Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 23, 1879, Image 5

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AeeUUatt at tk FaalUntUry
Two convicts at tho BUto prison met
with slight aecidonts yesterday. Ono,
named Wood, whilo kalsominitiR tho
halls, wai standing up iu a chair when
by some misstep ho slipped and foil on
tho arm of a chair, breaking two of hiB
ribs. Another whilo oncn"cd at work
around somo of the luachinory, accident
ally got two of hw fingers caught and
ono was so Hourly cut off that only tho
skin hold tho digit together.
Tnrf Nntoi.
Davo Colo linn taken Kattlcr from
tho track, tcruporaiily, and now ilrirci
tho fastest buggy horBO on this s'ulo of
tho rivor.
Mrs. M. Luper, who sojourned hero
somo days in anticipation of tho pro
posed May races left for homo last So.tr
urday. Blio is tho owner of Ltuly Fmis
Una. Hho has been offered 32,000 for
tho marc, but is holding her for a
higher figure. Nat Smith is at present
handling her.
Tho Turf.
Thoso who know say tho sorrel (Nim
rod) was not up to his usual form, and
that ho had run around tho track in his
training shoes in 1:57, with ten pounds
nioro weight than ho carried in tho race,
llyo Straw won easily to our idea, and
could liavo won had tho distanco been
100 yards. Tho match was for 500 a
side, and tho winnings boyond that
couldn't havo been very extensive. In
land Kmpiro
Oaatli of Mrs. Crawford-
Yesterday the sad nows was received
here of the death of Mrs. Crawford,
wife of Capt. M. Crawford, so well
known in Oregon. This ostimablo lady
diod nt her homo near Dayton, in Yam
hill county. Her death was from tho
effect of malignant cancer from which
rJio lias suffered many monlhR. Mrs.
Crawford was a very consistent and ex
emplary lady and greatly beloved by all
with whom who camo in contact. Her
death will bo groatly regretted.
Tho Harrow Gauge A Contradiction.
"Wcnrc reliably informed that diBpatchea
rccontly received by n gonllcman in this
city from tho officio of tho Central l'acifio
llailroud Company in Now York City
states that nothing in known at that
ollieo of any such agreement ns wa3 sta
ted by U. J. Pcngra, Hsq., President of
tho Oregon Narrow (laugo I tail road
Company in his report of May 1, 1879,
printed in tho papcru of this city, to havo
been concluded between his company
and tho Central Pacific Itailroad Com
pany, and wo conclude, therefore, that
tho announcement of tho conclusion of
such agreement was prematura
laKot Bound
Tho b'eattlo Post learns that tho Ken
tucky Colony .Association is a swindle,
and huvh: It appears that Captain It.
Smith is chief manipulator, llo has a
nniall office on ono of tho principal slixx-ts
of tho city, and it is said opcratcfl upon
over confiding persons who havo n little
money. II states that ho is interested
in tho immigration movement; that his
society has largo and valuablo tracts of
laud in this territory; and that thcro in
monoy to bo inn.de easily and rapidly in
tho immigration business. Ho 1iuh im
presses unguipocting persons, obtains
their money and that ia tho last of it.
Ho in rojiresentxl as n sharp, shrewd
fellow, activo and business like. Tho
amount of injury to this territory accom
plished by such n course ia almost incal
culable. And thcro soonis to bo no
doubt ho is working on this plan, aa Mi
Whittinghill, who was hero wo aro told,
telegraphed him for monoy to pay bills
pressing him here, and the only rcsponso
was tho telegram published in tho Oru
gonian of last Saturday morning, and
which ovcrybody known was a tissue
of falsehood from beginning to end.
N- F. R-V- Itasu
Tho Walla Walla Watchman says:
Last Sunday soma 30 men, including tho
civil engineers, left hero by train to
commenoo tho survoya for tho N. P. It.
