbotit 300 lotters which
It has rrcoived Vilthiu tho pant three or four
days. They rcprrxout tho condition of grow
lin; crops throughout tho Mlddlo Wimtcru
Htatcs, mid without noticcabla oxcoptlon
every htato reports that tbo aoroaco of whoat
and corn has increased nnd is in Quo condi
tion, Kauins nnd Nebraska will huro n very
large Incro.iHO in yield, und other Htateu
modcrato incrcasa. Prospects havo novcr
been brighter, nlthough for n whllo thcro
seemed danger from drought.
Awny Vi.
Dnnvxii, May 10. At ono o'clock this af
ternoon tho llonrer, South Park k Pacltla
Hallway reached tho Konosha mimmit with
tho truck, and at 3:30 tho first passenger
train rcachod tho summit, 10,100 feet above
the sea level, tho highest point yet attained
by any railroad iu North Amaiica.
Coal rllno uu 1'lrr.
Pottmviiak, Pa., May 10. An extcustvo
II ro is rsglng in tho Keystouo mine, and very
serious rosults aro fuarud.
IitTKii. Tho flro lu tho colliery is still
rnging. It is feared that it will bo necessaiy
to flood tho mines, causing great damage
and throwing many men out of work.
Uundy'H Itoelsluu.
OiiAiu. ift 19. Judgo Dundy says re
garding his decision on tho Ponca Indian
roso that tho United States has uo law or
treaty netting apart n reservation in tho In
dian Territory for Indiana, nor removing
thorn thereto, or keeping them thereon by
force. His opinion dots not doclaro that
Cougreiui might not mako such a treaty, but
no such authority has boeu conferred, so far
as theso Poucos aro concerned.
Ordered Iruin nillin.
Wasiunotok, May 20. Tho Alaska has
been ordered to return from Hitku to San
UuUlnUtr III 1 1 l'Aimed.
The Hcnato this afternoon lusscd tho legis
lative bill by a atrict party vote.
The frrrduian Man It.
A select committee of the Scuate mi-
polntol to iuvitigato all matters pertalulng
lo thn Preedmeu's Having and Trust Co.
met this morning. Kvery member was prcs-
LrtoMvell, lH)iolil and I'urtts, com
inlsaluuers appointed nnder net of Congrcmt
iu uioso up urn nuuirs ui iuo Immunol,
mado n statement of their operations to date,
priHtnting sehedulrs showing the condition
of tho company, and roakluR suggestions as to
tho eours that should be pursued with re
ftreuce to the two principal items in the
asecls, viz: real estate aud notes; that the
litter were lu proves of collodion, but as to
li al iwlato they doubted whether it would bo
o4lble to icullro ou it nt present without
MiftYrlng heavy lota. They stated that a
dividend of thirty per cvut. hud already been
11.1UI, and they hoped before long to lie able
: .1 - 11 i 1 ... - . ." .. l ...
tu I'.iv another dividend of twenty pet rent
t'ltkiiig fifty htc nt. in nil. They urged Hut
uk .1 ii'i inn -f euabllug them to do t hit. the
1;' vi 1 ii.it ut iiurchasa the Welmen'a Ilauk
lhilldiiit;iii Wiwblngton, tlis greater iMit of
which U r'"' rented for tbeusoof tho de
ji.irt.nent uf j tlo .
Ti dr.iflH ul I'HU were subiulttrd by the
oouiiiiUkIiiih r i1kikih d to truiufvr the utflr
ot thv eoiiipuiij to the comptroller id cur
rvney or sneu utber ilUcruf the government
aa Ooiigreiw might direct. The comuiU
sloueM havf hi'ivtiifore aiked to lie relieved
from the duties imposed, nud ou submitting
these bills, reiterated that request.
tu k LI4 Over.
