Willamette farmer. (Salem, Or.) 1869-1887, May 16, 1879, Image 5

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Ohio! Morus and tlw other Ind.uiu
who went to Washington, D. C, on t
bust nt tlio go eminent etiunM, r otiiriicd
on tho Ancpn Hattiiiliiy. Tlio Ktuii'iner
Vancovcr met tlic aln'p'ut tlio inutitli of
the Willamette nml tools tin in rtlio.inl
for 1'ort Vimtomer, xvhcni they will ic
main a foxx ilnyx heforo goinj; to tluir
Frank Itijlmm, IttoOity Mindiil of
Corvallii', who Mime week u,'ii Miaped
from the enmity jnil in that ity, in
which ho vai conliirttl on a eh up) of
Reduction, was captuied at Viuku lust
Wulncsilay. Ho passed tlnouijli Coy
vallis somo timo last week, uiul xv ill to
turn in the charge of ofliccra next Afon
day. His trial will take placo at tho
special term of circuit court, appointed
by Judgo Watboii, for IJcnton county.
Uppor Wlllcmotto Fr IcMs
Freights on tho Upper Willaincttuiuo
reduced fiO cents per ton, on uiuottnt of
competition between Htcnnhont lints
and tho railroad. From Albany to l'oi t
lnnd freight is now 2 fifJ instead of .?.!,
fioni Salem, $2 iimtead of !J fiO; fiom
CorvalliH, $J. N. 11. Scott .fc ik inform
us that they continue to cany freight at
tho lowest figure. Tlio City of Silcm,
their elegant boat, has iiIwhjh been a
favorito in tho Upper Willametto trade.
Thn Hivcar Murilor.
Tlio men, Dcrnard and FairchihU,
have lately been endeavoring to prose
an alibi to tho elFoct that they xveru on
tho railroad at tho time of the minder,
en routo to tho Sound, in support of
which tlioy produce a railroid pass, pur
porting to have been procured for them
at that time by Mr. Chnttiti. Thin iiish
wo boliove, xviw ismicd in fax or of King
and afterward)) raised. 1 low uxor, the
particH to whom they base icfein'd for
proof fail to coiroboratothcii stiitemeut,
while a largo number of ivlmhlu people
of Oregon City can testify to their pui
enco in Oiegon City on the day of the
Furtltlrn Tliuimiclu nuil Snnliis.
tatf. evening's leguuir tiaiu fiom the
Mtilli brought down tho thirty-one caj
tio llauniicks anil Sntilcci thut ue heard
wcio coming from the north under mil
itary guard. Duiing tin winter theso
renegades havo boon jratliMid up and
tiken caro of at Fort Klamath. They
aiosupjiOFcd to liuxo had a haul in tho
raid madu on Uimlill.t lim iiummer and
aro bad fellows. They are chatged, t-omo
of them, with murder committed on that
raid, and such aro brought down in
irons. They aro natives of tho wild
sago bi ush hi:ige.s of tho intci ior, in
cluding tho desolate area tint hpieads
from Fort Hall to Stein's iuouutaius,and
including the mountain wilderness as
well an sage brush plain; a legion that
in its wild state could hardly bring up
u avorago coyote, unit lias mailo a sig
nal failuro in producing Indians, nil tho
natives aro not equal in diameter to
those on tho uppor Columbia. TJicso
poor w retches must have been astonished
to find themselves railro.ul tnxollore,
and it required all tlib stolidity of the
race to iirox cut tho ajipearrnco of curi
osity as they wcio trunsfened to n
steamboat for transpoitiition to Vnncou
xcr. Tiicy had u look nt Portland and
its glimpso of civilisation must haxc dis
couraged their appetito for any further
demonstration ot hostility. Thoy will
remain at Vancouver until fmthtr din
position is made of them.
Woik along tho lino has Ikjoii proso
cutcd for tho past two or thrco xvtieks
at serious disadvantage, and tho only
wonder is, with tho frequent storms,
that anything nt all lias been (bine. Yet
all operatives havo porsovorod and con
siderable headway linn been made. The
grade between St. Joonnd Amity is just
about completed. A fow points hero
and thcro, which neod lax cling up,
smoothing down, ditching orhomo minor
attention, remain only to keep tlio
graders on this section. This littlo strip
across McMinnville socniB to Iki wor
rying thom tho worst of any place.
Tho ground thcro is wet and bticky and
exceedingly diflicult to romovo while it
is raining so frequently; still, tho'graders
aro picking away at it, and will doubt
less have it finished in a few days. Tho
contractor hoped, early in tho week, to
complete- it by Saturday ovening, but
the storms of a day or two past havo
spoiled that calculation. In tho mean
timo Ward has a largo force- on tho
second section, boyond Amity, and
by tlio progress thoy woro making
at last accounts, wo judgo they nlust be
up in tlio neighborhood of Polk county,
ero this. Tho bridgo work is advancing
as rapidly as po-isiblo under tho tircum
stances': Tho tic&tlo is all up for tho
North Fork bridgo and n part of tho
truss Fpan is about half in iiositioi).