II. Co. They wero outfitted in this city
with mules, wagons, harness, provisions
and camp equipage, at an cxpenso of
about $3,000. Tho wholo party (ward
ed the steamer "Northwest" nt Wallula,
for Priest Itapids, at which point tho
work is to be bVgun, and vigorously
proscjutcd each way. As near as we
can learn tho company intend to put
the routo between tho mouth of Snako
River and Pen d'Oriello Lake, a distanco
of 208 miles, under contract this season,
with tho expectation that it will bo com
pleted in 1880. Tho object of commen
cing work nt Priest Rapids and running
both ways, is to determino tho practica
bility of building a, rood across the
Cascade Mountains to Fuget Sound.
Last Summer a feasible pass over these
mountains was located, and it is tho in
tention now to connect it with tho
Columbia river. There is no reason
to doubt that it can bo easily
done, Tho party working east from
Priest Rapids will make connection with
the main line from the mouth of Snake
river, on the shortest practical rout. The
idea seems to be to build the branch
road over the mountains by tho moit
direct route. It would sem, however, to
one not an engineer, that it would be
cheaer to havo only one bridge over the
Columbia river. Col. Doane, the chief
of the engineering parties on this coast,
has gone to jierEonally inspect the Snake
river and Palouse countries. Upon his
report will depend tho location of the
main Una Every indication leads to
tho couoluiJon that the N. P. RK. Co.
aro in real earnest about building this
eud of their railroad.
A LarRo Slrsd Blase of Astoria
This morning at threo o'clock, tho
slumbering city of Astoria was awakened
by tho startling Rhtick of lire, and tho
clamoring of tin alarm belN. Hcforo
tho department was fairly out flames
began shooting up through tho roof of
irciichartl fc Upshurs sum building,
and in a very short space of timo tho
entire building was enveloped by tho
dovouring clement. Tho firo had gained
such headway that tho department was
powerless to savo tho building, but thoso
in tho vicinity wero saved. Trenchant
(t Upshur's loss is not yet stated. Their
stock, consisting of ship chandler's goods
and general merchandise was insured for
310,000, $5,000 in tho London, Liver
pool and Globe, and $5,000 iu tho North
liritish and Mcrcantilo companies, by
J. Unclnnaii ,t llro., of this city. Tho
building was 30 x 100, ono story and a
quarter, formerly occupied by Ocorgo
Flood. Tho loss and insurance on this
is not statod. Tho origin of tho firo is
not known ns yet. It is reported that
Tfcnchard & Upshur will continue busi
ness as soon ns tlioy can got fixed.
Tho Siuilaw.
Tho Guard says : Mr. II. C. Perkins
and party, for tho last six weeks havo
been engaged in surveying a road down
tho Siuslaw river, having completed their
work, returned homo last Wednesday.
From them wo learn that tho survey was
commenced about 23 miles from Eugene,
and oxtended u distanco of 37 miles to
deep water. Tho point at which tho sur
vey was finished is 20 miles abovo tho
mouth of tho river. Tho only hill on
tho road is about 300 foot high, but
thcro is about a milo in which to ovcr
coino this height. Walton crook is a
stream floating into tho Siuslaw. Tho road
crosses this creek about 28 miles from
Eugcuo, and follows down its course,
Uio bottoms of which arc about u milo
wide, of rich and fertilo land, until it
enters tho Siuslaw. Tho Siuslaw val
ley will avcrngo onc-lmlf milo wide, and
liko tho vnllny of tho Walton creek has
a soil thnt from every uppcarnuco in re
markably fertile nnd" productive. It is,
however, covered with a heavy under
growth of vino mnple, iialmou borry nnd
other shrubs. A number of small creeks
ompty into tho Siuslaw, and numerous
homes could bo umdo in their bottoms.
Tho population along tho river is estima
ted nt about 150, but thcro is room
for several hundred more. This road
will open up a part of our county that
has hitherto amounted with us to noth
ing, nnd mnko rapid settlement of it pos
sible. J. H. Turner Speaks.
Portland, May ID, 1879.
Editor Uke : Gen. Howard, in n
telegram to Gov. Thayer, dated at Wal-
lulu, May 15th, bcratoH tho good pcoplo
of Umatilla county in a manner that
appears to mo to bo written with n spirit
very bitter for a high loncd Christian
gentleman nnd soldier that wo had taken
hitn to be. Tho telegram docs not con
tain n singlo cntiro truth. And the
great wonder to mo is how tho gonoml
could writa an articlo of that length
without telling ono truth.