Tl.o WrtjK nud Means Committee to-day
liquid lu thn fi.liowiug rvMilutiun;
ltexilved. Tint thlt couiiuittee will not
eoiulder m lbi s-'ixiun imy bills or Joint
iiMibiiluus olVecthi llio reveLues; and that
all such bieiisurt-k hull tm laid over until the
regular nK.it 11 In December.
Mar Walker rirml ut.
An rpUoile occurred in the ladies' g-illeris
lo-uay, iHiiug uo leas than toe forcible ejec
tion of the Uiuoua Dr. Mary Walker, who,
besides weaiiug her noudocript waaouliue
apparel, to-day sported a man's .aue, with
which khe applauded Yauce culhusiastlcally,
aud dlaregardiuc two polite warnings, was,
upou the thlnl ulTeiue sgaiust the Senate,
ver' promptly led Irom the gullery aud cou
dueled to the outer door of the Capitol by
oue ot the Capitol polloe.
Mulrlde fun Arauy tsaloer.
Sr. Loci. May 19. Lieut. 0. M. Carrowa
of the 7ih cavalry, blew his brains out in a
loom in the Hauler a House, at about four
o'clock this afternoon with n navy revolver.
No cause is assigned for the act. He came
here from tho list where he had a surgical
operation performed on his knee, about ,ilve
weeks ago, and was on route to join hit rogi
mcut at Fort TIncolu.
tioulsvllla JtnccK.
LouiiiviLLR, May 20. The race, milo
heats, botweon Peru, King 1'aro, Kih How
ell nnd Victim, vao very exciting and homo
last uino was made. King 1 aro won tho
first heat in 1:11; Hlla tho Mcoud in 1:12,
nnd Furo tho third in 1:15.
l'ious Idl-n.
Nkw Oiilsa.vk, Mny 20. Tho Sanitary as
sociation has comiueucod tho Important
work of systematically flushing tho streets
and gutters with river wnler.
IlniiKlnir nt NobrniUdi.
Omaha, Nob., May 20.--Orlando Casslor
was executed thisnftcrnoon nt Howard, Neb.,
for tho murder nnd robbery of G, L. Munroo
in July, 187H. A mob toro down tho inclo
surc, und thus forced a publlo election,
although tho law says that executions must
bo private. Tho sheriff appeared nnd an
nounced that a mob had provented blm from
executing tho law to its fullest extent, but
tbo execution would proceed. Casslcr was
perfectly cool aud collocted, nnd ttild he
hoped to meet his friends iu heaven. Ho
did not fatter or moves n muscle. Tho drop
fell at 1:30. Tho drop was fivo feet. Tho
nock was not broken. Ho slowly strnuglcd
to death, and in nlno minutes was pronounced
Cnhlnct Clmiisp,
WAiuitxoTOK, May 21. It is staled that
Soci clary McCrary has decided to accept tho
position of United States circuit judgo for the
Uth district, to be mado vacant by tho resig
nation of Judgo Dillon, but will not leave
tho cabinet before tho 1st of September
Kelloara; nnd MpeBTbrrf.
Tho Senate commltteo on privileges and
oloctlons have requested Kellogg and Bpof
ford lo inform tho commltteo tho number of
wltnesaos they dcalro to call, and tho points
of testimony thoy expect Jo elicit. Tho
committee will thon detennino the time nnd
manner of commencing tho investigation.
Will Hrala-n.
Nkw Yobk, May 21. Presldont C. B,
Wrlrht, of tho Northern Pacifio railroad
company, has announced his intention of
rotlgnlng bis position, that be may bo ablo
lo gain health and strength to undergo a
surgical operation for oataracl. Ho will re
tain Ids seat lu tho directory.
HlrlkxH In Nctr York.
Tho action of tho longbhorcmeu, bricklay
ers nnd other trades unions on strike, or
threatening to strike, is severely criticized by
somo of tho morning papers. At a meeting
of tho bricklayers' couimlttoe, permission
was given their men to work conditionally nt
spccllled places; but would not allow them
to work on new buildings on nuy terms, snyo
thoso which are Authoritatively prescribed.
