- '-f3" , Sent totho Airlnm. A lawyor of riiugonc, by tlio namo of timer, wits Wrought down Saturday, rtmrged with insnnit. An inquiry was ml ana tlio County Uourt atljuiigcil im iiiEmic, Ho whs tnkrn to tlio Uylum this morning. Tumor figured cmowliat in tlio llasrcr murder case, Milling iii wittiesicn niul tr.iclnx tho brpctratora. 'I'lis tiiuwi of liin iiitanity I nnl Rtntod. Cattin Stamjiotlm. A band of cutUti ntimuciiii? .i-.it 500, belonging t; Iiti & Kyan, cist tbuycre, stampedud onu night lust k at Saucer's much, on Willow cok, Umatilla cotiniy. Tho hcnlrm 1ro nlocping near tho l'euco ut tho timo ttlio stampedo and narrowly esciipo.1 lug trampled to death. Tho baud wna imcriucntlv rccnpturcil, excepting jottt 100. " ! Tho Grent Hopnlillo. JAbout one-hnlf of tho wholo vessel lompriMiig tho forward p.trt) li.n bro fcn up and entirely fnp.tiutod from tho ilattce. Tho hull ab.ift tho walking :nm hits broken into, and Iki.h Iil-uii sot loat by tho heavy hc-.x an I iiwcpt away, .ftor being carried about fornoniH time, 10 wreck was nfranded on Hand Iiilnud. ho nhipVi waist appears to bu .solid and IniuoViiblo, held (irmly together by tlio mormons btrcngth of tho bod on which 10 massivo macluuorv, wliicli was umiu- hip, rest. In all piob.ibility this por ion of tho wrecked vessel will bo in light for yearn. Tho stockholders of Iho Great ltopuMie Wrecking Company field their firat busino.su meeting on Thursday, May 1st, and elected tho fol lowing gentlemen directors of tho com nany: Wesley Jackson, (J sorgo T. Mcyci-H, Matt. JL .Silwoti, W. L Ivin hoy, Capt, !. II. D. Gray. Tho com pany havo commenced operation:! by employing a gang of men, under tho hti periutendunco of Mr. Win. L. MeCabe, of the firm of Itrown it McCiilic, ntovo dorrs. A considerablo iimount of good't havo already liecn rcscueil nt great ox penso from tho wreck of tho unfortunate Rtcainshp, and it i.t confidently hoped that a largo proportion of that which is still left in hot lower hold will bo Hue. cessfully brought aslioro during tho low tides which will provail during tho com ing week. Tlio company will probably muko 8uflicieut to pay expenses without profit. Soib la Snoop. Kltowkcro wilt Iks found n lengthy com munication from II r. S. ll. Kennedy rogading that torriblo ict in aheep known as tlio scab. Mr. Kennedy will bo in our Statu for sovcrcl months yet, as ho intends to introduce his Bleep dip personally. Soma years ago wo advertised his Hemlock Dip, and as far as wo could leam it was well received and liked by all who used it. Messrs. J. McCrackcn & Co., Front Street, aro agents for tho salo of tho dip. The fact that there is a great aniouut of our ' sheep in this State affected by thisdiscsso is well known, and it has long troubled tho formers and stock raisers how to rid their flocks of tho disease, liut now Mr. Kennedy comes forward and claims that ho "can euro tho scab in sheep," after an experionco of ten years by tlio uso cf his now Non-Poisonous and Tobacco Dips. Wo sincerely bono that parties interested will look to this matter and tost its virtues, for tho commerce of our Stato depends upon ridding our sheep of this dis caso and thereby iocrcoso tlio grado of our wool, and as a conscqucnco better prices will rulo. Any information desired will bo furnished by Mr. Kennedy, who wishes to meet any and all stock raisers who aro in terested. Ifo can bo found nt J. McCrackcn A. Co's, Front Street, Portland, Oregon. Fine Houses. Wilkes' Spirit of tho Timts has the following mention of a recent pur chaso by Dr. Macki "Ocn. W. T. Withers has sold to C. H. Mack, of Walla Walla, Washington Territory, tho bay stallion Al wood, black points, no whito, foaled April 10, 1874, sired by Almont, dam by lllackwood; second dam by Alexander's Abdsllalu third dam tho dam of Lena Pepper. Alwood is 101 hands, and is remarkably bred, Icing inbred to Alexander's Abdallah (tiro of Goldsmith Maid), and alio inbred to Marobrino Chief (siro of Lady Thorn), and has united with those winning strains the blood of lllackwood (ion of Alexander's Norman, siro of I.ula, record SilO). lllackwood is tho sire of lllack wood Jr. (record -:'-2J) and 1'roteino (record 2:191). Alwood can not fall to prove a great acquisition to the trotting horso breeders of Washington Territory. His first foal at Fair lawn is Abilene, now a yearling, and Gen. Withers assures us sho is ono of tho very best yearling fillies at Falrlawn." Tho horseaaro now between here and lloiio City, enroute to this place. Walla Walla