r7R,afceK3Kl ' jrrKw sij, ifjr 7naudi'a- rcw PM pl6t , f"f . ', I J i nil foot tC 1 51 anl 3 ct. tor f hole itlatnl3 ctx. jon, IV15; Wlllsmcttt Vsll, MARKET REPORTS. WlLt.AMrTTTK FARHHR OKF1CB,) Pojtuio. (Or.), Thussdat Mimsim, r-rgil tcntlcn In l"ortlaml, fatilnff, WJ, u solllnj atpsr. Kilror coin In I'orlUml lh.) I.wilci quoto at 3y2 per cent discount. Clonic S'rodtico MurUcl. tJorrcclcd ncckl by Omrtock A I'flujor, proprietor. of, tho Ureal American Htorc, flosorol (Urn t, hctwocn ltorrl.on and Ynmldll, I'orlttml Tlio following reprint trbolaIfl nU)S from l rodu ri or fltt IiiiiiN FMJUIl- In jvlibln; Ml stsndar.1 brandi, i, livit , country brands, 81 Ofttft M WIIKAT-tl.CO, quiet. OATS -wlill, i4 V bushel. QNltWM 10c V Ik. rOTATQCS-fJuolabl atl5cf ? buh Coining In freely. IIIDMK(ISJobblnjr, for fori, 13025 i dnf, 2J C71 V bin. MIA.N-Jobhlnj; at It V ton IIACON-HMcs, Oe i llami, llwl2c; shoulders, 0 to Tr. t.Altt)-ln kcjri and Mm, 10c. HUTTEIl -Wo iiiot choice I rcih roll alM to 12c, cool ' pickled roll, ltc; solid In ke,f., ISc. CUP.VM'r Orciton, 11I3; California, 10c. OIHXtt llll'ira-ApplM, (tood kctplnj, -r boi, MctTSf. Dltli:tl r'ltUITK-Apulot, tun dried. I(r5c; nvvhlns dried, Kff. d ill tilt. Iters, matlilno dried, ". Plnnis, fttiri ilr.Ml, $3 MHIS tik,iri-: demand. TflUiriiV (II liens, )inr, (01 Mnl: old, ' .lf4), widuiiti itmw imwii nn:i limn WIICM' u. worn. ia... . 1IIIIIH 13c. TALMW- (JnoUblo at ft and l cti. IfAV-Tlmollij, baled, buying at10and JU Vlon, rjcticml iiicrcliiunllsic. C'orreiteil b Ooimlock A I'lbigcr. HICII-CMm, No. 1, none I Chin, No. I, C ct., Japan, 7 tt; Haiidwlih Ithndt, 7c, TCAS-Japan, 34 and 40c; lllark, tt and 00, V. If., I.WIT.i: Uinta Illoa, 15 and ldjci Java, SM27. HU'IAIIH Market irell supplied; Cruabed A, l!c: flnotniahrd, 12c; Cube, He: Kitrn (', 10; Doldei C, 9c; Nnndnlch l.lsnds, 7 and 0 e, HYIIUI' oiralCOc. OANiUKS II and IS. IIAMIKH Imported, fi 60 and ft fOaboi; Callfer- nU,2andJ3. MAm-flood. lio and 1 M. YEAST POWIIKIl- Donnellj, 10 and fOo . V fon; Preston A llerrlll tic per grow. 01 IX Ordinary branrli of coal, Us (high ffradM, Downer A Vo.,371 and tjjc: IMIod Uiuccl, 3c; IUw tJntced, 00c; piire f Ard, 41 Si andtl 40 Caitof, l 13 lind II 40; Turpvntlno, CO and (VI renU. Iry (joutlN, i:ic. Uirrreted by CoimUxk A Pflujer, 1UUII and Jobbing lUtm. (.abot, A., 0) to 7c; Cabot W.,71 to v; CallewM, KtSe; Gingham, 11(il2e; whlto Ilock llii.illn,0c:vlilloI)n.lj- Jala, do ; ciUicr bmndiof white JluiUn, 7&f ISJc; red all- wool Uannel, SOfCOc; while all wool rlannel, SnNYVt Uuiton ftlannrl, btrathed vnd unUcoilied, OvfJOc; t.Tmtlot, for ihlrtlnz, htIOc; Tabto Linen, 35v04e; WaUriroof, 7K"Wc; Craah lowcllnir, 10f IS; Kenturky Jeoni , Ur37; rwl all-wool lllankat), tOrS M; wlillo all wool llUnkrU, tt.U; Oitlnn llatUnff, aif2ic D; ahlrtln( Hanntl, S4tl0c; bluk and colored QuhmeM; ilc MI.7S; IlutUr and CtiroM cloth, fa7c; fleainlaM Hvkf , 3S;UunliuerannUrloth,00i)atl,U;TI(kliij, l!a3Se, Dmlmiand I Hick, llaSOc; Karmrn' llooU, 