tZfi&tttr r& - v -.-wi i rn J iiit re i MARKET REPORTS. WIM.AMBTTK PARMKR OKFICI! a IWHIMnU IUK.I. I UK HSU T KlUHUMIff Ha 15, 1879. n J lral tenders In ItortUiil, Inlying, ffI, and cl!ln at pur, Ellrcr coin la Portland tlio banks quota at lI per cent, discount. EIoiik! I'roilnco iilurk!t. Tho following icprrxnl wlinlcsito rates from pri.l'i crs or first hands: l'U)lr.-lii JotAInf lot I standird brands, Ci lt country 1 rands, ft 0CM M. VJIHT- 1 0, nilct. O.VN wlnv, 40l3o P Inialnl. ONION'S 10o Vlti. I'OTATOIH-cj.ioUl.le aKSgjOle p bush, fibtnlnjr In freely. MIDbLINCH-Jo'jUn, for Iced, ti1; fins, !,,, 1IIIAN Jol.l.Initat M V bin. MACON' Sides, !M Hams, UMl2e; shoulders, 6to7f I. VKt In keirs ami tins, 10e. IIUTTKR Woiiuotoiholcofroihroll at50to2J:;irood pickled roll, ISc; solid In leirs, 1.V. CHLKML' Oregon, IIH11; California, lor (lltl'.KN fltlllTH Apples, Rood kceplnjf, p-r I.OT, D0fl7e. I)ltli:i) KM? ITS- Apple, sun dried, 31'le, maclilno dried, 78, lull sale Pears, machine dried, ;;r. Plums, snn dried, I0VI1. lOTdS-le, f(xl demand. POULTHY-Chlckens, jotinjr, MWI Mtpur dos ol.l, lll'$3, ami wanted. IIOOS Dressed, fj onfl4'. liniT -LlvowilirhtSJandSJcut. hrrholco Hlli:i:i' Mio weight 1 and 3J ets. WOOfr Lists mOmron, lS-rflS; Willamette Valley, I 1 8. IIIIIKS 13. TALLOW- guoUWe at 6 and t cts. HAY- Timet!.)-, I.ile.l, buyln at 110 and t 15 V ton. (Jciicral rifcrclinnillNC. MCK-Chlm, No. 1, none : China, No. ?, C) its., Japan, 7 cts; Handwlih Islands, 7c TKAS -Japan, 31 anil 40c; lllvk, 00 andW; Y II., BSc. IjOrTKK-Uwta nica, 15 andlOle Java, S4s57. Ht'HAIM-Marktl well urilll; Crushed A, lie: lino rnulie.l, l?r; Cube, Hot Kstiu 0, 10; lloldoe O, U(c; Handxlch Mamls, 7 ami Oe, HVItUI' &Klcno. OAWLKH Kami 18. 'itAIHINM Imported, U Wand fn tOabos; Calllor. nla, tl ami O. HOAtt4-llood.7andl (0. YKAHT PCHWIKII- Donnelly, 19 anJ JOe. VjrouJ 1'rexlon A Merrill 2lo per grow. OILB- Ordinary brand, of coal, tJej lihrh (Trades, Downer A Co., 371 an.l 421c: Ilollcd Linseed, Kt; IU IJn.l, doe; hjro Uril, II 5i and II 40; Cutor, II 36 ami ft 4D, Turpcnllnt, 00 and 03 rrnU. Dry rou4lN, i:e. Ilrlall and Johlilnir IUIm. Ubut, A., to 7f ; Cabot Y 7 J to 8c, Callooot, H!-",ll!l:;Mtfl Uork Mutlln.OcjwMtoLondj Mf, do Q; other brandi of wliltaMualln, 7()lll; rod all. wool inannil, SOvfflOo; wl.lto nil wool flannel, 30v!00V( Canton lllanntl, Mearlied and iinlleaehsJ, OriOoj (.lietlo, for (l.lrllnif, IIK'tlC-; Tnl.lo Uncn, Mr3-Vj WaU-ririf, "ftfX1; CraOi toweling, lOullft; Kcnluehy Jnana,S7s ml all wool HUnkot, Si?S.M, wlillo all oul lllmketi, .I.W; tlotUin ItalUnj, 9.(tll; l.lrtlnit I'hnnil, 26lVi Mk and colored (iiihmew; 4Sa)l.7SillutleraiidClircMrlotli,fiiTc;nemleHHiu'kr, 24c; Cul mcro (nnUrloth, VCv a l.3!;T1ekliu, 15J uZSc, DonlimaiidDurk, lUa'.'Oc; Tannera' Ikwln, ji7Sa6.CO, do rdinei, Mem', tli-iioo, iljdo laJIoi', calf tktn, Il.7.1a2.'; il.nlo L'Mldrcni' Ktioo.inlf .kin, tl.lBn l.tAillori', Wonl.JSjJump or, Woal.'il; llanncl Oior.l.IrtJ ll.SiaS.7S; Mciu llndrnlilrta and Dmoeri, 371c a U M; Orcnxnu anil UUten.rr.Wa 18.00; tlollilnn, aiUU, f7.MaU.0i); Cuu. uiero l'nUK.Oi)aCM) Ntm K'rtiuclNco market. Hai I'ttiiriaco, May IJ. U'luat-lii (fooil demand for allpnrioe forcliolro i;rade;iloik tctluoed; among alc toiliwu lull liolco milling at il (A; rlinleo toutlraeliolra II