Tho llullotln says.
"Wo havo it on good authority that many
longshoremen who havo beou golug nbout
idlo on tho wharves dnrlug tho last fortnight
would bo glad to return to work on tho
stoamship companies' terms but for tho ar
bitrary drcrca of a similar commltteo;
and thcro aro ovldonccsof lllto species of dic
tation nnd terrorism nt Pittsburg, whero tho
commltteo is busy organizing nnolhor striko
among iron and Btcel industries. Tho steam
ship companies, unablo to get laborers hero,
aro circulating printed hand bills In adjacent
rural districts, offering employment.
Mill 1 1 vm In Now York.
Tho ltuasian conaul general hero has ro-
celvou n communication slgnod "Kutalin
Itavolutionary Commltteo," declaring that
Iio lias uttered certain slanderous iusimm
(Ions nud bsso falsehoods in n New York sa.
elety against one of our mosi honored and
truiUd friends, and warning him that he
hod mado himself particularly obnoxious to
tho ordcrby tranfrriu, tc41irs-frt3rliilt'tho
oonUmpCiulo Bystein of ItouinnofTcepoInsgo,
nnd that ho tdiOfjU persist in his infamy,
'tho consequences will certainly bo disastrous
to blm.
Xnrrow Ion(ic.
CwoivKATi, May 21. W. Allen, who
olonod with Jcnuio Atchley, wife of a farmer
of liatavia, Ohio, n low days since, was cap
tured in lul.n city nnd place-! in jail at lia
tavia. This morning a mob entered the (all,
belied him and hung on one of tho timbers
of tho bridgo over the Little Miami riter.
After hanging a f ow moments tho ropo broke,
nnd bo dropped In tbo river. Ho succeeded
in gaining tho shore, and was taken to u
hotel, where ho now lies iu a bruised con
dition. KOUMGN NEWS.
Kiixllnh Airrlrullarr.
I.oMHiy, May 17. A Times correspondent
to-day interviewed several Norfolk, Lincoln
shire aui Yorkahlro loud owners, who say
that farmers are falling right and left, which
failures are only known locally. Many
landlord ntter reducing rents cannot get
tenauts. Several large owners aro about to
take their farmers nud work themselves.
Several great Scetch landlords have reduced
rents 20 and 30 per ceut. To-day the Prince
of Wales' agent tn the Dueby of Cornwall
gave notice tu teuanu that In consideration
of the present depressed state of agriculture
a rsmUslon of 20 per cent, fruui the rent-
for a period of three years would be mado.
In no mnu's memory baa agriculture been so
profitless. This is owing in part to bud
harvests, but chlclly by the vast food impor
tation from America.
t'uudlllou ol t'aabtuere.
Ixinkon, May 19, News from Cashmere
is very bad. The increase of distress and
famlue joined to incompetency, corruption
aud want of organization ou th part ot of
ficial, is produclug a moat serloua state of
attain . Cholera in l'oJiawur is threatening
to rain an ohjUoia to the withdrawal of
troops from AfghauUUu. Tho disease has
upprared iu timet of the cltim of Punjaub
and Dacolty, and mbbery by an armed gang
Is assuming alarming proportions in the
Deccau nud epii.tlly iu Ihe Poouah district.
For konie time past bands of DocoiU have
Win Kcourtug the country aud committing
dating attacks ou bousea aud villages. They
seem lo form a wrt of a regular organiza
tion uudir tuu command of one Wussaldo
llulland, latily a ilerk iu the tlnnuci.il de
urtoirut. They are kiupvcttd of hsviug set
the tire which destroyed the Rovtinmci.t
aehool. llodaar ulaoe, law courts, pot of
fice, police office aud fifty houses, in Poofilh
on the night of the 13ih inst. lu their re
markable luauifckto to the llombay govern
nieiil, they threaten another mutiny, und to
out oil tbs head of tho Governor unless dis
trtas is relit vitl. They inform the eovciu
meut that uulMi au oxieuwoa of lh pullic
works is at onco opened, employment pro
vided for the people, native trades incvur
aged, laxea redoetd and salaries of highly
paid Europeans cut down, they will uot
cease to plunder; and will extend to the
Europeaue what they have hitherto confined
to the natives. They will kill the Governor
ot llombay aud haug the judges ot the court
of session.
rinaaelal Kollarr.
