I ' M . Iplfcv I won lhap bo f I I ( . coao. -, ' " ' tWDIO tVIBT rMDlT, or OLAREK & OBAIG, roauiniu imd roorsizTona. ft. A. GLAI1KK. O. TV. VIIAIfl. Terms of Sabaerlptlon. rOnt copy, ono year (Bl norabers) Ono copy, six months (M nanricrs) ....... Ono copy, three month (13 nnmberi) 2.S0 . 1.125 . .75 PORTLAND, FKIDAY, MAY 0, 1873. Kxtrn Largo Farm and Drny Horse. HoracH of this sort nro objected to by Bomo, but ovidon'.ly without knowing tho purno90 for which they nro bred. Tor theso they nro Just ns essontiril nntl moro economical to bo used thnn thoso of n medium hIzo. Take, for oxninnlc, tho threo or four-flhnro plow; n pair of thoso oxlrn largo horsos nro sulllclcnt ly strong to work It cnslly, whereas, with mcdlum-Hlzcd liorsos It require from threo to four of them. Now wo all know thnt It Is moro convenient to work two horses togothor than threo or four, nnd tho economy In feed, atnblo room, grooming, harness nnd shooing Is somothlng, Machinery of moro ofllclcnt florvlce, nnd requiring greater power to move it, of now In vention nnd construction, Is constantly brought to aid tho farmer in his labors. This being ho, ho must of necessity In crenso tho hIo and power of his horse beyond what has been heretofore tibial, .to reap tho advantages of It. Again, whon tho roads nro imiutly, or very heavy loads to bo transported ovor thorn, extra powerful horses aro required. In quarries, huge blocks of stone nro to bo removed to tram-ways, nnd In town nnd cities It Is required to trans port these through tho streets for building purposes. Hero an extra . Hlnglo powerful horse Is much handier to bo lined than oven n pair, und tho same Is the caso around mines, Iron fouudorlcs, and various other manu facturing establishments which It is unnecessary to mention. Hut tho best paying thing to tlio breeder of extra largo horses Is to produce them of as lintiihotno form and of as good a quali ty of muscle, bono and si now as ho can, but yet bo enrcful not to drnw their points so Hue as to render a single tjno In tho least weak. Particular at tention should bo paid to tho strength oftholr legs, Joints and pasterns, as well as to tho soundness nnd toughness of tho feet. Such horsrs nro wanted .for show toams, nnd will always com inand u quick sale nnd high price, os- rpccinlly whon woll matured. Then tthoy become a sort of advertisement '.for tho goods they transport about and through our towns nnd cities and adds, doubtless, considerably to tho sales of tholr owners. They can consequently woll airord to pay high prices for such teams, nnd In fact tiro always willing to do so. Thus It will be seen that u reasona ble number of extra large liorncs nro now, nnd over will be required, so that .ihoro Isuo risk of breeding such from (sixteen and a half to perhaps seven toon and a half hands high, ami weighing 1,800 to 2,000 potiuiis. What milts ono person does not suit all, and tho farmer has only to Had out his customers and then breed to please thorn. A little caro also hhould bo ex orcised In rearing oxtru largo horses. Give them as dry ground as possible to oxoivlso upon when growing up, for this not only Insures a better quality of nuncio for the body, but moro en during limbs and tougher feet. West .trn Jtural. limber on rurralnc, Itcechor says that farming Is not tho .simple thing It has been represented to bo. It is u combination ot manufac tures nutl trade. It roprosonUi much moro nearly tho manufacturing of chouilcals than any other thing; you huvo tho laboratory nnd matorlnl In tho soil, and you havo to to uso thorn .as to got out glvon products. And then it becomes a commercial opera- .tlon; because, whon you havo got up .your goods, you must go Into markot