V IC- hen lhap tx 4 Ml MAEKET REPORTS, wiLLAiirrn! faumeii omen, Legal tenders In I'orllind, Imyln, fttj, and sellln? alpar. Mirer coin In Porthnil tin bonks oiolfl al 3";1 lr cent, dlwount. Homo I'roiluco Murliut. Corroded weekly by Ooraitoct. !t I'Aujtr, preprlrlnrs of tlio UrcU Amcrknn More, Socor.d 'mrwl, hi Iwcei Morrison and VariI.1'1, I'ortUnil. Tlio following represent wholesale rn( s f rem pf'l'i en or flr.t hvidi FI)im-ln Jobhlnj? loll Uii.Urt! brands, ti lst country bmnclj, $1 (K'H W, WIIKAT-1.U, "lct. OATS-whlts, tOC-HIC V I'Jtlirl ONIONS-IOoVIK rOTATOI'H-quotaMe nHViWii V bush. Owning In freely. MIDDI.INfl.S JoMilnj, lor fail, Witn nnc, jj 27' l ton, llllAN-JobblnselllVton. JlAUON-Wdcs, l I Hams, Italic; ihoul Itrs, etoTo. I.AIll)-ln kcjrs and tins, KV. nUTTEM-Wo quoto choice Irmh roll atS1) to ijc; good pickled roll, Ik; olll In ke,r, ' CIIKHSK-Orrtfon. ll13i California, 10.-. (1KKKN I IIUITS Apples, good keeping, r box, W7le. DIUKI UMTS Apples, mm dried, sfrtlc; mulilne drleJ, titSc, dull sale. I'car., machine dried, 7M. limns, tan dried, IHesIS Efl-16c, good demand. POULTRY- Chbkcin, joung, Sljrt Mpirdoi: old, 4S6, and tranUd. IIOflH-Drcxmid, !; on lint 4. IlKEK-LIre weight 3J and 3 its. lor iliolee HIIP.KP-IJro weight SJ and 3 cts. WOOL-Kastcm Oregon, l!li Willamette Valley, WfllSa. HIMH - 13c. TALLOW- (JuoUlilo at and f,J els, HAY- Timothy, llel, buying at r)IO arid til V ton. General mcrcliunillic. Corrected by Ikinutock k 1'fliigcr. HlCK-Chlna, No. I, none : China, No. 2, G l Japan, 7 its; Kandwlili Islands, 7e. TKA8-Jpan, 34 and 40oJ lllack, (B and 00; Y. II., COFPKK-UosU Mm, li andlf.lc; Jaa,!lir!7. HUOAIUI-llarkcl fll auitml, Cnihed A, 12c; flno cniihed, l'Jr; (-utw, 1 le: llxtra (', 10; (lot lea C, tic; Handvlih lilandi, 7 and 0 r. BYltUI'-tlCOc. CANOI.KS-H and 18. UAI8IN-lniportel,! Wand S fOal")- Calllar all, $2 and la. HOAlli-dood, 7tc anil 1 U). YEAST I-OWIIKII lonnelly, tB ail fOo . V biomj Truiloii A Merrill io wr prrow. OlU-Ordlnary Iramli of coal, 23c, Well endct. Downer &Co., 37 and 42C! IV)llil Unarnl, 05c; llaw MnKcil, DOc; I'ure lrd, II 56 and II i, Cailor, II Si and II 40; TnnnUn, 00 and (U centn. Dry UnoilN i:tc. Uirrected hy (bmilock I- I'dil.'rr. IteUII and Johhlnic IUUm. Uliol, A., 0) to 7c; Wt W.,7 to 8ciCllc, Ke; (llngtuin,llltto;whlt4 Itotk Jlulln,Ociw)ilU)f)nili dale, do; other lirandi of whlUi Jliulln,7(f Ulc; red all wool Hannel, VK'Hni; ohlto all wool Flannel, SOnK thnton fllannid, Meatheil and iinUeadml, Otf-JV; ClwtloU, lor ahlrllnir, llI0o; Tal.lo Unen, 3N-e; WaUrroof, TMruOc; Crvli towtllnz, lOvfll; KcntiMy Jeant , k37; red all wool Illanketa, $iil8.Mi wlilta all wool llUnkeU, .H.fJ0; OilUm IUltln, aKiiiotl.; hlrtlnir Flannel, SStHOi; hlack and olorwl (iilmio.e; 46o al.7; llnller and Cllf io cloth, t"o; fUmnlein Haeke, T&e;(Juiilar panUiluth, 00c a l.SJ;Tlcklng, HJ 3!, IKinlnuand IHiek, lK, Carmen' llooU, ri7D6.i); ln