I reside nt Pendleton and was thcrw
at tho times referred to nnd know
whereof 1 speak. Thomas, Dolknnpp
and Simpson wero nil arrested. Thomas
and Beiknnpp wero bound over and
brought to Portland, and Simpson was
discharged on his examination beforo
U. S. Commissioner Bailey, at Pondlo
ton. I assisted at tho prosecution, and
there was no evidence at nil tending to
criminato Simpson. Thomas and Bei
knnpp wero discharged by Judgo
Deady but wero not required
to appear beforo tho Statu court.
Tho witnesses wero called be
foro tho grand jury, as I am
informed and I know thoy wero sent for
at tho timo and wero in town during the
sitting of tho grand jury, and I know
Uio mon that aomposod tho grand jury
and know them to bo high toncd,lionor
ablo gentlemen and not hypocritical
Christian slanderers, and know they did
what thoy conceived to bo their duty.
These parties do not openly or otlterwiso
admit their guilt, nor do thoy boast that
they wilt repeat tho act. No men of
Pendleton over told Liout. Farrow that
tho law was in their own hands. No se
cret organization exists for tho puiposo
of killing Indians, and I can't beliovo
Farrow over reported such baso false
hoods to General Howard. No ono ever
threatened to shoot Farrow if ho pro
ceeded in his duty. No U. S. Marshal
or deputy ever feared to arrest Stanley.
I know this to bo the case, for I told the
U. S. authorities that Stanley would come
in at any time, and thoy told mo to let
him alone till Judgo Deady decided tho
cases of Thomas and Belknapp; and,
finally, no honest man fears to move
against these men. Every honorable
man in Umatilla county can certify to
the truth of the above.
J. H. Turner.
ItUw Daotk.
M. Bartlett Whitlow, an old and
highly esteemed citizen of Yamhill
county, died at his residence in Lafayette
on yesterday evening quite suddenly.
He "was 73 years of age, ami up to
Wednesday of last week he was engaged
in his usual vocation, though somewhat
feeble. His sudden Uking off is at
tributed to heart disease, to which he
had been for soineyrars subject. He
and his aged wife celebrated their golden
wedding on the 12th of June, 1878. It
is thought she will not long survive the
chock of bin death.
State and Territorial '
Honthrrn Orrgoo.
Tli j Coos liny News man has dug and oaten
new potatoes Irora his own g.ircian.
John Sullingcr, a yuunc man of Canyon
villo, has been lined for malicious misohlef and
Operations wero rcsumod in Couistock's
steam KAwmill at Latham tliis woes, with n
full forco of hands,
Tlio llosclmrc Independent say n larconnd
enthusiastic mooting Mas lately hold there in
favor of tlio Coos ltoy railroad.
A littlo bou of Mr. Cat-dwell was lately
drowned in South Myrtlo Creek, Douglas
county, while fishing in his father's mill dam.
A passenger from tho loner Willamette
lately jumped off tho train at Yoncalla, nnd
not being lulled or injured ran away, lint no
ono knows what ho ran away from.
Tlio ltosohurg Star is informed that Wil
liams li 1'lint havo abandoned their mining
ontcrpriso on tho North Umpqua, their claims
not justifying thorn in coutinuatuig labor.
At Yoncalla Friday evening, May 10, be
tween tlio hours of H and II, tho lioua belong
ing to Mrs. Wells was discovered to ho mi lire.
It is supposed tha houso was set on firo hy
tramps who had enrolled therein. Wu arc, in
formed tho honsa was insured.
They havo ripo strawberries iu Jackson
Marsh & Co. aro to build tho new Moronic
Hall at Oakland.
A Chinese, leper lately died at Applcgate
the best thing lie could do.
Tho toll road over Siskiyou mountains is
being put in first-rato condition.
Prof, and Ktato Superintendent l'owcll is
lecturing on education in Jackson county.
Crops look well iu Jackson county, but
warm weather will inako them look better.