It would havo been finished btforo thin
had tlio weather leen fair. At Cozlno
creek tho structure is up about one
thiid of tho distance. Tho grand
rush of timber, piling and other mateiial
is noxv headed toward tho South Yamhill
ri er, and as soon as tho weather be
comes settled xvo shall expect to see that
chasm bridged oxer in n hurry. It Is
said that thero is iron for boveral miles
of track on this road aboard tho now
steamer Stato of California, which is ex
pected to arrive at Portland about the
ICth inst This is the best information
wo can give on the iron question. You
see how it is younelf, don't you 1 Yam
hill Reporter.
Now Trial.
Tho appealed on"c of Jncksoii Grant,
for tlio murder of Dennis Spo'kn, has
Dectl doomed in tint Mlp'.eum Uotitt, and
the praxer for a no t tiid triniitnil. Ono
of tlio priieipil uituons, the hiily who
was irceiitly nttm'ked b ulxx,jm now
dead, and it is Mitmirlit thut ioihIiisivo
(ixideuco of guilt ennui iii.w l. ittib
UrIiiiI. -' i ii
Mftli'iu lniH r-eciiily r ilf r-d th limyf
two inoio piotift rn. Mi .Mim-ou Smith,
xx ho. runu to this State n tin x tut IS 15,
died at h's home iit-t h uulix." iiged 05
yt ai-s For in my ycnts Mr " Smith has
been a resident of Salem, mid hi death
isgi.-atly logrctltsl ht a hf eiele of
tiiends and ncquaiiitiiiius Mis. Ciump,
one of the pioneer a omen of this State,
also died nt her home ast Monday.
Mrs. Ciump came with her husband to
Oregon in tliuvur 1817, unit at tho
timo of her death was nwil about 70
years. Her liusbjiid died a number of
yuirs ago. Her comiisti nt, exemplaiy
iin, ami nor kintiiicsi ttt,iitirt anil gou
tleness of dispoiitioii, gieutlv emleaied
her to all with vvlioin she i-iiiie in con
tact. Her funeral will take phiee fiom
tint Christian chinch today, Itex S. (
Adams officiating.
Eantt.ru Conuxotlou.
Thn Utah Noi thorn mid will never
stiiko llnst. Tho roul is to tun to Oie
gon. Tho Union Paii fie load requites
an outlet on the Pacific I'oast, and this
is the only minus by which it can bo
had. In a fovvyiars the Noithein Pa
cific xvill bo completed, and ns Helena,
Montana, is nearer Chicago than Ogdcn
is, why nil northern fn iitht niu-t go by
the lake. This would injuie the Union
Pacific, and in order to save Hade the
West must bo icaelii'd llm completion
of tho northern muiow gauc will open
up thu finest farming legion in the coun
try, while freight now going into Idaho
by tho Central Pacilic will be almost en
til cly shut oil'. It will allbnl northern
miners a cheap outlet for oi "s and bul
lion. If the present nisli continues,
Idaho will bo a Statti within two xe.irs.
Corr. Salt Like Tiibuuit.
Tho Great Itopublio
Tlio investigation of the wieckuu; of
tho steamship (heat ltiiiiblii' on Sand
Island was eoiieluilid mi Saturdav, and
the Hoard of liisiieetoi-s m.ule tluir
Jiudings, which aie In re subjuiueil. The
testimony is voluminous uudiuuiovxhit
eontnulictoiy ot it-s.-it, lint the Isouil
is satisfied that tho litiilni"s are coircct.
Tho Cajitnin and Pilot h.ixn a light to
an uiipeal trom tlio ilectsioii ot the
Doard to Snpei vising Inspector llemis,
to whom tho testimony and findings aro
sent. ISemiH has a light to roxiovv tho
enso upon his own motion or by icqucst
of either purty, and may ami in or
rev eiso tho decision of the Hoard. Tho
follow ing are the
After a full investigation and n caie
fill rex low of tho testimony inquiring
into tho loss of tho steamship Great Itu
public :
Wo find that dipt. Jus. C.inoll did
wrong in gixing the ship in chargo of
Pilot Doil' and nllowin? him to attemr.t
to cross thu Columbia liver bar in tho
night. Wo suspend his license iui mas
ter of steamships for six mouths from
Wo (mil that Pilot Thomas Dote
acted imprudently in attempting to
bring thu Great ltcpiiblie over tho Col
umbia river bar m the night, thereby
endangering tho lixesof so unny per
sons anil so much valuable pioperty.
Wo suspend his license as pilot on steam
vessels for twelve months from date.
After a xoiy cartful inxestigation of
tho condition of thn steamship Great
ltenublio we find that slit) was tiedit.
staunch and in a seaworthy condition
xvhen sho stranded near Sand Island.
Gfo. II. Fi-AKOtim,
. Inspector of Hulls.
Inspector of Iloilers.