Khoe,Ueni', l.ttf.U;ilii1i llle', cnlf kln, 1.7Sal5j lodi Clillilmn' Hhoe,mll akin, It.Sla l.W, Hoye' lluota, 11.11 a t.W;OrralU, Wo a I.SS; Jump er, Woal.tl; FUiiiicI DrcnhlrUi l,WinJ.7t; Mrn UndcnhlrU and l)raer, Sfjca 1100; Onvrroatt and Uliter, I7.M a l.00; Clothlnjr, ill, I7.W Ji l; (M mere PanUnooadW Nun rraiitlKto Market. Mil l'tuacol April JO. WhMt-CiU inlllln, li In Inereueil Iniulcy, logetnir with larxer ail, wllera art free; choice milling )ld al l.M; ahlpplng h In flr demand lor ihoUe, and iluoUbh) at 11.0(1. Hour-DcmmdUKoml ht oUi local and nit, market firm at lull prlrJ. (UU-Feed -Choice In etrclilfu Inirooil ilinainl at ll.a'tll.30; common dull. PuUtoea-tUU (juoUbU at tt for lair U eholtr, market dull, CIilcao .Market. ClllCaaO, Aplll ti. Yhoal-OI(ewr ki wid lor May ilollitrjr. Ileurboliiu'H Ultciit Market. Uno, April W. Hoallnif canfont, H'l I'" ita.ly; canfowa oh pa av and lr ahlf ment, ry IIUI demand; Mark liui uleL (juotAtloix 4 Bowl caftxx, Oil onait, 4W H r Unu lor aeller'a account, leu luiul l per cent, ccra inlulon; MM., Ill r Mil, 4J; lUvl Winter, .'-; CallfoniU, U) 04, u. lluul ahlppliil IWIIorula on luuai,-, er WO , tjuewutowii for onlens JupI hlnl or to U promptly ahlrl, Hi; n.ulydue, 4I; Hf t'h or Mil for ahlputaut due Iim; lha piiMitt month and l.llln one, V 4 IU. on Aiucruun Uuuu, l M. IJeeqwol Mui.t, "lt, ttiady. IJernull.Jrtoiholialilpln4 ilub lr cental, pi JdaO. Id Uer)ulltl(laitH)liBaliiplnlV r cenUI H IJ.eip.vd 1U4 Am Vi alilpjiln No. J to No, S er ccattU 7a NkiM 3d. r"aV to pwd atilpplni; ri.Mn, per cental, 0 Ut1) good to tlwUe ifilpjJig: )iivo" l" cental, Iw .kiw7d. Uvcriuol Am. ctiar'ttti)IVor'erl.bl IM lb, IU !d. Coraiuorcial. 'I'iiumuvy Moknimo, My Ut, IH71. WuK'VOlii our nmtkut rciort nil that is known ut tnulo itt Una timo. 'I'luro in no cxcilomcut u Imanvoim circloi. Wheat (loci not moves tlioro nro no coiniilcraMo ale to notoj no liii uro chartcrcil for there am no car;oci to lm tHii;ltt. All matter relating to nnxluro nro at it nUviul-atlll anil will lurxlly uxiwilciioo any ilccMttl ihano until ronio twiliiitito can lm malo of tlio extent of nroiluo tiou tlirongli tlio worM ut tlio coining harvest. Wo hearnf no tr.uuictioiu, no tutiifaetury fixliiiK m tlio wik'I nurkct. Kven that lifoleu, hut Mill nrolialily nuiuno ah.iio when tlio (prut); clip eomo.1 itito m.irkct. I)!4laiN, April 'JU. The Mark I4110 Kiue-i aayn Tlio condition el (jrowiiiK whrat m liaeJiwArtl on tlio low Inula of Scutlaml, xluVa heavy ratua aiul anow havo stopix.il annim awinu In tho higher ilutricU. hunnlici of Knulian wheat at country markcta havo U-cn fairly hUiral, aiul nricea tliyhtly iinnroveil, At Mark l.mo ulfcringe arc lilitjlujcm only Ivajiuinl to tho tinnnta of hohlir by Ukiii) tho choked loU at full price. Iut v,iok'a impxirU of foriJii iutu Iau1ou were fair, l.ut WoiuUy' roturu akowuiK tho arrival of I S .000 unartere, whilo sulwoimout return to frulay aliowinl 