Tho Great Ropublio. jlnvestiaatlon of the Wreoldnn of the Stanmihlp on Baud Itlnnd. s I Tho Hoard of Local United States In- 'spectora of Steam Vessels for tho district ' of Porllniitl, Oregon, met this morning ut j 0 o'clock for tho purposo of investigating tho loss of tho Btcnmship Great Republic I nt or near Sand Island, between tlio I Columbia river bar and Astoria. 1'rcs j cnt Geo. H. Flanders, inspector of f hulls, James Lotan, inspector of boilers. ' James Carroll captain of tho Great Ho ' public was first examined under oath, and testified as follows: I am licensed to act as captain of steam vessels, and havo been for fioven years; havo been on tho Great Republic in tho Columbia river trado about ten . months, havo experienced severe gales uotweca oan i'nuicisco aim mu Vsoiura- bia river bar, but in them tho ship did i not strain or bIiotv signs of weakness. i Left San Francisco, last trip, April 1G, 1879, nt 11:50 A. M. I considered tho ship tight, staunch and in ovory way ' sea worthy, sho drew 18 feet 3 J inches ' on leaving San Francisco. Thcro vrcro f 02 men and officers of tbo crow and C79 , ' passengers. Had a bar pilot on baard I when I started on tho trip. Arrived nt tho automatic buoy nt 12:32 A. M. April 19, outsido of tho bar; did not sco ' it, but heard it whistle; tho tido was y just on tho turn of tho ebb. Thcro was i no wind, tho weather was clear and tho sea smooth. Tho ship ought to havo drawn 17 feet 10 inches moan draft nt tho time. I g&vo tho ship in chargo of Pilot Doig nt tho automatic buoy. I did not urgo tho pilot to tako her in, but told him that 1 would liko to go in if it was clear enough; I always left that to tho pilots judgment, I thought Hint it was prudent to cross nt that timo. I have crossod tho Republic over tho bar from tho sea to Astoria at dusk. I do not remember what pilot took her in then. Sho was running at her usual speed when sho crossed tho bar, but slowed down afterward. Sho would mako eight miles an hour under slow bell against tho tido. Sho answers her helm readily under slow bell. I can not to tell how strong tho tido runs or in what direction. Tho ship did not striko whilo crossing tho bar. Did not sco buoy No. 1. often passing automatic buoy, our courso was N. A li. from au tomatic buoy to Fairway buoy, and from Fairway buoy to buoy No. 1. N. by V. Don't recollect tho courso from No. 1 to No. 2. I saw Point Adams, Clatsop beach, C'upo Hancock nnd all tho headlands. Tho ship struck first on tho lower end of Sand Island. Sho was then headed li. N. II Sho stopped ns soon as sho struck. I think it was about 1:16 A. M. then. Tho tido had ebbed about two hours. I thought sho would get o(T without any troublo at tho next high tido. I did not signal for assistance, but sent to Capo Hancock nt 10 A. M. for a tug. I tried to get hor off by working tho engines, putting up nails nnd throwing coal overboard to lighten her. I do not think sho could havo been assisted by running out ono of tho bow anchors. If n storm had como up sho could liava lcen gotten off by U6ing tho engines, with tho assistanco of tho tngti that had been engaged. I commenced taking off tho passengers about lOo'clock Saturday. At this timo tho woathcr was pleasant, eomo swells, but by tho timo wo got through there was cousidcr nblo swell. Tho passsngcre wero landed safely at Astoria. Tho officers nnd crew loft tho fihip on tho morning of tho -Olh. Tho last boat going nshoro was capsized by tho breaking of tho steering oar and tho first and second officers, ljoutswain, carpenter awl ten men drowned. I havo seen tho ship 0cncd and bored sinco I was master, und sho was perfectly sound. Tho upper works began break ing Saturday night, but tho hull did not break until Monday. I havo seen pieces of tho ship sinco and they wero perfect ly sound. James C.utuoLU Pilot Thomas Doig'u testimony: I havo beon a licensed bar pilot for fivo years, and acted on tho Great Ropublio fivo or six trips. I took charri of hor tho last trip at 12:30 A. M., April 19, , 