Loxdoh, May SO. R. a. Thr.lfalL cotton
manufacturer, ot Prttton, has failed; liabili
ties, X34.000.
C. If. B. Smith, of MIddlesborough, has
failed; liabilities, 60,000.
Loly Bolbo k Co., merchants in Spanish
trade, East Cheap, E. C, havo failed.
V. Polok & Co. and Symons & Co., both
of llotterdam, have failed in co'nscquenco of
tho failnre of tho Afrlckanlicho HandelsTcr
ocnlglng. I'niilHliineiil rorMnrdrr.
The SmIkii plebiscite does not actually re
vivo capital punishment, but leaves each
Canton at liberty (ns was tho caso until 1874)
lo cnutt or not. lloth conditions of validity,
viz: an aggregate majority nnd a majority
of Cantons, havo been scoured in favor of
this pcruisslvo measure. Catholics nnd
Conservatives advocated tho measure, point
ing oat tho incrcaso of murders sinco tho
death punishment was abolished.
Ttio Iarlen Cniiul ConcrcvN.
Palis, May 20. At a meeting of tho IbiIi
mus of Dnricn canal congress to-day, Do
Lcsscps Raid that their labors wcro program
ing rapidly nnd would probably bo completed
by Hunduy or Monday next. Foutanes read
a report stating that it would bo utcotsary in
order to insuro permanency of tho canal.that
0,000,000 tons of shipping should pass
through it annually. Uo condemned tho
idea of erecting locks.
Moro I'lood.
Plaid, Mny 20. Tho river Thelsa has In
undated nlnoty squaro mScs of grain fields
near Iioosa llecsa and destroyed two villages.
Tho river Dravo overflowed its banks and
destroyed bundrods of houses.
llllllnry Itegiilnllaii.
I)km,in, May 10, Tho Czar has deter
mined to Bborton tho period of military scr
vlco in tho lino by threo years, which will
permit an imenso increase in tho number
ot recruits.
KmbIIsU Crop and Market.
London, May 20. Tho Mark Lano Express
says reports as to tho present aspect of tho
country nlthough not alarming nro not cal
culated to afford farmers much tatisfactlon.
Tho damago already done to wheat is not
perhaps oxtonaivc, nnd a succession of dry.
warm days, would go far to relloto tho pres
ent nniioty, Provincial exchanges almost
without exception wcro dearer at tho clone,
last week, English wheat has been marketed
freely in tho country, but sparingly at Mark
Lano, and trsdo in Loudon has been marked
by considerable firmness, l'orclgu wheat
has been firmly hold, holders in occasional
instances obtaining 11 slight advance bUould
tho adverso weather continue n rally may
speedily taito puce, as imports, although ou
a fairly liberal kcalo, havo not been execs
slvo, although Bales tho past week havo been
culcllv retail. Millers havo shown moro in
clination to extend thoir transactions. A
strong feature, iu tho trndo has been tho
steady continental demand for cargoes of
whlto wheat from California nnd Oregon.
Htockn uro steadily diminishing, as most im
ports havo gono direct into millers baud,
und taking all things into consideration, tho
present position of wheat is n firmer ona
than it has occupied for many months, Thcro
has bean very llttlo quotablo alteration in
tho value of spring wheat, bat trade has been
inanimate. Malzo is steady and appear
nucrs teem to indlcato that tho lowest point
has bocn touched. Sales ot English whaat
mo last wceic wcro ut,i) quarters at iu aa
per qtmlor, against 41,221 nt C2s Id por
quarter tho corresponding week tho provious
year, imports into tho United Kingdom for
tho week ending May 10th, wcro 092,023
hundred wclcht of wheat nnd 189.041 hun
dred weight of flour.