175a5.00; 4 Hhoe, llrnt', II.Ma IW); do do I AdleV, calf ikln, LTSatVJ; dado Children' Hhoce, calf akin, II.U I JO; Hora' lloob, tl.U a l.OOjOrcralU, Wo a I.M; Jum. an, Woal.ii; Mannel OrtnhlrU fl.MalTS; titna' CndanhlrU and Drawen, 37a a fJ.OO; Orercoau and ' CMen, IT.tO a 11.00; Clothliif, aulU, 7. W a 33.00; Cowl. mart PanU 13.00 a 0.M Mutt l-'runclnco ffliirkct. Hah Fatanaco, May 0, Whoal-To-day Ultra haa boen an Increaaed Inquiry togathar wltli lanro aalea; among aalea mm a aniall tot of atrlctly tr cholcuCaU milling at II 03; Uriro aalea ctwlco ahlpplng all! 00 andfalrtov)lhlppln( at 41 Mul ft; Urnianil li inaatly for choice of which offer lojpi grow dally iinallor, OaU-r'erd-r'ornoodtocholeoll I7I JO U offered; damand fair and holderi drm, Polaloci Ilrnt tnnulei auld at (0 cU. Wool -Oil Hcinand U still for choice; market very active and oirlted owlnif to of the, coinpenaatlon anions tuatern buyer; It laeiimtcd that a reaction for the voraewill take place and uur dealera are corropond' Injjly carful In tlmlr inoienicnta; hoblen nra frea aellrre; market quotable IMIJ cla for midland, Ucti for northern, irood, ItVtlH cU, Uiw Ice, lOta) eta; fancy till bUher; builncM U hrgo at quotations, tuitcn prlcea do not Jmtlfy prtwnt ratea, defectho qualUlei an neclectri "till and are nomliul; ttockt of iholco in tiaml are (leaning iqi. lilctiK iiliirKtit, Cmcioo, MiydL Wheat Ullf ir bit -ild for Vlay dclliery. lluvrliuliui'N Wliiuit 3lurUi. 1iik, MayO, t'loailnj turvuM, very little Inquiry; rarH-vHjun vu MjanJ f r thlpment, riy Inuvy; Mirk lane quiet hut atoady. Quotall.un ol (;uil ntgiei, oB coatt, 1HI Bu. ilamiKefir teller' b'eoutt, lea iitual S wr cent. cni lulwlon; Mel, Oh ir Mil, tit, Ited NUnUr, h flj; UdlfoniU, hlth, tit. (lol ahlpptii,? tltlifornla oil awae, per KU Cvi, ikHinbiwn for urdirt, Jvut tblp;ikl or ti be promptly thlpped, 4I; nearly due, 4Hj avirage Hi or Mil for tjfilpment during the preo-nt month ami follow Inj one, W41) B.I, on Aimrlivin toruit, 'jH; Oregon tor thlp. mint, It. LlierMHi Whiait, epot, ttixwl) Urerpoo) fair toUiolcethlpplnj; tluh per eonUI, 0a 3daa M Mierpol l'r to cholit tapping ila per eeiiUI Kt 1Ij2I Lit crpool lloa Am Hprlng ahlppliur .No. 3 to No. 1 par twatal7ifcttSaSd. Faic ! ifool thlppioj Oregon, wr rental, 0t &lvn 4',- jooj to choice flipping Oregon, r oenUI, On 4dt0a 7d. Uerool Aiu. eitrabute flour per bbl 104 Iba, Hi SJ. Weallier In KngUiiJ unfavorable to groalng crop. THE WOOL MARKET. Tho wool markot cannot li raid to liaro opened yot. No arrivals of consorjaoiico lnvo been reported. Shearing in tho valley is re larded liy tho cold And wet woather. Koshland l)ro. nay Mio jircsont indications will not warrant payment of moro than 1 1 to 10 centi for valley wooK with 'i to IG cent for Kittern Orogou wool. Tho m.irltet will -I'r.ic ttelf inoi.; natisfac- torily licfnrci !"nt(, nr 1 Oregon wool will vol ho really frr falo in nny tfrca' iinritity hoforo tho first of July, or may ho hy tho niiddlo of June. 