TZffrr" 1 -nrT !t nf- - TSS .- ,. gft,Ji - f The Wrtbck. Pilot Dole Makes a Statamaai-Ha Pleada Ignorance, of tho StronK EM Tide Desperation and Destitution Aooldeata and Iaoldentti Eto. riLor doio b stati:ii:nt. I took cliargo of tliu sliiji at tho nutomatio buoy at 12:30 A. iM. It van ii fl'.tu'liglit night mid I had no doubt ns to keeping my courso nnd gatUng in nil right. After taking chargo of Ihn fillip I headed her for tho bir, which I crossed in safctv nt 112:55 A. M., nnd kept the lend constantly going from tho timo I took chargo of tho ship. After getting ncross tho liar I put tho ship under slow bell nnd so kept her until alio grounded. After crossing tho bar I took iny courso for tho middlo of .Sand Island, tlicro being a bright lookout kept. Oaptam Carroll reported Sand Island to mo nnd I answered him nnd'said thnt it was nil right, dipt. Carroll then said to me, "port your helm, Doig; sho is getting too near tho island." I nnswered nnd said, "I don't think that shn in far enough in over from two to lour minutes." lVom that timo 1 sighted Sand Island myself nnd put her helm hard over, . and tho vessel nnswered her helm nnd camo uji on her courso heading Ii N. E., nnd immediately on tho ship getting her course bI.o brought up on tho spit with her port bilgo nnd on her stnrboard quarter. I hnd fivo fathoms of wntcr by tho lead; nnd tin only reasons Hint I can givo for tho disaster arotheso: When I took chnrgo of tho vessel, 1 know that it was obit tide, and thnt tho tido hnd been ebbing for nt least ono hour nnd thirty minutes; but had no fours as to her not having wntcr enough, for she was only drawing 17 feet, nnd I know that I had water enough for that draught at that stnga of tido; but I had not counted on tho ebb being ho strong ns it wns, unit with tin) ship working under tho nlow boll tho ebb tido caught her Blrongly upon tho starboard (piarter and sot her down from at least ouo-qunrtcr to otio-linlf of a milo from where 1 thought I wns on my course. When slio brought up on tho spit, her headway wns so slow thnt tho jar wns scarcely noticed by tlioso on deck, and both tho Captain nnd mysolf had every confidence that alio would go o(T nt tho next high water, nnd consequently felt no uneasi ness about her, nnd nt daylight wo tried to movo her by backing nnd filling, but found it impossible to movo her. I don't think it is of nny use for mo to say any nioro in regard to tho matter as every thing elso has been stated by Captain Carroll. TIIU fllllr A1IAND0NKI). Astoma, April 23, 7:30 P. M. Tho Kopublio has been abandoned nnd all goods coming nshoro nro now being claimed by tho wreckers for salvage oanu miana anu norm beach aro now crowded with wreckers picking up goods from tho lost steamship. At 2:30 yes terday tho main and foremast, togothcr with tho Bmoko stack, wont by tho board. A heavy northwest has been blowing Jiinco Sunday. Ono hundred feet of tho forward has broken otT clean from tho rest of tho ship and is being driven farther towards tho beach. ACCIDB.ST8. Capt. Carroll, in coming ashoro from tho wreck last evening, had a narrow cscapo with his life. Coming in a boat by himself when in tho breakers it cap sized, and ho clung to her and was washed ashoro. Ho hcoiui to bo com pletely broken down, but returned to tho wreck nt 3 o'clock this morning and wont to work. Purser Peck is also nt the wrack. Tho U. S. rovonuo cutter Corwin in crossing tho bar on Sunday lost two of her lifeboats by tho sea breaking over her, and ono of them was picked up on Clatsop bench this morning. nnivcx to despeiutio.v. Ono of tho passengors of tho ill-fated Kopublio committed suicido in this city this evening at 5 o'clock, by jumping from tho Cedar strcot roadway into tho bay. Ho was picked up by a fishing boat in 10 or 10 minutes, but lifo had fled. As yet ho has not been identified. Nothing was found on his person to givo any cluo to who ho was. WltlXKKD iuaaAQ& Hustler's largo wharf is turned into a receiving houso for the wrecked bag gage, and in soma instances tho sceno is heartrending to sco destitute passengors trying to identify somothing from tho wreckage. About 40 truuks