Military nisplny for (irnul.
Hoxo Kono. Anrll 0. Li Hunrr Chant.-.
viceroy ot Chehli and commander-in-chief of
tho army, is preparing a grand review of nil
the troops nt Tientsin for tho entertainment
of Genoral Qrant in Shanghai. Grant will
be tho gacst of Vico Conaul Gouerol Ilolloy,
The Lout Itubelllon.
'Iiicira.ffliin reuennovement is as before.
No recent ndvantaee is reported on either
rirn nt I'll I co.
Cmco, May 17. A flro broko out last
evening nbout 8 o'lock in n Chinese laundry
in Ihe center of a block on Broadway between
Third nud Pourth streets, burning tho Cen
tral hotel and bakery, and the laundry whero
the flro originated, tho saloon building ooou-
fled by Joe Langdon, Newman's tin shop
aviV marble works, Dr. Htansbury'a dwell
ing house, Hlbbard's and Hommers" dwelling
bouses. Tho flro crossed Third street and
look in its course Sherwood's carriage fac
tory, Saunders' second-hand furnitura store,
Lucas' furultaro storo, Furgo'a blacksmith
shop, extending to Salem street in the same
block, totally dcatroying five dweUing house)
of L. largo's ind a dwelling house, belong
ing to E. O. Nichols. The fire crossed
llrosdway to Newman Johusou's buildings,
bnt was kept flora getting hold on that side.
One man was burned in the Central hte,
wheso nsme cannot now be learned. The
loucs will reach in the neighborhood of
TOO.OCO; prsbably f 30,000 insurance.
Hnlelde or Auditor Maynard.
Sax FttAMcrsco, May 18. The body of tho
late Auditor Maynard was brought to this
city last night. Tho report of auicide was
eorrKt. He left his friends in the amalga
mating room of the Qwin mines, a few mo
ments, and went into an adjoining room
where a Chinaman was at work, picked up a
carving knife aud complaining that it was
dull, sharpened it ou n whetstone, and theu
stepped luto an ice house. Here he Wis
fonud sitting a few moments after, bavins
atabbed himself. "Ho said," I have killed
myself in a fit of mental depresslou." Four
teen wouads were foand in his breast aud
abdomen, and ho died lu about three hours,
stain smmI Knee.
It began raining this morning at about 9
o'clock and has continued briskly during the
The third ineetluj of tho Pacific Coast
Wood Horse akaociat:ou, aet fur this after
noon at the Oakland track, has been post,
poned on accouut of the weather.
A Hlekenlnsr Mary.
San Fkaxcuco, May 10. Some six mouths
ago a Uermau named u. Langbehm, accom
panied by his wife and two children, a bov
and girl, aged respectively six und four
years took up his quarters on the vegetable
much about five mile from Antioeh. Lang
lebui and his family were fresh from the
KadeiUnd. At half part four o'clock ou
Pnd-iy morning Langbehm got np and pre
pared breakfast for his nephew, and went tu
lbs field to work. Soon after his children
followed him. At about eight o'clock Lang
behm waa seen by Mas Klein, a neighbor, to
take tbetwo children to the adjacent tale.
