WILLAMETTE FARMER. rlona AooUUat. Whilo Mr. Al Horron was harnessing Ills team at Salem, ono of his horses, a ricloua animal. Btruck and knocked him rlnwn nnrl trnmnlnrl nn him. Aft. IxOr- Iron has a broken ntiklo, and is thought jto bo injured internally. Indian Soonts- General Howard has rocoived author ity to enlist twenty Indian scouts, tho fotco to lw finally increased to forty, for permanent scrvico in this department Liout. W. C. Drown, 1st cavalry, has Ixson appointed to tako command of them, and has gono up tho river to begin his selections of men. ,Tho Grand Pavilion Wo havo on our tablo a copy of tho pious of tho grand pavilion for the Stato 1'air grounds at Salom. It will bo 400 fflct long and about fifty feet wnlo. Ono half will bo erected this year in tiuio for tho noxt State Fair. Tho building will bo amplo and commodious, ami nn ornament to the Capital city. Portland Dry Dock. Wo to-day road n letter recoived by (Japt, J. li Biggins from Capt. G. C. Ooss, of (loss As Sawyer, ship builders, .Until Maine, dated April 30th, stating that one-half of tho stock for tho Colum bia river dry dock had licon subscribed in the East, and that ho had "no doubt tlioy could get tho othor half taken in Oregon and San Francisco." Tho prob abilities are that tho dock will bo com inenocd thin Summer. A XlolliBBM 111' It is repotted that tho capitalists who recently purchased tho iron works and tho town sito of Albina, arc making pre parations for tho operation of a rolling mill in that vicinity. It is said an order has been forwarded by tho proprietors of tho iron works for tho necessary ma chinery, and that railroad iron will bo zimdo together with bar and rod from tho pig as turned out nt tho Oswego works. This will bo hailed with pleas tiro by tho pcoplo of this section, to whom itH successful prosecution will ro tlouml with great ndvautage. Tho Turf. Messrs. Hybeo fc McCurthy havo now in training nt tho Stato Fair grounds ltyo Straw, l'orcia Knight, Mollio Mil lor, and a two-y oar-old named Dob Payne, belonging to Capt. John F. Mil ler. A trotting race, inilo hoats, best two in thrco, is announced to como off at Salem about tho first of noxt month, for a purso of $100. So far, Messrs. Olingcr, Kmorson and Lamport havo en tered their horses. Tho following is tho timo mado by Ityo Straw at tho Dalles race on Thursday : First heat, 1:58; second boat, - minutos. Dotting, slight odds on Ityo Straw. Portland Xookaalo'a Fair. Tho first meeting of tho incorporators, under tho charter, of tho Fortland Me chanic's Fair, was hold last evening at tho office of John Catlin, Dckum's build ing, and an organization was effected by tho election of tho following officors and directors : Prosidont, F. O. Smith; Vice President, P. Taylor; Secretary, John Catlin; Treasurer, W. S. Ladd; Hoard of Directors, Frank Dokum, Ira F. Powers, Charles Ilodgo. Tho President and Sco rotary wore authorized to petition the Common Council for n leaso of tho ground formerly occupiod by a skating link on tho cornor of Fourth and Ash htroots, for tho purposo of erecting n building for tho purpose named. A Metropolitan Institution. About tho 1st of July Capt. J. 11. Parish will throw opon a commercial reading room in this city, for tho benefit of business men. It will bo on tho sumu plan us those in Sun Francisco, St Louis, Chicago and all tha largo citios. I'ilcs of commercial papers anil reports will bo kept on tho tables, ami thoro will bo tolcphouo and telegraphic com munication. Only subscribers will have access to tho privileges. Tiiis is an in stitution that will be appreciated by overy businus iiian in this city. Tho rooms will bo amplo to admit of bocial meetings among business men. It ought to have been opened loug ago, but it ro quires some timo to inuko tho necessary arrangements, and Mr. Parish has them nearly completo now, ' A Curlositj. Wc havo lying before us a Commis sion, signed by the "Acting Governor" of tho Territory of Oregon, which was issued to F. Clark, of tho county of Ben ton, whereby he, tho said Clark, was "commissioned to bo Judge of Probate in and for the Eaid pounty of