'Micro is no telling what may hatiticn before that time. llmrov, Alay 4. Thowool market is gener ally unchanged; fair dcin.ind from manufao turcra nt current prices nnd old stocks fast disappearing. .Socral lotiof new fprina Cali fornia h.ivo been received. In combiner nnd ilelaino sclcctiom very littlo was iloun thlt week m tho stock of this description is so small that there is no inducement for largo buyers to operate Tho demand for pulled wool continue! good. Valley nnd I'astern Oregon 19ftl!M siirma California JOS'iSli fall 10J1 J. .Sales of now clip of California havo been 11,000 pounds '.W'T-'l. and(i'.',000iound 20 for good tfouthorn wool. A Homo in Silom For Sale Any person wishing for n good homo in Balom, as for instance eomo family from tho country wishing to cducato Uio children, will do well to look nt tho resilience lately occupied by 8. A. Cl.irko editor of tho Faii mhii, ndvertised for salu in this issue. It is n very comfflrtaulo home, ono of thn most dcsirabio nnd healthy locations in that bc.tHtiful city) tho well is stink forty feet in bed-rock, nnd furuishoi puro nnd delicious water; tho stables nni oxteniivu, tlicro la abundance of choice fruit growing on tho place. nnd in nil n full arm of ground. Head tho advertisement. Valtnblo Proporty For Salo. I oircr for salo my homo in Salem, ono of tho most dcsirablo locations in that city, vory cnmfortablo duelling bousn with ono acru of ground nttacliod, valuable fruit on tho ploco, good stables, excellent well of living water, sunk doeii in tho licibrock. Trico 92,riOU. Also sixty-thrco acros ono inilo and n half from town, ono-fmirth in plum nnd prune orchard contains 3,000 trcos in gixxl cultiva tion, mo-fourth in wheat, ground nowly gruhlicd. Tliis is n valuablo property, with a woll of living water on it, fenced in tlirco fields; cabin nnd stable Front it thcro is one of tho most beautiful viows to lw found in Oregon. i nco ?.)u nu ncro, Tcniu of payment con Ikj mado easy on lioth thoso pieces of proporty. Address, H. A. Cl.AHKr, Farmer Ollico, l'ortlaud. Orf). W. CitAto, Farmer Olllcc, Salem. THE NEW Establishmant t ontennial 231ock, Tho liliddlo tore, Bet. RTorriEon aud "Vainhill Strcots THE NEW Establishment On Bocond atroot, The MMdlo storo, Bot. Morrison nnd Yamhill Strcots. IMI'OIITKHS, AND WHOI.I'-SALK AND IICTAIL UKALtUlS IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIFR CLOTHING ANDFU11NISHINGGOO D uootn and 8hoos, Grocories and Provisions. Country Solicited. All HIikIn of Produce nought anil Sold. 00MST00K AND PFLTJGER. Oi'iK'iN Trout tlio IinJItt fc. CIIDfr PflDF KerrororrS Ojofiw, trntmlattnml A'mwtf llMdar.nif Fnrr. OUnt VlUnC Calii (. mi .MorpujacIAiatdl'tuiaf.aalallaJadrti vompiajaia rituitiag xrom eolda aad uxpurt. The JUltC ELDER IIIilVJAMIKJ I'BANKI.IN flayi ef tblt rmMr la lb Amiriwi PbrliUin Rf tlav, af Oct., tttb lTJi "Yi rail al Unll.nlo- tlOIIVNS,HIJI(i:Llllli:"iiiarollarvMte;.aaliNilcMV. Wa hi ba.naraelr trflall.il with Catarrh