Soon after he was observed coming out of
tin tides without the children and walking
rapidly Inward the house. Immediately
after he nachoMt, Mra. Langbehm mahed
out iu an cxv'itrd Htato throwing up
her bauds tn deepaii, and uUiug exciledly
iu Qermau, This wa tolloxnl quickly by
tLe dUcharge ot a gun. The ueifchlwia
ruxhed to the scene. Mr. Fleck, u next door
udshbor to Laugbehru's, reached the house
first, and entering it beheld a horrible sjebt
Licgbhin wan leaning agaiuat the wall
almost doubled up aud dead, with a double
Umclcd kbotgun grasped firmly iu his bands
ine tuunie in tils mouth and nls toe against
the trigger. Mrs. Langbehm testified that
her husband had always been affectionate
and kind to herself and children; that ho had
no financial troubles, and was tempornto in
hU hnbits.
Cnlllornln Crop.
Ban I'hancisco, May 21. Crop reports re
ceived to-day from nil parts of tho Stato nro
very promising. Tho Sacramento vnlloy
will glvo a good ncrcngo yield, or moro.
Tho counties north of tho bay nud np the
coaBt never had a better outlook. Iu Han
Joaquin valley tho prospocts nro excellent
in tho lower portion, and good nbovo on Ir
rigated land; but tho upper portion not irri
gated will produco but little. In Santa Clara
vnlloy thcro will bo u good yield, nnd south
ern coast counties promlso well except in
San Diego and tho upper portion of tho Sal
inas valley.
I'nlleeinnii Nhol.
llcgular Pollco Officer P. K. ltogcrs, n na
tivo of New York, ngod CO, shot nnd killed
hlmsolf at his rcsldonco, No. 123 Ellis street',
this morning. Deceased alter breakfast 00.
cupicd hlmsolf in his room cleaning his pis
tols, among which was a largo lobulation
Smith .t Wesson. Tho family in tho dining
room heard tho muffled report of a pistol and
running to bis room, found him seated lu n
chair nt tho table dond. Wood was flowiug
from n wound in his breast, Tho Smith &
Wesson lay on tho tablo pointing toward de
ceased, ono chamber discharged. Tho ball
went entirely through tho bouy nnd striking
tho opposite wall fell to tho lloor. Docenscd
had shown no ovldcuco of an unsettled stato
of mind, and It is quesllonablo whother doath
was accidental or suicidal. Deceased was
an old member of tho force, and is reported
to havo been in good financial circumstances.
Attempted Wjlb Murder.
Santa Uosa, May 21. Mrs. John Ashcroft
was found woundod nud insensible In a barn
on her ranch in Illncon valloy this morning.
Sho had been cut with a hatchet six or sovcu
Union, and is in a precarious condition,
Her husband is suspected to be tho perpe
trator of tho outrage, ns a Buit for
dlvorco is pending iu tho district
court hero. 11 wns seen to enter tho
barn ft shor. tlmo beforo sho was
found lujuro.l, nut afterward seen to run for
tbo hills. A hiio party of men searched tho
nelg' nrbood and nbout 10 o'clock ho was
found, arrested nnd brought to jail privately.
Just beforo ho got to jail tho crowd mado a
rush for him and shouted "banc him." Ho
was protected by tho constable, under-sheriff
and alajor lioucks, nud locked up. Tho ex
citement is intenso.
Tbo Business Quarter of tho City Almost
Entirely Destroyed Tho Flames
Still Baging nt tho Last
Tlio following dispatch was rccchcd in
Portland Wednesday evening by Cant. J. (,'.
Ainaworth at 10 o'clock 1. m.i
Tub Dallim, May 21, 1670.
A htnvy firo is now raging nt this place.
Nearly nil tlio business part of tho town is
consumed. Tlio O. H. K. Co. loso tho nllico
hero aud vngino house. Moat all tlio rest of
tho property was saved. Tho railroad track
through tlio town lias been damaged. Wo
will commence to repair the track nt day
light in tho morning.
Another dispatch furnishes additional par
ticulars! Tho town is almost burned down. Tho O.