leavo on the O. S. N. Co.'s boat in tho morning for Portland. A REMAUKABLK COINCIDENCE. Among tho passengers of tho steamer were Harry Comstock, of tho firm of 0. T. Reynolds and Co., and J. T. Bar man, u photographic artist in this city. Several years ngo both of theso gentlo men wero passengers on tho samo vessel from Hong Kong, China, to Yokahama, Japan, when bIio encountered a typhoon and was badly wrecked, all tho upper works and jwrtions of tho rigginglbcing taken away. That theso gentlemen should again meet on the- samo ship and bo shipwrecked a second timo is n re markable coincidence. Both have their passago tickets of both trips, and they will bo treasured as houvemri of their lively exjierienco in traversing tho rag ing mam. Tho Olvmi.ia Kxitcrimeut uyii Cant. L. M. Starr is toon to Uv tho keel of a i: -. r. . . c . - lo lay ma kcci oi a new steamer at Seattle, and Mr. J. V. T. Mitchell lias the coutract for building it. This veuel will be one hundred aud fifty feet long, twenty-eight feet beam, and nine feet depth of hold, only ten feet less in leugth than the North Pacific, and in all other dimensions the samo sue. She will bo profiled by beam en gines and in all resuects fitted up in first-class style. Tho Great Republic, Breakers fromitka, Wreck-Sale of Skip nnd Cargo Investigation to Begin Monday Etc. t Eto. Astohia, April 25 C:20 P. M The ship Great Itcpublic wns sold nt 5:30 o'clock for $1,280 to Jackson it Myers, of Portland. Tho cargo in tho vessel was sold nt tho samo timo for 2,500 to tho samo parties. There is no ehnngo in tho condition of tho wreck. COUUT Ol' 1NQUIISY APPOINTED. Sinco tho wreck of tho Great Hcpub lie, dispatches to nnd from tho depart ment at Washington have been constant ly interchanging, and tho government nas oninrcu v. v. JJcmish, .hMj., super vising inspector of tho district west of tho .Rocky Mountains, to in stituto a court of inquiry to nsccrtnin nil tno particulars of tho disaster nnd tho causes thnt led thereto. Mr. llcmish, who resides in San Francisco, has depu tized, by telegraph, Capt. Gcorgo H. Flanders, inspector of hulls, nnd Mr. Jnuics liOtnn, inspector of boilers. Theso gentlemen form tho court, nnd will institute ofllcinl inquiry into tho causes of tho stranding of tho wrecked steamship. Tho court will bo held in Portland, nnd tho witnesses, including Capt, Can-oil nnd Pilot Doig, liavo been notified to appear buforo them to-morrow. Tho investigation will begin on Monday next nnd tho wholo pnrticulaiB gleamed as nearly and correctly in it is possible to reach them. INCIDENTAL Tho military guard has been with drawn from Sand Island, so that now tho wreckers liavo things; their own way. On Wednesday last ns Cnpt. Carroll and it boat full of visitors boarded tho stranded ship, they wero surprised to hear tho glad winnings of a poor horse that had fallon into the engine room and remained there without food or water for three day. Tho enptniu concluded it to bo an net of charity to end tho faithful old fellow's suH'oring, and, though ngaiust his will, a bullet wns sent crashing through tho poor thing's brain, nnd its long season of misory ended forovcr. Eight fishing boats belonging to Mr. Gcorgo Hume, thnt camo up on tho steamer wero saved, but tho parties who havo tho property in chargo refund to surrender it to that gentleman, so that now ho in tends to institute suit for tho recovery of his boats. All tho agents represent ing parties in Portland aud elsewhere, havu left tho wreck, considering thoir services as no longer required. The Bokool Book Question In tho caso of IJancroft & Co. vs W. W. Thnycr, Judgo Dcady yesterday granted n preliminary injuction against tho Governor, Socrotary of Stnto nnd Superintendent of Publio Instruction, praying an injunction restraining tho defendants from adopting n scries of toxt books in tho placo of tho "Pacific Coast Series," until tho expiration of tho contracts of plaintiffs October 1, 1881, allowing defendants ten days to show causo why tho injunction should not bo granted. Willamette Valley. Tho Statesman says a difiiculty bo tween a man called Lambortson, who runs a farm two miles