with them, and tho condition of tho market dotormluos what condition of goods you shall got up. It is a double procoss of manufacturing and mer chandising, and it requires n peculiar .skill that belongs to both avocations In -order to succeed. Ho thinks In our oldor States it takes fully as much bmlus to be u successful farmer, us It -does to mako a competent inoivlmiit. .So ho concludes that running Is pretty . serious business. It Is nil very well .to talk about bonding men out to work ion the farm. Now what Is called the allotment systom, or spado husbandry, kin England has boon successful, ami if u take tho population from tho largo aiiufacturlng towns, aud glvo them d aero or less apiece, they could sup rt their families oven if, they did not owrlch; but glvo thorn llfty acres, . ind thoy will bo poor all tholr lifetime. ' Spado husbaudry lu England has .icovod very successful; wo cnu learn a HbMon lrom it. u4K1 1 Agricultural Notes. Half a pint of lard, melted in n pint or now milk, given warm, willremovo costivonoss. For bruises or aores, boll smart weed In chamber lye, add a Uttlo soft soap nnd wash twlco a day. Coal ashes do well as u fertilizer for tomatoes. Mako your ground half soil nnd half coal iwhos and tho results will bo surprising. A solution of carbolic ncld in 300 parts of wntcr has boon found effccllvo for scab. A strong docoitlon of tobacco is n good wash, nlso. For throat dlstomnor, grato flno a small green wild turnip, or, if dry, glvo u heaping spoonful, mixed with bran or oats. Novor falls. Good for cough, also. In hatching turkey eggs sprinkle them tho last two weeks slightly ovory other day with water that has had tho chill taken off. Somo molsturo seems to bo necessary for turkey eggs. A successful dairyman feeds his cows night and morning tho year round, and in each feed puts a tcaspoonful of salt, lie considers this method of salt Ing cows proforablo to tho usual ono of givlngunlmnls salt onco or twice u week and thinks his method adds largely to the amount of milk given. Oct the best and never keep a poor cow tho second year. No man can af ford to keep n cow that will not make from iiOO to 1220 pounds of butter, or Its equivalent in cheese, ovory year. Lastly, mako the very best article and got tho top of tho market. This is dairy economy, according to my ex perience. Every family ilnds moro or loss bones accumulating. Hurn them with your wood, nnd tho n9hcs thus enrich ed is ono of tho most valuablo ofall fertilizers. Money cannot buy any artlclo which will so fcrtlllzo your soil. Hones thus consumed will quadruple the valuo of woid ashes, which In themselves are among tho best of soil- onrlchcrs. SCIENTIFIC. The largest steel-rail mill lu tho United States Is to bo erected at Bald win, near Harrlsburg. Amber Is found In tho mines, rivers and sea coasts of Prussia, It is used in varnish and for mouth-ploccs of pipes. Soaking timber lu llmo water has been recommended for preserving It from dry rot and tho effects of tho weather. A machine for cutting stonoofnll kinds rapidly, nnd cnpnblo of striking 0,000 blows por minute, bns boon patontod. Aforlosof experiments bus estab lished tho fact that chloroform neu tralize tio action of strychnine upou tho human system. Tho plates for saws aro mtulo of in gots of steel, carefully prepared to securo uniformity, nnd roducod to the proper thickness by rolling. Warping and winding In seasoning lumber arises from the curved direc tion of tho libers anil from their spiral arrangement lu many trees. Silver Is tho most porfectly relied- Ingsubstanco known, absorbing but 9 percent, of the Incident rays, while speculum metal absorbs 37 por cent. A German chemist says frozen cab bages or