1879, one-quarter of a inilo northeast of tho automatio buoy, Cape Hancock light, bearing N. N. V. Capt, Carroll did not ask me to take tho ship in at that time, but seemed to expect mo to. And when wo heard tho whistling buoy ho said, "Doig, take the ship." Sinco I havo been a bar pilot I have not crossed nn ocean passenger steamer from sea to Astoria, but have taken the Idaho out before daylight Ocean paisengor steamers often come in on a moonlight night, but not on a dark night. It was not mooulight when wo started the Re public in. I thought it was safe enough to tako her over tho bar at tho time, but thought there would be clangor in mak ing tho turn at Clatsop spit. The tide was 3-cbb, weather starlight, with clouds, nnd calm. Ebb tide runs from two to six miles and seta from the bar to buoy No. 4 S. S. W, and from buoy No. 4 W. S. W. to W. There were 2G feet of water on the bar whon wo crossed and the Republic was drawing 18 feet. I did not see any of tho buoys but saw tho lights on Cape Ditippointment and Point Adams. Very first course after crossing was N.N. E one mile, then r. by N. half to three-quarter mile, until I saw land. I did not mako any allow anoo for the tide on the first course, but on the tecond I did, about one point. I did not feel the ship striko at all. Saw the island about tlireo minutes be fore I knew the vessel was ashore. I changed the helm as soon as I saw the island; put tho helm hard nport. The ship did not answer tho helm readily; camo nji slow; can't account for it. Thcro was seven fathoms of water. Sho was running under slow bell and had been nil tho way from tho bar. Tho ship grounded between 1 and half past 1 in tho morning; wny bo ten or fifteen minutes past 1. Tho tido had been ebbing for two hours; low water was about 0 o'clock in tho morni'ii"; high water was ut 11 o'clock that night. V mo Iirst high tido alter tho ship grounded was it littlo lower than on tho night previous, about a foot. Tho next high water was at 11:38 A. M. I thought tho ship would get off then. An anchor might havo assisted hor some; if tho achor had been taken in a boat to tho channel would not, if let go from her bow. Tho ship began going to pioccs about 23 hours after sho grounded. Tho butt, in her main deck, began to break in about 2G hours. Then the machinery began to givo way next. I loft tho ship tho last timo at 3 P. M. Sunday. Tho tido was about eight feet when sho grounded. I have seen timbers nnd other portions of tho ship sinco sho began going to pieces nnd they wero fresh and in good condi tion, The wind began to blow 23 or 24 hours after sho grounded. Losses by tho Salem Fire. As near ns can bo estimated, tho fol lowing are tho losses sustained by tho recent firo at Salem : L. S. Scott $1,100, CannJBros. $850, G. W. Fplcr 9390, City (ongino house) $300, k M. Pla monden 8300, M. Myer it Co. $225, Wcathcrford k Co. $225, "Wright fc Briatow $200, Kiblingor $200, L. Si E. Ilirsch $75, Small Si McCauloy $25, Plamonden it Stimpson $25. These, to gether with several minor losses incurred by repairing roofs, etc, makes tho cntiro loss about $4,000. Thcro was was mi insuranco of nbout $1,000. Statesman. American Blood In Enclnnil The runaway gelding Parole, of American oxtraction, lias suddenly sprung to tho front ranks on tho English turf, surprising thu uativo sportsmen. Pierre Lorrilard, tho dis tinguished turf sport of Now York, con vinced of tho mcttlo possessed by tho "gamo littlo brown gelding," took him over to exhibit to our English cousins, nnd entered him for soinu of tho princi pal races. On April IGth last, nt tho Now Market Craven meeting, ho won tho Now Market handicap, ono mile, with odds of 100 to 15 against him. On tho 22d, 8amo meeting, ho won tho city nud suburban stakes, ono milo nnd n quarter, in tho betting for which hn was "in tho field." On tho day following for tho Great Metropolitan stakes, tho betting roso to G to 4 on Pnrolo, ho being tho favorite. Thin ho also captured in good style. Parolo is aged G years, and is by imported