west of Dallas, and n tonaut of his called West, culmin ated in a shooting nflray on Tuesday evening last. IJuring tho mclco Lam bortson shot West thrco times; onco in tho wrist, onco in tho back and onco in tho neck. Fortunately tho pistol was ono of tho Smith .fc Weston small bore, and tho wounds nro not very dangerous. Dr. T. J. Smith oxtractcd tho balls, and tho patient is doing well. Both parties aro under arrest, counter charges be ing preferred. Jail Delivery. Escape of Four Prlsonera from tho Ma llon Count Jail Fall Deeerlptlon of tho Fugitives- Last evening at about twonty min utes of nine, tho inmates of tho county jail, Ed. Cole, Itobu Hunter, Billy Foss and Joo Loabo mado their cscapo from jail by menus of a mattock passed iu by some person from tho outside. Colo is about fivo feet nino inches in height, sandy complexion, with sandy mustache and hair, faco round, small and smooth shaved, is somewhat slim built, has on red clothes of a dirty color and is nbout 30 years of ago and weighs about 150 ounds. Billy Foss is a boy about 15 years of age, no beard, black hair, and black eyes sunk in tho forehead, chin extended, woro boots nnd a suit of dirty striped clothes, weight ahoat 115 pounds and generally wears his pants insido of his boots. Joo Leabo is heavy set, wall built, with a striped suit of clothes, heavy head of light hair, keen, small bluo eyes, light comploxion, binooth shaved, about 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighs 190 pounds, and is 28 years of age. Itobert Hunter, alias Thompson, is sandy complcxioncd, with long, sandy chin whiskers, about 35 years of age, accustomed to drink, has on overalls, is somowhat hump-shouldered, weighs 1C0 pounds. A liberal reward will bo offered for tho capturu aud return of nil or either of tho above named persons. Statesman. As tho Harvest Queen was parsing l'ccawa wa terry, tho smoke stack caught on tho ferry wire, loosening the smoko stack and whistle, aud causing such a hissing of steam that pas scugers rushed out of their berths in thoir sleepiug apparel. No ono was injured. Stato and Territorial. Antorisw Citizens of Astoria visit tho wreck nnd save relics ns souvcniis of tho disaster. Canncrymon on tho Columbia cannot ngrco on any plan for their mutual benefit. Tiio Astorian says part of tho wh.irf gavo way near Dr. O'llricu's hotel yesterday nnd injured ono man. Twcnty-fivo dollars reward is oflereil for tho recovery of tho body of Thomas MoKvoy, ono of tho men lost from tho (Ircat Itcpublic. Tho Xohr.lcm settlers at a recent meeting resolved to put road through this Hum mer, if a little mora aid is rendered by tho city of Astoria. M. It. A. Hnlwrsliatii, one of tho most ex perienced assistant engineers in tho corps, went to l'ort Stovcna yesterday, iircmrinsior n survey of Sand Island. Ho expects to com plete his work this week. Tho ttiL llrcnham. camo to Astoria tho other day with a horso on lioard, and a good story that ho had been found paddling out at sea, lato passcngor by tho Itcpublic, nnd thoy had nicked him up. Tho crowd felt very in dignant when soma cxiicrt (Uncovered mud on his fetlocks and they learned Capt. Havel had bought him nt l'ort Canby. Tho man Conway, who committed suicido in Astoria on Wednesday last, was n tailor by profession. Tho Astorian says ho has acted strangely for toino timo, but not sullicicntly to make it appear that ho was insane. Ho camo down on tho Ancon last Sunday ami cxcctcd to go to San Francisco but wns drinking heavily and got left here. Ho begged Mr. Curry to writo to his wife and friends bolow iu caso anything happened to him. Wlllnuiftto Vnlli-y. Linn county is n-coiving somo immigration from ns far Mmth asdeorgia. I. ). Cooper has gono to California in tho interests of tho Pluinmcr fruit dryer. Mr. J. 11. Mnthowa' now sheriff of Wash ington county, has entered upon his duties. Oregon City owes SI.