.V WILLAMETTE FARMER. I flillatiutit arawr. imckd kvkrt nuDAT, ur db C7X1-A.IC3-, rmiummn.1 and rnornniToits. Tcrraa ofWubiiorlpllonl Ooe copy on yoaf (JtnumUr),'.'01,,"f",,J'- "" n cop J nil inoiiUil (a,nubw) 1 25 Ono cop Uiroo tnonUui (IS iiuoiUti) 76 tSIT II not paid within l month, t3 fill I lUrril one year's lubecrlpllon. rOllTIiAND, MAY 23, 1873. TELEGRAPHIC. L'AHTEItN STATES. Hllter rielicme. WisiiiNOTOM, liny 17. Senator Haynrd is understood to hold tho following vlowa on tho pionoalUoD to wio diplomatic moans to iniluco Ktiropenn nntlons to join in n confer onco to rcftulnto tho nilvcr dliHrally: Con irrcns is to bo pressed to appropriate $20,000, bcliorici; that tho northern nnd orcn tho Ijntln nations o( Karono will oncccst Bomo- lhlnir. nnd tho l'residont to 1ito diBcrotion of entering any European conferonco that may bo called on, suggemeu uiiriut; mo re cent of Concros. It is statod that no oh ioctlon exists to this nppronrlntion. Jonas of NiTftdft is understood to bo 1U promoter. The Western Army. Uonoral Sherman says that military nffjlrs wcro noTcr so woll arranged In tho Wct as ow, and thatOoneral Bllerldrm has reduced everything to an admlrablo and cHocUto sys tem, rcruioa rmiMnu. In rcsponso to a letter addressed by Bocro tary Hcburz inquiring what amount of funds can bo mado avallablo monthly for tho pay. sent of arrears due upon pensions allowed prior to January '25, 1B70, tho secretary of the treasury states that including tho amount already paid, $2,600,000 will bo available prior to July 1st, and $11,000,000 monthly thereafter. At this rato nearly tho wholo of tho noit fiscal year will bo required to com. pleto tho payment of Iheso arrears. Tho aammiiiloncr of pensions, in view of this bas Issued n clrculur letter to applicants for arrears, saying that n comparr.tivoly small number of cases only can bo adjusted month ly, aud therefore homo delay may occur in tho settlement of claims; but settlements wilt bo mado In sach order as to dlstrlbuto payments equitably among tho sovcral pen sion ngonclos nri near as may bo. t'oiulns Wml, i'.i-Hccrolury (lea. O. (lorhum nnd family loft Washington to-night for Han I'rnnclsco, whera they will rrsldo. (lorhani says thcro is no truth In tho report that ho has formed connection with a now morning paper In California. I'liilltw on Hllvrr. Hprlngcr'il nincudtiionl, giving tho pro lit of silver coluuga to tho i;ovcrnmcut as amended by Kwing, wan defeated yeas, fi8; nays, 121. tVilNan'N Ilrxlrnu Itlll. Tho House Coruinllteo on Foreign Afnilm has authorized Wilson to report with favor alilo rocommoudatlon, his Joint resolution of April Hint, providing for further treaty ne gotiations with Mexico. NutMcrlptioni, Hubscrlptlons to tho 4 per cent refunding certificates to date, $15,808,720. NMimp Nlrnlrr. Nkw York, May 1H. William Oordcn, n mill clerk iu tho employ of M, 11. Olallln .t Oo,, lias been errcMtil charged with swin dling his employers of nearly 10,000. Ho confessed his guilt and said that ho was first tempted to steal nitwit of postago stamps by Thos L. Huiltli. n follow clerk. They ill- vldexl tho proceeds dally for two years, when Uordon itulorinlnod to stop stealing, binim threatened to expose him if ho did not con tinue tho pcaulations, Hmllh was disoharged for neglect of duty six months ngo; but still kept a hold on Gordon, and compelled him to continuo Mealing stamps. Hinlth wi also arrested and doulv (Ionian's story. Hurled Allyr. Haston, l'u., May 17. John nud Jtobort lloai), miners, cro burled a hundred feot beneath tho surface this morning by tho caving of oro, ltoatli rn Trotter. l'lilLiUKU'iiU, May 18. Tho bay inara Nettle, by Hysdyek's Uambletonian, dam by American Htar, with n record of U:1H, died jeslerday from blood poison caused by pick ing up n nail, Nteamer Nunlt. l'novwKMCK, Mar 18. Tho sUiaiucr Ash laud, of the Olydo line, from New York for Fall Ulver. In ballast, was totally wrecked ou l'olnt Judith lust night In n fog. Tho crew was saved. Calorrtl t'autrutlnu. HlciiMONi), May 19, Tho convention of colored deWuUs met here to-day for the , purpose of considering mutters connected I wltu tue wrlmre,rli;lilH nml improvements nl . the coudltlou of their roci. llewihitlo is wore adopted that the rights of tho colorod man cannot bo obtained hero In tho mldnt of uncompromising opprcsiors of Iho race where tho Htste van opprvsi nud nbrldgtt their privilege, iw In thu oaid nf Kinney Hall, wliero Judge Hughex ol thu U. H coutt decided sin h iinirriags lllv(il. Ttio I colli lioun coiicliided with u ri'OoinuieiuUtiou to Ilia colored ravo thrtiii,hut the South iu or csuUe thciuselvts lulu migMtloii iucu;u-h for tho purpo.o nf lulng tho Houthcin