Denton." The document is dated tho 10th of June, A. D. 1850. This was nearly thirty years ago. Mr. Clark is now a Justico of the Peaco living in Dayton. Ho tells us that when ho first camo to Ore gon, wheat and peas were a legal tender. He says the people used parched peas instead of coffee; and others havo told us that their meat consisted largoly of dried salmon. Tho truth is, tho people of this upper country don't know what hard times are ; wo have lived too fast ; we have "put on too many frills j" we havo run ahead of tho hounds and the quicker we go back to first principles the bettor. It will be seen that our friend, Justico Clark, was on the Pacific Coast when Mt Hood was a mere hole in the ground. Dayton (W. T.) News. Warlike Whites. TJapravokad Attack on Poeaoafal Troatv Indiana -Ofloora Intim idated. Tho following dispatch has boon for warded by General Howard to Govcrner Thayer. Walmjla, May 15. To TUB QOVEKNOIl OF OllEOOM, SALKM: Under instructions from me, and guided by directions from tho U. S. District Attorney, Liout Farrow proceeded to havo prosocutcd tho following persons engaged in unprovoked firing upon res ervation Umatilla Indians, unarmed at tho timo and ranging as permitted by treaty, viz: William Thomas, Alfred Belknap and Georgo Simpson. Tho first two were bound over and sent to Port land and taken out on a writ of habca3 corpus to appear before tho Stato Couat Thoy returned to Pendleton. Lieut Farrow went to Stato Prosecuting Attorney Ison and gavo him a list of cyo witnesses to tho act of firing, but no action was taken by tho grand jury. Tim Hiimn nnrl ion oncnlv ndmit their guilt nnd boast that they will repeat tho act Men of Pendleton told Farrow that tho law was in their own hands. Farrow also rciwrta a secret organiza tion for tho purposo of killing Indians at nil times and placos not involving risk. Ho was threatened by anonymous lcttcni with tho samo treatment as tho Indians, via: Dcing shot if ho pro coedod in his duty. Tho U. S. Marshal having in his pocket a warrant for tho arrest of Stanloy, stood in Stanloy's iircscnco and feared to arrest him. lto iiablo citizens Bay that they are afraid to movo against theso men, dreading personal injury nnd loss of proporty, thrcatn having been made. O. O. Howaui), Drig. Gou'l. Com. Department Railroad to tho Columbia. A correspondent of tho Now York Herald says : General l)odjo informs mo of tho fact that tho Union Pacific power has decided upon extending tho Utah Northern from its prcsont terminus to tho Columbia liver and Portland, Oregon. Ono hun dred miles will bo built this your. As in dicating tho extent and reach of thus en terprise, tho following facts nro givon: Mil". Prom lUaekfoot to Dolio City.. .....-.. EM ToHnako lllvor . ...... (0 Bnako Klvrrto tliuOoluiubla via Grurnlo llonclu Vullev ?T0 Columbia to Portland. - US Total. Tho surveys extend over tho greater portion of tho route, and Gen. Dodgo is preparing a report on it Thoy show that a narrow gaugo can bo built for about 910,000 to (12,000 a railo. It is contemplated to start from somo point on the Utah Northern, say about tho mouth of Port Ncuf rivor, and to build as fast as tho country will support it, and county and Territorial aid can bo secured. Dut Mr. Dillon scouU the idea of aid from Montana, and says ho wouldn't accept aid. Ho will go and build whero ho pleases without aid. Tho first link will bo pushed to Doiso City, tho next to tho Columbia, whero water navigation is reached and branches will bo pushed off so as to connect tho busi ness of tho basins of the Dluo and othor mnges of mountains. FACTS ABOUT MARION COUNTY. lu response to inquiries fram tho Commissioner of Atriculture, Mr. Dan. Clark, correspondent with tho Agricul tural Doixirtmcnt from Marion county, fyimmnnipj t'S tho followim? information. . -0 , which wo compile from his answers: Tho extent of unoccupied publio lands in Marion county is pluocd at 350,000 acres. Unoccupied railroad lands in that county as follows: DutnnlAl ...'