of tba Lead fer tan rear. anI now afUr tulaa tha DoilYNS'HUKBCUKKalxaUbr'arnOBlht.cantnilriar. ",M.!,?.i,.?l.r,0"' '!' franthafatlratnetlalatbabrad. Wahaia (Tfn''IpilYN.VHUKH0UltK' taoQi- thvri, aa wa batr bta In ratlla arulr all Iht tliiia..anlll riaa rarannaiy pumrtiw:. tl . Ittt (I, Frill, No. Itt llirnlll'r Klrtat. Cincinnati. U Manh It, lilt, aaril UIdthaMIonYNH,KOIIHCUIlK"anainuiirai'iiviur Th.mltln.lUtlf lilhtb.it Uillmoni.l. Mora al r IrtiM- aJM(, wnni jow rrrammnu ... linn llfc tan in IB aaaaa a amaal ifiall ftst-aW sai 1 t -iar(l Blmnlal aVItfl H iMtacarrraaauaatalltljBtl,aa.liMpnJ icl wWU Wl lAa trm fr,l ap- rilK" t ifnrtU mJtl- nMwt. .li.r ll.t within tl6lirNS'NURHCUIlK" pat- aataik mmA oinaall awtlai a 111 atAns-lar-a Atl (halt ""."- "ii .": .""a ':,,"',:f".7":i.,."i".ji:i... i. ...i it net ftiroM. nfftfut,vrii s-ovrr, u ijrFTif cur '"' "; n,""' '"' niiocairrT aa plimtUm, rwhi IHrferm v IM'TltM f.A..a faaTai lia.ttaM la ttitl ar Vw ! ft. firdtt Kt I kan rftTkbU ft! I'tUila ! Htrii wriU risriVamf, 'm,.ijI, Cmtp onU JStaH plainly, J rr rJir will rtilr prompt fctua- . avwaUT" " U f Cnt4iBinmcl,tltl4lU10Qmet.in.Knrinmn7 rmi nm Mtn in coBRpItUrart. OgreirenUr.eentiJolD tiit-ton- ef ibtnottnnufkMlt iptrionrtnj pt inniiirriprfTnM7, win n duin im yi j-w i j niww. B.MHinVNnHI!RMIaUUK'Hmlixtu H ' mi2-4t kll Hi voBkriv k'SHivSuZLI North Mlddlolown, Iloarbon Co., Kf. B. F. to oirn mi:ai::iin. Anjone nnKtrlme an udrrrll.fmtnt In the mitMi:nK fivmkii mil conr.r a Urorupon usbraalns that thrjiair It In IhetVIUAUkTIK MHtlKII. I'UIIKK i. llttIO, D. W. PRENTICE & GO. Music Store! 168 Pirfit St., Portland, Or. All instruments sold on tho Installment iilan, nro nt our regular CASH I'RICICS. Our I'ianos and Organs aro from tho U-st tnakon, our prices nnd tonus nro tho cnticst of any housi) on tho North l'acitla Coast. Vo fully miarantco every instrument wo sell, antl each l'iano and Organ is also nccomjianicd with a guaranteo from tiia manufacturer. SWICK. SrHJ3 HKNTAI. itaosu ' vor Broyman Bros. Store NONK HUT FIXISIIKt) o7I:ilATIONH I'KUlllllMKI) I fabJS tl Dr. JAtMl' WITIIYCOMBB, VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL I'ltAOTICT. I.V I1IIITLANU IIKIllMmUl llt'lnirliivltn tnUnilro prarllcalli Onwm lor lha Ut otjtlit ytart. li a 111111(10111 Ruaranltx l ablllta. n III aoml pruirrlptlana anil Information for tlia trrat Mont ol an illaraw en rwlit ol one dollar. riUlo th ajinptnmt as near aa Kiubl, olw nmrth aroanj wditlit ol liunu. Oltkw nt UliACH. IIAUK NT.tm.VS, 1-OltTI AND, OIIHOO.V. fob7.1m p SUMMONS. IN JUOTICirS CDUHT FOIt TIIK i-iii:ci.vct op North I'ortlanJ, Count) of llurtnoniali, KUU) ol Ureipn; HAM I'lNO, Jolnu biulnoat unJor tlia (Inn nama on.1 uif i',S A.rlf A V0-, s'l1""!, va.HO.0 AUK onj HAM HOW, itolrie liiulnoiM unJar tha firm name anj atria ol 111 Chontf Win; A Co., doloniUnU. t.lrll Action to roorvr tnoncjr. To the abote nainod tlolenilanla: In tho nam. ol thoHlata ol Orrvon jnu on limbr roculro.l to par Iwtora tho