-I77 4!! and has cash in tho treasury S.'l'.tO .'It, so is iu debt $1,078 OS. Henry Schneider is in jail nt Hillsboro for assaulting a boy named Louis McMaugh with a cane. Tlio Pioneer Oil Mills aro now turning out nbout '.'00 gallons pur day of tho best quality of linseed oil. Kiitliusiastio meetings nro being held iu Clackamas comity, nnd liberal subscriptions mado to tho narrow track railroad, Tho Knterpriio saysi "Out of sjveu cases of dipthcria at Molalia, all but ono recovered, Alittio son of Mr. Wright, aged six years, died with this disastrous disc-no. Tlio Mercury says Hon. John Minto left Salem for tho Santiam country to niako ar rangements fortheopeningof thotrail through tho Minto Pass to Wasco county. (icncrnl Applcgatoistolccttiroou "Oliosts." As "I.ish" was always intangiblo when ho sjwko on ordinary topics, ho will probably inako things plain when ho talks about shad ows, Tlio Albany Register tells of n scallawag of a married man who eloped from Lebanon with a Kor motherless girl of 17, whoso brother pursued ami brought her back. That Can non ought to bo fired out of that community. Tho Independent says tho Directors of tlio Washington County Fair proposo to offer a fow premiums for trials of sliced on tho 3d and 4th of July, an exhibit of horses, dinner, shooting match, oration and baso ball, all for CO cents. Tho Albany Democrat iusists that Linn county fanner should raiso potatoes, becauto California potatoes havo been selling at 1 25 per bushel, but wo guess thoso potatoes were raised on tho Columbia river, which supplied Albany, and California too, all Winter. On Friday last A. W. Wyland, of Oregon City, while taking aim at a bird with a revol ver, and resting tno samo on his left arm, two of tho chambers, upper and lower, went off, ono bullet besides tno ramrod tossing through nis arm between tno cluowanu wrist. Vancouver. Salmon fishing commencod at Vancouver last week. Last week a sheep belonging to Adam Schwcblo, of (iOvcrnmcMt island, gavo birth to thrco lambs, all now nlivo and proicrly taken caro of by tho mother. Tho Vancouver Independent sayst Ar rangements aro making lor a May Day party at llratton's landing, on Lewis river. Address by Capt. W. II. Smallwoodi Prof. Kobb in vited to deliver an original poem. As a party of government employes wero taking sand from a pit at lSurnt liriitgo creek on Saturday, tho bank caved in, A privato of Co. (!, LMst Infantry, was iu tho tut, and camo very uearbcing buried alivo. His faco was badly scraped aud ho was bruised somo. Tho now buildings of St. Joseph's Hospital aro now entirely completed, though not en tiiely furnished. Tho boarding houso is occu pied, and tlicro aro several patients in tho hospital. Tho total cost of tho now buildings has been about $3,000. Vancouver merchants and others had con siderable freight ou the Great Itcpublic, tho losses on which, as far as heard from, about as followst W. C. Hazard, 31,400; Matt Drown. $100, and iwssibly a new billiard table, 100 more; Thos. I'addcu, $00; J. K. Francis, SIM); Wm. ntevens, cauuics;Mra. Wise, one pack ago; M. J. Maxou, $70; J, A. Dupuis, $3.; M. Wiutlcr, $73; Sohns & Schuelo, $73. Koutberu Oreiton. Subscriptions will be solicited for a Presby terian church in Jacksonville. Tho body of Wm. Cook was tonnd floating in .tho Umpqua river, near Gardner, and gives decent burial. The persons arrested for assault on D, W, WilUe, on Applegate, .were all acquitted not much of an assault. The Jacksonville Sentinel explains that the Stage Comiiany aro obliged to wait for a change iu tno weather and roads before chang ing time. The owners of tho old Fowler ledgu at Steamboat, says the Sentinel, havo made II. F, Dowell, trustee, with full power to incor porate, which will bo done next month. Jaku Pence, of Steamboat, Jackson county, killed a deer, and on opening tho animal found iu it a white fir limb over a foot long and as largo as a broom stick. The limb had iiaiuied through tho animal's liver, and when found it was close to ono side of thn deer's heart. dial of tlie Mountains. AUnt 470 Cayuso horses passed through 1a Grande lately on their way to Nebraska. The Gazette tells a singular story of a !oy named Lloyd shooting a man named Smith, and for no rcasouablo motive. Tlio Lowistou Teller says I Quito a uumUr of families have moved out on their pre-emption claims within thu last few days. The grand jury at