Htates. providod their rtiudiliuii J not bit. ' tired by thu authorities of tho Stale. A lengthy debate, dialled, A llrcesu tVoin ll.lii IIostox, May 19, A tpvcUl M'svion of tho Now laigliiiul lteform l'agnu Las in gun. Socialistic idraa iu tho inott rollcjl ferm ate eniliodlcd in tho resolution!, Uremt an the f'tilmr. Nkw YottR, May 19, Advices from Gn enilGraut to April, represent a very anxious feeding throughout Al renpectlng rentrio tlons ot Chlnrae emigration to America, tlraut'a response to the address of Chlueke uiercbauls tit Penang, In which they aek his "powerful lollueucu iu their Uhlf to advo cate thu luiuuv.il ol tlioto rcttrictluns, nu.1 thus rv.toiu lli'i liiti'ictiiirse bitwtvu lliu two uatii'Ut la lt fmii.ii lo.itliig,"wsa ver) dv cliied ii'i.uiii.IImii.'.i ii(.u.imt the couiturt system, wh ch hu i inland tJ be slnviry, Ou thatpoiuthu wiUt i "Amiticaus will nat urally fetl ktningly. It waa In order to free oue race from sUverv that we fought n loug war. After the terrible aacridces made dur iug that war to fre the utgro.it oould not be expeettd that Aiueiicaua would consent to the revival in auolher form of slavery, in which the Chinaman was the victim." He aald that ihla was Ihe objection en the part of tho Americans to dilutee I immigration. Iu other icspcte they hid uoue but the kiudest fetliuge toward the Chinese people, and who would vxttud to them it they chose to make their home with us, the welcome they ex. tended to the rest of tho world. Iu his ad drear hu dues nut ouce allude to the preju dice ajjsliut cheap labor, nor to the peculiar aeutlme .Is of California. He doubted, and no one could but doubt, that iu the end, uo matter what agitation might for a time effeet at homo, the American people would treat the Chinese with kindness and justice, and not deny to tho freo and deserving peoplo of that country, tho asylum they offer to tho rest of tho world. A HmtoU Ilevaliilloit. Tho steamer Alps which arrived to-night brings Panama dates to tho 10th. Troubles In Htato of Caiicn nro virtually ondod. Graces, former president of that Stato, and all party leaders who wcro associated with hla in Iho Into rmolatlon aro prisoners of war. Their followers aro dispersed, and their arms fallen into tho hnnds of tho na tional party. Tho HcrtadisUis Htato is now secured lor tho party of which Gou. Frujtllo is head, and his candldato for tho presidency of Uio Columbian union almost certain at olection. rivo Slates out of nino havo do clarod in fuvor of Ur. Munez, tho Trujlllo candidate In tho meantime, Gen, Ilcnjifo, I cnndiibto of tho opposition party, h using every exertion to sccuro inn own olection, but tho loss of tho Stato of Cauca upon which ho depended, and needless severities practiced by him against his oncmlcs in his own Htato (Antlsqua) aro weakening his hold upon tho peoplo thcro, which virtually defeats him. It Is generally believed that ho will not accept defeat without n dospcrato strugglo, which may involvo tho country in sorlous disturbances, All Is quiet in Ilogota, and generally turonguotit tuo country. Gen. ltenjlfo has announced his intention of executing Gen. Mainlands nnd soveral offi cers who were captured at tho battlo of Ag uadas Honduras. Largo shipments of arms aro going forward to Honduras, although it is not known what particular nccessslty calls for them at tho present junctnro. KcvoIulloaUU to bo Hanged. 1'anav. via Hitw Yobk. May 17. Gen. Ilcnjifo has announced his intention of exe cuting uon. Marulamla and sovoral oulcers captured at tho battlo of Aguadas, on tho mound that thoy prolonged the revolution against tho government after they had lost all uopo oi success, lie lays down tho Uoo trlno that blood uselessly shed must bo avenged. Several Moxlcan afflceri captured rccontly in tho ranks of tho revolutionary party In Honduras will bo tried by court martial nnd shot. I'onlnl CbaiiKC. Wasiiinoton, May 19. Postal changes for the l'aclfla Coast for last wock offices estab lished: Lako, Lako county, Oregon, Samuel J. Hlcelo, postmaster. Uiscontiiiucd Mer ganser, I.ftko county, Oregon; Martin's UlufT, Clarko county, W. T. Postmasters appoint ed O. J. Geoghegan, Gates Creak, Washing ton county, Oregon; Levi Tollman, Chostcr, I.ano county, Oregon; Win. II. Hhanklln, Aon, Clackamas county. Oregon; Chas. 1), Puck, Alkali Flat, Whitman county, W. T.; Mm. K. P. Spinning, Humuer, Plotco county, W. T. Jrolnir I'ropn Iu Ilia Mlildln IVcst. Cnuuoo, May ID, -Tho Intor-Ocoan puU Italics nil analysis of nboiit 300 lottors which It has ri'colvod within tho past throo or four dnyH. They rcpresunt tho couditiun of grow- lui; crops tlirougliout tho Allttillo Woslcrn Htatcs, nud without