Capt. A. P. Ankcny, who was looking after
mining interests In Jaokson county, tho
Times says, has loft for San Francisco.
Tlio Ashland Tidings says Colwcll, tho
Lakeviow moil contractor, who hat suffered
much tribulation, still carries tho mails.
Tho editor of tho Astoriau, Mr. Ireland,
land, has been to Douglas county, and gives
tho following items of his travels!
Father Thomas Newton, of Upper Astoria,
is afflicted with an affection of tlio ryos.
A man was accidentally but not danger
ously shot In tlio hand at Sand Island on Fri
day. Douglas county has over threo hundred
miles of county roads, nnd not a milo of it is
decently navigable.
(Jen. Joseph Lane is now a resident of
lloicburg. Tho (lenoral is feeling splendid
his health is excellent.
Undo Jessco Apph'gatc, tho sauo of
Yoncalla, still lives nt the old hnmistuad. IIu
isuuita feeble, but yet carries on his farming
Tho Astnrian hat tho following local news:
Six vessuls from Hongkong and clscwhrro
foreign aro over duo at this iwrt.
Mr. Thomas S. Ogden, formerly of Oregon,
brother of Mr. Win. Ogdeu of Astoria, has
located at Invcrcarpill, Southland, Now
Mr. Stickles informs us that tho boat re
cently lost by J. (1. Meglcr & Co., when ono
man was drowned, camo ashoro all riiriit near
tho cntrauco of Shoalwatcr llay. Tho net,
oars, anchor, and all tho tacklo was saved in
tact. Ceo. Hill bonggt a castor worth $75 for
$.1 73, und another man bought a keg of
syrup worthy! AOfor&l. So it goes. Tho
syrup man got indignant when told tho prico
nt retail, and concluded that it was his own
business, which it is. Sura ho yot n rclio of
tha wreck" at all events.
Tha proprietors of tho Astoria and Win-
JlUlllUtW IU4IHU lUIII.ailjr imiu U!IU hU VTUrik
earnestly, ami tney mean uusincss. A but
voying arty will 1m) put into tho field stance,
ami mo coriarauon w in not leavo a stouo un
turned, so to speak, to plaro this city ia tho
lino for recognition,
Wo learn from tho Avtorian that in conso
micnco of bad weather progress of work ut
haud Island has been very slow and tedious,
but tho wrcckinu company still havo a larro
forco of workmen employed, and will lo saving
Iron and machinery for threo months yot. at 1
least, donkey lioilcn, coudenser tuWs, etc., I
" . ., ,, , , I
Last week Mr. (icorgo Dean, ot lower,
ITaI. oli.... sin.... llin Mt..f lili.uiul .... I rt
ilVUM.t-111, MIWIIK fcl.U wk, ligRVU Ulf 111
pounds of beeswax iu ono of his fields. Mr.
J, II. Larscn picked up a largo pieco on his
way to this city from Tillamook, in tho samo
vicinity. This beeswax comes from tho
wreck of a vessel along tho coast, lost so long
ago that nobody of this ago can givo nuy
account of tho disaster. Sixty pounds of tho
wax was plowed up and saved lost year.
Wo tako tho following items from the
Tho ship Stonewall Jackson comes to this
port with papers from Col. Motby, of Confed
erate fame. Col. Mosby, is vico consul at
Hongkong, you sec.
Tho Ucpuhllo Wrecking Company will not
bo ablo to clean up salt ou tho transaction, so
to spook, but it will not bo because of tho lack
of sand that tbey do not do so.
A few days ago Mr. L. A. Loomis inula a
center shot and killed a largo black liear on
his placo in Pacific county. Ha wus fat, and
yielded a quantity of oil. TIo weight was
330 iKiunds.
The ship Tabor, from Philadelphia for this '
port, recently reporter as putting in at mo,
was iu collision with tho French bark Gene
vieve, from Peru for Liverpool. Tho liork
sank and tho crow was saved by tho Tabor,
which landed them at luo. Ilia sain a dam
ages were slight, and sho proceeded without
Tlio Walla Walla Watchman calls the N.