Loirinton, last week ac-quitu-if Mr. Kent, who was charged with kill ing Mr. II. T. Gregory near Palouso City, feu-rat weeks ago. Tlio Dayton (W. T.) News ays Wm. Jones is tho man arrested and imprisoned for cruelly using and tormenting a horso that he cut and mangled horribly. ' Mr. II. M. McN'ary, of Salem, Las sold his farm, cattle and implements iu Itocklaud, W, T., to Mr. Z. 1. Taylor and James Lowis, for the sam of $3,600. Tho La Grinds flazetto says tho grade down tho Wallowi river is being mado n good road ami travel to that valley will no longer liavo tho big hill to climb. Luddy,. arrested at lloiso as n deserter, and confined nt tho guard liouo,(mado his cscapo and roams tho Koiso mountains or sago brush plains at his own frco will. Judging from tho number of immigrants already going to tho I'alouso country, tho prediction that this will bo a prosperous year, has every appearance of benig verified. Somo Fall sown wheat was Whiter-killed nlwvo Walla Walla, in Columbia county, and tho land has to bo ro-soucd. Tho fnvorablo Spring causes anticipations of a largo crop. Moto than four hundred pounds of mail matter, says tho Palomo Gazette, leavo tho Y"'" jiosioiiico every morning. Colfax is tho distributing ollico for nit tho upper conn- try i A rich ledge of gold nuattz is discovered on tho summit, near tho lloiso City anil Idaho City stago road. Tlicro appears to bo millions In it and Messrs Hawley, Shaw and Islio own it. A man named C. Leo Marshall disappeared from lloiso City n year ago, leaving his baa gago at tho hotel. Ho has probably commit ted suicide, ns ho was depressed in spirits wiicn lost seen, Tlio Mountaineer says tho foundation for tho new Umatilla Houso is about completed. Tho iiarsonago for tho Congregational Church is almost finished, and tho proprietor of tho Columbian will havo to put another story on that hotel. Tho Idaho Statesman says tho residence of James II. Hart, Koiso City, was tillered nnd robbed of &170. Tho money belonged to Mrs. llonnctt, tho result of savings for fivo years. A Chinaman probably look it, and ho ouqht to Ik) hung if ho did. Tho Mountaineer sayst On last Thursday afternoon, April iKM, Gcorgo Henderson, aged nbout sixteen years, son of M. 1. Hen derson, who lives on Fifteen Milo crock, was nccidcntully killed by boing run over by a largo roller- weighing somo seven or eight hundred iwunds. llu had just hitched his team to tho roller and was leading them through the gate, when they took fright nnd ran away, carrying him nbout a hundred yards, when ho fell nnd both horses and roller passed over him. Ho was carried over n pilo of brush, n piece of which entered his body, causing his death. Willard Hcrrcii, writing to his brother from Heppncr, says: List Monday down nt tho mouth of John Day chuck, a lot of tho boys found somo Indian cnehes, nnd owned them for tlw purpose of getting somo buck skins, etc. Finally wo found n largo ono, nnd thought wo had mado a killing. On top were headed arrow quivers nnd fancy blankets, but when wo got down n llttlo ways wo found bcriin chief from tho way ho was fixed up. There wero thrco whito scalps tied to his belt, one oi which wns n wmto woman s. Cjlio Had !iidit, nearly blondo hair, somewhat curly. Ills rillo and six-shooter wero buried with him, nlso n broken up Wells, Fargo &, Co. I express lox. I think they must havo been kifled by tho patrol boat last Summer. ; l-IIVCl HOIIIHI. Lewis county, W. T., has S.ISM inhabitants. Many immigrants aro arriving at tho Sound and hunting locations. Kaufman's store at Seattlo was robbed tho other night of $100 worth of cloth. Tho Post says Chinamen nro suspected of tho orimo. Tho Olympia Kxpcrimout says somo wretch at Tonino unscrews nuts from car bolts and opens axlo-boxcs to tako out tho packing and illl up with sand. The licllingham Day Mail sayst Tho settle ments of Skagit valley aro within tho limits of Whatcom county, nnd compriio a popula tion of about S00 inhabitants. Tho Mail says t Wo aro informed that tho dikeing at Mataqui, It. O., still continues. Tho dikes aro from four to fourteen feet in height, aud thirty feet at tho baso. The works aro expected