unJcn.lincl, a Juitloo U tho l'oaco (or (lit I'rclnct aloroaalj, on tlia aotonUi day ol Juno, 18711, at 10 o'clock In tho furvnoon o( oalj ixi, at tho oDlco olatM Jua'.lra. In aalj 10x111(1. to aniwor tho aboro namod I'UlntlrT In drll action. THoDo'cnduitiwItl tiko notloa that II llior (all to anawor tho I'Mupbtlnt ho rrln, Uio I'UlntlS will tab Judgment oiralnu them (or It.DflJ, and (or cou and dUbuntnonti, a Oidor (or tho publication of tlio aboro Ulnmord mad thUUddau( April, 1S7D. jcwki'ii ::. wiLKr. PSWbr Jmtlo..( tho IVmo. Only First.OlasB Goods Kopt ADIillUSS: SETH LUELLING & SON, milwauklo, Oregon. j-uiii-u Salem Flouring Mills DBSr PAMILV FLOUK. UAKBR'S KXTRA, XXX. DUPKIUriNI AND OHAUAU, MIDDLDJOa, BItAN, AND B1IOUTJ OoiiMtiiutly ou Iluud. HlffltOHt Trloo In OA8H Paid for Wheat ATAXZi TZMIU. H. O. KINNEY, ""t lt( Asent 8. V. V. tb Kl'IIILNK I). WIIITK. I'ortlind, J. JJ. OILT.NKIt, tvui rToorlauu. Inttallincnt tcnnsi 3'(W, flOO, or more, cash, lahiuv, $15 nr$.'0 cr month Imtallmont tcrum C-", C.W, or morx', 1-alauce, 3l,i or S.M ior month cash, Inotalluicnt tennsi gin, sjil, or more, cash, litlanco, $10 irlft per innntli Commercutl. Thursday Mohnimi, May 8th, 1 879. Tho wheat market is duller, if possible, ttUanovor, Millers ara purchasing lots for , grinding, paying as high as f 1.70 for extra ohoico that weighs heavily, but tha average prlco cannot Ixi put higher than 91,60 per t otnUl hcra. Messrs. Henry Hewitt A Co. hat e chartered ' tho wooden ship Oarihatdi, that has waited for a year past for a charter, and will load her with 1,300 toua of wheat and part of a cargo of salmon, It ia ilaimcd that alio ia chartered att 45 per toil to Uuitetl Kingdom, Tha wheat to bo liipx'd on her comes part from Walla Walla, aud tho remainder ia composed of small lots that havo Wen picked up until cargo has been accumulated, tho warehouses of this city having born pretty well clcaued out to maLo up tho reuiaito ipiautity, It is claimed that a largo quantity of wheat remain iu tho upjwr country, but how much la uot certain. Fanners in the Willamette havo some surplus stored that may come out ucxt month, but whether they will hao more than millers will require remains to b de. aided. Installment tcnnsi f 15, $25, or moro, cash, balance, $.1 or $10 per month. It installmint terms as quoted above do not exactly; please, they can bo changed to suit convenience of customer. D. W. PRENTICE & 00. And l'ublishera of D. W. Frontioo & Oo'a MONTHLY MUSICAL J0U.RML rrloo 75 Conts por Yoar. Contains 31'J worth of New Mtiaio each year. , spa-tnt PSRSv?.UREforHARD r,MES 1110 DDn l'lut'''J t"l oUoaa.O00 nd.rIU IUU.UMU and IVUucuU1 btratwrri lUnU. MU tlT,!M"' l',lJnU ,T' K.orjlhlnr now. UNHeet.WtwJburjr, K.J. niwSS5u WHITE & GILTNEE, SfOGK. HONEY AND EXCHANGE 130 First 8t, Portland MININO rnWUHI!Ol)IITANIrlOLI ON COM inl'on and turrlnl on UanriiK. lUtliijIncrtvunlourlarllltloi (or the uicha aim sa!ou( Mlnln;Mdtka, weonoraylranla.