V7; KikhI ililpplnfl W: tliolratii extra ilioI'M lilpjln 4tiU. flour Dull and raiy; receipt icr) Urire. Ilieru li null dein-ind for China. OtU-f'iieil f'oriiooiltoclioloall 33ji 3) It otferrd; ilemuid fair ami holdon linn. ( IVUtof Ileal lunnlet (old at f0 1 1 Wnol-tUlt IK'nund lutlll forrliokti; intrkct tcrjr netlro and rtrlted nln lo atlio rou.enalon anionic i.ulcrn l.ii) in: It lcAvcted that a reaction for tlio wnnawlll take plant and uur doalcra aro corrwpilld Innljr rarvful In tlielr moicmcnti; l.olJori nr ftio nelUn; nuikit ipiotilila UMtarla for midland, 1 1 rt for nnitlierii, kikhI, IMI8 1 1', ihocln', I'JvW rU; fancy rtlll; ltilna It Lirxo at quotation!; luitcrn pil.T-idi iiotJiutKy prvwnt rate; dcfccllia ipialltlea aro neletUd ttlll an I are iiomlnit, a tocka of rlioleo on Inn I ar i lnln,' ugi. IiIciii;i nitirUvl. Cm 1000, May 13. W.xil Vt ir til paid fur Juno iKUirry. llccrltolini'ii IVIiinit 31tirKJt. loiDOt, May U. ITMtlttK wgwt, very fair Iniulry; rarjrooi mi pu mxi and ftrklilHowit, firmly lie) I, Mark lano atrady. IjiluUttoia ' il iuiuoi, oil cojt, 41 U. t lanu(4 fvr Nlki a ruoount, lw imil 1 pi'r ivnt rum mkiliKi; Mad, (Si ir Mil, (1; Ited Winter, 4a l'l, 4ta; IVkfi rnki, (A) I1.., 4MuM. llj.fl'lii; tUlfoniU xi patnto, par OH) l!, 4juemak rn fr ilf i, Jut lilvl or to to promptly M'"I, 4U0d, iniildu.-, 4!ta; ar.ronoCli or .Miliar iJitpiimit durliiK Mo prvavnt niimUi and f Jllowln one, V tsil Vh. hi Amer.iHti trm, 4a; Driyon tet .Mjv wiant, it l-l IJmpwl v hwt, rl, nh itwuml. Uoinil lilr U)iJhitWppl. Uub poi' ei)Ul,0a Idotxi ll. I Jraayjol Ui HVdoj altliplm (Ui wr ti e'lkiUI Ure4Hiul IW J Aui tlprln ahlpplna: No. 3 to llo S Kr inUl la tU)i 7d. I'.iV tTHkl IJptlnj t)nKxt, icr ivnlaJ, OuldstVMM; K.l to iMa ililpptni; t)rivuii, wr cenUl, Da MWaaJ. Uttriwot Am. f itrabtito n.mrr kbl IDd lln, 11a 4J. Commercial. Tun.Hiny Mtm.NiMi, May 15, 1871). Thcro nro uu transactions in wheat, nor movements in wool. DisMtclica show nn ox citrmvut In Chicago on tho iiufaorablo con dition of tho growing wheat crop in tho north west, wlulo other dispatches claim tho weather fatornhlo in noithcrn low a and Wiecoiiaiu. Wool is inutue, no icceipts nnd no fixed price. Twelve to sixteen cents per pound may bo considered tho rango of tho nmLct. Wu publish extracts from tho wool circular of Messrs, Dullois V King, as follow si bvt joar, Iho mason opened in ?au Fran, oiioo nt I0o. to SWo. for uerago staple frco uh)1, mid for oxtia light atvels, 'j-.'o, luj. utaplo freo'woola wero mid nt 'Mi. to t!Jc. Tho ltt northern wools brought '.'.V, to '.Mo. lit Oregon, tho best Unipipta clips wero bought for'-'.'o. tu'.Me.i long staple,, light-conditioned wool selling tip to 'Jle. Some of thcso wools, UUh California nnd Ore gon, were shipped nnd stored in New York, carried until a few weeks since, and then sold nt a few cents advance on purchase pricos. The result of last year's business lias Wta ruin to many dealers, serious embarrassment to others, and heavy loss to all who touched the market. This is more or less truo of each season since 1673. Time was when utanufac ttircrs woro coining money. They Mgcrly took all offerings nt (all m.irkot priccfl, anil carried f ho nlock for a year; bnt tia the pro duction of uoolcn fabrics lai bo far outran tho dcmaml, nil thia in