plants lose none of tholr nutritive qualities, because the frost transforms tho starch in tho vegotnblo Into sugar. Tidal waves nro often caused by sub marine earthquakes in apparently flno weather, without any relation to hur ricanes, although often accompanying them. To tell a diamond from a gem, look through tho stouo at tho point of a needle ora small holo in a card, nnd If thoro aro two pints or two holes tho stone Is not u diamond. Professor Nichols of Boston found 8 grains of ursoulo to ouch squaro foot of u greon dress submitted to his oxatni nation. Hero is tho fact of poisons freely used. Is thoro no remedy? Tho black sulphldo of silver, which forms on plated and silver wares, may bo romoved at onco by wiping tho sur face with n rag wot with aqua ammo nia, and without tho troublo of rub blng. Ias Cultivaleur remarks that rats, inlcti, ami Insects will nt onco rioaort L'roiiiiil on which a Uttlo chloriilo of llmo luu- boon sprinkled. Plants may bo nrotoctotl from Insoct iiluguos by brushing tholr stems with a solution of it. It litis often boon noticed that n natch of land which has boon treated in this way roumins religiously ro spected by grubs, whilo tho unprotect ed buds round about aro Utorally de vastated. Fruit troos may bo guarded from tho attacks of grulu ly attaching to their trunks pieces of tow smeared with a mixture of ehlorldo of llmo and hog's lard, aud ants and grubs already m (wsjession will rapidly vucato tholr possession. Mn1vvt4 tn Ik "W&X.: Treat the Cows Kindly. Treat tho cows you milk with the greatest Kindness, novor bawl at or kick or strike a, cow. If cows nro treat ed kindly they will readily yield tholr milk. Ifabusod they will hold Hup. Most cows nro ruined when holfors. Somo rough, passlonnto man under takes to break thorn to milk. They nro fearful thoy will bo hurt, hold up their milk, kick, will not stand still, and tho man who breaks thorn kicks and mnltroats them, nnd thoy kick in return, nnd nro perhaps permanently ruined ns frco, kind milkers. Calves and heifers should bo potted tilt thoy glvo milk. Thov should bo taught that man is tholr friend not onomy. They should be well fed bo causo thoy can't glvo milk without eat ing tho matorlnl to furnish It. If given warm stablo3 nnd warm bods tholr systems do not requlro so much food In winter to keep up tho nnimal heat, nnd thoy will glvo moro milk thore- for. For family cows, heifers with tholr lirst calves should bo milked to within a fow weeks of their coming In ugatn. JJver after thoy will continue to glvo milk up to tho same time. If dried ofT early thoy will always dry up tholr milk early. MILK as a Soi'OKinc According to tho Pharnutclsi it is n frequent prac tlco in tho Now York Asylum for Inobrlatcs to administer to tho patient nt bcdtlmon glass of milk to produco sleep, nnd tho result Is often found satisfactory without tho uso of medi cine Medlclno Is thoro sometimes prescribed In milk. It has been re cently statod in modical Journals that lactic ncld hns tho effect of promoting sloop by noting ns n scdntlvo, and thin ncld may bo produced In tho momenta ry canal by tho ingestion of milk. Can this, then, bo tho explanation of tho action of milk on f ho norvous system after a long continued, excessive use of ulcohollo drink? Sugar, nlso, is capa ble of bolng convortcd In tho stomach, in certain morbid conditions, Into lac tic acid, and a lump of sugar allowed todlssolvo In tho mouth on going to bed will frequently soothe n restless body to cpilet nnd repose. If you desire to got a largo yloldof rich milk, glvo your cow every day water slightly warm nnd slightly snlt- cd, in which bran has boon stirred at tho rate of ono quart to two gallons of wafer. You