Leamington, out of Maiden, (bred in tho United States.) Tho stallion Dr. Lindsay, owned by J. F. Miller of Salem, is a full brother to Maiden. Parole is also a cousin of Ryo Straw. Tho above facts speak for thomsclres nud render comment super fluous. Hi Stato and Territorial. Wlllnmclto Valley. Local iiolitics arc lust now excitinc Oregon City people. Machinery for a now lorry boat has arrived at tho Dallos. Diphtheria ! almost tliianpcarini; from tho vicinity of Lafayette. A Chinaman has started accncral intrclian- iliso store at Dayton, Yamhill county. Tho painful announcement U mado that an other law ollico is to bo opened in Oregon City. Messrs. 8am Ilockett and II. T. Wood, of Kola, havo gono on a, prospecting tour to tho mines of Southern Oregon. Tho daily mail from St. .loo to Sheridan was discontinued May 1st. ,Tho contract has been awarded to tho narrow gaugo com pany, Mr. II. M. Daniels, of thoNorth'YanThTll Mills, hilled a fino elk at that place tho other day, It had four inches of fat on its hind quarters. Tho Lafayetto Courier says: M, W. It. Derby, whoso illness was reported in our last issuo is very much Letter, and in a fair way for his entire recovery. Arrangements aro making to connect with the O. ,H. N. Co.'a boats at Dayton, so that passengers can leave Dallas, and intermediate points, and reach Portland at 2 I. M. of the name day. The peoplo of Dallas aro making extra ef forts to raise $1,W0 needed to secure tho con struction of the narrow gauge road to that plaoe. 1900 baa been pledged, and of courso they will raise tho rest. Tho Corvallis Gazette saya that while Rob ert Irwin waa coming to that place with a load of house blocks his team became fright ened, the four hones ran away, and one fell, broke both bind legs, and had to be killed. Tho Mercury saysi The family of W. D. Buxton, on Howell Prairie, have been griev ously afflicted the past four weeks, having lost by the fell disease, diphtheria, four chil dren: Harriet J:, in her fourteenth year, and Charles W., in his twelfth year, died on the 12th ult. Lillie M., in her tenth year, and William A., in his sixteenth, died on the 19th and22d. Sheriff Baker went to a Chinese camp about 11 miles cast of Ralem for the purpose of col lecting poll tax, Tho camp contained 11 Chinamen. When tho sheriff demanded the tax they refused to pay, whereupon ho com menced loading their baggago into his wagon when ten of the celestials set upon him with knifes, clubs and whatever they could lay their hands on. The sheriff having no weapons, seized an axe, and held them at bay for an hour and a half, when he jumped Into his wagon and started for reinforcements. He started again with sufficient force to cap ture the camp if necessary. Tho II China men were arrested and brought to Salem and placed in the county jail for several hours, when they arranged to pay their taxes with costs, and were released. Astoria. Mr. C. IU Stockton, of Astoria, is iii the biggest luck of any man living. He lias just inherited another million and a half, on his wife's side. The Astorian sayst It is supposed that tho kctlgo anchor picked up in this bay last Wednesday night by ono of Mr. Geo. W. Hiimo's fishing boats, camo from tho Tonquin. It is at nil events a relic of by gono ngcsv It is n marked fact that tho salmon this year are fully 20 per cent, smaller than any former season. This "ill mako miito n ma terial difference with tho caimcrymcn, who tiro coinimllcd to pay ns much for tho lisli ns they would wero tho fish tho usual sire, Tho Atoriati savs: Mr. H. Villard, Presi dent of tho Oregon .Steamship Company, nnd tho OrcL'im Central anil Oregon and California railroads, is accompanied by thrco gentlemen who represent largo capital In New York, nud At i.r-i ii. .i1. .. . - .t .1-- mu uujcci ui meir visit is iu urranuu cuu tiu- tnils ol business in connection with important enterprises soon to ho inaugurated in Oregon and Washington Territory. They will imme diately begin tho construction ol eomo valua ble snort lines of narrow