Dxkhy. Tlio following en tries hare been mado (or what will undoubt edly prove the best race ever run in the PaciGo Northwest: Airs & 'Pennant, of Port land, namo filly Florence A., sired by Tom Bowling, and filley Kdith N., sired by Bass, wood j Joseph N. Crabb, of Walla Walla, names b. s. Torrencc, sired by llayswatcr, and s. f. Trade Dollar, sired by Norfolk; U. Jarred, of this valley, names g. f. Jewell, sired by Lodi; Sank Owens of Portland, names a daughter of Joo Daniels, and ono of Hub bard! K. Barnes, Princvillo, Ogn., names a. s. Winters, sired by Norfolk, and b. f. Tidal Wave, sired by Jxli. Other entries aro ex jiccted from California. Walla Walla Union. William Milucan las tho finest display of millinery goods that was ever brought to the capital city. Salem and vicinity can well feel proud of this enterprising firm. We lately took a stroll through thsir establish ment, and was surprised to seo such an excellent display of artificial flowers, feathers and trimmed bats. Kverything is purchased by representatives from their own storo in San Francisco, and is especially adapted to tho trade of their locality. Wc would recommend a personal inspection and be con vinced, Indian Executed. Kot-Ko-Wot, the Chil cat Indian convicted of the murder of a man named Brown, in Alaska, was executed at Portland on Monday, May 6th, according to sentence. Horio Talk. Alexander Hyde, in tho Now York Times, gets off somo good Idea about tho treatment of tho farm horse, as follows: Tliii lends us to nay that much of the nbnso of farm lunwn must l;i clnrral to tho man rather than tlio tnnsler. It h-.t liceti onow tho moit dil'JcuU thing n mir uvricuca to impress upon tided men tho ntnmtty of Mud trc.ntint.nt of l.oraci. Notnithstanding lint upon lino r.ml priwpt upsii ptveept in this direction, wo oi (.-taion illy bear I nut and nngry talk to liu l.w", nml r." n imncces- ( sary utn of t1 c , Ii.p cr i eri.i ' cl , nrn avwp "yank" upon tl ti bi- But it must lie ixinFrS'lcl UrU tii. .Uiu of farm burses is not coulilioil to lure! im-n and boys. Wo often s re tluso itinmils U'.'t out c K)Sod to all weather, or housed m filthy, ill ventilated italilej, poorly fed, orcru orLi'il, and what ii most common, talked to, twitched about, and handled every way roughly, as thouuh they wcru not creatines of oenso and sensibility. Now, if tlicru ii nny miimal on the farm that has brain capable of being educated, and n heart capahlo nf niipicciating and reciprocating Undue, it i3 tho horse. With his largo brain and largo heart, ho also has a strons will, and no bono or horseman is worth much without such a will. Kightly trained, this raiolut'i will enables him to putt through strait and overcome obstacles, liut tho tloublo often is that tlio untutored wjll of tho horseman iticouiiturj tho untrained will of tho hoi sc. Wti havo known horses hipped till their bodies wore covered with wnlcs, and the blood flowed froclv. Without b'ldriu an inch, and wo h.-.rdly l.ncw which v, a tho uincr:not feclins in our iicani, indi'-nation at tho nug()ornod will of tho limn, nr mlinira tion for tlio lontf Rufleritiu will of thu beast. Tho truth is, no farmer, or f.umcr'u man, is fit to govern a howo tmloss bo liai tlwt learned to covcm nimscii. Wo aro roioiccil to testify tn tho rreat im provement in modem tinuu in tho treatment of farm horses, uanccialtv in tlio lino of sub jecting their wills to man's. Our fathers always spouo m ircaxiug con, nun uioitgni n liorsu wasuood for nothing till his will was broken. o nro sorry to aild that they treated all their animals, childiun iiicludcif, pretty much in tho tamu style. "Sparo tho lod, and spoil thu child," was their principle. Nowadays wo tan; anout tiaininu tour, nnu 1..aui. Im turn ri nwt'i-, lit 4tiuti7ni flintt ! iliVIU l-t (Ul lUVtU I'UKWI III IIIIIIIS, Wlitis III lireakiii:;. Who wants a cult with nil his resolute will scoumed out of him. or a boy who does not know that ho has a douI of his ohm? Hrcnulresa strum.' will in both man and buatt to r.iako much headway in lliis rough world, and if wu examine tlio records of tlio men and horses that havu tn.ido tho most imprcssiun on the world, wo shall find that tho will was tho motive power. This will, Lowevcr, mint bo gaidod by ru.i3on to socuro good as well as froat results. Wo onco saw one of Itarev's discinlcs undertaking to euro a horse of tho habit cf pulling on bis halter, ami though ho showed much skill in his gcntlo but linn manipulations, and tho ownur of the animal thought tho feat was