Notlco to Patrons.
Okboos Statu (in.xsai:,
Ma.stm's Orricr,
Osweoo, May 10. 1679
EJitor Willametto Fariueri
1'leue grant mo space in your paper to say
to the I'atruni of ClacVainax, ullnoinah and
Vahlngton counties, that tho Multnomah
District Pomona Orange proivac to hold a
meeting with Oiwcgo Or&oge on tbo third
Friday in June, at 10 o'clock a. (., and they
are all invited toattcuil. Wo dejiru to have
a grann rally cf tho Patrons of theo thrco
counties. Patroos of other cojntici am alio
conlially invited.
In addition to having a grand good time,
n regular grango lovo foat, wo projioso
to bring husinced of vital importance to
Patrons before this meeting; among other
thing!, tho subject of Patron' Co operative
Insurance, and the question of a purchasing
agent in Portland, will bo ducuuctl.
Come then, Brother and Siktcrs ono and
all, bring) our lunch-laiLcts and meet with
uj on tho third Friday in Juno, and vtc
promuo that you shall nut go away duap
jointed. Fraternally Yonra,
A. K. .SmrLHT, .Matter.
Clydeidalo Stallions.
Mejuni. Urierson i PugU, ouners of the
two magnificent stallions that are, advertised
iu another column, hare already a good lot of
progeny to sliow from last year, as their colU
prove to he all that is desirable, so that they
are well patronized by thoso who brought
marcs last J ear. The hones were imported
from Scotlaod one year ago, and even under
those circumstances seventy-rive per cent, of
the mares proved to bo w itu foal. These aro
the best Clydesdales, brought direct from
Scotland. ,
State and Territorial.
SVIllMtncU Vullt-y.
Wheat looks woll through Yamhill.
Tho Statesman toys scrub raecs are tho ex
citement at Salem.
About 17 miles of West Side grading is
ready for tho iron already.
Hon. 0. II. llarch, SlatoScmtor from Yam
hill, has gono to Cihfornii on biieiticK.
John Hughes, a twelve jear old ton of C.
Hughes, while phying ha u bill at thll.if, hntl
his leg broken auout tho niil.lc
A corroipomlciit of tho Statesman, writing
from Dallas, thinks tho money will toou be
raised to coinpletu tho rnihotd to Dallas.
Mr. Sink, of West Chihilcm. Ind 100 acres
of land grubbed lost season, at Sit per aero,
and now has 300 acres of whcit growing.
Tlio KcportcrMjHa man named Collinscom
plained ngilust Wm. Fcuton, forilrawiugnguu
with thrtats. l'cnton was found Diilltv of
trying to scire the man vtith n pun mid fined
Tho Yamhill Kcportcr favs cojotes are
unusuallv numerous this Hnrinc. in that
county, nnd are destroying sheep vvholcsile,
vrorso on Muddy, th in elicHhcrc. 'ihey nro
very ooiu.
Last Friday tho nhco formerly bcloniriiicto
Mr. Sol. Cravens, deceased, about ,1 miles
east of horr. was sold at administrator's sala
at?lT (l1) per acre. Tho placo is ono of tho
best in Polk county, containing .'111) acres, and
one Jtnr ago could not bo bought, tor & per
Hon. J. F. Aims, of I.nno county, suggests
in a published card in tho I'ugcnoOuard, that
tlio survivors ol tlio Mexican war, living in
Oregon, shill meet and exchango social greet
ings, and will bo glad to havo fellow -survivors
address him nt F.necne. Thu idea is worthy
of being acted upon.
Tho Stato Journal sa) si Mi, Craig, of Mc
Kcnrio Koad Stock notoriety, has struck a
bonanza. Ho was getting out rock for build
ing purioses, anil in bursting n largo stand
found what ho thinks to bo first-class diamond.
It is a brilliant specimen and cuts class hko a
genuine diamond. Ho rofuscs to cell his dis-
covery at any reasonable Injure.
Noatbern Oregon.
Unclo Charley Applrgato'a health h improv
ing slowly.
Thcro will bo a large yield oT striulcrrio
la umpquaxallcy.
Twenty-two emigrants, direct fron Konsas,
camo to Itoschurg in ono day.
.Several partial wcro arrcstal at Myrtlo
creei., ior selling unuor to inutans.
Tho Western Star urges Itoschurg pooplo
to celebrate tho coming Fourth of July.
Ory Matoon, ot Hotcburg, had a hack
broken to pieces uy a tunxwny inula tcair.
H. It. Ikigars, mgiml ollicor, lately of Itcil
mull, naj cuang.'ii ins rcsiucnco to Koscburg,
and is in chargu there.
Fruit trees nromiso abundant vield nnd
griiu looks well m Umpqtta xnlloy. Farmers
tlaro are mining eotisulcralilo Improvcmcutn,
ltains hav o recently prove very atccptahla
to UiiiiMtut farmers, and tinny emntrnutsaro
ooining into that county with n xicw of
Mr. (iie2i lVrn-n'i houso on Coos river was
robbed of somo lewclrv and about SCO in coin.