P. K. K. tho "Northern Procrostinator."
Hon. J. P. Schooling, a member of tha lata
Legislature from Linn county, is visiting
friends in Umatilla county.
Samnel Anderson, of U nut ill i county,
executor of the esUto of O, S. Jewell, de
ceased, sold to Charles Seclcy 2,700 sheep for
f-"00 but week. Tho shesp wero badly
scabbed and everything was counted.
The Pendleton paper says: Prom the way
parties ore going out on the reservation with
chain and compass wo imagine that nearly all
the lands are taken. We guess, however,
parties will have to wait a little while beforo
tbey take possession.
The East Oregonlan saysi IUnd and
Briggs have purchased about 6,000 bead of
cattle, mostly in this county, lor the eastern
market. Lana and liyan hare also about
6,000 bead and hare driven them East lately.
The latter firm bought considerable number
from tho stock men of this county. Over
$100,000 left in the county from theso sales.
fusel, a.
The Posts ays a chair factory is to be started
in Seattle.
Olympia is being conrassed for aid for a
wagon road from Cbehalis.
Kbey & Co. hare purchased tho salmon can
nery at the month of Salmon river.
j The Olympia Transcript says Hon. Kb
I wood and family havo moved from that plaoe
to New TMsoma.
I Tho Seattlo"Pct says a longshoreman and
fisherman stolo a boat at Illskily and started
for British Columbia, but brought up in jail.
Tho Kxpcrimcnt says tho Coast ltango pre
sents a beautiful appearance as it catchoi tho
lingering rays of sunset these lino ovonings.
Tlio stockholders of tho Lewis County Ag
ricultural Association will meet at Chclmlis
on thu 2tth inst. to appoint a timo for holding
a fair, and to inako arrangements for it.
Thu pooplo of Cloquto have been bilked by
a man known as frank Athens, who took jol
ho did not finish, and borrowed money to
vamoso with. So a correspondent writes tho
Tho Grand Hondo (iarctto says: In tho
coso of tho Stato of Oregon vs K. S. Mc
Comas, on a ehargoof libel, tho jury acquitted
tho defendant on Thursday, tho lCth inst.
Octl. Howard writes tho eonntv nffirrr nf
Grant comity, that, iu his judgment, Kort
Harney will not bo akindnned until addi
tional barracks and quarters aro furnished
Tho Cazetto savsi Never in tho hiatorv of
Orando Kouudo Valley has thcro ever been as
a crcat a fall of rain as this ecawn. Thcro
has been but ono week ninco tho first of
March that it has not rained nnilo bard.
Tho grass ami grain never looked better and
tlio reward ot tho liusliandmcn is sure. It
seems aa if I'rovidcnco had sent theso rains
to bring forward tho grass for tho poor cattle,
as they aro doing well and goodlicof is get
ting pientiiui,
vrirUniftto Vnllpy,
A. Harlow, of Suislaw. line n cat that is 24
years old.
Mrs. Orauvillo l'arrish died on tho inornini!
of the 0th.
Sovoral families from Illinois have settled
near Dayton.
H. C. row ell. near Albanv. has Jcxsev cows
and makes Jersey butter.
Tho Iliversido savs Independence talks of
celebrating the Fourt of July-
Considcrabla Summer fallowlne will bodono
by Suiilavi farmers this season.
Joseph Garrison, near McMiunviUc. cap
tured a litter of young cayotcs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. II. Uutler. of Polk
county, celebrated their fortieth birthday lost
Itusintss men at Ualsev aro buildinc a bis
water tank, to hao a supply of fluid in rasa
of firo.
Marion Wilkin, of Kurono. is taking n
trip to l'alouso, and Horace Strattou will
soon return thither.
Tho Guard learns that two nttcmuts havo
been inndo to burn tho blacksmith shop of It.
luimaKcr, ixing loni.
Itcv. K. N. Condit. of Astnna. has been
called to tho asUirata of tho Pint Presbyte
rian unnrcn in Aiiany.
A now road is to ho Immediately graded
from Suislaw to Coltaim Grovu. titer UK)
diys uork arc nlready subscrilcd.