.K,r.7 wrr. ....vh,kio ucr. Uusurveycil ... Intnl......... (I3;.eu'. Unoccupiod lands owned by private parties, 100,000 acres. Average value per n era, of such land, when cleared, $20 jicr acre. Average valuo of timber lauds within 10 miles of railroad or river, $8 per acre. If fur tho r back on tho foot hills or mountain spurs, or up tho mountain streams, $3 to $8 porncie, according to quality and accessibility. Such land, advantageously located, has bold for $15 por acre, and it is worth 930 per aero to prepare such land for tho plow. Mr. Clark answers with regard to facilities for disposing of products, for p'urchaxo of supplies, freights, etc , and condition of roads. Tho oducational facilities are described and tho moral character of the community. He claims that tho annual emigration to that county averages about 1,000 persons a good class of people, rather poor than rich, from tho upper Missis sippi valloy. Our custom and terms of leasing land is from one to fivo yoars, and from $3 to $0 per acre, or tho renter gives one third of grain at threshing machine, ho furnishing everything, L e., farm imple ments, teams, teed, etc., or the owner, furnishing everything, receives one-half the crop in tho sack, or his granary on tho farm. In his replies to tho Commissioner Mr. Clark has given a very accurate btato ment of the facts, and such communica tions must do good by sending abroad accurato information upon many points that will interest people who desire to coma hem and nro not awaro of the facilities and advantages we possess and what social privileges wo enjoy. State and Territorial. Winnraettn Volley. lleaverton I to havo a hotel, kept by Uur banks k Tucker. Tho lsto K. N. Cooko had polioios of insur ance upon his lifo amounting to about $10,- 000. Calvin McDonald's second lccturo at Salmi was attrnilod by a small audience, tho Town Talk says. Paul Dennis, charged with stealing a silver watcli. in default of bonds, h in Marion County Jail. Tlin Statesman bavs (Jov. Tliavcr lias com muted tlio sentenco of liennct, confined in tho Clackamas County Jail. flcn. John P. Miller. John Gilmoro, Jimmy ShoriJan and Norman (Iwin, of Salem, aro veterans of tho Moxican war. Mr. Pittlturor. of Ilillsboro. found a "trap set to burn up his store, by igniting a camllo that would set lire to a Dale oi cotton. ltov. nnd Dr. L. h. llowlantl, ox-8tato Superintendent of Public Instruction, wjj last hoard from at "Iftllnhoro town," Scot laud, Dick Pitzpatrick of Salem has got into tho hands of Marshal Minto, into tho jail and into tho Statesman, bocauso ho is a vagrant duly convicted. Gov. Thayer hascommiasioncd tho following natar.os publio t L. A. Lcmau, Portland) K. M. Alattcson, Turner; .). ). uiair, ivicnaina; J II. Alberts, Salem. Sottlors nro coming to Columbia county by twos and threes who aro takiuc tin land and entering upon tho work of clearing thoir places witn zeal and energy. Wm. Martin cocaral In Woodworth's mill near Hubbard station, had two of his fingers taken oil by a buss saw ono day last woo. Dr. Ucisoy of Aurora did tho building up, etc. Tho Town Talk aavs Indian l'cto bit twlico- man Darker when ho arrested him tho other nlelil. Ilavou t heard whether tho Indian died from tho bito. Dut Hilly took l'cto prisoner. Mr. Vittler, a fannor who resides near Champoog, lost a vory lino and valuablo horao. Tho animal, in attempting to leap a picket lanco, was impaled upon it, no was soon ro leased, but died in about an hour. Tho settlors of Nchalem valley aro cutting a wagon mod from Vernoui.i to St. Helens, and as soon as it is finished machinery for a saw and grist mill will bo brought Into tho valloy and a mill orcctcu on tno mnaiom rivor. Snow fell May Gth on Kion Mountain, in Washington county. Soeds pat in the ground m many parts of tho WillamoUo vol lev havo rotted, caused bv tho wot. cold sea. son, Fruit has been damaged by frost in many localities. You can havo nil tho news you caro to at Falctn, jndginB from tho following taken from Uio Town Talk: It is rumored ou tho street that Jay Uoulil lias bought the Ortgou Steam Navigation, and tho O. ft. C. It. It Company; "look stock and barrel." Adrion Comloy and Charloy Starr woro tried before Koconlor Harper, at Albany, and