uoticcablo exception every Htato rcportB that tho noroago of whoat nnd corn has increased nnd is iu fiuo condi tion. Kansas and Nebraska will liavo ri very largo incroaso In yield, nnd other Stated moderate lncrcaso. Prospects liavo uavcr been brighter, although for n whllo tharo seemed danger from drought. Arny t'li. Dunvxii, May 19. At ono o'clock this nf tcrnoou tho I)onvcr, Houth Park k Pacltlo Hallway reached tho Kenosha mimruit with tho track, and nt U:30 tho first passenger train reached tho summit, 10,100 feet above the sea love I, tho highest point yet attained by any railroad iu North Amoiica. Conl Hlno on 1'lrc. I'oTrhVii.LK, Pa., May 19. An cxteuslvo firo is rsglng in tho Koystouo mine, nud very serious results nro feared. IiATKii. Tho firo iu tho colliery is still raging. It is feared that it will bo nocossaiy to Hood tho mines, causing great damago and throwing many men out of work. Mimdy'a DixMlou. Ouiiu, May 19. Jcugo Dundy says ro- carding bis decision on tuo I'onca Indian roso that tho United States has no law or treaty nottlug apart n reservation in tho In dian Territory for Indians, nor removing thorn thereto, ur kooplng them thereon by force. His opinion dots not doclaro that Congrras might not mako such a treaty, but nit such authority has boon conferred, so fur as theso Poucas aro concerned. Urdrrrd Irnin flltkn. Wabiiinoton, May 120. Tho Alaska has been ordered to return from Hitka to Han Francisco. LUllaUvn Hill l'nksrd. The Heuato this afternoon passed the legis lativo bill by n strict party vote, Tim rrreduiMn'a Hank. A select committee of the Scuate an- ; jwlnto 1 to iuvitigato all matters pertaining to tun rrveumeu a having ana ltusl Co. met this morning. Every member was pre- ent Cif Aswell, Leopold and Purvis, com mUsloners appoints under act of Congrcsn to close up Uio ullulrs ot tho institution, miidu a statement of their operations to date, proumting sohedules showing the condition of thu company, and making suggestions as to tho eours that should bo pursued with re ference to the two principal items iu the assets, viz; real estate and notes; that the litter wtre Iu process of collection, but as to ii al rotate they doubled whether it would lw Htble to realize eu it at present without hiitKring heavy Ions, They stated that a dividend of thirty per rnt. hod already been p.ilil, ami they imped lit lore long to lx aule iu p.iy another dividend of twenty pet rent., n.ukiiig uuy jhtcuu, iu ail, Tney urged lliMl i;. .i ii'.nim cf vuabllug them to do thii. the i;-vii m. ii lit mirchaso the Fredmen'a Hank luiiliiiii i-i ittbiugtou, the greattr jv-irt of which U rt runted for the una of tho de partment nt j .it!?. Ti druflH ol WIU were submitted by thu couitiiUnlmtt r. ili'im d to truuifer the uiNlrs ot the couipuii to iho coniptrolli'r it cur rency ur snch other nllletruf the guverumeiit as Oougress might direct. The commU kiouers have heietofnre aiked to lx relitvrd from the duties imposed, nud ou suluulttiug these liills. rriteratnl that request. Iu bo Laid Over. Thu H'n)K am) Means Commltteo lo-dny iigitid to the fid.owmg rvMilutiun; Kfihrd, Tint thli committee will nut coiuidir nt thU sriskion any bills or juiut Kkiiliitliins ullVcllii' iho revvKues; and that all such uiensurrs khull Im laid over uutil the regular Mh.icii in Decembtr. Ur Malkrr rirml Out, An cpUode oeourred in the ladies' gulleriiM to-day, ixtiixfi no less than the forcible rjeo tlon of the iaiuoua l)r. Mary Walker, who, besides wtailug hr noadewript maacullua apparel, to-day sported a man's .-aue, with which she applauded Vauce enthusiastically, and disregarding two polite warnings, was, upou the third orTriwe sgaiust the Henntr, very promptly led trout the nailery and ecu. duottd to the outer door of the Capitol by oue of the Capitol police. Hulclde tss Araajr !. St. lK)ctx. May 19. Lieut. O. M. Carrowa ot the 7ih cavalry, blew hia brains out In a loom in the Planter' nouae, at about four o'clock this afternoon with a nary revolver. No cause is assigned for tho act. Ho came here from Iho East whero he had a surgical operation performed on his knee, about Jive weeks ago, and was on route to join hit rogl ment at Fort Tincolu. Louisville Jtriccs. LouiiiviiXB, May 20. Tho race, mile heald, between Peru, King Faro, FJlit How ell and Victim, waa very exciting nnd iomo fast timo was rnadn. King Faro won thu first heat In 1:11; KUa tho M.-:oud in 1:12, and Furo tho third iu 1:15. I'loiiM Iilcn. Nkw Obleanb, May 20. Tho Sanitary os sociatlon has commoncod tho important work of systematically flushing tho streets and gutters with river water. HntiKlntr nt Jfobrnnlm. Omaha, Nob., May 20.