gaugo railways, where tho samo are greatly needed, and ex tend lines to n connection with tho Utah Northern. A Drivato letter from Mr. Mitch ell informs us that $1,000,000 has been sub scribed in New York to begin railways in Or egon and Washington. Mr. Mitchell is now en routo to Portland, and will arrivo hero on tho next steamer. Paget Sound. Uy an order from tho school directors of Seattle, and owing to tho lack of funds, all tho public schools will closo on next Friday evening. Tho Scattlo Post sayst Tho residenoo of It. A. Hill, on Piko street, was entered by somo unknown person on Saturday evening be tween 7 nnd 8 o'clock and $41 stolen from be tween the mattrasscs of Mr. James Hill's bed. Kaat of Itao Mountains. Tho opening of Spring has caused renewsd alacrity in tho mines of Idaho. Tho Dayton woolen mills run night and day, and meet with good success. Dayton, (W. T.) has voted in favor of a school tax to build a good shool house. C. W. Parish, formerly of Salem and Port land, is nmusing tho Canyon City pooplo with humorous lectures. Tho Palouso peoplo talk of having a display of their own products nnd of instituting an agricultural society. Ignatius Gricscr, a German who had mot rovorscs, living near Luwitton, committed su icide by taking strychnine. The lluflalo Mining Co.'a office at Atlanta, Idaho, was robbed of ?2,G00 wortii of silver bulliou and greenbacks lost week, Sheep-shearing has now fairly commenced in Kastcru Oregon and tho crop of wool (also lamo backs) promiios to bo largo, Noah Hcrrcn, who keeps a livery stablo in Dayton, had tho misfortuno to Ih kicked by n horse, but was not dangerously Injured, Chat. McKay was found dead in his cabin, near Warrens, nnd tho Teller saya was partly burned. It is supposed his bed took tiro. Messrs. Dclin, I.icbo and Hettinger havo been appointed by tho Mayor of tho Dalles as n committee to visit Portland and purchase n steam lire engine. Tho LaUrando Gazette, tako a very hopeful view of tho future, and shows that bright nnd prosiicrous days aro about to dawn on tlio buncngrass country. Tho Palouso Gazctto Icnrns that n company has formed to bring water, by a ditch six miles long, to tho Palouso mines, and it Is be lieved they will pay well. The Idaho Statesman saya prowliug In dians, sunuoscd to bo scouts or snics. aro sccu in that section and many pcrsous anticipate trouoia wun mo savages tins summer. Wo aro in receipt of tho Spokane Times, a new weekly paper started at Spokano Palls, Stevens countv. W. T. Another oxnonont of tho great and growing interests of tlio upper country. Tlio Dayton (W. T.) Chroniclo saya n joint stock company has Incorporated to build a llumo from tho mountains to that place, to convey lumber, wood, timber, etc. Work has already commenced. Tlio Chroniclo sayat Tlio poles for tbo Dayton-Low iston lino aro all cut and will soon bo erected, Maj. Veddcr says he will begin putting up thu lino noxt week, Tho instruments and batteries havo arrived. Tho Spokane Times saysi Three weeks ago avery animal on tho prairies carried prominent evidences that tho Winter weather had gono hard with it. Now they aro shedding their long hair and becoming quite fat. Hunch grass is a suro cure for tho "sparo rib" com plaint. Hinchart, tho map-campaigner, and Indian Agent at Malheur, who has been drawing a salary for eating, sleeping and criticising much better men than himself, saya that ho has 70 acres of wheat in on tho reservation. Aa there are mo red devils there, the suptioaition is that ho will cat it all himself, or sell it to friends who, by tho way, aro mighty scarce, Koulbrru Oreicon. Ashland has a factory that turns out fino furniture. Ono team lately hauled COO dozen of eggs from Jackson county to Redding. J. W, Whito'a residence, on Applegatc, was bumed to tho ground last week during his absence. r Now diggings havo liccn found on Dutch Gulch, a tributary of Uriggs' creek, in Joseph ine county. We learn from tho Jacksonville Sentinel that water is failing in tho mines of Jackson and Josephine