18,000 rjuartcr. Supplio at l.iverixuil havo Iwen nnuiuallv heavy. Tr.ulo at hoth uiiU hai hcen ateailier, nUhougli tho weight of prenuit iiroapootivo aupplica reatricta tho operation of Vuy r. An improved ileiuaiul follow cil tho inactiv. ity eauavtl by the holiday, but tho alwonco o( ipeculatiou conflneil Imiincta to tho umily of iireaent reipjirvmenU ami stock have diii'iahcl alowly. IViee terelittlo chaiiKvl tut eupply and demand balance evenly. The large vuiblo mpply in America i likely to bo --. counteracted by tho unsttitfactory agricultu ral outlook aim largo needi of Franc. Rome ncrta of American were cheaper, Noarly all prin wheat from the Atlantic ort was very poor, licing purcliianhlo at :i5s.1(3 for No. .1 Chicago, and 39 for No, Jl Milwaukee, per 'ISO II coat of freight nnd iuaiiranco. Tho sale of wheat Ii3t Mcekwcro r:i,48l) qrsntdO? lid, against US.Wi qn nt 'ilsckl fiv nimo peri" I 'if tint year. A Home in Silcm For 6aie Any pcraiin nnli.ng m: .1 ood lmmo in f'.ilcm, ..( for nut nieo oomo I unity from tho country wiiliinj; to ediicata tlio cliildrcii, will do well to lojk ut the rrcidenco lately occupied by S. A. Clarko editor of the Fan Mill!, ailvertifuil for eaUi in tliii Iwiip. It in u very comfortthlo home, 0110 of tho most desirable and healthy locution 1 111 that hcaiiiful city; tho well ii aunli forty fett in Ix-d-rfick, and furnishc puro mid ilrlicious water; tliu ntables aro nxteniivu, thero in nhundanco of choice fruit growing on the place, and lit nil a full aero of jjrouiiil. Itu.nl Iho ndvcrtineincnt. Valuablo Property For Sale I olTer for iialo my homo in Haletn, 0110 of th(i mutt dcnirahlo locations in tint city, very Lomfortahlo dtvelling liounn with ono aero ot ground attichud, valiithlo fruit on tho place, good atahlcH, excellent cll of living water, mink deep in tlio bed-rock. Price S-J.B0O. Also alxty-threo itcroi 0110 inito and n half from town, onu-fourth in plum and pritno orchard contaliitt H.000 trcei in cooil cnltiva- tion, nno-fourth in wheat, ground newly grubbed. Thl lit a valuililu property, with a well of living water on it, fenced in three Molds; cabin and atablc. 1'rom it, there in one of tho mint bctutifol viown to bo found in Oregon. I'rico &V) nn ncrc. Term of p.iyiuent can bo made easy on both tluito piece of proiierty. Address, S. A. Ci.mikr, Farmer Ollico, I'ortland. Or 1), V. . O1t.M1l, Farmer Ollico, h'alcm. to on 11 iii:aii:us. Anjone nnwrrliu an ulierll-emcnl li Ibe HIUAMMTK FtmiKII ulll mnr. r n Mror upon us by aiylng Hut Itiry iuw II In the WIUAMKTTK FAIIMKII. VltllKK & llttlU. D. W. PRENTICE & CO. Music Store! 