accom plished, still tho bona uovcr fomot tho iovcr there was in tho musclcjnf his head and neck, anil whenever ho wished to getaway from n liitehlug.iiost l.o was pixlty euro to nave ins with. With nil tho will which thu horso is ac knowledged to have, it shoidi bo known also that ho has great Intelligence mid can bo molded pretty much as wu w iili to havo him. In this respect bo ditlcrs from that moit obstinata licast, tho hog. Tho latter has no brains, nml must no governed iy torco or fraud. As tho Irishman put it, "If yeu want to drive your hog to Dublin you must head him toward Cork, for ho is sure to want to go the way you don't want to havo him." Not so with the noblo horso. In tho hands of a kind and skillful owner lie can be trained to go through firo and water at tho will of his master, ai can no win icavo inn ircciioin and feed of his pasture, oncu his mouth fur tho bits, aud submit to too severest labors that may le imposed upon bini) will oven lay down his lifo on tho raco-caurso to gratify the ignoblo ambition of his driver to x half a see oud ahead of his competitor. Such subservi ency canno bo secured by kicks and cuffs. Ill.n LnHn 1111 nnlif Iim KAnniinrnil lif Lin1ma Aliu iiuiiu whii sjiii tiv vwmjvs-s j niiiMiivoBi and the sooner this is thoroughly understood by farmers and all owno.-so: liorscs, tlio better for tint man ni well as the horse. Food is an hmiortant item in tlio treatment of a horse, and herein mauy farmers mlstako through execssivo economy. Tho farmer will loio nothing by such a variety of rations, for his horses will feci inspired to do mora work in less time. There is doubtless such a thing as feeding too high, and wearing out tho animal machinery, with too rapid a circulation of blood. There is u golden mean in this thing. Tho food alio should bo adapted to thu work. It would bu folly to think, of driving liorscs fifty miles a day or of plowing with tliem lay after day without a liberal al lowance of grain, and for roadsters oats will furnish mora inspiration than com. What ever tho nature of their work, an occasional feed of apples or roots will do them great service. One of tho greatest mistakes wo notico in tho treatment of farm liorscs is tho want of cleanliness and cood ventilation in their stalls. The excrement of a horso ferments very quickly, and emits volumosof strong ammonia. so strong that if a man with a bushy beard put Ins head into ttto averago farm stablo oi a Sunday morning, bo carries tho scent of it to church, and is an olTcnso to bis neighbors. Ammonia is powerful tuff; it is the csienco of "smelling salts" which are sometimes strong enough to knock a man over, and it is cruel to compel a horso to breathe an air contaminated with it. Ammonia, in the diluted form in which wo tinu It in horso stables, does not, like somo of our cheap whisky, kilt on tho first trial, bat engenders disease, and tho wonder is that our horses are not sick oftcner than they are. A Vcrmontcr speaks of them as "ticklish property," by which wo snpKso no means tnai tney are liablo to diseaso aud death, but the horse in his normal state has a strong constitution and is long-lived. It is only when wo subject him to abnormal and unhealthy conditions that he becomes ticklish property, (livo him propor food at nroncr times, work in reasonable amount, a comfortablu bed-room a box-stall if possible, in which ho can havu tho trcouom ol twelve or fifteen feet square and. abovo jdlpuronir, an -Iho will livo and do cvrvico for thirty or lorty years, va tins lor a auo ccssion of generations, and tho averago ago of a horso may lo extended so ns to equal that of roan. Til rim is almost a panic in British agricul ture. Tenants aro giving up leases, declaring that landlords must give lower rents or more freedom in cropping, or ttoth. landlords hold as tenaciously as xssiblo to their ad vantage with forclKxlings of the futuro, pro posing to submit when they must. 1'he laborers, with thirty per cent, higher wages than their fathers received, have no idea of submitting to a reduction, but aro inclined to ask more. The landlords, as is stated on ac ceptable authority, aro generally getting but three per cent, income, with a probability of future reduction. P.tnno IIcdbeu Paint. This well-known mixed paint has been in uso in Oregon, and has given perfect satisfaction for years juut, and Messrs. Hodge, Davis & Co. continue to lie general agents for Oregon. Their adver tisement will appear next week. In tl.e meantime the paint will do to