ctunged. Factory properly H offered nt ton jict cont. of Iti cost, and findi no btiycra. Afanufaclurcra are, fnr tlio most part, involtc.l and iinnlilo to carry Htockn lioyonil current rcquironutiK, mid ionvo ilcilnm to ulionldcr tlio lot.l I lie proiluttirn of vonl in tlio Unitod States h gfolly (ii tlio incroasu. in California, tlio clip ii utimilid nt 0,000,000 pounds tiioto linn last firanonV, when it reached nearly 12,000,000 pounds. Toxai, Colorado and other Western .Stales will nlunr n larger in- l'jrtlicr east low prices do not deter wool-growers from Increasing their Hocks. In thu I'nglish colonics, good wools aro sold nt ll!c, and Die incrcaso is steady. Tho Cnpoof (lood Hopo is a largo producing region. Wools from tlicro aro highly esteemed in tho 1indou market, and tho host of them nro sold nt Rd to OJil nt tlio Capo. Thoy nro linding thoir way into tho lloiton market and How Kng- land mills, competing with other domestic lleecpj, ovm nftcr piying n heavy duty to enter Thcso facts will explain why tho San Fran cisco market openod, nearly a month ago, to dull, with prices no far below tho lovel of n ycarngo. For tho defective wools first ar riving, tlicro was nbsolutoly no demand. No denlor would touch them, even at low prices, filter, when frco, bright, lino uosls camo In, 1'istcm buyers took them slowly nnd cau tiously at l-'o. to J'lc., fully Cc. below last season's prices. In tho northern counties of that State, lata raiin rotardod shearing, nml nt this data but littlo has boen douo in thcso wools. Tlicro is no oagernoss to secure tho now arrivals. At low pricos, thoro is n fair demand for good parcols; but nny show of firmness on tho part of holders Is mot by indifforonco from buyers. Light, bright, frco wool, oight or ton months' growth, strong staplo nnd fino fibre, can bo sold at 17c to 18c: but higher than this no ono Is now willing to venture Oregon's clip of last Boason amounted to over 0,000,000 pounds. In valloy wools thcro has boen considcrablo Improvement of lato years. Many of tlioso lloocos proro nttractive to tho most fastidious buyors. Ijong Combing and Detain wools nro suro to catch tho oyo of whatover buyers outer tho market; and when healthy. Dright nnd long In staplo, fino in fibre, will command top prices. Coarse, wiry fleeces, heavy nnd hurry wools aro likely to udl slowly nnd nt very low pricos; but from the Willamette, umptiun mid Klickitat val leys, mid many other localities in Ktsttru nnd Western Oregon and Washington Territory, wo hopo to scu (.lips that will bring, if not high, at least fair prices in thcso dull tinun. Wo would call tho attention of growers to tho ntcoisity of shipping their wool to markot in good order, Tho success of n sain depends no largely on tlio nltmctivo appearance of tho parcel that to can hardly recommond tco strongly that caro bo oxcrcisod in this matter. (Iradu all fleece mo farns possible. All do fectivo, heavy nnd buck's fleeces should bo packed each Heparntely. All extra choieo should bo put npirt, nnd tho whole clip in voiced accordingly. Tngs should bo carefully removed from tho lleeco nnd rejected. All tales aro mado subject to rejection of overy inferior lleeco or jurt of one. I'very llccco is opened nnd repacked by buyors. They nro too careful to pay freight on trash, if gotten