S. N. Co's office nnd cngino houso are totally
destroyed. Wo think tho tiro Is now under
control. Tlio firo commenced 11 tho hotel,
and swopt everything licforo it on Pirat Street
from Waldron's drug etoro and Moody's to
tlio Umatilla Houso, including that, aud
burned ono sido of Second fjtrcet clear, as far
as I'Vcnch & Mcl'arland's. Tho firo crossed
over and burned everything from tho comer
oppoeito Fred Derber's old stand down u
far as Michcbach'sshop, including Humason's
brick, neenpied by Mr. Noirman, and burned
up to Condon's law office, on tho corner of
Third Street. Thcru is soma danger yet.
Tlio prrciso hour tko flro broko out is not
known; but it is supposed to have etartod
between H and 0 o'clock in tho ovoning. After
tho telegraph offico was destroyed tho oper
ator took hia instruments down to the river
below, and attaching them to the wiro en
deavored to get Portland. As no ono hap
pened to lio in tho office hero at tho time, ho
failed to receive a responding signal. Failing
to obtain a respouie, tho operator sent the
news to Hood Hivcr. Tho dispatch was then
sent to Portland, where Cspt. Ainaworth re
ceived it at 0:30.
A Land Mark Gono.
Tho destruction of Tronchard 6i Up
shur's "building nt Astoriu, Monday,
Lrusliod from that city an old land-mark.
It was built in 18C2 by Capt. Flavcl,
and cnlargod in 18G7. At that timo it
was 0110 of tho best woodon structuica
in tho city. Trencluml it Upshur's loss
is nuout sia.uuu, with. $1U,U0Q insur
ntico. OnpU Flavd's loss on tho build
inu is $3,000, without insuranoo, Tho
building was old and dry and mado a hot
tne, augmented by tlio powder, oil, tar,
etc., in it. The Astorian has tho follow
ing incidonU of tho firo :
Tho safo was opened Monday and tho
contents found to lio in nverago fair con
dition. A pearl crosn, mado from a Btring
of pearls presentod to George Washing
ton by Napoleon, was among the proj)
erty saved. Tlio string of pearls becarao
un heirloom in tho family of tho Up
shurs, and to our fellow citizen, C. I.,
tho cross descended. It was in splendid
condition unphased by heat or smoke.
The first engine ou tbo ground was
No. 2; tho first water was from No. 1.
Tie Wonder and the Ordway were
ready to setvo tho public with their
kteam pumps if necessary,
Mr. O. W. Hume had steam up on his
pumps, and Celestials ready with buckets
to protect that part of town.
Knappton saw tho Haze and Captain
Cousins came to the rescue with a
sloop load of friends, followed by the
It seemed like an hour to Mr. Ilowe,
the watchmnu, before a policeman put in
an appearance after he first sounded th
alarm. But it was only a few momenta
possibly. Wo didn't hear Uo firo
alarm bell, but "that dog of ours" made
us bear him, and we went to the fire.
WHAT IS jnmxjBMt
Tlio word ovidontly means tho nnui
hilation of tho govcrnmont nnd institu
tions of despotic iltiBsio. Ten yenra
ago tho intentions of thoso, so callod,
woro not well defined. Now they nro no
curaloly determined and conletujilato n
Iicpubltcan system, with Bocial structure
without casto distinctions; oiicottragc
inent of industry nnd due consideration
for labor. This is moderation from our
stand point, but tlio Kmperor of Russia
cannot bco it in that light, nnd tho old
nobility mny sido with tho Czar, but no
hateful has becomo tho autocracy of
that empire that n great parly of tlio
nobility Bido with tho revolutionists nnil
llio emperor cannot even trust his sol
diers, nnd arrests of conspirators havo
been made from among tlio officers o
tho guard. The best educated nmong
tho nobility nro counted among tho ono
mioB of tho empire.
In an inlerviow which a reporter o
tho Kan had with two Nihilist rcfugoos
in Now York, tho fact was elicited that
principles of Nihilism do not admit o
formal ranks and distinctions, nnd that
tho community of ideas and unity of
purpose nro due to the constant dissem
ination nnd intarclianga of viows which
havo been going on for ninny yoars.