will find, If you hnvo not tried this dally practice, that your cow will glvo 25 por cont. moro under tho effects of It, and sho will become so at tached to tho dlot ns to roluso to drink cloar wuter unless very thirsty. Hut tills moss sho will drink almost any time and nsk for more. Tho amount of this drink necessary is an ordinary water pailful nt a tlmo, morning, noon aatl night. Live Stock Journal. SlONH 01' A PltOSPEHOUS FAUMKK. Whon you soo u barn larger than his house, It shows that ho will havo largo profits nnd smnll nflectlons. Whon you seo him driving his work instead of his work driving him, It shows that ho will novor bo driven from resolutions, and that ho will cor tnlnly work his way to prosperity. When you always sco in his wootl liouso a aullleleney for throo months or moro, it shows that ho will bo moro than a ulnoty days' wonder in farming operations, and that ho is not sleeping in his houso aftor a drunkon frolic Whon his slod Is housed In summer aud his farming Implomonts covorod both winter and summer, It plainly shows that ho will havo a good houso ovor his head in tho summer of his early llfo aud tho wlntor of old ago. When his eattloaro shielded and fed In wlntor, It evinces that ho Is acting ac cording to scripture, which says thnt "a merciful man is morclful to his benst." When ho Is seen subscribing torn pnpor and paying in mIvanco.lt shows that ho will novor got his walk ing papors to tho land of povorty. Minnesota Farmer. In Ilreslan a succossful attompt has boon ruado to oroct a papor chlmnoy about fifty foot high. By a chemical preparation tho papor was rendered Impervious to tho action of flro or wator. Tho increaso of (louring mills in tho four Statos of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, from I860 to 1878, was from 1,133 to 3,000. Tho Government of Belgium pro poses to speud$l, '200,000 in building 65 locomotives, 60 passenger ami 225 freight cars. Monti'Kuy couflnns the auortiou of other olMor era that the scintillations of stars are intensified during the prevalence ot aurorai boivalea. So delieatu is tho machinery used for cut ting out wood for "papcriug" walls that two hundred leaoa aro cut from an inch of white maple. There aro forty-six varieties of tho dato tre. twenty-six of which aro exhibited at the Eng lish conservatory ol Kew Oaxdeus, VcgeUblo isinglass, heretofore obtaiuetl from Asia, i now exported from rVcnch seaweed, and u nsed for liuug cotton cloth. XRtKHFt HBBOKAX. M. Qambettn has Joined tho French Alplno Club. Hannibal Hamlin always wears a claw-hammer coat. Whlttler is In failing health, and un nblo to do nny literary work. Charlolto Thompson, tho actress, owns one or tlio nuost plantations in tho South. It Is said Prlnco Napoleon Is n Ito man Catholic, and thcroforo ho cannot marry an English Princess. Sir Edward Thornton Is now serving in his elovonth year of offlco 03 British Minister nt Washington. Tho last descendant of John liunyan died lately In England. Sho was an ancient damo of 81, nnd hor nnrao was Ann Webster. Professor Max Muller was ono of Prlnco Leopold's teachers nt Oxford, nnd ho declares that tho Prlnco was really fond of study. Dr. Nowman, the now English Car dinal, plays on the violin nnd violin cello with exqulslto taste nnd skill. Tho symphonies of Ueothoven nro his evenings' delight. "Iko Marvel," tho qulotost of au thors, Is now u white-haired man, with a genial, intellectual faco and kindly eyes, wlioso country nro, brightened by his family, his books and his plpo, is truly Idyllic. Miss Ilanlot Hosmor is compliment ed by tho World of London ns tho greatest of tho few fomnlo sculptors tho world has over seen, and ono of tho very few nmong thoso who havo pro