Isst Saturday xvhito ho and his family woro
absent at .xiarsliltuld.
Mr. John Adams, about 70 years old, of
Douglas eounty, a piouier, was found stricken
with pirul)si, tIn thu field, w luro ha was at
worl., ana tutu tliat evening.
Tlio Itoschurg Independent saj s i Tho parties
who got excitnl soma timo ago over tho mines
ntUlaln, havo returned, woni out, hroko nnd
utterly disgusted, ami report very poor
Mr. Stringer started for IJutcrn Oregon
over Doer Creek trail, with fivo hundred head
of cows ond curlings, ami twenty or tnoro
brood mares, nil of which was purchased in
uiuppm vaiicv.
imuaii Jack, Lliict ot Loos my Indians,
died at I 'mjiiro City lost week. Tho funeral
scrv ho was preached by Hcv. J. McCormac,
and was well att.'udcd. Jack was about 'Xi
jcars old and not a b-jl man.
'I ho Coos Hay News says : Mr, (Icorgu
WooilniirgotJWh his legs broken last Satur
day in n lugging camji on Coos river, by a Ioj
rolling against them, 'i ha front liono of cacli
log, alxiut half wny between tho nnklo and
i.nvc, aro linu.cn.
Tho T.iko View Herald sajs copious rains
iau visited i-iko county, mock men aru
moving in to taka up locations in thatcounty.
from distant parts. Stock is doing well and
so nro law) era, apparently, m there is a hex vy
Circuit court docket Immigration from No-
vaua was passing tlirotign Una place.
Tho Independent saj si Mussrs. Ilixon and
Adamson havo started with It. L. Cavitt. nu
old mountaineer, to clear out a trail over tho
Cascado mountains to connect this vallev with
tho plains of Kasteni Oniron. 'I ho routo is
ono discovered by Cavitt, ami used by him a
hundred times, und will start from soino point
on tho head waters of Deer Creek. Wjicii tho
trail i ijuiBUGM, iucsgrs. jyixsuu anil iiiamsiui
will drivo a largo band of sheep, over the
mountains, inera to nor a tncni uuring tlio
i:i or tho jtoiiiimiiis.
Hay is selling at WalU Valla for $-J0a ton.
IoU of thunder And lightning is rejiorUd
from above Walla Walla.
Montana iicoplo aro fearful of Indian
troubles tho present year.
Sommer &. User of La Orandu intend to
build a first-class bnck store.
Tho houso of Mr. A. Mooro. on Wild Horso
Creek, has been robbed of ?IW), coin.
The Watchman says substantial improve
ments meet tho eye everywhere at walla
Tho Dayton Woolen Mills aru doinc an ex
tensive business, average of G3 pair of bankets
Teamnterj havo more to do now. at Walla
Walla, than before. Dr. Hakcr built thu
A newsnancr is to 1h started atKacloKock.
Idaho, tho terminus of tho Utah Northern
railroa .
Tho Mouutiin Suitintl savstho nroseciitiou
against Jas. Iltndcsrhott by thu State, re
sulted m a .verdict of "not guilty."
Tho O. S. ii. Co. boats inaku throueh trim
from Portland to Umatilla in t.'! hours, also
from Umatilla to Portland. No stomiacu now
at Tho Dalles or Cehlo.
J, L. Carter, of La Crande. was hurt bv a
team running over him. Ho was holding tlm
team while it was being hitched, when they
lccamu uiimanugeablo and trampled up-jn
Two more companies of cav alrv. eoinmaudtd
by lleiidiro and flam, havo Wn ordcreil to
move from Walla Walla to tho Yakima, to
belli innvu Aloaca ami otlier Indians to tliu
new reservation.
Alexander Mills, eomiiany svldlcrof com
pany M, 1st cavalry, stabbed and fatally
wounded John Swan, 6 private in tho same
company. I ho former is in irons aud iu tlio
guard houso at Walla Walla, while tho latter
u sunt ring ami uywg in mu nnspiui.
The IVudletoa lUst Oreouian savs: Tlios.
Doan, liaiah H. P, Weeks aud (i. II. Knowlts
of Boston, came in direct from tho East and
were guest of tho Don Ton Hotel. They come
by way of Kelton nnd hoio City, a.ul took
tho stage for Walti Walla to leturn in about
n week, 1 hoy nro engineers in the interest of
the Union Pacilic Ilnllrosd, and aro hero for
tho purpose of locating a railroad from Ogdcn
to tno ocean through this uuntry somewhere.
Wo arc also informed thntapiriv of survey
ors that went via San lYmcucn w 'I be nn in
a fow da) a.