ui. State and Territorial ITIIlMmelte Tnllrj-. Three cougars wcro killed in ono tree in Lost Valley, Lnno Co. Tho Linn county Council, P. of If., will hold its monthly tcssion May Si. Tho Cascado inounUin road is bcin? put in order for Spring anil Summer travel. Sacrilegious hands rob the floral offerings from graven in tho Albany cemetery. Frank Oillam killed a lar.i black bear near Lcwisvillo, Polk Co., near tlio mountains. Tho Mmlo Past Uoad Co. havo levied an aasoistncu. of -.) per ecu, on it s capital flock. Tlio picnic from Harrishuru to Kugeno failed b'causo the river wa too low-to navi gate. Tlio Oiaugo is very flourishing nt Siuslaw, and the Hood Templars havo a thriving lodgo there. Tlio Independence Kivcrsulo tells of a largo and enthusiastic nnti-Chiiicso mooting held there. Miss Connie Walking, of Albany, is recov ering her hearing, much to tho delight of her friends. A new road has been opened from tho head of tho Sinslnw river to Cottage drove, called Crow road. Dr. Sharpies performed an operation to straighten and cure a shrivelled limb forKtmcr Yarualt, at 1'iigciie. Bud lMwunlj, living near Lebanon, acci dentally shot himself in tho calf of tho leg with a revolver ho was loading. Tlio Status Hlghta Democrat says that Johu Harbin has been arrested nt Ixibanon, on in dictment from Lino county for horso stealiug. Thu Statesman says tint (icuoral Ncsmith is picpariug to uommciico work on bis rail road contract, for a job of grading on tho road in Polk county. Tho Uiidino boating club enjoyed a beauti ful moonlight oxcursion last Friday night, from Salem tu Independence, on tho steamer Willamette Chief. Tho Statu Journal says: W. II. Crawford was convicted of burglary and sentenced to fivo years In tho ouitcntiary, mid mado n ipccch when ho was sentenced. Tho lllvorsido tells of a disgraceful family quarrel, when a man drovohis wife n-id family out of tho huuso and she came bao't with n Jtot of boiling colTuo and scalded him dread fully. Three bttto lioys wcro playing on logs, in tho Calipooia, noar Albany, which is stocked with logs for half a mile, and got in, one being drowned named (leorgo Slodin, son of lCnoch Sloditi. Tho Kugcuo (luard siyst Tho lato rain has been very beneficial to the farmers; whilo not heavy enough to stop them from work it has loosened tho earth and will itart tho grain al ready sown. Ksmoiiin, of Albany, tnlssod money from his till, bored a hole through his partition and discovered that two littlo girls wcro thu thieves. Ono flood watch whilo tin other stolo the money. Noullirris Orccon. Lil.uUow is rapidly improving. I)U of litigation in Lako county. A La lirandu man lost SJ0Ohy tho WTccking of thu Itcpuhlic. Thu Lakcviow iiconlo don't get their mails as often as they ought to. It is possiblu tho Ashland Academy will bo sold to tho Methodist Church. Tho now town near tho mouth of Snako river, will bo named Ainsworth, Tlio teaming season ban opened and roads nro improved m Southern Oregon. Six hundred head of cattlo aro to bo driven from Jackson county to (J rant county. Dr. Kobinson and wifo havo left for Salem, her health having somowhat Improved, Philip ltclchart, committed for sevoral bur glaries, has escaped from Coos county jail, Tho Democratic Times says that a China man was lately drowned in Gig Applegato; Tho patriotio jieople of Lakoviow aro al ready agitating t Fourth of July colobratiou. Tho Times tells of an attempt to burglarizo tho storo of Wimcr Ac Sons, Waldo, that was interrupted. Tlio waters of tho Spokane river remain as clear as crystal, whilo other streams rilo up and get muddy. About 1,200 head of cattle perished in tho Okanagan country last winter, but thoro aro over 10,000 left. f. Tlio Itoacburg Star learns that in two weeks tho road through the canyon will bo in thorough repair. Kx-Covcrnor Chadwick has finished his ex amination of quartz mines in Jackson county and rcturnod to Salem. Several Mexicans with a Urge band of hor ses aro in tho southern part of tho State, bouud for Kastern Oregon. La Grande wants new sido walks and ought to have them. Also ought to hao occupants for thu deserted buildings, Charles II. Durbin, of Antelope Valley, has marked ,fj00 lambs this Spring. His sheep wintered well and are free from scab, A Lako county badger bole. Gcorgo Den ny's horso stepped into it. 0 round and lofty tumbling, with broken neck accompaniment. Denny unhurt. Tho appropriation for Coos Bay is GO.OOO; but tho last session failed to provido funds out of which to pay tho amount, henco