Tho IWn Tall: has discovered two mora
Moxio-m war veterans iu Salem, P. S. Olovcr
and Win. ilrown, making six in all.
According to tho Yamhill Kotwrtor ono
effect of tho wet Spring has been to produeo
wob.footcd chickens for 1). II. Crawford.
Tho hills nlMiut Yaquina llay nro said to Ui
well stocked with deer, miming iu bands,
with a fair supply of cougar and bear.
John Uoland Heard drew n revolver on
Charles Charlton, ono day last wook, at
Loliauon, nnd S. Claughtou lined them 910
T.wn ...... it., lt.lnl.u 4 IiiiIa.uiiiI.ii.i. ...milii
took to fight ciit their difference with their
fists, according'tO'lho code not thu "Deady
eolo." 1'ity tlio l if ad y code conlcln t settle
it lor mom.
Tho Kupciio Guard luivm As Mr. J. W.
Hkagg was driving his team through ono of
J coupled, throwing Mr. Skaggs out on the
our Kiroua i nuay niiqrnoou, irio waguu nn
ground and breaking his right leg,
Hov. Mr. t-'ullwood, of Oregon City, has
declined tho calls extendod to him by tha
church iu Wulla Wnlla, W. T., and Santa
lloM California. Mr. S. will remain In
Oregon, and go mi with his work m his prc
cut parisn,
Pete Law son, of King's Valley, carried n
fluk of powder and somo matches In his
"pistol pocket" up lost woek, but now ho ho
uj-il i'ul 4li da Aiin nj lis ftmlis lita tnn 4 tin
110 domo of his trowscm and his lost i.ockot!
ti.i h will mrrv imtliinL. thnro but hoIUIm.
Tho Transcript says: Winter wheat looks
,.n .,,,1 ;. r.; (,Xu- ir.cn, (nM,..i,ir.i,
... . .. ... .
ou tho uu-lauu, tho ground well covered.
Spring will bo lato in n good many localities,
although hopes of n lato Kail. lands de
signed for Spring grain has been too wet in
many places for sowing.
A lorrvsponrtrnt of tho fCugena Guard
writes from Irving,' Lono county: Thu lato
rains havo damaged tho farmers iu this vi
cinity very much, as it will lie somu time
before tho sloughs and law lands can bo put
Iu. Groin that is in tho ground looks very
well and tho protects for a good yield are
The Yamhill, Iteporter saysi Our roads ore
almost as bad aa Winter roads, and peoplo
ara wishing for a few days nf suushine.
Prom all inquiries we do not think the Winter
sown wheat will be damaged, but soma of tha
Sprios sown has bceu washed out, and the
low lying liottom lands ore too wet to so'w,
and luuih less of that kiud of land will bo
sown than was first intended. This is the
caso all round us, and tho Spring sowing will
not uuiount to tha average.
Parolo'a Victories,
Our American cousins hao on thu
ruco-courwi fairly taken thu hnckbono
out of uk. Hut a fuw days ago and
almost to a man we wero prepared to bet
our bottom dollar on England vs. Amer
ica on tha race-course, but our liottom
dollar would havo gone, and now wu fain
acknowledge that we must concede tho
priority to tho horso from over tho sea,
for it is mora than probable that at tho
present moment Parole is the best horso
on the English turf, except, porhnjxi, his
stable companion and fellow-countryman,
tho Duke of Magneto. Itut still they
claim tho credit, and still remains the
sting that in a few years foreigners havo
won from us tho highest honors of our
turf in our national sport; and we must
acknowledge the American rucchorwi
and mind, it ia asserted by men of honor
and judgment that Parole is not tho best
horse in his country to be equal, if not
superior, to anything wo have on the
English turf. Therefore it behooves us
to look about and discover why these
things should be; if they are but the re
sult of our decidedly, to a great extent,
wrong system of breeding; or, whettver
we must not submit to it on the princi
ple that like begets like and that hnincc,
Germany snd America, breeding , from
thu best htraiip nf English blood, 'must
Ui expected t Hike their o.u part in our
big races tor Uio tutun-, -lxnidoii ritlil.