TIip I.'axt Oreitaniin a tm-ro lndima
stopIM d a man while on lutwa) to tins placo
from Odd fprnig t niijoti, wl io lie had been
ficr,uii,r itortrs tor Ad isxc Hi wn coming
out of tl o (H!i)on vth ii he aw tlnxt IndiMi,
who wcro driving soint jionics, and of emirso
took to tho tults of the nuil t n!' v thtci to
Pum; buttohiB atoiiishincut thiv imii, mi.
surrounded linn, questioned linn, asked him
ins toHacco ami in via linn divide it ciuallv .
10 Indian madu liini'clf free of niHpeh.
circling around him and consulting with tho
other two, as If "fixing up n job tin him "
After somo ten minutes talk they lit liini bo,
and ho mado quick steps and reached tho first
cabin much "scart " Ho is wtll aeiiuaintcd
wiiu vuo icaucr ami Knows uitn lo lc n
A Yakinn corrciH)iiilcnt of the Wnlla
Walla Slatesmxn w rites i The fi londlv Indians
on tho Columbia haxo returned thu horses re
cently captured by tlio party of Indians from
tho Deputy Shinir Willis '1 honic on his routo
from tho Okanagan country with the Indian
prisoner to this place The Indians w ho re
turned tho horses report two of tho rescuing
party of Indians dead, and thrco others
wounded, ono expected to bo "maincloso"
soon. Itozelto, ono of tho posto that was
wounded by tho Indians, has reached hero,
ltoth hands aro hadlv disabled, but ho is
gradually mending. No indications at present
of an outbreak, except that tho Indians arc re
ported to bo killing cattlo on tho Columbia.
Tho troops havo moved from Fort Simcoo to
ivittiiass xaucy, which will notloulit havo a
tendency to put n quietus upon tho Indian
Tho Walla Walla Union saysi A largo mim
lier of civil engineers, in tho employ of tho
Northern Pacific Itailroad Company, havo
gathered hero and are now busy getting their
outfits for the lisld. It is understood that
two or thrco parties will soon bo set to work
in tho vicinity of Priest Itapids markiug pre
liminary and location surx'cys. Ono lino will
bo run west of that (uint. to tho lino located
over the Cascade Mountains from Tnconia last
Summer. Another lino will bo located east
erly to Spokane Falls. Priest Rapids nro at
tho head of navigation on tha Columbia river,
about 100 mdas abnvo Walluln, It is retried
that thu foimation of tho riverbed nt that
lioint is of such a character that tho river can
Iks easily bridged. Col. Doanc, who is in
chargo of tho engineering work, is going to
make a personal rcconnoisanco of tha country
lietwcin tho Columbia and Spokauu rivers
vvitk n view of selecting thu best general
The Pendleton Independent thinks tho visit
fo tha Umatilla chiefs to Washington will ro
suit in throwing open nearly tho wholo ef that
reservation, comprising "(W,000 acres of xaht
alia laud, for settlement.
Ma)nr . V. Parker is budding a wharf on
tho water frontago K-lovv tho Astoria Fishery,
which will 1m ucd by thu Aitorii Fishery
this) ear.
Tho nuw rcsulinco now boiuir built bv Mr.
11. F. Dculiam, 9! Salem, for Mrs. F.lhui
rvinney 01 mat puco, on 1 ourtn, in thai city,
is progressing finely Tlio residence, when
completely will lo occupied by Dr. August U.
Wo ham from thu Astorian of May 10th,
that thu cauniry nt Mr. M. J, Kinnoy is
probably putting np mora fish this season
than any other cannery on tho river of tho
samo capacity. About MX) cases were put up
) csterday.
1ukp( Hun ml.
Seattle people now talk of a wagon road,
viabiiotpjaltniu Pass, to Yakima county.
Snohomish ami Whatcom county fanners
aro turninc mora attention to ero in rnitinir
each) car. Whero two ) oars ago only afuw"
numireii nusncis 01 wheal were raised, several
thousard bushels wcro raiietl last year, and
this )car tho amount. will bo increased to
forty or fifty thousand bushels, Tlio )iold
on dyked lauds is said to range from M) to CO
bushels per acre, ami on thu uplands from .'lo
to W) bushels. Thu practice of Fall sowing
wheat is growing in favor, being found to
mult better, lioth 111 regard to )ield nnd
quality, then tho Spring bowii, Ixwidu tho
economy of time.
Kelly & Colo Fruit Dryor.
Mr. A. It, Collvcr, of Coon County, adver
tises in this issue that ho is agent for tha
Hampton Kelly fruit drying inaehino mid for
a fruit packing mocbino also. Howillranvius
Oregon mid California for- tho salo of thu
machines, tho rhiof of which wu uppoo will
1)0 thu Kelly fi Colo Fruit Dryers. Theso
machines are simplo, aud as thoy aro hcattd
by steam, leave 110 danger of burning tha fruit.
It consists of a scries of air chambers of zinc,
ono above tha other, tha spaco lietwcen just
sufucicut to admit tha tray of fruit, and when
ono tray is taken out no air is admitted to
tha others. Tha rino air chambers aro con
nected by joints of pipo that permit tlio steam
to circulate, as it is heated in a boiler .set
over a furusce, at the lottom of tho dryer.