168 FirBt St., Portland, Or. All Instrument! sold on tho installment dan, are nt our regular CAoii l'KIUI'X, Our 1'iaiio and Oman aro from tho liest inakcr. our price and terms nro tho eailoit of any homo on the North 1'acillc Ooatt. Wo fully guarantee every instrument wo sell, nud each 1'iann and Organ i also occomanied with a guarantee from the inaniifacturur. Installment termsi $.if, ?IOO, or more, rash, lialiuce, SIS or $3) per month, Installment tennsi ?i j.V), or morv, c.uh, balance, SIS or $J0 wr month, Instdluient termsi 3I,", ?.M, or more, cuh, Kilauce, 310 or SIR icr month. Installment termsi $15, 9i or more, cash, lialauev, $." orSIO per month. If installment term as quoted nkivodo not exactly please, they can 1 changed to aurt couvenieuco of customer. D. W. PRENTICE & 00, And I'ublishora of D. W. Frontico & Co'a MONTHLY MUSICAL JOURNAL Frioo 75 Conts por Yoar. (Vntain ?1'J vtorth of Kow Music eaih year. apSVlm WETWAITT InVKIIY FAUMKIt IN OHFilON ANII WASHINO. U lun Tirrltory tn wild nanw and Iul ornos ad una, and we will null thm free our New OttaVyue for leTD. The imwl tmiplete (Vitaliine el Rrvt-rUMS and luiprord AvrlcuHunu luiplemenU, Farm and Mill Uuhliun, orr luued In Orciron, with prltx' Io euil UietluiM. tkMYr, HtKKkiL 10 apis tai IVttland, Oregon. Sawiag off a Log. This H.VW MACHINE I wonderfml U. ventlon. The r4ht of the mu who la aawlagdwahaltofUi work. Itawsloc at suiy alae, wid will msw oaYst g foot loft la 8 rnlaute. ClrcaUr ft. AdJrwaa, Was. eiuw, m w, em at., cibcIbmu, ouo. jslil iSfoHp iZ yffi - 7"3r1sy 1 ..... ,S Vpat( rnsl TMnn.. u THE AUtljrlALIAN SOAB EXralMINATOR! A I'oison for Kxternal uc, for Prevention and Cure of tho Scab. The (Icncral Health and Condition of tho Sheep romotcd by it Uso. Munafacturod liy C. K, WILLIAMS & CO. GILMAN & YOUNG, 42 First Stroot, Portland, Or., -ca-aaisnrei For tho .Manufacturer for Oregon and Wash mar7-3m ington. J. w. MEREDITH, ru Dental Itooms at tho old stand, nillSWOLM'S 11LOCK, OI'l. THK BANK, SALUM, OREGON. felly F.STADUSIIBD IN ISM. WILLAMETTE NURSERY, 0. W. Walling h Son, I'roprs. Oswego, Clackamas Co., Or. KspccUl attonUon giecn to Mum, Prune and Cherry Trece. Corrcapondenoe solicited. febllm HO ! FOR RELIANCE ! Tin: cfZkiiiiatki) Black Norman Clyde STALLION "RELIANCE I" Formerly owned by Joseph l'carl, of Linn County, will mako tho coming ncaaon com mcnciiig March 'J 1st and !1 at LKIIANOK; 'Jlth and 'JTith at IIAUSKVs .IHh and 37th at tho farm of W. 1. ANDEItSON, two mile cast of Kobcrt'a bridge, on tho Calapooia. Torms, $25.00 for tho Soason, .Secured by noto jiayablo on or lieforo Hopt. lCtb, 1870, and 8-10 by insurance, also secured by noto payablo on or before April lit, 1 880. All noto will bo required at timo of service, and to bear interest at tho rate of 12 percent. per annum from tho timo thoy become duo until (wid. All marcs bred by insurance and nftcrvtard tradod, aold, or taken out of the valley, will bo considered in foal, and tlio notes collectable, unlca satisfactory proof is produced that such marc aro not in foal, I'aatttraco will bo procured at reasonable rate. Wo will not bo responsible for any accidents, hut will take reasonable care of all mares left in our charge All inquiries ad