--Orlando Casslcr was executed this afternoon at Seward, Neb., for tho murder nnd robbery of Q. L. Mnnroo in July, 1878. A mob toro down tho Inclo sure, und thus forced a pabllo cxcctlon, although tho law says that executions must bo private. Tho sheriff appeared and an nonnoed that a mob had prevented him from executing tho law to its fullest extent, but tho execution would proceed. Casslcr was porfeclly cool nnd collocted, and said ho hoped to meet his friends iu heaven. Ho did not falter or movo n muscle. Tho drop fell at 1:30. Tho drop was flvo feel. Tho nock was not broken. Ho slowly strauglcd to death, and In nlno minutes was pronoauccd dead. C'alilnel Clinnse, WAiuimoTOK, May 21. It Is staled that Socretary McCrary has decided to accept tho position of United States circuit jndgo for the 8th district, to be mado vacant by tho resig nation ot Judgo Dillon, hut will not lcavo tho cabinet before tho 1st of September ecu. Kellort nnd Hpafftircl. Tho Sonato commltteo on privileges and eloctlons have requested Kellogg and Spot ford to inform tho commltteo tho ntunbtr of witnesses they dcslro to call, and tho points of testimony thoy expect to elicit. Tho committee will thon determine the time and manner of commencing tho investigation. Will HealKii. Nkw Yobb, May 21. Prosldont O. U, Wright, of tho Northern Ftcifio railroad company, has announced his Intention of roiignlng his position, that he may bo ablo to g'iin health and strongtli to undergo a surgical operation for oataracl. Ho will re tain Ids seat iu tho directory. NlrlkcM In New York. Tho action of tho longshoremen, bricklay ers nnd other trades unions on utrlkc, or threatening to strike, Ib severely criticized by somo of tho morning papers. At a meeting ot tho bricklayers' committee, permission was given their men to work conditionally nt specified places; hut would not allow them to work on now buildings on any terms, snvo thoso which are Authoritatively prescribed. Tho Ilullotln says. "Wo havo it ou good authority that many longshoremen who havo been golug about idlo on tho wharves dtiriug tho last fortnight would bo glad to return to work on tho aloamsutp companies' terms but for tho ar bitrary decree of a similar commlttov; and there aro ovldouccsni llKo species ol dic tation nnd terrorism at Pittsburg, whero tho commltteo is busy organizinc anothor strike among iron and steel industries. Tho steam ship companies, unablo to net laborers hero. aro circulating printed hand bills in adjacent rural districts, oitcnng employment. Nihilism Iu New York. Tho Hussion consul goncral hero has re ceived n communication signed "Jlusslan llovolutlonary Commltteo," declaring that ho has uttered certain slanderous insinua tions nud Lobo falsehoods in n New York so ciety agaiust ono of our moW honored and trusted friends, aud warning him that he had mado himself particularly obnoxious to Iho ordcrly traaaftriu;t tc4Ui-tT9arxijll'tho oouUmptiula tiyslem oMtoinanoffcepolhsgo, and that ho sl:ouU persist In his infamy, tho consequences will certainly be disastrous to him. Xnrrow IXxuie. Cikoiwmati, May SI. W. Alien, who olonod with Jcnnlo Atchley, wifo ot n farmer of llatavia, Ohio, n fow days since, was cap tured in this city nud placed in jail at lla tavia. ThU morning a mob entered tho jail, seized him and hung on one ot tho timbers of tho bridgo over tho Llttlo Miami river. After hanging a fow moments tho rope broke, and ho dropped in tho river. Ho succeeded in gaining tho shore, nnd was taken ton hotel, where ho now lies Iu n bruited con dition. rOUHluN NKttS. i:iix!lH Airrleullare. Lcmiox, May 17. A Times correspondent to-day interviewed several Norfolk, LInosln- shire and Yorkshlro laud owners, who say that farmers nro falling right and left, which failures aro only known locally. Many landlord after reducing rents cannot get tenants. Several large owners are about to take their farmers nud work themselves. Several great Hcetch landlords havo reduced rents 20 and 30 per cent. To-day the Prince ot Wales' agent tu the llueby of Cornwall gave notice to tenants that In conaldcratUu of the present depressed state of agriculture a rtmUtlon of 20 per cent, frvui the renti for a period of three years would be made. Iu no mau'a memory has agriculture been o profitless. This is owing in part to bud harvests, but cblelly by the vast food impor tation from America, i'uudlllou ol i'aabntere. Ixmon, May 19, News from Cashmere is very bad. The increase of distress and famine joiued to incompetency, corruption aud want of organization ou the part of of tlclals, is producing a most serious stale of atUin . Ctioleru in Fukhawur is threatening to raise au nUil-tcie to the withdrawal uf triHipsfrom Afghauiktsn, The disease has