for nothing; nnd it would bo well for farmers to bo ns wise. Then tie nil llcccc ncitly nnd put in good sacks. Thoro is always a rubato for iioor ones, and tho looks soil chances of Mlo. lly so iloinj, Oregon wool grow era will rotain thu good reputation nlrrady gained fnr their product. Tho Commercial Hekiortcr puts tip tho wheat m.irkit situation as follow! Imme diately following our but week's i&iuo tho Kmiliih nnd nlso lias torn markets begau to improu', but nt tho closo nro rpiiot but steady. With us tlicro ii hardly sufficient wheat available to make n market, causing mOum lo ho irngular mid range ai high nt 51 I'm nnd in low ns $1 65. Kuuiu very choice nunphtt roiiiuiaiiiling ovun alio vo 31 i."i to millora for mixing. Thu Hepoi tor nlao Kays that tho American ship Wildood m taken for Liverpool nt tho Kt'iin rate giviu for tho American uliip (lari, d'Js (M. This loaves only oho nail voi sol in ir I diseiigagod. Our Hut I'rauclsco ndvioes ivport market ory dull. Tho OlymiuaTraiHcript mjhi Tho Nouh saok ruttfeiiieut is the upper settlement on the Nooks.Kk i nor, a dislaiicu of '.'5 miles from thu motitli mid IS mi lea from Whatcom by waou road. Tho river can bo nuilo niv igablu to this place with little impinveiiicut in the way of remoMiig jam, suagu, etc. Wu have got up n subscription here nml about .'lOQdnys work I wiilo somo money subscribed, which will bo expended on tho river ns soon as the pcopb nee done planting. There is a splendid opening here for a man of small capital to put up n grist nnd sawmill, and grow up with tho country. Thcro is plenty of good land vacant nwaltiug settlors. A lloiuo in Salem For Sale Any person wishing for a good homo in Halem, ns for instance some family from tho country wishing to educate tho children, wilt do well to look at the rcsideuca lately occupied by 8. A, Clarko editor of the Fau- mkii, mivcriiscu lor saio in tins issue it is a very comfortable home, ono of tho most deairablo nnd healthy locations in that hcantlfiil city; the well is sunk forty feet in bed-rock, nml furnishes pure and delicious water: the stables nro extensile, thcro is nbundaueo of choice fruit growing ou tho place, mid in nil n full acre of ground, lUad the advertisement. Ask Yoursolf These Questions. Are) on n despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiienoas, Palpitation of tho Heart! uu Diuiness of the Head! Is lour Nervous System dopressed? Dot your lllood circulate IvadlyT Havo you a Couuhl Low Spirits? Coming up of the food alter citing, etc. All of these and much iiioio nro the direct results of Dyspepsia, I.iv er Cosiplaiut and InJigestion. (Jkekn'h Au nvsr Fiowar. is now acknowledged ty all DruggisU to le a positive cure, '-',400,000 bot tles tiavinji been inven awav in the Unitod States through Druggists to tho people as a i riai. iwumiti win sausiy any person4oi its wonderful quality iu curing all forms of I ml ices t ion, Samulo bottles. 10 cts. Itesu lar sue, 75 cts. Sold positively by all first class Druggists in the Unitod States. eonDlAtnta Ttialtlnft framColda and KlDcaura. Kr sV)'0D"'fC Vriir.r:::. .v.. v.1 ..;:.;;: 111! rift' OUHIiUWllD" Ikarnllei Imnllfl In thai ..v... .......... .,---.