we fear nothing will bo done this summer. Jay Bcacb, for a long timo settler at Fort Klamath, has bought largely of State land in tho vicinity of Linkville and intends to go into the business of raising fine horses. Anion. The Garibaldi will bo taken up the river to day, having been chartered to load for Kurope. The Astoriau says: Mr. K. C. Holdcn has received the appointment of Associated Press agent for Astoria. Henry Sindlinccr. eight years a resident of Astoria and formerly of Portland, committed suicide tho other day, very premeditatedly shot himself through tho head with a pistol. He is described in tho Astoriau as quite a ge nial. Ho was doing wall in bis business, under no vmbarassment, and soems to bavo been troubled in mind. Tho Astoriau saysi Wo havo always re garded thu Oregon Steamship company as ono of the licit corporations in tho whob land, doing business in that line. They havo fur nished us with elegant stcamtbipj, they bavo always delivered freight in good condition, they feed ttaascnger with the best of every thing, and have Mud and attentive officers, and leave as little loom for growling as any company in tho world. An oyster man from Shoalwater Bay in forms the Astorian that tho prima causes of failure to supply the markets of San Francisco with ShoalwaUr Bay oysters latterly, is be cause of the fact that the oysters do not fat ten on the be-ds liclow as formerly. They mutt go direct to the markets without trans planting. Tlio result is that there is about nine-te-uths more oysters produced than ean bo marketed. At the mouth of JlaVer river, somo fifty miles up thu Skagit, a settler named Kvcrett raised over 1,000 bushels of potatoes but seas on, for which ho found ready sale on tho riv er at 7.r cents per bushel. . K.i At of (ho Maiinlnlim. Hotels nt Pendleton aro crowded. Tho Statesman learns that tho fruit crop of Walla Walla promises to Ikj excellent. Tho Kast Oregonian says Hcppneris to havo a now church udilieo and bcIiooI building. Tho Pendleton flouring mills proprietors havo built n ood mill across the nvcr, on the Weston toad. All over tho ( iranils Hondo Vnlley country prospect for fruit aru said to bo hotter than over before, J.l'ncj Fciguoon, of Hrppntr. received ; vero aud ilongurous injurii's by boitijj thrown from hi hor--.-. Immigrants from the Willamette Valley aro beginning to pas through Walla Walla, bound for the l'atouso country, tho Wcbfoot Mecca. Mrs. Scdore, wifo of 1). Scdore, living on Birch Crrck, near Pilot Hock, was thrown from a wagon and had her nrm broken in two places. Tho Sentinel snvsi Fiom Ben lkiwell of Wallowa wo learn that over two thousand head of cattle havo ltcen sold out of that val ley and ovcrybody is happy and prosperous. Tho Union says: Ilio branch railroad to Weston will connect at Whitman, livo miles below Walla Walla as tho nearer nml cheaper route, but tho Walla Walla people don't bko it. Tho Mountain Sentinel tnvst It is safo to cstlmato that $2,000,000 will bo paid out In this county lor stock this Spring, and times nro licL-innin'' to improve materially. already. John MitchcU whilo crossing tho Walla Walla river nt Pcpjier's eroding last week, had ono horso killed, and tho balance of tho horses, wagon and driver, ccaped drowning with great tlilliculty. Tho Watchman sajst Thu prosecuting At torney and U. 8. .Marshal of Idaho Territory are going hot and heavy after all parties who take or have Itccu taking tlmlicr from Govern ment loud, surveyed or iinsurveycd. From Hon. C. H. Montgomery it is learned that a largo settlement Tins recently been made on Deep Creek, a lino region of country south nf tho Spokane Falls, and cast of tho Colvillo roatl. Thcro is a lino body of land there yet, open for settlement. As (J. W. Truax, Sheriff of Whitman coun ty, wa lovvitiB an execution at Palouiu City. a gun that ho was holding in his lap was in somo unknown manner discharged. Tho ball went crashing through a board partition into n room occupied by a woman nnd child, who were in bed. The woman was badly wounded in the lee-, near tho thlch. nnd tho littlo girl sustained a had fracture of tho arm. iwtii w omuls wcro conslilcrvd dangerous. An nmiarcutly unreliable dispatch from Walla Walla, to a morning piper, says: Nothing has U'cn heard of tho Indians who promised to deliver up the horses of Deputy Sheriff Thorp and return his prisoners. Par tics havo guno to tho relief of tho wounded man left by Thorp at tho Wcnatchio river. Tlio settlers intend to giro tho Indians n chanco to redeem their credit before making another movoi but In caso of refusal to return tho liorscs aud Indian prisoners, tho Sheriff is determined to call out n sufficient forco to on forco his warrants and vindicate tho law. If tho settlors turn out it will bo a short but m vero struggle. 