found guilty of gambling, it being provon that thoy won a silver watch from an Indian, by playing at somo gamo of ohsnoc. Thoy woro lined 850 and coata oacb. Tho Kntcrpriso aajrst Jacob llobbina, Ksri,, and his grandson woro coming to Oregon City tho othor day, from the Molalla, ia a light wagon, with a fractious team, when tho horses took fright and jerkod tha tonguo oat of tho wagon and otberwiao damaged it. A Mohama correspondent writes tho States man t J. Smith ia building a now ferryboat to cost $200) Mr. Hamilton of Scio, has opened a store at tho Monis standi steam saw mill will soon In at work thereabouts, and good bargains for real ostato aro to be bad in that vicinity. A Carman named Soholl. tho HUUboro In dependent says, took a Obioatnan to Nebalem to grub his land, and tho NohalomltuS mts him half war and sent John Chinaman back again. Scholl went book for munitions of war and swears bo will nlro wnom no pioaaes. no awears in Dutch and it doeiu't hurt tho Nohalomitcs. It remains to bo aeon liow Dutch shooting will affect them. Tho Town Talk Is informed that tho States man is abont to bo turned over to a joint atock company t capital stock 110,000,000 shares twenty dollars each. Tho object la to Bullish a paper dovotod to Uio intercuts of regou, and will bo Itepublican in politic. If tho transfer is accomplished, it Is intended that tho incorporators call together tho stock holders and arrango to onlirgo tho paper. Tho Albany Democrat saysi During tho Sut woek W, II. Anderson J. I), Irvino and . P. Wolverton havo incorporated tho Albany, Lebanon and lSrowusvillo Narrow Cuago railroad company, with tho object, as tho namo indicates, of building a narrow euago railroad from this city to Urownsvillo, by way of Lebanon. Tha capital stock is placed at 8IM),000. divlJcd into 1,000 shares of 9100 each. Aalorlu. Tho bark Hertfordshire his been chartered to load wheat at Portland for Liverpool at C2s and Gd per ton. Many farmers around tho country who havo been hoarding up thoir atock of jtttttoes, aro now selling them for a lower prico than they might havo realised in tho Winter. Thu Aitorian saysi Kighty families aro on the uay fiom California, with wagons, to lo cato in Tillamook county. Let them oomo, there is room for 600 familios in Tillamook at prcarnt. Tho incorporators of tho Astoria and Win nemucca lUilroad hold a mooting yesterday. Itooka aro now open for kubacriptioos for stock at tho oflioo of Mr. K. Holdcn, who has been appointed the agent of tho company for that puqioae. Tho body of a man waa found on ClaUop beach, ono inilo south of tho wroek of tho City of Dublin, on Wednesday evening last, says the Astorian. Tho Justice of tho l'eaco of Clatsop precinct was notified, but our inform ant state that ho refuted to tako any action. A suitable box waa mails and tho body buried next day. The hair had all cone from his head, and his face waa beyond recognition, and nothiug was found in his poeketi by which be could bo recognized, Houlbern Oretrosi. Kmniro City, Coos liay, is to celebrate tha Pourtb. (ico. WoodrufT had both his legs broken In a logging camp ou the north fork of tho Coos river. Prank Perrin, of Coos Bay, was robbed of $G0 and somo jewelry while absent from tho bouse. The schooner Argo is now 22 jcars old and doing j;ood scrvico. It was tho first estl built ou Coos Hay, Six sheep lielouging to Marstera wero poi soned by browaiug on mountain laarl and cured by uso of salts. Tho Oregon Sentinel learns that the sons of O. Schrifeliu have struck it very rich in Ari zonaregular bonanza mines. Miss Amanda McKnight, of Marshfield says the Coast Mail was thrown from horse back, and rcceiveJ bruises and fractures. Another magnificent limtstoue cave, the Sentinel says, las been discovered in Jose phine county, ou a branch of chtrry creek, W. I). Mailer, foreman of the SUiUuguiine, Jaoison county, was caved on and badly crusnea. 