- htcniii trr.i narfl vctn in !:(. hrilt .lMir iriMtiio wh..iid.rfnillMitaflllwtatt fTt'fl? TrVV pUentftm, J l uh Lof fantauiii rcrfoniiKccirarliUrtii I cntff ttttitmt fcr thl UeB.A4dreMTl5MMtalhtwj.rt.lerj. viftcSiSn JniUins X FIIM.VIXX,L.Ij, norm iuiuuiciuhui .-.. . ., . Lllj2-tt D. W, PRENTICE & CO, 3 168 First St., Portland, Or. All in.itriimvnt.1 sold on tho installment plan, nro nt our rojilar CASH l'RIUKH. Our mnos nnd Organs nrj from tho liest innkora, our pricM nnd terms nro tho easiest of nny housi) on tho North I'-icillo Co-vat. Wo fully guarantee every iustrumant wu sell, and cacn l'iatio nnd Organ is nlso accompanied with n guarantee from tho mauufacturor. Installment terms 930, 6100, or more, cash, bahnco, 315 or $10 per month. Installment tennst $25, $30, or mora, cash, balance, $15 or $20 per month. Installment tonus: $15, $25, or more, cash, j bnlnnco, $10 or 15 per month i Installment terms: $15, $25, or more, cash, balance, $5 or $10 per month. If installment terms ns quoted nbova do not exactly ploasi, thoy can lie changed to suit coincidence of customer. D, W, PHENTIOE & 00. And Publishers of D. W. Frontico & Co'a MONTHLY MUSICAL JOURNAL VrloOtlG Conts por Yoar. Contains $12 worth of New Mime each year. U' c o KVosli nutl Truo To Ktiliio ! Wo will rvud tho following iwJi wntvtdtoi re rdpt of j'rlw. Iltralt ly l'. O noiey order cr poatvro .uip.. Ilcet. iHiros. tOi 10J tCc ISO Uo I'armI; ItadJU Ir os. 10c 100 10e 100 Zie Cutrof, . . . tlabUist, per iu lttuoe, " Hplnuacli, 'liimlp, Tomato, liniui, AlaolnlO cent luckelj. all iufctloi ol l',ti. flower and Trrt Heodt. bvnd forircncral Prloj Llat. T1IO-4. A, CM? ft CO., r.j'll 5in I 1,017 llonard Htreet, Kui fronrlaco. THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE PIGS joiiw ii.iji:i:t, .s.ii.k.ii, Has Hires litters of Thoroughbred llorkahtre 1'1;, and itin supply thdao itoalroua of accuilnir tho Ixvi strain of stock with as choice anluuls as can Im) bred ui fho United Mtatoa. Ttio Hoar llaron lloooll, No. ,4M, la recorded by tlio American Uerkahlro Association In Vol.111 of tho American llork.hlni luicortl as farrowed May 17, 1W. brinl by lleaer llroa., of Hofonhampton, Kngland. Ilia tows are of the frown rruice family of IWikahlnv. All plra liitherto sold by tilm hato citen full satlafaetlon. 1'or nartlculara and pricos adJnMS aplstf J. W. tiUBtur, Sulfm, Omrsn. To all who are sutlantu; from the errors and Indiscre tions of youth, nerrous weaknosJ, early decay, Iom of manhood, etc, I wllttcnj a rilpo that will euro you, f IlKKOruilAltUK Tills irrval rvniody was dUcor. enxl by a initaionary In Koutn America. Send a self. addriMsed entttoiw to the llsr. Josaru T. !, Sta tion D, lUblo llouso, New York City. JanSt ly SUMMONS. IN JtrsTirfrs iwkt roil tub rnKCiNCT ok North Cortland, Count) U Multnomah, Htalo of Dreffon: 1, jM I'lMl, dolnj buslneaj under the Ann luuiw and style of VaArk&lVi., 1'UlntlIT, a. IIOMI Allh and Alt HOW, doing bmlnoii under the firm name and stylo of III i'ttonj Inf & Co., defendants. lit II Action to reenter money. To tho ttUne turned defendants: In the name of IhehUte of Onvon you ore hereby required to upX'ar before the undent; tied, a Jiutlco of the IVace for the I'retlnct atorvsuM, on tlu) eetrnth day of June, laTD, at lOo'cbxk In the forenoon of wlj Oaf, at the olllce of said Juatkv, in uld ITocinU, to answer the aboienameit 1'laintW In tlitlaiUon. TlielV'enJanUwill