Mr. Collvcr built an Alden Dryer at Coos
lUvir, that cost f.'.OOO in New York for tho
machinery, ami fJOO mora for fixtures put to
it when it arrived. Tho factory complete
cost him 5r,000, and l.o considers it a xaluabla
property, hut ho informs us that, Iu bis
opinion, with two one-hundred-dollar dryers
of thu Kelly A. Colo invention, with any shel
ter over them that is convenient, ha can euro
as much fruit as ho can in tho samo tuna with
tho Alden Factory, that row telenet to his
Wu havo recn milk dried with tin's machine,
gloss tra)s lciog suLstitcttd for thoio iu
ordinary use-, and tho product can li utilized
thu samo as thu condensed milk of commerce.
Mr. Linus 1 (rooks informed uh lost viuter,
that Mr. Allen hail two of those dryers work
ing iu his orchard at Hrooks Station, and that
they gavu oxoullunt satisfaction, and tha fruit
w.atof th best quality when ruady for ni.uket.
Of course no sin do machine hasn monojioly
of good qualities, and thcro is no reason why
this ono thou! I not bo m vahublu as a'iy.
XX u aro inclined to think it is xj good a any,
as good men vouch for it, and tho product
shows tliat its oxosIlenM u ottaMithed. It
is laid to do a much work iu a iivcn time as
any ot!ier,aiiixt,e shall vxjiect tola ar that Mr
Codxe ; iciio wit., success in making i!".
Ills own e-spsriSUM quihfioi him to U a
gol juiLjo, and ho xrsiet hi) own judg
ir.o it in its favor. His ducu on is that it can
not buiuproved. With that op:nion bo has
obtalnu 1 control of the sale and manufacture
for the Pacilic coast.
Tim hrsT-KNOWH mr roB cuniNa -ntr. scAn
To WiK)l.-GltoVKn.si I havo for a number
of jcars licen manufacturing, selling and using
Sheep Dip, with a xiowef getting nu article
that will bo acceptable to sheep men as a rem
edy for tho discasa known ns Scab in sheep
Objections havo been mado to tho usa of iny
Hc-nlock Dip, on tho ground that it was
oisnnoin, nnd in somo cvica it produced
ifonth when tho dip was snntlov.cd, or tiken
into tho stomach by tho shocp when dipping)
tins of course was ono objection, and in the
hands of inoxpcricnccd parties and huIl work
men, a sufficient amount of care in U3ing tho
dip was tint observed, mid notwithstanding
its ciheacy as a remedy for tho skin disease,
parties wcro constrained to abandon its uxo
through fear of handling it. I have removed
the only objection mado to tho ttso of my Dip
by making and placing on tho market Nov
Poisonous and Toiiacvo Sheep Dips, and I
confidentially recommend them as tha cheap
est nniLmnst effectual reined ios ever made,
nnd by their uso you can cradicato tha disease
from ) our Hock. Try it, it is safe to lira at
any degrro of strength, nnd is n remedy di
luted 100 or lfiO parts water.
P. S. Order cither of my Sheep Dins, xir.i
Concentrated Kstract of Tobacco, Hemlock
Sheep Dip (poisonous), nlso Non-Poisonous
Sheep Dip
nun: vkii oau.oni
TobaicoDip, SiTfit Hemlock Dip, 8&U5I
Non-Poisonous Dip, JJ.'JTi.
You in truly,
S. ll. Kr.ssKtiv,
Omaha, Neb.
Orsicc or STLrm.ss, Post A. Co.,
CurYiNur, W. T Annl 10, 187U
(iKHTLKMRNt I haxu known tha liearcr. S.
II. Kennedy, Fsq., for over thrco )cars. I
have also used tho sheep tlip manufactured by
him during that time, nnd I know from ex
perience that it cures scab, as I haxo eradi
cated tho disease from my own Hock by tho
uso ot his dip, when all other remedies tried
hod failed. I confidentially recommend his
Non-Poisonous nnd Tobacco Dips ns tho best
ami cneacsi tuns in use.
cry respectfully,
M. K. Post.
Mr. George Kuble, vvjiolcsala dealer iu sad
dlery hardware, leather and findings, Denver,
Col., under dato of April II, 1S71, iu order
ing somo CO gallons of dip, says:
"I bcliovcy-ou havo struck the thin" now
on which I will eventually succeed in making
big sales. It works to perfection so far, and
all thoso that havo used it are much leased
wnii us operations, will scml )ou a lew
testimonials soon. 1 havo no ftar cut wo
shall como out on top eventually."
Yours truly,
(11011(11! IlOI'LL.
Mr. Kennedy will bo iu Portland for somo
tune, and anyono wishing testa him will find
him nt J McCrackui tc Co's, Front Street.
. ....
Ilueniv Vista
Itntto Creek
llrooks. . .
llellevuo. .
dttagu drove,
Canyon City
Fox Valley
Forest drove
dolJcndale, W. V. .