Thcro nro no mad fiuinticn nmong them.
All aro thoughtful politicianr. Thoso
who nro too ignorant to bo thoughtful
politicians nro not jiropcrly Nihilist,
that is, nro not conversant with the
sccrclH of tho society, but aro simply
under oath of allcgianco, nud nro em
ployed in minor capacities in carrying
out tho ends of tho association.
No liberal minded man pretends to
doubt tho nbstrnct justicoof tlio cntisoof
tho pcoplo ub expressed by Nihilism.
Tlio objection to this mighty movement
of humanity ngaiust barbarism lies in
tho method ndoptod. Assassination in
hntcful to any cause. Tho nttomptod
shooting of tho Czar nud tlio killing of
high officials nro regarded with horror
by thoso outside of Itussiii who other
wise sympnthir.0 with tho coplo. And
tho dislike of this murderous policy in
increased by the knowledge that tlictio
deeds uro not tho cU'cet of insanity or of
individual fanaticism; they result from a
carefully planned nnd boldly professed
lino of action. Hut Russians understand
it. They know thut tlio revolutionist!
nro simply following tho o.xainpla of tho
Imperial family; that thoyaru practicing
tho rule of conduct by which tho Czar
nudliis familyhavo nlwnysrid thomsolven
of political cncmioH. Tho unmitigated
tiiwlcssucsH nnd barbarity which mark
tho seizure and imprisonment of sus
pected persons, by tho thousands, u Buf
ficicnt for tlio most violent mcasutcs on
tho othor Hide.
Tho Now York Moil says :
Against so terrible a movement, secret
und irresistible, eating into tho very fam
ily of tho Cznr, all ellbrts seem to Lo un
availing. Kvcu if, iu hU terror, Alex
ander obtains Clermnii soldiers to guard
him, who can tell whether their ranks
may not contain Nihilists 1 Thoro is ab
solutely 110 safety; und when tho climax
come?, nnd open warfare results, tho
probability is thut tho Nihilists will bo
found moro lenient and just than tho
Moses Reservation
llio following is tho order of tho Pres
ident establishing n now Indiau reserva
tion in Washington Territory.
Kxixutivk Mansion,
April 19, 1879.
It is hereby ordered that tho tract of
country in Washington Territory, lying
within tho following described bounda
ries, viz.: Commencing at tho intersec
tion of tlio forty mile liniita of the branch
lino of tho Northern Pacifio 1 tail road
with tlio Okinakano river; thoucc up
said river to tho boundary lino between
U10 United Stales nnd ISritish Columbia;
thenco west on said boundary lino to tho
forty-fourth degree of longitudo wet
from Washington; thenco south on said
degrcoof longitudo to it intersection
witli tho forty milo limits of tho branch
lino of tho Northern Pacific Railroad:
and thenco with tho lino of said forty
mile limits to tho plneo of beginning, bo
and tho same is hereby withdrawn frosa
sale and set apart as a reservation for
tho permanent use nnd occupancy oE
Chief Moses and hU people, and such
other friendly Indiana as may elect to
Bcttle thereon with liU consent nnd that
of tho Secretary of the Interior.
R. R. Havis,
Btaar whs have suSttnl Itrnin arlih 1M.
(CatarrbX and ba proaouncd Inruratil. hare ksasa
nwHW m yviiOT 1.1.111 vj sty WMUOMt, mllu wBOStf
IwllmwiUla can be seen at m j oAke. I sua trt4 sA
chronic sad print diseases, aoj female wta&iusset.
Medicine seat to all part ol th countrr, aad al
prop qiiMSioB amend through th nulla by
cloelAf two Uamit. 00 conniluiloa free.
DK. JAMBS KCK,mrintSt., rortlaad, Oraraa.
Post otto box see.
Cut thia cut uJ and it In jmt