take notice that If thee fall to answer the Complaint herein, the I'lainlla will take Judgment alnat them for ItSS) 6J, and for coals and dl.buniemenla. SVM Order for th publlcalloii of the aboie summons made this Sd day of April. !. jaSEfll I'.. MILKY. apti-Oa- Jutlcof thelVace. GOOD CURE for HiUU) TIMES A ruimitu uf uwlx motiiricaaai tiuuti HisVsUCRtlltl. inn nnn 1anu V UUl alaolM,4M ClndenlU lUUiUUU and OonUnenUl Btmwtxrry llonta. Mil lloiu'of other Itanta, Trees, etc Cierythlaur new, not el and rare. l-rice low. Send foe DoicriDtire Ctr cular to UllttM BMtllTT, asmrjssssi and mil , wrvvvr! nvwvuiji s j, ensvav-sHu Music o ore Wi'WmTi DENTI ST ilJf CHRP Ptinr rnralimKOtnmn.Knn'ilrnw'nmJ-vUnmirntr, lil) Tho aT.atC KiDEIl ni3NJAM2N FlttNKMN uiniicn i. uyn ,w ?.';.'", .r- r "y": r;."VVr- .. .i T.r-'.if. ..! !). uaai linn anniiniiuirmni ill ilia I avi Mil iuiv uv v -.--.-. l.ihvNHittMi!tinr.M4krutt!1rpattnt.Bthi.ciitntiriifir tht.w f! sbou frcs i.zr"v :-!-.-. ti -..: -,,i.r . 'E! uounurrilivinu, "'V.l V1,. lidBul. Wo hi Wohstor en"l)OlllNS'MUHl:JUUI."too olimB and IthMfnKinflfcyotrfn ! lctnnatl.O., Miroli l. 1819. T,.? " 4it fufcttjfiul Khat ycit trrommtntW." r duliio nr-nr imi n v.r - - T:.r.i( . wilier Htrcet.Cinc!nntl 'lIunVNVHUI(Kt'lIIli:an lMu toujxuiKnaiyu faihitwtlUitimenUh t ore ftLn.llJL, T?? VK'Himt.cmii. to tAn1ltftrmlfan,li roofrfl rvr,t ep ..,,... in.l,m, rn . Kv. MILVAUK1E NURSERY, Milwaukie. Orogon. C()NSTANTLY()N 1IAN1, ALL KINDS Of Fruit Trees, 4) SHRUB.BLvRY, ornamdntaL .trees and vines, Only First-Class Gtoods Eopt ADDIIIWd: SETH 1,UELLINGX& SON, Milwaukio, Orogon. JanSlU DENTAL 1100M.S Ovor Broyman Bros. Store NOJfB HUT KINISIIKI) OI'fUlATlOSil rKltfOllitCI) fb38 tf Dr. JAMES WITJIYCOMBE, i VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL I'ltACTICB I.V PORTLAND IIKIlKAfTKH Ilirlnir liai an sttennt proctlco th Oregon for tlio Ltat shrlil yean, la a sufficient guarantee of ability, W 111 send pnwriptlona and Inforuiatlon for tho treat ruont of any dLtw on receipt of mm dollar, ritato th aymptomi ai near a, oslble, alj nevrllio aire ami weight of bono. OMusat IIL.ACU. IIAWU 8Taiim:s. I'llllTI AND. "ItKllOV. fol.71111 p LUTIIKR MYEKS, SALEM eAKr," oimiGoiu-. xszixjinxaziTi. or IMPROVED POULTRY I Head throoent stamp for Des.rlptlm Circular an l'rloI.l.t. febi) 3m ix'dcsi: n wiiiti:, rorlhlid rt (lll.T.NKll. Man f'runclsco WHITE & GILTNER, STOCK, MONEY AND EXCHANGE 130 First St, Portland. MINIM! STOCKa- IKIL'HIIT AND HOI.D'UN COM inlielon and carried on llanjlni. Ilartnxlncrciacdourfaellltlos for the purcluue and saloof allnlnxrttocka, woolTeradiantaiM tuoperators nottobahodeliewhere. I'rrffit hcrurlly (.usrsn. Ired Buyers sitalssl lots of Mock. Morning and Oenlns; Hoard IjuoUtlons received dally by tcletfrapli. ( Agents nnd Collectors. Will transact business for parties Kiln; nla distance as Axentiorotherwlae, In all Instances iruanuiteclnjr Mtl.iaction and moiloralo diarea. Our refervnees aro the heal In Uieclty. Insurance, Flro and Marine, KSected In the best and moit reliable companies, at regular nilea. I'roperty owners lltlnj; In dlitanl towns or In the e tuntrv, and not liclnz protcctoil ajralnit loss by nro will llml It Kreatly to their adrantajM to arramr with ui tohu-.o thilr prop.Tty fully lina'J eo.t. full