'BO.Eoai injuries may provo istai. Ono hundred ship owners and ship msstors havo signed a recommendation lor Capo Gregory as tho si to of tho Harbor of Refuge. A Chinaman, throwing hot ashes out of n kltchou door, of a Marshfield hotel, badly burned a loy named Robert Jonet by throw ing them in his faco. Tho Itojoburg l'loiudealcrnjthatCinyon Ho nuonlo talk of a branch narrow cuairo rood to connect with tho main road projected from lloacburg to Coos Hay. Miko Colwcll, tho contractor to carry mail from Ashland to Link river, lost his contract, lost money, lost crodit, and was rotten egged besides, by tho boys of Oakland, becauso ho ouldn't or wouldn't pay a boy that carried moil for him. P. Hiechard, who stole overything ho could pack away and hide, and afterward stolohim sell away from Marshfield Jail, has not boon recaptured. Ho stole trees out of on orchard nnd door and windows out of housoii, as well looser articlcrs. limt of tho Mountains. Tho fruit crop in Boiao valley was doslroyod by a cold wave. Huilding has commenced at Dayton, W.T., and will bo lively. Itobt. Jamison, of Umatilla, one day ahoorod 128 shoep. Tukannun bridge is being constructed. It will bo HO foot long. Sinco July It, 1878, tha Colfax post oflico has issued 1328 money orders. Noah Horron, injured by a kick from a horso at Dayton, W. T,, is now recovering. Prank Oswald, a Prussian, was thrown from his horse, near Heppncr, and sorioasly injured. The Mountainocr saysi Alx. Smith, ono of tbo cattlo kings, Is to bnild a fino residonoo at tho Dallos. A dwelling houso belonging to Mr. John Hefstotor, Sheriff of Colvillo, was entirely consumod by fire. , Farmington, on Pino crook, grows vory sat isfactorily; has a good school houso and botols, stores and work shops. Tho Indopendont says that Heppncr ono is of tho prettiest towns in tho county, laid out with tosto and looks clean, as woll as busy. Tbo Lowiston Tellor says: Tho west sido of Camas crairio Is Bottling up, and tho road from Cottonwood to Mt. Idaho has ranehos taken all along Its margin on both sides. Tho Spok-ino Nown saysi Tho follow Wyenoott, ono of tho 1'erkias murdarers, is still in tho county jail and under Uio caro of our gonial Deputy Sheriff Kidding, at Col villo, Farmers from California aro buying up farms in the (lenrseo country, in Northorn Idaho. They all liko tho country very much, and with means wilt raako it tho garden spot of all Jilalio. Snaunlo. a Paloura town, is being survoyod, nnd tho pcoplo can hardly wait for tho stakes to uo hi beloro tuoy oommouco winning. Mian Hpanglo taaches sohool and has thirty three pupils, Tho Columbia Chronicle wonders why tho N. V. It. H. Co. wont to build thoir lino where thoro can bo no business, as it runs for a ways through an inhospitable region, frosa the proposed starting point. Tho family of Mr. Marion Davis j who livos near Parrobgton, ona day cooked some pis plant loavos for graeus. Not long afterwords, ihroo of tho children wore taken aiok, and medio) aid not being procured in timo, tho youngest, a boy about four years old, died. Two lads living on tbo Fataha, by tho Dana of lsrulanai and Parrel I. were Playiaa oao day but week with a revolver, which was aocidentally'drseturged by Parrell, tho con tents entenog tha breast of Urislaum, but the wonnd U not dangerous. Somo timo sinoo tha citlxena of tho Dalles petitioned for tbo re-establishment of tha U. B. ioi-Utt tbt, point. Wo learn that tho matter ia""iow tOder advlsemeni ky tho authorities, and that General McDowell, as well as (lenoral Howard, aro in favor of it Mr. W. Christian, who drives tho stags between Canyon City and McDerrait, reports that Old Wiunemueco, with all bis followers, upon learning Major Kinohart's mission, struok for tho mountain and that tho Major had telegraphed to Cen. McDowoll for two oompanioa of cavalry. Itev. Ilobort Williams is tho namo and titlo of a Nos 1'eroo Indian who has Just been ordained aminlstor of tho Preabyteriaa church at Walla Walla. Tho roverend gentleman went through with his examination in a way which would ba creditable to many candi dates of light complexion. Mr. James Ilird has commenced cutting his largo Gold of grain, containing soma two hun dred acres, for hay. Tho field is situated on ono of tho highest hills south of tho Datlos. Mr. Ilird will most likely let somo of tho Cold