to bo completed by tho 1st OI JUUO. Tho Seattlo Post gives particulars of tho drowning of young Armstrong, in tho Skagit river. Ito was a pamengcrou tho steamer Josephine, lost his balance when sitting on a high stovo on tho hurricane deck, fell and struck tho guards and sank almost immedi ately. Ho was a good swimmer, but must have been paralyzed by tho blow on tho guards. I Mercer Island, in Lake Washington, is in-. festcd by ianthera, who givo every indication ' of being of great sizo and strength. Tho ' Seattlo Post learns that they havo killed and eaten six siwash horses within tho last few' weeks. Mr. l'roctor found ono of tho horses that had been killed aud buried, aud says that ' nothing but tho largest kind of n panther' could have dono it. t Seal Fishing. Quito a number of vessels aro engaged in seal fishing at Caps Flattery six schooners or sloops taing engaged in tho business. Thu Indians at Cajw Flattery aro tho most suc cessful seal fishors; they often mako from eight to ten dollars per day. Tho scaling grounds aro from twenty to forty miles out side tho Cape, and as tho Indians aro fearful of going too far to sea so early in tho season when tlio weather is so treacherous, thoy )ay theso schooners usually from thrco to twelve tons burden to take them out to tho "grounds," where, in caso of storm, they have a refuge. Tho seals nro taken when sleeping on the surface of tho water. Tho Indiana approach noiselessly in canoes and when near enough anywhere withiu thirty feet they throw their spears, with a small, stout cord attached, and hauling the seal alongside their canoes, dispatch them with a club made esjiecially for the purpose. Tho white men who engage in seal fishing use rifles entirely in hunting them. The objoction to this mode of operation is that the report of the shot awakens all the game within hearing distance, when they quickly take alarm anil make their escape, Somo of tho Indians at '.'ape Flattery have in ready money from $1,000 to $7,000one old chief who answers to the euphonious title of "Capt. John," having a greater sum than tho last named amount. Seattlo Post. AuitKST o a Fcoitivb MuiiDKiint. A fugitive from justice by reason of a murder committed in Garrard County, Kentucky, somu thrco years ao, by tho name of Samuel Mcore Williams was arrested ou Saturday morning last at Chicken Springs, on tlio Canyon City road, about twenty-five miles from this city by Durand Marliu and Hart Sylvester, acting as deputy sheriffs, who started out on Friday evening in Bcarch of him. Williams left hero on rriday morning, having no doubt seen a copy of tho Now York Folic Gazette that contained n rtrait and an account of his crime, etc. As soon as Sheriff Crossen learned that Williams was a fugitive from justice hu sent u number of deputies to hunt him up, which resulted as abovo stated. Williams is aliout twenty-six yearn of age, and iu every articular answers tha description published iu tho Gazette of him. Tho reward offered is ?3.V) for hit arrest and delivery to tho sheriff of Garrard County, Kentucky. Williams claims that he was justified In killing tho man ho did, as it was done in sslf -dcfeiuiv. Mountaineer Valuable land for Sale. Mr. Clarke, of tho I'AttMKit, having re moved from Marion County, offers to sell B40 acres of land situated at a point where tho Minto .Pass Itoad leaves tho valley, in the midst of n thickly-settled and very healthy region, most of tlio land Wing .indcr feuce, and at least half of it can bo mado good wheat land at a cost of four or fivo dollars an aero for clearing. It is well wooded and watered, and is a region unexcelled for health. Tho improvements nro of vnluo to n new settler. rnco ?,.00 an aero. J-J.OO nn ncro can be left on annual payments for a term of wm nt low interest. This is ono of tho best land trades to bo mado in tho Stato. It is a favor ite region for (.crmnns. ami snvrral l!nni families could divido it among thorn, it woulil mako an excellent raucli for sheep and (Angora goals, with which it is now stocked. tl AQENT8 FOR WILLAMETTE FAHMER Albany J. K. Haiinon Aumsvillo J. .. Lingworthy Alsca Postmaster Amity It. L. Simpson