Hlllsboro ,
I iiih pciidonco
Jaeksouvillu ,
King's Valloy......
Lincoln ,
Mt Pleasant
Miller's Station. ...
McMlimvillo.. ..
North Yamhill. . . .
Pilot Itock
Powell's Volley....,
Sheridan. .
Seattle, W.T. ..
Upjr Ochoco.. ..
Vancouver, W, T. . ,
West Chchalom . .
Weston ,.,.......
Walla Wulhi
Waltsliiirg, W T..
J IX Haiiuou
J, A. l-nngworthy
1 (Miniiuior
. It. L. Simpson
1). M. Calbreoth
. U II, Fnizer
J. U (Inllif.inl
J. W. Ikalehellor
Win. Ilnrris
..W. It. Kirk
.. . Jcir Davis
II. Shortrideo
If. 0. llrown
, Win. Knight
D. It. Itinuhart
, John S. Clark
....I'. Wootlard
C. K. ltussell
Ilobcrt dlass
deo. ShulU
i:. Forbos
IU C. Hadaway
... .J. II. Huusaker
...I. D. Leo
TIkm. Ptarco
M. lUlity
... .J. H. McChuig
A. Ik Haiuis
. . . A. D. Carducr
.W. U Curtis
S. Hamhmkcr
. ,. .Ainc A. Wotnioru
O. M. Mallc-v
.Hiram Smith
. . . . Utorgo.I. Wolfsr
T..I. Illack
W. D. Pitteiijer
W. L. Ilotlgm
Max Muller
i J. W. Itowland
...Smith. Ilrasfli-M JL t!n
Conor & ('rosuo
1 L. Abr. us
It. M. Powers
Dr. Pappletou
I. N. Yokes
it, II. Ituthcrford
F. S. Thayer
J. J. Jllalr
W. V. lloeii
.4 .. . . . .11. Now man
. . .W, Waterhouso
A. Held
. . Jacob I), ltltti r
.D. C. Stewart
Samuel llobsou
M. Williams
..J. If. SI.UIMJ
O. M. Pringlu
William Holder
K. diham
L K. Williams
. .11. F. Irvlno
John Downing
. , , , P. A. Keuuidy
. II. II. Soirervillu
.Julius Horton
: L. llrooks
.John Cre-ightoii
Jos. Jliiusjiker
. . S. W. Drown
J. .'I. Couleo
A. 1). Pettyjohn
W. A Wbitmiu
.,.. J. F. Ilrvwcr
t. D. liwir
.W N. S.ijflh
I It. Klls'ii
Asrose Sintwcrtiiit sn alterlberatnt Is Iks
nitlAsirrTK KARHKB wllltonr.rn iBTornpoa
ttsbyssTtEg that Ihrr law It In IheWILUMKriE
I now ht a control, for tMttccOfit. of lliotn-ithlnritn.
itnlcJ by Hampton Kelly ft r iri'.xrrliij itml iltjluc
(rultand vriritnlhs, omanl i Uvm Hell), tVIo ana
XXatsoti.anililmll nccil la canvaastcr lo'o ct taa
rlilr.oninl liullvldnl Add ronrlv rislitu ter Oitsnj,
proic.lirMfor n(llnj;ilrleil liuUi end VrcctilU",
thot -1 vir tnatloaiul irtil. ll,-e muclUiUMt aro
Kcllj's Fruit and reRClal)lo Grinder,
That intkiM rmiId of tnul irtrmtfin tn etMsorA
tlon and UrjUiji for marfcet
Kcllj's Centennial Trult Drjcr,
Thftt lirtifirrsl Dm t utn. ntni? lis art ((km I (nf ittwi 1
ilrjlog tho tame.
Kelly & Cole Fmlt Drjcr,
Of slics Ui.it ntniro In rost from S7& to illl each, u llli
caKUlly to tlry Iroin ll to 30, lni.lnN of spjJrs ter ilay
of lohoiin'uork. Tlitsilrjcr Iimiio suiwrlor, anil ft
described In tho lotion Ini; cut.
Valaablo Property For Sale.
I oiler for-Kt'o my homo in .Salem, one of
tho inot ilesirablu loeations in that tit).
very lomfoiUblu dwelling houen with um
acre ol ground attached, valuablu fruit on the
IUi, ckmI stHblea, exeellcut well of living
v...ter, sunk deep in thu bed-roe!.. Priea
AImi sixty-thrto aeret ono miL Mid a h ill
from town, onc-foiiith in lum ami iminu
oreharil contaltu Jl.fJO treei in jjood eultiv.i
lion, one-fourth iu wheat, ground newly
This is a valuablu iiroiwrty, with a well of
In ill,,' vater oil it, fenced in threu fielils)
uabin and stable-. From it theru is ono of tlio
inoit Uautifsl views to Ihj fouud in Uieou,
Pncv ?-V) nu acre.