appeared lu moat ot the cities of Puujaub and Uacolty, and lebbery by au armed gang is assuming alarming proportions in the Drccau and especially iu Ihe Poouah dUtrict. For some time past bands ot Docoila have lien kcoiirlng the country and committing daring attacks ou houst aud village!. They seem li form part of a regular organiza tion uudir tu comuiaud ot one Wassaldo ltulland, lately u cUrk iu the tlimuci.il de partment. They are kUkprCtwIot bsviutf set the lira which destroyed the government school, ltodaar lxdaoe, law courts, pot of. floe, police otUce aud fifty honsvs, in Foofilh on the uight ot thn 13ih init, Iu their re maikable manifesto to the llombay govern uiitt, they threaten another mutiny, and to out oil the head of thu Governor unlek AU trcasis rrlltvid, Thry inform the govern ment that uuleM au exteukioH of the lullic works is at onoo opened, employment pro vided for the people, native trades t ucuur aged, taxes reduced and salaries ot highly paid Guroneana cut down, they will not cease to plunder; and will exteud to the Kuropeaue what Ihey have hitherto confined to the natives. They will kill the Governor of llombay aud haug the judges of the court ot session. risuHseleJ Fallare. Loxdom, May 20. B. G. Thr.lfall, cotlou manufacturer, of Prtswn, has failed; liabili ties, 34,000, O. V. B. Smith, of Middlesborough, has failed; liabilities, 60,000. Lory Bolbo t Co., merchants in Spanish trade, East Cheap, . C havo failed. W. Polok & Co. and Bymons & Co., both nt ltottcrdam, have failed in consequent of thofallnreof tho Afrlckanlicho HandetsTcr ocnlglng. I'linlhtitiiriit I'or Murder. The SwImi tileblflcllo does not nctually re vlvo capital punishment, but leaves each Canton nt liberty (as was tho caso until 1874) to cnu:t or not. Itoth conditions of validity, viz. on nggregalo majority ami a majority of Cantons, havo been secured in favor of this periaisilvo measure. Catholics nnd Conservatives advocated tho measure, point ing oat tho iticrcaso of murders slnco tho death punishment was nbollshcd. Tho Darlrn Cm ml Cuiierc'i. Palis, Slay 20. At a meeting of tho Isth mus ot Daricn canal congrcsi to-day, Do Lessens said that their labors wcro nrogrosi- Inn ranldly and would probably bo completed by Hunduy or Monday next. Fontanes read a report stating that it would bo necessary in order to iuscro permanency of tho canal, that 0,000,000 tons of shipping should past through it annually, llo condemned tho idea of erecting locks. More flood. Fnsrii, May 20. Tho river Thelss ha In undated ninoty squaro miles of grain fields noar ltoosei Ilecsa and destroyed two villages. Tho river Dravo overflowed its banks nud destroyed hundreds of houses. miliary l(uiilnlloiis. IIkm-in, May 19, Tho Czar has deter mined to shorten tho period of military scr- vico in tho lino by thrcn years, which will permit an imenso increase in tho number of recruits. EMKllsb Crops nnd Markets. London, May 20. Tho Mark Lano Express says reports as to tho present nspect of tho country although not alarming nro not cal culated to afford farmers much satisfaction Tho damago already done to wheat Is not perhaps extensive, and n succession of dry. warm days, would go far to rcliovo tho pres ent nnxlcty. Provincial exchanges almost without exception wcro dearer at tho closo last week. English wheat has been marketed freely lu tho country, but sparingly at Mark Lano, and tmdo in Loudon has been marked by cousldcrablo firmness. Foreign wheat has been firmly hold, holders in occasional instances obtaining n slight adiancu. bhould tho nd verso weather continuo a rally may speedily talco place, as imports, although ou a fairly liberal tcalo, havo not been exces sive, although sales tho past weak havo been chiefly retail. Millers havo shown moro in clination to extend their transactions. A strong fenttuo iu tho trndo has been tho steady continental demand for cargoes of whlto wheat from California nnd Oregon. Stocks nro steadily diminishing, as most im portn havo gono direct into millers hauds, und taking nil things Into consideration, tho protcnt position of wheat is a firmer ono than it bus occupied for many months, Thcro has been very llttlo quotablo alteration in tho valtio of spring wheat, but trado has been inanimate, Malzo Is steady nnd nppenr nnccH seem to Indlcato that tho lowest point has bom touched. Hales of English whoat tho last week wero C7,279 quarters at 10s 8d per quirter, against 41,221 at C2s Id per quarter mo corresponding weeic tuo provious year. Imports into tho United Kingdom for tho week piling May 10th, wero 992,023 hundred weight of wheat aud 189,011 hun dred weight of flour, t Military Dlsplny for (irnnt. Hono Kono, April 0. Li