dressed to J, T. Stewart will receive prompt attention, HOUTIIKKN & STKWAUT, Proprietor. Lkiiano.v, Or,, March 7, 1870, mar7-0w GOOD CURE for HARD TIMES A mNTATin OF KAI11.K FltUUFlU ant IIKLIARIK IIUFHKKNIItl. Kin nnn ,,lnl" rcK RtlKl alWJOO.OOO ClnderetU IUUiUUU and ('ontlnenUl tllrawlwrry I'lanU. ll, llone'of other Plant, Trees, etc. Kverylhlnr new, Hotel and rare. Prima low. Hend for DeacrlpnVe Or iilwtolllltVI 4 Bln-HTT, Aunerjnta and Frslt Urowcri, l oo.ll.ury, N. J, marram CUSTOM GROT MILL I In Haiom, Orogon. Tlia undenlirned hare louod and are now runnlnj tliellrUtMlllln the Ap-rlctiltural VorkN IlulltUBt;, And are prepared to CHIXNX POn TOTjTj ! Atmuonahle rstos. WUI aln 1IUV WIIKAT at the market price. IILCKINOIIAM A HMITII. Htliut, (r., Feb. ltth, 197'. febjldt WESTERN FANNING HILLS Warohouso Soparators! Folton Horso Powors! I hare manufactured and sold hundred! of the Wee tern Faunlm Mills. Irut are In general uio and irUe good aatlsfacUou. Price, U0. till and Warelioiue Heparators made to order of any diMlrol cauelly. Coet, SAXJ to raw. I OFFKh"ToU 8ALK, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 20 PELTON HORSE-POWERS Which nre known to bo Ilia Best Ever Used In Oregon-A Great Bargain TH08. HOLMAN, f.bn, -a10"' ooo. MILWADKIE NURSERY, Milwaukio. Oregon, CONSTANTLY O.N HAND, ALU KIN1W OF Trees, SHRUBBERY, ORNAMBNTAL TREES AND VINES, Only First01a8s Goods Eopt. AliHllliwi: SETE LUELLING & SON, milwaukio, Orogon. J. H. THOMPSON, Importer and llrredtr ol only the Boat Strains of THOROUGHBRED PODLTRY Dark Brahaai, BUok Cochins, Aad BeaiflttiB; Slack Xambarp Also, kilvbii bK.-miiairr wa silvku puck- WIMl (lAMt UANTAVM, all loipoiteJ by myMlf, EGGS AND FOWLS IN SEASON. couur2sroNi:.eK boucrrni. J. II. Thompson, Ilalsey, Linn Co., Or. leblili Eeatlar'a OoBfh Loieag-et. KKATINO-8 COl'OH LOZF-MlrS. TJ1E CHEAT llrltuh llemedy. There U unquo.tlo.uNr ne oth. remedy ao certain In IU erlei-u. ASTUMA, WINTtll OOl'UII, URONCIIITI4. and D&OK 1KHS OF the TI1KOAT alike jleld to lUlnOoenoe. The highest medical tralimooy sutea no Utter cure for (beee cvaspklnU eiUU (now proird by over half a century's wmneei nfuni wiunwj- auc no uv.tcc cure IDT IA cvaspklnU eiUU (now proird by over half a cestui eiperlence.) They contain do opieiu, morphia, ov s Uent dnua. KkUTINOX OOUUIl LozjLn'UB, r pared b) THOMAS KCATINO, London. DrUaU. any ! old by all dnurltta. AsenU for the I'aruV) Ooaat. JOII.V 11. HKIlr.UT0X4 CO., and C4IA3. LANOLYM COS San Francisco. JanM-Ssa k-AbkbII Hl ' W 1 !Si EdaoiUonal Information. FOR SALE. 640 Aores of ON THE LINK OF THE Mt. Jefferson Pas3 Hoad. Wtuitcd oie mllo abovo Mohnna, In Harlon County, f.U0 acres under fence, well timbered, well vulcred, omo ImiiroTcmcnts, and a ortlo In ctillleatlon ThLi Imd Is sltaitcd on tho ed.ro ol tho Uwwlo Mountain., at Icait hill of It can Iw cheaply cleared, and U richest of mountain ixl. It Is reached by a lord rood from Ralcm, no