Terms of lujintnt eon 1 mado easy on
both theso iiieces of projiertv.
Address, S. A. C'L.titKr,
Fanner Olhee, Portland.
Or I). W. CltAju, Farmer Othcts, Halem.
Ilcferctieo la mado lo tho following nsmed trtoni:
Lixes llsoomt, llrooXs' btstloii
Kiisw K Atist, " " anil mny otlif nt who
lure usl tli drytrs sml know the nuillt) of fr.ilt
whin drlcil mM tho raiw llya safety of tho nuchlnts,
which sra hratril hy f tram, so mntiut Imm tho fruit,
ntlthcr aro thry tlslilo to iWmytliv tulMlnir, as hss
ln th rav In thlt Stalo with othrrn.
Thcqwdlty of llio fruit, l on Jih.l. l i.Uj to Uio
Uttniiiiufutuml, sml i ttlievr It or)jr lo all
Collvot's Fruit ami Vegetable Press
h Intoti'hil lur lniUiiL-iliWil (suit or nnlaMcslii
two to(Himmlir U)U", m.d nt It hi llm l-eat
laiullJo ivnJItlon iil term lor 1 1, te uo, at lihlbur
I lnll t rrtrr to fill unhrs lor lli u Kr UM
(nun Kutcrn inaniilaitiirtrt, at lim 'lliv.
Tlirw years siro I put uiion tn Irnltfirm en Cuo
lllter, 'j fount), an AMcn lrt H7I1U I'mtorjr,
llulliiiiwtmiiiliMiisr4tlti jf fully ii iiirsoti.
I Mil full) .le.Uitu tho Im l.u 1 of ili-)Lni frulU
aftor tljfhlwn )r firlni. uiul uiilioluthiitly
iininouiicr tlio hrlly t Vie ir)ir without n nirlir,
!'! Jiutllio iiiuhliw i.t.-li.l I . ii lytho majority
of tiuitfT ct Ailln
mm mim
Cor. Third and Ash Strools,
;,'ur04 boujlit nl ! I .t tnlir. 1'irtlos luilnj
hones to sell will iluull to ml) im 111 non, ss wo hseo
miny ordcM to I'll We wo iifrrl to lumllo un
tmliinhornc", erthwa Hut lax cuntractnl vlrlous
hshlu (thsruhy nttlnf Ihcm for uisikct;, on tho mmt
s lintlnoirlniliilc4. Tiriiu reufonalilo. AiMrrtt
ciir or i. r.cHTiii:MAr,v. h.,
ftt:tr Portlnud.
up tiii:
Washington County
71 0 Ihrr tors iif t"io X a I lnto 1 Coun'y AitrtaJtursI
(ticKty luivblToitd
SOOO.OO! In t'm a,-nri jti, jr f-uloit
Hiionlii"; ami Trollln.1; Jlorscs !
Tlio trhl 1 rif hhI to take plica mu thu iiuro un tl
Kc4ldy's 1 sir elro-jnji, 1 ntr
Illllslinio WiiSliliiKtun Cit,; Or.,
July :iil und .tlh, 1K?I,
July SJ, 1 r, y. IVatist Kuiuiliet llortv, ilsro er
tlihlji, ajcirsoM, 111II0 sndr'iie&t.tiiWuiiiv 1(1 tier
int. . . . . . SIM 10
July sth, If. M. I iutMt Tri.ttlni; ll(r, Jlaro cr
(ItUlnir, lao fur all, three In lltr,n traneo 10 tun-cit.,
. . . . . . . tm, tli.tM
ImmullaUly ltcrrj, Vuteet Itunnlnir llurw, tlsro
or (ItMIni", frvo fur hll.hinlu IMh of II inllm, hi
trance 10 r tint., .... o, 410U
Tho rules ifottnilnif ruelng ut tho Aiinual MictfiiK ef
Society will Ui Iu luno at tho July tlectinif.
AUiii1sIoii fur mrii siul Uijt our IS years of of,
MftnUiwrUa, Women uid 1j iui wr thst ho,
free. It Isssis, 1'rtolilint.
11.11 (J. IIUIT, HvcrrUu) iiiS)10Iiii
In Not Deceit cil by IitiUulloBN
Now Uhijf orftri'.l In thlt nurl.it. ThU faint liM
Un In lio 1 1 Dili HUlo i lour sml ly wi inmiy, wltU
lutUlutory roaults, that It meils liv Utter rceoin
znxoxi n.i33oxjoi3i :
HkiiiI I'Of Mimpio Can,
Wholcanlo Druggists,
-A. O-tTi TNT X' w .
naj.' t!
J, lULh blinds M p. hl.SU.
Dubois & kino,
Commission Merchants.
411 Waihln-'tan St., San Francisco,
108 Front .'t., Portland, Or.
Circulirsanlutlitr InforuutJon rK,-ari!lic tlio wool
liurkst f urnJibvJ mi S ')lttlun to our 1'wiIUjhI llou.
. 'I
.i' "