counties. G. W. Stephenson offers to match his Sir Walter against Altamont, on the trotting track at Yreka, for (1,000. Messrs. Raymond L Mazrtuler, of Rock Point, havo let tho contract for the construc tion of a fine truss bridge across Hogue river to Mr. McDougall. Mr. J. It. Cameron found six of his ewca the mothers of fifteen lambs. Ono of them had four, another three and the remaining four two lambs each. Benjamin Ileal), a seventeen-year-old son of Thos, V, Beall, of Jackson county, hail his left arm broken on Thursday last by getting kicked by a vicious horso. Vsxacouver. No vacant houses in town, hut new onea are going up. Several of tho Vancouver merchants lost goods on tho Republic. Ask Yourself These Questions. Are you a despondent sufferer from Sick Headache, Habitual Costiveness, Palpitation of the Heart? Havo you Dizziness of the Head? Is your Nervous System depressed? Does your Blood circulate badly? Have you a Cough? Low Spirits? Coming up of the food after eating, etc. All of these and much more are the direct results of Dyspepsia, Liv. er Complaint and Indigestion. Giiekn'h Au ocst 1-lowik is now acknowledged fey all Druggists to be a positive cure, 2,400,000 bot tles having been given away in the United States through Druggists to the people aa a trial. Two doses will satisfy any person of its wonderful nullity in curing all forms of Indigestion, Sample bottles, 10 eta. Regu lar sue, 73 cts. Sold positively by all first class Druggists in the United States. Bosckce'a German Syrup Can now'bo purchased right nt homoj it is tho most successful preparation over intro duced to our people. It works liko n charm in nil cases of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhages, Asthma, severe Coughs, Croup and nil other Throat and Lung Diseases. No person has ever used this medicino without getting imincdiato relief, yet thcro nro a great many iwor, suffering, skeptical persons going about our streets with a suspicious cough, nnd uiunmuui cuiisumiiuoii coming iroin tlicir lungs, that will not try it. If oti die, It Is your own fault, as voti po tu mr T)rm. gist and get n Sample llottlo for 10 cents nnd try it j three doica will relieve nny case. Reg ular sizo only 75 cents. Choico Place Near Salem For Sale. S. A. Clarke, editor of tho Faiimki:. offers for salo a ploco in tho hills, overlooking the river, ono milo and a half south of Salem, Containing sixtv.ihren nma f 1n.l in U ! an orchard of 3,000 plum and pruno trees ;"7 ' "; owunu years cultivation. An unfailing well on tho placet and fenced In thrco fields. Tho orchard will soon yiold a handsome revenue, being of tho choicest VAriCttPJI nf friltf fnf itMilnrt n.hnLn Tho soil la best hill land, and tho placo com- ananas ono 01 uia most beautiful views possible. To any person desiring a ploasant location flAl town tM tlan u-a.,1.1 .vvo -.'...-v desirable. VALUABLE LAND A Lnrtrc Tract ol Laad lu Til lamook County in offered For Sale. MU. Joseph onAnnt m imi min. Tiiiunook County, Oregon, offers (or sain MUO -KOKKS ol u good Und as anjr on could a for In onr coun try. Over 100 wrca prairie Und. Ths thntcr and Drain isnd an lent, with plenty ol back rann. cood house: two barns: nriv &M fcneAd! two irnoJ orehfcrda of excellent fruit; 25 seres ol timothy meadow. A good location for a dslry (arm. I'rie muontble. Tlcoded Und. Address or apply to (1HAUKL, on the turn. majStm Oregon and Washington TRUST INVESTMENT CO. LIMITED. Slims of S500 to 810,000, to Loan OnMorttfucsour Farm Undstnd Improved fit Property, (or two to fire )ean, reiayalilo by ImUli menu or otherwise, to suit bummers' convenience. Office, .18 First St., Portland, Or. INCOItrOKATKI) 18tH. HOME MUTUAL INSURANCE 00., OK CALIFORNIA. "ir Only ! LOSSES PAID orUaUvn $1,334,633,44 LOSSES Paid in 0re0Dlnea); $162,363.29 Oregon Branoli Ofllco, Geo. L. Story, Manager, Southeast corner First and Stark. Htrccts, Opp. Ladil & Tilton'a Rank, aplltl Xox-tlAaad, Or. Notice to Farmors and StooK RaiBors. Wiix in: sold aitkh may ut m head ol ahaep and IM