Tho Harrisbnrg Nnclons says: Oco. W.
Isaacs, of liutto Creek, will drive a band of
about 200 head of cattlo cast of tho moun
tains about tho middle ot this month, M.
Hanlcy, A. Carlton, Chas. Jones nnd J,
ISradley will start nlioutCOO head of cattlo for
Grant county from liutto Creek about tho
loth inst.
Dr. Mlutlo's ''Spoclnl" Ulcihclncs
Aro mado from thu host materials obtainable.
They aro not cure-alls. They aro favorite
prescriptions that havo been tried nnd tested
for years iu Ins extensivo practice, until now
thoy aro absolutely perfect in the troubles for
which they aro recommended.
Tho Nki'IUieticum works wonders iu Kid
ney and Uloddcrcomplaints. Thoso suffering
with Dropsy, Ilright'sdiscosc, Diabetes, Gravel,
Retention of Urine, Pain iu tlio Hack, Incon
tinence, or any disease of tho Kidney nnd
Bladder, will be aetonished at relief ono bottl
will afford.
For Pemolo weakness it is nbnlutcly with
out nn equal.
Por all derangements of thu Liver,
Usu Dr. M in tic's Knglish Dandelion Pills.
Por lliliousneas and Dyspepsia,
Use Dr. Mintio'h Kuglish Dandelion Pills
Por Fever and Agne,
Uso Dr. Mintio'a Knghsh Dandelion Pills.
Kvcry family should not fail to keep tho
Dandelion Pills on hand.
See what tha drussista say about Dr. Min-
tio's medicines! "Everybody sneaks highly
-' It M'.l...lll. .1..3.tl
V. 4, U W14nHIH Hi Wi Ul UIIH.
"Ail wno taico tncui recommend
them." John A
Child, druccist. Portland.
Abrams k Carroll, wholesale drug-
irists. San Francisco, snv: "Wo record Dr.
Mintio's Ncphrcticum as tho best Kidney and
Rliuldpr rpmpilv hftfnr. ho tmlilie " All
remedy beforo tho public. All
druggists keep
i these tnvdiciucs.
Anjose anwrrla so atfcrthemtnt la (be
VUIUNETTK riUMKU sill confer a flucr upon
M by styliR- Ibat Ibty law It la (be WH.UHKTTE
Choico, Hoalthy Italian Boos
Ale, I'uig luUlan (juraiK, Jnlr, fSOOinuli, Iklluritl
nn run or itvauwif AdilrtM or apHjr In
mjlS-lm Cor. Uiant am) front Six., CurtUnJ, Or.
lumbbrT "Tdmbeb!
Poncing, rioorlnc and Hustle
A rpccJilty. l'lannl or teitcn tutnU r ilulh end at low
rein, onion pron.pOy nilwl. Ulll die nulu uutot
Mnt'fly . fiWAKTZ, Ivoprlctor.
Oregon State Fair, 1879.
Sweepstakes to Closo Juno 1st.
ICunnlnc I'or Tvo-Yeur-OId
l'reuiluin uf (SO(l lor two-xtamlJ, duh of 0110
mile. Kntiiwrvf, hall ttHlill; Mitruira uiil ftttlbi
to We wMetl to Ui une. TotJinoJuno lit, lfc?P, uul
lo lAino coit cmi day prvtf(Mjslotlioia(V,
lit premium (HO CO
vi trnmum, ln utiruii.i wuiMif'v.
3d primlum, HtuatnJiru! aUtVr
In lli Uln lor niniilnc anil ttottlni;, all sbutcm
khill lo ln BJs and liau Ixiu In UklnlnK,
TrotllDi--iror Threo YrarOlilii,
Premium or VSUO lor l.'iru-ycM.Uj, milo
bndn 3 In 6. Kulmnra IM, hall (orlclt: witrauce and
(ortrlu atlilinl to Die riurae. Kntrles Vt cIom Jum Ut,
KTi, Ui namo the ttill on Ui day )mkma to Ui no.
lit pmufum , U00 CO
zo premium, iwoiniua or iijuier.