-vi loopvrabtra not to iMii.vlclxjxhiro. I'trift luiurlly t.naiau. ireJ lltivrri tt-l'l lavt or loru. Hmrnliiir and Kvenln llctrd lJ:liUllouj nxtlrcd iltllj bj- telegraph, (icnor.ll 'enls nnd Collectors Will Iranut't builnc-ui I r rtlolltlni;uta dla'ani-o as Airertiorit'iorHiw, In all InsUnivt inmantiiliu aatltuwtlon and in.xlcrilo tharjiu. Our rtfvnnrojsre tliobjitlntlietlty. liusiirunco, 1'Iro and iMurlnc, I'jTreUid In tho beat and inoit rolUblo coni mile., at reirulir raUii. I'rojxrtjr ovnen Ihln In dltn Uiwnj or In Uio eountrjr, uud not bvliur protoite.1 aculn.t Iom hi lira ill tin I It vrmtlj to their atlraiitAa to tmiifi wlt't in to bni fielr ptonirtj (ullj Uiurol, at ornaU eott, full liutrueiloni vlth ivutleulaua sent en ai..ll-i-u'.lon. ' EUGENE D. WHITE, cojaiiissioMHi or ii:t:is, o'nrj fubllc nod General to,jstcr. fliwhl atlontloii irinn to lh tablm; ot PjpoalUoui ant AcbnoalMimnU, IVvdi, JlirUpvw, luwer o( AUornojr, and all other loniu o( K-al lnitruiiMi.ti iroiijrl executtil and acknoivledced (or all n( tl htatM and Tcrr.t rloe. and tho UUtrlet ol (lnnibl (Icmun wwer o( attoniey eiocuted and lejOnod. uplT-U " HOFV8E MARKET B 0 ARDING ST ABLES Cor. Third and Ash Sts . POXlTXsASJI). Wo.1 Irom 0. 8. N. Oo'o Whorl three blocks. T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... SPXa.s-s.x'xiaftolaatts, PatUii'e Mock, Hlate nrvet, Bslem, Orrcon. IJAUTICIILAK TrKNTION (1IVHN TO I'ltB X aerlptleiio, andalluitiero liymartortiprvff Ullrd rivHi'fj hiino hi minifiT I'hiolclaiia snd tbiunirv Donlero will rare raoner bj J'.!?i,l.nV.,,: 'Y '".' Ul or l" ""' "r prlc, befwe iirchstlim rUoMhcr i.orS-tt 4 English BERKSHIRE PIGS T K.NTi:UKI I'liW AT Till; lbT STATB KAIIt i tjok n iveuiUke. (or bc.l litter, alio or bet boor onUioi-.-.u.J., Ukln iilgliUn.il wIau on in j eulrlii U ne. I inn I .niUIi lIltUUHNa W)V8, youniand n.-d, to Millbrodu an. order. bodjr lia lio, vholco jtouii t IIOAILS, i j'.k .WUIt4l )atot oe.;gon JOHN WEST, Xew Meat HarUt. Sll.ll, Or. STEAMSHIP 00. nbuA fnr Imp.11,. .i AW . . (Ill't. I n... .. !.,. 1-arUcular atlentUm uld U bu Idc and oellln bonm lor parlies In and out ol lhocll. PartlM Utlnir at a dUUnee, ho UI send mo a minute tlerlpUon o( ouch honraaathejhaioloraale.and irl the ao, hajht, eb,-ht, rotor, ilUpoaitlon. ,t.e, prloe, ele., hltli I UIloua bulVUn board at the UM,ond alw rveordln aUwktorlho reltrenrent prtl aUiitu; tapunliaw, m that alien I find H purler I IU notUylheoanerul aunt llutli dwlrv.1. Kiting them rhtnre.atltiumorlndaiiunhoMr, therrbt lailnc inui-h time and enw. I honudeanarnui!enint ulth P.P. Itutleman, Khohaianeiperlenrdif more llian tojuira tun Ui. erliiirjrSunroonMidTi'achtril lloixuun.blm and b author el "1 ho tuuuvvi (-cruo Msteri ol Rdiiestliu; Slid IKKUrintf Hon, utui l)l 1m, I.. it...1..M. ., 4 all Unw u look aflir the uellare i( lnallda. Abo to cvmKtortrauicatoini;Mj orUaouihjl.il that onj tva.tnuyluioeontncUd,aiuhaa idunsttv, kkkUu. rulkliu; or running a-ay In hanieu or bm klut, hi in.', or not .Undine I o be iuouo ted or