go to grain, but as a general thing cutting it for hay Is tha most profitable. Tho I'alouso Caxctto says: Marengo has n good bnrri oil (louring mill, witn a capacity oi miy rrolsof flour psr day: 1 saloon: 3 hotels: 1 blacksmith shop: I boot and shoo shop; 1 livery Btablo aud a splendid school, with about thirty scholars in attuadanee. It is situated on tho Territorial road, about fifteen miles from Dayton, mi tho Tonehot, and is surrounded by im otUnsivo farmlug oosntry. Pink !t Uinohart, fu (Irant couuty, havo an orchard that contains 40 aorus iu tho solos uroand 4,600 bearing fruit Ircoi shade tho ground, Tho largest yield thvy havo given no far was (5,000 bushols, and I- hands woro kopt busy six weeks picking fruit, If tha crop is not injured by froit tho harvest this year will not bo less than 17,000 bushc-U, and will employ about 60 hands to gather tho fruit. Speaking of tho upper John Day valley, the Grant County News says: Immigrants con template the scene, thousands of acres of land with soil of rich black loam, from three to ten feet ia depth, without a brush on it, and hundreds of acres of pine, fir and tamarack timber withiu a few miles of this land, and all you havo to do is to coma, select your farm and go to work, and nature famishes heavy and profitable crops for you. Two quartz veins havo been discovered re ceatly on tho Cold Creek mountain, north aide, which contain a good per cent, of gold, Tho Lowiston Teller aaya: Pivo claims have been located uon them of 1,500 feet each by several brothers, named Carrico, from Oregon. Thoy think they havo found the richest mine in Idaho, the placer cold found on Cold creek is evidently a wash from thesa veins, (Tho Carrico' used to bo loggers near Port land, and were formerly in tho lumber busi. ness near Salem.) I'uiret Hound. Hon. O, Jarobs is talked of as a Candida to for Mayor of Seattle. Tha Tacoma Herald received a fine royalty for starting a paper at Spokana Palls. It is rumored that tho Olympla Tribune aud Intelligencer aro about to be combined. Owing to recent encouraging railroad news, Victoria real estate has taken a rapid advance. D. P. Hatlard, iu a apeoch at Seattle, said SCO.000 would construct a wagon road to Yakima, Tho Hnoqualmle Pass is in good condition and tho Post says fat cattle are driven over it to Seattle. A White Hirer oow, has a calf with two heads, and they hope 'to raise it won't it be headstrong? Fuyatlup and Squak Valleys will ralsti im monso crops of potatoes this yearton times as much as heretofore, Tho hop crop over on tho Sound will bo licht this vear. cultivation beinn neglected or abandoned. So tho Tacoma Herald says. I Over ono hundred immigrants arrived at Victoria on 'tho City of Chostor direct from Canada. They nro all bona fido settlers gen uino land seekers. Tho immenso barrel factory to bo built on tho Sound by California capital, will pronably occopt tho offered sito at Holltown, and will bo a bonanza at that place. Scattlo is holding moss meetings to sco what can be done to forward immigration, and also to assist construction of a wagon road over to tho Yakima county, across tho ioscado Mountains. The Tacoma Herald says: Tho wild beasts in Picrco county aro very numerous. As tho salmon berry season approachoth tho bears aro wonding their way from tho mountains and infesting tho promises of farmers, taking what property that belongs to his wealth and dovouring it. Jasper Woolery, for four yoars past, who lives in Yuyallup valley, has killed iifty-niuo boars. Hcsidcs tho boars that Mr. Woolery has slain, ho has put to doath numer ous deer, cougars and cats. Tho Olympia Kxporimont saysi Arthur Austin, a son of Mr. K. W. Austin, of this place, was driving a toam, and whilo in tho act of striking tho oxen with a good in tho right hand, ho swung his left arm back with a good deal of forco, bringing his hand against tho keen edgo of an axe in tho hands of an other man who was behind. The blow nearly savercd tho hand from tho wrist, rendering him entirely helpless. Yaaronvcr. Harbor, of Portland, is puttiug up on tho sito of Lovo'o mill, which was burned two years