duced strong work nnd not mere prottlncsa. A nuw fuel, formed of tho residuum of petroleum nnd coal tar, mixed to tho consist ency of molasses, is expected to produco great results. Tho uio of tlio microphono is suggested to dutonnino nhcthor insecti communicato with each other by any nudiblo means. Two now propcrtict have been attributed to salicylic acid that of purifying water, and of totally arresting germination. It is proposed to erect a CV.itral West Indian obsorvatory on tho hills near Kingston, Jamaica. Since last August l'aris lias uxpcndod 3I0, 000 in experimenting with tho electric light. Tho t'outaur I.liilruenta are of two klcds. The White Is for tho hamsn family; tho Yellow Is or horses, sheep, and other animals. Testimo nials of tho effects produced by theso remarkable Preparations aro wrspped around crery bottle, and may be procured of any druzglit, cr by mall from the OmceofTiiiCtNTACnCoariMT, 44 Doy Street, New York City. pJTrOf3 Qf (-jUsBDrY Stato Oratigo Depntlvi far 1878 oanoit. lUisn Co. Thomas Smith. Daksi City. Hsktosi A. Holder, Coriallls. CuniMia-O, N. Wait, Conhy. furwr-wr. It. dray, Young's Hirer. Dovolas-I). H. It. Ilulck, Myrtlo Creek, JiCno-J. N, T. Miller, Jukiontllle. Josiriuia -Jofi.h l'ollo. k, UJand. Uia-llmcoo Knox, Crwwell; Allen llonl, Kunno City liis It. A. Irvine, Albany. lUaiox J. W. llbheller, HutUtlUo; W. VI. Illlleary, Tumor, MvLTioxiii I'l) mpton Kelly aud Ja.b Johnson, lUit l'ortland. lou F A. I'attenon, DUIe. Tiixmox J. 0. IU ley, Tillamook. IIsion John Crtlirhtun. union. Wahcu- luhn Fml, Tytfh Valley. Wasiiivotoo J. A. lllvhardwii, rlnirton. Oaton , Tualatin; J. W. ap. YAViitLb It. II. Uii.-hlln, North Yamhill. wiiinutoi Tsaarroar. lV)U'Mtu Thomas Throuell, Dayton. CLiaaa -llatld hump, Vamuuver. t'owUTI-Julin H. Ilourtli. IVkln. Uwis-W II, Miller, lol.fort. WailaWaua W II. Thomas, Walla Walla. W iiithah lllUm King, FoIoum City. Patrons In Uioso counties In whkh no Deputies luie been appointed u.ilj muih oblige nw by daiignaUng iiroutere imiaoio wuim mat enpaeuy. A. 11. buiriar, Muter Or, St. Orange. " DinSOTORY. OVPICU'itv .irihe NATIONAL OUANGU. Master' uesota. Overseer Lecturer bush, N. mucl K. Adams, Montlcello, Min- J. J. AVootln.an, l'awpaw, Mich. Mortimer Whitclioad, Middle- A. J. Vauelun, Memphis, Tenn. Steward William Sims, Topeka, -A. 1'. Konjthe, Isabel, Edgar sUmanl Aasistati Kauaas. Chaplai I- county, 1 I. Trvasu.er F. M. McDowell, Wavne, N. V. Secret .ry W. M. Ireland, tiashinctou, D. C. Oato-"eejer O. Dinwiddio, Orchard Grovo, Indians.. Ceres -Mrs. S. M. Adams, Monticello, If in ncaota. I'omina Mrs. J. J. Woodman, Pawpaw, Michigan. Flora Mrs. 8. T. Moore, Sandy Spring, Mich. Lady Ass't Steward-Miss C. A. Hall, Apa lachicola. KXKCUTIVK COMMITTEJE, Samutd E. Adams, Chairman, Monticello, Minn, Henley James, Marion, Ind. 1). Wyatt Aiken, Coktshury, S. C, S. II. Ellis, .Spriugbore, Ohio. OPPICKHS OIIUUON hTATK HltANnB. Matter -A. H. Shipley, Oiwego. Overaeer- D. S. K. lluick, Myrtle Creek. Lecturer V. It. Thomas, Walla Walla. Stewanl W. M. Illlleary, Turner. Ass't .Steward- M. L. Nicholas, I lea vet ton. Chaplain W. II. flray, Astoria. Secretary N W. Kandall, Oregon City. Treasurer David Smith, Lelianon. (latcKeer-C. N. Wait, Canhy. Cerea M. J. Train, llarnshurg. Pomona C. E. Shipley, Oswego. Flora S. I). Durham, Mcllinimll. L. A. S. Irene L. Hilleary, Turner. EXECUTIVK rOJIMtTTKI. A. H. Shipley, Chairman, Oswazo (1. W. Hunt, Sublimity. A. Holder, Corvallis. nM 0T wL w JK0 Fowls por Different Fimrosn. Henry Stewart, in tho Rural New orkor, conclude an interesting articto on tho abovo subject as follows: For eggs atone, ono should cliooau Whlto Leghorns, if thnt color is desired) for black