hllH, nre hours' easy ilrtro. It It In tho midst of a thlckly-act-tlcil country, with good neighbors, and a more healthy rrfrlon cannot bo found. Hciioothouso a few rods from liie line. Eseellcnt for stock ransro, and hundreds of acree of land that can bo cleared for wheat at a cost of $5 an acre. . . . This Is a farorable opportunlly for somo farmer deslr ous of uolne; Into the stock business ostenslrely, or lor a colony of three or four families of Oemvins. Tliere aro many German, settled In tho rlclnlly, and they llko Part of the purcluse price, 1.00 an acre, can be paid for a term ot years In annual Instalments, at low rate of Interwt. Call on or write to S. A. CLAtlhE, IVirmer Office, No. 6 Washington St., I'ortland, Oregon. Or I). W. CUAIO, Ralcm. WBflKi.L f-VCDYTHIHC FortTnB I GARDEN 14 TVa...iHttsi s-'iiiAi.s'Tueieot IU n&irci tent tt PETER HENDERSON ACO. 33 Cortlnndl hi.. Acre xortc Dr. JAMES AVITIIYCOMBE, VETERINARY SURGEON, WILL PIIACTICK IN POIlTLANI' IIKIICAFTKII Harlnir hail an cttenslre practice Hi Orciron for tho la.t clxht years, Is a sufflclcnt Ruaranlee of ability. Will md ircscrlptlons and Information for the treat ment of any illsease on receipt of ono dollar. 8late th s) mptoms as near as xssibte, also near the aire and weight of horse. Office at ItXACK. HAWK STABLES, l-OUTLAND, OIlfXJON, feb71m p B. F. SWICK, DKNTAI. ItOOMU Ovor Broyxnan Bros. Storo. NONE IILT FINIKIIKO OPrlUATIONS PEIIFOIIMEU feb'M If NOW IS YOUR 1 IME! EGGS FOR" HATCHING ! Of the PurO'Ilrod Drown liCKliom Fowls. They are well known for their superior laylnx qualities, and hanllne, when younz. They aro "non Urs." W warrant all eirir, sold by u, to be true Io name. Orders promptly filled. Price, $2.00 por Sotting of 13 Eggs. We will rend by epr&M to any aLlru carefully acked on receipt of prlco. liens, 11.00 each. No male birds on hand. Addroas II. J, I1IIOOKR, March 18, IKTO. ChehalU hutlon, fowls Co., W. T loartl-lm Salem Flouring Mills, DKST FAMILY FLOUlt, IIAKEU'S EITIIA, XXX. RUrEItFUIB AND (HIAIIAM, MIDDLINGS, BRAN, AND H110UTJ. OouMtnutly on XXmid. HlfflaOMt JPrloo In CASH Paid for Wheat ATAZiLTam. U. 0. KINNEY, Asent S. F. M. Or beutlJltf T. C.SMITH &CO., DRUGGISTS, CHEMISTS, ....AND.... mmirxxxtKolm-tm, Pattoa's IJIock, HUto street, Balrin, Oteeoa. PAKTICOLAU ATTENTION OIVBN TO ntK crlctlons, and all orders by marl or express filled promptly and accurately. rhisleUne and Country Dealer will sare moaey by examining onr sto'k, or procuring our prices, before pnrchasmt; elsewhere, noro-tf. English BERKSHIRE PIGS IENTEIIKD IMOS AT THE L.IST hTATK FAIR took HaeerwUktis for bent litter, also for be.t boar on the grounds, Ullnj eighteen prliee on my entries of Iran furnish IlKEEDlNn HOWtf, )oun:ond aged, to order. Aim, choice young IIOAIUs, as well bred as any. body lias (rot. Addrwa JOHN WEST, New Meat Market, KAI.ttn, Or. lalOU OKEGON SmMSHIP 00. llEOULAU LINE Between Portland and