1 I'llKPl Kllllllll. Six hundred dollars hau been collected in I Nanaimo for tho sufferers by tho coal mine ex plosion. Thomas Johnston was killed by a falling treo, at Mackintosh it Gaston's camp near Olympin. A wagon load of elk horns camo up from tho Chelialis, this week, for shipment to San Francisco. Tho Olympia Transcript Utlls of twenty-five families coming from Kansas to stttlo in tho Sound country. Tlio "Fanny Lake," Sound steamer, broke her crank pin, and both cylinder heads wcro knocked out. Capt. Isaao Hall, who founded tho oxten sivo ship-buildina yards at Port Ludlow, died recently at San Franciico. Tho Kcattlo Poit says a ennoo patty was go- ins ui) Skairit river, when Mr. Armstrong's Moai was upset ami an ins supplies lost. rrindian Agent Milroy has irrniitcd two dl vorccs on tlio Puyallup Reservation. Indian can now get divorces as easy as thoso Bostons Who send to Ulan, Parties from San Franciico aro looking nt tho black-sand gold diggings at Gray's Har bor. Thcso have been pnuiicctcd and not found to pay in tho past. Tho Itcllingham Bay Mail aayst Forty miles up tho Skagit river is Minkler's Haw mill, an ingenious watcr-ow!r arrangement, capable of turning out 00,000 feet of lumber daily. Port Ludlow is gaining considcrablu fame iu tho ship-building line. Lost week a now steamer named tlio "Iris," was launched thcro for tho Sandwich Island trade. Tho keel for another vessel, tho 25th, has already been laid. Tho Mall tays: Thcio aro lots of inud-flaU at tho entrance to tho Skagit. For a distanco of somo twenty miles to tho bead of tho delta, tho river courses through a rich sandy loam. Abovo this you encounter mountains to tlio right, but a comparatively level plateau to tho left, and the river bottom changes from sand to coarse gravel and finally largo boulders. Tho volumu of water is sufficient, at an aver age stage, to admit of steamboat navigation for a distanco of fifty or sixty miles. Hawlby, Dodd & Co. This firm are enter prising as usual, and aro first in tho market as advertisers of agricultural implements. Seo their spring notice in our business columns. '1 hey have been so long in business that it is merely necessary to call thu atten tion of farmers to their advertiseuunt. Auoko our advertisers will bo found the namo of .1, Van Beiinlcn, who was Oregon's representative at Paris during the lato Im position. Mr. Van Bcurden advertises some extra tinu watchos. Wo would state that anyone ordering one of thio watches will Hint it just as represented. KodHLANIi DitoTllKllshavcanadveitiserncnt in the Faiuikii this wuek. Thuy aru in tho market and will buy nil the wool that is offered for sale. Never forget that business men who advertise are the ones who should be patronlcd. To those out of employment nnd to agents, Sherman k Co., Marshall, Mich., offer great inducements. Head their advertisement. 77Davihhox linos, take a No. 1 photograph (cabinet site), for (.1.00 per dozen. Call and see their work. Fiiam: Amell bos onu of the- finest selec tions of photographs to a) found anywhere- on this coast. The now steam. r now in courso of construc tion for service- lu the interest of lighthout s on this coast, is to lie called thu ManieneU. Sho will bo of tOO tons burden and lint class in all respects. Her cost is estimate! t JOJ.VAW. - ... - iril...J largo Wheat Farm. The largest cultivated wheat farm on tho globo is said to bo tho Grondin Farm, not far from tho town of Fargo, Dakota. It embraces some -10,000 acres, both Government and rail way land, ami lies clo-c to tho Kcd Ilivor. Divided into four parts, it baa dwellings, granaficr, machlno-chops, clovators, stables for iOO horses, nnd loom for storing 1,000,000 bushels of grain. Besides tho wheat farm, thcro Is a stock fnnn of '.'0,000 acres. In seeding time, seventy to eighty men nro cm ployed, and during harvest 'JM to WX1 inon. Seeding begins about April ninth and con tinues through thu mouth, nnd is done very systematically, the machines following one another around tho field, somo four rods apart. Cutting begins about August eighth, and ends tho fore part of September, succccdod by tho threshing, with eight stcani-thrcslicrs. After thrcshlne, the stubhlo t-round is plowed with great plows, drawn by thrco homes nnd cut ting two lurrows; ami tins goes on until the weather is cold cnotieh to freeze, usually about November first. Thcro nro many other large farms in the Territory and in tho samo neighborhood, and they aro tilled in much the samo manner a thu Grondin. Tho surface of tho land generally is almost level, and tho soil rich and black. Tho product of ono field of 'J.JIlfi acres is C7,i!8.'i bushels elevator wcivtht somo twenty-five bushels to the ncre. Iho nverae-o vicld of tho Dakota wheat farm is from twenty to twenty-fivo buihuls tier acre, nnd the concurring testimony is mat it is uhcqualcii as n wheat region lu tho world. Mkihiinis Lam..