lambs Ulonglni; to the uUU o( J. W. Miller, deccaaod. Alao X0 acres of land Ineludinir ko acres of iruo.1- caracn ar.ll. For lurtieuiart aauruu jimnna HlU.KIt, aprtlinl LtUnJ, Juphsio Co.. gn. W. S. FAILING.. avccTJuoa to ntsar Msarm, Wlioleaalo and Retail Dealer in POULTRY, GAME, Fish and Oysters ! And liualtr In all VarliUci ol Thoroughbred Fowls und KggH ' Tor llrerdlnir. Has (or sale FUhcr llrredlnir and Show Coops, I ted llopjiera and Water 1'ounUln, and will keep on hand all the rwul,IU ol the Poultry Yard. I am brcodlai: the lul owing pure bred loU: White J.raiionx, IIuowk I.Kauoi:s., Dahk RrtAIIMAX, rj-YMOWII ROCKM, ANU UllONJK TCIIKKTH. My brredlne stock Is well selected and pure, and I guarantee- satadactlon. fyv warranted pure and care. Fully Hacked. Orders solicited. Anr commujilntljn nlatinir to the poultry butlaeM will be promptly an swered. Stalls Hand 12 Central Market, Poritaifl, Ri&r7Sm OH! MY it TIIK (1HKAT KIDNP.V MBMUINCcuresl'sioa la Uo llatk, Hide or iff ivfu nutiniiv the tiuinejs, llladdrr . and Urinary Ontan QAPIM" wv. nnilll m Kldueys, KeUntit aavarBawaaw orlncocitlnencedUrln ans, tw- KeUntion orlncofillncneecf Urine. Kurvous IHeeaaes, Female Weakness and eionwes. IIUNTH IIKMKUY Is prepared KXHtUALY fur the disease. rsoncawes, It. I., June is, 1HTS. uru v v..b n.. li.. . ...R.L. A .M f..nil had been troubled (or Mural years with Kidney Dis ease, ana naa ineu numerous remeate wiuiout rcuei: she lued IIUNTH lltMKDY and was oorapl.Uly cured. lleepectfully yours, 8. A. Arus, S Kiehanfc-e hi. Ws. I-Cumi.-Deiutlr: I saw IIUM-H KKillDY Miaaairous Minn., yipni 7. isjs. used In a caae o( Droiwy with perfect success. I did not treat the patient, but lour attending physicians had Klren up the case as hopeleaa. IIUNT'H KhHKIlY was then uwd with perfect aucceM, and the patient U well. 1 shall give IIUNTH 11KMK11Y In propaloal and Kidney DUttuce. Itopeetfully yours, C. II. Ulsviiss, M, It. Iiunin jtrjseoii 1 purtly vratlable, and la used by the ad, Ice ol HUNT'S l'brslclans. It has stood the test ol time (or SO years, and 111 utmoat reliance may lw placed In It, ONUTMAlAviU. REMEDY CONVINCE YCU. Bend for l-amnblet la Yin. K disss, rroilUcnce, it. Sold by all Druggists. Jebll-ly THE BEST HAY PRESS. TUB SUTTL KCONOWr 1UT MlfAH ISTIIK UEST and cheapest. Opera ted Willi 1 horso and 2 men. 10 loiia ol Its nay can be loaned 10. myorainary kox car. Ilie onlr aLnetlr Dor- table via iu use. tu warranted or money refund ed, ftefora buying get ray circulars. OKO. UtTEU Patentee and Manufacturer, Qulney, 111. apls-lt Efer7 Man HIS OWN PRINTER! a !.. MlaUtwd. I.k.1, ia iKalMkkuSIl IBltft.ftlWfc CUlM .1 Vl'.Tlli.. Ctt, KeiwrAOe.MeeMea.Ceaa lefeUOcow fJ Valnablo land for Bale Mr. Clarke, of tho KAn.vinrt, having re moved from Marion County, offers to sell 0-10 acres of land situated at a point whero tho Minto.Pass Hoad leaves tho valley, iu tho midst of a thickly-settled nnd very healthy region, most of tlio land being imlcr fence, and nt least half of it can Ikj made good wheat land at .1 coot of four or fivo dollars an ncro for clearing. It is well wooded and watered, and is n region unexcelled for health. Tho improvements nro of vnluo to a now tettlcr. I'nco $3.00 an acre. SiOO nn aero can ho left on annual payments for a term of years nt low interest. This is ono of tho best land trades to Ik) mado iu the State, it is a favor ite region for Hermans, and several (iennan families could divido it among them, it would mako an excellent ranch fur sheen and Angora goats, with which it is now stocked. tl AQENT8 FOR WILLAMETl'E FARMER Albany. J. K. Hannon Aumsvillc J. A. Langworthy Alsca Postmaster Amity It. I,. Simpson uutun vista is. ji. caiorcam Hethcl L. H. IVaicr Hutto Creek J. L. Oulliford ButtoviUo J. W. Batchellcr Urook AVm. Harris ilrownsvillc W. It. Kirlc IIcIIctuo Jeff i)avis Cottage Orovo J, JI. Shortridgo Cornelius If. 0. Ilrowu Canby , . Win. Knfcht Canyon City U. il. Itinehart Covo John S. Clark Corvalli K. Vpodanl Cartwright C. K. Jttuscll Crawfortlsville