Hung Chang, viceroy of Chehli and commander-in-chief of tho army, is preparing a grand review ot all tho troops at Tientsin for tho entertainment ot Geuoral Grant in Shanghai. Graut will be tho gacst of Vico Consul General llolloy. Tho IdUl IKibrlllou. .'Ihc.Xwnffln rcbelmovement isosbefore. No recent udvantago is reported on either side. (MCINU COAST. Kirn lit C'lilro. Cnico, May 17, A firo broko out last evening about 8 o'lock in n Chinese laundry iu uio cenver oi a uiocx on jiroauw ay uetwecn Third find Fourth ntreeU, burning Uio Cen tral hotel and bakery, and the laundry whero tho firo originated, tho saloon building oocu- fled by Joe Langdon, Newman's tin shop avIV marble works, Dr. Stansbury'a dwell- ing bouse, Hibbard's and Bommers' dwelling houses. Tbo firo crossed Third street and took in its course Shorwood'a carriage fac tory, raunutnr seconu-nana lurmturo store, Lucas' furniture store, Fargo'a blacksmith shop, extending to Salem street in the same block, totally destroying five dwelling houses ot L. Fargo'a nd a dwelling house belong ing to E. O. Nichols. The firo crossed Droadway to Newman Johnson's buildings, but was kept tiom getting hold on that side. One man waa burned in the Central betel. wheso naino cannot now be learned. The losses will reach in the neighborhood of f 00,000; prebibly 30,000 insurance. Halclde of Auditor Majrnard. San Fiuxcreoo, May 18. The body ot tho late Auditor Maynard was brought to this city last night. Tho report of auicide waa forrt. lie leu ms irieneu in the amalga mating room ot the livln mines, a tew mo ments, and went into an adjoining room whero a Chinaman was at work, picked up a carving knifo and complaining that it was dull, sharpened it ou a whetstone, and then stepped into an ice houee. Here he waa found sitting a few mouieuU after, having suDiied niuistll. "uosaliV'i have killed myself in a fit of mental depression," Four teen wouads wero fosud in his breast and abdomen, and be died In about three hours. Halo aad ttarea. It began raining this morning at about 9 o'clock aud bas continued briskly during the forenoon. The third meeting ot the Pacific Coast lilood Horse associat.ou, set for this after- uoon at the Uakland track, baa been post poned on account oi tne weather. A HIcMrMlov Sllery. San Fra-vcico, May 19. Some six mouths ago a Germau named L. Langbehm, accom punted by bis wife and two childreu, a hoy and girl, aged respectively six and four years took up his quarters on the vegetable ntucu about nve mile iroin Antiocb. Lang- bchm and his family were fresh from the Faderland. At half past four o'clock ou Friday morning Langbehm got up and pre pared breakfast for his nephew, and went to the neid to work, uoou alter bis children followed htm. At about eight o'clock Lang behm was seen bv Max Klein, a neighbor, to take tie two children to the adjacent tales. Soon after be was observed coming out of the intra without the children and walking rapidly tnu-xrd Ihe house. Immediately uflrrhe rtuchii' it, Mrs. Langbehm rushed out iu an rxciixt stab throwing up her bauds in despair, and lulling excitedly iu Germau, ThU ua followed uuUkly by the dUcbarge ot a gun. The neighbors ruihed to the scene. Air. x leek, a next door utishbor to Laugbehm's, reached the house first, and eutering it beheld a horrible sight Lacgbehtu was leaning against the wall almost doubled up and dead, with a double iMirtkd kbot guu grasped firmly iu his hands the luuzxl in his mouth aud his toe against the trigger. Mrs. Langbehm testified that her husband had always boon affectionate and kind to herself and children; that ho had no financial troubles, and was temperate in hU habits. Cnlllornln Crop. San FnANcisco, May 21. Crop reports re ceived to-day from nil parts of tho Stato aro vory promising. Tho Sacramento valloy will givo n good acreage yield, or moro. Tho counties north of tho bay nud np the coast never had it better outlook. Iu San Joaquin valley tho prospects nro oxccllout In tho lower portion, and good nbovo on ir rigated land; but tho upper portion not Irri gated will produco but llttlo. In Santa Clara valley thcro will bo u good yield, nnd south ern coast counties promise well except in San Dirao nnd tho upper portion of tho Sal inas valley. I'allrvinitii Shot. Kcgular l'ollco Officer P. K. ltogcrs, n na tivo ot New York, aged CO, shot nnd killed himself at his residenco, No. 123 Ellis streot", this morning. Decoasod alter broakfast oo. cuplcd himself in his room cleaning his pin tols, among which was a largo icgulntlon Smith it Wesson. Tho family in tho dining room heard tho mufllod report of n pistol and running to his room, found him seated in n chair nt tho tablu doad. lilood