- At least two of tho lakes known ns tho "Four Likes" aro "Medl- cino Laker." Most wondciful stories arc told of their properties. A former well known resident of this valley, L. Lafcver, has re covered the uso of his nrm, which was badly crippicu vy too rucumaiim, ny tlio use ol tne waters of ono of tlio lakes, lion. D. F. l'crcival, who at times lias been laid up with inflammatory rheumatism, has been cured by tho iio of the water. Sheep that nro scabby nro completely rureil by n fow baths. A depoiit on tho shore of tho lako is used instead of soap by residents there, and is rctorted to bo n splendid mibititutu. Any dirty, greasy garment soaked in thu lako is speedily rendered clean, nnd a wngon which bad been (ilacrd in thu lako over night to toak, was ound to havo ue.iilynll tlio paint off when removed tho noxt day. Thu lakes are within n mile or two of tlio lino of tho Northern Pacillo Itnilrnad, and if one-tenth of what Is claimed for them is true, thev will U-como a famous wnter cure before mmy years. Walla "ana union. Dr. Mintio'i "Special" Mcdiclnco Arc mado from the best materials obtainable. They nro not cure-alls. They aro favorite proscriptions that havo been triad and tested for years Iu his extensive practice, until now they are absolutely itcrfcct in tho troubles fur which they aro recommended. Tho Nkiiiiikticuh works wonders in Kid uoyand Bladdcrcomplalnts. Thoso suffering with Dropsy, llright'sdlsoaso, Diabcti s.Gravol, Itctcntiou of Urine, Pain in tho Back, Incon tineucc, or any disease of tho Kidnoy and Bladder, will bo nstouUhod nt relief ono bottl will afford. For Female weakness it is ubslutely with out an equal. For all derangements of the Liver, Uso Dr. Mintio'i Krglish Dandelion Pills. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia, Us Dr. Mintiols Kuglish Dandelion Pills, For Fovsr nnd Aguu, Uso Dr. Mintlo's Kuglish Dandelion Pilti. Kvcry family should not fall to keep tho Dandelion Pills on hand. Seo what the drucrgists say about Dr. Min tlo's medicinoai "Kvurybudy speaks highly of them." C. If. Woodward tCo,, druggists. Portland. "All who take them recommend them." John A Child, druggist, Portland. Messrs. Abrams k Carroll, wholcsalo drug cists. San Francisco, savi "Wo rce-ard Dr. Mintio'a Nephrcticum as tho best Kidnoy anil lllft,1.1.- rntnmlu Itfir. I.a ...tltlln '' All druggists keep thcso lufdicines. Sir Astloy Cooper's Vital Eeitoratlvo, Tho great Knglish remedy has made more cures of Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, Lost Manhood, nocturnal emissions, lassitude, inability for mental lalior, despondency, and such diseases as nro iudiioeil by youthful follies and excesses, than all other medicines combined. His nut u stimulant nor excitant, is per fectly ssfo to take, is not a quack nostrum, and produces results that aro wonderful. Price, $1 a bottlu. Four times tho quanti ty, S10. Buy a bottle. It wilt not disap point j on. Hodge, Davis & Co., wholesale agent. HvKHY reader of this juiier can havo ruitit ono month's subscription to our illustrated Magazine of choice literature LF.ISUHK HOUltS, by sending eleven cents to pay for mailing tho premium that goes with tho mag azine, viz., n pair of Kastcr Cross Chromos, Thcso crosses are entwined with calla lilies, ferns, grasses, etc. Wu shall feel fully re. paid for this gift if thu articles aru shown to your friends. Catalogue of 1,000 deiirablo and curious articles sent to all: lo and '.'a stamps taken. Address J. L. PATTKN & Co., 47 Barclay St., Now York. apll-cow4t $777 A YKAll uti r!n to sprats. Outfit r AdJruM I'. O. VlCKK'lir. Aue-utU. llslnc. llil)U y SOSHLAND BROS., COMMISSION MERCHANTS HKAI.IUIH IV Wool, Hides and Furs, drain Bags, 71TOOXj XXAOJ3, Burlaps and (icncral Merchandise. Cor. North Front and O Sts., Ioi'tlnxxclt Oregon. Cash Advances Mado andOontljn menta Solicited. iby) Sta MONEY TO LOAN! SECUltlll) BV REAL ESTATE M0UTOAGE6, -IN- Sums of $500 to $30,000 Or Portland City Proporty, API'IJf to W11JJAM K13JU, 49 Firat St., Portland, Oregon. AGENTS, BEAD THIS! Wa trill ti IV AofiTitii m. Rilnrw n 1rV . a.il .. ,.., ,.a ...