Itobert Olass Chcsher (Jeo. Shultz llamaacu j. Korbea Dayton K. C. Hadawny Dexter J, , Hunsakcr Dallas J. 1). Uo lia Thos. l'carco Kllcnsburg. M. lUlcy Kugeno J. H. McClung Klkton A. 11. Haines Vox Valley A. 1). Gardner Forest Orovo W. L. Curtis Ooshen S. Handsakcr (lirvai M.Mitdicll Ooldcmlale, W. T Amca A Wetmoro Hcppncr C. M. Mnllory Harrishuri! Hiram Smith Hubbard Ucorgo J. Wolfcr Ifalsoy T. J.lllack llillsboro W. ). I'ittcngor Indenendcnco W. L. Hodmn Jacksonvillo .Max Muller Jeffcnion J. V. llowland Junction Smith, llrosfiild it. Co King' Valley Conor & Crosno Lincoln I,. Abrams Ilianon It. M, l'owcns Kafayetto IJr. rnpiilotou Iowisvillo I. N. Vokus Marion IL II. Kuthcrfonl ML Pleasant V. S. Thayer .Mciiama ,1, ,1, jiiair Mnnroo tv. P. llocn Miller's Station H. Nowinan Monmoutl W. Wnterhotiso Me.MiiiHvillo A. Itcid Needy Jacob 1). Hitter North Yamhill . I. C. Stewart Ncwlmrs Samuel llobsou Newport M. William Oakland J. II. Sliuno Prlnovillo O. M. Priiiulo Peoria WUliani Holder Pilot Hock K. (HUam Powcll'a Valley UK. Williams cio 1). !'. Irvino Sublimity I0I111 Downing SnriliKlicld P. A. Kennedy Sheridan II. II. Somcrvilto Seattlo, W.T Julius Hovton ThoDaUcs 8. L. llrooks Union John Cruiuiiton UpiicrOchoco Jos. Hunsakcr Vancouver, W. T 8. W. Ilrown West Chchalum I. M. Coulee WheatUmJ A. D. Pettyjohn Weston W. A. Whitman Walla Walla J. V. lirowcr Waterloo 8. I). Oigcr WaiUburg, W. T W. N. Smith Yoncalla J. It. Kllison lv OAHD. To all who are sulfennc from the errors an I tlons ol )outh, ncnrotM wtaknne, curly decay, Umtot manhood, Ha, I will atnd a rtlia that will turn you, FIIKKOKL-IIAIMIK. Tills irreat remedy was illarov ered by a inlaalouary In Nouth America, fend a sell. addnweil enrloa lu the llsv. Jostril T. Ihhsm, Ht. Uon I, Uiblo House, New York City. JaiOMy LUTJIKH MYEHS SALEM, tftjA Bxuazisian os1 IMPROVED POULTRY! Een'l thrco-ient (Ump for Dtaorlptlve Circular sjiJ Prior-Ms I. ItbWDui HEARING IlKJTtlnKU. farllralaraVUIK. VKUMr 4 HaHNtH, aplBtt Mallsea. lad. I'i-chIs ana Tree To JVutno t We will stud the lollowlng seeds oatpaldon re ceipt ol price. lUmlt by I'. O, money order or poetage sUnips. leet,iwrof. Carrot, " tlabbage, ptr os. Uttuce, " Onion, " , 100 lew lie 1S larsnlp, lr ex. 1,. .i.n.i. 11 10o 100 lOo lioo .Uo Bplnnach, Tomal 1WI1I El Also In 10 cent packet, all varieties of Vegetables, FIowf and Tree Heed. Bend for general Price List. T1IOB. A. COX CO., apll m pd 1.041 Howard Street, Kan Francisco. THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE PIGS JOHN W. GUMIERT, 8ALEM , Ha three litter ol Thoroughbred Ilcrkshlr I'ige. and can supply thoao deslroua ol securing the best strain ol stock with aa choico animals a can be bred In the United Htatee. The Hoar ltaron llopcwtll, No. t,4iS, is recorded by the American llerkshire Axltlouln Vol.111 cl the American llerkshire llecord aa (arrowed slay S7, IK7H, bred by Hewer Iiroe , ol betenhampton, tngund, Ills ) are ol the Crown I'rlnoa lauiily ol Ikrkihlres. All pWs hitherto sold by I1I01 liate given lull satlalactlon. For particuUrs and price adaies apltl J. W. waKglltr, aalem, Drrgun. " i. X. L. IxxiU out for thu I. X. L. Store A.T CORVALLIS Which Is opening during thls'inonth wIOi a Orrt-iliM stock cl DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Boots and Shoos, Ladles' and Gents' Furnisulng Goods. Will hi sold atduslvelv lor caah at the LOWEST HAN flUNCIbCO KATLH. Oi.ixlta Hoi Klnr Uytv VUbl " aplllm P&IWV .BBBBB.PCk Mil GREAT RUSH I SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, 187!), BreymanBr'i SA1.E1II, OREGON. ONK OF OUK FIUH NOW BKINO I.V SAN FRAN. Cisco, we are happy to Inform all our customer, that our goods are now arriving on every steamer, llavlnr beucht the same at untirecedentlr low BeurM on account ol stagnation In business and heary faUurrn there, e gan gWe our patrons the benent thereor. A we are only buying for cash In hand, we ran hold out better inducement than most any other house In the countrr. aa well aa In Portland. We am in r. celpt of a large lot