ago, a mill in which bo will plsoo ma chinery for wool-carding. It will bo ready to run in about four weoks. A clean-up at two placos mi Salmon creek but weok demonstrated that sluice mining cannot becomo proiltablo there until improved mothods of saving tho gold aro introduced. Tho gold is very fino, of good quality, but hard to savo, though it prospect woll. It Is probablo that tho ailver plate process will bo used during tho season. Tho Indopendont says: Tho parly of six Vancouver miners, who havu been out on Uio brad waters of Lewis river, returned to this city on Saturday. Thoy aro somowhat reti cent as to tho find, but wo havo seen samples of coarso gold brought in by tho party, and learn that thoy proposa to stay out, having already cono again, wmio Here, ono oi mem went to tho irovoriimont land oflico anil filod his milling claim. They aro having lumber cut for sluice-boxes, and all things lone as though there was somothing in it. i i From Alaska. Alarm of Cltlxons Proteotlosi Insures Prosperity Tho steamer California arrived at Port Townscnd, Thursday at C P. M., with Sitka nows to tho 10th. There waa de pression and anxiotr among tho citizens nftor tho Alaska loft Victoria, April 20th. Tho Indians woro quiet whilo sho and other vessels were in port; but Uio citizous still boliovo thoir intentions hostile. Chief Katlian loft Bitka after tho attack on tho stockade, and on Uio morning of Uio Alaska's second arrival, Katlian'i trusty servant started to Kat alousky Day, whero Katlian is supposed to bo hiding. After tho Alaska left ono Chilcat and Uireo friends of Katlian tore up tho largo steps of tho govern ment wharf, towed thorn to thoir lodgo and split thorn up for firewood. Thoy had been lately, repaired. Tho collector hearing of tha outrage, sent for tho In dians on tho Alaska? return. Katlian'n frionds fled. Ho forced tho ChilcaU to pay tho valuo of tho steps to him. Tho citizens aro fully satisfied that Katlian'n band still mean mischief, and that their forco is strong enough to involva every Indian when tho first drop of blood is shed. Tho miners are now framing laws aud laying out tha district nnd prospects look encouraging. Salmon nro not running yoL Her ring catches largo. MihsionaricH havo Htartcd with now vigor. Tho savages keep aloof from tho nchnols. Tho citizous aro gardening, raising fowls and ptuntlug vegetables sinco tho Alaska arrived. Tho EoltlUU Colony. The KugliBh colony, mentioned somo timo ago, as coining out undur tho mis picra of Col. Hogg, of Corvollis, pissed up the river last (mining on tho steamer Honnnza, under tho leadership of Mr. Wallace Nash. There wero twcnlyono adults, men nud women, among them hcjiiio two or thrco civil engineers. Thu colony proposo to settle on Yuquitia iwty, on lands belonging to the wagon nud company, of which Col. Hogg is man agor. This is but thu beginning of quite u largo immigration should theso find things to their liking. They have con siderable means uud thu appearance of thrift, and will bo quite u valuablo no quisition. Ilya Straw Vlotorloni. lly ft dispatch last evening from thu Dalles, it is learned that llyo Straw won tho race yesterday, in two straight bents. Timo wns not given. Valuablo Property For Sale. I offer for salu my home In Sulom, tine of tho moat desirablo locations in that city, very comfortablu dwelling Iioujh with oan acre of ground attached, valuablo fruit on tho plaoe, good atablu, excellent well of living waUr, sunk deep in tho Ud-rock, Price 2,XJ. Also siity-thrco acres ouu inilo and a half from town, ono-fourth iu plum and prune orchard containg 3,000 trees in good cultiva tion, one-fourth iu wheat, grouud newly e rubbed. Tliis is a valuablo property, with a well of living water ou it, fenced in three fields) cabin and stable. Prom it there is one of Uio roost beautifsl views to be found in Oregon. Prico G0 an aero. Terms of payment con Im made easy on both these pieces oi property. Address, H. A. Cuukk, Parmer Oflico, Portland. Or 1). W. Caaiu, Farmer OUice, Salem. TO OCR HBAOERS AsjjsM ssishumc aa alventtsaaesH ia IM HUUlim tUMMM wlllesatsra Hvwism as st savls