-. ....... u, fivu vi iuuuui ana expor.K.1. or allow n large commlMion, lo cll our ntw win wvuuuriiu iiiYCiiuuns. nw mean wntu WO MY, Bamplo froo. At!drci$ BIIF.IUIAN A CO., ManbtU. "h tuajg-Cm WESTERN FAMING MILLS Warohouso Soparators ! Polton Horso Poworn! I late tninttriulitrcl and sold hundred! dt tlin Wiai-ter- l-'iuinlnit M1II4, llintarolnctnciat mo nml lo 1,-txxl ratMtttloii. I'll.c, (SO Mill ati'l Wrcliouc Kcpfirator tnaJo to cr tcr of n doslrcd cspidtjr. cost, 4W0 to JiW. i OKFKu vor. sau:, lT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 20 PELTON HORSE-POWERS Which ars known to be the Best Ever Used In Oregon-A Great Bargain THOS. HOLMAN, Mr On. Srtl0' 0rSa' WE WANT E VKIIV rAlttI'.ll IS OIlKCIOfJ AVll wasiii.so- U ton Territory to send mono and mnl utllro tul- drew, and o will tuall tlicin frco imr Acw Cntalnnio lnrlsTP. Tho iiiwt cocnt'Icto CuUlotrnt ol Hrst-tlnM nnd tmproti.l AgtkuKurtu linilcuicntf, Kami and Mill Maililncry, ever Inunl In Orn.-r.ti, wlili mlrcs to stilt thotltm. K.MIT, IttllllKIL K III., npifi'iui om.iU'i, uri'iroti. FOR SALE. 640 Aores of ON TIIC LIST. OK Till! Mt. Jofforcou Pass Road. WUilcd ono tnllo atiofo Milium, In llarl.m County, MOacrrs under fenre, well tlmocrrd, well watered, somo ItiijirtnciiienU, and a )ortltii In ciiltltatloti. Tilts fund Is situated on tlio cdkT) nf tho Cawado Mountain, at leant half ol It mil lu (licauljr cleared, and Is rlihett of mountain soil. It Is reached by a loul rood from Kalcm, no dills, fWcr hours' may drlc. It Is In tlio mld.t of a tlilikly set tled country, wllhiroud tictalitor, and ft inoro IteoJlhy nirton cniinot Im loutid, riinoollivuio a few roils from fholliir. Ktm Uent for stock ranp.-, and hundreds of acres ol land that tan bo tlcarcd lor nhrat at a cost of $5 ar aero. Tld U a f.i oroide c.)iortinH) (or porno farmer tlcmr ous ol irolnff Into tlio stock butlnctl extensively, or for a-olonyot thrraor fmtr fsmllles cl Hermans. There aro many Ucnnans sittled lu tho trinity, and they llku It. I'art ol Iho imreliaso prler, f.VlO an acre, ran bo ld for a term ol , cars In annual ItislAltnuiU, at low ralo ol IntcreM. (ll on or writs to K. A. CI.AIIKI:, rainier OlTlre. No. I Waililngfin Kt., I'cttUnd, Otriron. Or II. W CIIAKI, r'aletn. J. H. THOMPSON, Ititpoittr and liircdsr of only Uit Best Strains of THOROUGHBRED POULTRY Earl: Brahmas, Slack Oocblni, Aud noa-ottln(r Blade Hamburg. Alio, MI.VKIl HKA-lllUOlIT nnd RII.VKIt IlllUK. WINtl (IAMB IIANTAHH, all Imported by myKlf. EGC8 ANU FOWLS I1V SEASON. coitnrai'ONDKNCK soucrrtn. J. II. Thompson, Halsey, Linn Co., Or. IcbllU NOW IS YjOUR T IME! EGGS FOR HATOHING! Of tlio I'urollroil llrown Ughorn fowls. Ttiryaro well ktiooti lor tliclr uturlor laylnir quillUoa, and liordliirM when youiif, Tlicy in "noil Ktlers. Wo warrant all mi sold iiy us ! 1 truo to iiatuo. Orders iminiiUy flllvd. I'rlcv, $2.00 por Sotting of 13 Eggs. Wo will tend lit rxprcM to any address carefully parkod on rvt-clpt ol I'rice. Ileus, tl.on eat.li. Ha mala birds on hand. AddriM II. J. IIIKXIKH, Marth IS, MTU. Clichalls Ulutlon, Uwli On., W. T Inan'Mui THE AUSTRALIAN SOAB EXTERMINATOE I I'oiion for Kxttvrnal Usv, for l'rovrntion aud Curt) (if tho Scab, Tlio (Icncml Health nod Condition of tlio Hliceii rrninoted by its Uso, Itanufaclunl by C. V. WIM.IAM.H&CO. GILMAN &. YOUNG. 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., For tlio Manufacturers for Oregon ami WmIi mar7-!lm liiRton. 1n.11. EVERYTHING KOitTBul 1 GARDEN U Dtscrlollfo Catalogues! IM psges seal Fr PETER HENIERIONACO. 33 Cortland! lit., fieta J or. USiTVUiKSLBAJ J. W. MEREDITH, Dental lUKitns at tlio nM stand, (JltlSWOM)'H llWK'K, Ol'l'. TIIK DANK, SAIsLSM, OIlEftON. IcMy I3TAIII.IH1IKI) i.V HV WH.LAMETTE NURSERY, (;. W. Walllnp k Snu, I'ronrs. Oswej;o. OlncknmaH Cf Or. r'li't-talstiiiitlbiirttiu to riim, IV i in i Cherry T'm. rorriamikr.rvMilMt(il eld I am SawiagoffaLog. This HAW DIACIIINi: Ii n svonderful la. Tentlon. Tlin wrlght of Ilio uian wba Is sawing iloes liulf of tbo work. It saws togs of any site, uud will sow off a 2 toot lor In 2 minutes. Circulars free. Address, Was. OIUSM, OtlO W. OUt St., Cliicliuuttl, OUlo. ciw skviuriiis iT fS Id t J I Aiuerl to year r t w. ', Orc-fon, y ilundiy to. Wed- JlllUboro. 'l A ' " r.-s r ' Eiifl