ol Domestic and FANCY GOODS;, . DRY GOODS. ti -AND- HOUSEFDRNISHINGGIJODS ALSO Mens' and Boys' Clothing! Hats, CapB, Boots, Shoes, Grooorios, Orookery, Carpots, Oil Cloth, Window Shades, Fixtures Etc., Etc., All of whhli will Ix sold at exlrnnely low prices. No so-called uuh storeesreptid. special" notice To our firmer (rlendt and patrons crnerally: Anyone wl.hlnj; to buy goods In iuaiitllln, st will give you all Inducement toliuy them rl;'lit here, In place ol Port land. As tho country h lloudctl 1th iirlntcd cataloguo gotten up by Portlsml lluuree, uc will glreyou the lien eltt ol llielr printing the same. Ho bring them alone The facilities wo liaie (or getting gooU from the Kast and Kan ITandsco, wo aro cnablciHu hold out even tat ter Inducements than therein offered, 110 matter what they puhlUh hi their su-calleil catalogue, ami beside, will not dm )uu auction Iriuh nur MHiiiiJ.liandftJ goods, but all rt liable ns usual. Wo Moan What Wo Say ! C'oiifllnandl'econilmt'd, and save by It lull road BUsmlwat and Hotel bills at IVrtlaud, BREYMAN BROS. apl Sin Farmortt, Attention ! J. VAN BEUBDEN, SI'KCIAI, AGEKT FOR Wiilthum and Elgin "Watches, limiLKD at wholesali: rnicfjj. Genuine Klein Movrinent, Chranoineter llalance, lour Jewels, AlbaU Case, IU.W. Rimo iDOvcment In two ounce Hitter Uwe, tli.00. Waltham Watches at the same price. A large variety ol all kinds ol American Movement constantly on hand. All w atfhi warranted. Kola Agi nt lor tho celebrated ruifaUVa Ws.Tllliai, which mehcl rrst inedaU In all Ksposltlons In tho world. Watch Repairing A Specialty. All orders forwarded through Wtlla, Cargo A Co' KsprnsC. 0. 11. a VpccUl Attention Id to IlipaJiing FlnaWakhus. 108 First St., - Portland. spMin BUY NO TRUSS Until jou sco what ha lcn ae. rouiplialied by Dr. lleree'a lata luieiitloii. grnieml lor iwmph lit and llercu'aMagnetlaournal. MAflNKTIO injATIO TIIUHH CO., OM Facrainrnto Kt., Ban I'ranclson, CV1. marMy l)C CAIUIH, all L'hrouio, or U styles, Know flake. Ham- tii a. iu-., wun name, inc. naesiu usao Co., .Nassau, N. V. lnartlt CHAMBERLIN'S Stump Puller In offering these inacnuiea to the fanur wo do 'so w ith erery confldcnco aa to their superiority over any other stump puller Introduced on the Northweat Coast, and would refer to notice ol work done, etc, and pub lished this week In Ibis and other irs. W alio wish to call attention that we supply only Wrought Iron Hcrews with each slae, and are offering thes ma chine at prices that are within the reach ol all Inter. eUd In clearing land. t'rlc lor Irons only according to strength and sit. Irotu 1 to to tliO. Wooding r-'teatr If desired, full laformatlou, pamphlet containing testimonials, etc.. will be suppuxlby application to tHAUNDEKa k OAKLAND, AgcnU lor Northwest Coast. Office, 188 Columbia EL, l'ortland. apttt J. W. GILBERT Puya Caaslt IVr Hides, Furs. fc Peltsr ae21 Cnmtoerolal at., HALKM. iy 1879. STALLIONS, 1879. The will known half breed Clydesdale hcrae, sired by Kmperor, the tint lmrted ol thl rcnoa ned brcodj ol hootch hom Into Ortgou Ui I&70. itomanco lus been very succesful In tite show ring, gaining at the County Fair first priie aa sucking colt lor draft. AUu first M a yearling and two-yiar old, and along with his brother Adventure gained first aa best (arm train at the btaU, 1'alr two years in euu-eaklon, while a team o( sitter gained second prise hi 1 SI 7 all lour by Kmpcroi, . JavUCrOOXLe9LX' t Tli promising tliree-year-old sired by AuUxrat, and his largett colt we lai e seen. Ills dam a thoroughbred mare ol the same stoi k and color, descended ot Amerl. can Ikllpw, Imported Iroui the Kat when tu year old. II10M stalUont, bred by and the property of W, Chalmers, Cunielut Kann, Wathington County, Oregon, uuy so lound during the ensuing season ttry llonday and Tuesday at Mr. II. Huston's, t'orett llroie. Wed unJi)i and Thurtdajs at Vlr. Klckens', llillsboro. Fridays and Saturdays at home. Terms lor each, ISO TO XftTlaBXTXUil payabl wbeninare are koowu to be In toe). apiiiu w. OIIAlsMKRS. 1 a: ,V1