San Francisco. T1IIIOVGII TICKETS Can M purchased at the nilnclpal HtstUms of the O, & C. 11. It , at H-oclxxoocX XsVvtoos. Sirs uers Icaro Ixflh I'ortland and Han Francisco a beat Evory Fivo Says, car-ylne I'ssscugcra and Freight at Iho LOWEST ItA (Kf. lllsthoonlv llnjrltritii'llm U. 8. MAILM and WELLS, FAIt(U) X CO.'B LXPltlWS. The titeanishltie of this Comnane are rated A 1. and at new, elegant, and complete la ciery particular, and consist of the State of Oregon. (New 9,000 tons burden, George W Elder, ,1700 tons City of Chester, (1S&0 tons Ajax,: iwo tons,) For freight or passage, apply at tae Company'! ol llce, comer F aod Front sUrete, Postusd, toltf GEO. W .WXIDLXlt, Asesl, RAILROAD LANDS. X,tlornl Xurnm! LOW PHIOBBt LONG T1MBI 1LOW INTSHBtVr lie erfgea aid ValKoraU aad erce Ceatral EalUroa4 CobmbIm orriU their Loads tor sale isDoa the foHavtn Hha. ml teems: One tenia of the price In cosh; interest on Ue balance at the rate of eaten per cent, one year after sale; and each following year oaelealh othe principal aad Interest on the bolanse at the rale ot ereo per cent per annun. Both principal and Inter sex iju4e ui u. o, iiureuty, A dtacoaal of teu per ccat. will he allowed far cash V Letter to be) addressed la T. BCilUUB, Lap, Aaeai O. C. K. .. Fortlond. Oracoa, u Folnti ofa-Horw. -. Fanners7 1 Mechanics Store WiKa 110 abort I line tliat wo aro ns tabllshcil, our htnlnosi has no In crciscd that vto found It a nooTisity Io haro n Euuidlnir Huycr In Now York, and I am luppy to inform the Public that I Itaro suevcedod In mak Ina tlie necessary smngement Willi rey brother, Mr, William lTmrcr, ot Now York City, wlieroby OUR STOCK OF GOODS ! For tho "Voar 1879 WILL BE GREATER Than .Ever Before ! ' -' I IflaaaaaaaaslrvaV 4 Hija4m"!'- Ha vSs VaiHBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBiHsyBV Thanking the Farmers and Meohanles, Laborers and Worklnirmen, iu well as the public In general, for the liberal patronaire of the past, I boi loare to assure all my customors that the reputation which tho Farmers' and Mechanics' Has acquired In the past will be carefully maintained In tho future. Our Ouo'Xrloo Syatom, will be strictly o-lhcrod to. AH (loods an plainly nvtrked the SKLLIHO l'llICi:, and as low as legitimate business will permit. Customors will Always bo Givon tho Advantago of Dopre- oiatioti iu Goods, And wltli fadllllos now obtained lll be cnableil to undersoil any House In Oregon. Inrltlrur an Insimction, FARMERS' AND MEOHANIOS' STORE, ' apt lm JB3 First St., noar Yamhill, Portland. Orogon. IMMENSE! IN- ClAOTIMNOl DRY O0ODSI wiy ooonsi CLOTiUNOI Dry CLOTIIINOI nlothing! lotbing! Ilothing! lothing ! Goods ! CLOTHINO! CrX)TIIINCll DRY 0001)31 DRY GOODS) CLOTIIINOI -A.3NTI Send for Irloo - IP. SELLING, Cor. Jt JtOJL. -Ukk-Jk. THE NEW Establishment Contonnial Block, Tho Middlo Storo, Bot. Morrison WBL-vrZmsMfVim Bot. Morrison and Yamhill 8fiLja fF and yambiU