last tfeiy law II U tkeWHUaUm rAMuu cuiu a cum. THE BEST FRUIT DRYER OF ALL! I now have rontrel, tot Uils oosst, c) tha midlines la vented bv Hampton Roll lor nrcMrvlnir sad drjlnr frull and vegetables, owned by Messrs Kollr. Oele aa4 Watson, ami shtll proewd to canvass for sale of ma chine and Indlrldtul and county rishta lor Oregon, Wuhlnxton and California; also, for tha sals of an Us prorod proas for mtklns: dried frulls and vofrttaldet, the bast otcr made and used. These machine are Kelly's Fruit and Vegetable Grinder, That makM a rralp of fruit preparatory to evapora tion and drjlnft for market. Kelly's Centennial Fruit Dryor, That prcprs tho pulp, abovo described forum, bf drying Uio same. Kelly & Cole Fruit Dryer, Of silos that ranire In cost from 175 to tl each, wall rdtj to dry from IS to 30 bushels of apples pw day of 10 hours' work. This dryer has no superior, aad I described in tho following cut Keftranco Is mado lo the following named persons: Usvs llsooii. llronks' HUtlon. Bus Ai Alum, " " and many others rhs have used th dryer aad know tho quality of fruM when dried and the earaclly a safety of lbs snachlaM whleo ar beatod by stoam, so cannot born Ins froM, neither are they liable lo destroy lh bnlldliur,u has boen tho oe In this BUU with oiliors. .... Tho quality of tho fnHI, when dried, U equal to Um bMt nunufMtared, and we bvlleva It superior to all ether. Collvor's Fruit and VcRctablo Press Is IntonileJ for puking dried frull or vegetable In two to tlrspouad paper boe,arid puts It In the best poMlU condition and form for prlule use, al trifllna; cost. I shall ho prepuvd to fill onto for the patwr bona from KMtcrn roamifturr, at low priu. Thrw years ro I put up on my fruit farm on Ooaa River, Uoos County, an Alden fruit Drjrtcfr raetorr, that is nrr owned and operated pueeoasfull by ray sn. 1 am fully posted as to Oi biulneai of dryfos; fruits aflei slfhtMii years' iiMrinM, and unhaalUtlnsV pronounn the Kelly a CoJsUryef without a superUr, ami Just tha maaitlna needed for uso by the majority of fruit trowers. Address A. B. COLLVEB. myiatf horse mm sirs BOARDING STABLES! Oor. Third and Ash Street, FOXlVXjvafaJtnD. Morses bootftt aad sold per order. FartUs havasa; realoMl)rilldaweUlossUoa as sows, as era has biaji ardan in OIL Wa an nvswarsd la haniUa tss- broken horses, sirthsM that Kara eoatnvetsd lUsssj habits (thereby flttlac them tor market), on tha stoat sdeatlne prUMlples. Terms reasonable. Address H. D. MONTGOMERY, Care or P. F. CASIXEMAN.T. ., fibts-tf Xoirtla.xicl. JDLYSfeLMEETINft or TIIB Washington County AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Directors of the WaihlnyWn County Aptculloml Society bars offered OOO.OO I In the ejnTt, for faatost Kuoning and Trotting Horses ! Tha trials of epned to take plate orr Uie course on ta pooieu s rur uruwws, near nillNboro, WttShlnajtOB Co., Or., July ! and 4th, 1HTO. I'HOOilAMME: July SI, I r. w. Kattoat tluunlng lloree, Mare or OeldlDa-, 3 yuan olJ, mlla and repeat, eatranoe 10 per evnt., . flM fan Jul Ui, 1 r. h. Kaatrst Trottlnir llorw. Mars or Ockilnp;, fiuu fr all, throe in Ore, entnnos 10 r cent, ...... 1T, ITo.fM IminolliUly afkrtard, fantoet llunuln IIotm, Mar Of (kldlnj, frra for Jl,rJlnl(! Vth et 1 miles, an tranno 10 r rrnt, HOO. StoO TtiS rulu) yorirnlor radnir at the Annual UooUnct goclcly lll li In furca at Uhi July Mnetlno;. AdicUAoa fur men and loje urer la vmr of ag, MwnUr Jvy. Women and toys unjrr that sga, frro. II. lsaiis, I'rMldent. I), M I' UtVLt, H7iary, iuiyl8-lm PAOIFIO RUBBER PAINT! Itti ,ot llccrlvctl by Inilfntluaa NowUlngbRerol In tide ruvket. Tlili IVnt nasi bran In umi la thU KUta wj and by so many, wtsh mtbftilnry ri.uiu, uai u umu no boiur iukimU tl.1. IartX023 ZlMDtrOKD I Html I'or Siiiiiplv Cult, HODGE, DAVIS 8c CO., Wholesale Drupgists, yVGr33rJTa. ouyotf J. PIU DuIWIS. W. It KIIW. Dubois & kino, Commission Merchants. ADVANCJSI MADK ON C.U!O.SIK.NTB. 411 Washington St., 8an Fronciioo, 108 Front St, Portland, Or. UKuUnanlbther inloriuatioii reudlng tha wos uurktt furnUhod en spplliatlou to cur 1'urUand Uouaaw nuylo U Isl hfaaafaHaafaaafMUaaTaVl