irutruClons with particular oent on applb cation. EUGENE D. WHITE, co.n.i:issEoi:u or is:i:i)s, Hoiary fublle snd Ccarral CoiHjanccr. Rpcrltl attention irlren to tlio taking cf Depositions on I Ackiunlcijmonti, Ucoda, lcrk;aa. IMwcn of Attorney, and all oilier forms of initrunients I Dpcrly enocutcl and acknowledged lor all l the rdaiosandTcrrttiiiM.anJ the DUtristcf Columbia (Imivui naners of attorney cxccuU-d and lefralUcd. a,iJJ f ilk .ini. ivi iinjiww, vr i eiyiro, onuwiiaxe, usji 6j ok. i'lc, with came, 1UC. Nassiu Cau li Nai i, N. Y. inartl 41 ?armorff, fl r4aT I sUbWUUl4UU . f 2b J- VAN BEUfiDBN, Hi'ix'i.i.1. aci:.t rou Ys'iiUlmiu Km. Elgin Watches, UCTAILND AT WIIOUSAU: PltlCtS. Renulne KUrln Uoveraent, Chronometer Ualance. four Jjwela, AlbaUlkue, SJOO. Sams movement In twounce SUser Cose, 11100. Wolthain Watches at the same prices, , A large variety of all kinds of American llorements constantly on hind. All watches warranted. Sole Agent for the celebrated ruimiva W Ii Ufa. which reoelved first medals In all IU petitions In Uie world. Watch epalrinjr A Specialty. All orders foi-wardcd through Wells, fVgo A Co'a Usproas C O. D, Mpeclal Attention paid to lUpalrlng Kino Watches. 168 First 8t., - Portland, apt tin la l&m Xsla Uok out for the 1. X. L. Store A.T COBVALLIS! Which la opening during lhlsuoath with a Crst-clus stocked DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Boots and Shoos, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Will be sold eicluii.ety for cash St Uw LOWEST SAN KltANCIbCO KATia. Opooaite Sol aim's Lhcrr wfflelmltoluUMWeMh.MJIftBiBrewM.W t: arlwoUfseontJtJBltlUliint 01 "" """"V1 i ImflpT'mr. will U nailed n er tnr. m i irpij ? HUll CUKlW hr mallpoPUM-riW for ClotUol lu cr 1 f bubu SfUlns HAWLET, DODD CO., PortlaMl, Orafen. OTFEI1 FOR LE AT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL LIKE OF AGRICULTURAL KMPLEMENTS. 8ola Affonto for tho BUCKEYE MOWER REAPER, Tito I.coclltijr Harrcatlnsr WacUInc of the World. fissBPsstk 'jchSt rF 't!lC9sHBsBBaBfi9Jl aAST'S'QST EXWWt3 W S El XX m 33! 39 S New Its elrlnll nml trcti. crnl feattsre. MiHTllHCriVl! nnd li:cui,lAIt, nuil It now Htauds tisc CQAMPIOH THRESHER OF IHE WOBLD. Tkreaaormon vrlio havo osed or anaplojetl this new stylo of Thresher, all nnlto In tcstlfylmr. that thoy nro tho CSLT rtlTlCT nussn ot m; It is designed and Irallt exprossly for Oregon ud TCaohlssirtixs. br ono sx-ho thoro nfihly nndorstands tho requirements of tho country, and tho flIMnaltisMI to ha overcome. Agenta for HAINES' (GanuiiM) SINGLE GEARED HEADER, Spoolally Improvod for this Boason Ton or Twolvofoot CuW SOU A0OIT3 FOR THE OLD RCUAUE Schtrttlar Farm, Fralfht; and Spring Wagons. Stuiabakar Wagona, Studcbakcr 4 Spring Hacks. Regulator, Wlai Mllll, The most complete windmill In use, Ehfaral Hanraatara, Vastly superior to any other hand blndcc Harvester in market Will handle lodged or fallen grain, and clerata it better than any known machine ofits class. 