fowls, tho Black Spanish, and for handsomo tilumago and eggs, tho Urown Leghorns; for eggs nnd flesh, tho Light lirahina first, and tho Plymouth Hock noxt. For brood fowls ns fneti.r,nl1m. fn t.nti.attf lttt l.mfMlft. tllO Cochins or (lames, aro admirable. For a small avew-..iu..,v.o .v. uunmiHUM " -. yard whoro beauty is tho first consideration and a few but sufficient eggs are desired for family use, tho Uamburgs of tho different varieties, or tho French or l'oliah fowls and (lames will bo found mi table, uliilo for orna ment alono and for young folks' pet, the silky White-crested Sultans, or ono of tho many varieties of tho Jtantams my bo procured. As to tho common, old-fashtonod, mixed-tin, mon grel, "barn-door fowl," that ought to no con signed to oblivion as an unprofitable nuisance Slauoiitkiuno Fowls foh JtAitKBr. Death by strangulation always presents a bad ap pearance, becauao tho blood is Instantaneously arrested, nnd, having no outlet to flow off in, it coagulates in tho vm, presenting a swollon, dark nppoaranco. This may tako place, to somo considerable, extent, when death is pro duced in any sudden manner; thcroforo tho best way to kill fowls for market is to cut off tho main arteries bv putting a smalbblado knifo into tlto mouth or upper portious of tho throat and thus bleed thtm freely, holding them quietly until tho struggles cease. Fat tening is not all that is to bo dono to prepare for market. Hut to hao poultry well dressed, preserving tho color nnd froshncss which most nearly resembles the living flesh, is a matter of prime importance, in determining prices. An Ijiglish physician recommends tho juice of celery, mixed with honey of rosos and bar. loy wator, to bo used as a gtrglo by those who suffer with sores and ulcers in tlio throat and mouth. Thcrowlll lo an international exhibition of sea and river fishing material at Herlin in 18S0. Germany Is rapidly completing an excellent system of subterranean telegraph linos. Ilvor is King. Tlio Mvnr In Uhi ImpoilAl orgmi of tho wlioldliiiinan hVKti'111 , nx UcoiltroN tilts I tin, lionltli nuil Imnntiios nt mail. Wlion It In illsttitlioU in Iih proper Hollon, nil kinds of nllmont.H nro tho imtimal ritMilt, Tim iHgex Hon of food, tho movmnenU of tho hoirt und blood, tlio notion of llin liraln ntnl nnrvous system, nro all lintnndlatoly ponnonlod with tho worklngH oTiho I.lvor. It hn lienu suo ceusfnlly provnd llintGttcn'n AhuiihI 1'lnwor li iinrquallod In curing nil porNriiii alllliited with Oystif pslu or I.her Complaint, and all tho liuinoroiliapmptdiis that rciult from ml unhoalthy cnndltliinorilin Ltvor nnd Hlnin. nch. Hamplo tioltUm to try, 10 ronlH, Ton. lively aoli! In nil towna on tlio Wotdern Coil tlnont. Throo dosoft will prove thnt It Is Just wha' ou wnnt. Solid Merit will Tell. For till tlio bitter opposition of Jealous rivals, no bitter Illustration could lio had o this Inct than t bo Itnmouso sulo already utj Ulnid by tlio Kivnt Throat nnd l.iins Homo tly, I)r. Aut. Kaixor'A -German Kllxlr. Kor tlui euro ol CouubHund llronolilal Airctlous It Ih trtilv wonderful, ieti it-ostisuOorliiK from C'onNiiniplinn lu udvancod atauea find treat relief, anil nuniltr of patlenln havo lound, ti llmlr ilelluht, cot only rolief but cum;. It bolntt'Dorftolly hartnlesn, maket It Htonrn popular with inotliers, who of nil otliora ho felt lliu nrrossityolauoh nmedl- olnn, Tlio ci'tuilno Ii-ar I ho I'rusilan Coat of ArniM. thu mu elmllo alittiaturouf Dr. Auc, Kaiser, nnd ha- hit iiutnu blown on every 75 oont bottle. A frlul lrn may bo bad nt Dm DriiK Sloro of for 25 cunts. A Qentlo Hint In our htvlo of climate, with lta midden chanKou of tiiiiiporatur.', rain, wind, nnd HUUNIllllnonefillllMllllllLlMl In n intltHlav, It Is no wi)imr lb it inir olilldrt-n, frlitidt i nnd rolallvei kim mi lr(U(iily us by. iiffiltclfd ttilil., half a taken from us uy, iieKit-cieu omi, nan inn uea'.ns resiilIlnRdlroe'ly from tlilHcauae. A bot tle ol llOKOheo't Oerman .