llucna Vista 1). M. Calhrcath Dcthel L. 11. Frarcr llutto Urcck I. L. Gulliford Huttovillo J. W. llatchcllcr Urooks Win. Harris Ilrownsvillo W. 11. Kirk llcllovuo Icir Davis Cottago Grove I. H. Shortridgo Cornelius H. O. Drown Canby Wm. Knight Canyon City D. 1). Itinehart Cove. John S. Clark Corvallis R Woodanl Cart right V. 15. ltussoll Crawfordsvillo Itobert Glass Chcehcr Geo. Shiittz Damascus R Forbes I'aytou I1C, Hadaway 1'ostcr I. H. Hunsakcr 'alias I. 1). Leo Kola... Thos. lVnrco Kllcnsburg M. ltlloy iMigcno I. H. McClung Klkton A. II. Haines 1'ox Valloy A. I). Gardner lorcst Grove W. U Curtis Goshen S. Handsaker tlcrvai M. Mitchell Goldcndalo, W. T Ames k Wot mora Heppncr O. M. Mallory Harrisburg Hiram Smith Hnlioy T. J. Illaok Hillsboro W. D. PittctiL'cr liidiqieiideucu. , Jacksonville... JeHcrson Junction Kinu'fl Valley.. W. L. Hodgin Max Midler T. W. ltmvlaml ...Smith, llMifiVld k Co Conor A Crosuo Lincoln , L. Alu lclianon. It. M. Powers Dr. Pappleton I Lsfayctto.. . rHwilvinn " " ' rlrjn ' ' I. Ii. Vokcs Ii. H. Ituthcrfonl F. S. Thayer I. J. ltlalr W. F. lloeu ;II. Newman W. Wnterhouso A. Itnld ! pi , mm ',' " ' j" ini,!,E qintiniY m"'"... V "i1 "ri I o ' ' ; Needy Jacob D. Hitter jNortn vanillin u. u. Stewart Newburg Samuel Hobsou Newport M. Williams Oakland J. H. SIiuiki l'rinovillo O. M. l'riiujlo l'coria. William Holder Pilot Itock. R Oiliam Powell's Valley UK. Williams Scio II, V. Trvia Sublimity. . . . John Downing Sheridan II. D. Somrrvillo Seattle, w. T Julius Horton Tho Dalles S. h. llrooks Union John Crcichtou Upper Ochoco Jua. Hunsakor Vancouver, W. T S. W. Drown West Chehalom J, M. Couloo Wheatland A.I). Pettyjohn Westoi W. A. Whitman Walla Walla J. F. Drawer Waterloo S. 1). (J-jgor waiuuurg, y. j v. r4. Smith Yoncallo I. H. KHison A OAUX). To all v ho are iiilTcrin; from Ids errors nl Iii.IIt lion of )ouUi, rirrvoiM woalinetM, nuly flecay, low of msnhooil, tic., I HlllKndarcclTM) tlilll cura you, KKKKOI't'llAKUK. Tills irrcot ranoJy uu dUxn. (red by a mlwloiurr In South Anurle. Html a ull. uldTMMl rnvtlojio to tlio Itsv. Jonsril T. Ikmsn, M. lion I), llltto Home, Now York City. jtiiSMy 1 LUTJIKIi MYERS, 4C ;& w&. SALEM it 'I oniiooixr. 33XUaXU33DZt. OI1 IMPROVED POULTRY! Rami llirco-ccnt itunp for Duorli.tlw (Xrvulur and Prlct-I.IH. foli'issui HEARING KUTOHXII. t'srlKulsts MtlK. VKIIUV A IHHI'HII, .18;t Halo, led. FrcNli and True To JVnmo ! We will sent! tha followlnu; kcI oiitnaMj oil re ceipt of price. Itcuilt ty I', It, inonty order or KUgo UMI1W. lieet, ptroc . . Carrot, ' . . . Utbtace, per or. UUuw, 10c 10c it lie I'snnlp, Ifa.l.ll.l. r os. 100 lOo lOo 100 Hplnruui, Turnip, Toinuo, utuon, AIM In 10 cent McktU. all tarltUes of VivtLiLIci. no cr ami Trt Beede. bend for iraitril I'rico LUt. TIIOB. A. COX II CO.. aj.ll 3m pU 1,047 Howard Btrect, Htn rruitUco, THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE PIGS JOHN W. CILIIERT, HALi:.lI, llu three litters of Thoroughbred llerlthlra I'Ik. and ui supply tho driltout of necurlni; tho Ut train of Uxk with u thoko anliiul w tin ba bred In tha United HUtea. Tha lloar lluron Howe!l, No. l.lS, I recorded by tho American llerkihlro Amxtlatlou In Vol.111 of tha American Ikrl'hlre Itecord u furrowed UivirT. lb7S, bred by Hewer llroa., of Katcnhu'upton, Kmjlind. Ill) tows aro of the Crown I'rlnca family of Ilorkahlrw. All phr lilUterto uold by lilin hsva otveu full MtUfacttou. I- or u&rucuura anu price uian-ka ?w pU tf liltssKr, Kalrni, nrritni. I. 21. L. IW out for the I, X. I.. Storo A.T CORVALLIS! Vhkli I openlnir during UiU'inontli IUi a firt-c.'aa etukof DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, Hats, Boots and Shoos, Ladles' and d'ents Furnishing Goods. Will bo sold eiihulrely for cash st the UIWKST SAN KlUNtMM.'O IIATIIH. Oipoalto Hoi Kln.