was ilowlug from n wound In his breast, Tho Smith & Wesson by on tho tablo pointing toward do ceased, ono chamber discharged. Tho ball went entirely through tho bony and striking tho opposlto wall fell to tho floor. Deceased had shown no ovldenco of an unsettled stato of mind, and it Is qucsllonablo whothcr doath was accidental or suicidal. Deceased was an old member of tho force, nnd is reported to havo been in good financial circumstances. Attempted Wife Murder. Santa Bos a, May 21. Mrs. John Ashcrott was found woundod and insensible in a barn on her ranch in llincon valloy this morning. Sho had been cut with a hatchet six or soven times, and is in a precarious condition. Her husband is suspected to be tho perpe trator of tho outrage, as a suit for dlvorco is pending iu tho district court here. 11 was seen to enter tho barn n shun timo beforo sho was found lujurol. n id nftcrwnrd scon to run for tho hills. A httto party of men searched tho nelg'i urhood and about 10 o'clock ho was found, arrested nnd brought to jail privately. Juit beforo ho got to jail tho crowd mado n rush for him and shouted "hang him." Ho was protected by tho constable, under-sheriff and Major Loucks, nnd locked up. Tho ex citement is intense. THe"DALLES ON EIRE ! Tho Business Quarter of tho City Almost Entirely Destroyed Tho names Still Raging nt tho Last Report. Tho following dispatch was received in Portland Wednesday livening by Cnpt. J. O. Ainsworth at 10 o'clock r. m.i Tiip. Dam-im, May SI, 1S70. A heavy firo is now raging nt this place Nearly nil the bunihc-s jmrt of tho town is consumed. Tho O. S. N. Co. loso thu nfllco hero aud vngino home. Moat all thu rust of tho property was saved. Tho railroad track through tho town has been damaged. Wo will commence to repair tho track nt day light in tho morning. Anothor dispatch furnishes additional par ticulars: Tho town is almost burned down. Tho O. S. N. Co's oflico and cngina liouio are totally destroyed. Wo think tho tiro is now under control. Tho firo commenced l.i the hotel, awl swept everything lieforo it on I'irst Street from Waldron's drug store and Moody 'n to tho Umatilla Homo, including that, and burned ono sido of Second Street clear, ns far at French & McFarland's. Tho firo crossed over and burned everything from tho comer oppoeito Fred Derbc-rs old stand down cs far as Michebach's shop, including Ifumason's brick, occupied by Mr, Newman, and burned up to Condon's law oflico, on tho corner ot Third Street. Thcro is soma danger yet. Tho precise hour tko firo broko out is not known; but it is supposed to havo started between 8 and 9 o'clock in the evening. After tho telegraph office was destroyed tho oper ator took his iustromeuts down to tho river below, and attaching them to the wiro en deavored to get Portland, As no ono lisp pened to bo in the office hero at tho time, ho failed to receive a responding signal. Failing to obtain a response, thu operator sent the news to Hood lUvcr. Tho dispatch was then sent to Portland, whero Capt. Ainsworth re ceived it at 9:30. A Land Mark Gono, Tho destruction of Trenchant li Up nhur'a 'buildiug nt Astoria, Monday, brushed" from that city na old lund-niark. It wns built in 18G2 by Capt. Flavel, andcnUrgoJ in 18C7. At that timo it was ono of tho best wooden structures in tho city. Tronchunl fc Upshur's loss is about $13,000, with $10,000 insur- mica Oapt. FIuvcl's loss on tho build ing is $3,000, without insurance, Tho building was old nnd dry and mado a hot lire, augmented by tho powder, oil, tar, etc., in it. The Astorian has tho follow ing incidonts of tho firo : Tho safe was opened Monday and tho contents found to bo in avurago fair con dition. A pearl cross, made from a string of pearls presented to Georgo Washing ton by Napoleon, was among tho prop erty saved. Tho string of pearls became un heirloom in tho family of tho Up shurs, and to our fellow citizen, C. P., tho cross descended. It was in splendid condition unphased by heat or smoke. The first engine ou tho ground was No. 2; tho first water was from No. 1. The Wonder and the Oniway were ready to setvo tho public with their steam pumps if necessary. Mr. O. W. Hume had steam up on his pumps, and Celestials ready with buckets to protect that part of town. Knappton bjw tho blaze and Captain Cousins came to the rescue with a sloop load of friends, followed by the Quickstep. It seemed like an hour to Mr. Itowe, the watchmnu, before a policeman put in an appearance after he Brst sounded th alarm. But it was only a few moments poesiblv. We didn't hear tho fire alarm bell, but "that dog of ours" made us bear him, and wa went to the fire. WHAT IS jnEUJSMt Tho word ovitlontly menns tho anni