-lyrup kept nbout your hoinn for linmodlutH n-n will iirovent sorloii'. nlcWueiK, a lur.tH diMttor'a bill, and leriuips uoain, uy iiih u. or llireo or four doses, Fir ourlnit Consumption, Hemorrhage. I'lieiiiiionln. woero (,'ouchs. Croup or nny dlxam of tho Throat or LiUtitiv. Itt MivOfHi u Hlmnlv wonilerfnl. at jour lruu';l.t will tell tint. Oormaii Syrup U now amil in uverv town nnd vlllaunoii thli eminent hamnlelmtllns for trial, IOj t ri'Ktitar slzo 7S-). gg P. & A. MASONS, 3 K A.-. If. & K. T. i RsrpmMlUtaaJllaOVrHKK la a U MllUIiUirr. lot CwtWrw ui mmIVI UftT1TMft.fi 1 1 UsWnllMTi KuSntLssms; Un MAUMIOH vr.iBin,i DO NOT FAIL loifnd for mi lAtAlOffU. It roDUin r I rr ftn41erifliloik of iiifsl itvorv rtJcln in sen ral Hte,iintt l iKlaableta ASfV PKRMOXraulrninliX Insr slit, purr lia or nnjr arllrlv for Vrr uuai, Famllror AscrlcMliurnliaaf. ... vna m iri. irauv larvaii staun lu the nmols v"rl or lb Trrrllorlra, . wllh fair rirrpllona. rarreU f! lb ailjtllona or iu f vurruaarr. ot 40 la CHS pre rut say claiming lu have Mad a&1Al ileal Oh Wm AUIIRKsiV, SVHKIC. lirdM AVI-I.H-ATIO. M.li ' svada so all uianklud at wnvlrtuila ks AKV A Ii-at Mattuiial Hank, C'litcatu. MSRTBOMEIV WAIO I Ofl Orlslnat Ursnic Hupply llouar, sj7 A HSU Watiaah Ae.,Cblra(o, IlL. DUlol rEiwi Willi. Kit ftIilTlU. II f Ula 1 (M4f d tvUiM. SiK) tursvlkf 3 BVtMMt IV UI1 febl (nil dlMrl BlliSaVL MiiM-a k&i dlnattlaMna iW lUaJttin l MY i.rittiti truti k4 ikifir hMj, nuu, 1 la.taJl.U41 U sail. Ktt4 tot Is- AJlra ' P. M. FEREY ft CO. Detroit Xleb. W-uzi-miBixjsvxr ell Drilling, Boring, mniit nasw-fflia u cjAMlaW fUU. nifkest award at Canuuual jfJutuoo. fiead tot pKtorla I catalorua and Brioa-liat. trae. Acts ta wan tad. O per day raaraaUad. Sand.boaddara, and ,swk aailr bandlad. Addreaa, PIKKOti WIX KXCA VAl'OK CO.. COo lm Ave fWladaHiMs. faask BR. K. V. OHAI "DB1VIT LUOal.. Uts8anroa D.. VcJaatsara.- IU uaua,usrDIB'aaiacB.avaiaua Mtf sfcaBir?-aaaaaaaaaaaaaUllkilm7 A fkaaaalLaV "VbbsbbbI HBftVaVBBBBBBBBar .MItViV UHi,KttV o Stallions JtiUJtf JtiUX ..d' MERRY MASON Will make tho season as follows: lion ROT, at Dnrbln'a Stable. SAT.KM, Mon day, Tuesday, and Wednesday, each week, and at juiin ruuu o tAiui me mroo uaya loiiowmr. ITIKRItV niANON. Dnrhln'a HUMe. HALKV. The Imported I Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, each week, and St the old DELANKY l'AllM.a mlleandahalf west off Turner, on Mondays, Tuesdays , and Wednesdays. TISIIITIS Season, 30, payable at end of ica- lolj Insurance. 8SO. Datable when marn known I to bo vritn roal, or la parted with. U.S. Bold coin. aUIQ WIM P18 ouikhson a run II. Tho Celebrated Draft Stallion . LOUIS NAPOLEOV Will max the aouon of 1879 as follows: ) At mi Farm, In Waldo Hills, Mondays and TuesdJ. Nl'aVTON, Wednesdays and Thursdays. HVIOt Fridays and Saturdays. TEIIMS-Lcap, $10; Boason, 1G Insurance, $l The Scaioit will begin April 7. Dasnumox acd I'aoiossa. LouU Napoleon li a bl. Uful dapplo gny, 10 liands high, and weighs 1600 Ito.o was sired by tho Imported Norman horse louls Napoli, and his dam by Iloyal Sampson, Imported by Col. Oalf el Ttuewcll co , HI.; his grand dim wm a French Cani anmaro Come and seo tho horse before making otr arrangements. (mh7ni3 T. J. KDSIONbSOI CWAY'S MPKOIVIO ITIKDIOINB. Tlio Great English Itemody TRADE MASK, i ..in ... '"ADE . 