Stroots. Stroots. IMI'OKTKRS, AND WU0LKSALK AND RCTAH, DBAI.KR3 IN General Merchandise, DRY & FANCY GOODS, SILKS, LATEST NOVELTIES CLOTHINGANDFURNISHINGGOOO Boots and Shoos, Grocorios and Provisions. OrdcrN From tlio Country Solicited. All KIdiIh of Froduco llousht anil Sold. JmJItf TT ID AGAIN IN HA.NUFACTUIIKR SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES. WHIPS, SADDLERY HARDWARE, ETC. HO FnONT ST., Unset Sldo, FOTlTIiANX). Ajtnt for (lutta Pescha and ltubber Manufacturing Coinui, full Aiaortuient of Fire and other klnds'of Uote on hand at ban rranclsoo price. A good Assortment of Concord Htae llamess. Htige Ktocks " ' - and Lathee of the best quality on hand. Alw, a reneral "jwiinwnt of I'arm llsmos, of all kinds. N. RJIU- pairinj prunptly attended to. JanJIU f "KISBER" AND "ROOKWOOD," Property of Rodmond & Smith, HI Krre nurej the cnsuln g rcatcn of 1ST0. xin.menct; April 1st and eniln; Jul 1st, At thoir Stablo in Portland, Orogon, on Sixth and I Streets, Near the Oregon Trsnilrr Coupan) 's Stable TvriiiH, S50, iiaynblo when .11 ate 1m In Foal. All Accidents oc curring: to ItlarcN to bo at ZtlSK ol their Oivncrts. KISBER'S PEDIGREE. lUystallloni strip in the face; uhltanoar foot; white hind Wgr. foaleil !Ia- ti, U'i; col by IlndrVe ItambletonUn. lit dim Lady Palllce, by Lccli'e American KUr; Id dim by Lon; Island lllack Hak; liamole. Ionian (lt)sd) k'), by AbiUlun, son of Vlambrlno. ROCKWOOD'S PEDIGREE. Park bay; rlht fore foot and left hind footvhlte. Foaled May IT, 1870. blred by Fleetwood, sen of Hsppy Medium, by llysdyk's llaaibletonian. 1st dun by Alexander Abdallah; 2d dam by 11 ray Messennr; 3d dim by Pirate Whip; tUi dam by llamiltonlan (a running horse); llectaood's dim by Near York Black Hawk; Happy Medium daro Princras. IMrCorrespondsnce solicited and promptly answered. Address: apll-im latrOIITEsi, WIIOLrSALE AND IlCTAtL PE.kEK IS SEEDS! 1879. SEEDS' GARDEN SEEDS - FLOWER SEEDS, FRUIT AND EVERQREEN TREES, PLANTS, ETO Alfalfa, Grass and Clover Seeds, in Largo Quantities, and offered in Lots to Suit Purchasers. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. SEED WAREHOUSE, 315 AND 317 WASHINGTON ST. fsbeum nA-n inranoiHOO. M V w Wo nro determined to offor nnusnil inducement), and to cury a lino of GOODS SUITABLE To licet tho Demands bf tho POOREST 5 WEALTHIEST Wo shall carry o lino of tho FINEST QUALITY Goods! To be found In any storo In the city At Moderate Priees ! IQ.fl.CLXPsTS ! DRY O00D3 DRV (100DSI JaROCKRIItS! OR0CKRIKSI OROOERIKSI i fLfrooorioi ! rooones I rooeriei ! rooerie II hUOOKRIKSl OROCERIKS! DRY 000DS1 DRY (300DS OUOORRIr'Sl Ijlait. ox Call on First anil Yamhill Sis, PORTLAND, Or, upil'im THE NEW Establishment On Bocond Stroot, Tho Middlo Storo, C0MST00K AND PFLUGEE. BUSINESS! AND llOKTKll Or Stallions REDMOND & S3IITH, Porthmd, Oregon. Kb i Yi r YK ( J Hsii mini ejjiIVJcajtfie.'y'" -i ' ,m ,, t ' ,, Jt -r-f ' "' j - ujl 03f J iAcn,