hilation of tho government and institu tions of despotic Russia, Ten years ngo tho intentions of thoso, so c.illod, wero not well dclineJ. Now they nro ac curately determined and contemplate a Republican nysteui, with Bocial structure without casto distinctions; encourage ment of industry and due consideration for labor. This is moderation from our stand point, but tho Kmporor of HuBsia cntinot mx it iu thnt light, and tho old nobility may sido with tho Cir, but no hateful has becomo tho nutocrncy of thnt empire that a great parly of tho nobility Ride with tho revolutionists nnd tho emperor cannot oven trust his hoI dicrs, nnd arrests of conspirators liavo been linulo from nmoiig tho officcra of tho guard. The best educated among tho nobility nro counted among tho ene mies of tho empire. In nu interview which n reporter of tho Hun lind with two Nihilist rcfugoon in Now York, tho fact was elicited that principles of Nihilism do not admit oC formal ranks and ilifltinctions, nud that tho community of ideas nnd unity of purpose aro duo to the constant dissem ination and interchaugo of viows which havo been going on for many yearn. Thcro nro no mad funatioH among them. All nro thoughtful politicianr. Thoso who nro too ignorant to bo thoughtful politicians nro not jiropcrly Nihilist, that is, nro not conversant with the secrets of tho society, but nro simply under oath of allegiance, and nro cm ployed in minor capacities in carrying out tho ends of tho association. No liberal minded man pretends to doubt tho abstract justica of tho cmisoofi tho peoplo ns oxprus-scd by Nihilism. Thu objection to this mighty movoment of humanity ngainst barbarism lien in the method adoptod. Asxiumination in hateful to nny catinc. Tho nttomptod shooting of tho Czar and tho killing of high officials nro regarded with horror by those outside of Russia who other wise hyiiipatliir.o with tho jieoplo. And the dislike of this murderous policy in incioascd by the knowledge thnt theno deeds aro not tho ell'ect of intianity or o individual fanaticism; they result from a carefully nlnnued nnd boldly professed lino of action. Uut Russians understand it. They know that thu revolutionist! nro simply following tho example of Uio Imperial family; that thoy nro practicing tho rulo of conduct by which tho Czar nud his family havo nlwnysrid tlicmsolvon of political cncmioH. Tho unmitigated Iiiwlcwincss nnd barbarity which mark tho scizuro nnd imprisonment of sus pected pci-Hoim, by tho thousands, Li suf liclcni. for tho most violent measures on tho other Hide. Tho Now York Mail says : AtmiiiKt so terrible n movement, Kecrot and irresistible, eating into tho very fam ily of tho CV.nr, all ellbrls seem to bo un. availing. Kvou if, in his terror, Alex ander obtains German Foldiers to guard him, who rait tell whether their ranks may not coninin Nihilists t Thoro is ab solutely no safety; and when tho climax come.'', nnd open warfare results, tho probability is that tho Nihilists will bo found more lenient and just than, tho Imjiermlistp. MoeeV Reservation Tho following is tho onler of tho Pres ident establishing n now lndiau reserva tion in Washington Territory. Kxr-cuTivE Mansion, April 19, 1879. It is hereby onlcrod that tho tract of country in Washington Territory, lying within tho following described bounda ries, vis.: Commencing at tho intersec tion of tho forty mile limits of tho branch lino of tho Northern Pacific Railroad with tho Okinakono river; thonco up Baid river to tho boundary lino botweca Uio United Htatcs nnd British Columbia; thunco west on said boundary Jino to tho forty-fourth degreo of longitudo west from Washington; thenco south on said degreo of longitudo to its intersocUtm with tho forty milo limits of tho branch lino of tho Northern Pacific Railroad; and thence with tho lino of said forty mile limits to tho placo of becinnine-. be and the Bamo is hereby withdrawn froaa sale and set apart as a reservation for tho permanent use nnd occupancy o Chief Moses and his people, and suok other friendly Indiana as may elect to scttlo thereon with his consent nnd that of tho Secretary of the Interior. R. 1). Havis. Oatai POSITIVELY CUBED f Maor who have raStml lor rein Kith thu (OMarrbXaad beta pronounced lnrunblt. bar kasa WW. inik, ucww vj ! imuMBi, aiaa waeap tnllmoaliU can be wea at m j offlce. I aba treat all caroaleaDd print dlmam, anj tctaak wwkneaaaa. MtdldBC acnt to aU parU ol Um country, ud all prop nmrtloni tuntni throvch Um nulla by a Lulaa turn afamna Ttaal.u. L.T.I a .A I . I . ... k.. . ... .'. - . clotlnf two ilinn. OOot tonraluiioa m. """ ., lurirtt St.. rorUaad, Orarea. Poat eOce box MB. Cut thlt cut uj wad it In ym DK. JAMI letter. pl