'ays illinery; illinery' ELIjINJEsRY' ILLINERY, 3E72X23.oyir Next Hoor to Broymau Jutt arrived from I tl f rantlioinl Mmto.1 (Treat rediiitljiufrir.iitiimierprl'M'. we are enablod ti ANTI.i: "Vl'Al.tTV (if HOdDH ind ItTYLi: OK Cull ami kx mi ."'ilfT''1 I'-'i'i'IiT.iT'T! ITBfl:3ES3MT.33Z! CLOTlllNf: DIIV fil5(I).SI J DIIY C00D.SI turn 11 no! I 1 1.0TIUNCI 'I M m ElFa,M!F llotbing! , At H Waf luaat" tSSa V7 lotluogl lothiuj?! Goods ! Jlotbin 1 CLOTIUM. t'Loniixoi DRY (iOODSt ('LOTIIlKai DRYOOODS! for 2Pjiioo - P. SELLING, Cor. a.. . uos -uijl-u.. tS73S&Z&Z5n23Z&3Z23Z&. AGAIN LN BUSINESS! JIANUfAVrUHniAND IUI OUTCIl (IK SADDLES, 8 A 5 DLE1!Y UMi D W AUI5, I7rC. AsentforliutU lVsolu and Rubber Mar4!turtnr;(Vinipany. Pv" Assortment ftt firs and olhc kbiAs ot Hose oil idatban IVaiciHOprlivT, Afoot Asertnu.nlwf J;conlhta,llair?i. ltvrhtxUa and of ll.o Iwet quality on Ii irnL' AIo, ufenoral oasrrtircntof Kan'i namcss uf all kin l. N, II. lU; pairing pnrnptly atun.' d to. JrjlUj) ask "i VUS' " KI8BER AND HO OEWOOD," Proporty of Rodnaoiid .v Smith, rrJvcneinareathetnsuln:iiaauii of ISiB-'roonenebia April la and sndloc July 1st, At thoir Stnblo iu Portland. Orogon. on Sixth and I Stroots, Near the Orejon Transfer Cosipany'a Stable. Tos-ium, 850, iniyablo wlicu Iuro In iu Foal. All Accldeuta oc curring to MarvM to bo at RISK, ot tbelr Owners. ' KISBER'S PEDIGREE. Itay stallion; strip Is the face; tthltanear foot; unite hind legs; foaled May M, 1873; ot by Itrsdyk's Ilambletonlan. 1st dam LJy t'ollice, by laxly's Americoq blar; id dam by Long Island lllaik Hawk; Itamtile. Ionian (llysdyk's), by A Wallah, son of kUmbrfno. ROOKWOOD'S PEDIGREE. Dark Uy; rLjht fore toot and left hind foot white. Kcaled May it, 1876. Hired by Fleetwood, son of , Happy Medium, by ilyadyk'a llamblelonian. 1st dam by Alcuntkr Aodidlah; 2d dam by (1 ray Uessennr; M dam by (irate Whip; 4th dam by Hasilltonlan (a running kocue); Klectwood's dam by .No York I Hack llawk; a Happy Medium dam lrlneeas. atTOomspondenco solicited oad promptly answered. Addnss: REDMOND & SMITH, Portland. Oregon, GS-eoaE" Silvester, SEEDS! 1879. SEEDS! viAriUtiN SttUV - FRUIT AND EVERGREEN Altailn, urasa anyLdovervoeeus, in L,arge Quantities, and oflercd in Lots to Suit Purchasers. fiREAT RTCmTtlTfniV Tlr PPTf!Pfi SEED WAREHOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST, """"- Man i-ranoiaioo. So lnrf?o n portion or tuo urata nna Orals Crops or tlio PnclUo Coast Imvty Tioon cut uy tlio BUCKEYE. tUnt no IhiV mor hero can bo iRiiorniit of Its morlfa or roqnlro arRnaiont to convlnoo Ulnf of IU superiority! n It Is too woll anil . Wa voralily lenowa to uootl cotuaont. I! la tlto norfootlou of nU Hcapcf and Mtjw log Machines, We call especial attention to our Neim and Pcrfocted v pHLssiffsaakBBaaaaaaaaar' "i3siBaajsRHaRaf9PsVaaaaaiV' Taylor way naaaa, sen uump- ing and Plain. sVtollar and Straw Burnlni Eav, gtnes. far tpailal Calalaaaa, alaa fat ir Haw PrfM Dai. ; IOTIONS I OTIONS OTIONS IOTIOWS1 SJ - tdlo Oooc3lr AT Bros., SA.LE1VE, OREGON. o w.Ci a full appreclnllnn of the wnta of our riutomeni, at tcl'o our Rutdine'K the benefit of the sum, and (HIAIl. WUIIKMANSIIII iirievirtleil hy any In ll.o Mute. aptsjni imy c.ooi)' IHIY (iOOD.S! OUOOKHIliSl (lUOLT.Ilir-SI (IRCCKIIIKSI rocorieg ) roocries ! rooories ! rocorios ! (IKOCIUtlKSl ciuournuMst DRY l.OODSI DRY (lOOUS1 OROt'KRIKSI Xjlr. ox Onll on First . ui Yamtalll Sis., PORTLAND, Or. npiiim 10 T Tr?y,AYFlVT.?2i)&JHiJ1EMBBKUEBVBKMKUlA X.3XT wnm sassjssissai asaa.aa i"W SasSkasiatsi saanmspsl sssss. 1 'tJ E&BP8S, BMBLIS, WHIPS, Trotting4 Stallions rLUYVtK. SEEDS, , TREES, PLANTS, ETO-V i -n i