3d pri'mluui, nnialndtf ol kUikp.
ltntrii rrrolrwl t)f Hi undridiriiol, l.o will tflt
further tnrllculan wbtn nwM.
inMil howtturjr U, H. A. P.
Printing Material For Sale
Hiving a liuml.r of mlra C1IASKH, UTAKPH,
OAHKH, lc., on luuiJ, I will Mil Umui at reatoiialilo
tunt. Ttiaituunt r aMortcd slim, U.! tsilVlor
lour j-f pri Z7at0 tor rlt!ir luur or i(ht put
ittrwr: Matt ti titlirr toir or clvliviiam mutt: mil7
Inr lilhtr luur or it'littfu japer ill lnul fcf
iniw, au ui ir.
Tt, kndar put UlUnf villi tMit itftvf, and
ut f-oiUlW.
tiuuit ct ths am are lor Utgv jub .int
AW), two lull out. el A Nu. 1 IIKKVIKIt TVPK
Ironi Johiuon'a foivulr,
Hcnd lor parliodara to
r. a lUAimc,
I'kiu.nr 0c.
A Y'KAH ul rbvji Iu aftnu. Outfit fit.
Addna I'. U. VlCHKltV. AtruU. V!alu,
Wool, Hides and Furs, ( rain Bags,
Burlaps and General .Mercliandlse.
Cor. North Front and O 8t
XosrtlsanxS, Oreion.
Oftsk AdTJtscts MCm4e asdOoailfa
bU SoUcltai.
may9 3ra
Until ) ou pie oliat Km tern
cuuiplUlied ly Dr. rUroa'a UU
Iniintlun. fa fnd lur umiph.
UtaiHl ru-rui'ilUtfuctluJuurnaL
siA;.u;riu klaVtic thuks
CO , Boa Sacramtnto St , Fan fruUio, Od. marMy
' 4
Hides, Furs. & Pelts,
2 Coionifirc'kl nt.. SALKM, ly
, ' tris'l
iPor -A.11
OK Till
Fur Debility, Loss of Memory, IndlspoiU
tiou to JCicrtlou or Business, Shortness of
Drouth, TouHnl with Thoughts of Disease,
Dimness of Vision, PaIii In tho Hack, Chest,
ami Head, l!uih of Wood to tho Head, l'alo
Couutcuancc, and Dry Skin.
If thess symiitonis aro allowed to go od,
very frcquoutly Kiiluitic Pits and Ccminmp
tion follow. When Uio constitution becomes
affected It requires tlio nid of nn invigorating
incdicinu to strengthen mid toon tip tlio sys
tem wliidi
lly any ruuvdy hnown, It is prescribed by
tho most viiiluriit iliyirir.nn all over tho
world, iu
Acheo and Fain,
Gonoral Dobility,
Kidnoy Diseases,
Livor Complaint,
Norvous Dobility,
Epilopiy, '
Head Troubles,
Gonoral 111 Health
Spinal Dlsoacos,
Nervous Compl'ts,
Female Complaints, etc.
Ifuuloclif, 1'ain iu tLo Shoulders, Cough,
Diuiocu, Sour rltoinach, Kruptioaa, Dsd
Toato In tho Mouth, i'alnitaHou of tho Heart,
I'aJu in the rogion of tho Kidneys, and a
thousand other painful symtoms, aro tho off
springs of l)yspcjia.
InvigoratoB tho Stomach.
And stimulates thu torpid Liver, Dowel,
ami Kidneys to healthy action, in clttansuig
tho blood of all impuritiea, and imparting
new lifu and vigor to the wholo system.
A singlu trial will bo qulto sutlicicut to
tonvinco tho most I.eaitatlDg of its valuablo
remedial qualities.
Or Six Bottles for $5.
Dctivrrod to any oddruu freo from observa
"l'atiuita" may (.oniult by letter, receiv
ing tho som attention as by calling.
Competent 1'hysicians attend to correspond
tnts. All letters should be addressed to
Druggist and Chemiit,
FhUadolpbia, P.
See that tbe Private Froprl.
tary Stamp Is on each bottle,
. .! tai