-, Uuy hMt aplllin GREAT RUSH! SPRING AND SUMMER TRADE, 187!), -AT- V Jinan ws SAIiEM, OREGON. OSK OV OUIt FIIUI NOW IIKINfl IN SAN rnaX tlico, earo happy to Infona all our cutlcmers that our pwilj aro now nrrllnr on eicry steamer. Ualn bought tho ssmoat uniircccdcntly low flirures on account of stagnation In builmta and heavy failures there, o Ran (rlvo our patrons tho licnent thereof. As wo aro only bujlngfor cah In hand, we can hold out tatter Inducement than mot any other homo in tha country, a welt a In Portland. We aro alrrady In re ceipt of a largo lot of Uonicatlc and FANCY GOODS, ) "i"otic3a.2S AND- HOUSEFURNISHINGGIJODS ALSO Mens' and Boys' Clothing! Hats, Oqijh, Boots, Phoos, Grocorlos, Crookory, Carpots, Oil Cloth, Window ShadOB, Fixtures, Etc., Etc, All e.f whlrli wloil,ntntrrintly lu-y prin;, jfs so-called mli itnro eirptd, SPECIAL" NOTICE To our (.inner frlcmU and tnin etncrallyi Anyona wl-hlnv to buy nxxU In clniiitlllc, wo will flto you all IndiiecmrnU (o buy them rljht here, In placo of l'ort land. Ai tho country l IIimIciI with prlnteil i-ataloiniM rotten up by Portland I louw, w o will iriro you the ben efit of their printing- tlio naino, Fo bilnj them oloni and (Uoto thulr prlcce. Tie farllllliM wa hate for K Itlnir trooiN from lha 1'jut and Hun Kmndxii, wo aro eriahlnltii hold out eirn bel ter Inducements than therein uRcrrd, nn nutter what thev publUli In their so-called catalogues, and Wildea, will not glio )ou auction lrah nor aocondhanded good, but all reltiblo as mini. Wo Moan What Wo Say ! Ul.IMlHM, SMIU IIVIVI U I IIS) IS f, ( UIlIIiy( BREYfvlAN BROS. op4-?in Farmer, Attention! Ii J. VAN BEURDBN, SPECIAL AGENT FOR Wnltlmm and Elgin Wutclics, HCTAII.KI) AT WIIOI.IMAI.B I'lUCKU. (lenulna Klgln Movement, CbronointUrllalanca. four Jewel, A1UU (.-aae, u,00. Rimo inotenient In tuoounco Hlltcr Cue, ,lt00. Waltham Wokhce at the same price, A lanratarlvtynf all kinds of American lloieiiienls eomtantly on hand. All watches warranted. Solo Agent for the celebrated Hlirl.y WTlUW.whlih rnlve.lflr.tinlil, I. all Ckpoaltlons In tha world. Watch Xopairlti? A poclalty. All order forwardnl through Wll, Mareo k (Vs KtprcMC, U, l. Nuwlal Attention uld to ltclrliu; lino tt'aU-hos. 108 Pirat St., Portland. apl-lin BUY NO TRUSS Until von a.t wli.t I... 1.. ... coinpllihed by Dr. I'lerco's lata) Intention. jHrWend for iiainph. Ictainl Plercn'a Macuttla Journal. CO.. bun fiacraniento ht, Han Tranchco. CV1. f)C CAIIIW. all Cliroinoa, or SS atylee, Snowrtaka, Ilanv. .! Dale rn.ii u III a...... tlM J . . . .. .i.f mw "; sssMssv, iin, ililJAU WABU Wl, Wmu, K. Y. inirtJ'U CHAMBERLIN'S Stump Pallor t.i vusniiH iiwsv iiwliiiiiw u UHJ 1117)11' r we uo M with every confluence m totktlr uiriorlly over Him otlier ituuip itullcr InlroOuiJ on tho Norlhwwt CoaeT till tkl.lll.l mlmm (.. nn.l.u .f u n.l. ., .. T. lUhtd thlt week In Ihl and other papers' Wa alM wUhlorall attention tliat wo supply inly WroiuhS Iron Screws wltli each alia, and ara orf.riii thu In thlncaatprlco that ara within tho reach of aU InUr-lU-d In eloarlng Und. Plica for Iron, only according to strcniUi and tlu titji tn afryi u.'.li.. ... - i. . . .. .t lufoiiiullon. luniphUU ; cenUlnlng teallmonUlJ, etc will ba mppllnljby application to D.iunur.llM si IJAIILAKI), ,- .tJ,. i .. ... Knts for NorthwtitCout OtfU, 1SS CnluwbU St., Portland. al n J. w. gilbert" Iuy Oassli J,,,. Hides, Furs, & Pelts. 2l Commerolal t., HALKM. y 1879, STALLION?, 18797 Tko willlriK.i.,1 imi brt CI, Juuie liorw, .IrM by l.ii!r"r, t).o li.t luu;rud of 11,1, imm4ih. brvwl.rf houUh iwrw. Int.. ort,:o,, Wo. tu..a.u laSii, i cr y aiiwwj.f ul Pi tha hw rlmf, liJiiIi at the t Vunl Kalr llr.t p, w .uiU.,i- lolt fir drui. Alio lira as aywrlliir a... P.v..yeur old, and alo,,, i, ,,, ln4b Adiii,tuiogalimllrtu Ut funn Uani at the HaU fun .irf.r. I.. m...uu t . . . . ' inlrtd atwaid prlso In IS77 all four bj ISj.roi. " A1U8TOOXIAT I 'Hie pron.UI.ig Ihreo-ycarold tlra-l by Autocrat, and hi. Iiinnl w.ll ua l.uiu . .. 1(1... .i .. . uuxro of tho Kuua tu k and rolor. ilawv.ulnl of Ar.wri. iwi lA-llpw, liniwrUxl from the IUt wl.eti luo irar Old. 'llihMi UTJilllnit. Iir.l l.v ..... ...u ... . ... Cluliiiers, Uinivlh Pami, tVaUilngt-m Iviuntv. (IraTon liny xl found during llui tluulng muwm. nm)jir llutUu'. Kort (Iroie xrZL ne.b)s and IhumUy at Mr. .l.n.', Ill.-Uoro, 1 rlda) a and tUturdaya at home. Ten.u. fur uuli sqo to xrxrsTTXiaat psyabla when uuu-ca ara known to Us In fcal. RY GOODS &f api-iu. w. OIIALMIOUS.