1(l iiiiuftiiiiiK euro lor rcminal weakness, Spermatorrhea, I in potency, and all Ills macs that follow a a equenca of Kdt-abuso ai Loss of Memory, Unlvcml tAMltude. I'aln In the I lack, -J Before TaHnK ", After B and many other IMsoasea that lead to Insanity or Cot sumption, and a Premature (Iraro. ttT Full partlculaij in our panipmci. wmen wo uesiro wj penu ireo vj ma lottery ono. fifTho Spccifla Medlclno , told by al dnnrglits at tl per lockage, or six packages lor 5, c will hr sent free dresaln Til . irro iit man on receipt 01 uio money uy T1IK HIIAY IHKBIOINl: CO., no. in, sieinanica uiock, inrraorr, men. itirKolil In Halent and everywhere In tho United StAti and Oanada by all wholesalo and retail drugirliui. Wy GunsICunsI BENJ. FOR8TNER,. Htlloui, Oregon, TTA8 A LAItOK STOCK OK CIIHAP Military Brccch-loadiuj Rifles nrli m the HPKNClin, SIIAttPK, IIKMIMITO.V, anJ i.iuiiri r.ii. aim, a tun aMoruncnt or Z3rooolilonclltif; SIIOT-OUNS and SPOIITINO IUFL12), of all atandard males. A full Una of 1'orlcct Oullerr, Knlvea, llnzorsi, vd SCI.s.SOILS,dlrrct from Iigtand. AUo I'lalilntX Taclilo Will sell n low n nnybodr. aestf POTTERY. APTKIl A Pi'.IUOl) OP 1DLKNK'M, TI1B8B winks hare now fur several months bscn In full operation mannfaeturlmr a superior and Improved artlclo which I am able to oUr to the trade as of lux-sat 0-u.n.lltxr. Myproient stock Is superior to anything minufac tursd at tbla Pottery for nro years past, and la equal to best cuthenwarv for strength and durability. I Guarantee SatlNfactlora. Orders, sir reqnrs ts for information aa to price list, should ha addressed to A. M. SMITH, Ilucna Vltta. km. 30 tf Proprietor. SALEM PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. W. P. JOHNSON, Artist, Over Willis' Dock store, BTATKBT., - . - BALEM. PICTtmCS TAKKK IN LATEST STYLES, from Miniature nleinre to L.fo slse. COI'IBS KNI.AIIOKD to any sice sloslrod. JOHN MINTO. Biiioin or 3IERINO SHEEP, T1AKES pleasare Id offtrinir to tha Wool-Growers ol . Ore,,-on and the adjoining Terrltorlna the chanco toimrchase TIIOItOU(IIIIIlll!l) MKHINOS, and as surtax pirtlcs Interested that they can, and will en deavor to, sell Sheep of the sirao quality and value at MUCH CIIKAl'KltltATKS than such can possibly bo Iniunrted. Kxamtnatlnn and romparlsou with olh er Sheep offered lu the market are eordlslly Invited. Address JOHN NINTO, ,..-... , . . Salem, Oregon. N. II, The Hams and nam Ijmbs of the. flock can he ii on the ISLAND rAKM, adjoining Salem. The liwrs ran be seen at the same place, or at the HILL PAltM foil rand a hall miles south of tboclt Salem. September 10. I87S. XiTTOIUS WMLXs, Saeccssor to J. M. KixLin A Co., 95 Liberty at., . . msw YOU, CoiiiiuInhIou -A-ffout FOU IIUYINO AND FOnWAItDINQ FROk New York via lsthmas, I'aclno lUllrosd, and Cane Horn, all kinds of Merchandise, and for the sal of Products from the raclflc coast, for the collection of mnrev. Ac, octstf I gue mixture Chills and Fever aro permanently curod by Dr. Jurae' A(e Hlx- tare. With a Uttlo caro on the part of the patient to avoid exposure, and the occasional use of Jaynk's Sana TIVB PlLLS.this remedy will be found to bo certain in Ita operation, and rad ical In ita effocts. In many sections of tho country subject to Ague and other malarial diseases, It has an es tablished oharaetor aa a popular spe clAo for theso harrasslng complaints, and tho number of testimonials re ceived show that Its constantly increasing. MAO Mual Sm'CTvWI reputation la, . , Intermittent and Remittent Fevers are offcctually cured by Dr. Jay tie' Agae Mixture. In theso com plaints caro should bo taken to follow tho directions closely, and especial attention given to tho liver, which should bo assisted In performing Its functions by Un. Javne'sSanativb Tills. noDor, dmhs co land, Oregon. Wholesale AgtaU. Fort- II r V i '"1 .J '"as" MaiJf "