Iduhed up In bar new, pulling on bridle or lulter., crlbblnir, mrr)PC Iho tongue out el the niauth. etc. lis Mill prvacribo (or liorwx at a dl.Unco. aendinj Ihe nwdleuw II do aired, at coat, and ilurvtug fl.oo lor i-ro-crlitton w IU. out tha modi.'lne, A liberal aliare vf jour utronAf la rwpJful!) soils. Ked. H. D. MONTGOMERY. Plmt to rare ol 1 y, CAtrTLKMAN, V. 8., lebM JNirlUud. ltfdULAlt LINK lit wen l'ortliiml and Sail Francisco. T1IIIOUMII TICKKTM Ca Im t'UrcuMrd at I ho nrlnclpal Ststlona ot the U. A V. It It , at Xloduoocl Xlntoa. ituer s leave both 1'OKlsnd and 8au Pranrlaco ttwut Every Fivo Says, ..''nJPf '"asSMiKcrs and Fielsht at th LOWKAT him. li is in only line canirlni lh U. b. JtAIUJ nd WBLL8. FAKOO A CO.'S KXI'itKSS. Tha Bleara.blpa of this Company aro rated A 1, sad r new, let-ant. aud complete la ororj uartlcalar. indeoBslotof th State of Oregon, iNow 5.000 tons burden, George W Elder, ilTOO too City of Chester. I10 tons AJax, UV tonoj Hue Irelnht or psawiire, spplr at tnv Company's ol- id rrori auvele, roatUKu, Ace, coruir fan tosu OKO, V WKIDLKU. Aceul, RAILROAD LANDS, LUW IMtlCKM LUNU TIMRI WW IMTKIIKST Tae Oregon nnd California and Oirron Central Uallroad Conpnnln OFKKU thslr Land for fslennoa the following lib, ral term.: On tenth of Ihe prlc In csh; Intern t on th baUnc at thu rat of mn per cent, one tear """'! and aeh following year one-tenth ifu principal and Intereit on the balan.e at th rate ol eTeu per cent wannun. Iloth principal and Inter nt psyabl In U. a. Curroncy. A dlacoiint of tu per cont. will i allowed fr ea.h " Letters to be sJdre.Md to P. bCUlTLZK. Lan AaenlO. o. U. Jt..foitUud.Orton. ' HA WILEY, DODD Se CO., OTFER FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES, A FULL LIME AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Qnln Armntn far thO I BUCKEYE MOWER REAPER) Tito nWdlarr Ilnrvcutlnir MncUInc of tlie World. So InrRO n portion or Uio Urnsl and Rnln Trnnn ol' tho Pnclflo Const hravo Tioon cut liy tho BUCKEYE, that mo fitr ntor hero enn ho Jcnornnt of its tnclltfi; or rcqnlro nrf4iunoiit to eonvlnoo Mii fol iU suporlorltyi ns It Is too woll nnd.li nrnlile Irnnnrn to Hood comment, Ilia tho perfection of nil Ronpor nnd Mw lnc innoJiincs. PAWTOW We call especial attention to our thw and Perfected PITT9 TrC,S05SH,i. - r-STTsaissf"-1- - aaaBsHlslV toZ,QSr,SBiBkksBBBiBSSSSSB' .bbbsWsLbLbLLbb SBBBSBBBBSBSBBBBBBSBBBBSkBSBBBBj .iiBaJ MILWADK1E NUBSERY, Milwauklo. Orogon. UlNHTANri.V ON HAND, ALL KIN1W OK Fruit Trees, SHfUl -BERY, ORNAMHNTAL TREES AND VINES, New lit tlctnll nnd sren crnl fenturc. niHTXMCTivi; nnd PKCUMAK, nnd It now Htanda ttic CHAMPIOH THHESHER Of IHE WORLD, Threshormon who hnva used or employed thla now stylo of Thresher, all unite In testifying that thoy aro tho CHLT RSRCT TTTtiniTH nt VZSl It 1 designed and hnllt expressly for Oregon mm.S XTnaSitMirtnti. fiv nn. wbn thoronRhly undentanda the requirements of the country, nnd tho dUnetUfea to he oTcroomo. ABcntn for ' HAINES' (Genuine) SINGLE GEARED HEADEI, Spoclally Improvocl for thlo Sonson Ton or Twolvo foot ott. SOU AQCNT3 FOR TH OLD KCLIADU Schuttler Farm, Freight, and Spring Wagons. StHdebaker Wagons, Studcbakcr 4 Spring Hacks. Regulator, Wlni Mills, The most complete windmill in uto. Ehsrard Harvesters, Vastly superior to any other hand binder. Harvester in market. Will handle lodged or fallen grain, and clcvatt it better than any known machine of its class. Taylor Sulky Rakes, Self Dump, ing and Plain. Monitor and Straw Burning En-" gincs. Sand tor SfjertoJ CUImw, also fer our Mm Priest Ul. CAHH st-fAVsff-'aH 11 ay i ILLINERYI ILLINERY IIiLINERYi ILLINERYi ?OTIONS OTIONSI OTIONSI lOTIONSi AT C3rO3C3lSr 3F3Q.Oy St23.c3L Noxt loor to Broyman Uros., SALEM, OHEGON. Jutarrlt(illm3in t'mvli, and ted ltlia lull itpprxlatlon ol th want of our cuaUmiero. at ?r5iV,iS,I',.c .'.'PfftJ'" ,llr!"or prliH, w iutj wiihtpd to kiti in r vuitonms lb bnnIU ot th nine, an.1 OuAll ANThK l'U.I.IT OK lUMHis and aTYI.K OfllltKMAMJIIII' imxUcd by an In U But. call and mia ana-Sin 1 xxvjLiw2.iiiij is:ra 3E8.:i?..cua.irrj3 ! X3NT CLOTH l.Mi' t i.orniM;i nor him! 1 Mt UV 00ODS! DUY HOODil'i w aoousi c lotbiug-! lotliiwe:! lothinc:! lothiu ! D sjs c7 CLOTHTM.' ' t'LUTIIINdl CLOTIUNO! Goods ! UltY COOD3I DKV GOODS! DHV (iOOI)S! DUY 000D.S! MltOOKItlEa! anocuiiiisi anooiiitiKsi Mrooories ! roooriep. ! roocriiti ! rooorios ! G: 'MfS4 I aitOOKItlKSI onocnuifcsi OIWICKIIIKS! Ooxvcl fox' Xjfioo-Xsi. ox- 3zilX an . aSELLING. f'rr.Pirsi Hi Ymiliill.w pnpn.uin.np LI 3P. T. T-8-- VlLTl .).v..i..iiu,yii y .-..r -.. upiiun tii-w. . j,;;..-':a,7arija?iJ?A7aHiii 1 mi S efeTTr?lfferS.-Br-Tf! IN BUSINESS! &o A G A. I N MANUrACTUKKIl ANI) IHI-UllTCIt OK SADDLES, HAMES&, BR1SLB8, WHIPS, KAl)3JlsEi:iiY HARDWARE, ETC. j-s. j.-i.tjxvj-x' I':., ssivaut eucio, 3?onT3JAKrr. .! l-al- c ,, W.t ,lyM .and. - -. fu ,,a it si, ffigg. a .to. aEaasfiasassiiCsicBEg tallions 1 . fv U (2k! " KISBBR AIXTD ROOKWOOD," Proporty of ttorimobd Smi:h, WRI Mrrt iwn th nu:iij ..own UJ ST, i-oj-nicr.v ,i, Ar!l l.t and eDdla.' JIT l.t, Atthoir Stnbio i; Portland, Orogon ouHxthaini I Streets, Sfcir th Orcsnn TronWor tXrap.n'. Stabl. TcrniN, WO, ij.1i wlifss mum I la Foul. ' u AccltltintH 00 siirrliiir tit ilait'H iu be at niSU el tUelr Otvncrai. KISBER'S PEOTQ??EE. UO0KW -OO'S PilDIcJREE. oolcd Mairn, J87S. Rlrod b Kootwood, son ol caandor AMallah: id dam br Orar llmaiinn s.l korae); rloctwood'adam b Mew York Block llawk; aj ivirwiwnu.nc on:tttd and promptly anivtrod. Addreaa: AKD3IOND & SMITH, Portland. Oregon. 3E2. CL3jriifirv mm IMTORTCB, 1UIOL&SU.K AM) KCTAIL rE.lEn IX SEEDS! IS79. SEEDS' GARDEN SEEDS - FLOWER SEEDS ' FEUIT AND EVEKGEEEN TREES, PLANTS, ETC- Alfalfa, Grass and Clover Seeds, in Large Quantities, ami oilered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. GREAT REDUCTION IN Pmnra.. SEED W REHOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST "w- san Franoisoo. imjsmmmmm uxfpmtiat&iisuas&z& s".-ili3UJ VXt"